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Syllabus Combined Ad No 09 2020

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(Curriculum & Research Wing)
Schemes and Syllabi for Screening/Professional Tests as well as Descriptive Examination
Relating to Posts Advertised under Consolidated Advertisement No. 09/2020
S. Case No. Particulars of Post(s) Qualifications/Experience for Test Specification Topics of Syllabi
No F.4- the Posts
1. 168/2020 Baker (BS-16), AFIC/NIHD, i. Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Objective Type Test (MCQ) Part-I
Ministry of Defence. Bachelor’s Degree in Home Part-I Grammar Usage, Sentence Structuring
Economics from a University English = 20 marks Part-II
recognized by HEC. Part-II  History and development of Home Economics.
ii. One (1) year diploma in Professional Test=80 marks  Roles and responsibilities of a home economics
baking from a recognized towards family, community, and profession.
Institute.  Composition of flour
 Factors affecting the baking quality of flour,
 Role of sugar, eggs and fat in baking.
 Wheat flour as a basic structure in breads;
 Role of gluten in bread making;
 Baking of cakes and cookies with different leavening
agents (baking powder, baking soda) to evaluate
texture, flavours and smoothness of the product;
 Baking of pie/pastry dough without leavening agent.
2. 169/2020 Assistant Manager Food iii. Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Objective Type Test (MCQ) Part-I
Services (BS-17), Master’s Degree in Food Part-I Vocabulary, Grammar Usage, Sentence Structuring
AFIC/NIHD, Ministry of Technology/ Nutrition and English = 20 marks Part-II
Defence. Dietetics or equivalent Part-II  Health and nutrition problems in Pakistan.
qualification from a Professional Test=80 marks  Disorders related to the affluent diet including
University recognized by coronary heart disease, dental caries, diabetes,
HEC. hypertension and cancer.
iv. Two (2) years post  Problems of undernutrition including protein, energy,
qualification practical mineral and vitamin deficiencies.
experience in relevant field.  Physiological and nutritional aspects of dietary fibre,
alcohol and food intolerance.
 Food as a source of nutrients
 Principles of food preservation.
 Preservation by high temperature.
 Preservation by removal of moisture
 Preservation by fermentation and irradiation.
 Preparatory operations. Browning – enzymatic and
 Defects in cold stored commodities.
 Preservation by freezing methods
 Synthetic and natural food additives
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S. Case No. Particulars of Post(s) Qualifications/Experience for Test Specification Topics of Syllabi
No F.4- the Posts
3. 170/2020 Radiology Pharmacist i. Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Part-I
Objective Type Test (MCQ) Vocabulary, Grammar Usage, Sentence Structuring.
(BS-17), AFIC/NIHD, Bachelor’s Degree in
Ministry of Defence. Pharmacy or equivalent Part-I Part-II
qualification from a University  Organic Chemistry
English = 20 marks  Pharmaceutical Engineering
recognized by HEC.
ii. Two (2) years post Part-II  Biochemistry
qualification practical  Hospital Pharmacy Management
experience in any hospital in Professional Test=80 marks  Dispensing Pharmacy
relevant field  Anatomy, Physiology & Pathophysiology
 Molecular Biology
4. 171/2020 Computer Officer (BS-17), Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Part-I
Master’s Degree in Computer Objective Type Test (MCQ)
Armed Forces Institute of Vocabulary, Grammar Usage, Sentence Structuring
Transfusion (AFIT), Ministry Science/IT or equivalent Part-I Part-II
of Defence qualification from a University  Operating System
recognized by the HEC. English =20 marks
 Data Structure
OR Part-II  Database Management System
Second Class or Grade ‘C’
Bachelor of Engineering in Professional Test=80 marks  System and Application software
Computer System/Computer/  Network & Security Issues
Software or equivalent  Data Communication and Networking
qualification from a University  Automate Theory
recognized by the HEC.  Computer hardware Trends
OR  Object Oriented Programming
Second Class or Grade ‘C’  Computer Peripheral Devices
Bachelor’s Degree in Computer  Server, Router and Switches Management
Science/IT (4 years duration) or
equivalent qualification from a
University recognized by HEC.
5. 172/2020 Laboratory Technologist Second Class or Grade ‘C’ B.Sc. Part-I
Degree in Medical Laboratory Objective Type Test (MCQ)
(BS-16), Armed Forces Grammar Usage, Sentence Structuring
Institute of Transfusion Technology (MLT) or equivalent Part-I Part-II
(AFIT), Ministry of Defence qualification from a University  Blood Bank Facility, Work environment and safety
recognized by the HEC. English =20 marks
 Blood Banking Quality Management System
OR Part-II  Hemovigilance
i. Second Class or Grade ‘C’
B.Sc. Degree or equivalent Professional Test=80 marks  Allogenic Blood Donor Section
qualification from a University  Blood Components and preparation
recognized by the HEC.  Blood Group Antigens and antibodies
ii. One (1) Year diploma in  Pre transfusion testing and blood component
Medical Technology. administration
iii. Two (2) years post  Infections Disease Screening of Blood Donor
qualification experience in the  Hazards of transfusion
relevant field.  Special Situation like irradiation, leucodepletion,
neonatal transfusion and apheresis.
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S. Case No. Particulars of Post(s) Qualifications/Experience for Test Specification Topics of Syllabi
No F.4- the Posts
6. 173/2020 Demonstrator (BS-17), MBBS or equivalent medical Part-I
Objective Type Test (MCQ)
Federal Medical & Dental qualifications recognized/ Vocabulary, Grammar Usage, Sentence Structuring.
College, Ministry of National registered by the Pakistan Part-I Part-II
Health Services, Medical & Dental Council  Core courses of MBBS Degree Program.
English = 20 marks
Regulations & Coordination (PM&DC)  Health Policies of the Government of Pakistan.
Part-II  Care vs Cure for Health Management.
Professional Test = 80 marks  Major Challenges being faced by the Health Sector in
7. 174/2020 Social Welfare Officer Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Part-I
Objective Type Test (MCQ)
(BS-17), AFIC/NIHD, Master’s Degree in Sociology/ Vocabulary, Grammar Usage, Sentence Structuring.
Ministry of Defence. Public Administration/ Part-I Part-II
Anthropology from University  Community Organization and Development,
English = 20 marks
recognized by HEC.  Social Welfare Vs Social Security
Part-II  Concepts of Social Protection
Professional Test=80 marks  Poverty and vulnerability
 Social Research,
 Social Statistics,
 Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource,
 Social Welfare Policy and Administration,
8. 175/2020 Supervisor Medical Store Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Part-I
Objective Type Test (MCQ)
(Zakat/Bait-ul-Mal Section) Bachelor’s Degree in Pharmacy Grammar Usage, Sentence Structuring.
(BS-16), AFIC/ NIHD, or equivalent qualification from a Part-I Part-II
Ministry of Defence. University recognized by HEC.  Organic Chemistry
English = 20 marks
 Pharmaceutical Engineering
Part-II  Biochemistry
Professional Test = 80 marks  Hospital Pharmacy Management
 Dispensing Pharmacy
 Anatomy, Physiology & Pathophysiology
 Molecular Biology
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S. Case No. Particulars of Post(s) Qualifications/Experience for Test Specification Topics of Syllabi
No F.4- the Posts
9. 176/2020 Supervisor/Accountant Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Part-I
Objective Type Test (MCQ) Grammar Usage, Sentence Structuring.
(Zakat & Bait-ul-Mal Master’s Degree in Accounting
Section) (BS-16), AFIC/ and Finance/ Commerce/ Part-I Part-II
NIHD, Ministry of Defence. Economics/ Business  Accounting Principles & Procedures,
English = 20 marks  Scrutiny of Record for Audit Purpose,
Administration or equivalent
qualification from a University Part-II  Journal, ledger & Cash Book,
recognized by HEC.  Preparation of Annual Budget,
OR Professional Test = 80 marks
 Adjustment & Depreciation,
i. Second Class or Grade ‘C’  Financial Planning & Cost Accounting,
Bachelor’s Degree in  Head of Accounts, Re-appropriation of Accounts
Finance/ Commerce/ and Supplementary Grant,
Economics/ Business  Public Procurement Rules, 2004
Administration or equivalent  Basic IT Knowledge
qualification from a University
recognized by HEC.
ii. Two (2) years post
qualification experience in the
field of Account and Finance.
10. 177/2020 Cardiac Perfusionist (BS- Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Part-I
Objective Type Test (MCQ)
17), AFIC/ NIHD, Ministry Master’s Degree in Biological Vocabulary, Grammar Usage, Sentence Structuring
of Defence. Sciences or equivalent Part-I Part-II
qualification from a University  Cardiovascular Anatomy
recognized by HEC. English = 20 marks
 Cardiovascular Physiology
OR Part-II  Cardiovascular Microbiology
Second Class or Grade ‘C’
Bachelor’s Degree (16 years Professional Test=80 marks  Cardiovascular Haematology
 Congenital Heart Disease and Surgical Treatment
education) in Cardiac Perfusion  Acquired Heart Disease and Surgical Treatment
or equivalent qualification from a  The theoretical foundations of techniques and
University recognized by HEC. equipment for CPB
 Function, principles, problems, appropriate use of
various devices associated with CPB
11. 179/2020 Medical Officer-Incharge MBBS or equivalent medical Part-I
Objective Type Test (MCQ) Vocabulary, Grammar Usage, Sentence Structuring.
Medical Stores (BS-17), qualifications recognized/
AFIC/NIHD, Ministry of registered by the Pakistan Part-I Part-II
Defence. Medical & Dental Council  Core courses of MBBS Degree Program.
English = 20 marks
(PM&DC)  Health Policies of the Government of Pakistan.
Part-II  Care vs Cure for Health Management.
 Major Challenges being faced by the Health Sector in
Professional Test = 80 marks
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S. Case No. Particulars of Post(s) Qualifications/Experience for Test Specification Topics of Syllabi
No F.4- the Posts
12. 180/2020 Lecturer (BS-17), Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Objective Type Test (MCQ) For (A) English
A. English Master’s Degree in the relevant Part-I
B. Mathematics subject with M.Ed. English =20 marks Part-I (Master’s Level) (70 Marks)
C. Zoology Part-II
D. Botany Subject Test = 50 marks  Vocabulary
Part-III  Structuring of sentences.
E. Health & Physical
 Linguistics.
Education Professional Test=30 marks
 Grammar.
F. Arabic  Syntax.
G. Islamiyat Note:  Diction.
H. Home Economics  For the subject of  Drama: Shakespeare (Hamlet; King Lear; Twelfth
I. Computer Science Education, there should be Night), William Congreve (The Way of the World),
J. Education two parts, part-I is English Shaw (Pygmalion; Heartbreak House ), Harold
Test (20 Marks) and part-II Pinter (The Caretaker), Samuel Beckett (Waiting for
Federal College of is Professional Test (80 Godot), Eugene O’Neill (Long Day’s Journey into
Education, Ministry of Marks). Night)
Federal Education and  In Language Subjects Part-II (30 Marks)
Professional Training. (i.e Arabic and English),  Teaching Techniques and Methodology,
English part for 20 marks will  Classroom Management and Discipline,
not be included. There will  Testing and Evaluation,
be 70% subject Test and For (B) Mathematics
30% Professional Test.
Vocabulary, Grammar Usage, Sentence Structuring.

Part-II (Masters Level)

 Calculus/Differentiation, Integration, Limits of
 Discrete Structures/Discrete Mathematics,
 Communication Skills for Mathematicians,
 Computing Tools for Mathematicians,
 Classical Mechanics,
 Mathematical Statistics,
 Real Analysis,
 Mathematical Spaces (Sets, Vector Spaces, Metric
Spaces, topological spaces Tensors,
 Differential Equations.

 Teaching Techniques and Methodology
 Classroom Management and Discipline
 Testing and Evaluation
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S. Case No. Particulars of Post(s) Qualifications/Experience for Test Specification Topics of Syllabi
No F.4- the Posts
For (C) Zoology
Vocabulary, Grammar Usage, Sentence Structuring

Part-II (Masters Level)

 Eco System,
 Classification of Fish, Reptiles, Mammals,
 Classification of Mollusks, Edinodermata,
 Theories of Evolution,
 Mammalian Hormonal System,
 Membrane System,
 Mammalian Gametogensis and Fertilization,
 Multiple Alleles.
 Mendelian laws of inheritance,
 Reproduction and Development,

 Teaching Techniques and Methodology,
 Classroom Management and Discipline,
 Testing and Evaluation,
For (D) Botany

Vocabulary, Grammar Usage, Sentence Structuring.
Part-II (Masters Level)
 Algae,
 Fungi,
 Bryophytes
 Pteridophytes
 Gymnosperms,
 Angiosperms,
 Plant Physiology,
 Ecology,
 Cytology,
 Genetics,
 Evolution
 Educational Planning and Management
 Curriculum Development & Instructional Technology
 Education Psychology and Student’s Learning
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S. Case No. Particulars of Post(s) Qualifications/Experience for Test Specification Topics of Syllabi
No F.4- the Posts
For (E) Health & Physical Education

Vocabulary, Grammar Usage, Sentence Structuring.

Part-II (Masters Level)

 Philosophy of Physical Education,
 Curriculum Development in Physical Education,
 Psychology of Physical Education,
 Rules of games,
 Basics of Human Anatomy
 Administrative and Management in Sports,
 Sports Nutrition,
 Trauma and Rehabilitation,
 Research Methodology in Physical Education
 Test, Measurement and Evaluation in Physical
Education & Sports
 Athletic Injuries,
 Handicap Sports Organization

 Teaching Techniques and Methodology
 Classroom Management and Discipline
 Testing and Evaluation

For (F) Arabic

Part-I (Master’s Level) (70 Marks)

 History of Arabic literature
 History of Semitic Languages
 Arabic Phonetic
 Arabic Poetry at the Dawn of Islam
 Arabic Syntax
 Arabic Vocabulary,
 Arabic Grammar usage,
 Arabic Sentence Structure

Part-II (30 Marks)

 Teaching Techniques and Methodology
 Classroom Management and Discipline
 Testing and Evaluation
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S. Case No. Particulars of Post(s) Qualifications/Experience for Test Specification Topics of Syllabi
No F.4- the Posts
For (G) Islamic Studies
Vocabulary, Grammar Usage, Sentence Structuring
Part-II (Masters Level)

 Teaching Techniques and Methodology
 Classroom Management and Discipline
 Testing and Evaluation
For (H) Home Economics
Vocabulary, Grammar Usage, Sentence Structuring
Part-II (Masters Level)
 Introduction to Home Economics
 Fundamentals of Food and Nutrition
 Nutrition Health and Prevention
 Entrepreneurship for home based industry
 House Keeping Management
 Methods of Research in Home Economics
 Childcare and Development Guidance
 Family Problems and Intervention strategies
 Teaching Techniques and Methodology
 Classroom Management and Discipline
 Testing and Evaluation
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S. Case No. Particulars of Post(s) Qualifications/Experience for Test Specification Topics of Syllabi
No F.4- the Posts
For (I) Computer Science

Vocabulary, Grammar Usage, Sentence Structuring

Part-II (Masters Level)

 Computer Hardware/Software,
 Data Communication & Networking,
 C/C++ Language,
 Visual Basic,
 Operating System Unix/Linux
 Windows 7, 8 , 8.1,
 Oracle/PLSQL,
 System Analysis & Design.
 Web Programming,

 Teaching Techniques and Methodology,
 Classroom Management and Discipline,
 Testing and Evaluation,

For (J) Education

Part-I (20 Marks)
Vocabulary, Grammar Usage, Sentence Structuring,
Part-II (80 Marks)
 Development of Education in Pakistan,
 Educational Reforms in Pakistan,
 Education Policy 2009, its Targets and Achievements
 Philosophy of Education,
 Sociology of Education,
 Educational Psychology,
 Educational Guidance & Counselling,
 Educational Planning & Management,
 Educational Administration and Supervision,
 Classroom/Institutional Management and Discipline
 Curriculum Development & Instructional Technology
 Teaching Techniques & Methodology,
 Testing & Evaluation.
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S. Case No. Particulars of Post(s) Qualifications/Experience for Test Specification Topics of Syllabi
No F.4- the Posts
13. 181/2020 Medical Records Officer Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Part-I
Objective Type Test (MCQ)
(BS-17), AFIC/ NIHD, Master’s Degree in Health Care Vocabulary, Grammar Usage, Sentence Structuring,
Ministry of Defence. Management/ Hospital Part-I Part-II
Management/ Business  Traditional Management vs. modern Health Care
English = 20 marks
Administration (Hospital and Management ,
Health Care Management) from Part-II  Public Sector Hospitals and Level of offered facilities,
a university recognized by HEC.  Effects of Globalization in Health care,
OR Professional Test=80 marks
 Concept of Corporate Hospital in developing
i. Second Class or Grade ‘C’ countries,
Bachelor’s Degree in Health  Infrastructure and lay out of an ideal corporate
Care Management/ Hospital hospital,
Management/ Business  Functioning of modern hospitals & changing need of
Administration (Hospital and patients,
Health Care Management)  Hospitality in Hospital Care,
from a university recognized
 Invasive and non-invasive diagnostic facilities in
by HEC.
modern hospital,
ii. Two (2) years post
 Care offered in Specialty and Super specialty
qualification experience of
maintenance of Medical
Records in hospitals  Healthcare Management as a profession,
 Introduction to Health Management,
 Pakistan Health Policy 2009,
14. 183/2020 Assistant Librarian (BS- Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Part-I
17), AFIC/ NIHD, Ministry Bachelor’s Degree in Library Objective Type Test (MCQ) Vocabulary, Grammar Usage, Sentence Structuring
of Defence. Science/Library and Information Part-I Part-II
Science or equivalent  Information Sources and Services
qualification from a University English = 20 marks  Cataloguing: Theory and Practice
recognized by HEC. Part-II  Procurement and Maintenance of Library Books
i. Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Professional Test=80 marks  Library Automation/Information Storage & Retrieval
Bachelor’s Degree with  Research Methods & Techniques for Librarians
Diploma in Library Science or  Public Records, Rare Material & their Conservation
equivalent qualification from a  Management of Serials Publications
University recognized by  Rules & Procedure regarding Write Off the Library
HEC. Losses
ii. Two (2) years post
qualification experience in the
relevant field.
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S. Case No. Particulars of Post(s) Qualifications/Experience for Test Specification Topics of Syllabi
No F.4- the Posts
15. 184/2020 Supervisor Food Services Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Part-I
Objective Type Test (MCQ) Grammar Usage, Sentence Structuring.
(BS-16), AFIC/ NIHD, Bachelor’s Degree in Food
Ministry of Defence. Technology/ Nutrition and Part-I Part-II
Dietetics or equivalent  Fundamentals of Food & Nutrition
English = 20 marks  Principles of Diet Therapy.
qualification from a University
recognized by HEC. Part-II  Planning & Preparation of Balanced Diet.
 Physiological aspect of Nutrition
Professional Test=80 marks  Energy Value of Foods
 Sanitation and Hygiene
 Regulation of food intake,
 Nutritional requirements
 Nutrition Health & Prevention
16. 186/2020 Charge Nurse (BS-16), Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing Part-I
or equivalent recognized by the Objective Type Test (MCQ)
Federal General Hospital, Grammar Usage, Sentence Structuring
Chak Shehzad, Islamabad, Pakistan Nursing Council with Part-I Part-II
Cabinet Division. valid registration with PNC.  Basic Medical Sciences
OR English = 20 marks
 General Nursing
Three years Diploma in Part-II  Ward Administration
General Nursing with one year
diploma in Midwifery (For Professional Test=80 Marks  Hospitality of the Patients
Female) with valid registration  Care vs. Cure for Health Management
with PNC.  Developing Training & Instructional Materials for
OR Nursing Courses.
Three years Diploma in
General Nursing with one year
diploma in Midwifery (For Male)
with valid registration with
17. 187/2020 Civilian Labour Officer B.A. Part-I
Objective Type Test (MCQ) Grammar Usage, Sentence Structuring
(BS-16), Corps of E & ME,
OR Part-II
Ministry of Defence Part-I
In case of retired Army officers  Basic Arithmetic
English = 20 marks  Algebra
(Not JCOs): Matric or equivalent
Part-II  Ratios
 Percentages
General Intelligence/  Current Affairs.
Professional Test=80 marks  Issues/Challenges at National and International
Level during the last 2 years
 Pakistan Labour Policy, 2010
 Labour welfare and safety laws,
 Industrial health and safety problems related to
labour welfare.
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S. Case No. Particulars of Post(s) Qualifications/Experience for Test Specification Topics of Syllabi
No F.4- the Posts
18. 188/2020 Programmer (BS-17) Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Part-I
Objective Type Test (MCQ) Vocabulary, Grammar Usage, Sentence Structuring.
Pakistan Meteorologist Master’s Degree in Computer
Department, Cabinet Science/Information Technology Part-I Part-II
Secretariat (Aviation or equivalent qualification from a  Fundamental Programming,
English = 20 marks  Data types,
Division) university recognized by HEC.
OR Part-II  Program Logic,
Second Class or Grade ‘C’  Development of Basic Algorithms,
Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Professional Test=80 marks  Computer Networks and Internet,
Science/BIT (4 years duration) or  Designing Solution & Testing,
equivalent from a university  Visual Basic, C++, Java, Unix/Red Hat Linux
Operating System,
recognized by HEC.
 Multiple Browsers,
 Search Engine Optimization,
 Web Development
19. 189/2020 Meteorologist, (BS-17), i. Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Objective Type Test (MCQ) Part-I
Pakistan Meteorological Master’s Degree in
Vocabulary, Grammar Usage, Sentence Structuring
Department, Aviation Meteorology/Seismology/ Part-I
Hydro-Meteorology/ Part-II
Division, Cabinet
Secretariat Hydrology/Geo-Physics/ English =20 marks  Meteorology,
Geology/ Geography/  Climatology,
Physical Chemistry/ Physics/ Part-II  Basics of Physics,
Mathematics/ Environment/  Basic Maths,
Space Science/ Agriculture Professional Test=80 marks  Environmental Studies,
Meteorology/ Computer
 Research/Analysis.
Science from a University
recognized by HEC.
ii. Graduation with Physics or
Mathematics from a
University recognized by
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Schemes and Syllabi for Written Examination (Descriptive) for Posts in

BS-20 advertised under Consolidated Advertisement No. 09/2020

Case No. 190/2020

Particulars of post Chief (IT) (BS-20), Federal Public Service Commission
Minimum i. Second Class or Grade C Master Degree in Computer Science or
Qualification & Information Technology or equivalent qualification from a university
Experience: recognized by the HEC
Second Class or Grade “C” Bachelor’s (4 years duration) degree of
BCS or BS (IT) or BS (CS) or equivalent qualification from a
university recognized by the HEC.
Second Class or Grade C Bachelor’s degree in Software
Engineering or Computer Engineering or Computer System
Engineering or equivalent qualification from a university
recognized by the HEC with registration from Pakistan Engineering
ii. Seventeen (17) years post qualification experience in the field of
Information Technology/ System Analysis & Design/ Software
Development/ Computer Programming/ Website Management/
Administration of Data-base System.


Analysis Paper: Candidates will be required to analyse a situation related to advertised

post and suggest/draw suitable solution comprising approximately 1000 words.
Candidate’s research based knowledge as well as articulation, expression and technical
treatment of the situation will be examined.


Case Study: Candidates will be given real situation case studies related to advertised
posts/ organization concerned and will be expected from the candidates to present (i)
identification of issues (ii) evaluation of issues (iii) legal or case related theories (iv)
evaluation of case facts if required and (v) possible solution of the case or writing judicial
order, if the case so requires.
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Schemes and Syllabi for Written Examination (Descriptive)

for All Posts in BS-18 & BS-19 included in Consolidated
Advertisement No. 09/2020
Max Marks: 100 Time Allowed: 3 Hours
(i) English Essay-50 Marks: Candidates will be required to write an Essay in English
comprising 1500 words from a set of six given topics. Candidates are expected to
reflect comprehensive and research based knowledge on a selected topic.
Candidate’s articulation, expression and technical approach to the style of English
Essay writing will be examined.
(ii) English (Composition and Précis)-50 Marks:
The examination will test the candidate’s abilities to handle Précis Writing, Reading
Comprehension, Sentence Structuring, Translation, Grammar and Vocabulary, etc.
Précis Writing (10 marks): A selected passage with an orientation of generic
understanding and enough flexibility for compression shall be given for précising and
suggesting an appropriate title.
Reading Comprehension (10 marks)
A selected passage that is rich in substance but not very technical or discipline-
specific shall be given, followed by five questions, each carrying 2 marks.
Grammar and Vocabulary (10 marks): Correct usage of Tense, Articles,
Prepositions, Conjunctions, Punctuation, Phrasal Verbs, Synonyms and Antonyms etc.
Sentence Correction (5 marks): Ten sentences shall be given each having a clear
structural flaw in terms of grammar or punctuation. The candidates shall be asked to
rewrite them with really needed correction only, without marking unnecessary
alterations. No two or more sentences should have exactly the same problem, and 2-3
sentences shall be based on correction of punctuation marks.
Grouping of Words (5 marks): A random list of ten words of moderate standard
(neither very easy nor utterly unfamiliar) shall be given, to be grouped by the
candidates in pairs of those having similar or opposite meaning, as may be clearly
directed in the question.
Pairs of Words (5 marks): Five pairs shall be given of seemingly similar words with
different meanings, generally confused in communication, for bringing out the
difference in meaning of any five of them by first explaining them in parenthesis and
then using them in sentences.
Translation (5 marks): Ten short Urdu sentences involving structural composition,
significant terms and figurative/idiomatic expressions shall be given, to be accurately
translated in English.
Sr. No. Title Author
1. English Grammar in Use Raymond Murphy (Cambridge University Press)
2. Practical English Usage M. Swan (Oxford University Press)
3. The Little, Brown Handbook H. Ramsey Flower & Jane Aaron (The Little,
Brown & Co; Harper Collins)
4. A University English Grammar R. Quirk & S. Greenbaum (ELBS; Longmans)
5. Write Better, Speak Better Readers Digest Association
6. Modern English in Action Henry Christ (D.C. Heath & Co.)
7. Exploring the World of English Syed Saadat Ali Shah
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Max Marks: 100 Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Case No. 178/2020
Particulars of post Assistant Professor (BS-18 Plus Special Allowance Rs. 55,000/-
and Health Allowance Rs.20,000/- per month), Federal Medical &
Dental College, Ministry of National Health Services, Regulations &
Minimum i. MBBS or equivalent medical qualifications recognized/ registered
Qualification & by the Pakistan Medical & Dental Council (PM&DC).
Experience: ii. PM&DC recognized Level II b or Level III qualifications in the
respective basic subjects. Or Equivalent PM&DC Level II a, b or
Level III qualifications in the respective specialty approved for
teaching by SRC and recognized/ registered by PM&DC.
iii. Two (2) years teaching experience as Demonstrator before or
after Level II b. No experience required for level III post
graduation who can be appointed directly as Assistant Professor.


Part-I: (MCQ) 25 Marks

25 MCQ Questions on Part-II & Part-III.

Part-II: (Qualification Based) (Descriptive) 50 Marks

Core courses of MBBS Degree

Part-III: (Professional) (Descriptive) 25 Marks

Core courses of Level II (b) qualification in Physiology.


Part-I: (MCQ) 25 Marks

25 MCQ Questions on Part-II & Part-III.

Part-II: (Qualification Based) (Descriptive) 50 Marks

Core courses of MBBS Degree

Part-III: (Professional) (Descriptive) 25 Marks

Core courses of Level II (b) qualification in Pharmacology.
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Max Marks: 100 Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Case No. 182/2020
Particulars of post Deputy Chief Cardiac Perfusionist (BS-18), AFIC / NIHD, Ministry
of Defence.
Minimum i. Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Master’s Degree in Biological Sciences
Qualification & or equivalent qualification from a University recognized by HEC.
Experience: OR Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Bachelor’s Degree (16 years
education) in Cardiac Perfusion or equivalent qualification from a
University recognized by HEC.
ii. Five (5) years post qualification experience in relevant field.

Part-I: 25 Marks (MCQ)

 25 MCQ Questions on Part-II.

Part-II (Professional) (Subjective) : 75 Marks

I. Cardiovascular

 Cardiovascular Anatomy
 Cardiovascular Physiology
 Cardiovascular Microbiology
 Cardiovascular Haematology
II. Heart Diseases

 Congenital Heart Disease and Surgical Treatment

 Acquired Heart Disease and Surgical Treatment
III. Perfusion Technology

 The theoretical foundations of techniques and equipment for CPB

 The function, principles, problems, appropriate use and application of the various
devices associated with CPB
 Various physical principles associated with pressure/flow relationships in the
circulatory and extracorporeal systems
 Various devices and techniques utilized to reduce a patient‘s exposure to
homologous blood transfusion
 Normal and the abnormal electrolyte values related to physiological disturbances
caused by CPB, including the use of cardioplegic solutions
 The role of hyper-, hypo-, and normothermia during CPB,
 The application, calibration and use of various safety devices, measurement
 The ethical, professional and legal implications of the practice of perfusion care
 The interplay between and among the various participants within the surgical team
 Various techniques utilized in the preservation of the myocardium
 Basic Goals and Concepts In Myocardial Protection
 Heparinization anticoagulation and other methods of preserving the number and
function of various coagulation processes within the blood during CPB
 The application of hemodilution CPB
 The benefits and detriments associated with CPB
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 The various effects of CPB and air-blood interface

 The principles associated with ECMO support and its application as related to
perfusion care


S. No. Title Author

1. Cardiopulmonary Bypass: Current John H Tinker
Concepts and Controversies.
2. Cardiovascular Physiology Concepts Richard E Klabunde. Lippincott
Williams& Wilkins
3. Cardiopulmonary Bypass: Principles and Christina T. Mora (Editor), R.A.
Techniques of Extracorporeal Circulation Guyton, Springer
4. Techniques in Extracorporeal Circulation Philip Kay & Chris Munsch
5. Daileys Notes on Blood John F Dailey
6. Cardiopulmonary Bypass Principles and Glenn P. Gravlee
Practice Second Edition,
7. Mechanical Circulatory Support. A Hodder Arnold Publication
8. Manual of Clinical perfusion
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Max Marks: 100 Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Case No. 185/2020
Particulars of post Deputy Director (BS-18), Cabinet Secretariat, Establishment Division.
Minimum i. Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Master’s Degree in Public
Qualification & Administration/ Human Resource Management & Development/
Experience: Economics/ Statistics from a University recognized by HEC.
ii. Five (5) years post qualification experience in a supervisory
capacity in BS-17 and above in the field of compilation and
maintenance if personnel data i.e. PERs, ICP Charts and Service
History Cards of officers, in a Government/Semi Government

Part-I: 25 Marks (MCQ)

 25 MCQ Questions on Part-II & III.

Part-II: 25 Marks (Descriptive)

(Human Resource, Financial Management,
Quality Management and Information Technology)

I. Human Resource and Financial Management

Definition, Significance and Scope of Human Resource Management;
Organization—Types of Organization, Principles of Organization, Public Sector
Enterprises; Approaches to Human Resource Management. Personnel
Administration—Tools of Personnel Management: Selection, Training, Promotion,
Compensation, Discipline; Communication, Communication Channels and Principles
of Public Relations; Elements of Financial Administration, Principles of Budgeting,
Auditing and Accounting.

II. Basic Concept of Quality Management

ISO-9000, ISO-13000, other certifications regarding quality measurement;
management, management for Results, Setting Performance Goals and Targets;
Job Analysis: Job Description, Job Specification, Performance Evaluation;

III. Information Technology and MS Office

Fundamentals of Computer: CPU, Memory Devices, Characteristics of Computer
and related material; Microsoft Word, Microsoft Power Point, Microsoft Excel; Search
Engines, Web Design, Email, Internet Surfing, Social Networking (Facebook, Twitter,
etc); General Introduction to Virus and Antivirus utilities;

Part-III: 50 Marks
(Public Administration & Office Management)

I. Public Administration: Nature and scope, Role of Public Administration in a

modern Welfare State;

II. Bureaucracy: Concept of Bureaucracy, Theories of Bureaucracy, Ecology of

Bureaucracy; Bureaucracy of Pakistan as a Change Agent;
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III. Administrative Leadership: Approaches to the study of Leadership, Forms of

Leadership, Leadership qualities;

IV. Administrative Accountability: Internal and External Controls; Executive Control,

Legislative Control, Judicial Control, Ombudsman, Public Opinion and Pressure
Groups; Problems of Administrative Accountability in Pakistan;

V. Planning: Types of Plans, Planning Process; Principles of Planning, Planning

Machinery in Pakistan;

VI. Civil Servant Act 1973 and Rules made thereunder;

VII. PPRA Ordinance 2002 and Rules 2004.


S. No. Title Author

1. Human Resource Management H.T.Graham &Roger Bennett
2. Management James A.F.Stoner, R.Eward
Freeman, Daniel R.Gilbert Jr.
3. Understanding Computer: Today and Tomorrow Deborah Morley, Charles Parker
4. MS Office 365 Handbook: 2013 Edition Kevin Wilson
5. An Introduction to the Public Administration E.N. Cladden
6. Bureaucracy: Modern Society Pebr, M.Blau.
7. Public Administration for a Welfare State Paul Abbleby
8. The Bureaucracy of Pakistan Charles F. Kennedy

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