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Cad Cam Full Detail Practical

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(Mechanical Engineering)



The success and final outcome of this training report required a

lot of guidance and assistance from many people and I am
extremely fortunate to have got this all along the completion of
my project work. Whatever I have done is only due to such
guidance and assistance and I would not forget to thank them.
I respect and thank Dr. P.S Pannu, (H.O.D) for giving me an
opportunity to do this training in Udemy and providing us all
support and guidance which made me complete the training on
time. I am extremely grateful to him for providing such a nice
support and guidance though he had busy schedule managing
the company affairs.
I would not forget to remember ujjwal (trainer) for their unlisted
encouragement and more over for their timely support and
guidance till the completion of our project work.
I am thankful to and fortunate enough to get constant
encouragement support and guidance from all Teaching staffs of
Department of mechanical engineering which helped us in
successfully completing our training.



Drawings are entirely a graphics language. It is composed of

straight lines, curves, arc etc. we can say it is the expression of
ideas by lines, curves. A problem raised written description in
words can be used to describe simple of a solid so we have to
draw it in different views on the paper or computer. Now for
drawing we need standards which are universally accepted by
the designers and are needed while drawings are as:-


Projection of an entity on work plane is called focus.
Any kind of representation of an object on paper, screen
By drawing or by photography is called projection of that

It canbe described as three principal axes, mutually
Perpendicular to each other and passes through a common
Point known as origin.

A quantity or amount used as standard of
measurement. As far as possible all dimension should we
give preferably in one unit only in millimeter but we use
sometimes inches unit.


Orthographic system of projection is a method of
Representing the exact shape of the three dimensional
Object on a two-dimensional drawing sheet in two or three
Views. As such, the orthographic system of projection
is also called multi-view projection method.

These views are obtained by dropping perpendicular

from two or more sides of object to the picture planes,
generally set at right angles to each other.
It has of two kinds of projection.
• First angle projection
• Third angle projection
The only difference between the first angle projection
and third angle projection lies in the relative position of the
various views.
Symbols of first angle and third angle projection

First angle projection

Third angle projection

These are type of axonometric projection. The feature,
feature, which distinguishes axonometric from other
projection. As the axes, or the principal edges, the object are
inclined to the plane of projection.

Axonometric projections are classified as:

1. Isometric projection
2. Diametric projection
3. Trimetric projection
The theory behind each of these types is same; but the angle
for each type different.
In isometric projection the axes from equal angles 120° to plane
of projection.
In diametric projection, only two of the three angles are
Trimetric projection requires three different foreshortened
scales, as all three angles between the three axes are different.

Figure shows isometric projection


The dimensioning expresses all the sizes and other

Information necessary to define the object completely.
• Absolute dimensioning
• Incremental dimensioning

Absolute dimensioning
When we start the dimensioning with one origin point is
Called absolute dimensioning.

Incremental dimensioning
When we start the dimensioning with every previous point as
an origin point that is called incremental dimensioning.
Method of dimensioning
• Liner dimensioning
• Aligned dimensioning
• Jogger dimensioning
• Radial dimensioning
• Diametrical dimensioning
• Angular dimensioning


Main articles: Architect's scale, Engineer's scale, and Metric scale

Plans are usually "scale drawings", meaning that the plans are
drawn at specific ratio relative to the actual size of the place or
object. Various scales may be used for different drawings in a set.
For example1:2, 1:5, 1:50, 1:100 etc because the condition of
drawing size and placement.

Scale is a nuanced subject in the use of engineering drawings. On

one hand, it is a general principle of engineering drawings that
they are projected using standardized, mathematically certain
projection methods and rules. Thus, great effort is put into
having an engineering drawing accurately depict size, shape,
form, aspect ratios between features, and so on. And yet, on the
other hand, there is another general principle of engineering
drawing that nearly diametrically opposes all this effort and
intent—that is, the principle that users are not to scale the
drawing to infer a dimension not labeled.
CAD is a term which means computer aided design and
computer-aided manufacturing. It is the technology concerned
With the use of digital computers to perform certain functions
in design and production. This technology is moving in the
direction of greater integration of design and manufacturing,
and separate functions in production firm. Ultimately,
CAD will provide the technology base for the computer
integrated factory of future.

Computer-aided design (CAD) can be defined as the use

of the computer system to assist in the creation, modification,
analysis, or optimization of the design.

The computer system consist of the hardware and software to

perform the specialized design functions required by the
particular user firm. The CAD hardware typically includes the
computer, one or more graphics display terminals, keywords,
and other peripheral equipment. The CAD software consist of
the computer programs to implement computer graphics on
the system plus application programs facilitate the engineering
function of the user company. Examples of the application
programs include stress-strain analysis of the components,
dynamic response analysis of the mechanics, heat-transfer
allocution, andnumerical control partprogramming.

Computer-Aided Design

The computer has grown to become essential in the

operation of business, government, the military, engineering,
and research. It has also demonstrated itself, especially in recent
years, to be a very powerful tool in design and
manufacturing. In this and the following two chapters, we
consider the application of computer technology to the design
of the product.

The CAD system defined

Computer-Aided design involves any type of design

activity which makes use of the computer to develop, analyze
or modify an engineering design. Modern CAD systems are
based on interactive computer graphics (ICG). Interactive
computer graphics denotes a user-oriented system in which the
computer is employed to create, transform, and display data in
the forms of pictures and symbols. The user in the computer
graphics design system is the designer, who communicates data
and commands to the computer through any of several input
devices. The computer communicates with the user via a
cathode ray tube(CRT). The designer creates the image on the
CRT screen by entering commands to call the desired software’s
subroutine stored in the computer. In the most systems, the
image is constructed out of basic geometric elements points,
line, circles, and so on. It can be modified according to the
commands of the designers enlarged, reduced in size, moved to
another location on the screen, rotated and other
transformations. Through these manipulation, the required
details of the image are formulated.

There are several fundamentals reasons for implementing a

computer-aided design system:
1. To increase the productivity of the designers. This is
accomplished by helping designer to visualize the product
and its component subassemblies and parts; and by
reducing the time required in synthesizing, analyzing, and
documenting the design. The productivity improvement
translates not only into lower deign cost but also into
shorter project completion times.
2. To improves the quality of the design. A CAD system
permits a more through engineering analysis and larger
number of design alternatives can be investigated. Design
errors are also reduced through the greater accuracy
provided of the system. These factors lead to a better
3. To improve communications. Use of a CAD system
provides better engineering drawings, more
standardization in the drawings, and better documentation
of the design, fewer drawing errors, and greater legibility.

The various design-related tasks which are permuted by a

modern computer-aided design system can be grouped into four
functional areas:

1. Geometric modeling
2. Engineering analysis
3. Design review and evaluation 4. Automated drafting.

These four areas correspond to the final four phases is Shirley’s

general design process, illustrated in figure. Geometric modeling
corresponds to the synthesis phase in which the physical design
project takes form on the ICG system. Engineering analysis
corresponds to phase4, dealing with the analysis and
optimization. Design review and evaluation is the fifth step in
general design procedure. Automated drafting involves a
procedure for converting the design image data residing in
computer memory into a hard-copy document. It represents an
important method for presentation of the design. To
thefollowing four sections explore each of the four CAD

Geometric modeling
In computer-aided design, geometric modeling is concerned with
the compatible mathematical description of the geometry of an
object. The mathematical description allows the image of the
object to be displayed and manipulated on graphics terminal
through signals from the CPU of the CAD system. The software
that provides geometric modeling capabilities must be designed
for efficient use both by the computer and the human designer.
The third type of the command causes the various elements to
be joined into the desired shape of the object being created on
the ICG system. During this geometric modeling process, the
computer converts the commands into a mathematical model,
stores it in the computer data files, and displayed it as an image
on the CRT screen. The model can subsequently be called from
the data files for review, analysis, or alteration.

There is several different method of representing the object in

geometric modeling. The basic form uses wire frames to
represent the object. In this form, the object is displayed by the
interconnecting lines, as shown in figure. Wire frame geometric
modeling is classified into three types, depending on the
capabilities on the ICG system.The three depending on the
capabilities of the ICG system. The three types are:
1. 2D. Two-Dimensional representation is used for a flat

2. 21/2D.This goes somewhat beyond the 2D capability by

pemitting a three-dimensional object to represent as long
as it has no sidewall details.

3. 3D. This allows for full three-dimensional modeling of a

more complex geometry.

Even three-dimensional wire-frame representations of an object

are sometimes inadequate for complicated shapes. Wire-frames
models can be enhanced by several different methods. Figure
shows the same object shown in the previous figure but with two
possible improvements. The first uses dashed lines to portray the
rear edges of the object, those which would be invisible from the
front. The second enhancement removes the hidden lines
completely, thus providing a less cluttered picture of the object
for the viewer. Some CAD systems have an automatic “hidden
lines removal feature,” while other systems requires the user to
identify the lines that are to be removed from view. Another
enhancement of the wire-frame model involves providing a
surface. Representation which makes the object appear solid to
the viewer. However, the object is still stored in the computer as
a wire-frame model.
Engineering analysis
In the formulation of the nearly any engineering design project,
some type of analysis is required. The analysis may involve
stress-strain calculation, heat-transfer computations, or the use
of differential equation to describe the dynamic behavior of the
system being designed. The computer can be used to aid in the
analysis work. It is often necessary that specific programs be
developed internally by the engineering analysis group to solve
a particular design problem. In other situations, commercially
available general-purpose programs can be used to performs the
engineering analysis.

Turnkey CAD/CAM systems often include or can be interfaced to

engineering analysis software which can be called to operate on
the current design model.

We discuss two important examples of this type:

Analysis of mass properties

Finite-element analysis
Design review and evaluation

Checking the accuracy of the design can b e accomplished

conveniently on the graphics terminal. Semiautomatic
dimensioning and tolerance routines which assign size
specifications to surfaces indicated by the user help to produce
the possibility of the dimensioning errors. The designer can zoom
in on part design details and magnify the image on the graphics
screen for the close security.
A procedure called layering is often helpful in design
review. For example, a good application of layering involves over
layering the geometric image of the final shape of the part on top
of the image of the rough casting. This ensures that sufficient
material is available on the casting to accomplish the final
machined dimensions. This procedure can be performed in
stages to check each successive step in the processing of the
Another related procedure for the design review is
interference checking. This involves the analysis of an assemble
structure in which there is a risk that the components of the
assembly may occupy the same space. This risk occurs in the
design of the large chemicals plants, air-separation cold boxes,
and other complicated piping structures.
One of the most interesting evaluation features available
on the some computer aided design systems is kinematics. The
available kinematics packages provide the capability to animate
the motion of simple designed mechanisms such as hinged
components and linkages. This capability enhances the
designer’s visualization of the operation of the mechanism and
helps to ensure against interference with other components.
Without graphical kinematics on a CAD system, designers must
often resort to the use of pin-and-cardboard to represent the
mechanism. Commercial software package are available to
perform kinematics analysis. Among these programs such as
ADAMS (automatic dynamic analysis of mechanical systems),
developed at the university of Michigan. This type of program
can be very useful to the designer in constructing the required
mechanism to accomplish a specified motion and force.

Automated Drafting

Automated drafting involves the creation of the hard copy

engineering drawings directly from CAD data base. In some early
computer-aided design departments, automation of the drafting
process represented the principal justification for the investing
the CAD system. Indeed, CAD system can increase productivity in
the drafting function by roughly five times over manual drafting.
Some of the graphics features of the CAD systems lend
themselves especially well to the drafting process. These
features include automatic dimensioning, generation of
crosshatched areas, scaling of the drawing, and the capability to
develop sectional views of particular part details.

Benefits of Computer-Aided Design

• Productivity improvement in design
• Shorter lead times
• Design Analysis
• Fewer drawing errors
• Greater accuracy in design calculations
• Standardization of design, drafting and documentation
• Drawings are more understandable
• Improved procedures for engineering changes
• Benefits in manufacturing

Productivity Improvement in design

Increased productivity translates into a more competitive
position for the firm because it will reduce staff requirements on
a given project. This leads to lower costs in addition to improving
response time on projects with tight schedules.
Surveying some of the larger CAD/CAM vendors, one finds that
productivity improvement ratio for a designer/draftsman is
usually given as a range, typically from a low end of 3:1 to a high
end in the excess 10:1.Ther e are individual cases in which
productivity has been increased by a factor of 100, but it would
be inaccurate to represent that figure as typical.

Shorter lead times

Interactive computer aided design is inherently faster than the
traditional design process. It also speeds up the task of preparing
reports and lists which are normally accomplished manually.
Accordingly, it is possible with a CAD system to produce a
finished set of component drawings and the associated reports
in relatively short time. Shorter lead times in design translate
into shorter elapsed time between receipt of a customer order
and delivery of the final product. The enhanced productivity of
designers working with CAD systems will tend to reduce the
prominence of design, engineering analysis and drafting as
critical time elements in the overall manufacturing lead time.

Design analysis

The design analysis routines available in a CAD system help to

consolidate the design process into a more logical work pattern.
This helps to improve the concentration of designers, since they
are interacting with their designs in a real-time sense. There is a
time saving to be derived from the computerized analysis and
from the time no longer lost while the design finds its way from
the designer’s drawing board to the design analyst’s queue and
back again.

Fewer Drawing Errors

Interactive CAD system provides an intrinsic capability for

avoiding design; drafting and documentation errors .Data entry,
transposition and extension errors that occur quite naturally
during manual data compilation for preparation of the bill of
material are virtually eliminated. Errors are avoided because
interactive CAD systems perform time consuming repetitive
duties such as multiple symbol placement and sorts by area and
by like item at high speeds with the consistent and accurate
Greater accuracy in design calculations

There is no high level of dimension control, far beyond the levels

of accuracy attainable manually .Mathematical accuracy is often
to 14 significant decimal places .The accuracy delivered by
interactive CAD system in three dimensional curved space
designs is so far beyond that provided by manual calculation
methods that there is no real comparison .
Drawings are more understandable
Interactive CAD is equally adept at creating and maintains
isometrics and oblique drawings as well as the simpler
orthographic. Thus an up to date version of any drawing type can
always be made available.
In general, ease of visualization of drawing relates directly to the
projection used .Orthographic views are less comprehensible
than isometrics. As isometric view isusually less understandable
than a perspective view. The addition of shading increases
comprehension. Different colors further enhance

Improved procedures for engineering

Control and implementation of engineering changes is
significantly improved with computer-aided design .Original
drawings and reports are stored in the data base of the CAD
system .This makes them more accessible than documents kept
in drawing vault. They can be quickly checked against new

Benefits in manufacturing
The benefits of computer –aided design carry over into
manufacturing as indicated previously, the same CAD/CMA data
base is used for manufacturing planning and control, as well as
for design. The manufacturing benefits are found in the following

Tool and fixture design for manufacturing

Numerical Control part programming
Computer-aided process planning
Assembly lists for production
Computer-aided inspection
Robotics planning

Hardware in computer-aided design


Hardware components for computer-aided design are available

in a variety of sizes,configurations and capabilities .Hence it is
possible to select a CAD system that meets the particular
computational and graphics requirements of the user firm. Of
course, the hardware id of little value without the supporting
software for the system.
Computer-aided design also includes non graphic applications of
the computer in design work. These consist of engineering
results which are best displayed in other than graphical form.
A graphical terminal operator input devices , more plotters and
other output devices –Central Processing unit(CPU)Secondary
Storage. These hardware components would be arranged in a
configuration. In the raster scan approach, the viewing screen is
divided into larger number discrete phosphor picture elements,
called pixels. The matrix of the pixels constitutes the raster. Color
screens provide for pixels to have different colors as well as
brightness. During operation, an electron beam creates the
image by sweeping along a horizontal line on the screen from left
to right and energizing the pixels in that line during the sweep.

Graphics terminals for Computer-aided

The two approaches described above are used in the
overwhelming majority of the current day CAD graphics
terminals. There are also a variety of other technical factors
which result in different types of graphics terminals. These are
written below:

1. Directed-beam refresh
2. Directed-view storage tube
3. Raster Scan
Colour and animation in computer graphics
The capabilities for multicolored images and animated pictures
in computer graphics are largely dependent on the hardware
considerations .The typical color CRT uses three electron beams
and triad of color dots on the phosphor screen to provide each
of three colors at different intensity levels, a variety of colors can
be created on the screen .It is more difficult to fabricate a
strokewriting tube which is precise enough for color because of
the technical problem of getting the three beams to converge
properly against the screen.

The raster scan approach has superior color graphics capabilities

because of the developments which have been made over the
years in the color television industry. Color raster scan terminals
with 1024*1024 resolutions are commercially available for
computer graphics. The problem in raster terminals is the
memory requirements of the refresh buffer. Each pixel on the
viewing screen may require up to 24 bits of the refresh buffer in
order to display screen, this translates into a very large storage

The capability for animation in computer graphics is limited to

display methods in which the image can be quick redrawn. This
limitation excludes the storage tube terminals .Both the
directed-beam refresh and raster scan systems are capable of
animation. However, this capability is not automatically acquired
with these systems. It must be accomplished by means of a
powerful and fast CPU interfaced to the graphics terminal to
process the large volumes of data required for animated images.
In Computer-aided design, animation would be a powerful
feature in applications where kinematics simulation is required.
The analysis of linkage mechanisms and other mechanical
behavior would be examples.


AutoCAD is a software application for computer-aided design
(CAD) and drafting. The software supports both 2D and 3D
formats. The software is developed and sold by Autodesk, Inc.,
first released in December 1982 by Autodesk in the year
following the purchase of the first form of the software by
Autodesk founder John Walker. AutoCAD is Autodesk's flagship
product and by March 1986 had become the most ubiquitous
microcomputer design program in the world, utilizing functions
such as "polylines" and "curve fitting".

When we open AUTO CAD software then it is started page of this software.
History of AUTO CAD
AutoCAD was derived from a 1977 program called Interact CAD,
which was written in a proprietary language (SPL) by inventor
Michael Riddle who later co-founded Autodesk to market
AutoCAD. This early version ran on the Marinchip Systems 9900
computer (Marinchip Systems was owned by Autodesk
cofounders John Walker and Dan Drake). While initially Walker
and Riddle had a profits-sharing agreement for any product
derived from Interact, in the end Walker paid Riddle US$10
million for all the rights.

The modern AutoCAD includes a full set of basic solid modeling

and 3D tools. The release of AutoCAD 2007 included the
improved 3D modeling that provided better navigation when
working in 3D. Moreover, it became easier to edit 3D models. The
mental ray engine was included in rendering and therefore it is
possible to do quality renderings. AutoCAD 2010 introduced
parametric functionality and mesh modeling.
The latest AutoCAD releases are AutoCAD 2014 and AutoCAD
2013 for Mac. The 2014 release marked the 28th major release
for the AutoCAD for Windows. The 2013 release marked the
third consecutive year for AutoCAD for Mac.
AUTO CAD Toolbars

Draw toolbar
You can show the draw toolbar in AUTO CAD software.

Draw toolbar

Basic command used in draw toolbar are as follow:-

Line Command
The user defines two points and we can constructs a line
between them. We can create a series of continues line segment.
Each segment has line object that can be edited separately.
Polyline command
A polyline is a connected sequence of segments created
as a single planer object you can create straight line segments,
arc segments or a combination of two. A polyline is made of
numerous lines/arcs/or both segmented together into one
selectable object.

Polygon command
Polygons are regular, multisided shapes such as pentagons,
hexagons etc. we can specify the different parameters of the
polygon including the number of sides. The difference between
the inscribed and circumscribed option.

Rectangle command
With the rectangle command, you can specify the rectangle
parameters (length, width, rotation) and control the type of
corners (fillet, chamfer, or square). This is basically a quick way
of drawing a four-segment plotline with four right angles.

Circle command

The only variables here are radius and centre point. It willdraw a
circle with thediameter that you specify.Its draw acircle thatgoes
through thepoints you specify.
Spline command

Splines are a particular form of curve generated by specific

mathematical equations. The user can select as many vertices as
they wish, and AutoCAD will generate a spline curve that
incorporates all these points. Splines are generally used for
cosmetic purposes, as their mathematical complexity makes
them hard to define from a technical design perspective.

Ellipse command
The shape of an ellipse is determined by two axes that define its
length and width. The longer axis is called the major axis, and the
shorter one is the minor axis.
Hatch command
Fills in enclosed area or subjected objects with a hatch
pattern or fill.
You can choose from several methods to specify the
boundaries of a hatch:-
• Specify a point in an area that is enclosed by object.
• Select objects that enclose an area
• Drag a hatch pattern into an enclosed area from a tool
palette or design centre.

Multiline text
You can create several paragraphs of text as a single
multiline text object with the built-in editor; you can format the
text appearance, columns, and boundaries.
Modify toolbar
You can show the modify toolbar in AutoCAD software.

Modify toolbar

Copy command

Copies object a specified distance in specified directions.

With the copy mode system variable, you can control whether
multiple copies are created automatically.Copies the selected
object from one point on the drawing to one or more locations.
The user defines two points and the object is copied using these
two positions as base points.
Mirror command
You can create objects that represent half of a drawing.
Select them, and mirror them across a specified to crate the
other half.The user defines two points, along which AutoCAD
generates a "line of reflection" and the reflected object is
generated across this line with all components reversed.

Array command
Creates multiple copies of object in pattern. You can
create copies of objects in a regularly spaced rectangular or polar
array.An array is a quick way of doing a lot of copying, as long as
all the copies are arranged in a simplistic way.

Scale command
To scale an object, specify a base point and a scale factor. The
base point acts as the centre of the scaling operation and
remains stationary. A scale factor greater than 1 enlarges the
objects. A scale factor between 0 and 1 shrinks the objects. An
easy way of changing a drawing from meters to millimeters is to
scale everything up by a factor of 1000.

Trim command
Trims objects to meet the edges of other object. To trim
objects, select the boundaries. Then press ENTER and select the
objects that you want to trim. To use all objects as boundaries,
press ENTER at the first select objects prompt. Specify an object
selection method to select the objects to trim. If more than one
trim result is possible, the location of the first selection point
determines the result.
Break command
You can create a gap between two specified points on an object,
breaking it into two objects. If the points are off of an object,
they are automatically projected on to the object. BREAK is often
used to create space for a block or text. To split an object in two
without erasing a portion, enter the same point for both the first
and second points. You can do this by entering @ to specify the
second point.
Stretch command
Objects that are partially enclosed by a crossing window are
stretched. Objects that are completely enclosed within the
crossing window, or that are selected individually, are moved
rather than stretched. Several objects such as circles, ellipses,
andblocks, cannot be stretched.

Chamfer command
You can chamfer lines, polylines, rays, and xlines. You can also
chamfer 3D solids and surfaces. If you select a mesh to chamfer,
you can choose to convert it to a solid or surface before
completing the operation.If you select an edge on a 3D solid, you
must indicate which one of the two surfaces adjacent to the edge
is the base surface.
Fillet command
In the example, an arc is created that is tangent to both of the
selected lines. The lines are trimmed to the ends of the arc. To
create a sharp corner instead, enter a radius of zero.You can also
fillet 3D solids and surfaces. If you select a mesh object for
filleting, you can choose to convert the mesh to a solid or surface
and continue the operation.

Chamfer Fillet

Dimension toolbar
You can show the dimension toolbar in AutoCAD software.

Dimensional toolbar
Linear dimension
Creates a linear dimension with a horizontal, vertical, or rotated
dimension line.Uses the point you specify to locate the
dimension line and determines the direction to draw the
extension lines. After you specify the location, the dimension is

Aligned linear dimension

Creates a linear dimension that is aligned with the origin points
of the extension lines. Automatically determines the origin
points of the first and second extension lines after you select an
object. If you select a circle, the endpoints of its diameter are
used as the origins of the extension line. Shown in fig no 22.
Radius dimension
Measures the radius of a selected circle or arc and displays the
dimension text with a radius symbol in front of it. You can use
grips to reposition the resulting radius dimension easily. If the
dimension is placed off of an arc resulting in the dimension
pointing outside the arc, AutoCAD automatically draws an arc
extension line.The current dimension style determines the
appearance of the generated measurements.

Baseline dimension
The default spacing between baseline dimensions can be set
from the Dimension Style Manager, Lines tab, Baseline Spacing
(DIMDLI system variable).If no dimension was created in the
current session, you are prompted to select a linear, ordinate, or
angular dimension to use as the base for the baseline dimension.
Continue dimension
Automatically continues creating additional dimensions from the
last linear, angular, or ordinate dimension created, or from a
selected extension line. The dimension lines are lined up
automatically. If no dimension was created in the current
session, you are prompted to select a linear, ordinate, or angular
dimension to use as the base for the continued dimension.

Baseline dimension Continue dimension

Ordinate dimension
Ordinate dimensions measure the horizontal or vertical distance
from an origin point called the datum to a feature, such as a hole
in a part. These dimensions prevent escalating errors by
maintaining accurate offsets of the features from the datum.
Customizes the dimension text at the Command prompt. The
generated dimension measurement is displayed within angle

Diameter dimension
Creates a diameter dimension for a circle or an arc.
Measures the diameter of a selected circle or arc, and displays
the dimension text with a diameter symbol in front of it. You can
use grips to easily reposition the resulting diameter dimension.
If the dimension is placed off of an arc resulting in the dimension
pointing outside the arc, AutoCAD automatically draws an arc
extension line.

Ordinate dimension Diameter dimension

Properties toolbar
You can show the properties toolbar in AutoCAD
Properties toolbar

Layers command
In this toolbar you can change the line color, line type, and line
weight. You can change the color the drawing in different parts
objects. In this the hiding objects you can use the line type. You
also change the line depth and weight with using line weight

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