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Volume-9 | Issue-4 | April-2019 | PRINT ISSN No 2249-555X

Original Research Paper




SheeliyaWhite N University of Bisha, KSA.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Weaning is the process of introducing liquid to semi-solid foods along with breast milk. Weaning starts at
the 6 months of age as per the World Health Organization in 2015. Supplemented diet is essential to meet other nutritional
needs for infants because the rst 12 months very rapid growth and development happens. Objectives: To assess the knowledge and attitude of
mothers. To evaluate the effectiveness of the instructional module on mothers on weaning. Research Approach: Quantitative descriptive
approach. Research Design: One group pre-posttest quasi-experimental research design. Sample: A convenience sample of 100 Mothers who
have children aged between 3 months to 3 years. Results: Result showed that the rate of poor awareness was decreased from 12% to Zero after
reading educational module. Attitude on weaning also become 80% positive after educational module. There was a signicant increase in the
average of the knowledge score from 10.51 to 15.13. There was a signicant difference in the knowledge and attitude on weaning, before and after
training (p < 0.001). Conclusion: Weaning is a complex process involving nutritional, immunological, biochemical and psychological
adjustments. Malnourished infants who survive are more often sick and suffer the lifelong consequences because of poor feeding practices. As
per the ndings of this study, the education on the weaning practice through various media can help to improve the knowledge of mothers.

KEYWORDS : Weaning; Knowledge; Attitude; Mothers; Educational Module.

INTRODUCTION The study was conducted on weaning practices among mothers who
'Investment in children is an investment in future of nation'. According has infants aged 4-9 months of two hundred Idoma women residents in
to WHO report mothers are not having adequate awareness of the Makurdi. Most mothers, 97% fed milk formula, which they claimed
nutritional needs of the infant, and may not know how to prepare was used to supplement breast milk and was good for their babies. The
weaning foods. Weaning often begins too early or too late in thirty-ve majority of the mother's 73% using corn in its preparation, with 91% of
percent of infants worldwide. Weaning an infant is a common cultural them storing in ask. More than half of the mothers used a bottle in
practice, which plays a vital role in the infant's milestone for growth feeding their infants while a similar proportion, 65.5% fed legumes to
and development. The right practice of weaning is necessary to prevent their infants in addition to fruits. Based on these ndings, health
from various health related complications. Malnutrition is responsible, workers should give nutrition education, advice, and demonstration to
directly or indirectly for about one-third of deaths among children teach appropriate and timely introduction of supplementary foods,
under ve. Nutrition plays a very important role in physical, mental, methods of food preparation, and use of local fruits and vegetables.
social development of children and emphasis on good nutrition to
growing populations especially in the early years of life. OBJECTIVES:
To assess the knowledge and attitude of mothers regarding weaning.
Weaning is often varies across societies, but is always determined by To evaluate the effectiveness of the instructional module on mothers
the mother's knowledge and attitude related to feeding. Additionally, regarding weaning.
mothers hold the responsibilities for the children health and mothers'
knowledge can be the barrier for weaning practice. Appropriate HYPOTHESIS:
weaning practice depends on accurate information and support from Mothers will have higher knowledge and attitude regarding the
the family, community and health care system. Inadequate knowledge weaning process after receiving instructional module than before.
about right foods and weaning practices is often a greater cause of
malnutrition during infancy and early childhood. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY:
Research Approach:
REVIEW OFLITERATURE Quantitative descriptive approach.
The study assessed the weaning knowledge and practice of mothers
attending infant welfare clinics at primary health care centers in Ikenne Research Design:
Local Government Area, Nigeria. 100 mothers attending infant One group pre-posttest quasi-experimental research design.
welfare clinic is selected as a sample by simple random sampling. The
result showed that majority 50% of participants had moderate Target population:
knowledge while majority 66% had low practice concerning infant Mothers of children between 3 months to 3 years residing at Al-Namas,
weaning. This study recommended that nurses should frequently train KSA.
mothers on weaning to advance their knowledge and practice about
infant weaning. Sampling technique:
Non-probability purposive sampling technique.
The study assessed the knowledge of mothers of the high-income
group of urban Baroda, related to breastfeeding and weaning. Forty Sample size:
mothers with children aged 4 to 18 months were studied. Results The sample size was 100 mothers.
indicated that only half the mother has breast-fed their babies on the
rst day. Breastfeeding was stopped when the child was 3-6 months Inclusion criteria:
and solid supplements were initiated in 4-6 months. Mainly Mothers who have children aged between 3 months to 3 years.
commercial baby foods wear used for weaning. Fifty percent of the
mothers were not in favour of feeding the sick child with small Exclusion criteria:
frequent meals. Mothers who have Infant with any illness and congenital anomalies.

A study was conducted to determine the feeding practices through semi RESULTS
structured interviews with mothers of 1-year-old infants. Results Table: 1
showed that infants weaned early were heavier at 7 and 14 months, and Sl. No Variable Level %
gained more weight between 8 weeks and 14 months, even after 1 Age <20 20
breastfeeding was controlled. This concludes that early weaning wear 21-30 74
related to rapid weight gain in infancy. >31 6
Volume-9 | Issue-4 | April-2019 | PRINT ISSN No 2249-555X
2 Educational level Illiterate 8 The ndings of the present study states that 28% of mothers had good
Only read and Write 23 knowledge and 72% mothers had average knowledge regarding
Intermediate 39 weaning. Regarding attitudes, 59% of the samples were positive
University 30 before training and negative 7%, but it got to 80% in positive attitude
3 Employment Employed 17 and just 3% had a negative attitude after training. There was not any
Unemployed 83 signicant relation between the knowledge of samples and their
4 Family Income <5000 /Month 20 demographic variables such as age, education level, occupation and
5001-10000 /Month 63 income. Moreover, there was not any relation between attitude and
>10001 /Month 17 age, education level and income before and after training.
5 Place of residence Rural 18
6 Number of children 1 19 Mothers must be educated about the importance and effectiveness of
2 63 weaning, age at which weaning starts and the types of weaning diets.
>3 18 The importance of continued breastfeeding after weaning should be
emphasized.Factors that affecting weaning vary according to the
Demographic data of the sample N=100 socioeconomic conditions of the population like education, culture,
norms and beliefs and taboos. Weaning food prepared in unhygienic
Table 1: In this study, 74% of the sample age are between 21-30 years. conditions by using contaminated water that causes diarrhea in
83%of them were unemployed and 17% were employed. The Children.
education level of the majority was Intermediate (39%) and just 8%
illiterate. 63% of the studied persons have 2 children. The intention of this study was to assess and improve knowledge
regarding weaning among mothers of children. The mother's
Table 2 knowledge and attitude wear improved after educational module.
Distribution of Knowledge Attitude Therefore, formal and informal teachings, media, health education
knowledge and Poor Moderate Good Negative Neutral Positive programmes should be organized to educate mothers about
attitude satisfactory weaning practices.
Before 12 87 1 7 34 59
instructional REFERENCES:
module 1. Mosiur Rahman, Golam. Nutritional status of children. The International Journal of
After 0 72 28 3 17 80 Biological Anthropology, 2009.
2. American Academy of Pediatrics (2016). International Child Health.
module 3. Park K. Text book of Preventive and Social Medicine. 21th edition, BanarsidasBhanot
Publishers; 2011.
Distribution of knowledge and attitude of mothers regarding weaning, 4. Ball,J, Bindler.R, et al. Child health nursing parenting with children and families. 2nd
before and after the instructional module N=100 edition, 2014.
5. Lawrence RA et al, Prevalence of Psychiatric Morbidity among 6 – 14 year oldchildren,
Indian journal of Community Medicine; 2005.
Table 2, indicates that 87% of the samples had moderate knowledge 6. National Family Health Survey; 2005.
about weaning, 12% were weak and 1% had good knowledge. 7. World Health Organization. Exclusive Breast Feeding, Nutrition Infant and Young
However, after educational module, 28% got good knowledge and Child; 2006.
8. Kliegman RM, Behrman RE, Jenson HB, Stanton BF. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics.
72% had moderate knowledge. Result showed that the rate of poor (2016). 19th edition. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier Saunders.
awareness of people was decreased from 12% to Zero after reading 9. Pattanabhay D et al,Deparment of CommunityHealth Nursing, KLE University Institute
educational module. Attitude regarding weaning also become 80% of Nursing Sciences, 2014.
10. Betz, C.L., &Sowden, L.A. (2015). Mosby’s pediatric nursing reference (6th ed. Pp
positive after educational module. 286:291). USA: Mosby.
11. Karim mohoshina et al, Study on Feeding Practices of Infantsamong the mothers
Table 3 inselected villages atDhamrai, J. Dhaka national medical College Hosospital. 2012.
12. Cameron, S. L., Heath, A.-L. M., & Taylor, R. W. (2013). Healthcare Professionals and
Variables Before Educational After Educational Significant mothers knowledge andaAtitudes to and experiences with, Baby-Led Weaning: A
Module Module Content Analysis Study. BMJ Open, 2(6).
Mean± SD Mean± SD 13. Subbadipty et al. knowledge amongmothers regardingweaning practice ofJhangad
community ofJhorahat. V.D.C 2014; 12 (1):54-59.
Knowledge 10.51 ± 2.42 15.13 ± 2.2 p<0.001 14. Canadian Pediatric Society, (2016) National family health survey (NFHS-4) 2012
Attitude 47.48 ± 7.38 49.91 ± 7.12 p<0.001 Mumbai: International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS) and Macro International;
(2011). Available from:
Comparison between knowledge and attitude of samples before and
after training N=100

Table 3, There was a signicant increase in the average of the

knowledge score from 10.51 to 15.13 and attitude from 47.48 to 49.91.
There was a signicant difference in the knowledge and attitude
regarding weaning, before and after training (p less than 0.001).

The study was conducted among 50 mothers of the Jhangad
community to assess the knowledge on weaning practice on the infant.
Although the ndings showed that most of the mothers had heard about
weaning practices, only 76% mothers knew about ideal weaning time.
There was a difference between the time for the initiation of weaning
and choice of the food items. 92% used foods for weaning from local
sources like rice and pulses (34%) because of its easy availability. A
considerable number had a concept that proper weaning helps in
overall growth and development of the child. 8% replied that it helps to
prevent malnutrition.

A study to determine the prevalence of weaning, and the factors related

to early weaning in young infants of rural communities of Mexico.
This study concludes that early weaning is typical of small families,
with a high educational level of the mothers, better living conditions
and contact with medical personnel, it is therefore deemed necessary to
implement health programs which promote gradual weaning after 4th
or 6th month of life among the infant population of Mexican rural.

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