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Risk Analysis Case Study Sydney Opera House Part 2

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The key risks included incomplete design, cost overruns, delays, changes in requirements and scope. Better risk management could have involved more detailed estimation, fixed price contracts, experienced project managers, and clear roles and responsibilities.

Risks around design, costs, schedules and communication could have been avoided by completing the design first, more detailed estimation, using proven approaches, engaging local architects, and increasing stakeholder communication. Transferring construction risk and obtaining insurance could also help manage risks.

Lessons include the need for thorough risk analysis and management, experienced leadership, clear roles, adequate communication between stakeholders, and not taking on untested approaches.

Management of Risk in


By Professor Simon Burtonshaw-Gunn – licensed under the Creative

Commons Attribution – Non-Commercial – Share Alike License

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Risk Analysis Case Study: The Sydney Opera House

1. Introduction
This case study supports the formal presentations on Risk Management where it is stressed that
Risk Management is one of the most critical Project Management practices. To ensure a project
be successfully completed Risk Management is thus in direct relation to the successful project
completion. Project Management literature describes a detailed and widely accepted Risk
Management process, which constructed from four iterative phases known as a risk
management plan:
 Risk identification
 Risk estimation
 Risk response
 Planning and execution

Risk Identification
This stage concentrates on identifying and naming the risks, there are different sorts of risks
and it has to be decided on a project by project basis what to do with each type.

Risk Quantification
Risk need to be quantified in two dimensions. The impact of the risk needs to be assessed. The
probability of the risk occurring needs to be assessed. For simplicity, rate each on a 1 to 4 scale.
The larger the number, the larger the impact or probability. By using a matrix, a priority can be

Risk Response
As seen in the presentation slides there are a number of things you can do about a risk. The
strategies are:
 Avoid the risk. Do something to remove it. Use another supplier for example.
 Transfer the risk. Make someone else responsible. Perhaps contracting out or insurance
against (damage , liability, personnel liability etc
 Treat the risk. Take actions to lessen the impact or chance of the risk occurring. If the risk
relates to availability of resources, draw up an agreement and get sign-off for the resource
to be available.
 Tolerate the risk. The risk might be so small the effort to do anything is not worthwhile or a
contingency plan may be developed to deal with possible effects.

Risk Control
The final step is to continually monitor risks to identify any change in the status, or if they turn
into an issue. It is best to hold regular risk reviews to identify actions outstanding, risk
probability and impact, remove risks that have passed, and identify new risks.

1.1 Risk management and construction

The construction industry is subjected to more risk and uncertainty than many other industries.
The process of taking a project from initial investment appraisal to completion and into use is
complex, generally bespoke, and entails time-consuming design and production processes. It

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requires a multitude of people with different skills and interests and the co-ordination of a wide
range of disparate, yet interrelated, activities. Such complexity is further compounded by many
uncontrollable external factors (Flanagan and Norman, 1983). The construction industry has a
poor reputation in coping with risks, many projects failing to meet deadlines and cost targets.
Clients, contractors, the public and others have suffered as a result (Edwards 1995). This case
study focuses on applying project risk management strategies to the construction of the world
famous Sydney Opera House which is a well-known case for cost overrun.

1.2 The aim of the case study

The aim of this case study is not to reduce the great achievement of the construction of such a
complicated building that changed the face of the city but to look at it from a management
point of view to:
 Identify and quantify the project risks that had been overlooked.
 Highlight the dangers associated with using poor estimates.

1.3 The Sydney Opera House

 The owner: State Government of New South Wales
 Architect : Jorn Utzon
 Engineering Consultant: Ove Arup & Parteners
 Cost: A$102 million
The Sydney Opera House is the busiest performing arts centre in the world. Since its opening in
1973, it has brought countless hours of entertainment to millions of people and has continued
to attract the best in world class talent year after year. It is an accepted symbol of both the City
and the County.

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1.4 The Building
There are nearly 1000 rooms in the Opera House including the five main auditoria. There is also
a Reception Hall, five rehearsal studios, four restaurants, six theatre bars, extensive foyer and
lounge areas, sixty dressing rooms and suites, library, an artists' lounge and canteen known as
the "Green Room", administrative offices and extensive plant and machinery areas. The
building covers about 1.8 hectares (4.5 acres) of its 2.2 hectare (5.5 acre) site. It has about 4.5
hectares (11 acres) of usable floor space. It is approximately 185 m (611 ft) long and 120m (380
ft) wide at its widest point. The highest roof vault (above the Concert Hall) is 67m (221 ft) above
sea level.

The roof is made up of 2,194 pre-cast concrete sections. These sections weigh up to 15.5 tones
(15 tons) each. They are held together by 350 km (217 miles) of tensioned steel cable. The
roofs weigh 27,230 tones and are covered with exactly 1,056,056 Swedish ceramic tiles
arranged in 4,253 pre-cast lids. The entire building weighs 161,000 tones.

It is supported on 580 concrete piers sunk up to 25 m (82 ft) below sea level. The roof is
supported on 32 concrete columns up to 2.5 m (8 ft) square. The exterior and interior walls,
stairs and floors are faced with pink aggregate granite which was quarried at Tarana in New
South Wales. The two woods used extensively to decorate the interiors are brush box and
white birch plywood which were both cut in northern NSW. There are 6,225 sq m (67,000 sq ft)
of glass, made in France, in the ‘mouths’ of the roof and other areas of the building. It is in two
layers - one plain and the other demi-topaz tinted. About 2,000 panes in 700 sizes were

There are 645 km (400 miles) of electrical cable. 120 distribution boards regulate the power
supply, equivalent to the needs of a town of 25,000 people. Twenty-six air-conditioning plant
rooms move more than 28,500 cubic meters (1,000,000 cubic feet) of air per minute through
19.5 km (12 miles) of ducting.

1.5 The Design Stage

The original concept for the project was a sketch submitted by Danish architect, Jorn Utzon.
Judges selected it from an international open competition that ended with 233 entries from 11
countries. Thought happy to win the competition Utzon was mildly shocked. Although his
concept had caught the attention of the judges, it consisted only if simple sketches with no
plans or even perspective drawings, because the design was so unique, some people presumed
it would also be inexpensive to build. No one knew how it would be built, and some experts
questioned that it could be done at all.

In spite all of such uncertainty, the initial project cost estimate was set at $7million which was
to be funded by the Government from profits from a series of state run lotteries. The
government was worried that the people scrutinizing the design might raise question about the
potential problems that would stall the project they thus quickly moved ahead and divided the
work into three main contracts:
 the foundation and the building except the roof;
 the roof;, and,
 the interior and equipment.

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1.6 The Construction Stage
Many of the world’s best-known construction companies were involved in building Sydney
Opera House including Arups Structural Engineering, Hornibrook and Rider Hunt, the
construction work of the Sydney Opera House was divided into three distinct stages as follows:
 Stage 1: Sub structure, concrete structure from the foundation up to the auditoria seating
levels excluding any finishes.
 Stage 2: Superstructure or shells, concrete roof vaults or major and minor halls and
restaurants, including the external cladding.
 Stage 3: Everything not included in stages 1 and 2, stage towers, all interior finishes,
exterior paving and cladding, glass walls, all electrical and mechanical services.

After he was elected premier of New South Wales in 1965, Bob Askin (later Sir Robert)
attempted to force Jorn Utzon to reduce costs by withholding payments. In 1966 Utzon
resigned and returned to his native Denmark. (He never even returned to see the Sydney
Opera House completed). The construction of the Sydney Opera House was now handed over
to a group or Australian architects. Fortunately, the exterior had already been completed by
then so that the impact of the altered design on the overall structure was minimal. The project
was finally completed in 1973 after a construction period of 14 years and an expenditure of
over $A100 million, almost 15 times the estimated budget.

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2. Risk Management at Sydney Opera House
2.1 Financial
Despite of all cost escalation, the taxpayer had little to pay as virtually all the costs were
covered by the proceeds of State Lotteries. Indeed the need to subside the running costs of the
opera house were financed by the continuation of the Lottery State. The first estimate for the
Sydney Opera House was 7.2 million Australian Dollars. Once started, however, costs kept rising
and just to complete the building the final cost was $A 102 million.

2.2 Political
Political risks are often occur in government projects as they often hide information affecting
the community's support, which in turn affect the effectiveness of the feasibility study. The
Sydney Opera House was severely affected by political decisions

2.2.1 Media and public deception

In the Sydney Opera House project the original budget of seven million Australian dollars was
not a real but a political budget. The Labour Government of New South Wales was the main
proponent of the project and wanted to have it started before the planned elections in March
1959. This would reduce the risk of the stopping the project in case Labour lost the elections.

2.2.2 Deceptive cost estimate

Kim Utzon explained in lieu of his father "It was a political decision to publicize a low budget for
the building, which was expected to gain approval in the political system, but which very quickly
was exceeded. So even if the cost overrun turned to be 1400% in relation to the publicized
budget, this budget was an eighth of the real budget of the building. So the real overrun is only
100% the rest was politics".

2.2.3 Political construction date

The start of construction for stage 1 was fixed, largely for political reasons, as the 2nd March
1959. Thus proceeding with construction before completing the design process which in any
project is a great risk.

2.2.4 Political design changes

In 1966 the major hall was changed from dual purpose for concert and opera to a single
purpose concert hall, the dual purpose was a requirement of the previous architectural design

2.3 Structural
2.3.1 The Supporting points
Arup engineers knew very well that the cross-section shape Jorn Utzon chose was far from any
ideal accepted structures however, they could not suggest changing the shape as this would
drastically alter the appearance of the roof.

2.3.2 The roof

A question should have been asked if this advanced and innovative design was actually
achievable. The competition judges choose a complex art design without asking how it will be

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designed or even constructed. Later on it this was a major cause for delaying the roof design.
It is said that if this point had been considered they should have either chosen a simple shape
or one of a known geometry, it should be noted that at this time computer program analysis
was not yet been introduced and the only option was to manually undertake the calculations of
all of the forces acting on the structure.

2.4 Technical
The architect Jorn Utzon, was aware of possible technical problems since his design required
advanced technology not yet then available, as such he requested additional time to tackle
those challenges but faced the task of converting the concept into a design from which a
structure could be built. He had no prior experience in the design and construction of such a
large building and because of this lack of plans, detailed design drawings, and estimates of
materials, little existed from which the costs could be determined.

2.4.1 Design errors and omissions

 Unfortunately, the roof shells were too heavy for the supporting columns that were already
built, so these had to be demolished and rebuilt. These and several other setbacks
contributed to programme delays and increasing costs.
 The original design called for two theatres. As the Government changed its mind and
required the building to be altered such that four theatres then had to be incorporated into
the design.
 Due to the new roof loadings the original foundations been demolished to support the
revised roof design loads.

2.4.2 Fitness for purpose.

The main design overlooked acoustic requirements which is the main purpose of the building
and had to be altered at later stage. The running costs for Sydney Opera House proved
expensive, it was a very labour intensive building. In 1974, of its operation cost of $A6M, only
$A2M was covered by the income revenue. These running costs ruled out any efficient small
scale operas and the Australian Opera Company were forced to seek a cheaper venue.

2.5 Construction
Engineers who revised the concept noted that the roof shells were much larger and wider than
any shells seen up to that point. Furthermore, because they stuck up so high, they would act
like sails in any strong winds emanating from Sydney harbor. As a consequence the roof had to
be carefully designed and constructed to resist this level of wind pressure.

The construction was estimated to take about five years at a cost of A$7 million. Ignoring his
request, the government pressured Jorn Utzon into starting construction in 1959, two years
ahead of the architect's proposed schedule. The lack of preparation soon backfired. After the
completion of the grand podium with an enormous, 86 meter (282ft) wide stair, several years
were spent reworking the design of the roof. Three tower cranes had to be imported from
France for this job then costing $100,000 each as this was the first building constructed in
Australia using tower cranes. Unfortunately the roof shells were too heavy for the supporting
columns that were already built, so these were demolished and rebuilt.

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2.6 Consequences
 Cost overrun 1300%
 As feared many experts the project become an engineering financial debacle, lasting 15
years and costing $107 million ($100 million over the initial estimate).
 Schedule overrun 250%
 Media and public scandal
 Management conflict between the client and the architect that cause him to resign before
the end of Stage 3.

3. Risk identification quantification

3.1 Identification
By looking at the project there are some risks appear not used have the most adverse effect on
the project
1. Poor Cost Estimate.
2. Incomplete design.
3. Failure to keep within the cost estimate
4. Failure to achieve the required completion date.
5. Changes in project scope and requirements.
6. Design changes.
7. Pressure to deliver project on an accelerated schedule.
8. Inaccurate contract time estimate
9. Lack of communication between project participants.
10. Inadequately defined roles and responsibilities.
11. Insufficient skilled staff.
12. Political risks.

3.2 Qualitative risk analysis

Qualitative risk analysis assesses the importance of the identified risks and develops the
prioritized lists, using a 1 to 4 scale to quantify identified risks.

Risk Probability Impact Risk Importance

1. Poor Cost Estimate. 3 3 Critical

2. Incomplete design. 1 4 High
3. Failure to keep within the cost 3 4 Critical
4. Failure to achieve the required 4 3 Critical
completion date.
5. Changes in project scope and 1 3 High
6. Design changes. 2 2 Low
7. Pressure to deliver project on an 2 2 Low
accelerated schedule.
8. Inaccurate contract time estimate. 3 4 Critical
9. Lack of communication between 3 4 Critical

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project participants.
10. Inadequately defined roles and 1 4 High
11. Insufficient skilled staff. 1 2 Low
12. Political risks. 4 2 Medium

Risk Control

Risk Risk Control

1. Poor Cost Estimate. Client and Contractor

2. Incomplete design. Client and Contractor
3. Failure to keep within the cost estimate. Client
4. Failure to achieve the required completion date. Client and Contractor
5. Changes in project scope and requirements. Architectural Engineers

6. Design changes. Contractor

7. Pressure to deliver project on an accelerated schedule. Architectural Engineers
8. Inaccurate contract time estimate. Client
9. Lack of communication between project participants. Architectural Engineers,
Contractor, Client and Client
10. Inadequately defined roles and responsibilities. Architectural Engineers, and
11. Insufficient skilled staff. Client
12. Political risks. Contractor

3.2 Risk response

As discussed most of the risk could be avoided by:

 Working only after the design was completed.
 Estimating at a very detailed level.
 Not selecting an untested design approach.
 Using a local Architecture office to reduce many of the communication problems.
 More communication between stakeholders.
 Use of an experienced architecture designer.
 Using a fixed price contract will transfer construction risk to the contactor.
 Obtaining Insurance to cover costly risks.

Mitigate the risk

Risk analysis shows that no clear management process for controlling the project however
using an experienced project manager would effectively reduce probability or impact of risks to
an acceptable level.

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4. Lessons learned
From the slides and accompanying notes on Risk Management and with hindsight it is easy to
see where mistakes have been made and could have been avoided. Please consider the
following questions:

1. From the information provided which of the risks could have be managed through the
options of Terminate, Treat, Tolerate or Transfer?
2. What are the main lessons learned from this case study?
3. Do you think of the actual risk probability and impact matrix presented above is adequate
for this project, and if not how could this be improved?
4. It has been a long time since this project was completed however, since then there have
been many other high technology or high status projects that have also suffered from
poor project management or risk management, examples here range from Concorde, the
Millennium Dome, (now the O2 arena), the new Wembley Stadium, to the new Terminal 5
at Heathrow. Given this historical perspective can lessons be learned even from single
one off projects that can benefit new projects of today?

References 2.
Edwards, L. (1995). Practical risk management in the construction industry, Thomas Telford,
Flyvbjerg, Bent, "Design by Deception: The Politics of Megaproject Approval", Harvard Design
Magazine, Volume 22, 2005. 8. Murray ,21-22.
Murray, P (2004) The Saga of the Sydney Opera House, Spon Press (UK), ISBN 0415325218
Murray, P (2004) "The dramatic storey of the design and construction of the icon of modern
Australia" London and New York: Spon Press.
Neville Turbit
John Tookey civil 703 lecture notes University of Auckland.
Office of Project Management Process Improvement "Project Risk Management Handbook"
Roger Flangan & George Norman "Risk Management and Construction". Blackwell Scientific
Publications ISBN 0-632-02816-5.

Page 10
Woodward, Hugh PMP, PowerPoint Presentation to NASA on March 23, 2005,
Yozo Mikami "Utzon's Sphere" page 46 Shokikusuha Tokyo ISBN 4-395-00712-0
Ziegler, Oswald L. (ed) Sydney Builds an Opera House., page 25, Oswald Ziegler Publications,

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