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GR VIII - Science - Periodic Test - 02

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Periodic Test - 02 CLASS


Student’s Name :
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Section :

40 MARKS 8
A. Choose the correct option: (1×5=5)

1. Most hormones are produced by which human organ system?

a) digestive b) endocrine
c) respiratory d) nervous
2. Which of the following would be a chemical change?
a) A metal on heating to a high temperature turns into liquid form.
b) A metal gets a greenish coating on exposure to air.
c) A metal is drawn into wires.
d) A metal is beaten into thin sheets.
3. The diagram below represents a plant cell. Letter X represents a structure in the cell.

Which cell structure is represented by X?

a) nucleus b) cell wall
c) cytoplasm d) cell membrane
4. When Rehan saw a thief entering his house stealthily in the middle of night, he was
alarmed and his heart started beating fast. These symptoms could be attributed to the
action of which hormone?
a) adrenaline b) thyroxine
c) testosterone d) insulin
5. A student viewing a cell with a microscope observes a cell wall, a cell membrane,
and a nucleus. The presence of these structures indicates that the student is looking at
a cell from a
a) rabbit b) worm
c) carrot d) fly
B. Answer the following in one word or one sentence: (1×5=5)

6. Name a non-metal that exists as liquid at room temperature.

7. Placing the specimen on the slide is called…………………..
8. Name the gland responsible for stimulating the ovary to start functioning.
9. What do you understand by ‘target site’ for hormones?
10. Which metal from the list will displace all the others from the solutions of their salts?
Silver, Calcium, Iron, Aluminium
C. Answer the following in about 30 words: (2×4=8)

11. The cans used for soft drinks are made of aluminium.
a) Give two properties of aluminium which makes it suitable for this purpose.
b) Explain why it is important to recycle these cans.
12. What would happen to the vacuoles of the cell of a plant which has not been
watered? What will be the effect on the plant?
13. Surekha does not use iodised salt in the food she cooks at home. Can this lead to any
disorder? How?
14. Make a sketch of human muscle cell. How does the shape of the muscle cell help in
its function?
D. Answer the following in about 50 words: (3×4=12)

15. Write down the changes brought about in the human body due to secretion of:
a) insulin
b) TSH
c) testosterone
16. Write balanced chemical equations for the following reactions:
a) Reaction of Sodium with Oxygen
b) Reaction of Calcium with Hydrochloric acid
c) Reaction of Magnesium with Copper sulphate
17. Write the function of the following parts of the nucleus:
a) nucleolus
b) chromosomes
c) nuclear pores
18. Give reason why?
a) citrus fruits juices are sold in steel cans coated with a layer of tin on the inside.
b) the coil of heating element of a heater is made from a metal.
E. Answer the following in about 70 words: (5×2=10)

19. a) Salma had a very soft and smooth skin during her childhood. As she entered
adolescence, she developed pimples on her face. The skin specialist advised her
to wash her face at regular intervals. Can you explain the reasons for the
appearance of pimples on her face?
b) During adolescence, the body of boys and girls undergoes certain changes.
Given below are a few of those changes.

Broad shoulders
Wider chests
The wider region below the waist
Growth of facial hair like beard and moustache
High-pitched voice
Development of mammary glands

Categorize these changes according to their occurrence in boys and those that
occur in girls (in a tabular form).
20. Study the table below and answer the questions that follow.
Metal Reactivity with Reactivity with air Reactivity with
water dilute acids
A mild reaction develops coating of will react to form
with steam oxide if exposed to salt of acid and
air hydrogen
B does not react does not react does not react
C can react can react will react to form
salt of acid and
D vigourous vigourous vigourous
a) Which of these elements will react with cold water to form hydrogen gas?
b) Which of these will rust?
c) Which of these is a noble metal?
d) What will be the nature of the product when metal A reacts with air?
e) Arrange the metals shown above in the order of decreasing reactivity (highest
to lowest).

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