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Del Mar v. Court of Appeals

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G.R. No.

139008               March 13, 2002

ROBERT DEL MAR, petitioner,




The Facts

In his Memorandum, Petitioner Robert del Mar alleges as follows:

"1. The private respondent, Norma Ebersole Del Mar, and her sister, Florence Ebersole
Finch, inherited three (3) parcels of land covered by TCT Nos. T-58397, T-58398 and T-
58402, situated in Mabini, Santiago City, with a total area of 29,736 square meters, more
or less. On December 6, 1974, Florence Ebersole Finch, a resident of New York, USA,
executed a general power of attorney naming and constituting private respondent as
her attorney-in-fact with regard to the subject property.

"2. On January 29, 1975, private respondent, acting for herself and as attorney-in-fact
of Florence Ebersole Finch, executed Deeds of Absolute Sale in favor of petitioner
covering the three aforementioned parcels of land. The private respondent is the
mother of herein petitioner.

"3. On March 25, 1976, Florence Ebersole Finch executed a Deed of Confirmation in
New York, USA, confirming and ratifying all the acts and deeds executed by Norma
Ebersole del

"5. After the peaceful and continuous possession by petitioner of the subject
properties for more than twenty-two (22) years, a complaint for reconveyance was
filed by x x x private respondent against x x x petitioner on May 15, 1997,
alleging, inter-alia, that x x x petitioner obtained the aforementioned Certificates of
Title through fraud and deceit. Private respondent claimed that x x x said properties
were left by her under the administration of petitioner, who allegedly transferred the
ownership of x x x said realty in his name by causing the issuance of Certificates of
Title in his name without her knowledge and consent. However, records show that
before she left for the United States, private respondent executed the corresponding
Deeds of Absolute Sale in favor of petitioner.

"6. In his Answer, x x x petitioner claimed that x x x private respondent and her co-
owner, Florence Ebersole Finch, sold x x x said properties to him before the former
left for the United States. Moreover, the properties were transferred for good,
sufficient and valuable consideration, hence the sale was lawful and valid.

"7. During the pre-trial conference, neither x x x petitioner nor his counsel, Atty.
Federico Abuan, appeared, by reason of which the trial court issued an order
declaring petitioner as in default. The non-appearance was due to the failure of Atty.
Abuan, Jr. to inform petitioner’s attorney-in-fact, Angelita Austria, of the scheduled
hearing. Said petitioner filed a motion for reconsideration but the same was denied,
and x x x private respondent was allowed to adduce her evidence ex-parte. On the
same day that x x x said motion was denied, the trial court rendered its October 21,
1997 [D]ecision in favor of x x x private respondent and against x x x petitioner, the
dispositive portion of which reads:

‘WHEREFORE, judgment is rendered against [petitioner] and in favor of [private respondent].

On the other hand, private respondent counters with the following allegations in her Memorandum:

"The parcels of land covered by the land titles that are sought to be nullified x x x are all owned by
[private] respondent NORMA EBERSOLE DEL MAR by way of inheritance from her lawful
[ascendants]. The original titles were all issued in her name and favor.

"In the early 1970’s [private] respondent x x x together with her two children, GERALD and
FLORENCE went to the United States with the intent of obtaining domicile there[i]n and
leaving behind the other son x x x petitioner x x x, and entrusting [to] his [administration] x x
x their properties.

"In 1974, [private respondent] came back to the Philippines and stayed up until 1978 and thereafter
went back to the US. During her stay, the properties were intact.

"Sometime in 1996, [private respondent] discovered that the properties were already in the
name of [petitioner]. [Private respondent] protested because she never had done any act of
transfer of the properties in favor of [petitioner], because her intent was to have these
properties to be eventually x x x divided into THREE (3) equal parts for her THREE (3)
children x x x. The transfer was [without] the knowledge of [private respondent]. It was
fraudulent and unlawful x x x."

Ruling of the Court of Appeals

As already stated, the CA granted the Motion to Dismiss via the first assailed Resolution.

As regards petitioner’s "Motion for Reconsideration/Petition for Relief & Motion to Admit Appellant’s
Brief," the appellate court’s denial is justified.

Hence, this Petition. 12

The Issues

"Who between the petitioner and the private respondent has a better right to the properties in

"Whether or not the Respondent Court of Appeals committed grave abuse of di[s]cretion in ruling in
favor of private respondent."

The Court’s Ruling

The Petition has no merit.

First Issue:
Effect of Failure to File a Brief

Petitioner argues that the CA gravely abused its discretion in dismissing his appeal for his
mere failure to file his Brief within the reglementary period.

We disagree. Rule 50, Section 1(e) of the Revised Rules of Court, expressly authorizes the CA
to dismiss an appeal for, inter alia, "failure of appellant to serve and file the required number
of copies of his brief or memorandum within the time provided by these Rules."

Certiorari as a special civil action can be availed of when the following requisites concur: (a) a
tribunal, board or officer exercising judicial functions has acted without or in excess of jurisdiction or
with grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or in excess of jurisdiction; and (b) there is no
appeal or plain, speedy and adequate remedy in the ordinary course of law for annulling or
modifying the proceeding. 14

Petitioner claims that Atty. Abuan’s failure to file the required pleading constituted fraud
against him, and that his absence from the country while the appeal was pending constituted
a mistake that was excusable.

We disagree. It is well-settled that the negligence of counsel binds the client. Exceptions to

this rule arise when (1) such negligence is so gross, palpable, reckless and inexcusable that
the client is deprived of the due process of law; and (2) the application of such due process
results in the outright deprivation of one’s property through a technicality. 16

The negligence of Atty. Abuan does not fall under these exceptions. His negligence in this
case was his inexcusable failure to file the required appellant’s Brief, thus causing the
dismissal of the appeal of petitioner. But the latter was not without fault. He was aware of
Atty. Abuan’s failure to appear at the pretrial conference, a failure that had placed him in
default. Because petitioner was in default, private respondent’s evidence was received ex
parte by the RTC. No wonder, the trial court decided against him. Yet, he retained Atty.
Abuan’s services for the appeal. One is bound by the decisions of one’s counsel regarding
the conduct of the case, especially where the former does not complain against the manner
in which the latter handled the case. 17

In effect, petitioner consented to the shabby and negligent treatment of his case by his
counsel. Hence, he should not complain now of the negligence or "fraud" done to him by his
lawyer. A party’s counsel cannot be blamed for negligence, if the party was likewise guilty of
the same. Clients should suffer the consequences of the negligence, mistake or lack of

competence of the counsel whom they themselves hired, and whom they had full authority to
fire at any time and replace with another. 19

Petitioner cannot be said to have been denied due process, because he was afforded the
opportunity to be heard. In fact, he filed an Answer to private respondent’s Complaint. That
he did not present evidence in his favor was the effect of his being in default and his
continued failure to move that such status be lifted. His claim that he was abroad is

We cannot attribute grave abuse of discretion to the Court of Appeals which merely followed Rule 50
in dismissing the appeal.

Second Issue:
Petitioner’s Defenses

Petitioner avers that he has in his favor the following valid and meritorious defenses: (1) valid
purchase of the disputed lots, (2) acquisitive prescription, and (3) prescription and laches barring
private respondent’s action. He proposes to prove these arguments with the following documents:
(1) an alleged Deed of Sale dated January 29, 1975 purportedly signed by private respondent on her
own behalf and as the agent of her sister Florence; (2) a Confirmation of Sale allegedly signed by
Florence; and (3) an alleged "Certificate of Authentication" of the confirmation issued by a Philippine
vice consul in New York, USA.

Assuming arguendo that this Petition is granted and the CA is required to pass upon the
RTC’s judgment, how can the CA give any probative value to the above documents, when
they were not presented before the trial court? Be it remembered that petitioner had been
declared in default, and that he did not even ask for the lifting of the Default Order. Hence, the
grant of the Petition will be not only legally unsound, but also practically useless.  It will just

clog the CA’s docket.

Finally, after the CA denied his Motion for Reconsideration, petitioner allowed the reglementary
period for filing an appeal to lapse, opting instead to file this Petition for Certiorari. Well-settled is the
rule that certiorari is not a substitute for a lost appeal. Even if for this reason alone, the Petition

should not be given due course.


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