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Preliminary Title RULING: YES.

RD exercise both visitorial & enforcement power over Labor

Standard Cases, so empowered to adjudicate money claims. Provided: (1)
EE-ER; (2) RD’s findings are not contested by employer. ER did not contest
1. Definition of Labor Standards, Labor Relations Law
and admitted Underpayment of Wages. ( Labor Standards, iv )
a. Labor Standard
i. terms and conditions of employment
ii. employers must comply with 2. Aim and Basis of Labor Law
iii. employees are entitled as a matter of legal right a. AIM = Social Justice; BASIS = Police Power
iv. the minimum requirements prescribed by existing laws, rules b. Definition of Social Justice (Calalang v. Williams)
and regulations relation to wages hours of work, cost-of-living  The aim, reason, and justification of labor laws are Social
allowance, and other monetary and welfare benefits . Justice.
 Social Justice is neither communism, nor despotism, nor
b. Labor Relation atomism nor anarchy
i. status, rights and duties and the institutional mechanisms  the humanization of laws and the equalization of social
ii. govern the individual and collective interactions of employers, and economic forces by the State so that justice in its
and employees or their representatives. rational and objectively secular conception may at least
be approximated.
c. Maternity Children’s Hospital v. Sec of Labor  Social Justice means the promotion of the welfare of all
FACTS: the people, the adoption by the Government of measures
 Semi-gov’t hospital (BOD-CDO Women’s Club, calculated to insure economic stability of all the
subsidized by PCSO & CDO gov’t) component elements of society through the maintenance
 10 employees filed complaint with DOLE RD of proper economic and social equilibrium in the
(Underpayment of Salaries & ECOLA- Emergency Cost of interrelations of the members of the community,
Living Allowance) constitutionally, through the adoption of measures legally
 RD, in favor of employees; MOL, affirmed justifiable, or extra-constitutionally, through the exercise
 MCH filed with SC with the grounds: (1) Award included of powers underlying the existence of all governments ,
those who are not employed with them anymore; (2) RD on the time honored principle of salus populi est suprema
has no jurisdiction over money claims -which is lodged lex.” – Dr. Jose P. Laurel (Calalang vs. Williams, 70 Phil.
with the LA 726)
ISSUE: WON RD had jurisdiction over money claims
c. How does labor law promote Social Justice? APERA:CJSS
 Labor laws are intended to address social inequities,  Sec. 18. The State affirms labor as a primary social
minimize social fictions and uplift the common man. It economic force. It shall protect the rights of workers and
seeks to advance the cause of social justice: Afford promote their welfare; and
protection to labor; Promote full employment; Ensure  Sec. 20. The State recognizes the indispensable role of
equal opportunities (regardless of SRC); Regulate the private sector, encourages private-enterprise and
relations between workers and employers; and Assure provides incentives to needed investments.
their rights to – Collective Bargaining, Just and Humane
Conditions of Work, Self-Organization, and Security of b. Rights of Labor (Art. XIII)
Tenure.  Labor Standards: TRESH
Security of Tenure
Receive living wage
3. Explain Karl Marx’s view that labor is the principal creator of wealth. Just Share in the fruits of production
 Wealth is created by labor. Human beings can only Work in Humane conditions
satisfy their basic needs through labor for without which  Labor Relations: COPE
human beings would die. Conduct collective bargaining and negotiation with MGT
 ER (Idea) > Realized through Manpower > ER hires EE > Organize themselves
creates product > Generate income (wealth); without Participate in the policy and decision-making processes
labor, there will be no accretion of wealth Engage in peaceful and concerted activities including
4. Constitutional Provision on Labor (Labor as a PRIMARY SOCIAL ECONOMIC 5. Reason for full protection to labor; SECURITY OF TENURE
FORCE) This means that the ER shall not terminate EE’s services without just
a. State Policies Regarding Labor (Art. II) cause or when authorized by the LC. (His job may possibly be his only
 Sec. 9. The State Shall promote a just and dynamic possession capable of sustaining his livelihood, thus he is protected from
social order that will ensure the prosperity and unjust deprivation thereof)
independence of the nation and the people from poverty, a. Bondoc vs. People’s Bank and Trust Co.
promote full employment, a rising standard of living, and FACTS:
an improved quality of life for all;  Bondoc was as Dept Mger & AVP at People’s Bank’s
 Sec. 10. The State shall promote social justice in all Department of Economic research and statistics
phases of national development;  People’s Bank had a projected merger with BPI, resolved
to abolish Bondoc’s Dept being redundant.
 People’s Bank filed clearance to terminate Bondoc (SOL).
He filed his opposition as he avers his dismissal was
without cause. b. A. Rance v. NLRC
 LA > SOL that application for termination be DENIED and FACTS:
Bondoc be reinstated plus back wages  Polybag Mftg Corp and PWU entered into a CBA.
 NLRC: reversed LA, and ordered payment of 75%  Agreement: Members must continue to be in good
monthly salary for every year served standing as a condition of employment with the
 SOL: reversed NLRC, for it was not taken into account, company. If a member shall lose membership for
and his dept should be abolished without prior clearance; reasons stated in the CBA, the company shall
reinstate him to equivalent position likewise dismiss him with the resolution of the
 OP: Bondoc was convicted of bigamy (moral turpitude); Union’s board, and the company shall be free from
Termination law dictates that employment without a any liabilities. 125 members were expelled for
definite period may be terminated without just cause, and disloyalty, for they allegedly authorized NAFLU to file
his position was a necessary incident of the merger, and a case with the NLRC for them.
such was no longer dispensable to them  Petitioners sued for reinstatement for their dismissal
was without due process, and had no basis denying
ISSUES: their affiliation with another union.

1. WON Pres Exec Asst committed grave abuse of ISSUE: WON petitioners were dismissed without due process.
discretion for abolition of petitioner’s position;
2. WON Bondoc’s Security of Tenure was RULING: YES. The mere fact of seeking help from NAFLU, to
oppressively abridged question union’s funds, does not constitute disloyalty, and at most,
was an act of self-preservation driven by desperation. Absent any full-
RULING: (1) NO. His employment was lawful and justified. He was not blown investigation, petitioners were not afforded due process It is the
employed for a fixed period, and held a position at the BOD’s pleasure. policy of the state to assure the right of workers to "security of tenure"
OLD Termination law, absence of contract of employment ER has the (Article XIII, Sec. 3 of the New Constitution, Section 9, Article II of the
right of dismissal with or without just cause. (2) NO. He knew all along 1973 Constitution). The guarantee is an act of social justice. When a
that the tenure of his position rested with the bank’s BOD, and at person has no property, his job may possibly be his only possession
anytime his position may be abolished. Dismissal “without just cause” or means of livelihood. Therefore, he should be protected against any
defense may only be afforded by a regular employee ( Art 280). arbitrary deprivation of his job. You cannot be dismissed without just
and financial losses, which cannot be established by mere inspection.
Thus, action is premature and has worked injustice to the laborers.

6. The right of a person to his labor

a. Philippine Movie Pictures Workers’ Association vs. Premiere
Production 7. Rules of Construction
FACTS: a. Labor Code – In case of doubt; when there is no doubt
 Respondent filed with the CIR an urgent petition to lay-off i. All doubts in the implementation and interpretation of the
44 men due to financial losses the company is allegedly provisions of this Code, including its implementing rules and
suffering. regulations shall be resolved in favor of labor.
 Petitioners opposed, for they allege it was a retaliation of  In case of doubt, in favor of Labor
the company for the strike that they staged, in an attempt  When there is no doubt, law will have to be applied as it
to harass, intimidate, weaken and destroy their union. is.
 CIR allowed the lay-off on the condition that if future work
is available, they be reemployed. (this was based on his b. Labor Contracts – In case of doubt or ambiguity, these should be
conduct of an ocular inspection and interview of 15 interpreted liberally in favor of the worker (Ditan v. POEA)
laborers) DITAN v. POEA
ISSUE: WON CIR may authorize the layoff based on an ocular  Ditan recruited by Intraco Sales Corp. through Asia World
inspection without receiving full evidence to determine the cause or (local agent), as a welding supervisor in Angola
motive of the layoff  Arriving at Angola was assigned as an ordinary welder,
and after some time was informed he would be
RULING: NO. The ocular inspection was done in the presence of both transferred to Kafunfo, where rebels recently kidnapped
their counsels, and were allowed to cross-examine at the same time. and killed expatriate workers. Ditan was reluctant, but
And upon checking the records, time card shown that they reported was assured protection by govt troops, later agreed.
for work but no longer to be found in the premises, thus reached the  He was held hostage, but was able to come back to PH
conclusion that they were no longer work to do by the laborers. CIR with the promise of reemployment, which he was not
may adopt its own policy bound by justice and equity without regard to included, thus he filed for a breach of contract
technicalities, but cannot disregard the fundamental requirements of  POEA: dismissed, NLRC: affirmed
due process. The petition for layoff was predicated on lack of work
ISSUE: WON Ditan is entitled to any relief and his case is under  Article 1703. No contract which practically amounts to
jurisdiction of NLRC. involuntary servitude, under any guise whatsoever, shall
be valid.
RULING: YES. The fact of risk where the petitioner is subjected is
emphasized. The petitioner had gone to a foreign land to sell a better
life for his family, that stint will be to no avail if he refused to go to a
rebel-infested area of Kafunfo. We are dealing here not with an
ordinary transaction but with a labor contract which deserves special
treatment and a liberal interpretation in favor of the worker. The
choice is obvious. We find, considering the totality of the d. Labor Law determinations (Rubberworld v. NLRC)
circumstances attending this case, that the petitioner is entitled to RUBBERWORLD v. NLRC
relief. Under the policy of social justice, the law bends over backward LABOR DETERMINATIONS SHOULD NOT ONLY BE SECUNDUM
to accommodate the interests of the working class on the humane RATIONEM BUT ALSO SECUNDUM CARITATEM.
justification that those with less privileges in life should have more FACTS:
privileges in law. That is why our judgment today must be for the  Petitioner filed with DOLE a notice of temporary
petitioner shutdown, but before it was effected, was forced to
prematurely shutdown
c. Interpretation of Labor Legislation and Labor contracts under the Civil  Respondents: illegal dismissal & non-payment of
Code separation pay
 Article 1700. The relations between capital and labor are  Rubberworld filed with SEC petition for declaration of
not merely contractual. They are so impressed with public suspension of payments with a proposal for a
interest that labor contracts must yield to the common rehabilitation plan (favorable); submitted the same to LA
good. (ignored-ruled an illegal shutdown and liable for
 Article 1701. Neither capital nor labor shall act separation pays, moral and exemplary damages)
oppressively against the other or impair the interest or  NLRC: affirmed with modification, exclusion of moral and
convenience of the public. exemplary damages
 Article 1702. In case of doubt, all other legislation and all
labor contracts shall be construed in favor of the safely ISSUE: WON DOLE, LA, or NLRC may legally act on claims despite
and decent living of the laborer. SEC order of rehabilitation
RULING: YES. PD 902-A is clear that all action for claims of juridical  Recruitment and Placement refers to any act of
entities under management or receivership are suspended Canvassing, Enlisting, Transporting, Contracting, Hiring,
accordingly. The law did not make any exceptions in favor of labor Utilizing or Procuring workers and includes Contract
claims. This is to enable the management committee to exercise it s services, Referrals, Advertising, or Promising
powers free from interference that may prevent the rescue of such Employment, locally or abroad, whether for profit or not.
entity. Even if award is given, the ruling could not be enforced as long  Any person or entity which, in any manner, offers or
as it is under management committee. promises for a fee employment to two or more persons
shall be deemed engaged in recruitment and placement.

8. Applicability of Labor Code a. When Presumptions of Recruitment and placement arises
a. Under Corporation Code > LABOR CODE  To be engaged in the practice of recruitment and
b. GOCC > CIVIL SERVICE placement (regardless of number of persons dealt ). It is
 Employees of government-owned or controlled plain that there must at least be a promise or an offer of
corporation (GOCC) created by special or original employment from the person posing as a recruiter
charter, such employees are governed by the Civil whether locally or abroad.
Service. The phrase “with original charter” refers to
corporations chartered by special law as distinguished
from corporations organized under the Corporation Code. b. People v. Panis
c. Government agencies > CIVIL SERVICE  4 separate claims filed against Abug for operating a fee-
 The National Parks Development Committee is an charging employment agency without first securing a
agency of the government, not a GOCC its employees license.
are covered by Civil Service and regulations, since they  Abug avers that he cannot be charged for such since only
are civil service employees. one person for each offense in each of the 4 information;
d. Local Water District > WATER CODE there will only be illegal recruitment when 2 or more
persons were promised employment for a fee.
Recruitment and Placement
ISSUE: WON the number of persons involved is essential (2 or
1. What constitutes “Recruitment and Placement” CETCHUP-CRAP
RULING: Regardless of the number of persons dealt with, recruitment  It is an economic sabotage when complex illegal
and placement is still constituted. The proviso merely lays down a rule recruitment is committed. It is considered as Qualified
of evidence that where a fee is collected in consideration of a promise Illegal Recruitment.
or offer of employment to 2 or more prospective workers, the  No valid license or authority , undertakes recruitment and
individual or entity dealing with them shall be deemed to be engaged placement and recruiters and victims are 3 or more.
in the act of recruitment and placement. The words “shall be deemed”  Syndicated = carried out by group of 3 or more persons in
create that presumption. conspiracy or confederation with one another;
 Large scale or qualified = committed against three or
more persons individually or as a group.

c. Distinction between illegal recruitment under the Labor Code and R.A 2. R.A 8042 – Migrant Workers and Overseas Filipino Act of 1995
8042 a. Who is a migrant worker?
 Under Article 38(a) of the Labor Code, Illegal recruitment  “Overseas Filipino Worker” refers to a person who is to
means any recruitment activities, including the prohibited be engaged, is engaged or has been engaged in a
practices enumerated under Article 34 of this code, to be remunerated activity is a state of which he or she is not a
undertaken by non-licensees or non-holders of authority. citizen or on board a vessel navigating the foreign seas
 Under RA 8042, as amended by RA 10022 (license or other than a government ship used for military or non-
authority is IMMATERIAL), illegal recruitment shall mean commercial purposes or on an installation located
any act of canvassing, enlisting, contracting, transporting. offshore on the high seas; to be used interchangeably
contracting, hiring, utilizing or procuring workers and with migrant worker.” (Sec.2)
includes contract services, referrals, advertising, or
promising employment, locally or abroad, whether for b. Pre-termination under R.A. 8042
profit or not, when undertaken by non-licensee or non- i. What is the migrant worker entitled to in case of illegal pre-
holder of authority. Provided, that any such non-licensee termination of overseas contractual employment?
or non-holder who, in any manner, offers or promises for  Full reimbursement of his placement free with 12%
a fee employment abroad to two or more persons shall interest per annum;
be deemed so engaged.  Plus, salaries for the unexpired portion of his employment
d. When is illegal recruitment considered economic sabotage  Included in unexpired salary are: His basic salary, unless
(QUALIFIED ILLEGAL RECRUITMENT)? it is a guaranteed benefit and Separation pay, back
wages and reinstatement reliefs for an Illegally dismissed RULING: On the amount of salaries due private respondent,
employee. the rule has always been that an illegally dismissed worker
 Attorney’s Fees whose employment is for a fixed period is entitled to payment
 Damages of his salaries corresponding to the unexpired portion of his
1. Moral Damages employment. On 15 July 1995, RA 8042 otherwise known as
2. Exemplary Damages the "Migrant Workers and Overseas Filipinos Act of 1995"
3. Nominal Damages – if termination is without due took effect, Sec. 10
 Repatriation

ii. Marsaman Manning Agency v. NLRC

iii. Serrano v. Gallant Martime Services
 Private respondent Wilfredo T. Cajeras was hired by
 Serrano was hired by Gallant under POEA approved
petitioner MARSAMAN, the local manning agent of
contract for 12 months as Chief Officer.
petitioner DIAMANTIDES, as Chief Cook Steward on the
 At the date of departure, he was constrained to accept a
MV Prigipos, owned and operated by DIAMANTIDES, for
downgraded contract to Second Officer upon assurance
a contract period of ten (10) months. Cajeras started work
and representation by Gallant that he would be Chief
on 8 August 1995, but less than two (2) months later, he
Officer; But, Gallant wasn’t able to deliver
was repatriated to the Philippines allegedly by "mutual
 Serrano refused to stay on as second officer and was
repatriated to PH, rendering 2 mos and 7 days, lacking 9
 Private respondent Cajeras filed a complaint for illegal
mos and 23 days
dismissal against petitioners with the NLRC alleging that
 He filed for constructive dismissal and for payment of
he was dismissed illegally, denying that his repatriation
money claims, moral and exemplary
was by mutual consent, and asking for his unpaid wages,
 He questioned par. 5, sec. 10 of RA 8042-LA and NLRC
overtime pay, damages, and attorney's fees.
have exclusive jurisdiction to hear and decide within 90
 LA: discharge by mutual consent was not proved by
days for claims arising from EE-ER relationship
convincing evidence; NLRC: affirmed
ISSUE: WON NLRC committed grave abuse of discretion.
ISSUE: WON the last clause in par 5, sec 10 of RA 8042,
RULING: YES. It is violative of the equal protection clause. a. Sunace International Mgt. Services v. NLRC
The clause “or for three months for every year of the FACTS:
unexpired term, whichever is less” is unconstitutional and  Sunace deployed a domestic helper (Divina
awarded the entire unexpired portion of the employment Montehermozo) to Taiwan, under a 12-month contract
contract to the overseas Filipino worker. The subject clause  Deployment was with assistance of a Taiwanese Broker.
singles out one classification of OFWs and burdens it with After expiration of the term, she continued working for the
peculiar disadvantage. The clause is a violation of the right to same ER for 2 more years, after which returned to the PH
equal protection and right to substantive due process, for it  Divina filed with NLRC against Sunace and another
deprives him of property, consisting of monetary benefits, Taiwanese broker, that she was jailed for 3 months, and
without any existing valid governmental purpose. was underpaid.
 Sunace aver that her 2-year extension was without their
3. How does Sec. 10 (5) of R.A. 8042 violate the equal protection clause? knowledge and consent, thus it had no liability. Further
reinforced by Divina’s waiver/quitclaim
The Supreme Court held that limiting the award of salaries to three (3) months  LA: rejected Sunace
only under the 5th paragraph of Section 10, Republic Act (R.A) No. 8042 is
unconstitutional for violating Section 1, Article III (deprivation of life, liberty and ISSUE: WON the renewal by the foreigner-prinicipal
property), Section 18, Article II (labor as the primary social economic force) attributable to Sunace
and Section 3, Article VIII of the Constitution.
RULING: NO. the local agency is not aware of the renewal of
4. Theory of Imputed Knowledge the contract. SC reason for the ruling is that, contract takes
 A rule in insurance law that any information material to effect only between the contracting parties. That is between
the transaction, either possessed by the agent at the time the foreign employer and the OFW. The local agency is not a
of the transaction or acquired by him before its party to the contract, therefore he cannot be held liable in
completion, is deemed to be the knowledge of the case of damages or illegal dismissal of the OFW. There is
principal, at least so far as the transaction is concerned, implied revocation of its agency relationship with its foreign-
even though in fact the knowledge is not communicated principal by entering into a new contract without its knowledge
to the principal at all. and consent. This is an exception to the solidary liability of
 The knowledge of the agent is the knowledge of the local employment.
principal without the necessity of communicating to the
latter. 5. When does employment commence for the migrant worker?
a. Santiago v. CF Sharp Crew Management.
 Santiago has been working with Smith Bell Mgt for about
5 years, and signed a new 9-month contract thereafter
duly approved by POEA
 VP of the said company received from Santiago’s wife,
giving him feedbacks that if he be allowed to depart, he
plans on jumping-off the ship, thus his departure was
 Santiago filed a complaint for illegal dismissal, damages
and atty’s fees.
 LA: in favor of Santiagom contract employment remained Apprentices, Learners and Handicapped Workers
valid but did not commence for failure to deploy to
overseas employment
1. Distinction Between Apprentice and Learners
 NLRC: no EE-ER relationship, absent his departure from
 Learner:
any port, the reckoning point of commencement of the
1. Entails semi-skilled or other occupations
contract, thus his claims was dismissed; and decision of
2. Not exceed a period of 3 months
non-deployment was management prerogative
3. Employable when no experienced workers available
 CA: affirmed NLRC
 Apprentice:
ISSUE: When does EE-ER commence 1. Highly-technical industry as a nature of occupation
2. Not be less than 4 months but not exceeding 6 months
RULING: The employer-employee relationship shall  BOTH:
commence only upon the seafarer’s actual departure from the 1. Involve practical on-the-job training
port in the point of hire. Yet, he is still entitled to relief under 2. Wage rate is 75% of statutory minimum
RA 8042- Migrant Workers’ Act despite the absence of EE- 3. Maximum of 20% of the existing workforce
ER. Moreover, Since the present case involves the
employment contract entered into by petitioner for overseas a. Nitto Enterprises v. NLRC
employment, his claims are cognizable by the LA of the FACTS:
NLRC.  Capili was hired as an apprentice machinist in a glass
and aluminum products company, for a period of 6
months and 75% of the applicable minimum wage
 He accidentally injures the leg of the Office Secretary; 2. Apprentice Earns not less than 75% of the
and injured his thumb while operating a power press prescribe minimum salary;
machine without authority 3. Apprenticeship agreement duly executed and
 He was made to sign a Quitclam/Release for his 5-day Signed;
salary, during which he was unable to work 4. Apprenticeship program must be Approved by
 3 days after he filed an illegal dismissal complaint and DOLE (now TESDA); otherwise, the apprentice
demanded monetary consideration before the NLRC shall be deemed a regular employee.
 LA: Dismissed because: (1) violated the terms of the 5. Period of apprenticeship shall not exceed 6
agreement causing injury due to his gross negligence and months.
(2) Does not have proper attitude and training to handle
the machines without authority
 NLRC: reversed LA, ordering reinstatement and back
wages 2. What is a handicapped worker? APIMIDI
 Handicapped workers are those whose earning capacity
ISSUES: (1) WON there was an ER-Apprentice relationship; (2) WON is impaired by age or physical or mental deficiency or
NLRC committed grave abuse of discretion in reversing LA injury, disease, or illness.
RULING: (1) NO. Capili failed to follow the guidelines set forth in Art a. Bernardo v. NLRC
61: Apprenticeship Agreements. The apprentice program, pending FACTS:
approval from DOLE, was enforced thru the hiring of Capili. It was  43 deaf-mutes were hired as Money Sorters and
NULL & VOID for prior approval is indispensable. Thus, his Counters at Far East Bank & Trust Co. through an
employment fall under Art 280: Regular and Casual Employment Employment Contract for Handicapped Workers
 They were dismissed; But, they aver that they are
(2) NO. He filed the complaint only three days after signing of the
considered as regular employees because their task was
Quitclaim/Release, which meant the dismissal was deliberate and not
necessary and desirable to the bank’s business. The
voluntary. Such move, run against the twin requirements of due
contract merely precluded the application of Art 280 to
process. Thus, finding no credence in finding that NLRC committed a
bar them from becoming regular employees.
grave abuse of discretion, NLRC’s decision is upheld.
 Bank submits that they are special workers under Art 80
 Valid Requisite Apprenticeship:
ISSUE: WON the petitioners are capable of becoming regular
1. Qualification of Apprenticeship;
RULING: YES. The Magna Carta for Disabled persons mandates that are governed by the Civil Service Law. Has an
a qualified disabled person should be given the same terms and ORIGINAL CHARTER
conditions of employment as able-bodied person (Sec. 5). The fact
that the employees were qualified disabled persons necessarily b. Managerial Employees or Staff; Supervisors (Supervisors, Middle &
removes the contract from the ambit of Art 80, they are thus covered Top Managers)
by Art 280. Without a doubt, their task is necessary and desirable to  An employee is a managerial employee (has special
the bank. Their disability did not render them unqualified or unfit for training, experience and knowledge – thus, the value
the tasks assigned to them. of their work cannot be measured in terms of hours)
is he meets all the following conditions:
1. His primary duty consists of Management of the
establishment in which he is employed or
department or subdivision thereof;
b. Magna Carta for Disabled Persons
2. He customarily and regularly directs the work of
 The Magna Carta for Disabled Persons (R.A. 7277, as
two (2) or more subordinate employees ; and
amended by R.A. 9422 and R.A. 10070) governs the
3. He has the authority to hire or fire other
rights and privileges of handicapped workers.
employees of lower rank; or make suggestions
 R.A. No. 7277 is applicable to those persons with
and recommendations as to the hiring,
disability who are Filipino citizen.
promotion, termination, or any other change of
status of other employees.

 An employee is part of the managerial staff if he

BOOK TWO performs the following duties and responsibilities:
1. One whose primary duty consist of the
1. Classes of Employees Not Covered
performance of work directly related to carrying
a. Government Workers
out the management policies of the employer;
 Government employees refer to employees of
2. One who customarily and regularly exercise
government agencies, of the political subdivisions of the
discretion and independent judgement when:
national government, of government instrumentalities,
 Regularly and directly assisting a
and of government owned corporations that are not
proprietor or a managerial employee;
incorporated under the Corporation Code because they
 Executing under general supervision
work along specialized or technical lines
requiring special training, experience, or Rank-and-file Employees – are all employees not falling within any of
knowledge, or the above definitions.
 Executing under general supervision,
special assignments and task a. NAWASA vs NWSA Consolidated Unions
3. One who does not devote more that 20% of their FACTS:
hours worked in a work week to activities which  NAWASA is a GOCC under a special charter RA 1383
are not directly and closely related to the and the respondents are the various labor organizations
performance of the work describe in paragraph of NAWASA
(1), (2) and (3) above.  CIR (now NLRC) conducted a hearing of the controversy
over the implementation of RA 1880: 40-hour Work Law
 Respondent filed a petition for intervention on the issue of
additional compensation for night work
 Supervisory Employee are those who, in the interest of  CIR ruled that NAWASA is an agency not performing
the employer, effectively recommend such managerial governmental functions thus liable to pay additional
actions if the exercise such authority is not merely compensation for work on Sundays and legal holidays
routinary or clerical in nature but requires the use of under CA 444: 8-hour Labor Law
independent judgement.  Respondents aver that they do not fall within the category
of managerial employees and are not exempt from CA
2. Definition of Managerial Employees and Management Staff and Supervisors 444
(Book III, Rule 1 of Rules to Implement Labor Code)
Managerial Employees – is one who is vested with powers or ISSUE: WON respondents are managerial employees not entitled to
prerogatives to lay down and execute management or prerogatives to the benefits under CA 444 as amended
lay down and execute management policies and/or to hire, transfer
suspend, layoff, recall discharge, assign or discipline employees; RULING: NO. There responsibilities and primary duties do not bear
any relation to the management of NAWASA, nor do they participate
Supervisory Employees – are those who, in the interest of the in the formulation of its policies nor in the hiring or firing of employees.
employer, effectively recommend such managerial actions if the Hence, they have little freedom of action, as their main function is
exercise of such authority is not merely routinary or clerical in nature merely to carry-out the company’s orders, plans and policies.
but requires the use of independent judgement; and
3. Field Personnels
 Non-agricultural employees:
1. Who regularly performs their duties away from the of the definition of field personnel, thus he does not fall within the
principal place of business or branch of office of the exception to the entitlement to SIL pay. The courts have taken judicial
employer; and notice: (1) inspectors are assigned in strategic places; (2) a
2. Whose actual hours of work in the field cannot be mandatory shop day, to check the bus; (3) Prompt departure and
determined with reasonable certainty . arrival at specified place and time; and (4) there is a dispatcher
ensuring arrival and departure at estimated proper times. Thus, they
a. Auto Bus Transport System, Inc. v. Bautista are, under constant supervision while in the performance of this work
FACTS: and hence cannot be considered field personnel.
 Bautista is a driver-conductor of Auto Bus and was
dismissed for failure to pay an amount demanded by the
latter for the repair of the bus damaged caused by him. b. Mericidar Fishing Corp. v. NLRC
 His compensation is commission per travel FACTS:
 He complained for illegal dismissal with money claims for:  Agao, a bodegero (ship quartermaster) filed a complaint
13th month pay and SIL Pay of illegal dismissal and non-payment of SIL; constructive
 Company submits that Bautista’s employment was dismissal for refusal of mgt to assign him aboard its boats
replete of offenses involving: reckless imprudence, gross  He wa allowed a leave without pay due to sickness for 1
negligence and dishonesty month, but upon return with his health clearance with him,
 In the exercise of Management Prerogative: he was he was told to come back since he could not be
terminated with opportunity to explain reinstated immediately
 LA: dismissed but was awarded 13 th month pay and SIL  MGT submits that Agao failed to report for work after his
pay leave had expired and was AWOL for 3 months
 NLRC: deleted 13th month pay award  LA: reinstate + backwages + 13th month pay + SIL
 CA: affirmed NLRC  NLRC: Mgt appeals, but dismissed Mgt’s claim that Agao
is a field personnel and thus not entitled to SIL pay, due
ISSUE: (1) WON Bautista is entitled to SIL Pay; (2) WON Bautista is to lack of merit
considered a Field Personnel
ISSUE: WON Agao is Field Employee and thus not entitled to SIL
RULING: (1) YES. Under Art 95: every employee who has rendered pay
at least 1 year of service is entitled to a yearly SIL of 5 days with pay. ;
(2) YES. Field Personnel should not be construed as a separate RULING: NO. Agao is not a field employee and entitled to SIL pay.
classification of employees of employees but merely an amplification Fishermen are not field personnel, although they perform non-
agricultural work away from petitioner’s business offices, the fact
remains that throughout the duration of their work they are under the an employee’s actual working hours in the field can be determined
effective control and supervision of employer . However, under the with reasonable certainty, query must be made as to whether or not
Philippine Fisheries Code of 1998, fishermen are considered field such employee’s time and performance is constantly supervised by
personnel. the employer.

c. Union of Filipro Employees v. Vivar

 Filipro (now Nestle) filed with NLRC a petition for claims
of its monthly paid employees for holiday pay
 LA Vivar: Filipro to pay monthly paid employees Holiday
pay (Art 94) , subject to the exclusions in Art 82
 Filipro filed a motion to clarify that: (1) award is limited to
3 years; (2) sales personnel are excluded from the award
of holiday pay (for they are not considered as field
personnel); and (3) Offset with overpayment of OT, ND,
VL, and SL due to the use of 251 (261 -10) TEST OF EMPLOYEMENT RELATIONSHIP
 UFE: sales personnel are NOT field personnel thus,
entitled to holiday pay 1. Employment as a Question of Law and a Question of Fact
 LA Vivar: sales personnel are field personnel and NOT  Existence of employer-employee relationship is
entitled to holiday pay; the divisor must be 261 not 251; determined by law, not by contract . Hence, even if the
and ordered reimbursement of offsets parties call their contract a “Contract of lease or Service”,
the factual existence of an employer-employee
ISSUE: WON Filipro’s Sales Personnel are entitled to Holiday Pay relationship will still prevail.
 No particular form of evidence is required to prove the
RULING: Under Article 82, field personnel are not entitled to holiday existence of employer-employee relationship. Any
pay. Said article defines field personnel as “non-agricultural competent and relevant evidence to prove the
employees who regularly perform their duties away from the principal relationship may be admitted.
place of business or branch office of the employer and whose actual  The existence of Ee-Er relationship depends upon the
hours of work in the field cannot be determined with reasonable facts of each case. (QUESTION OF FACT)
certainty. The company is unable to ascertain whether the interval of
time was actual use of field work. Hence, in deciding whether or not
 If the services rendered directly connected or necessarily  Fuji: Skillpower is an independent contractor and Gerado,
integral, there is Ee-Er. Why? Employment status is on the following grounds: (1) Gerado was recruited by
defined by law and not by what the parties stipulate them Skillpower; (2) Work done was not necessary in the
to be. conduct of Fuji’s business; (3) Salary was paid directly by
Skillpower; (4) He worked under the control of Skillpower;
2. Core vs. Non-Core Jobs; Existence of Employment relationship regardless of and (5) Skillpower is a highly-capitalized business
nature of activities involved. venture
 A core job will require you to utilize your skills which
you’ve been studying in college. A non-core job will ISSUE: WON Gerado is an employee of Fuji
require you to perform based on a completely different
skill-set. RULING: YES. Skillpower did not have copying machines of its own,
 Non-core job is not explicitly related to the work. what it did was to simply supply manpower to Fuji . One who does not
have independent business for undertaking the job contracted for is
a. Phil. Fuji Xerox Corp v. NLRC just an agent of the employer. The services rendered may not
FACTS: generate income, but they redound to the benefit of the company. The
 Fuji entered into an agreement with Skillpower to operate determination of the existence of an ER-EE relationship is defined by
copier machines in Fuji’s Sales Office where Gerado is law according to the facts of the case, regardless of the nature of the
assigned as a key operator activities involved.
 Gerado went to leave, and was substituted; Upon his
return discovered spoilage of 600 copies; Fuji reported
the incident to Skillpower asking him to explain and
suspended him from work; Subsequently, he filed a
3. Four-Fold Right of Control Test
complaint for illegal dismissal
 Elements of Employer Relationship (FOUR FOLD TEST)
 Although he receives salary from Fuji, Skillpower
1. Selection and engagement of the employee;
exercises control and supervision over her work
2. Payment of wages;
 LA: Gerado was an employee of Skillpower
3. Power of Dismissal; and
 NLRC: Gerado was an employee of Fuji and was illegally
4. Power to Control.
dismissed; Skillpower acted on behalf of Fuji in
 Control Test Refers to the employer’s power to control
supervising his work and a mere paymaster-agent of the
or right to control the employee not only as to the result of
the work to be done but also as to the means and
methods by which the same is to be accomplished .
 Most important test. This test is based on the extent of  LA: he was illegally dismissed; entitled to reinstatement
control the hirer exercise over a worker. The greater the and back wages
supervision and control the hirer exercises, the more  NLRC: affirmed LA
likely the worker is deemed an employee. The converse  Sadac computed (6M) > Bank opposed > LA favored
holds true as well – the less control the hirer exercises, Sadac; NLRC reversed LA; CA reversed NLRC
the more likely the worker is considered an independent
contractor. ISSUE: WON ER-EE exists and his computation of backwages
 The control test merely calls for the existence of the right including prospective increases is correct
to control the manner of doing the work , not the actual
RULING: YES. ER-EE exist, but computation of backwages is wrong.
exercise of the right.
ELEMENTS. — In determining the existence of an employer-
employee relationship, the following elements are considered: (1) the
selection and engagement of the employee; (2) the payment of
a. Equitable Banking Corp. v. NLRC
wages; (3) the power of dismissal, and (4) the power to control the
employee's conduct, with the control test generally assuming primacy
 Sadac was appointed as VP for the legal services – he
in the overall consideration. The power of control refers to the
was paid salaries and bonuses; Later, 9 lawyers
existence of the power and not necessarily to the actual exercise
addressed a petition letter to the chairman of BOD
thereof. It is not essential, in other words, for the employer to actually
accusing the former of abusive conduct, inefficiency,
supervise the performance of duties of the employee; it is enough that
mismanagement and indecisiveness.
the former has the right to wield the power. There is no vested right in
 Chairman: called the lawyers in an attempt to solve, but
salary increases. Prior receipt of increases only proves the fact of
to no avail, failed. He sent Banico – a BOD, to look
receipt but not an assurance that becomes inherent to backwages.
further on the matter; upon exploring alternatives,
The inclusion of prospective salary increases cannot be permitted
affirmed the charges against Sadac; Chairman then so
advised him for resignation b. Algon Engineering and Construction Corp v. NLRC
 He was told that it was management prerogative that FACTS:
pushed the BOD to terminate his services; Sadac  Algon as standard operating procedure of their
requested for full hearing and investigation, but was construction business entered into a lease contract with
likewise unheeded Espinosa for storage and parking of heavey equipment in
 Sadac filed for illegal dismissal; the bank upon learning of exchange for a fee.
the same terminated him  Espinosa claims that he was hired by Algon as a
watchman to guard the other equipment from 6am to 6pm
 LA: affirms, since Algon pays Espinosa P20 on a daily  Economic Reality Test: Fails; Her occupation is not as a
basis as a watchman columnist for the respondent but as a women’s right
 NLRC: affirmed LA, despite Algon’s contention that it did advocate in various women’s organizations. Thus, it
not hire Espinosa, the relationship was merely of leased cannot be said that Orozco was dependent on PDI for her
storage and parking space continued employment in the former’s line of business
 In this case the control exercised by PDI over Orozco is
ISSUE: WON ER-EE exists between Algon and Espinosa merely incidental or inherent in the newspaper business
and is not an exercise of control over Orozco. Orozco is
RULING: YES. Even though, Cash Vouchers paid to Espinosa were an independent contractor.
merely for storage and parking in his premises, the question whether
an employer employee relationship exists is a question of fact. As 5. Economic Dependency Test
long as the findings of the labor agencies on this question are  Refers to whether the worker is dependent on the alleged
supported by substantial evidence, the findings will not be employer for his continued employment in that line of
disturbed on review in this Court . Review in the Supreme Court business.
concerning factual findings in labor cases is confined to determining  CIRCUMSTANCES:
allegations of lack of jurisdiction or grave abuse of discretion." We see 1. Extent to which services are an integral part to
no cogent reason to disturb the findings of the NLRC. We are in the ER’s business;
agreement with the public respondent's conclusion that there indeed 2. Extent of EE’s investment in equipment &
existed an employer-employee relationship between Algon and facilities;
Espinosa, since the said conclusion was based on substantial 3. Nature and degree of control by ER
evidence. 4. Worker’s opportunity for profit or loss
5. The amount of initiative, skill, judgment, or
foresight required for the success of the claimed
independent enterprise
6. The permanency and duration of the relationship
4. Type of control not indicative of employment relationship ( capable of
between the worker and employer; and
exercising control, and causal connection between the claim exists ) 7. The degree of dependency of the worker upon
a. Orozco v. CA
the employer for his continued employment in
 Rules that serve as General Guidelines towards the
that line of business.
achievement of the mutually desired result are not
indicative of the power of control (restraints only to the
a. Sevilla v. CA
space allocation of her column)
 There has been no uniform test to determine the ER over the means and methods of which work is accomplished; and
existence of an employer-employee relationship. The (2) underlying economic realities of the relationship [because she
“four-fold” test may be regarded as the traditional or served for 6 years and receiving salaries and benefits. Control Test >
conventional test of the employment question. But it not she is an employee. SSS online inquiry with Kasei’s specimen
the sole test. There is a need to consider the existing signature, affirmed that it is apparent that petitioner is economically
conditions between the parties. In addition to the right-of- dependent on Kasei for continued employment in its line of business.
control-test. CIRCUMSTANCES
 The most common is the inclusion of the employee in the
payrolls, submission of his name with SSS/Philhealth. 6. Examples where employment relationship exist:
a. Jeepney Drivers on Boundary System (Martinez v. NLRC)
b. Francisco v. NLRC FACTS:
FACTS:  Raul had two taxis with two drivers. Later he died, and
 Francisco was hired by Kasei Corporation during its was survived by his mother Nelly (the sole heir)
incorporation stage as an Accountant > Corporate  Not once, were they given 13 th month pay (PD 851);
Secretary > Liaison Officer When Nelly assumed administration, she informed the
 Subsequently designated as Acting Manager until drivers that she cannot administer the taxi business and
replaced, and assured by the company that she was still plans to sell the units, but later on assigned the units to
connected with them as a Technical Consultant other drivers.
 Thereafter, her salary was decreased, despite repeated  The regular drivers filed before the LA claims for 13 th
follow-ups, and finally was informed that she was month pay and illegal dismissal
terminated  Nelly traversed: the liability of Raul to pay for 13 th month
 She filed an action for constructive dismissal before the pay, does not survive to her as an heir, and these drivers
LA; wherein Kasei averred that she was not their were paid on boundary basis thus ER-EE is absent.
employee because she performed her work at her own  LA: in favor of Nelly because: (1) drivers’ claims are
discretion without their control and supervision; LA and personal to Raul; and (2) She was a mere housewife
NLRC ruled in favor of Francisco; CA: reversed incapable of administration; and (3) not enttled to 13 th
month pay, because ER-EE is doubtful on account of the
ISSUE: WON there was an ER-EE relationship between the parties boundary system
 NLRC: ruled otherwise, because: (1) regular drivers were
RULING: YES. The control test is not sufficient to give the complete paid wages; (2) management of the business passed to
overview of the relationship. Two-Tiered Test is Applied: (1) control of Nelly, and even hired new drivers; and (3) personal
claims survived because the business continued  Villamaria took the jeepney and barred Bustamante from
presumably, in the absence of the proof of sale driving the vehicle. Thus, Bustamante filed a complaint
for illegal dismissal.
ISSUE: WON the employees are entitled to 13 th month pay after the
death of their ER ISSUES: WON the existence of a boundary-hulog negates ER-EE

RULING: NO. The claim for 13th month pay is a personal obligation of RULING: NO. Under the boundary-hulog scheme a dual juridical
Raul and cannot survive his death, unless expressly assumed ( labor relationship is created (ER-EE & VR-VE). The kasunduan did not
contracts are not enforceable against the transferee of an enterprise ). extinguish the ER-EE relationship of the parties existing before the
Labor contracts are IN PERSONAM. Taxi drivers under the execution of the deed. Villamaria exercises control and supervision
“boundary” system are employees of the taxi/jeepney operators; also over the driver. The driver performs activities which are usually
the passenger bus drivers and conductors. ER-EE cannot assume necessary or desirable in the usual business of the operator. The
continuance unless supported by evidence, consideration of the issue existence of an employment relation is not dependent on how the
on illegal dismissal is futile and irrelevant worker is paid, but on the presence or absence of control over the
means and method of the work
b. Boundary-hulog driver (Villamaria v. CA and Bustamante)
FACTS: c. Piece-rate Workers (Makati Haberdashery, Inc. v NLRC)
 Villamaria is the owner of Villiamaria Motors with a public FACTS:
utility franchise. They stopped making jeepney, and  Complainants are tailors, seamstress, sewers, basters
retained only 9 which operated by employing drivers in and plantsadoras of Haberdashery, paid on a piece-rate
“boundary basis” basis with allowance if they report every 9:30 AM
 Bustamante paid his boundary and retained the residue,  Complainants filed a complaint for underpayment of
consequently, villiamaria verbally agreed to sell the wages, allowance, OT, HP SI Pay and other benefits
jeepney to him under a “boundary-hulog scheme”, where  Haberdashery dismissed them for alleged acceptance
Bustamante would remit P550 per day for 4 years, also from another
with a P10,000 downpayment  Complainants filed for illegal dismissal
 They executed a contract that stated if Bustamante fails
to pay for 3 days, Villamaria will hold the vehicle until ISSUES: (1) WON ER-EE exists; (2) WON they are entitled to
arrears are paid and a penalty of 50 per day; if 1 week, monetary claims; and (3) WON they are illegally dismissed
cease to have legal effect; He failed to pay boundary-
hulog RULINGS: (1) YES. The most important requisite of control is
indubitably present. For, the company directs the designation of the
employees, and supervision is actively manifested in all aspects of the as independent contractors. Furthermore, said respondent did not
work such as cutting, sewing and ironing; (2) YES. Because they are contradict petitioner’s allegation that it paid wages directly to these
proven as regular employees. For, as piece-rate workers they are workers without the intervention of any third-party independent
paid fixed amounts for performing their work irrespective of the time contractor. It also wielded the power of dismissal over petitioners; in
consumed; and (3) NO. For, disciplinary sanctions upon an employee fact, its exercise of this power was the progenitor of the illegal
for just and valid cause is within the rights of the ER (guilty of copying dismissal case. Clearly, the workers are not independent contractors.
of Barong designs) Assuming that they did work with other rice mills, this was required by
the imperative of meeting their basic needs.
d. Street-hired Cargadores (Caurdanetahan Piece Workers Union v.
Usec. Laguesma) e. Handicraft Workers on “pakyaw” system (Dy Keh Beng v. Int’l Labor)
 Petitioners worked as cargadores for the respondent.  Dy Keh Beng (Dy) dismissed Solano & Tudla for their
They were paid on piece rate basis union activities (ULP); thus, a cased filed before the CIR
 Upon denial of some benefits, they formed a union , and  Dy did not know Tudla and Solano were employees
upon learning of such, respondent barred them from because they came to the establishment for pakyaw
working and were replaced by non-members; Thus, they basis under a separate contract.
filed for certification of election with DOLE as well as a  Dy’s reasons: (1) Solano did not stay long enough in the
complaint for illegal dismissal establishment; (2) He leaves as soon as he was done; (3)
 Respondent denies power of control for they are street- Orders were given to him by DY; (4) there were no orders
hired workers, no supervision, nor tools and equipment of there is nothing for him to do; (5) Only when his regular
issued; further contended that ER-EE is negated, since workers could not perform the work, will he contact him;
the workers also perform the same work to various rice and (6) his work was not continuous
mills in Pangasinan
 LA: affirmed illegal dismissal; Laguesma: Affirmed LA ISSUE: WON there existed ER-EE

ISSUE: WON there was an ER-EE  RULING: YES. Although Solano worked on a piece basis.
Evidence showed that the work of Solano and Tudla was
RULING: YES. They performed work which is directly related, continuous except in the event of illness. Although their
necessary and vital to the operations of Corfarm. Moreover, Corfarm services were compensated on piece basis. The control
did not even allege, much less prove, that petitioner’s members have test calls for the existence of the right to control the
“substantial capital or investment in the form of tools, equipment, manner of doing the work, not actual exercise of the right
machineries, [and] work premises, among others. To be considered considering that Dy Key Beng is engaged in the
manufacture of baskets known as “kaing”, those working  Basiao filed with MIL for recovery of alleged unpaid
under Dy would be subject to Dy’s specifications such as commissions; Insular contends that he was just an
the size and quality of the “kaing”. And since the laborers independent contractor and had no obligation to pay the
are done at Dy’s establishment, it could be inferred that said commissions
Dy could easily exercise control upon them.  LA: ER-EE exists; NLRC: affirm LA

7. Examples where employment relationship does not exist ISSUE: WON ER-EE exists
a. Insurance company vis-à-vis commission agents
 here are built-in elements of control specific to an RULING: NO. Rules and regulations governing the conduct of the
insurance agency [that] do not amount to the elements of business are provided in the Insurance Code and enforced by the
control that characterize an employment relationship Insurance Commissioner. Therefore, it is expected for an insurance
governed by the Labor Code. company to promulgate rules to guide commission agents in selling
 controls aimed only at specific results in undertaking an their policies. None of these really invades the agent’s contractual
insurance agency, and are, in fact, parameters set by law prerogative to adapt his own methods of selling, at his own time and
in defining an insurance agency and the attendant duties convenience, hence he cannot justifiably be said to establish ER-EE
and responsibilities an insurance agent must observe relationship between him and the company. Thus, Basiao is a
and undertake. They do not reach the level of control into commission agent – independent contractor whose claim for unpaid
the means and manner of doing an assigned task that commissions and should have been litigated in an ordinary civil
invariably characterizes an employment relationship, as action.
defined by labor law.
In determining the status of the management contract that one is an
employee of an insurance company:
b. Insular Life v. NLRC 1. Exclusivity of Service
FACTS: 2. Control of assignments and removal of agents
 Insular entered into a contract with Basiao authorizing the under private respondent’s unit.
latter to solicit for insurance policies; Later, entered into 3. Collection of premiums.
another contract causing the latter to organize an agency 4. Furnishing of company facilities and materials.
for the same purpose
 Insular terminated the second contract prompting the c. Company v. Collecting Agents on Commission Basis
termination of the first contract as well  Under the collection agency agreement, the collection
agents were paid their compensation for their services on
a commission basis, particularly six percent of all While it may be true that the nature of the work of a
collection made by the collecting agent. From here, it is house helper, domestic servant or laundrywoman in a
clear that the agreement did not fix an amount for wages home or in a company staff house may be similar in
nor the required number working hours the collecting nature, the difference in their circumstances is that in the
agents must put it. former instance they are actually serving the family while
 Considered as independent contractors. The company in the latter case, whether it is a corporation or a single
does not pass the control test because the company has proprietorship engaged in business or industry or any
no control over the collecting agent’s performance of other agricultural or similar pursuit, service is being
collection services. rendered in the staff houses or within the premises of the
 In order to pass, company should have control over the business of the employer. In such instance, they are
end or result to be achieved but also over the means and employees of the company or employer in the business
methods in achieving the end. concerned entitled to the privileges of a regular
d. Singer Sewing Machine v. Drilon  There mere fact that the house helper or domestic
 The last and most important element of the control test is servant is working within the premises of the business of
not satisfied by the terms and conditions of the contracts. the employer and in relation to or in connection with its
There is nothing in the agreement which implies control business, as in its staff houses for its guest or even for its
by the Company not only over the end to be achieved but officers and employees, warrants the conclusion that
also over the means and methods in achieving the end. such house helper or domestic servant is a and should be
 The collection agent does his work “more or less at his considered as a regular employee of the employer and
own pleasure” without a regular daily time frame imposed not as a mere family house helper or domestic servant as
on him. contemplated in RULE XIII, Section 1(b), Book 3 of the
Labor Code.

e. Domestic Helpers, Personal Service

i. Apex Mining Company v. NLRC
 Considered a regular employee when working within the ii. Ultra Villa Food Haus v. Genisto
premises of the business of the employer and in relation  Private respondent is not an employee of Ultra Villa Food
to or in connection with its business. Haus but a personal driver. There is a substantial
 The criteria is the personal comfort and enjoyment of the evidence to support such conclusion, namely:
family of the employer in the home of said employer.
1. PR admission during the mandatory conference
that he was petitioner’s personal driver.
2. Copies of the Ultra Villa Food Haus payroll which
do not contain private respondent’s name.
3. Affidavits of employees attesting that PR was
never an employee of said establishment.

8. Family Members
 They are not covered by this title because the amounts
given by the employer by way of support may far exceed
the benefits to which the employee is entitled under the
provisions of law.

9. Workers paid by result (paid by piece or by task); Taxi drivers as regards 8

hours’ labor law

a. Makati Haberdashery, Inc. v. NLRC

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