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Djachroum and The Rimward Reach

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The document provides an overview of the Rimward Reach region, including its history, major factions, conflicts, and daily life.

The Rimward Reach is a remote sector beyond known space that is home to independent stations, nomad swarms, and other factions like the Free League and Consortium. It was founded as a place for those seeking freedom from major powers.

Major conflicts mentioned include the Marrab conflict, issues with corsairs, and expansion by the Kuan faction. Old grudges between the Hegemony and the station of Ahalimm also threaten future conflict.

Djachroum and the

Rimward Reach

A Sourcebook for Coriolis

Revised and massively expanded

Original Text: “Gränsrymden och Djachroum”

Kosta Kostulas & Nils Karlén, 2010

Translated by Frank Graeff, 2020

With kind permission of Fria Ligan AB

Revised and expanded version

Djachroum and the Rimward Reach

Analysis of data from the probe Ebed-237 shows that asteroid cluster Transshura D14-X321 contains
derelict ships of unknown type. After thorough study of the data, it is our conclusion that the finds are not
sufficiently valuable to justify a manned expedition.

Instead, we recommend that the Council authorise private salvage interest in exchange for shares.
Excerpt from the report of the Foundation's Deep Space Institute, CC 31

Freelancers, crewmen and soldiers!

Today we are masters of our own destiny. The time when we cowered before the Nasar and Legion is over. Here,
beyond Surha, Stevedores, Zenithians and Firstcome are welcome to create the promised Kingdom of the Icons.

Brothers and sisters! In Kandah our freedom. In Ashala our bread. In the Rimward Reach our Future!

Captain Antoli Djachroum proclamation of freedom and independence of the Rimward Reach, CC 35

My heart, you travelled to freedom,

Where the light is fading and the night begins.
My beloved, you promised eternal allegiance,
Now you are lost, in the shade of the Lady of Tears.

Baria ballad "In the shade of the Lady of Tears", by Sani Sowal, CC 62

Translated from ‘‘Gränsrymden och Djachroum’’, Fenix 2/2010 and

‘‘Mysterier i Gränsrymden‘‘, Fenix 3/2010 by Frank Graeff
Original Text: Kosta Kostulas & Nils Karlén
Maps and (original) layout: Christian Granath
ILLUSTRATIONS: Martin Bergström, Johan Normark & Pär Olofsson

Coriolis© is a registered trademark of Fria Ligan AB (originally Järnringen Förlag AB).

All characters and likeness thereof are © Fria Ligan AB. All rights reserved.

Djachroum and the Rimward Reach

Monastery Sofia Gora............................17

About this translation ..................................... 5 The Mining Baron’s Palace ...................17

Welcome to the Edge ..................................... 6 Archaeological Field Station Djerid........18

The Rimward Reach ........................................ 6 The Kander-Malls Observatory ..............18

The Sector of the Lady of Tears .................. 6 Djachroum.....................................................20

The History of the Rimward Reach ............. 7 Politics, Law and Order ..............................20

The Legacy of the Founders ........................ 7 Culture ......................................................21

The Rimward Reach today .......................... 8 Music and Musical Theatre ...................21

The Free Station of Djachroum ............... 8 Literature...............................................22

Free League ............................................ 8 News .....................................................22

Nomad Swarms ....................................... 8 Holidays and Festivals ...........................23

The Consortium ...................................... 9 Religion .....................................................24

Conflicts .................................................... 10 Liturgy & Worship .................................24

The Marrab conflict .............................. 10 Places on Djachroum .................................25

Corsair problem .................................... 10 The Space Port ......................................25

Kuan expansion..................................... 11 The Cave of the Hanging Bridges ...........27

Life in the Rimward Reach ........................ 11 Archaeological Institute of the

Foundation ............................................28
Trade..................................................... 12
The Governor’s Palace .........................29
Travelling .............................................. 13
The Heavenly Light - Little Kua ..............29
Space Phenomena and Dangers ............... 13
The Forest of Lost Dreams .....................30
Hadra Clouds......................................... 13
Ral -Kham ..............................................30
Ion Storms............................................. 14
Horizon’s End in Game ..................................31
Black Birr ............................................... 14
Maps .............................................................32
Gravitational Eddies – “Tarns“ ............ 14
Characters and Personalities .........................35
Corsairs ................................................. 14
Arina Chike, Corsair Captain of Chike
Dark-morphs and Vacuum Dwellers ..... 14
Company ...................................................35
Places in the Rimward Reach .................... 15 Maharab, Bio-Sculptor ..............................35
The Marrab Cluster ............................... 15

Djachroum and the Rimward Reach

Niha Mulk-Chitral, Nomad ........................ 35 Asradeans ..............................................54

Doctor Wana, Field Archeologist .............. 36 The Seven Clans.....................................54
Rahim Gulda, Purple Gardist ..................... 36 A day in the life of a prospector ............55
Sani Sowal, Baria Singer ............................ 36 Ore Cascades .........................................56
Ardevan Dol-Parand, former Zenithian Archaeology for Profit ...........................56
Officer ....................................................... 37 The Free Folk of Ahalimm..........................57
The Death of the Maskmaker ....................... 38 The Hidden Station ................................58
The Society of the White Star ............... 38 A society of Plebeians and Serfs ............59
Habib Salas’ Journal ............................. 39 Of Tunnels and Caves ............................59
Adventure Sites on Djachroum ..................... 40 The Black Sector ....................................60
Gulbaran’s Bridge .................................... 40 Courtesans and Lotus Flowers ...............60
The Three-Way Dispute ........................ 41 The Blood Feud .....................................61
Important places on Gulbaran’s Bridge 41
The Argora District .................................... 44
Djachroum’s Black Pearls..................... 44
The Shadow Oligarchs ........................... 45
Nooks and Crannies .............................. 46
People of the Rimward Reach....................... 49
The Nomad Swarms .................................. 49
Children of Slaves.................................. 49
The Lost Ahilar Swarm .......................... 49
The Hargadour Manifest ....................... 50
The Three Swarms ................................ 50
The Path of the Shirim .......................... 51
The Sacred Asteroid .............................. 52
The Prospector Clans ................................ 53
Exodus .................................................. 53
The Gift of the Kandah Cloud ................ 54

Djachroum and the Rimward Reach

am / will be sharing them to contribute a little to the

About this translation
friendly and welcoming Coriolis Community.
A couple of years ago, I came across Coriolis and it
immediately appealed to me. Having dabbled in My translation started with a setting guide that
Dangerous Journeys, Traveller and Space Gothic a originally appeared as a 20-page supplement in the
long time ago, the vibe I was getting from Coriolis Swedish RPG magazine Fenix (issue 2, 2010), but
was what I wanted for stories I wanted to tell in the then Nils Karlén kindly sent me a copy of the full
vein of Firefly, the Expanse and Elite. I liked the extra booklet that the article was expanded into, adding a
dimension the precursor culture offered, and the good 15 pages to the source - it was a delightful
cataclysmic changes brought about by the Portal translation challenge. I kept the original structure,
Wars. I started running the game at our local club. which put information about the Reach in both halves
Soon, my players were looking for new areas to of this document, first focusing on the place and then
explore, away from Kua and Coriolis, and my mind on the people with some overlap and repetition due
turned to the Rimward Reach. to the genesis of the original. The text is dense with
few illustrations and editing it was the work of many
As appealing as the Core Rulebook makes it sound, I an evening, so please keep this in mind when you find
wanted more detail – maps, story hooks, lore – that the inevitable typos, inconsistencies, or
would flesh out the place and give me a smooth start. mistranslations. I moved the Djachroum
In my research, I came across a project by the original “personalities” to the end of the section from their
Coriolis creators called “Horisonten’s Ände” – original places around the book. Just as in the
Horizon’s End. The stated aim of this project was to 2010 version, they are not fully “stat’ed out” and
provide an intriguing setting and a trilogy of stories only list highlight skills, but you will find a
that would flesh it out with plenty of story hooks to couple of old acquaintances and good story
explore. I was intrigued, but quickly found out that hooks in their descriptions.
these books had not ever been translated from
Swedish. Well, I took that as a challenge. So, enough on the vagaries of translations – it is time
to dive into the Rimward Reach. I hope you find it an
Although I do not actually speak Swedish, I knew enjoyable read and - even more importantly - a useful
enough to get to a workable translation for my group quarry to build fun stories from. And judging by the
– and we had a blast! Judging by Free League’s references to Djachroum in “The Last Cyclade”, the
Forum, Reddit, Discord and Facebook, there is still an Reach will gain importance!
appetite for the old tales of Sanningen Om SS-18,
Ljusblommans Mörka Blåd and the article on May the Icons bless your Journeys!
Gränsrymden och Djachroum. Sanningen is already
out there as “The Truth about Station 18”, this PS – I included a plot hook “The Death of a
document is the second in the set and my translation Maskmaker” from Fenix 3/2010 as a bonus to the
of Ljusblommans / “The Lightflowers Dark Leaf” is Djachroum section.
almost done. With Free League’s kind permission – I
Want to buy me a coffee? Thanks!

Djachroum and the Rimward Reach

Welcome to the Edge The Rimward Reach

In the Sector of the Lady of Tears, beyond the outer Let us take a trip to the outermost part of the Kuan
edge of Transshura, stretches the Rimward Reach. Solar system, the part of the Transshura Cloud that
For a long time, this was a forgotten place on the occupies the sector of the Lady of Tears.
edge of the Kuan system. All that changed when one
of the Foundation's long-range probes discovered When the great Kuan Astronomer Maehad the Elder
something strange in depths of the Kandah Cloud. An named it thus, he saw it as an area of “empty dust
expedition set off and found that the Rimward Reach without value", and there were not many who ever
had not always been deserted. Strange monuments argued with that description. Today, the region is
and drifting shipwrecks testified to a time when seen differently. It features one of the most valuable
colonists did not fear the great darkness. resources in the Third Horizon and the absence of a
single dominant faction makes the area a tempting
Now, many years later, the area is a gathering place proposition for individuals with a shady agenda.
for free thinkers and fortune seekers from all over the
Horizon. But beneath the surface rages a ferocious The Sector of the Lady of Tears
struggle for the vast resources of the Reach. Here, on
Within the Third Horizon, it is customary to divide the
the edge of the Horizon, ragged prospectors, sneaky
firmament and systems into sectors named after the
spies, and inquisitive archaeologists gather. They all
Icons. The sector of the Lady of Tears is the eighth
hope to fulfil the dream of a better life. However, in
sector of the cycle and occupies a ninth of the
the Reach there are few winners and many losers.
imaginary circle around Kua. Thus, the Reach extends
over an area covering approximately 40 circle
In this supplement, you will find maps, texts and
degrees. At the long distance that the Reach is from
adventure ideas that will take you further into the
Kua, the sector stretches over a vast distance - more
Rimward Reach. The hope is that it will act as a
than 30 AU, compared to a distance from Kua of
contrast and a complement to Kua’s inner system
about 50 AU.
and Coriolis itself. Will you be one of those fortune
seekers who find happiness in the shadow of the
Kandah Cloud?

Djachroum and the Rimward Reach

The History of the Rimward Horizon. Since that day, the Reach has been a popular
with wreck hunters, prospectors, and dissidents.
Just over three centuries ago, the area near the Shortly after the re-colonialization of the abandoned
Kandah cloud was colonized for the first time. An space station, a group of prospectors belonging to
asteroid station was built next to the cloud, and all the Free League discovered the existence of a
around, smaller outposts sprouted. The identity of previously unknown mineral in the Kandah Cloud. At
these intrepid colonizers and their reason for settling first it was thought to be Selidium, a substance used
in such an inhospitable place is still a matter of in the construction of graviton projectors. However,
dispute amongst academics. Yet, an even greater this new substance proved to be much more potent
mystery is their sudden disappearance. than Selidium. The precious mineral was named
Archaeological investigations show that the first Maghdan after the researcher Ariste Maghdan and
colonists vanished from the area virtually overnight. caused a veritable gold rush among Kuan
They left behind a band of stations and abandoned prospectors.
ships that are a monument to a bygone civilization.
Over the ensuing years, the Rimward Reach filled with
Following their disappearance, the Rimward Reach fortune seekers. The asteroid station, now called
was once again forgotten. For a long time, only Djachroum, became a natural hub and gathering
smugglers went all the way out to Transshura, place for all new arrivals. Swiftly, the Foundation also
building small bases to hide beyond the long arm of established an astronomical research station and an
the law. Over 30 years ago, the Foundation sent a archaeological unit and when the treasure hunters
deep probe to the area. The sensor data surprised the and ruin looters swarmed the area, the Legion was
researchers on Coriolis. Readouts that had been called in to patrol. To establish a base for their patrols
interpreted as a common asteroid cluster turned out and to project their power close to the Maghdan
to be a series of advanced shipwrecks. deposits, they also built a smaller research and
service outpost for the Legion, the base known as
What happened next would decisively shape the Thalus.
future of the Rimward Reach. The Consortium
decided that the find was not important enough for a The Legacy of the Founders
fully funded expedition and decided to grant permits
The Firstcome people who once populated the Reach
and funding for private expeditions to the area
and built Djachroum are now known only as the
instead. Two cutters - Holy Amesia and Volos - left
Founders. Who they were or where they came from is
under Captain Antoli Djachroum and soon found the
uncertain, though scientists have a plethora of more
remnants of a former civilization that had once
or less outrageous theories.
thrived in the Reach. When the expedition
rediscovered the asteroid station on the edge of the
Studies of remains and archaeological finds have
Kandah cloud, it was quickly claimed by Captain
shown that the Founders were deeply religious and
Djachroum and declared free and independent from
worshiped the Icons, most notably the Judge. In
the Consortium and other factions of the Third
addition, they were skilled scientists and researchers,

Djachroum and the Rimward Reach

as the many high-tech devices they left behind testify.

The Founders also left many artefacts around the ASTEROID WALLAHS
Reach. Some such sites are Gemini Station on
Djachroum, the Armada of the Firstcome and
In the void between denser asteroid clusters,
Excavation Unit 13.
small ships and reinforced exos silently move,
often with a single crew member. These are the
The Founders’ Cultural and economic contact with
asteroid wallahs, These spacers live on herding
the inner planets seems to have been limited. Indeed,
asteroids rich in metal or minerals to the
the findings show that their culture was, in principle,
prospectors’ smelters. Wallahs almost never set
completely self-sufficient and few artefacts from the foot in stations or bases and live in their small
rest of the Horizon have been found in the Reach. vessels. Many of them are humanites, bio-
This suggests extreme isolation. Archaeologists and sculpted to cope with zero gravity and
scientists around the Reach still puzzle over the loneliness.
answer to the simple questions: who were the
Founders really, and where did they go?
Free League
The Rimward Reach today The faction that has undoubtedly adapted best to the
Reach’s intricate geopolitics is the plucky upstart of
The Reach is not dominated by any particular faction
the Free League. The faction’s merchant ships and
in the way the inner system is controlled by the
prospectors have long enjoyed good relationships
Consortium. Due to the area’s inaccessibility, the
with Djachroum, the Nomad swarms and the
factions' original disinterest and Djachroum’s strong
prospector clans. Its convoys from the inner system
position, it is now a melting pot for both smaller and
provide most of the area's luxury goods and
larger groupings with conflicting interests.
technology. More recently, the convoys have been
attacked by corsairs and it is not uncommon for
The Free Station of Djachroum convoys to lose one or two ships during the trip.
Its strategic location in the Kandah Gap undoubtedly
makes Djachroum the most important junction of the
Nomad Swarms
Reach. Under the guidance of its enigmatic Akbar
The Reach’s three Nomad Swarms are not a unified
(Rakiv Fatiman), the station has taken on the role of
faction. The nomads are largely self-sufficient and
Reach’s capital and is its uniting force. This has not
live on trade and simple prospecting. They have
escaped the attention of the larger factions such as
access to a large number of ships but have the
the Consortium and the Legion who seek to grow
disadvantage that they are scattered over the entire
their presence and influence. Djachroum itself has a
Reach, so that their permanent settlements are easily
small militia, the Purple Guard, which patrols the
outnumbered by the new colonists.
station and the surrounding area and keeps the
peace (mostly). For larger assignments, freelancers
are often hired, and the station can thus muster
considerable firepower in a short time.

Djachroum and the Rimward Reach

THE SWARMS area are the colonial agency's trading station Khea
Swarm is the nomadic term for a group of and the Karhal-7 Bulletin Station.
spaceships that have a common family affiliation.
Normally a swarm is spread across several ships. Ironically, the Foundation, which is part of the
It is also common for ships to leave the swarm for Consortium, enjoys surprisingly good relations with
shorter trips, but it is rare for them to change Djachroum and even has some smaller outposts in
swarms. The three swarms are the warlike Mehtar, the Reach, a fact that the Consortium's Special
the mysterious Badjao and the merchants of the Section is keeping a close and suspicious eye on. The
Yahin-Kabu. The fourth swarm of Ahilar, said to consortium does not have its own military presence
have ties to the Founders, disappeared at the in the region but relies on the Legion's forces for
beginning of the Marrab conflict, following the escort and patrol duties. With its fleet base at Thalus,
destruction of Dakka 3. built just over ten years ago, the Legion is a clear
power factor. Its Reach Command is the area's
strongest permanent military force, although it
The Consortium
consists largely of small fighters and older torpedo
While the Consortium was late to realise the potential
boats. The Legion's ships are primarily active around
of the Rimward Reach, it is now doing its level best to
the naval base, the Firstcome Armada and along the
make up for its mistake. In recent years, the
Colonial Agency's trade routes.
Consortium has strengthened its position
significantly and is beginning to challenge
Djachroum's power base by directing propaganda as PROSPECTOR CLANS
well as lucrative trading and prospecting contracts to The Clans, as they are referred to, are a group of
their supporters. Their most important bases in the recent prospectors from the inner asteroid belt

Djachroum and the Rimward Reach

who flocked to the Reach to mine for Maghdan. The clans immediately retaliated, supported by the
They are not the only prospectors in the Reach, but Consortium and the Legion. Nomad settlements
the only grouping with a reasonably uniform and were attacked and destroyed. The swarms of the
coordinated agenda. The clans are free nomads gathered in the dark emptiness between
entrepreneurs who do not rely on financing from Kandah and the asteroid cluster and held their
the Consortium. Considering their economic council.
independence and the considerable firepower that
the clans can raise, there is some suspicion of After protracted discussions and the withdrawal of
Syndicate involvement. the smallest swarm Badjao from the discussions, the
swarms decided to strike back. In a sudden attack on
Conflicts the newly created exploration base Nexis, this main
outpost of the clans was destroyed, along with ships,
The precarious balance of power between Reach
smelters and mining drones worth enormous sums.
groupings and factions has accelerated a series of
The nomads were careful to avoid shooting the
conflicts in the region. The discovery of the potent
residential sectors at Nexis, but as happens so often
mineral Maghdan is an important factor, but in the
in the heat of the battle, a whole housing sector
crucible of interests that have accumulated in the
including a school was damaged and vented to the
Reach in recent years, many conflicts intermingle.
vacuum. The Marrab conflict had started.

The Marrab conflict THE SILENT WAR

The great conflict that permeates the Reach today is
It is no secret that the conflict between the nomads
the low-intensity war between prospector clans and
and the prospecting clans has gone beyond than
the Nomads' swarms. At its heart lie the disputed
Maghdan deposits around Marrab. Both sides have
rights to the valuable Maghdan deposits found in the
powerful allies who have their own motives for
Marrab cluster.
winning the conflict. Some prospectors receive
financial assistance and access to advanced
When the prospector clans began to search for
technology from the Consortium and weapons
Maghdan around the Kandah cloud, they used several
systems from the Legion.
of the region's asteroids as bases. Initially, this went
tolerably well but one day one group of prospectors
The nomads, for their part, are supported by
from the clan Yimon found high concentrations of
Djachroum, their source of supplies, weapons, and
Maghdan around the asteroid Marrab. This asteroid
ships. This power struggle has been named “The
was considered sacred by the Nomads and had long
Silent War” and is being watched with keen
served as a meeting place and residence for the
curiosity by countless spies from the other Horizon
swarms. The nomads did not allow mining at Marrab
and when hot-headed prospectors from Yimon still
tried, their ship and mining drone were shot down.
Corsair problem
Lawless bands of Corsairs have been a problem in
the Reach ever since the area was rediscovered.

Djachroum and the Rimward Reach

During the last two years, the raids have multiplied In the Reach, everyone originating from inside the
and are now having an impact on the Reach’s Transshura Belt is seen as Kuan. Life in the Reach
economy, which relies heavily on imports. In order to varies greatly. Conditions are relatively comfortable
curb the attacks, the Free League and Djachroum at the larger stations (Djachroum, Nexis, Asmurid)
have hired Corsair hunters from all over the Horizon, with good access to life’s necessities and habitation
including the renowned Djadir Chartou, who had space. On the smaller stations and settlements, it is
earlier wiped out the Crusaders in Awadhi's Azure primarily the living space that shrinks. In addition,
cluster. The Legion has also expanded its patrols in some bionic modifications are often required for
the area around Thalus and along Colonial Agency inhabitants to utilize the bases optimally. Many of the
routes and their trade station Khea. There are many colonists are bionically modified with grip feet, extra
theories about why the corsairs have become micro hearts, vacuum resistance, specialized
increasingly aggressive and skilled in their raids. corneas, or other less noticeable modifications.
Some speculate that the Syndicate is behind it all,
others that it is an elaborate Legion conspiracy to
provide an excuse for increasing their military
Life on small ships, in narrow asteroid bases and
Kuan expansion as wanderers between oxygen oases is hard and
After their recent expansion into the Rimward Reach, precarious. It is essential to make full use of all
the Consortium and Legion presence has raised the resources and spaces, which can also be seen in
stakes, even though direct confrontations have been Djachroum's many windows boxes and roof
avoided so far. In recent segments, the Legion plantations. Even in the smallest nooks and
strengthened their positions significantly. It started crannies, spices, runner beans, vegetables and
with the faction's warships creating a defence small fruit plants are cultivated. This need to be
perimeter around the Firstcome Armada, taking even self-sufficient with hydroponic plants and small
their allies in the Foundation by surprise. Now, scale cultivations has also led most Nomads and
stubborn rumours are circulating that a bulk carrier colonists towards vegetarianism. Many look with
under heavy escort is about to enter fleet base disgust upon the consumption of meat, which is so
Thalus. Observers at Djachroum agree that foreign to them that it equates to a cultural taboo.
something big is brewing. The question is what it
The Reach counts as an Ordinary environment with
Life in the Rimward Reach certain elements of advanced technology,
The inhabitants of the Reach generally see especially in the form of medical equipment,
themselves as a unique people beyond the power bionics, and cybernetics. Advanced technology is
games and intrigues of the Horizon. This is most only available from some contacts in Djachroum.
noticeable in their complicated relationships with the Some bionics (vacuum organisms and protective
power centre in Coriolis. sculpts such as “weatherproof” scales) are
common in the Reach, especially at Ahalimm.

Djachroum and the Rimward Reach

Trade sacred asteroid Marrab. The journey was

The remote location of the Reach makes trade with estimated to take a little less than three weeks with
the inner system extremely lucrative. Most planned stops at Nexis, Hraub and Nija, among
settlements and bases are not self-sufficient in others. Just after the departure from Hraub, they
advanced technology, spare parts, and some unusual disappeared without a trace. No emergency signal,
components. The exceptions are few, only some of no wrecks or shipwrecks were found.
the free colonists in the asteroid clusters consider
themselves fully self-sufficient. At the same time, more traffic than usual was
noted in the area on an outer flank of the swarm
In addition, there is always a need for luxury goods Mehtar. The swarm ships offered assistance with
for the wealthier residents. In the Captain's Quarter of the search, but this was declined by the suspicious
Djachroum, extravagant parties are not uncommon prospectors.
with delicacies and above all, meat products served,
with both fashions and produce imported from the
inner system. OXYGEN OASES

The vast distances within the sector of the Lady of Due to the long distances and the absence of
Tears, which correspond to those in the entire inner accessible help, the oxygen oases of the Reach
system, are also an advantage to those transporting are crucial. They are usually located on
goods within it. The ships from the inner system asteroids, blasted into the regolith. Many are
arrive in Djachroum and then return straight away. along the Song Lines, the routes Nomads and
Countless free traders take over their cargo from freighters use.The oxygen oases are usually just

Djachroum and distribute goods between the many a small bunker or maybe a hollowed out hull

different asteroid settlements, relay bases and with automated systems, emergency
communicator and oxygen reservoirs.
research enclaves. Free traders usually travel in
convoy, preferably with lighter escort ships belonging
The oases were established by the Swarms and
to one of the countless free companies that are
are sometimes based on self-generating
drawn to the Reach, attracted by the escalating
vacuum organisms that can break the asteroid
Maghdan conflict and the increasing Corsair activity.
down into oxygen, energy and other vital
Some free companies take on work from both sides substances.
and it is not uncommon for Free traders who refused
expensive escort fees to fall victim to corsairs allied During the last three segments, there have been
to the would-be protectors. reports of vandalized oases, their walls were
covered with alien and mysterious symbols.
Most of the vandalised oases are in the vicinity
of Karhal-7, Djachroum and the asteroid cluster
near the segment of the Faceless.
Less than a segment ago, three sister ships
departed from Djachroum. The Gavina, Heroda and
Nefir headed towards a relay station near the

Djachroum and the Rimward Reach

edges of the cloud is not profitable and the risk of

SONG LINES (AKA SHIRIM PATHS) being attacked by corsairs increases sharply.

The Song Lines span right across the Rimward COMMUNICATION

Reach, across the larger asteroids like Marrab, Communication with the inner systems is mainly
Hraub, Nija and Cresta. It is a network of routes via Bulletin station Karhal-7. The station acts as a
between bases, oxygen oases, khaya gardens filter for information from the inner system. Most
and settlements. rich factions therefore buy information and
They were created by the Shirim, storytellers communication services from fast couriers
and priests accompanying the first colonists,
traveling from the inner system to Djachroum and
who sang to drive back the Darkness, anchoring
some other bases. The Reach needs powerful
asteroids and creating clear paths through
communicators to get signals through gravel
clouds and asteroids. Relay stations exist, but they
To travel on the Song Lines is considered safe
are often sabotaged by corsairs.
and to attack anyone on them is taboo,
something which is not respected by all of the
corsairs. Space Phenomena and Dangers
At the same time some corsairs have suffered
In the Third Horizon, one does not simply travel
the curse of the abbot, bah-yiin, the star worm
through the emptiness of space. Space is full of
and the extinguisher, which is considered the
hazards and the Reach is no exception. Not only is
destructive aspect of the Faceless.
help terribly far away - if it is there at all-, the dangers
are also more frequent and more deadly.
The large distances in the Reach mean that trips are Hadra Clouds
long, laborious, and dangerous. It is important to The Reach is filled with gas clouds, a kind of nebulae
make sure the ship you travel with is well equipped in miniature. The Kandah cloud is the largest of them
both with supplies and spare parts, that the all and stamps its mark on the entire area as it divides
hydroponic cultivators do not fail and that you do not the Rimward Reach.
get lost in a Hadra cloud. In case of emergency there Although Kandah's gas cloud is dangerous with its
is no help, unlike in the inner system with its many many ion storms, the so-called Hadra clouds pose an
emergency beacons, listening posts and above all the equally dangerous obstacle to travel. The Hadra
shorter distances. clouds are almost impossible to detect and flying into
them causes navigation systems to fail partially or
Another problem in the Reach is the Kandah Cloud completely, leaving crews flying blind until they exit
that divides the area into two parts. The only safe the cloud. The size of the clouds can vary from micro
area to cross the cloud is via Djachroum and the distances up to entire astronomical units.
Kandah Gap. Only the m ost desperate captains try to
fly through the cloud. The detour around the far

Djachroum and the Rimward Reach

Ion Storms theories that they are breeding ground for black
The Kandah cloud is known for its ion storms and holes, something which has not been confirmed.
they are one of the reasons no-one in their right mind Most people in the Reach stay clear of the Tarns,
tries to cross the cloud. The storms are believed to except the scientists and the nomadic Badjao swarm.
be more frequent in the depth of the cloud, but no one Superstitious skippers tell of ships that have been
knows for sure. Several years ago, a group of small sucked in with man, cargo and everything.
research vessels from Kander-Mall observatory Fortunately, the Tarns are located far away from the
vanished while examining the phenomenon in the busier routes and clusters. Passers-by have reported
depth of the cloud. that the Tarns seem to be expanding over time, a
phenomenon the observatory chose not to comment
When a ship enters an ion storm, discharges from the upon.
gas hit the ships hull, sending energy ripples right
through a ship’s structure. Often this leads to system Corsairs
overloads, burned out sensors, failed communicators A danger that does not have to do with the intriguing
and, in the worst case, random activation of nature of the Reach is the accumulation of corsairs
unprotected systems such as torpedoes or mines. who increasingly haunt the area. The corsairs are
usually lone ships, but lately they have become more
The ion storms do not just stick to the gas cloud organized small fleets that attack fixed installations,
either. Skippers swear that large flashes of light have mining bases and even larger convoys.
on several occasions lashed out like tentacles of
electric lightning at ships passing near the gas The two biggest corsair gangs are Akila's Rangers
masses in the Kandah Gap. and Kompani Chike. Akila's Rangers are feared -
according to rumour, they never take prisoners.
Black Birr
Although meteorites are rare around Kua, meteorite Dark-morphs and Vacuum Dwellers
bursts occur quite frequently in the Reach. The worst As if natural phenomena and corsairs were not
kind is what skippers call “Black Birr”, lonely enough, the Reach also fears the Darkness between
micrometeorites no larger than a single birr, yet the Stars. So far from Kua's radiant glow, the
nothing hits a ship with more devastating force. Darkness leaks in. You should avoid longer trips so
Captain Djadir Chartou is not just renowned for his that dark-morphs like Sawhat, Dibbuk and Djinn don’t
corsair hunting but also because it is said that he get a hold on your soul. Traveling on the Song Trails
himself was hit by black birr and survived. Not helps, according to local belief.
without a lot of bio-sculpting, say some.
Gravitational Eddies – “Tarns“ Among the faithful who do not believe in the danger
This close to the intersolar darkness, there are of darkness, legends of the space creatures abound,
peculiar anomalies which are called Tarns by the telling of lifeforms from outer space preying on
common people and are now being investigated by travellers. Others believe that these are sentient
the Kander-Mall Observatory. No one knows for sure space organisms created by crazy scientists and
what causes these eddies, but scientists have biosculptors from Ahalimm or maybe even by the

Djachroum and the Rimward Reach

extinct Founders. Clearly, some of the space the holy dome of Marrab-dhul, which is managed by
creatures sighted were asteroids or Hadra clouds. a supervisory group from the various swarms.
Yet, time and time again abandoned ships are found Previously, the oasis was open to travellers, asteroid
with damage to the hull that could not be explained ... walkers, and traders, but when the fighting began, it
was closed to all but nomads. Above Marrab-dhul
Places in the Rimward Reach patrols a lone old torpedo boat belonging to the
Legion, closely accompanied by Swarm Mehtar's
In addition to the asteroid station Djachroum, the
three fastest ships. Its official mission is to protect
Legion's fleet base Thalus, the Colonial Agency’s
the oasis from the clans, but the nomads suspect
Khea Trading Station and the Bulletin Station Karhal-
that it is not the whole truth.
7, the Rimward Reach is filled with unexplored places
shrouded in historical mystery. Many of these are
governed by local rulers or other groups.
Legion captain Nhirma has been given the
The Marrab Cluster
responsibility to establish a neutral zone around
The Marrab cluster consists of the five major
Marrab-dhul. The mission would usually be seen as
asteroids: Marrab, Nija, Hraub, Dakka and Rayyan. It
a dismal career move, but the captain enjoys the
is at the heart of a conflict that threatens to divide the
tranquillity of Marrab. The torpedo boat Akula she
commands has only one other crew member,
technician and jack-of-all-trades Ebi.
Marrab, about the size of the smallest of Surha's She is on good terms with the abbess on Marrab-
moons, has been a sacred place for the nomads dhul's Madrassa, Hithna. One day when the Icons
since ancient times. Just like Surha’s moons, Marrab turned their gaze from the Akula, a black birr struck
has a thin but poisonous atmosphere. the ship. The ship was badly damaged, and Captain
Nihrma had to request the help of the escorting
The asteroid is used as a meeting place for the Mehtar ships. The captain and Ebi transferred to
various swarms of the Reach, which gather there helping the ships and were put in confinement
during The Traveller’s segment to exchange while the nomad captain Ardalan Gath-Chitral
knowledge, songs and celebrate marriages between promised to repair their ship. Two days later,
families in the various swarms. In the past, there were Captain Nirhma was released at the airlock to
several settlements on Marrab, most of them by the Marrab-dhul. An apologetic Hithna says that
lost Ahilar swarm. The war has changed that. Now unfortunately, the ship and its complement of
there are only a few well-defended settlements and torpedoes was lost without further explanation.
some illegal nomadic settlements and clan bases.

The Legion and Djachroum both have banned the

establishment of new colonies, a ban that is not
always adhered to. The only permitted landing spot is

Djachroum and the Rimward Reach

Rayyan & Prospector Base Nexis a curse has been cast over the asteroid by the
On Rayyan lies the prospector clan's main base and Ahilar Swarm before it vanished.
hub, Nexis. Nexis base consists of a cave complex
drilled deep into the asteroid. On the surface, there Unholy spirits brought by the curse – dark-morphs
are numerous cylindrical melting furnaces and a - mean that no new life can be brought forth. Only
large space port serving trawlers, mobile smelting by bringing Ahilar's blood back to the asteroid can
vessels, mining drones and passing free traders. The the curse be broken. Even if the Ahilar had
base has been hit hard by the conflict and has had remained in the Reach, this would be unthinkable
quite a downturn. A lack of maintenance has taken to most. But Yawin Neved, son of clan leader
its toll and decay is becoming apparent. Only work Gavdro, believes Amon. Ignoring the clan’s abuse
crews, some administrative staff and the leaders of of the swarms so far, he is now determined to find
the clan remain. Most families of the Baianos-Neved a surviving Ahilar.
clan have chosen to leave the base and live instead
in smaller dome and grotto bases. After persuading the asteroid walker Nguna to join
his expedition, he leaves Nexis on the “Horizon's
Some surface areas of the asteroid are covered by Dream”. At first, the journey goes well but when
peculiar vacuum organisms as the weak light from passing near Marrab-duhl, all systems fail. When
distant Kua transforms the asteroid's matter into their sensors come back to life, the ship is about to
different substances and pure energy. The exit the cluster, yet their surroundings look
organisms are said to have been created by the different to their navigation charts.
scientist Wahina during the time that swarm Ahilar
had settled here. (see “The Truth about Station 18” to Dakka 3
find out more about Wahina). Could they be related The endpoint of the open war in the Marrab conflict
to the “Ahilar’s Curse”? was the massacre at the Ahilar oasis on Dakka 3, a
retaliatory attack following the assault on Nexis. The
AHILAR'S LAST PROPHET Dakka asteroid consists of three large crater valleys
No more children are born on Nexis. In the and resembles a hollowed-out coral.
beginning, this curse only afflicted the base itself,
but over the last couple of years, no children have Before the conflict with the clans, there were several
been born in the outlying habitats either. oases tended by the Ahilar swarm, whose population
was mostly sedentary. The massacre devastated the
Famous doctors, scientists and bio sculptors have entire asteroid with repeated bombings and today
been called in, but so far have not found a cause or none of its oases remain. The vacuum organisms
a cure. People are in good physical health. Many that grew in them have quickly expanded and
people have tried to leave the asteroid, dark morphed into new forms. Now they cover virtually the
diseases ravage the minds and the Maghdan entire asteroid and only occasional remnants of
extraction has all but dried up. Recently, the Ahilar’s minarets protrude from the mass of growth.
preacher Amon arrived at Nexis. He preaches that Sometimes, a whole clump of the algae-like organism
drifts away, propelled by a gossamer-thin sun sail.

Djachroum and the Rimward Reach

Whenever the clans or the swarms encounter such a some new knowledge with them to add to its
flying organism, they make sure to destroy it. archives. Only once this gift has been accepted by the
monks are visitors allowed to access the archives.
Free trader Farhad considers himself an impartial Most strikingly, the first thing visitors see of the
man. He sells everything and delivers everything to monastery is Hazruman's mosaic, a big mosaic
everyone, be it weapons, refugees or frozen goats. window that faces Kua's dim and distant light. The
He has just been awarded a lucrative contract to window is a complicated mosaic of countless glass
pick up an extremely sensitive cargo in the Marrab panes, none of which are exactly the same shape. It
cluster. Something that requires his best ship, was created by the long-gone monk Hazruman, as a
Saijan, and its functioning hangar. Farhad is tribute to the diversity and unpredictability of the
nervous. His mysterious client boarded the ship at universe. Nobody knows for sure what it represents.
Ahalimm but has since hidden in his cabin. The Its meaning seems to be in the eye of the beholder.
client requires fast delivery of the goods to Many travelled here to meditate in front of the
coordinates near the gravitation tarns. The loading window, and many experienced visions.
of the cargo was swiftly done, but then things start
to go wrong. The client seems to have disappeared When polishing the window as his daily duty, the

from the ship and crew have died in strange ways. monk Azran now has the company of the corpulent
A warship has detected that he is sneaking around mathematician Izrahan Addilad from Coriolis. This

the Marrab cluster and is clearly suspicious. genius of numbers attempts to examine every

Farhad broadcasts an emergency signal and sets a mosaic pane with his advanced light spectrometer to

course for the nearest clan base. find a key to its design and meaning. Although his
studies are intense and wide ranging, the key to the
window’s secret has so far eluded him.
Monastery Sofia Gora
Almost as far out as you can get before the
The monastery itself consists of nine domed
interstellar darkness begins, the Monastery Sofia
buildings, partially built into the asteroid. The largest
Gora and its famous archives are found. The origins
dome houses the other peculiarity of the monastery:
of the monastery are shrouded in mystery, perhaps it
a beautiful arboretum, a forest hall. Well-pruned trees
was built before the Founders arrived in the Rimward
grow in the hall, in what seems at first sight to be a
chaotic confusion. The monks usually gather here for
philosophical discussions and meditation when they
The monastery is located on an asteroid which slowly
are not working in the archives or performing their
wanders through the sector of the Lady of Tears and
daily chores.
approaches the sector of the Faceless on its path
towards the inner system. It is said that one day it will
crash into Kua and all the wisdom collected in its The Mining Baron’s Palace
archives will be lost. Everyone is welcome at the On the edge of Ashala's asteroid belt lies the asteroid

monastery in the search of knowledge and D14-465, one of many asteroids of smaller type in the
area. As Maghdan is rare in the area, the asteroid
enlightenment. The only condition is that they bring

Djachroum and the Rimward Reach

would be forgotten, were it not for the strange and even space walks. Until recently, Doctor Wana
building which was discovered by chance ten years and her small group systematically mapped out the
ago. Archaeologists reckon that the palace-like abandoned fleet, boarding the ships one by one and
structure was constructed just over two centuries mapping and examining their interior.
ago, that is, during a period when the Rimward Reach
was deemed forgotten and uninhabited. The interior The other major project that the archaeologists at
of the building has long been open to vacuum and Djerid are working on is laconically called Excavation
picked clean by looters, so little evidence of its former Unit 13: a settlement more than 350 years old on a
occupants has been found. nearby unnamed asteroid. The settlement is
extremely unusual as it seems that the Founders left
The palace is not the only remnant on the asteroid. In partly intact databases behind. Currently, three
a radius of several kilometres stand three colossal archaeologists are stationed at the excavation and
vehicles, kitted out in what looks like exploration are trying to find a key to the more than three
drilling equipment, seemingly abandoned in the centuries old encryption. If they succeeded, it would
middle of a work shift. This discovery has led to the be nothing short of a scientific sensation.
common people calling the structure the Mining
Baron’s palace, even though no one knows for sure THE ARMADA OF THE FIRSTCOME
who built it and what they were looking for on the One of the greatest mysteries the Founders left
asteroid. behind is the group of shipwrecks known as the
Armada of the Firstcome - hundreds of shipwrecks
ATEOS MINIATURE in eerily perfect rows. Some seem to have disabled
The Nasar and antique collector Ateo Vadat has a though operational systems. The researchers from
deal with the nomadic swarm Mehtar, who came Djerid are still puzzled by the incomprehensible
across a remarkable find: a beautifully sculpted encryption that protects their dormant systems. It
bronze sculpture by the Algol sculptor Koavein. The is almost as if the slumbering giants were just
miniature shows the mining baron's palace and waiting for their masters’ return. Some time ago,
strangely enough, the model seems to contain an the Legion banned all traffic around the Armada
intricate clockwork that has long stopped. Was and established a blockade. Why have they
Koavein really from Algol and what does his become so protective of the old hulks? Maybe they
miniature hide? succeded where the ship archaeologists failed?

Archaeological Field Station Djerid

Close to the Armada of the Firstcome, there is station The Kander-Malls Observatory
Djerid, a small outpost hosting twelve field The Kander-Malls Institute for Astronomical
archaeologists from the Foundation's Archaeological Observations houses about fifty researchers
Institute. studying the strange phenomena known in public as
the gravitation tarns. The observatory is a
The main purpose of the station is to study the old collaboration with a delegation of astronics from the
ships in the armada using remote sensors, probes Foundation and a private consortium consisting of

Djachroum and the Rimward Reach

researchers and technicians from Djachroum, funded

by Nasar princes Gulbanu. It is located in a modified
space station of an elderly type divided into a housing
module and a research module.

The observatory is often cited as an example of

peaceful cooperation between Djachroum and the
Consortium and that is true to some extent. Yet, the
“silent war” (the conflict between Swarms and Clans)
is also present here. Both groups have agents among
the staff and in the last segment, a number of strange
accidents have occurred.

After several probes were successfully sent into
the area around the gravitational tarns, the
observatory has started Project Midas. Its goal:
sending a manned probe into the tarns. The
composition of the five strong crew of the Midas
capsule has become a prestige issue at the station.

Both groups need to be represented and many

researchers want to crown their careers by making
scientific history. One of them is the astronomer
Souray Houri, head of the Foundation's scientific
delegation and a man who is obsessed with solving
the mystery of the Tarns. Materials specialists
Jana rad-Wouli from the Djachroum delegation is
determined that the majority of the crew should
come from her group.

Djachroum and the Rimward Reach

Djachroumi are generally hardened and cynical and
Ever since the old asteroid station in the Kandah Gap easily distinguished from new arrivals, or Wabas as
was rediscovered more than 30 years ago, it has had they are called (roughly translated as "leaf chewers",
a dominant role in the Rimward Reach’s culture and a derogatory word for Zenithians from Kua).
politics. It is to Djachroum that desperate skippers
set off to do their deal of a lifetime. Free thinkers, It is also to Djachroum that spies, assassins, and
poets and mercenaries flock here to start a new life agents flock from the whole Horizon, exchanging
and leave old worries behind. Djachroum symbolizes information, performing dark deeds, and making
the hope for a better life, unlimited opportunity or a unholy covenants. Under the Akbar's leadership, the
second chance. But the road to fortune is never easy, station is largely free from power-struggles of the
and the Reach is a much less forgiving place than the other factions and that combined with its relative
prosperous civilization of the inner system. vicinity to Coriolis makes Djachroum one of the Third
Horizon's most important spy nests. Above it all, the
DJACHROUM STATION Founder's spirit hovers, the people who once built the
station and then disappeared, seemingly into

Population: 12,000 residents and nothingness.

approximately 2,000 visitors. Mostly

prospectors and their crew. Politics, Law and Order
Faction Alignment: Free asteroid station “Djachroum is the Akbar and the Akbar is Djachroum”,
that does not recognize any faction as so the saying goes that the guards love to share with
governing. newly arrived wabas. As long as anyone can
Law and order: secured by Akbar's men in remember, the man known only as Akbar has ruled
the Purple Guard. The Space Port is the Djachroum and it is hard to overestimate the
domain of the Free League boss, Sayar importance of the great leader for the prosperity and
Mashmet. political power of the station in the Reach. Yet he is
largely invisible to the inhabitants and keeps away
Imports: Medicinal products, ice cream,
from public events. On the rare occasions he
spare parts, luxury goods, meat
ventures forth, the leader never leaves the dark
Exports: Bionic derivatives, Maghdan ore.
sedan-chair he travels in. Why the Akbar doesn't want
Gravity: 1 standard gravity in habitats
to show himself is of course subject of keen
speculation, but even when discussing this in among
friends in hushed voices, the conversations are kept
Djachroum is not a lawless station, but here there is
short and cryptic - nobody wants a visit from the
no justice and life here is often violent and
Purple Guard and generally, the population is
unforgiving to newcomers who do not know how to
satisfied with the state of things. The Akbar knows
navigate its society. Many seekers of fortune fail, and
that the power of the station is dependent on the
they are lucky if they end up in the temple cave slum
inhabitants' self-image as a free and unconquered
or dreaming away in some cheap orpor parlour.
people. As long as one does not violate any of Akbar's

Djachroum and the Rimward Reach

commandments, one is free to live one’s life as one gaze, neither of them dares interfere with the balance
wishes on Djachroum. of the Council to promote their personal agenda.

The three-headed Station Council manages the The Abkar reigns supremely on Djachroum, but he is
station’s daily business. The Council consists of: no tyrant. The station's laws are few and draconically
• The priest Kubar Nariman - known as one applied but otherwise leave inhabitants of Djachroum
of the founders of the Five Doctrines (see to live their lives in peace. Akbar's commandments,
section on religion) and for his unmatched as the station's most important laws are called, are
collection of iconic relics from the whole absolute and cannot be appealed. Prohibitions
Horizon. Nariman's origins are shrouded in
include the use of heavy weapons, sabotage of life
secrecy, wicked gossip believes that the
support systems or the space port, entering
pious priest was once a simple prospector
who lost his crew, and found the icons, in forbidden areas and the use of certain words. Anyone
the darkness of the Kandah cloud. violating such a commandment cannot expect
• The Nasar prince Mahbod Gulbanû who, mercy.
from his alabaster palace in the Captains’
quarter, controls large parts of Djachroum's The militia, or Purple Guard, are the Akbar's
trade and contracts with the Free League. lawmakers and guardians. The organisation is more
Stubborn rumours claim that Gulbanû’s than 400 strong and maintains the Akbar’s rule in the
wealth is largely built on birr from the
station. An exception is the Machine Hall, where the
prospector clan Yimon's cash register. If
mysterious Machinists themselves maintain the
that were true, it would be nothing short of
scandalous, considering Djachroum's order. A third of the militia is traditionally nomadic in
alliance with the Nomad swarms in the origin and selected from among the best warriors of
Marrab conflict. the three swarms.
• Sefraim Kann, the last member, and the
most feared of all of them, is the
commander of the Purple Guard. His
reputation as bloodthirsty sadist may be One might think that a station like Djachroum would
exaggerated but after the massacre of the have a poor cultural life, but then one would be wrong.
apostle Kamran and his disciples, no one is In fact, Djachroum has a disproportionately great
keen to put this to the test. The number of writers, poets, musicians, and artists.
commander is said to have a great Many have moved away from prosecution, debt, or
weakness for baria ballads and often visits
unrequited love to start over in the Rimward Reach -
the Governor's Palace’s Great Hall. Some
with mixed results usually, but it makes for a varied
say tears run down the warrior's cheeks
when Sani Sowal sings. colony of artists here on the edge of the system.

Everyone on the council is loyal to the Akbar but that

Music and Musical Theatre
does not mean that the Council is free from conflict.
Music is serious business for the Djachroumi. Maybe
It is an open secret that the Nasar Gulbanû does not
it is not surprising that the two dominant music styles
tolerate the priest Nariman but under Kann's watchful
are extreme in their emotionally charged expression.

Djachroum and the Rimward Reach

Baria is the favourite genre of all lonely prospectors, There are plenty of failed writers and poets on
sad and mournful ballads that deal with lost love, Djachroum. In the Shambles’ basaar, visitors can buy
shipwreck, and the whims of the Icons. Its biggest poems in their own honour for a few birr, or for a
star is Sani Sowal, the “Rose of Diachroum”. Her larger sum hire a writer to write a whole biography.
performances at the Governor's Palace are always Cheap tag novels are popular with the station's
sold out and Sowal's many romances are the hot population and the writers are happy to supply stories
gossip at Shamble's cafes. Other popular artists about heroic nomads who trick greedy agents from
include the glamorous Aounorra from Coriolis and the Colonial Agency. There is a considerable market
the Mahanla Sisters from Mira. in derivative fiction, taking characters from holo-
novels and weaving new stories – and unlikely
Kabbah, on the other hand, is a dance-focused and relationships - around them.
tempo-rich music with roots in the native cultures of
Kua, the Sogoi. The music is extremely popular at In recent years, an anonymous street poet known
Djachroum especially thanks to the Governor's only as “The Poet” has become hugely popular,
Palace which has become the obvious centrepiece in especially in the station's poorer neighbourhoods
Djachroum's raucous nightlife. Popular kabbah such as Ral-Kham. The Poet's subversive poems
artists and groups are Hala-hall, Moffutser and appear on house facades and cave walls and have a
Djachroum's own pride Manja Gahn. clear edge towards Akbar. The Purple Guard has
arrested a number of imitators but so far the Poet has
In the Cave of the Hanging Bridges you can find Miss escaped their grasp.
Sawas Theater, where ritualized Musical Theatre
pays tribute to the rediscovery of the station. The According to stubborn rumours, the great and
plays praise Antoli Djachroum, the Akbar and the notorious folk author Mazelman is on the station
Rimward Reach in general and mock fake and petty incognito. Of course, this has fired up curious
Kuans to the riotous applause of a usually correspondents and enthusiastic admirers. Is he
alcoholised audience. It is not uncommon for food working on a sequel to the masterpiece "Stories from
scraps to be thrown at the stoic actors who have the a Bygone Era"? A considerable sum of birr from the
misfortune to portray Kuans, a role often given to Bulletin awaits anyone who finds the answer or even
destitute and newly arrived wabas. Despite the records an interview with him.
residents' scepticism towards everything beyond
Transshura, the Bulletin series “The Plantation
Owner's Daughter” is immensely popular on
There are three main sources for news on
Djachroum. Every evening, people gather around the
Djachroum: The Bulletin, The Station Council and the
holo-modules – from young trendy folks to aged and
Red Spider.
gnarled prospectors - to follow the family’s
misfortune and quietly make fun of Kuan habits.
The Bulletin as the Consortium's official news agency
has a permanent correspondent on Djachroum, who
also draws on several freelancers. Agency news is

Djachroum and the Rimward Reach

mainly factual, a little stiff in its delivery and gives the rediscovery of the station and the repopulation of the
audience a sense of being independent and Rimward Reach.
objective. However, the Bulletin’s (and Consortium’s)
Kuan interests occasionally shine through and often The monkeys are Djachroum's jesters and
conflict with the leadership of Djachroum, especially leprechauns. They were there when Antoli Djachroum
when it focuses on the Akbar's problems or perceived arrived at the station and despite several attempts to
failings of the administration. eradicate them, no-one has succeeded. Some believe
that the monkeys are the Founders themselves, who
The Station Council is the Akbar's official voice at the got tired of the hard life in the Rimward Reach and
station and does not pretend to have any journalistic changed their shape to please the Dancer. Once a
ambitions, spreading propaganda and practical year when the Dancer’s segment begins, Djachroumi
public service messages without placing major gather to celebrate the Night of the Monkeys. The
demands on their audience’s intellect. The station festivities might even beat the Night of the Lights and
council always writes the Akbar's version of the truth, the Cycle celebration, if not in scope then in
which does not necessarily match what actually madness. During the Night of the Monkeys, nothing
happened. is considered forbidden. People dress up in
extravagant costumes, fornicate and intoxicate with
The Red Spider is a legendary reporter who writes all sorts drinks and substances. The Akbar closes the
anonymously about everything that the Bulletin or the space port during that night and no ships arrive or
Station Council does not address - and then some. depart Djachroum. Thus, most ship crews join the
The Red Spider has a penchant for juicy gossip, hot throng with their joyful and beautiful young men and
romances and scandals and is more than happy to women (and some who are less so). During this night,
publish names of people based on nothing but the Purple Guard patrol carefully, as it is said that
conjecture, rumours and hearsay. The Red Spider is some of the sects in Ral-Kham are making plans to
not driven by any obvious agenda in the same way as find people for their blood sacrifices among the
the other outlets but apparently has no major revellers.
enthusiasm for diligent source checkin and might
publish baseless gossip that apparently reveals At the beginning of Merchant's segment, all the
widespread conspiracies and corruption. Rimward Reach invades Djachroum as the Crickets
Festival is celebrated. The name alludes to the
Holidays and Festivals nomads’ swarms using bio-sculpted crickets to
Once every cycle, the Night of the Lights is detect radiation storms. No radiation sensor can beat
celebrated, the most important holiday on the station. a cricket in its sensitivity to radiation.
The Djachroumi light silk lanterns in the Cave of the
Hanging Bridges and let them float up towards Sky During the festival, bio-sculpted crickets are sold in
Light in the roof of the cave. This act marks the small cages and given away to others as tokens of
beginning of a three-day party in great Antoli good luck and happiness during the next cycle. In
Djachroum's honour and pays tribute to the cycles gone by, they were just released in the Caves
of the Hanging Bridges, until the Akbar banned this

Djachroum and the Rimward Reach

particular practice because some crickets managed There is no single large association of all the priests,
to get to the crops where they caused great damage. but the largest temples have formed a kind of canon,
the “Five Doctrines”. This group provides official
liturgical advice and has occasional contact with the
THE SHIRIM Church of the Icons.

Among the colonists and nomads, the

Shirim are iconic. These men and women In recent years, a new question has arisen among
are responsible for taking care of the philosophers and ministers in the Rimward Reach
family, the tribe, the swarm and interpret and at Djachroum. The question concerns the
the will of the Icons. They act as leaders, humanites' equality with “normal” people. The
advisors, counselors and carers for their issue has been highlighted now that the clans are
people. Their most important function is openly challenging the iconic beliefs of nomads
to keep the songs alive, navigate the and other colonists, calling their tolerance of
Reach, feed the people and keep the humanites heresy.
established order, be it of asteroids or
swarms. Prophet Ndina raised the issue in one of her
sermons and the Five Doctrines (see above) were
quick to take it up and create a new teaching for
Religion Nadjim, a new less condescending term for the
As in the rest of the Third Horizon, religion is an humanites. There are now plans for an ecumenical
important part of the daily life of common man in the meeting, “Oikoumene as Nadjim” (the ecumene or
Rimward Reach. Except for some recent colonists, congregation of Nadjim), to affirm that there is no
the people worship the nine Icons, though sometimes mental or spiritual difference between humanites
with other names and faces than the usual ones. and human beings. Invitations have gone out to
famous priests, philosophers, and prophets in
Liturgy & Worship Third Horizon, but no date is set. The most likely
The devotees at Djachroum worship the Icons daily. date seems to be the Founding at the end of the
Usually this happens at home, but many also gather Faceless’ segment.
in one of the Icon temples or prayer alcoves, which
are scattered around the station and along the DJACHROUM’S APOSTLE
winding stairs in the Cave of the Bridges. The official When Djachroum was a new colony, missionary
liturgy focuses on major events, such as marriage, Char Kamran arrived from distant Mira. Char
sacrifices in the course of the year, and seeking announced that he was sent by the Traveller to
blessings for important undertakings or travel in gather the people of Djachroum and the Reach
general. Every little temple is looked after by a priest, under a new church. He showed a letter he himself
usually an Abba or Shirim, who takes take care of the penned under the Icon’s influence, a power of
temple and lives there. Visitors' gifts and donations attorney that gave him the right to rule the station.
are their livelihood.

Djachroum and the Rimward Reach

People laughed at his madness, but the Akbar had The tunnels are the pulmonary veins of Djachroum. In
him arrested. That turned out to be a mistake. the almost completely gravity-free tunnels, residents
move about freely, while aging cargo platforms
Char had already gathered a devoted crowd of slowly trundle big loads along the elevator tracks.
believers and started to make demands. The Akbar Newly arrived wabas also use the cargo lifts for
was angered and on a violent night, later called the transport. Nasar (wealthy Firstcome traders) and
Apostle's Carnage, Char and all his followers were better off residents prefer to travel the tunnels in
taken down by the Purple Guard in a bloody battle comfortable and often richly decorated grav shuttles.
in Ral-Kham. All the corpses were burned on an
enormous bonfire and the ashes were dispersed in The tunnels are mostly well maintained, from the
the vacuum around the station. It is said that Char well-lit Captain's Tunnel to the dark holes leading
and his disciples come alive every night and haunt down to the machine halls. At regular intervals there
the lost temple area. They seek blood to get their are sector locks that are normally open but are
bodies back and take Djachroum in Char's name. always ready to close in case of pressure drop. There
are several side alleys in the main tunnel with small

Places on Djachroum shops and residences, creating a lively commercial

neighbourhood. The Heavens Tunnel, which leads to
The asteroid station is split into two parts by a deep
the cultivation areas and farms, is partly overgrown
ravine, Eskalom’s Rift. The origin of this chasm is
by branches and stevedores prune these from the
unknown but according to scientific analysis it first
elevators on a daily basis. The Temple Tunnel
emerged just over three centuries ago, around the
features several prayer alcoves, but they are not often
same time that the Founders disappeared. Beyond
busy during the night watch.
the gulf rests the remains of what was once part of
Djachroum, Gemini Station. It is rumoured that the
Founders' unsavoury spirits still haunt its abandoned The Space Port
The Space Port is Djachroum’s connection to the
halls. Both Eskalom’s Rift and Gemini station are off-
outside world and the reason that the station
limits according to Akbar's commandment. Although
flourishes. The port is conical in its structure and
the station population loves to tell stories about the
made up of different cargo rings where ships of
sites, these laws are closely followed.
different sizes can dock and load. The rings are
partially open to vacuum but are protected by strong
The only people on Djachroum who have any detailed
ED fields. Basically, all cargo to the Rimward Reach
knowledge about these forgotten parts are the
passes through Djachroum, so the space port is a hub
mysterious and shadowy Machinists, station
of activity. Transport in the space port uses exos or
technicians from the depths of the machine halls who
the gravity elevators that run along vertical struts that
control the ancient machines that control
circle the funnel of the port like spokes, descending
Djachroum's life support systems. The halls are also
slowly towards the tip of the port.
off-limits and few Djachroumi have ever seen a
Stationed in the mouth of the space port is an old
torpedo boat: The Kaliko, a ship with varied history

Djachroum and the Rimward Reach

originally from the Shahafehr shipyard at

Sadaal. She is the only official warship of
Djachroum, but of course rumour has it that
the Akbar has ancient ships hidden

At the bottom of the space port is the

service area for the port’s stevedores and
guests, usually just called the “ring”. With its
low ceilings, this is a dark and oppressive
place. Narrow and cramped alleys meander
between the various buildings, built from
various scrap materials and cracked
ceramic tiles left over from ship repairs.
The only open space is in the middle of the
service area. It features a large air lock in
the square for ground and grav loaders and
three smaller ones for passenger

Several establishments line the square.

Particularly popular among new visitors is
the canteen run by the old Zaleb, called the
“Dry Dock” among the space port’s workers,
the name referring both to the place and to
its owner. There is also an old coffin hotel
with the ironic name of the “Palace of
Eternity”. Of a more practical nature is a run-
down med lab run by Doctor Zinja and the
Free League's local office with the local
chief steward and harbour master Sayar
Mashmet. Adjacent to the square is the
Mining Office taking care of all mining
claims in the Rimward Reach. Often a long
queue of annoyed but hopeful prospectors
winds along the narrow alley outside the

Djachroum and the Rimward Reach

The Cave of the Hanging Bridges dwarf monkeys, which swing high up in the cave from
The pounding heart of Djachroum is the huge cavern bridge to bridge in search of a snack or something
in the middle of the asteroid called the Cave of the shiny.
Hanging Bridges. The sight that meets newly arrived
wabas when they enter the cave for the first time is The cave is divided into three parts:
incomparable. The circular cave is several hundred • the Shambles, which include the lower
meters wide and high and filled with an eclectic mix levels,
of old and newly built stone buildings, sheds, rickety • Bridge Town which includes the
neighbourhoods clinging to the cave walls
ladders, winding stairs and - above all - a myriad of
and connected by the many bridges that
bridges and ramps that criss-cross the cave's
gave the cave its name, and
expanse. It never gets quiet here, the cries of the
• highest up the Skylight or “Heavenly Light”
merchants are mixed with calls from the Governor's
Palace and the chirping and chattering of the Kuan The Shambles is the first thing new arrivals see when
arriving from the space port. The
Port Tunnel opens straight into
basaars filled with stalls,
barbecues, small tents and all
kinds of merchants, crooks, and
street children. On the adjacent
houses sit chattering monkeys
begging for food and under sun
lamps Azuks lounge lazily. In the
corner of the basaar, people
gather daily to listen to the
prophet Ndina's sermons.

From the basaar, alleys and stairs

radiate up towards the rest of
cave. The wide Sugar Boulevard
meanders up to a beautiful
building, Hahmat's Bridge Gallery.
Here, everything imaginable is
sold, from old Vulcan guns to the
nomad's luxurious jet silk.
Adjacent to the mall is Lotus
Square on a ledge above the
Shambles. If you walk across the
square, you reach Hahmat's
suspension bridge, offering a

Djachroum and the Rimward Reach

stunning view over the Shambles and all its little things in life, usually down in the square at the
commercial activity. heart of the Shambles. It is said that she never
repeated a sermon. She is always dressed in a long
There is also Sasaya's arena hosting Azuk fights and green shawl and the sermon unfailingly begins by
the Walk of the Faithful, a road between walls that the drawing a circle around herself in the sand with her
Founders built and that are deemed the oldest walking stick. If anyone breaks the circle during her
surviving structures in the cave. The people of the sermon, she ends it immediately. This has only
station have built nine mihrabs, prayer alcoves, along happened three times and at every time, an
the wall, where they walk and offer their prayers to accident befell the station soon after. After the
each icon. During the Pilgrimaria, the worshippers sermon, she sits down in the shade of a small fig
become so numerous that the Purple Guard must tree where she sits until the evening watch before
manage admission to the narrow alley. wandering into the alleys of the Shambles and
disappearing. No one quite knows where she goes.
Bridge Town is the name of the part cave that clings
to the walls and is connected by countless bridges Recently, a rumour sweeps through Djachroum.
and stairs. Here you will find official institutions such Ndina had a revelation. People gather in the square,
as the Purple Guard’s headquarters and its guard not just the old regular visitors but also rich Nasars,
tower that overlooks the Shambles, the Consulate of akbars and captains. Ndina announces that she
the Consortium with faction representative Lahan will be leaving on a pilgrimage and will select
Mordai and his legion guards, and not least companions to join her on the trip. On the morning
Nariman's temple where the powerful priest has his of the departure, you can hardly enter the square.
abode and keeps his valuable collection of relics. But no prophet shows up. It is as if she was
swallowed by the Darkness.
Further up is the Poets' Quarter with its hanging hawa
palms and greenery. Writers, poets, and artists gather
Archaeological Institute of the
at the many cafes and canteens that nestle into small
buildings hanging out over the cliff edge, dizzyingly
The Archaeological Institute of the Foundation is the
high over the floor of the Shambles. The Canteen
foremost (and only) Djachroumi academic
“The Blue Mirvan” is perhaps the most famous of
institution. The institute is located in Bridge Town
them all. Here you go to drink cheap rowo and pick
and is most easily reached via a steep stone
up the latest stories from Coriolis.
staircase leading up all the way from the cave's floor.
The building is one of the best-preserved structures
THE PROPHET'S LAST SERMON from the Founders. Three beautiful arches with
Ten years ago, a new prophet arrived in Djachroum. columns form its entrance. Nobody knows what the
No one knows exactly how or when she set foot on building’s original purpose was, but its large halls
the station, and many people think that she is sent with painted vaulted ceilings suggest that an
by the Traveller and the Song Wanderer herself. institution of some importance had its seat here.
Today, everyone knows the prophet Ndina and she Along the corridors, artifacts from the institute's
is often heard preaching deep insights about the excavations around the Horizon are on show, bird

Djachroum and the Rimward Reach

masks from Saadal, bone sculptures from Mira and - and thus the Rimward Reach’s - largest and
the very latest find: a strange stone statue of the foremost entertainment institution. The wide stairs
Judge from Excavation Unit 13 (see Djerid Station). leading up to the palace are full of Djachroumi day
and night. Unfortunately, the stairs lack railings, and
The institute has a small college consisting of some it occasionally happens that over-indulging revellers
30 archaeologists hailing from all over the Horizon, fall to their death. In the huge arched doorway,
dedicated to the studies of the early Rimward Reach adorned with beautiful mosaics from Mira,
history. The institute's leader, Professor Abdallatif, is courtesans, musicians, actors, and purple guards
a theorist body and soul. He prefers his staff to write mingle as they wait in line.
long reports about old finds rather than to coordinate
new expeditions. His exact opposite is the field One of the two great stars of Djachroum will often
archaeologist Dr. Wana, who divides her time perform in the palace’s Great Hall: Bari queen Sani
between the institute and the research outpost at Sowal or kabbah singer Manja Gahn. Among the
Djerid. Wana is held in high regard among the Governor's Palace's many balconies and alcoves,
students, something she readily exploits in the power Djachroum's spies and agents also perform their
struggle that erupted between her and the professor. duties. Courtesans report their observations to the
Consortium's Special Section, newly rich prospectors
BLIND LOVE are reminded that they owe a service or two to
Avdel Marjan is a young student from the Monolith mysterious men from Zalos, and many eyes relay
who is on a one-year placement to the institute at what they see in whispers to the ears of the Purple
Djachroum. What first seemed to be an exciting Guard.
opportunity has since turned into tedious boredom
due to Professor Abdallatif's strict management The Heavenly Light - Little Kua
and tough requirements. To escape this, Avdel has The skylight at the top of the cave is the exact
started sneaking away to fights and gambling at opposite of the Shambles with its clean and
Sasayas Arena. In addition, he has taken a fancy to structured architecture. Its popular name “Heavenly
Doctor Wana and is doing everything to get a place Light” refers to the fact that the wide opening in the
on the research station Djerid where she spends roof of the dome is the main light source for the cave.
most of her time. In fact, he knows just how to get Trickling down from, soft light spreads over the
there: by getting out into Eskalom's Rift and labyrinth of walkways and suspension bridges below.
retrieving rock samples from the forbidden Gemini
Station. What could possibly go wrong? The actual light source is a sphere at the top of the
cave, called “Little Kua”, created by the Founders. On
the bridges, there are all kinds of cafes, small taverns,
The Governor’s Palace
In the Caves of the Hanging Bridges, there is one joy houses and occasional restaurants. Several small

building that belittles the rest: a mighty stone palace balconies hang from the bridges, covered in vines,

towering a good 80 meters into the air. The roses, aerial lotus and other exotic flowers. Some

Governor’s Palace, as it is popularly known, has never balconies can detach from the bridges and float in

been home any governor but instead is Djachroum’s the air like woven islands of steel, powered by gravity

Djachroum and the Rimward Reach

generators. These floating islands are named after paths live wild animals from all corners of the
their influential owners, such as Nasar Armile Pecht Horizon. Wild azuks, poppy monkeys and poisonous
and the Khan-Yasouli shipowner. The Heavenly Light snakes are joined by exotic and abandoned pets.
balconies are a common meeting place for the
countless spies and agents moving on Djachroum. A A small part of the forest is still used by the station's
little away from the bridges, Sharma's kitchen is inhabitants and there are even a few residents. At the
partially set into the cave roof. It is widely known for edge of the wild forest is a cemetery where the
its delicate dishes and inventive cooks, foremost station's forgotten guests and prospectors rest. The
Sharma Kuutan. Getting food cooked by Sharma is an daring few who ventured further into the forest and
honour, preserve of the richest. returned alive tell of deep ponds and strange
Siddiki Ihn Abni is a courtesan focusing on culinary Nasar Lev Dawul has a problem. His beautiful
delights. Hence, she has chosen to work with (or garden is one of the most beautiful of the Captains’
rather near) famous Sharma during her journeyman Quarter and the venue for many lavish parties. But
year. She hopes to get his attention and focuses on he is missing something. His collection of exotic
increasingly complex dishes with hard-to-obtain flowers would be crowned by the rare red lotus. He
ingredients. With the Night of the Lights happens to know of just one flower sighted in the
approaching, a buffet without its equal is being depths of The Forest of the Lost Dreams and he is
planned in Sharma's kitchen. This is the chance prepared to pay a handsome reward to get it. But
Siddiki has been waiting for to showcase her the flower is said to have some very strange
cuisine to Sharma. Siddiki is desperate but has characteristics and what is its connection to Mrs.
heard from an acquaintance's acquaintance that Dawul's infamous business?
Chalice spice can turn the dullest dish into a
wonder of pleasure. The problem is just finding an Ral -Kham
ounce of it. May it be true that it grows in the Ral-Kham is the cave that is richest in remains from
furthest reaches of the Forest of Lost Dreams? If the Founders. In the dilapidated area, majestic ruins,
only she knew someone brave enough to go and fallen columns and a variety of abandoned temples
look. wait to be explored. The latter are different from
similar temples on the Horizon in that they all pay
The Forest of Lost Dreams homage to only one icon, the Judge. Why many of
One of the biggest caves of Djachroum is home to the these holy places had been vandalized and destroyed
Forest of Lost Dreams, one of the most peculiar when the station was rediscovered is a mystery still
creations of the Founders. What started out as a in need of an explanation.
beautiful and harmonious park has been transformed
over the centuries into something wild and When Djachroum was a new colony and before the
untameable. Kuan palm trees, Guah trees and Algol Archaeological Institute was established, there were
cypresses grow around the abandoned remains and attempts to renovate parts of the cave, but these
monuments. Among decayed statues and overgrown were given up due to a series of unexplained

Djachroum and the Rimward Reach

accidents and landslides. Today, Ral-Kham lies featured the introductory
largely abandoned, only frequented by street urchins, adventure The Light Flower’s Dark Leaf, the first part
criminals, and some daring archaeologists. Recently, of a short campaign that was to reveal the mystical
the cave has begun to attract various sects and their origins of the Founders, unpleasant truths about
prophets. Djachroum and that would transform the Rimward
Reach for all time. Translating this adventure is next
THE FORSAKEN TEMPLE on my list. The adventure is an excellent tool for
The first new temple to the icons at the station was giving your players a whirlwind tour of the Reach.
built on a cliff in the centre of Ral-Kham. The cliff is Load it up (once done…), start the graviton projectors
in a gravity warp, so the temple looks like it is and throw yourself into the melting pot of
balancing impossibly on a rock ledge. During the opportunities that the area offers.
first years, the temple was well-visited, and the
celebration of the Cyclades was always held there.
I hope that this description proves to be a mine of
Gifts and donations poured in from the merchants
ideas and fuel for your imagination as it has for me.
and newly rich prospectors. With the gifts, the
The Reach is full of potential – big enough to offer
priests started to build a new icon chamber with
space for anyone’s idea, filled with enough conflict
exquisite designs of the icons. The artist Abu
and intrigue to last several campaigns, and wondrous
Chamal chose to set the Song Wanderer in the
enough to convey the mood of the setting in all its
centre of the chamber, which is said to have
stunned and offended the other icons. The day
after work on the chamber was completed, on the
As I write these lines, The Last Cyclade has just been
day of the opening ceremony, the faces of the icons
released in beta with a tempting hint of Djachroum’s
darkened. A black shadow fell upon the figures and
growing importance. Why not let your players explore
sculptures before the frightened dignitaries. The
the place in advance?
temple emptied in a panic and no one dared return.
Abu Chamal went into self-imposed exile, on an
May the Traveller always show you the way
eternal pilgrimage around the Rimward Reach.

But wait, there is more!

Horizon’s End in Game
After seeing my work on the Fenix article version of
So, this is the end of the original text published in the the guide, Nils Karlén, one of the original authors, sent
Fenix magazine. Now you have become acquainted me a copy of the full guide that was published by
with Rimward Reach and Djachroum. What is the next Järnringen after the initial magazine release. This
step? You can dive into much more detail in the doubled the material and expanded the background
second half of this expanded guide, giving details of information massively. So, what was I to do with all
Gulbaran’s Bridge and the Argora District on that? Translate for you, of course. You are only
Djachroum and lots of background about the people halfway through now.
of the Reach. Originally, the website of the project

Djachroum and the Rimward Reach


Djachroum and the Rimward Reach

Djachroum and the Rimward Reach

Djachroum and the Rimward Reach

Characters and Personalities

Arina Chike, Corsair Captain of Chike Company
"Put a warning shot across her bow"

Captain Chike, a former fighter pilot from Zenit's Hegemony, changed sides after a
dishonourable discharge from the faction's space fleet. She is one of the more civilized
crusader captains. Her flotilla consists of the small cruisers Sarga's Revenge, Ehvilo and
Nefos and has been robbing convoys for several years. It is said that the corsairs even have
access to restricted factional technology in the form of injector ships and tuning missiles.

Chike seems to have an uncanny knack of sniffing out fat prey, so there there is a suspicion
that she has eyes and ears on Djachroum, but no one knows who might be feeding her
information. Since the recent arrival of the corsair hunter Djadir Chartou, her Company has
become more cautious. In recent times, the group has grown more cautious

>>>> Manner: Patient and intelligent.

>>>> Highlight skills: Data Djinn 5, Command 5, Pilot 6.

Maharab, Bio-Sculptor
"See how the lizard uses the comb on its head to drill into the stomach"

Kodabban Wahina (see “The Truth about Station 18”) and her daughter Chayma died in the
attack on the Ahilar Oasis on Dakka 3, but her second daughter escaped. Maharaba is just
like her mother – a brilliant bio-sculptor. Maharaba is bitter about the continuing conflict and
that her mother's sacrifice in the war was not noticed. Unlike her sister Neferiti, she harbours
no naive hope that her mother survived. After spending time in Ahalimm's darkest labs, she
has now started a journey around the Reach to collect debts to her mother and to find her
only surviving sister, Neferiti.

>>>> Manner: Intelligent, easily offended and proud.

>>>> Highlight skills: Bionics as the GMs desires

Niha Mulk-Chitral, Nomad

"Only Dybbuk and crazy Kuans want to see the interior of a burial mound"

As the fourth son of Mehtar's aging leader, his mother lost and forgotten, life is anything but
easy for Nihal. With his ship Azud-o-Mir and its loyal crew he has broken out of Mehtar's
swarm and thrown in his lot in with free traders and smugglers. During Nihal's last escort
mission, the convoy was attacked by Chike Company with the loss of two ships. Nihal would
dearly love to pay them back but knows that the Azudo Mir is no match for Chike’s well-
equipped ships. Recent assignments for the Kander-Mall Observatory have made Nihal
realize that the researchers there are completely insane. All nomads know to fear the tarns
and now these nutters are sending a whole crew straight into them!

>>>> Manner: Curious, proud and determined.

>>>> Highlight skills Move 4, Melee 5, Pilot 5, Manipulate 3

Djachroum and the Rimward Reach

Doctor Wana, Field Archeologist

“Forbidden? I haven’t heard of any bans! Do I look like someone who can be banned?”

Dr. Wana is one of the Foundation's most respected archaeologists and is known for her
unorthodox methods and spectacular expeditions. Wana is a woman in her 40s, always
dressed in a practical field uniform. She's involved in a tenacious power struggle with the
theorist Professor Abdallatif on what activities and digs the Institute should undertake.
Currently she is also hugely frustrated with the Legion's blockade of The Armada of the First
and plans to sneak past the barrier and examine the ship, Object 18, that she believes is the
reason for the Legion's Iron Ring. She started picking up data from it that indicates activity!

>>>> Manner: Curious, passionate, and daring.

>>>> Highlight skills: Culture 6, Science 5, Survival 4, Pilot 3

Rahim Gulda, Purple Gardist

"Shel, take over my post, I have a ... case"

Gulda is a lieutenant in the militia and has command of an over 30 a strong unit patrolling in the
Shambles’ basaar. He is respected by his men and sees shopkeepers, bridge orphans and
wabas as worthy of protection. But Gulda has a problem: his only sister Darya has disappeared
a segment ago and all the clues point to the free company Lahor, currently in the priest Kubar
Nariman’s employ. Since Nariman is a member of the Station Council, Guldas' options are
severely limited and he becomes increasingly desperate as time passes.

>>>> Manner: Proud, conscientious, and full of conflict.

>>>> Highlight Skills: Command 5, Manipulate 5, Ranged combat 4, Melee 5.

Sani Sowal, Baria Singer

"My songs may be dark, but you have not seen what I have"

Baria queen Sani Sowal is one of the Rimward Reach’s few true celebrities. Her simple
background, reportedly she grew up on a small exploration ship with her destitute father,
combined with her sad baria songs which praise the icons and curse the darkness have made
her a symbol of hope and an identification figure for the Djachroumi. But sources close to her
are gossiping that not everything is as it seems with the singer. After a delivery from the
asteroid belt she cancelled several performances and has withdrawn from the outside world.
What the message contained and who sent it no one knows except Sowal herself.

>>>> Character: Cool, professional, and observant.

>>>> Highlight skills: Culture 5, Manipulate 4, Dark Secret of the GMs choosing

Djachroum and the Rimward Reach

Ardevan Dol-Parand, former Zenithian Officer

“Ah, Mr. Kouros! Can I offer you a glass of rowo? I have a very interesting proposal.”

Dol-Parand is one of the Governors' Palace's many regulars and is often seen going from
table to table to exchange courtesies and gossip with Nasars, courtesans and free traders.
He introduces himself as a former officer in the Zenithian Hegemony’s proud fleet and his
suave uniform strengthens the claim. Dol-Parand is polite and good-natured and does not
hesitate to invite new acquaintances to a glass of algae wine in exchange for a moment of
conversation. His reasons for being on Djachroum and the source of his money are
uknown. However, the courtesan Janousch swears by the icons that he saw the officer
sneak into the Forest of Lost Dreams at night to meet a mysterious cloaked figure.

>>>> Manner: Polite, witty and well-spoken.

>>>> Highlight skills: Culture 5, Manipulate 5, Observation 4, Command 3, Ranged Combat 3

Djachroum and the Rimward Reach

The Death of the Maskmaker The Society of the White Star

Excerpt from report from the Foundation
Archaeological Institute CC 58
A ghost wanders Djachroums halls and caves. Along
the Sugar Boulevard, up the stairs to the Bridge
Interestingly, a few cults from distant parts of the
Town and through the tunnel to the captain's
Third Horizon established themselves in the Reach,
quarters, rumours spread about the Karwad-dal-
and especially at Djachroum.
mur - The Society of the White star.

One of the most notable amongst them is Karwad-

You maybe have heard the stories of how destitute
dar-Mul, the Society of the White Star, to give it its
prospectors, spacers and nasars seek a second chance
correct zenithian designation. We know relatively
through alms from the society, unable to offer
little about the cult, but its origin on far Sadaal seems
anything in exchange - except a debt of gratitude.
beyond any doubt. Central to the cult's worldview is
That is one side, the other - and much more
the entity called the White Star.
interesting - aspect are the meetings in secret places
around Djachroum, venues of blasphemous rituals in
Its provenance is unclear, but theorists at Algol’s
the perfumed and gilded halls of the station.
Lyceum for Higher Sciences believe that it does not
represent one of the nine icons. Characteristic of the
Perverted icons are appeased with lavish sacrifices,
Society at Djachroum is a strong social commitment,
yes, even bloodshed. But what kind of organization
putting much importance on charity, giving alms
is this society? What does it want? Whom does it
and gifts to certain vulnerable groups.
serve? Questions abound for the curious, but do not
fear, for the Red Spider has done its work for you. My
- B. Abdallatif, Foundation’s Archaeological Institute
tale starts with a poor, unknown sculptor plunging to
his death from the city of poets. A death that would
have disappeared into the fog of history if not for one
thing: the journal left behind by the dead artisan.

The Red Spider

Djachroum and the Rimward Reach
14/07/60 - Salomeh, if you only knew how the 18/07/60 - I am more than halfway through
Habib Salas’ Journal icons smile upon me now. I have been my work and up until now my mind has been
entrusted with a commission of the kind you calm and focused. But today something
13/07/60 It started as any day. Among the calls get once in a lifetime. The veiled lady offered strange happened. I was working as usual in
of the traders and the chatter of the monkeys, me a sum beyond my wildest imagination. my chamber when my concentration was
I offered my prayers and set up my little stall Admittedly, it is a very complicated order, an broken by voices from the great hall below. I
in the backstreets of the Shambles. Another exact copy of a garbarra mask from Sadaal, went out on the balustrade to sate my
day filled with unworthy efforts to sell cheap but by the Icons, if there is anyone on curiosity.
cardboard masks to wabas and tourists. Oh, Djachroum who can do it, is is I! Oh, Salomeh, I wish I hadn’t! I saw the one they
Salomeh, can you blame me for wanting to call the First, their high priest. He was wearing
leave this unworthy life behind? 15/07/60 - At the beginning of the evening a crimson caftan but had dropped the hood
Suddenly, it stood there in the dusty alley. A shift, I was picked up in the black sedan chair. and I was shaking all over my body when
richly decorated sedan chair, black as basalt The windows of the vehicle were dark, so we
and decorated with algolan celestial patterns I realized who it was. May the Judge show
travelled blindly, but I felt that we were
of gold thread. A faint buzz filled the air and mercy. What have I gotten myself into?
moving up. Up towards the Bridge Town. Up
for a moment it was as if the noise of the towards a better life.
basaar had stilled. The door of beautiful When we arrived, it looked like it once was a 20/07/60 - By the grace of the Icons, they
conveyance opened and out of the darkness, a palace dedicated to the Icon of the Founders. know everything!
gloved hand beckoned. Jewelled rings added a Strange statues extended up to the vaulted I've never been so scared in my whole life.
sparkle to the gesture of invitation. ceiling, inspiring both fear and admiration. I Salomeh, this is so much bigger than I
What did I have to lose? I looked around, but have been given a chamber where I will do my could ever have imagined. How could I
around me the commerce continued, and no work.
one seemed to take any notice of us. be so blind! Garbarra-dul-mur. Do you
The veiled one visited me as I was arranging
The scent of Miran jasmine almost stunned me understand? The truth is in the mask!
my tools. When I turned around, she was just
as I stepped in and sat down opposite a veiled If anything should happen to me, I want
standing there in the doorway, immobile and
figure, a woman, if I am any judge. She indistinct. That's when I saw it: on her bare left you to sell the workshop and leave
watched me for a long time before the first hand was a symbol I have seen before. A white Djachroum as soon as you can. You have
word was uttered. I could not see her eyes. star. Suddenly, I realized who my employer to promise me that!

[Purple Guard] Incident Report: Habib Salas

Maskmaker Habib Salas was found dead in the fourth quadrant of
The Shambles by Nasar apprentice Emul Vano during the first watch.
A Guards patrol attended and was able to establish that the subject
died instantly due to a fall from a great height. A tag found nearby
identified the subject as resident of the Poets' quarter. After
examination of the scene and the subject, violations of Akbar's
commandments can be ruled out.

Born CC 27 at Aiwaz, died CC 60, Djachroum. Son of the sculptor
Jawan and icon maker Raeda. Studied at the art academy in Kurav
at Mira. Carried out a pilgrimage to Sadaal at CC 52 and studied
there at the great mask maker Gaubruva. Arrived at Djachroum CC
56 and opened Salas’ workshop in the poets' quarter.
- Lt Rahim Gulda

Djachroum and the Rimward Reach

30 Years ago the bridge was a prosperous Nasar colony

Adventure Sites on Djachroum led by the Tehron and Murabak families but greed and
This chapter describes two adventure sites on the mutual rivalry made happiness turn it’s face away from
asteroid station Djachroum - Gulbaran's Bridge, located them and today the two clans only are a shadow of their
in Bridge Town and the Argora District, which is below formers selves.
the warehousing sectors. The places contain plot seeds
and conflicts that can be explored by the Heroes. Gulbaran's Bridge has always attracted newcomers and
has over time become a natural base for enterprising free
traders and fortune seekers who want to establish
Gulbaran’s Bridge
themselves at Djachroum. Some stay only until they
(A map is included at the end of this guide) Welcome to secured their freight contract then set off, others settle
Gulbaran's Bridge, the perfect place to make important on the bridge and makes it their home. Start-up
contacts, secure profitable contracts, meet interesting businesses came and go, and therefore there is also
bridge dwellers and to spend some of your hard-earned always something new to discover and see on Gulbaran's
birr. Enjoy the view of the cave of hanging bridges, hunt bridge.
for rare items at Ariman's antique shop or throw yourself
into the simmering hubbub of life on the bridges. The bridge is located on one of the edges halfway up
towards the roof of the cave and has an excellent view of
Gulbaran's Bridge is a small block in the station's giant the bustling crowds in Bridge Town and the Shambles.
central cave. It is a meeting place for free traders and While there are no significant buildings built into the
fortune seekers at Djachroum and acts as an excellent bridge, there is a little wild park below it, Dneguls garden,
haunt between different missions and journeys in the which despite its fine name is a meeting place for
Rimward Reach. Djachroum's many opor users.

Newly arrived travellers have often heard of Gulbaran’s On the other side of the bridge, below the high pillars of
Bridge, one of the oldest buildings in Bridge Town. To the the bridge the warren of the Shambles spreads and fine
great annoyance of the Archaeological Institute, the Nasar quarters line up at either end of the bridge.
bridge’s old foundations have slowly become a building Gulbaran's Bridge is its own small community in
site for new buildings and structures and the only thing miniature that offers everything for new arrivals, from
that is original and unchanged since the time of the overnight accommodation to new trade contacts. In
Founders are the bridge pillars and the old statue on addition to the places as described in detail on the next
Gulbaran's square. With its central location, the bridge is page, there is almost everything one could wish for.
crossed daily by countless Djachroumi and is also home
to a couple of three hundred Nasars, free traders and In Hassan's Trade and Equipment (Hassan Abuk), you
fortune seekers of various kinds. can get most equipment. At Green Sprig Pharmacy, the
old widow Hiri (Medicurgy 4) offers simple drugs and
The bridge is named after Gulbaran, by all accounts, after medicines and if necessary, can take care of minor
a historical person who probably lived during the injuries and ailments in her tiny surgery. For more
Founders’ time. Today, no one knows the details but this advanced care, seek out Dr. Zinja's surgery in the
being Djachroum, there is a great number of theories, spaceport, Habulis Hospital (a few blocks away) or for
often resting on the bronze statue in the Square. the less well-off, the Sanatorium in the Shambles.

Djachroum and the Rimward Reach

The Three-Way Dispute regime. In his corner of the bridge square, listeners
If it were not for three strong wills, Gulbaran’s Bridge gather to hear his fire and brimstone sermons and the
would be a quiet place. Right now, much conversation audience grows bigger and bigger with each passing day.
develops around the arguments between three people: Otherwise, Daud-Rasul can be found under the vines
Guzma Tehron, the preacher Daud-rasul and the Nasar outside Herimas canteen where he sits and discusses
Guro Nehruda. The conflict between Guzma and Guro politics with other bridge residents. He sees Guro
has a long history as they both belong to families that Nehruda as a local tyrant and does everything to turn the
once ruled the bridge together. quarter’s population against him. Sergeant Guzma is
also a problem as she represents Akbar's regime and

Guzma Theron increasingly lets her guards dissolve the preacher's

square meetings.
Guzma has long seen it as his goal to clean up the bridge
from criminals, beggars and bridge children (orphans).
She has no memory of it herself, but her grandfather Guro Nehruda
described what life here was like before the families lost The Bridges true trader and opportunist is Guro. After
their power and let the bridge decay: a calm and orderly marrying into jewellery clan Murabak, he quickly took
residential area with several large families, where her over their stores so that could he begin to take over the
own - the Tehron clan - was well respected and rich. After bridge for good. With contacts in shady circles in the
her uncle made a series of bad investments, the wealth spaceport and discreet Nasars in the Captain's quarter,
of the family disappeared, and the family house had to he began to trade with different types of jewellery and art
be sold. Most of her relatives moved down into the and quickly made himself a small fortune. His business
Shambles, but Guzma remained on the bridge, flourished until Guzma appeared with her silly romantic
determined to restore the glory of the clan. ideas of restoring the bridge to its ancient splendor and
at the same time restoring the glory of the Tehron family.
After joining the Purple Guard, she has now gained But not only that, the crazy preacher Daud-rasul attracts
command of a small militia group that shares her aim of all kinds of dirt and beggars and puts foolish ideas in the
bringing order to the bridge and above all, making sure minds of Guro's customers.
that Guro's influence does not grow too strong. In recent
times, the increasingly popular preacher Daud-Rasul has Important places on Gulbaran’s Bridge
become a problem that must be remedied sooner or
Gulbaran’s statue
later. Guzma is, after all, the Akbar's representative at
In the middle of the bridge is a small square, through
Gulbaran's bridge and the preacher's incitements cannot
which the main road crosses. The square is the only
be tolerated in the long term.
place that is completely open, and it has a fantastic view
towards the cave of bridges. A statue depicting a man
Daud-Rasul with an unfathomable gaze aimed at something up on
The preacher Daud-Rasul is not from Djachroum but the cave wall stands in its middle. What he might be
from distant Uharu. His background there is unknown, looking at is a subject rife for interpretation. Adventurous
but according to stubborn rumours he was one of the bridge dwellers have tried to take measurements and
leaders of the feared Sharei Brigade that fough against climbed up the cave wall together to find a hidden
the Legion with great success. He has only been active opening with the hope of finding fabulous riches. Many
as a preacher on the asteroid station for about a year and believe that the statue representd Gulbaran and every
spreads his views about equality and the rights of all, day small offerings are left next to the statue. It is
disputing the at times draconian rule of the Akbar's considered unseemly to make sacrifices during the day

Djachroum and the Rimward Reach

shift, hence people are seen at night, sneaking around bridge children in Wodhas gang scout for newly arrived
the square to make them. wabas to free from their birr.

Gulbaran’s Market Guro’s Jewellery and Art

In the middle of the bridge, in the shadow of three large If you beautiful jewellery or art to buy or sell, then you
arches, is the pulsating heart of the neighborhood: should visit Guro's store. You will find jewellery,
Gulbaran’s market. Shopkeepers, wabas and bridge paintings, figurines, light globes and other beautiful
children gather along with the occasional poet, drug things. Everything is beautifully laid out and of course
dealer and everyone else in a market that is second only well locked. For added security, there is always a guard
to the Shambles in intensity. It is a great place to snap up in the store and Guros also has an "insurance contract"
the latest rumours about missing shiploads and shady with Company Gurech, a group of shady soldiers.
business. Or just to admire the silk-woven shawls in
gloomy nomad Hadjan's booth, to cool off with a mug of In the shop, you can find most things, sometimes even at
wine or to be enchanted songs of Rahedjana's colorful a good price. The store's foremost attraction are the
birds. Under the southern vault stands the blind poet many rings available. Guros’ brother-in-law Kuram is a
Helim and declares his eternal love for the Akbar and for master at creating the most marvellous works of art of
generous passers-by who - for a charitable birr - get a rings. It all suits Guro perfectly, as everyone knows that
flattering verse thrown after them. No one takes real a side-line of his business, or perhaps its main stay, is
notice of him and maybe that is why it is said that he taking care of goods that have lost their owners, acting
knows most of everything and everyone at Gulbaran’s as a fence. So far, Guro has been able to run his business
Bridge. On the eastern side of the square is Thirios in peace, but since Guzma took command of the local
Taverna, perhaps the very best bridge canteen, where militia, confrontation has moved closer and closer.
owner Thirios himself grills his delicious sharwa skewers
over open fire while he chats with regulars and now and SULEIMAN’S BIRD OF BIRDS
then then erupts into Dabarani lamentations to the great Guro's most beloved art object is a stylized bird of prey
delight of the visitors. The place spreads over two floors in bronze with exquisite details in silver and copper. It
and on the large balcony that looks out across the is said to come from distant Dabaran and once
square. The Taverna is crowded from morning to evening belonged to a prince of the Ayyubid dynasty. How Guro
shift. ended up with this beautiful piece is unclear. The only
thing that is certain is that it is not for sale, despite
Between two pillars in the western part of the square, the several high bids, among others from the matriarch of
Algolean animal trader Rahedjana pitched her tent full of the Khan-Yasouli family herself.
birds and birds of prey from all corners of the Horizon.
Collectors and enthusiasts from all over Djachroum and
Makarba Shipping
the Rimward Reach come here to admire the exotic
For the less experienced free trader, Makarba Shipping is
creatures in their golden cages. Here you can buy a well-
a good partner. The small shop that is the shipping
dressed Ramsador from Kua, a beautiful blood lark from
company's office is located next to the bridge square and
Hamura and even the dreaded Miranian predatory crane
is easy to find. The company is run by the enterprising
that kills with its toxic claws.
Xavi Davoud , who handles all negotiations and leaves
Under the eastern Arch, the square's shadier elements
the accounts to his partner, the beautiful Milva Fami. Xavi
are housed. Here you often see the available drug dealer
can help secure cargo contracts, find ships, crews,
Slim Yusuf between quick deals as well as the homeless
protection and discreet stevedores if necessary.

Djachroum and the Rimward Reach

Although the shipping company only owns for two ships, tavern that serves guests and passers-by from a clay grill
the worn loader Gavul and the fast courier ship Shara 2, and oven.
the turnover is high much bigger through all the different
deals Xavi has with free captains, other Nasars and the Haedur’s Tower
Free League. It is said that Xavi has nomadic blood in his
The tallest building on the bridge is Haedür’s tower and
veins and that he supports the nomads in different ways.
its dome-shaped roof is the neighbourhood's most
However, if someone mentions this to Xavi, they get to
distinctive landmark. Here lives the strange hermit
see his temper flare.
Haedür, or Shar-Haedür as he wants to be called. No one
knows who he is, some whisper that he is a mystic from
THE CURSE ON SHARA 2 Sadaal, others swear that there was once a powerful man
Not everything is as it should be on Shara 2. Several on Coriolis with the same name. Whatever the case may
accidents have occurred on the worn carrier and after be, he will descend from the tower once a month, walk to
two crew members were injured, the rest refuse to Thirios Taverna to drink a glass in silence, after which he
work on the ship. Xavi feels compelled to bring in a new returns to his tower and disappears until the next month.
crew carry out a lucrative mission: a special order to be
delivered from the antique dealer Ariman to an Red Flower Court
unknown Nasar on Khea.
No one knows who is hiding behind the Red Flower's. Is
it a man or a woman? The soft, androgynous voice gives
Dnegul’s Garden no clues. Neither do the graceful arms or the balanced
What was once a beautiful garden is now a neglected body language. However, it is extremely rare for
and overgrown park. Drug dealers and addicts gather customers to receive the Red Flower's personal service.
here to do business in the shadows of the ruins of a But that does not affect the establishment itself. Red
palace from the time of the Founders. It is not flower courtesans are renowned beyond the bridge,
uncommon to see rope ladders being lowered from the including for the luxurious steam bath that can be found
bridge for shady matters, something Guzmas here, but also for the focus on culinary pleasure.
Guardsmen deal with by cutting them off at regular In the exquisitely furnished premises there are separate
intervals, sometimes while perpetrators dangle from rooms, dining rooms, a smaller bathing establishment
them. with steam bath and a large open hall called Seraglio,
where customers can mingle with each other and the
Guest House Diram courtesans.
One of the many guest houses on the bridge is Dirams
Guest House, run by the retired soldier Diram. It is a well- Ahmed’s Workshop
kept secret where and when he was beaten, but the Cramped between jewellery stores and artisans lies a
traces are visible to everyone. Diram lacks a leg and small workshop. Behind a long bench, the surly Ahmed
walks with the help of an old wooden crutch. He seems serves his customers. The walls are covered with
to refuse a prosthesis, which makes the whole affair objects, weapons and strange tools. Ahmed is a natural
even more curious. The guest house is simple, yet talent in terms of mechanics and can fix most things. But
affordable, and is located on the side of the bridge, he is best known for being able to rebuild objects,
offering a great view of the cave. Rooms are available in improve them or design new machines. It is said that the
all sizes from dormitories to a couple of apartments. In body artist Dhirmi-din “The DJ's” flying dagger was
addition to accommodation options, there is also a small created by Ahmed, something that is only met with sour
grunts if you ask him yourself.

Djachroum and the Rimward Reach

requisitioned goods from ships they arrived on, partly for

Ariman’s Antiques and Curios their own benefit but also to earn an extra buck from the
people who were not satisfied with the cutters' rationing.
Halfway down one of the bridge pillars is the small
The fact that the passengers of Holy Amesia and Volos
antique shop that is run by enigmatic Ariman. To get
placed goods in the deep tunnels between the space port
there you have to walk down inside the bridge and then
and the Cave of the Hanging Bridges turned out to be a
out on its underside. There is a rickety staircase adorned
very lucrative idea.
with prayer pennants, icon figurines and idols. It leads
down to the antique shop that clings onto the outside of
New arrivals to Djachroum showed great interest in
the bridge pillar and has a fantastic view of the
goods that were not subject to import tax. In addition, on
Shambles. Most often you can find Ariman on the
every convoy arriving at the station, a few less
balcony that surrounds the antique shop where he sits
scrupulous people could be found who were happy to
and puffs on a neatly decorated pipe, waiting for the next
spend some birr on that little extra, that could not be
customer. In Ariman's antique and curio shop, one can
found on the open market. Over time, the district has not
make strange finds. Here you will find everything from
only survived alongside Akbar's government, but also
chaikans in silver to clockwork nightingales. Everything
increased in scope and influence. Smuggling has
is for sale and everything has a story behind you if you
expanded to levels far beyond extra rations and
care to listen to Ariman's soft voice. These are by no
pleasures - to contraband and refined spiritual and
means cheap knick-knacks and if you want to get a good
physical pleasures. The simple traders who started it all
price, the best thing you can do is to offer an exchange
later created their own board of directors, who manage
for an unusual thing you have in your own possession.
and maximise financial returns. These directors - the
Shadow Oligarchs - have been replaced over time, but
economic gain has always been the key word.
In a half-hidden alcove in the stairs down to the antique
shop is an old mosaic which represents a door
surrounded by winding text and small stylized jars. The
Djachroum’s Black Pearls
The Argora district consists of a row of caves that go off
mosaic is called King Jamshid's Door, after the only
the main tunnel like a string of pearls. Most side tunnels
clear part of the text freely interpreted as Ruling
lead to the Akbar's warehouse caves, but a small but not
Jamshid. Many archaeologists and linguists have tried
insignificant part make up the Argora. The empty shafts
to decipher the text but so far no one has succeeded.
and caves have slowly developed into a claustrophobic
district without artificial skies or weather. Old pipes run
The Argora District along roofs and walls together with electricity and power
Argora - an oasis of opportunity, some say. Djachroum's lines. The light is provided by loops along the walls in the
sewer, others say. The only thing that is certain is that more "well-to-do" neighbourhoods while the poor have to
everyone who ends up here moves through the make do with occasional mining lamps and in some
underworld of the Rimward Reach. All goods that are cases oil lamps, oil drums or torches. The tunnels are hot
sold in the Reach must have passed through the Argora and humid, with temperatures around 35 degrees. Life
at some point, if not more than once. That makes Argora support systems have been installed, but the
one of the most lucrative the places to have contacts in. environment is at best barely serviceable for a human
habitat. Air, food, and water become often get
The Argora District is one of Djachroum's oldest, its contaminated by bacteria and toxins, as happened
history connected to the first arrivals to the station. It all during the famine riots a few cycles ago when the Purple
supposedly started after the Akbar's passengers illegally Guard had to forcibly intervene and beat down the riots.

Djachroum and the Rimward Reach

old man, who already suffered from homesickness, is not

For the privileged, life is different: they live in the better allowed to leave Djachroum on the Akbar’s order, but is
functioning caves. Their miniature houses which now becoming increasingly worried. The Akbar has
squeeze in between cave floors and ceilings are often asked the huge eunuch Umar Hafsun to accompany the
adorned with beautifully carved columns, pillars and doctor into his underground exile. He never leaves
images of the icons. The night basaar is in this part of Zahrawi's side with the firm intention to ensure that the
the district and has received its aesthetic direction from doctor never leaves the asteroid, not even Argora. At the
none less than the famous icon painter Rhamina same time Zahrawi and the eunuch have become good
Rhavera. friends over the years. Just how strong is this friendship
now, the doctor wonders.
The Shadow Oligarchs
Despite the fact that Akbar and the Purple Guard do not Sanjay Gulabbhai
enter Argora and despite the threat that they might, if A new star in Argora's dark corridors is Sanjay. No one in
peace is not kept here, Argora simmers with conflicts. the Rimward Reach knows where he actually comes
from, but the name suggests Algolean descent. He is
The shadow oligarchy runs Argora and is said to have the secretive in his aims other than gaining more power, but
last the word on all matters within the free market that he is still widely liked as he gives alms to each and every
exists here. The oligarchs are the invisible hands, beggar and poor person in the district. With his own
squeezing the juice out of the work of all the inhabitants bodyguard called The Black Thorns - or in Algolean
in the otherwise individualistic economy. At the same Haldarim Echra - who follow him like a shadow, it is hard
time, they are competing with each other, a level of to get close to this mysterious but superficially open and
competition that most consider beneficial to Argora. approachable man. Malicious tongues say that he is
associated with the Syndicate - which would be a death
The sitting oligarchs have been sitting for a long time sentence if proven. Usually, the Akbar requires no
now, for too long. No one new has been appointed to it evidence, but so far these rumours have not spread
for several cycles and it is said that it is not competition outside Argora. Sanjay's only burden seems to be his
that exists between them, but rather an agreed – and obsession with the beautiful baria singer Sani Sowal,
stale - ooperation. Voices are stirring that demand a who has not smiled upon his invites so far. The day will
change take place. Something is needed that stirs the come when he will not take a no anymore.

Fikret, the Fat

Qasim Zahrawi The joker in Argora's internal politics is Fikret - an
The Akbar's old personal doctor Qasim Zahrawi has overwhelmingly fat man who spends his days in his own
settled in Argora after a dispute with Djachroums ruler. It emporium at the night basaar. With his fat fingers in
is said that the doctor knows something about the Akbar almost everyone's hummus bowls, Fikret has everything
that is not intended for the public’s ears. Zahrawi has under control and is not reluctant to share his
long lived in the finer districts of Argora and has not really knowledge. This of course in exchange for reciprocal
done anything, just lived a good life - neither greedy nor services. Soon, every ambitious person becomes bound
stingy. The Akbar's hand has taken good care of this little to him through services and reciprocal services.
bird - his assets never seem his own. Now, the terrible
news has reached the old doctor that his family on Kua
has almost been wiped out in a wild Sogoi attack. The

Djachroum and the Rimward Reach

Comillia Nazrul what you cannot find here does not exist in the entire
The consortium's unofficial representative in Argora is Rimward Reach, which is probably not quite true, yet you
the phlegmatic Comillia who thinks through everything can never be certain. New faces appear here all the time
she does and speaks in a soft slow voice, with a clear with goods to sell, a load looking for a new owner or with
inflection from the upper layers of the Monolith – a quirk goods to be transported. This is Argora's buzzing heart
she acquired during her time as a diplomat at the and her pride. You can also find contraband that has not
Hegemony. For unknown reasons, the job did not go as yet found a buyer. Deals are made between traders in
planned and now she has been reassigned to the shady consignments of larger magnitudes. Payment
Rimward Reach, and not even in official capacity but as usually is made on the spot, sometimes for a star map
some kind of "secret" spy in the station's sewers. Not a showing the pick-up coordinates for the goods. This is an
day goes by when she does not complain to those easy way to avoid getting big consignments through
around her about the inconceivable injustice that she customs and past greedy Purple Guards. The famous
should be responsible for fat-headed sewer rats. The nasar mogul Fikret the Fat holds court in the middle of
shadow oligarchs tolerate her presence as it seems to the night market at Fikrets Emporiom. His minions
bring in a few birr and contacts with the prospector clans. run many small businesses around Argora. The
Emporium is his shop front and façade. His fingers may
be thick but reach far into all kinds of trade, not just
Nooks and Crannies
around Argora but all over the Rimward Reach.
Argora's corridors are filled with dwellings, small shops
and mansions of the shadow oligarchs. Here are some
It's also at the night basaar that most of Agora's
places you can come across in the halls.
canteens and coffin hotels can be found. Other well-
known establishments are: Hazan's electrical, Malik's
The Wheel Emporium, Cylona's tools and others.
The gambling and opor den attracts a wide range of
people from all over the asteroid. What they have in
Bektar’s Care Centre
common is – somewhat obviously - their weakness for
In the cave system, there is something as incredible as a
gambling, opor, or both. The Wheel is owned by Shevin
medlab. It is run by retired Miran doctor Bektar. Bektar, a
Moussa, whose family has a history in just those areas.
true humanist, bears the heavy responsibility of
The establishment is not on the main drag for business
overseeing the people who work on the less glamorous
deals between different traders, but rather the place
duties in Argora, living in constant artificial light in the
where smugglers go after their work is done. One regular
darkest tunnels. Bektar's enterprise is fully funded from
here Omhada Teragazi, the pragmatic smuggler / trader
his own pocket and by some outside benefactors. The
who lives by the motto "I do not take anyone’s side,
carer is highly regarded by the population in the district.
because no one has ever taken on mine." Her reputation
His open medlab is having a tough time as an
comes from making quick and lucrative trips on her ship
independent institution. Bektar is a skilled doctor
Green Opal. She is a bit of an icon and folk hero in the
(Medicine 4) but due to the bad conditions, his medlab is
poorly equipped (+1 in Medicurgy). Bektar also has two
assistants Nadja and Jasmine (Medicine 3).
The Night Market
In one of the large natural caves in the middle of the
district, there is the so-called Night Basaar, which is the
A new player has appeared in the smuggling market in
largest open market in the district. Everything between
Argora - the skilled smuggler and pilot who goes by the
heaven and earth is bought and sold here. It is said that

Djachroum and the Rimward Reach

name Panther. She can get hold of anything - drugs, said to have further contributed to the body count.
exotic pets, cinemas, factional drugs – whatever is Shulab Bokrat, a self-proclaimed prophet at the night
desired. Recently, several residents of the Ghi district market, however, claims that it was a wicked spirit - a
have fallen ill with Thekar's blood fever. Dr. Bektar is sawhat - who is taking revenge on the people of Argora
powerless against disease and the Panther is not to be and that no one is safe. Doom has come.
found - something must be done before the blood fever
spreads further in Argora. Bulletin office "Come Again"
“Everyone comes from somewhere and most people
Triary House want to keep in touch with just this somewhere. ” That
Because Agora does not have its own militia and the was the reasoning that Zader Mel gave when opening the
Purple Guard does not come to the district, security is courier office in Argora and his idea was not without
handled by private security forces. The Triari House has merit. Many who earned their living in the district did
become the gathering place for these companies. indeed want to keep in touch with loved ones in other
Agents for each unit gather here to sell their protection places. Since Zader had no financier behind him, he had
to the highest bidder. Most often, security is contracted to send the messages via the Bulletin-controlled probes
for whole “city” blocks, but smaller hires are possible as from Karhal-7. As his clientele grew, the Bulletin raised
bodyguards, for example. A sign of status on the Horizon message prices from Argora and the customer base
is the number of bodyguards a person surrounds rapidly shrank to a minimum. The company stood on the
themselves with and Argora is no exception. The largest brink of bankruptcy. The Verzali brothers chose this
unit for hire in Argora right now is the extensive Zeluba moment to visit the office and offer help. With their crews
Brigade, but other names like the Crimson Tigers, X.E.R. they could offer safe messaging services to the inner
and the Judge's tribute have begun to build a reputation Kuan system (and beyond) if they could get a patent to
through good protection and providing value for the also “transport people from this somewhere” to be
money. If you want to register with one of the agents, it reunited with customers in the district wanted The deal
costs between 30-100 birr per segment, depending on turned out be lucrative and The Red Hyenas led by Verzali
the quality of the agent. The big companies do not stick became a success story in Argora, until recently. Qu
with simple agents but have their own displays in well- Verzali, the smuggling sultan, until very recently felt
decorated cave space where professional holograms secure in his position as the most influential person in
show the company in action, along with tasteless Argora, but has felt the wind of change blowing in his
slogans and annoying commercials. direction. It seems like the Brothers Verzali and their Red
Hyenas have done something that threatens their
THE MASSACRE AT TRIARY HOUSE prominent position in the Rimward Reach, news of which
The news spread that a massacre had taken place in has of course rippled through the tunnels of Djachroum.
the House of the Triarians spread like wildfire. In the In the Reach, nothing is permanent, least of all in Argora.
midst of heavily armed and armoured companies, an
invisible madman has struck a blow. After cutting the “City” blocks
throat of the leader of Company X.E.R, the semi- Those who do not own shops or other establishments
invisible perpetrator started stabbing visitors and usually live in what called the blocks. The blocks are
companions with sharp claws. No one can really carved caves of varying sizes such as rented out by the
describe who it was, for a kind of faction technology, a neighbourhood's various landlords or “pashas”. Pashas
shadow mantle, concealed the perpetrator. The provide (their own) law and order through their hired
subsequent the firefight between companions is also companies or gangs. The apartment blocks are the areas

Djachroum and the Rimward Reach

in the district with the worst living standards. The

equipment is old and run-down, especially the life
support The food is usually substandard from a
nutritional aspect and malnutrition is the rule rather than
the exception.

Zead Lovac, one of the older oligarchs who has been
outmaneuvered by the others, has kept a low profile
but is not completely out of the game yet. Zead has
drawn attention to Sahi Dvorabri, a lady with big plans
for the future plans and a trading company. He plans
to become her mentor, only he can now arrange the
help she needs, now that the Fragha gang has started
blackmailing her.

Nothing makes Argora blossom like unexpected visits
from outside. The travelling circus Garbalil has arrived
in Djachroum and sent a group of artists to Argora. On
the Black Square in the night market, the circus artists
Miklai, Sassanah and Hirma set up a small tent where
they swallow swords, conjure away birr and read the
people's future. So appreciated are they that they have
attracted the attention of the shadow oligarchs. Their
performances give hope to the people of the district a
sentiment is stirring that the time of the oligarchs is
over. The Black Thorns have begun snooping in the
area and the circus is swiftly beginning to outstay its

Djachroum and the Rimward Reach

The Nomads of the Rimward Reach are the oldest people

People of the Rimward Reach in Transshura’s sector of the Lady of Tears. They have
The following part describes the three large groups lived there since the first discovery if not longer. The
among the people of the Rimward Reach outside arrival of new colonists and especially the prospector
Djachroum: the nomadic swarms, the prospector clans clans has come to change this group and sow the seed
and the free colonists - exemplified by the Ahalimm free of a schism.
station. Between the first two groups, the largest conflict
in the Rimward Reach rages - The Silent War. To Children of Slaves
paraphrase the famous Foundation Anthropologist When the Rimward Reach was rediscovered, Captain
Professor Jalil Gatma, “without understanding the Antoli’s Djachroum expedition found the remains of a
people [the social anthropological background] one first-born civilization that had disappeared without a
cannot understand the cause of [cultural] conflicts ”. trace three centuries earlier. The stations and buildings
erected by the strange people now called “the Founders”
The Nomad Swarms stood empty and abandoned. But the Reach was not
lifeless: in the dark lived wandering and loosely cohesive
Everyone held their breath. The bridge was quiet with one
groups of nomads. They were called swarms, perhaps
exception for the abba’s quiet prayers. Captain Fehrad stared
because they travelled in clusters of strange craft
at the three sensor echos on the screen. Legion hunter dol-
painted in colorful and sacred patterns. Like fireflies, they
Grah and his escort of torpedo boats were approaching. The
roamed through the darkness from residence to
communicator relayed the Legion's ultimatum, "Stop and
residence in patterns that for outsiders lacked logic.
prepare to be boarded ". Everyone knew what it really meant.
Common to all of them was that they worshiped the great
The crew stood silent, praying to the icons while the abban
Kandah gas cloud that dominates the heart of the Reach.
continued the ritual from the circle of ochre she drew on the
floor of the bridge. Suddenly, the sensor operator took a deep
Nowadays, researchers at the Foundation's
breath. A new echo appeared on the screen. The Legion’s ships
archaeological institute claim that the swarms are
changed direction, grouped in regular defence formation.
descendants of the slave people who once served the
founders of their high-tech stations. Some claim that
"Torpedo fired," the sensor operator exclaimed. On the
they won their freedom when their masters suddenly
screen, the torpedo was seen rushing towards the new echo -
expanding and then disappearing without effect. The next disappeared from history, others that it was an uprising

moment the echo overlapped with the destroyer and of the slave people which led to the fall of the founders.
expanded, enveloping one of the torpedo boats, only to be After the disappearance of the Founders, the slave
gone but a moment later. people dispersed over the while reach and eventually
"Activate visual sensors," ordered the captain Fehrad. With a organised in the four swarms, Ahilar, Mehtar, Yahin-Kabu
quiet buzz, the protective plates of the bridge windows were and Badjao.
lowered. In front of the ship shone a new star, the remains of
the destroyer. Everything else was dark. The mysterious machinists who take care of
Djachroum’s innards are said to be part of the slave
In his circle of ochre, the abba lay unconscious, with a red people who continued to be faithful to the Founders.
trickle of blood flowing from one nostril. "Bah-yiin,"
whispered the guest next to me. The Lost Ahilar Swarm
Excerpt from the Videolog of the travels of Batil din The most powerful and proud swarm of them all was
Nimatallah Ahilar. It was they who were the cohesive the link

Djachroum and the Rimward Reach

between the groupings and under Ahilars management, the Kuan threat to the Kandah cloud and to avenge the
the swarms were united and lived in peace. The swarm’s Kuan crimes against the Ahilar once and for all. The
blue ships were admired throughout the Rimward Reach armed struggle resumed against the intrusion by the
for their beauty and splendor. All this changed when the prospector plans is now called the Hargadour Uprising.
Reach was recolonized and the prospector clans from Even if it is mainly the warriors of Mehtar heading the
Kua’s inner system discovered the valuable substance charge, more ships from the other two swarms are now
maghdan. A conflict arose when the prospectors interest joining the fight against the Kuans. But some shake their
turned to the sacred asteroid Marrab Cluster. heads at Mulk-Chitral's sabre-rattling They believe that
the threat does not come from Kua and claim that the
What followed changed the Rimward Reach forever: in a songs are misinterpreted, it is not a king who will return,
surprise attack, the almost the whole swarm of Ahilar but a queen, Rhal-chi.
was wiped out in one blow. The massacre at the asteroid
Dakka 3 changed the role of the nomads in the Reach, Not everyone fears the Founders. A small minority, the
from peaceful hermits to reluctantly playing the leading secret society Inthilar, awaits their return with great
role in a simmering conflict that threatens to spill over hope. It is said that the society members actively do
into open war. Ahilar's time was over and the division of everything to resurrect the Founders from their slumber.
the swarms a fact. Whether the sect is crazy or not remains to be seen.


In the battle of Mimra's arm, the last of Ahilar's forces Whoever Chitral is, he or she should appear with the
were lost. The blue ships met an overpowering Chitral Spear, a jewel which, according to legend, was
prospector fleet, reinforced by the Legion's torpedo worn by one of Ahilar's most powerful chiefs. The
boats, and was destroyed to the last ship. Or was it? location of the spear is unknown, but it should be the
According to some reports, one of the azure ships key to an old one weapon system that will hand victory
escaped. Shandahar, in one last desperate manoeuvre to the bearer of the spear. According to the songs, the
escaped into the Kandah cloud. In recent years, strange weapon system should be on an asteroid sweeping
reports circulate about a drifting blue ship sighted in the through the Kandah cloud and be marked with the sign
depths of Mimra’s gas veils, position lights still ablaze. of the sun, concentric golden circles. It was recently
Several fortune hunters have set off towards the cloud to claimed that the Legion found something important
try to find the ship, without success so far. near Kandah and several of the swarm Mehtar's ship
are now on their way to the Kandah cloud.

The Hargadour Manifest

The swarms have long been fragmented but since the The Three Swarms
mysterious events on Djachroum (see scenario Today, the swarms are more isolated than before. With
Ljusblommans Mörka Blad / The Lightflower’s Dark the exception of swarm Yahin-Kabu, who trade with the
Leaf), it is said that the return of the founders is near. colonists and Djachroum, the nomads keep to
According to the nomads' songs, it should coincide with themselves. In addition, despite their common
the rise of a new king among the nomads, Chitral. backgrounds, they have begun to diverge in their views
on life and state of mind.
Shuja Mulk-Chitral in Swarm Mehtar took this literally. He Mehtar is the largest of the swarms and considers
has issued a call to all swarms. The Hargadour themselves Ahilar's true heir. The word Mehtar means
Manifesto calls on the nomads to regroup and destroy king and the swarm nomads are a proud people. Like

Djachroum and the Rimward Reach

Ahilar, they were largely sedentary from the beginning THE CARTOGRAPHER OF HOURMUZ
and lived in the Rimward Reach asteroid fields where Swarm Mehtar's pride are its warrior monks who
they mined ore and traded with Djachroums nasars. Now besides mastering the art of martial dance, Jamu-
they have left most of the asteroids, displaced by Kuan Khowar, are also said to have great wisdom and
colonizers. Mehtar nomads are easily recognizable by knowledge about the lost Founders. The Mehta monks
the strange purple tattoos adorning their faces. live an ascetic life aboard the blue-painted ship Nasir,
a tribute to the missing Ahilar. The best known of their
By the way, they are often very suspicious towards Kuans crowd is the Cartographer, a man half of Kwana's
- to which they count everyone who does not come from blood, originally from the asteroid Hourmuz. The
the swarms - but friendly and hospitable towards those cartographer instinctively possesses one sense of the
who show them respect. Recently, a regime change has shape of space and the positions of asteroids and can
taken place in the swarm and the governing council has with simple brushstrokes paint the most beautiful
been replaced by the charismatic Shuja Mulk-Chitral, maps of song trails and asteroid trajectories.
who is said to control hundreds of ships of the swarm.
Recent conflicts between the clans and swarms have
The Path of the Shirim
always involved thinly spread swarm forces.
The swarms most often follow the Rimward Reach’s
song lines, created and maintained by the Shirim singing
Yahin-Kabu are called “the shop keepers” by their fellow
their sacred songs to bring order to the celestial chaos,
nomads as they are eager to trade and open to
to shepherd asteroids and banish the Darkness. Along
innovations. It is the swarm that as always arrives first at
the song lines are also many of the places that the
the Cricket Festival at Djachroum. Yahin-Kabu is at the
nomads hold sacred, including the asteroid Marrab and
same time the most loosely composed of the swarms,
the burial mounds that swarm Badjao travel to annually,
its ships come and go all the time. Many asteroid wallahs
so it is not just for the silkworm that the swarm travels
come from this swarm. The swarm led by abba Salawe,
there. Why these sites are sacred, however, is a well-
a pragmatic woman trying to strike a difficult balance
hidden secret, but the swarm always circles in the sector
between the fight against the prospectors, the fragile
closest to the Kander-Malls Observatory, where one of
alliance with mehtar and the trade with Djachroum that
the Reach’s largest gravitational tarns is found.
is so important to the swarm.

As in many other cultures that have undergone a

The smallest of the three surviving swarms is also the
diaspora, there are tales of a lost city among the nomads
most peculiar. Only about twenty ships make up the
of the swarms. Khunur ul-Rad is the name of the lost
Badjao’s swarm, led by the holy woman Kota Belud.
settlement. It is said to contain remnants of the Founders
Badjao are known for the silkworm that spins jet silk and
and there is the star snake, Bah-Yiin, resting on a song
during its life cycle needs to live in a weightless state
trail that only the righteous can find. More obvious is the
near a gravity well. Badjao therefore constantly migrate
old rest of a structure just called the Ring. With its
across the Reach from rich asteroid fields to
location close to the Silk Route, it is visited regularly by
gravitational tarns with their fleet. Nomads from the
swarm Badjao.
Badjaos swarm are shy and rarely or never visit
Djachroum or other settlements. Those who have seen a
A cultural rite of passage of the free peoples in the Reach
Badjao nomad tell of their enchantingly beautiful
and to an extent also in the inner asteroid belt is the year
garments and voluminous scarves that hide their face.
of wandering. This rite usually takes place in late
adolescence. The year of wandering is a longing and

Djachroum and the Rimward Reach

restlessness that causes you to leave your home station of heroic deeds, composition of musical pieces, an
or swarm and wander from asteroid to asteroid, often eloquent speech; pretty much anything can generate
along song lines or well-trafficked routes. quhar. To be able to trade quhar between
There is a group of wanderers usually not spoken of - the communities, there are a few stock exchanges in the
wretched souls who slowly travel through the darkness. various nomadic swarms and on certain asteroid
According to the myth Sawhat, as the swarms call them, bases, including Nexis. It's also only on Nexis and
are the remains of nomads who suffered a great during the Cricket Festival that quhar is usually
injustice. They haunt the area where they faltered and are changed to birr, often in the course of extended
said to be able to affect the fabric of space fabric, thus negotiations between the swarms and the various
disrupting navigation systems and even causing stasis nasar houses.
beds to malfunction. Only the most pious priests can
make them wander on. Alternatively you need to right the The Sacred Asteroid
wrong that happened to the spirit - something that can The asteroid Marrab is the nomads' most sacred abode
be quite difficult to achieve. in the Rimward Reach. It is located in the Marrab Cluster
which also consists of the asteroids Nija, Hraub, Dakka
Equally inexplicable is the disease that often affects and Rayyan. Marrab is the largest of the five and can
nomads or colonists in solitary settlements. It is called measure up to one of Surha's smaller moons. Since the
night sickness, and manifests as a deep depression - a Founders’ days, the swarms have gathered here during
sudden lack of will to live - and can come from clear under the Traveller's segment to forge alliances, trade,
space like a black birr. Only the intervention of the icons enjoy songs and celebrate magnificent weddings.
or a pilgrimage can cure those thus tainted by the dark. Nowadays, Marrab is the centre of the conflict with the
prospector clans as a number of populous clan bases
QUHAR have been established here without the permission of the
Between nomads, builders, wallahs and some nomads.
prospectors, birr is not the common currency but
instead quhar. It's a way of measuring a person's The Legion and Djachroum have banned further
prestige, ability and virtue. Quhar can be obtained by settlements, whether by nomads or prospectors and a
performing services of various kinds, such as work on fragile peace currently prevails on the asteroid. But
the nomads 'ships, the miners' mines, the performance beneath the surface, the war continues in the tunnel that


‘Darkness is in us all.’
The widow Hira is one of the oldest people in the Badjao swarm. Since her youth, she has dedicated her life to the
swarm and especially to the weak. During her wandering year, she visited many oxygen oases, clan bases and
Djachroum and thus got to know the people of the Rimward Reach. For a time, she studied Hazruman's mosaic at the
monastery Sofia Gora. The insights she gained there sent her wandering on the now forgotten song line Ame-Khore.
That is how she got her name. The visions she received during that walk changed her, but at the same time it
strengthened her belief that the swarms were the ones who had to take care of the Reach and watch over the Kandah
cloud. She tells of her encounter with the avatar of the singer himself. However, she has never told what they
discussed. Now that Shuja Mulk-Chitral and several others in swarm Yahin-Kabu have joined the Hargadour Uprising,
she feels that the time has come to unite the swarms and the free people of the Reach. She set out on a second year
of wandering to unite them against the darkness that the legion and the clans must have awakened. But after being
hit by one accident after another on the trip, it has now stopped.
»» CHARACTER: Sad, but still always close to a smile.
»» HIGHLIGHT SKILLS: A powerful mystic

Djachroum and the Rimward Reach

run under the area annexed by the Kuan prospectors. The Prospector Clans
Handpicked warriors from the Mehtar swarm doggedly
Boredom had caused others to perish, but for Samah Haredi,
perform guerrilla attacks and attempts to sabotage life-
asteroid wallah and lone wolf, it did not affect her in the least.
support systems in order to make life as unpleasant as
It had now been three days since she was shot into space in
possible for the unwanted colonists. To date major
her mining exo from the refinery ship Houm Djamur. Three
bloodshed has been avoided, but sightings have been
days of solitude - with only the darkness of space, the
reported of an elite unit from the Legion on its way to the
rhythmic sweep of the sensor screen and the entertainment
asteroid to act as advisor and support for the
broadcasts from the old modular projector as company.
prospectors' defence forces.

The sensor signal of the sensor screen changed suddenly. The

THE KHAYAAL GARDENS high frequency tone indicated a metallic asteroid - finally a
Around the trails where Ahilar once walked, the curious little luck, Samah thought. A minor course adjustment, a
explorer may still stumble upon the swarm’s couple of minutes’ journey and a new sensor sweep confirmed
magnificent Khayaal gardens. Usually hidden in that it was metal. But – unfortunately - not an asteroid. She
asteroid crevices, they functioned as oases where had found an old, deactivated mining drone, from the
asteroid hikers and wallahs could rest and replenish beginning of the new age by all accounts. Black and still the
their oxygen reserves. Now the beautiful gardens are octopus-like probe hovered in front of her exo. The salvage
forbidden ground for nomads as it is said that Ahilar's should give her some birr anyway, she thought, extending the
Sawhat (vengeful spirits) haunt the gardens. What all exo’s gripper arm toward the drone. It powered up. Red
the gardens have in common is that they are self- sensor rows lit up and its grippers were folded out as before
regenerating, and the vegetation gives birth to itself in drilling. Before Samah could react, they slid around the exo.
the dim light that comes from the distant sun of Kua. She heard the metallic sound of docking magnets clamping
In the cave garden on Hajia there are mosses in green onto the hull and the high frequency sound of a mining drill
and orange and as each cycle blooms, small butterflies that was spinning up. By the Icons, she thought. It's
emerge and fill the cave. When they die, they form new possessed! It was her last thought before the atmosphere was
shoots and the cycle recommences. In the bamboo sucked out of the drip shell and the darkness took her.
forest on the Farafra asteroid, bamboo shoots bloom
in helix-shaped leaves in ever different colours that The most uniform group among of the motley crowd who
grow towards the ground to form new shoots. Each arrived in the reach as colonizers are the so-called
cycle gives a new and different pattern to the leaves. prospector clans, or just the "clans". Was it coincidence,
pure greed or a more obscure reason that brought the
It is said that Kodabban Wahina created the various clans together on their flight from the inner system?
gardens as works of art and to refine her bio-sculpting
craft. No one knows for sure and Wahina cannot Exodus
answer, as she disappeared during the massacre of When the Rimward Reach was first colonized, only
the Ahilar settlement on Dakka 3. nomads, occasional freethinkers and archaeologists
came out here. Everything changed when the peculiar
and valuable mineral Maghdan was found. Overnight, a
maghdan fever started and, like other gold rushes
throughout history, brought enormous change with it.
Initially, only a few prospecting ships came to mine or
filter maghdan from asteroids and the giant gas cloud of

Djachroum and the Rimward Reach

Kandah. But it turned into a flood when the so-called Asradeans

prospector clans arrived. For them, it all started with the During the journey out to Reach, a
departure from the inner system. A massive exodus whole lot of conflicts arose
departed, an armada consisting of bulk carriers, liners, between the clans and the
diggers, ore ships, mining drones and wallah skiffs. The various ships in the armada -
clans had a long-established history in the inner asteroid some could not be resolved just
belt and why they left it behind is not entirely clear. There with diplomacy. Therefore, an
is talk of persecution and sabotage of their interests in internal security service was
the Hiwah Quadrant. Maghdan fever in the sector of the established with the purpose to
Lady of Tears sector certainly contributed – a track down dissidents and other
magnificent project that could bring everyone together. agitators. THE MINING DRONES
Clans gathered their resources, people and ships, and set One of the prospector's
most important helper is
off for the edge of the system. With their departure, they The Armada's security and the mining drone, a semi-
autonomous probe that can
erased their past and with their arrival in the Reach, the reconnaissance department, or be controlled remotely but
clans talk about the beginning of a new – dark - age. ASRAD, engaged in internal also sent out from mother
ships to scan asteroids.
persecution of dissent and Their appearance varies
from spherical units with
maintaining order. Many attached sensors, mine
drills, thermal cutters and
The Gift of the Kandah Cloud Asradeans are recruited from the
and grip claws to smaller
Maghdan is the mineral that is the cause of the Rimward Yimon clan, that some believe to spaceship with octopus-like
effectors. Initially they were
Reach’s recent boom, but also of the conflict that be the instigators of the Marrab used only by larger com-
conflict and the silent war. The panies and clans but now
plagues the area. It was originally discovered by a group there are cheap variants
of prospectors from the Free League, just over twenty agenda of the security service that even novice prospector
can afford easily.
cycles after they had gathered samples from a smaller seems linked to the expansive
policies that the clans now During the Silent War, some
asteroid on the edge of the Kandah cloud. The moment mining drones were con-
of discovery only occurred when the Foundation pursue. From having been an verted to become more
offensive with reinforced
researcher Ariste Maghdan analyzed the mineral back on internal security service, the claws, drills and even with
Asradeans have now begun take thermal lances. When
Coriolis and understood the value of the find. Its drones began to disappear
similarity to Selidium had been apparent, but its on external assignments, such as or suddenly turn against
their masters, they stopped
superiority by orders of magnitude to isolate graviton liquidations and sabotage of being used. It was said that
projectors had not been spotted initially. The big Nasar interests that conflict with those the nomads found back-
doors to the drones'
houses were willing to pay huge sums for the mineral. of the clans. systems, or as more
superstitious prospectors
believe, that the drones
become possessed by the
In principle, maghdan can be found exclusively in the The Seven Clans ghosts of their unfortunate
giant Kandah cloud and is mined with mining drones or The prospectors who left the nomad victims, Sawhat. In
the old ore fields, it is still
prospecting vessels. What makes the process Hiwah Quadrant consisted of a dangerous to travel as left-
over drones may be
dangerous is partly the dangerous environment, Kandah reasonably uniform alliance that present. Sometimes they
is known among prospectors throughout the system as according to their own narrative mistake ships for asteroids,
or maybe it is the revenge
the major soul-eater and often the asteroids it is found were founded by a grouping of the spirits within seek. New
mining drones are equipped
on are unstable asteroids. Many have perished in the the Zenith’s Zenit engineers. The with more advanced data-
hunt for the gift of the gas cloud. Those who survive long association remains even today djinn defences that obstruct
takeovers and prevent the
enough to turn it into wealth often swear never to return within a number of clans, ruled by drone from becoming
to the big killer cloud. completely autonomous.
Zenithians families, who all claim

Djachroum and the Rimward Reach

to be descended from the generation ship’s leadership. Thanks to Djachroum's registrars, the claims in the
Over the last twenty cycles, the clans have recruited new Reach are carefully catalogued and updated in real-time.
members, both Zenithians and Firstborn, and have Registration can be done in writing via the various offices
become an ever-stronger power factor in the Kuan of the enforcement agency on Djachroum, Nexis and
system and especially in the Reach. Khea but also directly via radio beacons scattered in the
two major asteroid clusters. A claim made on the spot
From the seven original clans, six remain after the must, however, be confirmed in writing within two weeks
Baianos-Neved merged by marriage. The others are and then only on Djachroum, with additional forms and
Yimon - aggressively expansionist and maybe the most handling fees. Transmitting claims via radio beacons is
powerful of them all, Mikhali - skilled engineers famous not entirely risk-free as mining corsairs sometimes
for their ingenious constructions and robust ships, Ghora monitor the beacons to track back signals. Claim
- traditional and conservative, Haredi - perhaps the most hackers can sometimes crack the encryption on the
open clan of them all focused on trade and finally Shem- signal and change the claim to another prospector's
Alezer - mystics, for-profit archaeologists and icon name, something that is almost impossible to prove.
Some who can do without claims are the few dust
A day in the life of a prospector trawlers that move on the edge of the Kandah cloud, a
Life for clan members is not the easiest and this applies not entirely harmless pursuit. Typically, the large class 4
to all prospectors in the Reach. For it all to come ships have externally mounted graviton projectors that
together, you need knowledge, diplomacy, bureaucratic work as giant funnels and push gas and maghdan dust
skills and not least a good amount of luck. A successful into a refinery unit. The gravity wake generated can in
prospector needs to combine these characteristics or some cases become so large that it becomes a danger
find a niche in a narrowly defined business, something to other ships nearby.
that led to specialized prospectors such as dust trawlers
and asteroid wallahs and also to crime in the form of One might suspect that the nomads are against all
mining corsairs and bribery. At the same time, it benefits prospecting in Reach, but that is not the case. The
prospector clans to have diversified specialisations and problem is that the Yimon clan chose to try to mine the
abilities, because they can more easily cover all areas of ore maghdan on the sacred asteroid Marrab. In the spiral
knowledge and bureaucratic labyrinths. of violence that then followed and led to the silent war,


‘No problem, this can certainly be solved '
Janos Baianos-Neved is a man in his prime, at least in his own eyes. He's done all a man should do: built a career,
raised a family and gained a reputation among prospectors and the rulers of Djachroum. For several years he has
worked as a diplomat and trade attaché and commuted between Nexis, Djachroum and Khea, where he solved
problems and brokered agreements. Evil tongues claim that his ability to solve problems far exceeds that of a
diplomat and that he has contacts with (or even himself is) an assassin's agent – a suggestion that Janos just smiles
at. His interest in antique weapons and recreational shooting, which he excels at, fuels the rumours further.
Recently, Janos has undertaken to travel around to asteroid bases and even meet with the leaders of the swarms to
thaw their frosty relationships with the clans. He offers advantageous trade contracts and now also discusses a
protection treaty against the corsairs who have begun to roam more freely in the asteroid clusters. His efforts had
an effect already - the corsair company Akila focus its raids exclusively on clan ships and bases to dissuade him.
>>>> CHARACTER: Friendly, good listener and decisive.
>>>> Highlight skills: Culture, Leadership, Manipulate, Observation, Infiltration, Ranged Combat

Djachroum and the Rimward Reach

nomads and prospectors started fighting each other DIRTY ICE

indiscriminately. Recently, open conflict has calmed Much of the ice found in the far asteroid cluster is
down and claims are respected as long as they are not localized near the Bah-yiin stones, so named after the
on song lines or sacred places, some of which clans mythological star creatures of the nomads. The new
suspect to pop up suddenly when it suits the nomads. mining bases in the AK Axis Cascade are largely
Now the nomads have gathered around the Hargadour dependent on imported ice from that area and the
Manifesto and anxiety is growing again among the clans clans' other ice mines. Now the icebreakers who
and free prospectors. handled water supplies to the bases have disappeared
or simply refused to deliver their cargo. The clans
Ore Cascades suspect that it is the nomads who are behind it all and
Since the fiercest fighting at the beginning of the silent that an escalation of the silent war is under way. The
war, the clans have chosen to consolidate their interests consortium's ambassador to Djachroum is demanding
and spheres of prospecting into a smaller number of that the Akbar review the matter and ensure safe travel
areas that they to grow organically by claiming areas on within the asteroid cluster. If that does not happen, he
their periphery. With this doctrine, known as the ore threatens to allow the Legion to start escorting ships
cascade, their mining claim has now swelled and and start importing all the ice directly from Surha,
incorporated a considerable part of the near asteroid which would threaten the Nasar houses on Djachroum.
cluster. The three cascades Im-Kabbuz fields, the Darna
sphere and Nagro-Nexis are now so large that they cut Archaeology for Profit
through the Shirim trail (Song Line) in several places, Not all prospecting is about maghdan, ice or precious
something that upsets the nomads more and more. This ore, especially in the Rimward Reach. As you know, a lot
is despite the fact that the prospectors refrain from of ruins and installations of various kinds were left
mining the maghdan along the line and provide free behind by the legendary Founders. Famous sites such as
passage for pilgrims through the cascades. As long as the miners' palace, the ring and the armada of the
they can prove that they are pilgrims, that is. In the new firstcome extremes that have already been well
cascade named the Asmurid-Khea axis in the far asteroid researched or seized. But all the time new ruins, ancient
cluster, the clans have begun a greater collaboration with wrecks and objects are found on various asteroids. The
the Colonial Agency with several newly built mining clans have not been slow late in expanding their activities
bases. Staff are hired on annual contracts through the into archaeological prospecting, or as the Foundation's
Colonial Agency from the inner system. In this way, Archaeological Institute would call it: looting.
several thousand Kuans have arrived in the Reach which
has to some extent shifted trade routes towards Khea The Shem-Alezer clan carries out much of that activity
and away from Djachroum in recent segments. and has hired an expert, the infamous predatory
Djachroum's Akbar is said to be furious about this, archaeologist Eham 'God Cutter' Kossif, so-called after
especially since many of the sightings of the Syndicate's he thermally welded away all the Icon statues in the
black ships originate from this particular area. temple of the blue asteroid in the Uharu system. With the
help of the scientists and a small flotilla of ore boats, they
have begun to vacuum up artifacts around the near
asteroid cluster. There are rumours of strange finds and
fantastic works of art. But so far, none of these items
have appeared on the market at Djachroum. If they stay
in Shem-Alezer's asteroid vault or resell directly to a

Djachroum and the Rimward Reach

powerful collector or faction is the subject of intense The time was chosen as an affront to the Akbar but also
debate among the Reach’s antique dealers and to get the most attention possible. The so-called Morha
archaeologists. Treaty is formulated as an agreement between the clans
and a secret faction. The aforementioned faction
THE ADMIRALS NIGHTMARE provides protection to the clans form of financial and
The big news at Djachroum is that a small free trader armed support in exchange for shares in the clans'
came across a group of wrecks in a small gravel cloud business. There is another provocation in the text. The
on the Khea route. Upon arrival at Djachroum, the protection must be directed against nomads and
slightly confused captain made the mistake of only Djachroum, something that caused outrage in the whole
reporting the coordinates without claiming salvage population of the station. Who the clans collude with is
rights. Now it is free for everyone to set out for the one of the hottest talking points in the Reach. Many
wreck field, which according to which rumours you believe it to be the Legion, but the Syndicate and
listen to consists of between three and fifty antique smuggling groups have also been proposed. As proof
ships in everything from lousy to good condition. At that the treaty came into force a group of mining corsairs
least three expeditions are being equipped to salvage who annexed an asteroid mine were oblitered with
the finds, not counting the fortune-seeking ships that several thermonuclear torpedoes. Whoever is behind the
set sail immediately. Several archaeologists from the clans, the faction has at least access to a considerable
Archaeological Institute are begging to accompany arsenal.
ships while the Consortium's consul announces that
Legion ships are on their way to secure the area and The Free Folk of Ahalimm
advises skippers against going there. Admiral Hussein She moved slowly and gently through the dark passage, one
Hassami, who has just arrived at the station as the of the openings to the interior of Ahalimm, the heart of sin.
Legion's attaché, is expected to depart shortly with the It was surprisingly easy to get aboard the station once her
Legion fighter Persevet. ship had found the asteroid. Now the Aiskaton Blade was in a
close orbit around the station, with the rest of the crew battle-
Morha’s Treaty ready and a deep impact torpedo ready for launch. The
A time of greater conflict is approaching the Rimward passage opened into a larger cave and now the murmur of
Reach. Almost everyone agrees. More and more ships voices was heard. In front of her, a smaller souk spread out.
are disappearing in the great darkness, trade convoys are Not unlike the markets in the conglomerates around the
arming themselves and now the nomads seem to be on Monolith. The only difference was the low roof that pressed
their way to a unification, spurred on by the belief that the down over the houses. But it was the same dirt, people, yes,
ancient Founders will return. the same unclean blood that the hegemony kept out of its
pure blood.
The leader of the nomadic swarm Mehtar, with
Djachroum's silent blessing, threatens to forcibly expel People with horrible mechanical prostheses, humanites more
all Kuans from the Reach and consolidates the swarms animal than human, and ordinary plebeians were mixed in
with the Hargadour Manifesto, the prospector clans feel this dirty cauldron of the Rimward Reach.
more threatened than ever. Therefore, one of the heads
of the clans, Soraya Baianos, propses a protection treaty She wandered among the rubbish and scouted for signs of
to be signed just before the celebration of Night of other exits from the cave. Justiciar Agniata D’Harides now
Lanterns, Djachroum's biggest holiday. knew that her mission was the most important in the history
of the Zenithian Hegemony.

Djachroum and the Rimward Reach

Ahalimm is the true heart of the Rimward Reach, at least it seemed to float as it wanted. Later it turned out to be
according to the opinion of its own people. There is no due to the graviton projectors that the first colonizers
law here and no coercion as in Djachroum. No factions had installed on the asteroid, but that does not explain
are welcome, only the free peoples and their ideas. why the gas cloud continues to follow the asteroid.
Ahalimm is not only a meeting place for all the free
thinkers of the system but also for criminals and shady Over time, a small community developed on the inside of
individuals. A proverb says, "at Ahalimm the word is free, the asteroid. As more people arrived, more passages and
but life is short", a fair reflection of the lawlessness here. caves were dug out. Today it is hard to estimate how
many people live on Ahalimm or how many tunnels there
The Hidden Station are.

It was not always the case that Ahalimm was in the

Rimward Reach. Originally, the station is said to have THE RED VEIL
been in the inner system. Drifting in the darkness of The gas cloud that hides Ahalimm from the rest of the
space, it was a place that many talked about, but few had Horizon is called the Red Veil, due to its crimson
visited. Nobody knows who once founded the station, but colour. No outsider knows why it follows Ahalimm so
the first to use the station are said to have been serfs and faithfully Within the veil, there is what serves as a
slummers fleeing Kua's plantation and the space port at the station. Ships simply lay in an
Conglomerate's misery. To cope with inhospitable artificial orbit around the asteroid, and using light and
asteroid, they bio-modified (bio-sculpted) themselves radio beacons, the family of contractors who handle
heavily and over time being “sculpted” came to be a the service and maintenance can keep track of them.
trademark of Ahalimm, soon to be joined by the The Ahmad-Ras family are serfs and plebeians who
reputation for its bio-sculptor’s expertise. previously worked the net at Coriolis but after a
number of confrontations with the Free League, they
As more freethinkers and refugees sought refuge in the chose to migrate to Ahalimm. From the workshop on
station, other factions opened their eyes to it, especially their old ship, which is permanently docked with the

as more smugglers began using the asteroid as a base. asteroid, they can offer everything from light repairs to
One advantage of the location was the small nebula the installation of nearly new accelerator cannons.
surrounding the station and effectively hiding it from any Through contacts with the smugglers in Ferekam, they
but the most advanced ship sensors. The other was that can fix most things in an illegal way to ships and their
the asteroid did not keep a predictable path around Kua, crews.


'A long time ago, the zenith was the place of the sun in the sky…'
Nyali Irides is an old lady and a beautiful woman, an androgynous youth and a small child - a creature with a thousand
faces and hundreds of stories. There are many legends about her in the Kua system. She is said to be the daughter of
a destitute Zenith free trader or the songwriter herself incarnated in the Boundary Space. She herself smiles at those
who ask her. 'Right now I'm a poor tarrab who donates a story for a few birr”, is her most common answer. Nyali has
travelled around most of the Kua system where she has been active as an actress or tarrab, as the legendary story
tellers are called on Kua. Now she has finally arrived in Ahalimm for one last story. She has set up camp on one of
Souk Hadri's smaller squares where she tells anecdotes, sings and plays her flute all while waiting for the right time
for her last story. Apart from the flute, all she owns is the old hilt of a Zenithian mercurium sword that she received
from a grateful listener. At night, she disappears in among the alleys and no one knows where she goes.
»» CHARACTER: Secretive, gentle and trustworthy.
»» HIGHLIGHT SKILLS: Obsessed, Bionic; Culture 7, Manipulate 4, Dexterity 3, Observation 4, Melee Combat 4

Djachroum and the Rimward Reach

in through one of the private locks that the population

drilled out through the asteroid's surface. From the gate
A society of Plebeians and Serfs
locks, winding passageways continue into the asteroid,
Ahalimm is a dangerous place, for the outsider. Lots of
some without gravity. In several tunnels there are
different groups have made the asteroid their home but
settlements built into the walls, but often larger caves
no group is large or interested enough to run the station,
and have expanded by blasting and built up with
so it has become a lawless place. The various families,
freestanding houses just like in any city. Fan units,
cave neighbourhoods or companies take care of their
oxygen reactors, filtration equipment and hydroponic
own and negotiate with other groups. Yet, no one wants
plantations are everywhere.
total anarchy and life-support systems must be
maintained for the benefit of all. Therefore, small
The number of caves and passageways in the asteroid is
committees and working groups have been set up to
so vast that even the people of Ahalimm do not know all
handle this. Their members belong to different groups at
their neighbours, but most have been in the largest cave
the station and are in constant flux. Some groups,
Souk Hadri, the market cave belonging to the Hadri
especially those in the black sector, choose to pay their
family. In narrow alleys within a damp cave, the people of
share to other groups to take on their work, so that they
the asteroid gather to exchange services, negotiate or
themselves not to have to participate in public works.
just socialize. Here you can find most of the bio-
sculptors who offer their services to outsiders, for birr or
For outsiders, it is important to take care of themselves.
just for the chance to experiment. For the stranger, Souk
Many groups offer protection and armed escorts if you
Hadri may seem chaotic with its teeming alleys, distorted
cannot provide it yourself. The services are usually
humanites and oxygen traders, but the fact is that this is
offered at one of the several air locks that lead into the
probably the safest place on the asteroid.
asteroid. Fortunately, it does not happen too often that
the escort abandons her protégés if the birr is not enough
Less well known is the spherical cave where Dha-N'dema
or they are simply tired of the job.
or the Initiates are located. It is a sect that follows the
teachings of the prophet Hussein N'dema, which can be
Of Tunnels and Caves summed up as waiting for the future seen by the Prophet.
In recent decades, Ahalimm has slowly travelled out of In the meantime, the sect’s members are preparing by
Kua's inner system to finally end up in Frontier Space. It
improving their bionics. In the gravity-free cave there are
is unclear whether the station is still moving outward several tents and nets strung up where the sect's families
through the Oort cloud or if it has now stopped. The
and children live. Many are modified with tails, long
proximity to Rimward Reach has further spread the jumping legs or even skin folds to gracefully glide
asteroid's reputation as a sanctuary, and several
through the air in the cave.
freethinkers and colonists have therefore arrived. These
also include a large group of bio-sculptors attracted by
Along the surface of the asteroid in the depths of a crater,
the interest of the asteroid people in bodily
there is a network of passageways where the Boufir-
Dhana family lives. Once upon a time, the family was
known for their shipping company with freighters plying
The way into the asteroid runs through one of the several the Horizon's trade routes, but now they have left it all
gate locks that different groups have built. At each lock
behind to manage one of the reactors that give the
there are docking facilities for scooters and a varying station its energy. In the crater floor they have also
requirement to pay "customs" or “tolls”. If you want to
erected a glass dome where many travel to see the red
avoid customs, you have to know someone or try to get

Djachroum and the Rimward Reach

veil. Many of the people of the asteroid have never left its the black sector - without success. Before Ahalimm
interior and gazing from the dome is as close as they get. arrived in the Reach, they didn't even find their way there,
HADRA DJINN but now that the Syndicate's black ships have been
In the red veil, the guardians of the asteroid, the sighted at Surha, some are starting to worry and their
mysterious Hadra djinn, move. Although their exact efforts to maintain secrecy and spot Zenithian spies
nature remains a mystery, one thing is certain: without have noticeably increased.
Hadra djinn, the Justiciars of the Zenithian Hegemony
would have invaded the station, the last time during the BAIJAM’S FAKE FACE
“Salarinn manoeuvre”, when several different bio- Baijam's fake face is a legend in the Third Horizon. The
sculptor hideouts in the Kuan system were raided and bio-sculpt gives the ability to change one’s face, which
destroyed. Instead, the Zenithians’ deep impact most icon believers consider an abomination.
torpedoes and attack ships were met with heavy According to some, the soul is bound in the lines of the
defensive fire from inside of the veil. Many believe that face, as it is written in the third writing of the prophet
it came from old torpedo boats, brought in secretly by Hauram—"He who lacks his gaze and smile, is alone in
the Boufir-Dhana family, but this has never been front of the Icons." Some consider Baijam to be an
confirmed. Since the massacre of Zenithians, the abomination from the darkness, a daimon, djinn or
Hegemony has chosen to ignore Ahalimm, but it is only diyub, who through his possession distorts the face of
a matter of time before they will try to do something love and takes its soul. Others argue that this is one of
about the asteroid. There are already rumours that the black sector's more successful bio-sculpts made
their infiltrators are scouting out the station. for infiltration and assassination. The fact that the
name Baijam is an anagram of Maajib, meaning

The Black Sector “shadow” or “master” and, and that it also was the
The depth of the asteroid is said to lie in the black sector. name of the now-lost master bio-code weaver from
Exactly where is uncertain, but if you want to go there, Ahalimm does not make things any better. It is said
sooner or later you will find a way – after all, all that Maajib created the bio-sculpt for an itinerant
information is for sale at Ahalimm. In the black sector, tarrab and actor, as his masterpiece for his Master
the shadiest groups gather. In secret caves, companies Gerodes Afrat.
such as NimaBionik, TatarusTech and Industrial Algebra
have their prohibited branches where activities Courtesans and Lotus Flowers
considered illegal on Coriolis and Kua can be carried out. As Ahalimm is a permissive but lonely place, there is a
Dark code aberrations and imams such as Maajib, thriving market in all sorts of entertainment. This applies
Maharaba and the legendary Gerodes Afrat, the creator to everything from Azuki competitions, fighting arenas
of the legendary Padshah children, have their own labs and of course courtesans knowledgeable in all nine art
here. Every day, fresh "volunteers" and bio-sculptors are forms. Ahlam's Temple is therefore the only faction to
recruited in Souk Hadri and other caves to participate in have some obvious and tolerated activity on Ahalimm. In
experiments in the black sector. The lucky ones who the cave Hem-Mahrike there is a small courtesan temple
have managed to get back from the dark labs can boast where you can enjoy the company of certified courtesans
new bionic insights or powerfully woven bio-code, such and other simpler pleasures such as imported food and
as Baijam's fake face or Hiram's memetic voice. beautiful stories. Many of Ahalimm's residents come
here during the last week in the Dancer's segment to
The Zenithian Hegemony and Syndicate have, for various celebrate. Nowadays, nomads from the swarms also
reasons, tried for several decades to infiltrate the labs in usually attend the festival, which is popularly called the

Djachroum and the Rimward Reach

Modji Taban after the Miran courtesan of the same The Blood Feud
name. As the Rimward Reach approaches an uncertain time,
filled with conflict and betrayal, Ahalimm's place as a
Courtesans are sacred on the entire Horizon, but it still sanctuary also seems threatened. Old grudges and
happens that they are subject to threats - and sometimes injustices bubble to the surface and with the influx of new
abuse - on less civilized planets. Ahalimm with its people, more criminals and new power-hungry groups
endemic anarchy could be such a place, were it not for mean that the Free People’s law is threatened.
the Black Lotus Flowers. Ahlam's Black Lotus is said to
be the dark side of the temple, an assassins’ guild that But the biggest threat to Ahalimm comes from outside.
commits perfect murders and disappears like shadows Ever since the station was founded, it has been seen as
at night. It is uncertain if they really exist, as no one inside a nuisance and pestilent boil by the pure-blooded
the temple has confirmed their existence. However, Zenithians in the Hegemony. Since its founding, the
rumours claim that the most beautiful and graceful Hegemony has been obsessively fixated on the pure
courtesans are handpicked during their training at the bloodlines held by the Captain Quassar and his officers,
academy to be trained in the honourable profession of which are carefully catalogued and traced in the
the assassin, mastering the art of moving quietly like the Hegemony's Hemotek (Blood Library) in the Monolith on
dirhad, poisoning the mind and body and disappearing Kua. When occasional apostate Zenithians also joined
like a djinn. These highly skilled artists of death are the the people of Ahalimm and even allowed the sculpting of
Black Lotus Flowers. At Ahalimm, the temple is said to their pure blood, the ire of the Hegemony was raised and
have a secret school for them, which also acts as a a punitive expedition, the Salarinn Manoeuvre, was sent
deterrent for those who would mess with the temple or out, but failed miserably. Since then, the faction has been
its courtesans. waiting for the right opportunity to strike. This time is
now. Ahalimm is almost stationary in the Reach and
WIDOWER BABOU’S TREE Djachroum is busy with its conflict with the Consortium
Halfway down the black sector is a cave with a lone and the prospector clans. In addition, one of the labs in
tree. No one can quite explain where the tree gets its the black sector is alleged to have obtained a bio-code
nourishment, but its black leaves resemble the from the Quassar family itself, a sacrilege that must be
nomadic swarm Ahilar's vacuum organisms or one of rectified. Infiltrators are allegedly be in place, just waiting
Koda's Wahina's creations. The tree is adorned with for the Hegemony's fleet to set out from Surha. Soon,
thousands of light globes in different colours that Ahalimm may be history.
gently glisten in the darkness of the cave, nourished by
sweet sap from the tree. An elderly man is said to live
in the tree, widower Babou. Like other mysterious
people, the stories about him are many, but a recurring
tale is how he himself lost his wife to the darkness or
the experiments of the black sector. Now he lives a
hidden life in the tree to sometimes come forward and
share a word of wisdom with passers-by or just warn
them of the darkness of the black sector.

Djachroum and the Rimward Reach


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