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Engaged Learning Pre-Course Survey

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Engaged Learning Pre-Course Survey

Q1 Thank you for your participation! Thank you for participating in this small research project
that aims to understand how your participation in ENVS -001 or -002 may enhance your learning
relative to other courses at CU Boulder. The survey will take less than 10 minutes to complete.
Your contributions to the study will be kept anonymous. A similar follow-up survey will be
conducted in January 2016 – if you complete this initial survey, you will also be invited to
participate in the follow-up survey.It is entirely your choice whether or not to participate in this
survey. You have the right to skip most questions in the survey, if you choose. There are only a
few questions that are required as part of this survey, and they are indicated clearly. If you
choose not to answer these questions, you can stop the survey at any time.

If you complete the survey, you can elect to be entered into a prize draw to win a gift voucher for
$40. The same opportunity will be available for the follow-up survey. Your participation is
greatly appreciated and will help us develop a better understanding of effective teaching
methods. The results of the study will be published and disseminated, and you will have an
opportunity to read them.If you have questions regarding your rights as a participant, any
concerns regarding this project or any dissatisfaction with any aspect of this study, you may
report them - - confidentially, if you wish - - to the Institutional Review Board, 3100 Marine
Street, Rm A15, 563 UCB, (303) 735-3702.

Q2 Do you agree to participate in this survey (Required)?

 Yes (1)
 No (2)

Q3 Please indicate which course you are enrolled in for the fall 2015 semester.
 ENVS 3525-001 Natural Resource Management in Colorado and the West (1)
 ENVS 3525-002 Sustainable Food Systems (2)
Q4 "With respect to the average of my experiences across all ENVS classes that I have taken to

Strongly Disagree (2) Neither Agree Agree (4) Strongly

Disagree (1) nor Disagree Agree (5)

I can usually
find ways of
what I’m
learning in     
class to
else in my
life (1)

I feel
energized by
the ideas that
    
I am learning
in most of my
classes (2)

I feel as
though I am
things in my
classes that     
worthwhile to
me as a
person (3)

I am learning
a lot in my     
classes (4)

I find myself
thinking     
about what
I’m learning
in class even
when I’m not
in class (5)

I often
discuss with
my friends
    
what I’m
learning in
class (6)

I usually
think about
how the
topics being
discussed in
class might
    
be connected
to things I
have learned
in previous
class periods

When I am
about a new
idea in a
class, I think     
about how I
might apply it
in practical
ways (8)

Sometimes I
get so
interested in
something     
I’m studying
in class that I
spend extra
time trying to
learn more
about it (9)

I regularly
participate in
    
discussions in
most of my
classes (10)

I ask my
during class if     
I do not

Sometimes I
am afraid to
    
participate in
class (12)

Often I find
my mind
wandering     
during class

I’ve been
bored in class
    
a lot of the
time (14)

It’s hard to
pay attention
in many of     
my classes
Q5 Before this course began, how interested in the topic of Sustainable Food Systems (ENVS
3525-002 respondents) or Natural Resource Management in Colorado and the West (ENVS
3525-001 respondents) were you?
 Not at all interested (1)
 Slightly interested (2)
 Moderately interested (3)
 Very interested (4)
 Extremely interested (5)

Q6 Before this course began, were you engaged with organizations or activities related to
Sustainable Food Systems (ENVS 3525-002 respondents) or Natural Resource Management in
Colorado and the West (ENVS 3525-001 respondents)?
 Not at all engaged (1)
 Slightly engaged (2)
 Moderately engaged (3)
 Very engaged (4)
 Extremely engaged (5)

Q7 What is your age?

Q8 What gender do you identify with?

 Male (1)
 Female (2)
 Other (3)

Q9 What state is your primary residence?

Q10 What is your current year in school?
 Freshman (1)
 Sophomore (2)
 Junior (3)
 Senior (4)
 Other (5) ____________________

Q11 What is your current GPA?

Q12 How many credits to date have you taken at CU Boulder?

Q13 What race do you identify with?

 American Indian or Alaskan native (1)
 Black or African American (2)
 Asian (3)
 Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander (4)
 White (5)
 Other (6)
 Two or more races (7)

Q14 What do you plan to major in?

Q15 Do you think it’s likely that you will apply to graduate school within three years of
completing your degree?
 Very Unlikely (1)
 Unlikely (2)
 Undecided (3)
 Likely (4)
 Very Likely (5)
Q16 Do you live on or off campus?
 On campus (1)
 Off campus (2)

Q17 Do you wish to be entered into a drawing for a $40 gift certificate? If so, please include
your name and email. This information will only be used to create the pool for the prize draw,
and will not be associated with your responses to the other questions.

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