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Construction and Standardization of Perceived Parenting Style Scale

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International Journal of Information Movement Vol.

2 Issue VI (October 2017)

Website: ISSN: 2456-0553 (online) Pages 110-113

Meenu Sethi
D.D.Jain College of Education, Ludhiana

Dr. Seema Chopra

GHGH College of Education,

Abstract:This paper describes the construction and standardization of a measure of perceived parenting style.
Baumrind (1971) proposed four parenting styles namely authoritative, authoritarian and permissive. These were
taken as basic consideration for the development of the scale. In the scale three dimensions as authoritarian,
democratic and negligent were taken. The final 39 items were drafted by passing through the procedure of
expert checking, preliminary try out and final try out. The scale has the Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficient
for Authoritarian = 0.79, Democratic=0.85, Negligent= 0.87. Construct validity and discriminant validity was
also worked out.
Keywords:Perceived parenting style, adolescents, reliability, and validity.
1.0 Introduction:
Family is considered as the first school for young adolescents and parents are the powerful role models. Various
factors like changing lifestyle, working couples, nuclear families are putting tremendous pressure on the parents
these days. Once the time was there when the fathers used to go out for the work and mothers would stay at
home to take care of their adolescent needs and to do the household chores. However, current lifestyle has
created the situation that the couple is to share the financial burden together. For this they are to maintain a
balance of various activities. Parenting now has become a herculean task. Parents are facing paucity of time to
interact with the children from their long busy schedules. Adolescents complain that parents usually pampered
them by providing latest gadgets, but they have no time to play and talk with them. This situation is leading to
development of adamant adolescents. The complex lifestyle of today has really affected the parenting style.
Researchers have conducted a great deal of research on parent child interactions since 1966. Baumrind in 1966
developed parenting style i.e. authoritative, authoritarian and permissive. In 1983 Maccoby and Martin modified
the prototype by adding that there are enough differences in the permissive styles of parenting and one category
i.e. permissive indulgent and permissive rejecting/ neglecting. Inspite of the revision suggested by Maccoby and
Martin (1983) much of the research on parenting style has continued to employ Baumrind (1971) concept of
parenting and Buri’s (1991) measure based on three parenting styles.
 Research Scholar, Department of Education, Panjab University, Chandigarh.
 Associate Professor, G.H.G. Harparkash College of Education, SidhwanKhurd, Ludhiana.

Authoritative: This is the most widely effective and beneficial parenting style. Parents are not restrictive, highly
responsive, affectionate and assertive. The effect on children is that they are happy, successful, matured and
Authoritarian: This involves strict parenting. The parents are overtly strict, least responsive, demanding and give
no freedom. The children grown are fearful, aggressive, have low esteem and moody.
Permissive: Parents are not involved, not responding, lenient and not demanding. Children have growth like
neglectful, detached, not demanding and indifferent, unpredictable.

110 | P a g e
MeenuSethi&Dr.Seema Chopra:-Construction and Standardization of Perceived Parenting Style
International Journal of Information Movement Vol.2 Issue VI (October 2017)

Website: ISSN: 2456-0553 (online) Pages 110-113

Steinberg (2001) Parenting is associated with healthy adolescent development and provides a balance between
affection and support and an appropriate degree of parental control in managing adolescent behavior.
Wargo (2007) A warm but firm approach to parenting allows teens to be independent within, developmentally
appropriate parental limits and boundaries.
Asghari and Besharat (2011) Perceived parenting style is an opinion of adolescences or children about styles of
parental behavior during their childhood.
2.0 Preparation of Scale:
2.1 Target Population:The scale is meant to know the perceived parenting style of Indian adolescents
studying in plus one and plus two class.
2.2 Test Items: All the test items are prepared in statement form. Students are to answer all the items to reveal
their feelings. There are three response categories for each statement i.e. always, sometimes, never.
3.0 Preparation of Preliminary Draft of the Scale
To prepare the preliminary draft of the scale, review of related literature and available tests were consulted, on
the basis of which a list of 80 statements distributed over the three areas was Authoritarian, Democratic and
Neglecting were pooled, The first draft containing 80 items was provided to 12 experts in field of education
with a request to review the statements and evaluate their content accuracy and coverage, their repetition,
editorial quality with suggestion for additions, deletions and modifications of items. Looking into the consensus
of experts, preliminary draft of 66 items was finalized. Three dimensions described as:
Authoritarian: The upbringing style of parents is demanding in nature, no freedom is granted, no responsiveness,
very strict.
Democratic: Parents with this style of parenting give full freedom, responsive, involved with the activities of
children, affectionate and assertive.
Neglecting: Parents are too lenient, not responsive, not involved, not demanding in their upbringing style.
4.0 Pre-Try Out of Scale
Researcher then decided the layout of the scale that was 3 point likert scale. The students were given three
options always, sometimes, never. A sample of 100 students of KalghidharKhalsa Senior Secondary School was
taken for pre try out of test. During data collection proper rapport was established with the students. The
respondents were explained how to take the test. Every reasonable precaution was taken to ensure normal
conditions during the administration of the test.
5.0 Item Analysis:
In item analysis suitability of each item is seen statistically one by one. Item analysis is a set of procedures that
is applied to know the indices for the truthfulness of items. For the present test 27 percent upper and 27 percent
lower cases were considered for calculating difficulty value and discrimination value of each item. Kelley
(1939)showed that the product moment correlation between a test item score and the total score could be
estimated by using only the tails of the distribution and he also showed that the most efficient division to use
was the top and bottom 27 percent tails. This suggestion was followed. The valued test papers were arranged
from the highest score to the lowest score. The top 27 percent of the students were kept in one group. This was
the high group. The lowest 27 percent of the students were kept in the other group. This was the low group. The
middle group consisting of 46 percent of papers was kept aside since the two extreme groups high and low only
were needed for item analysis.
For calculating discriminating power (D.P.) of items following formulae were used
D.P. = U – L
U = Sum of all scores of a particular item responded by upper group
L = Sum of all scores of a particular item responded by lower group
N = Total Number of students in both the groups (54)

111 | P a g e
MeenuSethi&Dr.Seema Chopra:-Construction and Standardization of Perceived Parenting Style
International Journal of Information Movement Vol.2 Issue VI (October 2017)

Website: ISSN: 2456-0553 (online) Pages 110-113

Discrimination index was calculated. The statements having discrimination value 0.4 and more than this was
5.1 Scoring Method of the Scale:
To determine the score with the help of scale is very important. All the items are scored as 3, 2, 1 for always,
sometimes, never as response categories. Statements for which more than one response is given or no response
is given are scored zero marks.
5.2 Final Scale:
The selected 39 items were put in the final draft with the authoritarian, democratic, neglecting domains. Each
domain was having 13 items each.

Domains Items

Authoritarian 1, 4, 5, 11, 12, 18, 19, 24, 27, 28, 33, 34, 39

Democratic 2, 6, 9, 10, 13, 16, 17, 22, 23, 29, 30, 35, 38

Neglecting 3, 7, 8, 14, 15, 20, 21, 25, 26, 31, 32, 36, 37

5.3 Reliability of the Scale

Reliability means the accuracy of measurement of the scores. The test was administered to 100 school students.
The detailed instructions were given to them and the purpose of the test was made clear to them. The Cronbach
coefficient alpha of each of the three dimensions was found.

Table showing Cronbach’s Alpha Values for different dimensions of Perceived Parenting Style Scale

Type of Perceived Parenting Style Cronbach’s Alpha Value

Authoritarian 0.79
Democratic 0.85
Negligent 0.87
5.4 Validity of the Scale
Validity means the degree to which a test measures what it proposes to measure. Validity of a test must be
established before to put it into use and to make some predictions.

The test has construct validity as it was prepared and modified with the valuable and expert opinions of
intellectuals of education field. The test items were given to experts in the field of psychology, education and
sociology. They evaluated the accuracy of the items and finally 39 items were retained.

Discriminant Validity: Discriminant validity is expressed by intercorrelations of dimensions of the scale.

Domains Authoritarian Democratic Neglecting

Authoritarian 1 0.02 -0.31
Democratic 1 -0.42
Neglecting 1
Thetest was given to 120 students.Table Showing Intercorrelations among various dimensions of Perceived
Parenting Styles (N=120
6.0 References
1. Asghari, M.S. &Besharat, M.A. (2011).The relation of perceived parenting with emotional
intelligence.Procedia-social and behavioral sciences.30, 231-235.
2. Baumrind, D. (1966). Effects of Authoritative Parental Control on Child Behavior, ChildDevelopment,
37(4), 887-907

112 | P a g e
MeenuSethi&Dr.Seema Chopra:-Construction and Standardization of Perceived Parenting Style
International Journal of Information Movement Vol.2 Issue VI (October 2017)

Website: ISSN: 2456-0553 (online) Pages 110-113

3. Baumrind, D. (1971). Current patterns of parental authority. Developmental PsychologyMonograph,
4(1), 103.
4. Baumrind, D. (1978). Parental disciplinary patterns and social competence in children. Youth and
society 9, 239–276.
5. Baumrind, D. (1991). Effective parenting during the early adolescent transition.Advances in family
research 2,55-57
6. Best, J. W. & Kahn, J. V. (1996). Research in Education. New Delhi :Prentice Hall of India.
7. Buri, J. (1991). Parental Authority Questionnaire. Journal of Personality Assessment, 57(1), 110-119.
8. Hurlock, E. B. (1950). Child development: New York, McGraw-Hill.
9. Kelley, T.I. (1939) Statistical methods in educational measurement. Journal of statistics and
operational research,9,17-24.
10. Sharma, R.A. (2005). Measurement, Evaluation and Statistics. Meerut: International Publishing House,
1, 48-83.
11. Steinberg, L. (2001). We know some things: adolescent-parent relationships in retrospect and prospect.
Journal of research on adolescence,11, 1-19.
12. Wargo, E. (2007). Adolescents and risk: helping young people make better choices. Retrieved on 08-
02-2015 from

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MeenuSethi&Dr.Seema Chopra:-Construction and Standardization of Perceived Parenting Style

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