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Debugging Power-Supply Startup Issues: by Robert Taylor, Ryan Manack

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Analog Applications Journal Industrial

Debugging power-supply startup issues

By Robert Taylor, Applications Manager, Power Design Services, Analog Marketing
Ryan Manack, Applications Engineer, Power Design Services, Analog Marketing

Introduction in the proper orientation. Double check to ensure that

You just received your assembled power supply printed surface-mount resistors and capacitors were not swapped
circuit board (PCB) from the manufacturer. You plug it in in assembly and that square ICs are not rotated 90 or 180
and guess what? It doesn’t work. Whether you are a novice degrees. If you did not do a visual inspection and the
engineer or an industry veteran, you know that sinking board failed at turn on, this is good time to find and
feeling. Regardless of how many days and hours you spend replace damaged parts, and to check the rest of the board.
running the calculations, perfecting your design, and Once the visual inspection and part replacement is
meticulously placing and routing your PCB, your 3.3-V complete, the next thing to check is that input cables are
output shows nothing but zeros on your multimeter or, properly connected. Figure 1 shows a typical single-input,
worse yet, it goes up in a puff of smoke. single-output, power-supply test setup.
Gone are the days where power supplies use simple After input connections are verified, the easiest way to
pulse-width modulators (PWMs) with limited bells and get started on the debugging process is with a multimeter
whistles. Integrated circuits (ICs) have dozens of pins and or oscilloscope. A multimeter can be used to ensure the
features like soft start, current limiting, pre-bias startup, input voltage is being passed to the PCB and arriving at
and boot capacitors. But what do some of these features the proper places on the board. If an ammeter is used to
mean, and which ones are preventing your power supply measure the input current, the meter could be connected
from working? incorrectly or have a blown fuse that would prevent the
This article provides a logical debug process for a input voltage from getting to the board. When the power
malfunctioning design. The troubleshooting process starts to the board is verified, measure the voltage across the
with the simple “gotchas” and then tackles more difficult capacitors located next to the IC. Some converters have
areas that even the experienced designer may find helpful. AVIN and PVIN pins for the analog circuitry and power
stage, respectively. Confirm that each of these nodes is
Check here first receiving its designated voltage. Once you verify that the
The most obvious mistakes can be very time consuming IC is receiving voltage, the next items to check are the
when debugging a power-supply issue. Before powering up on-board linear regulators or reference voltages. Check
a supply for the first time, it is a good idea to do a visual the datasheet to ensure the voltages on these pins are
inspection of the board. The designer needs to check that correct. Before spending too much time on the debugging
the correct parts are installed, check for missing parts, process, this would be a good time to check another
inspect all solder joints and verify that parts are soldered board. If other boards are working properly, that helps to

Figure 1. Typical power supply test setup

Input Input Output Output

Current Voltage Voltage Current

Multimeter Multimeter Multimeter Multimeter

A Com V A Com V A Com V A Com V
Connect in

Input Power Power Supply

Supply Under Test

Voltage Meters
Connect in Parallel

Texas Instruments 13 AAJ 3Q 2015

Analog Applications Journal Industrial

narrow the problem from a design issue to an assembly or damaged. Check the MOSFET impedances. The gate-to-
PCB issue. source and drain-to-source impedances should both be
Power supply ICs usually have input-enable or under- high. Then use the diode measuring tool on a multimeter
voltage lockout (UVLO) circuits. An oscilloscope is useful to measure the body diode of all MOSFETs. The source-to-
for checking these voltage levels. Probe the input-voltage drain body-diode voltages of the MOSFETs should be in
and enable pins to observe if each crosses the startup the 0.3- to 1-V range. If these terminals are shorted, the
thresholds specified by the IC datasheet. Some converters device is blown and must be replaced. Check the forward
need a 5-V or 3.3-V bias before the input is applied and voltage of any other diodes in the circuit for proper
enable is toggled. Verify that the bias is present in the orientation.
correct timing sequence. Soft-start circuits can be used to control the ramp of the
power-supply output. This is typically a current source
Detailed debug procedures feeding a capacitor. If the capacitor is shorted or inten-
After verifying that the IC is receiving the right voltages tionally held low, this will prevent the device from
on the input and enable pins, the next step is to detect if switching.
the IC tries to start. Although your multimeter reads 0.0 V In some cases the power supply boots up and attempts
on the output, the device may have started switching to regulate. It is important to know the protection features
before shutting down. Place scope probes on the switch inside the power controller. These can include overvoltage
node, input voltage, output voltage, and enable pin. Set protection (OVP), undervoltage protection (UVP), over-
the oscilloscope to a normal trigger on the switch node current protection (OCP), undervoltage lockout (UVLO),
and zoom the x-axis to ~1-ms/div. Apply power to the and overtemperature protection (OTP).
board and observe if the oscilloscope triggers. If the If the power supply switches and the output voltage
trigger catches and waveforms appear, the IC has made an ramps and overshoots, the controller could latch off due to
attempt to charge the output. The supply could be shut- OVP. Check the top feedback resistor to verify that it is
ting down from a short circuit. Remove power from the installed properly. UVP can occur if the output voltage
input and measure the impedance from the output to does not ramp in time. This can happen in an overcurrent
ground (GND). If it is a short or abnormally low imped- situation during startup, or if the supply voltage is lower
ance, the cause needs to be determined. than the output voltage set point during startup. If the
Lifting the inductor can help isolate the output node power supply is reaching an overcurrent condition, it may
from the IC. If the short is on the output, it could be not trip UVP. However, it could have another method of
shorted output capacitors. If the short is on the IC side of protection. These protections include voltage foldback,
the inductor, it could be a number of issues. The first step hiccup mode, or latching the device off.
to isolate the short is to begin removing parts on the Another issue could be that the output capacitance is
shorted node. If this is not successful, a power supply and too large and the converter cannot charge the output
thermal camera can be used to find the location of the before the soft-start time runs out. In this case, a larger
short. Current limit the power supply to a few amperes soft-start capacitor could help to solve the problem. Most
and apply power across the shorted terminals. Be careful ICs have overtemperature protection to prevent the device
not to exceed the voltage ratings of any components on from thermal runaway. Use a thermal camera to diagnose
this node. Then use the thermal camera to observe where this failure as the temperatures can rise well above 100°C.
the board is heating up. Inspect with a microscope to ICs may attempt to restart once cooled, providing a failure
pinpoint the problem. signature.
If the power supply makes no attempt to switch, verify
that the semiconductors are installed properly and are not

Texas Instruments 14 AAJ 3Q 2015

Analog Applications Journal Industrial

Table 1. Troubleshooting list for power-supply startup issues

Step Issue Symptom Solution
• Check BOM and SCH vs. board
Prior to hooking up any
• Ensure jumpers and 0-Ohm resistors are installed
cables, visual inspec-
• Ensure that DNP parts are not present
• Inspect all solder joints
• Ensure all cables are wired correctly
• Ensure ammeters are wired in series!
Hooking up the cables
• Ensure cables are big enough to handle the
• Not good, fix bad parts, use current limit when
Applying power Smoke
starting. Check multiple boards
• Check input cables
No voltage to • Check multimeter fuses
No startup
the IC • Check on board fuses
• Check the path from the source to the IC
• Check the enable voltage, UVLO, soft-start volt-
Check EN, VREG,
age, internal regulators, and internal references.
Change ICs that are not correct
• Check the MOSFETs for shorts
No switching • Check the body diodes of the MOSFETs
• Check other diodes for proper orientation
• Check the output for shorts
Brief switching • Lift the inductor to help isolate
• Use thermal camera to help identify issues
• Check for OCP, OVP, UVP
• Lift the inductor and add a current loop
• Check feedback paths to ensure connectivity
• Isolate any external loads on the board
Shut down
• Check to ensure soft start is completing, a larger
cap may be required

Table 1 shows a top-level check list for troubleshooting References

common startup problems. This list applies to the typical 1. TI reference-design library for power management
switching supply, however, some supply topologies may devices.
require more extensive troubleshooting.
Related Web sites
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Power supplies are complex circuits, so care must be
taken with design, layout, fabrication and assembly. The
debug process when things are not perfect is an art in
itself. Following the tips and process described here could
help the designer find a remedy in an efficient and timely
manner. Texas Instruments has an archive of over 1,000
built and tested power supply designs.[1] All of these
designs have schematics, test reports and Gerbers

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