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Biodiversity Journal, 2019, 10 (3): 259–264


Contribution to the phytodiversity study of the Ouled

Sidi Abdelaziz (forest of Ouled Sidi Yahia) in North-West of

Djillali Baghdadi1*, Mustapha Faafaa1, Abdelkrim Benaradj2, Djamel Anteur3 & Ahmed Hartani1

Department of Biology, Institute of Exact Sciences and Sciences of Nature and Lifes, Ahmed Zabana University Center,
48000 Relizane, Algeria; e-mail:
Department of Natural Sciences and Life, Institute of Sciences, Salhi Ahmed University Center, 20000 Saida, Algeria
Laboratory of Geomatics and Sustainable Development (LGEO2D), University Ibn Khaldoun, Tiaret, Algeria
Corresponding author

ABSTRACT This work consists in evaluating the phytodiversity of the western foothills of Ouarsenis (Al-
geria). For this purpose, we favored subjective sampling. The study of floristic diversity has
made it possible to establish a list represented by 103 species distributed in 39 families with
more common Fabaceae, Liliaceae and, finally, Asteraceae. The biological spectrum of these
species reveals the dominance of phanerophytes and therophytes. On the biogeographic level,
the flora is dominated by Mediterranean species with a rate of 51%. This contribution revealed
significant results that could be used for the valorization and preservation of these zones.

KEY WORDS Biodiversity; phytodiversity; Ouled Sidi Abdelaziz; Algeria.

Received 12.04.2019; accepted 26.08.2019; published online 20.09.2019

INTRODUCTION The main objective of this work is the evaluation

of the phytodiversity of Sidi Abdelaziz District (Al-
Forests are one of the main reservoirs of plant and geria). We have achieved inventory studies, monitor-
animal diversity in the world. Particularly, Algeria is ing and evaluation of the natural flora in the southern
part of the Mediterranean basin which is one of the part of the Wilaya of Relizane. This study area is in-
richest regions in the world in terms of plant biodi- tegrated into the mountainous Ouarsenis complex and
versity. This plant heritage is currently threatened by is characterized by remarkable biodiversity.
the combination of several natural (especially recur-
ring droughts and climatic aridity) and anthropogenic
factors (fires, clearing, overgrazing, etc.). MATERIAL AND METHODS
The preservation of this diversity has become a
major international issue and Algeria has a respon- The Sidi Abdelaziz District extends on an area
sibility both for its own ecosystems and for inter- of 891 Ha and occupies the center part of the forest
national action. Few floristic studies have focused of Ouled Sidi Yahia. From the administrative point
on this region, as the works of Pons & Quézel of view, Sidi Abdelaziz is located 30 km east of the
(1955) along the coast of central and western Al- Wilaya of Relizane and falls territorially in the com-
geria. mune of Dar Ben Abdellah.

Sidi Abdelaziz District is managed by the our study is based on two stages, the first consists
Zemmora Forest District (Relizane Wilaya Forest of carrying out the surveys and the second concerns
Conservation). the evaluation of biodiversity.
Sidi Abdelaziz has been chosen as a study area We favored the subjective sampling, which is
for the development of the plan of exploitation of the simplest and most intuitive form of sampling
medicinal and aromatic plants according to several (Gounot, 1969) and it allows a qualitative recogni-
criteria, which are: the floristic richness of the site tion of the vegetation. This method, based on the
and especially the aromatic and medicinal plants; physiognomic aspect, considers the dominant
the proximity of the site to the town center of the species and the structure of the vegetation.
commune of Sidi Lazreg; the ease of access to this According to Géhu & Rivas-Martinez (1981),
canton. a floristic survey is an inventory of botanical
This study uses two types of data, depending on species accompanied by quantitative and qualita-
the availability of climate data (see also Table 1). tive coefficients (abundance-dominance) and eco-
1) Every weather data from the meteorological sta- logical notations such as topography, soil, and
tion of the experimental station of El H’madena, microclimate. In the Mediterranean region, the
INRAA (Latitude 35°54’N, Longitude O°47'E. Al- minimum area is defined using the “area-species
titude 48 m) located about 25 km from the forest of curve” (Gounot 1969; Guinochet, 1973). In prac-
Ouled Sidi Yahia. 2) Recent climatic data from Re- tice, the value of the minimum area is substantially
lizane meteorological station, located at about 15 constant for the various surveys of a given group,
km of the Sidi Abdelaziz District. but varies considerably from one group to another
The floristic diversity of a natural environment (Ozenda, 1982). This area is of the order of 100 to
is evaluated from an inventory of the plant species 400 m2 for forest groups, 50 to 100 m² for matorral
present. The methodological approach adopted for formations, from 20 to 50 m2 for lawns (Ozenda,

Figure 1. Geographical location of the study area.

Phytodiversity study of the Ouled Sidi Abdelaziz Canton (forest of Ouled Sidi Yahia) in N-W of Algeria 261

Table 1. Climatic data monthly and annual average of the study area. *Bellague, 1998; ** Baghdadi, 2017.

1982). This is why, the surface of the surveys car- - The floristic richness: It represents one of the
ried out is around 128 m². fundamental parameters characteristic of a natural
The survey allows us to realize a complete list environment, it is frequently used to measure the
of the species present in the study area (Braun- vegetal biodiversity of a natural site (Ramade,
Blanquet et al., 1952). To characterize the place oc- 1984). There are two indices: total wealth (S) and
cupied by the species, each of them is affected by average wealth (s).
its coefficient of abundance-dominance. Abundance - Biological types: Plants adapt in various ways
expresses the number of individuals that make up to the environment and these adaptations do not
the population of the species present in the survey. always correlate with the classification. It often
Dominance represents the recovery of all individu- happens that plants very far from the systematic
als of a given species, such as the vertical projection point of view have the same adaptations, which
of their aerial vegetative apparatus on the ground. gives them the same morphology (Maire, 1926).
The abundance-dominance coefficient is estimated The biological types or life forms defined by
visually (Walter, 1994). Raunkiaer (1934) classify plants according to their
Most species have been recognized in the field. size and the position of the buds in relation to the
The unidentified species were harvested, dried and soil surface. This criterion is used to account for
then determined following Maire (1928), Quézel & the plant's ability to endure the adverse season
Santa (1962-1963), Blamey & Gray (2009). The (Khelifi, 2008). The classification of Raunkiaer
identification of the plants is confirmed by the com- (1934) makes it possible to recognize the follow-
parison of the collected samples with those of the ing main life forms: phanerophytes, chamae-
Herbarium of our laboratory of University center of phytes, hemicryptophytes, geophytes, and
Rélizane. therophytes.
The biodiversity of a given territory is reflected - Biogeographic types: Algeria has a very di-
in its richness in biocenoses both quantitatively and verse flora with species belonging to different bio-
qualitatively (Ouelmouhoub, 2005). According to geographic elements (Quézel & Santa, 1962-1963).
Blandin (1986), diversity indices are a means of as- We were able to determine the distribution of taxa
sessing and estimating plant biodiversity. Those se- from a biogeographical point of view and to define
lected for our work are: the chorological types (Senterre, 2005).

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION genera and 8 species and, finally, Cistaceae 3 genera
with 6 species. Finally, of the 18 remaining species,
During the 28 years corresponding to the period 9 families are represented by 2 taxa and 19 families
from 1951 to 1979, the average temperatures var- contain only one species.
ied, between 10 °C and 28 °C respectively for the The analysis of the biological spectrum shows
month of January and August. The average annual that the therophytic species (33%) have the highest
temperature is 18 °C. The coldest months are Janu- rate while the Phanerophyte species are 19%. This
ary and December (10 °C ), while the months of is explained by the pre-forest structure of the vege-
August and July are the hottest months with an av- tation of our study area, where the shrub species -
erage of 28 °C. The rains are often regular in quan- Tetraclinis articulata (Vahl) Mast., Phillyrea angus-
tity from one year to another and for the same tifolia L., Olea europaea L., Pistacia lentiscus L. -
month. and lianas - Clematis cirrhosa L., Smilax aspera L.
During the recent period (2004–2014), during - are dominant.
the last 11 years the average temperatures vary, be- Therophytes are the proof of the degradation of
tween 11 °C and 30 °C respectively for the month the area. When the latter undergoes strong anthro-
of January and August. The average annual tem- pozoic pressure, the forest species diminish or dis-
perature is 20 °C. The coldest months are January appear to give way to therophytes: Trifolium
and December (11 °C ), while the months of Au- arvense L., Sherardia arvensis L., Anagallis arven-
gust and July are the warmest months with an av- sis L.
erage of 30 °C. The rains are often irregular from Hemicryptophytes are relatively important
one year to another and for the same month. The (16%) with: Convolvulus althaeoides L., Daucus
climate of our study area is Mediterranean. It pres- carota L., Inula viscosa (L.) Aiton and Lotus creti-
ents a dry period of five months and spreads from cus L.
the beginning of May to the end of September (see Geophytes (15%) are composed of species such
Fig. 2). as: Asphodelus microcarpus Viv., Gladiolus sege-
The floristic inventory of the pre-forest forma- tum Ker Gawl., Allium roseum L., Ranunculus bul-
tions studied, allowed us to list 103 taxa. These bolus L., Allium album L. and Arisarum vulgare
species are distributed in 39 botanical families dif- Targ. Tozz.
ferently represented taxonomically (Fig. 3). The Chammephytes are17% of the all listed species.
richest families are: Fabaceae with 13 species di- There are: Asparagus albus L., Cistus monspelien-
vided into 09 genera, Liliaceae 8 genera and 12 sis L., Ruta chalepensis L., and Globularia alypum.
species, Asteraceae with 8 genera and 8 species, The biological spectrum carried out on all the
Poaceae with 8 genera and 8 species, Lamiaceae 6 listed species follows this pattern: Therophyte>

Figure 2. Comparison of the Bagnouls and Gaussen Ombrothermal Diagram, 1953 of the study area.
Phytodiversity study of the Ouled Sidi Abdelaziz Canton (forest of Ouled Sidi Yahia) in N-W of Algeria 263

Figure 3. Number of genera and species per family.

Figure 4. Distribution of species by biological types. Figure 5. Biogeographic spectrum.

Phanerophyte> Chamaephyte> Hemicryptophyte> lower species such as, Lavandula stoechas L., Cis-
Geophyte. tus monspeliensis, and Cistus salvifolius L.
Algeria is subdivided into 10 biogeographical The herbaceous layer is very poor or close to
sectors. Our study area is located in the Oran sector zero because of the almost total closure of this
and more specifically in the Coastal Plains Sub-sec- group. This vegetation unit is a dense matorral with
tor (O2). These subdivisions are part of the Mediter- 85% to 100% coverage. It is located on average
ranean Maghreb area (Maire, 1926, Quézel & slopes (20 and 30%) and altitudes that vary between
Santa, 1962-1963). 370 m and 517 m. The presence of Cytisus spinosus
Spectrum analysis (Fig. 5) shows that the flora (L.) Bubani,, Lavandula stoechas, Cistus mon-
that makes up our study area is essentially Mediter- speliensis and Globularia alypum, within our
ranean (51%), and, following, the northern type group, indicates the disturbance of the environment
(17%), the cosmopolites (16%), the West-Mediter- (fire passage, especially).
ranean (13%), and finally the endemic (3%). The presence of Anagallis arvensis, Blakstonia
The vegetation of our study area, characterized perfoliata (L.) Hudson, Galactites tomentosa
by Tetraclinis articulata and Olea europea subsp. Moench, Marrubium vulgare L., Daucus carota,
sylvestris with tall bushes of Phillyrea angustifolia Convolvolus althaeoides L., Oxalis corniculata L.,
and Pistacia lentiscus, may favor the penetration of Bromus madritensis L., Vicia sativa L., and Sher-

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