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The Portal - Implants

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The Portal

The Intelligence Hub for the Victory of Light

Friday, June 19, 2015


If anybody is still asking why the Event hasn't happened yet, here is the answer again:

Earth primary anomaly quantum fluctuations well, or in other words Earth primary
anomaly accretion vortex, maintained by the plasma implant grid and supported by
plasma strangelet and toplet bomb retaliation mechanisms is the background
meta-strategy of the Chimera which maintains quarantine Earth status and still
prevents the Event, Disclosure and First Contact.

Parts of the plasma accretion vortex structure were recently detected by the mainstream

The activity of this plasma accretion vortex gets magnified every month around the time
of the full moon, when Earth-Moon plasma doorway opens:
When the Earth-Moon plasma doorway is open, both the presence of Light and clearing
of darkness get magnified.

Plasma implants were first put into surface humanity population 26,000 years ago. Each
time just before an individual was incarnated, he was re-implanted again. In this way, the
surface population was kept in amnesia for the whole 26,000 year cycle.

The implants were maintained by implant stations below the surface of the planet and
throughout the Solar System, and kept replenished with fresh anomalous plasma from
interplanetary and interstellar space.

An implant is a plasma black hole with an approximate diameter similar to the diameter of
an electron (10-17 meters). It is rotating in a strong magnetic field which produces an
antigravitational effect on the plasma.

The network of implants in the plasma energy bodies of the surface humanity is the
deepest hole of the collective subconsciousness and the basis of the planetary plasma
anomaly accretion vortex.

The implants in the frontal lobe of the brain compromise the decision making process and
keep the person separated from the Source. The implants in the reptilian brain cortex
keep the person locked into survival fears and thus susceptible to become a slave worker
for the central banking system. The implants above the navel separate heaven from
Earth, a man from a woman, emotions from the mind and love from sexuality. They
fragment the personality and block the flow of kundalini life force. They suppress the
emotions, which lower their vibrational frequency from joy into pain, then further into
anger, and down into sadness, further down into fear, then apathy and finally into
unconsciousness. This is the reason why many people feel nothing.
Light emanating from the Galactic Central Sun dissolves the implants. Cintamani stones
serve as a focal lens for that Light and they ease the plasma dissolution process.

You can accelerate the process of implant removal with this very efficient meditation:

In this meditation exercise, you put yourself in one part of the figure eight, and your
implants in the other part of the figure eight, as described in the link above.

Here is another interesting protocol for implant clearing:

The concept of karma as punishment and reward system and the concept of planet Earth
as a school was designed by the Archons to keep people from discovering the truth about
the Archon/Chimera control system and the implant grid.

It is true that everybody is responsible for their actions and that we can learn from our
mistakes, but to imply that by experiencing our present life conditions we are »paying off«
karma of our past negative actions is a very subtle and deep form of manipulation and a
very handy excuse for the Cabal to keep doing what they are doing, as they are simply
»teaching us a lesson in the school of life«.

Primary anomaly is the root cause of all suffering, and all negative actions of all sentient
beings are a chain reaction of generational trauma, originating in the original fall from
grace, the original encounter with the primary anomaly millennia ago, and the original
experience of the implantation process in that distant past.

All this will be resolved as a result of the energetic intervention from the Galactic Central
The Breakthrough is near!

Cobra at 1:58 PM



Storm June 19, 2015 at 2:03 PM

Thanks, but when?


Anonymous June 20, 2015 at 12:29 AM

This comment has been removed by the author.

Slasher June 20, 2015 at 2:17 AM

I can relate to the confusion whether to do blank meditation or trying to visualize
things. I believe that everything should be a balance and so also this. Starting with
blank meditation and moving over to whatever visualization you want, then back to
blank when you start drifting off towards something you dont want?
I dont know but I guess I will try that.

Anonymous June 20, 2015 at 8:54 AM

David Wilcocks says year 2017, hope it is a lot sooner.

Anonymous June 21, 2015 at 6:16 PM

This comment has been removed by the author.

PatAGod June 23, 2015 at 4:03 PM

Mary Magdalene, David Wilcock thinks that could be the ascension time.

A change from a negative rulership to a benevolent positive one is happening way

before that! :)
All the signs are already here, we are seeing a free fall in slow-motion that will be
seen as an amazing significant point in history.


Unknown December 19, 2016 at 12:26 AM


liberation of planet earth will be after newyear but before April 2017.

Thank you for being with me.

Thank you


Brandon Stamps June 19, 2015 at 2:13 PM

gotta love that galactic central sun.

PatAGod June 19, 2015 at 2:26 PM

The Primary Anomaly is being healed. ♥

Lee Binder June 19, 2015 at 2:30 PM

Thank you Cobra!

For diameter of an electron, the HTML formatting got lost. (10-17 meters) is meant as a 10
with a small superscript -17 (10 to the power of -17).


peterpan June 20, 2015 at 1:41 PM


Nova Biscotti June 20, 2015 at 8:24 PM

Thank you for the clarification on that.


Eliana June 19, 2015 at 2:35 PM

Thank you Cobra.
@all: A few days ago while connecting with the spiritual world I had recieved the information
that Seth has returned to the light. I think this was wrong information. I am sorry.


D'artagnan June 19, 2015 at 3:45 PM

About 4 days ago the name/identity Seth came into my consciousness during a
deep meditation. The name I had heard somewhere before but I knew nothing
about him. So I immediately looked up on the internet any info on Seth. I just
wondered what was the significance of this contact and just thought of it as a past
life reacquaintance. During the next days meditation I sent out feelers for Seth but
nothing has been forthcoming.

Vani Smith June 23, 2015 at 1:43 AM

Whenever I see the name Seth in connection w/ metaphysics, I think of Jane
Roberts' Seth Material.


Unknown June 19, 2015 at 2:47 PM

The simplest way I have figured out to detect implant interference is to figure out what your
ideal person is. How do you want to be? Who do you want to be?

Write it down, map it out. Pretend to be that person. Fake it til you make it.

Now, we all know that this process takes a long time to build up new neural networking to
begin to implement new habits, but when you map out who you want to be, and we arent
talking about some wishy washy half hearted attempt at putting a label on awesome, but a full
blown, in depth analysis of how that person would react in certain situations, how that person
would automatically feel during certain situations, etc, etc....You then get your red flags.

A red flag is whenever you feel an urge or thoughts outside of that "perfect person" you are
travelling down the road of life to integrate with.

If you feel a flash of emotion or a thought that doesnt fall in line to what you are holding
yourself up to, immediately jump on it. Explore it Roll it around and get at the how and why of

When we start to hold our thoughts and emotions up to such a standard, anything implant
influenced sticks out like a sore thumb, and becomes progressively more and more easy to not
only ignore, but to starve out of you.

If we dont provide them the Loosh, they dont get fed and wither away.


Unknown June 19, 2015 at 4:23 PM

These ideas are completely fantastic: holding to our desired image/feeling of who
we want to be and how we want to be. Yes, it takes time as we know it to build new
neural networking, to replace the old. As we practice and pretend who we want to
be and what we want to do - the new ME/YOU - it will get easier.

And as the red flags arise, something causing us to feel 'outside our desired
person', thank it first and then regain the feeling of our pretend exercise. As we do
this more and more, what have we got to lose?

Thanks so much for this suggestion. It's like building up stronger muscles - with
practice it gets easier.

Raising the bar, having high standards, brings us along our desired path. Let's
starve these implants out of us. If they truly need our negative emotions to feed on,
they will starve once we get so very good at our new BEingness.

The other practice of deliberately declaring our non-consent to any and all
manipulations, agreements, or anything whatsoever that deceives us into agreeing
to their control, this declaration of non-consent feels great to write out first and then
speak it out loud. We may want to do this periodically. What feels best is what we
want to pay attention to.

Seer Seeker Sayer Sage June 19, 2015 at 11:49 PM

Great ideas, and Gantz echoed them in his own way in the thread below.
Good to banish the negative before affirming the positive:

"There is no lack in the Universe and there is no lack in me. All seeming obstacles
are removed, and my way is clear, successful and easy."

-from Anne Wigmore's The Healing Power Within (out of print)

She was the founder of Hippocrates Health Institute. There's info on line.


Tataum June 19, 2015 at 2:47 PM


CC June 19, 2015 at 2:57 PM

Thanks so much Cobra.We are pretty much on the same page. Its interesting because I know
all of this but not sure how and why I know. One thing I do know is I know I am here at this
time doing the work I need to be doing. My tip for light workers is go with flow. Don't question
just go with it, good or bad these are the graces and all will be ok
Best wishes to Cobra

Eliana June 19, 2015 at 2:57 PM

While connecting with the energy of our past I have seen 2 unbroken seals and the dark
forces never ever wanted us to know what the seals tell. As I had already discovered them I
opened them. I received the following information which might be only a small part of
something bigger and might also include more of this kind:
1. seal: As we know, before the implanting in Atlantis started, it was all done by contracts.
Those contracts where possible through something like this: The new dark lords did not show
who they really are, so they where manipulative and friendly to the masses. They took away
the Goddess Isis and imprisoned her. They told the masses all those new contracts and
instructions would be in the will of the Goddess, she would be supporting the new program, as
she thinks it would be useful and neccessary to introduce a new learning system. This system
would include that the Goddess hides away, that would be the reason she was not visible to
the public. This was told to the masses. The documents shown to them where in the name of
Isis, yet it where false documents. The people loved their Goddess so much so they agreed to
the new learning program which allowed them to be implanted and to forget and they accepted
to be seperated from their original spiritual guides.

2. seal says: The dark lords then went to the Goddess and showed her all the contracts made
by the people. They told her, the people would not love her anymore and that they would say
that they do not need her "egoistic love and false teachings" any longer and that they did not
believe her that she only wishes to make them to Gods and Goddesses as well. So she was
forced to follow their instructions if she wanted to save them in any way. So she also signed
the contracts.

This is what the lightforces want you to know. Those things are also the reason why so many
do not want to accept that carma is just a program. Originally, before agreeing to the contracts,
they thought it was something proposed by Isis. This is why they have the deep remembrance
to not have done anything bad, as they believed it would be in the will and by the proposal of
the Goddess.



Unknown June 19, 2015 at 9:27 PM

know that contracts made under deceit or duress are null.
release, love, & forgiveness to our past selves, yin or yang

Seer Seeker Sayer Sage June 19, 2015 at 9:47 PM


Unknown June 19, 2015 at 10:33 PM

I'm gonna use my process of discernment and say "NO!" - I don't think it went down
this way. Not trying to pick a fight or say you're misled - but I refuse to believe that
the Goddess was #1 taken away & 2 signed a contract as well. Total utter garbage!

I'll buy into the Light Forces hanging back because Earth residents were used as
hostages, the Primary Anomaly makes sense - but I think the Goddess was on top
of the situation the whole time - it's Humanity's leaders that were fooled &
manipulated and the laws of "Free Will" prevented the Goddess from taking certain
actions sooner.

To imply the Goddess was somehow forced or duped into signing a contract is
laughable when you consider The Goddess is the female aspect of God - hence - a
sizable portion of Prime Creator - you're tell me some crazy anomaly effected milti-
dimensional screw-ups held the female half of Prime Creator hostage?

Sorry - just sounds a wee-bit off the reservation - It gives them too much credit.
Then again- stories like these do sound fanciful. I barely even post here anymore
but story deserved my whole hearted THUMBS DOWN!
Unless you meant ISIS as a mortal woman - as opposed to ISIS the Goddess
aspect & Female part of God that is Prime Creator.

Seer Seeker Sayer Sage June 19, 2015 at 11:51 PM

You'd sign a contract if you wanted to live, or worse, if the lives of your loved ones
were threatened. Such is the Modus Operandi of the dark ones.

D'artagnan June 20, 2015 at 5:12 AM

I can't believe it as it was presented. Anyone of higher consciousness knows that
we are all dear family members and if it is necessary some must be allowed to be in
danger's way for the good of all brothers & sisters. As for saving one,s physical self.
Its a 3rd density concept based on fear and ignorance. Yes, some goddess! Ruled
by such lower levels of density. Incredibly unbelievable. It sounds more like
programmed disinfo (again) to trick the elite into contracting with the diabolical

3DHD June 24, 2015 at 8:35 AM

D'artagnan, what may be difficult for most to accept is that all legal systems
throughout the Cosmos have their basis in the lowest dimensions. Everything is
created, destroyed and decided here - including hostage situations - and the
liberation of same.

Thank you Eliana and Phoenix - again.


Seer Seeker Sayer Sage June 19, 2015 at 2:59 PM

Wow! Superb! I feel so much better just knowing these things...
Thank you, Cobra, RM, and all Light and Galactic families, Angels and everyone in co-

Even though we are not yet free, we are on our way. Thank you for the links to methods and
tools to help us help ourselves! I am reminded of the Tarot card, The Devil. The man and
woman are chained, but they don't seem to realize they could easily free themselves by lifting
the yoke over their heads.

I have had so much inner upheaval this week, like volcanic fire! Much, but not all, related to
family. Incapacitating at times, but like implants, it has to come out. Best to pound a pillow or
scream in your room or write/text to yourself , or rip up a phone book, or throw eggs at a tree
(the animals will clean up) so you have moved the energy out of your body/psyche. This way, it
does not damage anyone else. Not even the person who inspired it.

It's hard, but this is the best choice, to deal with raw emotions yourself and calm down before
speaking to others about what is bothering you. Then it becomes easier to forgive, because
you have moved the energy out of your body. Especially important for you to forgive the one
who needs it the most:
Yourself <3

There was a sign that hung on a tree on a path at Green Gulch Zen Center. Not sure if it is still
there, but it reads:

"The Way is easy,

save for picking and choosing."



Seer Seeker Sayer Sage June 21, 2015 at 1:42 AM

Also important to get off the computer and get out in nature and GET SOME
EXERCISE! I've been doing a lot of bike riding to places I'd normally take the bus.
It's been liberating and relaxing, I've felt so much better on the days I ride or walk a


soullvx June 19, 2015 at 3:06 PM

If the Event happened wouldn't that Remove or Render ineffective all the Strangelet and Toplet
Bombs and implants and heal the primary anomaly? Or does triggering the Event also trigger
the Bombs?
Maybe the Light forces could also direct some energy, light....etc through all the Cintamani
Stones to assist and help implant Removal and Healing of the Primary Anomaly!


Seer Seeker Sayer Sage June 19, 2015 at 3:41 PM

My understanding is that the Stranglets etc. must be removed FIRST before The
Event can happen, so as not to trigger them. That is how/why they still hold us
hostage: "Quarantine Earth".

I think by now we can really grasp that this 26,000-year cycle is a temporary
condition, about to climax at The Event, and set us free at last!

(Sunday would be OK with me, I need a bit of rest first. CMEs = no sleep.)


Anonymous June 19, 2015 at 3:13 PM

Thank you for the update Cobra ....And i wish there was a video to show me better with the 2
meditations i do better with seeing it then reading it just my learning disability in me sorry
....But does not mean i cannot still try them in the mean time ...Also i been using Cintamani
stone i got recently with other in meditation and 3 times i have felt very strange pressure
pulsing rolling between my eyes ...never had that before and some times has numb ness to it
...Not sure what that is ...Peace Light Love ....<3 and dreams are getting more strange ..


Rich June 21, 2015 at 4:38 AM

Sounds as though your Pineal Gland or 3rd eye Chakra is interacting with the stone,
I wouldn't want to suggest more than that as I don't know of Cintamani stone
interacts in some special way with your 3rd eye but I'm sure someone else here will
be able to expand :)

Love and light to all x

Unknown June 21, 2015 at 7:34 AM

I agree with you Judith. If there was some kind of an animation available it would
certainly make our meditation easier. Words are great but a picture is worth 1000

Ian R June 21, 2015 at 12:24 PM

I too would like a visual example of this particular meditation. I find this one difficult
as normally on a meditation I just let my mind empty out and watch my breathing.

The weekly liberation meditation were we have to visualise certain things occurring,
seems to me to counter what a normal meditation is. When I "visualise" I then tend
to lose my concentration so what.

Gantz June 19, 2015 at 3:20 PM
Hehehehe - "Cheat Codes" for the Matrix....hehehehe

Sup my Fellow 'Loosh-Bags' - Lets make the Game go FASTER! Begin using your own divine
Soverign Free Will to "energetically pollute" your own LOOSH energy. Poison the Enemies
'Food Supply' (get it?). David Wilcock explains what "Loosh" energy is (essentially it's your
Fear energy). David maintains that these twerps are SOO Dependent on the 'stuff' that many
can't go a day without it or they DIE!

Think of them like sadistic crack-acts going withdrawl - Now, Poison their greatest source of
sustainability!! I've been experimenting with Aura Manipulation & Weaponry and appear to be
having impressive results 'against infected HUMAN's' (other "Loosh bags") - something is
definitely 'different'.

START your totems, your Symbolic Magic, & Energetic Cleanses - the ENEMY is going to
STARVE on itself. NO One is leaving Earth, NO deals! Only Media Manipulation (Fear Porn) is
keeping them from killing each other - Poison that WELL!

Get Out of your Ego (Time & Space, rules, what You think You control) start Hacking your
"Inner voice" & Inner-self - Start flipping switches & breaking Idols - It's ALL Illusion ANYWAY.
YOU & your true-inner self are all that Matters & thrives.

It's ALL Illusion



melissa June 19, 2015 at 7:50 PM

Love that!


Seer Seeker Sayer Sage June 19, 2015 at 3:21 PM

Movements of Celestials among Gaia inhabitants reaches into depths of all
19 Jun

Movements of Celestials among Gaia inhabitants reaches into depths of all.

Resonance factors increase, to amplify effects of Higher Dimensional incomings.

Storms of Light impress, on both outer and inner visibilities.

Fortunes of Delights are inwardly realized, and accepted.


Peace444 June 19, 2015 at 3:24 PM

Looking forward to implementing Cintamani stone into my expierence. I am in U.S. ... I
purchased a high quality stone. Cobra, have they shipped them out yet?


Unknown June 21, 2015 at 5:57 AM

you were lucky, I want to purchase this stone and can not buy or even work to earn
this stone. wish I could. did not know we could purchase one, can not afford one
anyway. asked for a free one but did not get on list again.

Cruise June 23, 2015 at 3:42 AM

Do not worry my friend, these stones are but and amplification, not all of us need
these stones, they will give you any powers of sorts, you are far more powerful, and
do not give your power to 'lack' because you have the potential to be and do
anything you wish. If you havent got a stone look at it as a blessing, maybe your
higher self is saying ' you are doing perfectly fine without one, keep up the good

Eugene June 24, 2015 at 8:47 PM

Well said Cruise
I've Moldivite ,Metorite and Tektite they've been very helpful,,Cobra has shared
some great insight about the energetic accentuation these stones offer pretty easy
to manifest as well.

love n light



Cruise June 19, 2015 at 3:47 PM

Amazing information, only thing that confuses me is where does free will come into this!? I
didnt ask for implants and nore did i want them so how were they so easily installed. I
understand this goes way back to previous incarnations but still it seems at some point free
will was not about


peterpan June 20, 2015 at 2:22 PM

Something like maybe we agreed to be implanted before incarnating

Unknown June 21, 2015 at 5:57 AM

righty on, none of us asked for these implants, why would source let them do this to

DH June 21, 2015 at 10:44 AM

I don't remember at all how I got my implants if by choice or not... Point is at least
we know this much... we are aware they are there.. that we got a choice...
however they get remove and how fast...well... is part of our choice.. individually or
collectively.. efforts are being made above as below to make things happen...
Question is how much we as individuals are adding toward that goal.


untwine June 19, 2015 at 4:22 PM

Additional tools to help clean up anomaly broadcasted by the implants :


Spirit Bear June 20, 2015 at 9:15 AM

Thanks, this is very helpful:)

Len Névte June 20, 2015 at 1:46 PM

Thank You!
kispisti June 22, 2015 at 3:41 AM
Hoktezuma - (2007) The Indian Songs [Full Album]

Eugene June 24, 2015 at 8:43 PM

Thank You Untwine and Others
I am moved by your Intentionality ,,Sound Healing ,,Working on the Grid,,,

Love n light



Unknown June 19, 2015 at 4:26 PM

Implants Shimplants! Circumstantial BS is all it is!

Should the surface SLAVE population be more upset and disappointed that these implants
were allowed to be implanted in the first place or more upset and disappointed that these
stupid things are still being allowed to negatively influence our ascension timelines? IMO both
of these tragic realities are equally deplorable, reprehensible and truly regrettable.

In regard to the implant stations, toplet and straglet bombs I find it very telling and very
revealing that the Annunaki didn't take or dismantle any of these devices when they left some
20 plus years ago. Why not? If the Annunaki were serious and sincere these devices would
have left along with them but they did NOT. The fact these devices still remain and are still
influencing our timelines some 20 plus years after their departure is appalling and disgusting!

I'm of the opinion that after the Annunaki's less than sincere and less than meaningful cease
and desist orders to the cabals they secretly hoped and wished their minions would have been
able to finish what they and the Anchovies started some time ago.

The costs of this Solar Systems capture, enslavement, and eventual liberation have indeed
been very high. A cost for some that has yet to be realized and accounted for. Remember we
are ALL still on the clock so to speak and everyone will receive exactly what they want at the
right divine time. Take your time! Just add another .27 years for every day that the staus quo is
still perpetuated, supported and sustained by these LIGHT forces.

Also, If these implants maintain quarantine Earth status and still prevents the Event,
Disclosure and First Contact and all this will be resolved as a result of the energetic
intervention from the Galactic Central Sun then i suppose not enough people were killed, died
and suffered enough yesterday or the day before that or the day before that or the day before
that for the Galactic Central Sun to be able to make a difference in the everyday lives of the
SLAVES. Why does the Galactic Central Sun not LOVE us or care for us enough?

But in all reality these LIGHT forces are still having a hard time moving funds safely from one
part of this globe to another part of the globe. Why should any of the SLAVES expect
seemingly more complicated problems like implant stations, implants, toplets and straglets to
be alleviated quickly and efficiently.

I'm still waiting for the ALL powerful and ALL knowing LIGHT that all of us know and many of
us embody to make an appearance. Until then the SLAVES will just keep dying, suffering and
being killed just like we did yesterday and the day before that and the day before that and the
day before that. No big deal take your time!

I know deep down the LIGHT is more than capable of reversing all the non-sense we've been
needlessly, unnecessarily and mercilessly forced to endure over the past 13,000 years at
least. I'm livid and frustrated that we have yet to see it.

At this stage of the mission after all that has been said and done and after all we've been told
to expect anything other than a major breakthrough tonight/tomorrow is a still a massive
disappointment, truly tragic and categorically unacceptable.


Unknown June 20, 2015 at 2:16 AM

This comment has been removed by the author.

Eliana June 20, 2015 at 2:39 PM

A question I would like to have answered is, was the general population not mature
enough to decide on their own in Atlantis who to follow and why did they follow the
leaders like sheep as they do now? If more would be awake and FINALLY REALIZE
that it is no one else who brings the Archons into the central sun and no one else
who removes the impant stations, if all the thousands and thousands of the readers
of this blog would know that it is ONLY THEM who clear the solar system, we would
be free
Cobra said in one of his interviews "we are clearing them now" (maybe last Rob
Potter interview, not sure). So why did he say "WE"? Why you listen to his
interviews and you do not really listen? Do you not WANT to hear that it is ONLY
YOU? Don't you understand that we are only seperated from our higher selfes on
the ships, because this IS the fall, this IS the prison???

Unknown June 21, 2015 at 4:34 AM

the light is capable of removing the implants we don t need anymore. they teach us
lessons, when we ve taken the lesson, the according implant will be removed by our
light teams after we ve asked/commanded it to be so.

we don t need archonic implants anymore when we stop blaming others and take
on self-responsibility for our thoughts, emotions, expressions and actions.

with every aspect of Self, for ages hidden inside and projected to the outside, that
we own and embrace back into our entire Being, the light enters the empty spaces
in our energy fields and transforms all remnants of this separation.

our conscious order for the implant to be removed and the hijacked attached
elemental to be freed, will set the light teams into action. from what i ve
experiencecd, they can t automatically do it, as this is a free will choice situation.

when we do that for ourSelves, we can also ask, from our I AM presence that is
One with the I AM presence of All That Is, for it to be done for all humans, in perfect
alignment with their divine plan and highest wellbeing. this guarantuees that the rest
of the 7.5 billion humans on earth who have no clue about implants, can also be
released from them.

may all implants which have out-served themselves be removed by divine grace,
Now and Here, may all awakening Beings be self-responsible and freed from

Unknown June 24, 2015 at 8:14 AM

@Eliana the "WE" Cobra was referring to was NOT the SLAVES, but the LIGHT
forces. Don't flatter yourself.


Unknown June 19, 2015 at 4:29 PM

Thanks for update. Sounds like you all know what you need to do.. So go do it.

Eliana June 19, 2015 at 5:52 PM

Those who where spiritually advanced in Atlantis (so, probably most of those reading here) did
also partially sign contracts that they only would be finished when the last one is redeemed.
This means also, they only would be in their original power and freedom until the last human
being is free. This is a very big trap. This case will never happen, thats why the dark lords
choosed it to be written like this.
The opposite is the solution. Those have to step free and then they can liberate the rest if they
choose so.

Brandon Stamps June 19, 2015 at 5:57 PM

lets all implant a collective foot in the anomaly ass.


SN June 21, 2015 at 10:01 PM

hahahah true that.


Unknown June 19, 2015 at 6:11 PM

Oh baloney. So we're the last galaxy and the whole quintillion other galaxies can't save us with
all that backup 25,000 years ago. No, karma is the real reason things haven't happened yet.

A Man Called Da-da June 19, 2015 at 7:12 PM

Yikes. This site is sounding crazier and crazier.


Seer Seeker Sayer Sage June 19, 2015 at 11:53 PM

Yes, it's delightful, isn't it?

A Man Called Da-da June 20, 2015 at 7:43 PM


Tuercadegaitas June 21, 2015 at 6:29 AM


E surd June 19, 2015 at 7:49 PM

I am excited and I am ready for when is my time of final disintegration of this "isolation pads".
And re-connection with One.

Anonymous June 19, 2015 at 8:00 PM

May the Light of the Galactic Central Sun Grace us all.

Anonymous June 19, 2015 at 8:02 PM

Ok with the help of Simon Daly on cam he showed me how to do one meditation ...I am all
good to go with the figure 8 thingy :D As long as the kittens don't take me down in the process
doing the meditation ...Sneaky lil kitties like to chew my fingers use my hair as Rapunzel
.....Peace Light love <3 we have work to do ...

William Overton June 19, 2015 at 8:26 PM

How can I get a Cintamani stone?


Spirit Bear June 20, 2015 at 9:15 AM

@soullvx stated in the past post that Rob Potter has some for sale. His site was
down for 48 hours though so I contacted him via the e-mail we use to send
questions for Cobra - . Rob's site is back on at
Good luck!


Ana Ferreira June 19, 2015 at 9:47 PM

Thank you. Light and Love to you All.

Seer Seeker Sayer Sage June 19, 2015 at 9:58 PM

SaLuSa Message, June 19, 2015

time missionary June 19, 2015 at 10:13 PM

The Tale of the Rich Man Who Failed to Grasp the Real Philosopher’s Stone

1 Chudala (as Kumbha) related:— Once there lived a rich man who combined the opposite
qualities of charity and poverty in his character, just as the sea contains water and undersea
fires in its depth. 2 He was skilled in arts as he was practiced in arms. He was restrained in all
dealings as he was expert in business. But his great worldly ambition to which he devoted all
his pursuits kept him from the spiritual knowledge of the most high. 3 He employed all his
endeavors to obtain the imaginary gem of the philosopher’s stone (chintamani), just as the
undersea fire wants to devour the waters and dry up the sea bed. 4 After a lapse of a long
time, his great enthusiasm and persevering patience succeeded in bringing him the precious
gem at last, because there is nothing which may not be produced by man’s ardent zeal. 5 His
attempts were successful because of his unwearied labor joined with firm resolution and a well
directed plan. Using such means, even the meanest man is favored with fortune. 6 He saw the
stone lying before him, ready to be grasped in his hand, like a hermit sitting on a mountain
peak thinks he can easily grab the rising moon with his hand. 7 He saw the brilliant gem before
him, but became mistrustful of his sight and the reality of the object, like a poor man, hearing
of his sudden elevation to royalty, mistrusts the report and doubts that it was meant for him.
8 The rich man was immersed in his thoughts of amazement for a long time. Overlooking and
neglecting to lay hold of his great gain, he kept questioning in his mind in the following
manner. The rich man’s thoughts:— 9 Whether this stone is a gem or not, and if so, whether it
be the philosopher’s stone or any other, I fear that if I touch it, it will fly away or be soiled.
10 Until this time, no one has obtained the long sought philosopher’s stone. If ever anyone
obtained it, the Shastra scriptures say it would be in his next life.

time missionary June 19, 2015 at 10:14 PM

11 No doubt only my miserliness makes me wrongly see this brilliant gem before me with my
eyes, like a short-sighted man seeing a flashing firebrand and deep-laid moon in the sky.
12 How could the tide of my fortune run so high at once that I should succeed so soon to
obtain the precious stone that is the splendor and height of perfection and which produces all
There must be few, very few indeed, fortunate men who can expect their good fortune to court
and wait on them at such little pain in such a short time. 14 I am only a poor and honest man
possessed of very little qualification, worth or account among mankind. It is impossible that so
miserable a wretch could ever be blessed with this masterpiece of perfection. Chudala (as
Kumbha) continues:— 15 For a long time the unbelieving rich man hung in a state of
suspense between his certainty and uncertainty. He was so infatuated by his mental blindness
that he did not even stretch out his hand to lay hold on the jewel lying openly before him.
16 Hence, whatever is obtainable by anyone at anytime is often missed and lost sight of
because of either his ignorance or negligence of it, just as the precious gem in the parable, the
sought after object that lay tangible in full view. 17 As the rich man was hanging undecided,
frozen by his suspicion, the precious gem flew away and vanished from his sight, just as the
deserving man avoids his critic, an arrow flies from its string, or a stone from its sling-shot.
18 When prosperity appears to a man, she confers on him her blessings of wisdom and
prudence. But as prosperity forsakes her foolish devotee, she deprives him of all his
discretion. 19 The man tried again to invoke and recall the precious gem to his presence,
because the persevering spirit is never tired of trying again and again for his expected
success. 20 He came to behold before him a brittle piece of glass, shining with its false glare
like the former gem. This glass was placed before him by the invisible hands of a spiritual
master who had come to tempt him and deride his folly. 21 The fool thought this brittle thing
lying before him was the real gem, just as an ignorant fool believes sparkling sands to be pure
gold dust. 22 Such is the case with the deluded mind. It mistakes eight for six and foe for a
friend. It sees a serpent in a rope and views desert land as a watery expanse. It drinks poison
as if it was nectar and spies another moon in the sky in the reflection of the true one. 23 The
rich man took up that fraudulent worthless imitation for a real gem. He thought it was the
philosopher’s stone which would confer on him whatever he desired. With this belief he gave
all he had to charity as they were no use to him anymore. 24 He thought his own country was
devoid of everything that was delightful to him. He thought the society of its people were
debasing to him. He thought his lost house was of no use of him and that his relatives and
friends were averse to his happiness. 25 Thinking like this, he determined to remove himself to
a distant country and enjoy his rest there. So taking his false gem with him, he went out and
entered an uninhabited forest. 26 There his deceptive gem was of no use to him. It loaded him
with all imaginable disasters, like the gloomy shadow of a black mountain and the horrid gloom
of deep ignorance.

time missionary June 19, 2015 at 10:15 PM

The afflictions brought on by one’s own ignorance are far greater than those caused by old
age or the torments of death. The calamity of ignorance, like black hairs covering the crown of
the head, supersedes all other earthly afflictions.

A tale from the Yoga Vasistha


Unknown June 19, 2015 at 10:50 PM

Well, that helps to explain why I have been super dizzy/disoriented every day with a constantly
bloated stomach (no matter what I eat) for about two months now! I guess the implants don't
like being dissolved! :-) Thanks Cobra!


Chris June 20, 2015 at 9:17 AM

Same here.

Ian R June 21, 2015 at 12:41 PM

Unbelievable Mitchell. You've just described my exact symptoms. I feel like I'm
being disconnected from reality and have stomach issues etc.


Goddess of the Sun June 19, 2015 at 10:56 PM

June 21st the Winter Solstice For South Hemisphere and Summer Solstice for North

A important time to spend in front of a sacred fire.....

Use this time to release any negative emotions and recharge with Love and Light .



Seer Seeker Sayer Sage June 19, 2015 at 10:56 PM

~ by Ute Posegga-Rudel ~ Wednesday, June 17, 2015

VIDEO (recommended)

Seer Seeker Sayer Sage June 19, 2015 at 11:16 PM

by Ute Posegga-Rudel | Messages from the Realms of Light

VIDEO (recommended)

I love Ute's artwork, it is superb, and full of Light!

Vani Smith June 20, 2015 at 12:20 AM

Tx u, Cobra. *The seed of perception is smothered; how 2 open that seed?*

PARADOX: Earth humans cannot open their minds easily 2 encourage the Event w/o healing -
- including release from implants; a lot of the healing that Earth humans need 2 help 2 open
their minds is not available until AFTER the Event.

"Truth w/o proof" does not work well 4 brainwashed folks.

Thinking lately about how 2 encourage Earth humans 2 think outside the box. & thus 2 learn 2
participate of their own volition in r ongoing evolution.

Seems like healing of various kinds does open the mind. Including eating organic food &
drinking clean water. Now, how 2 make such healing & nutrition more available 2 more ppl?

GoodET: Many r also so locked into the victim frame of mind that they r looking 4 a "Savior" ET
or Earth Group 2 make their lives easier.

Then the Blue Avian message states that *they have 2 save their selves & that *their
consciousness development is tied 2 how soon they will graduate 2 freedom.*

This really angers them. No 1 wants 2 bear any responsibility & they all want 2 sit back & let
someone else do what needs 2 be done 2 save them.

-- Disagree: Maybe so 4 some folks, but most genuinely r handicapped by Archon programs
on Earth. --

GoodET: _They r the key 2 their own freedom & already have the tool & power 2 effect that

Some people r so filled w/ anger & hateful emotions that the thought of winning a conflict
against lower vibrational evil beings w/ "Love," "Forgiveness" & by "Raising Their Vibrations
/Consciousness" by focusing on becoming "Service 2 Others" is not only a ridiculous idea -- it
is also a path that they cannot see themselves ever following.

-- It can be difficult 2 want 2 follow a process that u NEVER HAVE SEEN WORK b4. --

... Sadly many of these ppl [Light Warriors & others] r in such deeply rooted belief systems &
emotional prisons that they will remain this way until there is a "Full Disclosure" event. [Not yet
THE Event.]

We as 3rd density (transitioning into 4th density) beings have quite a lot of deprogramming 2
do & much 2 learn about "Natural Law" & higher density concepts. 4 most, dropping their
ensconced belief systems & opening up 2 a new way of thinking *will not occur *until they are
forced 2 [open up] by events *following a "Full Disclosure" event.* [Not yet THE Event.]

The Blue Avians r not here as "saviors" & have put forth a loving & peaceful message that
states that you have to be your own savior.

-- GoodET seems worried about partially informed, hostile folks. I worry about the billions more
who have NO INFO, smothering apathy, & still-effective brainwashing.

Yes, we can work 4 Light as we r, but ... w/ many handicaps. Very frustrating 2 see
exhortations Just 2 make that decision!, liberation is all on us! This is like urging ppl w/ 2
broken legs that U can run that marathon now, just go 4 it!

Except that most Earth humans r oppressed & preoccupied by the Veil /implants, by toxins
/health problems, by brainwashing, by local wars, by poverty, by abuse, by ...

Even when useful info is offered, many ppl turn away. It's not real 2 them. Suffering is real.
Debt slavery is real. Hope & Change is a discredited USA campaign slogan.

Forceful missionary work is a feature of Archon religions. & this disrespects free will, thus
denying acknowledgment of a basic aspect of r being.

What 2 do, what 2 do ... ?

Be well all.


sunshinepop7773 June 20, 2015 at 6:47 AM

Dear Vani,

Very wise & well said comment!....We probably need a "mini event" before the "Main
Event" to help get people focusing more on hope instead of despair which is
plentiful these days to help raise the vibration/frequency of the Earth which it's
needed to "kick in" the Event. Extra help (a "mini event") is needed from the Light
Forces to help awaken the mass majority of sleepy Earthlings!

Eugene June 20, 2015 at 11:57 AM

Greetings Vani
I appreciate the perspective at which You share your Heart ,,,well said.
I wanna thank Cobra RM for the links to remove implants ect,,infinity loop ,,calling
white light to remove them after contained by a platonic solid, that is ,,dismantled
then removed by light,,I feel a shift and will keep at it,,,,Also surround the terrible
four and other leaders with pink light swirling white light from soul star through fields
of energy I know is the correct action,,calling light from Alcyon, Goddess meditation
,,, ,choosing to be capable able and certain the new earth is unfolding within me and
around me,,I see signs of this within my own process,,,,Thank You to All doing the
work with Self your paving the way for Me to work with myself in a concise ,
palatable dynamic. The more we let our light shine we give others the permission to
let their light shine.We are all in this together .
Thanks Everyone

yon me she ha
he me shee shee


Unknown June 21, 2015 at 6:19 AM

I feel the same way and you have expressed it so well. no one that I know is awake
nor wants to be it seems. I need all the help I can to keep positive, forgive, and I
want to help the event and have full disclosure. I work on my self daily and try to
help others always but it seems not enough.


kispisti June 20, 2015 at 2:53 AM

Sziasztok !

Eléggé keveri a google fordító, ezért ezt a részt letudnátok fordítani nekem ?

"Earth primary anomaly quantum fluctuations well, or in other words Earth primary anomaly
accretion vortex, maintained by the plasma implant grid and supported by plasma strangelet
and toplet bomb retaliation mechanisms is the background meta-strategy of the Chimera
which maintains quarantine Earth status and still prevents the Event, Disclosure and First
és ez pedig a google fordítás

"Föld elsődleges anomália kvantum fluktuációk is, vagy más szóval a Föld elsődleges
anomália akkréciós örvény által fenntartott plazma implantátum rács és támogatja a plazma
strangelet és toplet bomba retorziós mechanizmusok a háttérben meta-stratégia a Chimera
amely fenntartja karantén Föld állapotát, és még mindig megelőzi Az esemény Disclosure és a
First Contact."

A végére rájöttem, vagyis hogy "Közzététel" és az "Első Kapcsolatfelvétel", csak a többit

keveri jól meg !

Köszönöm !



Anita Rácz June 21, 2015 at 10:41 AM

Kedves Kispisti! A Cobra Etheric Liberation Hungary Facebook csoportban
folyamatosan el tudod olvasni Cobra írásainak magyar fordításait. Miért nem lépsz
be? Ha nem akarsz belépni, akkor is el tudsz olvasni mindent, mivel a csoport

Len Névte June 21, 2015 at 2:37 PM

>>A földi elsődleges anomália kvantum fluktuációs kút, vagy más szóval földi
elsődleges anomália akkréciós örvény, amit a plazma implantátumok hálózata tart
fenn, és a plazma strangelet és toplet bomba megtorló mechanizmusok
támogatnak, a Chimera azon meta-stratégiája a háttérben, amely fenntartja a földi
karantén állapotát, és továbbra is meggátolja az Eseményt, a Leleplezést és a

kispisti June 21, 2015 at 5:07 PM

Köszönjük !


Anonymous June 20, 2015 at 2:57 AM

Does any else take this line - "All this will be resolved as a result of the energetic intervention
from the Galactic Central Sun" to mean that the RM can't progress much further and that
they/we are now relying on the Central Sun to get the job done?

kispisti June 20, 2015 at 3:03 AM

Thank You Sir!

kispisti June 20, 2015 at 3:47 AM

Corey Goode enter into before the public (foto)

Beckjack June 20, 2015 at 5:06 AM

Slowly but surely this is pissing me of. I haven't signed here for endless suffering.. the Event is
long overdue.. why always write the breaktrough is near?? It really doesn't get me excited
anymore, on the contrary I can't read it anymore!

Now you could say I'm negative, impatient, have magniesim deficiency, this or that.. but I'm
just so tired and burned out that I can't motivate myself to even do something like the weekly
liberation meditation.. I just have resigned doing stuff like this.
And I will certainly not speak about this stuff with other (brainwashed) people... I've done that
many times and all that gave me was laughter and incomprehension... now everyone thinks
I'm a crazy guy and that I am fantasising.

It's time to really show us something... otherwise I'm done with supporting the Light Forces!


Humble June 22, 2015 at 9:28 AM

Same here. Same crap everytime while trying to use all these out of the ordinary
words to try and throw us off.

Ambassador of Earth June 23, 2015 at 4:09 AM

I understand your frustration BJ.
Esteban June 24, 2015 at 2:36 AM
Yea, take a break from this stuff. And DO NOT SHARE THIS ... It's only quackery to
most people. I've actually abandoned this type of cultish mindset, where groups
make all manner of suggestion that we are special this and that ... It triggers
delusions of grandeur and persecution .. Like most cults, and drains you of energy
while destroying and semblance of consensus reality. I had to tell my friends and
family that I was caught up in a fantasy world, dealing with people I did not really
know, and believing stuff from self-claimed gurus who, after much experience and
investigation, are no different from every other cultish figure and their groups...
Greer cult, Cassiopeia cult, Chris Thomas cult, Blue Avian cult , etc... In the
alternative movement there seems to be well organized covens of opportunists who
exploit highly suggestable and earnest seekers with known triggers and memes.
Things like illuminati, anunaki, archons, entity possession... All these things see
explained or debunked in rational ( and even more interesting but less magical ways
) ... It's upsetting this, your old deluded self in others. And of course you can't argue
with your online friends or local 'cult' group. After a while you have to tell them that
you need a break ... Especially when they try to convince you of flat earth or mars


Beckjack June 20, 2015 at 5:10 AM

This comment has been removed by the author.

Unknown June 20, 2015 at 5:20 AM

Clearing Salt Lake Utah and Kansas City Mo. Old negative energies have been cleared on the
time line of Joesph Smith, Brigham Young and David Hyrum Smith.

Unknown June 20, 2015 at 5:23 AM

Cobra, old negative energies on the time line of Joesph Smith, Brigham Young and David
Hyrum Smith have been cleared. More clearing work happening for Salt Lake Utah, Kansas
City and St Louis Mo. Victory to the Light.


3DHD June 21, 2015 at 11:20 AM

Thank you Jonathan. I appreciate this more than you can know.


Unknown June 20, 2015 at 5:51 AM

Yes but an important reason the Event is not coming is also because millions of fools are still
supporting the system (caring for the money, and their pleasures, false security) day and night.
It is not only the Cabal, implants.
It is the natural Greed of man.
Man is also responsable for this.
Greed is not an implant.
It is a natural tendency in man.


3DHD June 21, 2015 at 9:53 AM

Thank you @ger See ... If you offer a toddler the choice between one JFK silver
coin or a handful of shiny, freshly minted pennies, which do you suppose he would
choose? This is the dilemma we are facing. The very contrast of real treasure
against the worthless.

Nocturne June 21, 2015 at 10:08 AM

This comment has been removed by the author.

Unknown June 21, 2015 at 11:47 PM

Correction, greed is a "natural" tendency in reptilian brain man.

Unknown June 21, 2015 at 11:48 PM

Greed is a "natural" tendency in reptilian brain man. We're on our way out of all

Unknown June 22, 2015 at 8:44 AM

I will clarify you about greed:
The desire for bread and roof is a natural desire, nothing wrong with that.
Greed is just a sick desire for things we do not need, a disease we are born with,
you can see in children also, it is part of are psyche.
The habit of desire even if our real needs are satisfied.
This is my understanding of greed
Maybe it is our reptilian brain...
We have to overcome it. We can cure that disease.

Nocturne June 22, 2015 at 9:15 AM

This comment has been removed by the author.


Sigurgeir June 20, 2015 at 6:06 AM

Happy summer solstice you all, Að vera eða ekki vera, það er spurningin. Ég er. Og ég verð
hér ( 64° 0'29.68"N 21°52'53.46"W ) með ásetning um að jarðtengja orku miðsólar 21. Júní
2015 kl.16:39 UTC <3 Love and Light from the Land of Fire and Ice

Cruise June 20, 2015 at 6:25 AM

Why cant we do a group meditation on removing the implants, have the angelic relm,
ascended masters, galactic family all join and help. Surely with enough intent and visualisation
we would massively reduce the implants or have some positive effect.


Esteban June 24, 2015 at 2:43 AM

It could be because none of that stuff is real, perchance. In all these hundreds of
years, what have initiates and disciples of Masters accomplished? Light Workers
fighting with one another? It's literally madness. Esoterics is a revived and empty,
cultish 'theology' ... You can thank HP Blavatsky and The Golden Dawn for starting
all this with the 19th century occult revival.

We have sociology, psychology, and anthropology now. We don't need mysticism

and 'saviour groups'. Have a little patience.


Seer Seeker Sayer Sage June 20, 2015 at 7:18 AM

What You Missed Because Of The Church Shooting !!

While MSM live-streamed POTUS speech on the shooting, this preliminary vote took place:
TPA (Trade Promotion Authority) guaranteed that the TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership) would
go up for an "Up or Down" vote without the US-G having any ability to amend it, so if/when it
passes, it which will have devastating effect on the economy.

Unknown June 20, 2015 at 7:22 AM

Thank you for another great intel.

Anonymous June 20, 2015 at 7:23 AM

I found this track song very soothing and helps me in some meditation also and some of the
words just brings out some things in me of some things going on ...Peace LOve light

howard June 20, 2015 at 9:24 AM

Thank heaven, I was afraid that the event was going to happen this year.

waterrin June 20, 2015 at 9:55 AM


Anonymous June 20, 2015 at 10:11 AM





























Jptg99 June 20, 2015 at 10:14 AM

THANKS Cobra That was very helpful.. :)

kispisti June 20, 2015 at 11:46 AM

Solstice June 21 - Pozsgai Nicoleta

kispisti June 20, 2015 at 12:41 PM

Solstice June 21 - Pozsgai Nicoleta

The force that there waving the lower power depot, this time multiply. We accept ourselves the
enormous fire power,

Today I-Power Alarm message: niche, thoughts and feelings with - but all these powerful
creatures are. All of these belong to you, a message for you to get a fuller understanding
them; but no more than you, and You are the one who controls them. Although this study and
most of the challenges we have to practice every moment, yet God-given opportunity to
translate into positive life. You are opting for the changing and the changes they brought. Live
with that strength.

21 June

The Solstice - the longest when the number of hours spent on light - scorching hot sun shine
on us and we spend about power. The sun is high due to the nature filled with fire, and this fire
ears of wheat ripen the seeds and the fruits it has articulated.

The force that there waving the lower power depot, this time multiply. Ourselves to accept the
Fire enormous power which there waving in the sun, the stars, the volcanoes, the big cat in the
dark flashing eyes, the altar ones lit candles and in the open branch lit, high flames in the sky
for stretching bonfires.
Power that is ours. Power, which we all have. Force that can destroy every weapon. And
strength with which we can create. E, which has always been in us, and even hot embers alive
in us, with us were led to believe if that had long since been extinguished and extinguished the
last of Sparks.

We enter into the Force back to the June solstice, the internal strength, to take ownership of
their own strength ... everything for which we were born into this world and to act it out,
blessed by God on this earth.

It is time that you can light turn-out and collect all the amazing force with which your mission
on Earth in compliance with a joyful heart and soul lived ... are creating a new reality here and
now, on this earth.

Thus, the heaven on earth, lived reality Grail waiting for you, and believe me all the strength it
needs to step through into this reality! Choose instead of suffering the passion! Catch up on
your inner solar zenith!

Affectionate love life:

Pozsgai Nicoleta
kinesiologist, lifestyle consultant and therapist
personal trainer Integration

* *

Len Névte June 20, 2015 at 12:43 PM

I have been guided to find the second implant removal method referred here, almost a month
ago. It felt significant so I started to apply. After the Free the Colonies! activation Cobra
reported many of the implant guardian stations have been removed and now here's the post I
anticipated, verifying it is indeed an important issue in which we can make a difference.

I really appreciate this intel and all the efforts of the Light forces. Thank You!
I try to do my best.

Love, Light, Peace, Joy and Abundance for all!


Unknown June 20, 2015 at 12:54 PM

We are blessed to receive the Light of our loving Central Sun.

Bro June 20, 2015 at 1:34 PM

Why can't we have regular/daily disclosure through consciousness expanding pictures, and
revelations.. Its high time.


Peace444 June 21, 2015 at 4:04 PM

A daily dose of pineal popping imagery would be awesome... On the flip side if your
using two eyes to see we are not seeing .. The time spent doing is time lost being.


Unknown June 20, 2015 at 1:45 PM

"Slingshot, engaged"

Anonymous June 20, 2015 at 2:35 PM

Dr Simon Atkins on a different view of jade helm energetic waves are coming in July and
August which will be overwhelming for a lot of people radio interview on Bradley Loves site


Kate June 21, 2015 at 10:39 AM

I've never heard of Dr Simon Atkins but I've got this bookmarked to listen to. It's 2
hours long and sounds really interesting.


Brandon Stamps June 20, 2015 at 3:25 PM

if i am not mistaken is this a kundalini

3DHD June 20, 2015 at 5:02 PM

Apollo supports Troy. He is JASON. He is the Green Kachina.

Forever gone June 20, 2015 at 7:06 PM

Per Cobras posts, back in January all physical strangelet and toplet bombs were destroyed. A
post in March noted that there is a network of plasma implants connected with each other
through the Tunnels of Set which are tied to the plasmatic strangelet and toplet bombs. In
June, the main negative plasma meridian in our solar system (know as the Saturn-earth
Tunnel of Set) was disintegrated. How many other Tunnels of Set with bombs exist? This
clearing of " bombs" could go on for decades, so what is the point of any type of energy
clearing or meditation by the earth slaves? It certainly makes no impact. Just another day with
raging fires, severe drought, excessive flooding, starvation, rituals where they rip the fur off live
dogs, child prostitution rings flourish...same crap just another day. It appears the RM does not
care about humans, but why are they allowing the animals and plant life of to Gaia suffer
so????? What tangible proof is there that source energy and RM are tying to save us?

peterpan June 20, 2015 at 9:28 PM

This is the most clear and thorough explanation i have heard of why we are still living in this
3D reality matrix and have not made the shift. It seems like a catch 22 here. We need to be
free of implants in order to be free and receive and manifest Light and in order to create the
shift and the Event, and yet the Event will free us of implants. Can any one comment on this
anomaly? I have been looking and waiting for info like this on implants and what to do about
them for a while now. thank your Cobra! I have been hearing "the Breakthrough is near" , for a
while now, and now i can feel it!!!

Maria June 20, 2015 at 9:54 PM

Dear Cobra, do you mean that implants are a new issue or a more direct way to awakening
and reach the critical masses of 144.000? I am awakened but still have those implants.

Leostar June 21, 2015 at 8:49 PM
Before we were tampered with as a species, to make us compliant, the kundalini
(sexual energy) ran unhindered up the spine through the sushumna to the crown
chakra so that we were fully conscious, meaning we were psychic, were aware of
our past lives and the future, being fully anchored in the present (with a clear mind,
devoid of the chatter). The implants block this process preventing our enlightenment
from happening, hence the need to remove them. Awakened really means that you
are aware of much of the truth and are a truth-seeker.


Anonymous June 20, 2015 at 11:25 PM

The best practical and fastest way to transcend all of this, is by using the subconscious mind
to erase and neutralize all negativity within in the form of negative memories, beliefs, ideas,
concepts, emotions, etc. and replace it with Life Force Energy:

Anonymous June 20, 2015 at 11:27 PM

The best practical and fastest way to transcend all of this, is by using the subconscious mind
to erase and neutralize all negativity within in the form of negative memories, beliefs, ideas,
concepts, emotions, etc. and replace it with Life Force Energy:

Piperon June 21, 2015 at 12:31 AM

Cobra said that the Archons setup the veil inorder to trap the souls into this Earth reincarnation
cycle process, not allowing souls to leave this Earth unless the soul is able to get
enlightement. The purpose of trapping the souls to reincarnate on this planet Earth is to
generate negative energies for them - from wars, hunger, diseases, etc.

My question here is : Why some souls are able to roam the Earth for many thousand years
without reincarnating? If the Archons system is so powerful, then they shouldn't be letting
some souls roaming the Earth in spirit forms (or we called ghosts). Or are they allowed in
order to terrorise the human to create fear energies for them?

Corey said the Asteriod belt was not a planet, it was not Malduk, Malone or Luciferian. It was
cluster of rocks that could not form into a planet. But Cobra said it was a planet that was
destroyed during the Ancient galactic war. And many sources said that too (including my
guides too).

My question here is : If those rocks (or meteors) were not part of a planet, then why in the first
place who placed those rocks there - for decoration? or for game play during galactic war to
make rocks as a defensive perimeters?

Till now, I understand that there is a third force around - that's the reason why the Reptilian
and its allies did not attack and conquer Earth and the Galactic Federation of Light Forces.
And the GFOL also afraid if the third force will to join with the Reptilian, then they will be done
as well. So, this third force I believe it is the Central Galactic Force that Corey mentioned - the
Sphere Beings.

My question here is : If the Sphere Beings are not here to help to liberate this planet, then in
the first place why interrupt the liberation process being carried out by the GFOL and its allies.
They are not doing any good for the human race. Please follow your point of views, thanks a

Piperon - The Spiritual Flute Composer -

The Star Races -
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Anonymous June 21, 2015 at 9:14 AM

Dear Piperon, be careful with desinformation. I ONLY read cobra's updates, I stoped
reading other people's updates (except for those cobra himself say are safe)
because of desinformation. And I took more than 3 years to trust cobra... I'm not a
blind believer.

We are going to see more and more desinformation each passed day, please, pay

Cosmic Sunlight June 21, 2015 at 10:57 PM


Cobra did not say that the asteroid belt was once a planet that blew up. He said that
it was material for a planet that never formed. This was in an interview with Untwine
on March 15, 2015. Here is the exact quote:

Untwine: Did the asteroid belt use to be a planet that blew up ?

Cobra: It was a potential planet which never formed, it was not a planet exploded.

Here is the link:

Seer Seeker Sayer Sage June 21, 2015 at 1:37 AM

SpaceWeatherLive ​@_SpaceWeather_ 2h2 hours ago

A full halo CME is now becoming visible from the M2.0/M2.6 flare. Impact at Earth very likely.
More later.

You've got to see the image! you can follow them on twitter...

sunshinepop7773 June 21, 2015 at 6:26 AM

On the other hand, I don't believe we're going to ever have a "Mini Event" and the 144,000
needed to generate the level of Light needed from US is obtainable. The Cintamani stones
(philosopher stones) will help raise the level of Light needed, along with our efforts of hope &
faith in the end result....I'm sure we Light Workers & Light Warriors can "rise" to the
occasion....It's only when I think of all the despair in the world (poverty, many attrocities,
pollution all over on Mother Earth, etc.) that I wish for a "Mini Event". In my heart, I know we'll
make it to the end to shine in the Light!

Tracey Cooke June 21, 2015 at 6:57 AM

I never saw karma that way that was described...I always looked at a protector that
came out and hurt evil people that hurt the innocent...and many of us would call for karma to
get the bad people....


Anonymous June 21, 2015 at 9:09 AM

You are one of the most negative people in here. Do you see any "justice" being
done to those bad people that are in many of your negative news?

DH June 22, 2015 at 11:44 AM

Spiritofjs.. how is Tracey's comment negative?... or was this just an opportunity to
lash out at the news she posts. Imho many of the atrocities in this world has lasted
ages because no one place them in front of our noses.... she posts those news to
make us aware and for those driven to send light to those issues to do so... we can't
always walk with blinders on. You don't have to read the bad news... she is not
forcing us to read them. we all possess goals here... you got one... she does as
well.. just because we may not like to hear sad news it may not mean that is
unnecessary. Such news may help as triggers to awaken others.
If is that you are concern that she is focusing in too much sad news which may
affect her n a negative way etc.. then share your views as a friendly advice... she
may or may not take advice or maybe she is all aware.. maybe this is part of her
journey.. to bring out truths raw..

Anonymous June 23, 2015 at 12:04 AM

That seems rather harsh sporitofjstc2. She's just expressing her opinion. I don't see
any harm in what she said.

Anonymous June 23, 2015 at 9:46 AM

I don't want to offend anybody. But I didn't say any lie, neither. Where is the karma
of the cabal? They've been doing evil things for thousands of years and we've seen
no justice.

To be aware of something is one thing, and to be completly dug deep into negativity
it's another one very different. We are free to do whatever we want to, but we need
to respect people's feelings and purity.

It's ok to post with a warning saying it is bad stuff, though. But not saying terrible
things in the title of the news, because this already hurts sensitive people's feelings.
They have the right to help the liberation of the planet without digging deep into
negativity. This will be done by those WHO ARE READY for that.

DH June 24, 2015 at 4:58 AM

I understand your concern and request for consideration for those that are highly
sesitive... is a good point... and your suggestion about adding a warning about
content in the news clip sounds reasonable... maybe she will incorporate it... dunno.

By the way the statement you made if there was due justice to the cabal or not was
not being questioned... it was just the way how you lashed out at her.

Best of wishes to both of you.


GaianEye June 21, 2015 at 7:03 AM

I've been trying my best to convince ppl of this obvious truth on planet earth. While some
believe, many do not. No matter how many incidents happen in the world, whether it be
defence ministers begging the public to believe or nasa astronauts admitting ETs have
contacted us, the proof is never good enough. Only seeing to believing or an actual
handshake with an ET will do it for these brainwashed beings.

I say the intervention can't complete soon enough. Thanks to all who help in this transition.
Love and light friends keep up the good work, were almost there!

Thanks Cobra


3DHD June 21, 2015 at 7:50 AM

"Your whole concept of God and Devil is based on conflict that is leading to the final conflict,
where beings from other star constellations are fighting over possession of this planet and its
inhabitants, we call it the war between Good and Evil, or the war between angels of God and
the angels of the Devil, call it what you like, it’s a fact that you are living in the day when there
is war in the heavens and the earth."

Earth is a sentient, sovereign, self-possessed, multi-dimensional BEING. The war over

"possession" of the planet is over now. What is being decided at this time, is WHO she allows
to co-create with her, with what, how and on what level of existence.

Some reject the notion that Earth is a school, yet on some level what other classroom is
better? Can you perceive the value of advancing your own evolution and upliftment by
observing, participating and facilitating Hers?

If you are feeling trapped, controlled, manipulated [insert negative pejorative of your choice
here] consider the possibility that this is a remnant, a residual of the previous systems of
control that Earth Herself is working to extricate herself from. As you free yourself, you also
assist in her effort for the same. She could shake these things off easily and indeed it is
difficult at times to keep herself from doing just that. But she would rather it be a choice you
make for yourself - and this is the reason more catastrophic events have not fully manifested -
please >>know<< this.

Earth has taken her Sovereignty. She has been clearing a path for you to do the same. Will
you take that path or cut your own? Choose, but please do it quickly.


Anonymous June 21, 2015 at 10:34 AM

Darkness has spoken... Sorry my friend.. But all the things u wrote sounds influence
to me or just a wrong percepción of things.. Why u still think all the suffering is or
was worth it for our evolution path?

Peace444 June 21, 2015 at 4:08 PM

"Your words are proof of ONE. As you speak for "I". Resonated to the core ...I've
posted this before but felt guided to again in attachment to your truth.... She's
carried us through the darkest of nights. Today in her I anchor my light . A light that
is rooted so deep within . It is without beginning, and without end. Deep in her core,
our promise she holds. On her outer crust an awakening unfolds. She carried us as
we tore her down , polluted her waters, spoiled her grounds. So into her soul I sink
my feet, my being becoming a cosmic street. A place where the heart of God and
Gaia can meet. It is not a duty , not a job , Just a moment in the journey of merging
with God.

Rich June 23, 2015 at 4:16 AM

Beautiful peace444


kispisti June 21, 2015 at 8:33 AM

YEAR OF THE NIGHT OF JUNE 21 most mystical .: A Midsummer Night!

Rich June 21, 2015 at 9:30 AM

Hi everyone,

Would just like to say I tired the figure of 8 meditation and it felt very powerful, I used a third
eye hand mantra and did my best to visualize the golden circles and blue neon light.

I was twitching with energy like lightning bolts through my body a lot of it felt like sexual
energy, this I guess is due to the attachments I am detaching from.

One thing I would like to ask, I feel as though I'm an empath my family believes like I do
however they do not meditate and are often stressed with life I feel this leaks into me very
often and although I can majority control it, it often feels overwhelmingly strong, I have
sometimes even wondered if my lower emotion\lower consciousness is targeted specifically at
me, through implants and any other method, is this possible?
I am increasingly more calm, I meditate often aiming my intention to love and light, the galactic
central sun and overall well being of all beings in the universe however I do still get these
moments almost as if my emotions are being controlled towards the negative side and feel as
though I'm fighting it. I understand this is all a learning curve and I am far from being perfect or
enlightend, is there any techniques anyone can recommend yo add to my meditations and or
in fay to day life? Love and light to all,



Unknown June 24, 2015 at 5:59 PM

Yes, I'm an empath too, and at times it's really hard when everyone esle around you
is stressed or have negative emotions because you feel there emotions. And there
are ways to stop there emotions to effect you. I work everyday at it, and I have
gotten much better and just feel my own emotions and dont let others negativity or
fear effekt me in the same way.
If you would like to talk more about it or need help you can contact me if you like. :D
Thank you cobra for the update I will try the meditations.
Love and Light!


Unknown June 21, 2015 at 9:51 AM

Just curious Cobra, what do you make of most animals having to rely on eating other animals
in order to feed themselves, that induce pain and suffering, and is part of the life on this planet,
that we are part of, and without which we would not exist, wouldn't have evolve... (unless you
say evolution is a fraud.. but then, I don't know what to tell you, everything in the evolution
theory make so much sense, even from the evolution of eyes..from the beggining of life on this
planet, life adapts to it's environment..) which could bring me to this ultimate question: what
created life in the first place ? ;).

I could go even deeper, Vegetals are also living beings, certain different than animals, but they
are too... do they have thought and intelligence.. I don't know, in some documentary a shaman
claimed he learnt one recipe from talking to a tree... now that is interesting eh.

Also, that means even by eating plants we make beings suffer ...... how does this all make
sense, I don't know..

See that's the kind of questions I ask myself.

If the source really created us and everyone and everything, why did it made animals
dependant on eating other animals ?? that sounds so wrong ( and don't take me seriously, but
satanic.. antipathic..)


Eliana June 22, 2015 at 9:05 AM

Might I share my perspective? In ascended state the world is not as dense as now,
it is more like pure light and no death and suffering anymore. Humans and animals
still have some kind of form, a light pattern-form. Animals do not need to eat
anymore and humans also. And if they want to eat, they just eat light-plants. Plants
then are like the milk from mothers breast, the milk form mother Gaja. Just like
paradise, you know ;) .


Anonymous June 21, 2015 at 11:36 AM

Hi ...Did any one else stand outside last night at 11 to 1 am . looking up at the sky ...Me and
my 12 year old daughter stood watching all the white dots moving across the sky ...We saw 3
come across at once then spread out across sky ...Then 2 more like they are following each
other ...There was so many last night with in 20 min it was like traffic ...Some them started to
pulse slow pulse each one had diff speed to them ..

3DHD June 21, 2015 at 11:52 AM

Happy Father's Day FleetHawk777... and ALL the other Names you take.

George::::....... June 21, 2015 at 2:13 PM

Wow! what a solstice meditation!!! Does anybody else felt it!


rb June 22, 2015 at 11:24 AM


RaJah June 21, 2015 at 2:25 PM

Today is the tenth day with the Centimani stone, and We went on the fifth Drive together.
So that is more than 555.55 km completed.
Including going Across the River aboard a ferry, which was a first for that Little Gem. And so
was crossing the highest available bridge and seeing Horizons Everywhere :-)

It really is like having a long-lost friend back and I'm showing "him" / "her" around the
countryside, showing the beauty of Gaia and why We're All Here.
Where Have You Been All This Time, My Dear? I Am So Glad You Are Here :-)

Follow The Sun:

Lioness Eye (Sun Is Up, Light Up Yourselves):

Enough Of Struggle, Enough Of Feeling Lonely; Spread Your LIGHT, RADIATE:-)

Home Let's Go :-)





RaJah June 22, 2015 at 11:11 AM

It's "Cintamani" of course.

Only spell-ckecked the homepage twice and it still came out wrong - LOL



Irma NL June 21, 2015 at 2:59 PM

Voor de Nederlanders of voor Belgische lezers (for the Dutch people):
Dit artikel is nu in het Nederlands te lezen via onderstaande link, alsmede twee andere
vertaalde artikelen., zojuist gepubliceerd. Sorry voor de vertraging, maar het is druk in
'alternatief nieuwsland', er gebeurt veel dus mijn andere blogs hadden ook even de aandacht
nodig. We blijven bezig om alles te vertalen. ;-)

ENG: This article from the 19th of June is now translated in Dutch via the link below, as two
other articles from Cobra from 2014. Sorry for the delay, but it is very busy in the alternative
media-news land, so other articles came across. We are still busy continuing translating of
other articles from Cobra. ;-)

Love and Light, Irma



DH June 24, 2015 at 4:59 AM

Thanks for your work


Neekian June 21, 2015 at 3:14 PM

So, we're just waiting for the energetic intervention from the Galactic Central Sun then?

The last planetary update happened in June 2. I just wish we could get an update about what's
going on. What's the next move?


Eliana June 22, 2015 at 9:59 AM

No we are not waiting for the central sun, we are the bridge between the central
sun, the galactic extraterrestrial forces and this dense reality. We are needed to
transmit that light with our consciousness.

jc2013 June 21, 2015 at 4:44 PM
knowing this from Cobra my question goes to those who are just saying no one is going to
save us we have to save our self > Really ?if we do not have help we are helpless with all this
high techno trap .I rest my case .we are in all of this together one hand wash the other hand


Eliana June 22, 2015 at 9:57 AM

Yes, we have help as long as we are doing our part. <3

Unknown June 22, 2015 at 1:41 PM

As I understand, most aliens live thousands of years, and remember their previous
lives. It's like why we don't rescue squirrels from forest fires. It's not that we WANT
them to burn, it's just not our place. So it may be the Galactics aren't going to do
more than encourage us as they are now.

Anonymous June 22, 2015 at 11:55 PM

There's no cowardice in admitting you're over your head and need help. My God!
They're poisoning us, slaughtering us, mind controlling us, etc. I, for one, am point
blank asking for help from anyone who can do something to remove them or stop
them. If even the white hats in the military and the RM can't stop them, then how are
we to stop them? But I do agree that we can raise ours and our Brothers'
consciousness and do all we can.

Eliana June 23, 2015 at 3:56 AM

the problem is, if we are not doing our part they are not able to help us

Unknown June 23, 2015 at 11:23 AM

I'm touched Wenz, thank you for sharing. I wonder if we'll see any action by militias,
that would be cool, to have real life super heroes save us from the bad guys!


Unknown June 21, 2015 at 5:21 PM

Thank you Cobra, I appreciate you and all that you are doing!
I am finally claiming my own power. I'm not interested in waiting. We have a lot of trauma to
heal, a lot of opportunity. It's time to get this ball on the roll. The more of us who come into our
own power the more quickly the event will happen. I'm ready to shred this structure. Power vs
force is no contest. We are powerful beings!

Unknown June 21, 2015 at 6:00 PM

I understand now that the Chimera is MORE powerful than God and their tech can Not be
removed. Is this what you are saying, Cobra??


Humble June 22, 2015 at 9:24 AM


Unknown June 22, 2015 at 1:37 PM

Good question. Or did God abandon us? Or is this all my choosing?

Cruise June 23, 2015 at 3:33 AM

You are god, we are god, we all chose this for many reasons. Look with in, you are
here because you chose to be here, you are everyone and everything upon this
planet, you are even the dark ones, so if you look at the bigger picture no damage
was truely done but you learnt to become more, more than what you could have
learnt in the higher relms, you have expanded, you have grown and now you have a
deep yearning to help all aspects of youself to become back to your source self.
There are far more reasons than this but our 3D minds simply can not compute, all i
do know is we have chose every experience possible for a much higher purpose


Dolphin Girl June 21, 2015 at 11:49 PM

Happy Solstice LightWorkers!

Kiko Peres June 22, 2015 at 12:58 AM

very interesting information: On May 2, 2015 in Asheville, NC an informal gathering of
Lightworkers convened to discuss "The Event". Athena hosted and facilitated the discussion.
"The Event" (requested gathering)

Unknown June 22, 2015 at 5:34 AM

Dear Cobra,

Thank you for this clear explanation about the current situation and what needs to be done.
Unfortunately, all of us humans have been made “participants” in our own enslavement with
these DAMN implants!! Really, they are only the size of an electron?? Are you sure?? ;-)) I feel
like I have HUGE BOULDERS pressing on my head and on my stomach!! I HATE these ugly,
evil things!!

Thankfully, with the help of the Galactic Central Sun- the heart of Source, we can remove
these ugly implants in the best way possible. We shouldn’t wait for the Event; we should do it
NOW!! I think the Cintamani Stones will help a lot in that area but they are not the only tools. I
think our consciousness is the most powerful tool of all!!! And Cobra, thank you for detailing
these powerful meditations in your post! I hope that everyone who wants to rid themselves of
these UGLY, DISGUSTING implants will do the meditations you suggest.

Anonymous June 22, 2015 at 7:28 AM

Today I took my Cintamani Stone from the post office. The staff was exceptionally friendly. It
may be because they are protected by the highest energy before Cabal (Tachyons).

I think the stones support the process leading to the event.



Unknown June 23, 2015 at 2:56 AM

May you do great work with it!


Libra man June 22, 2015 at 7:44 AM

This comment has been removed by the author.

Eliana June 23, 2015 at 3:17 AM

~thank you, this had for sure an impact
~to not trust ourselves is also one of the programs which is installed with a
~this is really great what you did

Unknown June 23, 2015 at 4:34 AM

I think this was a very good effort, but the meditation doesn't call for you to put the
"whole world" in one circle and you in the other circle! You should only put your own
personal implants in one circle and you in the other circle. This is supposed to be a
personal meditation.

Not only that, if you try to clear every human of implants, without their permission,
you are not respecting the free will of everyone on this planet. They need to clear
their own implants through meditation/reflection or they will be cleared during the
Event from SOURCE! (We should not pretend to be, know what it is to be, or act like
we are Source).

I think you are 100% on the right track!!!! Keep practicing!!


Rich June 23, 2015 at 3:30 AM

I have been trying the figure 8 meditation and must say it feels powerful! My body was
twitching and mass amounts of energy was moving through me !

I also want to add I've been repeating certain phrases in my meditation: I deny you
(cabal\dark), I will not be controlled by my fear or ego, I am a conduit for the galactic central
sub, spread my love and light, my meditations seem to be getting more and more energetic
last night I feel as though I was going to astral project the room around my seemed to vibrate
and I could see orbs, perhaps vortexes in my vision, when pointing my eyes to my third eye I
also received immense amounts of energy!

The figure 8 meditation and my general meditations in the last couple of days have started to
really help me detach from past hurts and relax my mind and body, Cobra and all other light
workers; Thank you :)

Unknown June 24, 2015 at 9:34 AM
I thought it was amazing too, and I'm not particularly sensitive to these kinds of


Unknown June 24, 2015 at 9:32 AM

At first the Accretion Vortex sounds like a bad thing, connected to implants. But then when it's
magnified once a month it lets in more Light. Could you clarify for me?

Anonymous June 24, 2015 at 2:34 PM

Mitchell, the difference to the Dark Ones is, that the Dark Ones do not work with the light. Light
acts not manipulative. It creates opportunities, which can be used or not.

Unknown June 26, 2015 at 4:16 PM

Why the surface people are just waiting to do there part of participation by someone else?

Do you afraid? If the answer is yes. Or no... Carry on and read below the second part.

I can prove it with my constant 4 year old experience to the resisting ones are been weakling
by every single effort in a day. They tried to kill me 12 times, because of that... There
resources and manpower of very low also. Than soon dry out. You most act right now! Via
meditation for example. Use your own creative methods! They are have not much capacity
which can stop you. Just delay you. In nearly every day i experiencing this delays... It is
various. But it is also running out from there hands.

The Light Forces whome are here to assist in the planetary liberation. They are too working
tirelessly on the liberation. Do not sit and wait! Do your own parts from now and every possible
opportunity. It is time to press the button. "Start and do not stop until the finish!"

I have red very much information in many sources and tried to research every possible topics.
What are can be provide a very little slide from the truth. Because that is the only possible way
to learn and research. I am agreeing with Cobra's one article. The truth is stranger than fiction.
And that is very true. Absolutely!

In my live now also very many things are at that strange truth. I am living it through. I am not
asking to listen to me. Just do your part when you can! If you do it. The quarantine gets
dissolved sooner and better conditions be forcus to start development. Development of
humanity and Earth.

Taufin Ahmed September 29, 2015 at 10:12 AM

Thank you very much for this nice article.

barry November 28, 2015 at 5:09 PM

Helló, barátom, szeretném megosztani az én tanúságom, hogy megkaptam az üres ATM-
kártyát, amely a mai élet egyszer az utcán élő, ha a dolgok kemények voltak, még a számlák
kifizetésére nagyon nehéz volt, hogy a park a lakásban, és az utcán alszik. próbáltam nem
tudtam, hogy a munka, de minden hiába volt, mert a fekete amerikai oldalon, és elhatároztam,
hogy az interneten, ahol a munkák telefon kaptam, a hackerek hirdetés hirdetés üres ATM
kártya, azaz bármely ATM gép A világ összes, sosem gondoltam volna, hogy ez nem igazi,
mert a legtöbb hirdetés az internetes csalások alapulnak, tehát úgy döntöttem, ezt próbáld ki
és nézze meg, hol fogja, hogy ha lehet a jó életem." a hackerek és felvette azt mondták
nekem, hogy az ausztrál és az általuk ág is szerte a világban, amelyek a fejlődő, ATM-kártyát,
ez az igazi, nem a megtévesztés, segítsen nekem., rövid története ez, akik szakértők szakértői
és ATM-javítás, programozási és végrehajtási tanított meg különböző tippek és trükkök is,
ATM. Egy üres ATM kártya.én az üres ATM-kártyát, és azt a 3 napon belül, és nem is volt, és
még ma is az életem egy láda a házamba, nincs-e az ATM KÁRTYA KÓDOLATLAN gépek
nem tud behatolni, mert meg kell ismertetni a különböző eszközöket és szoftvereket, mielőtt
elküldik. az élet valóban változást és szeretném megosztani ezt a világot, akkor tudom, hogy
ez jogellenes, hanem intelligens élet nagy, mert a kormány nem segít tehát, hogy mi a saját.
Ha ez üres ATM-kártyát szeretnék Forduljon a hackerek e-mail, és az
élet nem azonos e-mail

curious December 21, 2015 at 9:02 PM

how about phisical implants?

Unknown February 12, 2016 at 1:09 PM

I have received a Cintamani stone on 11th of December, 2015. It has been with me ever since,
travelling around the world. I keep it in my mouth and chew it as food. Recently it has started
changing color, it is filling up with white speckels like stars on a dark firmament.....
Arbre Solaire May 1, 2018 at 1:17 PM
☼ thank you

Webmaster December 30, 2020 at 12:09 AM

Do you say the karma is a manipulation by Archons?

Unknown January 2, 2021 at 9:46 PM

Gracias gracias gracias

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