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The Typical Career Pattern Was Geared To Men Whose Wives Didn't Work. My Ability Took Off

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1. The typical career pattern was geared to men whose wives didn’t

my ability took off ! .....

the Genesis stories were amalgamated
from several sources.
Rick didn’t want to discuss his past, though he alluded darkly to ‘some bad
things that happened.’
Plant the trees singly or in small groups.
an ungainly fashion
there was something amiss
Question for parents: do you want to make your children safe, or strong?
Women have been making
men self-conscious since the beginning of time. They do this primarily by
rejecting them—but they also do it by shaming them,
Those tomatoes aren’t ripe yet.
These berries are edible, but those are poisonous.
Mike had had a strict upbringing
The next part of the story is downright farcical,
This is exactly how every spurned male
feels, to this day.
She can be really bitchy sometimes.
you’re fond of thorns and thistles, because you’re going to grow a lot of
must contend
with yet another painful awakening. We are next fated to contemplate
morality itself.
Human beings have a great capacity for wrongdoing
honours bestowed on him by the Queen
Even hardened cynics believe the meeting is a step towards peace.
It suddenly became fashionable for politicians to talk about green issues.
I am morally obliged to bargain as hard on my own
behalf as they are on theirs
His death in 1990 left her completely bereft
each making up for the other’s inadequacy
a soft-spoken man
Children should not be left unattended in the playground.
it had an equivalent
number of dents inside
the perfect bumper sticker: Be Alert—The World Needs More Lerts
were dismal affairs.
A man leapt out, brandishing a kitchen knife.
the time the girl I later
married contemptuously insulted someone while he threatened her with a
I’m not half-witted, you know.
He is making a bold attempt to bolster the territory’s confidence.
I sloughed off a lot of my past. In a small town, everyone knows who you
They were hemmed in on all sides by the soldiers and the dogs.
He wondered how Ed had fared in the interview
Ed showed up, older, balder and stooped.
His eyes were
the telltale red slits of the practised stoner
He was spaced. He was baked. He was
stoned out of his gourd
He nodded. He
understood. That made it even worse.
their nascent industries
For every individual driven to achieve,
there is another who is indolent
because no alternatives beckon
Faulty tools produce faulty results. Repeated use of the
same faulty tools produces the same faulty results. It is in this manner
those who fail to learn from the past doom themselves to repeat it.
easier to put off until tomorrow what needs to be done today
once someone has spent enough time cultivating bad habits and
biding their time, they are much diminished
it is much harder
to extract someone from a chasm than to lift him from a ditch
downtrodden people are treated badly and without respect by people
who have power over them
vIt condemns our mediocre efforts. It can
be very difficult to quell. Worse, critics of its sort are necessary
She suffered appalling injuries.
a withering look/remark etc a look, remark etc that makes someone feel
stupid, embarrassed, or lose confidence
Some international observers have claimed the election was rigged.
The law will compel employers to provide health insurance.
Mafia don has a tackier yacht. Some obsessive CEO has a more complicated
self-winding watch
He was crushed by poverty,
but the anxieties of his position had of late ceased to weigh
upon him
Such quotidian concerns are insidious
Where does the fault lie, in child or in parent?
When the idealized image of an unsullied child is brought to mind,
to snap strong steel cables and levers
The population has been decimated by disease.
You’re a fool,’ she chastised herself.
They were portrayed as contemptible cowards.
Investigators have been stymied by uncooperative witnesses.
Richard was anxious to atone for his thoughtlessness.
He repented of his sins before he died.
all the metal in this town is rusting
i will appeal to her that it was just a passing impulse
My son was particularly ornery when he was a toddler
But the little
blighter would only eat three or four mouthfuls.
they were getting grumpy and out of sorts.
She frowned as she read the letter.
No grudge after
Somewhere behind them a child began to wail.
We can do a swap if you like.
will crawl
out of his bed
“There’s no damn way I’m rewarding a recalcitrant child for unacceptable
I had placed him in a crib,
he couldn’t escape. But he could still howl
I gave him a soother
and pounded gently on his back.
I pounded his
back gently some more. Some kids find that soothing
Don’t cast pearls before swine,
rewarding him
with the antics of a creepy puppet?
Modern parents are terrified of two frequently juxtaposed words: discipline
and punish.
they only rolled
the ball back and forth by pecking it with their beaks
It would be good for his (shudder) self-esteem
Don’t leave him
trapped in his klutz-dom
figure out what you want. Then, watch the people around you like a hawk
The fans have done the game a great disservice.
She leapt over the fence.
they’re constantly being walloped
by the world.
this is to say nothing of the frustration and rejection they
inevitably experience when dealing with siblings and peers
Prick the sausages before you grill them.
We try to be responsive to the needs of the customer.
i will continue to do my regular rants
The report stressed that student math skills need to improve.
There are courts for tennis and badminton and the like.
their ideas amount to the same thing.
Lilley has taken a lot of flak for his views on drugs.
a hectic social life
The President is backtracking on his promise to increase health care
there was this moist and evil fragrance that lingered
if you are this brazen
They plan a great
It’s the same idea in a different guise.
the emergence of Japan as a world leader
she loudly bemoans the fact that she is to be wed to Prince Philip,

she was betrothed as a child

do?' Why did you snap at me? I did nothing wrong.
they can just opt out of the conflict necessary for proper childrearing
uncaring broader social world will mete out conflict
honours bestowed on him by the Queen
e they are
alienated from their peers
Jill nudged him in the ribs.
You have to abide by the referee’s decision.
to be conflict-averse and
The whole process was encumbered with bureaucracy.
a helpful norm has already been enshrined in English
common law
She cocked her head and considered the offer.
Papa flicked the ash from his cigar.
n they started to get antsy,
her little foldup stroller in our French
Montreal working-class neighbourhood
instead of shying away from
the knowledge.
The players mouthed clichés about what they hoped to do at the World Cup.
It is not clear what can be done to ameliorate the situation.
some misbegotten actions must be
brought to a halt both effectively and immediately
Is football a good outlet for men’s aggression?
The government has failed to halt economic decline.
She doesn’t seem unduly concerned about her exams.
The house comprises two bedrooms, a kitchen, and a living room
This is a nonsensical argument
Exercise gently and avoid putting yourself under undue strain.
I’ve got to nip home and change my clothes.
the debate about whether parents should smack their children
I had to forgo lunch.
He repented of his sins before he died.
Is there anyone who might have had a grudge against her?
whiny provocative
I was feeling tired and cranky.
for thirty nights in a row
I’m not going, period!
dominated by an upstart child
I thought she really liked me, but the next day she gave me the cold shoulder.
Olson lashed out at the media.
hey become sophisticated
denizens of the world outside the family
an inequitable distribution of wealth
Every house on this block is slated for demolition.
I don’t forget people who wronged me.
she sewed it up. She rejected the sins of her
They squandered the profits on expensive cars.
God smites his wayward people,
They were trying to protect their son from iniquity.
The tragedy could have been averted if the crew had followed safety
She brought some fruit on the journey to stave off hunger
It is much easier and far more likely to
selfishly and immediately wolf down everything in sight
We shouldn’t begrudge her this success.
a measure intended to forestall further attacks
“Man, I hate it when I binge.
I should save some of this for next week.”

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