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13 Most Essential Data-Points in PizzaGate Pedophilia Allegations - The Last Vagabond

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11/22/2020 13 Most Essential Data-Points in PizzaGate Pedophilia Allegations

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13 Most Essential Data-Points In #PizzaGate Pedophilia Allegations

 November 23, 2016  Ryan Cristián  Comments(24)

*Editor’s Note: Images and certain reference material which would typically be included within

were omitted and replaced with a link where available for the reader to view. This was done 1/31
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intentionally to avoid the site being hit with an unjustified copyright claim as The Daily Sheeple
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was in regards to this story. Clearly this story is hitting a nerve which is why The Last American
Vagabond will not shy away until the Truth is clear. 

By now, the disturbing story of #Pizzagate and its ongoing investigation is spreading like wildfire.
Unfortunately many have yet to catch wind of exactly what the most essential pieces to this story are,
the most important characters, and the implications involved. As usual, mainstream media is either
blackballing it entirely, or writing propagandized “hit pieces” on the matter, implying their attempt to
slander the evidence and to sway others from looking deeper into it with an open mind.

Even the New York Times did a “fact check” on it, claiming it to be false despite not presenting any
information that researchers have unearthed online, or even bothering to explain why said research
was deemed untrue. There was also an older, unrelated story titled “Pizzagate” that has since
resurfaced, and has nothing to do with the current investigation. Other than showing the obfuscation
that is occurring during the Pizzagate investigation, this also goes to show how played-out and
outdated this whole, “Watergate” colloquialism has become. The tactlessness of the title and its trivial
vernacular, however, do not diminish the gravity and depravity of the research at hand.

To transmute this mercury a bit, so to speak, The Last American Vagabond will attempt to plot out the
quintessential points brought up by the anonymous researchers piecing it all together online.
Hopefully, newcomers can get up to speed and decide for themselves what’s real and what’s not, as
law enforcement and mainstream media are clearly failing to do their due diligence. This is not
meant to directly slander anyone/place or preemptively accuse anyone of guilt, but instead is
designed to simply provide the data and the links between different threads of research, so that
others can understand the investigation easier. A fair and open trial is the endgame being sought by
the collective investigating community—but to even get a trial and proper investigation with deeper
resources, there must be enough evidence and public support to make an arrest, especially
considering the high-profile people implicated.

Additionally, while The Last American Vagabond is merely attempting to provide a road-map of
Pizzagate without the aforementioned accusations, it should be emphatically noted that the
evidence involved here not only seems to be more than enough to merit the attention of our
researchers, but the circumstantial evidence involved in this investigation, by both logically empirical
and lawful standards, more than warrants a full investigation into these matters. 

This will not be quick, and the reader will not enjoy this. It is incredibly difficult and unsettling to read,
but it is paramount that the people fully understand what is taking place here. The hard truth grinding
away at the reader’s teeth, and tensing up in their chest, confusing their thought process, is the harsh
potential of the thousands upon thousands (god forbid, millions) of innocent children who spend 
their youth circulating through these sado-occultist pedophilic smuggling rings, only to be tossed 2/31
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into the streets after their youth has aged away. Anyone who feels strongly about the subject has a
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moral obligation to share this with others, as justice will only be found with numbers. Nobody should
have these disturbing facts force-fed to them, but it is imperative that those who would care, should
care, and they will not care if they have not heard about it. Here is a good video summary before
diving deeper.

Here is an infographic chart that can be referenced in order to see the various links between the
different threads and data points. There will also be plenty of links that are either hyperlinked in or
sourced below for people to go about their own research on the topic, which is highly recommended
before any opinions are formed. This is still an ongoing investigation and all hands are needed on
deck, and there have been numerous problems with entire open-source investigation forums being
deleted (sometimes with warning, sometimes without), with all research lost that has not been saved
by individuals. There are many more threads that are not even mentioned here such as probability of
the underground tunnels meant for smuggling and containing children beneath these suspected
venues (a recurring theme in the history of research into this pedophilic smuggling ring—something
most directly noted by the McMartin Pre-School Scandal of the late ‘80s), Huma Abedin’s connections
to Saudi Arabia and their possible connections to child pedophilia, and Anthony’s Weiner’s
connection, Rachel Chandler, the bizarre business named “Buck’s Fishing and Camping,” among
many other interesting threads. The reality is that there is only so much data that can be reasonably
covered here.

Infographics: 1, 2, 3

This is the rim of the rabbit hole. Hold onto your skirt, Alice, and do not fear the jump. 3/31
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1) 
History Of High Profile Child Pedophilia Cases
Before assessing the specifics of Pizzagate, it is important to first understand that there have been
many high-profile cases of child pedophilia, as well as satanic occult rituals at the upper echelons of
power before the current Pizzagate scandal even broke out—most important, it is crucial to note that
these cases of pedophilic smuggling rings have never surfaced without heavy affiliations to
occultism, and are often heavily linked to drug smuggling. Some of the most prevalent cases are
documented in a previous article posted The Last American Vagabond, which include the Dutroux
Affair, the Franklin Scandal, the Presidio Military Base Abuse, the False Memories Syndrome
Foundation, the McMartin Preschool Abuse, and The Finders Scandal. This article has plenty of links for
those who wish to investigate on their own and further understand the details/extent of these cases.
For a less extensive look at individual cases, and more of an over-arching analysis, the article below
is a good starting point:

Related Reading: American Pedophilia: Prerequisite of a Wealthy Elitist

As with any research, this is only the tip of the iceberg, as many other people and institutions are
involved in the disturbing practice of child pedophilia and smuggling. Some prominent people
involved include famous media mogul Jimmy Savile (who socialized with Royalty and was knighted
by both the Queen and the Pope); the Penn State Assistant Football Coach Jerry Sandusky; and elite
financial investment mogul Jeffrey Epstein, who is discussed in more detail below. There are also
high-profile cultures like Hollywood and the Vatican, and implications even from WestPoint Academy,
which have been the centerpiece of various cases involving child pedophilia. Some of this has come
to light through court cases and researchers, while other claims have come through controversial
whistleblowers such as Cathy O’Brien, and even outspoken Hollywood stars like Corey Feldman and
Elijah Wood. Both stars have discussed the realities of a deep undercurrent of pedophilic child
smuggling at the highest levels of Hollywood.

2) Comet Ping Pong

One of the epicenters of the investigation has to do with pizzeria in Washington DC called “Comet
Ping Pong.” The owner of this pizza place is James Alefantis, who happened to be ranked #49 in the
top 50 “Most Powerful People in Washington” of GQ magazine. His ex-boyfriend, David Brock, is the
founder of the liberal media watchdog group “Media Matters For America” and the Pro Hillary super
Pac, Correct The Record (CTR). Brock also has been described by Time magazine as “one of the most
influential operatives in the Democratic Party.” Interestingly, the infamous George Soros has
contributed sizable amounts of funds to PAC’s chaired by James Alefantis; Soros is also a major
financier of Media Matters. Alefantis and Brock, for what it’s worth, also seem to be caught in some
mysterious blackmail love triangle that has embroiled them prior to the Pizzagate allegations. 4/31
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Comet Ping Pong itself is interesting for a variety of reasons. Firstly, many prominent democrats have
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held fundraisers there such as Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama, which is odd considering it’s just
some small pizza shop and supposedly a family location that is child-friendly. This sparked further
research, which lead to the discovery of the Comet Ping Pong Instagram page, which has some
incredibly strange pictures and comments that are highly suggestive of child pedophilia as well as
torture rooms and hidden chambers hidden beneath this area (abandoned subway tunnels have
been reportedly confirmed beneath the area, and reports have also claimed that Comet Ping Pong
has not had a building permit in over three years, meaning that there is likely no official record of any
renovations of this type done). The account has since been set to private, but many of the pictures
were archived by researchers. There is also a lot of strange artwork on the wall at Comet Ping Pong
and equally weird flyers for concerts that have strong sexual themes, grotesque vulgarity and overt
occultism, which again is very weird for a place that is supposedly suitable for children and boasts an
“All Ages” claim underneath the artwork on these flyers. Many of these concerts start late at night and
serve alcohol, yet claim they are suitable for all ages.

Some other points of interest include Majestic Ape (Amanda Klienman), who regularly performs there,
yet has references to child pedophilia in her songs. There are also pedophile symbols in Comet Ping
pong’s menu brochures, which seem to match the same pedophile symbols outlined by the FBI.

Independent journalist, Jack Posobiec, decided to go investigate both Comet Ping Pong and Besta
Pizza (discussed ahead) by periscoping his dinner there with his smart-phone, yet was promptly
kicked out by the police. His description of what happened is quite telling and can be viewed here.
Finally, there are hidden bathrooms in the Comet Ping Pong as well as a mysterious backroom, which
is often pointed out by yelp customers as quite strange. The overwhelming amount of circumstantial
evidence raises an aura of peculiarity and suspicion, but no direct proof of anything nefarious has
been found in this pizza joint. The real dirt is found online, and between the connections of the
characters involved in this story.

Infograph of Comet Ping Pong

Short Summary Video Of Comet Ping Pong 

3) Coded Language In The Podesta Emails Leaked By WikiLeaks

The heart of the Pizzagate research essentially stemmed from the Podesta emails released by
WikiLeaks. Due to the tireless reporting during the (s)Election Cycle of these emails, they were scoured
by independent researchers and collaboratively discussed online. As a minor note of interest, due to
this connection to the (s)Election hype, there are small but notable elements of independent Trump
support who have been instrumental in promulgating this research, which was readily welcomed

because of their heavy anti-Clinton stance. 5/31
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Pouring through these emails, researchers online found high level politicians fancied Comet Ping
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Pong as a successful political fundraiser venue. Odd as that is, collaborative researchers began
deeply researching Comet Ping Pong, Besta Pizza, et cetera, stumbling across their Instagram
accounts and much more … and the rest is becoming history.

Meanwhile, as people investigated the details involving the physical locations, researchers began
analyzing the absolute nonsense that was found throughout any and all emails related to Comet
Ping Pong. This section here can only remain as a summary, but suffice it to say that when these
emails are poured through one by one, it becomes absolutely clear that these food-related words
are code language, and this directly implies by proxy that Comet Ping Pong and likely Besta Pizza are
indeed fronts for something. If all of the language used by politicians surrounding these joints is code,
then it seems an entirely logical point of investigation—if nothing more.

Surely, these people can’t be so desperate to “make a pizza” for one another when they are all busy
moguls of one sort or another. Why would grown men and women be so continuously and excitedly
emailing and promptly responding amongst each other about “cooking” and “eating” all sorts of very
basic “foods.” One of the primary indications that something strange was occurring here, was the
“cooking” relationship to Marina Abramavic’s “spirit cooking” “art” rituals (see section 8). Firstly,
anyone who is a true occultist will tell you that art is exclusively an expression of metaphysical
archetypal concepts, and that any good magician uses their art to further their magick. This is a
basic tenet that has been discussed by occultists since occultists have been discussing things. When
these people casually laugh off these theories because they were “just performing art,” they are
denying the truth by obfuscation, and admitting it at the same time.

The discovered coded language used within the Podesta emails appears to be one used exclusively
by known pedophiles. This code uses food items such as “pasta” “cheese pizza”, and “ice cream,” to
refer to child pedophilia. They also appear to be talking in handkerchief code, which is even listed in
Wikipedia as a coded color system for sex, mostly stemming from underground homosexual
movements in the 1970’s.

Symbology is admittedly a slippery-slope, and it is recommended that one be educated in the

subject when deciphering symbols and their context. Of course, the researchers very well may have
been educated in symbolism since they are mainly anonymous users online, and there is also a lot of
discussion of FBI-insiders collaborating on the research—angry at their lack of results going after
Clinton. Regardless, the correlation is apparent. 

As a final point of consideration on this data point, remember that the symbol of the “pizza” has
become iconic in this case due to the FBI’s known list of pedophiliac communication symbology.
Case in point, Besta Pizza’s sign is accused of being a calling card that is identical of the FBI’s “Boy
Lover” logo, being a triangle with a specific style of squiggle(a little ironic that triangles are the center 6/31
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of all this…). Comet Ping Pong’s gimmick of having “ping pong tables in the basement” has also been
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suggested to be symbolic of “playing” with the children that may or may not be literally kept in the

Here is the circulated list of the alleged “code words.” Despite pizza being reminiscent of the “Little Boy
Lover” symbol, “hotdog” is the dialectic code for “boy” and “pizza” is the code for “girl,” for grotesque
reasons of biological observation.

“hotdog” = boy
“pizza” = girl
“cheese” = little girl
“pasta” = little boy
“ice cream” = male prostitute
“walnut” = person of color
“map” = semen
“sauce” = orgy

Here are a couple emails that are in question using this code:

“I consider ice cream, its purchase, and its consumption a rather

serious business. We can’t just willy-nilly toss it out and about in
casual references, especially linked with the word ‘free’.”

“Lo and behold, instead of pasta and wonderful sauces, it was a

lovely, tempting assortment of cheeses, Yummy. I am awaiting the
return of my children and grandchildren from their holiday travels
so that we can demolish them.”

“Hi John, The realtor found a handkerchief (I think it has a map that
seems pizza-related. Is it yours? They can send it if you want. I know 7/31
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 busy, so feel free not to respond if it’s not yours or you don’t
want it.”

“Thx for coming out. Always happy to babysit.”

For the commonly circulated list of the emails being analyzed, taken from, as supplied
by Titus Frost, click here.

4) Jeffrey Epstein
Jeffrey Epstein is a billionaire financier who is a registered sex offender after being found guilty for
soliciting prostitution from girls as young as 14. He is the owner of a private island near St. Thomas in
the U.S. Virgin Islands called Little St. James, which many now refer to as “Orgy Island.” The island is
said to house girls as sex slaves in order to please the many famous visitors that come to the island
for a disturbing sort of “exotic getaway.” There is also a bizarre temple located on his island that
seems to have the occult symbolism representing Moloch, which is the same occult symbol that is
worshipped during mock sacrifices at the Bohemian Grove ceremony. One of the most famous
visitors to the island was Bill Clinton, who is said to have ditched the secret service at least 26 times to
ride on Epstein’s private jet, often referred to as the Lolita Express. There have been several other
prominent names connected to Jeffrey Epstein, such as Prince Andrew, Donald Trump, and Alan
Dershowitz. He is quite the man of mystery and is said to only take on clients with at least one billion
dollars in net worth. Here is a good video outlining the case against Jeffrey Epstein as reported on by
Ben Swann. Suffice it to say that his operation seems to run far deeper than most realize.

5) The Podestas
By now, most people are aware of the recent truths that have come to light about the corruption of
the Clintons and their foundation due to the leaked emails released by WikiLeaks belonging to John
Podesta, the chairman of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign. Points of interest concerning John Podesta
(besides his deep connections seen plainly in the emails) is that he held a fundraiser at Comet Ping
pong for President Obama; was also the Chief of Staff for Bill Clinton; and joined in on the “spirit
cooking” with Marina Abramovic numerous times. He is also an extremely connected insider, as
exposed in Abby Martin’s latest “Empire Files” report, for those seeking more information on him and
his brother. 8/31
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Next, there is his brother, Tony Podesta, a hyper-connected and immensely powerful DC lobbyist, who
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is also quite the collector of some very dark and suggestive art work that clearly references some
form of child abuse, seemingly child pedophilia, and also seems to directly reference the likes of
Jeffrey Dahmer. There is even an article in the “Washington Life” of guests going to his house and
being absolutely shocked and disgusted by what they saw. Tony Podesta is also very fond of the
lesser-known artist by the name of Bilijana Bjurdevic, and judging by his art, has some very
disturbingly overt images of what can only be considered the beginnings of child sacrifice and
torture. It is heavily speculated that Bjurdevic was one of Tony Podesta’s favorite children to abuse,
and is thus a survivor of this pedophile ring. Tony Podesta is also friends with convicted pedophile
and former House Speaker, Dennis Hastert. Podesta and Hastert did a 3-4 month trip to Japan for the
People to People Student Ambassador Program and, according to leaked WikiLeaks emails, they still
keep in contact despite Hastert’s heinous convictions. Tony is also rumored to hold his birthday party
at Comet Ping Pong of all places.

6) The Clintons
It should be no surprise to anyone doing any type of independent investigative work that the Clintons
would be potentially involved in something like this. They are tied to all the big players in the
investigation either directly, through their foundation, or indirectly through people they associate
with. To begin with, their campaign manager is/was John Podesta, they are close friends with
pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, who has claimed he co-founded the Clinton Foundation, and they have a
close relationship with Marina Abramovic. This is coupled with the fact that Bill Clinton has been
accused of rape numerous times and whistleblower Cathy O’Brien has accused both Clintons of
abusing her, although no prosecution has taken place.

This also comes with the added context that the Clinton Foundation has been exposed as being
highly corrupt and involved in a “pay-to-play operation” that helps cement aspects of insider politics,
which seems to be pointing to a further operation of blackmail pedophilia and child sex trafficking.
They also have very close connections to Saudi Arabia, which is also known to have its own issues
with child pedophilia at the highest levels of power. Furthermore, FBI whistleblower, Sibel Edmonds,
has discussed in detail her allegations of Bill Clinton’s “COINTELPRO II,” which was said to be his
attempt to dig up dirt on surrounding politicians in order to keep himself afloat during his own
scandals. In short, this could mean that the Clintons are involved with the collection of this evidentiary
material in order to blackmail those politicians who step out of line with Globalist agendas.

As a final note for this data point, the “Beyond Borders” Clinton foundation’s building sits right across
from Comet Ping Pong.

7) Besta Pizza  9/31
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Another pizza place that is in question is “Besta Pizza,” which is located right next to “Comet Ping
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Pong” and owned by Andrew Kline. One of the main reasons researchers initially became suspicious
is due to it’s logo’s disturbing homage to what the FBI associates as an official pedophiliac symbol
used for communication between insiders. Especially telling, is that Besta Pizza recently changed their
logo, once researchers caught on to it. However, the connections continued to be made, and it is now
known that Andrew Kline knows John Podesta; is “one of four attorneys in the Human Trafficking
Prosecution Unit of the Department of Justice, in the Civil Rights Division;” and is a Clinton appointee.

8) Spirit Cooking and Marina Abramovic

One of the initial disturbing finds in this collaborative investigation was the “art performance” of “Spirit
Cooking,” that has been enjoyed by the Podestas, Alefantis, and even the Clintons. “Spirit Cooking” is
the performance of the witch, Marina Abramovic, and is “inspired” by occult sacrament ritual
stemming from Aleister Crowley’s Enochian-inspired doctrine of Thelema, which has been loosely
categorized as “sex magick,” which is often coupled with traditional Tantra in certain senses. However,
while Thelema in and of itself is not inherently evil, Thelema has been historically used for much more
dark occultism/black magick than Tantra (although some would likely contest this point).

This sacramental aspect is the consideration of human bodily fluids being charged with a specified
metaphysical energy and/or perhaps some sort of electrical. In terms of scientific analysis,
psychiatrist Wilhelm Reich was known for his practicing analytical theories of what he called “orgone
energy,” which was the scientific observation of the human body as an electromagnetic conductor of
sorts, channeling energy of the mental, physical and spiritual variety in a coalescence that
manifested in the expression the physical body. Much like the resins of a plant being concentrated, so
are the bodily fluids of the human considered by occultist to have concentrated energetic uses.

While some want to claim this is just “art,” simply being misunderstood, Marina herself has been
quoted saying,

“If you are doing the occult magic in the context of art or in a
gallery, then it is art. If you are doing it in different context, in
spiritual circles or private house[sic] or on TV shows, it is not art.”

So by her very own definition, this cannot be considered art. Additionally, looking at the videos of
Abramovic’s “art,” it seems a rather dark practice that even entails mock cannibalism. The spirit
cooking dinner in which the Clintons and many other famous guests attended (reportedly,
Abramovic is close to the likes of Lady GaGa, Jay-Z, Beyonce’—go figure) was hosted by this
performing artist/practicing witch, Marina Abramovic, as a dinner that served as a piece of living 
art. 10/31
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The whole thing is rather bizarre, especially considering who attended the event, and that many of
 
those attendees are being revealed as connected to this topic. 

9) Laura Silsby and Clinton-Related Child Trafficking Allegations

Former director of The New Life Children’s Refuge, Laura Silsby was arrested in Haiti in 2010, for trying
to smuggle 33 children across the border. Strong allegations derived from research into the WikiLeaks
email data-dump suggest that none other than Hilary Clinton was very adamant about trying to
politically aid Silsby during her arrest and jail time and Haiti. Strangely, most of the kids were not even
orphans. Reportedly the material was originally anonymously posted to a Reddit forum and has since
circulated amidst the tangled web of information surrounding Pizzagate. The original article on the
subject can be read here.

10) Madeleine McCann

The kidnapping of Madeleine McCann was arguably one of the most reported missing-persons cases
in American History. It was broadcast worldwide and investigated out in the open for the public to
see. What’s very interesting is that the police sketches of the sought after suspects thought to be
involved in Madeleine’s disappearance, have a shockingly striking similarity to John and Tony
Podesta. What’s even more interesting is that according to Victurus Libertas an anonymous FBI
insider has confirmed that the Podesta’s were in Portugal on the day of Madeleine’s
disapperance, however, this information is as of yet still not confirmed by a second source. The two
brothers were also revealed to be staying at the house of Clement Freud, nephew of Sigmund Freud
and a known friend of the Podestas, which is only a third of a mile from the exact location of the

Clement Freud, who died in 2007 and was a known pedophile, was accused by at least three
separate girls of molesting them while they were underage. There is a photo that has emerged that
many have speculated could be Madeleine McCann playing cards next to what is clearly John
Podesta, a few years after she had been kidnapped. Progressive police sketches of what Madeleine
might look like at that age are unsettlingly similar. There is also a Fox news clip where they say they
know who kidnapped her, but cannot prosecute them due to complications in International law,
which is quite odd considering the magnitude of the case.

Many are warning that this specific thread of the Pizzagate investigation might be an intentional
limited hangout designed to lead independent investigators in the wrong direction, as well as give
mainstream media ammo for the current media war that is underway. As possible as that may be,
there is still far too much circumstantial evidence to simply ignore, regardless of the societal stature
of those involved. 11/31
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11) Arun Rao

 
A man named Arun Rao was caught engaging with an outstanding number of James Alefantis’
creepy toddler Instagram posts. What’s ironic is that Arun Rao’s is the Assistant US Attorney and
Department of Justice Supervisor of the Southern Division office for the DOJ’s District of Maryland.
Comet Pizza is technically in Washington DC, but is practically on the border of Chevy Chase,
Maryland, which is Rao’s jurisdiction. One of the tasks of his division is prosecuting those responsible
for child pornography. This, of course, does not directly implicate Mr. Rao, but it’s very odd seeing an
individual whose very job it is to prosecute such crimes, being one of the few actively liking
the pedophilic Instagram posts of Comet Ping Pong. If these allegations are indeed true, befriending
the very man charged with prosecuting such crimes would be a protective step at the very least.

12) Death of Researcher Max Spiers

More of a speculative data point, Max Spiers was an independent researcher that recently died of a
mysterious “suicide” that has yet to be explained. What is interesting is that he was supposedly
investigating a pedophile ring out in San Francisco right before he died. Being so close to the
Pizzagate Scandal, this little piece of information should perhaps not be taken lightly.

13) TwitterGate
November 21, 2016, Anonymous-affiliated “Twitter users @0hour, @Eclipse_OW, and @WonderChick
were able to create scripts that tracked Twitter accounts posting child pornography and the
accounts that followed them. An estimated 25,000 accounts were found related to child
pornography, some of which were active for at least a year, if not longer,” (quote taken from Reddit
for its conciseness).

This has become what is known as #Twittergate, which is another Anonymous “campaign.” The roots
of a variety of these Anonymous campaigns are highly suspect (such as #OpCharlieHebdo,
#OpWhiteRose, and their variety of campaigns against ISIS on social media) not exactly for their
direct goals, but for the subtle outcomes of their campaigns, which in these cases basically resulted
in promoting media propaganda and further dividing authentic activists.

However, Anonymous as an identity is completely de-centralized, and literally encompasses anyone

who decides to call themselves “Anon”—and any real Anonymous hacker will be the first to say that
Anonymous social media is likely run on some level by Public Relations propaganda, and that many
Anonymous hackers are government agents. This has been the gritty reality of hacktivism since
LULZXMAS 2012. That being said, each “Anonymous” activist and campaign should be analyzed
independently from one another on an initial basis, and Anonymous as a collective earns a massive

“golden star of approval” for their efforts related to #Pizzagate and the affiliated #Twittergate and
#OpDeathEater. Anonymous activist, Titus Frost, as well appears to be one of many instrumental 12/31
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characters in the initial popularization of #Pizzagate, having already put up a web documentary on
 
the subject, and creating multiple online debates.

It should be fairly evident that there is an abundant and vast array of material here that was not
discussed, or was only briefly mentioned, for multiple reasons. Firstly, this is meant to be as easily
digestible to the reader as possible and length tends to complicate this function. Secondly, and more
bluntly put: there is only so much that can be handed to the public on a platter. At some point, the
citizens themselves must maintain a comprehensive self-initiative to garner any real results.

This article humbly suggests that this initiative stem from one’s desire to do right by the nation’s
children. Every child deserves an existence devoid of abuse and exploitation. If there is any reason to
mock the conspiracy theorist—with topics ranging from UFO-chasing, Triangle-Hunting, and
surveillance paranoia, et cetera—the desire to investigate the likes of a networked child pedophilia
ring linked to the nation’s most prominent politicians, is certainly not the one. The person who
discards this material merely as a “bunch of bologna” based on hearsay, and not their own research,
is a part of the problem by proxy. If Pizzagate is even remotely true, even in the smallest regard, the
public has a moral obligation to ensure and verify the safety of its youth.

Pizzagate seems very much to be the beginning of this self-initiative. Despite censorship on all forums
that have helped conduct this research (at this point, Reddit has banned discussions of Pizzagate),
the investigation still runs strong, and has since been adopted by the well-populated and thriving
forum of James Corbett’s With the efficacy of Corbett and his community’s results
with researching, it is heavily recommended that anyone who wants to engage with the Pizzagate
investigative community direct themselves to

Whatever be the case, let us not live in denial.

Editor’s Note: For more information on this ongoing investigation that you will not receive from
the mainstream media, research the links below: 

Related Reading:  13/31
11/22/2020 13 Most Essential Data-Points in PizzaGate Pedophilia Allegations

13 Most Essential Data-Points in #PizzaGate Pedophilia Allegations

 
The Podesta Brothers Revealed to be in Portugal the Day of Madeleine McCann’s

The Daily Sheeple Shut Down for Pizzagate Podesta Wikileaks Story

Trump “Promises,” Pizzagate, and the Establishment’s Dark Secrets

Another Pedophile Ring Involving Politicians Was Just Busted

Six Case Studies That Point To A Massive Child Pedophilia Ring At The Highest Levels Of Power

American Pedophilia: Prerequisite of a Wealthy Elitist

More Articles related to the investigation…

This story is much larger than just this pizza joint, regardless of what the corporate media tries to
sell, but take a look at the images below, and ask yourself is that seems normal for a place that
has child sleep overs, as well as known pedophilic bands that play there after hours.

None of the images below are criminal to look at, yet are highly suggestive and cannot be simply
explained as “out of context,” as the context is quite clear:

(All of the links once again work, but they will no doubt continue trying to scrub the Internet of
any proof)

Comet Ping Pong Instagram Photos:
cummings.jpg  14/31
11/22/2020 13 Most Essential Data-Points in PizzaGate Pedophilia Allegations
 

Podesta’s Favorite Artist:
(Shirt reads: “I love infants”)


Question Everything, Come To Your Own Conclusions.

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It Goes Way Beyond Comet Meet The Kakistocracy: How Despite Attempts to Shut It
Ping Pong, And They Know That Child Abuse Is Used To Down, Pizzagate Is a Worldwide
December 21, 2016 Perpetuate Their Control Citizen Investigation Now
In "Article of the week" January 9, 2017 November 25, 2016
In "Article Revival" In "Conspiracy"

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 Tagged Besta Pizza, Clinton, Comet Ping Pong, data points, McCann, Pedophilia, Pizzagate, Podesta
Brothers, research, WikiLeaks

Ryan Cristián

"Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see." - John Lennon
Driven by a desire for accuracy, chef and independent news stalwart Ryan
Cristián has a passion for the Truth. As a recent recipient of the Serena Shim
Award For Uncompromising Integrity In Journalism, he understands that
Americans want their news to be transparent, devoid of the opulence frothed
out by today's corporate media. A cultured and insightful man with a worldly
sense, Ryan's unjaded approach offers common sense to the individual
racked by the ambiguous news cycle - a vicious and manipulative merry-
go-round that keeps trenchant minds at a manageable distance from the
truth. Avid writer & editor by day, Truth seeker by night, Ryan's reality defines
what it means to be current. 16/31
11/22/2020 13 Most Essential Data-Points in PizzaGate Pedophilia Allegations

  Articles

Conspiracy Government Health Top News

5 Critical Stories the Media Failed to Report While Obsessing Over Miss Universe
 December 27, 2015  The Free Thought Project

Mainstream, corporate media long ago lost any shred of integrity when the number of
megacorporate owners of 90% of all the news outlets in the United States dwindled to just six — and
the chance for any reporting not infused with propaganda from the corporatocracy narrowed even
further. In other words, if you’re glued to Read More…

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Expand Your Mind... Foreign Policy Government History Politics Social Change Top News

Now that Trump’s In Office, Media Suddenly Concerned with US Military Killing
 February 4, 2017  Matt Agorist

For the last eight years, Peace Prize recipient and ostensible savior of the free world, Barack Obama,
rained down hell from the sky on brown people across the Middle East. Obama far exceeded his
predecessor, George W. Bush, in the use of drone strikes, killing more civilians than ever before and
aiding in the creation and growth Read More…

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The Trump Collapse Scapegoat Narrative Has Now Been Launched

 May 24, 2017  Brandon Smith

Last week was a rather crazy one for the news feeds, with cyber attacks and “Comey memos” and a
host of other wild mayhem, it may have been difficult for many people to keep track of it all. That said,
there was one event that I think went partly under the radar, and I think Read More…

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 Silent Coup in the … Is Reddit Now Com… 

24 Replies to “13 Most Essential Data-Points In #PizzaGate

Pedophilia Allegations”

November 23, 2016 at 9:46 pm

At the suggestion of a friend in the intelligence — not law-enforcement — community I

started to look into this as a retired technologist from the intelligence community myself.
In a few hours I discovered how voluminous the evidence was and that I cannot make
much progress on my own. I was attacking the problem of building a social network
model of all the actors and objects in an attempt to discover any occult relationships
(occult meaning hidden in the analytic sense), whether they be covert or clandestine. I
am quickly coming to the conclusion that others with more-extensive backgrounds
should take the lead in the investigation. But I am willing to help as an anonymous
member of the team. I can spend 2-4 hours a day working the problem as an interested


Paul Collin
November 24, 2016 at 7:06 pm 19/31
11/22/2020 13 Most Essential Data-Points in PizzaGate Pedophilia Allegations

James Corbett is seeking helpers you may want to contact him. He is extremely highly
 
recommended and respected.


Intelligence Briefings
November 24, 2016 at 12:21 pm

Exclusive, explosive reports from the patriot

Joint U.S.-French Intelligence Task Force,
operating on American soil for over 200 years

UNITED States of America – It can now be reported that the U.S. Military Grand Jury have
enough evidence to link the Clinton Foundation to a massive “pay-for-play” child sex
trafficking operation tied to both Israeli and Saudi Intelligence.

This “pay-for-play” operation involves Huma Abedin, Bill and Hillary Clinton, junior
George W. BushFRAUD, John Podesta, Karl Rove, Mitt Romney and over half of the U.S.
Congress and the extortion friendly U.S. media elite filth.


November 26, 2016 at 12:18 pm

This is so difficult to fathom, although in my gut I know it is true. Never will understand the
level of depravity of some, why and how they can do harm to innocent children is
beyond sick. I suppose this is one reason they get by with it, it is so twisted that it defies
comprehension. Ordinary citizens just can’t wrap their heads around the dark heartless
habits of the elite…. these “humans” that can have anything they want, chose to sink to
such a level and feel nothing about the wreckage they leave behind. Maybe public
hangings should come back as punishment, harming children is, to me, a crime that
should be punishable by death. Eventually they would all be eliminated.

Reply 20/31
11/22/2020 13 Most Essential Data-Points in PizzaGate Pedophilia Allegations

 
Blackcat Mendoza
November 26, 2016 at 11:21 pm

Has anyone, with access to appropriate and professional resources, bothered to

research the actions/nonactions of the MSM in this issue?

If a cover-up exists, then it can only occur with the willing, compliant, and carefully
planned assistance of an already-corrupt Media and its Presstituted useful idiots.

It seems that not too much research would soon uncover the stooges who are bought by
these criminals to further dis-inform an already mostly-ignorant and couldn’t-care-less
Public. A barrage of questions demanding pertinent answers would soon bring them,
and their powerful masters, to their knees (hopefully in front of the gallows!).

The same technique could be applied to the issue of the false flag leftist/marxist
controlled islamisation/subversion of Western Democracy.

Over to you…


November 27, 2016 at 1:01 am

Why were the sketches kept secret for 5 years? This could have been well and truly
solved int he Madeline McCann case had those sketches been put out in the public when
they were made.

And a taxi driver in Portugal said he transported 3 men and a woman with a little girl in
Pink PJs in his taxi not long after she went missing.
Somebody should locate him before he ends up dead  21/31
11/22/2020 13 Most Essential Data-Points in PizzaGate Pedophilia Allegations
 


December 2, 2016 at 2:32 pm

There are two sketches called e fits . They are from different witnesses depicting a
single man. Gerry McCann is a very good match to the pictures and it was eventually
decided that the witnesses were in fact describing him. But that doesn’t fit with the
pizza gate narrative so it is left out of any and all alt news reporting. It is Amazing how
common sense goes out the window on this issue. Do you really think tony podesta
would kidnap a child in Portugal sexual abuse her and take her to a family card game.
Her abduction has been the highest profile abduction case in the world.


December 4, 2016 at 10:09 am

In the pic of the family card game with podesta , the girl has her hands tied !!!
Another observer had pointed this out in another blog

December 15, 2016 at 1:12 am

Your information on the efits is incorrect.

Investigation documentary

efits discussed from 2:17:00

Other McCann-Podesta connections: John Podesta’s WikiLeaks emails commenced

the day after Madeleine disappeared, and Tony & Heather Podesta bought a 3.9 22/31
11/22/2020 13 Most Essential Data-Points in PizzaGate Pedophilia Allegations

million dollar house around this time.

 

Rich Meyers
November 29, 2016 at 11:20 am

Just a quick suggested correction. The Pope doesn’t Knight anyone. Not sure what that
means, but it is factually incorrect.


Ryan Cristian
November 29, 2016 at 2:19 pm

As I appreciate you taking the time to help, unfortunately you are incorrect, but thank
you nonetheless:,,_decorations,_and_medals_of_the_Holy_See


Philip Maguire
December 18, 2016 at 4:15 am

The Pope does knight people. The Holy See had five orders of Knighthood.


December 4, 2016 at 10:12 am

In Titus’s youtube video about pizzagate topic, he further lookedup the friendslist in
Alefantis’s instagram account and noticed that the friends photo accounts were still
public and the photos they posted were gory. GO AND SEE for yourself what I am talking
about. Looks like Alefantis is surrounded by sickos.

Reply 23/31
11/22/2020 13 Most Essential Data-Points in PizzaGate Pedophilia Allegations

 
December 5, 2016 at 11:46 am

How about to investigate, someone just go undercover to the place every weekend for a
month and see what it looks like? Wouldn’t an actual investigation of the actual site be
more illuminating than parsing e-mails such as, “Thx for coming out. Always happy to
babysit” for coded messages?

Just a thought.


December 7, 2016 at 4:03 pm

Or get a job there.


December 6, 2016 at 8:14 am

Can someone site a source of where the “code” came from?


December 7, 2016 at 1:04 pm

All I’ve been able to find is Urban Dictionary.


December 7, 2016 at 1:03 pm  24/31
11/22/2020 13 Most Essential Data-Points in PizzaGate Pedophilia Allegations

Do you have a source for the online code words besides Urban Dictionary? You have my
 
permission to display my email address if anyone wants to respond directly.


December 10, 2016 at 6:36 am





3918/3920 W St., N.W. just blocks from comet pizza

Northeast Washington

1307 4th St., the warehouse

On February 7th of 1987, the Washington Post ran an interesting story that did
not at the time seem to have any particular national significance. The article
concerned a case of possible kidnapping and child abuse, and read (in part) as


Barbra Greenbaum
February 18, 2017 at 11:39 am

Is it creepy or telling that the icon is a triangle symbol shockingly

similar to the Boy Lovers icon made public via PizzaGate and Comet Pizza? Food for
thought – pun intended.

Reply 25/31
11/22/2020 13 Most Essential Data-Points in PizzaGate Pedophilia Allegations

 
Creepy Podesta
December 10, 2016 at 9:29 am

Cognitive Dissonance…the American Public would rather stick their heads in the sand.
The Franklin coverup and the McMartin school case should show us that. In McMartin the
court refused to allow evidence regarding underground tunnels…they had to literally dig
up the foundation, which actually uncovered the tunnels just as the children had testified

It will never change because as a society we are ignorant fat cats. The movement needs
credible journalists who actually work for the MSM, like Ben Swann, willing to make public
these covered-up scandals.


Max Headroom
December 16, 2016 at 1:27 pm

How about the detainment of an American journalist in the UK?


January 2, 2017 at 10:20 pm

Thank You…


Benny Blanko
March 14, 2020 at 6:01 pm

This is now an old post but I would just like to say thank you and that you have an
excellent take on all this. Your explanation and examination of the magickal side of this is
most important and the part most misunderstood by the general public. In my youth I
was very interested in punk rock satanism thinking that it was somehow liberating. I got
sort of close to some real witches and such before backing way the hell away because
THEY ARE NOT NICE PEOPLE in any any way. Normal people can’t and don’t want to be able 26/31
11/22/2020 13 Most Essential Data-Points in PizzaGate Pedophilia Allegations

to understand their world of duplicity as a lifestyle woven into all you do. Most people
 
don’t want to stop and think about religion, metaphysics, religion, our cosmic place, for a
second let alone long enough to immerse themselves in this ecosystem to understand
the concepts. You get it deeply. Especially the wafers of light and their connection to the
supposed (again I am of 2 minds I can examine this without believing, but this is
something that is propounded in public by people considered sane enough by the
public) light energy matrix at the heart of our being. Meta-science (that is sponsored by
the DoD) ancient philosophy and Thelema actually agree a great deal in their
foundational principles re: the nature of the universe. When you remove the mystic
language you find a set of pretty subtle alternative scientific principles. The relation
between enochian/crowleyan occultism, chaos relationships, and the gateway project
and it’s continuations is the key. It is so important to this all. Thanks and blessings to you,
and again, great job. Hope you are still in the fight and are enjoying ‘the show’ that’s
going down. PEACE!


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