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Easy Income Lifestyle

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Welcome to my report and thank you for your interest in my formula. Before
we move forward with this, I want to ask you to turn off any distractions
you might have. Silence your phone, log out of Facebook, Skype, email
and all your other social media accounts.

The information that I’m about to share with you has proven to work for
me again and again. It’s also completely scalable and I honestly believe
anyone can use my techniques to achieve financial freedom and build their
own online wealth.

But if you’re going to have distractions all around you, I’m afraid you won’t
read through the entire report and you’ll miss out on some important
information. But actually, you’ll miss out on much more than that. You
might just miss the opportunity to change your life.

I know this is a very bold statement, but that’s how strong I feel about the
system that I’m about to share with you.

My name is Jon McNeil and my life story was pretty simple. I grew up in
a normal middle-class household in South Carolina, in which my loving
parents taught me the importance of going to school and getting an

I went to college, got a degree in accounting and started working in the

corporate world right out of college. I did this for a number of years but
soon realized that corporate America wasn’t for me – it wasn’t the life I
yearned for.

I wanted Freedom and my corporate job didn’t offer me any. There were
long hours in the office, pressure to perform on top, no time for friends
or family and very little financial security.

I wanted the space to spend time with people I love and care about. I
needed an income that would allow me to be worry-free – let me pay bills,
buy home and cars without breaking my bank.

To be more independent I tried affiliate marketing for a while with varying

degree of success. What at first seemed to be promising didn’t last long
and I had to discontinue that venture.

I was never taught how to own my own business or truly become financially
independent. I found it hard to learn the curves and make the fortune I
was dreaming of.

The corporate life wasn’t for me and it seemed I didn’t have the business
acumen needed to have a solid sustainable income for years to come. On
top, once I had my beautiful twin daughters, I hardly had enough time to
focus elsewhere for additional income.

Time seemed to be slipping away and I wasn’t getting a hold of it.

It was then .. I Realized, Building One Of Those Internet Lifestyle Businesses

Was My Only Option.

Although my success didn’t happen overnight, the stuff that I’m going to
share with you in this report is the exact same stuff that I learned from
the moment I typed “how to make money online” until now.

All the knowledge I accumulated over the years will be presented to you
in the very report you’re reading now.

You’ll get to see my exact same formula for making money online.

Ready? Let’s get started!

I hate to admit it, but I’m not the hardest working person in the world.
Even though I worked for 12 hours sometimes, I didn’t do it with pleasure
and I certainly wasn’t too productive.

So I hate to say it, but the truth of the matter is -- I am a little lazy.

And this is probably the reason why I got so attached to affiliate marketing.

If you’re not familiar with it, the concept of affiliate marketing is based
on you finding other people’s products or services and promoting them
for a hefty commission.

Some products even pay you 75% of the sale.

That seemed weird to me at first, because I was thinking: “Wait… if these

people worked so hard on creating their products and sales pages, why
are they giving away affiliates 75% when the only thing affiliates do is
drive traffic?”

At first, it didn’t make much sense to me. I was a little skeptical, but then
I realized that it kind of made sense.

The product creators, or in other words, the vendors, compete for affiliates.

The truth is, there aren’t too many good affiliates out there. So product
vendors want to do everything they can to get affiliates to promote their
product instead of their competitor’s products.

This is one of those unfair situations where someone does all the work
and then you just come in and make most of the money.

Fortunately, in this case we are in the privileged position.

Affiliates have the advantage and this is why affiliate marketing is such a
great thing to be involved in.

It doesn’t take much to be successful.

Here’s how this affiliate marketing model works:

• Select a product to promote

• Drive traffic to the product’s salespage
• Earn commissions and make money

However, this model is become more and more unsustainable.

The reason for that is because traffic is getting more expensive by the hour
and it’s getting harder for old school affiliate marketers to turn a profit.

In order for them to turn a profit, they need to make more from their
commission checks than they’re spending on their advertising.

If they fail to do that, their campaign fails. And they have to try it again
and again until they create such a great campaign, that it pulls in sales
straight away.

The truth is, yours truly is not really a marketing wizard.

As much as I wish I were, I am just not.

I’m a regular person who’s never taken one single class on marketing.

However, I am able to consistently make more money than these

experienced affiliate marketers. Month after month, I make much more
than I spend.

So, how is that possible?

It’s all about my business model…

The business model that I’m about to share with you has been responsible
for many five figures months in my career as an affiliate marketer.

And I’m about to reveal to you the EXACT SAME methods I use to make
this happen and to provide my family and myself with an amazing lifestyle.

In the previous chapter I explained why the business model most people
use simply doesn’t work anymore.

The reason why my business model works is because it’s based on acquiring
long-term customers, instead of just passing on the customers to vendors.

You see, vendors understand this quite well and take advantage of it.
And while I consider myself a privileged affiliate marketer because of the
way my business model is structured, you can’t say all affiliate marketers
are privileged. While vendors might give away 75% for the sale and only
receive 25% -- they receive something that’s much more valuable.

They now have a new customer.

And research shows that it’s significantly more expensive to buy new
customers, then it is to get existing customers to purchase from you again.

It’s generally recognized that acquiring new customers costs between 4

to 6 times more.

Now, you might think that with you being an affiliate and the customers
not actually paying you money, there’s nothing you can do about this.

And while that’s partly true, there is a way for you to “capture” all the
traffic that you send to other vendors and then later use this traffic as an
on-demand way to sell more affiliate products.
What I’m talking about is building your own email list.

Instead of sending your traffic directly to the vendor’s salespage, you want
to first send it to your own squeeze page.

A squeeze page is a landing page that has only one goal – to convert
website viewers into email list subscribers.

Once these website visitors are on your email list, you are able to send
them an email whenever you feel like it and ask them to buy whatever
product you want to recommend.

The other crucial part of my business model is being able to only drive
traffic that I’m 100% sure converts at a high rate.

This is a very badass technique that literally changed the game for me

So here’s how my model compares to the old-school affiliate marketing


PHASE 1: Getting Started

• 1. Find a product to promote

• 2. Create a “squeeze page” to capture subscribers

PHASE 2: Hijacking Traffic

• 3. Send traffic to the squeeze page

PHASE 3: Monetization

• 4. Monetize your 1st affiliate product

• 5. Use email list to monetize other affiliate products
• 6. Rinse and repeat!
First, we need to do research and set up a few things before we can drive
traffic to our pages. This is what I do in phase 1.

After that, I focus on getting top quality traffic by ‘hijacking’ my competitor’s

traffic. This is the heart and soul of my business model and I’m really
excited about sharing it with you.

Once phase 2 is done, we move on to the 3rd and final phase, which is all
about monetization.
Before you dive into the meat of things and start getting traffic, we need
to focus on setting up a few things that will enable us to handle all the
traffic we will be driving.

The very first thing you need to do is find an affiliate product to promote.

One of my favorite places for finding affiliate products is ClickBank.

ClickBank is the leading marketplace when it comes to digital products

and they have a huge database of digital products that you can choose
from and promote.

You’ll want to check it out and select a popular product to promote.

Check out my “Operation $6K” course to learn a step-by-step process of

getting started and with solo ads and running successful campaigns. It’s
a great way to take advantage of other people’s highly targeted traffic.

Once you’re done selecting a popular product to promote, it’s time to take
care of your squeeze page.

As I explained earlier, the goal of the squeeze page is to capture your

website traffic and turn people from viewers into subscribers.

In order to build a squeeze page, I recommend LeadPages.

LeadPages is a great platform that quickly allows you to build a squeeze

page without even owning a website or a domain name.

And what’s more, they give you a bunch of templates that are already
proven to work.

All I do when I create my own squeeze pages is select one of their top-
converting templates and 5 minutes later my squeeze page is ready to
convert traffic into email subscribers.

Now that the squeeze page is out of the way, I have a question for you…

Why do you think people are just going to give you their name and email?

The truth is, people are not just going to hand you their name and email
without a reason.

That’s why we need to use the squeeze page to offer our website visitors
a free gift of some kind.

The easiest thing to offer is a PDF report.

And don’t worry, you don’t need to create this report.

All you need to do is go to a website like

and buy one of their existing PDF reports. The reports vary in price, but
you can get a very decent report for only $5.

Our goal here is to entice our visitors to enter their name and email in
exchange for a valuable piece of information.

There’s more information on exactly how to set this up in my

“Operation $6K” course. If you want to learn more simply click
here to get exclusive access.
It’s time for the juiciest part of this report!

In this chapter I’m going to show you exactly what you need to do to
discover where your competitors are advertising and then simply take
over their traffic source.

This doesn’t mean doing anything illegal or unethical. It’s all white hat and
completely legal.

The first thing you want to do is go to a website called

Then, you want to enter the main URL of the affiliate product you selected
to promote.

Once you enter the URL, SimilarWeb will take a minute to load and gather
information. Next, you want to scroll down to the part about the website’s
“Top Referring Sites”

There you will see a list of websites. This shows you where most of the
traffic is coming from to the product you selected to promote.

You may be wondering why this is useful for us…

Well, if we check out the “top 10” list of websites, I bet 50% of them will
have banner ads that, once clicked, direct you to the product’s salespage.

And if you look carefully at the link in the banner, you’ll see that it’s
another affiliate’s link.

So now we discovered where the competitors that drive the most amount
of traffic advertise, as well as where they get their sales from.

So what’s next?
The next thing we want to do is create a banner that looks very similar to
our competitor’s banner. We don’t want to copy it, but we want it to look
very similar.

If you don’t know a graphics designer, simply go to and pay

someone $5 to create a similar-looking banner ad.

Alternatively, you can go to and pay $20 for a great-

looking banner.

Once your banner is ready, you’ll want to contact the website owner and
send them an email asking to advertise on their website.

Negotiate a deal with them and tell them that you want to go small for
your first try.

They’ll give you a fair price for advertising on their site for a week or so.

Now you’ll have your banner on the site. Also, about half the traffic that
has been going through your competitor’s banner will now go through

And we already know your competitor is making money with this because
he is sending traffic DIRECTLY to the salespage of your affiliate product.

Now imagine how much more money you can make if you send it to your
squeeze page and build your list while promoting affiliate products.

You’ll be setting yourself up for long-term success with this simple, but
yet very kick-ass method.

You have to admit, it’s a pretty sneaky method, right?

This chapter is all about using the traffic and the squeeze page we built

In order to make money we need to build a list of subscribers, right?

Once we have a list then we can promote multiple products to them and
basically have an on-demand traffic source.

The first thing you need to do is get yourself an autoresponder account.

I recommend you get, as it only costs $1 for your first month.

Once you’ve registered your account, it’s time to plug in emails that will
work for you on autopilot.

These emails don’t need to be written from scratch. In fact, I didn’t write
a single email in my life for these affiliate products.

All I do is copy/paste the emails already provided by vendors.

Go ahead and open the salespage of the affiliate product you decided
to promote. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and you’ll notice a
link that says something like “Affiliates”, or “JV Tools/Center” or “Affiliate

Next, click on that link and you’ll see a bunch of goodies that are already
tested and proven by the vendors and are simply waiting for you to swipe
them and make money.

So go ahead and copy a few of those emails, and plug them into your
autoresponder as a follow-up email sequence.

You can do this once and you have the email marketing machine running
for you on complete autopilot for days to come.
You’ll want to keep updating this email list with different affiliate offers
so that you never run out of “ammo”.

And this is pretty much it when it comes to making money with affiliate

It’s a simple concept that makes a lot of sense when you think about it
and it’s obviously very profitable.

And let’s not forget that it allows you to work in your underwear in the
middle of the biggest traffic jams.

To learn more about the exact same methods I use to set up

my own email follow-up sequences, click here and I’ll give you
exclusive access to my limited-time offer.
The information I just shared with you is GOLD and is the reason behind
many marketers achieving a six-figure income online.

Yours truly included.

However, there’s another secret I uncovered a few months ago that totally
turned things around for me and gave me more free time and tripled my

It’s a system that does all the work for you and allows you to make thousands
of dollars by using it.

I prepared an exclusive link so you can check it out and sign up as well.

Click here to get exclusive access to the TOP SECRET system

responsible for tripling my income and doubling my free time.

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