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Assessment Task: Genetic Engineering: Pros & Cons

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Assessment Task

Task 1

Genetic Engineering: Pros & Cons

Through genetic engineering, scientists are able to move desirable genes from one
plant or animal to another or from a plant to an animal or vice versa. By desirable, it means it
can produce an outcome that is regarded as generally “beneficial” or “useful”. Not every
scientific discovery has a happy ending. There are always unintended consequences for this

List three advantages and disadvantages of using genetic engineering.

Table 1.1 Advantages and Disadvantages of Genetic Engineering

Genetic Engineering

Advantages Disadvantages

1.) Can cure diseases 1.) Can cause incurable diseases

2.) Can create alteration that can cause 2.) Can be used to threaten the humanity
superhuman abilities 3.) Can be harmful to plants and animals
3.) Can be used for cloning
Written Works 1

Mendelian and Non-Mendelian Genetics

For each problem, fill in all the requested information. Support your work by illustrating the crosses
using Punnett squares.

1. In dogs, wire hair (H) is dominant to smooth (s). In a cross of a homozygous wire-haired dog with a
smooth-haired dog what would be

Genotype of offspring: Hs

Phenotype of offspring: wire-haired

Punnett square:
Hs Hs

s Hs Hs

2. Carnegiea gigantea or commonly known as Saguaro cacti are tall dessert plants that usually have
two L-shaped arms. Suppose you visit Sonoran
Dessert where the Saguaro cactus is common and you take a picture of the tallest
Saguaro cactus. Your Saguaro has two arms but one is longer than the other. Now,
assume that arm length in these cacti are controlled by a single gene with arms of
the same length (A) being dominant to arms of different lengths (a).

What is the genotype of the tallest cactus that you have taken a picture? aa

If the tallest cactus pollinate a cactus that is heterozygous for arms of the same
length what would be…

Genotype of offspring: Aa, aa

Phenotype of offspring: 2 same length, 2 different length

Punnett square:

a a
Aa Aa

a aa aa

3. In humans freckles (F) are dominant to no freckles (f). Also, hairy toes (T) are
dominant to non-hairy toes (t). Cross a homozygous freckled, heterozygous hairy
toed male with a non-freckled and homozygous hairy toed female.

a. What percent of the offspring will have the genotype FFTt?

b. What percent of the offspring will be heterozygous for both traits?
c. What percent of the offspring will be non-freckled with hairy toes?

Punnett square:


fT FfTT FftT FfTT FftT


fT FfTT FftT FfTT FftT

4. In sheep wool color is controlled by one gene and only two alleles. There are
three genotypes (BB, Bb, and bb) and three phenotypes (black, grey and white)
for wool color. The female sheep with color grey wool mate with male sheep
with homozygous recessive color of wool.
a. What is the specific type of gene interaction shown in item no. 3?


b. What is the genotype of offspring?

Bb, bb

c. What is the phenotype of offspring?

Grey, White

Punnett square: B b
Bb bb

b Bb Bb

5. In cats, there is a gene which produces ticked fur (bands of different colors on
each hair) called agouti (H). The recessive allele (h) for this gene produces hair
which is a solid color brown from end to end. In addition, there is a coat color
gene which has a recessive albino allele (a) which, in the homozygote, prevents
the production of any coat color pigment, resulting in a white cat with pink eyes,
the traditional albino. Note that this problem has described two
completely different genes. These genes are unlinked. An albino female cat is
mated to a solid brown male cat. All of their offspring are Agouti. The males and
females among these offspring are allowed to freely intermate, producing a
flock of F2 kittens.
a. What is the specific type of gene interaction shown in item no. 5?
b. How many solid brown fur cat(s) produce in mating?
c. What is/are the genotype(s) to express the agouti color of cat?
AAHH, AaHH, and AaHh
d. Predict the phenotypic ratio for fur color among these many

9:3:4 (Agouti:Brown:White)

Punnett square:

HA Ha hA ha

HHAa HHaa hHAa hHaa


HhAA HhaA hhAA hhaA


HhAa Hhaa hhAa hhaa

Written Works 2

Direction: Read each item carefully and encircle the correct answer.

1. What is the reason of the scientist in developing the Flavr-Savr tomato?

A. to retain its natural color and flavor
B. to identify the possible effect of tomato
C. to transport the tomato in market easily
D. to reproduce enough tomato for human consumption

2. Below is a piece of the gene sequence that encodes for the insulin protein.

The piece of gene sequence for the insulin change to...


Can we considered the additional triple codon as beneficial for the insulin

A. No, because the triple codon may alters the insulin protein.
B. No, because the insulin protein makes its own triple codon.
C. Yes, because the additional triple codon can make additional characteristics.
D. Yes, because the insulin protein needs a lot of triple codon.

3. What is the first step in exchanging of DNA molecules occur in homologous

A. heteroduplex migration exchange the DNA molecules
B. joining the homologous strand
C. DNA molecules line up
D. vertical and horizontal cut of heteroduplex region

4. In order to perform the site-specific recombination, what should be the similarity of

λ DNA and the host organism?
A. presence of integrase
B. able to undergo holliday junctions
C. similar sequence of codons
D. able to replicate via DNA recombination

5. The following are some of genetically mutations of featherless chickens

A. prone from different parasites
B. unable to reproduce
C. vulnerable to radiation
D. can’t survive in warn condition

6. According to Mendel’s law of segregation…

A. there is a 50% probability that a gamete will get a dominant allele
B. gene pairs segregate independently of other genes in gamete formation.
C. allele pairs separate in gamete formation.
D. there is a 3:1 ration in the F2 generation.

7. What is the inheritance pattern when both alleles are expressed equally in the
phenotype of a heterozygote?

A. multiple alleles C. incomplete dominance

B. codominance D. lethal factors

8. Looking at your dog will give information concerning…

A. the dog’s genotype C. the dog’s phenotype
B. the dog’s recessive alleles D. the dog’s
heterozygous alleles

9. What percentage of the possible offspring will be hybrids?

A. 25% C. 50%
B. 75% D. 100%

10. In the ABO blood group system in humans, if a person of type-B blood has
children with a person of type-AB blood, what blood types could their children
A. Type-AB, type-A, and type-B
B. Type-B and type-AB
C. Type-AB, type-A, type-B, and type-O
D. Type-A and type-B
11. In a cross of AaBb x AaBb, what fraction of the offspring can be expected
to express one of the two heterozygous dominant alleles?
A. 9/16 C. 1/2
B. 3/8- D. 3/16

12. The X-linked recessive trait of color-blindness is present in 5% of males. If a

mother who is a carrier and father who is unaffected plan to have one child,
what is the probability the children will both be color-blind?
A. 50% C. <1%
B. 25% D. 12.5%

13. In a cross involving two heterozygous parents, which is the chance of the
offspring having the dominant phenotype?
A. 25% C. 50%
B. 75% D. 100%

14. Which of the following is part of the law of segregation?

I. there are two factors controlling a given traits
II. one factor is dominant over the other factor
III. the two factors separate into different gametes.
A. 1 and 2 C. 1 and 3
B. 2 and 3 D. 1, 2, and 3

15. Assume tall (T) is completely dominant to dwarf (t) in a certain species of plant.
If a homozygous dominant individual is crossed with a homozygous dwarf, the
offspring will …
A. be one-half tall and one-half dwarf
B. all be short
C. be three-quarters tall and one-quarter dwarf
D. all be tall
Pea plants are tall if they have the genotype TT or Tt, and they are short
if they have genotype tt. A tall plant is mated with a short plant. Which outcome below would
indicate that the tall parent plant was heterozygous?
A. The ratio of tall offspring to short offspring is 3:1.
B. The ratio of tall offspring to short offspring is 50%-50%. -
C. All of the offspring are short.
D. All of the offspring are tall.

If each parent can produce 100 genetically distinct gametes, how many genetically distinct
offspring can two parents produce?
A. 100 C. 200
B. 1,000- D. 10,000

If a heterozygous plant is allowed to self-pollinate, what proportion of the offspring will also be
A. 1/4 C. 1/3
B. 1/2 D. all of the plant

A red chestnut coat horse is crossed with a white horse and all of the offspring are roan, an
intermediate color that is caused by the presence of both red and white hairs. This is an example
of genes that are …
A. polygenic C. completely dominant
B. epistatic D. codominant

A calico cat shows both the traits for orange fur and black fur. What kind of allele expression is
A. incomplete dominance C. co-dominance
B. sex-linked inheritance D. gene inheritance

If there are 2 alleles for a trait, and one has the ability to totally "cover up" the other, the one that
can be "covered up" is called ...
A. dominant C. recessive
B. heterozygous D. homozygous
22. A boy from Africa is born with an extra finger on one hand known as
polydactly. Extra digits are common in members of the father's extended family,
but not the mother's. The boy's two older sisters have normal fingers.
What is the most likely explanation?
A. X-linked inheritance, since only males are affected
B. Y-linked inheritance: Males inherit from their fathers
C. The extra finger trait is autosomal dominant-
D. A spontaneous mutation occurred

23. A mother with type A blood and a father with type B blood have six children with
blood of type O and one blood type AB. Explain.
A. three different gene loci cause A, B, and O type
B. the parents are genotype AO and BO
C. O blood type shows partial penetrance
D. O blood type shows partial expressivity

24. If a gene is found only on the X chromosome and not the Y chromosome, it is said
to be what?
A. sex-linked trait C. gene inheritance
B. codominant trait D. incomplete dominance trait

25. In a dihybrid cross, the allele W and R are needed to produced red flower and if
one of the dominant alleles is absent the flower turns to orange. The homozygous
recessive for both genotype (wwrr) represents yellow color of the flower. What
gene interaction express in this situation?
A. epistasis C. codominance
B. polymorphic gene- D. inhibitory factor

26. Based on item no. 25, if the WWRR and the yellow color mate, How many orange
flower may be produced in F2 generation?
A. 6 C. 1
B. 3 D. 12
27. If the allele for tongue rolling is represented as "T" it would mean
A. T is a recessive trait
B. the gene for tongue rolling is carried on the maternal chromosome
C. the gene for tongue rolling is carried on the paternal chromosome
D. Tongue rolling is a dominant trait

28. Which among the following is the best example of codominance?

A. blood types C. comb of the rooster

B. sickle cell anemia D. summer squash

29. Your brother has blue iris like his ancestors but your father,
grandfather, and great grandfather have dark iris. This is best example
A. atavism C. penetrance
B. pleiotropy D. expressivity

30. A Polish marries a Filipina and both do not show any apparent traits of
inherited disease. Six sons and three daughters are born, and four of
their sons suffer from a disease and fortunately none of the daughters
is affected.
The following mode of inheritance for the disease is…
A. sex-linked recessive C. sex-linked dominant
B. autosomal dominant D. autosomal dominant

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