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Soulsaber: by Lee Pickler

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A One-Round Star Wars™ Adventure

By Lee Pickler

The race against the dark side continues. The dark adept Thaum Rystra has kidnapped the Child of Light to help him
locate an ancient and terrible dark side weapon. You must find them before Thaum retrieves the weapon and
unleashes it on the Galaxy. Episode Two of the Child of Light saga. Characters provided.

© 2001 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Used under authorization. This
scenario is intended for tournament use only and may not be reproduced without approval of the
RPGA Network.
Soulsaber is a standard RPGA Network tournament. A Some of the text in this scenario is written so that
four-hour time block has been set aside for this event. you may present it as written to the players, while other
Pre-generated characters are included with this text is for your eyes only. Text for the players will be in
scenario. Gamemaster characters stats are located at bold italics. It is strongly recommended that you
the end of the scenario. paraphrase the player text, instead of reading it aloud, as
It is a good idea to ask each player to put a name tag some of the text is general and must be adapted to the
in front of him or her. The tag should have the player's specific situation or to actions of the player characters.
name at the bottom, and the character's name, race, and
gender at the top. This makes it easier for the players to When running this adventure, or any Star Wars
keep track of who is playing which character. adventure, keep in mind the Star Wars adventures
Pass out the player characters based on class, should seem like the Star Wars movies. The action
gender, and/or race. Instruct the players either to prepare should flow quickly and the players should not get
their characters now, or wait until you read the caught up in too many details of what they are doing.
introduction, depending on the requirements of the Describe things in sweeping statements, and recall
scenario as described below. When they have prepared scenes from the movies when necessary to help players
their characters, you may continue with the game. visualize what is going on. More than anything else,
Scoring the game for RPGA points: The RPGA have fun.
has three ways to score this game. Consult your NOTE: The Force adept, Sha’lia, and the
convention coordinator to determine which method to Trandoshan pilot, Goort, are designed to be played
use: together. If you remove one, you should remove the
1. No-vote scoring: The players write their names and other, or play the second as a NPC. Also, Maric Tovar
numbers on the scoring packet grid, you fill in the plays an important role in the first portion of the
top of the grid. That is all. No one is rated. This adventure. If no one plays him, he must be run as a
method is used for people who are just playing for NPC.
fun. The provided characters have interactions and
2. Partial scoring: The players rate the game master notes about each other on the character sheets.
and the scenario on their player voting sheet, and
provide personal information, but don’t vote for
other players. The game master rates the scenario
and completes personal and event information, but
Gamemaster Background
does not rate the players as a team or vote for What has happened before:
players. This method is used when there is no In Child of Light, the characters, at the request of
competition, but the convention coordinator wants Luke Skywalker and Rebel Command, traveled to the
information as to how the game masters are planet of Dalicron-4 to look into a rumor of a child who
performing, or the game master wants feedback on was very strong in the Force. While investigating, they
his or her own performance. met a smuggler named Thaum Rystra, who claimed to
3. Voting: Players and game masters complete the be an independent scout relaxing a bit while repairing
entire packet, including voting for best player. If this some damage inflicted to his ship by the Imperials.
method is used, be sure to allow about 15-20 There was much more to Thaum than the characters
minutes for the players to briefly describe their knew (see his GM character sheet at the end for his
characters to the other players, and about 5-10 story).
minutes for voting. This method is used when the The characters eventually discovered the Child of
players want to know who played the best amongst Light and rescued him from Thaum’s student.
them, or when the adventure is run in tournament Containing his disappointment, Thaum returned to his
format with winners and prizes. Multi-round ship to work out a new plan to get the boy. He decided
adventures usually required advancing a smaller to follow the characters.
number of players than played the first round, so Thaum caught up with them just as an Imperial
voting is required for multi-round adventures. frigate dropped into realspace and announced the
When using Voting, rank the players in order of system was under blockade. Thaum decided to create a
your voting choice while they are completing their distraction for the characters so they could escape.
forms, so that you are not influenced by their comments After all, he needed the Child of Light alive.
on your abilities. Thaum bought the characters the time they needed
to jump into hyperspace. The adventure ended with the
The players are free to use the game rules to learn about characters delivering the Child of Light to Kylbar, a
equipment and weapons their characters are carrying. Mon Calamarian aide to Admiral Ackbar.

Soulsaber Page 2
The events in Soulsaber occur approximately four actual battle against the Soulsaber occurred. Nothing
months after the end of Child of Light. The dark side has grown here in millennia. As Force-sensitive beings
adept Thaum Rystra has captured Caeleb, the Child of travel closer to the center of the region, the presence of
Light, and disappeared. the dark side grows stronger and stronger. If the
The player characters have been assigned by Rebel characters travel here, the Force-sensitive members of
Command to help locate and recover the boy. However, the party will get a vision of the battle. They will see
their search has not gone very well, and they have and feel the awesome terror of the Soulsaber. The
discovered nothing. characters can get an idea of potentially what Thaum is
Chasing a lead to the smuggler’s moon of Nar after and why he needs to be stopped.
Shaddaa, the characters meet with an information The adventure culminates when the characters
merchant named Rat. A group of Hutt goons arrives to locate the temple and discover Thaum and the Child of
collect Rat at that moment. The characters scratch Light already inside.
gravel with Rat, leading the Hutt’s forces in a running
fight through the depths of Nar Shaddaa.
The scenario begins with the characters trapped in
a dead-end corridor deep with Nar Shaddaa. They are in
Opening Cutscene
an intense lightfight with Brinojja the Hutt’s goons, led A shuttle lands on the deserted landing pad. Its
by his chief enforcer Verkoss. The group is waiting to graceful curves mark it as being of Mon Calamari
be rescued by Maric Tovar, who stayed behind in their make. As the boarding ramp descends, a cloaked
ship. figure approaches.
After a tense rescue, they head for open space and A Mon Calamari dressed in the uniform of a
escape to the safety of hyperspace. Rebel lieutenant walks down the ramp, guiding a
Upon finalization of their deal, Rat tells the young human boy. His eyes fix on the cloaked figure
characters that he overheard Thaum talking with and he tenses. The Mon Cal puts himself between the
someone about a planet called Pamorjal. That’s all he boy and figure.
got. Nothing else. A lengthy search of the computer ‘No one is supposed to know we are here,’ thinks
reveals Pamorjal to be an out-of-the-way Expansion the Mon Cal. His free hand slowly moves towards his
Rim planet. It is not located on any main trade routes, blaster.
but has several minor ones running close by. A pair of human hands appear from within the
Upon arriving at Pamorjal, the characters find a cloak and pull the hood back revealing a human male
fairly inconspicuous planet. The main spaceport of wearing a lopsided – almost Corellian - grin. The Mon
Beldon is the best place to start looking, but the Cal’s eyes widen. How did he find out …
characters can start anywhere. “Lieutenant Ryst…,”the Mon Cal begins.
Once they have landed, the characters will start The human gestures slightly. “No, Kylbar.
hearing of a group of temples that are something of a Commander Skywalker. You always did get us
legend and tourist attraction. Merchants sell slivers of confused. I’ll take Caeleb now. He will be safe with
crystal they swear is from the crystals that line the walls me.”
of the temple. The characters hear it is a very peaceful Kylbar relaxes. “Yes, Commander.”
place and many who visit there get visions. Thaum smiles as Caeleb takes his outstretched
At the temple, the Force-sensitive characters feel hand. The pair strolls away from the landing pad.
the crystals’ strength in the Force. One of the temples
holds the key to finding Thaum. An elaborate star map End of Cutscene
covers the floor of its main chamber. Various well-
known planets are represented by crystals embedded in
the floor. Through the use of their astrogation and
Force-using abilities, the characters figure out that
Thaum has gone to a very out-of-the-way planet. Escape from Nar Shaddaa
The temples were originally constructed by the A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away …
some of the surviving Jedi and their allies who fought
against the wielder of the Soulsaber. A dozen masters Caeleb, the Child of Light, has been kidnapped by
took the weapon into deep, unknown space. However, Thaum Rystra, a former Rebel who is now an agent of
one of them saw a time when they may need to find the the dark side. His reason for taking the Child of Light
dark side weapon’s location. And so the Temples of is unknown.
Vormijj were built.
There is also a large “badlands” region in
Pamorjal’s southern hemisphere. This is where the

Soulsaber Page 3
After months of searching, a band of brave Rebels Remember, the purpose of this fight to grab the
has traced a lead to the Hutt-controlled moon of Nar players’ interest and get them in the game. It is not
Shaddaa. supposed to be extremely dangerous.
The Rebels are now following their last lead.
Meeting with an information merchant on the Hutt- Verkoss, Brinojja’s Enforcer: Male Trandoshan
controlled moon of Nar Shaddaa, they hope to find a Soldier 5; IM +1 (Dex); Def 18 (Armor +6, Dex +2,
glimmer of hope …. Natural +1); Spd 8m; VP/WP 47/12; Atk +8 melee
(2d4+3, vibrodagger), +6 ranged (3d6, blaster pistol),
Let each player read their character sheet and look up +7 ranged (3d8, blaster carbine); SQ Darkvision; SV
any information they need to about skills, feats and Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +1; SZ M; Rep 1; Str 16, Dex 12,
equipment they have. Answer any questions they may Con 12, Int 11, Wis 10, Cha 12.
have before continuing. Equipment: padded battle armor, blaster pistol,
blaster carbine, vibrodagger.
The scene opens with the characters engaged in a heavy Skills: Intimidate +12, Knowledge: streetwise –
lightfight with some goons in the employ of Brinojja Nar Shaddaa +6, Profession: Hutt enforcer +7,
the Hutt. They showed up to “collect” Rat just as the Read/write Dosh, Repair +2, Speak Basic, Speak Dosh,
characters were about to sit down and start dealing with Speak Huttese, Spot +2, Treat injury +3.
the info merchant. The characters hauled jets through Feats: Armor Proficiency (light, medium, heavy),
the bar’s back entrance and thus began a running battle Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Skill Emphasis
through the depths of Nar Shaddaa. (intimidate), Weapon Focus (blaster carbine), Weapon
The characters are now backed up in a dead-end Proficiency Group (blaster pistols, blaster rifles, heavy
corridor/alley. They have radioed Maric, who remained weapons, simple weapons, vibro weapons).
behind with the ship, to pick them up. As the characters
are against an outside wall, Maric should be able to Brinojja’s Thugs (10): Various Species Thug 2; IM
blow open an escape route and evacuate everyone using +0; Def 10; Spd 10m; VP/WP -/15; Atk +3 melee
the ship’s tractor beam. (Nar Shaddaa is known as the (1d4+1, knife), +2 ranged (3d6, blaster pistol); SQ
Vertical City also. It is covered by layers upon layers of None; SV Fort +4, Ref +0, Will +0; SZ M; Rep 1; Str
buildings, much like Coruscant. Only dirtier.) 13, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 9.
The alley is 4 meters wide and approximately 20 Equipment: Blaster pistol, knife.
meters long. It is moderately dark (a number of the Skills: Intimidate +4.
glowpanels are not working – for a variety of reasons), Feats: Toughness.
so there is a 10% miss chance for those without low-
light or darkvision. Combatants on both sides can find a If Maric is being used as a PC, have that player roll
variety of cover for the combat, from shooting around initiative at the start of the battle also. Describe the
corners to kneeling behind crates. winding, spiraling path he must take to get to his
The battle will last for three rounds. At the comrades. Build the tension of near misses with other
beginning of the third round, Maric shows up to rescue ships, buildings, etc. so that player will not be left out
the other characters. of the excitement.
Verkoss, the leader of Brinojja’s thugs, and his During the combat, Rat will be rather ineffective.
troops, want Rat. They also want the hides of the beings He is terrified that he will be hit by blaster fire. And
who have led them around the streets of Nar Shaddaa. being dead is bad for business. If he is being observed
Between blaster shots, they taunt the characters in a by the characters, or verbally denounced, he will fire
variety of languages. off a couple shots that pretty much just hit the wall.
Verkoss will urge his forces forward. But if they
begin to take losses, he will fall back. Verkoss himself At Maric’s action in the fourth round, read the
fights from the back, keeping as clear as possible from following:
any blaster fire. He is headstrong, but not stupid.
Verkoss will not uselessly sacrifice his men. Your world explodes around you. The wall behind you
If things begin to go too badly, Verkoss will order disappears under a barrage of heavy cannon fire.
his troops to shoot out the remaining glowpanels. While Screams can be heard down the alley, as your
it puts many of his own troops at a disadvantage, it does attackers are consumed by the powerful laser bolts.
the same to any character that does not have darkvision. “Come on out, I’m ready for you,” Maric’s voice
This tactic should not be started until at least the second announces over your comlink as the rain of deadly
round … unless the characters think of it first. light ceases.

Soulsaber Page 4
Now the PCs get to run for it. Once they step through merchant +5, Read/write Basic, Read/write Huttese,
the opening, continue. Sense Motive +2, Speak Basic, Speak Huttese.
Feats: Skill Emphasis (gather information),
Synthlines drop around you from the Lazy Katarn. Trustworthy, Weapon Proficiency Group (blaster
“Grab hold,” shouts Maric into your comlinks. pistols, simple weapons).

When they do, continue: Regardless, the characters will not be able to get the
needed info from Rat before they reach the hyperspace
The lines tighten and pull you towards the Lazy jump point. Their best option is to make a short jump
Katarn. The almost bottomless canyons separating somewhere else and talk with him there. The characters
Nar Shaddaa’s various sectors lay below you. After a can quickly plot a short jump that will carry them a few
few agonizing seconds, you haul yourselves into the light years away and give them time to calm Rat down
cargo bay of your ship. and talk with him. The base Astrogate check DC is 12.
Exhausted from the running lightfight with This can be modified per standard rules (p. 172-173 of
Brinojja the Hutt’s goons, you lay there for several the Star Wars Core Rulebook).
moments, too tired to do anything but breathe.

Have each player, except whoever is playing Maric,

describe their character at this point. After they have
finished, continue with the following: Rat the Info Broker
Once they are away from Nar Shaddaa, the characters
The ship lurches as Maric spins into a heading for
can revert to realspace and begin to learn where Thaum
open space and the safety of hyperspace beyond. No
is. Rat is more than willing to deal with the characters
one chases you as you escape Nar Shaddaa’s gravity
once they are out of Hutt space and he fully realizes he
well and disappear in a streak.
has escaped Brinojja.
Rat is thankful to the characters for their rescuing
From the moment he comes aboard, Rat is very shaken.
him. But, business is business. Since they rescued him
Unless coerced by the characters, Rat will stay in the
from the Hutt’s clutches, Rat will not drive as hard a
landing bay, too shocked to move. They must bring him
bargain as normal for the information the characters
out of this condition to get him to move anywhere else
want. The terms he comes up with, and will not budge
in the ship or to begin to extract the information
from, are that the characters take him to the planet
concerning Thaum. Rat can be moved physically or by
Celanon – specifically Celanon City – and give him
coaxing (Diplomacy check DC 15).
1,500 credits for “start-up” purposes.
When Rat begins to come out of his shock, he will
Rat will accept 1,000 credits, but no less, if the
tremble and begin to shout at the characters – “What the
characters really press him. He will lie that his normal
heck kind of rescue was that?”, “Being sucked out of a
fee for info of this grade would go for at least 10,000
perfectly good building, into a hover ship over a
creds. Rat has no idea what it would truly go for, but
bottomless pit. That’s a rescue?”, “None of this was
wants the characters to think he is a true professional at
part of the deal.”, etc. A couple opposed Diplomacy
this game.
checks or Bluff/Sense Motive checks and some
He would prefer to give the information once they
roleplaying should calm him down.
are enroute to Celanon. However, if the characters
demand the information before going anywhere, Rat
Rat, Info Merchant: Male Human Scoundrel 2; IM +2
will deliver.
(Dex); Def 17 (Dex +2); Spd 10m; VP/WP 11/12; Atk
+1 melee (1d4, knife), +3 ranged (3d4, hold-out
What Rat knows:
blaster), +3 ranged (1d4, knife); SQ Illicit barter, Better
• He spotted Thaum and Caeleb as they exited a
lucky than good; SV Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +0; CC B;
private landing bay four days ago. The pair seemed
SZ M; Rep 1; Str 10, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 10,
very odd – a somber man in dark clothing and
Cha 14.
wide-eyed, young boy that obviously hadn’t seen a
Equipment: street clothes, hold-out blaster, knife,
spaceport before from the way he was gawking.
25 credits.
Rat decided to follow the two and check them out
Skills: Appraise +3, Bluff +7, Diplomacy +6,
after he spotted a silver hilt hanging from the
Gather Information +12, Hide +6, Knowledge:
man’s belt. He had seen enough bootleg holovids
streetwise – Nar Shaddaa +5, Knowledge: cultures –
to know a lightsaber when he saw one. Had to be
Hutts +5; Listen +4, Move Silently +5, Profession: info
something interesting going on.

Soulsaber Page 5
• A group of gangers tried to demand tribute from Rat will be very vocally opposed to not traveling to
the man. He calmly told one of the larger gangers Celanon first. A few Intimidate and/or Diplomacy
to “kill them,” pointing at his ‘mates. The being, a checks can change that. He will flop down in the
reptilian Barabel, did so. The others were dead in lounge, announcing that he is not leaving the ship until
seconds. The Barabel seemed to be in a daze while they reach Celanon. If they go to Pamorjal first, he is
doing so. It came out as the last of his groups fell to staying aboard the ship and nothing they say or do will
his claws. Then it turned to Thaum, rage in its eyes. change his mind.
Thaum looked at the creature, which clutched its If the characters do decide to take Rat to Celanon
head and fell to the ground dead. first, then run the drop-off quickly. Celanon City is a
• Rat continued to follow the pair. The man kept the large haven of activity – legal and otherwise. It is
boy very close to him. Any trouble was dealt with somewhat more civilized than Nar Shaddaa, but like it
swiftly. in many other ways. Anything you want can be found
• The two went into a bar. Rat waited several for a price. Everything costs credits. The landing and
minutes before entering. He then got a seat where docking fees are very high and customs officials expect
he could eavesdrop on the conversation. The man a tribute. Oh, the government is pro-Empire and a large
was talking with someone Rat couldn’t see. Imperial base sits in the middle of Celanon City. The
• Thaum told whomever he was meeting with that characters can definitely drop Rat off and leave without
“they” would probably find him soon. He was trouble as long as they don’t raise any suspicions. And
taking the boy and heading for Pamorjal. The clue there’s no guarantee Rat won’t sell his information to
was there. someone else, either.
• Thaum then told the other person to be sure and
hold “them” off as long as possible. “But be
cautious,” he warned,” they successfully dealt with EPISODE THREE:
Tol.” (NOTE: For players who have not played
Child of Light, Tol was Thaum’s Whippid Pamorjal
apprentice. The characters defeated the vicious After interrogating Rat, the characters probably proceed
assassin at the end of the scenario.) to Pamorjal.

That was all. Thaum got up and left after that. Rat never The swirling tunnel of hyperspace abruptly ends as
saw the other person leave the bar. He waited for thirty you revert to realspace. Traffic around Pamorjal is
minutes or so, then left. By the time he got to the rather light at this point. Less than a score of ships
landing bay Thaum had come from, it was empty. are in transit currently.
Now Rat will demand the characters take him to “Unidentified YT-1300,” announces a voice from
Celanon. The characters have a big decision to make. your comm system, “please identify yourself.”
The Celanon system is in the Outer Rim and is a 72-
hour trip one-way from their current position. Pamorjal The standard starport controller interrogation follows:
is located in the Expansion Rim, which is a 72-hour trip what is your name, reason for being here, etc. After all
from anywhere in the Outer Rim (Nar Shaddaa or the questions have been answered, the characters are
Celanon). directed to a spot on the public landing pad at Beldon’s
If they take Rat to Celanon now, Thaum will get spaceport.
another six days ahead of the characters. If they go
straight to Pamorjal, then the lead is cut in half. Of As you pass over the spaceport, a tramp freighter
course, the characters may attempt to shorten their explodes on the pad. A column of flame and smoke
hyperspace travel time, but make sure they feel the rises high in to the air. Shrapnel flies outward, ripping
necessity of getting to Pamorjal. through nearby ships and beings standing on the pad.
The Lazy Katarn has an ordinary nav computer,
which provides a +2 computer bonus to the Astrogate The destroyed ship belonged to TaggeCo and was the
check. The Astrogate check base DC to Celanon is 11. target of the PFL. The terrorists have decided to give
For the trip to Pamorjal, it is 16 (regardless of the origin the corp a strong urging to leave the planet.
– Nar Shaddaa or Celanon). Use standard astrogation Rescue vehicles and crews quickly move into the
rules for calculating the final Astrogate DC (Star Wars area. Spaceport control orders all ships to remain on the
Core Rulebook, p 172-173). landing pad – and for the characters to quickly proceed
Even though the characters do not make their to their assigned spot, remain onboard and await further
calculations while in the Nal Hutta system, they are instructions.
close enough that it is considered their point-of-origin.

Soulsaber Page 6
While waiting, the characters are free to monitor Equipment: Variety of personal belongings.
communications frequencies, scan with sensors, Skills: Craft (varies) or Profession (varies) +4,
download public information about Pamorjal, etc. Knowledge +4.
Feats: Skill Emphasis (Craft, Knowledge. or
Communications: Most of the current comm chatter Profession).
concerns the attack at the spaceport. In addition to
rescue crews, police forces are also mobilizing and A number of vendors are selling small crystals. They
beginning a thorough search. The spaceport has pretty claim these crystals are – look around to make sure no
much been locked down. one is listening – from the famed Temples of Vormijj.
Most of these are just fakes (Appraise check, DC varies
Sensors: There is a lot of activity around the spaceport from 10 (bad fakes) to 20 (good fakes).
and Beldon right now. A dozen Z-95 starfighters are However, one is not. After the characters have
making continuous sweeps. Police airspeeders are wandered through the marketplace a while, an old
patrolling at lower altitudes. No starship is being Ithorian female dressed in tattered robes approaches the
allowed to leave the spaceport currently. group. She walks up to one of the Force-sensitives
(Sha’lia if she is present) and implores that they buy the
Computer Info: The public database has all the current crystal. The Force-sensitive character can immediately
news, tips on places to stay, places to eat, etc. Pretty feel something different about the crystal. A successful
much typical tourist-type information. The characters See Force DC 10 check will reveal the crystal does
can gather that the PFL has increased its activities over have a small Force “presence.” This should helps the
the last six months. Current attacks seem to be focused characters decide the Temples definitely warrant
against TaggeCo, which is trying to obtain a license to checking out.
harvest garna trees themselves.
Also, the characters can get information on the The characters will also pass by a merchant with a
Temples, how to get there, tour business that have small collection of black, obsidian-like stone pieces for
package deals, etc. sale. It does not look like the merchant, an older human
male, has had much luck selling any of these stones. He
After the characters have had time to collect some has stringy, unkempt hair and smells as if he has not
information, or two hours have passed if they decide to bathed in a while. His skin is deeply tanned and his
wait, they hear someone banging on the hull by the eyes are wild.
entry ramp. It is a Pamorjal customs official. He is here If the characters do not stop to look, he calls out
to collect the landing pad fee (100 credits), do a quick “Pretty lady” and offers a stone to one of the female
search of the ship, and find out why characters are on characters. Anyone who is Force-sensitive gets a “bad
Pamorjal. Unless they act like they are hiding feeling” from these stones (See Force reveals a dark
something, the official performs his duty and leaves. side aura). If scanned with a successful See Force
The characters are now free to leave their ship. check, the merchant detects as being Force sensitive,
but that’s it.
Beldon If asked, the man will not say anything about
where he got the stones until the characters purchase
Once the customs official has left, the characters are
one (10 credits). He will only say that they are stones of
free to explore Beldon and begin their search for
power. Powerful spirits live in them. No amount of
Thaum. The merchants welcome them, and everyone
bargaining will change this. Obviously, the merchant is
else, to their city and world with open arms.
a little loopy.
Just outside of the spaceport is a large open-air
Once paid, the man cackles with glee and presses
marketplace. A variety of goods can be found here –
one into the purchaser’s hand. If asked, he whispers to
clothing, ornate wooden carvings (not made of Garna),
the character that the stones came from the heart of the
non-energy weapons, drink, jewelry, etc. Be creative.
badlands. Most others sell crystals from the temples
These merchants vie for the characters attention as
(wink, wink), but he wanted a different angle. So he
much as the pandlers.
hiked out into the badlands and found plenty of these
Let the characters wander around a bit.
stones. They got shinier and shinier as he moved
towards the center of the region. The spirits in them got
Generic Pamorjan Citizen: Various Species
stronger and stronger. These are the finest specimens he
Commoner 1; Init +0; Defense 10; Spd 10m; VP/WP -
could find.
/10; Atk +0 melee (1d3, punch, or 1d4, dagger), +0
ranged; SV Fort +0, Ref +0, Wil +0; SZ M; FP 0; Rep
Now the characters have a couple leads to follow. They
0; Str 10, Dex 11, Con 10, Int 11, Wis 10, Cha 11.
should look to rent an airspeeder, as starships are not

Soulsaber Page 7
allowed to fly over any part of Pamorjal other than Sha’lia may attempt to use Farseeing to get a
Beldon. The cost to rent is 50 credits per day. If times glimpse of what happened here. The check DC is 25
allows, roleplay the rental out a little and haggle the unless she is physically (skin) touching the ground, in
price. which case it is 20.
If the characters feel they have to attempt to take If her check is successful, read the following:
their starship to the temples, have a half dozen or so
planetary fighters show up to dissuade them. The ghosts of the past step into your vision. A legion
Remember, Rat is not going to leave the ship if he of beings struggle against a single man. He is dressed
is still with the characters. He wants to go to Celanon in battle-torn robes of blood red and black, and his
and will not budge until he gets there. face is a mask of rage. Rage. The feeling is
Try to make sure all the characters go. Do not force overwhelming.
anyone to go if they really wish to stay behind, but the You cringe as he raises his weapon. It seems to be
remaining character will have a very difficult time later like a lightsaber. Its blade is much longer than the
if left by themselves. lightsabers of his foes. It shines malevolently, a deep
Oh, be sure to find out what equipment the violet hue with a core of blackness. Blood-red flecks
characters are taking with them and what is being left flash up down its length. The pure evil emanating
behind. It is important later. from the weapon is astounding. And frightening. So
very frightening.
His opponents, mostly dressed in earth-toned
robes, fight valiantly. They engage him and fight as
EPISODE FOUR: one. Brilliant, bright energy blades attack and parry
The Badlands in an effort to keep the man off guard. They die as
well as they fight.
The characters may decide to check out the badlands
One by one, the Jedi die. Despair begins to set in.
before going to the temples, or afterwards. Located in
As does fear. Some of the cohesiveness is lost in the
Pamorjal’s southern hemisphere, the badlands are the
overpowering emotions. The Jedi begin to crumble.
only blight on the planet. They are very roughly ovoid
A feeling of calm washes over the Knights. Their
in shape and cover about 64,000 square kilometers.
enemy cries out in anger. The Masters have arrived.
The badlands were formed as a result of the battle
Twenty-four of them. Their strength in the Force is
between the Jedi and Dark Jedi. Using the evil power of
untouched by the Dark Jedi and his weapon.
the Soulsaber, the Dark Jedi drew the life from the
They make their way through the battlefield and
planet to aid in his fight against the Jedi.
surround the man. A battle like no other begins. When
Nothing has grown here since. No beast lives here.
it is over, half of the Masters lie dead on the ground.
It is a land devoid of anything but dry, cracked soil.
But the dark one has been defeated also. His body lies
Tiny pieces of black stone, identical to the ones sold by
in the center of the departed Masters. The evil weapon
the merchant in the marketplace, lay about everywhere.
of terror lifeless in the hand of its wielder.
Small puddles of rancid, reeking water can be found,
but not even the best purifier could make it consumable.
The image shifts to some small time later. How long
No rain seems to fall on this land either.
cannot be exactly determined, but is probably no more
The land has a definite dark side feel to it. Force
than a couple of days or so.
sensitive characters feel very uneasy while here. Even
The Jedi hold a meeting of the survivors. Plans
non-Force sensitive characters experience some
are made. One of the Masters looks at the Knights,
discomfort (such as the hair on their neck rising, or
pointing to the stars and then to the dark and evil
something similar). Shadows seem to be moving just at
weapon. Even though it is not activated, the dark side
the periphery of the characters vision.
is easily felt emanating from the weapon.
The feeling of darkness gets stronger and stronger
The Knights plead with the Masters, who just
as the characters approach the middle of the region.
shake their heads in disagreement and point at the
When the characters arrive at the “epicenter” of the
stars once again.
battle, the Force-sensitive ones must make a Will save
The next morning, the Masters board their ship.
DC 15. If they fail, the character will be overcome with
The dark weapon floats along with them. No one dare
a tremendous feeling of despair and suffers a –4 penalty
touches the thing. The ramp closes and the ship rises
on all actions. Even talking is a struggle. They feel as if
out of sight.
a thousand voices are crying out in torment in their
The remaining Knights begin gathering the
head. Non-Force sensitive characters continue to just
lightsabers of their fallen comrades. They dismantle
get a “bad feeling.”
the weapons, removing the precious crystals that focus
the blades.

Soulsaber Page 8
Three Jedi stand together, looking down at a placed precisely. The gray blocks have darken with age
sheaf of papers. One points and the others agree. and have a fair amount of lichen, mold, mildew, etc.
As the mighty funeral pyre burns behind them, growing on them. The stairs are relatively free of
the remaining Jedi set off into the jungle. growth and have been worn slick over the millennia.
Each of the two temples has four stairways leading to
The vision fades away. Sha’lia is left lightheaded from the squared-off top, one per side. Visitors obviously use
the experience. If she discusses her vision with the all the stairs.
others, they can discern that the temples roughly lie in No one seems to crowd the top, which is a covered
the direction the last Jedi in the vision was pointing in. platform about six meters square. In the center is a
If they have not already visited the temples, this small cylindrical pedestal one meter high and one-
vision should be good incentive to do so. fourth of a meter in diameter. Resting in the top of the
pedestal is a crystal.
The crystal in the “left” temple has a soft, green-
blue hue and the one in the “right” temple is a golden-
EPISODE FIVE: red. Both are approximately 4 centimeters in diameter.
The Temples of Vormijj Successful Appraisal checks DC 20 can place their
value in the range of 10,000 + credits each. If See Force
You skim just above the trees of Pamorjal in your
is used on the crystals, they have a fairly strong Force
airspeeder. The trip to the Temples of Vormijj takes
just over an hour. As you get closer, you can see the
Upon inspection, there seem to be no obvious
massive, grey-stoned edifices, three of them, rising
entrances into the two temples themselves. No
above the jungle.
inscriptions or drawings can be found on either temple.
Several airspeeders rise into view and begin
heading in your general direction. As they zip past,
The third temple is the largest. Rising a good fifteen
you can see the occupants talking with each other. All
meters above the other two, one can get a commanding
seem to be rather happy.
view of the surrounding area from the dais platform at
The jungle suddenly gives way to the cleared
the top. The platform is covered like the smaller ones
landing zone approved by the Pamorjal government. It
and is ten meters square. The pedestal in the center is
is about half full – roughly five or six dozen speeders
identical to the ones in the smaller temples, except a
hover just above the ground. You find a vacant spot
little taller (1.25m or so). However, the crystal sparkles
and settle in.
strongly with a silver-white light and has a very strong
Force presence. It is also larger, measuring about six
No one comes to greet the characters. They are on their
centimeters across. With a successful Appraise check
own here. Members of many different species can be
(DC 20), the characters can approximate its value to be
seen wandering around the grounds and temples.
in the range of 25,000+ credits. Also, the character
The central temple appears to be over fifty meters
appraising notices that the crystal is cut in a way that
in height, while the remaining two are just over thirty-
reflects light intensely.
five. Each temple is a steep, four-sided pyramid with
If one of the characters studies the pedestal and
steps leading to the top carved in each side. The
succeeds a Search check DC 20, they find a very well
temples are laid out in a triangular pattern with the
concealed panel that can be removed at the base. A
largest at the “top” and the smaller two at each of the
small chamber inside is just large enough to fit a glow
“bottom” corners.
rod or lightsaber hilt. A hollow shaft runs up the length
As the characters get closer, the ones who are
of the pedestal.
Force sensitive begin to feel more and more at peace.
A successful DC 25 Profession: merchant check
They are in an area strong in the Force, as a successful
gives insight to Zhir that these may be Adegan crystals.
See Force check will reveal.
Maybe. He has never heard of any as large as these.
Allow them to wander for a few minutes. Help the
Looking around the platform of the largest temple,
players visualize the temples, the beings strolling
the characters can find what appears to be a movable
around, etc. This seems to be a very peaceful place. No
stone with a DC 30 Search check. The dirt and grime
one is making very much noise. Those who are talking
around all the other stone slabs appears to have been
are doing so in whispers. No one is in a rush – they are
there for a very long time. While there is some dirt and
just meandering from place to place.
so forth around this slab, it appears to have been moved
fairly recently. There is a much more discernable crack
The two small temples are identical. They are
around its edges.
approximately 150 meters apart and 150 meters from
the largest temple. The smooth stones are cut and

Soulsaber Page 9
There is also a fair amount of other beings on the The floor of the room lies twenty meters below the
platform, so removing it in front of them may cause a chute. From what the characters can tell, the room is
scene. They have two options: gigantic. The arched ceiling varies from twenty meters
1. use appropriate skills to get everyone else to leave in the center to fifteen at the edges. A dark stone has
(Diplomacy, Intimidation, Bluff) now so they can been used to cover the walls, floor and ceiling. The
get down with business, or stone seems to be cut into one meter square. Positioned
2. wait until darkness falls and everyone else has in the center of each stone tile on the floor and walls is
pretty much left. a crystal sitting atop a slender rod of stone. The rods
seem to vary in height. The smallest is about half a
If they decide to go ahead and remove the stone, then meter in height, and the tallest seems to be
someone must work to keep others from coming up approximately one meter. Each crystal is approximately
onto the platform. This will require constant two-and-a-half centimeters in diameter. The colors of
interception of other visitors and appropriate skill uses the stones vary: blue, green, golden yellow, clear, rose-
(Roleplay this out before rolling dice. Make the player red, etc.
act out what their character is doing.). Located in three stone tiles are holes approximately
NOTE: the players may decide to wait until 0.25m in diameter. One is in the center of the floor. The
nightfall when most of the other visitors have left to other two are placed on the wall. They are spaced out
begin attempting to remove the stone. That is fine. A around the room in no seeming order. The pedestals
significant number of the visitors leave prior to from the tops of the temples fit in the holes. Allow each
nightfall. Only a dozen or so remain after. They character an Intelligence check DC 20 to put this
establish small campsites around their speeders. A few together if the players do not think of it.
can be seen absently walking around the temple Each of the pedestals weighs about 45 kilograms. It
grounds contemplating. takes a successful Strength check DC 20 to remove the
pedestals from their respective temple. Of course,
The stone slab is approximately one square meter. The removing them and carrying them away without being
exact weight is unknown, as the thickness cannot be noticed is another matter.
determined from above. It is wedged in tightly and Once the characters have gotten the crystal
takes a successful Strength check DC 20 to pry it out. pedestals from the temples and placed them in the
(Two characters can “cooperate” per the Star Wars holes, make an Astrogation check for Maric (Astrogate
Core Rulebook, p. 69.) The stone is not heavy as much +8) and Goort (Astrogate +7). The DC for this check is
as it is wedged. 20. They can cooperate on this check. After studying
Once the stone is pried out, a vertical chute is the room and a successful skill check, it occurs to these
revealed. It drops straight down into the temple. A characters that it is laid out roughly like a star chart.
ladder consisting of handholds and footholds can be The large crystal from the top of this temple represents
seen carved into one wall of the chute and disappears Coruscant. The other two are planets vital in locating
into the darkness below. Should any of the characters the hiding place of the Soulsaber. The green-hue
look, they will notice that the hand/foot-holds do not represents Pamorjal, while the red represents Ryloth.
seem to have been used for a long time. Small amounts Another Astrogate check DC12 allows them to place
of dirt are in them, but it is dry and old. Not new, fresh the crystals correctly.
dirt like one would expect had someone used them to They now have a complete, but rather ancient, star
descend. map. To find the Soulsaber’s location, the characters
Just before the characters begin to descend, a storm place a lightsaber into the hollow of the large pedestal
begins. Thunder and rain if they are doing this during and activate it. The crystal is cut so as to “absorb” the
the daytime. Thunder, rain and lightning if at night. lightsaber’s blade and reflect it as light through the top.
The chute is completely dark. Characters with Dozens of brilliant light beams then erupt from the
darkvision can see with no problem, but the chute crystal, striking the other crystals and reflecting off
continues down into darkness beyond their vision. In them. Placing a glow rod in the pedestal and switching
the daylight , a character with normal vision can see it on creates something akin to a “disco-ball” effect on
down about five meters, while one with low-light can the ceiling.
see approximately ten meters. And, yes, the characters do have to duck down to
Climbing down requires two successful Climb allow the beams to reflect throughout the room.
checks at DC 10. The chute is thirty meters deep. Standing up will interrupt this process. (After all, it’s
Characters with darkvision can tell the room opens up not the Ark they are opening up.)
below the chute but until they get closer to the bottom,
can make out nothing discernable.

Soulsaber Page 10
After you ignite the lightsaber, dozens of silvery white beings surrounding the ship at a distance of about thirty
beams shoot out from the large crystal. They strike the meters. Then they will detect the rocket’s launch. This
other crystals in the room and are reflected again. is the only way they can detect the surprise attack.
The once-dark room is now brilliantly lit by If the character has the Force-Sensitive feat, they
beams of light of many different hues. can make a Wisdom check DC20 to avoid being
As you study the dizzying paths of light, they all surprised. Success on this check gives the character a
converge on one. A crystal so clear and transparent in “very bad feeling.” You can then allow them to make a
color, it would be missed were the beams not directly Reflex save DC20 to escape the ship as it explodes. If
striking it. the save is successful, the character takes 5d6 damage.
Failure means death.
This crystal marks the hiding place of the Soulsaber.
Thaum is headed there to get the weapon, with the help The characters disappearing into the temples threw off
of Caeleb. the PFL ambush. This they did not expect. So the PFL
A successful Astrogate check DC20 allows the terrorists settled in to watch and wait. When the
characters to get an approximate location of the planet characters exit the main temple, the terrorists prepare to
to feed into their nav computer. With its help, they are act. If characters look around once they have left the
confident the planet can be found. temple, allow an opposed Hide/Spot check. The
terrorists get a +4 hide bonus due to the rain and their
being crouched down. They wait until the characters are
halfway down the temple stairs, which are slippery
EPIDSODE SIX: from the rain, before attacking.
The PFL Attack
A steady rain is falling when the characters leave the
Just after the characters have discovered the location of
temple. The rain provides a 20% miss chance due to
the Soulsaber and climb out of the temple, they are
concealment for both sides. Also, if it is dark, increase
going to be ambushed by a group from the Pamorjal
the miss chance to 30% for those beings that have
Freeman’s League. Thaum made contact with this
normal vision. Characters with lowlight or dark vision
group upon his arrival on Pamorjal. Through subtle use
suffer only the 20% miss chance (only due to the rain)
of the Force, he convinced them the characters would
regardless of lighting conditions. The rain has made the
soon land and they worked as “special-agents” for
stairs very slippery. A successful Dex check DC15 is
TaggeCo. The characters, according to Thaum, were
required to move at full movement. If the check fails,
coming to locate and scout the megacorp’s first garna
the character slips and slides 4 meters down the stairs,
tree harvesting site. They may also see what value the
taking 1d6 damage. Characters hit by blaster fire must
temples had, in case the corp was interested in them.
also make this check.
Thaum suggested the PFL make an example of the
The PFL attacks from the base of the temple. They
characters to show TaggeCo and the other megacorps
crouch down as best as possible, giving them a +2
that Pamorjal would not sell itself to them. With the
cover bonus to their defense. Their leader, Davit Berek,
Force influencing his words, the PFL fell for the story.
leads off the attack by launching a grenade at the
Thaum gave them descriptions of the characters and left
characters. Then his men open up with blaster carbines.
the terrorists to their planning.
The PFL will not come up the stairs to the characters.
The PFL decided to attack the characters at the
They will remain at the bottom. They will begin to flee
temples. With all the visitors, a fine example could be
once half of their number has been lost. Davit will
made. They followed the characters and began setting
continue to fire grenades until all are gone, then he will
up their ambush.
switch to using his rifle.
Do not allow Davit to die from a shot. He can go
While one group was attacking the characters at the
down from a massive wound, but does not die. He has
temples, another group was to be dispatched to blow up
some valuable information for the characters, as well as
their ship at the spaceport. Unless any player characters
potential aid. If the characters start to leave without
remain behind, this attack occurs off stage and will
talking to him, Davit will groan to alert them he is
succeed. The terrorists hit the ship with several rockets.
alive, barely.
The ship gets destroyed and Rat dies. It all happens too
Davit will be very defiant at first. He will only call
quickly for Rat to warn the characters.
them names (like “scum-sucking Tagger’s”)and swear
Should one or more of the characters stay behind in
they will never get any information out of him. With
the ship, allow them a Computer Use check DC20 if
some well-done diplomacy (or bluffing, for that matter)
they are scanning the area around the ship. If
and/or first aid, the characters can cause Davit to doubt
successful, they will pick up on several human-sized
what he was told and he will open up to them.

Soulsaber Page 11
The characters can get the following info from
• Why did you attack us? A man said you were Confrontation
here to further TaggeCo’s plan of harvesting The characters are now on their way to confront
garna trees. We don’t want that. The corps just Thaum. The trip is uneventful and gives them a chance
need to leave us alone. We were gonna make to rest and recuperate. They are also able to explore
examples of you. their new ship.
• What did the man look like? A little short for The Celestial Dancer is a new ship. She appears to
a human. Dark hair. Spooky blue eyes. Seem have been delivered to the PFL just off the assembly
to see right through you. Dark clothes. He had line. The Dancer is definitely an improvement over the
a little boy with him. He told us what ship you Katarn. She has a weapons loadout of two quad
would be in and what you looked like. cannons in dorsal and ventral turrets. The hull and
• How long ago did he visit you? Two days shields are tremendously stronger. She also has more
ago. powerful sublights and a faster hyperdrive. The
• What did he say you should do? Kill the computer system is significantly better, lending to
TaggeCo reps and blow up their ship. Make a better astrogation capabilities (+4 to checks) and better
good example all the corps would understand. fire control (+6 bonus). The biggest drawback is a
• What did happened after? He left and we lower cargo capacity and slightly lower passenger
never saw him again. We started watching for capability.
you to get here. The look is only remotely like the YT-1300. The
patented CEC saucer-shaped main body is present, but
Davit will tell the characters another team was the cockpit juts off the front of the ship instead of the
dispatched to blow up their ship. If they try to raise the side. Also, the cockpit is only built for two. The pilot
Katarn via the airspeeders comlink, they get no answer. sits directly behind the co-pilot, who performs much of
“It is done,” replies Davit. the ancillary duties.
Feeling guilty, he will tell the characters that the The ship does not have any cargo on board, as the
PFL has a ship of their own. It is a new model Corellian PFL was planning on using her mainly as an attack
freighter and was donated by an anonymous supporter vessel. However, there is a decent medical station that
to the group’s cause. Davit tells them where it is and the has a dozen medpacs. The galley is fully stocked. Other
entry codes to get on board. It’s the least he can do. gear includes: eight all-temperature cloaks, one set of
The characters can take their speeder back to macrobinoculars, three field kits, six glow rods, six
Beldon and the spaceport, which is on heightened alert comlinks, and six breath masks.
with the destruction of the character’s ship. Security is
everywhere. Create tense moments as the characters Give the characters a chance to rest up, look around the
sneak through the spaceport, but keep it moving. ship, and inventory what’s on board.
The PFL freighter is on the edge of the spaceport, It may occur to Sha’Lia’s player to use her
tucked away in an abandoned hangar. It is a YT-2000. Farseeing skill at this time to do several things:
This model has fairly recently just begin coming off • Checking on Caeleb is a DC20 check. Success:
Corellian Engineering Corporation’s production line. A he is cold and nervous, but fine other than that.
very good freighter, the –2000 is not too shabby in • Trying to locate the Soulsaber and/or Caeleb is
combat either. a DC20 check. First vision is a small, white
The codes Davit provided them with all work and planet. Then get a glimpse of a rift in the
the characters have no problem leaving Pamorjal in planet’s surface. Then a large, white chamber
their new ship, the Celestial Dancer. The Dancer has a that feels peaceful.
brand new, state-of-the-art computer system. The nav
computer provides a +4 bonus to Astrogate checks. If Sha’Lia’s player does not think of this, make at least
The characters must make a DC23 Astrogate check the roll to locate the Soulsaber to help give the
to successfully calculate a course to the planet where characters a starting point on finding Thaum and
the Soulsaber is located. The calculation takes 3 hours Caeleb. Sha’Lia has Farseeing at +4. If the roll is
to perform. This can be reduced per astrogation rules on unsuccessful, you may want to fudge a little. Do not
p. 172 and chart 11-4 p. 173 of the Star Wars Core bog the players down trying to look for Thaum once
Rulebook. Travel time will be two days, so the they get to the planet.
characters can rest and heal before arriving. Located in an Outer Rim system designated ZXK-
100346, the planet is officially named ZXK-100346.6a
by the Imperials. The sixth planet in the system, it is a

Soulsaber Page 12
small, frigid world covered completely by ice (much the center of the pit is a round “plateau” ten meters in
like Hoth). Winds sweep across it’s relatively flat diameter. A small ice bridge connects the plateau and
surface, dropping incredibly low temperatures even cavern from the side opposite where the characters
lower. The average temperature appears to be enter (This bridge cannot be seen if standing at the
approximately –35C. Sensors show no life on the cavern’s entrance. One must move to either side to
planet. notice its presence.).
The characters can find the rift with very little On the plateau are a dozen large, throne-like chairs
problem if they have Sha’Lia’s description. It is about carved of ice. A bundle of cloth lay in each one. The
ten meters wide and at least three hundred meters deep. chairs are arranged in a circular pattern, facing inward
The crevice is definitely too small for the characters to towards each other. Floating in the center is a black and
descend in their ship. They will have to climb down. bronze cylindrical object. The Force is VERY strong
The characters can land within thirty meters of the here.
crevice without difficulty.
The cold of ZXK-100346.6a will instantly begin to The Cavern of Light
harm anyone not wearing an all-temperature cloak.
Upon their arrival on this planet, the Jedi masters set
The ship has no synthline or rope aboard.
about to build a place that would keep the Soulsaber
However, it does have a winch and towline mounted
secure from other agents of the dark side. Instead of just
just inside the loading hatch of the cargo bay. The
relying on the fact that the planet was unknown at the
characters can easily lower all but one member down to
time, the masters constructed most of this cavern.
the bottom of the crevice. The last character has to
Knowing they would never leave this place, the
climb down. The towline is thick and easy to work
masters dismantled their ship and used parts of it, along
with. The Climb check DC for someone being lowered
with the Force, to dig out the tunnel and cavern. They
down is 5. For the character having to climb down, the
then constructed the chairs from which they would
DC is 15.
guard the Soulsaber for eternity.
As their last action, the Jedi masters combined their
Once they are at the bottom, the characters must find
abilities and surrounded the Soulsaber with a barrier of
the entrance to the cavern built by the Jedi. A character
light side Force. The barrier could never be penetrated
with the Track feat and Survival skill can locate a set of
by one who had been influenced by the dark side, no
barely discernable tracks with a successful Survival
matter how small the stain.
check at DC15. The ground here is mostly ice. Some
And so their bodies disappeared, only their robes
snow has found its way down here, but not much.
remained behind to show they had even existed.
With the surface here being formed of ice, a DC10
That is one reason Thaum has taken Caeleb. He
Dexterity check is required each round to keep from
cannot retrieve the Soulsaber himself and needs the boy
slipping and falling. This is not as important until the
to get it for him.
characters get inside the tunnel and arrive at the cavern.
But have them roll a couple checks before getting there
When the characters enter the cavern, Caeleb is within
so the players are aware of how slippery the ground is.
steps of grasping the floating cylinder. Thaum can be
When the characters find the entry tunnel, it is
seen behind him, just outside of the circle of chairs.
hardly noticeable, even when standing directly in front
Allow Thaum a Spot check to see the characters. If he
of it. The entrance has been cut at an angle instead of
sees them, he begins urging Caeleb to hurry up.
straight in so it is not obvious. The tunnel is four meters
wide and three meters tall. The walls are fairly smooth
Roll initiative as soon as the first character says what
and definitely not natural.
their intentions are. Caeleb grabs the Soulsaber on his
Once they get about ten meters into the tunnel, the
action in round 1. Thaum gets the Soulsaber on round 3.
characters notice a fusion lantern sitting on the ground.
Once the Soulsaber is out of the circle of chairs, the
It is glowing fairly strong, so someone has placed it
Force-sensitive characters feel a strong dark side
here within the last 24 hours. More lanterns can be seen
along the tunnel, lighting it completely. There are a
Until Caeleb gives him the Soulsaber, Thaum
total of five lanterns in the tunnel. After they have
makes no attempt to leave. He will, however, talk with
traveled about sixty meters, the characters can see the
the characters. Asking them to turn around and leave.
tunnel opens into a much larger room. If they sneak up,
Telling them he also wishes to see the end of the
they can see this natural cavern has had some un-
Empire – and knows how to bring it about.
natural work done to it.
If the characters try to convince Caeleb not to give
The cavern measures roughly eighty meters in
the Soulsaber to Thaum, the dark side adept grows
diameter. A large chasm fills the center of the room.
angry and warns them not to interfere.
This pit looks to be about fifty meters in diameter. In

Soulsaber Page 13
If attacked, Thaum will defend himself
appropriately. If the characters, hit him hard – he
returns in kind. The characters return to the Rebel fleet and turn Caeleb
over to a very embarrassed Kylbar. The Mon Calamari
Thaum’s Tactics: officer has four squads of veteran soldiers with him and
• First and foremost, Thaum wants to escape with the guarantees that the boy will be safe this time. He thanks
Soulsaber, and Caeleb if at all possible. If forced to the characters for locating Caeleb and bringing him
decide between the two of them, Thaum will back safely. Caeleb also thanks the characters.
choose the Soulsaber. Caeleb will be used as a Kylbar and his troops then escort Caeleb away.
bargaining chip. The boy’s life for Thaum’s
escape. The End of Soulsaber
• Remember, Thaum has Force points. Use them. He
gets +4d6 bonus dice (dark side) when spending a
Force point. Also, he has “gone over” to the dark
side. Thus, Thaum gets a +4 dark side bonus on
skill checks when using a dark side power (i.e.,
Force Grip).
• Thaum has the Heroic Surge feat. At his level,
Thaum is able to use this feat three times a day to
get an extra partial action for one round.
• Burst of Speed provides a nice bonus for jumping
or running.
• Thaum will use all that he has at his disposal to get
past the characters and escape. He does not
necessarily wish to kill them, but will do so if
given no other choice.
• Possible methods to get past the characters: 1. use
Move Object and levitate Caeleb over the chasm,
threatening to drop him if the characters do not let
him pass, 2. use Force Push and/or Move Object to
knock characters out of his path. If they happen to
fall into the chasm, so be it, 3. use Move Object to
fly himself over the chasm to the cavern entrance
and flee, 4. use Affect Mind on the soldier-types
and command them to “protect me,” 5. use Affect
Mind to convince character(s) that he is not the
person they are looking for, etc.
• Note that while Thaum may threaten to kill Caeleb,
he truly has no wish to do so. The boy’s death
would serve no purpose and only make the
characters – and Rebels – relentless in hunting him

Once Thaum has gotten away, the characters should

have Caeleb. The boy should be unhurt and the
characters can see he has not been mistreated.
On his way out, Thaum will drop one of the
thermal detonators and collapse the tunnel. This is to
delay the characters pursuit. By the time they dig their
way out, Thaum has escaped.
The characters are free to take their time getting
back to their ship and leaving the planet.

Soulsaber Page 14
GM’s Info Sheet I: Soulsaber NPC Appendix
Rat, Info Merchant: Male Human Scoundrel 2; IM +2 Skills: Craft (varies) or Profession (varies) +4,
(Dex); Def 17 (Dex +2); Spd 10m; VP/WP 11/12; Atk Knowledge +4.
+1 melee (1d4, knife), +3 ranged (3d4, hold-out Feats: Skill Emphasis (Craft, Knowledge. or
blaster), +3 ranged (1d4, knife); SQ Illicit barter, Better Profession).
lucky than good; SV Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +0; CC B;
SZ M; Rep 1; Str 10, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 10, Davit Berek, PFL Assault Team Leader: Male
Cha 14. Human Fringer 3/Thug 1; IM +6 (Dex); Def 16 (Dex
Equipment: street clothes, hold-out blaster, knife, +2); Spd 10m; VP/WP 23/15; Atk +3 melee (1d4,
25 credits. knife), +5 ranged (3d6, blaster pistol), +5 ranged
Skills: Appraise +3, Bluff +7, Diplomacy +6, (4d6/2d6, frag grenade); SQ Barter, Adaptive learning
Gather Information +12, Hide +6, Knowledge: (bluff); SV Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +1; CC B; SZ M; Rep
streetwise – Nar Shaddaa +5, Knowledge: cultures – 1; Str 10, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 11, Wis 10, Cha 11.
Hutts +5; Listen +4, Move Silently +5, Profession: info Equipment: clothes, blaster pistol, blaster rifle with
merchant +5, Read/write Basic, Read/write Huttese, attached grenade launcher (range increment 35m), 3
Sense Motive +2, Speak Basic, Speak Huttese. frag grenades (loaded in launcher).
Feats: Skill Emphasis (gather information), Skills: Bluff +6, Hide +4, Intimidate +3,
Trustworthy, Weapon Proficiency Group (blaster Knowledge: airspeeders +4, Knowledge: Pamorjal
pistols, simple weapons). politics +3, Listen +5, Pilot +5, Profession: mechanic
+5, Read/write Basic, Repair +5, Search +4, Speak
Verkoss, Brinojja’s Enforcer: Male Trandoshan Basic, Speak Ithorian, Spot +5.
Soldier 5; IM +1 (Dex); Def 18 (Armor +6, Dex +2, Feats: Alertness, Armor Proficiency (light),
Natural +1); Spd 8m; VP/WP 47/12; Atk +8 melee Gearhead, Improved Initiative, Toughness, Weapon
(2d4+3, vibrodagger), +6 ranged (3d6, blaster pistol), Proficiency Group (blaster pistols, simple weapons).
+7 ranged (3d8, blaster carbine); SQ Darkvision; SV
Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +1; SZ M; Rep 1; Str 16, Dex 12, PFL Assault Team (5): Male Human Thug 2; IM +0;
Con 12, Int 11, Wis 10, Cha 12. Def 10; Spd 10m; VP/WP -/15; Atk +3 melee (1d4+1,
Equipment: padded battle armor, blaster pistol, knife), +3 ranged (3d6, blaster pistol), +3 ranged (3d8,
blaster carbine, vibrodagger. blaster carbine); SQ None; SV Fort +4, Ref +0, Will
Skills: Intimidate +12, Knowledge: streetwise – +0; SZ M; Rep 1; Str 12, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 8, Wis
Nar Shaddaa +6, Profession: Hutt enforcer +7, 10, Cha 9.
Read/write Dosh, Repair +2, Speak Basic, Speak Dosh, Equipment: Blaster pistol, blaster carbine, knife.
Speak Huttese, Spot +2, Treat injury +3. Skills: Intimidate +4.
Feats: Armor Proficiency (light, medium, heavy), Feats: Toughness.
Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Skill Emphasis
(indimidate), Weapon Focus (blaster carbine), Weapon Caeleb, Child of Light: Male Human Commoner; Init
Proficiency Group (blaster pistols, blaster rifles, heavy +2 (Dex); Def 15 (+2 Dex); Spd 6m; VP/WP -/10; Atk
weapons, simple weapons, vibro weapons). +0 melee (1d2, punch), +2 ranged; SV Fort +0, Ref +2,
Will +0; SZ S; CC A; FP Special (see special abilities);
Brinojja’s Thugs (10): Various Species Thug 2; IM Rep 0; Str 10, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 11, Wis 11, Cha 11.
+0; Def 10; Spd 10m; VP/WP -/15; Atk +3 melee Equipment: Clothes.
(1d4+1, knife), +2 ranged (3d6, blaster pistol); SQ Skills: Knowledge: nature +4.
None; SV Fort +4, Ref +0, Will +0; SZ M; Rep 1; Str Feats: Force Sensitive
13, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 9. Special Abilities: Caeleb has unlimited access to
Equipment: Blaster pistol, knife. the Force. Due to this, he has an infinite number of
Skills: Intimidate +4. Force points. However, Caeleb cannot use these points
Feats: Toughness. himself or learn Force skills and powers. If Caeleb is
physically touching a Force-sensitive being, he may
Generic Pamorjan Citizen: Various Species bestow a unique bonus to that being. Essentially, that
Commoner 1; Init +0; Defense 10; Spd 10m; VP/WP - being is awarded an immediate Force point for use. The
/10; Atk +0 melee (1d3, punch, or 1d4, dagger), +0 Force point given by Caeleb must be used that round. If
ranged; SV Fort +0, Ref +0, Wil +0; SZ M; FP 0; Rep it is not, it disappears. Caeleb has never dealt with, or
0; Str 10, Dex 11, Con 10, Int 11, Wis 10, Cha 11. been touched by, the dark side. How this would affect
Equipment: Variety of personal belongings. his power is unknown.

Soulsaber Page 15
GM’s Information Sheet II: Pamorjal
Type: Terrestrial
Climate: Swamp, Jungle
Length of Day: 26 standard hours
Length of Year: 330 standard days

Pamorjal is located in an Expansion Rim system of the same name. It is the fourth planetoid from the system’s
single star, Garbat. Eight other planetoids, all uninhabited, orbit Garbat. The system lies of any significant trade
routes. Until approximately twenty years ago, it had no significant contact with the galaxy. The only true city on the
planet is Beldon, which serves as capital and only starport. All business tradings between the natives and
outworlders is conducted in Beldon.
The population of Beldon officially numbers just over one-and-a-half million. Primarily human, many other
species also reside here. A large enclave of Ithorians also lives on the planet, forming it’s second largest group.
Pamorjal is covered by jungles. The temperature ranges from mildly discomfortable (warm and humid) to
exhausting (hot and humid). The hydrosphere consists of a number of lakes and swamps. Very little “open” water
can be found on the planet, however. The swamps are home to Pamorjal’s major export, the garna tree. A large
patch of dead land, known as the “badlands,” lies in Pamorjal’s southern hemisphere approximately four-hundred
kilometers to the southwest of Beldon. The origin of this area is unknown, but it is strong in the dark side of the
Force. Nothing living resides or gorws there. The Temples of Vormijj are 180 kilometers west of Beldon. Built
around twenty millenia ago, these temples serve today as a tourist attraction. They promote inner peace and are
visited by tens of thousands each year.
The garna tree is a dark hardwood that has begun gaining popularity in the Core Worlds. It is used in elegantly
carved, ornate furniture. The result is truly spectacular. Garna wood furniture was first introduced in the Taipani
Sector just over a dozen years ago. As it became more and more popular among the noble houses of that region, it
began to attract the attention of wealthy residents from the Core Worlds.
It has since become the leading export of the planet and the chief source of income.
However, the conservative government of Pamorjal only allows a certain amount og garna wood to be harvested
every year. Thus, demand heavily outweighs the supply. A number of megacorporations have opened offices on
Pamorjall over the past decade in an attempt to secure their own harvesting rights. This has so far met with failure.
They have been successful in “luring” several government officials to support their requests. While the anti-
megacorp Pamorjalan’s outnumber the pro-megacorp ones, the difference in number seems to decrease every year.
With the emminent threat of their beloved trees being ruthlessly and uncontrolably harvested, an underground
terrorist movement has appeared on Pamorjal, the Pamorjal Freeman’s League (or PFL). The goals of the PFL are to
destroy enough of the megacorps assets that they are forced to leave. Their attacks have been increasing
dramatically over the past couple years.
Officially, the planet of Pamorjal is ruled by an Imperial governor, Taj Vellion. He pretty much lets the
planetary ruling council run Pamorjal. Taj only gets involved in public affairs whenever Imperial interests are at
stake. The rest of the time, he and his forces remain on his private estate just outside of Beldon. Taj has come under
increasing pressure from the megcorps lately to take action against the PFL. He is reluctant to do so, but may be
forced to to appease to “loyal” Imperial corporations.

Soulsaber Page 16
GM’s Information Sheet III: Thaum Rystra
(Male Human Scout 2nd/dark side Force Adept 10th)
STR 12/+1 VP/WP: 74/12
DEX 14/+2 Defense: 21 (23 with Lightsaber Defense)
CON 13/+1 Speed: 10m
INT12/+1 Initiative: +2 (Dex)
WIS 14/+2 Saves: Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +11
CHA 18/+4 FP: 8 DSP: 14 Rep: 4

Class Abilities:
Scout: Trailblazing
Force Adept: Force weapon +1d4, Comprehend Speech, Force Talisman +2

Astrogate +5; Bluff +6; Climb +4; Computer Use +3; Diplomacy +8; Hide +6; Jump +4; Listen +6; Move Silently
+6; Pilot +6; Read/Write Basic; Repair +3; Search +3; Speak Basic; Speak Ryl; Spot +3

Force Skills:
Affect Mind +14, Battlemind +6, Empathy +8, Enhance Ability +6, Force Grip +6, Force Push +10, Force Stealth
+10, Heal Self +10, Move Object +14, See Force +10

Exotic Weapon Proficiency (lightsaber), Force Sensitive, Heroic Surge, Starship Operation (space transport),
Trustworthy (+2 on all Diplomacy and Gather Information checks), Weapon Group Proficiency (blaster pistols,
blaster rifles, primitive weapons, simple weapons)

Force Feats:
Alter, Burst of Speed, Control, Lightsaber Defense, Sense

Special: Thaum is a “dark side character” and is subject to the bonuses and penalties described on page 159 of the
Star Wars Core Rulebook.

Weapons: Base Attack Bonus +8/+3

BlasTech DL-44 heavy blaster pistol: +10/+5 ranged attack, 3d8 damage
Lightsaber (amythest blade): +9/+4 attack; Critical 19-20; 2d8+1 damage

Equipment: Sith masking amulet (adds +10 Force bonus to Force Stealth check to mask wearer as not being Force
sensitive), dark green shipsuit, brown nerf-hide jacket, comlink, macrobinoculars, heavy blaster pistol, lightsaber, 2
thermal detonators.

Appearance: Thaum stands 1.7 meters and is approximately 68 kg. He has thick, wavy black hair and clear blue
eyes. Thaum rarely wears the traditional robes and lightsaber of a Jedi in order to better blend in with the galaxy’s
population. He can often be found in a dark green jumpsuit and brown nerf-hide jacket and boots. He wears his
trusty DL-44 heavy blaster in a low-slung holster on his right thigh.
When away from his master, Thaum almost always acts as a happy and cheerful person. He has a contagious
smile and his eyes sparkle with life.

Capsule: The story of Thaum Rystra is a tragic one. Born on Alderaan to a diplomat and his wife, Thaum had an
unusual childhood. His family moved from one diplomatic posting to another as his father was often reassigned to
better jobs. As an only child, Thaum was very close to his parents, especially his mother.
During a brief stay on Coruscant, his parents were approached by one of the Emperor’s advisors and told that
Thaum was to begin special training for gifted youngsters. Thaum’s parents broke into tears. They had heard rumors
of what these schools were and what they did. They begged for Thaum to not be taken, but the advisor ignored their

Soulsaber Page 17
pleas. Eight year-old Thaum left with the man and several stormtroopers that had been positioned out of his view.
His last sight of his parents was over his shoulder walking down the hallway, his mother buried in his father’s
shoulder, sobbing uncontrollably.
Traitors to the New Order were identified to the students. Their last “lesson” was to eliminate these enemies of
the galaxy. Beings opposed to peace. Late of night, Thaum walked into the domicile of two such traitors. He stood at
the foot of their bed, unlit lightsaber in his hands. A push with the Force switched the glowpanel on. Thaum wanted
these betrayers to see the face of justice as their sentence was pronounced. The look on his parents’ face as his
amethyst energy blade cut them down rocked him to his very core. Thaum realized what a monster he had become.
Thaum stole a ship and fled. Hoping to atone for his actions, he searched for someone who could connect him to
the Rebel Alliance. After months of searching, he finally met such a being. Vowing to fight the evil that was the
Empire, he joined the Alliance and was grouped with various other beings who held the same beliefs. One member
of his group was also Force-sensitive like himself. He was a Twi’lek who had escaped from slavers. As they traveled
together, Thaum grew more and more uneasy being around someone who had control over the Force.
Finally, Thaum could take it no more. He requested a transfer out of his unit and into the scouts. He felt the
need to be alone. His request granted, Thaum moved into his new occupation with excitement. He would be
providing valuable information for the Alliance, while not having to deal with reminders of his past on a daily basis.
On his third assignment, Thaum was charting an unpopulated system when a voice began to call to him. It was
feminine and very exotic. She was beckoning him to come to her and learn the true power of the Force. Something
stirred within Thaum and felt a hunger for the Force like he had never experienced before. He felt the path needed to
reach her.
Thaum guided his vessel along the path the voice gave him. A path to an orbiting asteroid that would not
otherwise have attracted his interest. In the center was an immense black edifice, a temple of obsidian stone. Thaum
felt the cold emanating from the building. He landed his ship in a large bay and followed the voice to a room deep
within the structure. Thaum was amazed at how dark and cool the place was, and the power radiating from it. The
Force was everywhere. Thaum did not have to attempt to feel it. But he also felt something else. The dark side.
Unable to turn back, Thaum continued.
Arriving at his destination, Thaum stood in the entryway of a room larger than any had seen before. Lying at its
center, on bier of dark stone, was a beautiful woman, vaguely human. The dark side radiated strongly from her. Her
voice spoke again in his mind. “I know what you desire, Thaum Rystra, and I can give it to you. Become my servant
and the power of the Force shall be yours.”
Thaum knew what was being offered. He reached out and embraced the dark side.
His first major goal was to secure a small human boy named Caeleb. This boy, referred to in a prophecy as the
“Child of Light,” possessed a remarkable link to the Force. While apparently unable to wield the Force himself,
Caeleb could provide others direct and unending access. At the bidding of his master, Thaum set out to retrieve the
child and return to her.
Thaum chose to allow his own apprentice, a Whippid bounty hunter named Tol Skaros, to actually capture the
boy. Caeleb’s parents were both trained somewhat in the use of the Force and Thaum believed it would be good for
Tol develop his ability to battle Force users.
However, Thaum unexpetantly encountered a group of Rebel heroes also searching for the Child of Light. He
stayed back and allowed events to unfold. What resulted was the death of his apprentice and Caeleb being taken
away by the Rebels.
Thaum followed the Rebels and bidded his time. When Caeleb was moved to a safeworld, Thaum snatched him
away and set out to continue his mission. He needed the boy to recover and ancient weapon of the dark side, the
That is where this adventure begins …

Soulsaber Page 18
GM’s Information Sheet IV: The SOULSABER
HISTORY: The Soulsaber was created over ten millennia ago by a Dark Jedi bent on destroying the Jedi Knights.
Thousands of sentient beings died under this blade, as did scores of Jedi and a number of masters. Finally, the Dark
Jedi was cornered by two dozen Jedi Masters, on a remote and unpopulated world. The ensuing battle left half of the
Masters dead and the other half severely wounded. The Dark Jedi and his Soulsaber were beaten, though at a great
price. The surviving Jedi sent word to the Council on their victory and that they were going to take the Soulsaber
into the depths of space beyond the grasp of the dark side and its minions.

APPEARANCE: The hilt of the soulsaber is forty-five centimeters long and made of a bronze-like metal formed
into the shape of a dragon, wrapped around a rod of obsidian. When ignited, a one-and-a-half meter long energy
blade erupts from the open jaws of the dragon’s mouth. The blade is a deep violet, with blood-red flecks flashing up
and down its length. A core of obsidian “light” runs up the center of the blade.

NOTES: The Soulsaber is not a weapon of the dark side as much as it is a manifestation of the dark side. It is an
abomination to the light side and to all of life. The purpose of it is not only to destroy life, but also to subvert and
twist Force sensitives to the dark side. The ritual used to create the dark weapon is unknown and died with it’s
The Soulsaber’s presence can be felt by anyone standing within ten meters of it. Non-Force-sensitive beings
feel very uneasy. Beings who are Force-sensitive with no dark side Points know a major source of dark side energy
is nearby. They experience great discomfort (severe headache, nausea, etc.) and find it difficult to concentrate on
tasks while close to the Soulsaber (character suffers a –5 Force penalty to all skill rolls, attack rolls and saves). Force
sensitive beings with at least one dark side Point feel they are close to a nexus of dark side energy. This could very
well lead to infighting amongst a group of dark-siders as they strive to be the sole possessor of the Soulsaber.
If any being touches the Soulsaber without having at least one dark side point, they are hit with a backlash of
dark side energy (1d6 damage if non-Force sensitive, 2d6 damage if Force sensitive.). Beings with at least one dark
side point suffer no damage.
Igniting the weapon immediately gives the wielder a dark side Point. Potentially, just igniting the weapon is
enough to send the character to the dark side. Emotions associated with the dark side flood through the wielder
(anger, aggression, fear), and a dark whisper of great power fills their head.
The Soulsaber provides several benefits when used in combat. First, the wielder is granted the Force skill
battlemind and does not have to use his own vitality points to activate the skill. Second, the wielder is allowed to
make one extra attack each round. The character’s highest attack bonus is used, but all attacks are at –2. Third, the
wielder suffers no penalties when all vitality points are lost (ie, the character is not stunned) and only wound points
remain. Also, the wielder may fight until he reaches –10 wound points. When the character reaches –10 wound
points, he dies. Unfortunately for the wielder, the second benefit is also a curse: they never know how close to death
they are.
When the wielder strikes an opponent in combat, a dark side point is given to the wielder and the Soulsaber
immediately removes one Force point from the target and gives it to the wielder for immediate use (if not used, the
Force point disappears at the end of the round). If the target has no Force points, then one ability point at random is
taken away and a +2 Force bonus to attack rolls is bestowed for that round. This bonus lasts for only one round and
stacks with other Force attack modifiers (Battlemind, Enhance Ability). When struck by the Soulsaber, a being feels
a stab of unbelievable and agonizing cold. The Soulsaber will send a flood of emotions into the victim. If the victim
is Force sensitive, they must make a DC 15 Will save to resist gaining a dark side point (not giving into the
emotions). Non-Force-sensitives must make a DC 18 Will save. This is how the Soulsaber seeks to corrupt beings
and further the dark side.
The Soulsaber uses the exotic weapon proficiency: lightsaber feat and has a base damage of 2d8. This damage
increases for Jedi per the Lightsaber Damage column of the Jedi Consular and Jedi Guardian classes (Table 3-8 and
3-9, Star Wars Core Rulebook).

Soulsaber Page 19
GM Information Sheet V: The Cavern of Light

Entry Tunnel

Plateau with Soulsaber

and Circle of Chairs



Soulsaber Page 20
Player Handout #1
What Has Happened Before
This is for those players who have not played Child of Light. It relates the important details of that scenario.

In Child of Light, the Rebel heroes were assigned by Rebel Command to investigate the rumor of a child
who possessed an unusual ability with the Force. Traveling to the very remote world of Dalicron-4, the
characters landed outside of the planets only organized town. Their “spaceport” was nothing more than a
packed field, with three other ships already present when the characters arrived.
In town, the characters met a scout/fast courier named Thaum Rystra, and a-down-on-his-luck Squib
named Veeter. Thaum claimed to have been jumped by some pirates who thought he had a load of spice
aboard his ship. Dalicron-4 was the closest civilized world, so he landed here to repair his ship. Veeter, in
a bout of Squib deal-making, believed that he traded for his ship, a Sienar Fleet Systems Lone Scout. The
ship actually belonged to the Imperial scout corps. When he left the station in his ship, the Imperials shot
at and severely damaged his ship. Veeter punched some number into his nav computer and wound up on
Dalicron-4. With a ship that can’t fly anymore. They never saw anyone from the third ship, which, by all
visible inspection, was in working condition.
The characters then helped rescue the son of a local farmer who wandered out into a terrible storm,
looking to make sure his pet nerf calf. Finding the boy just before a couple of ferocious local predators
snacked on him, they returned to the town and delivered the boy to the local doctor, an Ithorian.
The characters were then approached by a young human female. Expecting one of them to be Luke
Skywalker, she became nervous when the characters told her none of them were. But they were sent in his
place. The teenager, Jhara, took the characters to her grandfather’s farm to talk with the old man. It was
he who contacted the Rebels about the young boy. Arriving at the farm, the group found the old man, a
failed Jedi, had been attacked by a savage creature and his hounds. It had demanded to know the boy’s
location and beat the old man until he surrendered the information.
Going to the boy’s home, the group arrived just as the creature, a Whippid assassin named Tol
Skaros, killed the boy’s father and his cyborg battle dogs killed the mother. The battle between the power-
armor clad killer and the characters was vicious. But in the end, the characters prevailed and dispatched
the agent of evil. Finding the boy, Caeleb, the characters left the farm after burying his parents.
The characters never knew they were under Thaum’s watchful gaze the whole time. The dark side
adept watched as they killed his apprentice and stole his prize. But ever the patient and cautious man,
Thaum let them escape with the boy. Another time.
The characters returned with Caeleb – the Child of Light – and Jhara. Boarding their ship, the Rebels
sped for open space. Moments after leaving Dalicron-4’s atmosphere, they detected a ship coming out of
hyperspace – an Imperial frigate. The warship demanded they power down and launched a squadron of
A familiar voice broke in over the comm system. Thaum announced himself as a lieutenant in the
Rebel Alliance and that there would be no surrender. He told the characters to run for it while he and his
boys, a group of four X-Wings, covered them. Unknown to the characters, the “X-Wings” were elaborate
sensor decoys Thaum launched from his ship. He remained in the system long enough to see the
characters escape before entering the safety of hyperspace himself.
The characters launched into hyperspace and away from Dalicron-4. They delivered Caeleb to
Kylbar, a Mon Calamari aide to Admiral Ackbar.

Soulsaber Page 21
Player Handout #2

Lazy Katarn: Craft: Modified CEC YT-1300 Transport; Class: Transport; Size: Small (26.7 meters long); Crew: 1
to 2; Passengers: 6; Cargo Capacity: 100 metric tons; Consumables: 2 months; Hyperdrive Multiplier: x1.5;
Hyperdrive Backup: x12; Maximum Speed: Attack; Defense: 21 (+1 size, +10 armor); Shield Points: 30; Hull
Points: 120; DR: 10.
Weapon: Double Laser Cannon; Fire Arc: Turret (top); Attack Bonus: +5 (+1 size, +4 fire control); Damage:
5d10x2; Range Modifiers: PB +0, S +0, M/L n/a.

Player Handout #3

Celestial Dancer: Craft: Modified CEC YT-2000 Transport; Class: Transport; Size: Small (29 meters long);
Crew: 2; Passengers: 5; Cargo Capacity: 75 metric tons; Consumables: 2 months; Hyperdrive Multiplier: x1;
Hyperdrive Backup: x10; Maximum Speed: Ramming; Defense: 21 (+1 size, +10 armor); Shield Points: 100;
Hull Points: 200; DR: 10.
Weapon: Quad Laser Cannons (2); Fire Arc: Turret ; Attack Bonus: +7 (+1 size, +6 fire control);
Damage: 5d10x2; Range Modifiers: PB +0, S +0, M/L n/a.

Soulsaber Page 22
Garek Tolas – Ex-Imperial Commando
(male Human Soldier 4th/Scout 2nd)
STR 16/+3 VP/WP: 50/15
DEX 14/+2 Def: 17
CON 15/+2 Spd: 10m
INT 12/+1 Initiative: +2
WIS 14/+2 Saves: Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +5
CHA 8/-1 FP: 3 Rep: 2

Class Abilities:
Scout: Trailblazing

Computer Use +4; Demolitions +4; Hide +7; Initimidate +4, Knowledge: military commmando tactics +5; Move
silently +8; Pilot +5; Profession: commando +7; Read/Write Basic; Repair +4; Speak Basic; Speak Calamari; Spot
+6; Survival +6; Treat Injury +6.

Armor Proficiency (light, medium,heavy); Far Shot; Martial Arts; Point Blank Shot; Power Attack; Precise Shot;
Track; Weapon Focus (blaster carbine); Weapon Group Proficiencies (blaster pistols, blaster rifles, heavy weapons,
simple weapons, vibro weapons).

Weapons: Base Attack Bonus +5

Blaster Pistol: +7 ranged attack (+8 if target is within 10m); 3d6 damage; Range Increment 15m
Blaster Carbine: +8 ranged attack (+9 if target is within 10m); Critical 19-20; 3d8 damage; Range Increment 30m
Vibrodagger: +8 melee attack; 2d4+3 damage
Knife: +8 melee attack/+7 ranged attack (+8 if target is within 10m); 1d4+3 damage; Range Increment 2m
Frag Grenades: +7 ranged attack; 4d6/2d6 damage; Range Increment 4m

Equipment: Blaster carbine; blaster pistol; vibrodagger; knife; 2 fragmentation grenades; 1 smoke grenade; 2
medpacs; macrobinoculars; mini-glowrod (10m long beam by 0.5m wide and high) attached to barrel of blaster
carbine; spec ops uniform; 500 credits.

Garek stands at 1.9 meters tall, weighs about 82 kilograms and is in his late twenties. He has brown hair worn in a
short, military style cut and piercing green eyes. Garek often wears an earth-tone hued camouflage uniform, but
changes that according to mission environment.

History: You once served with distinction in the Imperial Special Forces. Eliminating any threat to the Empire and
her citizens was your job and you did it well. Then, the jobs got to be nothing but mass murder of innocents.
You had enlisted to fight against other soldiers and warriors, not helpless civilians. The policies continued to get
So one day, you put your training to work and walked away. Much the same way Crix Madine had left Imperial
service. Only you had no high-ranking friends in the Rebel Command to vouch for you. All the respect you have
now was earned the hard way.
SpecForce command has requested you join their ranks. You would be a welcome addition to their brotherhood.
It's tempting, and maybe you will. The thought of paying the Empire back using the methods they taught you brings
a smile to your face. Yes, that would be very nice.
Your exploits since being thrown in with the other members of this group have shown you the Rebellion is in
definite need of tactical leadership. Thank the Maker that Madine is present at higher levels to keep that bunch in
line. Still, this group isn’t so bad. You just wish they would accept your leadership.
The mission four months ago to find Caeleb, the Child of Light, brought you all closer together as a team. First,
you had to rescue that farmer’s kid in the storm of all storms. Then having to save Caeleb from a homicidal Whippid

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assassin. Then the Impies showed up in one of their frigates, but Thaum covered your escape. Now, you’re hunting
him down for kidnapping Caeleb from the Rebels.

Goort: The Trandoshan pilot for your group. Hey, he ain’t Luke Skywalker, but he has definitely developed some
skill. Protector of Sha’lia and a sight to behold in melee.

Maric Tovar: A shy, quiet man who can work wonders with anything electronic. You wish he had more skill as a

Sha’lia: A Twi’lek and former slave dancer, she doesn’t talk about her past too much. Goort helped her escape and
she seems as protective of him as he is of her. She talks a lot about the Force and everyone’s place in it.

Zhir Tolavor: A real psycho who has it in for the Empire. He is does not care what happens to himself.

Mina Dohri: A former senator who is headstrong and thinks that she is always in charge. You often butt heads with
each other over which course of action to take.

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Goort - Pilot
(male Trandoshan Soldier 6th)
STR 17/+3 VP/WP: 58/17
DEX 11 Def: 17
CON 17/+3 Spd: 8m
INT 10 Initiative: +0
WIS 12/+1 Saves: Fort +8, Ref +2, Will +3
CHA 10 FP: 4 Rep: 2

Species Traits:
+1 natural armor bonus to Defense; Darkvision (20m); Automatic Language: Dosh, Basic

Astrogate +7; Computer Use +3; Intimidate +8; Pilot +12; Profession: enforcer +6; Read/Write Dosh; Speak Basic;
Speak Dosh; Spot +3

Armor Proficiency (light, medium, heavy); Cleave; Martial Arts; Power Attack; Skill Emphasis (pilot); Starship
Operation (transports); Weapon Focus (vibro-axe); Weapon Group Proficiency (blaster pistols, blaster rifles, heavy
weapons, simple weapons, vibro weapons)

Weapons: Base Attack Bonus +6/+1

Vibro-Ax: +10/+5 melee attack; 2d10+4 damage

Equipment: Vibro-ax, very stained Rebel uniform, armored flight suit, medpac, 500 credits.

Goort is 2 meters tall and weighs just over 100 kilograms. Like all Trandoshans, he has a thick, brown scaly hide.
His eyes are red with black pupils, un-nerving and intimidating when combined with a mouth full of sharp teeth.
Goort is so proud of the Rebel uniform he has been given he refuses to remove it.

History: Life was very hard for you. Taken from your family when you were very small, you were raised by
Rodians and trained to hunt sentient beings. You preferred to fly starships, and resisted their training. The only thing
you enjoyed during this period was flying with your Rodian owner from place to place. He would never let your
learn to fly the ship, and would have his other guards beat you up to cure you of such nonsense.
One day, you sneaked onto his ship and into the cockpit. You were looking over the controls when you heard a
sound behind you. Expecting more beating, you instead saw the Rodian’s Twi-lek dancer.
The dancer, Sha'lia, said she was trying to escape from her slavery. She asked if you could fly the ship and get
the both of you away. Seeing your chance, you agreed and started working the controls. Somehow, you hit the right
ones and soon the ship was heading into space.
You went together to a place where an unusual man lived. He taught Sha’lia some things you don’t understand,
and taught you about how your captured ship worked.
Your idyllic existence was shattered when Imperial stormtroopers came to kill the man. He gave his life so that
you could escape, and asked you to stay with Sha’lia and protect her. You have done so ever since.
The Rebel Alliance became your new home. You tried the starfighter pilot exam … and failed. But that didn’t
stop your training. Also, you bacame attached to Sha’Lia, deciding to be her protector, just as the old man wanted.
You and Sha’Lia were thrown together with another group several months ago. Sha’Lia said a child needed help
and some important people in the Rebellion wanted the two of you to help. She agreed, so you agreed. You travelled
to a backwater planet to look for him. A boy Sha’Lia called the Child of Light. Whatever that meant. Sha’Lia said it
was important to find the boy before the Empire did. And they let you fly the ship!
You saved some other boy first, but got to sink your axe into some really nasty predators while doing so. It was
worth it! Then when you found the Child of Light, Caeleb, his home was being attacked by a Whippid in power
armor and some cyborg battle dogs. The boy’s parents fell before your group could save them, but you and that

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irritating Garek took down the assassin, whose name you later learned was Tol Skaros. You took Caeleb and some
human girl and left the planet. Flying as best you could, you escaped some Imperials that showed up, with Thaum’s
help, and turned the Child of Light over to the Rebels.

Garek Tolas: An irritating human, Garek likes to boss people around. As long as he doesn’t do that to you, you
don’t mind. It would remind you too much of your past.

Maric Tovar: He’s kind of a mousy man; he generally is hardly noticeable. He is good at repairing the equipment,
especially droids.

Mina Dhori: Another irritating human and very loud. She is kind of bossy, too. You like to keep a wide distance
between you, as she seems to really like Wookiees. That is what you got from her comments, anyway.

Sha’lia: The Twi’lek that brought you to your new life. You can never be sufficiently grateful to her. You have told
the old man that you would protect her, and you do. You also fly her where she wants to go. She is very nice to you;
the two of you have been through a lot together.

Zhir Tolavor: A Gran, you find his three eyes vaguely disturbing. He comes from the rough side of life, and
probably would have associated with your former master. You are cautious about him.

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Maric Tovar – Tongue-Tied Engineer
(male Human Fringer 6th)
STR 12/+1 VP/WP: 39/12
DEX 13/+1 Def: 16
CON 12/+1 Spd: 10m
INT 18/+4 Initiative: +2
WIS 15/+2 Saves: Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +4
CHA 9/-1 FP: 4 Rep: 2

Class Abilities:
Fringer: Barter; Adaptive Learning (Computer Use); Jury-Rig +2; Survival +2; Adaptive Learning (Repair)

Appraisal +6; Astrogate +8; Computer Use +18; Knowledge: computer systems +11; Knowledge: droids +11;
Knowledge: gambling +11; Knowledge: streetwise +11; Pilot +6; Profession: computer programmer +11;
Profession: droid programmer +10; Read/Write Basic; Repair +10; Search +11; Speak Basic; Speak Calamari;
Speak Huttese; Speak Rodian; Speak Sullustan; Spot +10; Survival +4

Alertness; Dodge; Force Sensitive; Gearhead; Skill Emphasis (computer use); Weapon Group Proficiency (blaster
pistols, simple weapons)

Weapons: Base Attack Bonus +4

Hold-out blaster: +5 ranged attack; 3d4 damage; Range Increment 4m
Blaster Pistol: +6 ranged attack; 3d6 damage; Range Increment 10m

Equipment: Jumpsuit, pocket computer, tool kit, hold-out blaster, blaster pistol, 650 credits

Maric is 1.7 meters tall and weighs 65 kilograms. He appears to be in his late teens. He has tussled brown hair and
clear brown eyes. His oil-stained jumpsuit is wrinkled and worn.

History: Exactly how you got tied up with the Rebellion escapes you. All you remember is helping a pretty woman
with a droid problem and the next moment running down alleyways with her to escape stormtroopers.
Since then, you have been with the Rebels. Fixing whatever droid or computer needs fixing, and doing a little
slicing on the side. The latter skill seems to have gotten more use lately, though.
Before joining the Alliance, you had never much thought about the galactic conflict. As long as customers
walked in you shop and spent credits, it didn't matter what their species or political stance was.
Since then, things have started to matter. The oppressive and evil nature of the New Order has come into light.
Their persecution and enslavement of entire worlds has horrified you.
You are still shy around anything other than droids or computers. But the Rebellion needs you and your skills,
and you aren't going to let them down.
Why you got teamed up with this bunch is unknown to you. Maybe they just needed someone who could fix the
ship if the Trandoshan pilot (using that term loosely) broke it. You were sent on an important mission with the
others several months ago to rescue a small boy the supposedly had great power in the Force.
When you got this very remote planet, you found several other ships already there. Two of the three appeared to
have sustained damage of some sort, one bad enough you didn’t know if it would ever fly again. You later met the
owner’s of the two damaged ships. A smuggl … er, scout … named Thaum Rystra owned the less damaged one. He
said he had been jumped by pirates and made an emergency landing here.
Later, he and a local asked for your team’s help in located the local man’s son, who had gotten lost in a terrible
storm. Your talents shown here. Even though the lightning was messing up the ship’s computer systems, you
managed to clean up the sensors enough to locate the boy. The others rescued him. A good night’s work! And your
ability with the sensors seem to impress Mina and Sha’Lia!

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The group did find the boy, whose name was Caeleb. But not before a Whippid assassin named Tol Skaros
killed his parents. Garek and Goort fought him, while you looked for the boy. The others took care of a bunch of
cybernetic Nek battle dogs that were Tol’s. Finding Caeleb, who Sha’Lia explained was the Child of Light, you left
the planet.
An Imperial Nebulon frigate showed up, but Thaum appeared with some help and covered your escape. You
returned to the fleet and handed Caeleb over to Rebel Command.

Garek Tolas: A commando that used to work for the Imperials. You’re not exactly sure how well he can be trusted,
but he seems okay so far. He is in constant conflict with Mina over who commands your group.

Goort: The big Trandoshan is getting to be a better pilot. He is fierce and easily intimidates you. He is also
Sha’Lia’s bodyguard.

Mina Dhori: Headstrong and beautiful, she is better suited at making decisions than Garek, in your opinion.

Sha’lia: An escaped slave, Sha’lia has begun to learn the ways of the Force. She tells you that you are strong in the
Force and could learn to use it also. Oh, to have a teacher as beautiful as her.

Zhir Tolavor: The Gran is on the run from the Empire. You have heard they killed his family. He is a little nuts and
always taking unnecessary chances.

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Mina Dhori – Young Senatorial
(female Human Noble 6th)
STR 14/+2 VP/WP: 38/14
DEX 14/+2 Def: 17
CON 14/+2 Spd: 10m
INT14/+2 Initiative: +2
WIS 13/+1 Saves: Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +6
CHA 17/+3 FP: 4 Rep: 6

Class Abilities:
Noble: Bonus Class Skill (move silently); Call in a Favor (2); Inspire Confidence +2; Command +2

Appraise +5; Bluff +7; Computer Use +4; Diplomacy +12; Knowledge: alien species +9; Knowledge: bureaucracy
+9; Knowledge: cultures +9; Move Silently +10; Profession: diplomat +10; Read/Write Basic; Read/Write Ithorese;
Read/ Write Shyriiwook; Sense Motive +13; Speak Basic; Speak Bothan; Speak Huttese; Speak Ithorese; Speak
Ryl; Speak Shyriiwook; Speak Sullustan; Treat Injury +6

Dodge; Force Sensitive; Skill Emphasis (sense motive); Weapon Group Proficiency (blaster pistols, simple

Weapons: Base Attack Bonus +4

Hold-out blaster: +6 ranged attack; 3d4 damage; Range Increment 4m
Blaster Pistol: +6 ranged attack; 3d6 damage; Range Increment 10m
Knife: +6 melee attack/+6 ranged attack; 1d4+2 damage; Range Increment 2m

Equipment: Stylish – yet functional - clothing, hold-out blaster, blaster pistol, knife, 800 credits

Mina is in her mid-twenties. She stands at 1.5 meters and weighs 51 kilograms. Mina has straight auburn hair (often
worn in a single braid) that falls to mid-back and ice-blue eyes. She wears clothing that denotes her to be someone
of importance, but is functional for field work.

History: Korvaii, the small mid-rim planet on which you were raised, was taken by the Empire due to its
agricultural production. Agri-farms cover the planet, and the New Order needs lots of food to keep its war machine
The occupation was civilized at first, but turned harsh when Palpatine dissolved the Senate and took sole power
of the galactic government. Freedoms were restricted and many arrests made. Most of your family was taken to a
“loyalty camp.” You would have been taken there also had you not been on a return trip from Coruscant at the time.
Upon landing, you evaded Imperial troops and slipped onto a cargo ship bound for the Outer Rim.
Following up on rumors you had heard within the Senate, you eventually found a contact for the Rebel Alliance.
Knowing they were the only hope of ridding the galaxy of Palpatine and freeing your planet, you signed on for the
You have discovered that you enjoy working with the variety of beings that make up the Rebel Alliance.
You’re confidence in leadership and decision making have grown since joining the Rebellion. Taking action has
proven much more effective than the endless debating that seemed to be the standard day in the Senate.
Then came the big chance. Rebel Command – Luke Skywalker himself – asked for you and the others of your
team to save a little boy who was reputed to have strong powers in the Force. He referred to the boy as the Child of
Light. It sounded so important!
Landing on some backside of a backwater world, the natives proved to be rather unfriendly until your team had
to save on of the town’s children during a bad storm. You also met Thaum Rystra, a self-proclaimed “courier” with
a Corellian’s grin. He said he was here making repairs suffered when his ship was attacked by pirates. Yeah, heard

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that one before. Anyway, just as relations started to thaw some, a girl popped out of the woods and dragged you to
her grandfather’s farm. The old man had been attacked badly. He said some terrible evil had come for Caeleb – the
Child of Light – and you had to save him.
You and your companions arrived just as a big, furry Whippid killing machine murdered the boy’s father and
his cyborg dogs the mother. You, Sha’Lia, and Garek took on the dogs while Goort and Garek fought Tol Skaros,
the Whippid. Maric went and found the boy.
You took Caeleb and the girl, Jhara, and left the planet. Thaum showed showed up with some X-Wing friends
and covered your escape. Arriving back at the fleet, your turned Caeleb and Jhara over to an aide of Admiral

Garek Tolas: An insufferable man. He thinks just because he was actually in the military, he can tell everyone what
to do. Oh, if he would just learn his place and conceed that you are the groups leader.

Goort: You don’t know why Sha’lia puts up with this brute. She certainly could find a better bodyguard. Thank
goodness he doesn’t crash as much as he used to.

Maric Tovar: A shy man who is amazing with computers and droids. You try to draw him out into conversations.

Sha’lia: A former slave dancer with moves to envy. She is learning the ways of the Force and hopes you will too.

Zhir Tolavor: He makes you nervous. The usual peaceful nature of his kind is nowhere to be found in him. A star
waiting to go nova.

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Zhir Tolavor - Outlaw
(male Gran Scoundrel 5th/Soldier 1st)
STR 15/+2 VP/WP: 42/15
DEX 17/+3 Def: 19
CON 15/+2 Spd: 10m
INT 14/+2 Initiative: +3
WIS 12/+1 Saves: Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +2
CHA 12/+1 FP: 4 DSP: 1 Rep: 2

Species Traits:
Darkvision (20m); +2 Spot bonus

Class Abilities:
Scoundrel: Illicit Barter, Better Lucky than Good; Skill Emphasis (bluff); Sneak Attack +2d6

Appraisal +5; Bluff +13; Climb +4; Demolitions +5; Escape Artist +8; Hide +10; Intimidate +8; Jump +6;
Knowledge: streetwise +7; Move Silently +10; Profession: merchant +8; Profession: outlaw +10; Read/Write Gran;
Speak Basic; Speak Gran; Speak Huttese; Spot +10; Tumble +9

Ambidexterity; Armor Proficiency (light); Point Blank Shot; Two-Weapon Fighting; Weapon Group Proficiency
(blaster pistols, blaster rifles, veavy weapons, simple weapons, vibro weapons)

Weapons: Base Attack Bonus +4

Heavy blaster pistols (2): +7 ranged attack (+3 if one used in each hand); 3d8 damage; Range Increment 8m
Frag Grenades: +7 ranged attack; 4d6/2d6 damage; Range Increment 4m

Equipment: Two heavy blaster pistols, two fragmentation grenades, clothes, 700 credits

Zhir is 1.7 meters tall and weighs 75 kilograms. His face is somewhat bovine in appearance, except he has three opal
colored eyes (on short stalks). Zhir wears a heavy blaster pistol on each thigh. His age is hard to determine, but he
has seen a hard life. Wrinkles and scars cover his face and hands.

History: You left your homeworld of Kinyen to trade with other species. After traveling to several planets, you and
your lifemate decided to settle on Alderaan. Life was very good for both of you there. The Alderaanians believed in
peace as much as your people did. You even started a family, much to your lifemate's joy.
You had to travel to Chandrila to finalize a deal on some rare wine. While away, the Empire destroyed Alderaan
with its new Death Star. As you watched to pirate feed by the Rebellion of the remains of the planet, the pain and
anguish of your lost family hit you.
You walked away from your business and sold everything you had brought with you. Purchasing weapons to
fight the Empire, you swore an oath to remove the horror of the New Order and its leadership from the galaxy.
Finding a way into the Rebel Alliance, you requested the most dangerous missions. You has had a few
successful missions and honed skills that make you a deadly menace to any Imperial who steps in your path.
With your family gone, the connection to your people is gone and that has made you a little mad. You no longer
care whether or not you live, only how much you can hurt the Empire before your time comes.
A few months ago, the Luke Skywalker told you that a boy was in danger and the empire could get involved.
You accepted the mission hoping to kill some Imperials. As fate had it, no Impies were to be found until the end.
And then there were, well, too many.
You had to save some little boy who had some sort of Force power. Well, you did. But a bunch of
cybernetically enhance battle dogs and a Whippid assassin named Tol Skaros stood in your way. The females took

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off after the dogs, while the commando and Trandoshan took the Whippid. Maric avoided all the fighting by going
to look for the boy. So you helped against the dogs. Your blasters shot true that day. If it had only been Imperials.
So your team left the planet, but an Imperial warship showed up and threw a bunch of TIE’s at you. The
smuggler Thaum Rystra, who you met just after landing, showed up along with some X-Wings to cover your escape.
But that didn’t keep you from taking a few shots at the Imp fighters before entering hyperspace. You left the boy
and some girl with a Mon Calamari officer.

Garek Tolas: A former Imperial. You always keep one eye on him because he may be a spy.

Maric Tovar: A quiet human who likes to play with computers and droids. The Imperials use droids to kill.

Mina Dhori: A loud human that likes to boss everyone around. She seems to prefer talk over action. Maybe she can
talk the Empire to death.

Goort: A Trandoshan who hates anything having to do with slavery as much as you hate Imperials. He also prefers
the direct path to dealing with problems.

Sha’lia: A Twi’lek that meditates and talks about helping you.

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Sha’lia – Force Adept
(female Twi’lek Fringer 1st/Force Adept 5th)
STR 11 VP/WP: 39/12
DEX 14/+2 Def: 19
CON 12/+1 Spd: 10m
INT 13/+1 Initiative: +2 (Dex)
WIS 14/+2 Saves: Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +5
CHA 16/+3 FP: 5 Rep: 2

Species Abilities:
Low-light vision; +1 bonus on Fortitude saves; Bonus Language: Lekku (head-tail language)

Entertain +8; Hide +5; Jump +5; Listen +4; Profession: dancer +6; Read/Write Ryl; Search +3; Sense Motive +5;
Speak Basic; Speak Ryl; Spot +6; Survival +4; Treat Injury +4

Force Skills:
Empathy +5; Enhance Attribute +5; Enhance Senses +5; Farseeing +4; See Force +5

Alertness, Exotic Weapon Proficiency: lightsaber, Force Sensitive, Skill Emphasis: Entertain, Weapon Group
Proficiency (blaster pistols, primitive weapons, simple weapons)

Force Feats:
Alter, Control, Sense

Weapons: Base Attack Bonus +3

Blaster Pistol: +5 ranged attack; 3d6 damage; Range Increment 10m
Lightsaber (silver blade): +3 melee attack; 2d8 damage; Critical 19-20

Equipment: Lightsaber, blaster pistol, jumpsuit, 750 credits.

Sha’lia stands at 1.8 meters in height and weighs 54 kilograms. She has olive green hued skin and black-iris eyes.
Sha'lia moves with the definite grace that only years of dancing can develop. She prefers to dress in a loose fitting
jumpsuit, with a blaster and lightsaber worn around her waist.

History: You were taken by slavers and sold to a Rodian crimelord four years ago. The Rodian had you trained to
be one of his personal dancers. You had to do your best for him. Failure to please was a death sentence.
You began to have dreams in these lonely times. An old human dressed in tattered robes would appear in your
dreams and tell you to come to him on Altikar IV. Whenever you had dreams of him, you would feel oddly at peace.
Deciding to steal away from the Rodian, you followed one of his Trandoshan guards to the crimelord's personal
ship. You knew from inquiries that this Trandoshan, often beat up by the other guards, wanted to fly ships.
Cornering him in the cockpit, you cut a deal and he flew the two of you away (it wasn't pretty, but you lived).
Following your instincts, you found Altikar IV and the old man. He claimed to be a Jedi and wanted to teach
you the ways of the Force. He opened you to the Force and it overwhelmed you. You agreed immediately.
Jhor-Kai, your master, began instructing you one the ways of the Force, the Jedi, the light side and the dark
side. It was so much to learn. But you soaked it all in. Jhor-kai even took time to train the Trandoshan the basics of
flying. Master Kai could speak Dosh, the Trandoshans language, and told you his name was Goort.
One day, you were training with Master Kai and Goort was watching, when the Imperials caught up with the
Jedi. He sent you away as they rushed into your training area. Jhor-Kai ignited his lightsaber and delayed the
Imperials long enough for you to get to the ship.

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As Goort fired up the engines, Kai's voice echoed in your head. "You will find others like you in the Rebellion.
Join them, my student." And then he was gone.
You found the Rebellion, and have encountered a few other beings trained in manipulating the Force. So far,
though, you have not been able to find another master.
You have committed yourself to helping the Rebellion free the galaxy from the tyranny of the Empire, no
matter how long it takes. Goort chose to stay with you, to serve as your pilot and protector.
Your first big assignment was given to you by Luke Skywalker. He wanted you to find a young boy who was
possesed a unique and powerful gift with the Force. Agreeing, you and your companions flew to a remote planet in
the Outer Rim. The planet did not have much contact with the rest of the Galaxy and was rather distrustful of your
group at first. But you did meet a human named Thaum Rystra, who said he had landed to make some emergency
repairs after he was jumped by a gang of pirates. Later that night, you saved a farmer’s son during a very bad storm.
The next morning a teenage girl rode up to the group and asked you to come with her. Her grandfather needed
you – he was the one that had requested the Rebels come. Getting to the farm, you discovered the old man had been
attacked. He claimed to have been a Jedi at one time, but ultimately failed. He came here to be alone. The boy was
named Caeleb. You had to hurry to him. The creature that had attacked him was going after Caeleb next.
Your group arrived at Caeleb’s farm almost too late. The creature, a Whippid assassin named Tol Skaros, was
fighting the boy’s father, while some terrifying dogs attacked the mother. You couldn’t save either one of them.
After a lot of fighting, Tol and his dogs were defeated and the boy was safely in your hands.
You returned to your ship and left the planet, only to encounter an Imperial ship dropping out of hyperspace.
Thaum showed up with some friends and covered your escape. Returning to the Rebel fleet, you turned Caeleb and
the girl over to Kylbar, an aide to Admiral Ackbar.

Garek Tolas: Self-appointed leader of the group (in addition to Mina). Has good tactical and combat sense.

Maric Tovar: Quiet and keeps to himself. He is very good with mechanical devices. You have sensed his strength
in the Force and are trying to talk him into learning more about it.

Mina Dhori: Bossy and arrogant, but you find yourself drawn to her. Makes a good leader. She is also strong in the

Goort: Your protector and pilot. He helped you escape the Rodian.

Zhir Tolavor: A Gran bent on vengeance. His current path is sure to lead him to the dark side, if he lives through it.

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