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Hsse Management System: Manual

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Annex to HSSE-D-002 Master Language: English

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Index of Content

1 Introduction.......................................................................................................................... 3
2 Responsibilities.................................................................................................................... 3
3 Communication ................................................................................................................... 4
4 HSSE Management System................................................................................................ 5
5 Management System Elements ......................................................................................... 8
Terms & Abbreviations ................................................................................................................ 23

Annex to HSSE-D-002 Master Language: English

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1 Introduction

This Annex to the Health, Safety, Security and Environmental Management System (HSSE MS)
Directive defines responsibilities and processes for effectively managing HSSE throughout the
Group. It acts as a high level guide to each of the 12 MS Elements, which are implemented via the
HSSE MS, outlining the expectations and objectives which must be met. References are also made
to other Directives and Corporate Standards which contain further guidance on how to comply with
each of the MS Elements.
For OMV Group, HSSE matters are as important as all other critical business issues and the HSSE
MS provides the mechanism to ensure HSSE sustainability throughout the value chain of OMV

2 Responsibilities

HSSE is everyone’s responsibility, but accountability ultimately rests with line management who has
statutory and moral obligations for providing a safe and healthy working environment and
environmental protection.

The HSSE MS Corporate Directive outlines the HSSE responsibilities of CEO and Board Members
and Line Management.

Other Group specific responsibilities for HSSE are as follows:

Senior Vice President of Corporate HSSE

 Leads the Corporate HSSE Department and represents it externally
 Sets Corporate HSSE Department budget and cost control and has final decision on recruitment,
personal development and individual targets at Corporate level
 Develops and sets Group HSSE strategy and goals in consultation with Corporate HSSE
Functional Heads, Corporate HSSE Managers (Business Partners) and Senior Line Management

Corporate HSSE Functional Heads and HSSE Experts

 Provide strategic support to the Executive Board for HSSE matters
 Contribute to developing Group HSSE strategy and goals and translate these into Operations-
specific roadmaps
 Provide required expertise across the Group
 Set Corporate HSSE Directives, Standards and Recommendations
 Monitor, consolidate and report Group HSSE performance
 Audit compliance with the HSSE MS and recommend improvement measures

Corporate HSSE Managers (Business Partners)

 Communicate business needs to Corporate HSSE Functional Heads
 Provide strategic support to Line Management and HSSE Managers
 Develop an HSSE culture throughout the Group

HSSE Managers*
 Provide guidance on compliance with Corporate and legal requirements and objectives
 Develop operational specific HSSE Regulations (Standards, Procedures Work Instructions and
Recommendations) and implement Corporate requirements and objectives
 Develop operational specific HSSE targets and initiatives
 Estimate necessary resources for HSSE management
 Provide specialist expertise and advice to line management in HSSE matters
 Monitor and report HSSE performance
 Audit compliance with the HSSE MS and recommend improvement measures
 Communicate HSSE issues to all personnel

*Note, for Operations where there is no HSSE Manager, Line Management has to ensure that
appropriate resources are available for HSSE Management. In the case the HSSE MS is part of an
IMS (Integrated Management System) the responsibilities are taken on by an IMS Manager.

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Operational Personnel
 Fulfill specific HSSE related tasks, such as safety representative, water protection advisor or
dangerous goods officer

All Personnel
 Actively get involved in HSSE initiatives and training sessions
 Be responsible for their own safety and that of their colleagues and protection of the
 Be accountable to line management for complying with relevant requirements of the HSSE MS
 Deal with HSSE impacts according to their specific job situation
 Enforce HSSE requirements in their routine and non-routine activities
 Provide feedback, identify gaps and contribute to the continuous improvement of HSSE MS
 Participate in assessments, reviews and audits to analyze gaps
 Report and analyze non-compliance, incidents and implement recommendations to prevent re-

3 Communication

There is a need to promote HSSE awareness and understanding between management, staff,
contractors, suppliers and other stakeholders. Internal communications include: management
meetings at which HSSE performance is tabled, task related meetings providing the opportunity to
discuss HSSE issues in advance of undertaking particular tasks, bulletin boards, etc.

The main route of communication between the Corporate HSSE Department and the Operational
level is through the reporting link and communication channel between Corporate HSSE Managers
(Business Partners) and Line Management or HSSE Managers. The latter have to ensure that all
relevant HSSE issues are communicated to all employees on site (e.g. distribution of HSSE Alerts).

As detailed in the HSSE MS Corporate Directive, the OMV Group HSSE Council meets twice per year
to review the adequacy of the existing Sustainability:HSSE Policy and the supporting HSSE MS in
order to drive continuous improvement.

In organization units with a certified HSSE MS a management review on operational level is to be

done. The content of the management review is based on the standards of the certified system.

Group HSSE Management Meetings, where the Senior VP Corporate HSSE (Vienna), the Director
Corporate Sustainability:HSSE (Bucharest), the HSSE Functional Heads, Corporate HSSE Managers
(Business Partners) and Petrol Ofisi Head of Sustainability:HSSE are in attendance, are held monthly

 Ensure the functional planning, reporting, monitoring and information flow across the Group
HSSE community, which is necessary to fully implement the HSSE MS
 Exchange experiences, encourage open communication and contribute to organizational

Corporate HSSE Team Meetings are held weekly to review and address HSSE topics and issues.
These meetings are attended by the Senior VP Corporate HSSE (Vienna), Director Corporate
Sustainability:HSSE (Bucharest), HSSE Functional Heads and OMV Corporate HSSE Managers
(Business Partners).

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4 HSSE Management System

As described within the HSSE MS Directive, the Group has defined a series of 12 MS Elements,
which outline specific expectations and objectives that must be met when planning and managing
any activity, including the day to day management of the Group.

The HSSE MS has been designed to be consistent with existing international models for HSSE
management (e.g. OHSAS 18001, ISO 14001 and ISO 50001). The management process therefore
reflects the cyclical ISO system of continuous improvement following the “plan, do, check, act”
(PDCA) process.

As shown in Figure 1, the PDCA process provides the mechanism to implement the MS Elements
throughout the value chain of OMV Group and a feedback loop facilitates continuous improvements
back into the HSSE MS.

Figure 1. HSSE MS Process

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The key steps within the process illustrated in Figure 1 are as follows:

Commitment and Policy 1

The HSSE MS is driven by the Sustainability:HSSE Policy which is derived from the Code of Conduct
and which incorporates the Vision and Mission statements. It defines programmatic statements and
high level objectives for the Group performance in the areas of health, safety, security, environment
and, community relations and social affairs.

Planning 2 3 4

Within the planning stage the organization and responsibilities for the management of HSSE are
defined and documented. All people are selected, trained and developed to carry out their duties
competently. Hazards are identified, the risks assessed and appropriate controls implemented. Any
changes implemented are also subject to a risk review process.

Implementation 5 6 7 10

Implementation of the HSSE MS follows an annual planning and review process as illustrated in
Figure 6 in the Corporate HSSE MS Directive.

The process starts with development of the OMV Group HSSE Strategy. The HSSE Strategy takes
into account:

 OMV Group Strategy (business strategy)

 OMV business expectations
 The Code of Conduct
 The Sustainability:HSSE Policy
 Stakeholder expectations
 Performance reviews
 Results of HSSE MS audits and reviews (internal and external)

Measurable and challenging targets for HSSE are then set each year in order to achieve continuous
improvement and these are integrated into the Corporate Balanced Score Card (BSC) or any other
Group-wide tool for strategic controlling. The targets set the short-term directions to eventually
meet the long-term strategic goals. The targets are used to develop the HSSE Annual Plan which
sets out the actions that need to be taken on order to achieve the targets that have been set. This
may include changes to the HSSE MS and/or its supporting documentation.

Each Operational site or venture is responsible for developing HSSE Targets and an Annual HSSE
Plan appropriate to its operations. These take into account the Corporate HSSE Strategy and HSSE
Annual Plan and may define additional targets specific to their operations. The HSSE Targets and
the Annual HSSE Plan are integrated in the business activities being subject to monitoring and
performance reviews.

Measurement and Evaluation 8 9

The Group monitors and fully consolidates (i.e. at 100%) HSSE data from all organizations, where
OMV Group has more than 50% ownership or is the operator.

Each Operational site or venture is responsible for monitoring performance against the HSSE targets
and any other regular monitoring requirements defined for the Group (e.g. Corporate HSSE
Standard Group wide HSSE Reporting and Consolidation and the relevant regulations to annual
HSSE data collection campaigns). The results are used to monitor performance against targets, set

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targets for the next year and for consolidation into monthly and annual internal reports on the
Group’s HSSE performance. A Sustainability Report is also published externally on an annual basis.
It is verified by an independent external organization prior to publication.

Group HSSE performance reporting is managed within Think:Ahead CARE and CARE|Monitor, the
Group’s HSSE reporting tools with central data storage and decentralized access. These tools ensure
that the appropriate data is recorded and that the data is quality assured prior to acceptance and
reporting. The Group reports in accordance with GRI Global Reporting Initiative and other industry-
specific guidelines.

Review and Improvement 11 12

Auditing is one of the main tools for ensuring that the HSSE MS is working effectively and providing
the necessary feed-back to initiate improvements. At the Corporate level the Head of Planning and
Performance Monitoring l is responsible for developing, agreeing and implementing an audit
program. At an Operational level this task falls to Line Management or the HSSE Manager. The
objectives and frequencies of audits will be determined by the type and magnitude of HSSE risks
and the frequency of activities.

Actions arising from audits will be documented and tracked to ensure completion within appropriate

An annual review of the HSSE MS will be undertaken by the Executive Board (via means of OMV
Group HSSE Council as described in Section 3) to ensure the adequacy of the existing
Sustainability:HSSE Policy and the supporting HSSE MS thereby driving continuous improvement.

The remainder of this Manual takes each of the above steps in turn and outlines the expectations
and objectives which must be met for each of the HSSE MS Elements. Links to other Directives and
Corporate Standards which contain further guidance on how to comply with each of the HSSE MS
Elements are also provided.
Standards that are planned but not yet published at the date of effectiveness of the HSSE MS
Directive are labeled with *.

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5 Management System Elements

Element 1 – Leadership and Commitment

Management will provide visible and active leadership in developing and maintaining a
culture supportive of HSSE matters.

1. To take executive action to ensure the HSSE MS is implemented.
2. To provide visible commitment by active participation in HSSE matters and initiatives.
3. To integrate HSSE aspects in decision-making process.
4. To ensure challenging goals and objectives are set and monitored for all aspects of
the business.
5. To ensure compliance with the law as it applies to HSSE matters.
6. To challenge or stop any activity that conflicts with the HSSE MS.
7. To promote a working environment that enables everyone to stop unsafe work.
8. To give recognition for good HSSE performance.

Further Guidance for Operations:

The leadership and commitment shown by line managers is the most important factor in
improving HSSE performance. Line managers have a key role in making sure their
leadership and commitment is visible and consistent (“walk the talk”).
Commitment to HSSE shall be demonstrated by active participation in activities such as:
 Providing adequate professional resources to ensure competent guidance on all
aspects of HSSE, as well as community relations & social affairs.
 Developing where appropriate formal HSSE MS documentation. These will provide
guidance and direction for all employees and contractors undertaking work activity
and operations to prevent, as far as reasonably practicable, unsafe operations.
 Providing training and instruction to personnel to enable them to attain the
knowledge, skill and competency levels necessary to perform their work tasks and
activities safely and effectively.
 Assessing the competence of all employees with respect to the execution of their
HSSE responsibilities and actions.
 Setting challenging HSSE targets and monitoring until successful achievement.
 Taking action to correct any unsafe act or condition that they observe or is brought to
their attention.
 Carrying out routine and random HSSE inspections, reviews, management walk
arounds and audits of facilities, equipment, systems and procedures and employing
systematic auditing and hazard identification techniques as appropriate.
Line managers determine the culture and provide the work environment, infrastructure
and resources needed to implement and maintain the HSSE MS. Line managers shall
strive to continually improve performance, and to demonstrate that all activities fully meet
the intent of the Sustainability:HSSE Policy.
Internal Reference Links:
 Sustainability:HSSE Policy
 HSSE Directive Health Management
 HSSE Directive Safety Management
 HSSE Directive Security and Resilience Management
 HSSE Directive Environmental Management
 Corporate HSSE Standard HSSE Awareness and Competency
 Corporate HSSE Standard Leadership and Commitment*
 Corporate HSSE Standard Behavior Based Safety*

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Element 2 – Organization

The organization and responsibilities for the management of HSSE will be defined and

1. To define line management accountability for the management of HSSE.
2. To define functional links which provide expert HSSE advice and support to line
management and operational functions.
3. To ensure adequate resources are allocated for the implementation of the HSSE MS.
4. To ensure that the organization and responsibilities for the management of HSSE is
fully documented in the HSSE MS and that the documents are readily available to the
workforce including contractors and any third party support services.
5. To facilitate experience/information exchange and encourage open communication
across the HSSE community of the Group.
6. To enforce the integration of HSSE into routine and non-routine activities.

Further Guidance for Operations:

It is important to have a fit for purpose, appropriately resourced HSSE organizational
structure in place, which:
 Is consistent with operational risks;
 Emphasizes that successful HSSE control is a line responsibility;
 Requires the active participation of all levels of management and supervision;
 Ensures that all relevant management and staff are aware of their clearly defined
HSSE roles and responsibilities and appropriate training is provided, where necessary;
 Is adequate and appropriate for current and future planned work programs;
 Promotes a culture conducive to good HSSE performance (e.g. through open and
supportive reporting and feedback).

A Management of Change process shall be implemented that assesses among others the
impact of modifications, organizational changes and new knowledge.

HSSE roles and responsibilities must be defined in job descriptions and HSSE
requirements will be actively communicated and visibly promoted throughout the

Internal Reference Links:

 HSSE Directive Health Management
 HSSE Directive Safety Management
 HSSE Directive Security and Resilience Management
 HSSE Directive Environmental Management
 Corporate HSSE Standard Leadership and Commitment*

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Element 3 – People, Competency, and Behavior

All people will be selected, trained and developed to carry out their duties competently.

1. To ensure line management have the necessary competence to effectively manage
their HSSE responsibilities.
2. To ensure that HSSE professionals and related experts have the necessary
competence to provide support and advice to the line.
3. To ensure personnel who are involved in safety critical tasks are competent to
execute the job safely and are trained to respond to emergencies.
4. To ensure HSSE competence levels are defined for all jobs.
5. To assign individuals to tasks with the required level of competency or the potential,
given supervision and training, to reach the required level.
6. To implement training programs that ensure individuals have the necessary skills to
execute their work safely.
7. To update training programs or levels of supervision that account for changes in:
responsibilities, operating practices, technology, risks and legislative requirements.
8. To ensure periodic formal assessments of actual versus required competency level
are carried out and that action is taken to remedy any deficiencies.
9. To promote an understanding of HSSE risks in the workplace and to encourage
individuals to be aware of how the risks can be eliminated or better controlled.

Further Guidance for Operations:

Trainings, awareness and knowledge improvement will help strengthen HSSE leadership
and commitment throughout the organization and create a culture of HSSE excellence.
Therefore, line management has to ensure that their employees receive all necessary
training within given time and that a training plan dependent on the skills and gaps to a
certain job is prepared. Employees are, on the other hand, responsible to actively
participate in agreed trainings.
To create a culture of HSSE excellence it is essential to maintain critical knowledge and
skills as well as manning levels within OMV Group. To achieve this, development plans
and succession planning have to be elaborated.

Internal Reference Links:

 Corporate HSSE Standard HSSE Awareness and Competency
 Corporate HSSE Standard Behavior Based Safety*

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Element 4 – Risk Management

Hazards will be identified, the risks assessed and appropriate controls implemented.

1. To ensure that risk assessment standards are developed and maintained.
2. To ensure all potential acquisitions and divestments are identified for HSSE risks and
that these are properly factored into the decision making process.
3. To ensure that all sites owned, under development, operated or subject to contractual
agreement are systematically and periodically reviewed to identify all hazards and
assess the risks (risk register).
4. To ensure that all substances used on the above sites are systematically reviewed to
identify the hazards and risks.
5. To assess the health of individuals to establish the fitness to carry out assigned duties,
monitor their health and assess any occupational factors that affect their health.
6. To ensure that risks, so far as is reasonably practicable, are effectively and efficiently
controlled in accordance with the preferred hierarchy, as follows: Avoid – Reduce –
Prevent – Mitigate.
7. To ensure that the process of hazard identification and risk assessment is documented,
maintained and available at the point of use.
8. To implement findings and follow-up actions resulting from hazard and risk
9. To ensure that individuals exposed to the hazards are aware of the risks, the controls
implemented and that their responsibilities are clearly identified.
10. To reassess and update all hazard registers and risk assessments as part of the
management of change process.

Further Guidance for Operations:

The Group will demonstrate a commitment to controlling and managing all potential risk
through identifying hazards, assessing their likelihood and consequences, analyzing their
causes and implementing adequate control measures to ensure that risks are reduced to As
Low As Reasonably Practicable (ALARP). The ALARP concept is based on the principle that
there is a cost versus benefit associated with any risk control method. The evaluation about
when the cost of controls outweighs the benefits of risk reduction may be done
qualitatively using expert judgment. Corporate HSSE MS documents give clear criteria that
shall be used as an aid for risk based decision making.
In order to assess the risks to humans, environment, reputation, asset, information and
production, a risk register has to be monitored and its evaluations have to be updated
when new learning are available. The prioritization of measures and the decision on
budgets should be based on current risk distribution.
Internal Reference Links:
 HSSE Directive Health Management
 HSSE Directive Safety Management
 HSSE Directive Security and Resilience Management
 HSSE Directive Environmental Management
 Corporate HSSE Standard HSSE Risk Management
 Corporate HSSE Standard HSSE in Projects*
 Corporate HSSE Standard Health Management
 Corporate HSSE Standard Operational Health*
 Corporate HSSE Standard Management of Change
 Corporate HSSE Standard Travel Security*
 Corporate HSSE Standard Protective Intelligence*
 Corporate HSSE Standard Security*
 Corporate HSSE Standard Crisis & Emergency and Business Continuity Management

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Element 5 – Engineering and Project Management

Facilities will be engineered to meet relevant codes of practice and specifications,

operational requirements, and statutory regulations.

1. To develop and maintain management control systems that ensure facilities will be
designed, procured, constructed and commissioned to enable safe, secure, healthy
and environmentally sound performance during their operational life.
2. To develop and maintain engineering codes of practice and specifications.
3. To ensure that engineering designs are subject to HSSE risk assessments and those
controls are implemented consistent with the requirements of HSSE MS Element
No 4.
4. To ensure that reliability, availability and maintainability (RAM) assessments are
carried out in order to provide assurance for the ongoing technical integrity of the
5. To develop technical performance standards, maintenance and inspection programs
to ensure the integrity of the facilities can be monitored throughout its life.
6. To develop and maintain a quality assurance system for all engineering and
construction activities that includes a third party verification process.
7. To ensure all community relations issues are fully addressed prior to and during the
development of facilities by means of Environmental and Social Impact Assessment.
8. To implement a system of project HSSE reviews at key stages during the facilities
development process in accordance with Group standards.
9. To develop an HSSE design case for all facilities in accordance with Group standards
and industry best practice.
10. To ensure that the HSSE aspects of engineering and construction activities are
planned and subject to performance monitoring in accordance with HSSE MS
Element No 6.
11. The requirements of this MS Element apply to all new projects, upgrades and
modifications to the facilities and equally to when the facilities are to be

Further Guidance for Operations:

The Line management shall ensure and demonstrate that all HSSE risks, process safety
and technical integrity aspects have been covered and integrated during the design. The
selection of processes and technology is based on Best Available Techniques.

Wherever applicable, all engineering for developments, upgrades and modifications shall
take into account the outcome and results of safety engineering studies, such as fire and
explosion analysis, quantitative risk assessment etc.

Designs shall be fit for purpose, safe to operate, efficient and effective resulting in lower
capital and operating costs. The design shall address the human interface to minimize
health and safety hazards and risks throughout the life cycle of the equipment or facility.

All changes to approved design and drawings shall be subjected to risk assessment and
Management of Change processes.

Contractors involved in design or engineering activities shall demonstrate that their

activities are in accordance with international, country, industry, and OMV Group
standards as well as in compliance with legal requirements.

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Internal Reference Links:
 HSSE Directive Environmental Management
 HSSE Directive Safety Management
 Corporate HSSE Standard Safety in Design*
 Corporate HSSE Standard HSSE Risk Management
 Corporate HSSE Standard HSSE in Projects*

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Element 6 – Operations and Performance Management

All activities involving the exploration, development, production, processing,

transportation and distribution will have relevant safe, secure and precautionary systems
of work defined and performance indicators established.

1. To ensure that all facilities are operated within its design limits.
2. To set Key Performance Indicators that provide a clear picture of HSSE performance
and that can be communicated and understood throughout the organization and
monitored to ensure continuous improvement.
3. To develop and maintain operational control procedures for the facilities (including
deviations from normal operation, e.g. unplanned maintenance, emergency
shutdown and start up, performance testing, adverse weather conditions, etc.).
4. To implement a planned inspection, test and maintenance system that ensures the
continued technical integrity of the facilities in accordance with technical
performance standards.
5. To ensure that a system is in place that identifies safety critical elements, specify their
performance requirements and implements third party verification of their ability to
function in accordance with defined performance standards and with hazard and risk
assessment (MS Element No. 4).
6. To ensure that a permit to work system is implemented which controls potentially
hazardous activities on all facilities and defines precautions to be taken and any
consequent limitations on the use of the facilities.
7. To ensure that all operations are subject to HSSE assessments (consistent with HSSE
MS Element No 4) and that risk control systems are implemented.
8. To carry out documented pre-start up reviews for all newly installed facilities or
modified equipment to confirm that construction is in accordance with design, all
required verification testing is complete and acceptable, and all
recommendations/deviations are closed and approved by the final approving
9. To develop, implement and update an operation HSSE Case in accordance with
Group standards.
10. To establish Management of Change to ensure the HSSE impacts of temporary and
permanent changes to the facilities, systems and procedures are formally assessed,
managed, documented and approved.
11. To provide a mechanism for measuring the completion of HSSE activities within
specific work programs
12. The requirements of this MS Element apply to all upgrades and modifications to the
facilities and when the facilities are to be decommissioned.

Further Guidance for Operations:

Risk assessments shall be updated before there are any operational changes to facilities
which are outside of permitted ranges. Similarly a Management of Change process shall
be implemented that assesses the impact of modifications, organizational changes, new
knowledge, community expectations, varying security threat levels,
infrastructure/environmental changes, regulatory changes, etc.

Line management is responsible for identifying activities that require operational controls
such as standards, procedures, recommendations and work instructions to manage HSSE.

Safe work procedures are established and maintained for all operations and work
activities that present HSSE risks. Procedures will be developed in consultation with the
applicable work group and be practicable documents that are fit for purpose.

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Personal protective equipment (PPE) will be worn at all times in accordance with
industry best practice and as defined in Group standards.

Critical materials and equipment (including temporary equipment) will be certified, tested,
inspected and approved prior to shipment to site.
All material movement will be tracked and documented. No new plant, equipment,
substances or machinery will be procured without a hazard identification and risk

All materials and equipment utilized in OMV Group’s operations will be handled and
stored correctly. Inventories of equipment and consumables will be maintained in
accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations to ensure adequate control of Group

All hazardous goods will be transported in accordance with applicable dangerous goods
handling procedures and dangerous goods regulations.

The inspection and testing of plant and equipment used by the Group and its contractors,
form an essential part of monitoring compliance with HSSE standards required by
regulatory authorities and contractual requirements. Contractors will have inspection and
testing regimes in place to ensure compliance.

Group activities will comply with local and international regulatory environmental
requirements. Social and Environmental Management plans will be developed and
implemented to ensure all activities are conducted in a manner that reduces impacts to
community and the environment to ALARP. Performance monitoring and reporting of
environmental factors will be undertaken in accordance with environmental legislation
and other applicable requirements.

Measurable and challenging key performance indicators (KPIs) for HSSE are set each year
and for each activity in order to achieve continuous improvement and these are integrated
into the Balanced Score Card (BSC). The targets are used to develop the HSSE Annual
Plan which sets out the actions that need to be taken in order to achieve the targets that
have been set (Element 8).

Internal Reference Links:

 HSSE Directive Environmental Management
 HSSE Directive Safety Management
 Corporate HSSE Standard Group-wide HSSE Reporting and Consolidation
 Corporate HSSE Standard Environmental Accounting
 Corporate HSSE Standard Environmental Management*
 Corporate HSSE Standard Safe System of Work*
 Corporate HSSE Standard Process Safety*
 Corporate HSSE Standard HSSE Risk Management
 Corporate HSSE Standard Management of Change

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Element 7 – Contracted Services

Supplies and contracted services will be controlled to ensure they comply with company
HSSE requirements.

1. To ensure that pre-qualification, selection and retention of contractors, partners and
suppliers is based on an assessment that their HSSE values and standards are
consistent with those of the Group.
2. To develop and maintain a quality assurance system for all procurement activities.
3. To ensure that contractors, partners and suppliers are evaluated prior to entering into
any contractual agreements based on HSSE, technical and commercial risks.
4. To ensure that interfaces between the Group and contractors are identified and
effectively managed to control HSSE risks.
5. To set HSSE performance standards for contractors and monitor and audit their
performance against these standards.
6. To ensure that contracted services and supplies meet the specification and do not
negatively impact HSSE performance.
7. To ensure that contracted personnel is not imposed to higher risks than own

Further Guidance for Operations:

Contractors, partners and suppliers constitute a sizeable and significant portion of our
business. If they do not perform, this can result in a significant impact on our business.
They have different commercial pressures and their priorities may not align with those of
the Group. It is important that control systems are in place and implemented to minimize
undesirable HSSE impacts if things go wrong.

All services, materials, plant, substance and equipment shall be procured in compliance
with HSSE requirements. OMV Group Procurement Regulations cover this process in
more detail.

The management effort expended in controlling contractors, partners and suppliers is

proportionate to the risk. Hence, where failure of the product or service has minimal
consequences, then not all of the steps need to be followed. However, in contracts and
purchasing terms and conditions there should always be included standard legal clauses
that set out a base level of HSSE requirements.
Internal Reference Links:
 Corporate HSSE Standard Contractor HSSE Management
 Corporate HSSE Standard Reporting, Investigation and Management of HSSE

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Element 8– Planning and Cost Management

Objectives, targets and financial resources will be planned to integrate HSSE in all
business activities and avoid losses.

1. To ensure the integration of HSSE activities into the general management processes.
2. To provide a mechanism for measuring the implementation of the HSSE MS.
3. To provide a basis for establishing effective improvements in HSSE performance.
4. To set indicators which provide clear information for internal and external financial
5. To ensure appropriate HSSE resource planning and cost management.

Further Guidance for Operations:

Under Element 6, measurable and challenging key performance indicators (KPIs) for HSSE
are set each year in order to achieve continuous improvement. The targets set the short-
term directions to eventually meet the long-term strategic goals. The targets are used to
develop the HSSE Annual Plan which sets out the actions that need to be taken in order to
achieve the targets that have been set. This may include changes to the HSSE MS and/or
its supporting documentation.

An HSSE Annual Plan, including HSSE targets for Operational sites and ventures that
cascades down from Corporate HSSE Annual Plan and HSSE targets shall be developed
and implemented.
Line managers are responsible for developing this plan and communicating it to
employees and interested parties through Group communication mechanisms. Plans shall
be regularly monitored, reported and remedial action taken to keep them on track.

HSSE ensures the continued survival of the organization and supports sustainable growth.
In order to reduce the costs of incidents and to increase loss prevention, proper HSSE
resource planning and cost management need to be set up.

Internal Reference Links:

 Corporate HSSE Standard Group wide HSSE Reporting and Consolidation
 Corporate HSSE Standard Reporting, Investigating and Management of HSSE
 Corporate HSSE Standard Environmental Accounting

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Element 9 – Incidents and Accidents

Incidents and accidents will be fully reported and analyzed to establish root causes and
prevent recurrence.

1. To encourage without fear of victimization and apportioning of blame the open
reporting of all findings, hazards, near misses and incidents.
2. To formally investigate all near misses and incidents in order to establish root causes,
the actual and potential consequences, the response and to implement lessons
learned and actions to prevent recurrence and better handling of future incident
3. To investigate all major incidents (level 4 and 5) with a team leader who is
independent from the line organization and business unit.
4. To ensure that all incidents are unambiguously investigated by a team leader who is
trained and competent in investigation methodology, reporting and surrounding legal
5. To report all incidents and accidents in accordance with the HSSE MS.
6. To ensure that root-cause analysis covers immediate causes, underlying causes and
(latent) management system failures.
7. To comply with all legal requirements for incident reporting and investigation.
8. To ensure lessons learned from incidents and accidents are disseminated within the
Group and other organizations/trade groups that are exposed to similar hazards.

Further Guidance for Operations:

Prompt reporting and thorough investigation of all incidents and near misses is an
essential HSSE performance standard indicator.

Think:Ahead CARE (the HSSE software tool in reporting and managing risks throughout
the entire OMV Group) shall be used for reporting all incidents and near misses. The tool
is used to gather and analyze data on all findings, hazards, near miss, and incidents with
regard to HSSE. This applies to all contractors, visitors and third parties on the Group’s
worksites or offices. It also includes activities or impacts off site that have originated from
the Group’s activities, e.g. transportation, pollution, noise, etc. In order to prevent
incidents from occurring in the future, CARE shall also be used to schedule and monitor
follow up actions once a record has been entered into the tool so that the appropriate and
corrective measures can be implemented.

Lessons learned shall be disseminated within the Group and to relevant stakeholders
through HSSE Alerts to prevent reoccurrence of incidents and near misses and to ensure
that findings from incident analysis are implemented where relevant and actions are
followed-up. Also lessons learned from relevant industry findings after accidents as well
as from tendencies should be spread. Lessons learned are to be targeted especially to
those people and functions that need to implement them.

Internal Reference Links:

 Corporate HSSE Standard Reporting, Investigating and Management of HSSE
 Corporate HSSE Standard Group wide HSSE Reporting and Consolidation
 Corporate HSSE Standard Operational Health*
 Corporate HSSE Standard Management of Change

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Element 10 – Emergency and Crisis Control

Organizational arrangements, facilities and training will be provided to effectively manage

emergencies and crisis situations.

1. To establish emergency response plans based on the risks that potentially impact the
2. To provide equipment, facilities and trained personnel to execute the emergency
response plans.
3. To consult and inform local communities about any actions they may have to take
during and after an emergency.
4. To provide periodic scenario training drills that verify the effectiveness of the
emergency response system and are subject to independent review to identify areas
for improvement.
5. To ensure that scenario training drills include participation with external organizations
(e.g. regulators, contractors, public emergency services, etc.) who could be involved
during an emergency.
6. To develop alarm management and trouble shooting capabilities to ensure early de-
escalation of abnormal operations scenarios.
7. To review the effectiveness of the emergency response following any situation when
the emergency response team was mobilized to identify areas for improvement.
8. To establish business continuity and recovery plans reducing the mid- and long term
business impacts of potential major accidents.

Further Guidance for Operations:

The Group has established management plans to address emergency and crisis
management. These detail responsibilities, equipment required, actions, reporting
requirements, resources and procedures for dealing with potential emergency scenarios.

Personnel are trained and roles clearly defined and communicated to all personnel
responding to an emergency situation. Appropriate resources including first aid, medical
care, fire and spill control measures are provided to effectively respond to major incidents,
emergency and crisis situations.

Training exercises and drills are held at regular intervals to test emergency systems and
maintain the expertise of personnel and systems involved. These will be subject to regular
review and updated as appropriate.

Recovery plans are to be understood twofold: first, immediate response plans, such as oil
spill response plan and second, plans how to rebuild systems and installations.
Internal Reference Links:
 HSSE Directive Health Management
 HSSE Directive Security and Resilience Management
 HSSE Directive Environmental Management
 Corporate HSSE Standard HSSE Awareness and Competency
 Corporate HSSE Standard Health Management
 Corporate HSSE Standard Operational Health*
 Corporate HSSE Standard Crisis & Emergency Management and Business Continuity
 Corporate HSSE Standard Travel Security*
 Corporate HSSE Standard Protective Intelligence*
 Corporate HSSE Standard Physical Security*
 Corporate HSSE Standard Reporting, Investigating and Management of HSSE

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Element 11– Stakeholder Dialog and information Management

Active dialog with stakeholders and communities will ensure confidence in the integrity of
our activities. Accurate and relevant documentation will be readily available for safe
working and to minimize undesirable effects.

1. To establish open communications with employees, contractors, regulatory agencies,
public organizations and communities regarding the HSSE aspects of our business.
2. To ensure awareness of cultural differences, respecting diversity and adjusting our
ways of working in different situations.
3. To recognize and respond to government and community related expectations and
concerns about our activities.
4. To build partnerships with communities, NGOs, public organizations, regulations and
commercial entities in order to facilitate successful relations.
5. To securely manage drawings, design data, inspection and test records, material
safety data sheets and other relevant HSSE documentation.
6. To control HSSE documentation related to statutory permits, codes, directives,
standards, procedures, work instructions and recommendations and ensure that any
operating requirements are communicated to the workforce.
7. To establish a confidential system of records relevant to employee health, medical
and occupational exposure records.

Further Guidance for Operations:

All community relations issues must be fully addressed prior to and during the
development of facilities via participation and consultative mechanisms promoting active
communication involving all key stakeholders. This shall be achieved by the production of
a stakeholder management plan, addressing all stakeholder related risks to the facility and
its operations.

Leading a structured stakeholder dialog and managing the stakeholder relationship is

connected with all operations and is the responsibility of line management. The Functional
Head support role is provided by the Head of Community Relations.

All acquisitions and divestments will assess the potential social impact of the Group’s
entry and exit to or from a region. It should be taken into accountant that the Group has
signed onto the United Nations Global Compact and that all dealings with communities
shall comply with OMV Group’s Regulations for Community Relations and Investment.

Employee involvement and communication processes are fostered to ensure continued

identification of ways to eliminate unsafe work practices and conditions, convey HSSE
information and matters to the workforce, provide forums and regular meetings to
increase HSSE awareness, obtain commitment to the HSSE MS, and to resolve any issues
or concerns. This helps to promote the HSSE culture within the Group.

All HSSE related documentation shall comply with controlled document systems. Printed
paper copies are uncontrolled unless otherwise marked. The receipt, control and
distribution of all HSSE MS information, electronic and paper, shall comply with quality
management and security regulations.

Internal Reference Links:

 Code of Conduct
 Sustainability:HSSE Policy

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 Directive GL-C 005 Regulations and their Implementation in OMV Group
 Directive G-L 011 Management of Corporate Social Responsibility Processes and
 Directive G-L 012 OMV Human Rights Policy Statement
 COM 002 B6 Human Rights Matrix Manual
 Directive Security and Resilience Management

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Element 12 – Audit and Review

An independent audit and review system will be established to assess the effectiveness of
HSSE management and identify areas for improvement.

1. To ensure that the HSSE aspects of all activities are subject to independent audit on a
regular planned basis.
2. To ensure that the HSSE management system itself is subject to independent audit
and review for the purpose of achieving continuous improvement.
3. To ensure that sufficient trained resources are available to conduct audits and reviews.
4. To ensure that the recommendations arising from audits and reviews are assessed and
monitored until satisfactorily resolved.
5. To determine that systems, design, work processes, activities or tasks conform to the
specified requirements and core attributes.
6. To verify and validate by means of periodic inspections and function tests that
equipment and systems relevant to safe processes meet the functional requirements
and are reliably maintained.

Further Guidance for Operations:

Audits are generally undertaken at 3 levels:
 First Party Audits: an internal audit to monitor the quality of internal processes.
 Second Party Audit: is performed by someone who is not under the direct control or
within the organizational structure of the auditing organization but may be OMV Group
 Third Party Audits: external verification of the HSSE MS conducted by an independent,
outside auditor generally against agreed external standards (e.g. ISO 14001, OHSAS

Periodic audits of procedures and systems of work shall be conducted by independent

auditors to ensure the objectives, targets and operational plans are being properly
implemented and maintained. The assistance of employees of various disciplines may be
called on as necessary. Recommendations for improvement shall be used as the basis for a
program of work to rectify deficiencies. All auditors shall be appropriately trained and
records maintained.

The Group shall ensure those activities, products or services that do not conform to HSSE
requirements will be quickly identified. All non-conformances and corrective actions arising
from HSSE meetings, incident investigations, audits and inspections will be raised and
promptly tracked to close-out via Think:Ahead CARE.

Internal Reference Links:

 Corporate HSSE Standard HSSE MS Audits

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Terms & Abbreviations

ALARP As Low As Reasonably Practicable

Audit A systematic, documented, periodic and objective process
designed to evaluate the implementation and performance of a
management system.
BSC Balanced Score Card
CARE|Monitor Data base system for Group-wide recording, consolidation and
reporting of HSSE relevant indicators.
GRI Global Reporting Initiative
HSSE Health, Safety, Security and Environment
HSSE MS Health, Safety, Security and Environmental Management
IPIECA International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation
KPI Key performance indicator
Management System A set of process and practices that enable an organization to
control and manage its business activities.
NGO Non-Governmental Organizations
PDCA Plan Do Check Act
Performance Review A review of the organizations performance against objectives
and targets and/or industry best practice.
PPE Personal protective equipment
RAM Assessment Reliability, availability and maintainability assessments
Sustainability:HSSE This encompasses HSSE and Community Relations & Social
Think:Ahead CARE The HSSE software tool in reporting and managing risks
throughout the entire OMV Group.

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