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PET Depolymerization: A Novel Process For Plastic Waste Chemical Recycling

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PET depolymerization: a novel process for
plastic waste chemical recycling
Maurizio Crippaa,*, Barbara Moricob
gr3n SAGL, Lugano, Switzerland; bNextChem srl, L’Aquila, Italy
* Corresponding author. e-mail address:

1. Introduction to PET properties. At the end of the 1950s, PET was

developed as a film. It was initially used for
Polyethylene terephthalate (PET or PETE) is a video, photographic, and radiographic films, as
member of the polyester family of polymers. PET well as for use in packaging with flexible fea-
consists of polymerized units of the monomer tures. Later, PET was modified for use in injec-
ethylene terephthalate, with repeating units tion molded and extruded articles, mainly
C10H8O4: Fig. 12.1 illustrates the repeating unit reinforced with fiberglass. In the early 1970s,
of the PET molecule. PET was stretched through blowing techniques
PET is a thermoplastic resin, and because of that produced the first three-dimensionally ori-
its transparency, resistance, and gas barrier ented structures that initiated the rapid exploita-
properties, it is particularly suitable for the pro- tion of PET for light, durable, and indestructible
duction of bottles for carbonated beverages. bottles.
The main PET applications are bottles, films, PET may be produced from monoethylene
tubes, trays and blisters, containers, labels, etc. glycol (MEG) and either terephthalic acid (TA)
PET can exist in the amorphous, partially and or dimethyl terephthalate (DMT). The first path
highly crystalline state. Under the influence of is an esterification of TA with MEG, both derived
direct modifying additives, it can develop its from crude oil, with elimination of water. In
crystallinity after thermal treatment. chemical terms, ethylene glycol is a diol, an
Originally patented and exploited by DuPont alcohol with a molecular structure that contains
Chemical Company during the research of new two hydroxyl (OH) groups, and TA is a dicar-
polymers for the formation of fibers, nowadays boxylic aromatic acid, an acid with a molecular
PET represents more than 50% of the world structure that contains a large, six-sided carbon
production of synthetic fibers. PET is used (or aromatic) ring and two carboxyl (CO2H)
alone or mixed with cotton or wool to give the fi- groups. Under the influence of heat and cata-
bers better washing, wear, and crease-resistance lysts, the hydroxyl and carboxyl groups react

Catalysis, Green Chemistry and Sustainable Energy 215 Copyright © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
216 12. PET depolymerization: a novel process for plastic waste chemical recycling

FIGURE 12.1 Repeating unit of the PET molecule.

to form ester (COeO) groups, which serve as the Some changes in the chemical composition
chemical links joining multiple PET units can be introduced to develop specific properties
together into long-chain polymers. The overall for various packaging applications and to adapt
reaction can be represented as follows (Fig. 12.2): the polymer to particular production equipment.
As an alternative, a transesterification reac- Usually the modifications are of a chemical na-
tion allows starting from the apparently more ture to facilitate the manipulation of the PET
easily purifiable DMT, rather than from TA, to among different crystalline forms. For example,
produce PET. In this case, methanol is eliminated small concentrations of an appropriate como-
instead of water. nomer such as isophthalic acid (IPA) or
The extent of polymerization reaction, 1,4-cyclohexane-dimethanol reduce the rate of
apparent from the molecular weight of the poly- crystallization and allow the production of
mer, is a function of the polymerization condi- sheets and films of thicker bottles.
tions and significantly affects the properties of Once the polymer is formed, it is very difficult
the resin that is produced. The polymerization re- to be purified, and for this reason the purity of
action product is a molten, viscous mass that can the starting materials is a key factor. The vacuum
be spun directly to fibers or solidified for later distillation processes easily purify the ethylene
processing as a thermoplastic material. glycol, while the TA is purified by repeated

FIGURE 12.2 Overall reaction for PET production.

IV. Selected examples and case history

2. The PET value chain 217
crystallization. High purity and high molecular and disposable medical garments. PET is the
weight materials are needed for food packaging most important of the man-made fibers in
applications. weight produced and in value.
The catalysts that are used in the polymeriza-
tion process are used in extremely low concen-
trations to promote reactions and ensure a
practical economic return. The most common 2. The PET value chain
catalyst is antimony trioxide, but titanium,
germanium, cobalt, manganese, magnesium, The great growth in the use of PET bottles has
and zinc salts are also used, and small amounts generated worldwide interest in the recycling
remain encapsulated in the polymeric matrix or and reuse of flakes of recycled PET (R-PET).
in the polymer chain itself. Especially PET bottles are almost worldwide
The presence of the aromatic ring in the PET collected, sorted from other polymers, ground
repeating units gives the polymer notable stiff- and repeatedly washed to obtain clean R-PET
ness and strength, especially when the polymer flakes useful for other applications. R-PET flakes
chains are aligned with each other in an orderly maintain transparency, even if they are not
arrangement. The crystallization typically occurs completely translucent like virgin PET. Further-
when the material is stretched during the object more, it has excellent possibilities of use in the
production. In this semicrystalline form, PET is textile sector and, mixed with virgin polymer,
made into a high-strength textile fiber marketed is used for the production of new transparent
under such trademarked names as Dacron, by containers for detergents and occasionally for
the American DuPont Company, and Terylene, new food bottles.
by the British Imperial Chemical Industries The value chain of PET is quite complex. It
PLC. The stiffness of PET fibers makes them consists of several steps that are linked in
highly resistant to deformation, so they impart cross-sectorial interactions involving multiple
excellent resistance to wrinkling in fabrics. companies across the European and worldwide
They are often used in durable-press blends market.
with other fibers such as rayon, wool, and cot- The following picture gives an example of a
ton, reinforcing the inherent properties of those quantified PET value chain (Fig. 12.3):
fibers while contributing to the ability of the fab- Global virgin PET production for 2015 was 72
ric to recover from wrinkling. million tons, of which 48 million tons was amor-
PET is also made into fiber filler in insulated phous PET used for fiber applications, 20 million
clothing, for furniture and pillows. When PET tons was solid-state PET used for packaging ap-
is yarned in very fine filaments, it is used as arti- plications, and 4 million tons was used for film
ficial silk; otherwise, if the yarning is in large- (for a total of 24 million of tons). Note that addi-
diameter filaments, it is used for carpets. Among tional postconsumer recycled inputs contribute
the industrial applications of PET are automobile to the total production of PET fibers and bottles
tire yarns, conveyor belts, and drive belts, rein- [1].
forcement for fire and garden hoses, seat belts The average life of PET packaging is 0.5 years,
(an application in which it has largely replaced whereas the average life of PET fibers is 5 years.
nylon), nonwoven fabrics for stabilizing Each year, about 33 million PET fibers are
drainage ditches, culverts, and railroad beds, disposed and only a small part (lower than 0.1
and nonwovens for use as diaper top sheets million tons) are recycled. On the other hand,

IV. Selected examples and case history

218 12. PET depolymerization: a novel process for plastic waste chemical recycling

FIGURE 12.3 PET value chain.

23 million tons of PET from bottles are disposed: fact that PVC and PET are difficult to separate
9 million tons are recycled, and the leftover land- from other plastic wastes.
filled or incinerated. The PET packaging and fi- Another difficulty with mechanical recycling
bers recycled are used to produce new bottles is the presence in plastic wastes of products
(3 million tons) or new fibers (6 million tons). made of the same resin but with different colors,
On a microscopic point of view, the main part which usually impart an undesirable gray color
of produced PET is still landfilled or incinerated to the recycled plastic [3,4].
[2]. If colored PET is collected and sorted together,
Unlike other materials (i.e., aluminum or these numerous colored containers will require
glass), PET is reused and not recycled. Each extra sorting in PET recycling plants. For recy-
time that PET is reused the quality of the poly- clers to sell the colored fraction, the material
mer degrades, inevitably leading to dispersion would have to be tinted in black or gray, but
in the environment, landfill, or combustion for no market currently exists for such a material
energy generation. The PET value chain is not in high quantities [5].
closed: in fact, mechanical recycling is limited In addition, most polymers suffer a certain
by the compatibility between the different types degradation during their use due to the effect
of polymers when mixed, as well as by the fact of a number of factors such as temperature, ul-
that the presence of small amounts of a given traviolet radiation, oxygen, and ozone. This
polymer dispersed in a matrix of a second poly- degradation leads to a progressive reduction in
mer may dramatically change the properties of length and to a partial oxidation of the polymer
the latter, hindering its possible use in conven- chains. Therefore, recycled polymers usually
tional applications. For example, the presence exhibit lower properties and performance than
of low amounts of PVC in recycled PET strongly the virgin material and are useful only for unde-
reduces the commercial value of the latter, due to manding applications.
the possible release of HCl during the PET Recycling plastics without prior separation by
reprocessing. This problem is enhanced by the resin produces a material with mechanical

IV. Selected examples and case history

2. The PET value chain 219
properties similar to timber, so it is often used for heat, chemical agents, and catalysts to yield a va-
the replacement of timber in certain applications. riety of products ranging from the starting
A higher quality of recycled plastics is achieved monomers to mixtures of compounds, mainly
when separation by resin is carried out prior to hydrocarbons, with possible applications as a
the remolding step. However, even in this case, source of chemicals or fuels. The products
unless a food-contact process for recycled plas- derived from the plastic decomposition exhibit
tics is not adopted, R-PET cannot be used in properties and quality similar to those of their
food containers, unless direct contact with the counterparts prepared by conventional methods.
food can be avoided [4]. Some applied methods are these:
An alternative developed in recent years for
• chemical depolymerization by reaction with
promoting the use of recycled plastics has been
certain agents to yield the starting monomers;
the preparation of containers with a three-layer
• gasification with oxygen and/or steam to
wall. The middle layer is the thickest and is
produce synthesis gas;
made of recycled polymer, whereas the thinner
• thermal decomposition of the polymers by
external and internal layers are made of virgin
heating in an inert atmosphere;
material. With this approach, direct contact be-
• catalytic cracking and reforming, where the
tween the recycled polymer and both the con-
polymer chains are broken down by the effect
sumer and the product in the container is
of a catalyst, which promotes cleavage
avoided [4].
The minimum requirements for PET flakes to
• hydrogenation, where the polymer is
undergo mechanical recycling are listed in
degraded by the combined actions of heat,
Table 12.1 [6].
hydrogen, and in many cases, catalysts.
Another path for PET recycle/reuse is the so-
called feedstock recycling, which is also known At present, feedstock recycling is limited by
as a chemical or tertiary process. It is based on the process economy rather than by technical
the decomposition of polymers by means of reasons. Three main factors determine the profit-
ability of these alternatives: the degree of separa-
TABLE 12.1 Minimum requirements of PET flakes tion required in the raw wastes, the value of the
to undergo mechanical recycling [6]. products obtained, and the capital investment in
the processing facilities. In most of these
Property Requirement methods, some pretreatments and separation
Flake size 0.4e8 mm operations must be carried out on the plastic
wastes prior to feedstock recycling, which results
Melting temperature >240 C
in an increase in recycling costs. According to the
Viscosity (h) >0.7 dL/g separation steps required, the different methods
Water content <0.02% of feedstock recycling can be ordered as follows:
gasification < thermal treatments < hydrogena-
Dye content <10 ppm
tion < catalytic cracking < chemical depolymer-
PVC content <50 ppm ization [4].
Polyolefin content <10 ppm Many of the projects on chemical recycling of
waste plastics have failed in the past due to the
Metal content <3 ppm
relatively low price of the derived products. In
Yellowing index a
<20 recent years, there has been a trend toward the
Yellowing index is a measure of the tendency of polymers to turn yellow production of added value compounds such as
through photodegradation. olefinic gases, paraffins, activated carbons, etc.

IV. Selected examples and case history

220 12. PET depolymerization: a novel process for plastic waste chemical recycling

2.1 Chemical recycling unsaturated polyesters, polyurethanes, and pol-

yisocyanurates. This is an interesting case of
In addition to disposal through a mechanical chemical recycling because the breakdown of
process, a chemical attack can be used. Chemical one polymer leads to the raw materials for the
recycling consists of the depolymerization of preparation of a quite different class of plastics.
polymeric scraps transforming the PET back to Depending on the depolymerization agent, poly-
the initial raw material. The depolymerization ester chemolysis methods have been classified as
can be carried out through different processes, follows: glycolysis, methanolysis, hydrolysis,
which will be deepened in the following para- ammonolysis, aminolysis, and combined pro-
graphs. All these processes are advantageous cesses. All these PET degradation alternatives
from the economic point of view only in the are reviewed in the following sections.
case in which the disposal concerns large quanti-
ties of polyester. However, the result is satisfac-
tory since it returns a product of excellent 2.2 Glycolysis
quality and not depreciated. If recycling is not
possible, the PET is deposited in the landfill. Glycolysis is the simplest and oldest method
Given its chemical inertia, it remains sterile and of PET depolymerization. The first patents on
inert and therefore safe from the point of view PET glycolysis were filed more than 30 years
of pollution; furthermore, it does not release ago. The method involves the reaction of PET,
any steam into the air or harmful substances to under pressure and at temperatures in the range
the groundwater. However, precisely for these 180e240 C, with an excess of glycol, usually
reasons, there is an irreversible accumulation. ethylene glycol, which promotes the formation
A further solution is represented by thermal re- of BHET. This monomer has to be purified, nor-
covery: PET is completely eliminated with the mally by melt filtration under pressure, prior to
sole emission of carbon dioxide and water. It its use in the production of new PET polymer.
also has a good calorific value and is suitable Colors present in the starting PET wastes are
for energy production. not usually or at least hardly removed by glycol-
Chemical depolymerization of polyesters has ysis method. The depolymerization is carried out
been mainly applied to PET, the most common in the presence of a transesterification catalyst,
polyester on the market. Chemolysis of PET by usually zinc or lithium acetate.
a variety of methods has been known for many Because the reaction rate is proportional to the
years. In fact, the chemical depolymerization of polymer surface area, it is advisable to first
PET can be considered the starting point of plas- reduce the size of the raw PET waste to small
tic chemical recycling. particles by grinding, cutting, etc.
Different PET chemolysis methods have been
developed aimed at the production of TA, MEG,
2.3 Methanolysis
dimethyl terephthalate or bis(hydroxyethyl)
terephthalate (BHET), all of them being possible PET methanolysis is based on the treatment of
monomers for the reconstruction of fresh polyes- PET with methanol at relatively high tempera-
ters. The exact monomer formed by PET depoly- tures (180e280 C) and pressures (20e40 atm),
merization depends on the type of chemical which leads to the formation of dimethyl tere-
agent used to break down the polymeric chains. phthalate and ethylene glycol as the main
In certain processes, the final product of PET che- products.
molysis is a mixture of polyols, useful in the The reaction proceeds usually in the presence
formulation of other polymers such as of typical transesterification catalysts, the most

IV. Selected examples and case history

2. The PET value chain 221
widely used being zinc acetate. Other catalysts MEG. The process can be carried out under
employed in PET methanolysis are magnesium neutral, acidic, or basic conditions. A crucial
acetate, cobalt acetate, and lead dioxide. Origi- aspect of this chemical recycling method is the pu-
nally, PET methanolysis was developed by PET rity and properties of the obtained TA to achieve
manufacturers as a process aimed at the recov- the specifications normally required for direct
ery and treatment of polyester wastes generated esterification to produce fresh PET polymer. TA
during the production cycle to increase the poly- is usually purified by crystallization from solvents
ester yield. However, with the increase in envi- such as acetic acid, whereas a variety of proce-
ronmental public concern, methanolysis began dures have been reported to remove the different
to be considered a feasible alternative for the impurities present in the hydrolysis product.
recycling of PET residues present in the solid Several patents have been filed dealing with
waste stream. the acid hydrolysis of PET by reaction with
The products of the methanolysis are usually concentrated sulfuric acid (>14.5 M). The pro-
separated and purified by distillation or crystal- cess takes place at temperatures between 25
lization. Purified DMT can be reintroduced into and 100 C with a duration of just a few minutes
the PET polymerization process with properties at atmospheric pressure. The hydrolysis product
similar to those of virgin DMT. is treated with sodium hydroxide to neutralize
Compared to BHET, the monomer obtained the TA produced, which causes the formation
by PET glycolysis, DMT is produced by metha- of the corresponding TA sodium salt, which is
nolysis with a higher purity in regard to physical soluble in water. The solution obtained is usually
contaminants. Nevertheless, some organic impu- of a dark color, but this can be removed by ion-
rities cannot be completely removed, which may exchange columns. In the final stage of the pro-
cause some poor color. cess, the resulting solution is again acidified to
A number of methods for PET methanolysis reprecipitate TA, which is obtained with a purity
have been described in the patent literature, >99%. One of the major drawbacks of this pro-
operating under both batch and continuous con- cess is the corrosion induced by the reaction
ditions. One of the major problems with the mixture and the formation of large amounts of
continuous process is the difficulty of intro- liquid wastes, containing inorganic salts and sul-
ducing the solid polyester wastes into the meth- furic acid, which must be disposed of.
anolysis reactor working under high pressure. The alkaline hydrolysis of PET involves treat-
For this reason, methanolysis often takes place ing the polyester with an aqueous solution of so-
in batch systems, with all the problems and lim- dium hydroxide (4e20 wt%) under pressure at
itations associated with batch operation. temperatures between 200 and 250 C for periods
Recently, PET methanolysis has been carried of several hours. Under these conditions the so-
out with supercritical methanol at a temperature dium salt of TA is formed, and by acidification,
of 300 C and pressure above 80 atm. Under TA is recovered from the solution as a precipitate.
these conditions, PET decomposition was much A promising PET chemolysis method is
faster than when using liquid methanol, leading neutral hydrolysis based on treatment with
to the production of DMT and some oligomers. liquid water or steam. In contrast with the acid
and alkaline hydrolysis, PET is degraded
without the formation of unwanted liquid efflu-
ents containing inorganic salts. Moreover,
2.4 Hydrolysis although some decrease in the pH occurs due
Reaction of PET with water allows the poly- to TA formation, the reaction system is not corro-
ester chains to be broken down into TA and sive, so standard materials can be used in the

IV. Selected examples and case history

222 12. PET depolymerization: a novel process for plastic waste chemical recycling

apparatus. Neutral hydrolysis is usually per- reaction. Such a reaction was, up to now, econom-
formed under pressure (10e40 atm) at tempera- ically unfeasible due to a certain number of tech-
tures in the range 200e280 C. Alkali metal nologic constraints that DEMETO finally solves.
acetates are typically used as catalysts to pro- DEMETO started in 2010e11 in a lab scale
mote PET hydrolysis. The reaction proceeds experimentation aimed at proof of concept of
more slowly than the acid hydrolysis, several the technology to be applied for PET depolymer-
hours being required to achieve high PET con- ization. The depolymerization reaction, improved
versions. When the hydrolysis is carried out by microwaves, was tested in batch. During the
with steam, the steam acts as a major source of years 2012e14 the process was tested in a contin-
heat for the hydrolysis zone; it stirs up the waste uous manner, and a first arrangement on the mi-
material, accelerating the hydrolysis reaction, crowave reactor was developed. During the
and its partial condensation provides the liquid following 3 years, the project was partially
water necessary for the reaction. funded by the European Commission (EU),
through the project SYMBIOPTIMA: a contin-
uous microwave reactor, having a capacity of
3. DEMETO: a new route for PET 10 kg/h was realized and successfully operated.
chemical depolymerization In the same period, the DEMETO project was
lunched and, in 2017, was granted by the EU
DEMETO technology is based on an interna- more than 9 million euros. The route from lab to
tionally patented technology owned by a DEMETO is shown in Fig. 12.4.
start-up company, Gr3n: it foresees to bring at The DEMETO project is mainly focused on the
the industrial level (through a completely func- construction and management of a pilot plant
tional pilot plant) the usage of microwaves as pro- having a capacity of 60 kg/h of inlet PET. The
cess intensification approach (through an plant is under construction and is installed in
electromagnetic promoting effect) of the well- an industrial site in the center of Italy, inside
known alkaline hydrolysis depolymerization the facilities of NextChem.

FIGURE 12.4 From lab to DEMETO.

IV. Selected examples and case history

3. DEMETO: a new route for PET chemical depolymerization 223

3.1 The DEMETO technology thermal heating, provides some advantages such
as rapid heating with high specificity without
DEMETO is based on a chemical route for contact with material and shorter reaction times.
PET recycling and, particularly, on the alkaline The reaction is carried out at high pressure
hydrolysis of PET. The depolymerization reac- and high temperature, and it has been demon-
tion at the base of the technology is as follows strated that the conversion of PET is complete.
(Fig. 12.5): Results from lab scale and prepilot scale tests
According to the stoichiometry of the reac- have been compared with data coming from
tion, 1 mol of PET repeating unit produces literature [7]: some authors refer to processes car-
1 mol of the intermediate sodium terephthalate ried out at high temperature (200e250 C) and
and 1 mol of ethylene glycol. Sodium tere- pressure (1.4e2 MPa). The use of microwave
phthalate is converted in 1 mol of TA. Sodium irradiation for PET depolymerization by alkaline
hydroxide is added in excess with respect to hydrolysis provides a significant reduction in re-
the stoichiometric value, and hydrochloric acid action time (less than 30 min) compared with the
is added to keep the pH of the solution low conventional heating methods. Depolymeriza-
enough to have the precipitation of the insoluble tion of PET waste was complete and TA yield
TA. Sodium chloride is obtained as by-product reached more than 98%.
of the overall process. DEMETO technology claims a reaction time of
The alkaline depolymerization reaction is 10 min to complete the depolymerization of PET
assisted by microwave radiation: heating by mi- flakes even if the process is carried out at lower
crowave irradiation, compared with conventional pressure and temperature with respect to similar

FIGURE 12.5 DEMETO chemical recycling route.

IV. Selected examples and case history

224 12. PET depolymerization: a novel process for plastic waste chemical recycling

literature data. The inlet stream to the DEMETO is easy removed after the depolymerization of
depolymerization process is PET flakes, powder, the PET. PVC, if exposed to severe conditions
or fibers. As an example, the characteristics of in terms of pressure and temperature, can release
the flakes are illustrated in the following table chlorine or hydrochloric acid. Another concern is
(Table 12.2). related to the different melting points of polyole-
The bigger concern related to PET chemical fine/PVC and PET: the purification process can
recycling is the presence of contaminants that be affected by the presence of other polymers
can be found in the waste mixed with the flakes. during the cooling of the process stream in
Contaminants derive from the PET production which they can solidify and cause fouling and
and manufacturing processes and can be divided obstruction of equipment.
into various categories, as follows. Metals: In general, recycled PET includes
PVC/polyolefine: Polymers other than PET various metal catalyst residues that can be used
can be present as contaminants in the flakes. for the PET manufacturing process, as summa-
They mainly derive from bottle caps and rings rized in Table 12.3 [9]. These metal ions, which
that are generally made of PP or PE. Regarding promote transesterification and polycondensa-
PVC, there are PVC bottles that resemble PET tion reactions, lead to chemical heterogeneity of
bottles. PVC is used to produce safety seals on the recycled PET that affects the melt rheological
PET bottles (such as mouthwash bottles) that behavior.
need to be removed before PET reuse/recycle. Colorants: these components are added to the
PVC is also used as liners inside bottle caps polymers to give a color to the PET final product.
and closures. While this is no longer being They can be used in form of dyes or pigment. To
used in the United States, occasional bottles produce colored packaging, colorants in low
with PVC liners will occasionally appear. It is concentrations (usually less than 500 ppm) are
also possible to find PVC derived from labels generally added at either the resin or the
wrapped around the PET bottles. Polyolefines container manufacturing stage. Colorants can
are easily removed by flotation from the inlet be organic as well as inorganic type. The
streams, and if the removal process is not perfect Table 12.4 gives a list of some colorants usually
the chemical inertness at the alkaline conditions used for PET.

TABLE 12.2 Characteristics of PET flakes [8].

TABLE 12.3 Various metal ions in recycled PET and
Characteristics Value their origins.
Crystallized PET flakes Min 0.6 to max 8 mm Metal Concentration
Residual water Max 0.6% ions (ppm) Origin

Intrinsic water Min 0.70 dL/g Sb 220e240 Polycondensation catalyst

Real PET flakes density 1.35e1.38 g/cm3 Co 50e100 Polycondensation catalyst

Apparent PET flakes density 0.65e0.70 g/cm3 Mn 20e60 Transesterification catalyst

PVC contaminant Max 30 ppm Ti 0e80 Polycondensation catalyst

Polyolefine contamination Max 10 ppm Fe 0e6 Incorporated during

Metal contamination Max 10 ppm
Na, Mg, Si e Food additives
Other contamination Max 10 ppm
Antimony oxide remains the most common in current use.

IV. Selected examples and case history

3. DEMETO: a new route for PET chemical depolymerization 225
TABLE 12.4 Examples of colorants applied in PET 3.2 The DEMETO process description
The process for the depolymerization of PET
Name CAS Notes can be considered structured in two parts, the re-
Carbon Black 98615-67-9 pigment action and the purification of the monomers.
Here follows a description of each section.
Blue 104 116-75-6 soluble
Green 7 1328-53-6 pigment
Brown 24 68168-90-3 pigment
3.2.1 Reaction
The reaction is carried out in a new concept
tubular reactor. More tubes are arranged inside
a reactive unit to satisfy the capacity of the plant.
Many of the most durable pigments consist of Each tube is provided with an Archimedean
metallic oxides, such as titanium dioxide. These screw moving inside a microwave field. Micro-
offer properties such as heat stability, light stabil- waves are used to preheat the reaction mixture
ity, chemical inertness, lack of bleeding and and to promote the reaction. Each tube is fed
migration, desired electrical characteristics, and by a mixture of PET, sodium hydroxide, and
low absorption. Zinc oxide can be used too. ethylene glycol pressurized at the pressure level
Typical properties of titanium dioxide and zinc of the reaction. A microscopic material balance
oxide are as follows [10] (Table 12.5). around the reactor allows that for 1 kg/h of
Titanium oxide must be completely removed PET entering the tube, about 0.5 kg/h of sodium
during the depolymerization reaction as the hydroxide and 5 kg/h of ethylene glycol are
monomers to be recovered must be pure and added. The reactive environment has no effect
comparable with conventional ones. The on contaminants (colorants, titanium oxide,
removal of titanium dioxide is a critical step metals) that go across the reactor unmodified.
due to the low dimension of the crystals of the The mixture coming from the reactive unit is
oxide (in general, bigger than 0.2 m). Titanium therefore composed of sodium terephthalate,
oxide in r-PET gives the polymer a certain level water, ethylene glycol, and sodium hydroxide
of opacity, degrading the characteristics of the (the excess with respect to the stochiometric
recycled monomer products. requirement). It appears as a viscous slurry,
brown in color, to be cooled down before further
TABLE 12.5 Properties of titanium dioxide and zinc
3.2.2 Purification section
Titanium oxide Zinc oxide The stream coming from the reactor must be
Property Anatase Rutile processed to recover the monomers with a very
high purity. The purity to be reached is equal
Average particle size (m) 0.3 0.2e0.3 0.2 to that of the corresponding monomers pro-
Density (g/cm )3
3.9 4.1 5.6 duced by crude oil. So, the following table shows
Refractive index 2.55 2.76 2.01
the characteristics of ethylene glycol and TA to
be produced [11] (Tables 12.6 and 12.7).
Tinting strength 1200 1600 210 The first operation is the recovery of sodium
Oil absorption (lb/100 lb) 18e30 16e48 10e25 terephthalate from reaction slurry, and this is car-
Hardness (Mohs) 5e6 6e7 4þ
ried out by a solid separation system. The solid
has a residual moisture of about 45%e50% and

IV. Selected examples and case history

226 12. PET depolymerization: a novel process for plastic waste chemical recycling

TABLE 12.6 Characteristics of ethylene glycol.

No. Parameter UAB “NEOGROUP” specification Testing method (standard)

1. Appearance Transparent, colorless liquid WN-B005-0465D
2. Acid number, mg KOH/g 0.03 WN-B010-1046D
3. Chlorides content, ppm 2 WN-B010-1011D
4. Sulfates content, ppm 20 WN-B010-1017D

5. Water content, wt.% 0.1 WN-B010-1065D

UV transition
6. 220 nm, % 70 WN-B010-1151D
250 nm, % 90
275 nm, % 95
7. DEG content, % 0.05 WN-B010-1020D

8. AA, ppm 10 WN-B010-7144D

9. Index “APHA” 5 WN-B010-1052D
10. Ash content, ppm 10 WN-B010-1014D
11. Fe content, ppm 0.2 WN-B010-1055D
12. Index “APHA” is a 4 h boiling (index) 20

must be dried to reduce the contaminants Brine can be used in a chloro-alkali system to
entrainment. The solid is then treated with hy- produce hydrochloric acid and sodium hydrox-
drochloric acid to produce TA, which is very ide, which are required by the depolymerization
insoluble in water, and then can be easily sepa- and purification process. In this way the process
rated and recovered. The next crystallization sec- can be considered self-consistent. From 1 kg/h
tion allows one to obtain pure TA with the of PET entering the reactor, about 0.6 kg/h of so-
correct size distribution (the same of the commer- dium chloride is generated.
cial TA). Ethylene glycol, which comes from the The brine is fed to the electrolyzer, where it re-
liquid recovered from the first solid separation, acts producing caustic soda, chlorine, and
is purified by distillation. The distillation is car- hydrogen according to the reaction:
ried out in two steps, under vacuum to avoid
the glycol deterioration. A part of contaminants 1 1
NaCl þ H2 O/ Cl2 þ H2 þ NaOH
(mainly colorants) are recovered and wasted 2 2
from the bottom of the second column. Finally, hydrogen is burnt with chlorine in a
From 1 kg/h entering the reactive unit, it is dedicated oven to produce hydrochloric acid
possible to produce about 0.8 kg/h of pure TA through the reaction:
and 0.3 kg/h of ethylene glycol.
After monomers recovery and purification, a 1 1
Cl2 þ H2 /HCl
stream mainly composed by brine is recovered. 2 2

IV. Selected examples and case history

3. DEMETO: a new route for PET chemical depolymerization 227
TABLE 12.7 Characteristics of terephthalic acid.

No. Parameter specification Testing method (standard)

1. Acid number, mg KOH/g 674  3 WN-B010-1027D

2. 4-CBA, ppm 25 WN-B010-1048D
3. Moisture, wt.% 0.2 WN-B010-1028D
4. Index “APHA” 10 WN-B010-1030D
5. p-Toluic acid, ppm 150 WN-B010-1148D

6. Ash content, ppm 15 WN-B010-1033D

7. Fe content, ppm 2 WN-B010-1097D
8. Color “b”” 2.5 WN-B010-1144D
9. Benzoic acid, ppm 100
10. Total heavy metals (Mo, Cr, Ni, Fe, Ti, Mn, Co), ppm 10

11. Share of undissolved materials in ammonia, ppm 10

12. Particle size, % 20 WN-B010-1035D


Chlor-alkali unit is a well-known and well- 3.2.3 Contaminants removal

established plant, running for more than a cen-
tury, whose continuous evolution led to new Contaminants (colorants, titanium oxide,
and more advanced solutions, especially for metals) are removed across the purification
what concerns the cells, starting from mercury step. Colorants are recovered by filtration on
cells, going to diaphragm cells, and now with an activated carbon bed. Two activated carbon
membrane cells. Plant architecture is almost filters are used along the process to eliminate col-
fixed, because it has been optimized in years orants in the main streams of the process.
of operation. The main contaminant levels in Titanium oxide is eliminated by filtration: the
the feed for a membrane cell are listed in cut-off of the used filter is 0.2 mm because this is
Table 12.8 [12]. the threshold under which titanium losses its
To treat the brine coming from the depoly- opacity properties.
merization process, a brine purification step Metals, mainly antimonium, is not a big issue
is required to reduce the contaminants to the for DEMETO technology, as its concentration
levels indicated in the table. Contaminants along the treatment is very low (under 10 ppm).
are removed along the purification process Brine coming from the depolymerization pro-
and upstream of the chlor-alkali package. cess is further treated to reduce the contaminants

IV. Selected examples and case history

228 12. PET depolymerization: a novel process for plastic waste chemical recycling

TABLE 12.8 Maximum contaminant levels in brine.

Contaminants Allowable level

Calcium and magnesium <20 ppb as calcium

Na2SO4 <7.0 g/L
Sr <0.4 ppm (if SiO2 ˂5.0 ppm)

<0.02 ppm (if SiO2 ¼ 15 ppm)

SiO2 <5.0 ppm
Ba <0.5 ppm (if I ¼ 0.20 ppm)
<1.0 ppm (if I ¼ 0.10 ppm)
<0.05 ppm (if I ¼ 0.50 ppm)
I <0.20 ppm

Chlorates <14.0 g/l as ClO


Fe <0.1 ppm
Ni <0.1 ppm
Al <0.10 ppm
Br <30 ppm
Cr <1.0 ppm

F <1.0 ppm
Hg <0.2 ppm
TOC (total organic carbon) <10 ppm
Total heavy metals <0.30 ppm as Pb
Total suspended solid 99% light transmittance as referred to distilled water

Membranes designed for the production of chlorine and caustic soda through electrolysis of NaCl pure brine are
composite thin polymer films reinforced with a fabric made of Teflon. Membranes have sulfonate and carboxylate
polymer layers with surface modifications to enhance gas release from the membrane. To give optimum
performance, membranes require a pure brine having impurities in full accordance with the table.

that can act as poison for the electrolytic mem- sustainable process that allows the complete re-
brane cell. An activated carbon filter and a covery of PET from fibers or packaging.
chelating resin tower are used for this purpose. DEMETO will contribute to the demonstration
of a new route for the recovery of monomers
and the production of new virgin “PET” having
4. Conclusions and future trends the same characteristics of the original. The pilot
plant will demonstrate the concept at the base of
The chemical recycle of PET is a very impor- DEMETO and will constitute the base for the
tant challenge for the future. Nowadays a big scale-up of the process on industrial scale. Data
effort is dedicated to the development of a coming from pilot plant experimental phase

IV. Selected examples and case history

Further reading 229
will be used to verify energy consumption and [2] M. Bertele, A Business Model for Successful Commer-
techno-economic feasibility of the process on an cial Deployment. Brussels, 2017.
[3] S. Hulse, Plastic Product Recycling. A Rapra Industry
industrial scale. The business plan, built on Analysis Report, 2000.
data coming from the pilot plant, will give the in- [4] J. Aguado, D. Serrano, Feedstock Recycling of Plastic
struments to develop a business model to be Watstes, 1999.
applied in the industrial development phase. [5]
[6] H.K. Webb, et al., Plastic degradation and its environ-
mental implications with special reference to poly(eth-
List of abbreviations and acronyms ylene terephthalate), Polymers 5 (1) (2012).

[7] A. CATA, et al., Alkaline hydrolysis of polyethylene
BHET Bis(hydroxyethyl) terephthalate terephthalate under microwave irradiation, Revue
DEMETO Modular, scalable, and high performance depo- Roumaine de Chimie 62 (6e7) (2017).
lymerization by microwave technology [8]
DMT Dimethyl terephthalate [9] S.H. Park, S.H. Kim, Poly(ethylene terephthalate) recy-
IPA Isophthalic acid cling for high value added textiles, Fashion and textiles
MEG Monoethylene glycol 1 (2014) 1.
PET Polyethylene terephthalate [10] P. Salminen, Using Recycled Polyethylene Tere-
PETE Polyethylene terephthalate phthalate (PET) in the Production of Bottle Trays, De-
PVC Polyvinyl chloride gree thesis, 2013.
R-PET Recycled PET [11] NEOGROUP, Project Internal Documents.
TA Terephthalic acid [12] 3V-Tech, Project Internal Documents.

[1] GreenBlu, Chemical Recycling. Making Fiber-To-Fiber
Further reading
Recycling a Reality for Polyester Textiles. [1]

IV. Selected examples and case history

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