Electric Drives
Electric Drives
Electric Drives
Theory syllabus
Unit Content Hrs.
Fundamentals of Electrical Drives:
Introduction, Advantages of electrical drives, Parts of electrical drives, Choice of electrical
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drives, Status of ac and dc drives, Types of load, Load with translational motion, Load
with rotational motion, Load torque variation with time, Speed sensing, Current sensing.
Dynamics of Electrical Drives:
Steady state load Torque speed characteristics, Multi quadrant operation of drives, Close
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loop control of drives-Current limit control, Close loop torque control, Close loop speed
control, Close loop speed control of multi motor drive
DC Drives:
Controlled rectifier fed DC drives with continuous and discontinuous mode of operation,
Supply harmonics, Power factor and ripple in motor current, Chopper controlled DC Drives,
Sources of current harmonics in chopper, Converter ratings, Closed loop control, Control
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structure of DC drive, inner current loop and outer speed loop, dynamic model of dc motor
dynamic equations and transfer functions, modeling of chopper as gain with switching delay, plant
transfer function, for controller design, current controller specification and design, speed
controller specification and design. Applications of DC drive in electrical vehicles.
AC Drives:
Induction motor drives:
Variable frequency control (VSI, CSI, Cycloconverter based), Static rotor resistance control
and slip power recovery control schemes, Introduction to scalar control (v/f) of Induction
4 motor, Vector controlled Induction motor Drives. 14
Synchronous motor drives:
Review of three phase Synchronous motor and its performance, Self-controlled schemes,
Variable frequency control of multiple synchronous motor, Permanent magnet AC motor
drives, Applications of AC drives in electrical drives.
Advanced Electrical Machine Drives:
5 Drive for brushless DC motor & application in solar powered pump, Stepper motor drive, 07
Drive for switched reluctance motor.
Practical contents
Practicals, assignments and tutorials are based on above syllabus.
Text Books
1. B. K. Bose, “Modern Power Electronics and AC drives”, Pearson Education Asia.
2. P. S. Bhimbra, “Generalized Theory of Electrical Machines “, Khanna Publications
3. G. K. Dubey, “Fundamentals of Electrical Drives” Narosa, 2001
Reference Books
1. Dubey. G. K. “Power semiconductor controlled Drives”, Prentice Hall international, New Jersey.
2. R. Krishnan, “Electrical motor drives Modelling, Analysis and Control” PHI-India.
3. P. S. Bhimbra, “Generalized Theory of Electrical Machines “, Khanna Publications
4. Dewan, S. Slemon B., Straughen, A. G.R., “Power Semiconductor drives”, John Wiley and Sons, NewYork.
5. P.C. Sen., “Thyristor DC Drives”, John Wiley and sons, New York.
N. Mohan, T.M. Undeland & W.P. Robbins, “Power Electronics: Converter, Applications & Design”, John
Wiley & Sons, New York.
7. W. Leonhard, “Control of Electric Drives”, Springer Science & Business Media.
1. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108/104/108104140/
2. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108/104/108104140/
3. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108/104/108104011/
4. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108/102/108102046/
5. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108/108/108108077/
Course Outcomes
On successful completion of the subject, students should be able to
1. Understand about different types of electrical drives.
Ability to use standard methods to determine accurate modeling/simulation parameters for various
general‐purpose electrical machines and power electronics devices
3. Compare the characteristics of dc motor drives and induction motor drives.
Familiarize the operation principles, design of starting, braking, and speed control arrangements for electric
motors and their applications. .
Design and justify new control and power conversion schemes for implementing alternative solutions
considering the critical and contemporary issues. .