Ll.B. (Hons.) First Semester LBH 111: Constitutional Law-I
Ll.B. (Hons.) First Semester LBH 111: Constitutional Law-I
Ll.B. (Hons.) First Semester LBH 111: Constitutional Law-I
The course shall comprise of the following
1 Characteristics of the Indian Constitutions. Special Emphasis shall be placed on (A) Federal
Structure and (B) Form of the Government.
3 Union Executive : The President, his Powers and Position including Ordinance Making
4 Prime Minister and the Cabinet. Is the Prime Minister Real Head?
5 Distribution of Legislative Powers between Union and the States. Territorial and Topical
Distribution of Powers. Power of Parliament to Legislate on State Matters. Doctrine of Territorial
Nexus. Doctrine of Pith and Substance, Doctrine of Colourable Legislation.
(d) Consent and free consent: Meaning and essential conditions including
(f) Void agreement: Meaning and agreements declared to be void by the Indian
contract Act, 1872 with special emphasis on agreements in restraint of trade
(d) Discharge by impossibility of performance and its relation with English Law
Doctrine of Frustration.
4. Law Relating to certain Relations resembling those created by contract with special emphasis
on doctrine of unjust enrichment.
1. Origin and Development of law of Tort, Meaning, Nature and Scope of Law of Tort,
Pigeon Hole Theory, Elements of Tort, Damnum sine Injuria, Injuria sine Damnum,
Distinction between Tort and Crime, distinction between Tort and Contract.
2. General defences: Volenti non Fit Injuria, Act of God, Inevitable Accident, Statutory
3. Vicarious Liability: Master’s Vicarious Liability, Sovereign Immunity.
4. Remoteness of damages: Intended Consequences and Unintended Consequences,
rules to determine remoteness, Novus Actus Intervenience.
5. Strict Liability: Ryland v. Fletcher Rule, Defences and Applicability in India.
Absolute Liability: M.C. Mehta v, Union of India Rule.
6. Tort against Person: Assault, Battery, False Imprisonment.
7. Tort against Property: Nuisance.
8. Tort relating to Negligence: Tort of Negligence, Contributory Negligence, Res Ipsa
9. Consumer Protection Act: Consumer, Consumer Rights, Consumer Protection
Authority, Product Liability, Consumer forum.
10. Motor vehicle Accident: Motor Vehicle, Driving licence, Vehicle Registration,
Regulation of Safety measures in Construction and maintenance of vehicles, road
safety and Traffic management, Insurance against third Party risk, Claim Tribunal,
Offences and Penalties.
1. Definition and nature of crime; General conditions creating criminal liability; Strict
2. General Exceptions:
3. Legal Terminology
1. Fundamental Rights - General : Scheme of Fundamental Rights, Who can Claim Fundamental
Rights : Against whom Fundamental Rights are Available ? Suspension of Fundamental
Rights. Definition of State, Principle of Judicial Review.
Rights :
(b) Right to Freedom of Speech and Expression (Article 19(1) (a); Freedom of Press
Fundamental Rights.
4. Particular types of suit: Suit by indigent persons and suit by or against minor
6. Mode of execution: Decree for payment of money, decree for Specific movable
Property, decree for specific performance for restitution of conjugal rights or for an
7. Appeal: First appeal and Second appeal. Reference, review and Revision
8. Limitation: Suits, appeal and applications, Effect of sufficient cause for not preferring
acknowledgement in writing.
2. Analytical Positivism:
3. Historical School:
4. Sociological School:
1. Concept of Property
11. Sale of Immovable Property: Definition and Mode of Sale and Exchange
13. Kinds of Mortgage (Section 58) and creation of Mortgage (Section 59)
18. Gift:
1. Constitutional Aspects
(a) Distribution of Legislative Power
(b) Directive Principles of State Policy
(c) Fundamental Duties
(d) Fundamental Rights
2. The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974
(a) Salient Features of the Act
(b) Pollution Control Boards and their functions
(c) Mechanism to Control the Pollution with reference to sampling, consent mechanism
and power to give directions
(d) Procedure and Penalties
3. The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981.
(a) Salient Features of the Act
(b) Pollution Control Boards and their functions
(c) Mechanism to Control the Pollution with reference to sampling, consent mechanism
power to give directions.
(d) Procedure and Penalties
4. The Environment Protection Act, 1986
(a) Salient Features of the Act
(b) Definitions
(c) Central Government’s powers to take environmental measures.
(d) Mechanism to Control the Pollution
(e) Procedure and Penalties
5. Control of Noise Pollution
(a) The Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control Rules), 2000
(b) Judicial Control
6. The Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972.
Authorities with special to:
(a) National Board and State Board Chief Wild Life Warden
(b) Powers and Functions of National Board, State Board.
(c) Sanctuary National Park, Hunting
(d) Cognizance of Offence
(e) Prohibition of Trade in Wild Life with Special reference to ‘Ivory trade’
1. Moot Court : Every student will do at least three moot courts in a year. The moot court work will
be on assigned problems.
2. Observance of Trial in Two Cases, One Civil and One Criminal. Students will attend Two
Trials. They will maintain a record and enter the various steps observed during their attendance
on different days in the court assignment.
Each student will observe two interviewing sessions of clients at the lawyers office / legal aid
office and record the proceedings in a diary. Each student will further observe the preparation of
documents and court papers by the Advocate and the procedure for the filing of the suit /
1. Introduction
(a) Who is a Muslim
(b) Conversion
(c) Apostasy
2. Sources of Muslim Law
3. Schools of Muslim Law
4. Marriage
(a) Definition
(b) Nature of marriage
(c) Capacity of marriage
(d) Essential of marriage
(e) Khyalul-bulag (Option of Puberty)
(f) Iddat
(g) Classifications/kinds of marriage and legal effects of marriage
5. Dower(mahr)
(a) Meaning
(b) Nature
(c) Kinds
(d) Objects and Subject matter
(e) Wife’s rights on non-payment of dower
6. Dissolution of marriage under Muslim Law
(a) Talaq(Divorce)
(b) Talaq-tafweez
(c) Mubarat
(d) Khula
(e) Lien
10 Will (Vasiyat)
2 Conduct of Arbitral Proceedings and its Termination and Making of Arbitral Award
3 Finality and Enforcement of Arbitral Award, Recourse Against Arbitral Award
Enforcement of Foreign awards (New York Convention Awards and Geneva Convention Awards)
5 Negotiation Skills
(c) Social and Economic Development and Role of Intellectual Property System.
(a) WIPO
2 League of Nations : General Provisions, Organs of the League - Assembly, Council, Secretariat;
Causes of the Failure of the League.
Legal Capacity
9 Regional Organizations
a) Liberal
b) Radical
c) Socialist
a) Rape
b) Dowry Death
c) Cruelty
II. Relationship of Banker and Customer and their rights and duties
3. Cyber contraventions and adjudication process, cyber offences and investigation and jurisdictional
Issues in cyber space
4. Cyber Space- Intellectual Property Rights with special reference to Domain Name
6. Liability of Intermediaries
(a) U.S.A.
(b) U.K.
(c) India
3. Classification
8. Torts
1. Historical Development
Chapter I:
Chapter II:
The idea of limited government. Development of democratic government in England and America.
Chapter III:
Salient features of the British Constitution; Salient characteristics of the American Constitution.
Chapter IV:
Comparative view of Executive –structure in England and United States of America: British King and
crown, Royal prerogatives; cabinet system in England. President of America; Powers, Privileges and
Chapter V:
British Parliament: House of Commons and House of Lords; Composition and Powers, Privileges of
Parliament. American Congress: House of Representatives and Senate; Federal legislative powers.
Chapter VI:
Comparative view of judicial systems in England and United States of America.
Concept of Rule of Law, Exceptions; New Horizons of Rule of Law, Prerogative writs.
Federal judicial power. The Supreme Court of U.S.A., judicial Review and Self-Restraint.
3. Privilege to withhold documents and the law in India – with special reference to:
(a) Indian Evidence Act, 1872
1- Contract of Partnership
(a) Nature and Definition of Partnership including conditions essential for the
(f) Hire -Purchase Agreement: Meaning, form, contents and distinction between sale
(b) Assessee, Assessment year, Previous year, Agricultural income, income, person.
1. Meaning and nature of Intellectual Property Rights, reason for protection of IPRs,
6. Institutional arrangement.
7. Dispute settlement
1. Child: Child in Conflict with Law, Child in Need of Care and Protection Child under
Indian Penal Code and Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act 2015
(JJCPC Act).
2. Etiology of Juvenile Delinquency: Differential Association Theory, Differential
Identification Theory, delinquent Sub – Culture Theory, Chicago school, Anomie and
stress Theory, Labeling Theory.
3. United Nations Conventions for Juvenile Justice: United Nations Declaration of the
Rights of the Child 1959, Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989.
4. Offences by Child: Child in Conflict with Law, Nature of Offences Committed by
Child – Petty, Serious and Heinous, Protections in Indian Penal Code And JJCPC Act
2015,Enquiry and Trial of Offences under JJCPC Act 2015 and Criminal Procedure
Code, Apprehension and Bail, Juvenile Justice Board, Children Court.
5. Reformation, Rehabilitation, Probation and Punishments to Child in conflict With
6. Child in Need of Care and Protection: Child Welfare Committee, Function and
Responsibilities of Committee, Procedure in Relation to Child in Need of Care and
Protection, Child Care Institutions, rehabilitation, Social Re-integration and
Restoration of child, Adoption and declaring Child Free for Adoption.
7. Offences against Child in Indian Penal Code: Wrongful Confinement, kidnapping,
Abduction, Sale of Child.
8. Offences against child in Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act 1956.
9. Offences against child in Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act 2012.
10. Offences against Child in JJCPC Act 2015.
(b) Rape
1. Introduction to Copyright
1. Industrial Designs
2. Geographical Indications
(c) The Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act, 2000
(b) The Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights Act, 2001.
humanitarian Law.
Public International Law and Merchant Shipping Laws; Relationship of Merchant Shipping Law to
National and International Law; Maritime Flag and State Responsibility. Equality of Flag and Use
of National Ports; Merchant Shipping in Territorial Water and High Seas.
2 Carriage by sea :
The Form of the Contract Charter Party and Bills of Lading; Rights and Duties of Shipowners at
Common Law, Carriage of Goods by Sea Act, 1924; Protection of Shipowner and Limitation of His
Liability Under the Merchant Shipping Act; Bill of Lading as a Document of Title and its Function in
Relation to Overseas Trade; Bills of Lading Act, 1855; Contract for the Sale of Goods and C.I.F. and
FOB Terms; Average and the York Antwerp Rules (All in Outline Only); The Shipowners Lien,
Stoppage in Transit. Measure of Damages for Breach of the Contract.
3 Marine Insurance :
4 Collision :
The Importance of Collision; The Elements of Collision Liability; The Standards of Proper
Action; The Effect of Fault; Causation Collision Litigation.
5 Salvage :
The Nature of Salvage; What Property May be Salvaged; Who may become Salvors; The
Salvage Award how Computed how Distributed; Liability for Salvage Award, Salvage under
LBHE321: Health Law
1. Introduction:
Meaning and Concept of health, Factors affecting health such as poverty, uses of
Entries relating to health under Schedule VII, Provisions under Directive Principles; Health as a part
of Right to life; Power of State to regulate Trade and Commerce for securing health of
Some important international convention and instruments; ALMATA Declaration, Health Scenario
under TRIPS.
Authorities, Powers and Functions under Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940; Drugs Control Act, 1950,
The Mental Health Act, 1987; The Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897.
1. Introduction of Poenology
▪ Concept and Forms of Punishment: From Ancient to Modern
▪ What is Poenology?
▪ Definition, Nature, Scope and Importance of Poenology
▪ Relation between Criminology and Penology
2. The Sociology of Punishment
3. Theories of Punishment
4. Capital Punishment with special reference to 262 Report of Law Commission in India.
Chapter- 6
Life Insurance
Fire insurance
Marine Insurance
1. Aims and objects of competition Act, 2002 and its relationship with Monopolies and
(a) Acquisition
(b) Agreement
(c) Consumer
(d) Enterprise
(e) Person
(f) Service
Regulation of Combinations.
2. Introduction
Concept of Federalism with special reference to the Constitution of U.S.A.
3. Distribution of Legislative Powers between the Union and the State- Territorial and Topical
Distribution of powers, Various principles of interpretation i.e., Doctrine of Territorial nexus,
Doctrine of Pith and Substance, Doctrine of colorable legislations
4. Administrative relation between the Union and the States
- Obligation of the States and the Union, Control of Union over States, Power of the State
to entrust functions to the States and adjudication of disputes.
5. Distribution of Financial Powers between the Union and the States
-Distribution of Revenue, Consolidated Funds and Public Accounts of India and the States,
Contingency Fund
II. Application of Value Added Tax in India in the field of Indirect Taxation and reasons for introducing
Goods and Service Tax (GST)
(a) Business
(d) Goods
(e) Services
(2) Classes of Officers under the Central Goods and Services Tax Act (CGST Act) and under the
States Goods and Services Tax Act, their appointments and powers
(4) Power to grant exemption from Tax and Remission of Tax on supplies found deficient in
(8) Registration of Suppliers of Goods and Services, Amendment and Cancellation of Registration
and Revocation of Cancellation of Registration
(9) Special provisions relating to casual taxable person and non-resident taxable person
V. Customs Duty
(3) Penalty
5. Duration and Review of Anti-dumping duties and price undertakings public notice and
explanation of determinations, anti-dumping action on behalf of a third country.
3. Monopolies and exclusive service suppliers; payment and transfers, safeguards and
7. Emigration: Passport and Visa system, human rights dimensions of migration and
I. Trade Marks
3. Kind of Trademarks
(c) Procedure for Filing Patent Applications and Patent Granting Procedure
(d) Revocation, Patent Infringement and Remedies
2. Territorial sea width, juridical status, delimitation and the rights of the coastal state.
4. Exclusive Economic Zone- definition and rights and duties of coastal states.
8. Settlement of disputes
10. International boundary rivers, with special reference to boundary rivers in the Indian sub-