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Turbulent Kinetic Energy Distribution of Nutrient Solution Flow in NFT Hydroponic Systems Using Computational Fluid Dynamics

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Turbulent Kinetic Energy Distribution of Nutrient
Solution Flow in NFT Hydroponic Systems Using
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Cesar H. Guzmán-Valdivia 1, *, Jorge Talavera-Otero 2 and Omar Désiga-Orenday 2
1 Departamento de Ingeniería Mecatrónica, Universidad Politécnica de Zacatecas, Fresnillo 99059, Mexico
2 Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Unidad Profesional Interdisciplinaria en Ingeniería Campus Zacatecas,
Zacatecas 98160, Mexico; (J.T.-O.); (O.D.-O.)
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +521-493-100-1944

Received: 26 March 2019; Accepted: 29 May 2019; Published: 3 June 2019 

Abstract: Hydroponics is crucial for providing feasible and economical alternatives when soils are
not available for conventional farming. Scholars have raised questions regarding the ideal nutrient
solution flow rate to increase the weight and height of hydroponic crops. This paper presents the
turbulent kinetic energy distribution of the nutrient solution flow in a nutrient film technique (NFT)
hydroponic system using the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) method. Its main objective is to
determine the dynamics of nutrient solution flow. To conduct this study, a virtual NFT hydroponic
system was modeled. To determine the turbulent kinetic energy distribution in the virtual NFT
hydroponic system, we conducted a CFD analysis with different pipe diameters (3.5, 9.5, and 15.5 mm)
and flow rates (0.75, 1.5, 3, and 6 L min−1 ). The simulation results indicate that different pipe diameters
and flow rates in NFT hydroponic systems vary the turbulent kinetic energy distribution of nutrient
solution flow around plastic mesh pots.

Keywords: CFD; NFT hydroponic system; nutrient solution flow; turbulent kinetic energy

1. Introduction
Food production is increasingly becoming a major worldwide concern [1]. Hydroponics is
an innovative strategy to produce more with less, and it plays an important role in areas unsuitable for
conventional farming, such as arid and degraded soils [2]. Key aspects of hydroponics are weather
protection and labor-intensive activity reduction, such as weeding and soil preparation [3]. One of the
main advantages of hydroponics is that it reduces the amount of water and nutrients used for crop
cultivation. The nutrient film technique (NFT) is a key technique used in hydroponics proven to be
a feasible and competitive alternative to transport nutrients continuously to the roots through channels
with no loss of quality.
Previous researchers have shown a growing interest in studying the impact of nutrient solution
flow in NFT hydroponic systems. Helbel et al. [4] studied the effect of three nutrient solutions with
two different flow rates (0.8 and 1.2 L min−1 ). To evaluate the experiment, they cultivated lettuce
(Lactuca sativa L.). Their experimental results did not show a significant correlation. Genuncio et al. [5]
studied the accumulation of fresh weight in different ionic concentrations (50, 75, and 100%) and flow
rates (0.75, 1, and 1.5 L min−1 ). The authors proposed three different types of lettuce (Lucy, Izabela,
and Veneza). Their experimental results revealed that the application of nutrient solution flow with
a flow rate of 1.5 L min−1 and a 100% ionic concentration increased the fresh weight of Izabela and
Veneza. Al-Tawaha et al. [6] investigated the effect of three different nutrient solution flow rates (10,
20, and 30 L min−1 ) in lettuce growth. The flow rate set at 20 L min−1 increased the lettuce weight.

AgriEngineering 2019, 1, 283–290; doi:10.3390/agriengineering1020021

AgriEngineering 2019, 1 284

However, one of the limitations of these previously published articles is that there is no explanation of
why some flow rates improved the lettuce growth in terms of computing technology.
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is progressively becoming a design-oriented tool in
AgriEngineering 2019, 1, 21
engineering fields to solve and predict engineering problems that involve liquids and gases [7]. CFD has
no attractive
of why (a) someeasy variation
flow of flow parameters,
rates improved the lettuce growth(b) fastinchanges
terms oftocomputing
the geometry,
and (c) detailed insight into flow behavior. CFD has proven to be accurate and beneficial in many
engineering Computational
fields, includingfluid dynamics
modeling becoming
[9], heata design-oriented
exchanger design tool in many
[10], cooling
engineering fields to solve and predict engineering problems that involve
systems [11], and wind turbines [12]. However, few studies have addressed CFD in NFT hydroponic liquids and gases [7]. CFD
has several attractive features: (a) easy variation of flow parameters, (b) fast changes to the geometry,
systems. Bougoul and Boulard investigated the dynamics of water and nutrients in rockwool slabs
and (c) detailed insight into flow behavior. CFD has proven to be accurate and beneficial in many
that are used as growing substrates for sweet pepper crops [13]. They used CFD to solve the water
engineering fields, including aeronautics [8], engine modeling [9], heat exchanger design [10], cooling
systems equations numerically
[11], and wind turbinesin three
[12]. dimensions.
However, Niam
few studies et al.
have proposed
addressed CFD theindesign of a root-zone
NFT hydroponic
cooling system using CFD [14]. They conducted simulations to find the
systems. Bougoul and Boulard investigated the dynamics of water and nutrients in rockwool slabs optimal distance between
coolant pipes considering a uniform temperature distribution.
that are used as growing substrates for sweet pepper crops [13]. They used CFD to solve the water
This paperequations
movement presentsnumerically
the turbulent kinetic
in three energyNiam
dimensions. distribution of thethe
et al. proposed nutrient
design ofsolution
a root-zoneflow in
an NFTcooling system using
hydroponic system CFDusing
[14]. They
CFD.conducted simulations
Its main objective is to
to find the optimal
determine distance between
the dynamics of nutrient
solution flow pipes
it passesa uniform
the channel distribution.
and around plastic mesh pots. The purpose of
This paper presents the turbulent kinetic
the current study is to provide a starting point for further energy distribution of the nutrient
investigations that solution
use CFD flow in an
NFT hydroponic system using CFD. Its main objective is to determine the dynamics of nutrient
featuring practical development in real NFT hydroponic systems. Thus, the main contribution of
solution flow when it passes through the channel and around plastic mesh pots. The purpose of the
this study is to present a new point of view for determining the ideal nutrient solution flow rate to
current study is to provide a starting point for further investigations that use CFD simulations,
the practicaland height ofinhydroponic
development crops. Itsystems.
real NFT hydroponic will contribute
Thus, the tomainthecontribution
field of hydroponics
of this
by exploring
study is to new waysa to
present newcalculate
point ofthe turbulent
view kinetic energy
for determining the ideal with different
nutrient pipeflow
solution diameters
rate to and
flow increase
rates. Tothe the best of
weight andour knowledge,
height this has
of hydroponic crops.not beencontribute
It will done before to theinfield
thisoffield. This approach
hydroponics by
represents an innovative,
exploring new ways to feasible, andturbulent
calculate the economical alternative
kinetic energy with fordifferent
monitoring the turbulence
pipe diameters and flowaround
the plant To the Duebesttoof our knowledge,
practical this this
constraints, has paper
not beenwilldone before inthe
not provide thisexperimental
field. This approach
results from
represents an innovative, feasible, and economical alternative
a real NFT hydroponic system. Nevertheless, the methodology described here for monitoring the turbulence around
can be extrapolated
the plant roots. Due to practical constraints, this paper will not provide the experimental results from
effectively. The structure of this paper is as follows: Section 2 contains a description of the materials
a real NFT hydroponic system. Nevertheless, the methodology described here can be extrapolated
and methods, Section 3 shows the simulation results, and finally, Section 4 concludes the paper.
effectively. The structure of this paper is as follows: Section 2 contains a description of the materials
and methods, Section 3 shows the simulation results, and finally, Section 4 concludes the paper.
2. Materials and Methods
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Modeling the Virtual NFT Hydroponic System
2.1. Modeling
The the Virtual
virtual NFT NFT Hydroponic
hydroponic Systemon commercial polyvinyl chloride (PVC) channels for
system relied
lettuce production. Figure
The virtual NFT 1 showssystem
hydroponic the NFT hydroponic
relied system
on commercial dimensions.
polyvinyl The channels
chloride (PVC) overall channel
dimensions were 1000 mm
lettuce production. (length)
Figure 1 shows× the
103NFT (width) × 74
mm hydroponic mm (height).
system dimensions.The
Thechannel’s walls were
overall channel
3 mmdimensions
thick. The dimensions
were of the ×plastic
1000 mm (length) 103 mm hydroponic
(width) × 74mesh pot were
mm (height). The50 mm (height)
channel’s × 45
walls were 3 mm
mm thick. The dimensions of the plastic hydroponic mesh pot were 50 mm (height)
(diameter). In addition, two plastic caps were included. The study used computer-aided design (CAD)× 45 mm
to model In addition,
the virtual two plasticsystem.
NFT hydroponic caps wereTheincluded. The study were
design parameters used computer-aided
obtained and are design
shown in
(CAD) to model the virtual NFT hydroponic system. The design parameters were obtained and are
Figure 1. The virtual NFT hydroponic system was designed to be used with plastic mesh pots and
shown in Figure 1. The virtual NFT hydroponic system was designed to be used with plastic mesh
caps. In addition, inlet and outlet flow ducts were placed at the center of each plastic cap.
pots and caps. In addition, inlet and outlet flow ducts were placed at the center of each plastic cap.

Figure 1. The
1. The nutrientfilm
nutrient filmtechnique
technique (NFT)
hydroponicsystem dimensions.
system dimensions.
AgriEngineering 2019, 1 285

2.2. Governing Equations

CFD relies on the governing equations of fluid dynamics—continuity, momentum, and energy [15].
These equations are given below:

∇·(ρ u ) = 0 (1)

→→ = →
∇·(ρ u u ) = −∇p + ∇·( τ ) + ρ g (2)
→ T 2 →=
= →
τ = µ (∇ u ) + (∇ u ) − ∇· u I (3)
Energy !
 →  kt
∇· ρ u H = ∇· ∇H + Sh (4)
H= Cp dT (5)
→ →
where u is the velocity vector, ρ is the density, p is the pressure, g is the gravitational acceleration, µ is
the viscosity, H is the enthalpy, kt is the thermal conductivity, Cp is the specific heat, Sh is a source term,
= =
T is the temperature, I is the identity matrix, and τ is the stress tensor.

2.3. Reynolds Number

The Reynolds number (Re) is used in fluid mechanics to predict flow patterns. It can be used in
experimental or empirical estimations as well as simulations [16]. Applications range from transition
of laminar to turbulent flow in complex flow scenarios. Re is defined as:

Re = (6)

where ρ is the density of the fluid (kg m−3 ), v is the velocity of the fluid (m s−1 ), DH is the hydraulic
diameter (m), and µ is the dynamic viscosity of the fluid (kg ms−1 ).

2.4. Boundary Conditions

Every CFD analysis requires boundary conditions, which define the upper and lower limits of the
simulation variables, and the inlet and outlet details of the virtual NFT hydroponic system. Table 1
shows the boundary conditions for CFD simulations.

Table 1. Boundary conditions for CFD simulations.

Parameter Value
Inlet temperature 20.05 ◦ C
Environment pressure 101 kPa
Inlet volume flow rate Variable
Number of cells in X, Y, Z 16
Number of cells in Y 10
Number of cells in Z 72
Total cells 67,401
Fluid cells 67,401
Fluid cells containing solids 28,496
AgriEngineering 2019, 1, 21 285
AgriEngineering 2019, 1 286

2.5. CFD Simulations

2.5. CFD Simulations
To solve the governing equations with boundary conditions, a commercial CFD software package
To solve the governing equations with boundary conditions, a commercial CFD software
(SolidWorks Flow Simulation® ) and a®desktop PC (Intel® Core®™ i7 CPU at 2.67 GHz with 8 GB of
package (SolidWorks Flow Simulation ) and a desktop PC (Intel Core ™ i7 CPU at 2.67 GHz with 8
GB of were
RAM)used.wereFigure 2 shows
used. Figure a brief adescription
2 shows of howofthe
brief description CFD
how thesoftware package
CFD software
package During
During the pre-processing stage, the volume occupied by the virtual NFT hydroponic systeminto
pre-processing stage, the volume occupied by the virtual NFT hydroponic system is divided is
very small
divided volumes
into called
very small cells (the
volumes mesh).
called The
cells boundary
(the mesh). Theconditions
boundary specify the initial
conditions conditions
specify and
the initial
conditionsof allproperties
and bounding of surfaces of the fluid
all bounding domain.
surfaces of the During the solving
fluid domain. Duringstage, the CFD
the solving software
stage, the
package reads the mesh, solves the governing equations iteratively, and produces
CFD software package reads the mesh, solves the governing equations iteratively, and produces result files. Finally,
in the post-processing
result stage,
files. Finally, in the the software interprets
post-processing stage, the the resultinterprets
software files to obtain usefulfiles
the result information such as
to obtain useful
the turbulentsuch
information kinetic energy
as the distribution
turbulent of the nutrient
kinetic energy solution
distribution of theflow. Figure
nutrient 3 shows
solution theFigure
flow. nutrient
solution flow direction for CFD simulations.
shows the nutrient solution flow direction for CFD simulations.

AgriEngineering 2019, 2.
1, 21 2.
Figure Brief
Brief description
description of
of how
works. 286

Figure 3. 3. Nutrientsolution
Nutrient solution flow
flow direction

3. Simulation
3. Simulation Results
The The proposed
proposed inlet
inlet pipediameters
pipe diameters and
flowrates were
rates set to
were set3.5,
to 9.5,
andmm andmm
15.5 0.75,and
1.5, 0.75,
3, and 6 L min −1, respectively. The pipe diameters were selected based on the commercial NFT
1.5, 3, and 6 L min , respectively. The pipe diameters were selected based on the commercial NFT
hydroponic hoses available on the market [17]. The flow rates were selected taking into account
hydroponic hoses
AgriEngineering available
2019, 1, 21 on the market [17]. The flow rates were selected taking into account
previous studies proposed in the literature [4–6]. Figures 4–6 show the turbulent kinetic energy 287
previous studies proposed in the literature [4–6]. Figures 4–6 show the turbulent kinetic energy
distribution using the three constant inlet pipe diameters.
distribution using the three constant inlet pipe diameters.

Figure 4.4.Turbulent
Figure Turbulentkinetic
distribution using
using a constant
constant inlet
AgriEngineering 2019, 1, 21 288
AgriEngineering 2019, 1 287

AgriEngineering 2019, 1, 21 289

Figure 5. Turbulent
Figure 5. Turbulent kinetic
kinetic energy
energy distribution
distribution using

Figure 6. Turbulent
Figure 6. Turbulent kinetic
kinetic energy
energy distribution
distribution using
using aa constant
constant inlet

When comparing
comparing Figures
Figures 4–6,
4–6, turbulent
turbulent kinetic
kinetic energy
energy decreased
decreased around
around thethe plastic
plastic hydroponic
mesh pots when the pipe diameter was increased (15.5 mm). In contrast, turbulent kinetic
pots when the pipe diameter was increased (15.5 mm). In contrast, turbulent kinetic energy
increased when
when the
the pipe
pipe diameters
diameters were
were decreased
decreased (3.5
mm). Notice
Notice that
that only
only Figures
Figures 5a
5a and
AgriEngineering 2019, 1, 21 290
6a,b showed 2.857 × 10 −4 J kg−1 of turbulent kinetic energy around the plastic mesh pots. Figures 7–10
6a-b showed 2.857 × 10 J kg of turbulent kinetic energy around the plastic mesh pots. Figures 7–10
−4 −1

show the
the turbulent
turbulent kinetic
kinetic energy

Figure 7. 7.Turbulent
Figure Turbulentkinetic
of0.75 min−1
0.75LLmin −1..
AgriEngineering 2019, 1, 21 291
AgriEngineering 2019, 1 288

AgriEngineering 2019, 1, 21 292

Figure Turbulentkinetic
constant inlet
inlet flow
flow rate −1. .
rate of 1.5 L min−1

AgriEngineering 2019, 1, 21 293

Figure Turbulentkinetic
rateof min−1
of33LL min −1.

Figure 10.Turbulent
Figure10. Turbulentkinetic
constant inlet
inlet flow
flow rate of 6 L min−1
rate of −1. .

Table2 2shows
analysis—the Reynolds
Reynolds number was calculated
calculated atat the
duct. −3 and the dynamic viscosity of
duct. In
In this
this study, the density
density of of the
998.2kgkg mand
m−3 the dynamic viscosity of the
the fluid
fluid waswassetset to 10.02
to 10.02 kg−4ms
× 10×−4 10 kg At−1
− low. At low Reynolds
Reynolds numbers—less
numbers—less than 2100—the
than 2100—the turbulentturbulent
tends tends
to betodecreased
be decreasedaroundaround
the the plastic
plastic hydroponic
hydroponic mesh
mesh pots,
pots, whileatathigh
while highReynolds
numbers—greaterthan than4000—the
4000—theNFT NFT hydroponic
hydroponic system
system tends to produce
produce flow
flow instabilities.
the nutrientsolution
established. The Reynolds number
number could
could bebe used
tool whenselecting
diametersand andflow
NFT hydroponic
hydroponic systems.

Table Reynolds number
number analysis.

Volumetric FlowRate
Volumetric Flow Rate(L(Lmin
−1 ) ) −1
Pipe Diameter
Pipe Diameter (mm) (mm)
0.75 0.75 1.5
1.5 3 3 6 6
3.5 4530 9060 18120 36240
3.5 4530 9060 18120 36240
9.5 9.5 1669 1669 3338
3338 6676
6676 1335213352
15.5 15.5 1023 1023 2046
2046 4092
4092 8183 8183

This study found that different pipe diameters and flow rates in NFT hydroponic systems vary
the intensity of the turbulent kinetic energy of nutrient solution flow around plastic mesh pots. Pipe
diameter and flow rate are determinant variables of the turbulent kinetic energy distribution of
nutrient solution flow in NFT hydroponic systems.
AgriEngineering 2019, 1 289

This study found that different pipe diameters and flow rates in NFT hydroponic systems vary
the intensity of the turbulent kinetic energy of nutrient solution flow around plastic mesh pots.
Pipe diameter and flow rate are determinant variables of the turbulent kinetic energy distribution of
nutrient solution flow in NFT hydroponic systems.

4. Conclusions and Future Work

This paper presents the turbulent kinetic energy distribution of the nutrient solution flow in
an NFT hydroponic system using CFD. To conduct the simulations, a virtual NFT hydroponic
system was modeled using CAD. Simulation results were presented to understand the dynamics
of nutrient solution flow. CFD was used to determine the turbulent kinetic energy distribution of
the nutrient solution flow around plastic mesh pots considering different pipe diameters (3.5, 9.5,
and 15.5 mm) and flow rates (0.75, 1.5, 3, and 6 L min−1 ). Based on this virtual NFT hydroponic system,
the designs for real NFT hydroponic systems should consider the Reynolds number. At low Reynolds
numbers (<2100), the nutrient solution flow tended to be stable around plastic hydroponic mesh pots
(<2.857 × 10−4 J kg−1 ). For example, assume that a real NFT hydroponic system has D = 9.5 mm and
a flow rate of 1.5 L min-1 (the calculated Re = 3338). If the pipe diameter remains constant, then the
maximum flow rate (calculated) must be set to 0.95 L min−1 to maintain a stable nutrient solution
flow (Re < 2100). Therefore, the Reynolds number may be used as a design tool when selecting pipe
diameters and flow rates in real NFT hydroponic systems. These straightforward calculations make
a clear application of the simulation results obtained to the field of applied hydroponics.
On the other hand, this study found that the distribution of nutrient solution flow around
plastic mesh pots was not uniform. Therefore, the turbulence greatly depends on the location of the
plant—this is an important issue for future research. Further studies need to consider the location of
the plant. One of the issues that emerged from these findings was the experimental implementation.
As mentioned in the literature review, researchers have studied the effect of different flow rates to
evaluate lettuce growth. Genuncio et al. [5] claimed that 1.5 L min−1 increased the weight of Izabela
and Veneza lettuce and Al-Tawaha et al. [6] claimed that 20 L in−1 was the ideal flow rate to increase
the lettuce weight. One of the limitations of these previously published results is that there is no
information about what input diameter was used for those experimental tests. The current study found
that the ideal nutrient solution flow rate investigations to increase the weight and height of hydroponic
crops should be expressed in Reynolds numbers instead of L min−1 . It is necessary to conduct future
studies to experiment with the weight and height of hydroponic crops using the Reynolds number.
It would be interesting to compare lettuce growth with the pipe diameters and flow rates proposed here.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization C.H.G.-V.; investigation J.T.-O.; methodology J.T.-O.; software O.D.-O.;
supervision, C.H.G.-V.; validation O.D.-O.; writing—original draft preparation, C.H.G.-V.; writing—review and
editing, C.H.G.-V., J.T.-O., and O.D.-O.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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