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JAIBB Accounting Solution - Final Accounting

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June - 2010 Mercantile Bank Ltd

Profit & loss a/c

For the year ended 31 Dec,2009
Dr Cr
Expenditure Tk Income Tk
Int. Paid 42,048 Int. Received 1,41,010
General Exp. 91,363 (-)Unexpired Discount 42,000
Salaries & allowance 1,00,000 99,010
(-) GM salary 10,000 Discount Charges 38,461
90,000 Commission Charges 1,54,859
GM salary 10,000 Dividend Received 86,251
Div. accured & Net Loss 1,225
outstanding 1,23,395

Dep. On premises 17,500

Bad debts 5,500
3,79,806 3,79,806

Mercantile Bank Ltd

Balance Sheet
As on 31Dec,2009.
Capital & Liabilities Tk Assets Tk
Share capital Cash in hand 3,41,644
88750 Shares @ tk10 each 8,87,500 Cash with B. Bank 6,21,858
Reserve 5,00,000 Balance with other bank 2,24,220
Add. Reserve for final 56,005 5,56,005 Govt. Securities 6,18,358
dividend Inv. In share 2,48,000
Current a/c 25,81,343 Inv. In national Def. bond 1,68,000
Deposit a/c 6,85,135 Money at call & short notice 2,79,416
dividend accured & outstanding 1,23,395 Bill discounted 8,33,483
Profit & loss a/c: 1,28,139 (-) Unexpired Discount 42,000 7,91,483
(-) Net loss 1,225
1,26,914 Advances to customer 13,42,120
Less: (-) Bad debt 5,500 13,36,620
Last yr Dividend
Intrem 32,138 Bank Premises 2,60,000
Final 56,005 (-) Dep. 17,500 2,42,500
Acceptance & endorsement Suspense a/c 50
for customer 3,40,216 Acceptance & endorsement
for customer 3,40,216
52,12,365 52,12,365
Dec - 2009 Prime Bank Ltd
Profit & loss a/c
Dr For the year ended 31 Dec,2008 Cr
Expenditure Tk
Income (Less bad debts & other Provision) Tk
Int. Paid 13,00,000 Int. & discount 46,00,000
General Exp. 2,700 (-)Rebate 1,06,093
Salaries & allowance 3,07,000 44,93,907
GM salary 15,000
Provident fund contribution 28,500 Commission & exchange 1,32,000
Loss on sale of gold 42,000 Rent 36,000
Director`s fees & allowance 10,700 Profit on sale on investment 1,41,000
Law charges 13,900 Transfer fees 100
Postage & Telegram 6,300
Auditor fees 3,000
Depreciation 3,600
Repair 4,800
Stationary & Printing 10,000
Provision for loans 1,25,000
Pofit & loss a/c Net Profit 29,30,507
48,03,007 48,03,007

Prime Bank Ltd

Balance Sheet
As on 31Dec,2009.
Capital & Liabilities Tk Assets Tk
Share capital 2,00,00,000 Cash in hand 3,16,54,000
(-)Calls in arrear 25,000 1,99,75,000 Cash with B. Bank 1,50,00,000

Reserve 1,00,00,000 Balance with other bank 2,93,00,000

Add.20% statutory 5,86,101 1,05,86,101
Reserve Investment 4,43,21,000
Current a/c 7,00,11,000
Fixed Deposit a/c 6,67,50,000 Money at call & short notice 72,60,000
Saving bank a/c 4,16,25,000
Borrowing from banks 16,00,000 Bill discounted 3,15,77,000
Bills Payable 5,50,000
Unclaimed Dividend 34,000
Outstanding expenses 1,11,000
WPPF 4,50,000
Dividend 9,98,750
Profit & loss a/c: Last Yrs 16,16,000 (-) Rebate 1,06,093 3,14,70,907
(+) Current Yrs 29,30,507
45,46,507 Loans 5,03,16,000
(-)WPPF 4,50,000 (-) Provision 1,25,000 5,01,91,000
(-) Dividend 5% 9,98,750 Bank Premises 50,00,000
30,97,757 Furniture 4,40,000
(-) Income Tax 5,17,600
25,80,157 Non banking asset 48,000
(-) 20% statutory Reservs 5,86,101 19,94,056

Bills for collection 10,00,000 Bills for collection 10,00,000

Acceptance & endorsement 15,50,000 Acceptance & endorsement 15,50,000
21,72,34,907 21,72,34,907
Nov - 2008 Jamuna Bank Ltd
Profit & loss a/c
For the year ended 31 Dec,2007
Dr Cr
Expenditure Tk Income Tk
Int. Paid 42,048 Int. Received 1,41,010
General Exp. 91,363 (-)Bad debts 5,500
Salaries & allowance 1,00,000 1,35,510
(-) GM salary 10,000 Discount Charges 38,461
90,000 Commission Charges 1,54,859
GM salary 10,000 Dividend Received less Tax 86,251
Unexpired Discount 42,000
Dep. On bank property 17,500
Net profit c/d 1,22,170
4,15,081 4,15,081

Jamuna Bank Ltd

Profit & loss appropriation a/c
For the year ended 31 Dec,2007
Dr Cr
Particulars Tk Particulars Tk
Intrem 32,188 Profit & loss account 1,28,139
Final 56,005
Dividend accured 1,23,395 Balance b/d 1,22,170
20% Statutory Reserve 24,434

Balance c/d 14,287

2,50,309 2,50,309

Jamuna Bank Ltd

Balance Sheet
As on 31Dec,2009.
Capital & Liabilities Tk Assets Tk
Share capital Cash in hand 3,41,644
88750 Shares @ tk10 each 8,87,500 Cash with B. Bank 6,21,858
Reserve 5,00,000 Balance with other bank 2,24,220
Add. Reserve for final 56,005 5,56,005 Govt. Securities a/c 6,18,358
dividend Investment on Share 2,48,000
Current a/c 25,81,343 Investment on national def. bond 1,68,000
Deposit a/c 6,85,135 Money at call & short notice 2,79,416
dividend accured & outstanding 1,23,395 Bill discounted 8,33,483
Profit & loss apprepriationa/c: 14,287 (-) Unexpired Discount 42,000 7,91,483

Advances to customer 13,42,120

(-) Bad debt 5,500 13,36,620
20% Statutory Reserve 24,434
Bank Premises 2,60,000
(-) Dep. 17,500 2,42,500

Acceptance & endorsement

for customer 3,40,216 Acceptance & endorsement
for customer 3,40,216
52,12,315 52,12,315
Nov - 2007 SYM Bank Ltd
Profit & loss a/c
For the year ended --- Dec,--------
Dr Cr
Expenditure Tk Income Tk
Rent & tax 40,000 Interest & commission 5,60,000
Travel Expenses 10,000 (-) Provision 3,00,000 2,60,000
Audit Fees 6,000
Int. on deposit 2,80,000 Discount & exchange 1,80,000
Salaries Expenses 2,00,000 (-) Unexpired bill 25,000 1,55,000
Advertiseing 10,000
Stationary expenses 50,000 Others income 75,000
Telephone 10,000 Profit on sale of investment 55,000
Law Charges 6,000 Share Transfer fees 3,10,000
Printing Expenses 10,000
Int.expenses 4,000
Dep. On plant 30,000
Net profit 1,99,000
8,55,000 8,55,000

SYM Bank Ltd

Balance Sheet
As on -----------------------
Capital & Liabilities Tk Assets Tk
Called up capital 58,00,000
Share capital Cash in hand 25,00,000
Paid up capital 58,00,000 Cash with other Bank 29,00,000
(-) Calls in arrear 6,50,000 51,50,000 Investment 77,00,000
Int. due on investment 70,000
Cash dividend 19,900 Overdraft & cash credit 90,00,000
Statutory Reserve 25,00,000 Demand Loans 13,00,000
(+) 20% Statutory Reserve 39,800 25,39,800 Loans & advances
(7000000-300000) 67,00,000
Retain earning 2,80,000 Bill discounted & Purchase 6,00,000
Current/Fixed/Saving Deposit 1,60,80,000 (-) Rebate unexpired bill 25,000 5,75,000
Income Tax 79,600
Net Profit 1,99,000 Unexpired Insurance 4,000
(-) 20% Statutory Reserve 39,800
Cash dividend 19,900
1,39,300 Plant asset 1,50,000
(-)40% income tax 79,600 59,700 (-) Dep. 30,000 1,20,000

Acceptance & endorsement 25,000 Acceptance & endorsement 25,000

L/C 45,000 L/C 45,000
Bills for collection 4,50,000 Bills for collection 4,50,000
Suspense a/c 66,60,000

3,13,89,000 3,13,89,000
XYZ Bank Ltd
May - 2007 Profit & loss a/c
For the year ended 31 Dec, 2006
Dr Cr
Expenditure Tk Income Tk
Director`s fees 2,980
Auditor Fees 3,000 Interest & discount 2,00,223
Salaries 52,150 (-) Rebate 5,900 1,94,323
Law charges 1,650
Postage & telegram 2,156 Commission & exchange 1,12,000
Printing & stationary 2,390
Rent 8,507
Provident fund contribution 15,000
Dep. On Building 7,000
On Furniture 4,500 11,500

Loss on investment 28,126

Net profit 1,78,864
3,06,323 3,06,323

XYZ Bank Ltd

Balance Sheet
As on 31 Dec, 2006
Capital & Liabilities Tk Assets Tk
Paid up capital 15,00,000
General Reserve 2,05,000 Cash in hand 8,16,324
Contingency reserve 50,000 Cash with Bangladesh Bank 12,02,125
Current account 34,12,489 Bill Discounted 14,00,520
Fixed Deposit 38,95,554 (-) Rebate 5,900 13,94,620
Saving Deposit 20,68,000
Branch adj 66,894 Loans, Cash credit, Overdraft 70,20,000
Inv. Reserve fund 35,000 Unexpired insurance 625
Statutory Reserve 60,000 Investment 8,50,000
(+) 20% Statutory Reserve 35,773 95,773
Furniture 37,280
(-) Dep. 4,500 32,780
Net Profit current year 1,78,864
(+) Profit & loss a/c 40,333
(-) 20% Statutory Reserve 35,773 1,83,424

Acceptance on behalf of customer 2,00,000 Building 2,05,000

Suspense a/c 2,340 (-) Dep. 7,000 1,98,000

Acceptance on behalf of customer 2,00,000

1,17,14,474 1,17,14,474
May - 2006 ABC Bank Ltd.
Profit & loss a/c
For the year ended 31 Dec, 2006
Dr Cr
Expenditure Tk Income Tk
Int. paid 42,048
General Expenses 91,363 Interest received 1,41,010
Int. & dividend accured 1,23,395 (-) Bad debts 5,500 1,35,510
Salaries & allowance 1,00,000
(-) G M salary 10,000 90,000 Commission charges 1,54,859
G M salary 10,000 Discount charges 38,461
Unexpired Discount 42,000 Dividend received less tax 86,251
Dep. On Bank primises 17,500 Net Loss 1,225

4,16,306 4,16,306

ABC Bank Limited

Balance Sheet
As on 31 Dec, 2005
Capital & Liabilities Tk Assets Tk
Share capital Cash in hand 3,41,644
88750 Shares @ tk10 each 8,87,500 Cash with Bangladesh Bank 6,21,858
Reserve 5,00,000 Balance with other bank 2,24,220
Add. Reserve for final 56,005 5,56,005 Govt. Securities 6,18,358
dividend Inv. In share 2,48,000
Current a/c 25,81,343 Inv. In national Def. bond 1,68,000
Deposit a/c 6,85,135 Money at call & short notice 2,79,416
dividend accured & outstanding 1,23,395 Bill discounted 833483
Profit & loss a/c: 1,28,139 (-) Unexpired Discount 42000 7,91,483
(-) Net loss 1,225
1,26,914 Advances to customer 1342120
Less: (-) Bad debt 5500 13,36,620
Last yr Dividend
Intrem 32,188 Bank Premises 260000
Final 56,005 (-) Dep. 17500 2,42,500
Acceptance & endorsement
for customer 3,40,216 Acceptance & endorsement
for customer 3,40,216
52,12,315 52,12,315

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