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Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry Classified Paper_2 Topic 1

1 1 – States of Matter Mostafa Barakat (0100 165 44 62)

Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry Classified Paper_2 Topic 1

May 2016 [21] Q (1)

1) 1 The rate of diffusion of two gases, methane, CH4, and ethene, C2H4, is
measured using the apparatus shown.

Which gas diffuses faster and why?

May 2016 [22] Q (1)

2) 1 The particles of a substance gain energy and change from a regular
ordered structure to a disordered structure with large distances between
the particles.
Which change of state is described?
A boiling
B evaporation
C melting
D sublimation
May 2016 [23] Q (1)
3) 1 The diagram shows an experiment to demonstrate diffusion.

Which statement explains why the ring of ammonium chloride appears as


2 1 – States of Matter Mostafa Barakat (0100 165 44 62)

Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry Classified Paper_2 Topic 1

A Ammonia solution only produces a gas which moves until it meets the
hydrochloric acid.
B Both solutions produce a gas, but ammonia moves quicker than hydrogen
chloride because it is lighter.
C Hydrochloric acid produces hydrogen chloride which stays at one end of the
tube until the ammonia reaches it.
D The two solutions run along the tube until they meet.
Nov 2016 [21] Q (1)
4) 1 ‘Particles moving very slowly from an area of higher concentration to an
area of lower concentration.’
Which process is being described?
A a liquid being frozen
B a solid melting
C a substance diffusing through a liquid
D a substance diffusing through the air
May 2017 [21] Q (1, 2)
5) 1 Small crystals of purple KMnO4 (Mr = 158) and orange K2Cr2O7 (Mr =
294) were placed at the centres of separate petri dishes filled with agar
jelly. They were left to stand under the same physical conditions.
After some time, the colour of each substance had spread out as shown.

The lengths of the arrows indicate the relative distances travelled by particles
of each substance.
Which statement is correct?
A Diffusion is faster in dish 1 because the mass of the particles is greater.
B Diffusion is faster in dish 2 because the mass of the particles is greater.
C Diffusion is slower in dish 1 because the mass of the particles is smaller.
D Diffusion is slower in dish 2 because the mass of the particles is greater.

3 1 – States of Matter Mostafa Barakat (0100 165 44 62)

Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry Classified Paper_2 Topic 1

6) 2 Pure water has a boiling point of 100 °C and a freezing point of 0 °C.
What is the boiling point and freezing point of a sample of aqueous sodium

May 2017 [22] Q (2)

7) 2 Impurities change the melting and boiling points of substances.
Sodium chloride is added to a sample of pure water.
How does the addition of sodium chloride affect the melting point and boiling
point of the water?

May 2017 [23] Q (2)

8) 2 A compound, X, has a melting point of 71 °C and a boiling point of 375 °C.
Which statement about X is correct?
A It is a liquid at 52 °C and a gas at 175 °C.
B It is a liquid at 69 °C and a gas at 380 °C.
C It is a liquid at 75 °C and a gas at 350 °C.
D It is a liquid at 80 °C and a gas at 400 °C.
Nov 2017 [21] Q (1)
9) 1 Which process causes the greatest increase in the distance between
A condensation
B freezing
C melting
D sublimation

4 1 – States of Matter Mostafa Barakat (0100 165 44 62)

Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry Classified Paper_2 Topic 1

Nov 2017 [22] Q (1)

10) 1 The diagram shows the arrangement of particles in the three states of

Solid carbon dioxide (dry ice) sublimes to gaseous carbon dioxide.

Which row describes the initial and final states?

Nov 2017 [23] Q (1)

11) 1 Which statement describes sublimation?
A Particles moving slowly past each other speed up and move further apart.
B Particles vibrating next to each other become mobile and move slowly past
each other.
C Particles vibrating next to each other start to move rapidly and move further
D Rapidly moving particles slow down and move closer together.
May 2018 [21] Q (1)
12) 1 A student investigated the diffusion of ammonia gas, NH3, and hydrogen
chloride gas, HCl.
Two sets of apparatus were set up as shown at room temperature and

5 1 – States of Matter Mostafa Barakat (0100 165 44 62)

Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry Classified Paper_2 Topic 1

The damp red litmus paper in apparatus 1 changed colour after 30 seconds.
How long does it take for the damp blue litmus paper to change colour in
apparatus 2?
A 64 seconds
B 30 seconds
C 21 seconds
D The blue litmus paper would not change colour.
May 2018 [22] Q (1)
13) 1 A gas is released at point X in the apparatus shown.

Which gas turns the damp Universal Indicator paper red most quickly?
A ammonia, NH3
B chlorine, Cl2
C hydrogen chloride, HCl
D sulfur dioxide, SO2
May 2018 [23] Q (1)
14) 1 Ammonia gas is reacted with hydrogen chloride gas using the apparatus
Solid ammonium chloride is produced.

Which statement explains why the solid ammonium chloride is formed nearer
to the hydrogen chloride?
A Ammonia solution is a base and hydrogen chloride solution is an acid.
B Ammonia molecules diffuse more slowly than hydrogen chloride molecules.
C Hydrogen chloride has a greater molecular mass than ammonia.
D Hydrogen chloride moves by Brownian motion.

6 1 – States of Matter Mostafa Barakat (0100 165 44 62)

Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry Classified Paper_2 Topic 1

Nov 2018 [21] Q (1)

15) 1 When smoke particles are observed with a microscope they are seen to
move around randomly. This is called Brownian motion.
What causes Brownian motion?
A diffusion of the smoke particles
B molecules in the air hitting the smoke particles
C sublimation of the smoke particles
D the smoke particles hitting the walls of the container
Nov 2018 [22] Q (1)
16) 1 Oxygen and fluorine are gaseous elements next to each other in the
Periodic Table.
Under the same conditions of temperature and pressure, oxygen diffuses
......1...... than fluorine because its ......2...... is less than that of fluorine.
Which words correctly complete gaps 1 and 2?

Nov 2018 [23] Q (1)

17) 1 Gases are separated from liquid air by fractional distillation. The boiling
points of four gases are shown.
Which gas is both monatomic and a liquid at –200 °C?

7 1 – States of Matter Mostafa Barakat (0100 165 44 62)

Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry Classified Paper_2 Topic 1

May 2019 [21] Q (1)

18) 1 Which statement explains why ammonia gas, NH3, diffuses at a faster
rate than hydrogen chloride gas, HCl?
A Ammonia expands to occupy all of the space available.
B Ammonia has a smaller relative molecular mass than hydrogen chloride.
C Ammonia is an alkali and hydrogen chloride is an acid.
D Ammonia molecules diffuse in all directions at the same time.
May 2019 [22] Q (1)
19) 1 The apparatus shown is set up. After 20 minutes a white ring of
ammonium chloride is seen at position Y.

Which statement about the molecules of ammonia and hydrogen chloride is

A Molecules in ammonia have a larger Mr than molecules of hydrogen
chloride and so they move more slowly.
B Molecules in ammonia have a larger Mr than molecules of hydrogen
chloride and so they move more quickly.
C Molecules in ammonia have a smaller Mr than molecules of hydrogen
chloride and so they move more slowly.
D Molecules in ammonia have a smaller Mr than molecules of hydrogen
chloride and so they move more quickly.
May 2019 [23] Q (1)
20) 1 Hydrogen chloride gas (Mr = 36.5) is released at P in the apparatus
The Universal Indicator paper turns red after 38 s.

The experiment is repeated using sulfur dioxide (Mr = 64).

What is the result for sulfur dioxide?

8 1 – States of Matter Mostafa Barakat (0100 165 44 62)

Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry Classified Paper_2 Topic 1

Nov 2019 [21] Q (1)

21) 1 Samples of four gases are released in a room at the same time.
The gases are carbon dioxide, CO2, hydrogen chloride, HCl, hydrogen sulfide,
H2S, and nitrogen dioxide, NO2.
Which gas diffuses fastest?
A carbon dioxide
B hydrogen chloride
C hydrogen sulfide
D nitrogen dioxide
Nov 2019 [22] Q (1)
22) 1 The rate of diffusion of a gas depends on its molecular mass and the
Which combination of molecular mass and temperature gives the slowest rate
of diffusion?

Nov 2019 [23] Q (1)

23) 1 Which two gases will diffuse at the same rate, at the same temperature?
A carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide
B carbon monoxide and nitrogen
C chlorine and fluorine
D nitrogen and oxygen

9 1 – States of Matter Mostafa Barakat (0100 165 44 62)

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