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Operating Instructions and User's Information Manual: For Use by Heating Contractor

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Operating Instructions

and User’s Information Manual

for use by heating contractor

Vitocell 100-V CVA/CVAA Series

Vitocell 100-B CVB/CVBB Series
Enameled indirect-fired domestic hot water storage tank
42 to 120 USG (160 to 450 L) capacities


Vitocell 100-V Vitocell 100-B

Product may not be exactly as shown

Read and save these instructions
for future reference.

5699 333 - 01 12/2015 Please file in Service Binder

Introduction Vitocell 100-V/-B Operating and User Information

Safety, Installation and Warranty Requirements

Please ensure that these instructions are read and understood before commencing installation. Failure to comply with
the instructions listed below and details printed in this manual can cause product/property damage, severe personal
injury, and/or loss of life. Ensure all requirements below are understood and fulfilled (including detailed information
found in manual subsections).

 Licensed professional heating contractor  Advice to owner

The installation, adjustment, service and maintenance Once the installation work is complete, the heating
of this equipment must be performed by a licensed contractor must familiarize the system operator/
professional heating contractor. ultimate owner with all equipment, as well as safety
precautions/requirements, shutdown procedure, and
 Please see section entitled
the need for professional service annually before the
“Important Regulatory and Installation
heating season begins.

 Warranty
 Product documentation
Information contained in this and
Read all applicable documentation before commencing
related product documentation must
installation. Store documentation near product in a
be read and followed. Failure to do
readily accessible location for reference in the future
so renders the warranty null and void.
by service personnel.
 For a listing of applicable literature,
please see section entitled “Important
Regulatory and Installation Requirements”.

Important Regulatory and Installation Requirements

Operation Failure to abide by all the requirements set out in the

Please carefully read this manual prior to operation. technical literature renders warranty null and void.
The installer of the system is responsible to ensure the
system operator/ultimate owner is made familiar with the
system functioning, its activation, and its shut-down.
The operator/ultimate owner should also complete and
mail the warranty registration form in order to be eligible
for limited warranty.

Working on the equipment The completeness and functionality of field supplied

electrical controls and components must be verified
The installation, adjustment, service, and maintenance
by the heating contractor. These include low-water
of this equipment must be done by a licensed professional
cut-offs, flow switches (if used), staging controls,
heating contractor who is qualified and experienced in
pumps, motorized valves, air vents, thermostats,
the installation, service, and maintenance of hot water
temperature controls, etc.
heating systems. There are no user serviceable parts on
this equipment.
Ensure main power supply to equipment, the heating
system, and all external controls has been deactivated.
Close main oil or gas supply valve. Take precautions to
avoid accidental activation of power during service work.

Technical literature Leave all literature at the installation site and advise the
system operator/ultimate owner where the literature
Literature applicable to all aspects of the Vitocell:
can be found. Contact Viessmann for additional copies.
- Technical Data Manual
- Installation Instructions
- Start-up/Service Instructions
- Operating Instructions and User’s Information Manual
5699 333 - 01

Vitocell 100-V/-B Operating and User Information Operation
Domestic Hot Water Production

Ensure the instructions and requirements

of the boiler control and system accessories
are observed.

Domestic hot water production can occur via heating

boiler, a remote heating plant or low temperature heating
via bivalent operation.
The maximum heating supply temperature is 230°F
(110°C), the maximum operating pressure is 150 psig on
the tank [100 psig where a Canadian Registration Number
(CRN) is required].

Domestic hot water production via a heating boiler

1. Set the desired domestic hot water temperature
WARNING [140°F (60°C) for example] on the boiler control,
or on the aquastat of the DHW tank (depending on
The operating aquastat and any secondary high limit the type of installation you have).
aquastat of the tank must be set such that the DHW
temperature inside the tank never exceeds 203°F (95°C). 2. The boiler water supply temperature for domestic hot
water production is set on the boiler control. It should
be approximately 27°F (15°C) above the desired
domestic hot water temperature.
WARNING 3. For your personal safety, we recommend the
Domestic hot water temperatures over 125°F (52°C) installation of a tempering valve to restrict the entry
can cause severe burns instantly or death from scalds. of excessively hot domestic hot water into the system.
Children, disabled and elderly are at highest risk of being Hire a qualified heating contractor.
scalded. Feel water before bathing or showering.
Temperature limiting valves are available and must be Refer to the Boiler or Control Operating
used where domestic hot water storage tank temperatures Instructions for more information.
exceed 140°F (60°C).
5699 333 - 01

Vitocell 100-V/-B Operating and User Information
If domestic hot water production is not desired and the
risk of freezing temperatures in the mechanical room
exists, please contact your heating contractor.

Temperature and Pressure Relief Valve

Printed on environmentally friendly

(recycled and recyclable) paper.
H Ensure there is never any type of valve or an
WARNING obstruction of any kind between the tank and the
temperature and pressure relief valve (T&P valve),
The possibility of mineral build-up on the T&P valve seat or between the T&P valve and the discharge line
exists. Report dripping or discharges from the T&P valve outlet.
to the heating contractor immediately. The discharge line must be oriented to enable
unobstructed and visible flow of discharge water
toward a floor drain.
H If you observe water being released out of the
discharge pipe of the temperature and pressure relief
valve, contact your heating contractor immediately.
H The valve test lever must be operated at least once
per year by the heating contractor to ensure that
waterway are clear. A licensed professional heating
contractor shall reinspect the T&P valve at least once
every three years. Failure to inspect can result in
unsafe temperature or pressure build-up, which can
result in substantial product/property damage, serious
personal injury or loss of life.

Service and Cleaning

Inspection and (if necessary) cleaning of tank must take

Technical information subject to change without notice.

place within 2 years of initial start-up and as required
thereafter. Reinspection time must not exceed 2 years.
The internal cleaning of the domestic hot water tank
including its potable water connections may only be
performed by a licensed professional heating contractor.
There are no user serviceable parts on this equipment.
We recommend an annual (min. every two years)
inspection of the built-in magnesium anode. The
inspection must be performed by a heating contractor.

If a water softener system is used in the domestic cold
water inlet piping into the tank, the water treatment
system should be inspected (serviced) at the same time.
If a drinking water filter is used in the main line, the filter
cartridge should also be investigated. All external
equipment must be serviced regularly and function
5699 333 - 01

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