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Newsletter Pec

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This event that was centered STAKEHOLDERS PRESENT

on the education about the
This beautiful programme
harmful effects of drugs was
held at the Bishop Crowther
held at the Bishop Crowther
hall was graced by great and
memorial hall, on the 30th
mighty men of honour. Men
December 2020. It was held
educating the people of higher caliber in society.
in a very conducive
about the dangers of Gracing this occasion was
atmosphere. People came
keeping themselves the Councilor of the Cline
from every corner in the
exposed to such drugs. It town community, Councillor
community to learn. The
also focuses on the dangers Hoodie Munu, Our noble
targeted population was
of being a secondary chief Ya' Alimamy Thoronka
youths. The community in
participator. and other community
which the programme was
held had seen a rise in use of
Alcohol, Marijuana, The programme started at
Cigarette and all sorts of The actual intention is to 2:00 pm. It started with
drugs. So, the youth who give the education to prayers from the Imam in the
were gradually being people and not only create community, Mr. Fidel kamara
destroyed were the focus. awareness among them but and a Christian prayer was
There were about one to also help them quit these said by Mr. Anthony Roberts,
hundred and fifty (150) addictions. The central idea a Lay Reader. Furthermore,
people, both youths and was about creating change there were statements from
elderly who attended the in the lives of the people, MMMSL and PEC as to assert
programme. especially the youths, thus the essence of the
reducing death rates, programme. After several
illnesses and crimes. introduction of dignitaries, the
The main reason for this presentation rolled on. The
gathering/event was to first presentation was done by
reach out to the youths and Mr Samuel Sawyerr who
even the old, whose lives talked on the dangers of
were gradually suffering from Alcohol on the human body,
the ripple effects of Drugs the community and the world
and Alcohol abuse. It aims at at large. Second to him was
Mr Andrew Chokpeleh who talked on the
dangers of Smoking and its ripple effects on Name of 21 of those who want
the blood, lungs and the atmosphere. Third to stop the act of taking drugs
was Mr Fredrick Schelenker, who talked on
the effects of cola and Caffeine. Last, was Names Numbers
Mr kabba Turay (The President of PEC). He 1 kalaytu Turay. 077714891
talked about medicinal drugs and how it 2 Aminata koroma
can negatively impact the body if misused. 3 Albert Turay. 077940353
4 Alpha kamara. 030869797
All four of the presentation were educative
5 Ibrahim J Komeh 080624243
and well received and understood by the
6 Aminata Sillah 077951418
Audience. However, the programme came 7 Alhassan Bangura 088780953
to an end as several questions was asked 8 Abdulai koroma
about the audience's understanding of the 9 Mummy Dabour
message and a closing prayer was said 10 Mohamed kamara. 088355139
and everything was crowned by a nice 11 Santigie kamara. 088108028
time of interaction with food and drink. 12 Dauda kargbo. 099561469
Everyone was happy and that was how the 13 Ramatu Bangura
14 Alice kamara
programme was ordered. Everyone
15 saidu sesay
appreciated both the message and the
16 Alie Turay
food. 17 Frank Thomas. 077466224
18 kadie Jambo
However, we took all the names, and
18 Zapa Kamara. 080669192
numbers of all those that attended the 19 Makalay Kamara. 088216280
programme and we hope to be checking 20 Amza Abubakarr.
on them from time to time, and give them 21 Foday Sesay.
more advice as we have done, and in
relation to that the chief ya' Alimamy
Thoronka want the same programme in her
own community, which is the culvert ya
Bundu that we can see how
Below are the names of 14 those who want
to avoid these dangers presented by such to be trained, how to do this presentation.
drugs. Names. Numbers
We wish to express our appreciation of the 1 Tigidankay Conteh 077493458
help of donors who through MMMSL funded 2 Kadiatu kalim Koroma 80617160
3 Alhassan D. Bangura. 088780953
this programme
4 Adiza Sheriff. 088379152
5 Osman A Sesay
6 Osman kanu
7 Bakarr Barrie
8 Mariatu Kamara 030686173
9 Aminata Kamara
10 Aruna Kamara. 030308029
11 Ibrahim koroma. 088171484
12 Musa Kabia. 031358190
13 Alhaji kamara
14 Foday Fornah

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