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Government Polytechnic, Valsad Electrical Engineering Department Question Bank Electrical Power Generation (3330904)

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Electrical Engineering Department

Question bank

Electrical Power Generation (3330904)

No. Questions Marks GTU Year

Thermal power Station
Q.1 Draw and Explain the line diagram of thermal power station. 7
Explain working of the following (1) Economizer (2) Condenser (3)
Q.2 Cooling tower (4) Electrostatic Precipitator (5) I.D. Fan (6) Air 7
preheater (7) Super heater (8) F.D. Fan
State different cycles of Thermal power station and explain any one
Q.3 7 Jun-14
cycle with neat sketch.
Explain load curve and load duration curve. State information
Q.4 7 Jun-14
available from it.
Q.5 Write down the names of different cycles of thermal power station. 2 Dec-14
Q.6 What is the function of electrostatic precipitator and ID fan? 2 Dec-14
Give classification of hydro power plant on the basis of head And
Q.7 2 Dec-14
clearly mention type of turbine for each
Write down the names of main equipments used in Air and flue gas
Q.8 3 Dec-14
Q.9 What is importance of Load curve? 3 Dec-14
Q.10 Draw Electrical circuit of thermal power plant. 4 Dec-14
A generating station has a connected load of 48 MW and a
Q.11 maximum demand of 20 MW the generated units are 61.8 × 108 per 4 Dec-14
annum. Calculate (1) the demand factor and (2) load factor.

A power station has a maximum demand of 18000 KW. The annual

Q.12 load factor is 55% and capacity factor is 42%. Determine reserve 4 Dec-14
capacity of the plant.
Give the function of economizer and air- preheater in thermal
Q.13 2 May-15
power station.
Q.14 What is load curve ? 2 May-15
Q.15 Explain cooling water cycle with diagram in thermal power station. 3
Q.16 Discuss the information available from the load curve. 3 May-15
Discuss the factor to be considered in the selection of site for
Q.17 3 May-15
thermal power station.
Q.18 Explain feed water and steam cycle in thermal power station. 3 May-15
Q.19 Define Utilisation Factor. 2 Dec-15
Q.20 Explain condenser of thermal power plant. 3 Dec-15

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Q.21 Explain boiler 4 Dec-15
Q.22 Explain different type of electric loads. 3 Dec-15
A hermal Power plant has connected load of 100 MW and
Q.23 maximum demand 60 MW. Units generated annualy are 210*10^6. 3 Dec-15
Find demant factor and load factor.
Hydro Power Station
Q.1 State the elements of Hydro power station and write the function. 7
Q.2 Explain the classification of the hydro power plant. 7 Dec-13
Classify hydro power station on the basis of head. Explain any one
Q.3 7 Jun-14
of them. Also state turbine used in each case.
Q.4 Explain the function of Draft tube and Surge tower. 2 Dec-14
Explain Base load station and Peak load station with respect to
Q.5 3 Dec-14
Hydro power plant.
Explain catchment area, reservoir, spill way, penstock with respect
Q.6 4 Dec-14
to Hydro power plant.
List factors which are important for selection of site for Hydro
Q.7 4 Dec-14
power plant.
Q.8 List the main advantages of Hydro power plant. 3 Dec-14
Give the function of penstoke and surge tank for hydro power
Q.9 2 May-15
Q.10 List the elements of hydro power station. 2 May-15
Q.11 Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of hydro power station. 3 May-15
List the turbines used in hydro power station and explain any one
Q.12 4 May-15
with sketch.
Explain the different schemes of hydro power station according to
Q.13 4 May-15
Q.14 Give name of parts in hydro power plant (any six) 2 Dec-15
Q.15 Give brief introduction of Sardar Power Project. 2 Dec-15
Q.16 Explain site selection for Hydro power project. 4 Dec-15
Q.17 Explain different schemes of hydro power station. 4 Dec-15
Nuclear Power Plant
Q.1 What is the difference between nuclear fusion and fission. 7 Dec-13
Draw the diagram of Nuclear reactor and explain elements of
Q.2 7 Jun-14
Nuclear reactor.
Q.3 With schematic diagram explain working of Nuclear Power Station. 7 Jun-14
Q.4 Define nuclear fission and nuclear fusion. 2 Dec-14
What is the function of Moderator and Control rod in nuclear power
Q.5 2 Dec-14
Q.6 Write down the name of all types of Nuclear reactor. 3 Dec-14
Q.7 Explain disposal of solid and liquid nuclear waste. 4 Dec-14
Q.8 Draw and explain Nuclear reactor. 7 Dec-14

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Q.9 Explain the function of moderator in nuclear power station. 2 May-15
Q.10 What is fussion ? Explain chain reaction in nuclear power station. 3 May-15
Q.11 Explain the schematic diagram of nuclear power station. 3 May-15
Q.12 Explain the main elements of nuclear reactor with diagram. 4 May-15
Q.13 Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear power station 4 May-15
Q.14 Explain CANDU nuclear reactor 2 Dec-15
Q.15 Explain nuclear Fusion. 4 Dec-15
Q.16 Explain nuclear Fission. 4 Dec-15
Q.17 Explain different parts of nuclear reactor. 3 Dec-15
Q.18 State disadvantages of nuclear power. 3 Dec-15
Solar Power plant
Explain the classification of solar energy collectors. Discuss flat
Q.1 7 Dec-13
plate collector in detail with diagram.
With the help of line diagram explain the low temperature solar
Q.2 7 Dec-13
thermal power using the solar panel or solar pond.
Q.3 Explain the construction and the working of silicon solar cell. 7 Dec-13
Draw the characteristic of solar cell. Explain the term ideal power
Q.4 7 Dec-13
and the maximum useful power.
What is solar concentrating collector? Explain any one type of solar
Q.5 7 Jun-14
concentrating collector.
List instruments of solar radiation measurement and explain
Q.6 7 Jun-14
working principle of Pyranometer.
List the types of Solar PV system and explain any one with neat
Q.7 7 Jun-14
Q.8 Define Solar constant and Global radiation. 2 Dec-14
Q.9 List the principles of measurement of solar radiation. 2 Dec-14
Q.10 Explain solar cell, solar array, solar panel. 3 Dec-14
Q.11 Explain Heliostat collector. 4 Dec-14
Q.12 Differentiate pyrheliometer and pyranometer. 4
Q.13 Explain Photo voltaic cell. 4 Dec-14
Q.14 Explain solar radiation. 2 May-15
Q.15 Define solar constant. 2 May-15
Q.16 Discuss the principle of measurement of solar radiation. 3 May-15
Q.17 Explain the flat plate collector with neat figure. 3 May-15
Draw the characteristic of solar cell and explain ideal and
Q.18 4 May-15
maximum useful power.
Q.19 Explain the difficulties of grid interactive solar PV system. 4 May-15
Q.20 Give the list of different types of solar cell. 3 Dec-15
Explain medium temperature solar thermal power plant with single
Q.21 3 Dec-15
line diagram
Q.22 Explain characteristics of solar cell. 3 Dec-15
Q.23 Give advantages of solar energy. 2 Dec-15

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Wind Power plant
Draw the sketch showing the construction of the horizontal axis
Q.1 7 Dec-13
wind turbine and describe it.
Write short notes on the electrical generators used in wind power
Q.2 7 Dec-13
Q.3 Compare between HAWT and VAWT. 7/4
Explain the main type of wind farm. State the advantages of it and
Q.4 7 Dec-13
also explain connection of the wind farm.
Q.5 State the factors for selecting wind power plant site. 7 Jun-14
What is wind energy? Prove that Wind power (P) α Wind velocity
Q.6 7 Jun-14
(V) 3.
Q.7 Explain energy conversion in Wind power plant. 2 Dec-14
Dec-14, Dec-
Q.8 Draw block diagram of Wind power plant. 4
Give only names of electrical generators used in Wind power
Q.9 3 Dec-14
Q.10 E xplain any one principle of rotation of wind turbine rotor. 4 Dec-14
Q.11 What is swept area for wind turbine ? 2 May-15
Q.12 What is active pitch control and passive pitch control ? 2 May-15
Q.13 Discuss the wind speed characteristic of wind turbine. 3 May-15
Q.14 Explain the block diagram of wind power plant. 3 May-15
Q.15 Explain the horizontal axis wind turbine with diagram. 4 May-15
Q.16 Derive the relation among wind velocity, air mass and wind power. 4 May-15
Q.17 State the types of wind farm. 2 Dec-15
Q.18 State power control in HAWT and explain any one. 4 Dec-15
Define: wind turbine efficiency, Swept area, Cut-in wind speed, Cut-
Q.19 4 Dec-15
out wind speed.
Q.20 Give details of wind power plants in Gujarat. 3 Dec-15
Q.21 State main elements of HAWT and explain any one 3 Dec-15
Captive power plant and other renewable energy sources
Q.1 State the advantages and disadvantages of diesel power station. 7 Dec-13
Explain the methods of increasing efficiency of simple open cycle
Q.2 7 Dec-13
gas turbine power plant.
Draw the line diagram of the closed cycle ocean thermal energy
Q.3 7 Dec-13
conversion system and explain its working.
Q.4 Explain the single basin tide cycle and ebb cycle tidal power plant. 7 Dec-13
Q.5 Define biomass. State advantages and disadvantages of it. 7
Q.6 Explain the working of diesel power station with block diagram. 7 Jun-14
What is geothermal energy? State advantages and disadvantages of
Q.7 7 Jun-14
geothermal energy.

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Q.8 List the different forms of ocean energy. 2 Dec-14
Q.9 Give applications of Diesel power plant. 3 Dec-14
Q.10 Name the process through which Biomass is converted into energy. 3 Dec-14
Q.11 What is Geo thermal energy? 3 Dec-14
Q.12 W rite down the advantages of biomass. 3 Dec-14
Q.13 Explain energy conversion in Gas turbine power plant. 3 Dec-14
Q.14 Give the advantages and dis advantages of tidal power plants 2 May-15
Q.15 Explain biomass steam power plant with neat diagram. 4 May-15
With diagram explain open cycle ocean thermal energy conversion
Q.16 4 May-15
Q.17 Explain the line diagram of diesel power station. 4 May-15
Discuss the methods of improving thermal efficiency of simple
Q.18 4 May-15
open gas turbine plant.
Q.19 Explain what is captive power plant. 2 Dec-15
Q.20 Close cycle ocean themal energy conversion system. 4 Dec-15
Q.21 Explain geo thermal sources. 4 Dec-15
Q.22 Explain diesel power station with line diagram. 4 Dec-15
Q.23 State the application of diesel power plant. 2 Dec-15

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