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Joël van der Reijden

September 10, 2005
from ProjectForTheExposureOfHiddenInstitutions Website

As I already mentioned, the purpose of PEHI (Project For The Exposure Of Hidden Institutions) is to put
together the entire spectrum of the world's hidden organizations. But even though I'm familiar with
the Pilgrims Society, the 1001 Club, the Multinational Chairmans Group, Le Cercle, and other very
powerful hidden organizations, I'm sure there's is a lot more to discover.
For example, during the long hours that these membership lists were put together, I've always paid
attention to individuals who might have been involved with different intelligence agencies. Information
remains scarce, but it happens relatively often that you come across someone who is involved with
the CIA. This isn't such a surprise, because there's no doubt that the CIA is very closely allied with the
most important financial and political institutions in the United States.

On the other hand, I seldom or never came across individuals involved with Army intelligence, Navy
Intelligence, Air Force Intelligence, the DIA, the NRO, or the NSA. Le Cercle is a bit of an exception,
because it's focused on bringing together members of the international intelligence agencies. And, of
course, there is the science-oriented JASON Group, which has at least one former NSA employee and
two founders of the NRO.

All in all, besides their official functions it's very hard to get an idea of what most of these intelligence
agencies are doing. Personally, I am always looking for leads in the longest and most obvious cover up
ever; that one about the UFO phenomenon, in which I include the cattle mutilations (take a look here).
There's no indication that the average Pilgrims Society or Trilateral Commission member has any idea
about these subjects, but somewhere these two worlds have to meet. I am anything but an expert on
intelligence agencies, but I do want to put some basic information here which I think is important for
anyone looking into hidden organizations. It could easily take a couple of years before I write some
additional information on this subject, and maybe I never will.

In the U.S. you only have 3 types of classification: Confidential, Secret, and Top Secret. That's it. But
this doesn't matter, since the true power of the classification system is the famous 'need to know' policy.
Just because you have a Top Secret clearance doesn't mean you can gain access to all the different
Top Secret documents of the CIA, Army, Navy, and Air Force.

However, this  3-tiered classification system is not enough to protect some of the more sensitive
information. Therefore additional levels of compartmentalization have been created. After a very
intensive background check, someone with a Top Secret clearance might obtain an additional Sensitive
Compartmented Information (SCI) clearance, under which information is buried that needs to be
restricted to even fewer individuals. This TS-SCI clearance had been introduced mainly to stop some
higher ranking officers from looking into Top Secret files they don't have any business with.

But even the TS-SCI clearance doesn't provide the secrecy needed for some of the most sensitive
projects. This is the reason that Special Access Programs (SAP) are created all the time. In this case
only a predetermined list of authorized personnel has access to the project and additional security
measures can be taken to keep outsiders away from it. Different congressional committees are informed
about these SAPs, but there is very little time for questions.

Most SAPs start out as Unacknowledged Special Access Programs (USAP), better known as Black

Projects. The F-117A Nighthawk and the B-2 Spirit are examples of projects that started out
as Unacknowledged SAPs. A DOD manual describes a USAP as follows (1):
"Unacknowledged SAPs require a significantly greater degree of protection than
acknowledged SAPs... A SAP with protective controls that ensures the existence of the
Program is not acknowledged, affirmed, or made known to any person not authorized
for such information. All aspects (e.g., technical, operational, logistical, etc.) are handled
in an unacknowledged manner."
Persons involved in a particular USAP are ordered to deny such a program exists. It's not allowed to
react with a "no comment", because that way someone immediately suspects something is being hidden
and might be motivated to look further into it. Officers not 'accessed' for a USAP, even superior ones,
are to be given the same response. The more sensitive the program, the more protection the
commanding officer can demand. He could even subject his personnel to lie-detector tests to see
whether or not they have been talking about it to anyone. According to a 1997 Senate investigation (2):
"Additional security requirements to protect these special access programs can range
from mere upgrades of the collateral system’s requirements (such as rosters specifying
who is to have access to the information) to entire facilities being equipped with added
physical security measures or elaborate and expensive cover, concealment, deception,
and operational security plans."
There are two versions of the Unacknowledged Special Access Programs. The first one is the regular
USAP. These regular USAPs are reported in the same way as their acknowledged versions. In closed
sessions, the House National Security Committee, the Senate Armed Services Committee, and the
defense subcommittees of the House and Senate Appropriations committees can get some basic
information about them. The Secretary of Defense, however, can decide to 'waive' particularly sensitive
USAPs. These are unofficially referred to as Deep Black Programs. According to the same 1997 Senate
investigation as mentioned earlier:
"Among black programs, further distinction is made for “waived” programs, considered
to be so sensitive that they are exempt from standard reporting requirements to the
Congress. The chairperson, ranking member, and, on occasion, other members and
staff of relevant Congressional committees are notified only orally of the existence of
these programs."
This leads to the conclusion that only very few people are aware of these waived Unacknowledged
Special Access Programs. Congress certainly doesn't get the information it needs to speak out against
newly established waived USAPs and I haven't read anywhere that their opinion is actually appreciated.
You could also ask yourself if Congress is told the truth about many of the most sensitive Special
Access Projects or if their successors are informed about previously activated (waived) USAPs. Even
with regular SAPs Congress is ignored at times:
"Last summer, the House Defense Appropriations Committee complained that "the air
force acquisition community continues to ignore and violate a wide range of
appropriations practices and acquisition rules". One of the alleged infractions was the
launch of an SAP without Congressional notification." (3)
What makes Unacknowledged Special Access Projects even more impenetrable is the fact that a lot
of these programs are located within private industry. The U.S. government generally doesn't develop a
whole lot. If you look at the defense industry, you have companies like Boeing, Lockheed, Northrop,
McDonnell Douglas, TRW, Rockwell, Bechtel, SAIC, or Decision-Science Applications (DSA Inc.), who
develop certain technologies for the U.S. government.
This means it's virtually impossible to get information about these projects, because private industry is
protected by something called 'proprietary privilege'. You generally can't get any information about
a USAP by issuing a FOIA or by annoying a Congressman (National Security), but just in case anyone
might be able to succeed, there's always the argument of proprietary privilege of the private industry.
Category Secrecy levels
Additional levels of A USAP behind another SAP or USAP, combined with the
Compartmentalization protection the private industry enjoys.
'Waved' Unacknowledged Special Access Programs /
'Deep Black Programs' (details already completely invisible
to congress and the president)
Unacknowledged Special Access Programs / 'Black
(acknowledged) Special Access Programs
Top Secret Sensitive Compartmented Information (TS-SCI)
Basic secrecy levels Top Secret NATO
Cosmic Top
Public or semi-public For Official Use Only NATO

And even in case the National Security State and proprietary privilege fails, there still seems to be at
least one other (unverified) mechanism to protect the most sensitive projects from public exposure. This
information comes from (many very credible) Disclosure Project witnesses (4), all of them claiming to
have some kind of experience with these type of projects.
Some of these people, with no one in the project disputing it, are saying that certain Black
Programs (USAPs) act as covers for UFO / ET related projects. This means that in an emergency
situation a sensitive Black or Deep Black Program could be revealed to the public, while the program
behind it remains undiscovered. In a 1997 speech, former astronaut Edgar Mitchell summarizes
what the Disclosure Project is all about (5):
"I also think that the prevalence in the modern era of so many events - the sightings, the
continual mutilation events, the so-called abduction events - that we are looking at likely
reversed engineered technology in the hands of humans that are not under government
control or any type of high level control...
So if there are back engineered technologies existing, they are probably in the hands of
this group of individuals, formerly government, formerly perhaps intelligence, formerly,
under private sector control with some sort of oversight by military or by government.
But this (oversight) is likely no longer the case as a result of this access denied category
that is now operating. I call it a clandestine group. The technology is not in our military
arsenals anywhere in the world, but it does exist, and to me that's quite disconcerting."

According to the Disclosure Project some of black triangles have been developed in Unacknowledged Special Access Projects.
Screenshots taken from 'UFOs, The Footage Archives 1947-1997'.
Pictures of the Belgian sightings have been included as well
as screenshot from 2 recent movies and a drawing of a witness.
A big questions that remains of course is how all these projects are funded. The official black budget of
the DoD would be the most likely explanation, but there are 'indications' that the U.S. economy is being
plundered for at least $1 trillion every year (yes, about 10% of GNP). Because no one is going to believe
this without reading the full original sources, I cached all the mainstream news reports at the bottom of
this article.
I extracted the following numbers from these reports:
Sources (all cached at the bottom of this
Year Missing
1998 Washington Times
1999 Congressional meeting
2000 $1.1 Congressional meeting; Insight Magazine
2001 CBS quoting Rumsfeld
2002 San Francisco Chronicle; CBS

According to financial expert Catherine Austin Fitts this has become possible due to the introduction of
acts like the 1947 National Security Act and the 1949 CIA Act (6). Large New York banks like J.P.
Morgan Chase and defense contractors like Lockheed Martin, who are running the systems of all the
government departments, seem to be responsible for diverting and laundering billions of dollars every
day from public and other undisclosed funds. I suggest you read all the sources that are provided for this
article, because I sure haven't got any answers on this subject.
At the moment, I am wondering who is using who here? Is J.P. Morgan Chase, the core of the
American part of the Anglo-American financial empire, being used as a milch cow to fund secret projects
of the most unimaginable magnitude? Or, in line with the NWO conspiracy theories, are the bankers of
the Pilgrims Society themselves really the ones in control? Or is there some kind of mutual interest here,
whereby these bankers fund the Black Projects, while technology and services from these Black
Projects keeps them on top of the world? I guess anything is possible at this moment.

By the way, USAPs don't always have to involve the development of new cutting edge technology. In
the following case a USAP is used as to a tool to circumvent national and international humanitarian
laws. Seymour Hersh, 2004 (8):
"Rice and Rumsfeld know what many others involved in the prisoner discussions did
not -- that sometime in late 2001 or early 2002, the President had signed a top-secret
finding, as required by law, authorizing the Defense Department to set up a specially
recruited clandestine team of Special Forces operatives and others who would defy
diplomatic niceties and international law and snatch -- or assassinate, if necessary --
identified 'high-value' Al Qaeda operatives anywhere in the world.
Equally secret interrogation centers would be set up in allied countries where harsh
treatments were meted out, unconstrained by legal limits of public disclosure. The
program was hidden inside the Defense Department as an 'unacknowledged' special-
access program, or SAP, whose operational details were known only to a few in
the Pentagon, the CIA and the White House."
All I want at this point is the names of the people who are running all these projects. Check back in a
couple of years or so.

National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual Supplement

The Under Secretary Of Defense
Washington D.C. 20301
Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC):
DoD 5220.22-M-SUP-1
... g. Procedures for unacknowledged SAP security.
An unacknowledged SAP will require additional security training and
briefings, beyond that required in the baseline. Additional requirements
will be specified in the Contract Security Classification Specification and
will address steps necessary to protect sensitive relationships,
locations, and activities.

... 3102. Unacknowledged Special Access Programs (SAP).

Unacknowledged SAPs require a significantly greater degree of

protection than acknowledged SAPs. Special emphasis should be
placed on:
a.   Why the SAP is unacknowledged
b.   Classification of the SAP
c.   Approved communications system
d.   Approved transmission systems
e.   Visit procedures
f.    Specific program guidance
... Unacknowledged Special Access Program.
A SAP with protective controls that ensures the existence of the
Program is not acknowledged, affirmed, or made known to any person
not authorized for such information. All aspects (e.g., technical,
operational, logistical, etc.) are handled in an unacknowledged manner.

[1] Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC), 'National Industrial Security Program
Operating Manual Supplement' (part of a (badly) scanned DOD manual)
[2] 1997, Senate Document 105-2, 'Report of the Commission on Protecting and Reducing
Government Secrecy'
[3] January 5, 2000, Jane's Defense Weekly, 'In Search of the Pentagon's Billion Dollar
Hidden Budgets'
[4] April 2001, Disclosure Project briefing document, USAP excerpts
[5] October 13, 1997, Las Vegas SUN / Associated Press Phoenix, 'Astronaut Says Aliens
Have Landed' (includes a partial speech of Edgar Mitchell that was held at the conference)
[6] April 4, 2005, Coast to Coast AM, Catherine Austin Fitts talks for over 2 hours about the
missing trillions and the U.S. government's black budget. (Fitts was assistant-secretary of
Housing at HUD, managing director of Wall Street investment bank Dillon Read & Co., and
helped to clean up the financial mess of Iran-Contra and the BCCI scandal)
[7] November 23, 2003, Michael E. Salla, 'The Black Budget Report: An Investigation into the
CIA’s ‘Black Budget’ and the Second Manhattan Project'
[8] 2004, Seymour M. Hersh, 'Chain of Command: The Road From 9/11 to Abu Ghraib' (book)

References to the missing annual trillions (no typo) in the DOD and other government agencies
[1] April 1, 1999, Washington Times, '$3,400,000,000,000 Of Taxpayers' Money Is Missing'
[2] November 6, 2000, Insight Magazine, 'Why Is $59 Billion Missing From HUD?'
[3] June 25, 2001, Insight Magazine, 'THE CABINET - Inside HUD's Financial Fiasco'
[4] September 3, 2001, Insight Magazine, 'Rumsfeld Inherits Financial Mess'
[5] September 28, 2001, Insight Magazine, 'Wasted Riches'
[6] January 29, 2002, CBS News, 'The War on Waste - Defense Department Cannot Account
For 25% Of Funds — $2.3 Trillion'
[7] April 29, 2002, Insight Magazine, 'Government Fails Fiscal Fitness Test'
[8] May 18, 2003, San Francisco Chronicle, 'Military waste under fire $1 trillion missing --
Bush plan targets Pentagon accounting'
[9] May 19, 2003, CBS, 'Pentagon Fights For (Its) Freedom'
[10] May 22, 2003, The Guardian, 'So much for the peace dividend: Pentagon is winning the
battle for a $400bn budget'
[11] June 28, 2003, NPR's Morning Edition, Congressman Dennis Kucinich mentions the
missing trillions.
[12] April 6, 2004, USA Today, 'NASA costs can't be verified, GAO report says'
[13] March 2005, Senate Armed Services Committee, FY 2006 Defense Dept. Budget
(congresswoman Cynthia McKinney asks some hard questions)

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