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@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8


k|f]S;L kmf/fd
>L ;~rfns ;ldlt
hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8

laifo M k|ltlgwL lgo'Qm u/]sf] af/] .

=====================================lhNnf======================g=kf=÷uf=lj=;= j8f g+=========a:g] d÷xfdL
=================================================================n] To; sDkgLsf] z]o/jfnfsf] x}l;otn] @)&^ ;fn
kf}+if @$ ut] lalxjf/sf lbg x'g] t]O{;f}+ aflif{s ;fwf/0f ;efdf :jod\ pkl:yt eO{ 5nkmn tyf lg0f{odf
;xefuL x'g g;Sg] ePsf]n] pQm ;efdf efu lng tyf dtbfg ug{sf]
nflu====================lhNnf===================== g=kf=÷uf=lj=;=j8f g+======a:g] To; sDkgLsf z]o/jfnf
>L====================================================nfO{ z]o/wgL kl/ro g+= =============k|df0fkq
g+======================nfO{ d]/f]÷xfd|f] k|ltlgwL dgf]lgt ul/ k7fPsf] 5'÷5f}+ .
k|ltlgwL lgo'Qm ePsf] JolQmsf] M b:tvt M–
gfd M–
gfd M 7]ufgf M–
b:tvt M z]o/wgL kl/ro÷lxtu|fxL vftf g+=M
z]o/wg L kl/ro÷lxtu|fxL vftf g+= Zf]o/ ;+Vof M–
z]o/ ;+Vof M ldtL M


z]o/wgLsf] gfdM=======================================================z]o/wgL g+=÷lxtu|fxL vftf g+====================================

z]o/k|df0f–kq g+=================================================================== z]o/ ;+Vof ========================================
z]o/wgLsf] b:tvt ================================

ldltM @)&^ ;fn kf}+if dlxgf @$ ut] lalxaf/sf lbg x'g] hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8sf] @# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;efdf
pkl:yt x'g hf/L ul/Psf] k|j]z–kq .

b|i6Jo M
!= z]o/wgLx¿n] dfly plNnlvt ;Dk"0f{ ljj/0f clgjfo{ ?kdf eg{'xf]nf .
@= ;efsIfdf k|j]z ug{ of] k|j]z–kq k|:t't ug{ clgjfo{ 5 .
sDkgL ;lrj

@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8

ljifo ;"rL

qm=;+= ljifo k[i7

!= k|f]S;L kmf/d tyf k|j]zkq !
@= @# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef ;DaGwL ;"rgf #
#= ;fwf/0f;ef ;DaGwL ;fdfGo hfgsf/L $
$= cWoIfsf] dGtJo %
%= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] jflif{s k|ltj]bg &
^= lwtf]kq btf{ tyf lgisfzg lgodfjnL, @)&# sf] @@
lgod @^ sf] pklgod @ ;Fu ;DalGwt cg';"rL !% adf]lhdsf] jflif{s ljj/0f
&= n]vfkl/Ifssf] k|ltj]bg -Plss[t_ @$
*= Plss[t ljQLo cj:yfsf] ljj/0f -jf;nft_ @&
(= Plss[t gfkmf gf]S;fg ljj/0f @*
!)= Plss[t cGo lj:t[t cfDbfgLsf] ljj/0f @(
!!= Plss[t gub k|jfx ljj/0f #)
!@= Plss[t OlSj6L ePsf] kl/jt{gsf] ljj/0f #!
!#= n]vf ;DaGwL l6Kk0fLx? tyf k|d'v n]vf gLltx? ##
!$= pb\3f]if0f tyf cltl/Qm ljj/0fx? $*
!%= n]vf kl/If0f ul/Psf] ljQLo ljj/0fsf] t'ngfTds ljj/0f &$
!^= g]kfn /fi6« a}+ssf] :jLs[lt (#
!&= g]kfn /fi6« a}+ssf] lgb]{zgx?sf] sfof{Gjog ;DaGwdf ($
!*= k|aGwkq / lgodfjnL ;+zf]wgsf] tLg dxn] ljj/0f (%

@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8

hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8 sf]

@#cf}+ aflif{s ;fwf/0f ;efsf] ;"rgf

ldtL @)&^÷)(÷)@ ut] a;]sf] ;~rfns ;ldltsf] a}7s g+=@** sf] lg0f{ofg';f/ lgDg lnlvt ldtL, ;do / :yfgdf
lgDg laifox? pk/ 5nkmn ug{sf] nflu o; ljQLo ;+:yfsf] @# cf}+ aflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef a:g] ePsf] x'Fbf z]o/wgL
dxfg'efjx?sf] hfgsf/L tyf pkl:yltsf] nflu of] ;"rgf k|sflzt ul/Psf] 5 M

!= ;ef a:g] ldtL, ;do / :yfg M

ldtL M @)&^ ;fn kf}+if @$ ut] -tbg';f/ hgj/L )( , @)@)_ lalxjf/
;do M laxfg !) ah]
:yfg M xf]6n dfgsL OG6/g]zgn k|f=ln=, lzjrf}+s , hgsk'/wfd

@= 5nkmnsf laifox? M

-s_ ;fdfGo k|:tfjx? M
!= cfly{s aif{ @)&%÷&^ sf] ;~rfns ;ldltsf] aflif{s k|ltj]bg pk/ 5nkmn u/L kfl/t ug]{ .
@= n]vfk/LIfssf] k|ltj]bg ;lxtsf] @)&^ cfiff9 d;fGtsf] jf;nft tyf cf=a= @)&%÷&^ sf] gfkmf
gf]S;fg lx;fj / ;f]xL cjlwsf] gub k|jfx ljj/0f nufotsf ljQLo ljj/0fx? 5nkmn u/L kfl/t
ug]{ .
#= ;~rfns ;ldltn] k|:tfj u/] adf]lhd xfnsf] r'Qmfk"FhLsf] !=!^Ü sf b/n] x''g] gub nf+efz
?=%^,(*,$^&.)) -cIf/]kL 5kGg nfv cG7fgAa] xhf/ rf/ ;o ;t;¶L_ af]g; z]o/ s/ k|of]hgsf]
nflu ljt/0f ug{ :jLs[t ug]{ .
$= n]vfk/LIf0f ;ldltsf] l;kmfl/; adf]lhd cfly{s aif{ @)&^÷&& sf] x/lx;fa n]vfk/LIf0f ug{sf]
nflu n]vfk/LIfssf] lgo'lQm ug]{ / lghsf] kfl/>lds tf]Sg] .

-v_ laz]if k|:tfjx? M

!= ;~rfns ;ldltn] k|:tfj u/] adf]lhd k|To]s z]o/sf] @@Ü sf] cg'kftdf cf=a=@)&%÷&^ sf]
gfkmfaf6 ?=!),*@,&),*^^.)) -cIf/]kL bz s/f]8 aof;L nfv ;Q/L xhf/ cf7 ;o 5of;¶L_
a/fa/sf] af]g; z]o/ hf/L ug{ tyf pQm cg'kftdf af]g; z]o/ hf/L ubf{ s'g} leGg c+s cfPdf
z]o/wgL ;d'xsf] jt{dfg z]o/ u|x0f cg'kft sfod} /xg] u/L leGg c+ssf] af]g; z]o/nfO{ z]o/sf]
c+lst d"Nosf cfwf/df clwsQd leGg c+s k|fKt x'g]nfO{ k|rlnt lgodfg';f/ ;dfof]hg u/L k"0f{
c+sdf kl/0ft u/L tbg's'n r'Qmf k"FhLdf ;dfof]hg ug{ :jLs[t ug]{ .
@= ljQLo ;+:yfsf] k|aGwkq / lgodfjnL ;+zf]wg ug]{ .
#= hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL ln= / cGo pko'Qm a}+s jf ljQLo ;+:yfx? Ps cfk;df ufEg] ufleg]
(Merger) jf k|flKt (Acquis on) ug{ u/fpg jf pko'Qm b]lvPsf] cj:yfdf a}b]lzs /0fgLlts
;fem]bf/Ldf hfgsf] nflu rn crn ;DklQ tyf bfloTj / sf/f]jf/sf] d""Nof+sg ug{ tyf ufEg] jf
ufleg] tyf k|flKt ug]{ ;DaGwdf k|f/lDes tyf clGtd ;Demf}tf ug{ / ;f] k|s[of k'/f ug{ cfjZos kg]{
;Dk"0f{ sfo{ ug{sf nflu ;~rfns ;ldltnfO{ clVtof/L k|bfg ug]{ .
$= pk/f]St k|:tfj g+=v cGtu{t kfl/t laz]if k|:tfjx? ;d]tnfO{ ;dfj]z ul/ a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yf
;DaGwL P]g, @)&#, sDkgL P]g, @)^# tyf cGo k|rlnt sfg"g adf]lhd k|aGwkq tyf lgodfjnL
sDkgL /lhi6«f/sf] sfof{no tyf ;DalGwt cGo lgsfoaf6 :jLs[t u/fpg tyf s]xL ;+zf]wg ug'{kg]{
eP ;f] ;d]t ug{ ;~rfns ;ldltnfO{ jf ;~rfns ;ldltn] tf]s]sf] kbflwsf/LnfO{ clVtof/L
k|Tofof]hg ug]{ .
-u_ ljljw .

       ;+rfns ;ldltsf] cf1fn]

        sDkgL ;lrj

@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8

;fwf/0f ;ef ;DaGwL ;fdfGo hfgsf/L

!= ldlt @)&^.(.!$ ut]sf lbg ! lbg z]o/ bflvn vf/]h btf{ aGb (Book Close) /xg] 5 . g]kfn :6s PS;r]Gh
ln= df ldlt @)&^.(.!# ut] ;Dd sf/f]jf/ eO{ lgodfg';f/ z]o/ gfd;f/L eO{ sfod z]o/wgLx?n] dfq ;f]
;efdf efu lng, dtbfg ug{ / nf+efz k|fKt ug{ ;Sg] 5g\ .
@= ;efdf efu lng OR5''s z]o/wgL dxfg'efjx?nfO{ ;ef x'g] lbg z]o/ k|df0f kqdf pNn]lvt kl/rokq
g+=÷lxtu|fxL vftf vf]lnPsf] k|df0f ;lxt ljQLo ;+:yf4f/f hf/L ul/Psf] k|j]z kq ;fydf lnO{ cfpg x''g
cg''/f]w 5 . k|j]z kq k|fKt gug'{ ePsf z]o/wgLn] cfkmgf] s'g} Ps ;Ssn z]o/ k|df0fkq÷lxtu|fxL vftf
vf]lnPsf] k|df0fkq kl/ro v''Ng] s'g} k|df0f -h:t} gful/stf k|df0fkq jf cGo s'g} kmf]6f] ;lxtsf] kl/rokq_
;fydf lnO{ cfpg x''g cg''/f]w 5 . ;efdf efu lng k|To]s z]o/wgL dxfg''efjx?n] ;ef x''g] :yfgdf pkl:yt
eO{ ;ef:yndf /x]sf] xflh/L k''l:tsfdf b:tvt ug''{kg]{5 . xflh/L k''l:tsf laxfg (M)) b]lv v''Nnf /xg]5 .
#= k|ltlgwL -k|f]S;L_ lgo'Qm ug{ rfxg] z]o/wgLx?n] ;Dk"0f{ z]o/sf] k|ltlglwkq -k|f]S;L kmf/fd_ e/L ljQLo
;+:yfsf] ;ef z'? x'g' eGbf sDtLdf $* 306f cuf8L ljQLo ;+:yfsf] s]Gb|Lo sfof{no, :6]zg /f]8,
hgsk'/wfddf btf{ u/L ;Sg' kg]{5 . o;/L k|ltlgwL -k|f]S;L_ lgo'Qm ul/Psf] JolQm ljQLo ;+:yfsf] z]o/wgL
x'g' clgjfo{ 5 .
$= ;efdf efu lng k|ltlgwL -k|f]S;L_ lgo'Qm ul/;s]kl5 ;DalGwt z]o/wgL :jo+ ;efdf pkl:yt eO{ dtbfg
ug{ rfx]df z]o/wgLn] ul/lbPsf] k|f]S;L :jtM ab/ x'g]5 .
%= ;j{;Ddtaf6 k|ltlgwL rog ul/Psf] cj:yfdf afx]s Ps eGbf a9L JolQmx?sf] ;+o'Qm gfddf -;femf u/L_
z]o/ lnPsf] /x]5 eg] z]o/wgLsf] btf{ lstfjdf btf{ s|dfg';f/ klxnf] gfddf pNn]v ePsf] JolQm Ps hgfn]
dfq ;efdf efu lng ;Sg]5 .
^= gfafns jf ljlIfKt z]o/wgLsf] tkm{af6 ljQLo ;+:yfsf] z]o/wgL btf{ lstfjdf ;+/Ifssf] ?kdf gfd btf{
eO{/x]sf] JolQmn] dfq ;efdf efu lng ;Sg' x'g]5 . t/ ;+/Ifs cfkm} z]o/wgL gePdf ;+/Ifssf] ?kdf gfd
btf{ eO/x]sf] JolQmn] dfq ;efdf efu lng ;Sg' x'g]5 . t/ ;+/Ifs cfkm} z]o/wgL gePdf ;+/Ifsn] c?
z]o/wgLsf] k|ltlgwL -k|f]S;L_ eO{ ;efdf efu lng ;Sg' x'g] 5}g .
&= s'g} ;+ul7t ;+:yf jf sDkgLn] z]o/ v/Lb u/]sf] xsdf To:tf ;+ul7t ;+:yf jf sDkgLn] dgf]lgt u/]sf]
k|ltlgwLn] z]o/jfnfsf] x}l;otn] ;efdf efu lng ;Sg' x'g]5 .
*= k|ltlgwL d's// ubf{ cfkmgf] gfddf /x]sf] ;Dk"0f{ z]o/sf] k|ltlgwL Ps} JolQmnfO{ ug'{ kb{5 . Ps eGbf a9L
JolQmnfO{ cfwf–cfwf jf c? s'g} lsl;daf6 5'§fP/ lbPdf ab/ x'g]5 .
(= 5nkmnsf laifo;"rL dWo] ljljw zLif{s cGtu{t 5nkmn ug{ O{R5's z]o/wgLn] ;ef x'g' eGbf & -;ft_ lbg
cufj} 5nkmnsf] laifo sDkgL ;lrj dfkm{t ;~rfns ;ldltsf] cWoIfnfO{ lnlvt ?kdf lbg' kg]{5 . t/
To:tf laifonfO{ 5nkmn / kfl/t x'g] k|:tfjsf] ?kdf ;dfj]z ul/g] 5}g .
!)= z]o/wgL dxfg''efjx?sf] hfgsf/Lsf] nflu ljQLo ;+:yfsf] ;+lIfKt cfly{s ljj/0f ljQLo ;+:yfsf] j]j;fO6 M df k|sflzt ul/Psf] 5 . k""0f{ cfly{s ljj/0f, gfkmf gf]S;fg lx;fj, gub k|jfx
ljj/0f, ;~rfns ;ldltsf] k|ltj]bg, n]vfk/LIfssf] k|ltj]bg, aflif{s ;fwf/0f ;efdf k|:t''t 5nkmnsf
laifox? ;lxtsf] aflif{s k|ltj]bg ljQLo ;+:yfsf] j]j;fO6df k|sflzt ul/g]5 . cGo lj:t[t hfgsf/Lsf]
nflu ljQLo ;+:yfsf] s]Gb|Lo sfof{nosf] kmf]g g+=)$!–%()%*^ df ;Dks{ /fVg' x'g jf j]j;fO6 M

@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8

;~rfns ;ldltsf cWoIf Ho"sf] dGtJo

cfly{s aif{ @)&%÷&^
cfb/0fLo z]o/wgL dxfg'efjx?,

xfd|f] hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8 sf] @# cf}+ aflif{s ;fwf/0f ;efdf pkl:yt x'g' ePsf
cfb/0fLo z]o/wgL dxfg'efjx?, ljleGg lgsfoaf6 kfNg' ePsf k|ltlgwLx?, n]vfk/LIfs tyf
sd{rf/Lx? nufot ;d:t ljQLo ;+:yf kl/jf/nfO{ ;~rfns ;ldlt tyf d]/f] tkm{af6 ;d]t hut
hggL hfgsL dftfsf] kljq gu/L hgsk'/wfddf xflb{s :jfut tyf clejfbg ub{5' . ;~rfns ;ldlt
ljQLo ;+:yfsf ;+:yfks / ;j{;fwf/0f z]o/wgLx?sf] k|ltlglwTj ub]{ ljQLo ;+:yfsf] ;jf]{kl/ lxtdf
sfo{ ug]{ lgsfo xf] . ;~rfns ;ldlt oxfFx?sf] cfzf P+j ljZjf;nfO{ d"t{?k lbg ;bf sl6a4 /x]sf] /
eljiodf klg /lx/xg] tYo oxfFx? ;dIf /fVg rfxG5' . xfd|f cd"No u|fxs, sd{rf/L tyf z'e]R5'x?sf]
;fy} oxfFx?sf] ;xof]u / ;'emfj cg';f/ ljQLo ;+:yfn] lg/Gt/ k|ult ub]{ cfPsf] tYo pNn]v ug{ kfpFbf
v'zL nfu]sf] 5 .

o; aif{ b]lv ljQLo ;+:yfn] ljQLo ljj/0fx? g]kfn ljQLo k|ltj]bgdfg (Nepalese
Financial Repor ng Standard-NFRS) cg';f/ tof/ ul/Psf] 5 . o; cj;/df d @)&^
cfiff9 d;fGtsf] ljQLo ;+:yfsf] jf;nft, cfly{s jif{ @)&%÷&^ sf] gfkmf–gf]S;fg lx;fa,
gfkmf–gf]S;fg afF8kmFf8 lx;fa, gub k|jfx ljj/0f tyf cGo ;Dk"0f{ ljQLo ljj/0fx? ;efsf] :jLs[ltsf
nflu k|:t't ub{5' . o; ;Ddflgt ;efdf d ;~rfns ;ldltsf] tkm{af6 ljQLo ;+:yfsf] ut cfly{s
jif{sf] sfo{sf] ;dLIff tyf efjL sfo{qmdx? k|:t't ub{5' . cf=j=)&%÷&^ sf] cGTodf ljQLo ;+:yfsf]
s'n ;DklQ sl/a ? @ ca{ (! s/f]8 ^* nfvsf] 5 . h; dWo] shf{ ;fk6 tkm{ ? @ ca{ !) s/f]8 #@
nfv 5 . ;fy} ljQLo ;+:yfn] lgIf]k tkm{ @)&^ cfiff9 d;fGt ;Dddf s'n lgIf]k ? @ ca{ # s/f]8 *#
nfv kl/rfng ug{ ;Ifd ePsf] 5 . o;}u/L v'b d'gfkmf ? !! s/f]8 ^% nfv $$ xhf/ cfh{g u/L
z]o/wgLx?sf] nflu @#=!^ k|ltzt nfef+z ljt/0f ug]{ h; dWo] @@Ü af]g; z]o/ / !=!^Ü gub
nf+efz cfos/ k|of]hgsf] nflu k|:tfj u/]sf] 5' .
ljQLo ;+:yfsf] efjL sfo{qmd df ljQLo ;+:yfsf] zfvf la:tf/, sf/f]af/sf] cfw'lgsLs/0f /
ljQLo ;+:yfsf] :tf]/f]GgtL]sf] nIo /fv]sf 5f}+ . shf{ ljljwLs/0f ;d]t u/L shf{df lglxt hf]lvdx?nfO{
Go"gLs/0f ug]{] cjwf/0ffnfO{ lg/Gt/tf lbg], lgIf]ksf] nfut nufot cGo ;~rfng nfut sd u/L
d'gfkmfsf] l:ytLnfO{ cem ;'b[9 ug{' g} k|d'v sfo{qmd /x]sf] 5 . @)&^ cfiff9 d;fGtdf ljQLo ;+:yfsf]
k"FhLsf]ifsf] cg'kft ##=$!Ü /x]sf], lgis[o shf{sf] cg'kft @=!#Ü /x]sf], t/ntfsf] cg'kft #*=%)Ü
/x]sf], ljQLo ;+:yfsf] sf/f]jf/x?df lgxLt hf]lvdx?sf] Joj:yfkg pTs[i6 9+uaf6 ul/Psf] ;fy}
ljQLo ;+:yfsf] Joj:yfkg kIf ;an / ;Ifd /x]sf] sf/0f ljQLo ;+:yfsf] cj:yf Psbd} :j:y 5 .
cfufdL jif{x?df klg o; ljQLo ;+:yfnfO{ d'n'ssf] Pp6f pTs[i6 / c;n ljQ sDkgLsf] ?kdf :yflkt
u/fO{ b]zsf] cfly{s ljsf;df dxTjk"0f{ of]ubfg lbg] lsl;dn] cfˆgf] a}+lsË ;]jf k|bfg ug{ k|ltj4 5f}+ .
z]o/wgL nufot ;Dk"0f{ ;/f]sf/jfnfx?sf] a[xt lxtsf] nflu dh{/÷PlSjlhzgsf nflu ;d]t ljQLo
;+:yfn] cfjZos sbd rfln/x]sf] 5 .
@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8

ljQLo ;+:yfsf] sfo{If]q # lhNnfaf6 la:tf/ u/L k|b]z g+=@ sf] cf7} lhNnfdf k'/ofpgsf] nflu o;}
;fwf/0f ;efdf lg0f{osf] nflu k|:tfj ul/Psf] 5 .
ut cf=a= df dxf]Q/L lhNnfsf] nf]x/k§L gu/kflnsfsf] e|d/k'/f ufFpdf / l;/xf lhNnfsf]
uf]nahf/ gu/kflnsfdf zfvf vf]lnPsf] / o; cf=a= df hgsk''/wfd pkdxfgu/kflnsfsf] j8f g+=$
df zfvf sfof{no vf]Ng] lg0f{o eO{ ef}lts k"jf{wf/ tof/ ug]{ sfo{ eO{/x]sf] 5 .

;fy}, o; ;+:yfn] ut cfly{s aif{ b]lv cfkmgf] v'b d'gfkmfsf] !Ü /sd ;+:yfut ;fdflhs
pQ/bfloTj axg ug{ vr{ ug]{ sf]ifdf hDdf ub]{ cfPsf] / xfn ;Dd pQm sf]ifaf6 xfjfx'/L kLl8tx?sf]
;xof]usf nflu d'Vo dGqL /fxt sf]ifdf ?= !,)!,))).– cfly{s ;xof]u pknAw u/fPsf], hgsk'/sf]
ko{6lso lasf;sf] nflu u+uf bzx/fsf] lbg u+uf;fu/df cfof]lht sfo{s|ddf ko{6sx?sf] nflu
vfg]kfgL tyf k|;fbsf] Joj:yf u/]sf], ;+ljwfg lbj;sf] pknIodf hfgsL a[4fcf>d, kz''klt lzIff
dlGb/, cfbz{ 5fqfjf; / >L l;tf/fd gfd hk dxfo1 ;ldlt wg''iffwfdsf] nflu vf4fGg ljt/0f u/]sf]
tyf ;ldltsf] sdkfp08sf] ;f}GboL{s/0fsf] nflu a[Iff/f]kg u/L 6«L uf8{ pknAw u/fPsf], ax|fs''df/L
cf>d wg''iffwfddf vfg]kfgLsf] 6+ofSsL h8fg ul/Psf], hgsk''/wfd pkdxfgu/kflnsfdf cjl:yt
dl0fd08kdf ;f}GboL{s/0fsf] nflu a[Iff/f]kg u/L 6«L uf8{ pknAw u/fPsf], hgsk'/wfddf cjl:yt
:ju{4f/Ldf lgdf0f{ sfo{sf] nflu cfly{s ;xof]u pknAw u/fPsf] / hgsk'/wfd pkdxfgu/kflnsfnfO{
Knfli6s d'Qm zx/ agfpgsf] nflu sk8fsf] emf]nf agfO{ lat/0f ul/Psf], /fdhfgsL ljjfx k~rdLsf]
lbg >bfn'' eQmhgx?sf] nflu lrof, la:s'6, kfgL, k''/L, t/sf/L / hn]aLsf] Joj:yf ul/Psf], !# cf}+
;fkm v]n cGt{ut hgsk''/wfddf s'':tL v]nsf] cfof]hgf ul/Psf]df laleGg b]zaf6 kfpg'' ePsf
v]nf8L tyf clkml;onx?sf] :jfutsf] nflu hgsk''/wfd pkdxfgu/kflnsfsf] laleGg :yfgx?df
Aofg/ nufO{Psf], ;Ltf/fd uf}zfnfnfO{ uf]7 lgdf{0fsf] nflu cfly{s ;xof]u pknAw u/fPsf] / cfpbf]
lbgdf cem a9L ;fdflhs sfo{df ljQLo ;+:yfsf] tkm{af6 nufgL ug]{ gLlt /x]sf] 5 .
cGTodf, o; ljQLo ;+:yfsf] p2]Zo k|flKtsf nflu ;xof]u k'¥ofpg' x'g] ;d:t z]o/wgL
dxfg'efjx?, u|fxsju{, gful/s ;dfh, ;+rf/hut tyf g]kfn ;/sf/sf ;Da4 lgsfonufot g]kfn
/fi6« a}+s k|lt ;~rfns ;ldltsf] tkm{af6 xflb{s cfef/ k|s6 ub{5' . ljQLo ;+:yfsf] pQ/f]Q/ k|ultdf
k'¥ofpg'ePsf] of]ubfgsf nflu ljQLo ;+:yfsf sfo{sf/L k|d'v nufot ljQLo ;+:yfsf ;Dk"0f{ clws[t
tyf sd{rf/Lx? / cGo ;xof]uLx?nfO{ wGojfb lbg rfxG5' . ;fy}, ljQLo ;+:yfsf ultljlwx?nfO{
;sf/fTds?kdf hg;dIf k'¥ofOlbg] ;+rf/hut\ / k|ToIf ck|ToIf ?kdf ljQLo ;+:yfnfO{ ;xof]u
k'¥ofpg] ;Dk"0f{ z'e]R5'sx?k|lt klg d xflb{s cfef/ JoQm ub}{ ljQLo ;+:yfsf] ;~rfns ;ldltsf]
jflif{s k|ltj]bg nufot cf=j=@)&%÷&^ sf] ljQLo ljj/0fx? 5nkmn u/L kfl/t ul/lbg' x'g of] k|:tfj
k]z ub{5' .
wGojfb .
        /3'gfy k|;fb ;fx

@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8

hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8

@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f;efdf
@# cf}+ aflif{s k|ltj]bg
cfb/gLo z]o/wgL dxfg'efjx?,

o; ljQLo ;+:yfsf] @# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;efdf ;~rfns ;ldltsf] tkm{af6 oxfFx?nfO{
:jfut ug{ kfpFbf dnfO{ v'zL nfu]sf] 5 . o; jif{ xfd|f] ljQLo ;+:yfn] ;~rfngsf] @# jif{ ;kmntf;fy
k'/f u/L @$ cf}+ jif{df k|j]z u/]sf]df xfdL ;a}n] uf}/jflGjt dx;'; u/]sf 5f}+ . ;~rfns ;ldltsf]
tkm{af6 d oxfFx? ;dIf ;~rfns ;ldltsf] aflif{s k|ltj]bgsf] ;fy} @)&^ cfiff9 d;fGtsf] ljQLo
;+:yfsf] jf;nft, cfly{s jif{ @)&%÷&^ sf] gfkmf gf]S;fg lx;fa, gub k|jfx ljj/0f tyf ljQLo
;+:yfsf] ljleGg s[ofsnfkx? o; aflif{s k|ltj]bg ;Fu} cg''df]bgsf] nflu k|:t''t u/]sf] 5'' .
g]kfndf cf=a= @)&@÷&# b]lv g]kfn ljQLo k|ltj]bgdfg (Nepalese Financial Reporting
Standards-NFRS) nfu'' eO{ ;dLIff aif{ b]lv ljQLo ljj/0fx? g]kfn ljQLo k|ltj]bgdfg (Nepalese
Financial Reporting Standards-NFRS) cg'';f/ tof/ u/L k|sflzt ul/Psf 5g\ . g]kfn ljQLo
k|ltj]bgdfgn] ;dfj]z gu/]sf If]qx?df cGt/fli6«o ljQLo k|ltj]bgdfg (International Financial
Reporting Standards-IFRS) nfO{ cfwf/sf] ?kdf lnO{Psf] 5 . of] aflif{s k|ltj]bg g]kfn /fi6« a}+ssf]
lgb]{zg @)&^, a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yf ;DaGwL P]g, @)&# tyf sDkgL P]g, @)^# sf k|fjwfg cg''?k
tof/ u/L k|:t''t ul/Psf] 5 .
ljutdf xfdLn] w]/} sfdx? u/]sf 5f}+ / eljiodf ug'{kg]{ o:tf sfo{x? cem w]/} 5g\ . clxn]klg
xfd|f] cufl8 w]/} r'gf}tL tyf cj;/x? 5g\ . ljutsf cg'ejx? tyf pknAwLn] g]kfnsf] a}+lsË pBf]udf
gjLgtf k|bfg ug]{ s|dnfO{ lg/Gt/tf lbg ;lsG5 eGg] s'/fdf xfdL b[9 5f}+ . b]zsf] jt{dfg cj:yfnfO{
ljZn]if0f ub}{ ljQLo ;+:yfn] cfpFbf] lbgsf] nflu /0fgLlts of]hgf agfO{ cuf8L a9g] nIo lnPsf] 5 .
xfdLnfO{ ljZjf; 5 cfpFbf lbgx?df xfd|f] ljQLo ;+:yf s|dzM laleGg ljQLo ;]jfx? k|bfg ug{ ;Sg]
ljQLo ;+:yfsf] ?kdf ljsl;t x'g]5 .
o; ul/dfdo ;efdf o; ljQLo ;+:yfsf] pTyfg / k|ultsf nflu cfb/0fLo z]o/wgL
dxfg'efjx?n] ljutdf JoQm ug'{ ePsf cleJolQm tyf cd'No /fo ;'emfj ;d]tnfO{ b[li6ut u/L
ul/Psf] sfof{Gjogsf] kmn:j?k cfly{s aif{ @)&%÷&^ df o; ljQLo ;+:yfn] k|ult ug{ ;s]sf] xf] .
o; ljQLo ;+:yfsf] pknlAwx? / eljiosf of]hgfx?sf af/]df cfkmgf z]o/wgL dxfg'efjx?nfO{
hfgsf/L u/fpg' xfdLn] cfkmgf] k/d st{Jo 7fg]sf 5f}+ . To;}n], oxfFx?sf] k|ltlglwTj ug]{ xfdL
;~rfnsx?sf tkm{af6 ljQLo ;+:yfsf] cf=a=@)&%÷&^ sf] lj:t[t k|ltj]bg k]z ug]{ cg'dlt rfxG5f}+ .
!= cf=a=@)&%÷&^ sf] sf/f]jf/sf] l;+xfjnf]sg
s= ljQLo l:ylt
ljQLo ;+:yfsf] @)&^ cfiff9 d;fGtsf] ;+lIfKt ljQLo l:ylt b]xfo adf]lhd /x]sf] 5 .

@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8

?= xhf/df
ljj/0f cfiff9 d;fGt a[l4
@)&^ @)&% /sd k|ltzt
r''Qmf k""FhL $(@,!$) $)#,#(# **,&$& @@=))
hu]8f tyf sf]if !&@,#&( !$!,#%( #!,)@) @!=($
lgIf]k @,)#*,#&) !,^%!,^#% #*^,&#% @#=$!
s'n shf{ @,!)#,!(@ !,%&&,!$# %@^,)$( ##=#%
nufgL #%! #%! – –

?= xhf/df
zLif{s÷cf=a= cf=a= a[l4
@)&%÷&^ @)&$÷&% /sd k|ltzt
v''b Jofh cfDbfgL !^&,!@$ !%!,*^& !%,@%& !)=)%
sldzg tyf ;+rfng cfDbfgL !*,!** !@,&!% %,$&# $#=)$
sd{rf/L tyf ;+rfng vr{ $*,*@! #%,^** !#,!## #^=*)
;+rfng d''gfkmf !^@,)^! !^$,%@% -@,$^$_ -!=$(_
v'b d'gfkmf !!^,%$$ !@#,@!! -^,^^&_ -%=$!_

!= k"FhL sf]ifsf] kof{Kttf M

cfly{s aif{ @)&%÷&^ sf] cGTodf k"FhLsf]ifsf] cg'kft ##=$! k|ltzt sfod /x]sf] 5 h'g g]kfn
/fi6« a}+ssf] lgb]{zg adf]lhd sfod ug'{kg]{ Go"gtd !! k|ltzt eGbf a9L /x]sf] 5 .
@= ;DklQsf] u'0f:t/ M
ljQLo ;+:yfn] cfkmgf] shf{sf] u'0f:t/df ;Demf}tf gug]{ gLlt cg';f/ ut cf=a= # k|ltzt
/x]sf] s'n lgis[o shf{df o; aif{ pNn]vgLo ;'wf/ eO{ s'n shf{df lgis[o shf{ hDdf
@=!# k|ltzt df l;ldt ePsf] 5 .

#= ;+:yfut ;'zf;g M
ljQLo ;+:yfdf ;+:yfut ;'zf;g (Corporate Governance) sf] :t/nfO{ pRrtd /fVg]
s'/fdf ljQLo ;+:yfn] dxTj lbg] gLlt agfPsf] / cfufdL aif{df klg cToGt pRr sfod /fVg]
s'/fdf xfdL k|lta4 5f}+F . k|efjsf/L ;+:yfut ;'zf;gsf] sfof{GjognfO{ k|fyldstfdf /fvL
ljQLo ;+:yfsf p2]Zo, d"No dfGotf, cfGtl/s ;+/rgf, Jofjxfl/s l;4fGt / sd{rf/Lsf
cfr/0f lgwf{/0f ul/Psf 5g\ . ;~rfns ;ldltsf sfdsf/afxLx¿ tyf ljQLo ;+:yfsf cGo
;a} ls|ofsnfkx¿nfO{ kf/bzL{¿kdf ;~rfng u/L ;+:yfut ;'zf;gsf] ljsf; ug{ ljQLo
;+:yf ;bf ls|ofzLn /x]sf] 5 . g]kfn /fi6« a}+s Pj+ cGo ;Da4 lgsfox¿af6 ;do ;dodf
hf/L ePsf gLlt Pj+ lgb]{zgnfO{ ljQLo ;+:yfn] k"0f{ ¿kdf nfu' ub}{ cfPsf] 5 / cfufdL
lbgx¿df klg k"0f{ ¿kdf nfu' ul/g]5 . ;~rfnsx¿n] kfngf ug'{kg]{ cfrf/;+lxtf
sfof{Gjogdf NofO{ kfng ul/Psf] 5 .
$= ;"rgf k|ljlw M
;"rgf k|ljlwsf] ljsf;sf ;fy} u|fxsju{sf] rfxgfnfO{ kl/k"lt{ ug{ ;"rgf k|ljlwsf] pNn]vgLo
e"ldsfnfO{ Wofgdf /fvL ljQLo ;+:yfn] ABBS, P;=Pd=P;=a}+lsË, 6]lnkmf]g tyf df]afOnsf]
lan e'QmfgL, df]afOn l/rfh{, lah'nL lansf] e'QmfgL, Kn]gsf] l6s6 v/Lb, Ps vftfaf6 csf]{
vftfdf l8lh6n dfWodaf6 /sdfGt/ ;'ljwf h:tf k|ljlwd"ns ;]jfx¿ k|bfg ub}{ cfPsf] /
cfˆgf] ;"rgf k|ljlwdf ;dofg's'n ;'wf/ Pj+ ljsf; ub]{ nfg] nIo cg'?k O{G6/g]6 a}+lsË ;'ljwf

@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8

/ cGo ljleGg lsl;dsf law'lto ;]jf lbg] of]hgf agfPsf 5f}+ . ;fy} g]kfn /fi6« a}+ssf] lg/LIf0f
k|ltj]bgjf6 k|fKt ;'emfjx¿sf] sfof{Gjog ub}{ eljiodf ;d]t ;"rgf k|ljlwdf ;dofg's"n
;'wf/ Pj+ ljsf; ub}{ nfg] nIo lnOPsf] 5 .
%= cfGtl/s lgoGq0f k|0ffnL M
a}+lsË Joj;fodf lglxt shf{, ahf/ tyf ;~rfng nufotsf hf]lvdx¿nfO{ b[li6ut u/L
ljQLo ;+:yfn] cfGtl/s lgoGq0f k|0ffnLnfO{ bx|f] agfpg] gLlt lnPsf] 5 . o;;DaGwdf a+}lsË
sf/f]af/sf ;a} If]qdf cfjZos gLlt, lgodx¿ agfO{ sfof{Gjogdf NofOPsf] 5 . To;} u/L
ljQLo ;+:yfsf sfdsf/afxLx¿ k|rlnt sfg'gadf]lhd eP u/]sf] 5÷5}g To;sf] olsg ug{]
p2]Zon] ljQLo ;+:yfdf Pp6f :jtGq (Independent) cfGtl/s n]vfk/LIfs lgo'St ul/Psf],
cfGtl/s n]vfk/LIfsn] cfk\mgf] k|ltj]bg n]vfk/LIf0f ;ldlt dfkm{t ;~rfns ;ldltdf k]z ug]{
u/]sf] .
v= /fli6«o tyf cGt/fli6«o kl/l:ytLaf6 sDkgLsf] a}+ls· Joj;fo sf/f]af/df k/]sf] c;/ M
g]kfn /fi6« a}+ssf] tYofÍ cg'';f/ cfly{s aif{ @)&%÷&^ df cfly{s a[l4 &=! k|ltzt /x]sf]
cg''dfg 5 . s[lif If]qsf] a[l4 %=) k|ltzt, pwf]u If]qsf] *=@ k|ltzt tyf ;]jf If]qsf] a[l4 &=#
k|ltzt /x]sf] cg''dfg 5 . cfly{s aif{ @)&%÷&^ df s''n ufx{:y pTkfbgdf s[lif, pwf]u / ;]jf
If]qsf] c+z s|dz M @&=) k|ltzt, !%=@ k|ltzt / %&=* k|ltzt /x]sf] 5 . cfly{s aif{
@)&%÷&^ df s''n ufx{:y art s''n ufx{:y pTkfbgsf] @)=% k|ltzt k''u]sf] 5 . s''n k''FhL
lgdf{0f, s''n l:y/ k''FhL lgdf{0f / s''n /fli6«o artsf] s''n ufx{:y pTkfbg ;Fusf] cg''kft s|dzM
^@=# k|ltzt, #^=( k|ltzt / %@=$ k|ltzt /x]sf] 5 .
cfly{s aif{ @)&%÷&^ df aflif{s cf}+;t pkef]Qmf d''b|f:kmLlt $=^ k|ltzt /x]sf] 5 . cl3Nnf]
cfly{s aif{df o:tf] d''b|f:kmLlt $=@ k|ltzt /x]sf] lyof] .
lgof{t M
cfly{s aif{ @)&%÷&^ df s''n j:t'' lgof{t !(=$ k|ltztn] j[l4 eO{ ?=(& ca{ !! s/f]8 k''u]sf] 5
. cl3Nnf] aif{ o:tf] lgof{t !!=$ k|ltztn] j[l4 ePsf] lyof] . uGtJosf cfwf/df ef/t tkm{ #$=#
k|ltzt / cGo d''n'stkm{ )=@ k|ltztn] lgof{t j[l4 ePsf] 5 . rLgtkm{sf] lgof{tdf !#=%
k|ltztsf] sdL cfPsf] 5 . j:t''ut cfwf/df kfd cfon, kf]lni6/ ofg{, h''6sf ;fdfg, bfn,
rfprfp nufotsf j:t''sf] lgof{t a9]sf] 5 eg] cnf}+rL, tof/L kf]zfs, klZdgf, h''Qf tyf
rKkn, 5fnf nufotsf j:t''x?sf] lgof{t 36]sf] 5 .
cfoft M
cfly{s aif{ @)&%÷&^ df s''n j:t'' cfoft !#=( k|ltztn] a9]/ ?=!$!* ca{ %$ s/f]8 k''u]sf]
5 . cl3Nnf] aif{ o:tf] cfoft @%=* k|ltztn] a9]sf] lyof] . j:t'' cfoft ul/g] d''n'ssf cfwf/df
ef/taf6 ePsf] cfoft !@=* k|ltzt, rLgaf6 ePsf] cfoft @*=% k|ltzt / cGo d''n'saf6
ePsf] cfoft *=( k|ltztn] a9]sf] 5 . j:t''ut cfwf/df k]6«f]lnod kbfy{, tof/L kf]zfs,
ljw''lto ;fdfg, cGo d]l;g/L kf6{k'hf{, Pd=P;= lan]6 nufotsf j:t''sf] cfoft a9]sf] 5 eg]
l;d]G6, oftfoftsf ;fwg tyf kf6{k'hf{, b''/;+rf/sf pks/0f tyf kf6{k'hf{, :jf:Yo pks/0f
tyf cf}hf/, Knfli6s bfgf nufotsf j:t''x?sf] cfoft 36]sf] 5 .

@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8

ljk|]if0f cfk|jfx M
cfly{s aif{ @)&%÷&^ df ljk|]if0f cfk|jfx !^=% k|ltztn] j[l4 eO{ ?=*&( ca{ @& s/f]8 k''u]sf]
5 . cl3Nnf] aif{ ljk|]if0f cfk|jfx *=^ k|ltztn] a9]sf] lyof] . cd]l/sL 8n/df eg] ljk|]if0f
cfk|jfx &=* k|ltztn] j[l4 ePsf] 5 . cl3Nnf] aif{ o:tf] cfk|jfx !)=@ k|ltztn] a9]sf] lyof] .
cfly{s aif{ @)&%÷&^ df v''b 6«fG;km/ k|flKt !% k|ltztn] j[l4 eO{ ?=(($ ca{ &( s/f]8
k''u]sf] 5 . cl3Nnf] aif{ o:tf] k|flKt !=% k|ltztn] a9]sf] lyof] . clGtd >d :jLs[lt -;+:yfut
tyf JolQmut–gofF / a}+wflgsLs/0f_ sf cfwf/df j}b]lzs /f]huf/Ldf hfg] g]kfnLsf] ;+Vof
;dLIff aif{df #@=^ k|ltztn] 36]sf] 5 . cl3Nnf] aif{ o:tf] ;+Vof (=# k|ltztn] 36]sf] lyof] . k''g
M >d :jLs[ltsf] cfwf/df j}b]lzs /f]huf/Ldf hfg] g]kfnLsf] ;+Vof eg] ;dLIff aif{df %=$
k|ltztn] a9]sf] 5 . cl3Nnf] aif{ o:tf] ;+Vof )=^ k|ltztn] 36]sf] lyof] .
rfn'' vftf Pjd\ zf]wgfGt/ l:ylt M
cfly{s aif{ @)&%÷&^ df rfn'' vftf ?=@^% ca{ #& s/f]8n] 3f6fdf /x]sf] 5 . cl3Nnf] aif{
o:tf] 3f6f ?=@$& ca{ %& s/f]8 /x]sf] lyof] . cd]l/sL 8n/df cl3Nnf] aif{ @ ca{ #& s/f]8n]
rfn'' vftf 3f6fdf /x]sf]df ;dLIff aif{df @ ca{ #% s/f]8n] 3f6fdf /x]sf] 5 . cfly{s aif{
@)&%÷&^ df zf]wgfGt/ l:ylt ?=^& ca{ $) s/f]8n] 3f6fdf /x]sf] 5 . cl3Nnf] aif{
zf]wgfGt/ l:ylt ?=(^ s/f]8n] artdf /x]sf] lyof] . cd]l/sL 8n/df zf]wgfGt/ l:ylt cl3Nnf]
aif{ !! nfvn] 3f6fdf /x]sf]df ;dLIff aif{df %( s/f]8 !) nfvn] 3f6fdf /x]sf] 5 . cfly{s aif{
@)&%÷&^ df k''FhLut 6«fG;km/ ?=!% ca{ $^ s/f]8 / v''b k|ToIf a}b]lzs nufgL ?=!# ca{ &
s/f]8 /x]sf] 5 . cl3Nnf] aif{ k''FhLut 6«fG;km/ ?=!& ca{ &@ s/f]8 / k|ToIf a}b]lzs nufgL ?=!&
ca{ %! s/f]8 /x]sf] lyof] .
ljb]zL ljlgod ;l~rlt M
s'n ljb]zL ljlgdo ;l~rlt @)&% cfiff9 d;fGtdf ?=!!)@ ca{ %( s/f]8 /x]sf]df @)&^
cfiff9 d;fGtdf ?=!)#* ca{ (@ s/f]8 /x]sf] 5 . cd]l/sL 8n/df o:tf] ;l~rlt @)&% cfiff9
d;fGtdf !) ca{ * s/f]8 /x]sf]df @)&^ cfiff9 d;fGtdf ( ca{ %) s/f]8 /x]sf] 5 . s''n
ljb]zL ljlgdo ;l~rlt dWo] g]kfn /fi6« a}+sdf /x]sf] ;l~rlt @)&% cfiff9 d;fGtdf ?=(*(
ca{ $) s/f]8 /x]sf]df @)&^ cfiff9 d;fGtdf ?=()@ ca{ $$ s/f]8 /x]sf] 5 . a}+s tyf ljQLo
;+:yfx? -g]kfn /fi6« a}+s afx]s_ ;Fu /x]sf] ljb]zL ljlgdo ;l~rlt @)&% cfiff9 d;fGtdf
?=!!# ca{ !( s/f]8 /x]sf]df @)&^ cfiff9 d;fGtdf ?=!#^ ca{ $& s/f]8 k''u]sf] 5 . @)&^
cfiff9 d;fGtsf] s''n ljb]zL ljlgdo ;l~rltdf ef/tLo d''b|fsf] c+z @#=^ k|ltzt /x]sf] 5 .
afx|o nufgL l:ylt M
@)&^ cfiff9 d;fGtdf d''n'ssf] a}b]lzs ;DklQ ?=!)*) ca{ !) s/f]8 tyf bfloTj ?=(@!
ca{ ($ s/f]8 /x]sf] 5 . kmn:j?k, v''b a}b]lzs ;DklQ / bfloTjsf] l:ylt ?=!%* ca{ !^ s/f]8
/x]sf] 5 . @)&% cfiff9 d;fGtdf o:tf] /sd ?=@*@ ca{ !@ s/f]8 /x]sf] lyof] .
sRrf k]6«f]lnod Pjd\ ;''gsf] d''No M
@)&% cfiff9 d;fGtdf cGt/fli6«o ahf/df sRrf k]6«f]lnodsf] d''No k|lt Aof/n cd]l/sL 8n/
&!=)# /x]sf]df @)&^ cfiff9 d;fGtdf &=# k|ltztn] sdL cfO{ k|lt Aof/]n cd]l/sL 8n/

@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8

^%=*& x''g cfPsf] 5 . To;}u/L, @)&% cfiff9 d;fGtdf ;''gsf] d''No k|lt cfpG; cd]l/sL 8n/
!@$!=!) /x]sf]df @)&^ cfiff9 d;fGtdf !#=^ k|ltztn] j[l4 eO{ k|lt cfpG; cd]l/sL 8n/
!$)(=*% sfod ePsf] 5 .
ljlgdo b/ M
@)&% cfiff9 d;fGtsf] t''ngfdf @)&^ cfiff9 d;fGtdf g]kfnL ?k}+of cd]l/sL 8n/ ;Fu )=)@
k|ltztn] cjd""Nog ePsf] 5 . cl3Nnf] aif{ g]kfnL ?k}+of %=( k|ltztn] cjd""Nog ePsf] lyof] .
@)&^ cfiff9 d;fGtdf cd]l/sL 8n/ Pssf] v/Lb ljlgdo b/ ?=!)(=#^ k''u]sf] 5 . @)&%
c;f]h @$ ut] cd]l/sL 8n/ Pssf] v/Lb ljlgdo b/ ?=!!*=&# k''u]sf] lyof] . @)&% cfiff9
d;fGtdf pQm ljlgdo b/ ?=!)(=#$ /x]sf] lyof] .
d''b|fk|bfo M
cfly{s aif{ @)&%÷&^ df lj:t[t d''b|fkbfo !%=* k|ltztn] a9]sf] 5 . cl3Nnf] aif{ o:tf]
d''b|fkbfo !(=$ k|ltztn] a9]sf] lyof] . ;dLIff aif{df v''b a}b]lzs ;DklQ -ljb]zL ljlgdo
d""Nof+sg gfkmf÷gf]S;fg ;dfof]lht_ ?=^& ca{ $) s/f]8 -^=$ k|ltzt_ n] 36]sf] 5 . cl3Nnf]
aif{ pQm ;DklQ ?=(^ s/f]8 -)=! k|ltzt_ n] a9]sf] lyof] . ;dLIff aif{df ;l~rt d''b|f !=%
k|ltztn] 36]sf] 5 . cl3Nnf] aif{ o:tf] d''b|f *=! k|ltztn] a9]sf] lyof] .
s''n cfGtl/s shf{ M
cfly{s aif{ @)&%÷&^ df s''n cfGtl/s shf{ @)=! k|ltztn] a9]sf] 5 . cl3Nnf] aif{ pQm shf{
@^=% k|ltztn] a9]sf] lyof] . ;dLIff aif{df df}lb|s If]qsf] lghL If]q dflysf] bfaL !(=!
k|ltztn] a9]sf] 5 . cl3Nnf] aif{ o:tf] bfaL @@=# k|ltztn] a9]sf] lyof] .
lgIf]k ;+sng M
;dLIff aif{df a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfx?sf] lgIf]k !* k|ltztn] a9]sf] 5 . cl3Nnf] aif{ o:tf]
lgIf]k !(=@ k|ltztn] a9]sf] lyof] . @)&^ cfiff9df a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfx?sf] s''n lgIf]kdf
rNtL, art / d''4tLsf] c+z s|dz M (=& k|ltzt, #@=* k|ltzt / $^=# k|ltzt /x]sf] 5 .
cl3Nnf] aif{ o:tf] c+z s|dzM (=# k|ltzt, #$=% k|ltzt / $$=* k|ltzt /x]sf] lyof] . @)&^
cfiff9 d;fGtdf a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfx?sf] s''n lgIf]kdf ;+:yfut lgIf]ksf] c+z $%=# k|ltzt
/x]sf] 5 . @)&% cfiff9 d;fGtdf o:tf] lgIf]ksf] c+z $% k|ltzt /x]sf] lyof] .
shf{ k|jfx M
;dLIff aif{df a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfx?af6 lghL If]qdf k|jflxt shf{ !(=$ k|ltztn] a9]sf] 5 .
cl3Nnf] aif{ o:tf] shf{ @@=% k|ltztn] a9]sf] lyof] . lghL If]q tkm{ k|jflxt shf{ dWo] afl0fHo
a}+sx?sf] shf{ k|jfx !&=% k|ltztn], ljsf; a}+sx?sf] shf{ k|jfx #%=& k|ltztn] / ljQ
sDkgLx?sf] shf{ k|jfx !&=( k|ltztn] a9]sf] 5 . @)&^ cfiff9 d;fGtdf a}+s tyf ljQLo
;+:yfx?sf] nufgLdf /lx/x]sf] shf{ dWo] ^$=$ k|ltzt shf{ 3/hUufsf] lwtf]df / !#=%
k|ltzt shf{ rfn'' ;DklQ -s[lif tyf u}/ s[lifhGo j:t''_ sf] lwtf]df k|jfx ePsf] 5 . @)&%
cfiff9 d;fGtdf o:tf] lwtf]df k|jflxt shf{sf] cg''kft s|dzM ^!=& k|ltzt / !$=$ k|ltzt
/x]sf] lyof] . cfly{s aif{ @)&%÷&^ df a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfx?sf] s[lif If]qtkm{sf] shf{ $@=%
k|ltztn], cf}wf]lus pTkfbg If]qtkm{sf] shf{ @)=# k|ltztn], lgdf{0f If]qtkm{sf] shf{ @@=@

@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8

k|ltztn], oftfoft, ;+rf/ tyf ;fj{hlgs ;]jf If]qtkm{sf] shf{ #@=* k|ltztn], yf]s tyf v''b|f
Jofkf/ If]qtkm{sf] shf{ !%=& k|ltztn] / ;]jf pwf]u If]qtkm{sf] shf{ @$=# k|ltztn] a9]sf] 5 .
;dLIff aif{df a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfx?af6 k|jflxt cfjlws shf{ #@=* k|ltztn], cf]e/8«fkm6
shf{ !)=( k|ltztn], cfoft shf{ !!=& k|ltztn], l8df08 tyf rfn''k'FhL shf{ @#=^ k|ltztn],
l/on:6]6 shf{ -JolQmut cfjfl;o 3/ shf{ ;d]t_ !@ k|ltztn], dflh{g k|s[ltsf] shf{ !)=%
k|ltztn] / xfo/kr]{h shf{ %=* k|ltztn] a9]sf] 5 .
t/ntf Joj:yfkg M
cfly{s aif{ @)&%÷&^ df v''nf ahf/ sf/f]af/sf ljleGg pks/0fx? dfkm{t k6s–k6s u/L
s''n ?=!)) ca{ #% s/f]8 t/ntf k|zf]rg ul/Psf] 5 . o; cg'';f/ lgIf]k ;+sng af]nsaf]n
dfkm{t ?=&( ca{ ^% s/f]8 / l/e;{ l/kf] dfkm{t ?=@) ca{ &) s/f]8 t/ntf k|zf]rg ePsf] 5 .
cl3Nnf] aif{sf] ;f]xL cjlwdf ?=!(% ca{ t/ntf k|zf]rg ePsf] lyof] . cfly{s aif{ @)&%÷&^
df s''n ?=#@@ ca{ $( s/f]8 t/ntf k|jfx ePsf] 5 . o; cGt{ut l/kf] dfkm{t ?=!^* ca{ !^
s/f]8 / :yfoL t/ntf ;''ljwf dfkm{t ?=!%$ ca{ ## s/f]8 k|jfx ePsf] 5 . ;dLIff aif{df gkfn
/fi6« a}+sn] ljb]zL ljlgdo ahf/ -afl0fHo a}+sx?_ af6 cd]l/sL 8n/ # ca{ !( s/f]8 v''b v/Lb
u/L ?=$@@ ca{ #$ s/f]8 v''b t/ntf k|jfx ul/Psf] lyof] . ;dLIff aif{df cd]l/sL 8n/ $ ca{
@$ s/f]8 nufot cGo kl/jTo{ ljb]zL d''b|f las|L u/L ?=%!^ ca{ (& s/f]8 a/fa/sf] ef/tLo
?k}of v/Lb ePsf] 5 . cl3Nnf] aif{ of] k|s[ofaf6 ?=%@@ ca{ # s/f]8 a/fa/sf] ef/tLo ?k}+of
v/Lb ePsf] lyof] .
k''g/shf{ M
pTkfbgzLn If]qtkm{ shf{ k|jfx tyf lgof{t lj:tf/df ;d]t ;xof]u k''ofpg] pb]Zon] g]kfn
/fi6« a}+saf6 ;x''lnot b/df k|bfg ul/g] k''g/shf{sf] pkof]u ;dLIff aif{df a9]sf] 5 . @)&^
cfiff9 d;fGt ;Dddf g]kfn /fi6« a}+ssf] ?= @@ ca{ $! s/f]8 k''g/shf{ nufgLdf /x]sf] 5 . o;
cGt{ut ;fwf/0f k''g/shf{ ?=!( ca{ #! s/f]8 / lgof{t k''g/shf{ *^ s/f]8 ^! nfv pkof]u
ePsf] 5 . e""sDk kLl8tx?nfO{ cfjf;Lo 3/ lgdf{0fsf] nflu ;x''lnotk""0f{ shf{ k|bfg ug{ g]kfn
/fi6« a}+saf6 a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfx?nfO{ pknAw u/fO{Psf] k''g/shf{sf] aSof}tf @)&^ cfiff9
d;fGtdf ?=@ ca{ @! s/f]8 /x]sf] 5 . o:tf] shf{ !%&* hgf C0fLn] pkof]u u/]sf 5g . @)&^
cfiff9 d;fGt ;Dddf æ;x''lnotk""0f{ shf{sf] nflu Jofh cg''bfg ;DaGwL PsLs[t sfo{ljwL,
@)&%Æ adf]lhd k|jfx ul/Psf] shf{ dWo] s[lif tyf kz''kIfL Joj;fo shf{ cGt{ut !&@)# hgf
C0fLsf] ?=#@ ca{ !( s/f]8 shf{ aSof}tf /x]sf] 5 . To;}u/L, ;f] sfo{ljwLdf Joj:yf ePsf cGo
If]qtkm{ !)(@ C0fLnfO{ ?=^# s/f]8 @) nfv shf{ k|jfx ePsf] 5 . g]kfn ;/sf/n] ;x''lnotk""0f{
shf{sf nflu s''n ?= ! ca{ @% s/f]8 Jofh cg''bfg k|bfg u/]sf] 5 .
cGt/–a}+s sf/f]jf/ M
cfly{s aif{ @)&%÷&^ df afl0fHo a}+sx?n] ?=!&&% ca{ !! s/f]8 / cGo ljQLo ;+:yfx?n]
?=@)( ca{ %% s/f]8 cGt/–a}+s sf/f]jf/ u/]sf 5g\ . cl3Nnf] aif{ afl0fHo a}+sx? / cGo ljQLo
;+:yfx?n] s|dzM ?=!!^! ca{ #! s/f]8 / $( ca{ $# s/f]8 sf/f]jf/ u/]sf lyP .

@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8

Jofh b/ M
@)&% cfiff9df (!–lbg] 6«]h/L ljnsf] efl/t cf};t Jofh b/ #=&$ k|ltzt /x]sf]df @)&^
cfiff9df $=(& k|ltzt sfod ePsf] 5 . afl0fHo a}+sx? larsf] cGt/–a}+s sf/f]jf/sf] efl/t
cf};t Jofhb/
@)&% cfiff9sf] @=(^ k|ltztsf] t''ngfdf @)&^ cfiff9df $=%@ k|ltzt sfod ePsf] 5 .
afl0fHo a}+sx?sf] cf};t cfwf/ b/ @)&% cfiff9sf] !)=$& k|ltztsf] t''ngfdf @)&^ cfiff9df
(=%& k|ltzt sfod ePsf] 5 . @)&^ cfiff9df afl0fHo a}+sx?sf] lgIf]ksf] efl/t cf};t
Jofhb/ ^=^) k|ltzt / shf{sf] efl/t cf};t Jofhb/ !@=!# k|ltzt /x]sf] 5 . @)&% cfiff9df
oL b/x? s|dz M ^=$( k|ltzt / !@=$& k|ltzt /x]sf] lyof] .
ljQLo kx''r s''n &%# :yfgLo tx dWo] @)&^ cfiff9 ;Dddf &#% txdf afl0fHo a}+sx?sf
zfvf lj:tf/ ePsf] 5 . g]kfn /fi6« a}+saf6 Ohfhtk|fKt a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfx?sf] ;+Vof
@)&% cfiff9 d;fGt ;Dddf !%! /x]sf]df @)&^ cfiff9 d;fGt ;Dddf !&! k''u]sf] 5 . o;
cg'';f/ @)&^ cfiff9 d;fGtdf @* afl0fHo a}+s, @( ljsf; a}+s, @# ljQ sDkgL, () n3''ljQ
ljQLo ;+:yf / ! k""jf{wf/ ljsf; a}+s ;+rfngdf /x]sf 5g\ . a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfx?sf] zfvf
;+Vof @)&% cfiff9 d;fGtdf ^^%! /x]sf]df @)&^ cfiff9df *^*^ k''u]sf] 5 .
k''FhL ahf/ M
@)&% cfiff9 d;fGtdf !@!@=$ ljGb''df /x]sf] g]K;] ;""rsfÍ #=* k|ltztn] j[l4 eO{ @)&^
cfiff9 d;fGtdf !@%(=) ljGb'' sfod ePsf] 5 . lwtf]kq ahf/ k''FhLs/0f (=@ k|ltztn] j[l4 eO{
@)&^ cfiff9 d;fGtdf ?=!%^& ca{ %) s/f]8 sfod ePsf] 5 . ahf/ k''FhLs/0f aflif{s ljGb''ut
cfwf/df @)&% cfiff9 d;fGtdf @@=& k|ltztn] x|f; eO{ ?=!$#% ca{ !$ s/f]8 /x]sf] lyof] .
o; cg'';f/ s''n ufx{:y pTkfbg ;Fu ahf/ k''FhLs/0fsf] cg''kft $%=@ k|ltzt x''g] b]lvG5 .
cl3Nnf] aif{ o:tf] cg''kft $&=# k|ltzt /x]sf] lyof] . g]kfn :6s PS;r]Gh lnld6]8df ;""rLs[t
sDkgLx?sf] ;+Vof @)&^ cfiff9 d;fGtdf @!% /x]sf] 5 . ;""rLs[t sDkgLx? dWo] !%$ j6f
a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yf / ladf sDkgL /x]sf 5g\ eg] !( j6f pTkfbg / k|zf]wg pwf]u, #) j6f
hnljw''t sDkgL, $÷$ j6f xf]6n tyf Jofkfl/s ;+:yf / $ j6f cGo ;d''xsf /x]sf 5g\ . g]kfn
:6s PS;r]Gh lnld6]8df ;""rLs[t z]o/x?sf] r''Qmf d""No @)&^ cfiff9 d;fGtdf ?=$!@ ca{
@* s/f]8 k''u]sf] 5 . cfly{s aif{ @)&%÷&^ df ?=@& ca{ @) s/f]8 a/fa/sf] ;fwf/0f z]o/ ?=
!) ca{ *! s/f]8 a/fa/sf] xsk|b z]o/, ?= @@ ca{ %* s/f]8 a/fa/sf] af]g; z]o/ / ?=*%
s/f]8 !& nfv a/fa/sf] l8j]Gr/ u/L s''n ?=^! ca{ $% s/f]8 a/fa/sf] yk lwtf]kq ;""rLs[t
ePsf 5g\ . cfly{s aif{ @)&%÷&^ df g]kfn lwtf]kq af]8{n] ?=@% ca{ %* s/f]8 a/fa/sf]
l8j]Gr/ lgisfzgsf] cg''dlt k|bfg u/]sf] 5 .
o; cjlwdf ;fdfGo ?kn] ;/sf/L /fh:j kl/rfngdf ;''wf/ b]lvP tfklg ;f]sf] d''n sf/s tTj
cfGtl/s pTkfbg / cfoftdf ePsf] j[l4 g} /x]sf] 5 . o4kL l:y/ ;/sf/sf] u7g eO{ t/n tyf
;+s|d0fsflng /fhgLlts cj:yfsf] cGTo ePsf]n] ;fdflhssf ;fy ;fy} cfly{s If]qklg
rnfodfg eO{ Jofkf/ tyf cf}wf]lus jftfj/0f ;''wf/f]Gd''v /xg] ljZjf; lnO{Psf] 5 . ctM
cfly{s ultljwLx?df j[l4 x''g] ck]Iff ul/Psf] 5 .
· ;|f]t M g]kfn /fi6« a}+s
@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8

u= k|ltj]bg tof/ ePsf] ldtL ;Dd rfn' aif{sf] pknAwL / eljiodf ug'{kg]{ s'/fsf] ;DaGwdf ;~rfns
;ldltsf] wf/0ff M
rfn' cfly{s aif{ @)&^÷&& sf] sflt{s d;fGt ;Ddsf] o; ljQLo ;+:yfsf] sf/f]af/sf] l:ytL
lgDgfg';f/ /x]sf] 5 .
o; ljQLo ;+:yfsf] @)&^ sflt{s d;fGt ;Dd s'n lgIf]k ?= @ ca{ @) s/f]8 ^$ nfv / s'n
shf{ tyf ;fk6 ?= @ ca{ @! s/f]8 %) nfv k'u]sf] 5 .
;]jf la:tf/ M
o; ljQLo ;+:yfn] cfkmgf] k"FhLsf]ifnfO{ a9fpb} nuL ljQLo Ifdtf clej[l4 ub]{ n}hfg] gLlt
cg'?k o; aif{ @@ k|ltztsf] b/n] af]g; z]o/ lbg] . r'Qmfk"FhL a9b} hfFbf ljQLo Ifdtf klg
a[l4 x'b} hfg] ePsf]n] sf/f]af/sf] bfo/fnfO{ cem a9L km/flsnf] kfg{ r'Qmfk"FhL a9fpg] ;f]r
/x]sf] 5 . o;/L rQ'mfkhF" L al[4 ub{] nuL ljQLo ;:+yfsf] ;Dk0"f{ sf/fa]f/ / sfoI{fq] a9fpb} nh
} fg]
;fr] fO{ /xs
] f] 5 .
ljQLo ;+:yfn] cf=a= @)&^÷&& df pknAw >f]tx?sf] k|efjsf/L kl/rfng u/L ljQLo If]qdf
cfkmgf] cu|tf sfod} /fVg]5 . o; s|ddf ljQLo ;+:yfn] xfnsf ;]jfx?sf] u'0f:t/df j[l4sf
cnfjf gofF ;]jfx?sf] ;'?jft tyf gofF ahf/x?df k|j]z ug]{ tkm{ sfo{ cuf8L a9fPsf] 5 .
nufgLsf gofF If]qx? klxNofpb} hfg] of]hgf cg';f/ ljQLo ;+:yfn] ;du| s[lif If]qnfO{
k|fyldstfsf] ;"rLdf /fvL s[lif If]q ;Fu ;DaGwLt pwf]ux?df nufgL yk la:tf/ ug]{ h;
cGtu{t s'v'/f kfng, dT;okfng, Joj;flos s[lif v]tL tyf s[lif pkhsf] k|zf]wg, h8La'6L
pTkfbg tyf k|zf]wg / ;fgf P+j demf}nf pwf]ux?sf] ljsf;df laz]if hf]8 lbg] nIo /fv]sf] 5 .
xfd|f] ljQLo ;+:yfn] s[lif If]q tyf ;fgf tyf demf}nf vfnsf s[lif tyf 8]/L pwf]ux?nfO{
nufgLdf k|f]T;fxg ug]{ pb]Zon] gofF sfo{ of]hgf nfu' u/]sf] 5 . ut cf=a= df dxf]Q/L lhNnfsf]
nf]x/k§L gu/kflnsfsf] e|d/k'/f ufFpdf / l;/xf lhNnfsf] uf]nahf/ gu/kflnsfdf zfvf
vf]lnPsf] / o; cf=a= df hgsk''/wfd pkdxfgu/kflnsfsf] j8f g+=$ df zfvf sfof{no vf]Ng]
lg0f{o eO{ ef}lts k"jf{wf/ tof/ ug]{ sfo{ eO{/x]sf] 5 .
xfn b]zdf %) k|ltzt eGbf a9L hg;+Vof ljQLo ;]jfsf] pkef]uaf6 jl~rt /x]sf] cj:yfdf
rfF8f] eGbf rfF8f] u|fxssf] ;+Vof a9fpg] tkm{ cfufdL lbgx?df o; ljQLo ;+:yfsf] lg/Gt/
k|of; /xg] 5 . Psftkm{ ljQLo ;+:yfx?df ljut s]xL ;do b]lv t/ntfsf] sdLsf]] l:ytL
b]lvPsf] 5 eg] csf]{ tkm{ b]zsf] 7"nf] hg;+Vof ljQLo ;]jfaf6 jl~rt klg /lx/x]sf 5g\ . t;y{,
cfd hgdfg;df pkof]uL x'g] ;]jfx?sf] ljsf; ug]{tkm{ ljQLo ;+:yfsf] laz]if Wofg /xg] 5 .
ljutsf aif{x? b]lv ljQLo ;+:yfn] ;fgf lgIf]ksf ;]jfx? Nffu' ug'{sf] d'Vo pb]Zo klg oxL g}
/x]sf] 5 . o:tf lgIf]kx? ljQLo ;+:yfsf] laleGg zfvfx?af6 k|efjsf/L ?kdf kl/rfng ug{
;lsG5 eGg] laZjf; lnO{Psf] 5 . ;]jf ljt/0fsf k|0ffnLnfO{ ;'xfpFbf] lgIf]ksf of]hgf g}
eljiosf] ;kmntfsf] sf/0f x'g]5 eGg] wf/0ff o; ljQLo ;+:yfn] lnPsf] 5 . ;fy}, o:tf] nIo
k|flKtsf] lgldQ k|ljwLsf] klg k|of]u a9fO{g]5 .

@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8

ljQLo ;+:yfx?sf] ;+VofTds a[l4sf] cj:yfaf6 ljQLo ;+:yfsf] k|lt:kwL{ IfdtfnfO{ sfod
/fVg] ;DaGwdf yk cfDbfgLsf >f]tx? Vff]Hg'kg]{ /0fgLlt :jefljs b]lvG5 . ;fy}, g]kfn /fi6«
a}+saf6 hf/L ;]jf tyf ;]jf z'Ns ;DaGwL dfu{bz{gnfO{ ;d]t Wofgdf /flv xfnsf ;]jfx?df
yk z'Ns nufpg'sf] ;f6f] gofF ;]jfx? k|bfg u/L jf sf/f]af/df a[l4 u/L o:tf] nIo xfl;n ug{
pko'Qm b]lvG5 . To:t}, vr{ tkm{ cfDbfgLnfO{ cfwf/ dflg vr{ Joj:yfkg ug'{kg]{df hf]8
lbO{g]5 . o; ;DaGwdf zfvfsf] cfDbfgL ug{ ;Sg] Ifdtf x/]L cfsf/ lgwf/{0f ug,{] ltgLx?nfO{
rf8Ff] eGbf rf8Ff] gfkmf lbg] zfvfdf kl/0ft ug,{] kl|jwLsf] ;xfotfn] sf/fa]f/ vr{ w6fpg,] vrs
{ f]
lg/Gt/ cgu'dg ug{] cflb ultljwLx? kd|v ' /xs
] f 5g\ .
ljQLo ;fIf/tf M
lab]zL d'n'saf6 lak|]if0fsf] sf/0f cfd ;d'bfosf] cfDbfgLdf eO{/x]sf] a[l4 tyf eljiodf
cfly{s ?kdf ;'/lIft /xg art ug]{ afgLsf] ljsf; ug'{kg]{ vfFrf]sf] ;DaGwdf ljQLo ;+:yfn]
laleGg sfo{s|dx? u/]sf] 5 . h; cGtu{t ljQLo ;+:yfsf sd{rf/Lx? cfkmgf] zfvf cGtu{t
kg]{ uf=lj=;= x?df a}+lsË afgL gePsf :yfgx? rog u/L ;dfhsf dfG5]x?nfO{ e]nf u/L
art ubf{sf kmfO{bf tyf a}+lsË ;DaGwL laleGg hfgsf/L tyf ;"rgfx? lnP/ ljQLo If]qdf
hg;xeflutfsf] ljsf; ug{ ljQLo ;fIf/tf cleofgdf ;"rgfd'ns sfo{s|dsf ;fy h'6]sf
5f}+ . o; sfo{s|dnfO{ cfpbf] lbgdf klg lg/Gt/tf lbO{ hg;xeflutf a9fO{ ljQLo ;fIf/tf
a9fpg] sfo{ hf/L /flvg]5 .
k|ljwL ljsf; M
;+:yfsf] ;"rgf k|ljwLnfO{ k|efjsf/L ?kdf cwfjlws ub]{ cfw'lgs ;]jf lj:tf/ ubf{ nfUg] ;do
/ vr{nfO{ lskmfotL agfpFb} n}hfg] k|of; ul/Psf] 5 . o; cfly{s aif{df ;f]xL cg'?k ljQLo
;+:yfsf] df]jfOn a}+lsË z'? ul/Psf] h;sf] dfWodaf6 u|fxsx?n] cfkmgf] vftfdf x'g] s'g} klg
sf/f]af/sf] P;=Pd=P;= dfkm{t cn{6 hfgsf/L kfpg], df]afOnsf] l/rfh{, df]afOn /
6]lnkmf]gsf] lan e'QmfgL, s]ansf] e'QmfgL, Kn]gsf] l6s6 v/Lb / Ps a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfdf
/sdfGt/sf] ;'ljwf / r]s a's tyf :6]6d]G6sf] ;'ljwf pknAw u/fO{Psf] / eljiodf ;f]
;'ljwfx? cem yk x'b} hfg] 5 . ;fy} ;DklQ z'l4s/0f tyf cft+sjfbL sfo{df ljQLo nufgL
lgjf/0f ;DaGwL g]kfn /fi6« a}+saf6 hf/L lgb]{zg ;DaGwL sfo{sf] Joj:yfkgsf nflu Go-
AML Software v/Lb ug{sf] nflu cfjZos u[xsfo{ eO{/x]sf] 5 .
;+:yfut ;fdflhs pQ/bfloTj M
o; ;+:yfn] ut cfly{s aif{ b]lv cfkmgf] v'b d'gfkmfsf] !Ü /sd ;+:yfut ;fdflhs
pQ/bfloTj axg ug{ vr{ ug]{ sf]ifdf hDdf ub]{ cfPsf] / xfn ;Dd pQm sf]ifaf6 xfjf x'/L
kLl8tx?sf] ;xof]usf] nflu d'VodGqL /fxtsf]ifdf ?= !,)!,))).– ;xof]u pknAw u/fPsf],
hgsk'/sf] ko{6lso lasf;sf] nflu u+uf bzx/fsf] lbg u+uf;fu/df cfof]lht sfo{s|ddf
ko{6sx?sf] nflu vfg]kfgL tyf k|;fbsf] Joj:yf u/]sf], ;+ljwfg lbj;sf] pknIodf hfgsL
a[4fcf>d, kz''klt lzIff dlGb/, cfbz{ 5fqfjf; / >L l;tf/fd gfd hk dxfo1 ;ldlt
wg''iffwfdsf] nflu cfjZos vf4fGg ljt/0f u/]sf], ax|fs''df/L cf>d wg''iffwfddf vfg]kfgLsf]
6+ofSsL h8fg ul/Psf], hgsk''/wfd pkdxfgu/kflnsfdf cjl:yt dl0fd08k / wg''iffwfd

@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8

gu/kflnsfdf cjl:yt >L l;tf/fd gfd hk dxfo1 ;ldltsf] sdkfp08sf] ;f}GboL{s/0fsf]

nflu a[Iff/f]kg u/L 6«L uf8{ pknAw u/fPsf] / hgsk'/ pkdxfgu/kflnsfnfO{ Knfli6s d'Qm
zx/ agfpgsf] nflu sk8fsf] emf]nf agfO{ lat/0f ul/Psf], /fdhfgsL ljjfx k~rdLsf] lbg
>bfn'' eQmhgx?sf] nflu lrof, la:s'6, kfgL, k''/L, t/sf/L / hn]aLsf] Joj:yf ul/Psf], !# cf}+
;fkm v]n cGt{ut hgsk''/wfddf s'':tL v]nsf] cfof]hgf ul/Psf]df laleGg b]zaf6 kfpg''
ePsf v]nf8L tyf clkml;onx?sf] :jfutsf] nflu hgsk''/wfd pkdxfgu/kflnsfsf] laleGg
:yfgx?df Aofg/ nufOP{sf] / cfpbf] lbgdf cem a9L ;fdflhs sfod{f ljQLo ;:+yfsf] tkma{f6
nufgL ug{] gLlt /xs
] f] 5 .
 ;a} g]kfnLsf] a}+s vftf eGg] gf/fsf ;fy z''ef/De ePsf] g]kfn ;/sf/sf] ;a} g]kfnLsf] a}+s
vftf cleofgsf nflu ljQLo ;+:yfn] gful/s art vftf ;+rfngdf NofPsf] / ;f] cGtu{t
k|To]s vftfdf ljQLo ;+:yfsf] tkm{af6 ?=!)) vftfdf hDdf u/]sf] / @## j6f vftf vf]ln
?=@#,#)).)) ljQLo ;+:yfsf] ;fdflhs pQ/bfloTj zLif{sdf vr{ u/]sf] 5 .
3= ljQLo ;+:yfsf] cf}wf]lus / Joj;flos ;DaGw M
ljQLo ;+:yf Joj:yfkg ljQLo If]qdf nfdf] cg'ej k|fKt JolQmx?af6 ;+rflnt 5 . u|fxsju{sf]
cfjZostfnfO{ s]Gb| laGb' dfg]/ ;+:yfn] u'0f:tl/o ;]jf k|bfg ub]{ cfO/x]sf] 5 . h;n] ubf{
u|fxs / o; ;+:yfsf] lardf ;'dw'/ ;DaGw sfod /x]sf] 5 . sd{rf/Lx?nfO{ pRr dgf]ansf
;fy sfd ug]{ jftfj/0fsf] ;[hgf ul/Psf] 5 . ;+:yfsf] sf/f]af/ ;Fu ;DaGw /fVg] u|fxsju{,
;+u7Lt ;+w;+:yfx?, cf}wf]lus tyf Joj;flos ;+w;+:yfx? / z]o/wgL dxfg'efjx? ;Fu
kf/:kl/s nfe tyf kf/blz{tfsf] cfwf/df ;DaGwnfO{ cem a9fpb} nluPsf] 5 .
ª ;~rfns ;ldltdf ePsf] x]/km]/ / ;f]sf] sf/0f M
o; ljQLo ;+:yfsf] ;~rfns ;ldltdf ;+:yfks ;d'xaf6 # hgf, ;j{;fwf/0f z]o/wgLsf]
;d'xaf6 @ hgf / laz]if1 ;+rfnssf] ?kdf ! hgf ul/ ^ hgf ;+rfns /xg] Joj:yf /x]sf] 5 .
@! cf}+ aflif{s ;fwf/0f ;efaf6 ;~rfns ;ldltdf # hgf ;+:yfks ;d'xaf6 / @ hgf
;j{;fwf/0f ;d'xaf6 lglj/f]w lgjf{lrt x'g' ePsf] 5 . o; cfly{s aif{df ;~rfns ;ldltdf
s'g} x]/km]/ ePsf] 5}g .
r= ljQLo ;+:yfsf] sf/f]af/nfO{ c;/ kfg]{ d'Vo s'/fx? M
-!_ ljQLo ;+:yfaf6 k|bfg ul/g] bL3{sfnLg, dWosfnLg nufgL / hdfgt kq hf/L ug{] h:tf
u}/ sf]]ifLo ;]jfx? pknJw u/fp+bf x'g;Sg] ;+efljt hf]lvdx? .
-@_ g]kfn ;/sf/ jf g]kfn /fi6« a+}sn] a+}s tyf ljQLo ;+:yf ;DaGwL gLlt–lgb]{zgdf kl/jt{g
ubf{ l;h{gf x'g ;Sg] ;+efljt hf]lvdx? .
-#_ g]kfn /fi6« a+}ssf] lgb{]zg cg';f/ Jofhb/df x'g] kl/jt{g tyf yk36n] pTkGg x'g ;Sg]
;+efljt hf]lvdx? .
-$_ /fi6«sf] cfly{s, df}lb|s tyf ljQLo gLlt kl/jt{gaf6 ;[hgf x'g ;Sg] ;+efljt hf]lvdx? .
-%_ oyf;dodf shf{ c;'nL geO{ pTkGg x'g] cfly{s hf]lvdx? .

@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8

-^_ shf{ tyf nufgLsf] bfo/f ;f+3'l/P/ pTkGg x'g;Sg] hf]lvdx? .

-&_ cGt/fli6«o ahf/df x'g] dGbLaf6 g]kfnL ahf/df kg{ ;Sg] c;/af6 x'g;Sg] cfly{s
hf]lvdx? .
-*_ b]zsf] cfly{s cj:yfdf cfpg] ptf/ r9fjaf6 kg{ ;Sg] hf]lvdx? .
-(_ k"FhL ahf/sf] cj:yfdf cfpg] ptf/ r9fjaf6 kg{ ;Sg] hf]lvdx? .
-!)_ b]zsf] /fhg}lts cl:y/tfn] kg{ ;Sg] c;/x? .
-!!_ lta|t/ a}+lsË k|lt:kwf{sf sf/0f kg{ ;Sg] c;/x? .
-!@_ k|ljwLdf x'g] kl/jt{gsf sf/0f kg{ ;Sg] c;/x? .
ljQLo ;+:yfsf] shf{ tyf ;fk6 / nufgL v/fa eO{ x'g ;Sg] hf]lvdx?sf] nflu g]kfn /fi6«
a+}ssf] lgb{]zfg';f/ ljQLo ;+:yfn] shf{ gf]s;fgL Joj:yf / nufgLdf ;Defljt xfgL gf]S;fgL
afktsf] Joj:yf h:tf sf]ifx?sf] Joj:Yff u/]sf] 5 . ljQLo ;+:yfn] ljQ ahf/df x'g]
k|lt:kwf{sf] nflu hgzlSt lasf;df cfjZos Wofg k'/\ofPsf] 5 . o; afx]s Joj;flos
hf]lvdx?af6 >[hgf x'g;Sg] xflg gf]S;fgLsf] nflu Joj:yfkg rgfvf] eO{ ;Defljt xfgL
gf]S;fgL x'g glbg jf sd ug{ ;Ifd tyf k|ltaå 5 .
5= n]vfk/LIf0f k|ltj]bgdf s'g} s}lkmot pNn]v ePsf] eP ;f] pk/ ;~rfns ;ldltsf] k|lts[of M
cfly{s aif{ @)&%÷&^ sf] n]vfk/LIf0f k|ltj]bgdf k|lts'n s}lkmot pNn]v ePsf] 5}g /
k|f/lDes n]vfk/LIf0f k|ltj]bgdf pNn]v ePsf s}lkmotx?nfO{ n]vfk/LIf0f ;ldltsf]
l;kmfl/;df ;~rfns ;ldltsf] lg0f{o tyf lgb]{zfg';f/ ;'wf/ ul/Psf] 5 . n]vfk/LIfsn]
;+:yfsf] sf/f]af/af6 cfkm' ;Gt'i6 /x]sf] k|ltj]bg lbg' ePsf] 5 .
h= nf+efz afF8kmfF8 ug{ l;kmfl/; ul/Psf] /sd M
cfly{s aif{ @)&%÷&^ sf] gfkmfaf6 ;fwf/0f ;efsf] k|of]hgfy{ z]o/ bflvn vfl/h aGb ul/Psf]
ldtL ;Dd sfod /x]sf] r'Qmfk"FhL $( s/f]8 @! nfv $) xhf/ # ;o sf] @@ k|ltztsf b/n] ?=
!) s/f]8 *@ nfv &) xhf/ * ;o 5of;¶L a/fa/sf] af]g; z]o/ nf+efzsf] ?kdf lbg] . ;fy}
;f] af]g; z]o/ lbP jfkt nfUg] cfos/ ?= %^ nfv (* xhf/ $ ;o ;t;¶L ?k}of gub nf+efz
ljQLo ;+:yfn] g} ltg]{ k|:tfj ul/Psf] 5 . ;f]sf] cg'df]bg oxfFx?af6 x'g] g} 5 eGg] ck]Iff u/]sf]
5' .
em= z]o/ hkmt ePsf] eP hkmt ePsf] z]o/ ;+Vof, To:tf] z]o/sf] c+lst d'No, To:tf] z]o/ hkmt x'g'
eGbf cufj} ;f] jfkt ljQLo ;+:yfn] k|fKt u/]sf] hDdf /sd / To:tf] z]o/ hkmt ePkl5 ;f] las|L ul/
ljQLo ;+:yfn] k|fKt u/]sf] /sd tyf hkmt ePsf] z]o/ jfkt /sd lkmtf{ u/]sf] eP ;f]sf] ljj/0f M
o; cjlwdf ljQLo ;+:yfn] s'g} z]o/ hkmt u/]sf] 5}g .
`= ljut cfly{s aif{df ljQLo ;+:yf / o;sf] ;xfos sDkgLsf] sf/f]af/ k|ult / ;f] cfly{s aif{sf] cGtdf
/x]sf] l:ytLsf] k'g/fjnf]sg M
o; ;+:yfsf] s'g} ;xfos sDkgL 5}g . ;+:yfsf] sf/f]af/sf] l:ytL / cfly{s aif{sf] cGtdf /x]sf]
l:ytL ;+nUg jf;nft, gfkmf gf]S;fg lx;fa tyf gub k|jfx ljj/0fn] :ki6 kfb{5 .

@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8

6= o; ljQLo ;+:yf tyf o;sf] ;xfos sDkgLn] cfly{s aif{df ;DkGg u/]sf] k|d'v sf/f]af/x? / ;f]
cjlwdf ljQLo ;+:yfsf] sf/f]af/df cfPsf] s'g} dxTjk"0f{ kl/jt{gM
o; ljQLo ;+:yfsf] s'g} ;xfos sDkgLx? 5}gg\ . ljQLo ;+:yfn] cfly{s aif{ @)&%÷&^ df
u/]sf] k|d'v sf/f]af/ / sf/f]af/df cfPsf] kl/jt{g ;+nUg jf;nft, gfkmf gf]S;fg lx;fa, gub
k|jfx ljj/0f / n]vf ;DaGwL l6Kk0fLx?n] :ki6 kfb{5 .
7= ljut cflys
{ aifd{f ;:+yfsf] cfwf/et" zo]/wgLx?n] ;:+yfnfO{ pknAw u/fPsf] hfgsf/L M
5g} .
8= ljut cfly{s aif{df ljQLo ;+:yfsf ;+rfns tyf kbflwsf/Lx?n] lnPsf] z]o/sf] :jfldTjsf] ljj/0f
/ ;+:yfsf] z]o/ sf/f]af/df lghx? ;+nUg /x]sf] eP ;f] ;DaGwdf lghx?af6 ljQLo ;+:yfn] k|fKt
u/]sf] hfgsf/L M
cfly{s aif{ @)&%÷&^ df ljQLo ;+:yfsf ;~rfnsx? tyf kbflwsf/Lx?n] o; ;+:yfsf] z]o/
g]kfn /fi6« a}+ssf] lgb]{zg tyf ljBdfg sfg"gsf] k|lts'n x'g] u/L :jfldTjdf lnPsf] /]s8{af6
b]lvb}g / o; ;+:yfnfO{ o; af/]df slx st}af6 hfgsf/L ;d]t k|fKt ePsf] 5}g .
9= ljut cfly{s aif{df ;+:yf ;Fu ;DalGwt ;Demf}tfx?df s'g} ;+rfns tyf lghsf] glhssf] gft]bf/sf]
JolQmut :jfy{sf] af/]df pknAw u/fOPsf] hfgsf/Lsf] Joxf]/f M
hfgsf/L pknAw ePsf] 5}g .
0f= ;+:yfn] cfkmgf] z]o/ cfkm}n] v/Lb u/]sf] eP To;/L cfkmgf] z]o/ v/Lb ug'{sf] sf/0f To:tf] z]o/sf]
;+Vof / c+lst d"No tyf To;/L v/Lb u/] jfkt ;+:yfn] e'QmfgL u/]sf] /sd M
;+:yfn] cfkmgf] z]o/ cfkm} v/Lb u/]sf] 5}g .
t= cfGtl/s lgoGq0f k|0ffnL eP jf gePsf] / ePsf] eP ;f]sf] lj:t[t ljj/0f M
ljQLo ;+:yfsf] cfkmgf] Joj;fo la:tf/ ;Fu} To;df cGt/gLlxt hf]lvdx? Go"gLs/0f ug{sf]
nflu cfGtl/s lgoGq0f k|0ffnLsf] dxTjk"0f{ e'ldsf /x]sf] x'G5 . ;f]xL cg'?k a}+lsË Joj;fodf
lglxt shf{, ahf/ tyf ;+rfng nufotsf hf]lvdx?nfO{ dWogh/ ub]{ ljQLo ;+:yfn]
cfGtl/s lgoGq0f k|0ffnLnfO{ bx|f] agfpg] gLlt lnPsf] 5 . o;} u/L ;+rfng k|s[of tkm{ cfly{s
k|zff;g lalgodfjnL, sd{rf/L k|zf;g lalgodfjnL, shf{ ckn]vg lalgodfjnL, shf{ tyf
nufgL gLlt, shf{ cg'udg tyf c;'nL gLlt, ;DklQ tyf bfloTj hf]lvd Joj:yfkg gLlt,
ljQLo >f]t ;+sng ;DaGwL gLlt, ljQLo ;+:yf hdfgt lgb]{lzsf, ;""rgf k|ljwL gLlt, ;DklQ
z'l4s/0f tyf cf+tsjfbL sfo{df ljQLo nufgL lgjf/0f ;DaGwL gLlt, lwtf] d"Nof+sg lgb]{lzsf,
;+:yfut ;fdflhs pQ/bfloTj gLlt, u|fxs klxrfg sfo{lawL tyf cfjZos sfo{lgb]{lzsfx?
tof/ ul/ nfu' ul//x]sf] 5 . o;sf] cnfjf ljQLo ;+:yfn] cfjZostf cg';f/ cGo sfo{ljwLx?
t}of/ ul/ ;f]xL cg'?k cfkmgf] ls|ofsnfkx? ;+rfng u/]sf] 5 .

@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8

;ldltx? M
;~rfns ;ldltnfO{ gLlt lgb]{zg tyf ljQLo ;+:yfsf] s[ofsnfknfO{ lgoGq0f / cg''udg ug{
;xof]u k''/ofpg ;~rfns :t/df n]vfk/LIf0f ;ldlt, hf]lvd Joj:yfkg ;ldlt, sd{rf/L ;]jf
;''ljwf ;ldlt / ;DklQ z''l4s/0f lgjf/0f ;DaGwL ;ldltx? sfo{/t /xL cfPsf 5g\ .
n]vfk/LIf0f ;ldlt M
ljQLo ;+:yfsf] u}/ sfo{sf/L ;~rfnssf] ;+of]hsTjdf # ;b:o /x]sf] n]vfk/LIf0f ;ldltn]
ljQLo ;+:yfsf] ljQLo l:ylt, cfGtl/s lgoGq0f / hf]lvd Joj:yfkg Joj:yf / n]vfk/LIf0f
sfo{s|d cflb af/] lgoldt ;dLIff ug]{ ub{5 . o;n] cfGtl/s tyf afxo n]vfk/LIf0f k|ltj]bg
tyf g]kfn /fi6« a}+saf6 x''g] ;''k/Lj]If0f k|ltj]bgdf pNn]lvt laifox? ;''wf/sf nflu
Joj:yfkgnfO{ cfjZos ;''emfj lbg''sf ;fy} ;~rfns ;ldltnfO{ ;f]sf] hfgsf/L lgoldt
?kdf lbb} cfPsf] 5 . ;dLIff cjlwdf n]vfk/LIf0f ;ldltsf] a}+7s ^ k6s a;]sf] lyof] .

hf]lvd Joj:yfkg ;ldlt M

o; ;ldltsf] d''Vo pb]Zo g]kfn /fi6« a}+ssf] PsLs[t lgb]{zgn] o; ;ldltnfO{ tf]s]sf] sfd,
st{Jo / pQ/bfloTj jxg ub]{ ljQLo ;+:yfdf cGt{lglxt tyf eljiodf cfpg ;Sg] ljleGg
hf]lvdx? -shf{, ahf/, ;+rfng cflb_ sf] klxrfg, cg''udg tyf Joj:yfkg u/L ;~rfns
;ldlt ;dIf k|ltj]bg k]z ug]{ tyf ;f] ;DaGwdf Joj:yfkgnfO{ cfjZos ;''emfj lbg'' xf] .
;dLIff cjlwdf hf]lvd Joj:yfkg ;ldltsf] a}+7s ^ k6s a;]sf] lyof] .
;DklQ z''l4s/0f lgjf/0f ;DaGwL ;ldlt M
;DklQ z''l4s/0f lgjf/0f ;DaGwL ;ldlt Ps ;~rfns :t/sf] ;ldlt xf], h;sf] d''Vo pb]Zo
;DklQ z''l4s/0f lgjf/0f ;DaGwdf ljQLo ;+:yfn] th''{df u/]sf] gLlt÷lgod÷dfu{bz{gx?sf]
k''g/fjnf]sg ug''{, ;DklQ z''l4s/0f, cft+sjfbL s[ofsnfkdf ljQLo nufgL tyf e|i6frf/
;DaGwL hf]lvd klxrfg tyf lgoGq0f ug{ ljQLo ;+:yfn] tof/ u/]sf] ;+oGqsf] cfjlws
k''g/fjnf]sg ug''{ /x]sf] 5 . o; ;ldltn] ;DklQ z''l4s/0f tyf cft+sjfbL s[ofsnfkdf ljQLo
nufgL tyf e|i6frf/ ;DaGwL sfg""g, lgodgsf/L lgsfon] tf]s]sf] dfkb08 / ljQLo ;+:yfsf]
gLltx? sfof{Gjog ;DaGwdf Joj:yfkgnfO{ cfjZos ;''emfj lbg ;Sg] 5 tyf cfjlws ?kdf
o; ;ldltn] u/]sf lg0f{ox?sf] tyf lg0f{o adf]lhd ePsf sfo{x?sf] hfgsf/L ;~rfns
;ldlt ;dIf k|:t''t ug]{ ub{5 . ;dLIff cjlwdf o; ;ldltsf] a}+7s $ k6s a;]sf] lyof] .
To:t}, Joj:yfklso :t/df pRr Joj:yfksx? /x]sf] Joj:yfkg ;ldlt, hgzlQm Joj:yfkg
;ldlt, v/Lb ;ldlt cflb /x]sf 5g\ . oL ;ldltx?af6 ljQLo ;+:yfsf] ljljw sf/f]jf/ tyf
ultljwLx? ;DaGwdf lgoldt sfd sf/jfxL x''b} cfPsf 5g\ .
y= ljut cfly{s aif{sf] s'n Joj:yfkg vr{sf] ljj/0f M
cfly{s aif{ @)&%÷&^ df s'n Joj:yfkg vr{ dWo] sd{rf/L vr{df af]g; ;d]t ?=
#,%),)%,)&@=(^ / cGo ;+rfng vr{ ?= !,!#,%(,^#$=^* /x]sf] 5 . h;sf] lj:t[t ljj/0f
cg';'rL $=#^ / $=#& df pNn]v ePsf] 5 .

@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8

b= n]vfk/LIf0f ;ldltsf ;b:ox?sf] gfdfjnL, lghx?n] k|fKt u/]sf] kfl/>lds, eQf tyf ;'ljwf, ;f]
;ldltn] u/]sf] sfd sf/jfxLsf] ljj/0f / ;f] ;ldltn] s'g} ;'emfj lbPsf] eP ;f]sf] ljj/0f M
o; ;+:yfsf] ;~rfns ;ldltn] sDkgL P]g, a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yf ;DaGwL P]g tyf g]kfn /fi6«
a}+ssf] lgb]{zgsf] clwgdf /xL u}/ sfo{sf/L ;~rfnssf] ;+of]hsTjdf # ;b:oLo n]vfk/LIf0f
;ldlt u7g ul/Psf] 5 .
>L lbk gf/fo0f ;fx  ;+of]hs
>L /f]zg sfk/  ;b:o
>L ;'lgn ;fx   ;b:o ;lrj
n]vfk/LIf0f ;ldltsf ;+of]hsnfO{ k|lt a}7s ?= %,))).)) k|bfg ug]{ ul/Psf] 5 . ;ldltn]
cfGtl/s n]vfk/LIf0f k|ltj]bg, k|f/lDes n]vfk/LIf0f k|ltj]bg / g]kfn /fi6« a}+saf6 k|fKt
k|ltj]bg pk/ 5nkmn ul/ Joj:yfkgnfO{ cfjZos lgb]{zg lbg] / ;~rfns ;ldltdf
l;kmfl/; ug]{ u/]sf] 5 . ;fy} ;do ;dodf ;+:yfsf] ljQLo cj:yfsf] af/]df la:t[t hfgsf/L
lnO{ cfjZos lgb]{zg lbg] u/]sf] 5 .
w= ;~rfns, k|aGw ;~rfns, sfo{sf/L k|d'v, ljQLo ;+:yfsf cfwf/e"t z]o/wgL jf lghsf]
glhssf gft]bf/ jf lgh ;+nUg /x]sf] kmd{, sDkgL jf ;+u7Lt ;+:yfn] ljQLo ;+:yfnfO{ s'g} /sd
a'emfpg afFsL eP ;f] s'/f M
o; ljQLo ;+:yfsf] s'g} klg kbflwsf/L, z]o/wgL jf lghsf] gft]bf/ jf lgh ;+nUg /x]sf] kmd{,
sDkgL jf ;+u7Lt ;+:yfn] o; ljQLo ;+:yfnfO{ s'g} klg /sd a'emfpg afFsL /x]sf] 5}g .
g= ;~rfns, k|aGw ;~rfns, sfo{sf/L k|d'v tyf kbflwsf/Lx?nfO{ e'QmfgL ul/Psf] kfl/>lds,
eQf tyf ;'ljwfsf] /sd M
;~rfns ;ldltsf] cWoIfnfO{ k|lt a}7s eQf jfkt ?=%,%)).)) / ;b:ox?nfO{ ?=
%,))).)) lbOPsf] 5 . sfo{sf/L k|d'vnfO{ cf=a= @)&%.&^ df tna / eQf jfkt
?=#),^),))).)) e'QmfgL lbOPsf] 5 .
k= z]o/wgLx?n] a'lemlng afFsL /x]sf] nf+efz /sd M
z]o/wgLx?n] a'lemlng afFsL /x]sf] nf+efz ?= !,&(,!^!.!& /x]sf] .
km= sDkgL P]g @)^# sf] bkmf !$! adf]lhd ;DklQ v/Lb jf las|L u/]sf] s'/fsf] ljj/0f M
5}g .
a= sDkgL P]g @)^# sf] bkmf !&% adf]lhd ;Da4 sDkgL lar ePsf] sf/f]af/sf] ljj/0f M
o; ljQLo ;+:yfsf] s'g} ;Da4 sDkgL 5}g .

@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8

e= sDkgL P]g tyf k|rlnt sfg"g adf]lhd ;~rfns ;ldltsf] k|ltj]bgdf v'nfpg'kg]{ cGo s'g} s'/f M
5}g .
d= cGo cfjZos s'/fx? M
z]o/wgL dxfg'efjx?sf] nflu ;"rgf Joj:yfM ljQLo ;+:yfn] sf/f]jf/ ;DaGwL ;"rgf cfbfg
k|bfg ug]{ k|s[ofnfO{ pRr k|fyldstf lbPsf] 5 . o; ;Gbe{df ljQLo ;+:yfn] jflif{s k|ltj]bg,
q}dfl;s k|ltj]bg nufot cGo ljQLo ;+:yfsf] k|ult ljj/0fx? ljleGg ;dfrf/ dfWod Pj+
ljQLo ;+:yfsf] j]e;fO6 dfkm{t hfgsf/L u/fpg] u/]sf] 5 . ljQLo
;+:yfdf ;do ;dodf nufgLstf{ tyf JolQmut ?kdf / cGo
dfWodaf6 cfPsf ljleGg lh1f;fx?sf] plrt lgisz{ lgsfNg] pko'Qm / dxTjk'0f{ ynf] jflif{s
;fwf/0f ;ef ePsf]n] ;j} z]o/wgL dxfg'efjx?nfO{ ;efdf ;xefuL eO{ ljQLo ;+:yfsf]
k|ultdf 5nkmn ug{ k|f]T;flxt u/]sf 5f}+ .

 l;+Ëf] b]zsf] cfly{s cj:yf ljljw sf/0fjz cl:y/ /x]sf] cj:yfdf kSs} klg a}+lsË
tyf ljQLo If]qdf o;sf] gsf/fTds k|efj k/]sf] tYo oxfFx?nfO{ hfgsf/L g} 5 . o; laifd
kl/l:ytLnfO{ dgg u/L a[xt ?kdf shf{ nufgL u/L 7"nf] hf]lvd p7fpg'sf] ;§f o; ;+:yfn]
ePsf] ;DklQ / nufgLx?nfO{ Jojl:yt ug]{, gofF k|ljwL / pTkfbgx?sf] vf]hL ug]{, /fli6«o tyf
If]lqo a}+lsË ;DaGwx? la:tf/ ug]{, u|fxssf] ;]jf :t/df a[l4 ug]{ nufot cfkm'nfO{ cfGtl/s
tyf afx|o ?kdf ;'b[9 /fVg] sfo{x?df nflu/x]s} sf/0f xfd|f] ;+:yf cfkmgf] ;DklQ tyf k"FhLaf6
pRrQd k|ltkmn cfh{g ug{ ;kmn /x]sf] 5 . cfufdL lbgdf b]zsf] zflGt ;'/Iff / cfly{s
;'wf/sf] ck]Iff ul/Psf] 5 . b]zdf l:y/tf / zflGt ;'/Iffsf] l:ytL ;'b[9 x'b} uPdf
cf=a=@)&^÷&& sf] pknAwL b/ cem pRr /xg] laZjf; lbnfpg rfxG5' . ;fy}, d ;~rfns
;ldltsf] tkm{af6 xfd|f ;a} z]o/wgL dxfg'efjx?, u|fxs ju{ tyf z'elrGtsx?nfO{ jxfFx?sf]
c6'6 ;dy{g tyf ;xof]usf nflu xflb{s s[t1tf JoQm ub{5' . of] ljQLo ;+:yf cfh h'g
prfO{df k'u]sf] 5 To;sf] >]o oxfFx?sf] lg/Gt/ / cd'No ;dy{gnfO{ hfG5 . g]kfn /fi6« a}+s tyf
g]kfn ;/sf/sf] lg/Gt/ ;xof]u / dfu{ lgb]{zgsf] nflu d s[t1tf JoQm ug{ rfxG5' . o;}
cj;/df ljQLo ;+:yfsf] ;kmntfdf dxTjk"0f{ e'ldsf v]Ng] ;d:t sd{rf/Lx?nfO{ klg xflb{s
wGoafb lbg rfxG5' .

b======================= b======================= b=========================== 

lbk gf/fo0f ;fx dxfaL/ s'df/ ;'Ntflgof czf]s s'df/ hfnfg
;~rfns   ;~rfns   ;~rfns  
b=======================  b=======================  
cd/gfy u'Ktf   /3'gfy k|;fb ;fx 
;~rfns   cWoIf
ldtL M @)&^.(.@$

@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8

lwtf]kq btf{ tyf lgisfzg lgodfjnL, @)&# sf] lgod @^ sf] pklgod @ ;Fu ;DalGwt
cg'';"rL !% adf]lhdsf] aflif{s ljj/0f
!= ;~rfns ;ldltsf] k|ltj]bg M aflif{s k|ltj]bgsf] ;DalGwt zLif{s cGt{ut /flvPsf] .
@= n]vfk/LIfssf] k|ltj]bg M aflif{s k|ltj]bgsf] ;DalGwt zLif{s cGt{ut /flvPsf] .
#= n]vfk/LIf0f ePsf] ljQLo ljj/0f M aflif{s k|ltj]bgsf] ;DalGwt zLif{s cGt{ut /flvPsf] .
$= sfg"gL sf/jfxL ;DalGw ljj/0f M
s= q}dfl;s cjlwdf ljQLo ;+:yfn] jf ljQLo ;+:yf la?4 s'g} d'4f bfo/ ePsf] M o; cjlwdf
ljQLo ;+:yfn] jf ljQLo ;+:yf la?4 s'g} d'4f bfo/ ePsf] hfgsf/L g/x]sf] .
v= ljQLo ;+:yfsf] ;+:yfks jf ;~rfnsn] jf ;+:yfks jf ;~rfnssf] la?4df k|rlnt lgodsf]
cj1f jf kmf}Hbf/L ck/fw u/]sf] ;DaGwdf s'g} d'4f bfo/ u/]sf] jf ePsf] eP M To; lsl;dsf]
s''g} d'4f ePsf] hfgsf/Ldf gcfPsf] .
u= s'g} ;+:yfks jf ;~rfns la?4 cfly{s ck/fw u/]sf] ;DaGwdf s'g} d'4f bfo/ ePsf]
eP M To; lsl;dsf] s''g} d'4f ePsf] hfgsf/Ldf gcfPsf] .
%= ljQLo ;+:yfsf] z]o/ sf/f]af/ tyf k|ultsf] laZn]if0f M
s= lwtf]kq ahf/df ePsf] ljQLo ;+:yfsf] z]o/sf] sf/f]af/ ;DaGwdf Joj:yfkgsf] wf/0ff M g]kfn
:6s PS;r]Gh ln= tyf lwtf]kq af]8{sf] ;''k/Lj]If0f Joj:yfsf] clwgdf /xL sf/f]jf/ /x]sf] .
v= ut aif{sf] k|To]s q}dfl;s cjlwdf ljQLo ;+:yfsf] z]o/sf] clwsQd, Go"gQd / clGtd
d"Nosf ;fy} s'n sf/f]af/ z]o/ ;+Vof / sf/f]af/ lbg M
    rf}yf] qodf; t];|f] qodf; bf];|f] qodf; k|yd qodf;
clwsQd d"No M !*!  !&&  !*@  @@& 
 Go"gQd d"No  M !^&  !^)  !^#  !^%
 clGtd d"No  M !*)  !&)  !&#  !&(
 sf/f]af/ ePsf] s'n lbgM %&  %#  %!  %%
 sf/f]af/ ;+Vof M ^@((! &(&@! %!^*! @)%^^!
^= ;d:of tyf r'gf}tL M
 ljQLo ;+:yfn] axg ug'{k/]sf] ;d:of tyf r'gf}tL :ki6 ?kdf pNn]v ug'{kg]{ / pQm ;d:of tyf
r'gf}tLnfO{ ljQLo ;+:yfsf] cfGtl/s tyf afxo egL juL{s/0f u/L To;tf] ;d:of tyf r'gf}tL
;dfwfg ug{ Joj:yfkgn] cjnDjg u/]sf] /0fgLlt ;DaGwL ljj/0f M ljQLo If]qdf ePsf] a9bf]
k|lt:kwf{, t/ntf Joj:yfkg, nufgLof]Uo pTkfbgzLn If]qsf] cefj, bIf hgzlQmsf]
Joj:yfkg, Go"g cfly{s a[l4b/, 3/hUufsf] sf/f]af/df cfPsf] dGbL cflbaf6 >[hgf x'g;Sg]
hf]lvdnfO{ sDkgLn] ;d:of tyf r'gf}+tLsf] ?kdf lnPsf] 5 . sfa' eGbf aflx/sf kl/l:ytL
afx]s pk/f]Qm r'gf}+tL tyf ;d:of ;dfwfg ug{ cfGtl/s lgoGq0f k|0ffnLnfO{ r':t b'?:t u/L
u|fxsd'vL ;]jf k|bfg ug]{ tyf bIf hgzlQm Joj:yfkg ug]{ /0fgLlt sDkgLn] lnPsf] 5 .

@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8

&= ;+:yfut ;'zf;g M

;+:yfut ;'zf;g clej[l4sf nflu Joj:yfkg4f/f rflnPsf sbd ;DaGwL ljj/0f o; ljQLo
;+:yfn] ;+:yfut ;'zf;g ;DaGwL g]kfn /fi6« a}+s nufot ;DalGwt lgodgsf/L lgsfox?af6
k|fKt dfu{ lgb]{zgx? pRr k|fyldstfsf ;fy kfngf ub]{ cfPsf] 5 . ljQLo ;+:yfsf] ;'zf;g
clej[l4 P+j ljQLo ;+:yfn] ug]{ sfo{x? kf/bzL{ P+j lgod ;+ut ug{sf nflu ;~rfns ;ldlt,
n]vfk/LIf0f ;ldlt, hf]lvd Joj:yfkg ;ldlt, ;DklQ z''4Ls/0f lgjf/0f ;DaGwL ;ldlt /
sd{rf/L Joj:yfkg tyf ;]jf ;'ljwf ;ldlt ls|ofzLn /x]sf] 5 . cfGtl/s lgoGq0f k|0ffnLnfO{
Jojl:yt ug{ cfGtl/s n]vfk/LIfs lgo'Qm ul/Psf] / cfGtl/s n]vfk/LIf0f ul/ n]vfk/LIfsn]
lbPsf] ;'emfj tyf ;Nnfxx? Joj:yfkg dfkm{t sfof{Gjog tyf ;dLIff ug{ n]vfk/LIf0f ;ldlt
ls|ofzLn /x]sf] 5 . ljQLo ;+:yfsf] sf/f]af/nfO{ Jojl:yt ug{ cfGtl/s gLlt, lgod tyf
lgb]{zgx? th'{df ul/ nfu' ul/Psf] 5 .

@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8

@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8

@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8

@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8

hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8

Plss[t ljQLo cj:yfsf] ljj/0f -jf;nft_
cfiff9 d;fGt @)&^ -!^ h'nfO @)!(_
/sd ?=
ljQLo ;+:yf
cg";'rL cfiff9 d;fGt @)&^ cfiff9 d;fGt @)&% cfiff9 d;fGt @)&$
gub tyf gub ;fdfg $=! 668,900,922.99 748,219,313.25 605,255,938.70
g]kfn /fi6« a}+sdf /x]sf] df}Hbft tyf lng'kg{] /sd $=@ 78,418,908.11 75,459,406.01 31,196,776.44
a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfdf u/]sf] nufgL -Kn];d]G6_ $=#
8]l/e]l6e -Jo"TkGg_ ljQLo pks/0f $=$
cGo Jofkfl/s ;DklQx? $=%
a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfnfO{ lbPsf] shf{ tyf ;fk6L $=^ 35,855,916.78
u|fxsnfO{ lbPsf] shf{ jf ;fk6L $=& 2,103,191,539.98 1,577,143,031.77 1,381,686,702.05
nufgL $=* 351,500.00 351,500.00 351,500.00
o; cf=j= sf] cfos/ ;DklQ $=( 2,824,835.00
;xfos sDkgLdf nufgL $=!)
;Da4 sDkgLdf nufgL $=!!
nufgL ;DklQ -Oge]i6d]G6 k|f]k6L_ $=!@ 2,863,130.00 1,734,000.00 1,734,000.00
;DklQ tyf pks/0f -l:y/ ;DklQ_ $=!# 22,388,439.67 3,580,188.90 2,651,721.75
u'8jLn -VoftL_ / cd'{t ;DklQ $=!$ 561,037.50 450,815.52 139,997.35
:yug s/ ;DklQ $=!% 394,376.84 175,264.61 10,046,176.69
cGo ;DklQ $=!^ 1,100,909.65 1,271,761.34 760,026.47
s"n ;DklQ 2,916,851,516.52 2,408,385,281.40 2,033,822,839.45
a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfnfO{ ltg{ aFfsL $=!&
g]kfn /fi6« a}+snfO{ ltg{ afFsL $=!*
8]l/e]l6e -Jo"TkGg_ ljQLo pks/0f $=!(
u|fxsaf6 lgIf]k bfloTj $=@) 2,038,369,624.22 1,651,634,802.52 1,393,663,835.47
;fk6L $=@!
o; jif{sf] cfos/ bfloTj $=)( 3,613,237.10 14,799,033.05
Joj:yfx? $=@@
:yug s/ bfloTj $=!%
cGo bfloTj $=@# 90,042,615.44 76,386,625.20 68,815,341.15
hf/L ul/Psf] C0fkq $=@$
;'/If0f g/flvPsf] ;xfos cjlws bfloTj $=@%
s"n bfloTj 2,128,412,239.66 1,731,634,664.82 1,477,278,209.67
z]o/ k"FhL $=@^ 492,140,300.00 403,393,700.00 341,859,100.00
z]o/ lk|ldod
;+lrt d'gfkmf 123,920,180.42 131,998,339.11 99,316,187.55
hu]8f sf]ifx? $=@& 172,378,796.44 141,358,577.47 115,369,342.23
z]o/wgLx?nfO afF8kmfF6 of]Uo s"n OlSj6L
u}/ lgolGqt :jfy{
s"n OlSj6L 788,439,276.86 676,750,616.58 556,544,629.78
s"n bfloTj / OlSj6L 2,916,851,516.52 2,408,385,281.40 2,033,822,839.45
;+efljt bfloTj tyf k|lta4tf $=@* 183,544,939.64 59,250,000.00 42,226,218.35
k"FhL z]o/ v'b ;DklQ+ 160.21 167.76 162.80

/w'gfy k|;fb ;fx cd/gfy u'Ktf xfd|f] cfhsf] ldltsf] k|ltj]bg cg';f/
cWoIf ;+rfns n]vfk/LIfs

czf]s s'df/ hfnfg dxfjL/ s'df/ ;"NTfflgof P;=Pd= >]i7, Pkml;P

;+rfns ;+rfns ;fem]bf/

lbk gf/fo0f ;fx /hgLz s'df/ l;+x lgM la=s]=cu|jfn P08 s+=
;+rfns k|d'v sfo{sf/L clws[t rf6{8{ Psfp06]06\;

hgsk'/M ;'gLn ;fx

ldltM @)&^.)*.!* n]vf k|d'v

@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8

hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8

Plss[t gfkmf gf]S;fg ljj/0f
>fj0f !,@)&% b]lv #! cfiff9 @)&^ ;Dd -!& h'nfO{ @)!* b]lv !^ h'nfO{ @)!( ;Dd_
/sd ?=
ljQLo ;+:yf
cg";'rL cf=j= @)&%÷&^ cf=j= @)&$÷&%
Aofh cfDbfgL $=@( 357,934,178.93 302,538,701.30
Aofh vr{ $=#) 190,809,938.20 150,671,669.93
v'b Aofh cfDbfgL 167,124,240.73 151,867,031.37
z"Ns tyf sldzg cfDbfgL $=#! 18,251,195.36 12,725,558.66
z"Ns tyf sldzg vr{ $=#@ 63,653.95 11,003.25
v'b z"Ns / sldzg cfDbfgL 18,187,541.41 12,714,555.41
v'b Aofh,z"Ns / sldzg cfDbfgL 185,311,782.14 164,581,586.78
v'b Jofkfl/s cfDbfgL $=##
cGo ;+rfng cfDbfgL $=#$ 1,969,728.37 1,207,613.56
hDdf ;+rfng cfDbfgL 187,281,510.51 165,789,200.34
shf{ hf]lvd Joj:yf ÷- lkmtf{_tyf cGo gf]S;fgL $=#% -23,601,495.15_ -34,424,581.89_
v'b ;+rfng cfDbfgL 210,883,005.66 200,213,782.23
;+rfng vr{
sd{rf/L vr{ $=#^ 35,005,072.96 28,040,391.36
cGo ;+rfng vr{ $=#& 11,359,634.68 7,053,232.29
x\|f; s66\L / kl/iff]wg $=#* 2,457,077.95 594,639.66
48,821,785.59 35,688,263.31
;+rfng d'gfkmf 162,061,220.07 164,525,518.92
u}/ ;+rfng cfDbfgL $=#( 6,877,334.00 856,025.00
u}/ ;+rfng gf]S;fg $=$) 2,239,079.00
cfos/ cl3sf] d'gfkmf 166,699,475.07 165,381,543.92
cfos/ vr{ $=$! 50,155,395.77 42,170,290.69
rfn' s/ 50,374,508.00 32,299,378.61
:yug s/ -219,112.23_ 9,870,912.08
o; cjlwsf] d'gfkmf 116,544,079.30 123,211,253.23
gfkmfF afF8kmfF8
a}ssf] z]o/wgL 116,544,079.30 123,211,253.23
u}/ lgolGqt :jfy{
o; cjlwsf] d'gfkmf 116,544,079.30 123,211,253.23
k|lt z]o/ cfDbgL
cfwf/e"t k|lt z]o/ cfDbgL 23.68 25.04
8fOn'6]8 k|lt z]o/ cfDbgL 23.68 25.04
/w'gfy k|;fb ;fx cd/gfy u'Ktf xfd|f] cfhsf] ldltsf] k|ltj]bg cg';f/
cWoIf ;+rfns n]vfk/LIfs

czf]s s'df/ hfnfg dxfjL/ s'df/ ;"NTfflgof P;=Pd= >]i7, Pkml;P

;+rfns ;+rfns ;fem]bf/

lbk gf/fo0f ;fx /hgLz s'df/ l;+x lgM la=s]=cu|jfn P08 s+=
;+rfns k|d'v sfo{sf/L clws[t rf6{8{ Psfp06]06\;

hgsk'/M ;'gLn ;fx

ldltM @)&^.)*.!* n]vf k|d'v

@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8

hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8

Plss[t cGo lj:t[t cfDbfgLsf] ljj/0f
>fj0f !,@)&% b]lv #! cfiff9 @)&^ ;Dd -!& h'nfO{ @)!* b]lv !^ h'nfO{ @)!( ;Dd_
/sd ?=
ljQLo ;+:yf
cf=j= @)&%÷&^ cf=j= @)&$÷&%
o; jif{sf] gfkmf 116,544,079.30 123,211,253.23
cfos/ kl5sf] cGo lj:t[t cfDbfgL
-s_ gfkmf÷gf]S;fg df k'g MjulL{s/0f gul/g] a'Fbfx?
km]o/ e]No"df d'NofËg ul/Psf OlSj6L pks/0fsf nufgL af6 ePsf] gfkmf÷ gf]S;fg
k'g d'NofËgaf6 ePsf gfkmf /gf]S;fg
kl/eflift nfe of]hgfaf6 ljdflËt gfkmf÷gf]S;fg
dfly pNn]v ul/Psf a"bfFsf] cfos/
gfkmf÷gf]S;fg df k'gM juL{{s/0f gul/Psf cGo v'b lj:t[t cfDbfgL 116,544,079.30 123,211,253.23
-v_ gfkmf÷gf]S;fg df k'gM juL{s/0f gul/Psf jf ug{ ;Sg] a'Fbfx?
gub k|jfx x]lhËaf6 ePsf] gfkmf÷ gf]S;fg
ljb]zL ljlgdo ;+rfngsf] ljQlo ;DklQ ljlgdoaf6 ePsf] ;6xL gfkmf÷ gf]S;fg
dfly pNn]v ul/Psf a"bfFsf] cfos/
gfkmf÷gf]S;fg df k'gM juL{{s/0f

gfkmf÷gf]S;fg df k'gM juL{{s/0f ul/Psf jf ug{ ;lsg] cGo v'b lj:t[t cfDbfgL
-u_ OlSj6L tl/sfaf6 d'NofËg ul/Psf] ;Da4 sDkgLsf] cGo lj:t[t cfDbfgLsf] c+z

o; jif{sf] cfos/ kl5sf] cGo lj:t[t cfDbfgL

s'n lj:t[t cfDbfgL 116,544,079.30 123,211,253.23
s'n lj:t[t cfDbfgLsf] afF8kmF6
a}+ssf] OlSj6L z]o/wgL
u}/ lgolGqt :jfy{
s"n lj:t[t cfDbfgL 116,544,079.30 123,211,253.23

/w'gfy k|;fb ;fx cd/gfy u'Ktf xfd|f] cfhsf] ldltsf] k|ltj]bg cg';f/
cWoIf ;+rfns n]vfk/LIfs

czf]s s'df/ hfnfg dxfjL/ s'df/ ;"NTfflgof P;=Pd= >]i7, Pkml;P

;+rfns ;+rfns ;fem]bf/

lbk gf/fo0f ;fx /hgLz s'df/ l;+x lgM la=s]=cu|jfn P08 s+=
;+rfns k|d'v sfo{sf/L clws[t rf6{8{ Psfp06]06\;

hgsk'/M ;'gLn ;fx

ldltM @)&^.)*.!* n]vf k|d'v

@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8

hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8

Plss[t gub k|jfx ljj/0f
>fj0f !,@)&% b]lv #! cfiff9 @)&^ ;Dd -!& h'nfO{ @)!* b]lv !^ h'nfO{ @)!( ;Dd_
/sd ?=
ljQLo ;+:yf
cfiff9 d;fGt @)&%÷&^ cfiff9 d;fGt @)&$÷&%
sf/f]af/ ;+rfngaf6 gub k|jfx
Aofh cfDbfgL 355,723,293.53 306,956,516.29
z"Ns tyf cGo cfDbfgL 18,251,195.36 12,725,558.66
sf/f]af/ ;+rfngaf6 k|fKtL 8,771,178.37 2,063,638.56
Aofh vr{ -187,360,981.55_ -131,067,905.75_
sldzg tyf z"Ns vr{ -63,653.95_ -11,003.25_
sd{rf/L vr{ -33,460,120.00_ -25,646,104.57_
cGo vr{ -11,544,179.69_ -6,819,833.56_
;+rfng ;ldlt / bfloTjsf] kl/jt{g cl3sf] ;+rfng gub k|jfx 150,316,732.07 158,200,866.38
;+rng ;DalGw rfn' ;DklQdf sdL ÷-j[l4_ -540,627,503.50_ -210,223,927.25_
g]kfn /fi6« a}+sdf /x]sf] df}Hbft -2,959,502.10_ -44,262,629.57_
a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfdf u/]sf] nufgL -Kn];d]G6_
cGo Jofkfl/s ;DklQ
a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfnfO{ lbPsf] shf{ tyf ;fk6L
u|fxsnfO{ lbPsf] shf{ jf ;fk6L -537,838,853.08_ -165,449,562.81_
cGo ;DklQ 170,851.68 -511,734.87_
;+rng ;DalGw rfn' bfloTjdf sdL ÷-j[l4_ 395,812,844.29 243,544,200.12
a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfnfO{ ltg{ aFfsL /sd
g]kfn /fi6« a}+snfO{ lbg' kg]{ afFsL /sd
u|fxssf] lgIf]k 386,734,821.70 257,970,967.05
C0f ;fk6L
cGo bfloTj 9,078,022.59 -14,426,766.93_
cfos/ cufl8sf] sf/f]af/ ;+rfngaf6 v'b gub k|jfx 5,502,072.86 191,521,139.25
cfos/ e'QmfgL -56,812,580.10_ -43,485,174.56_
sf/f]jf/ ;+rfngaf6 gub k|jfx -51,310,507.24_ 148,035,964.69
nufgL sf/f]jf/df gub k|jfx
nufgL vl/b
nufgL las|L
l:y/ ;DklQsf] vl/b -21,630,521.06_ -1,473,574.98_
l:y/ ;DklQsf] ljs|L
cd"{t ;DklQsf] vl/b -237,300.00_ -360,350.00_
nufgL ;DklQdf vl/b -1,129,130.00_
nuffgL ;DklQdf ljs|L
Aofh cfDbfgL
nfef+z cfDbfgL 75,884.00
nufgL sf/f]jf/df ePsf] v'b gub k|jfx -22,921,067.06_ -1,833,924.98_
ljQLo >f]t sf/f]jf/af6 gub k|jfx
C0fkq lgisfzgaf6 k|fKt
C0fkqdf vr{
c;"/lIft bfloTjsf] lgisfzgaf6 k|fKt
c;'/lIft bfloTjdf ePsf] vr{
z]o/ lgisfzgaf6 k|fKt /sd
nfefFz vr{ -5,086,815.96_ -3,238,665.16_
Aofh vr{
cGo cfDbfgL vr{
ljlQo >f]t sf/f]jf/af6 v'b gub -5,086,815.96_ -3,238,665.16_
gub k|jfxdf ePsf] v'b 36 ÷a9 -79,318,390.26_ 142,963,374.55
gub tyf gub ;fdfgdf /x]sf] z?jftL df}Hbft 748,219,313.25 605,255,938.70
gub tyf gub ;fdfgdf ljlgdo b/df ePsf] km/saf6 cfDbfgL ÷vr{
gub tyf gub ;dfgdf /x]sf] clGtd df}Hbft 668,900,922.99 748,219,313.25

/w'gfy k|;fb ;fx cd/gfy u'Ktf xfd|f] cfhsf] ldltsf] k|ltj]bg cg';f/
cWoIf ;+rfns n]vfk/LIfs

czf]s s'df/ hfnfg dxfjL/ s'df/ ;"NTfflgof P;=Pd= >]i7, Pkml;P

;+rfns ;+rfns ;fem]bf/

lbk gf/fo0f ;fx /hgLz s'df/ l;+x lgM la=s]=cu|jfn P08 s+=
;+rfns k|d'v sfo{sf/L clws[t rf6{8{ Psfp06]06\;

hgsk'/M ;'gLn ;fx

ldltM @)&^.)*.!* n]vf k|d'v

hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8
Plss[t OlSj6Ldf ePsf] kl/jt{gsf] ljj/0f
>fj0f !,@)&% b]lv #! cfiff9 @)&^ ;Dd -!& h'nfO{ @)!* b]lv !^ h'nfO{ @)!( ;Dd_

ljlQo ;+:yf ljQLo ;+:yf

ljlQo ;+:yfsf ;fwf/0f z]o/wgLsf lgldQ lgolGqt hDdf OlSj6L
ljj/0f :jfy{

z]o/ ;6xL lgofds km]o/ k'g

z]o/ k"FhL lk|ldod ;fwf/0f hu]8f sf]if 36j9 sf]if hu]8f sf]if e]No" d'NofËg ;+lrt d'gfkmf cGo sf]if hDdf
sf]if sf]if
;fpg !,@)&# ;fnsf] df}Hbft 403,393,738.00 114,223,255.23 18,943,437.10 5,534,069.58 542,094,499.91 542,094,499.91
@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef

;dfof]hg÷k"g M:yfkgf af]gz z]o/ NFRS -61,534,638.00_ 61,534,638.00 – –

;l~rt ljbf Joj:yf Actuarial -409,743.65_ -409,743.65_ -409,743.65_
;dfof]hg÷k"g M:yfkgf gub nfef+; 3,238,665.16 3,238,665.16 3,238,665.16
Jofh d'Ntljaf6 Aofh 9,563,452.26 9,563,452.26 9,563,452.26
;dfof]hg÷k"g M:yfkgf u}/ a}lsË ;DklQ 1,734,000.00 1,734,000.00 1,734,000.00
:yug s/df ;fl/Psf] /sd 4,588,815.58 -4,588,815.58_ – –
sd{rf/L bIftf clea[l4 200,833.00 200,833.00 200,833.00
:yug s/ ;dfof]hg SPL 122,923.10 122,923.10 122,923.10
;fpg !,@)&$ ;dfof]lht
k"gM :yflkt df}Hbft 341,859,100.00 114,223,255.23 99,316,187.55 1,146,087.00 556,544,629.78 556,544,629.78
o; jif{sf] lj:t[t cfDbfgL – –
o; jif{sf] d'gfkmf 123,211,253.23 123,211,253.23 123,211,253.23
cfos/ kZrft cGo lj:t[t cfDbfgL – –
km]o/ e]No"df d'NofÍg ul/Psf OlSj6L
pks/0f nufgLaf6 ePsf gfkmf gf]S;fg – –
k"g Md"NofÍgaf6 ePsf gfkmf gf]S;fg – –
kl/eflift nfe of]hgfaf6 ljdflÍt gfkmf gf]S;fg – –
gub k|jfx x];hªaf6 ePsf] gfkmf gf]S;fg – –
ljb]zL ljlgdo ;+rfngsf] ljQLo ;DklQ
ljlgdoaf6 ePsf] ;6xL gfkmf gf]S;fg – –
o; jif{sf] lj:t[t cfDbfgL – –
hu]8f sf]ifdf ;fl/Psf] /sd 24,642,251.00 -24,642,251.00_ – –
hu]8f sf]if af6 lgsflnPsf] /sd – –
OSj6Ldf b]vfOPsf] z]o/wgL;+usf] sf/f]af/ – –
z]o/ lgisfzg – –
z]o/df cfwfl/t e'QfgL – –
z]o/wgLnfO nfefFz ljt/0f – –
jf]g; z]o/ lgisfzg 61,534,600.00 -61,534,600.00_ – –
gub nfefFz e'QmfgL -3,238,665.16_ -3,238,665.16_ -3,238,665.16_
Pso"lhzgaf6 yk – –
sd{rf/L bIftf clea[l4 sf]if 322,388.73 322,388.73 322,388.73
sd{rf/L bIftf clea[l4 sf]ifdf vr{ -88,990.00_ -88,990.00_ -88,990.00_
;dflhs pQ/bfloTj sf]if -1,113,585.51_ 1,113,585.51 – –
hDdf of]ubfg – –
c;f9 @)&% sf] cGTo df}Hbft 403,393,700.00 138,865,506.23 131,998,339.11 2,493,071.24 676,750,616.58 676,750,616.58
;fpg !, @)&% ;dfof]hg÷k"g :yfkgf 403,393,700.00 138,865,506.23 131,998,339.11 2,493,071.24 676,750,616.58 676,750,616.58

hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8
hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8
Plss[t OlSj6Ldf ePsf] kl/jt{gsf] ljj/0f
>fj0f !,@)&% b]lv #! cfiff9 @)&^ ;Dd -!& h'nfO{ @)!* b]lv !^ h'nfO{ @)!( ;Dd_

ljlQo ;+:yf
lgolGqt hDdf OlSj6L
ljj/0f ljlQo ;+:yfsf ;fwf/0f z]o/wgLsf lgldQ :jfy{
lgofds km]o/ k'g
z]o/ ;6xL e]No" d'NofËg
z]o/ k"FhL hDdf
@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef

lk|ldod ;fwf/0f hu]8f sf]if 36j9 sf]if hu]8f sf]if ;+lrt d'gfkmf cGo sf]if
sf]if sf]if
o; jif{sf] lj:t[t cfDbfgL
o; aif{sf] gfkmf 116,544,079.30 116,544,079.30 116,544,079.30
cfos/ kZrftsf] cGo lj:t[t cfDbfgL – –
km]o/ e]No"df d'NofÍg ul/Psf OlSj6L
pks/0f nufgLaf6 ePsf gfkmf gf]S;fg – –
k"gM d"NofÍgaf6 ePsf gfkmf gf]S;fg – –
kl/eflift nfe of]hgfaf6 ljdflÍt gfkmf gf]S;fg – –
gub k|jfx x];hªaf6 ePsf] gfkmf gf]S;fg – –
ljb]zL ljlgdo ;+rfngsf] ljQLo ;DklQ
ljlgdoaf6 ePsf] ;6xL gfkmf gf]S;fg – –
o; jif{sf] lj:t[t cfDbfgL – –
hu]8f sf]ifdf ;fl/Psf] /sd 23,308,815.86 -23,308,815.86_ – –
hu]8f sf]if af6 lgsflnPsf] /sd – –
OSj6Ldf b]vfOPsf] z]o/wgL;+usf] sf/f]af/ – –
z]o/ lgisfzg – –
z]o/df cfwfl/t e'QfgL – –
z]o/wgLnfO nfefFz ljt/0f – –
jf]g; z]o/ lgisfzg 88,746,600.00 -88,746,600.00_ – –
gub nfefFz e'QmfgL -4,670,874.00_ -4,670,874.00_ -4,670,874.00_
hDdf of]ubfg – –
sd{rf/L bIftf clea[l4 sf]if -196,007.50_ 196,007.50 – –
sd{rf/L bIftf clea[l4 vr{ -434,231.73_ -434,231.73_ -434,231.73_
;fdflhs pQ/bfloTj sf]if -867,182.79_ 867,182.79 – –
3/ ef8f df ;fl/Psf] /sd 249,686.72 249,686.72 249,686.72
lgofds hu]8f sf]ifdf ;fl/Psf] /sd 6,832,757.84 -6,832,757.84_ – –
cfiff9 @)&^ sf] cGTo df}Hbft 492,140,300.00 - 162,174,322.09 6,832,757.84 123,920,180.42 3,371,716.52 788,439,276.87 – 788,439,276.87

xfd|f] cfhsf] ldltsf] k|ltj]bg cg';f/

/w'gfy k|;fb ;fx cd/gfy u'Ktf czf]s s'df/ hfnfg dxfjL/ s'df/ ;"NTfflgof lbk gf/fo0f ;fx /hgLz s'df/ l;+x ;'gLn ;fx n]vfk/LIfs
cWoIf ;+rfns ;+rfns ;+rfns ;+rfns k|d'v sfo{sf/L clws[t n]vf k|d'v P;=Pd= >]i7, Pkml;P
hgsk'/M lgM la=s]=cu|jfn P08 s+=
ldltM @)&^.)*.!* rf6{8{ Psfp06]06\;

hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8
@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8

Janaki Finance Company Limited

Notes to the Financial Statements as on Ashad 31, 2076

1. About Janaki Finance Company Limited:

Janaki Finance Company Limited is one of the Financial Institution with limited liability, incorporated in Office
of Company Registrar as on 2052/07/10 and obtained license from Nepal Rastra Bank as on 2053/11/21. It's
registered (Central) office is situated at Janakpurdham-2, Dhanusha. The institution is operating with 2
branches. The Institution has obtained “Class C” license from Nepal Rastra Bank and carrying out financing
activities. The institution's share has been listed in Nepal Stock Exchange Ltd.

2. Basis of Preparation:
2.1 Statement of Compliance:
NFRSs are based on International Financial Reporting Standards ('IFRSs'), as effective in the year 2013,
comprising accounting standards issued or adopted by the International Accounting Standards Board
('IASB') and interpretations issued or adopted by the IFRS Interpretations Committee ('IFRIC').
The financial statements of Janaki Finance Company Limited (JFCL) have been prepared in accordance
with NFRSs as issued by the Accounting Standard Board Nepal (ASBN) and as endorsed by the Institute of
Chartered Accountants of Nepal and Nepal Rastra Bank together with carve-outs issued by ICAN and
mandatory instructions/ guidance of NRB for recognition of unrealized interest during the year.

2.2 Reporting period and approval of financial statements:

The Financial Institution follows the Nepalese financial year based on the Nepalese calendar. The
corresponding dates for the English calendar are as follows:

Nepalese Calendar English Calendar Date/

Relevant Financial Statement
Date/Period Period
Opening NFRS SFP Date 1st Shrawan, 2074 16th July 2017
Comparative Reporting Period 1 Shrawan, 2074 – 16th July 16, 2017 –
32nd Ashad 2075 16th July 2018
First NFRS SFP Date 31st Ashad, 2076 16th July,2019
First NFRS Reporting Period 1st Shrawan, 2075 - 17th July, 2018 -
31st Ashad, 2076 16th July, 2019

Approval of Financial Statement of the company has been made by BOD meeting dated 2076/8/18

2.3 Functional and presentation currency:

The reporting currency of the financial institution is Nepalese Rupees (NPR), which is also the functional
currency of the financial institution.

2.4 Use of Estimates, assumptions and judgments:

The preparation of financial information requires the use of estimates and judgments about future conditions.
In view of the inherent uncertainties and the high level of subjectivity involved in the recognition or
measurement of items listed below, it is possible that the outcomes in the next financial year could differ from
those on which management's estimates are based, resulting in materially different conclusions from those
reached by management for the purposes of this financial statements.
Management's selection of the accounting policies, which contain critical estimates and judgments, are listed
below; it reflects the materiality of the items to which the policies are applied, the high degree of judgment and
estimation uncertainty involved:
• Impairment of loans and advances
• Valuation of financial instruments
• Provisions
• Estimation of useful life of property, equipment and intangible assets.

@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8

2.5 Changes in Accounting Policies:

NFRS requires the institution to adopt accounting policies that are most appropriate to the institution's
circumstances. In determining and applying accounting policies, management is required to make
judgements in respect of items where the choice of specific policy, accounting estimate or assumption to be
followed could materially affect the institution's reported financial position, operating results or cash flows.
These accounting policies are consistently applied by the institution.
Specific accounting policies have been included in the section 3 of the notes for each items of financial
statements which requires disclosures of accounting policies or changes in accounting policies. Effect and
nature of the changes, if any, have been disclosed wherever applicable.

2.6  New Standard issued but not yet effective:

The standards and interpretation that are issued, but not yet effective, upto the date of issuance of the
institution's financial statement are discussed below. The institution intends to adopt these standards, if
applicable when they become effective.

·  NFRS 9 – Financial Instrument

Classification and measurement: The classification and measurement of financial assets will depend on
how these are managed (the entity's business model) and their contractual cash flow characteristics. These
factors determine whether the financial assets are measured at amortized cost, fair value through other
comprehensive income ('FVTOCI') or fair value through profit or loss ('FVTPL'). In many instances, the
classification and measurement outcomes will be similar to IAS 39, although differences will arise. The
combined effect of the application of the business model and the contractual cash flow characteristics tests
may result in some differences in the population of financial assets measured at amortized cost or fair value
compared with IAS 39. The classification of financial liabilities is essentially unchanged. For certain liabilities
measured at fair value, gains or losses relating to changes in the entity's own credit risk are to be included in
other comprehensive income.

2.7 New Standards and Interpretations not adopted

New standards on revenue recognition, financial instrument accounting, leasing have been issued by IASB
which could represent significant changes to accounting requirements in the future.

a. NFRS 9 'Financial Instruments'

In July 2014, the IASB issued NFRS 9 'Financial Instruments', which is the comprehensive standard to
replace IAS 39 'Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement', and includes requirements for
classification and measurement of financial assets and liabilities, impairment of financial assets and hedge
accounting. (Effects and implications have been discussed above in 2.6). It has not been applied as it is yet to
be adopted by ICAN.

Carves out issued by ICAN adopted in Financial Statement:

i. Carves out relating to Impairment related to NAS 39- Financial Instruments:
A. Impairment:
In para 58, an entity shall assess at the end of each reporting period whether there is any objective
evidence that a Financial Asset or Group of Financial Assets measured at amortized cost is impaired.
If any such evidence exists, the entity shall apply Paragraphs 63 to determine the amount of any
impairment loss unless the entity is bank or financial institutions registered as per Bank and Financial
Institutions Act, 2073. Such entities shall measure impairment loss on loan and advances as the
higher of amount derived as per norms prescribed by Nepal Rastra Bank for Loan Loss provision and
amount determined as per Paragraph 63, and shall apply paragraph 63 to measure the impairment
loss on financial assets other than loans and advances. The entity shall disclose the impairment loss
as per this carve-out and the amount of impairment loss determined as per paragraph 63.
The carve-out is not optional and has been provided for the FY 2017-18 to 2019-20.
B. Impracticability to determine transaction cost of all previous years which is part of effective
cost rate
In para 9, The Effective interest rate is the rate that exactly discounts estimated future cash
payments or receipts through the expected life of the financial instrument or when appropriate
shorter period to the net carrying amount of the Financial Asset or Financial Liability.
When calculating the effective interest rate, an entity shall estimate cash flows considering all

@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8

contractual terms of the Financial Instrument( for example, prepayment, call and similar options) but
shall not consider future credit losses. The calculation includes all fees and points paid or received,
unless it is immaterial or impracticable to determine reliably, between parties to the contract that are
an integral part of the effective interest rate( see NAS 18 Revenue), transaction costs and all other
premiums or discounts. There is a presumption that the cash flows and the expected life of a group of
similar financial instruments can be estimated reliably. However, in those rare cases when it is not
possible to examine reliably the cash flows or the expected life of financial instrument (or group of
financial instruments), the entity shall use the contractual cash flows over the full contractual term of
the financial instrument (or group of financial instruments).
The carve-out is optional and has been pronounced for the FY 2017-18 and 2018-19. Accordingly,
the Company has opted the carve-out.

C. Impracticability to determine interest income on amortized cost:

In para AG 93, once a financial asset or a group of similar financial assets has been written- down as
a result of impairment loss, interest income is thereafter recognized using the rate of interest used to
discount the future cash flows for the purpose of measuring the impairment loss. Interest income
shall be calculated by applying effective interest rate to the gross carrying amount of a financial asset
unless the financial asset is written of either partially or fully.
The carve-out is optional and has been pronounced for the FY 2017-18 and 2018-19. Accordingly,
the Company has opted the carve-out.

2.8 Discounting
When the realization of assets and settlement of obligation is after more than one year, the company
considers the discounting of such assets and liabilities where the impact is material. Various internal and
external factors have been considered for determining the discount rate to be applied to the cash flows of the
financial institution. For financial instruments recognized at amortized costs that meet the 'SPPI' criteria, i.e.
solely for the purpose of collecting principal and interest, the effective interest rate is considered to cover for
the credit risk and time value of money, therefore further discounting is not made.

2.9 Going Concern:

The financial statements are prepared on a going concern basis, as the management of the institution is
satisfied that the institution has the resources to continue in business for the foreseeable future. In making this
assessment, the Management have considered a wide range of information relating to present and future
conditions, including future projections of profitability, cash flows and capital resources.

2.10 Materiality:
The Institution for the preparation of financial statements determines materiality based on the nature or
magnitude, or both. Materiality is a pervasive constraint in financial reporting because it is pertinent to all of the
qualitative characteristics.

2.11 Approval of Financial Statements:

The accompanied financial statements have been approved and authorized for issued by the Board of
Directors in its meeting held on 2076/08/18.

3 Significant Accounting Policies:

3.1 Basis of measurement:
The financial information has been prepared under the historical cost basis, except the following material
items in the Statement of Financial Position:
Ø Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income are measured at fair value.
Ø Employee defined benefit obligations of Leave Encashment Eligibility are measured in accordance
with provision contained in NAS 19 based on report of the Actuary.

3.2 Basis of consolidation:

The Institution does not have control over any entity requiring consolidation as per NFRS 10.

@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8

3.3 Cash and cash Equivalent:

Cash and cash equivalent include highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to known amounts of
cash and which are subject to an insignificant risk of change in value. Such investments are normally those
with less than three months' original maturities or less from the acquisition date that are subject to an
insignificant risk of changes in their value and used by the institution in the management of short term
commitment. Cash and cash equivalent are classified as financial assets and treated accordingly.
For the purposes of the cash flow statement, cash and cash equivalent comprise cash and non-mandatory
balances with central banks and amounts due from banks with a maturity of less than three months.

3.4.  Financial Instrument: Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities:

Financial asset is any asset that is:
(a) cash
(b) an equity instrument of another entity;
(c) a contractual right:
I) to receive cash or another financial asset from another entity; or
ii) to exchange financial assets or financial liabilities with another entity under conditions that are
potentially favorable to the entity; or
(d) a contract that will or may be settled in the entity's own equity instruments and is:
(i) a non-derivative for which the entity is or may be obliged to receive a variable number of the entity's
own equity instruments; or
(ii) a derivative that will or may be settled other than by the exchange of a fixed amount of cash or
another financial asset for a fixed number of the entity's own equity instruments.
Financial liability is any liability that is:
(a) contractual obligation:
(i) to deliver cash or another financial asset to another entity; or
(ii) to exchange financial assets or financial liabilities with another entity under conditions that are
potentially unfavorable to the entity; or
(b) a contract that will or may be settled in the entity's own equity instruments and is:
(i) a non-derivative for which the entity is or may be obliged to deliver a variable number of the entity's
own equity instruments; or
(ii) a derivative that will or may be settled other than by the exchange of a fixed amount of cash or
another financial asset for a fixed number of the entity's own equity instruments.
3.4.1. Recognition:
Institution recognizes financial assets or a financial liabilities in its statement of financial position when, and
only when, it becomes a party to the contractual provisions of the instrument.

3.4.2. Classification
Financial assets are classified under three categories, namely,
• Fair Value through Profit or Loss,
• Fair Value Though Other Comprehensive Income
• At Amortized Cost
• Financial liabilities are classified under two categories, namely,
• Fair Value through Profit or Loss,
• Held at amortized cost

3.4.3. Measurement:
At initial recognition, the institution measures financial instruments (financial assets and liabilities) at its fair
value plus, in the case of a financial asset not at fair value through profit or loss, transaction costs that are
directly attributable to the acquisition of the financial asset. Transaction costs of financial assets carried at fair
value through profit or loss are expensed in profit or loss.

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Subsequent measurement – financial assets

• Financial assets other than recognized at amortized cost are measured and reported at fair value.

• Assets classified as held at amortized costs are carried at amortized costs using effective interest rate.
(Institution has availed carve-out exemption for computation of effective interest)
Subsequent measurement – financial liabilities
• Financial liabilities carried at fair value are measured and reported at fair value. Other financial
liabilities are carried at amortized cost.
Gain or loss
Gain or loss arising from changes in the fair value of a financial asset or financial liability are recognized, as
• A gain or loss on a financial asset or financial liability classified as at fair value through profit or loss shall
be recognized in profit or loss.
• A gain or loss on a financial asset or financial liability classified as at fair value through OCI shall be
recognized in other comprehensive income

3.4.4. De-recognition:
Institution derecognizes financial assets when, and only when:
• the contractual rights to the cash flows from the financial asset expire; or

• It transfers the financial asset and the transfer qualifies for de-recognition.
Institution removes financial liabilities (or a part of a financial liabilities) from its statement of financial position
when, and only when, it is extinguished: i.e. when the obligation specified in the contract is discharged or
cancelled or expires.

3.4.5. Determination of fair value:

Fair values of financial assets and liabilities are determined according to the following hierarchy:
• Level 1 – valuation technique using quoted market price: financial instruments with quoted prices for
identical instruments in active markets that the group can access at the measurement date.
• Level 2 – valuation technique using observable inputs: financial instruments with quoted prices for
similar instruments in active markets or quoted prices for identical or similar instruments in inactive
markets and financial instruments valued using models where all significant inputs are observable. For
the listed securities where the company holds promoter shares which are priced and traded differently
in the market than ordinary shares the Company has considered the valuation of similar promoters
shares traded in the market which approximates to 50% of the price that the ordinary shares are traded.
• Level 3 – valuation technique with significant unobservable inputs: financial instruments valued using
valuation techniques where one or more significant inputs are unobservable. Where market prices are
not available then the Company considers the carrying value and future cash flows from the financial

3.4.6. Impairment
Impairment of financial assets held at amortized costs
Impairment of financial assets is considered when the carrying values of the assets are more than the
recoverable amount from the assets. Impairment is tested for all financial assets except those measured at
fair value.
Impairment of loans and advances to customers and bank and financial institutions for impaired loans are
recognized immediately when there is objective evidence that impairment of a loan or portfolio of loans has
occurred. Impairment allowances that are calculated on individual loans or on groups of loans assessed
collectively are recorded as charges to the profit or loss and are reduced against the carrying amount of
impaired loans in the statement of financial position. Losses, which may arise from future events are not
The process of impairment followed by the institution under NAS 39 is as under:

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· Institution individually assesses for impairment of loans and advances for all loans that are overdue.
· When testing for impairment if there is no indication of impairments such loans and advances are
considered for collective assessment. If there is an indication of impairment, then impairment is
charged against loans and advances on individual basis.
· If the loans and advances are not overdue and do not indicate any trigger events that would require
detailed impairment testing such loans and advances are categorized for collective assessment of
· When triggers are identified for individually significant loans and advances they are tested for
· Impairment is specifically (individually) assessed and charged for overdue loans and advances.
· Collective assessment is based on the risk assessment, risk categories and risk classification of
loan and advances.

Individually assessed loan and advances

The criteria used to make this assessment include:
• known cash flow difficulties experienced by the borrower;
• Contractual payments of either principal or interest being past due;
• The probability that the borrower will enter bankruptcy or other financial realization;
• A concession granted to the borrower for economic or legal reasons relating to the borrower's financial
difficulty that results in forgiveness or postponement of principal, interest or fees, where the concession
is not insignificant; and
• There has been deterioration in the financial condition or outlook of the borrower such that its ability to
repay is considered doubtful. For loans where objective evidence of impairment exists, impairment
losses are determined considering the following factors:
– the group's aggregate exposure to the customer;
– the viability of the customer's business model and their capacity to trade successfully out of
financial difficulties and generate sufficient cash flow to service debt obligations;
– the amount and timing of expected receipts and recoveries;
– the likelihood of dividend available on liquidation or bankruptcy;
– the extent of other creditors' commitments ranking ahead of, or pari passu with, the company and
the likelihood of other creditors continuing to support the institution;
– the complexity of determining the aggregate amount and ranking of all creditor claims and the
extent to which legal and insurance uncertainties are evident;
• the realizable value of security (or other credit mitigating factor) and likelihood of successful
repossession and encashment of collateral.
• the likely costs of obtaining and selling collateral as part of foreclosure;

Collectively assessed loans and advances

Impairment is assessed collectively to cover losses, which have been incurred but have not yet been
identified on loans subject to individual assessment or for homogeneous groups of loans that are not
considered individually significant. All individually significant loans and advances and investment securities
are assessed for specific impairment. Those found not to be specifically impaired are then collectively
assessed for any impairment that has been incurred but not yet identified. Loans and advances that are not
individually significant are collectively assessed for impairment by grouping together loans and advances
with similar risk characteristics.
Impairment of loans and advances portfolios are based on the judgments in past experience of portfolio
behavior. In assessing collective impairment the institution uses historical trends of the incurred loss by
analyzing data of last twelve quarters, the amount of recoveries and the amount of loss incurred, adjusted for
management's judgment as to whether current economic and credit conditions are such that the actual losses
are likely to be greater or less than suggested by historical trends. When information becomes available
which identifies losses on individual loans within the group, those loans are removed from the group and
assessed individually.
To estimate the required allowance, assumptions are made to define how inherent losses are modelled and to

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determine the required input parameters, based on historical experience and current economic conditions.
The accuracy of the provision depends on the model assumptions and parameters used in determining the
collective provision.

Reversals of impairment
If the amount of an impairment loss decreases in a subsequent period, and the decrease can be related
objectively to an event occurring after the impairment was recognized, the excess is written back by reducing
the loan impairment allowance account accordingly. The write-back is recognized in the profit and loss
statement net of impairment during the period.
Write-off of loans and advances
Loans (and the related impairment allowance accounts) are normally written off, either partially or in full, when
there is no realistic prospect of recovery. Where loans are secured, this is generally after receipt of any
proceeds from the realization of security. In circumstances where the net realizable value of any collateral has
been determined and there is no reasonable expectation of further recovery, write-off may be earlier.
Carve out – Loans and Advances Impairment
The regulators have provided a mandatory carve-out for charging impairment of loans and advances. The
carve-out indicates that the Company needs to assess its impairment of loans and advances under NFRS
and calculate impairment under rule based impairment model of Directive 2 of Nepal Rastra Bank. Then
higher impairment of the two methods needs to be recognised in the financial statements, with additional
disclosure of the loans and advances had the other methods been applied for comparison purpose. The
financial institution for the financial years 2018-19, 2017-18 and 2016-17 has assessed the impairment under
NFRS impairment model and under NRB Directives. Since the impairments under NRB directives are higher
than under NFRS, the financial institution has recognized impairment calculated under NRB directives.
Following table below depicts the calculation of impairment allowance as per NFRS and as per NRB
2075-76 2074-75 2073-74
As per NRB As per NFRS As per NRB As per NFRS As per NRB As per NFRS
Individual 3,293,666.97 36,685,736.47 2,343,769.66 79,759,024.84 4,021,295.18
25,708,543.10 2,474,608.32 24,683,112.14 3,573,307.97 16,034,405.67 16,094,597.18
Total 37,275,083.10 5,768,275.29 61,368,848.61 5,917,077.63 95,793,430.51 20,115,892.36

3.4.7. Offsetting of financial assets and financial liabilities:

Financial assets and financial liabilities are offset and the net amount is reported in the balance sheet when
there is a legally enforceable right to offset the recognized amounts and there is an intention to settle on a net
basis, or realize the asset and settle the liability simultaneously ('the offset criteria').

3.5. Trading Assets:

Financial assets are classified as trading assets (held for trading) if they have been acquired principally for the
purpose of selling in the near term, or form part of a portfolio of identified financial instruments that are
managed together and for which there is evidence of a recent pattern of short- term profit-taking. They are
recognized on trade date, when the group enters into contractual arrangements with counterparties, and are
normally derecognized when sold. They are initially measured at fair value, with transaction costs taken to the
income statement. Subsequent changes in their fair values are recognized in the income statement in 'Net
trading income'.

3.6. Derivative Assets and derivative liabilities:

Derivatives are financial instruments that derive their value from the price of underlying items such as
equities, bonds, interest rates, foreign exchange, credit spreads, commodities and equity or other indices.
Derivatives are initially recognized, and are subsequently re-measured, at fair value. Fair values of
derivatives are obtained either from quoted market prices or by using valuation techniques.
Embedded derivatives are bifurcated from the host contract when their economic characteristics and risks are
not clearly and closely related to those of the host non- derivative contract, their contractual terms would
otherwise meet the definition of a stand-alone derivative and the combined contract is not held for trading or
designated at fair value. The bifurcated embedded derivatives are measured at fair value with changes
therein recognized in the income statement.

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3.7. Property, Plant and Equipment:

3.7.1  Recognition of Property, Plant and Equipment:
Property and equipment, including owner-occupied property, is stated at cost, excluding the costs. Cost
include the purchase price other directly attributable cost of property and equipment, including import duty
and non-refundable purchase taxes, after deducting trade discount and rebate. Replacement or major
inspection costs are capitalized when incurred, if it is probable that future economic benefits associated with
the item will flow to the entity and the cost of the item can be measured reliably.

Estimated rate of Depreciation:

Depreciation is provided on useful life basis over the estimated life of the following nature of assets:

Nature of Assets Useful Life

Computer and Accessories 4 Years
Vehicle 5 - 10 Years
Furniture and Fixture 4 Years
Equipment and Others 4 years

Leasehold improvement is amortized on the basis of straight line basis using the rate determined with
reference to lease period.
Depreciation of these assets commences when the assets are available for use, which is generally on
commissioning (available for use) and not when it is put to use. Items of Property, Plant and Equipment are
depreciated in a manner that amortizes the cost (or other amount substituted for cost) of the assets after
commissioning, less its residual value, over their useful lives on a Straight Line basis and recognized as an
expense in the statement of profit or loss.
The assets' residual values, and useful lives and method of depreciation are reviewed and adjusted, if
appropriate, at each financial year end and adjusted prospectively.
An item of property and equipment is derecognized upon disposal or when no further future economic benefits
are expected from its use or disposal. Any gain or loss arising on de-recognition of the asset (calculated as the
difference between the net disposal proceeds and the carrying amount of the asset) is included in the
statement of profit or loss in the year the asset is derecognized

A. Impairment of property, plant and equipment

The financial institution applies NAS 36 Impairment of Assets to determine whether its asset have impaired.
For the purpose of determination of Impairment Loss, the institution treats each reportable segment as a
separate Cash Generating Unit.
The institution has identified and impaired following property and equipment as on 31st Ashad 2076.

Particulars Amount
Computer & Accessories 175,228.26
Vehicles 8,662.97
Furniture & Fixtures 96,667.73
Equipment and others 211,711.4 0
Total 492,270.36

3.7.2 Intangible Assets:

Basis of recognition
Institution's intangible assets comprise of software which have been separately acquired and therefore
measured on initial recognition at cost less any accumulated amortization and any accumulated impairment
Subsequent expenditure
Subsequent to initial recognition, the intangible asset is carried at cost less accumulated amortization for
depreciation and accumulated impairment losses.
Subsequent expenditure on intangibles are capitalized only when it increases the future economic benefits
embodied in the specific asset to which it relates. All other expenditure is charged to the statement of profit or
loss when incurred.
Amortization of Intangible assets
Software (Intangible) has been classified as having definite useful life and is amortized over estimated useful
life of concerned software. Estimation of the useful life is reviewed at each financial year end and changes in

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the expected useful life or the expected pattern of consumption of future economic benefits embodied in the
asset are considered to modify the amortization period or method, as appropriate, and are treated as changes
in accounting estimates
Amortization expense on intangible assets with finite lives is recognized in the statement of profit or loss in the
expense category consistent with the function of the intangible asset.
Amortization is calculated using the straight-line method to write down the cost of intangible assets to their
residual values over their estimated useful lives. Estimated useful life of the software currently owned by the
institution has been determined as follow:
Asset Class Useful Life
Software 5 Years

De-recognition of Intangible assets

An intangible asset is de-recognized on disposal or when no future economic benefits are expected from it.
The gain or loss arising from de-recognition of such intangible assets is included in the statement of profit or
loss when the item is de-recognized.
Impairment of Intangible assets
An impairment review is performed whenever there is an indication of impairment. When the recoverable
amount is less than the carrying value, an impairment loss is recognized in the statement of profit or loss.
Assessment of impairment of intangible assets
The management has assessed potential impairment indicators of Intangible assets as at 31st Ashad 2076.
Based on the assessment, no any impairment indicators were identified.

3.8. Investment property:

Land or a building or part of a building or both owned by the Company or held by the Company as the lessee
under a finance lease to earn rentals or for capital appreciation or both, rather than for:
• use in the production or supply of goods or services or for administrative purposes; or
• sale in the ordinary course of business '
• are classified as investment properties.
Investment properties are measured initially at its cost. Transaction costs are included in the initial
measurement. After initial recognition, the company chooses the cost model to measure its investment
properties in accordance with NAS 40.
The Non-Banking Assets acquired by the institution is classified as assets held for sale and presented under
investment properties.

3.9. Income Tax:

Income tax comprises current tax and deferred tax. Income tax is recognized in the income statement except
to the extent that it relates to items recognized in other comprehensive income or directly in equity, in which
case it is recognized in the same statement in which the related item appears.

3.9.1 Current Tax:

Current tax is the tax expected to be payable on the taxable profit for the year, calculated using tax rates
enacted or substantively enacted by the reporting date, and any adjustment to tax payable in respect of
previous years. Current tax assets and liabilities are offset when the group intends to settle on a net basis and
the legal right to offset exists.

3.9.2 Deferred Tax:

Deferred tax is recognized on temporary differences between the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities in
the balance sheet and the amounts attributed to such assets and liabilities for tax purposes. Deferred tax
liabilities are generally recognized for all taxable temporary differences and deferred tax assets are
recognized to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profits will be available against which deductible
temporary differences can be utilized.
Deferred tax is calculated using the tax rates expected to apply in the periods in which the assets will be realized
or the liabilities settled, based on tax rates and laws enacted, or substantively enacted, by the balance sheet
date. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are offset when they arise in the same tax reporting group and relate to
income taxes levied by the same taxation authority, and when the group has a legal right to offset.

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Deferred tax relating to actuarial gains and losses on post-employment benefits is recognized in other
comprehensive income if gains/ losses are recognized in OCI. Deferred tax relating to fair value re-
measurements of available- for-sale investments credited or charged directly to other comprehensive income
and is subsequently recognized in the income statement when the deferred fair value gain or loss is
recognized in the income statement.

3.10. Deposits, debt securities issued and subordinated liabilities:

Borrowings (which include deposits from banks, customer deposits, debt securities in issue and subordinated
liabilities) are recognized initially at fair value, being their issue proceeds net of transaction costs incurred.
These instruments are subsequently stated at amortized cost using the effective interest rate method. The
Company does not have any debt securities issued and subordinated liabilities.

3.11. Provisions:
Provisions are recognized when it is probable that an outflow of economic benefits will be required to settle a
current legal or constructive obligation, which has arisen as a result of past events, and for which a reliable
estimate can be made. Judgment is involved in determining whether a present obligation exists and in
estimating the probability, timing and amount of any outflows. Professional expert advice is taken on the
assessment of litigation, property (including onerous contracts) and similar obligations wherever necessary.

3.12. Revenue recognition:

Interest income – Interest income are recognized under accrual basis in the profit or loss for all interest-
bearing financial instruments meeting NRB directives for interest recognition in NFRS complied Financial
NFRS Requirement
NFRS requires interest income to be recognized using the effective interest method, except for those
classified at fair value through profit or loss. The effective interest method is a method of calculating the
amortized cost of a financial asset and of allocating the interest income over the expected life of the financial
instrument. The effective interest rate is the rate that exactly discounts the estimated future cash payments or
receipts over the expected life of the financial instrument or, when appropriate, a shorter period, to the net
carrying amount of the financial asset or financial liability. The effective interest rate is calculated on initial
recognition of the financial asset or liability by estimating the future cash flows after considering all the
contractual terms of the instrument but not future credit losses. The calculation includes all amounts expected
to be paid or received by the Company including expected early redemption fees and related penalties and
premiums and discounts that are an integral part of the overall return. Direct incremental transaction costs
related to the acquisition, issue or disposal of financial instruments is also taken into account in the
calculation. Once a financial asset or a group of similar financial assets has been written down as a result of
an impairment loss, interest income is recognized using the rate of interest used to discount the future cash
flows for the purpose of measuring the impairment loss.
Interest income on loan and advances is recognized on amortized principal which is nearer to effective
interest method suggested by NFRSs. The adoption of effective interest method is not possible due to
constraint of time, effort and cost in the short term compared to the benefits it provides. Interest of loan and
advances which are significantly impaired are not recognized.
Interest income on government bond and bank balances are recognized on effective interest method.
Fees and Commission Income: Fees and commission, which are not an integral part of the effective interest
rate are generally recognized when the service has been provided. Fee income is earned from a diverse
range of services provided by the group to its customers. Loan commitment fees for loans that are likely to be
drawn down are deferred (together with related direct costs) and recognized as an adjustment to the effective
interest rate on the loan once drawn. Where it is unlikely that loan commitments will be drawn, loan
commitment fees are recognized over the life of the facility. Loan syndication fees are recognized as revenue
when the syndication has been completed and the Company retains no part of the loan package for itself or
retains a part at the same effective interest rate for all interest-bearing financial instruments, including loans
and advances, as for the other participants.
Company has not deferred the commitment fee/ service charges for the loan which has got tenure of more
than a year.
Dividend Income: Dividend income is recognized when the right to receive payment is established. This is
the ex-dividend date for listed equity securities, and usually the date when shareholders approve the dividend
for unlisted equity securities.

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Net Trading Income: comprises all gains and losses from changes in the fair value of financial assets and
financial liabilities held for trading, together with the related interest income, expense and dividends.
Net income from financial instruments designated at fair value includes all Gains and Losses arising from
changes in the fair value of financial instruments designated at fair value through profit or loss are included in
the statement of profit or loss in the period in which they arise. Contractual interest income on financial
instruments held at fair value through profit or loss is recognized within net interest income.

3.13. Interest expense:

Under NFRS Interest expense are recognized in the profit or loss for all interest-bearing financial instruments
using the effective interest method. The effective interest method is a method of calculating the amortized
cost of a financial liability and of allocating the interest expense over the expected life of the financial

3.14. Employee benefits:

3.14.1 Current employee benefits costs:
Short-term employee benefits, such as salaries, paid absences, performance-based cash rewards, profit
sharing bonus and social security costs such as PF are recognized over the period in which the employees
provide the related services.

3.14.2 Post-employment benefits:

Defined contribution plan
Payments to defined contribution plans where the Company's obligations are equivalent to a contribution by
employees to the defined contribution plan. These are charged as an expense as the employees render
service. The Company doesn't operates provident fund scheme under Defined contribution plan. A
percentage of basic pay is paid on monthly basis to the plan. The Company has no further obligation to pay
after such contribution even if the plan assets may not be sufficient to pay out to the employees. The plan is
managed by a separately registered retirement benefit plan managed by the Nabil Bank Limited Retirement
Fund. Any further income on such fund belongs to the employees. Therefore actuarial valuation is not
required for defined contribution plan.

Defined benefit plan

The defined benefit plan includes gratuity and accumulated leave compensation payment at the time of
retirement. The present value of defined benefit obligations are calculated at the reporting date by the
actuaries. The net charge to the profit and loss comprises the service costs and the net interest on the net
defined benefit liability and is presented under employee cost.
The past service cost, which is charged immediately to the income statement, is the change in the present
value of the defined benefit obligation for employee service in prior periods resulting from a plan amendment
(the introduction or withdrawal of, or changes to, a defined benefit plan) or curtailment (a significant reduction
by the entity in the number of employees covered by a plan). A settlement is a transaction that eliminates all
further legal and constructive obligations for part or all of the benefits provided under a defined benefit plan,
other than a payment of benefits to, or on behalf of, employees that is set out in the terms of the plan and
included in the actuarial assumptions.
Re-measurements of the net defined benefit liability, which comprise actuarial gains and losses, return on
plan assets (excluding interest) and the effect of the asset ceiling (if any, excluding interest), are recognized
immediately in other comprehensive income. Actuarial gains and losses comprise experience adjustments
(the effects of differences between the previous actuarial assumptions and what has actually occurred), as
well as the effects of changes in actuarial assumptions.
The defined benefit asset or liability represents the present value of defined benefit obligations.
Actuarial Valuation details and assumptions are in Note no.4.23 of Financial Statement.

3.14.3 Staff Bonus:

Provision for staff bonus has been made @ 10% of net profit computed after deducting staff bonus provision.

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3.15 Leases:
Leases where the institution does not transfer substantially all of the risk and benefits of ownership of the
assets are classified as operating leases. The leases entered into by the Institution are primarily operating
Institution as a Lessee
Operating lease rentals payable are charged to the profit and loss on a straight-line basis over the period of
the lease from the FY 2075-76. The lease rentals for the rented premises increase as per the contractual
agreement with the lessors.

3.16 Foreign currency translation:

Transactions in foreign currencies are recorded in the functional currency at the rate of exchange prevailing
on the date of the transaction. Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are
translated into the functional currency at the buying rate of exchange at the balance sheet date. Any resulting
exchange differences are included in the profit or loss. Non-monetary assets and liabilities that are measured
at historical cost in a foreign currency are translated into the functional currency using the rate of exchange at
the date of the initial transaction. Non-monetary assets and liabilities measured at fair value in a foreign
currency are translated into the functional currency using the rate of exchange at the date the fair value was

3.17 Financial Guarantee and loan commitments:

Financial guarantees
They are the contingent liabilities, which include certain guarantees and letters of credit pledged as collateral
security as well as contingent liabilities related to legal proceedings or regulatory matters are possible
obligations that arise from past events whose existence will be confirmed only by the occurrence, or non-
occurrence, of one or more uncertain future events not wholly within the control of the group; or are present
obligations that have arisen from past events but are not recognized because it is not probable that settlement
will require the outflow of economic benefits, or because the amount of the obligations cannot be reliably
measured. Contingent liabilities are not recognized in the financial statements but are disclosed unless the
probability of settlement is remote.
Loan Commitments
These include the amount of loans approved by the Financial Institution but are not yet disbursed/utilised.
These include for example overdraft / cash credit limits given to the customers in excess of already utilised
balances where customers can draw down credit facilities, within the limit, without going through any further
approval process of the Financial Institution.

3.18 Share Capital and Reserves:

3.18.1 Share Capital:
Financial instruments issued are classified as equity when there is no contractual obligation to transfer cash,
other financial assets or issue a variable number of own equity instruments. Incremental costs directly
attributable to the issue of equity instruments are shown in equity as a deduction from the proceeds.
The issue expenses for the issue charged in the year of issue and though the impact from past of the
institution's equity the amount has not been adjusted with the share capital and the institution considered the
impact to be immaterial.
3.18.2 Reserves:
· Share Premium: Any premium collected on issue of shares to the public is credited to this reserve. This
reserve is utilised only for issue of the bonus share capital.

· Retained Earnings: The accumulated profits which has not been distributed to shareholders and is free
for distribution of dividend to the shareholders is presented under this heading.

· General Reserve: There is a regulatory requirement under Bank and Financial Institutions Act to set
aside 20% of the net profit after tax every year as general reserve to build up the capital until the general
reserve fund balance is twice the paid up share capital. This is the restricted reserve and cannot be freely
used. The Financial Institution appropriates 20% of the regulatory net profit every year and transfers to
the general reserve fund.

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• Exchange equalization reserve: Central Bank's regulatory directives require Financial Institution's to
transfer 25% of the revaluation gain as at the year end to this reserve account.

• Fair value Reserve: Net change in fair value of equity instruments that are measured at fair value and
the changes in fair value is presented under this reserve.

• CSR Reserve: Bank and Financial Institution has regulatory requirement to set aside 1% of the net profit
of previous year for corporate social responsibility activities.
During the year, CSR Fund of Rs. 1,165,440.79 has been appropriated being 1% of net profit. The CSR
expenses incurred during the year amounting to Rs.298,258.00 has been charged to statement of Profit
and Loss with corresponding addition/(deletion) in retained earnings.
Movement of Corporate Social Responsibility Reserve( CSR) year-wise are as follows:

Particulars F/Y 2075/76 F/Y 2074/75 F/Y 2073/74

Opening balances 2,058,839.51 945,254.00 -
Addition during the year 1,165,440.79 1,232,112.51 945,254.00
Total 3,224,280.30 2,177,366.51 945,254.00
Utilization 298,258.00 118,527.00 -
Balance at the year end 2,926,022.30 2,058,839.51 945,254.00

• Staff Training Fund: Bank and Financial Institution has regulatory requirement to set aside the shortfall
between amount spent for training and amount calculated at 3% of the previous year's staff cost. Such
shortfall amount if any is set aside in the reserves. In case where the amount spent exceeds 3%, the
excess is written back from the fund.
Movement of Staff Training Fund year-wise are as follows:
Particulars F/Y 2075/76 F/Y 2074/75 F/Y 2073/74
Opening balances 434,231.73 200,833.00 -
Addition during the year 331,895.41 322,388.73 200,833.00
Total 766,127.14 523,221.73 200,833.00
Utilization 570,119.64 88990.00 -
Balance at the year end 196,007.50 434,231.73 200,833.00

· Regulatory reserves: The amount that is allocated from retained earnings of the Financial Institution as
per the Directive of NRB for the purpose of implementation of NFRS is presented under this account
head. The amount in this reserve is not free for distribution of dividend (cash as well as bonus shares).
The amount allocated to this reserve include interest income recognized but not received in cash,
difference of loan loss provision as per NRB directive and impairment on loan and advance as per NFRS
(in case lower impairment is recognized under NFRS), amount equals to deferred tax assets, actual loss
recognized in other comprehensive income, amount of goodwill recognized under NFRS, etc. Amount of
Rs.6,832,757.84 has been transferred from Regulatory reserve during the reporting period.
Accrued Interest receivable and Investment properties( Non-Banking Assets) booked as income has
been transferred to Regulatory Reserve after deducting the impact of staff bonus and income tax as per
circular issued by Nepal Rastra Bank vide circular no 6/076/77 dated 2076.07.26
The details of Regulatory Reserve are presented below:
Particulars Amount
Accrued Interest Receivable Reserve* 4,634,609.00
Non-Banking Asset Reserve (Investment properties)* 1,803,772.00
Deferred Tax Assets 394,376.84
Total 6,832,757.84

* The impact of Bonus and Tax for Regulatory Reserve is as follows:

Particulars Accrued Interest Non-Banking Assets
Interest Income booked under NFRS 7,356,522.67 2,863,130.00
Impact of Staff Bonus 735,652.27 286,313.00
Balance after Staff Bonus 6,620,870.40 2,576,817.00
Impact of Income Tax (30%) 1,986,261.40 773,045.00
Net amount transferred to Regulatory Reserve 4,634,609.00 1,803,772.00

• Other Reserve: Any reserve created with specific or non-specific purpose (except stated above) are
presented under this by disclosing accounting heads.

@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8

3.19 Earning Per Share including diluted:

Basic Earnings Per Share are calculated by dividing the net profit attributable to equity shareholders by the
weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the year. For the calculation of diluted earnings
per share the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue is adjusted to assume conversion of all
dilutive potential ordinary shares that arise in respect of convertible instruments, if any. Where the number of
ordinary share increases as a result of bonus issue, the calculation of basic and diluted earning per share for
all the periods presented has been adjusted retrospectively.

3.20 Segment reporting:

The Institution's segmental reporting is in accordance with NFRS 8- Operating Segments. Operating
segments are reported in a manner consistent with the internal reporting provided to the institution's
management, which is responsible for allocating resources and assessing performance of the operating
segments. All the transaction between business segments are conducted on an arm's length basis, with intra-
segment revenue and costs being eliminated in Head Office. Income and expenses directly associated with
each segment are included in determining business segment performance.

3.21  Interim Financial Reporting:

Interim reports corresponding to the financial statements had been reported in accordance with the
regulatory reporting requirement. Those statements have been published quarterly in a national level

@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8

e|d/k'/f zfvfsf] ;d'b\3f6g sfo{qmddf ;xefuL . ;+:yfsf cWoIf / uf]nahf/ pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3sf cWoIf Ho"af6
uf]nahf/ zfvfsf] ;+o'Qm ?kdf ;d'b\3f6g ub}{ .

af/f lhNnfsf] xfjf x'/L kLl8tx?sf] nflu d'VodGqL /fxtsf]ifdf af9L kLl8tx?nfO{ nQf–sk8f tyf vfBfGg ljt/0f ub}{ .
?= !,)!,))).– sf] r]s d'VodGqLnfO{ x:tfGt/0f ub}{ .

;+ljwfg lbj;sf] cj;/df cfbz{ xf]:6n, hgsk'/wfdsf 5fqx?sf] ;+ljwfg lbj;sf] cj;/df hfgsL j[4f>d, hgsk'/wfdsf j[4
nflu vfBfGg x:tfGt/0f ub}{ . cfdfx?sf] nflu vfBfGg x:tfGt/0f ub}{ .

;+ljwfg lbj;sf] cj;/df kz'klt lzIff dlGb/, hgsk'/wfdsf ;+ljwfg lbj;sf] cj;/df wg'iffwfddf j[Iff/f]k0f / 6«L uf8{
5fq–5fqfx?sf] nflu vfBfGg x:tfGt/0f ub}{ . pknAw u/fOPsf] .
@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8

gub tyf gub ;dfg

ljQLo ;+:yf
cfiff9 d;fGt @)&^ cfiff9 d;fGt @)&% cfiff9 d;fGt @)&$
gub df}Hbft 14,599,433.71 5,527,528.43 907,831.06
a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfdf /x]sf] df}Hbft 1,167,229.99 2,005,107.33 8,563,160.41
dfu tyf cNk ;'rgfdf k|fKt x'g] /sd 653,134,259.29 740,686,677.49 595,784,947.23
hDdf 668,900,922.99 748,219,313.25 605,255,938.70

gub tyf gub ;dfgdf eN6df ePsf] gub / Ph]G;L a}+s ;+u /x]sf] df}HbftnfO{ hgfOPsf] 5 .

g]kfn /fi6« a}+sdf /x]sf] df}Hbft tyf lng'kg{] /sd

ljQLo ;+:yf
cfiff9 d;fGt @)&^ cfiff9 d;fGt @)&% cfiff9 d;fGt @)&$
g]kfn /fi6«« a}+s;+u /x]sf] j}wflgs df}Hbft 78,418,908.11 75,459,406.01 31,196,776.44
k'gM ljqmLsf] lgDtL vl/b ul/Psf] lwtf]kq
g]kfn /fi6«« a}+s cGo lgIf]k tyf lng afFsL aSof}tf /sd
hDdf 78,418,908.11 75,459,406.01 31,196,776.44

g]kfn /fi6«« a}+s;+u /x]sf] j}wflgs df}Hbft cGtu{t g]=/f= a}+ssf] lgb{}zg cg'?k l;cf/cf/ sf] lglDt /sd /flvPsf] 5 .

a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfdf u/]sf] nufgL -Kn];d]G6_

ljQLo ;+:yf
cfiff9 d;fGt @)&^ cfiff9 d;fGt @)&% cfiff9 d;fGt @)&$
:jb]zL a]+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfdf u/]sf] nufgL
ljb]zL a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfdf u/]sf] nufgL
36fpg] hf]lvd Joj:yf

8]l/e]l6e -Jo'TkGg_ ljQLo pks/0fx?

ljQLo ;+:yf
cfiff9 d;fGt @)&^ cfiff9 d;fGt @)&% cfiff9 d;fGt @)&$
Jofkfl/s nufgL
JofHfb/ :jfk
d'b«f :jfk
clu|d ljlgdo ;Demf}tf
hf]lvd Joj:yfkgsf] lglDt
JofHfb/ :jfk
d'b«f :jfk
clu|d ljlgdo ;Demf}tf

@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8

cGo Jofkfl/s ;DklQ

ljQLo ;+:yf
cfiff9 d;fGt @)&^ cfiff9 d;fGt @)&% cfiff9 d;fGt @)&$
6]«h/L ljn
g]kfn ;/sf/sf] C0fkq
g]kfn /fi6« a}+ssf] C0fkq
:jb]zL Ohfht k|fKt ;+:yfsf] aG8

a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfnfO{ lbPsf] shf{ tyf ;fk6L

ljQLo ;+:yf
ljj/0f cfiff9 d;fGt @)&^ cfiff9 d;fGt @)&% cfiff9 d;fGt @)&$
n3'ljQ ;+:yfnfO{ lbPsf] shf{ 36,218,097.76
36fpg] hf]lvd Joj:yf 362,180.98
hDdf 35,855,916.78

shf{ hf]lvd Joj:yf -cg';"rL $=^ df b]lvP adf]lhd _

ljQLo ;+:yf
ljj/0f cfiff9 d;fGt @)&^ cfiff9 d;fGt @)&% cfiff9 d;fGt @)&$
;fpg ! Sf] df}Hbft
o; jif{sf] hf]lvd Joj:yf
o; jif{sf] hDDff 362,180.98
p7]sf] lkmtf{
cfiff9 cGTosf] df}Hbft 362,180.98

u|fxsnfO{ lbPsf] shf{ tyf ;fk6L

ljQLo ;+:yf
ljj/0f cfiff9 d;fGt @)&^ cfiff9 d;fGt @)&% cfiff9 d;fGt @)&$
ckn]lvt d'Nodf d'NofÍg ul/Psf] shf{ jf ;fk6L 2,140,104,442.10 1,638,511,880.38 1,477,480,132.56
36fpg] hf]lvd Joj:yf
;fd"lxs hf]lvd Joj:yf 25,346,362.12 24,683,112.14 16,034,405.67
JolQut hf]lvd Joj:yf 11,566,540.00 36,685,736.47 79,759,024.84
v'b /sd 2,103,191,539.98 1,577,143,031.77 1,381,686,702.05
FFVTPL df d'NofÍg ul/Psf] shf{ tyf ;fk6L
hDdf 2,103,191,539.98 1,577,143,031.77 1,381,686,702.05

@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8

shf{ k|sf/sf] cfwf/df shf{ / ;fk6Lsf] ljZn]if0f

ljQLo ;+:yf
ljj/0f cfiff9 d;fGt @)&^ cfiff9 d;fGt @)&% cfiff9 d;fGt @)&$
shf{ k|sf/
cfjlws shf{ 25,587,062.00
cf]e/ 8«fkm\6 59,758,565.37
6«i6 l/l;K6 ÷lgof{t shf{
dfu tyf cGo rfn' kF"hL shf{
JolQmut cfjfl;o shf{ 80,970,790.17 43,664,466.36 61,039,643.45
l/on :6]6 shf{ 240,487,410.66 66,679,779.00
dflh{g n]lG8ª shf{
xfo/ kr{]h shf{ 7,241,585.12 7,244,683.31 11,689,144.93
ljkGg ju{ shf{ 10,260,230.95 47,658,188.44 52,181,399.95
ljn vl/b
sd{rf/L shf{ 13,906,579.69
cGo 1,694,535,695.46 1,468,119,125.99 1,343,006,491.96
hDDff 2,132,747,919.42 1,633,366,243.10 1,467,916,680.29
lng afFsL Aofh 7,356,522.68 5,145,637.28 9,563,452.27
s"n hDDff 2,140,104,442.10 1,638,511,880.38 1,477,480,132.56

dflysf] ljZn]if0f shf{ hf]lvd JoJ:yf g36fO{ s'n shf{ /sdsf] cfwf/df ul/Psf] 5 .

d'b|fsf] cfwf/df shf{ / ;fk6Lsf] ljZn]if0f

ljQLo ;+:yf
cfiff9 d;fGt @)&^ cfiff9 d;fGt @)&% cfiff9 d;fGt @)&$
g]kfnL ?k}+of 2,140,104,442.10 1,638,511,880.38 1,477,480,132.56
ef/tLo ?k}+of
cd]l/sg 8n/
u|]6 lj|6]g kfpG8
hfkflgh P]g
rfOlgh o[cfg
hDdf 2,140,104,442.10 1,638,511,880.38 1,477,480,132.56

lwtf] ;'/If0fsf] cfwf/df shf{ tyf ;fk6Lsf] ljZn]if0f

u|fxsnfO{ k|bfg ul/Psf] shf{ tyf ;fk6L lwtf] ;'/If0f /flv lgd{'n ul/G5 . o:tf k|sf/sf C0f tyf ;fk6L lgDg k|sf/sf /x]sf 5g\ .
ljQLo ;+:yf
ljj/0f cfiff9 d;fGt @)&^ cfiff9 d;fGt @)&% cfiff9 d;fGt @)&$
rn÷crn ;DklQ 2,099,634,976.84 1,591,738,958.49 1,388,182,548.18
;'g / rfFbL
:jb]zL a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfsf] hdfgt
;/sf/L hdfgt 2,006,743.63 2,006,743.63 2,006,743.63
cGt/fli6«o ;"lrs[t a}+ssf] hdfgt
lgof{t sfuhkqsf] lwtf]
d'2tL lgIf]ksf] lwtf] 38,462,721.63 44,766,178.26 87,290,840.75
;/sf/L lwtf]kqsf] lwtf]
sfpG6/ hdfgt
JolQmut hdfgt
cGo lwtf]
hDdf 2,140,104,442.10 1,638,511,880.38 1,477,480,132.56
;'/If0f gul/Psf]
hDdf 2,140,104,442.10 1,638,511,880.38 1,477,480,132.56

@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8

shf{ hf]lvd Joj:yf

ljQLo ;+:yf
ljj/0f cfiff9 d;fGt @)&^ cfiff9 d;fGt @)&% cfiff9 d;fGt @)&$
Individual hf]lvd Joj:yf
;fpg ! Sf] df}Hbft 36,685,736.47 79,759,024.84 85,406,197.59
o; jif{sf] hf]lvd Joj:yf
o; jif{sf] Joj:yf -25,119,196.48_ -43073288.37 -5647172.75
o; jif{sf] c;'nL÷lkmtf{
ljb]zL d'b«f ljlgdo b/n] hf]lvd Joj:yf 36÷a9
cGo kl/jt{g
cfiff9 cGTosf] df}Hbft 11,566,539.99 36,685,736.47 79,759,024.84
;fd"lxs hf]lvd Joj:yf
;fpg ! Sf] df}Hbft 24,683,112.14 16,034,405.67 14,857,878.98
o; jif{sf] hf]lvd Joj:yf
o; jif{sf] Joj:yf÷lkmtf{ 663,249.99 8,648,706.47 1,176,526.69
ljb]zL d'b«f ljlgdo b/n] hf]lvd Joj:yf 36÷a9
cGo kl/jt{g
cfiff9 cGTosf] df}Hbft 25,346,362.13 24,683,112.14 16,034,405.67
hDdf hf]lvd Joj:yf 36,912,902.12 61,368,848.61 95,793,430.51

ljQLo ;+:yf
cfiff9 d;fGt @)&^ cfiff9 d;fGt @)&% cfiff9 d;fGt @)&$
kl/iff]lwt -Amor sed_ d'Nodf d'NofÍg ul/Psf] nufgL
FVTOCI df d'NofÍg ul/Psf] nufgL 351,500.00 351,500.00 351,500.00
hDDff 351,500.00 351,500.00 351,500.00

kl/iff]lwt - Amor sed_ d'Nodf d'Nof°g ul/Psf] nufgL

ljQLo ;+:yf
cfiff9 d;fGt @)&^ cfiff9 d;fGt @)&% cfiff9 d;fGt @)&$
;/sf/L C0fkq
;/sf/L 6«]h/L lan
g]kfn /fi6« a}+ssf] C0fkq
g]kfn /fi6« a}+ssf] lgIf]k pks/0fx?
k|fKt ug'{kg]{ Aofh
36fpg] xfgL gf]S;f;L Joj:yf

cGo lj:t[t cfDbfgL ljj/0f dfkm{t km]o/ e]No"df d'Nof°g ul/Psf z]o/df nufgL
ljQLo ;+:yf
cfiff9 d;fGt @)&^ cfiff9 d;fGt @)&% cfiff9 d;fGt @)&$
OlSlj6L pks/0fx?
;'lrs[t z]o/
;"lrs[t gul/Psf] z]o/ 351,500.00 351,500.00 351,500.00
hDdf 351,500.00 351,500.00 351,500.00

@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8

OlSj6Ldf ul/Psf] nufgLsf] hfgsf/L

ljQLo ;+:yf
ljj/0f cfiff9 d;fGt @)&^ cfiff9 d;fGt @)&% cfiff9 d;fGt @)&$
k/n d'No km]o/ e]No' k/n d'No km]o/ e]No' k/n d'No km]o/ e]No'
;'lrs[t z]o/df nufgL

;"lrs[t gul/Psf] z]o/

g]kfn lSnol/Ë xfp;
#%!% ;fwf/0f z]o/,k|lt z]o/ !)) sf b/n] 351,500.00 351,500.00 351,500.00 351,500.00 351,500.00 351,500.00

hDdf 351,500.00 351,500.00 351,500.00 351,500.00 351,500.00 351,500.00

v'b lstfaL d"No 351,500.00 351,500.00 351,500.00 351,500.00 351,500.00 351,500.00

o; jif{sf] cfos/ ;DklQ

ljQLo ;+:yf
cfiff9 d;fGt @)&^ cfiff9 d;fGt @)&% cfiff9 d;fGt @)&$
rfn' s/ ;DklQ
rfn' jif{sf] cfo s/ ;DklQ 53,199,343.00 37,597,807.90 32,270,165.34
ut jif{x?sf] s/ ;DklQ
53,199,343.00 37,597,807.90 33,270,165.34
rfn' s/ bfloTj
rfn' jif{sf] cfo s/ bfloTj 50,374,508.00 41,211,045.00 48,069,198.39
ut jif{x?sf] s/ bfloTj
50,374,508.00 41,211,045.00 48,069,198.39
hDdf 2,824,835.00 -3,613,237.10_ -14,799,033.05_

;xfos sDkgLdf nufgL

ljQLo ;+:yf
cfiff9 d;fGt @)&^ cfiff9 d;fGt @)&% cfiff9 d;fGt @)&$
;'lrs[t ;xfos sDkgLdf nufgL
;'lrs[t gePdf ;xfos sDkgLdf nufgL
hDdf nufgL
36fpg] hf]lvd Joj:yf
v'b lstfaL d'No

;'lrs[t ePsf sDkgLdf nufgL

ljQLo ;+:yf
cfiff9 d;fGt @)&^ cfiff9 d;fGt @)&% cfiff9 d;fGt @)&$

ln========k|lt z]o/ ?=========sf b/n]

ln========k|lt z]o/ ?=========sf b/n]


@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8

;'lrs[t gePsf ;xfos sDkgLdf nufgL

ljQLo ;+:yf
ljj/0f cfiff9 d;fGt @)&^ cfiff9 d;fGt @)&% cfiff9 d;fGt @)&$
k/n d'No km]o/ e]No' k/n d'No km]o/ e]No' k/n d'No km]o/ e]No'

ln========k|lt z]o/ ?=========sf b/n]

ln========k|lt z]o/ ?=========sf b/n]


ljQLo ;+:yfsf] ;xfos sDkgLx?sf] hfgsf/L

ljQLo ;+:yf
:jfldTjsf] k|ltzt
cfiff9 d;fGt @)&^ cfiff9 d;fGt @)&% cfiff9 d;fGt @)&$
ln========k|lt z]o/ ?=========sf b/n]
ln========k|lt z]o/ ?=========sf b/n]

;xfos sDkgLx?sf] u}/ lgolGqt :jfy{

a}+ssf] :jfldTj k|ltzt
NCI ;+u /x]sf] OSj6L :jfy{
o; jif{sf] gfkmf gf]S;fg afF8kmf6
cfiff9 cGTodf NCI ;+u /x]sf] ;+lrt df}Hbft
NCI nfO{ lbPsf] nfef+z

;Dj4 sDkgLdf nufgL

ljj/0f ljQLo ;+:yf
cfiff9 d;fGt @)&^ cfiff9 d;fGt @)&% cfiff9 d;fGt @)&$
;'lrs[t ;xfos sDkgldf nufgL
;'lrs[t gePsf ;xfos sDkgldf nufgL
hDdf nufgL
36fpg] hf]lvd Joj:yf
v'b lstfaL d'No

;'lrs[t ePsf ;Dj4 sDkgLdf ul/Psf] nufgL

ljQLo ;+:yf
ljj/0f cfiff9 d;fGt @)&^ cfiff9 d;fGt @)&% cfiff9 d;fGt @)&$
k/n d'No km]o/ e]No' k/n d'No km]o/ e]No' k/n d'No km]o/ e]No'
ln========k|lt z]o/ ?=========sf b/n]
ln========k|lt z]o/ ?=========sf b/n]

@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8

;'lrs[t gePsf ;Dj4 sDkgLdf nufgL

ljQLo ;+:yf
ljj/0f cfiff9 d;fGt @)&^ cfiff9 d;fGt @)&% cfiff9 d;fGt @)&$
k/n d'No km]o/ e]No' k/n d'No km]o/ e]No' k/n d'No km]o/ e]No'
ln========k|lt z]o/ ?=========sf b/n]
ln========k|lt z]o/ ?=========sf b/n]

ljQLo ;+:yfsf ;Da4 sDkgLx?sf] hfgsf/L

ljQLo ;+:yf
ljj/0f cfiff9 d;fGt @)&^ cfiff9 d;fGt @)&% cfiff9 d;fGt @)&$
k/n d'No km]o/ e]No' k/n d'No km]o/ e]No' k/n d'No km]o/ e]No'
ln========k|lt z]o/ ?=========sf b/n]
ln========k|lt z]o/ ?=========sf b/n]
nfu' gx'g]

;Dj4 sDkgLx?sf] OlSj6L e]No'

ljQLo ;+:yf
ljj/0f cfiff9 d;fGt @)&^ cfiff9 d;fGt @)&% cfiff9 d;fGt @)&$
k/n d'No km]o/ e]No' k/n d'No km]o/ e]No' k/n d'No km]o/ e]No'
ln========k|lt z]o/ ?=========sf b/n]
ln========k|lt z]o/ ?=========sf b/n]
nfu' gx'g]

nufgL ;DklQ -Oge]i6d]G6 k|f]k6L{_

ljQLo ;+:yf
cfiff9 d;fGt @)&^ cfiff9 d;fGt @)&% cfiff9 d;fGt @)&$
km]o/ e]No"df d'NofÍg ul/Psf] nufgL ;DklQ
;fpg ! Sf] df}Hbft
o; jif{sf] yk ÷ljs|L
o; jif{sf] km]o/ e]No'df v'b abnfj
v'b /sd
nfutdf d'NofÍg ul/Psf] nufgL ;DklQ
;fpg ! Sf] df}Hbft 1,734,000.00 1,734,000.00 3,696,000.00
o; jif{sf] yk ÷ljs|L 1,210,130.00
o; jif{sf] km]o/ e]No'df v'b abnfj
;dfof]hg -81,000.00_ -1,962,000.00_
;+lrt x||f;s66L
;+lrt hf]lvd Joj:yf
hDdf 2,863,130.00 1,734,000.00 1,734,000.00

;DklQ tyf pks/0f -l:y/ ;DklQ_ $=!#
ljQLo ;+:yf
ljj/0f hUuf ejg lnhxf]N8 ;DklQ sDKo'6/ / ;dfgx? kl/jxg ;fwg kmlg{r/ / lkmSr/ d]lzg/L cGo pks/0fx? ciff9 @)&^ cGTosf] hDDff ciff9 @)&% cGTosf] hDDff
k/n df]n 1,067,230.00 2,915,050.00 488,456.20 1,293,977.86 5,764,714.06
;fpg !,@)&$ sf] df}Hbft 1,067,230.00 2,915,050.00 488,456.20 - 1,293,977.86 5,764,714.06
o; jif{ yk -
yk 354,330.00 394,500.00 155,830.00 568,914.98 1,473,574.98
k"FhLs[t -
o; jif{sf] ljs|L -
@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef

;dfof]hg ÷k'g d'NofÍg -

ciff9 @)&% clGtd df}Hbft 1,421,560.00 3,309,550.00 644,286.20 - 1,862,892.84 7,238,289.04 5,764,714.06
o; jif{ yk -
yk 8,058,179.16 2,805,449.91 6,335,000.32 1,867,510.66 2,564,381.00 21,630,521.05 1,473,574.98
k"FhLs[t -
o; jif{sf] ljs|L -
;dfof]hg ÷k'g d'NofÍg -644,785.50_ -25,050.00_ -278,229.00_ -456,277.36_ -1,404,341.86_
ciff9 @)&^ clGtd df}Hbft 8,058,179.16 3,582,224.41 9,619,500.32 2,233,567.86 - 3,970,996.48 27,464,468.23 7,238,289.04
x|f;s66L / xfgL gf]S;fgL -
;fpg !,@)&$ sf] df}Hbft -
o; jif{sf] x|f;s66L -
o; jif{sf] xfgL gf]S;fgL -
ljs|L -
;dfof]hg -
ciff9 @)&$ clGtd df}Hbft 820,282.82 1,624,078.67 347,241.65 321,389.17 3,112,992.31
xfgL gf]S;fgL -
;fpg !,@)&$ sf] df}Hbft 820,282.82 1,624,078.67 347,241.65 - 321,389.17 3,112,992.31
o; jif{sf] x|f;s66L 138,572.02 273,406.33 17,663.57 115,465.91 545,107.83
o; jif{sf] xfgL gf]S;fgL -
ljs|L -
;dfof]hg -
ciff9 @)&% clGtd df}Hbft 958,854.84 1,897,485.00 364,905.22 - 436,855.08 3,658,100.14 3,112,992.31
o; jif{sf] x|f;s66L 452,886.14 261,983.23 481,945.91 348,304.01 784,880.64 2,329,999.93 545,107.83
o; jif{sf] xfgL gf]S;fgL -469,557.24_ -16,387.03_ -181,561.27_ -244,565.96_ -912,071.50_
ljs|L -
;dfof]hg -
ciff9 @)&^ clGtd df}Hbft 452,886.14 751,280.83 2,363,043.88 531,647.96 - 977,169.76 5,076,028.57 3,658,100.14
kF"hLut lgdf{0f -
v'b lstfaL d'No -
cfiff9 @)&$ clGtd df}Hbft 246,947.18 1,290,971.33 141,214.55 - 972,588.69 2,651,721.75
cfiff9 @)&% clGtd df}Hbft 462,705.16 1,412,065.00 279,380.98 - 1,426,037.76 3,580,188.90 2,651,721.75
cfiff9 @)&^ clGtd df}Hbft 7,605,293.02 2,830,943.58 7,256,456.44 1,701,919.90 - 2,993,826.72 22,388,439.67 3,580,188.90

hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8
u'8jLn -VoftL_ / cd'{t ;DklQ
ljQLo ;+:yf
ljj/0f VoftL ;km\6j]o/ vl/b ;km\6j]o/ ljsf; cGo ciff9 @)&^ cGTosf] hDdf ciff9 @)&% cGTosf] hDdf
k/n df]n
ciff9 @)&$ clGtd df}Hbft 337,802.00 337,802.00
o; jif{ yk 360,350.00 360,350.00
yk -
@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef

k"FhLs[t -
o; jif{sf] ljs|L -
;dfof]hg ÷k'g d'NofÍg -
ciff9 @)&% clGtd df}Hbft 698,152.00 698,152.00 337,802.00
o; jif{ yk 237,300.00 237,300.00 360,350.00
yk -
k"FhLs[t -
o; jif{sf] ljs|L -
;dfof]hg ÷k'g d'NofÍg -
ciff9 @)&^ clGtd df}Hbft 935,452.00 935,452.00 698,152.00
x|f;s66L / xfgL gf]S;fgL -
ciff9 @)&$ clGtd df}Hbft 197,804.65 197,804.65
o; jif{sf] x|f;s66L 49,531.83 49,531.83
o; jif{sf] xfgL gf]S;fgL -
ljs|L -
;dfof]hg -
ciff9 @)&% clGtd df}Hbft 247,336.48 247,336.48 197,804.95
o; jif{sf] x|f;s66L 127,078.02 127,078.02 49,531.83
o; jif{sf] xfgL gf]S;fgL -
ljs|L -
;dfof]hg -
ciff9 @)&^ clGtd df}Hbft 374,414.50 374,414.50
kF"hLut lgdf{0f -
v'b lstfaL d'No -
cfiff9 @)&$ clGtd df}Hbft 139,997.35 139,997.35
cfiff9 @)&% clGtd df}Hbft 450,815.52 450,815.52 139,997.35
cfiff9 @)&^ clGtd df}Hbft 561,037.50 561,037.50 450,815.52

hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8
@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8

:yug s/ ;DklQ ÷bfloTj

@)&$÷)&% $=!%
ljQLo ;+:yf
ljj/0f cfiff9 d;fGt @)&%
:yug s/ ;DklQ :yug s/ bfloTj :yug s/ ;DklQ ÷bfloTj
c:yfO{ leGgtfdf :yug s/
a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfnfO{ lbPsf] shf{ tyf ;fk6L
u|fxsnfO{ lbPsf] shf{ tyf ;fk6L
nufgL ;DklQ
nufgL ;]So'l/6Lh
;DklQ / pks/0f -299,568.49_ -299,568.49_
kl/eflift sd{rf/L nfe of]hgf 474,833.10 474,833.10
lnh bfloTj
cGo c:yfO{ leGgtfx?
c:yfO{ leGgtfdf :yug s/ 474,833.10 -299,568.49_ 175,264.61
ut jif{sf] afFsL s/ 3f6fdf :yug s/
s/sf] b/df kl/jt{gn] l;h{gf ePsf] :yug s/
v'b :yug s/ ;DklQ ÷-bfloTj_ ,ciff9 @)&% 474,833.10 -299,568.49_ 175,264.61
clGtd :yug s/ ;DklQ ÷-bfloTj_ ,;fpg ! @)&$ 10,374,960.14 -328,783.45_ 10,046,176.69
o; jif{sf] l;lh{t ÷lkmtf{ -9,900,127.04_ 29,214.96 -9,870,912.08_
gfkmf gf]S;fg vftfdf b]vfOPsf] :yug s/ vr{÷cfo 9,900,127.04 9,870,912.08
gfkmf gf]S;fg vftfdf b]vfOPsf] :yug s/ vr{÷cfo
OlSj6ldf l;w} b]vfOPsf] :yug s/ vr{ ÷cfo

:yug s/ ;DklQ ÷bfloTj

@)&%÷)&^ $=!%
ljlQo ;+:yf
ljj/0f cfiff9 d;fGt @)&^
:yug s/ ;DklQ :yug s/ bfloTj :yug s/ ;DklQ ÷bfloTj
c:yfO{ leGgtfdf :yug s/
a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfnfO{ lbPsf] shf{ tyf ;fk6L
u|fxsnfO[{ lbPsf] shf{ tyf ;fk6L
nufgL ;DklQ
nufgL ;]So'l/6Lh
;DklQ / pks/0f -284,788.66_ -284,788.66_
kl/eflift sd{rf/L nfe of]hgf 679,165.50 679,165.50
lnh bfloTj
cGo c:yfO{ leGgtfx?
c:yfO{ leGgtfdf :yug s/ 679,165.50 -284,788.66_ 394,376.84
ut jif{sf] afFsL s/ 3f6fdf :yug s/
s/sf] b/df kl/jt{gn] l;h{gf ePsf] :yug s/
v'b :yug s/ ;DklQ ÷-bfloTj_ ,ciff9 @)&^ 679,165.50 -284,788.66_ 394,376.84
clGtd :yug s/ ;DklQ ÷-bfloTj_ ,;fpg ! @)&% 474,833.10 -299,568.49_ 175,264.61
o; jif{sf] l;lh{t ÷lkmtf{ 204,332.40 14,779.83 219,112.23
gfkmf gf]S;fg vftfdf b]vfOPsf] :yug s/ vr{÷cfo 219,112.23 -219,112.23_
gfkmf gf]S;fg vftfdf b]vfOPsf] :yug s/ vr{÷cfo
OlSj6ldf l;w} b]vfOpsf] :yug s/ vr{ ÷cfo

@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8

cGo ;DklQ
ljlQo ;+:yf
cfiff9 d;fGt @)&^ cfiff9 d;fGt @)&% cfiff9 d;fGt @)&$
ljs|Lsf nflu pknAw
cGo u}/ a}+lsË ;DklQx?
e'QfgL x'g afFsL laN;
p7\g afFsL cf;fdL
lng afFsL cfDbfgL 557,313.31 1,073,349.99 627,658.04
cu|Ld e'QfgL tyf lgIf]k 508,967.86 198,411.35 132,368.43
cfos/ hDdf
:yug sd{rf/L vr{
cGo 34,628.48
hDdf 1,100,909.65 1,271,761.34 760,026.47

ljQLo pks/0fsf] juL{s/0f leq kg]{ cGo ;DklQx? ckn]lvt d"Nodf b]vfOG5 / To:tf cGo ;DklQ h'g ljQLo pks/0fsf] kl/efiff leq kb{}gg\ To:tf
;DklQnfO{ nfut ?kd} b]vfOG5 .

a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfx?nfO{ ltg{ afFsL

ljlQo ;+:yf
cfiff9 d;fGt @)&^ cfiff9 d;fGt @)&% cfiff9 d;fGt @)&$
gubL ahf/af6 lgIf]k
cGt/ a}+s ;fk6L
cGo a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfaf6 lgIf]k
/fkm;fkm vftf

g]kfn /fi6« a}+snfO{ ltg{ afFsL

ljlQo ;+:yf
cfiff9 d;fGt @)&^ cfiff9 d;fGt @)&% cfiff9 d;fGt @)&$
g]kfn /fi6« a}+saf6 k|fKt k'g/shf{
:yfoL t/ntf ;'ljwf
g]kfn /fi6« a}+saf6 n]G8/ ckm nf:6 l/;6{ ;'ljwf
k'g Mvl/b ;Demf}tfdf ljs|L ul/Psf] ;]So'l/6lhx?
g]kfn /fi6« a}+snfO{ lbg' kg]{ cGo aSof}tf

@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8

Jo'TkGg - Deriva ve _ ljQLo pks/0fx?

ljQLo ;+:yf
cfiff9 d;fGt @)&^ cfiff9 d;fGt @)&% cfiff9 d;fGt @)&$
Jofkf/sf] lglDt
Jofhb/ :jfk
d'b«f :jfk
clu|d ljlgdo ;Demf}tf
hf]lvd Joj:yfkg lglDt
Jofhb/ :jfk
d'b«f :jfk
clu|d ljlgdo ;Demf}tf

u|fxsaf6 k|fKt lgIf]k

ljQLo ;+:yf
cfiff9 d;fGt @)&^ cfiff9 d;fGt @)&% cfiff9 d;fGt @)&$
;+:yfks u|fxs M
cjlws lgIf]k
dfu lgIf]k
rfn' lgIf]k
JolQmut u|fxs M
cjlws lgIf]k 223,756,794.14 123,522,837.62 252,642,412.02
art lgIf]k 687,677,495.82 603,450,970.53 476,838,904.75
rfn' lgIf]k 1,126,925,334.26 924,650,994.37 664,052,968.70
cGo 10,000.00 10,000.00 129,550.00
hDdf 2,038,369,624.22 1,651,634,802.52 1,393,663,835.47

u|fxsaf6 k|fKt lgIf]ksf] d'b|f adf]lhd ljZn]if0f

ljQLo ;+:yf
ljj/0f cfiff9 d;fGt @)&^ cfiff9 d;fGt @)&% cfiff9 d;fGt @)&$
g]kfnL ?k}+of 2,038,369,624.22 1,651,634,802.52 1,393,663,835.47
ef/tLo ?k}+of
cd]l/sg 8n/
u|]6 lj|6]g kfpG8
hfkflgh P]g
rfOlgh o[cfg
hDdf 2,038,369,624.22 1,651,634,802.52 1,393,663,835.47

@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8

ljQLo ;+:yf
cfiff9 d;fGt @)&^ cfiff9 d;fGt @)&% cfiff9 d;fGt @)&$
:jb]zL ;fk6L
g]kfn ;/sf/
cGo ;+:yf
ljb]zL ;fk6L
ljb]zL a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yf
ax'klIfo ljsf; a]+sx?
cGo ;]jf

ljQLo ;+:yf
cfiff9 d;fGt @)&^ cfiff9 d;fGt @)&% cfiff9 d;fGt @)&$
nfk/jfxLsf] lglDt Joj:yf
k'g M;+/rgfsf] lglDt Joj:yf
rln/x]sf] sfg'gL tyf s/ d'sbdfsf] lgLDt Joj:yf
cgl/o; ;Demf}tfsf] lglDt Joj:yf

Joj:yfdf ePsf] ptf/ r9fj

ljQLo ;+:yf
ljj/0f cfiff9 d;fGt @)&^ cfiff9 d;fGt @)&% cfiff9 d;fGt @)&$
;fpg !,sf] df}Hbft
o; jif{df ul/Psf] Joj:yf
o; jif{df k|of]u ul/Psf] Joj:yf
o; jif{df lkmtf{ gePsf] Joj:yf
;'ljwf lnOPsf] 5'6
cfiff9 cGTosf] df}Hbft

@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8

cGo bfloTj
ljQLo ;+:yf
ljj/0f cfiff9 d;fGt @)&$
cfiff9 d;fGt @)&^ cfiff9 d;fGt @)&%
kl/eflift sd{rf/L nfe of]hgf ;DalGw bfloTj 9,050,107.96
nfdf] ljbfsf] nflu Joj:yf 2,263,885.00 1,582,777.00 3,135,496.00
cNksflng sd{rf/L nfe
ltg{ afFsL ljN;
;fx' / lbg -qm]l86;{_ afFsL 6,827,213.08 2,861,810.67 7,336,303.28
lgIf]kdf ltg{ afFsL Aofh 56,157,431.31 52,708,474.66 33,104,710.48
;fk6Ldf ltg{ afFsL Aofh
:yug cg'bfg cfPsf] bfloTj
ltg{ afFsL nfefFz 179,161.17 595,103.13 595,103.13
ljQLo lnh cGtu{tsf] bfloTj
ltg{ afFsL sd{rf/L af]g; 18,522,163.90 16,977,210.94 14,582,924.15
cGo 6,092,760.98 1,661,248.80 1,010,696.15
hDdf 90,042,615.44 76,386,625.20 66,815,341.15

sfg'gL tyf cl3sf 36gf4f/f ;[lht ePsf ljlQo bfloTj afx]ssf c? bfloTj k/n d"No jf d'NofÍg u/]sf] 5 . cl3sf 36gf4f/f ;[lht tyf sfg'gL ?kdf
cfpg ;Sg] bfloTj h'g e/kbf]{ lx;fadf dfkg ug{ ;lsG5 To:tf bfloTj eg] Joj:yf ul/Psf] 5 .

kl/eflift sd{rf/L nfe of]hgf cGtu{tsf bfloTjx?

ljQLo ;+:yf
ljj/0f cfiff9 d;fGt @)&^ cfiff9 d;fGt @)&% cfiff9 d;fGt @)&$
u}/ sf]if ;DalGw bfloTjsf] cfhsf] d"No
sf]if ;DalGw bfloTjsf] cfhsf] d"No
s'n bfloTjsf] cfhsf] d"No
;'lawf of]hgf ;DklQsf] km]o/ e]No'
v'b bfloTjsf] cfhsf] d'No
kl/eflift nfe bfloTjsf] n]lvs[t bfloTj

of]hgf ;DklQ
ljQLo ;+:yf
cfiff9 d;fGt @)&^ cfiff9 d;fGt @)&% cfiff9 d;fGt @)&$
OlSj6L lwtf]kq
;/sf/L aG8
a}+s lgIf]k

kl/eflift sd{rf/L nfe of]hgf bfloTjdf cfhsf] d"No kl/jt{g

ljQLo ;+:yf
ljj/0f cfiff9 d;fGt @)&^ cfiff9 d;fGt @)&% cfiff9 d;fGt @)&$
;fpg ! Sf] nfe of]hgf bfloTj 1,582,777.00 3,135,496.00 2,180,089.00
ljdflÍs gf]S;fgL 693,193.00 -60,580.00_ 979,392.00
of]hgfaf6 ltl/Psf] /sd -271,970.00_ -1,894,809.00_ -378,406.00_
rfn' ;'ljwf vr{ / Aofh 259,885.00 402,670.00 354,421.00
cfiff9 clGtdsf] nfe of]hgf bfloTj 2,263,885.00 1,582,777.00 3,135,496.00

@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8

of]hgf ;DklQsf] km]o/ e]No'df kl/jt{g

ljQLo ;+:yf
ljj/0f cfiff9 d;fGt @)&^ cfiff9 d;fGt @)&% cfiff9 d;fGt @)&$
;fpg !df ;'ljwf of]hgfsf] km]o/ e]No'
of]hgfdf lbPsf] of]ubfg
o; jif{ ltl/Psf] nfe
ljdflÍs gfkmf -gf]S;fg_
of]hgf ;DklQaf6 ck]lIft nfe
cfiff9 clGtdsf] of]hgf ;DklQsf] km]o/ e]No'

gfkmf gf]S;fgdf b]vfOPsf] /sd

ljQLo ;+:yf
ljj/0f cfiff9 d;fGt @)&^ cfiff9 d;fGt @)&% cfiff9 d;fGt @)&$
rfn' ;'ljwf vr{ 201,222.09 227,623.00 195,150.00
bfloTjdf Jofh 130,211.00 175,047.00 159,271.00
of]hgf ;DklQaf6 ck]lIft nfe
ljdflÍs gfkmf gf]S;fgL 693,193.00 -60,580.00_ 979,392.00
hDdf 1,024,626.09 342,090.00 1,333,813.00

cGo lj:t[t cfodf b]vfOPsf] /sd

ljQLo ;+:yf
ljj/0f cfiff9 d;fGt @)&^ cfiff9 d;fGt @)&% cfiff9 d;fGt @)&$
ljdflÍt gfkmf gf]S;fg

ljdfl°t cg'dfgx?
ljQLo ;+:yf
cfiff9 d;fGt @)&^ cfiff9 d;fGt @)&% cfiff9 d;fGt @)&$
5'6 b/ 9 k|ltzt 9 k|ltzt 8 k|ltzt
of]hgf ;DklQaf6 ck]lIft nfe
eljiodf x'g] tnjdf j[l4 10 k|ltzt 10 k|ltzt 10 k|ltzt
lgsf;L -withdrawl _ b/ 1.2 k|ltzt 1.2 k|ltzt 1.5 k|ltzt
cjsfz pd]/ 60 aif{ 60 aif{ 60 aif{

hf/L ul/Psf] C0fkq

ljQLo ;+:yf
ljj/0f cfiff9 d;fGt @)&^ cfiff9 d;fGt @)&% cfiff9 d;fGt @)&$
km]o/ e]No'nfO gfkmf gf]S;fgdf n]vfÍg ug]{ u/L lgisflzt
ul/Psf] C0fkq
ckn]lvt d'Nodf lgisfflzt ul/Psf] C0fkq

@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8

;'/If0f g/flvPsf] ;xfos cfjlws bfloTj

ljlQo ;+:yf
cfiff9 d;fGt @)&^ cfiff9 d;fGt @)&% cfiff9 d;fGt @)&$
lkmtf{ x'g] cu|flwsf/ z]o/
kmtf{ gx'g] cu|flwsf/ z]o/

z]o/ kF"hL
ljQLo ;+:yf
ljj/0f ;fwf/0f z]o/ k|lt z]o/ d'No z]o/ d'No
cf=j=@)&% -&^
;fwf/0f z]o/ 4,921,403.00 100.00 492,140,300.00
kl/jTo{ cu|flwsf/ z]o/
lkmtf{ gx'g] -Ol/l8d]jn _ cu|flwsf/ z]o/
k/lkRo'cn C0f
cf=j=@)&$ -&%
;fwf/0f z]o/ 4,033,937.00 100.00 403,393,700.00
kl/jTo{ cu|flwsf/ z]o/
lkmtf{ gx'g] -Ol/l8d]jn _ cu|flwsf/ z]o/
k/lkRo'cn C0f
cf=j=@)&# -&$
;fwf/0f z]o/ 3,418,591.00 100.00 341,859,100.00
kl/jTo{ cu|flwsf/ z]o/
lkmtf{ gx'g] -Ol/l8d]jn _ cu|flwsf/ z]o/
k/lkRo'cn C0f

;fwf/0f z]o/
ljlQo ;+:yf
ljj/0f cfiff9 d;fGt @)&^ cfiff9 d;fGt @)&% cfiff9 d;fGt @)&$
clws[t k'FhL
^),)),))) ;fwf/0f z]o/,k|lt z]o/ !)) sf b/n] 600,000,000.00 600,000,000.00 400,000,000.00
hf/L k'FhL
$(,@!,$)# ;fwf/0f z]o/,k|lt z]o/ !)) sf b/n] 492,140,300.00 403,393,700.00 341,859,100.00
r'Qmf k'FhL
$(,@!,$)# ;fwf/0f z]o/,k|lt z]o/ !)) sf b/n] 492,140,300.00 403,393,700.00 341,859,100.00

@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8

;fwf/0f z]o/ :jfldTj

ljQLo ;+:yf
ljj/0f cfiff9 d;fGt @)&^ cfiff9 d;fGt @)&% cfiff9 d;fGt @)&$
:jfb]zL :jfldTj
g]kfn ;/sf/
s ju{sf Ohfht k|fKt ;+:yfx?
cGo Ohfht k|fKt ;+:yfx?
;j{;fwf/0f -$(Ü_ 241,148,747.00 197,662,913.00 136,743,640.00
cGo -%!Ü_ 250,991,553.00 205,730,787.00 205,115,460.00
j}b]lzs :jfldTj
hDDff 492,140,300.00 403,393,700.00 341,859,100.00

OlSj6L ;fwf/0f z]o/df kl/j{tg

ljQLo ;+:yf
cfiff9 d;fGt @)&^ cfiff9 d;fGt @)&% cfiff9 d;fGt @)&$
r'Qmf k'FhL df}Hbft 403,393,700.00 341,859,100.00 341,859,100.00
z]o/ hf/L
af]gz z]o/ hf/L 88,746,600.00 61,534,600.00
xsk|b z]o/ hf/L
hDDff 492,140,300.00 403,393,700.00 341,859,100.00

hu]8f sf]ifx?
ljQLo ;+:yf
cfiff9 d;fGt @)&^ cfiff9 d;fGt @)&% cfiff9 d;fGt @)&$
a}wflgs hu]8f sf]if 162,174,322.09 138,865,506.23 114,223,255.23
;6xL ;lds/0f sf]if
;+;yfut ;fdflhs pQ/bfloTj sf]if 2,926,022.30 2,058,839.51 945,254.00
k'FhL lkmtf{ hu]8f sf]if
lgodgsf/L sf]if 6,832,757.84
nufgL ;dfof]hg sf]if
k'+hLut hu]8f sf]if
;DklQ k'g Md'NofÍg sf]if
km]o/ e]No' sf]if
nfefFz ;lds/0f sf]if
ljdflÍt gfkmf gf]S;fg
ljz]if sf]if
cGo sf]if 445,694.22 434,231.73 200,833.00
hDdf 172,378,796.45 141,358,577.47 115,369,342.23
lgodgsf/L cfjZostf cg';f/ ha ;Dd ;fwf/0f sf]ifdf r'Qmf k'FhLsf] @ u'0ff /sd x'b}+g tj ;Dd v'b d'gfkmfsf] @) k|ltzt /sd hDdf ug'{ kb{5 / To;
kl5 slDtdf v'b d'gfkmfsf] !) k|ltzt . Dffly pNn]lvt sf]ifdf utjif{x?sf] gfkmfaf6 /sdfGt/ ul/Psf] /sdx/sf] s'n /sd xf] .

;Defljt bfloTj tyf k|lta4tf

ljQLo ;+:yf
cfiff9 d;fGt @)&^ cfiff9 d;fGt @)&% cfiff9 d;fGt @)&$
;Defljt bfloTj
e[Qmfg gul/Psf ;'ljwfx? 183,544,939.64 59,250,000.00 42,226,218.35
k"FhL k|ltj4tf
nLh k|lta4tf
d'2f dfldnf
hDdf 183,544,939.64 59,250,000.00 42,226,218.35

@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8

;Defljt bfloTj
ljQLo ;+:yf
ljj/0f cfiff9 d;fGt @)&^ cfiff9 d;fGt @)&% cfiff9 d;fGt @)&$
l:jsfo{ / 8s'd]G6 qm]l86
;+sngsf] nflu ljn
clu|d ljlgdo ;Demf}tf
cG8//fOl6Ë k|lta4tf
cGo k|lta4tf

e'Qmfg gul/Psf ;'ljwfx?

ljQLo ;+:yf
cfiff9 d;fGt @)&^ cfiff9 d;fGt @)&% cfiff9 d;fGt @)&$
ljtl/t gul/Psf] shf{
cf]e/8|fkm\6sf] pkof]u gul/Psf] l;df 176,394,939.64 58,700,000.00 40,726,218.35
qm]l86 sf8{sf] gul/Psf] l;df
n]6/ ckm qm]l86sf] pkof]u gul/Psf] l;df
hdfgt pkof]u gul/Psf] l;df 7,150,000.00 550,000.00 1,500,000.00
hDdf 183,544,939.64 59,250,000.00 42,226,218.35

kF"hLut k|lta4tf
ljQLo ;+:yf
ljj/0f cfiff9 d;fGt @)&^ cfiff9 d;fGt @)&% cfiff9 d;fGt @)&$
;DklQ / pks/0fsf] nflu k"FhLut k|lta4tf
l:js[t / ;Demf}tf ul/Psf]
l:js[t / ;Demf}tf gul/Psf]

lnh k|lta4tf
ljQLo ;+:yf
ljj/0f cfiff9 d;fGt @)&^ cfiff9 d;fGt @)&% cfiff9 d;fGt @)&$
;'?jftL lnh k|lta4tf
a}+s n]l; ePsf] v08df /2 ug{ g;lsg] ;Demf}tfsf]
eljiodf ltg'{kg]{ /sd
Ps jif{ ggf3]sf]
Ps jif{ eGbf a9L kfFr jif{ eGbf sd
% jif{ dflysf]
ljQ lnh k|lta4tf
a}+s n]l; ePsf] v08df /2 ug{ g;lsg] ;Demf}tfsf]
eljiodf ltg'{kg]{ /sd
Ps jif{ ggf3]sf]
Ps jif{ eGbf a9L kfFr jif{ eGbf sd
% jif{ dflysf]
s"n hDdf

@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8

d'2f dfldnf
ljQLo ;+:yf
cfiff9 d;fGt @)&^ cfiff9 d;fGt @)&%
;Defljt s/ bfloTj

Jofh cfDbfgL
ljQLo ;+:yf
cf=a @)&%÷&^ cf=a @)&$÷&%
gub tyf gub ;dfg
g]kfn /fi6« a}+ssf] aSof]}tf /sd
a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfdf u/]sf] nufgL -Kn];d]G6_
[a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfnfO{ lbPsf] shf{ jf ;fk6L 1,017,607.11
u|fxsnfO{ lbPsf] shf{ jf ;fk6L 315,844,013.57 258,331,856.29
lwtf]kqdf nufgL
sd{rf/L shf{ tyf ;fk6L 183,633.58
cGo 40,888,924.67 44,206,845.01
hDdf Aofh cfDbfgL 357,934,178.93 302,538,701.30

Aofh vr{
ljQLo ;+:yf
cf=a @)&%÷&^ cf=a @)&$÷&%
a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfsf] aSDof}tf
g]kfn /fi6« a}+ssf] aSof}tf
u|fxsaf6 lgIf]k 190,809,938.20 150,671,669.93
C0f ;fk6L
hf/L ul/Psf] lwtf]kq
;xfos cfjlws bfloTj
hDdf Aofh vr{ 190,809,938.20 150,671,669.93

z'Ns tyf sldzg cfDbfgL

ljQLo ;+:yf
cf=a @)&%÷&^ cf=a @)&$÷&%
shf{ Joj:yfkg z'Ns
;]jf z'Ns 17,789,080.50 12,661,903.00
sG;f]{l6od z'Ns
k|lta4tf z'Ns
l8l8÷ l6l6÷ l:jkm\6 z'Ns
qm]l86 sf8{÷Pl6Pd hf/L / gljs/0f z'Ns
k"j{ e'QmfgL tyf :jfk z'Ns
nufgL a}+lsË z'Ns
;ldlt Joj:yfkg z'Ns
a|f]s]h z'Ns
ljk|]if0f z'Ns 134,241.43 23,705.66
k|lttkqdf sldzg
hdfgt ;Demf}tf hf/Ldf sldzg
z]o/ k|Tofe'lt hf/laf6 sldzg
ns/ ef8f
cGo z'Ns / sldzg cfDbfgL 327,873.43 39,950.00
hDdf z'Ns / sldzg cfDbfgL 18,251,195.36 12,725,558.66

@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8

z'Ns tyf sldzg vr{

ljQLo ;+:yf
cf=a @)&%÷&^ cf=a @)&$÷&%
P l6 Pd Joj:yfkg z'Ns
lehf df:6/ sf8{ z'Ns
k|lta4tf sldzg
a|f]s/]h vr{
l8l8÷ l6l6÷ l:jkm\6 z'Ns
ljk|]if0f z'Ns / sldzg
cGo z'Ns / sldzg cfDbfgL 63,653.95 11,003.25
cGo z'Ns / sldzg cfDbfgL 63,653.95 11,003.25

v'b Jofkfl/s cfDbfgL

ljQLo ;+:yf
cf=a @)&%÷&^ cf=a @)&$÷&%
Jofkfl/s ;DklQsf] km]o/ e]No'df abnfj
Jofkfl/s ;DklQsf] ljs|Ldf ePsf] gfkmf ÷gf]S;fg
Jofkfl/s ;DklQdf Aofh cfDbfgL
Jofkfl/s ;DklQdf nfefFz cfDbfgL
ljb]zL ;6xL sf/f]jf/df gfkmf ÷gf]S;fg
v'b Jofkfl/s cfDbfgL

cGo ;+rfng cfDbfgL

ljQLo ;+:yf
cf=a @)&%÷&^ cf=a @)&$÷&%
ljb]zL ljlgdosf] k'gd{'NofÍg cfDbfgL
nufgL ljs|Laf6 gfkmf gf]S;fg
nufgL ;DklQsf] km]o/ e]No'df gfkmf gf]S;fg
OlSj6L pks/0fdf nfefFz 75,884.00
;DklQ / ;fdfu|Lsf] ljs|ldf ePsf] gfkmf gf]S;fg
nufgL ;DklQsf] ljs|ldf ePsf] gfkmf gf]S;fg
;+rfng lnh cfDbfgL
;'g / rfFbLsf] ljs|Ldf ePsf] gfkmf gf]S;fg
hDdf 1,893,844.37 1,207,613.56
cGo 1,969,728.37 1,207,613.56

tf]lsPsf] cfDbfgL lzif{s g/x]sf] cGo ;Dk"0f{ ;+rfng cfDbfgL o; lzif{s leq n]lvPsf] / k|:t't ul/Psf] 5 . o; leq u}/ a}lsË
;DklQ ljlqm af6 cfDbfgL, hUuf lgl/If0f ubf{sf] d"NofÍsg ubf{ lng] b:t"/ cflb /x]sf 5g\ .

@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8

shf{ hf]lvd Joj:yf ÷- lkmtf{ _ tyf cGo gf]S;fgL

ljQLo ;+:yf
cf=a @)&%÷&^ cf=a @)&$÷&%
a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfnfO{ lbPsf shf{ tyf ;fk6Ldf x'g] Joj:yf 362,180.98
u|fxsnfO{ lbPsf] shf{ tyf ;fk6Ldf x'g] Joj;yf -24,455,946.49_ -34,424,581.89_
ljQLo nufgLdf Joj:yf
a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfsf] nufgLdf Joj:yf
;DklQ / pks/0fdf Joj:yf 492,270.36
Voflt / cd't{ ;DklQdf Joj:yf
nufgL ;DklQdf Joj:yf
hDdf -23,601,495.15_ -34,424,581.89_

ljQLo ;+:yfn] NFRS cGtu{t sf] Incurred Loss 4f/f Individual ;fd'lxs hf]lvd Joj:yf dfkg u/]sf] 5 / g]= /f=a}+s sf] lgb]{lzsf
adf]lhdsf] C0f tyf ;fk6L sf] nflu Joj:yfdf Incurred Loss model jf g]=/f=a}+ssf] lgb{]zg ,h'g a9L x'g cfFp5 ;f]lx Joj:yfdf nfO{
C0f tyf ;fk6Lsf] nflu Joj:yf klxrfg ul/Psf] 5 .

sd{rf/L vr{
ljQLo ;+:yf
cf=a @)&%÷&^ cf=a @)&$÷&%
tnj 9,221,688.84 5,467,479.11
eQf 2,191,519.43 1,089,586.01
pkbfg 761,449.85 2,438,665.79
;+ro sf]if 905,431.62 498,235.91
kf]zfs 447,900.00 249,900.00
tflnd tyf ljsf; vr{ 135,887.91 322,388.73
;++lrt ljbf 1,024,626.09 342,090.34
cf}ifwf]krf/ 794,074.57 27,780.82
sd{rf/L k|f]T;fxg
gubdf /fkm;fkm x'g] z]o/df cfwfl/t vr{
k]G;g vr{
NFRS cGtu{t ljQLo vr{
sd{rf/L ;DalGwt cGo vr{x? 1,000,330.75 627,053.71
hDdf 16,482,909.06 11,063,180.42
sd{rf/L af]g; 18,522,163.90 16,977,210.94
s"n hDdf 35,005,072.96 28,040,391.36

@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8

cGo ;+rfng vr{

ljQLo ;+:yf
cf=a @)&%÷&^ cf=a @)&$÷&%
;+rfns a}7s eQf 426,000.00 127,500.00
;+rfns ;ldlt a}7s ;DalGw vr{ 613,836.00 283,148.38
n]vf kl/If0f vr{ 125,000.00 100,000.00
cGo n]vf kl/If0f ;DalGw vr{ 190,450.00 154,380.00
Joj;flos / sfg'gL vr{ 100,000.00 40,000.00
sfo{fno Joj:yfkg vr{ 7,065,051.38 5,536,959.43
;+rfng lnh vr{ 2,541,039.30 692,717.48
nufgL ;DklQsf] ;+rflnt vr{
;+:yfut ;fdflhs pQ/bfloTj cGtu{t vr{ 298,258.00 118,527.00
cgl/o; lnh Joj:yf
hDdf 11,359,634.68 7,053,232.29

sfof{nosf] k|zf;lso vr{

ljQLo ;+:yf
cf=a @)&%÷&^ cf=a @)&$÷&%
dd{t tyf ;Def/
kl/jxg 178,433.01 2,43,883.39
sfof{no ;fdfu|L tyf kmlg{r/ 116,243.10
ljdf 806,279.19 5,21,933.06
6]lnkmf]g tyf s"l/o/ vr{ 394,622.22 1,05,583.48
e|d0f eQf tyf vr{ 256,500.00 2,09,530.00
d;nGb tyf 5kfO{ 339,888.75 2,86,640.50
kq klqsf 49,923.00 16,665.00
lj1fkg 227,890.53 1,65,291.00
sfg"gL vr{ 137,400.00 85,100.02
rGbf 1000.00
;fwf/0f a}7s eQf{ 190,562.00 1,53,413.00
sDkgL /lhi6f/ z'Ns
dgf]/~hg 305,167.00 1,25,491.00
kl/jxg 432,253.70 3,09,993.44
Jofkf/ k|j4g 411,845.00 84,642.00
a}s sldzg 42,687.01 7,695.00
z'Ns tyf dxz"n 1,614,982.35 17,69,735.79
ljljw vr{ 674,646.91 3,91,672.30
gvKt] l:y/ ;DklQ 559,855.99 1,15,762.45
cGo 325,871.62 9,43,228.00
hDdf 7,065,051.38 –

@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8

x|f; s6\6L / kl/iff]wg - Amor sa on_

ljQLo ;+:yf
cf=a @)&%÷&^ cf=a @)&$÷&%
;DklQ tyf pks/0fdf x|f; s6\6L 2,329,999.93 545,107.83
nufgL ;DklQdf x|f; s6\6L
cd{'t ;DklQsf] kl/iff]wg 127,078.02 49,531.83
hDdf 2,457,077.95 594,639.66

u}/ ;+rfng cfDbfgL

ljQLo ;+:yf
cf=a @)&%÷&^ cf=a @)&$÷&%
ckn]vg ul/Psf] shf{sf] c;'nL 6,877,334.00 856,025.00
cGo cfDbfgL
hDdf 6,877,334.00 856,025.00

u}/ ;+rfng vr{

ljQLo ;+:yf
cf=a @)&%÷&^ cf=a @)&$÷&%
shf{ ckn]vg 2,239,079.00
l/8G8]G;L Joj:yf
k"g M ;+/rgf vr{
cGo vr{
hDdf 2,239,079.00

@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8

cfos/ vr{
ljQLo ;+:yf
cf=a @)&%÷&^ cf=a @)&$÷&%
rfn[ s/ vr{ 50,374,508.00 32,299,378.61
o; cf=j= 50,374,508.00 41,211,045.00
kl5Nnf] cf=j sf] ;dfof]hg -8,911,666.39_
:yug s/ -219,112.23_ 9,870,912.08
cNksflng leGgtfx?sf] n]vfÍg -219,112.23_ 9,870,912.08
s/sf] b/df jbnfj
klxn] n]vfÍg gul/Psf] s/ 3f6f
hDdf cfos/ vr{ 50,155,395.77 42,170,290.69

s/ vr{ / lstfaL gfkmfsf] ldnfg

ljQLo ;+:yf
cf=a @)&%÷&^ cf=a @)&$÷&%
s/ cl3sf] gfkmf 166,699,475.07 165,381,543.92
s/ #) k|ltzt b/ 50,009,842.52 49,614,463.17
hf]8\g] M s/sf] lglDt 36fpg gldNg] vr{x?sf] s/df kg{] c;/ 426,919.52 334,260.75
36fpg] M 5[6 ;DklQdf s/sf] c;/ -22,765.20_
hf]8\g] 36fpg] M cGo j:t'x?sf] s/df c;/ -39,488.84_ -8,737,678.92_
hDdf s/ vr{ 50,374,508.00 41,211,045.00
k|efjsf/L s/ b/ 30.22 k|ltzt 24.92 k|ltzt

@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8

hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8

ljt/0f of]Uo gfkmf / gf]S;fg sf] ljj/0f
cfiff9 d;fGt @)&^
g]kfn /fi6« a}+ssf] lgod jdf]lhd
/sd ?=
ljQLo ;+:yf
ljj/0f cfiff9 d;fGt @)&%÷&^ cfiff9 d;fGt @)&$÷&%
;l~rt gfkmf gf]S;fg,! >fj0f @)&% 131,998,339.11 99,316,187.55
gfkmf gf]S;fg lx;fjsf] gfkmf/gf]S;fg 116,544,079.30 123,211,253.23
;fwf/0f hu]8f sf]if -23,308,815.86_ -24,642,251.00_
;6xL 36a9 sf]if
k'FhL lkmtf{ sf]if
;+:yfut ;fdflhs pQ/bfloTj sf]if -867,182.79_ -1,113,585.51_
sd{rf/L bIftf clej[l4 sf]if -196,007.50_
af]gz z]o/ -88,746,600.00_ -61,534,600.00_
gub nfef+; -4,670,874.00_ -3,238,665.16_
lgodgsf/L ;dfof]hg cl3sf] gfkmf/gf]S;fg 130,752,938.26 131,998,339.11
lgofds ;dfof]hg
Jofh aSof}tf / cl3Nnf]] Jofh aSof}tf k|flKt -4,634,609.00_
C0f gf]S;fg Joj:yfdf 36a9
nufgLdf 3f6fsf] nflu Joj:yfsf] 36j9
u}/ a}lsË ;DklQsf] Joj:yfsf] 36j9 -1,803,772.00_
:yut s/ ;DklQ 36j9 -394,376.84_
VoftL 36j9
Bargain Purchase Gain 36j9
af8\g of]Uo gfkmf /gf]S;fg 123,920,180.42 131,998,339.11

@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8

Plzog nfO{km OG:of]/]G; sDkgL lnld6]8 ;Fu a}+sfP:of]/]G; Pn=cfO{=;L= g]kfn lnld6]8 ;Fu a}+sfP:of]/]G; ;Demf}tf ub}{ .
;Demf}tf ub}{ .

l/nfoan g]kfn nfOkm OG;f]/]G; s=ln= ;Fu a}+sfP:of]/]G; ;Demf}tf ub}{ . hfgsL ljjfx k~rdLsf] cj;/df >4fn' eQmhgx?sf] nflu lrof
la:s'6, kfgL / gf:tfsf] Joj:yf u/]sf] .

lszf]/L gu/ 6f]n ;'wf/ ;ldltnfO{ kmf]xf]/ ;+sng ug]{ l/S;f ljZj jftfj/0f lbj;sf] cj;/df j[Iff /f]k0f / 6«L uf8{ pknAw
x:tfGt/0f ub}{ . u/fPsf] .

cf]d zflGt s]Gb|, wg'iffwfddf vfg]kfgLsf] 6+sL / wf/f h8fg u/]sf] . Knfli6sd'Qm zx/sf] nflu sk8fsf] emf]nf ljt/0f ub}{ .
@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8

Janaki Finance Company Limited

Notes to the Financial Statements
Notes forming part of the Accounts for the year ended Ashad 31, 2076

5. Disclosure & Additional Information

5.1 Risk Management:
Introduction and Overview:
In Compliance with Nepal Rastra Bank Directive on 6 "Corporate Governance", the Board of financial institution of
JFCL has established a Risk Management Committee with clear terms of reference. As at the date of this report, the
Risk Management Committee comprised of following:

S.No. Member of Risk Management Committee Designation

1 Mahabir Kumar Sultaniya Director
2 Dip Narayan Shah Director
3 Sameer Kumar Yadav Member
4 Dilip Kumar Yadav Member Secretary

The Committees meets at least four times annually. The committee oversees and reviews the fundamental prudential
Risk is inherent in the financial institution’s activities but is managed through a process of ongoing identification,
measurement and monitoring, subject to risk limits and other controls. This process of risk management is critical to
the financial institution’s continuing profitability and each individual within the financial institution is accountable for the
risk exposures relating to his or her responsibilities.

Governance Framework:
Risk Management Committee of the financial institution has formed to review the credit risk, Market risk, and liquidity
risk of the institution. Apart form this institution has formed the Assets and Liability Management Committee to
monitor liquidity risk as well as market risk, AML CFT committee in order to monitor the operational risk The
committee and subcommittee has effectively discharged their duties and responsibility.
The Financial Institution’s risk management framework are established to identify and analyse the risks faced by the
institution to set appropriate risk limits and controls and to monitor risks and adherence to limits. Through its , the
Financial institution seeks to efficiently manage credit, market and liquidity risks which arise directly through the
institution's commercial activities as well as operational , regulatory and reputational risks which arise as a normal
consequences of any business undertaking. As part of this framework, the institution uses a set of principles that
describes its risk management culture. The institution, through its training and management standards and
procedures, aims to develop a disciplined and constructive control environment in which all employees understand
their roles and obligations.

The Major risk area and mitigation mechanism is as given below:

5.1.1 Credit Risk:

Credit risk is the potential for loss due to failure of counterparty to meet its obligation to pay the financial institution in
accordance with agreed term.

Risk is an inherent feature of any business and it drives an entity towards income generation. Likewise, Risk
management objective of the financial institution is to strike balance between risk and return, and ensure optimum
Risk-adjusted return on capital. A reasonable level of return is essential for sustainability of the business. However,
taking higher risk in search of higher earnings may have chances to result in failure of business. Thus effective risk
management is a must for business success. Towards this end JFCL has implemented robust risk management
architecture as well as policies and processes approved by the Board of Directors. These encompass independent
identification, measurement and management of risks across various facets of financial institution's operation.

Board level risk management committee has been set up under NRB Directive for ensuring/reviewing financial
institution's risk appetite are in line with the policies and CRO acts as member secretary. CRO closely monitors and
report on credit related risks in ALCO & RMC meeting.

@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8

Janaki Finance Company Limited

Notes to the Financial Statements
Notes forming part of the Accounts for the year ended Ashad 31, 2076

5.1 Risk Management ( Contd….)

5.1.2 Market Risk:
Market risk is the risk that the fair value or future cash flows of financial instruments will fluctuate due to changes
in market variables such as interest rates, foreign exchange rates, commodity prices and equity prices. The
institution classifies exposures to market risk into either trading or non–trading portfolios and manages each of
those portfolios separately.

Market Risks are discussed at Asset Liability Committee (ALCO) of the institution and even discussed at
respective division level on open position on daily basis. The limits for open position are controlled, level wise
which ensures in-depth knowledge of the market and movement before taking decision (by choice). The monthly
reports on such aspects are well discussed and dealt in ALCO. The committee ensures functioning of the jobs in
line with the policies and procedures and suggests/recommends for necessary steps collectively to address the
risk on interest rate movement, exchange rate movement and equity price changes. Most of the market
operations (investments) are done from the Treasury Department which reports to the Chief Executive Officer
and exposure accounting including booking of income/expense is done from Department which reports to the
Chief Executive Officer. The institution assesses the open position on daily basis and calculates risk exposure
for allocation of required capital in line with Basel provisions. Likely impact on earnings due to change in the
market condition and change in the standing of the counterparty are well assessed periodically and necessary
actions are taken as appropriate. TFO is equipped with advanced dealing platform for timely and effectively
concluding the deals. Similarly the unit is equipped with modern and advanced information system on global
news, market movements and any incidents so that institution can manage and maintain the position favorably.

The institution has been working continuously towards risk diversification of its assets base so as to achieve
better portfolio mix and to protect/enhance the overall risk on its loan book. The strategic focus of mapping
business is gradually reducing high-risk assets and increasing low risk exposures.

The Risk subject to this requirement are:

a) Interest Rate Risk
Interest rate risk is the risk that the fair value or future cash flows of a financial instrument will fluctuate because
of changes in market interest rates.

b) Currency Risk
Foreign exchange risk is potential for the institution to experience volatility in the value of its assets, liabilities and
solvency and to suffer actual financial losses as a result of changes in value between the currencies of its assets
liabilities and its reporting currency

c) Equity Price Risk

The risk of fluctuation in fair values or future cash flows of a financial instrument due to a change in market
prices, other than those occurring due to interest rate risk or currency risk, is referred to as equity price risk.
Accordingly, the equity price risk affects the Institution's investments in equity instruments.

5.1.3 Liquidity Risk:

Liquidity risk occurs when an institution cannot meet its short-term debt obligations. The investor or entity might
be unable to convert an asset into cash without giving up capital and income due to a lack of buyers or an
inefficient market. The institution has developed internal control processes and contingency plans for managing
liquidity risk. This incorporates an assessment of expected cash flows and the availability of high grade collateral
which could be used to secure additional funding if required. The Liquidity Risk is managed by ALCO. The ALCO
has developed the Unified Treasury circular for overall liquidity management of institution.

Janaki Finance Company Limited
Notes to the Financial Statements
Notes forming part of the Accounts for the year ended Ashad 31, 2076 Classification of Financial Assets and Liability based on Maturity

Amount in NRs.
@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef

As on Ashad 2076
S.No. Particulars 1-90 Days 91-180 Days 181 - 270 Days 271 - 365 Days Over 1 Year No Stated maturity Total Amount
Financial Assets
1 Cash Balance 668,900,922.99 - - - - - 668,900,922.99
2 Balance with Banks & FIs 78,418,908.11 - - - - - 78,418,908.11
3 Investment in Foreign Banks - - - - - - -
4 Call Money - - - - - - -
5 Government Securities - - - - - - -
6 Investment Others - - - - - 351,500.00 351,500.00
7 Nepal Rastra Bank Bonds - - - - - - -
8 Inter Bank & FI Lending - - - - - - -
9 Loans & Advances 381,483,960.17 487,691,000.00 304,756,000.00 472,270,000.00 516,215,000.00 13,906,579.69 2,168,966,017.18
10 Interest Receivable 7,356,522.68 - - - - - 7,356,522.68
Accrued Interest - - - - - - -
11 Others - - - - 557,313.32 - 557,313.31
Total Financial Assets (A) 1,136,160,313.95 487,691,000.00 304,756,000.00 472,270,000.00 516,772,313.32 14,258,079.69 2,924,551,184.27

Financial Liabilities -
12 Current Deposits 1,126,925,334.26 - - - - - 1,126,925,334.26
13 Saving Deposits 687,677,495.82 - - - - - 687,677,495.82
14 Fixed Deposits - - - - 223,756,794.14 - 223,756,794.14
15 Debentures - - - - - - -
16 Borrowings - - - - - - -
17 Other Liabilities and Provisions - - - - - - -
(a) Sundry Creditors 6,827,213.08 - - - - - 6,827,213.08
(b) Employees bonus Payable 18,522,163.90 - - - - - 18,522,163.90
(c) Bills Payable - - - - - - -
(d) Provisions - - - - - - -
(e) Unpaid dividend - - - - - 179,161.17 179,161.17
(f) Interest payable on deposits - - - - - 56,157,431.31 56,157,431.31
18 Others - - - - - 8,366,645.98 8,366,645.98
Total Financial Liabilities (B) 1,839,952,207.06 - - - 223,756,794.14 64,703,238.46 2,128,412,239.66

Net Financial Assets (A-B) (703,791,893.11) 487,691,000.00 304,756,000.00 472,270,000.00 293,015,519.18 (50,445,158.77) 796,138,944.61

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JANAKI FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED Classification of Financial Assets and Liability based on Maturity (contd…)
Amount in NRs.
As on Ashad 2075
S.No. Particulars 1-90 Days 91-180 Days 181 - 270 Days 271 - 365 Days Over 1 Year No Stated maturity Total Amount
@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef

Financial Assets
1 Cash Balance 748,219,313.25 - - - - - 748,219,313.25
2 Balance with Banks & FIs 75,459,406.01 - - - - - 75,459,406.01
3 Investment in Foreign Banks - - - - - - -
4 Call Money - - - - - - -
5 Government Securities - - - - - - -
6 Investment Others - - - - - 351,500.00 351,500.00
7 Nepal Rastra Bank Bonds - - - - - - -
8 Inter Bank & FI Lending - - - - - - -
9 Loans & Advances 943,215,880.38 318,244,000.00 305,577,000.00 35,789,300.00 35,685,700.00 - 1,633,366,243.10
10 Interest Receivable 5,145,637.28 - - - - - 5,145,637.28
Accrued Interest - - - - - - -
11 Others - - - - 1,073,349.99 - 1,073,349.99
Total Financial Assets (A) 1,772,040,236.92 318,244,000.00 305,577,000.00 35,789,300.00 36,759,049.99 351,500.00 2,463,615,449.63

Financial Liabilities
12 Current Deposits 924,650,994.37 - - - - - 924,650,994.37
13 Saving Deposits 603,450,970.53 - - - - - 603,450,970.53
14 Fixed Deposits - - - - - 123,522,837.62 123,522,837.62
15 Debentures - - - - - - -
16 Borrowings - - - - - - -
17 Other Liabilities and Provisions - -
(a) Sundry Creditors 2,861,810.67 - - - - - 2,861,810.67
(b) Employees bonus Payable 16,977,210.94 - - - - - 16,977,210.94
(c) Bills Payable - - - - - - -
(d) Provisions - - - - - - -
(e) Unpaid dividend - - - - - 595,103.13 595,103.13
(f) Interest payable on deposits - - - - - 52,708,474.66 52,708,474.66
18 Others - - - - - 3,254,025.80 3,254,025.80
Total Financial Liabilities (B) 1,547,940,986.51 - - - - 180,080,441.21 1,728,021,427.72

Net Financial Assets (A-B) 224,099,250.41 318,244,000.00 305,577,000.00 35,789,300.00 36,759,049.99 (179,728,941.21) 735,594,021.91

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@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8

Janaki Finance Company Limited

Notes to the Financial Statements
Notes forming part of the Accounts for the year ended Ashad 31, 2076

5.2 Capital Management:

5.2.1 Qualitative Disclosures- The Company has formulated
The Financial Institution has formulated and implemented the "Internal Capital Adequacy Framework 2018" (ICAAP 2008) which has
been approved by the Board of Directors. The ICAAP 2018 is a system of sound, effective, and complete strategies and processes
that allows the FIs to assess and maintain, ongoing basis, the amounts, types and distribution of internal capital that the FIs considers
adequate to cover the nature and level of risk to which the FIs is or might be exposed to.

Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process (ICAAP) shall also include requirement to have robust governance arrangements,
efficient process of managing all material risks and an effective regime for assessing and maintaining adequate and economic capital
at the FIs where economic capital (economically needed capital) refers to the amount of capital required for the FIs's business
operations and for financing the associated risks.

ICAAP 2018 shall provide policy and procedural guidelines for the calculation of internal capital adequacy by prescribing appropriate
methodologies, techniques and procedures to assess the capital adequacy requirements in relation to the FIs's risk profile and
effectiveness of its risk management, control environment and strategic planning.

The Board shall be primarily responsible for ensuring the current and future capital needs of the FIs in relation to strategic objectives.
The management shall review and understand the nature and level of various risks that the FIs is confronting in the course of different
business activities and how this risk relates to capital levels and accordingly implement sound risk management framework specifying
control measures to tackle each risk factor.

5.2.2 Quantitative disclosures

a. Capital Structure and Capital Adequacy
Financial Year 2075/76
(Amounts in NPR '000)
This Year Previous Year
A) Core Capital 777,840.43 674,082.28
1) Paid up Capital (Ordinary Shares) 492,140.30 403,393.70
2) Proposed Bonus Shares - -
3) Share Premium - -
4) Irredeemable preference shares - -
5) General Reserve Fund 162,174.32 138,865.51
6) Accumulated profit/(loss) 123,920.18 131,998.34
7) Amount of profit and loss of the current Fiscal year as shown in the balance-sheet - -
8) Capital Redemption Reserve Fund - -
9) Capital Adjustment Fund - -
10) Calls in advance - -
11) Other free reserves - -
To be deducted 394.38 175.26
• Amount for goodwill - -
• Deferred Tax Assets 394.38 175.26
• Amount invested in shares and security in excess of limits - -
• Amount invested in security of the company having financial interests - -
• Fictitious Asset - -
• Amount invested in purchase of land and houses for self use ignoring directives
of this FIs - -
• Amount invested in land development and housing construction in excess of limits - -
• The share underwriting could not be sold within the stipulated time - -
• The credit and other facilities made available to the persons and organizations
banned by the prevailing laws - -
(B) Supplementary capital 25,708.54 23,332.68
1) Provisions of loan loss made for pass loan 25,708.54 23,332.68
2) Additional loan loss provision - -
3) Hybrid capital instruments - -
4) Unsecured subordinated term debt - -
5) Exchange Equalization Fund - -
6) Assets revaluation Fund - -
7) Investment adjustment Fund - -
(C) Total Capital Fund (A+B) 803,548.97 697,414.96

(D) Minimum capital Fund to be maintained based on risk weight assets

Capital Adequacy (11%) 33.41% 38.55%
Core Capital (5.5%) 32.34% 37.26%
Capital Fund (more/less) by % 22.41% 27.55%
Core Capital (more/less) by % 27.91% 33.05%

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I) Capital Adequacy Ratio

Capital Adequacy Ratio of the FIs as at 31st Ashad, 2076 stood at 33.41%.

ii) Summary of FIs's internal approach to assess the adequacy of capital to support current and future activities, if
The BF/Is prepares a long term 5 year's Strategy Plan and to achieve the long term plans the FIs prepares annual
Budgets/Operating/ Tactical plans as stipulated in the Budget Policy and strategy Document of the FIs. To ensure that the FIs capital
adequacy commensurate to demand of the FIs 's capital required by the business planning, the Management and the Board prudently
and proactively engage on ongoing process of capital and risk assessment, stress testing and scenarios testing, monitoring and
reporting as per the ICAAP 2018.
The FIs has also formulated and implemented “Stress Testing Guidelines 2015” in order to assess of the vulnerability of the FIs
under various stress situations typically, application of “what if ” scenarios, especially in the problematic identification of low frequency
but high severity events and identifying expected and unexpected losses. It focuses on capturing the impact of large, but still plausible
events and understanding the overall risk profile in a coherent and consistent framework, including impact analysis on earnings,
solvency and liquidity.

A formal monitoring and reporting mechanism have been established to provide the senior management necessary
information on the risk profile, trends, and the capital requirements as per ICAAP 2018 and Stress Testing Guidelines. Such reports
are being prepared on a monthly and quarterly basis and circulated to relevant business units/departments, Integrated Risk
Department (IRMD), and tabled in Assets Liability Committee (ALCO) meeting.

Further quarterly reports are presented to the Risk Management Committee and the Board for review and discussions.

@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8

Janaki Finance Company Limited

Notes to the Financial Statements
Notes forming part of the Accounts as on Ashad 31, 2076

5.2.2 Quantitative disclosures contd…

b. Total Risk Weighted Exposure Calculation Table:

Financial Year 2075/76

(Amounts in NPR '000)
This Year Last Year
Balance Sheet Exposures Weight Risk Weight Risk Weight
Amount Amount
Assets Assets
(A) On balance-sheet Assets
Cash deposits 0 14,599.43 - 5,527.53 -
Gold (tradable) 0 - - - -
Deposits with Nepal Rastra Bank 0 78,418.91 - 75,459.41 -
Investment in Government of Nepal bond 0 - - - -
Investment in Nepal Rastra Bank bond 0 - - - -
Fixed receipt pledged loan extended against one’s own fixed 0 38,462.72 - 44,766.18 -
receipt to be most secured
Loan extended against security of government bond to be most 0 - - - -
Accrued interests for government bond 0 - - - -
Amount deposited by classes “B” and “C” licensed institutions 0 - - - -
in the Youth and Small Entrepreneurs Self-employment Fund
under the Deprived Sector Lending 20 1,167.23 233.45 2,005.11 401.02
Claims of deposits/fixed receipts at the domestic banks and
financial institutions 20 - - - -
Fixed receipt pledged loan extended against fixed receipts of
other banks and financial institutions to be most secured
20 - - - -
Deposits with foreign banks 20 653,134.26 130,626.85 740,686.68 148,137.34
Money at call 50 - - - -
Loan extended against internationally rated licensed institution
50 - - - -
Other investment made in internationally rated Banks 20 - - - -
Inter-bank lending 100 351.50 351.50 351.50 351.50
Investment in shares, debentures and bonds 100 - - - -
Other investments 100 2,094,285.20 2,094,285.20 1,532,376.85 1,532,376.85
Total amount including loans, credit, and bills
purchase/discount 100 22,388.44 22,388.44 3,580.19 3,580.19
Fixed assets 100 561.04 561.04 175.26 175.26
Intangible Assets 100 - -
Other net interests amount to be received 100 2,863.13 2,863.13 1,734.00 1,734.00
Net Non-Banking Assets 100 1,100.91 1,100.91 1,271.76 1,271.76
All other assets (except advance income tax payment) 2,907,332.77 2,252,410.51 2,407,934.47 1,688,027.93
(A) Total
(B) Off-balance-sheet Items 0 - - - -
Bills collection 10 - - - -
Forward foreign exchange contract 20 - - - -
Letter of Credit of less than six- month period (full amount) 20 - - - -
Guarantee issued against the guarantee of internationally
rated foreign licensed institution 50 - - - -
Letter of Credit of more than six-month period (full amount) 50 - - - -
Commitments relating to bid bond, performance bond and
underwriting 50 - - - -
Credit purchase/repurchase and takeover 100 - - - -
Advance payment guarantee 100 7,150.00 7,150.00 550.00 550.00
Financial and other guarantee 100 - - - -
Irrevocable loan commitment 100 - - - -
Possible liabilities for income tax 100 - - - -
All types of possible liabilities including acceptance 100 - - - -
Re- discounted bills 100 - - - -
Unpaid fully share investments 200 - - - -
Unpaid guarantee claims 200 - - - -
Possible liabilities claims on institution but not accepted by
institution 7,150.00 7,150.00 550.00 550.00
(B) Total
100 145,366.64 145,366.64 120,396.72 120,396.72
Amounts provisioning for Operation Risk (C) 3,059,849.41 2,404,927.15 2,528,881.19 1,808,974.65
Total risk-weight assets (A)+(B) +(C)

@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8

Janaki Finance Company Limited

Notes to the Financial Statements
Notes forming part of the Accounts as on Ashad 31, 2076

5.3 Classification of Financial Asset and Liabilities

Fair value is the amount for which an asset could be exchanged, or a liability settled, between knowledgeable, willing parties in an arm’s
length transaction on the measurement date. The fair value measurement is based on the presumption that the transaction to sell the
asset or transfer the liability takes place either;

In the principal market for the asset or liability

In the absence of the principal market, in the most advantageous market for the asset or liability.

Fair value of an asset or a liability is measured using the assumptions that market participants would use when pricing the asset or
liability, assuming that market participants act in their economic best interest. When available, the institution measures the fair value of an
instrument using quoted prices in an active market for that instrument. A market is regarded as active if quoted prices are readily and
regularly available and represent actual and regularly occurring market transactions on an arm’s length basis. For units in unit trusts, fair
value is determined by reference to published bid-values. If a market for a financial instrument is not active, then the institution
establishes fair value using a valuation technique.

Valuation techniques include using recent arm’s length transactions between knowledgeable, willing parties (if available), reference to the
current fair value of other instruments that are substantially the same, discounted cash flow analyses and option pricing models. The
chosen valuation technique makes maximum use of market inputs, relies as little as possible on estimates specific to the institution,
incorporates all factors that market participants would consider in setting a price, and is consistent with accepted economic
methodologies for pricing financial instruments. Inputs to valuation techniques reasonably represent market expectations and measures
of the risk-return factors inherent in the financial instrument. The institution calibrates valuation techniques and tests them for validity
using prices from observable current market transactions in the same instrument or based on other available observable market data.

When transaction price provides the best evidence of fair value at initial recognition, the financial instrument is initially measured at the
transaction price and any difference between this price and the value initially obtained from a valuation model is subsequently recognised
in the statement of profit or loss on an appropriate basis over the life of the instrument but not later than when the valuation is supported
wholly by observable market data or the transaction is closed out.

Any difference between the fair value at initial recognition and the amount that would be determined at that date using a valuation
technique in a situation in which the valuation is dependent on unobservable is not recognised in the statement of profit or loss
immediately, but is recognised over the life of the instrument on an appropriate basis or when the instrument is redeemed, transferred or
sold, or the fair value becomes observable. Assets and long positions are measured at a bid price; liabilities and short positions are
measured at an asking price. Fair values reflect the credit risk of the instrument and include adjustments to take account of the credit risk
of the institution and the counter party where appropriate. Fair value estimates obtained from models are adjusted for any other factors,
such as liquidity risk or model uncertainties; to the extent that the institution believes a third-party market participant would take them into
accounting pricing a transaction.

Financial assets and liabilities based on the accounting classification with their carrying values and fair values are tabulated below.

Amount in NRs.
FY 2075-76
Asset at Fair Value Asset at Amortized Cost
Financial Assets Notes Designated Through Loan and Total
Held to Maturity
at FVTPL OCI Receivables
Cash and Cash equivalent 4.1 - - 668,900,922.99 - 668,900,922.99
Due from Nepal Rastra Bank 4.2 - - 78,418,908.11 - 78,418,908.11
Placement with BFIs 4.3 - - - - -
Loan and Advances to institution 4.6 & 4.7 - - 2,139,047,456.76 - 2,139,047,456.76
Investment in Securities 4.8 - - 351,500.00 351,500.00
Other Financial Asset 4.16 - - 557,313.31 557,313.31
Total - - 2,886,924,601.17 351,500.00 2,887,276,101.17

Liabilities at Fair Value

Liabilities at
Financial Liabilities Notes Designated Through Total
Amortized Cost
Deposit from customer 4.20 - - 2,038,369,624.22 2,038,369,624.22
Borrowing 4.21 - - - -
Other Financial Liabilities 4.23 - - 90,042,615.44 90,042,615.44
Total - - 2,128,412,239.66 2,128,412,239.66

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5.3 Classification of Financial Asset and Liabilities (contd..)

Amount in NRs.

FY 2074-75
Asset at Fair Value Asset at Amortized Cost
Financial Assets Notes Designated Through Loan and Held to Total
at FVTPL OCI Receivables Maturity
Cash and Cash equivalent 4.1 - - 748,219,313.25 - 748,219,313.25
Due from Nepal Rastra Bank 4.2 - - 75,459,406.01 - 75,459,406.01
Placement with BFIs 4.3 - - - - -
Loan and Advances to institution 4.6 & 4.7 - - 1,577,143,031.77 - 1,577,143,031.77
Investment in Securities 4.8 - - - 351,500.00 351,500.00
Other Financial Asset 4.16 - - 1,073,349.99 1,073,349.99
Total - - 2,401,895,101.02 351,500.00 2,402,246,601.02

Liabilities at Fair Value

Liabilities at
Financial Liabilities Notes Designated Through Total
Amortized Cost
Deposit from customer 4.20 - - 1,651,634,802.52 1,651,634,802.52
Borrowing 4.21 - - - -
Other Financial Liabilities 4.23 - - 76,386,625.20 76,386,625.20
Total - - 1,728,021,427.72 1,728,021,427.72

FY 2073-74
Asset at Fair Value Asset at Amortized Cost
Financial Assets Notes Designated Through Loan and Held to Total
at FVTPL OCI Receivables Maturity
Cash and Cash equivalent 4.1 - - 605,255,938.70 - 605,255,938.70
Due from Nepal Rastra Bank 4.2 - - 31,196,776.44 - 31,196,776.44
Placement with BFIs 4.3 - - - - -
Loan and Advances to institution 4.6 & 4.7 - - 1,381,686,702.05 - 1,381,686,702.05
Investment in Securities 4.8 - - 351,500.00 351,500.00
Other Financial Asset 4.16 - - 627,658.04 627,658.04
Total - - 2,018,767,075.23 351,500.00 2,019,118,575.23

Liabilities at Fair Value

Liabilities at
Financial Liabilities Notes Designated Through Total
Amortized Cost
Deposit from customer 4.20 - - 1,393,663,835.47 1,393,663,835.47
Borrowing 4.21 - - - -
Other Financial Liabilities 4.23 - - 68,815,341.15 68,815,341.15
Total - - 1,462,479,176.62 1,462,479,176.62

@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8

Janaki Finance Company Limited

Notes to the Financial Statements
Notes forming part of the Accounts for the year ended Ashad 31, 2076

5.3 Classification of Financial Asset and Liabilities (contd…. )

5.3.1 Fair Value of Financial Instruments:
Financial instruments recorded at fair value

Financial investments – Available- For- Sale

Available - for - sale financial assets, primarily consist of quoted equities and Quoted Mutual Fund units ,are valued
using the quoted market price in active markets as at the reporting date. For unquotes securities those are carried at

Determination of fair value hierarchy

For all financial instruments where fair values are determined by referring to externally quoted prices or observable
pricing inputs to models, independent price determination or validation is obtained. In an inactive market, direct
observation of a traded price may not be possible. In these circumstances, the financial institution uses alternative
market information to validate the financial instrument’s fair value, with greater weight given to information that is
considered to be more relevant and reliable.

Fair values are determined according to the following hierarchy:

Level 1:
Quoted market price (unadjusted): financial instruments with quoted prices in active markets.

Level 2:
Valuation technique using observable inputs: financial instruments with quoted prices for similar instruments in active
markets or quoted prices for identical or similar instruments in inactive markets and financial instruments are valued
using models where all significant inputs are observable.

Level 3:
Valuation technique with significant unobservable inputs: financial instruments are valued using valuation techniques
where one or more significant
inputs are unobservable.
- Hierarchy of fair value measurement of financial assets at fair value
Amount in NRs.

FY 2075-76 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Quoted Equities - - -
Quoted Mutual Fund - - -
Unquoted Equities - - 351,500.00
- - 351,500.00

FY 2074-75 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Quoted Equities - - -
Quoted Mutual Fund - - -
Unquoted Equities - - 351,500.00
- - 351,500.00

FY 2073-74 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Quoted Equities - - -
Quoted Mutual Fund - - -
Unquoted Equities - - 351,500.00
- - 351,500.00

The Investment made in the Nepal Clearing House are not actively traded in the market and are therefore not liquid .
The institution has no intention to dispose these investment in foreseeable future. Those investment have been carried
at cost as the level 3 Valuation

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- Hierarchy of fair value measurement of financial assets at amortized cost

Amount in NRs.

FY 2075-76 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Loan and Advances to Customer - - 2,139,047,456.76
Other Financial Assets - - 557,313.31
Government Development Bond - - -
- - 2,139,604,770.07

FY 2074-75 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Loan and Advances to Customer - - 1,577,143,031.77
Other Financial Assets - - 1,073,349.99
Government Development Bond - - -
- - 1,578,216,381.76

FY 2073-74 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Loan and Advances to Customer - - 1,381,686,702.05
Other Financial Assets - - 627,658.04
Government Development Bond - - -
- - 1,382,314,360.09

- Hierarchy of Financial Liabilities

Amount in NRs.

FY 2075-76 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Deposit from customer - - 2,038,369,624.22
Borrowing - - -
Other Financial Liabilities - - 90,042,615.44
- - 2,128,412,239.66

FY 2074-75 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Deposit from customer - - 1,651,634,802.52
Borrowing - - -
Other Financial Liabilities - - 76,386,625.20
- - 1,728,021,427.72

FY 2073-74 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Deposit from customer - - 1,393,663,835.47
Borrowing - - -
Other Financial Liabilities - - 68,815,341.15
- - 1,462,479,176.62

@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8

Janaki Finance Company Limited

Notes to the Financial Statements
Notes forming part of the Accounts for the year ended Ashad 31, 2076

5.4 Share Option and Share Based Payment:

Not Applicable

5.5 Contingent Liabilities and Commitment:

Contingent liabilities: Where the institution undertake to make a payment on behalf of its customers for guarantees issued, such as for
performance bonds or as irrecoverable letters of credit as part of the institution's transaction institution's business for which an obligation
to make a payment has not arisen at the reporting date, those are included in these financial statement as contingent liabilities.

Other contingent liabilities primarily include irrecoverable letters of credit and bonds issued on behalf of customers to customs, for bids or

Commitments: Where the institution has confirmed its intention to provide funds to a customer or on behalf of a customer in the form of
loans, overdrafts, future guarantees, whether cancellable or not, or letters of credit and the institution has not made payments at the
reporting date, those instruments are included in these financial statement as commitments.

5.6 Related Parties Disclosures:

5.6.1 Identification of Related Parties
A related party is a person or entity that is related to the entity that is preparing its financial statements
a. A person or a close member of that person’s family is related to a reporting entity if that person:
(i) has control or joint control of the reporting entity
(ii) has significant influence over the reporting entity or
(iii) is a member of the key management personnel of the reporting entity or of a parent of the reporting entity.

b. An entity is related to a reporting entity if any of the following conditions applies:

(i) The entity and the reporting entity are members of the same group (which means that each parent, subsidiary and fellow subsidiary is
related to the others).
(ii) One entity is an associate or joint venture of the other entity (or an associate or joint venture of a member of a group of which the
other entity is a member).
(iii) Both entities are joint ventures of the same third party.
(iv) One entity is a joint venture of a third entity and the other entity is an associate of the third entity.
(v) The entity is a post-employment benefit plan for the benefit of employees of either the reporting entity or an entity related to the
reporting entity. If the reporting entity is itself such a plan, the sponsoring employers are also related to the reporting entity.
(vi) The entity is controlled or jointly controlled by a person identified in (a).
(vii) A person identified in (a)(i) has significant influence over the entity or is a member of the key management personnel of the entity (or
of a parent of the entity).

The Company Identifies the following as the related parties under the requirement of NAS 24:

1) Directors

2075-76 2074-75 2073-74

Raghunath Prasad Sah Raghunath Prasad Sah Shiv Sankar Prasad Sah
Amar Nath Gupta Amar Nath Gupta Dinesh Prasad Sah
Ashok Kumar Jalan Ashok Kumar Jalan Sundar Raj Dali
Mahabir Kumar Sultaniya Mahabir Kumar Sultaniya Mahabir Kumar Sultaniya
Dip Narayan Sah Dip Narayan Sah

2) Key Management Personnel of the institution

2075-76 2074-75 2073-74
Rajnish Kumar Singh Rajnish Kumar Singh Ram Nritya Sharma
Dilip Kumar Yadav Ram Nritya Sharma Kiran Prasad Sharma
Sunil Shah Dilip Kumar Yadav Sunil Shah
Roshan Kapar Sunil Shah Roshan Kapar
Pankaj Kumar Thakur Roshan Kapar
Ravi Bhagat
Bindeshwor Kumar Yadav

@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8

5.6.2 Transaction during the year:

The institution has carried out transactions in the ordinary course of business on an arm's length basis at commercial rates with parties
who are defined as related parties as per the Nepal Accounting Standard - NAS 24 - ‘Related Party Disclosures’, except for the
transactions that Key Management Personnel (KMPs) have availed under schemes uniformly applicable to all staff at concessionary
rates. Those transactions include lending activities, acceptance of deposits, Off-Balance Sheet transactions and provision of other
institution's and finance services.

Particulars 2075-76 2074-75 2073-74

Director sitting Fees 426,000.00 127,500.00 105,000.00
Other Director allowance 613,836.00 283,148.38 170,799.00
Total 1,039,836.00 410,648.38 275,799.00

Key Management personnel

Remuneration and Benefit Paid 11,697,398.92 4,842,571.55 4,702,598.58
Post Retirement Benefits 420,907.88 2,074,410.96 1,779,894.07
Other Long Term Benefits - - -
Other transaction Benefits if any - - -
Total 12,118,306.80 6,916,982.51 6,482,492.65

5.7 Merger and Acquisition

Not Applicable

5.8 Additional Disclosures of non consolidated

The institution does not have any subsidiary. Therefore consolidation is not applicable.

5.9 Events after Reporting Date

No circumstances have arisen since the reporting date which would require adjustments to, or disclosure in the financial statements,
other than disclosed in Note 5.9.1.

5.9.1 Declaration of Dividend and Bonus:

Provision for final dividend is recognized at the time the dividend is recommended and declared by the Board of Directors, and is
approved by the shareholders. Interim dividend payable is recognised when the Board approves such dividend in accordance with the
Companies Act.

The details of proposed dividend and bonus are given below:

Particulars FY 2075-76 % FY 2074-75 % FY 2073-74 %

Cash Dividend Proposed 5,698,467.00 1.157894812% 4,670,874.00 1.16% 3,238,665.16 0.95%
Proposed Bonus Shares 108,270,866.00 22.00% 88,746,600.00 22.00% 61,534,600.00 18.00%
Total 113,969,333.00 23.15789481% 93,417,474.00 23.16% 64,773,265.16 18.95%

Unpaid Dividend
As at the reporting date, unpaid dividend over years amounts to as follows

Particulars FY 2075-76 FY 2074-75 FY 2073-74

Dividend Payable 179,161.17 595,103.13 595,103.13
Total 179,161.17 595,103.13 595,103.13

Janaki Finance Company Limited
Notes to the Financial Statements
Notes forming part of the Accounts for the year ended Ashad 31, 2076

5.10 Disclosure effect of transition from previous GAAP to NFRSs

5.10.1 Reconciliation of Other Equity Amount in NRs.

@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef

As at 01-04-2074 Year Ended 2074- Year Ended 2075-

Explanatory Note
(Date of Transition) 75 76

Total equity under Previous GAAP 542,094,499.91 665,384,882.28 772,862,381.59

Adjustments due to NFRSs Implementation
Impairment on loan and advances - - -
Fair value & employees benefit accounting of staff loan - - -
Lease accounting - - -
Measurement of investment securities at fair value - - -
Revaluation of property & equipment - - -
Recognition of investment property - - -
Amortisation of debt securities issued - - -
Impairment of property & equipment Effect of impairment of asset - - (73,002.55)
- - -
Deferred tax Effect of difference Actuarial Valuation for Leave Encashment 122,923.10 79,190.13 146,237.36
Goodwill/Bargain Purchase gain - - -
Defined benefit obligation of employees (409,743.66) (193,242.30) (376,437.19)
Interest income Income recognized from interest receivable/Reversal of excess 9,563,452.26 5,145,637.27 7,356,522.65
interest recognized due to restatement on Transition date.
Non banking assets Reversal of NBA provision 1,734,000.00 1,734,000.00 2,863,130.00
Employee capability Enhancement Was shown under liability as per GAAP but shown under reserve in 200,833.00 - -
Cash dividend Proposed cash dividend for a fiscal year has been deducted from 3,238,665.17 4,670,874.00 5,698,463.16
the retained earning and shown separately under head dividend
payable as per NAS. However as per NFRS the same has not been
deducted till declaration and ratification of distribution of proposed
cash dividend in AGM.
Depreciation difference Difference in depreciation due to change in policy - (70,724.79) (38,018.16)
Staff Training Expenses in Reserve Reclassification of Liability to Reserve -
Total Adjustment to equity 14,450,129.87 11,365,734.31 15,576,895.27

Total Equity under NFRSs 556,544,629.78 676,750,616.58 788,439,276.86

hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8
Janaki Finance Company Limited
Notes to the Financial Statements
Notes forming part of the Accounts for the year ended Ashad 31, 2076

5.10.2 Effect of NFRSs adoption for the statement of Financial Position

Amount in NRs.
Opening NFRSs As at 32.03.2075 Cumulative
As at 01.04.2074
Effect of (End of last period
Particulars Explanatory (Date of statement of Effect of Amount as
Transition to presented under
Note* Transition) Financial Transition per NFRSs
NFRSs previous GAAP)
Position to NFRSs
Previous GAAP Previous GAAP
Cash and cash equivalent 605,255,938.70 - 605,255,938.70 748,219,313.25 - 748,219,313.25
@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef

Due from Nepal Rastra Bank 31,196,776.44 - 31,196,776.44 75,459,406.01 - 75,459,406.01

Placement with Bank and Financial Institutions - - - - - -
Derivative financial instruments - - - - - -
Other trading assets - - - - - -
Loan and advances to B/FIs - - - - - -
Loans and advances to customers FP1 1,372,123,249.79 9,563,452.26 1,381,686,702.05 1,571,997,394.50 5,145,637.27 1,577,143,031.77
Investment securities 351,500.00 - 351,500.00 351,500.00 - 351,500.00
Current tax assets - - - - - -
Investment in subsidiaries - - - - - -
Investment in associates - - - - - -
Investment property FP2 - 1,734,000.00 1,734,000.00 - 1,734,000.00 1,734,000.00
Property and equipment FP3 2,651,721.75 - 2,651,721.75 3,779,715.88 (199,526.98) 3,580,188.90
Goodwill and Intangible assets FP3 139,997.35 0.00 139,997.35 322,013.33 128,802.19 450,815.52
Deferred tax assets FP4 9,923,253.59 122,923.10 10,046,176.69 96,074.48 79,190.13 175,264.61
Other assets 760,026.47 - 760,026.47 1,271,761.34 - 1,271,761.34
Total Assets 2,022,402,464.09 11,420,375.36 2,033,822,839.45 2,401,497,178.79 6,888,102.61 2,408,385,281.40


Due to Bank and Financial Institutions - - - - - -
Due to Nepal Rastra Bank - - - - - -
Derivative financial instruments - - - - - -
Deposits from customers 1,393,663,835.48 - 1,393,663,835.47 1,651,634,802.52 - 1,651,634,802.52
Borrowing - - - - - -
Current Tax Liabilities 14,799,033.05 - 14,799,033.05 3,613,237.10 - 3,613,237.10
Provisions - - - - -
Deferred tax liabilities - - - - - -
Other liabilities FP5 71,845,095.63 (3,029,754.48) 68,815,341.15 80,864,256.89 (4,477,631.69) 76,386,625.20
Debt securities issued - - - - - -
Subordinated Liabilities - - - - - -
Total liabilities 1,480,307,964.16 (3,029,754.48) 1,477,278,209.67 1,736,112,296.51 (4,477,631.69) 1,731,634,664.82

Share capital FP6 403,393,738.00 (61,534,638.00) 341,859,100.00 492,140,300.00 (88,746,600.00) 403,393,700.00
Share premium - - - - - -
Retained earnings FP7 18,943,437.12 80,372,750.43 99,316,187.55 30,954,801.99 101,043,537.12 131,998,339.11
Reserves FP8 119,757,324.81 (4,387,982.58) 115,369,342.23 142,289,780.29 (931,202.82) 141,358,577.47
Total equity attributable to equity holders 542,094,499.93 14,450,129.85 556,544,629.78 665,384,882.28 11,365,734.30 676,750,616.58
Non-controlling interest - - - - - -
Total equity 542,094,499.93 14,450,129.85 556,544,629.78 665,384,882.28 11,365,734.30 676,750,616.58

Total liabilities and equity 2,022,402,464.09 11,420,375.37 2,033,822,839.45 2,401,497,178.79 6,888,102.61 2,408,385,281.40
hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8

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FP1 - Loans and advances to customer

FY 73-74:
· Loan and advance deposits figure inclusive of interest receivable of Rs 9,563,452.27

FY 74-75:
· Loan and advance deposits figure inclusive of interest receivable of Rs 5,145,637.28

FP2 - Investment Property

FY 2073-74:

· Investment property includes non banking assets amounting to Rs.1,734,000.00

FY 2074-75:

· Investment property includes non banking assets amounting to Rs.1,734,000.00

FP3 - Property, Plant and Equipment

FY 2074-75:
· The shortfall of Rs 720772.35 appearing in property and equipment in NFRS as compared to NAS is due to effect of
impairment of asset of RS 521,245.37, greater depreciation as compared to NAS by Rs.70,724.78 as a result of change
in depreciation policy and regrouping of Rs.128,802.19 towards intangible assets.
· Difference of Rs.128,802.19 in Goodwill and intangible asset is due to regrouping from property and equipment.

FP4- Deferred Tax

FY 2073-74:
· Difference in deferred tax is due to Valuation of Leave Encashment.

FY 2074-75:
Difference in deferred tax is due to difference in carrying amount of fixed assets as per
NAS and as per NFRS and Valuation of Leave Encashment.

FP5 - Other Liabilities

FY 2073-74:
· Staff Leave Provision has been shown under provisions as per NFRS.(Effect of regrouping)
· Proposed cash dividend has not been appropriated till declaration as per NFRS.
· Employee skill enhancement has been shown under reserve as per NFRS.

FY 2074-75:
· Staff Leave Provision has been shown under provisions as per NFRS.(Effect of regrouping)
· Proposed cash dividend has not been appropriated till declaration as per NFRS.
· Employee skill enhancement has been shown under reserve as per NFRS.

FP6 - Share capital

FY 2073-74:
· Proposed bonus share has not been shown in capital as per NFRS since
the Proposed Bonus share has not been ratified in AGM, however the same has been added in the capital in NAS.

FY 2074-75:
· Proposed bonus share has not been shown in capital as per NFRS
since the proposal has not been ratified in AGM, however the same has been added in the capital in NAS.

FP7 FP8 - Retained Earnings and Reserves

FY 2073-74:
· Reconciliation for total equity change has been listed in Note 5.10.1

FY 2074-75:
· Reconciliation for total equity change has been listed in Note 5.10.1

Janaki Finance Company Limited
Notes to the Financial Statements
Notes forming part of the Accounts for the year ended Ashad 31, 2076

5.10.3 Effect of NFRS adoption for statement of cash flows

Amount in NRs.
@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef

For the year ended 32.03.2075 (the latest period

Explanatory presented under previous GAAP)
Note* Effect of Transition Amount as
Previous GAAP
to NFRSs per NFRSs
Net cash flows from operating activities* 44,158,198.84 103,877,765.85 148,035,964.69
Net cash flows from investing activities (1,833,924.98) - (1,833,924.98)
Net cash flows from financing activities* - (3,238,665.16) (3,238,665.16)
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalent 42,324,273.86 100,639,100.69 142,963,374.55

Cash and cash equivalent at the beginning of the period* 40,667,767.91 564,588,170.79 605,255,938.70
Cash and cash equivalent at the end of the period 82,992,041.77 665,227,271.48 748,219,313.25
* There are changes in cash flow in operating activities due to NFRS effects and due to reclassification adjustments of Balance of BFIs from cash and
cash equivalent to operating activities.

hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8
@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef hfgsL kmfOgfG; sDkgL lnld6]8

Janaki Finance Company Limited

Notes to the Financial Statements
Notes forming part of the Accounts for the year ended Ashad 31, 2076

5.10.4 Effects of NFRS adoption for statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income

Effects of Previously
Explanatory Restated
Particulars Transition to Reported
Notes 32-03-2075

Interest Income 1 302,538,701.30 (4,417,814.99) 306,956,516.29

Interest Expense 150,671,669.93 - 150,671,669.93
Net interest income 151,867,031.37 (4,417,814.99) 156,284,846.36
Fees and Commission Income 12,725,558.66 - 12,725,558.66
Fees and Commission Expense 11,003.25 - 11,003.25
Net commission income 12,714,555.41 - 12,714,555.41
Net interest ,fee and commission income 164,581,586.78 (4,417,814.99) 168,999,401.77

Net Trading Income - - -

Other Operating Income 1,207,613.56 - 1,207,613.56
Total operating income 165,789,200.34 (4,417,814.99) 170,207,015.33
Impairment charge/(reversal) for loans and
other losses -34,424,581.89 - (34,424,581.89)
Net Operating income 200,213,782.23 -4,417,814.99 204,631,597.22
Operating expenses -
Personnel Expense 2 28,040,391.36 -216,501.35 28,256,892.71
Other Operating Expenses 3 7,053,232.29 118,527.00 6,934,705.29
Depreciation and amortisation 4 594,639.66 70,724.79 523,914.87
35,688,263.31 -27,249.56 35,715,512.87

Operating Profit 164,525,518.92 (4,390,565.43) 168,916,084.35

Non operating income 856,025.00 - 856,025.00

Non operating expense - - -
Profit before income tax 165,381,543.92 (4,390,565.43) 169,772,109.35

Income tax expense 42,170,290.69 43,732.97 42,126,557.72

Current tax 32,299,378.61 - 32,299,378.61
Deferred tax 5 9,870,912.08 43,732.97 9,827,179.11
Profit for the year 123,211,253.23 (4,434,298.40) 127,645,551.63
Other comprehensive income - -
Total comprehensive Income 123,211,253.23 (4,434,298.40) 127,645,551.63

Explanatory Note for above reconciliation

1 Interest income was previously recognized on cash basis as per Directive 4 of Nepal Rastra Bank(NRB) and any
interest receivable for the year was accumulated on interest suspense account. Under NFRS, Interest income is
recognized on accrual basis except interest receivable outstanding for more than one year.
2 Booking of expenses/(income) of gratuity and leave encashment as per actuarial valuation.

3 Cash Expenditure made during the year has been directly booked in SPL, out of total provision made of 1% of Net
Profit, remaining unspent/overspent corresponding to current year provision has been transferred to Corporate Social
Responsibility Reserve
4 Depreciation has been charged by using useful life of the assets
5 Deferred tax expense arising due to leave expense and variance in depreciation as per NFRS and Previous GAAP.

Janaki Finance Company Limited
Principal Indicators
for Last 5 years

As per Previous GAAP As per NFRS

Ratio Indicators FY 2071/72 FY 2072/73 FY 2073/74 FY 2074/75 FY 2075/76
@# cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;ef

1. Net Profit/Gross Income Percent 31.20 18.09 26.51 43.55 32.25

2. Earnings Per Share NPR 27.89 14.12 27.65 25.04 23.68
3. Market Value Per Share NPR 370.00 395.00 270.00 160.00 180.00
4. Price Earning Ratio Ratio 13.27 27.98 9.76 6.39 7.60
5. Dividend (including bonus) on Share Capital Percent 25.00 10.00 18.00 22.00 22.00
6. Cash Dividend on Share Capital Percent 1.32 0.53 0.95 1.16 1.157894812
7. Interest Income/Loans and Advances Percent 16.45 14.94 18.32 19.18 16.73
8. Staff Expenses/Total Operating Expenses Percent 62.71 63.08 69.08 78.57 71.70
9. Interest Expenses/Total Deposits and Borrowings Percent 7.79 7.17 8.00 9.12 9.36
10. Exchange Gain/Total Income Percent - - - - -
11. Staff Bonus/Total Staff Expenses Percent 116.25 81.80 135.70 60.55 52.91
12. Net Profit/ Total Loan Percent 6.11 3.37 6.44 7.81 5.45
13. Net Profit/ Total Assets Ratio 0.04 0.02 0.05 0.05 0.04
14. Total Credit/Deposits Percent 85.74 90.65 105.33 95.49 104.94
15. Total Operating Expenses/ Total Assets Percent 0.71 0.62 0.77 1.48 1.67
16. Capital Adequacy (On Risk Weighted Assets)
a) Core Capital Percent 29.58 29.46 32.72 37.26 32.34
b) Supplementary Capital Percent 0.81 0.75 0.99 1.29 1.07
c) Total Capital Fund Percent 30.39 30.21 33.71 38.55 33.41
17. Liquidity (CRR) Ratio 2.28 2.28 2.24 4.57 3.85
18. Non-Performing Loan/Total Loan Ratio 5.36 7.34 8.31 3.00 2.13
19. Base Rate Ratio 9.29 11.62 13.57 12.38
20. Weighted Average Interest Rate Spread 6.32 6.74 4.99 4.51 4.97
21. Book Net Worth NPR 131.47 131.87 158.57 167.76 160.21
22. Total Shares Number 3,107,810 3,418,591 3,418,591 4,033,937 4,921,403
23. Total Staff Number 13 13 13 17 31

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