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Construction of Main Canal and Associated Structures (CH 10+000 - 41+678) On Welkayit Sugar Development Irrigation Project

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Construction of Main Canal and Associated Structures (Ch 10+000 – 41+678) on Welkayit Sugar Development Irrigation Project

Location Around CH 13+000km Sample No.

Material Granular Material Lab. No
Date Sampled 31-Mar-20 Sampled by Self
DateTested 08-Apr-20 Type of test Wet gradation

offset from Canal Center 20m RHS, 10m LHS

Wt. before wash,g 7355 5304 Average
Sieve size(mm) com.wt com.wt 100.0
% passing % passing % passing
retaind retaind
150 0 100 0 100 100.0
75 0 0

% pass
100 100 100.0
50 361 0 40.0
95.1 100 97.5
38 448 93.9 298 94.4 94.1 20.0
25 706 90.4 403 92.4 91.4 -
19 1130 84.6 634 88.0 86.3 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
12.7 2119 71.2 933 82.4 76.8 Grain size (mm)
9.5 2603 64.6 1125 78.8 71.7
4.75 3797 48.4 1947 63.3 55.8
2.36 4759 35.3 2686 49.4 42.3
2 4892 33.5 2795 47.3 40.4 Description Avg Value
0.6 5874 20.1 3615 31.8 26.0 Gravel 44
0.425 6100 17.1 3838 27.6 22.4 Sand 44.3
0.3 6206 15.6 3971 25.1 20.4 Silt 11.5
0.15 6589 10.4 4373 17.6 14.0
0.075 6719 8.6 4540 14.4 11.5

Tested by: Approvedd by:

for Contractor: for Consultant:

Construction of Main Canal and Associated Structures (Ch 10+000 – 41+678) on Welkayit Sugar Development Project

Location Near CH 7+000km 80.00 Sample No.

Material Granular Material 60.00 Lab. No

% pass
DateSampled 03-Apr-20 40.00 Sampled by Self
DateTested 07-Apr-20 20.00 Type of test Wet gradation
offset from Canal Center 300m LHS 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
Wt. before wash,g 7513 7705 Average Grain size (mm)
Sieve size(mm) com.wt percent com.wt
% passing % passing
retaind passing retaind
150 0 100 0 100 100.00
75 0 100 0 100 100.00
50 0 100 0 100 100.00
38 50 99.3 187 96.5 97.90
25 384 94.9 714 86.5 90.71
19 1405 81.3 1246 76.5 78.90
12.7 3406 54.7 2655 49.9 52.30
9.5 4380 41.7 3777 28.8 35.25
4.75 6105 18.7 5839 24.2 21.48
2.36 6894 8.2 6825 11.4 9.83
2 6959 7.4 6890 10.6 8.98 Description Avg Value
1.18 7158 4.7 7138 7.4 6.04 Gravel 79
0.6 7251 3.5 7271 5.6 4.56 Sand 19.0
0.425 7281 3.1 7320 5.0 4.04 Silt 2.48
0.3 7295 2.9 7344 4.7 3.79
0.15 7339 2.3 7420 3.7 3.01
0.075 7369 1.9 7470 3.0 2.48

Tested by: Approvedd by:

for contractor for Consultant:

Construction of Main Canal and Associated Structures (Ch 10+000 – 41+678) on Welkayit Sugar Development Project
Average Passing
Location Near CH 10+000 km 100.00 Sample No.
Material Granular Material 80.00 Lab. No
DateSampled 03-Apr-20 70.00 Sampled by Self
DateTested 05-Apr-20 Type of test Wet gradation

% pass
offset from Canal Center 200m LHS 30.00
Wt. before wash,g 5890 5473 Average 10.00
com.wt 0.00
Sieve size(mm) com.wt % passing % passing % passing 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
retaind retaind
Grain Size(mm)
150 0 100 0 100 100.00
75 0 100 0 100 100.00
50 0 100 0 100 100.00
38 600 89.8 723 86.8 88.30
25 1113 81.1 1294 76.4 78.73
19 1352 77.0 1733 68.3 72.69
12.7 2018 65.7 2216 59.5 62.62
9.5 2335 60.4 2534 53.7 57.03
4.75 3087 47.6 3130 42.8 45.20
2.36 3934 33.2 3840 29.8 31.52
2 4071 30.9 3959 27.7 29.27
1.18 4488 23.8 4319 21.1 22.44 Description Avg Value
0.6 4712 20.0 4506 17.7 18.83 Gravel 55
0.425 4800 18.5 4583 16.3 17.38 Sand 34.0
0.3 4848 17.7 4625 15.5 16.59 Silt 11.15
0.15 5026 14.7 4779 12.7 13.67
0.075 5190 11.9 4903 10.4 11.15
Tested by: Approvedd by:
for contractor for Consultant:

Construction of Main Canal and Associated Structures 80.0
(Ch 10+000 – 41+678) on Welkayit Sugar Development Project
Location Near CH 3+000km Sample No.

% pass
Material Granular Material 40.0 Lab. No
DateSampled 3-Apr-20 30.0 Sampled by Self
DateTested 5-Apr-20 10.0 Type of test Wet gradation
offset from Canal Center 100m RHS 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000

Wt. before wash,g 4612 6652 Average Grain size (mm)

Sieve size (mm) com.wt com.wt

% passing % passing % passing
retaind retaind
150 0 100 0 100 100.0
75 0 100 0 100 100.0
50 0 100.0 0 100 100.0
38 111 97.6 0 100.0 98.8
25 283 93.9 512 92.3 93.1
19 764 83.4 914 86.3 84.8
12.7 1558 66.2 2071 68.9 67.5
9.5 1940 57.9 2657 60.1 59.0
4.75 2730 40.8 3893 41.5 41.1
2.36 3373 26.9 4879 26.7 26.8
2 3465 24.9 5009 24.7 24.8 Description Avg Value
1.18 3761 18.5 5457 18.0 18.2 Gravel 59
0.6 3951 14.3 5742 13.7 14.0 Sand 33.2
0.425 4025 12.7 5847 12.1 12.4 Silt 8.0
0.3 4060 12.0 5897 11.3 11.7
0.15 4161 9.8 6049 9.1 9.4
0.075 4231 8.3 6142 7.7 8.0

Tested by: Approvedd by:

for contractor for Consultant:


% pass

Construction of Main Canal 60.0 (Ch 10+000
and Associated Structures – 41+678) on Welkayit Sugar Development Project

% pass
Location Near by Main Camp 30.0 Sample No.
Material Granular Material 20.0 Lab. No
DateSampled 9-May-20 10.0 Sampled by Self
DateTested 14-May-20 Type of test Wet gradation
0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
Grain size (mm)
offset from Canal Center 300m LHS
Wt. before wash,g 4684 4742 Average
Sieve size (mm) com.wt com.wt
% passing % passing % passing
retaind retaind
150 0 100 0 100 100.0
75 0 100 0 100 100.0
50 0 100 0 100 100.0
38 566 87.9 791 89.3 88.6
25 835 82.2 972 84.4 83.3
19 1133 75.8 1136 78.8 77.3
12.7 1796 61.7 1730 65.6 63.6
9.5 2307 50.7 2137 56.5 53.6
4.75 3226 31.1 3010 38.4 34.8
2.36 3813 18.6 3576 25.9 22.2
2 3877 17.2 3644 24.3 20.7 Description Avg Value
1.18 4059 13.3 3831 19.7 16.5 Gravel 65
0.6 4181 10.7 3968 16.2 13.5 Sand 29.8
0.425 4234 9.6 4031 14.6 12.1 Silt 5.0
0.3 4265 8.9 4076 13.7 11.3
0.15 4407 5.9 4239 9.8 7.8
0.075 4518 3.6 4377 6.5 5.0

Tested by: Approvedd by:

for contractor for Consultant:

Construction of Main Canal and Associated Structures (Ch 10+000 – 41+678) on
Welkayit Sugar Development Irrigation Project

Clinet: ECWC-D/I/C/P/PM/S
Consultant: T/W/W/S/D/E
Contractor: ECWC-W/I/C/S

Location Near by Main Camp Sample No.

Material Granular Material Lab. No
DateSampl9-May-20 Sampled by Self
DateTested14-May-20 Type of test Wet gradation

Trial no. 1 2 3 Average

wt.b.wash 3798 4684 4742
sieve size 100.00
in mm % Pass % Pass % Pass % Pass 90.00
150 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 80.00
75 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 70.00
50 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 60.00

% pass
38 96.55 87.91 83.32 89.26 50.00
25 91.67 82.17 79.50 84.45 40.00
19 84.41 75.80 76.04 78.75 30.00
12.7 71.69 61.65 63.52 65.62 20.00
9.5 63.82 50.74 54.93 56.50 10.00
4.75 47.68 31.12 36.52 38.44 0.00
2.36 34.38 18.59 24.58 25.85 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
2 32.43 17.22 23.15 24.27 Grain size (mm)
1.18 26.51 13.34 19.20 19.68
0.6 21.51 10.73 16.32 16.18
0.425 19.29 9.60 14.99 14.62
0.3 18.13 8.94 14.04 13.70
0.15 12.78 5.92 10.60 9.77
0.075 8.28 3.55 7.69 6.51

Tested by Approved by
For Contructor: For Consultant:
Name Name
Sign. Sign.
Date Date
Wolkayit Sugar Devlopment Irrigation Project
Construction of Main Canal (10+000-41+678) and Associated

Clinet: _ECWC-D/I/C/P/PM/S ____________________


Location Sample No.:________________

Material Sand for Masonry Sample depth:______________
Sampled date Sampled by:_______________
Tested date Test method:_______________
Typeof test Lab.No.:___________________

Trial no. 1 2
wt.b.wash 3337 3659
wt.a.wash 3210 3541 average silt content
silt content 3.81 3.22 3.52
sieve size Com.wt percent Com.wt percent Average specification limit
in mm retaind. pass retaind. pass % Pass corser finer
4.75 0 100.00 0 100.00 100.00 100 100
2.36 339 90.15 350 90.43 90.29 95 100
1.18 627 71.37 744.2 70.07 70.72 70 100
0.6 842 46.14 931.2 44.63 45.39 40 75
0.3 831.5 21.23 881 20.56 20.90 10 35
0.15 474.4 7.02 513.8 6.54 6.78 2 15
0.075 95.8 4.15 91.6 4.04 4.10 0 5

0.01 0.1 1 10 100

Tested by Approved by
For Contructor: For Consultant:
Name Name
Sign. Sign.
Date Date


Wolkayit Sugar Devlopment Irrigation Project

Construction of Main Canal (10+000-41+678) and Associated

Clinet: _ECWC-D/I/C/P/PM/S ____________________


Location Sample No.:________________

Material Sand for Masonry Sample depth:______________
Sampled date Sampled by:_______________
Tested date Test method:_______________
Typeof test Lab.No.:___________________

Trial no. 1 2
wt.b.wash 3337 3659
wt.a.wash 3210 3541 average silt content
silt content 3.81 3.22 3.52
sieve size Com.wt percent Com.wt percent Average specification limit
in mm retaind. pass retaind. pass % Pass corser finer
4.75 0 100.00 0 100.00 100.00 100 100 0
2.36 339 90.15 350 90.43 90.29 95 100 339
1.18 627 71.37 744.2 70.07 70.72 70 100 966
0.6 842 46.14 931.2 44.63 45.39 40 75 1808
0.3 831.5 21.23 881 20.56 20.90 10 35 2639.5
0.15 474.4 7.02 513.8 6.54 6.78 2 15 3113.9
0.075 95.8 4.15 91.6 4.04 4.10 0 5 3209.7

0.01 0.1 1 10 100

Tested by Approved by
For Contructor: For Consultant:
Name Name
Sign. Sign.
Date Date

1 356280.968 1513076.760
2 356293.660 1513081.866
3 356306.763 1513079.998
4 356317.523 1513071.590
5 356320.157 1513074.961
6 356308.492 1513084.095
7 356293.100 1513086.278
8 356279.361 1513080.724
9 356296.160 1513091.629
10 356307.047 1513090.090
11 356296.956 1513097.167
12 356307.834 1513095.639
13 356297.560 1513101.527
14 356308.477 1513100.145
15 356298.342 1513107.071
16 356309.217 1513105.549
17 356298.957 1513111.427
18 356309.837 1513109.926
19 356299.740 1513116.975
20 356310.620 1513115.425
356281.034 1513076.595
356293.695 1513081.783
356306.818 1513080.004
356317.641 1513071.634
356320.286 1513075.054
356308.547 1513084.133
356293.127 1513086.223
356279.395 1513080.596
356296.156 1513091.591
356307.056 1513090.114
356296.908 1513097.140
356307.808 1513095.663
356297.499 1513101.501
356308.399 1513100.023
356298.251 1513107.050
356309.152 1513105.572
356298.842 1513111.410
356309.742 1513109.932
356299.594 1513116.959
356310.494 1513115.473
356705 1515711 356705,1515711
356703 1515797 356703,1515797 343554
356594 1515826 356594,1515826 345415
356566 1515756 356566,1515756 345482

356949 1516882 356949,1516882 356989

356996 1516772 356996,1516772 357053
357137 1516819 357137,1516819 357030
357004 1516992 357004,1516992 357032
358320 1521221 358320,1521221 356859
358408 1521432 358408,1521432 356925
358332 1521488 358332,1521488
358282 1521258 358282,1521258

356370 1513268 356370,1513268

356411 1513257 356411,1513257
356373 1513204 356373,1513204
356361 1513249 356361,1513249

356844.207 1516045.204 356844.207,1516045.204

356799.451 1515804.000 356799.451,1515804
357261.911 1515769.703 357261.911,1515769.703
357136.242 1516075.013 357136.242,1516075.013
356844.207 1516045.204 356844.207,1516045.204
1525056 343554,1525056
1525122 345415,1525122
1525205 345482,1525205

1515665 356989,1515665
1515692 357053,1515692
1515787 357030,1515787
1515955 357032,1515955
1515927 356898,1515927
1515804 356859,1515804
1515790 356925,1515790

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