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Hoërskool Roodepoort: COVID-19 Policy

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COVID-19 Policy

Marius Botha Consultants COVID-19 Policy

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1. TITLE OF THE POLICY: COVID-19 POLICY ........................................................4

2. EFFECTIVE DATE ................................................................................................4

3. DATE OF NEXT REVIEW .....................................................................................4

4. REVISION HISTORY.............................................................................................4

5. PREAMBLE ..........................................................................................................4

6. PURPOSE .............................................................................................................5

7. TERMINOLOGY AND ACRONYMS......................................................................5

8. APPLICATION AND SCOPE OF THE POLICY ....................................................6

9. LEGISLATIVE FRAMEWORK ..............................................................................6

10. RELEVANT POLICIES AND PROVINCIAL CIRCULARS.....................................7

11. POLICY STATEMENTS ........................................................................................8

11.1 Role of the Health and Safety Committee and School Management
Team of the school............................................................................................8

11.2 Cleaning and disinfection of the School.............................................................9

11.3 Covid-19 contact person and media spokesperson ...........................................9

11.4 Education Programme with regards to COVID-19 ........................................... 10

11.5 Basic measures the school will undertake ....................................................... 10

11.6 Measures to prevent the entry of the virus onto the school grounds: ............... 13

11.7 Measures for the preparation of food on the school grounds ........................... 13

11.8 Measures for the transportation of learners (other than transportation provided
by the department of education): ..................................................................... 14

11.9 Measures to be taken when a learner appears ill or displays symptoms

associated with COVID-19 .............................................................................. 15

11.10 Action to be taken when a case of COVID-19 is confirmed ............................. 15

11.11 Action to be taken when a learner may have been exposed to a

suspected/probable case of COVID-19, or a suspected case for whom testing
for COVID19 is inconclusive as reported by the laboratory.............................. 15

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11.12 Action to be taken when a child/learner may have been exposed to a
confirmed case of COVID-19 .......................................................................... 15

11.13 Measures to be taken when an educator or other staff member has tested
positive for COVID-19 ..................................................................................... 16

11.14 Measures to be taken when an employee has been exposed to a confirmed

case of COVID-19 ........................................................................................... 17

11.15 Measures when an employee has been exposed to an unconfirmed case of

COVID-19 ....................................................................................................... 18

11.16 Measures when an employee appears ill and reports for duty displaying
symptoms associated with COVID-19 ............................................................. 19

11.17 Measures when an employee refuses to report for duty citing fear of being
infected with COVID-19 ................................................................................... 19

11.18 Access to the school grounds before and after school .................................... 20

11.19 Basic guidelines regarding face masks ........................................................... 20

12. SHORT TITLE ..................................................................................................... 20

13. AMENDMENTS ................................................................................................... 20

14. APPROVAL ........................................................................................................ 21

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As amended on:

According to the World Health Organisation (the WHO), COVID-19 is a disease caused by a new strain of
coronavirus and is linked to the same family of viruses as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and
some types of the common cold.

The symptoms of COVID-19 can include fever, cough, and shortness of breath and in more severe cases,
an infection can cause pneumonia or breathing difficulties. These symptoms are similar to the flu
(influenza) or the common cold, which are a lot more common than COVID-19. This is why testing is
required to confirm if someone has contracted COVID-19.

The virus is transmitted through direct contact with respiratory droplets of an infected person (generated
through coughing and sneezing). Individuals can also be infected from touching surfaces contaminated with
the virus and then touching their face (e.g., eyes, nose, mouth). The COVID-19 virus may survive on
surfaces for several days, but simple disinfectants can kill it.

The WHO proposes the following everyday preventative measures to curb the spread of the virus:

• Persons who are sick must stay home;

• Persons must cover their mouth and nose with a flexed elbow or a tissue when coughing or sneezing;
• Wash your hands with soap and water often and for more than 20 seconds at a time; and
• Surfaces and objects must be sanitized regularly.

It is against this background that the protection of children and educational facilities becomes particularly
important. Precautionary measures are necessary to prevent the potential spread of COVID-19 in the
school environment. Schools have to take measures to prevent the entry and spread of COVID-19 by
learners and personnel who may have been exposed to the virus while minimizing the disruption of
teaching and learning.

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The purpose of this policy is the implementation of preventative controls against the infections of the
COVID-19 virus at the school.

This policy further aims to:

• Minimise the risk of transmission of and exposure to COVID-19 on the school grounds;
• Provide guidance in the protection of employees of the SGB employed at the School;
• Provide guidance in the implementation of preventative controls;
• Provide guidance in the basic measures to be undertaken by the school;
• Provide guidance in the case of suspected infections; and
• Provide guidance for the continuation of teaching and learning at the school with limited risks to
exposure and transmission of the virus.


7.1 Terminology


The removal of germs, dirt, and impurities from surfaces or

Cleaning objects by making use of soap (or detergent) and water to
physically remove germs/dirt/impurities from surfaces. This
process does not necessarily kill germs, but by removing them, it
lowers their numbers and the risk of spreading infection.

Is the killing of germs on surfaces or objects by making use of

Disinfecting chemicals to kill germs on surfaces or objects. This process does
not necessarily clean dirty surfaces or remove germs, but by
killing germs on a surface after cleaning, it can further lower the
risk of spreading infection.

The lowering of the number of germs on surfaces or objects to a

Sanitizing safe level, as judged by public health standards or requirements.
This process works by either cleaning or disinfecting surfaces or
objects to lower the risk of spreading infection.

Means keeping a distance of at least 1.5 meters between persons

where possible, avoiding gatherings and contact activities outside
Social Distancing of the classroom such as extra mural activities, contact sport,
assemblies, hall gatherings and queuing at tuck-shops or for
school feeding programme meals.

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7.2 Acronyms


BCEA Basic Conditions of Employment Act

DBE Department of Basic Education

DOH Department of Health

HOD Head of Department

LRA Labour Relations Act

NICD National Institute for Communicable Diseases

PUI Person Under Investigation

SASA The South African Schools Act, No. 84 of 1996 as amended

SBST School-Based Support Team

SGB School Governing Body

SMT School Management Team


This document sets out the guidelines and protocols to be followed in the implementation of preventative
measures against COVID-19 Corona Virus infections at the school.

These measures contained in this document should by no means be considered ample but should be
constantly evaluated, updated and enforced in an effort to optimize the prevention and control strategy.
The school regards the well-being of learners, educators and supporting personnel and parents as a top
priority and will endeavour to act in the best interests of all parties at all times.

a) The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, Act 108 of 1996.
b) The South African Schools Act, 84 of 1996.
c) The Basic Conditions of Employment Act, 75 of 1997.
d) The Labour Relations Act, 66 of 1995.
e) The Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act;
f) The Occupational Health and Safety Act, 85 of 1993
g) National Education Policy Act, 27 of 1996, as amended.

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h) Promotion of Access to Information Act, 2 of 2000.
i) Promotion of Administrative Justice Act, 3 of 2000.
j) Employment of Educators Act, 76 of 1998, as amended.
k) South African Council of Educators, 31 of 2000.
l) The Gauteng Schools Education Act, 6 of 1995.
m) The Control of Access to Public Premises and Vehicles Act, 53 of 1985, including regulations made
under it (“the Public Premises Act”).

n) Regulations issued in terms of the Disaster Management Act, 57 of 2002, where applicable in the case
of schools.


10.1 Department of Basic Education: Standard Operating for the Prevention, Containment and
Management of Covid-19 In Schools and School Communities.

10.2 Department of Basic Education: Guidelines for schools on maintaining hygiene during the
COVID-19 pandemic.

10.3 Recommended Guidelines for Masks dated 20 April 2019.

10.4 Department of Basic Education Circular 1 of 2020.

10.5 UNICEF - Key Messages and Actions for COVID-19 Prevention and Control in Schools
March 2020.

10.6 UNICEF, WHO and IFRC – Stigma Guide.

10.7 Code of Conduct of HOËRSKOOL ROODEPOORT for Parents and Visitors.

10.8 Code of Conduct and Rules of HOËRSKOOL ROODEPOORT for Learners.

10.9 Hygiene Guides of the Government of the Republic of South Africa for COVID-19.

10.10 School Health and Safety Policy.

10.11 School Policy for Medication for Learners.

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11.1 Role of the Health and Safety Committee and School Management Team of the school
The existing Health and Safety Committee and the School Management Team (SMT) of the School
will play a crucial role in the execution of this policy. The Principal of the school will act as chairperson
of the committee for all matters related to COVID-19.

Steps to be taken by the committee and the SMT before the opening of the school:

1. A risk assessment will be conducted to give effect to the minimum measures required by
relevant directives issued by the government taking into account the specific circumstances of
the school. (Annexure B)

2. A survey will be conducted amongst educators and other staff members to determine which
persons have underlying medical conditions or are older than 60 years, making them more
susceptible to COVID-19.

3. A survey will be conducted amongst learners, parents, educators and other staff members
which survey shall include at least the following information:
a) Do you have a cough?
b) Are you experiencing shortness of breath?
c) Do you have a fever?
d) Do you have a sore throat?
e) Have you travelled outside of South Africa in the last 14 days?
f) Have you had direct contact with someone known to have contracted the Coronavirus
disease (COVID-19) within the last 14 days?

4. A survey will be conducted amongst parents with regards to the necessity of the availability of a
tuck shop and in accordance with said survey determine if tuck shop should be open or not.

5. Arrangements shall be made for the cleaning and sanitising of all school buildings and facilities
as prescribed by the GDE and DBE.

6. A room or area to be utilised as a quarantine/isolation area will be identified and prepared.

7. Training shall be arranged and training materials for learners, educators and other staff
members shall be prepared with regards to COVID-19 and precautionary measures.

8. Strict access control measures shall be prepared for persons entering onto the school grounds
and the person who will be responsible for the enforcement of such rules will be equipped and
trained to deal with such measures. All such persons must complete the health questionnaire
and show their ID document or driver’s licence.
9. Nobody, in whatever capacity whatsoever, will be allowed to enter the school grounds without
wearing a face mask, or without being temperature-screened and completing Annexure A
(Personal Symptoms Risk Assessment Questionnaire).

10. Signs/posters shall be made or procured for placement all over the school to encourage good
hand and respiratory hygiene practices.

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11. Protective equipment for all staff members who will be dealing with members of the public (such
as access control official and reception staff members) as well as for staff members responsible
for sanitising and cleaning school buildings will be procured.

12. Face shields or PVC screens shall be procured for the protection of staff members dealing with
members of the public.
13. All supplies necessary for the daily cleaning and sanitising of the school as well as the
implementation of hygiene measures amongst learners, educators and other staff members at
school on a daily basis will be procured if not supplied by the GDE. These supplies include,
amongst others, the following:

a) thermometers for temperature taking,

b) soap for handwashing and cleaning,
c) paper towels in bathrooms where fabric towels are normally used;
d) basic cleaning and reusable protective equipment,
e) hand sanitisers (with an alcohol contents of at least 70%),
f) fumigants and sanitising equipment and materials for buildings,
g) cleaning material and equipment for toilets, kitchens, etc. and
h) dedicated bins for disposing of material used in sanitising.
i) separate plastic waste bags for such materials.

11.2 Cleaning and disinfection of the School

The committee shall ensure that that cleaning staff clean and disinfect school buildings thoroughly and
regularly, following the DBE Guidelines on Maintaining Hygiene in Schools during the COVID-19 Pandemic
for as long as the declaration of a national disaster published in Government Gazette 43096 on 15 March
2020 remains in force.

11.3 Covid-19 contact person and media spokesperson

a) Contact person
▪ The school will nominate one person as a contact person to deal with COVID-19 enquiries and

▪ This person’s contact details will be made available to all learners, parents, educators and other
staff members.

▪ This person will deal with enquiries from parents, educators, other staff members, learners and
other interested parties.

▪ The person will refer any queries from the media to the principal or where the person is not able
to answer any queries.

b) Media spokesperson
▪ The school will nominate one member of the SGB as media spokesperson with regards to
matters relating to COVID-19.

▪ This spokesperson will only speak to or communicate with the media in so far as he/she is
mandated to do so by the SGB and after consultation with the principal and only in accordance
with the contents of the mandate issued to him/her. (See existing guidelines of the school in
dealing with the press).

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11.4 Education Programme with regards to COVID-19
The School will implement an education programme for learners and staff on COVID-19 using the Life
Orientation / Life Skills subject as an anchor.

The contents of the education programme will at least include the following:

- What is COVID-19?
- The symptoms of COVID-19.
- How is COVID-19 spread?
- How to prevent spreading COVID-19?
- Why is it important to wash hands correctly and at certain points in time during the day?
- Why and how do I wash my hands correctly?
- Discouraging all forms of stigma and discrimination.

11.5 Basic measures the school will undertake

Daily screening measures:
1. Every person (parent, teacher, learner or visitor) who wants to enter the school should have their
temperature assessed with a digital thermometer scanner.

2. Every person (parent, teacher, learner or visitor) who wants to enter the school will upon arrival
be asked the following questions: (Annexure A)
• Have you travelled internationally in the last 14 days?

• Have you travelled within South Africa to an area with local transmissions such as Gauteng,
Western Cape, Kwa-Zulu Natal, Free state, Eastern Cape in the last 14 days?

• Have you had close contact with someone who is suspected to have COVID-19 or has been
diagnosed with COVID-19 in the last 14 days?

• Have you attended/visited/worked at a healthcare facility that has treated patients with

3. Every person (parent, teacher, learner or visitor) who wants to enter the school will upon arrival
be screened for: (Annexure A)
• any of the observable symptoms associated with COVID-19 namely fever, cough, sore
throat, redness of eyes or shortness of breath (or difficulty in breathing); and

• additional related symptoms such as body aches, loss of smell or loss of taste, nausea,
vomiting, diarrhoea, fatigue, weakness or tiredness.

• Educators/staff and members of the SGB will be screened with the aid of the “Google forms”
applications on their cellular phones or by Completing Annexure A at the entrance gate.

4. Actions to be taken related to visitors:

• Visitors with a reading of 38 degrees Celsius or more are not permitted on the school

• Visitors who answer “YES” to any of the screening questions will also not be permitted on
the school grounds.

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5. Actions to be taken related to educators or other staff members:
• If the person’s temperature is 38 degrees Celsius or higher and/or he/she answers YES
to any of the screening questions, such a person become a “person under
investigation” (PUI) and must be isolated and referred for testing.

6. Actions to be taken related to learners:

• If the learner’s temperature is 38 degrees Celsius or higher and/or the learners answers
yes to any of the screening questions, the learner will become a “person under investigation”
(PUI) and must be isolated and referred for testing.

Learners who become PUI’s must be:

• taken to the school’s quarantine/isolation area

• be equipped with a mask.

• the school must then notify the parents/caregivers to collect the child from school for
further investigation by a health professional.

• the principal or his/her designate must contact the school health contact person or
the nearest public primary healthcare facility.

• the health facility must be informed if a COVID-19 infection is suspected so that the
facility can make the necessary arrangements to receive and manage the patient
safely to prevent contamination.

7. Each person conducting screening at the School

• must wear a face mask and

• must regularly wash their hands for 20 seconds or use a hand sanitiser (with at least 60%
alcohol contents) during the course of screening.

• Social distancing must be observed at all times during the screening process.

General school measures:

1. Learners will be asked to arrive at school in grade groups at different times during the morning.
A schedule shall be provided to parents and staff members.

2. No sick or recovering learners, educators or other staff members or persons are allowed at
school until a medical practitioner has certified that they will not be a threat to other persons.

3. Alcohol-based hand rubs (hand sanitizers) with an alcohol content of at least 70% will be
available upon entry of learners onto the school grounds and learners must sanitize their hands
before entering the school grounds.

4. Alcohol-based hand rubs (hand sanitizers) with an alcohol content of at least 70% will be placed
in each classroom, at entrances and exits, and near lunchrooms and toilets in so far as

5. Learners should eat their meals in their classrooms under the supervision of educators.

6. There will be no school assemblies, sports or other school activities.

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7. All educators and other staff members shall wash their hands with water and soap or sanitise
their hands on a regular basis.

8. The school shall post signs/posters throughout the school to encourage good hand and
respiratory hygiene practices.

9. All educators shall promote and ensure social distancing amongst learners whilst they are on
playground duty.

10. No learners will be allowed to leave their classrooms except on break time and only then when
they are in possession of the necessary permission slip/pass from their educators.

11. The attendance of educators, staff members and learners shall be strictly recorded as per the
school’s existing policies so as to assist with contact tracing.

12. There are no class-based meetings with parents. If it is necessary to meet parents, meetings
must be limited to one parent per learner and maintain the social distance of at least two metres
respecting the social gathering restrictions. The teacher must wear a face shield during this

Measures for educators and other staff members:

1. No staff meetings of more than ten persons will be held.

2. Face to face meetings must be kept to a minimum and will be reserved for urgent matters and
educators or other staff members must adhere to social distancing rules during such meetings.

3. Educators will not go to the staff room during break times but will rather remain in their
classrooms or attend to terrain duty or staff members will go to the staff room on a rotation
basis to ensure adherence to social distancing measures.

4. All educators and other staff members will receive awareness training with regards to the
symptoms of the virus and measures to curb the spread of the virus.

5. Educators will observe the behaviour of learners during teaching, learning and assessment and
immediately inform the principal of any unusual behaviour or symptoms.

Classroom measures:
1. Each classroom and office must have access to a portable handwashing station (avoid common
bowls – use tippy taps), handwashing soap (bar or liquid) or hand sanitizer with at least 60 %
alcohol base.

2. Every person that enters a classroom must wash their hands with soap and water or sanitise
their hands, and again when leaving the classroom.

3. Protective face masks (cloth masks) and/or visors must be worn at all times in classrooms.

4. All educators shall promote and ensure social distancing amongst learners in their classes.

5. Educators are required to ensure effective ventilation in class rooms through open windows
and/or doors.

6. Learners will be educated with regards to the virus and measures to curb the spread of the virus
on a regular basis. Disease prevention and control should be integrated into daily activities and

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7. All classrooms shall have tissues readily available and a closed bin shall be provided for the
disposal of used tissues.

8. Desks in classrooms should be placed at least 1,5 metres apart in so far as it is possible.

9. No more than 20 learners will be allowed in any classroom at a time.

10. Classrooms must be well ventilated.

11. Pens and pencils must not be shared amongst learners or teachers.

12. All standard classroom rules and prescriptions of the school’s code of conduct will still apply.

11.6 Measures to prevent the entry of the virus onto the school grounds:
1. Entry by visitors, parents, and vendors is prohibited unless it is essential. Visitors/parents will
only be allowed if they have an appointment through the proper channels.

2. No person or learner shall be allowed on the school grounds without a mask.

3. No person will be allowed on the school grounds without having complied with the school’s
screening measures.

4. All visitors must sanitise their hands at the entry point.

5. Access control and reception shall keep a register of all visitors who enter the school grounds to
assist in contact tracing procedures. This register shall include at least the following details:
date, time, name, surname, identity number, residential address, contact number and e-mail
address. See Annexure C for an example.

6. Persons in the reception area will be limited and will observe strict social distancing measures
whilst in the reception area and will be required to use hand sanitiser at the door when entering
and upon leaving the reception area.

11.7 Measures for the preparation of food on the school grounds

Transmission of COVID -19 through food can occur if a person infected with the virus prepares or
handles food with dirty hands and contaminates it. Cooking food thoroughly and observing good
hygiene practices when handling and preparing food are effective at preventing contamination.

All surfaces where food is prepared must be cleaned daily with disinfectant cleaner such as sodium
hypochlorite 0.5% (biocide sachets) or a bleach mixture of 250ml of bleach to 5 litres of water.
These surfaces must also be cleaned with at least 70% ethyl alcohol cleaner for wiping down in-
between daily cleaning.

Food handlers/preparers must:

a. wash their hands with soap and water before and after touching any food during
b. wear head gear, face masks and disposable plastic aprons to prevent droplet transmission;
c. wash their hands with soap and water before serving food to learners;
d. clean and sanitise all work surfaces (i.e. tables, stoves and other resources) sinks and
floors regularly;
e. keep all appliances clean;

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f. wear clean kitchen attire at all times;
g. wear head gear and masks to cover their mouths and noses;
h. wear closed shoes to protect feet;
i. ensure proper food storage practices;
j. rinse all foodstuffs and especially fruit thoroughly before cooking and serving;
k. ensure that food is thoroughly cooked; and
l. ensure that learners do not share utensils, food or drinks.

11.8 Measures for the transportation of learners (other than transportation provided by the
department of education):
Loading capacity of learner transport: Regulation 11C as amended

The Department of Transport is responsible for all legislation, regulations, licencing and enforcement
thereof, of all matters of transport including vehicles transporting learners to school and back. All
commuter transport services including passenger bus services, taxi services, and private cars
transporting learners to school must adhere to the regulations issued in terms of the Disaster
Management Act, 2002 (Act no 57 of 2002), and the amendments thereto, as well as all the directives
set out in the schedule to address and contain the spread of COVID-19 according to the lock-down
level provided that:

a) bus services, taxi services and e-hailing services and private vehicles shall not carry more than
the licensed capacity; and

b) all directives regarding hygienic conditions and the limitation of exposure to COVID -19 are
adhered to.

Provision of improved access and hygiene, disinfection control in learner transport

In terms of the Measures to Prevent and Combat the Spread of COVID-19 in the Public Transport
Services, published through General Notice No. 412 of 26 March, 2020 in Government Gazette No
43157, all operators of learner transport facilities must, at regular intervals, provide adequate
sanitisers or other hygiene dispenser for handwashing and disinfection equipment for learners and

Embarkation of learners in the vehicles

c) All operators must ensure that public transport vehicles are cleaned and disinfected before
picking up and after dropping off learners.

d) Operators must ensure that all learner transport vehicles’ door and window handles, armrests
and handrails are cleaned / wiped with a disinfectant before picking up and after dropping off

e) Operators must ensure that all learner transport vehicles are clean and tidy.

f) All drivers and passengers (learners) must wear a mask.

g) Hand sanitisers with a minimum of 60% alcohol content must be available in the vehicle at all

h) Transport coordinators must ensure that learners sanitise their hands before getting into the

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11.9 Measures to be taken when a learner appears ill or displays symptoms associated
with COVID-19
a) Isolate the learner and keep them separate from other learners and staff in the
quarantine/isolation area identified until they can be assessed by a health professional.

b) Provide the learner with a face mask if they do not already have one on.

c) Inform the parents or guardians of the learner immediately.

d) Call the school nurse or the facility manager of the nearest health facility, the NICD toll- free
emergency hotline for COVID-19 (0800 029 999) or the provincial officials whose details are
listed in the DBE Circular 1 of 2020.

e) The school will be advised on any further actions to be taken.

11.10 Action to be taken when a case of COVID-19 is confirmed

a. The school will be contacted by the relevant public health officials to discuss the case, to
identify people who have been in contact with the infected person and advise on any further
actions or precautions that should be taken.

b. • If a school has not been contacted regarding a possible case of COVID-19 in the school, the
administrators must contact the relevant provincial official whose details are listed in the DBE
Circular 1 of 2020 or the NICD toll-free emergency hotline for COVID-19 on 0800 029 999 for
referral to the relevant contact.

c. Public health officials, with the assistance of relevant staff, will conduct a risk-assessment and
give recommendations on the management of children/learners and staff.

d. In most cases, closure of the school will not be necessary. The decision to close will be school-
and context-specific and must follow the procedure described in Section 5.9 of the DBE SOP

11.11 Action to be taken when a learner may have been exposed to a suspected/probable
case of COVID-19, or a suspected case for whom testing for COVID19 is inconclusive
as reported by the laboratory
a. If a child/learner has been in contact with a suspected case of COVID-19 in a school, no
restrictions or special control measures are required until the laboratory test results for COVID-
19 have been received.

b. There is no need to close the institution or send other learners or staff home.

11.12 Action to be taken when a child/learner may have been exposed to a confirmed case
of COVID-19
a. All close contacts of a confirmed COVID-19 case are required to quarantine in their homes for
14 days while being monitored for symptoms. They may not attend school.

b. Learners who are not contacts of a confirmed case should attend school. Family and friends
who have not had close contact with the confirmed case do not need to take any precautions or
make any changes to their own activities such as reporting to school or work, unless they begin
to develop symptoms.

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c. Learners who have interacted with a healthy contact of a confirmed case, specifically, should
not be excluded from school. A person who comes into contact with the healthy contact of a
confirmed case, is unlikely to result in transmission.

d. All case contacts that become symptomatic will be tested immediately by health authorities for
COVID-19 and if they test positive for COVID-19, active contact tracing and self-quarantine of
all contacts will be implemented.
e. When there is uncertainty, the decision to direct learners to stay at home, because of possible
exposure to, or infection with COVID-19 should be justified by available scientific evidence and
must be directed by the accountable health authorities.

11.13 Measures to be taken when an educator or other staff member has tested positive
for COVID-19

General Measures

a. The relevant public health officials will discuss the case, identify people who have been in
contact with the patient, and advise on any action or precautions that should be taken.

b. An assessment will be undertaken by the public health officials and advice on the
management of pupils or learners and staff will be based on this assessment.

c. A risk assessment will be undertaken by the educational establishment, advised by the public
health officials.

d. Thorough cleaning and disinfection of the infected person’s workspace must be conducted.

e. If an employee has been diagnosed with COVID-19 and isolated in accordance with the
Department of Health Guidelines, the School may only allow an employee to return to work on
the condition that:
• The employee has undergone a medical evaluation confirming that the employee has
been tested negative for COVID-19 and written proof to this effect has been handed
in to the Principal of the School.

• The school ensures that personal hygiene, wearing of masks, social distancing, and
cough etiquette is strictly adhered to by the employee.

• The school closely monitors the employee for symptoms upon his/her return to work.

Employees of the Department of Education:

f. Reports of cases of COVID-19 and those who are in quarantine must be submitted to the
DPSA, in the required format, via the dedicated email address:

• The HOD should formally grant approval for sick leave, in accordance with the
Determination and Directive on Leave of Absence in the Public Service, or incapacity
leave and ill-health retirement processes, if the employee has exhausted their normal
sick leave.

• The HOD should formally grant approval for all employees who worked closely with
the infected employee to self-quarantine for a period of 14 days, in accordance with
Public Service Regulation 51 of the Public Service Regulations, 2016, to ensure that

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the infection does not spread. This must be done in consultation with the relevant
DOH authority.

• A list of these employees must be kept and submitted to the Department of Public
Service and Administration (DPSA) and contact must be maintained with such
employees as a means of monitoring and support.

Employees of the Governing Body:

a. The Governing Body should formally grant approval of paid sick leave in terms of the basic
paid sick leave in terms of section 22 of the BCEA or if the employee’s sick leave entitlement
under the section is exhausted, make an application for an illness benefit in terms of clause
4 of the Directive issued on 25 March 2020 on the COVID-19 Temporary Employer Relief
Scheme under regulation 10(8) of the Regulations promulgated in terms of section 27(2) of
the Disaster Management Act.

b. Ensure that the employee is not discriminated against on grounds of having tested positive
for COVID-19 in terms of section 6 of the Employment Equity Act, 1998 (Act No. 55 of 1998).

c. If there is evidence that the worker contracted COVID-19 as a result of occupational

exposure, lodge a claim for compensation in terms of the Compensation for Occupational
Injuries and Diseases Act, 1993 (Act No. 130 of 1993) in accordance with Notice 193
published on 3 March 2020.

d. The Governing Body must notify the National Institution for Communicable Diseases (NICD),
the Department of Health and the Department of Labour.

e. The Governing Body must investigate the cause including any control failure and review its
risk assessment to ensure that the necessary controls and PPE requirements are in place at

f. The Governing Body must give administrative support to any contact-tracing measures
implemented by the Department of Health.

11.14 Measures to be taken when an employee has been exposed to a confirmed case of

General measures

In terms of the National DOH’s guidelines, all employees who were in contact with the infected person
are required to self-quarantine at home for a period of 14 days or for a duration as prescribed by the
DOH while being monitored for symptoms.

Employees of the Department of Education:

a. The HOD should formally grant approval for all employees who worked closely with the
infected employee to self-quarantine for a period of 14 days, or as prescribed by the DOH, in
accordance with Public Service Regulation 51 of the Public Service Regulations, 2016, to
ensure that the infection does not spread. This must be done in consultation with the
relevant authorities. Such employees can be requested to work remotely.

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b. The HOD must ensure that all the workspace(s) of those exposed are cleaned and
disinfected thoroughly.

c. Contact must be maintained with employees in quarantine as a means of monitoring and


d. All cases of those exposed must be reported to the DPSA, in the required format, via the
dedicated email address:

Employees of the Governing Body:

a. The Governing Body should allow such employees to self-quarantine for a period of 14 days
make an application for an illness benefit in terms of clause 4 of the Directive issued on 25
March 2020 on the COVID-19 Temporary Employer Relief Scheme under regulation 10(8) of
the Regulations promulgated in terms of section 27(2) of the Disaster Management Act.

b. The school shall ensure that the workspace of such an employee is thoroughly cleaned and

c. This employee may be required to work from home in so far as it is possible.

11.15 Measures when an employee has been exposed to an unconfirmed case of COVID-19

Employees of the Department of Education:

a. If an employee has been in contact with a person who is a suspected case but has not yet
received a positive result for the COVID-19 test, the HOD will decide whether restrictions or
special control measures are necessary. The HOD’s decision will be guided by National
DOH, Legal Services and Human Resources.

b. Once the results are known, National DOH protocols must be implemented, if applicable.

c. All cases must be reported to the DPSA, in the required format, via the dedicated email

Employees of the Governing Body:

a. If an employee has been in contact with a person who is a suspected case but has not yet
received a positive result for the COVID-19 test, the Governing Body will decide whether
restrictions or special control measures are necessary.

b. Once the results are known, National DOH protocols must be implemented, if applicable.

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11.16 Measures when an employee appears ill and reports for duty displaying symptoms
associated with COVID-19
General Measures

a. If an employee presents with symptoms consistent with COVID-19 such as a fever,

respiratory distress and a dry cough, they must be advised to contact the NICD toll-free
emergency hotline for COVID-19 on 0800 029 999, consult a medical professional and
follow the National DOH protocol for COVID-19.

b. The employee should be temporarily isolated in the school sickbay or a room identified for
temporary isolation, while arrangements are made for them to be transported to a medical
facility. They should be provided a face mask to wear.

c. Any further action must be taken once there is a diagnosis confirmed by a medical

d. Employees must be encouraged to seek medical attention if they display flu-like symptoms
and to not report for duty.

Employees of the Department of Education:

e. All cases must be reported to the DPSA, in the required format, via the dedicated email

11.17 Measures when an employee refuses to report for duty citing fear of being infected
with COVID-19
General measures

a. The employment relationship is the legal link between employers and employees and
stipulates that a person will perform work or a service under certain conditions in return for
b. The onus is on the employee to demonstrate that the workplace poses a risk and is an
unsafe space where transmission of the virus is possible and likely.

Employees of the Department of Education

Refusal to report for duty, contrary to the instructions of the supervisor or HOD, amounts to an
unlawful absence which must be dealt with in terms of the Disciplinary Code.

Employees of the Governing Body

Refusal to report for duty, contrary to the instructions of the employer (the Governing Body),
amounts to an unlawful absence which must be dealt with in terms of the Disciplinary Code for
Governing Body employees.

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11.18 Access to the school grounds before and after school
a. The school may remain open before and after school for educators and/or other staff

b. The aim is to:

• Allow educators to develop and deliver lessons and have access to teaching resources
and materials remotely, thus maintaining continuity of teaching and learning.

• Allow other staff members to continue to provide services and help with additional
response efforts.

11.19 Basic guidelines regarding face masks

1. Face masks should never be touched when wearing them.

2. Do not lower the face mask when speaking, coughing, or sneezing.

3. Ensure the use of tissues after coughing or sneezing or blowing the noses and then within
1.5 metres of any other person.

4. A standby mask has to be issued in case of sneezing or a need to blow the nose. Place the
mask in a sealed plastic bag for the learner to wash at home. Adults must also adhere to
this precaution.

5. The inner side of the face mask should not be touched with hands.

6. Face masks should cover your nose and mouth entirely.

7. Wash fabric face masks with soap and hot water and iron when dry.


This document shall be known as the school’s COVID-19 POLICY.

The SGB may from time to time amend, supplement, modify or alter this policy.

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Recommended by
Health and Safety T Bisschoff Signature:

Date: 01 / June / 2020

Recommended by M van der Merwe Signature:


Date: 01 / June / 2020

Approved by SGB
G. Banks Signature:

Date: 01 / June / 2020


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Personal Symptoms Risk Assessment Questionnaire

* Every educator, staff member, learner or visitor must complete this questionnaire on a daily basis upon
their arrival at school and submit this questionnaire to the School Management Team.

Surname and Names
Contact number:
Residential address:

Did you travel to any other ‘hotspot’ area outside of your residential area in the last 14 days? Y N
Did you have contact with anyone with a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19 in the last 14 days? Y N
Have you recently experienced symptoms such as fever, cough or difficulty breathing? Y N
Have you been tested positive for the COVID-19 virus in the last 21 days? Y N

TIME IN: ____ : _____ TIME OUT: ____ : _____ MEASURED TEMPERATURE: ________ °C

Do you have any shortness of breath lately? Y / N

Do you have a sudden ‘dry’ cough lately? Y / N

Do you have a sore throat today? Y / N

Do you have any new body aches recently? Y / N

Have you noticed any redness of your eyes recently? Y / N

Do you have any loss of smell lately? Y / N

Do you have any loss of taste lately? Y / N

Do you have any sudden unexplained nausea lately? Y / N

Did you vomit unexpectedly recently? Y / N

Do you have any symptoms of diarrhoea recently? Y / N

Have you noticed any fatigue/weakness lately? Y / N

SURNAME: ______________________ INITIALS: ________ SIGNATURE: ________________________


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Annexure B

Risk assessment questionnaire information

The school shall conduct a risk assessment to determine the risk of exposure to the COVID-19 virus at school and the
outcome of such risk assessment shall be communicated to all interested persons such as educators, non-educator
staff and parents.

Purpose of the risk assessment

▪ To identify the potential risk of exposure to the COVID-19 virus.
▪ To identify the current control measures (or lack thereof).
▪ To provide recommendations to school management and the SGB.

▪ To identify and assess the potential risk of exposure to the COVID-19 virus at the school.

▪ To identify control measures (or the absence of control measures) and assess the effectiveness of such
control measures to prevent exposure to the COVID-19 virus.

▪ To inform school management and the SGB of the risk of potential exposure to the COVID-19 virus and
additional controls that might be required.

High Risk Areas

Anticipated high exposure areas will need immediate assessment are areas such as:
1. Entry points to the school
2. Bathrooms
3. On-site canteen and similar dining areas
4. Waiting/Reception areas
5. Evacuation and gathering places
Individuals are exposed to different levels of risk and the Department of Labour published a guideline for workplace
preparedness detailing these different levels of exposure as follows:

a) Very High Exposure Risk

This level includes very high exposure risk jobs with a high potential for exposure to known or suspected sources of
COVID-19 during specific medical, post-mortem, or laboratory procedures such as healthcare workers and morgue

b) High Exposure Risk

This level includes high exposure risk jobs with a high potential for exposure to known or suspected sources of
COVID-19 such as healthcare delivery and support staff and medical transport workers.

c) Medium Exposure Risk

This level includes medium exposure risk jobs that require frequent and/or close contact with (i.e. within 2 meters of)
people who may be infected with COVID-19, but who are not known or suspected COVID-19 patients such as persons
who may have frequent contact with travellers returning from international locations with widespread COVID-19
transmission or persons who have contact with the general public (e.g. in schools, high-population-density work
environments, such as labour centres, consulting rooms, point of entry personnel and some high-volume retail

d) Lower Exposure Risk

This level includes lower exposure risk (caution) jobs are those that do not require contact with people known to be,
or suspected of being infected with COVID-19, nor frequent close contact with (i.e. within 2 meters of) the general
public. Workers in this category have minimal occupational contact with the public and other co-workers.

With reference to the abovementioned guidelines, the school poses a medium exposure risk.

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