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Description of Functions 10/2003 Edition

& simodrive
HLA Module
SIMODRIVE 611 digital
General 1
Configuration 2
Installation and Start-Up 3
Firmware Drive Functions 4
SINUMERIK 840D Hardware Drive Functions 5
SIMODRIVE 611 digital
Hydraulics Diagnostics 6
HLA module Peripherals/Accessories 7

Description of Functions Service 8

Hydraulics A

Valid for
Abbreviations B
Control Software Version Definition of Terms C
SINUMERIK 840DE (export version) 5, 6
SINUMERIK 840Di 2 References D
SINUMERIK 840DiE (export version) 2
EC Declaration of
Conformity E
Index F

10.03 Edition
SINUMERIK Documentation

Revision history

Brief details of this edition and previous editions are listed below.

The status of each edition is indicated by the code in the “Remarks” column.

Status code in the “Remarks” column:

A . . . . . New documentation.
B . . . . . Unmodified reprint with new order number
C . . . . . Revised version with new edition status.
If the technical subject matter shown on the page has changed compared to the
previous edition status, this is indicated by the changed edition status in the header
of the respective page.

Edition Order no. Remarks

02/99 6SN1197-0AB60-0BP0 A
08/99 6SN1197-0AB60-0BP1 C
04/00 6SN1197-0AB60-0BP2 C
10/03 6SN1197-0AB60-0BP3 C

This manual is supplied as part of the CD-ROM documentation (DOCONCD)

Edition Order no. Remarks
03/04 6FC5 298-7CA00-0BG3 C

MOTION-CONNECTr are registered trademarks of Siemens AG. Other names in this publication might be
trademarks whose use by a third party for his own purposes may violate the rights of the registered holder.

More information is available on the Internet at: Other functions not described in this documentation might be executable in the control. This does not, however, represent an
obligation to supply such functions with a new control or when

This document was created with Interleaf V 7 We have checked that the contents of this document correspond to
the hardware and software described. Nevertheless, differences
might exist and therefore we cannot guarantee that they are
The reproduction, transmission or use of this document or its completely identical. The information given in this publication is
contents is not permitted without express written authority. Offenders reviewed at regular intervals and any corrections that might be
will be liable for damages. All rights, including rights created by patent necessary are made in subsequent editions. We welcome all
grant or registration or a utility model or design, are reserved. recommendations and suggestions.
 Siemens AG, 1999-2004. All rights reserved Subject to change without prior notice

Order no. 6SN1197-0AB60-0BP3 Siemens Aktiengesellschaft.

Printed in Germany
Notes for the Reader

Structure of the The documentation for SIMODRIVE 611/SINUMERIK 840D is organized on the
documentation following levels:
S General Documentation
S Manufacturer/Service Documentation
S Electronic Documentation
The description of functions of the HLA module is part of the
For further information about the publications listed in the documentation over-
view and other available SIMODRIVE/SINUMERIK publications, please contact
your local Siemens sales office.
This Description of Functions does not purport to cover all details or variations
in equipment, nor to provide for every possible contingency to be met in con-
nection with installation, operation or maintenance.
The contents of this document shall neither become part of nor modify any prior
or existing agreement, commitment or relationship. The Sales Contract contains
the entire obligations of Siemens. The warranty contained in the contract be-
tween the parties is the sole warranty of Siemens. Any statements contained
herein do not create new warranties or modify the existing warranty.

Target group This documentation is intended for use by machine manufacturers and
servicing personnel who use the “HLA modules”.

Objective This Description of Functions provides the information required to configure and
start up the hydraulic drive module.

S Chapter 2 describes the procedures for configuring the electric and hydraulic

S Chapter 3 shows how the hydraulic drive is started up with the support of a
menu-driven user interface.

S The firmware and the HLA module hardware functionality are explained in
Chapters 4 and 5.

S Chapter 6 explains how to check and interpret status displays and alarms
(hydraulic diagnostics).

S Chapter 7 describes the accessories required, e.g. measuring systems and


S Appendix A contains general information and an explanation of the hydraulic

system functionality.

 Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved

SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition v
Preface 10.03

Hydraulics In this document, information about specific hydraulic functions
refers to functions provided by Bosch Rexroth AG.

How to use this The following guide information is provided to help you reference information in
manual this Description of Functions:

S General table of contents

S Header (as orientation aid):
- The top line of the header is the main section number
- The second line of the header is the subsection number

S Appendix with
- abbreviations, terms and references
- Glossary (index)

Definition of For the purpose of this manual and product labels, a “qualified person” is one
qualified persons who is familiar with the installation, mounting, start-up and operation of the
equipment and the hazards involved.

S Training or instruction/permit for connecting electric circuits and devices in

accordance with safety technology standards.

S Training and instruction in maintenance and use of adequate safety equip-

ment according to safety regulations.

S Trained in rendering first aid.

Software version The SW versions specified in this documentation refer to the SINUMERIK 840D
control system and the HLA module.
The Description of Functions applies only to the software versions specified.
When a new software version is released, the Description of Functions for that
version must be ordered.

 Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved

vi SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition
10.03 Preface

Explanation of

The following danger and warning concept is used in this document:

! This symbol appears whenever death, severe physical injury or substantial material damage
will occur if appropriate precautions are not taken.

! This symbol appears whenever death, severe physical injury or substantial material damage
may occur if appropriate precautions are not taken.

! This symbol appears whenever minor physical injury or material damage may occur if
appropriate precautions are not taken.

This warning (without warning triangle) indicates that material damage may occur if
appropriate precautions are not taken.

This warning indicates that an undesirable result or an undesirable state may occur if the
information is ignored.

In the context of this document, it is advisable to take note of the warning information.

 Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved

SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition vii
Preface 10.03

The hotline phone numbers appear in Chapter 8.
Should you have any questions about the documentation (suggestions, correc-
tions), please fax them to:
Fax: +49 (9131) 98-2176
Fax form: See the reply form at the end of the brochure

 Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved

viii SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition
10.03 Preface

Danger and warning notices

! Commissioning should not start until you have ensured that the machine
in which the components described here are to be installed complies with
Directive 98/37/EC.
Only appropriately qualified personnel may commission/start-up this
The personnel must take into account the information provided in the technical
customer documentation for the product, and be familiar with and observe the
specified danger and warning notices.
When electrical devices are operated, the electrical circuits automatically
conduct a dangerous voltage.
Dangerous mechanical movements may occur in the system during operation.
All work on the electrical system must be carried out when the system has
been disconnected from the power supply.

! Proper transportation, expert storage, installation and mounting, as well as
careful operation and maintenance are essential for this device to operate
correctly and reliably.
In addition to the danger and warning information provided in the technical
customer documentation, applicable national, local, and system-specific
regulations must be taken into account.
The information given in catalogs and quotations applies additionally to special
versions of machines and equipment.

! When attaching the connecting cables, you must ensure that:

S They must not be damaged

S They must not be stressed
S They cannot come into contact with rotating parts

As part of routine tests, the devices undergo a voltage test in accordance with
EN 50178. During voltage testing of electrical equipment on industrial
machines in accordance with EN 60204-1, Section 19.4, all SIMODRIVE
device connections must be disconnected/removed. This is necessary in order
to avoid damaging the SIMODRIVE devices.

 Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved

SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition ix
Preface 10.03

ESD notices Electrostatic Sensitive Devices

Components which can be destroyed by electrostatic discharge are individual

components, integrated circuits or boards which, when handled, tested or
transported, could be destroyed by electrostatic fields or electrostatic
discharge. These components are designated as ESDS (ElectroStatic
Discharge Sensitive Devices).
Handling of modules containing devices sensitive to electrostatic discharge:
S When handling components which can be destroyed by electrostatic
discharge, it must be ensured that personnel, the workstation and
packaging are well grounded,.
S As a general principle, electronic modules should only be touched if this is
absolutely unavoidable (owing to repair work, etc.).
S Touch components only if
- you are constantly grounded by an antistatic armband,
- you are wearing ESD boots or ESD boots with grounding strips in
conjunction with ESD flooring.
S Modules may be placed only on electrically conductive surfaces (table with
ESD top, conductive ESD foam plastic, ESD packing bags, ESD transport
S Keep modules away from visual display units, monitors or TV sets
(minimum distance from screen > 10 cm).
S Do not bring ESD-sensitive modules into contact with chargeable and
highly-insulating materials, such as plastic, insulating table tops or clothing
made of synthetic materials.
S Measurements on modules are allowed only if
- the measuring instrument is properly grounded (e.g. equipment
grounding conductor), or
- before measuring, with an isolated measuring instrument, the
measuring head is briefly discharged (e.g. touching a bare metal control
S Closed-loop control modules, option modules and memory submodules
may only be held by the front plate or on the board edges.

 Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved

x SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition
Table of Contents

1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-15
1.1 Typical applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-15
1.2 Comparison of electric and hydraulic drive systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-16
1.3 Structure of an electro-hydraulically-controlled drive axis . . . . . . . . 1-18
1.3.1 Machine guideway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-18
1.3.2 Cylinder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-19
1.3.3 Servo solenoid valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-19
1.3.4 Valve amplifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-19
1.3.5 Shutoff valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-19
1.3.6 Position measuring system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-19
1.3.7 SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-20
1.3.8 Hydraulic power unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-20
2 Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-21
2.1 Configuring steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-21
2.1.1 Procedure for configuring electrical components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-21
2.1.2 Procedure for configuring hydraulic components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-22
2.2 Integration in SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital . . . . . . . . 2-24
2.2.1 System overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-24
2.2.2 Required FW packages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-29
2.2.3 Hardware requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-29
2.3 Configuring the hydraulic drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-30
2.3.1 Cylinder selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-30
2.3.2 Selection of servo solenoid valves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-32
2.3.3 Selection of shutoff valves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-39
2.3.4 Natural frequency of the hydraulic drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-42
2.3.5 Hydraulic power unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-43
2.4 Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-45
2.4.1 Internal power supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-45
2.4.2 External power supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-45
2.4.3 Grounding concept/Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) . . . . . . . . 2-48
3 Installation and Start-Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-49
3.1 Overview of start-up process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-49
3.2 Drive configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-51
3.3 Modify drive machine data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-52
3.4 Valve selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-53
3.5 Cylinder selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-56
3.6 Mounting/supply data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-57
3.7 Measuring system data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-58
3.8 Modifying data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-59
3.9 Fine adjustment and optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-62

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SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition xi
Contents 10.03

3.9.1 Control direction, travel direction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-62

3.9.2 Offset adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-64
3.9.3 Velocity adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-65
3.9.4 Referencing data for HLA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-67
3.9.5 Controller optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-68
3.9.6 Controller adaptation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-73
3.9.7 Hydraulic/electrical interpolation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-74
3.10 File functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-75
3.11 Start-up functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-76
3.11.1 Measurement function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-77
3.11.2 Function generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-84
3.11.3 Circularity test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-88
3.11.4 Servo trace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-88
3.11.5 DAC parameter settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-89
3.12 User views . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-90
3.13 Display options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-91
3.14 Configuring an OEM valve list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-92
3.15 System variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-94
4 Firmware Drive Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-95
4.1 Block diagram of closed-loop control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-95
4.2 Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-97
4.2.1 Overview of functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-97
4.2.2 Parameter set changeover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-98
4.3 Closed-loop velocity control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-99
4.3.1 Velocity adaptation/feedforward control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-99
4.3.2 Velocity controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-106
4.3.3 Dynamic stiffness control (DSC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-114
4.4 Closed-loop force control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-115
4.4.1 Force limitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-117
4.4.2 Static friction injection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-118
4.4.3 Force controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-119
4.5 Manipulated voltage output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-124
4.5.1 Characteristic compensation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-124
4.5.2 Control output filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-130
4.5.3 Manipulated voltage limitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-132
4.6 Supply unit data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-133
4.7 Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-134
4.8 Cylinder drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-136
4.9 Drive data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-137
4.10 Position measuring system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-140
4.11 Pressure sensing system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-145
4.12 Terminals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-146
4.13 Monitoring functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-152

 Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved

xii SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition
10.03 Contents

4.13.1 Alarms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-152

4.13.2 Variable signaling functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-154
4.14 Service functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-159
4.14.1 Min/max display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-159
4.14.2 Monitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-160
4.14.3 Diagnostic machine data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-161
4.15 Parameters table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-165
5 Hardware Drive Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-175
5.1 Interface overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-175
5.1.1 Measuring system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-178
5.1.2 Pressure sensor system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-179
5.1.3 Servo solenoid valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-180
5.1.4 Terminals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-181
5.1.5 Test sockets (diagnostics) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-182
5.1.6 Bus interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-183
5.2 System environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-184
5.3 Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-185
5.3.1 Climatic and mechanical environmental conditions in operation . . . 5-185
5.3.2 Transport and storage conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-186
5.3.3 Stress caused by contaminants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-187
6 Hydraulics Diagnostics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-189
7 Peripherals/Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-219
7.1 Measuring systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-219
7.1.1 Encoders, linear scales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-219
7.1.2 Connection diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-222
7.2 BERO (X432) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-226
7.3 Pressure sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-227
7.3.1 Sensor equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-227
7.3.2 Connection diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-231
7.4 Connection diagrams for servo solenoid valves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-232
8 Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-237
8.1 Areas of responsibility at Siemens/Bosch Rexroth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-237
8.2 Hotline and contacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-238
A Hydraulics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-239
A.1 Servo solenoid valves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-239
A.1.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-239
A.1.2 Directly-controlled servo solenoid valves, sizes 6 and 10 . . . . . . . . A-247
A.1.3 Pilot-controlled servo solenoid valves, sizes 10 and 16 . . . . . . . . . . A-249
A.1.4 HR servo solenoid valves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-252
A.2 Cylinder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-254

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SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition xiii
Contents 10.03

B Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-257
C Definition of Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-259
D References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-261
D.1 Electrical applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-261
D.2 Hydraulic applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-274
E EC Declaration of Conformity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-275
F Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Index-279

 Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved

xiv SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition
General 1
1.1 Typical applications

Applications The NCU 573.2 of the SINUMERIK 840D is capable of handling axis configura-
tions of a maximum of 31 axes on up to 10 different channels. This functional
sophistication makes the SINUMERIK 840D an increasingly popular system for
the automation of rotary indexing machines. These machines are often highly
compact in design and frequently equipped with hydraulic axes (cylinders and
servo solenoid valves). The hydraulics (HLA) module provides a means of con-
trolling hydraulic axes directly from the SINUMERIK 840D system via the digital
drive bus.
The HLA module is a closed-loop control plug-in unit of the modular
SIMODRIVE 611 converter system mounted in a 50 mm carrier module
(universal empty housing).
The gating and closed-loop control electronics for operating controlled hydraulic
drives are integrated on the HLA module.
From the point of view of the manufacturer of modern servo solenoid valves, an
innovative step in the field of hydraulic drive systems has been taken by treating
electric and hydraulic drives as equal partners and integrating them into a stan-
dard NC.

Objective To place equal emphasis on the functional importance of both hydraulic and
electric drives and make them available as a combined system within an inter-
polating axis grouping.

S Firmware
The communications interface is compatible with the SIMODRIVE 611D
SRM(FDD)/ARM(MSD) for supported services. Code and data management
is analogous to the SIMODRIVE 611D SRM(FDD)/ARM(MSD). The hydrau-
lics software is stored as a separate program code in the control system.

S Hardware
The mode of integration into the SIMODRIVE 611 system is compatible with
the SIMODRIVE 611 digital SRM(FDD)/ARM(MSD). This basically involves
the following interfaces:
- Drive bus
- Device bus
- Power supply system

 Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved

SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition 1-15
1 General 10.03
1.2 Comparison of electric and hydraulic drive systems

1.2 Comparison of electric and hydraulic drive systems

Table 1-1 Comparison of electric and hydraulic drive systems

Criterion Electric direct drive Electric drive with Hydraulic drive

Power density / S Low weight and S Servomotor and leads- S Cylinder and servo sole-
space require-
S reduced spatial re- crew large and heavy. noid valve are light-weight

quirements of the S Problematic with lim- and compact.
electric part on the ited mounting space. S Transfer of E motor to
machine table. hydraulic power unit.
Mass inertia of Electric part on machine Servomotor and leads- Piston and piston rod have
moving parts table has low mass. crew have high mass mo- very low mass
ment of inertia.
Operational Service life depends in S Shock-sensitive. S Protected against overload
reliability, principle only on linear
service life guides.
S Service life limited by by pressure limitation.
leadscrew. S Sturdy, insensitive to
S Sudden failure shocks.
possible. S Cylinder seals and valve
control edges have long
service life.
S Warning of wear.
Servicing Simple replacement Expensive replacement S Simple error diagnosis
and repair of leadscrew by
S Simple replacement and
repair of valves and cylin-
Energy storage Peak requirement must Peak requirement must be S Compensation of energy
be installed as no storage installed as no storage is requirement peaks by hy-
is possible. possible. draulic accumulator.
S Rapid traverse in differen-
tial circuit.
S Reduction of installed ca-
Maximum Peak thrust per unit area Restriction with larger Practically unlimited
forces approx. 40 to 80 kN/m2 forces. (cylinderφ, pmax=700 bar)
Load stiffness Very good; S Elasticity under large S Oil compressibility is com-
Servo gain can be set to forces. pensated as a control
betw. 10-100 times
higher than on the other
S Elasticity of leadscrew function (I component).

two drives.
is largely compen- S Good zero overlap quality
sated as a control of valve ensures very high
function. rigidity under load.
maximum ve- Up to 500 m/min vmax=hs @ ωmax/2π 30...300 m/min
locity hs=thread lead (depending on which cylinder
ωmax=max. motor speed seal kit is used)
Maximum Unlimited v6m v3m
travel path
Collision Mechanically difficult Mechanically possible Mechanically possible

 Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved

1-16 SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition
10.03 1 General
1.2 Comparison of electric and hydraulic drive systems

Table 1-1 Comparison of electric and hydraulic drive systems

Criterion Electric direct drive Electric drive with Hydraulic drive

Noise Noise produced by Noise produced by servo- S Flow through valve may
linear guides motor and leadscrew produce noise.
S Pump noise on
hydraulic power unit.
Acceleration max. 45 g max. 1 g max. 2 g
Drive cooling Absolutely essential Required only at high Required in some cases, in
speeds power unit only
Sensitivity to High Low Low

Table 1-2 Analogy of characteristic data

Electric Hydraulic
Spindle speed -
Velocity Velocity
Current flowrate
DC link voltage System pressure
Power Flow rate @ Valve pressure differential
Transistor/power section Valve
Motor Drive cylinder

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SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition 1-17
1 General 02.99
1.3 Structure of an electro-hydraulically-controlled drive axis

1.3 Structure of an electro-hydraulically-controlled drive


SIMODRIVE 611 digital
with HLA module Servo solenoid value with
valve amplifier (OBE)

Machine guideway

Shutoff valve

Hydraulic power unit measuring

Fig. 1-1 Construction of an electro-hydraulically controlled drive axis

1.3.1 Machine guideway

Guide mechanism Hydrodynamic and hydrostatic slideways or roller slideways allow machine
slides and tables to move in straight lines with minimum friction and maximum

Friction A degree of friction can be very useful for damping oscillations.

However, excessive friction, especially pronounced transitions from static to
sliding friction, have a negative effect on the control result and impair the control
loop stability.

 Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved

1-18 SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition
10.03 1 General
1.3 Structure of an electro-hydraulically-controlled drive axis

1.3.2 Cylinder

Construction The cylinder represents the simplest form of linear motor and can be integrated
easily into the machine guide. The cylinder normally has a piston rod at one

Quality criteria The following are critical quality criteria:

S The surface quality of barrel and piston rod and
S The seals and guides (low-friction, servo quality...).

1.3.3 Servo solenoid valve

Task This is the final control element in the closed control loop and forms the electro-
hydraulic converter.

Function The valve steplessly converts electrical signals into a hydraulic flow.
Its quality is defined by static and dynamic parameters, such as
S Zero overlap
S Hysteresis
S Limit frequency, etc.

1.3.4 Valve amplifier

This circuit contains the power electronics for the solenoid in the servo solenoid
valve which adjusts the valve spool position.
The position controller in the valve amplifier (on-board electronics - OBE) con-
trols the position of the valve spool proportionally to the output value
(U=0..."10 V).

1.3.5 Shutoff valve

Shut-off valves are used to add safety functions to a valve control with servo
solenoid valve. Shut-off valves can prevent uncontrolled motion of the cylinder.

1.3.6 Position measuring system

Task The position measuring system supplies the actual value for the position of the
moving machine element.

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SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition 1-19
1 General 02.99
1.3 Structure of an electro-hydraulically-controlled drive axis

Function The speed is acquired by continuous differentiation of the distance over time.
Various systems are available depending on the level of accuracy required.
The highest accuracy requirements are fulfilled by digital systems (glass scale
with photoelectric evaluation circuit) mounted directly on the machine.
The most widely used digital incremental systems require a reference point ap-
proach at the beginning of a machining operation.

1.3.7 SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital

SINUMERIK controls and SIMODRIVE drive systems are specially designed for
machine tools, manipulators and special-purpose machines.
The numerical control processes the machine program and converts it into con-
trol commands. It also monitors command execution continuously.
The control structures for the electrohydraulic control loop and the interfaces to

S the shutoff valve,

S the servo solenoid valve,
S the position measuring system and
S the central arithmetic logic unit
are all provided by the HLA module.
The HLA module is an integral component of the SINUMERIK 840D and
SIMODRIVE 611 digital systems.
A range of different NCU modules with graded scope of functions is provided to
allow the SINUMERIK 840D system to be tailored to the varying functional re-
quirements of machines. The control can therefore be optimally adapted to indi-
vidual machines and machining applications and is suitable for equipping stan-
dardized machine series.

1.3.8 Hydraulic power unit

This unit supplies hydraulic energy.

It is installed at a distance from the drive axis. Accumulators are employed to
compensate for strongly fluctuating hydraulic energy requirements and to mini-
mize the installed power.

 Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved

1-20 SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition
Configuration 2
2.1 Configuring steps

2.1.1 Procedure for configuring electrical components

The procedure for configuring an HLA module is divided into steps in such a
way that the user is guided through the full range of relevant settings, from the
required force, to the hydraulics components, and finally the HLA and its en-
coder evaluation circuitry. This initial configuring phase may be followed by a
second in some cases, in which the corresponding circuit recommendations
and EMC measures are taken into account.
The functions of SIMODRIVE components are described with keywords in this
Planning Guide. Limit values for functions may be specified in some cases.
For further details (e.g. characteristics), please refer to the Installation and
Start-Up Guides for SIMODRIVE 611 digital and SINUMERIK 840 digital.
Further configuring instructions and detailed ordering information can be found
in Catalogs NC 60 and NC Z.

Phase 1
Selection of hydraulic Section 2.3
and publication from Bosch Rexroth AG
Dimensioning of incoming Section 2.2
mains supply
and publication 6SN1197-0AA00
Dimensioning of
power modules Section 2.2
and publication 6SN1197-0AA00
Dimensioning of external
power supply Section 2.4

Dimensioning of closed- Chapter 4

loop control components

Dimensioning of position Section 7.1

sensor (measuring system)

Fig. 2-1 Configuring steps in start-up sequence

 Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved

SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition 2-21
2 Configuration 10.03
2.1 Configuring steps

Phase 2
Recommended circuits
EMC measures Section 2.4

Block diagrams/
Section 2.2
connection diagrams

terms and index

Fig. 2-2 2. configuring phase

2.1.2 Procedure for configuring hydraulic components

Hydraulically controlled drives are normally configured by the technical sales

and marketing personnel of the hydraulics supplier (e.g. Bosch
Rexroth, see Chapter 8) in close co-operation with the machine manufacturer.
This configuring phase is divided into the following steps:

S Selection of the cylinder on the basis of forces and velocities required and
the cylinder mounting conditions in the machine
(see Subsection 2.3.1).

S Selection of the servo solenoid valves on the basis of the cylinder data,
forces, velocities and dynamic requirements (see Subsection 2.3.2, 2.3.3).

S Selection of the position measuring system and optionally the pressure sen-
sors with regard to the measuring range, accuracy and linearity (see Section
7.1, 7.3).

S Dimensioning of the hydraulic power unit, taking all loads into account (see
Subsection 2.3.5).

S Calculation of the natural frequency of the drive for an initial assessment of

whether the expected control result can be achieved (see Subsection 2.3.4).

S In difficult cases, it may be worthwhile carrying out a dynamic simulation of

the drive as an aid to configuration.
The basic data required to design a system are obtained from a question-

 Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved

2-22 SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition
10.03 2 Configuration
2.1 Configuring steps

Questionnaire Design of hydraulic NC axes

Hydraulic NC axes

Dimensioning of systems with linear motions

Company: Contact person:

Address: Department:



Axis: Function/designation:
Straight-cut control: Continuous-path control:

Drive specification

Cylinder dimensions [mm] Accuracy requirements

Piston diameter: Positioning precision [µm]
1st rod diameter: from rapid traverse:
2nd rod diameter: from feedrate:
Stroke: Path accuracy:
Cylinder mounting position: Velocity tolerance

Connection: Position measuring incremental,

Valve - cylinder system output signal ...
Pipe/hose length [mm]: Make:
Pipe/hose diameter [mm]: Type:
Moved mass [kg]: Other:
Machining forces [N] Resolution [µm]:
Piston advance:
Piston retraction:
Slide guide friction Numerical control
µ: Make: SIEMENS
FR [N]: Type: 840D
Pump pressure [bar]:
Velocities [m/min]
Rapid traverse advance:
Rapid traverse retract:
Machining feed advance:
Machining feed retract:
Acceleration rates [m/s2]
Max. acceleration:
Max. delay:

Processed by: Dept.: No. of pages: Date:

 Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved

SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition 2-23
2 Configuration 02.99
2.2 Integration in SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital

2.2 Integration in SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital

2.2.1 System overview

Components A complete SINUMERIK 840 digital control system with HLA module consists of
various individual components. These are listed below.
Table 2-1 Components of SINUMERIK 840 digital control with HLA module (number,
component, description) Component Description

O NCU box S Enclosure for NC CPU
B NC CPU S Central processing unit of 840D
S Execution of NC program,
S Contains modules with e.g. PLC, communications
S NCU 573.2 includes a fan module
B1 Cable distributor S For insertion in NCU
C1) Operator panel S Display, keyboard, power supply unit and
operator controls for NC
D1) MMC module S Operator panel calculator (integrated in panel),
S MMC 103 with hard disk
I Mains supply module References: /PJ1/ SIMODRIVE 611
F1) Machine control panel S Machine operation
G11) ISA adapter S Allows AT modules to be used in conjunction with
the MMC module MMC103 (mounted in operator
Full CNC keyboard S Full keyboard for connection to MMC module

G3 Memory card (PCMCIA) S Contains the system program,

S can be slotted into the NCU 561.2, 571.2, 572.2,
G4 Diskette unit (accessory) S Built-in unit for connection to MMC module
H1 to Cable References: /Z/, Catalog of Accessories NC Z
H10 Cable See Chapter 7, Peripherals/Accessories
I SIMODRIVE hydraulics S Closed-loop control of hydraulic drive
module (HLA module) S Actuation of servo solenoid valve
50 mm carrier module Holder for HLA closed-loop control plug-in module
(universal empty housing) (see Fig. 2-6)
I1 Phoenix cable connection S Shutoff valve
S External 24 V supply
S BERO input
S “Power enable”
J SIMATIC components References: /S7H/, Manual
K Terminator Terminator for drive bus (inserted in last module in
drive grouping)

 Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved

2-24 SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition
10.03 2 Configuration
2.2 Integration in SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital

Table 2-1 Components of SINUMERIK 840 digital control with HLA module (number,
component, description) Component Description

L1) Handheld unit S Connect HHU to K bus via MPI
S Handwheel, EMERGENCY STOP button, key-ac-
tuated switch, override, agreement buttons, dis-
play, unassigned keys
M1) Distribution box S For linking the hand-held unit to the MPI bus
S Connection for EMERGENCY STOP circuit, en-
able keys, handwheel, 24 V DC
N Cable distributor S 24V supply for connection to MPI connector
O Hydraulic Drive References:
/BR1/, “Servo solenoid valves” catalog
/BR2/, “Sensors and electronics” catalog
/BR3/, “Adapter plate valves” catalog
P External 24 V supply S SITOP stabilized power supply modules

References: SITOP catalog

Order No. E860060-K2410-A101-A4

1) A description of these components can be found in:

References: /BH/, Operator Components Manual

An HLA module must never be operated directly on a SIMODRIVE monitoring
module, i.e. it must always be connected via a mains infeed module.
For information about connecting further additional SIMODRIVE monitoring
modules in configurations with several HLA modules, please refer to the
Planning Guide for SIMODRIVE 611 Converters /PJU/.
In a multi-tier configuration, all the infeed supply units must be connected

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SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition 2-25
2 Configuration 02.99
2.2 Integration in SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital


J G1





I1 O
Device bus
I Position sensing
H12 Pressure sensor A
H2 Battery and plug-in fan
unit Pressure sensor B
Digital I/O
H9 (high-speed NC I/O)

Servo solenoid
ment (2x) valve

Handwheel BERO
(2x) (1x of M) inputs
SITOP power Shutoff valve
(external PS)

External 26.5 V Note:
supply Display of hydraulics for one axis

Fig. 2-3 System components

 Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved

2-26 SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition
10.03 2 Configuration
2.2 Integration in SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital

Servo solenoid Servo solenoid valve


O Pressure Pressure sensor A O

sensor A
B Pressure Pressure sensor B B
sensor B
Position sensing Position sensing

Shutoff valve Shutoff valve

Hydraulic drive, axis 1 Hydraulic drive, axis 2

Axis 1 HLA Axis 2



Position Position
measuring measuring
system system
-X1 12
-X1 11

Pressure sensor Pressure sensor



Servo solenoid Servo solenoid

valve valve

X431 X432


M Functional ground M Functional ground1)

PV1 + Shutoff valve, axis 1 PV2 + Shutoff valve, axis 2
MV1 - MV2 -
C1 Reserved, do not use! C2 Reserved, do not use!


P24 + External 26.5 V supply B1 BERO input, axis 1

M24 - 19 Internal 0 V enabling voltage
663 Power enable at term. 663 B2 BERO input, axis 2
9 Internal +24 V enabling voltage 9 Internal +24 V enabling voltage

Drive bus Drive bus/drive bus terminator on last

Device bus interface (X151)

1) Only required if external 26.5 V is not electrically separated safely!

Fig. 2-4 Connection configuration for HLA module

 Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved

SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition 2-27
2 Configuration 02.99
2.2 Integration in SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital

Relay contact, NC
Ready to operate contact 73.1
message 73.2 X111
contact 72
Relay contact for group message 5.3
I2t and motor overtemperature 5.2
Power disable 63
Enabling voltage 9 X121
Enabling voltage 9
Drive enable 64
Reference potential for enable voltage 19
P24 7
P15 45
N15 44
N24 10 X141
M 15
M 15
RESET (R+term.15) R

Enabling voltage 9
Setup mode 112
Contactor energization, start 48
Signaling contact, 111 X161
line contactor 113
NS1 X171
Enabling signal for internal line contactor NS2
AS1 X172
Signaling contact for starting lockout (NC contact)

LED displays

DC link power supply for bridging line failures M500
Electronics power supply from external source 2U1
1U1 X181
Electronics power supply from external source 2V1 Device bus
Electronics power supply from external source 2W1


DC link
LED displays M600
5 V voltage level
Electronics power Red Red fault
supply faulty
Device ready
Device is not ready, Green Yellow (DC link
no enable signal precharged)
(term. 63, 64 or 48)
Red Red DC link
Line fault overvoltage

1) Jumpers inserted in delivery state Power supply

U1 V1 W1 X131 PE

Fig. 2-5 Interfaces on mains supply module (OI and I/RF module)

 Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved

2-28 SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition
10.03 2 Configuration
2.2 Integration in SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital

Mounting the HLA

closed-loop control
plug-in module

50 mm carrier module
(universal empty housing)
Shield connection (6SN1162-1AA00-0AA0)

HLA closed-loop control plug-in

module (6SN1115-0BA11-0AA1)

Slotted screw
M3 / 0.8 Nm


M4 / 1.8 Nm
Order No.

Rating plate/Order No.

Slotted screw
M3 / 0.8 Nm M5 / 3.0 Nm

Fig. 2-6 Mounting the HLA closed-loop control plug-in module in 50 mm carrier module (universal empty housing)

2.2.2 Required FW packages

including SIMODRIVE 611 digital HLA module w1.0

2.2.3 Hardware requirements

S NCU 561.2, 571.2, 572.2, 573.2

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SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition 2-29
2 Configuration 10.03
2.3 Configuring the hydraulic drive

2.3 Configuring the hydraulic drive

General Hydraulic drives are generally configured by technical sales personnel from the
hydraulics supplier, Rexroth.
The configuration is based on the data from the questionnaire in
Subsection 2.1.2 .
Please refer to Appendix A for a description of hydraulic components.
The hydraulic drive is configured in the sequence of steps described below.

2.3.1 Cylinder selection

Piston and rod The piston and rod diameters are calculated according to Pascal’s theorem on
diameter the basis of the necessary compressive and tensile forces F and a standard
pressure value of P=40...100 bar for machine tools (a maximum pressure set-
ting of 350 bar is permitted).

The force value calculation must include friction and acceleration forces
as well as the actual feed force. Pistons and rods with the following standard
diameter dimensions are available:

Table 2-2 Typical cylinder data

Description Diameter
Piston ∅ 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125
Rod ∅ Standard 12 14 18 22 28 36 45 56
Rod ∅ Optional 18 22 28 36 45 56 70 90

Stroke length The stroke is identical to the working stroke of the drive except that
it includes a few additional safety reserves.

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2-30 SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition
10.03 2 Configuration
2.3 Configuring the hydraulic drive

Mounting In order to ensure good control quality, backlash-free mountings, e.g. base or
flange mountings, must be used.

Flange mounting
Flange at front
Ì ÌÌ Flange at rear

Base mounting
Fig. 2-7 Cylinder mounting methods

Mounting position This is will depend on the machine’s situation and affects the choice of shutoff
valves (see Subsection 2.3.3). Vertical loads must be protected via poppet
valves. Forces due to weight must be taken into account in the final calculation
of the operating pressure (MD 5151: CYLINDER_A_ORIENTATION).
See Fig. 4-17 in Section 4.9 for the possible cylinder mounting positions.

Seal, friction Suitable seals must be used to minimize friction. Transitions from static to slid-
ing friction have a particularly adverse affect on the control result.
The slide guide friction must be added to the cylinder friction. A friction com-
pensation setting has been provided in the HLA module (MD 5460:
FRICTION_COMP_GRADIENT) for the purpose of counteracting initial friction.

Cylinder pipes The distance between the cylinder and servo solenoid valve must be kept as
short as possible for the sake of the drive’s natural frequency (compressibility of
the oil volume). In ideal cases, the servo solenoid valve is flange-mounted
directly on the cylinder.

Position The incremental and absolute position measuring systems supported by the
measuring system HLA module are mounted on the machine slide. It is also possible to use posi-
tion measuring systems (SSI encoders) integrated in the cylinder.

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2 Configuration 10.03
2.3 Configuring the hydraulic drive

2.3.2 Selection of servo solenoid valves

References: /BR1/, “Servo solenoid valves” catalog
Valve types The HLA module supports servo solenoid valves with on-board electronics
(overview) (OBE) supplied by Bosch Rexroth AG. The technical data for these valves and
valves supplied by other manufacturers is stored in the HLA module software.
The drive is parameterized automatically when the order number is entered.
The following table lists the various types of servo solenoid valve and HR (=
High Response) servo solenoid valves available from Bosch Rexroth AG.
For a complete list, please see Tables 2-4 to 2-10.
Table 2-3 Overview of servo solenoid and HR servo solenoid valves from Bosch Rexroth AG

Title Nomi- Nominal flowrate (l/min) curve Limit fre-

nal for nominal pressure drop quency
size per control edge (bar) 1) (Hz)

4WRPEH 6 up to 40 / 35 bar linear and 110

(directly-controlled with knee
servo solenoid valve)

10 up to 100 / 35 bar linear and 85

with knee

10 up to 70 / 5 bar with knee 40

servo solenoid valve)

16 up to 150 / 5 bar with knee 40

6 up to 40 / 35 bar linear and 210

4WRPEH with knee
HR servo solenoid valve)

10 up to 70 / 35 bar with knee 80

HR servo solenoid valve)

16 up to 150 / 5 bar with knee 80

1) The characteristic values specified for the valve limit frequencies relate to an amplitude of "5% and a
phase offset in the Bode diagram of -90°, see also data in catalog supplied by Bosch Rexroth AG.

 Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved

2-32 SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition
10.03 2 Configuration
2.3 Configuring the hydraulic drive

The choice of valve for a particular application is made with reference to the
following criteria.

Servo solenoid or HR (High Response) valves are characterized by their improved dynamic qual-
HR servo solenoid ity, i.e. by a higher limit frequency compared to servo solenoid valves. They
valves react with greater sensitivity to setpoint changes especially in the small-signal
range. The use of HR servo solenoid valves is recommended in the following
1. When extremely high contour precision is required in high-speed continu-
ous-path control machining operations.
2. When very high response sensitivity is required to achieve the best possible
positioning accuracy.
Note that HR servo solenoid valves do not generally have a fail-safe position.
The connector is also 12-pin, rather than 7-pin as with servo solenoid valves.

Valve size The valve size is determined by the maximum flowrate QX. This maximum flow-
rate is calculated according to the law of flow:
QX=v @ A

v: Maximum drive speed for extension and retraction

A: associated cylinder surface area
The calculated maximum flow rate must not exceed the limit for use of the
valve. This limit is generally specified in the catalog by the valve manufacturer
(e.g. Rexroth: /BR1/, “Servo solenoid valves” catalog).
Within the limits for use, the flow rate that can be achieved with the valve is cal-
culated by
Q=Qnom @ p

In practice, the cylinder speeds that can actually be achieved depend on the
operating pressure, the load pressure and flow-specific characteristics of the
drive. The dimensioning is left to the hydraulic configuration engineer, who has
access to a number of design calculation and simulation programs.

Linear/knee-shape Values with either a linear or knee-shaped characteristic can be selected.

d flowrate The latter are suitable for obtaining a higher resolution in the low signal range
characteristic (machining) and sufficient flow in the high signal range (rapid traverse).
The definition of the knee-point position as 40% or 60% means that only 10% of
the nominal opening cross-section (nominal flowrate) is released at 40% or 60%
of the nominal control signal (i.e. at U=4 V or 6 V).
The knee-shaped characteristic of the valve must be linearized in the HLA mod-
ule to adapt it to the closed-loop control of the entire drive (cylinder).

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2 Configuration 10.03
2.3 Configuring the hydraulic drive

Q/Qnom Q/Qnom

Valve characteristic
Rapid traverse
10% 10% characteristic
U/Unom U/Unom
40% 40%
Machining velocity compensation

Fig. 2-8 Diagram of a knee-shaped servo solenoid valve characteristic and its correction in the HLA module

Recommended selection:
Servo solenoid valves are generally recommended for applications where there
is a clear separation between machining operation and rapid traverse.

Asymmetrical It is a good idea to use valves with asymmetrical restriction cross-sections for
flowrate differential cylinders or for cylinders that are not arranged horizontally and move
characteristics large loads. This improves the hydraulic clamping of the cylinder and adjusts
the controlled system gain of the hydraulic servo-drive for both directions of





Fig. 2-9 Asymmetrical characteristics

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2-34 SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition
10.03 2 Configuration
2.3 Configuring the hydraulic drive

Fail-safe position Directly-controlled servo solenoid valves have a fail-safe position, i.e. the control
spool moves to a safe position when the valve is disconnected from the power
supply. The fail-safe position is either “closed” (A, B, P, T disabled) or “open” (A,
B and T connected and P disabled). It should be noted that the “crossed”
switching position is necessarily passed when the valve is switched on and off,
and there can be temporary responses from the cylinder at these moments.
Separate shut-off valves are therefore required in order to implement safety
functions, such as a totally safe cylinder stop.
Pilot-controlled servo solenoid valves, pilot-controlled HR servo solenoid valves
and directly-controlled HR servo solenoid valves do not have a fail-safe position
and thus do not have a safe basic position when switched off. Any safety func-
tions nmust therefore be implemented via separate shut-off valves.

Fail-safe closed Fail-safe open



Fig. 2-10 Fail-safe position in the valve graphical symbol

Pin assignments A distinction must be made between servo solenoid valves and HR servo sole-
noid valves.

S Servo solenoid valves (directly and pilot-actuated): 7-pin round connector

2.5 AF
O +24 V=
B 0V Supply
C 0V Reference point for actual
D valve spool value
I Setpoint 0..."10 V
F Sign.
10k Actual value spool value

Fig. 2-11 Connector pin assignment on servo solenoid valves

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SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition 2-35
2 Configuration 10.03
2.3 Configuring the hydraulic drive

S HR servo solenoid valves (directly and pilot-controlled); 12-pin round


2.5 AF
+24 V=
0V Output stage supply

+UB 1 24 V
2 enabling of
4 Setpoint 0..."10 V
100k Sign.
10k 0V Actual value spool value
8 24 V
9 Enable acknowledgement
10 +24 V =/v0.5 A
11 0V Electronics supply
24 V
Error message

Fig. 2-12 Connector assignment for HR servo solenoid valves

Preferred range The following tables list all the servo solenoid valves and HR servo solenoid
of servo solenoid valves supplied by Bosch Rexroth AG for which technical data is stored in the
valves HLA module.

Table 2-4 NG6 directly-controlled servo solenoid valves; model code 4WRPEH 6

HLA Rexroth Qnom Character- No. of Graphic symbol Rexroth

code order num- (l/min) for istic kneep- connec- catalog
no. ber np / edge oint (%) tor pins
= 35 bar
9 0 811 404 600 4 Linear. 7-pin O B /BR1/
10 0 811 404 601 12 Linear.
11 0 811 404 602 24 Linear.
12 0 811 404 603 40 Linear.
13 0 811 404 610 4 Linear. O B
14 0 811 404 611 12 Linear.
15 0 811 404 612 24 Linear.
16 0 811 404 613 40 Linear.
17 0 811 404 642 15 60 O B
18 0 811 404 747 25 60

19 0 811 404 644 40 40 P T

20 0 811 404 645 15 60 O B

21 0 811 404 646 25 60

22 0 811 404 647 40 40 P T

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2-36 SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition
10.03 2 Configuration
2.3 Configuring the hydraulic drive

Table 2-4 NG6 directly-controlled servo solenoid valves; model code 4WRPEH 6

HLA Rexroth Qnom Character- No. of Graphic symbol Rexroth

code order num- (l/min) for istic kneep- connec- catalog
no. ber np / edge oint (%) tor pins
= 35 bar
23 0 811 404 648 A:40; B:201) 40 7-pin O B /BR1/

24 0 811 404 649 A:40; B:201) 40 O B


Table 2-5 NG10 directly-controlled servo solenoid valves; model code 4WRPEH 10

HLA Rexroth Qnom Character- No. of Graphic symbol Rexroth

code order num- (l/min) for istic kneep- connec- catalog
no. ber np / edge = oint (%) tor pins
35 bar
41 0 811 404 800 50 Linear. 7-pin O B /BR1/

42 0 811 404 801 100 Linear.

43 0 811 404 802 50 Linear. O B

44 0 811 404 803 100 Linear.

45 0 811 404 822 50 40 O B

46 0 811 404 823 100 40

47 0 811 404 824 50 40 O B

48 0 811 404 825 100 40

49 0 811 404 826 A:50; B:251) 40 O B

50 0 811 404 827 A:100; 40

B:501) P T
51 0 811 404 828 A:50; B:251) 40 O B

52 0 811 404 829 A:100; 40


1) Asymmetrical characteristic

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2 Configuration 10.03
2.3 Configuring the hydraulic drive

Table 2-6 NG10 pilot-controlled servo solenoid valves; model code 4WRLE 10

HLA Rexroth Qnom Character- No. of Graphic symbol Rexroth

code order num- (l/min) for istic kneep- connec- catalog
no. ber np / edge = oint (%) tor pins
5 bar
25 0 811 404 686 40 40 7-pin O B /BR1/
26 0 811 404 687 70 40
27 0 811 404 688 A:40; B:201) 40 X P T Y
28 0 811 404 689 A:70; B:401) 40

Table 2-7 NG16 pilot-controlled servo solenoid valves; model code 4WRLE 16

HLA Rexroth Qnom Character- No. of Graphic symbol Rexroth

code order num- (l/min) for istic kneep- connec- catalog
no. ber np / edge = oint (%) tor pins
5 bar
1 0 811 404 263 90 40 7-pin O B /BR1/
2 0 811 404 264 150 40
3 0 811 404 265 A:90; B:501) 40 X P T Y
4 0 811 404 266 A:150; 40

Table 2-8 NG6 directly-controlled HR servo solenoid valves; model code 4WRREH 6

HLA Rexroth Qnom Character- No. of Graphic symbol Rexroth

code order num- (l/min) for istic kneep- connec- catalog
no. ber np / edge = oint (%) tor pins
35 bar
33 0 811 404 720 40 Linear. 12-pin O B /BR1/
34 0 811 404 721 24 Linear. HRV - Size 6

35 0 811 404 722 12 Linear.

36 0 811 404 723 8 Linear.
37 0 811 404 725 15 60
38 0 811 404 726 25 60
39 0 811 404 727 40 40
40 0 811 404 728 A:40; B:201) 40

Table 2-9 NG10 pilot-controlled HR servo solenoid valves; model code 4WRVE 10

HLA Rexroth Qnom Character- No. of Graphic symbol Rexroth

code order num- (l/min) for istic kneep- connec- catalog
no. ber np / edge = oint (%) tor pins
5 bar
29 0 811 404 693 40 40 12-pin O B /BR1/
30 0 811 404 694 70 40
31 0 811 404 695 A:40; B:201) 40
32 0 811 404 696 A:70; B:401) 40

1) Asymmetrical characteristic

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10.03 2 Configuration
2.3 Configuring the hydraulic drive

Table 2-10 NG16 pilot-controlled HR servo solenoid valves; model code 4WRVE 16

HLA Rexroth Qnom Character- No. of Graphic symbol Rexroth

code order num- (l/min) for istic kneep- connec- catalog
no. ber np / edge = oint (%) tor pins
5 bar
5 0 811 404 296 90 40 12-pin O B /BR1/
6 0 811 404 297 150 40
7 0 811 404 298 A:90; B:501) 40
8 0 811 404 299 A:150; 40

1) Asymmetrical characteristic

2.3.3 Selection of shutoff valves

References:/BR3/, “Adapter plate valves” catalog

General The shutoff valves are automatically enabled and disabled in the correct switch-
ing sequence by the HLA module.
Start condition: The hydraulic pressure must be available before
the system is switched on.

! In the event of sudden failure (e.g. open circuit) of the external 24 V supply, an
axial storage capacitor on the HLA module provides energy to supply the servo
solenoid valve until such time as the pressure supply for a configured shutoff
valve is disabled.
The machine manufacturer must verify the interaction between valves, making
allowance for all tolerances in the controlled system.
The energy content of the storage capacitors is dependent upon

S the tolerances of the capacitors,

S the voltage level of the external supply and
S the charging time of the integrated capacitors (instant of voltage failure).
The available response time is mainly defined by

S the power required for the current machining step,

S the response time of the shutoff valves and
S the trip threshold of the servo solenoid valves.

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2 Configuration 10.03
2.3 Configuring the hydraulic drive

Examples Figure 2-13 shows an electrically-switched sandwich-type shut-off valve used to

shut off the system pressure at the servo solenoid valve.
Interruption of the hydraulic power circuit upstream of the servo solenoid valve
is sufficient to meet simple safety requirements. When a servo solenoid valve in
the closed fail-safe position is switched off, then approximate shut-off of the con-
sumer connections with respect to the cylinder is guaranteed.
There are some safety limitations, however, since the servo solenoid valve’s
fail-safe position is not totally free of leakage oil, and thus does not work without
some cylinder drift. In addition, when the servo solenoid valve is switched on
and off, the “crossed” position is necessarily passed, which can result in cylin-
der movement.

b solenoid

a Shut-off valve
P T B O switched)

Fig. 2-13 A typical example for an electrically-controlled shut-off valve

The circuit in Figure 2-14 achieves a high level of safety. In this case, an addi-
tional barrier block closes the consumer connections to the cylinder safely and
with no leakage of oil. This means that even heavy loads on non-horizontal axis
can be quickly stopped and held safely, regardless of the state of the servo so-
lenoid valve. Totally safe scenarios for switching the drive on and off can thus
be implemented.

b solenoid
SU valve

Shutoff valve
(barrier block)

Shutoff valve
a (electrically

Fig. 2-14 Typical example for the combination of an electrically-switched shut-off valve
with an additional barrier block

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10.03 2 Configuration
2.3 Configuring the hydraulic drive

Preferred range Bosch Rexroth shut-off valves from the following table should ideally be used
of shut-off valves in conjunction with the HLA module. These are sandwich-plate valves in sizes 6
and 10. Additional shut-off valves are available upon request from Bosch Rex-

Table 2-11 Shutoff valves

Rexroth Nominal Graphic symbol Rexroth

order number size catalog
0 811 024 120 6 P T’ A’ B’ /BR3/


0 811 020 040 10

0 811 024 125 6 P T’ A’ B’

0 811 024 123 6 P T’ A’ B’


0 811 004 102 6 A B P’ T’
’ ’

0 811 004 103 6 A T B’ P’
’ ’

0 811 004 104 6 B T A’ P’
’ ’

0 811 024 122 6 A B T’ P’
’ ’
a b

0 811 024 121 6 P A B’ T’
’ ’


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SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition 2-41
2 Configuration 10.03
2.3 Configuring the hydraulic drive

2.3.4 Natural frequency of the hydraulic drive

Servo gain The possible servo gain is essentially determined by the natural frequency of
the cylinder and its load ω0 and the limit frequency of the servo solenoid valve
The cylinder and its load constitute a spring/mass attenuation system whose
natural frequency is calculated using the following formula:
O m
4 @ E @ A ( 1 + α)
wo X
m@h 2

Where: E=modulus of elasticity (N/m2)

A=piston area (m2)
AR=ring surface (m2)
h=stroke (m)
α=surface ratio AR/A
m=mass (kg)
Oil volumes in the cylinder pipes must also be taken into account.
The minimum natural frequency occurs only at a particular mid-position about
the middle and increases as the end positions are approached.

Natural frequency The natural frequency of the hydraulic drive is automatically calculated by the
HLA module and applied in the controller once the corresponding data parame-
ters have been set. See machine data, Sections 4.8 and 4.9:


Possible The dynamic response of the servo solenoid valves thus depends on the ampli-
dynamic response tude of the valve modulation. For valves that are used in controlled axes, the
natural frequency is typically determined for a modulation amplitude of "10%
and a phase offset of -180°. The relevant information is given in the valve
manufacturer’s catalog, e.g. /BR1/.
For pilot-controlled servo solenoid valves, the dynamic response is determined
by the pilot pressure ppilot , in addition to the valve type:
f0 ~ pbefore

The Rexroth catalog data relates to a pilot pressure of 100 bar.

Servo valves can reach corner frequencies of up to 1000 Hz, but are very sensi-
tive to contamination.

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10.03 2 Configuration
2.3 Configuring the hydraulic drive

2.3.5 Hydraulic power unit

The hydraulic power is supplied by a hydraulic power unit installed separately or

integrated in the machine. The power unit is configured individually to meet the
requirements of all hydraulic loads. The following factors are of particular impor-

Pressure p The pressure is determined from the cylinder geometry, hydraulic characteristics
of the servo solenoid valve and other data such as load forces or flow resist-
ance values in the hydraulic circuit due to the drive speeds and forces required.
The standard value for the system pressure for machine tool feed drives is
around 40... 100 bar.

Flow rate Q The maximum flowrate is calculated from the rapid traverse velocity.
If several cylinders are operating simultaneously, the sum of all loads must be
taken into account.
Maximum flow is often reached for only brief periods and can be supplied by an
The pump capacity is selected to satisfy the mean flow rate.

Drive power P The power P output by the electric motor to the pump drive is calculated as the
product of pressure p, flow rate Q and efficiency η.

Pump type Variable displacement pumps with pressure regulators in combination with an
accumulator are generally employed in order to prevent power losses and to
match the energy supply to the fluctuating delivery requirement during the cycle.
Vane pumps have proven successful in the normal pressure range for these
applications of 70 to 210 bar.
Axial piston pumps are commonly used for high-pressure applications up to 350

Filtration Classic servo-valves with fluid converters as initial stages are extremely sensi-
tive to contamination. However, even the control edges of modern servo sole-
noid valves require filtration.
To ensure general operational reliability, but more importantly, to protect the con-
trol edges against premature erosion and to maintain the quality of zero overlap,
the oil contamination must be limited in compliance with
Class 7...9 according to NAS 1638.
This is achieved by using class β10=75 full flow filters, which must be positioned
in the pressure line directly upstream of the servo solenoid valve.
The most critical phase is start-up, since contamination which has “accumu-
lated” prior to installation often causes failures. For this reason, it is advisable to
purge the system before the servo solenoid valves are fitted.

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2 Configuration 10.03
2.3 Configuring the hydraulic drive

Cooling Since considerable power losses that cannot be compensated for solely
through oil reservoir dissipation occur when the flow is throttled via the control
edges on the valve, additional oil/air or oil/water heat exchangers must be pro-
vided in most cases.



 Variable displacement pump with pressure regulator

 Pressure-relief valve (protection)
 Accumulator with fail-safe circuit
 Filters in pressure line
 Filters in return line
 Oil/water heat exchanger

Oil reservoir

Fig. 2-15 Overview of typical hydraulic power unit

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10.03 2 Configuration
2.4 Connection

2.4 Connection

2.4.1 Internal power supply


The NC CPU is supplied by the SIMODRIVE power supply via the device bus.
No provision has been made for any other type of voltage supply and failure to
use the supply provided could damage the unit.

Connection and The HLA module is integrated as a single module into the network of
power loss SIMODRIVE modules (power supply or incoming supply module, possibly feed
calculation for the modules and/or main spindle modules) and 840D. The power supply is fed in
NCU via the device bus.
The total power requirement for the entire network must be calculated. This
must not exceed the power supplied by the power supply module.
To make the calculation easier, each module has a weighting factor.
This can be found in Chapter 9 of the following reference material:
References: NC 60 catalog
The sum of electronic and control points must not be larger than stated in the
data sheet of the power supply module.

2.4.2 External power supply

Requirements of The purpose of the external power supply is to switch and supply the hydraulic
external 26.5 V components
S closed-loop proportional valves
S Shutoff valves
S pressure sensors
via the closed-loop control.
In principle, stabilized or unstabilized power supplies and switched-mode or
in-phase-controlled supplies can be used.
The following points must, however, be noted:
S The required voltage tolerance can only be achieved in practice with stabi-
lization and preferably switched for the existing currents. The ripple associ-
ated with an unstabilized power supply may cause tripping at the lower mon-
itoring threshold.
S The stabilization has 24000 µF input capacity per module, which can best
be charged up with a stabilized power supply (with current limitation).

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2 Configuration 02.99
2.4 Connection

! S The DC supply must be safely electrically isolated.
See also:
References: /PHD/, Configuration NCU 561.2-573.2

S The DC supply must be connected to the functional ground of the control at

one point (e.g. X131 on I/RF module). As a rule, the connection is provided
as standard in the S7-300 I/Os. See also:
Installation Guideline

S The input for the 26.5 V supply is protected against polarity reversal.
26.5 V "2% must be fed from the external 26.5 V supply to connector X431
to supply the hydraulics components (servo solenoid valves, shut-off valves,
and pressure sensors). The power requirements is calculated from the
power required by external components plus 0.1 A for the internal circuit.
The input voltage tolerance relates to the input terminals of the closed-loop
control; the voltage drops on the supply leads are not negligible.
The external 26.5 V supply is monitored for violation of a lower limit in the

! After the external 26.5 V supply has powered up, terminal X431 may no longer
be inserted or switched since the high charging currents can irreparably
damage the module or external switch.

S If the external 26.5 V supply has to be switched, then an external “precharg-

ing circuit” (e.g. relay with timer and resistor) must be used.
S The 26.5 V outputs are short-circuit-proof or protected by fuses.
The outputs for the shutoff valves are designed as electronic switches with
integrated zener diodes for disconnecting inductive loads. The zener diodes
are located between the 24 V input and the output, with a typical zener volt-
age of 58 V.
On supply disconnection, the energy produced by the coil inductance and
the valve spool spring, plus the energy supplied from the 24 V source in the
zener diode and ohmic resistance in the solenoid coil is converted to heat.
This energy must not exceed 1.7 J during one power OFF process or else
the zener diode will be destroyed; no electronic protection against this type
of overload is available.
S Other requirements of the external 26.5 V supply:
- Voltage range (mean value) 25.97 V to 27.03 V DC
- Ripple 240 mVpp
- No voltage dips, otherwise disconnection

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10.03 2 Configuration
2.4 Connection

Recommended The SITOP power product range supplied by SIEMENS is recommended for
power supply use as the external 26.5 V power supply.
References: SITOP catalog
Order no. E86060-K2410-A101-A4

S SITOP power for line supply connection

The SITOP power product types shown in the tables are recommended for
the line supply connection:

Table 2-12 SITOP power for line supply connection

Input Output Order No.

Voltage range Voltage Current
[v] Ua Ia Nom
2AC 85...132/176...550 24 V DC 5A 6EP1333-3BA00
(24...28.8 V)
10 A 6EP1334-3BA00
tol. "1%
3AC 320...550 20 A 6EP1436-3BA00
40 A 6EP1437-3BA00

Mains supply module HLA module



Line L3 L+ (26.5 V)

Fig. 2-16 Connection of external 26.5 V SITOP power for line connection

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2 Configuration 02.99
2.4 Connection

2.4.3 Grounding concept/Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)

The 840D system with HLA module consists of a number of individual
components. The individual system components are:
S I/RF infeed/regenerative feedback module
S NCU box
S HLA module
S Machine control panel MCP
S Qwerty keyboard
S Operator panel components (various monitors with different MMC CPUs)
S Terminal block (NCU and L2 DP)
S Distributor box and handheld unit
The individual modules are attached to a metal cabinet panel by means of
screws. Make sure that near the screws a low-impedance contact of the NCU
box with the cabinet wall can be made. Insulating varnishes must be avoided
where possible.
The electronic grounding points of the modules are interconnected via the de-
vice and drive bus and at the same time conducted to the X131 terminal of the
I/RF module.
The internal electronics ground of the HLA module is directly connected to the
metal front (module) plate.

Gating HLA module Distribu-
electronics tion box

Operator panel Machine
control panel

- Ground (frame) -

S7-300 I/Os
PA/SL Hydraulic drive PA/SL
Machine bed

Grounding bar MB: Shielded signal cable with reference ground

PA: Equipotential bonding conductor Cross-sections (mm2)
SL: Protective conductor 10
Line supply connection S PE minimum
Ground terminal S v 16 S
16 t S v 35 16
S u 35 S/2

Fig. 2-17 Grounding concept

Please note the following in relation to electromagnetic compatibility:
References: /EMC/, EMC Installation Guidelines
Standards according to Declaration of Conformity (Appendix E)

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2-48 SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition
Installation and Start-Up 3
3.1 Overview of start-up process

Selection from Calculate drive Calculate

Selection list: a list Cylinder data model data Model controller data Controller
valve data Mechanical data data

Data entry Data input Data entry

Fig. 3-1 Overview of start-up process

Specially designed start-up menu displays are provided by the

SINUMERIK 840D control system.
Instructions for calling menu displays can be found in:
References: /IAD/, Installation and Start-Up Guide

Machine The hydraulic linear drive (HLA) is displayed as follows next to the electric
Configuration drives (SRM, ARM and SLM) in the “Machine Configuration” screen (basic
start-up display):

Fig. 3-2 Machine Configuration (basic start-up display)

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3 Startup 10.03
3.1 Overview of start-up process

Machine Data Hydraulic linear drives (HLA) are adapted to suit the machine using the machine
In addition to the following soft keys:
S General MD
S Channel MD
S Axis MD
S Display MD
Softkey “Drive MD”.

Start-up sequence The following list shows the general steps to be taken to start up an HLA mod-
1. Select a valve ³ Select a valve from the list
2. Enter cylinder data
3. Mounting/supply data
4. Measuring system data
5. Calculate controller data, save boot file, NCK reset.
to low values to check the control direction.
7. Approach reference point and adjust position;
Position adjustment if piston is in A position at end stop.
8. Adjust pressure sensors (MD 5550, MD 5551, MD 5552, MD 5553,
MD 5704, MD 5705, MD 5708). Adjust “manually” using this machine data or
automatically via MD 5650. Enter 1000 Hex in MD 5650. The data is reset to
0 after approximately 2 s and the sensors are then adjusted. The sensors
must be unpressurized during adjustment.
9. Run offset compensation MD 5470.
Automatic offset compensation can be run via MD 5650 if 2000 Hex is en-
tered in MD 5650. Automatic offset compensation takes approximately 30 s
and functions only if the P and I components of the velocity controller are
active and all enabling signals are set (see Service Drive).
10. Reduce valve knee-point voltage in MD 5111 by 2...3% if necessary.
11. Area adaptation in MD 5462, set MD 5463 such that the control difference in
the positive and negative traversing directions is almost identical.
12. Force limitation and friction torque compensation, see Section 4.4.

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10.03 3 Startup
3.2 Drive configuration

3.2 Drive configuration

You must configure the drive bus before you can start up the drives. Do this by
pressing softkey “Drive configuration”.

Fig. 3-3 “Drive Configuration” menu display

The selected drive type (hydraulic linear drive in this example) is stored in NC
machine data MD 13040: DRIVE_TYPE stored.

Table 3-1 Abbreviations of drive types

Drive Motors Contents of

SRM (FDD) Synchronous rotating motor (1FT6...) 1
ARM (MSD) Asynchronous rotating motor (1PH...) 2
SLM Synchronous linear motor (1FN...) 3
HLA Hydraulic linear drive 5
ANA Analog drive 4
PER I/Os 0

Once (at least) the following axis-specific machine data:

S MD 30240: ENC_TYPE
has been entered and an NCK power ON reset has been carried out (taking you
to the “Drive Machine Data” menu display), the drive can be started up.

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3.3 Modify drive machine data

3.3 Modify drive machine data

You can use softkeys “Drive +” and “Drive -” to scroll through all digital (SRM,
ARM, SLM and HLA) drives listed in the drive machine data.

Fig. 3-4 “Drive machine data” menu display

The softkey “Motor/Controller...” is renamed “Valve/Controller...” for the HLA.

Softkey “Valve/Controller...” changes the keys of the vertical softkey menu for
the HLA as follows:

Drive + Drive +

Drive - Drive -

Direct Direct
selection... selection

Valve/ Valve
Controller... selection... (See Fig. 3-6)

Boot file/ Change

NCK Res... valve data... (See Fig. 3-13)

Search... Calculate
controller (See Fig. 3-15)
Continue Piston
(See Fig. 3-21)
search position...

Display <<
File File
functions functions

Fig. 3-5 Rearrangement of vertical softkey menu for HLA

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10.03 3 Startup
3.4 Valve selection

3.4 Valve selection

General You can select the servo solenoid valve from a list when you start up the SIMO-
DRIVE 611 for the first time. Once you have made your selection, the valve ma-
chine data defaults are overwritten.
If the valve you want to use is not included in the list, you must enter the valve
machine data manually.

“Valve selection...” This soft key starts the user-prompted start-up process for the HLA module.
soft key You can select a valve from a list stored in the module software, or a non-listed
valve, in the following menu display.

Fig. 3-6 “Valve selection for HLA” menu display

Enter “Unlisted valve” to call a new menu display (see Fig. 3-7) in which the
corresponding machine data can be entered manually.
Choose softkeys “Search...” and “Continue search” to look for any character
string within the list.
Select softkey “Back” to return to the previously displayed menu. This
softkey is disabled in the menu display 3-6.

When you select “Abort”, the program branches back to the drive machine data
display (see Fig. 3-5), both in this screen and the following menu displays for
user-prompted start-up. The “Abort” soft key also activates a prompt box in
which you must confirm that you really want to abort start-up for this drive.
No data is ever changed when you select “Abort”. This also applies to the
following menu displays.
From 10.03 onwards, the name of the company will be changed from Bosch to
Rexroth in the menu displays. The order numbers will remain unchanged.

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3.4 Valve selection

If the “Unlisted valve” entry is selected, press the “Continue” soft key to go to the
“Unlisted Valve Data for HLA” menu display (see Fig. 3-7). If you press softkey
“Continue” otherwise, the machine data assigned to the entry are written to a
buffer whose contents are transferred to the drive at the end of the start-up pro-
cess. The “Cylinder data” menu display then appears (see Fig. 3-9).

Valve selection The following data appears in the MMC list display for a stored valve when you
from a list select one:

S Company e.g.: Rexroth

S Order No. e.g.: 0811404829

S Type e.g.: 4WRPEH 10

S Nominal flow rate e.g: 100 l/min.

S Knee-point voltage e.g.: Knee 40%

S Nominal flow rate A:B e.g.: 2.0

S Code e.g.: 52

Loaded If you select a valve from the list, the following machine data is preset (i.e. the
valve data default value is overwritten):

S MD 5106: VALVE_CODE (valve code no.)

S MD 5107: VALVE_NOMINAL_FLOW (nominal flow rate of valve)
S MD 5108: VALVE_NOMINAL_PRESSURE (nominal pressure drop of valve)
S MD 5109: VALVE_NOMINAL_VOLTAGE (nominal valve voltage)
S MD 5110: VALVE_DUAL_GAIN_FLOW (knee-point flow rate of valve)
S MD 5111: VALVE_DUAL_GAIN_VOLTAGE (knee-point voltage of valve)
(ratio of flow rate at the A end to the B end of valve)

S MD 5113: VALVE_CONFIGURATION (valve configuration)

(natural frequency of valve in small-signal range)

S MD 5115: VALVE_DAMPING (valve damping)

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10.03 3 Startup
3.4 Valve selection

Unlisted valve data You must enter the valve machine data manually for an unlisted valve. You can
also preset the machine data to the settings of a similar valve.

Fig. 3-7 “Unlisted valve data for HLA” menu display

Press the “Continue” softkey to call menu display “Cylinder data”. This data is
not written to the drive until start-up has ended.
By pressing vertical softkey “Preset”, you can go to the corresponding menu
display in which you can preset machine data by selecting “OK”. You then re-
turn to menu display “Unlisted valve data for HLA”.

Fig. 3-8 “Preset Unlisted Valve for HLA” menu display

When you press “OK”, the machine data in menu display “Preset unlisted valve
for HLA” are preset. You then return to this menu display.

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3.5 Cylinder selection

3.5 Cylinder selection

The following cylinder data must be entered manually:

(piston diameter of cylinder)

(cylinder piston rod diameter at A end)

(cylinder piston rod diameter at B end)

(piston stroke)

(cylinder dead volume at A end)

(cylinder dead volume at B end)

Fig. 3-9 “Cylinder data for HLA” menu display

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3.6 Mounting/supply data

3.6 Mounting/supply data

Fig. 3-10 “Mounting/supply data for HLA” menu display

Select the “Back” softkey to return to the “Cylinder data for HLA” menu display.
Then press “Continue” to go to the “Measuring system data for HLA” menu dis-
The following mounting and supply data must be entered manually.

Supply unit
S MD 5100: FLUID_ELASTIC_MODULUS (modulus of elasticity of
hydraulic fluid)
S MD 5101: WORKING_PRESSURE (system pressure)
S MD 5102: PILOT_OPERATION_PRESSURE (pilot pressure, for pilot-
actuated valves only)

(valve-cylinder connection configuration)

S MD 5141: PIPE_LENGTH_A (pipe length at A end)

S MD 5142: PIPE_LENGTH_B (pipe length at B end)
(internal pipe diameter A-B (nominal diameter))

S MD 5530: CYLINDER_SAFETY_CONFIG (protection circuit)

Drive data
S MD 5150: DRIVE_MASS (moved mass of drive)
(mounting position A end of cylinder)

S MD 5152: CYLINDER_FASTENING (cylinder mounting)

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3.7 Measuring system data

3.7 Measuring system data

Fig. 3-11 “Measuring System Data HLA, Incremental” menu display

To set the encoder parameters, select either the “Incremental” or the “Absolute
(EnDat interface/SSI interface)” option.
The value of the associated machine data is displayed as the scale graduation.
You can return to menu display “Mounting/supply data for HLA” by selecting
softkey “Back”.

Softkey “Ready” Select the “Ready” softkey to conclude the start-up for this drive.
A dialog message then appears. This must be acknowledged with “Abort” or

Fig. 3-12 Dialog message “Start-up ready”

You can return to menu display “Measuring system data for HLA” by selecting
softkey “Abort”.
Press “OK”, to write the machine data to the drive. The drive model and control-
ler data are then calculated and the boot file saved. The program then jumps to
the “Valve/Controller...” menu display (see Fig. 3-5), where data can be checked
and/or modified using “Change valve data”.
The remaining drives can then be started up.

Activation of data The entered/calculated data can be activated by an NCK power On/Reset.

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3.8 Modifying data

3.8 Modifying data

Changing valve The following menu display appears when you press the “Change valve data...”
data softkey (see Fig. 3-5):

Fig. 3-13 Menu display “Change data for HLA”

If you press “Abort”, the old machine data settings are retained and you return
to the initial menu display (see Fig. 3-5).
Softkeys “Valve data...”, “Cylinder data...” and “Mounting data...” each call a dis-
play that has the same format as the following screenshot except for display
header and contents (e.g. valve data for HLA):

Fig. 3-14 Menu display “Valve data for HLA”

You can return to menu display “Change data for HLA” (see Fig. 3-13) by press-
ing “Abort” or “OK”.

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3.8 Modifying data

The valve and cylinder data and the mounting/supply data are used to preset
the following data when you activate “Calculate drive model data”. These set-
tings can be changed manually afterwards. It is advisable to confirm the calcu-
lated model data by carrying out tests on the drive and correct them in accor-
dance with the test results.
S MD 5401: DRIVE_MAX_SPEED (maximum useful velocity)
S MD 5440: POS_DRIVE_SPEED_LIMIT (positive velocity setpoint limit)
S MD 5441: NEG_DRIVE_SPEED_LIMIT (neg. velocity setpoint limit)
S MD 5160: PISTON_POS_MIN_NAT_FREQ (min. natural frequency,
piston position)
S MD 5161: DRIVE_DAMPING (drive damping)
S MD 5162: DRIVE_NATURAL_FREQUENCY_A (natural freq. of drive A)
S MD 5163: DRIVE_NATURAL_FREQUENCY (natural frequency of drive)
S MD 5164: DRIVE_NATURAL_FREQUENCY_B (natural freq. of drive B)
S MD 5231: FORCE_LIMIT_WEIGHT (weight force limitation)
(controlled system gain force controller)
S MD 5435: CONTROLLED_SYSTEM_GAIN (controlled system gain)
S MD 5462: AREA_FACTOR_POS_OUTPUT (fact. area adaptation pos.)
S MD 5463: AREA_FACTOR_NEG_OUTPUT (fact. area adaptation neg.)
The data entered for valve, cylinder, mounting/supply and drive model are used
to preset the following data when you activate “Calculate drive model data”.
These settings can be changed manually afterwards.
S MD 5242: FORCECTRL_GAIN (P-gain of force controller)
S MD 5243: FORCECTRL_GAIN_RED (reduction of force controller P gain)
S MD 5244: FORCECTRL_INTEGRATOR_TIME (force controller reset time)
S MD 5245: FORCECTRL_PT1_TIME (smoothing time constant of
force contr.)
S MD 5246: FORCECTRL_DIFF_TIME (force controller D-action time)
S MD 5476: OUTPUT_VOLTAGE_INVERSION (manip. variable inversion)
(knee compensation pos. flow rate)
S MD 5465: POS_DUAL_GAIN_COMP_VOLTAGE (knee comp. pos. voltage)
S MD 5467: NEG_DUAL_GAIN_COMP_FLOW (knee comp. neg. flow rate)
S MD 5468: NEG_DUAL_GAIN_COMP_VOLTAGE (knee comp. neg. voltage)
S MD 5406: SPEEDCTRL_GAIN_A (P gain, P gain
S MD 5407: SPEEDCTRL_GAIN (velocity controller P gain)
S MD 5408: SPEEDCTRL_GAIN_B (P gain, P gain
S MD 5409: SPEEDCTRL_INTEGRATOR_TIME[n] (vel. controller reset time)
S MD 5413: SPEEDCTRL_ADAPT_ENABLE (selection of vel. c. adaptation)
S MD 5414: SPEEDCTRL_REF_MODEL_FREQ[n] (natural freq. of ref.model)
(damping of velocity controller reference model)
S MD 5430: SPEEDCTRL_PT1_TIME (smoothing time constant vel. lead time)
S MD 5431: SPEEDCTRL_DIFF_TIME_A[n] (velocity controller A
derivative-action time)
S MD 5432: SPEEDCTRL_DIFF_TIME[n] (velocity controller lead time)
S MD 5433: SPEEDCTRL_DIFF_TIME_B[n] (velocity controller B)

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3.8 Modifying data

Calculate Press “OK” (in Fig. 3-13) to transfer the modified machine data is transferred to
controller the drive and, depending on the option settings
data/drive model S calculate drive model data and/or
S Calculate controller data
the “Calculate controller/drive model data” dialog box appears with the corre-
sponding text (see Fig. 3-15; in this case, for both options).

Fig. 3-15 Menu display “Dialog box for calculate controller/drive data”

Press “Abort” to return to the “Change Data for HLA” menu display
(see Fig. 3-13).
Press “OK”, to recalculate the drive model data and/or controller data and then
return to the initial menu display (see Fig. 3-5).
The filters, friction compensation and limitation parameters can then be set to
suit the application.
Softkey “Help” displays a list of those machine data that are changed with soft-
key “OK”. In this case as well, the texts are dependent on the set options.

Fig. 3-16 Help screen for changing controller/drive model data

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3 Startup 10.03
3.9 Fine adjustment and optimization

3.9 Fine adjustment and optimization

On completion of start-up, the control loop settings must be checked.

3.9.1 Control direction, travel direction

General The control direction can be reversed by the following methods:

S Inversion of the manipulated voltage
S Actual value inversion
S Scale rotation
S Pipes A ³ A to A ³ B (inversion)
Any adjustment in the hydraulic piping can be canceled by inversion of the ma-
nipulated voltage.
If the scale is rotated or attached at the wrong point (jacket or rod of cylinder),
the control direction can be adjusted by means of actual value inversion.

Limitation of The manipulated voltage must be limited before the system is first switched on
manipulated for a control direction check.

control direction
(step 1) Note
It is not necessary to determine the control direction if the drive can already
operate in JOG mode. In this case, the control direction is already set correctly
(MD 32110). The control direction of the velocity controller still needs to be
checked (MD 5011 bit 0). The control direction must be set identically: both
“inverted” or both “not inverted”.
Continue from step 2.

When the enabling signals are set, the axis may move in an uncontrolled man-
S Incorrect control direction of velocity controller
- Actual value encoder mounting
- Connections combining servo solenoid valve and cylinder
- Manipulated voltage polarity reversed
S Incorrect control direction of position controller
- Actual value encoder mounting
Fig. 3-17 shows the methods which can be used to adjust any uncontrolled tra-
versing movements.

If valve end A is connected to cylinder end B (MD 5140=1), inversion of the
valve manipulated variable (MD 5476) is preset by “Calculate controller data”.

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3.9 Fine adjustment and optimization


Do MD 5706 and
MD 5707 (vset, vact) no MD 5476: Invert
have the same sign OUTPUT_VOLTAGE_INVERSION (manip.
when the drive variable inversion)

yes, but fails with error message

MD 32110: Modify ENC_FEEDBACK_POL (actual value sign)

or MD 5476: Invert OUTPUT_VOLTAGE_INVERSION (manip. variable
inversion) and MD 5011: invert ACTUAL_VALUE_CONFIG (actual value

Step 2

Fig. 3-17 Start-up flow chart, determine control direction

Definition of drive When the cylinder piston moves in the A ³ B direction (flow rate Q > 0) , the
travel direction actual velocity value Vact must be positive.
(step 2) This definition MUST be made in the drive for the associated functionality of
S velocity controller adaptation and
S force limitation
absolutely essential.

Step 2 (adjust sign of actual velocity value)

Enter a small positive valve manipulated voltage (function generator)

traverse the drive in JOG mode to move the cylinder piston from the A to B end.

Modify bit 0 (invert manipulated variable)
Is cylinder and
piston A ! B traversing
and is MD 5707 bit 0 (invert actual value)
positive? and
(actual value sign)


Step 3

Fig. 3-18 Start-up flow chart, definition of drive travel direction

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3.9 Fine adjustment and optimization

Definition of travel The positive direction of travel of the machine is defined by the user.
direction in NC With adjustment of travel direction with setpoint MD 32100: AX_MOTION_DIR.
(Step 3)

Step 3 (define travel direction of machine)

Traverse with JOG key

(override approx. 10%)

no MD 32100: Change AX_MOTION_DIR

Does cylinder move
in the set direction? (travel direction of machine)



Fig. 3-19 Start-up flow chart, definition of travel direction in NC

Cancel The setpoint limitation must be set to 10 V in the following MDs:


3.9.2 Offset adjustment

Offset of pressure
Only in combination with pressure sensing function.

Condition: Sensors are pressure-free!

Ideal: The pressure indicator should also display 0 bar at zero pressure.
S MD 5650: Set DIAGNOSIS_CONTROL_FLAGS bit 12 (canceled automati-
cally after 2 s).
S Pressure sensor A: MD 5551: PRESSURE_SENS_A_OFFS is automatically
S Pressure sensor B: MD 5553: PRESSURE_SENS_B_OFFS is automatically
For unpressurized pressure sensors, the display must read approximately 0.0
bar for both pressures (MD 5704, MD 5705).

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3.9 Fine adjustment and optimization

Reference value
for pressure
sensors Note
Only in combination with pressure sensing function.

Pressure sensor characteristic data in

S MD 5550: PRESSURE_SENS_A_REF (ref. value for pressure sensor A)

S MD 5552: PRESSURE_SENS_B_REF (ref. value for pressure sensor B)
according to data sheet.

Offset of valve Ideal: Adjustment of electro-hydraulic zero point

The voltage is adjusted automatically by the following sequence of operations:
S Preset velocity controller with I component (e.g. Vp=-10%, TN=30 ms) (see
Subsection 4.3.2).

S In position-controlled mode at zero speed with all enabling signals applied

(drive can be traversed with JOG keys).

S Set MD 5650 bit 13. (Bit 13 is automatically reset after about 30 s.)
S MD 5470: OFFSET_COMPENSATION offset compensation is set automati-

3.9.3 Velocity adjustment

Target Owing to the tolerances of the valves and drive units with
S real areas
S real valve control edges
it is advisable to readjust the controlled system gain for the purpose of obtaining
a symmetrical actual velocity.
∆vmove out = ∆vmove in
The gain is adjusted via machine data


MD 5463: AREA_FACTOR_NEG_OUTPUT (stage 2).
is substituted.
Controller parameters

S P: P gain of velocity controller (MD 5406/MD 5407/MD 5408)

S I: reset time of velocity controller (MD 5409)

S D: D-action time of velocity controller (MD 5431/MD 5432/MD 5433)

must be set to 0.

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3 Startup 04.00
3.9 Fine adjustment and optimization

Adjustment of Use function generator to enter a velocity setpoint of vset,

controlled system offset=0.
Output curve behavior ∆1 0 ∆2 Aim of adjustment ∆vout = 0
Controller=0; D, I, P ∆vin = 0
∆1 vset

Cylinder vact

Cylinder ∆2

Adjustment stage 1: Identical setting for both velocity directions with

MD 5435; match vset and vact at one end.

∆1 vset

Cylinder vact

Cylinder ∆2 = 0

Adjustment stage 2: Direction-dependent adjustment with MD 5462 and/or

MD 5463.

∆1 = 0

Cylinder vset

vact t

Cylinder ∆2 = 0
3. Adjusted state

Fig. 3-20 Adjustment of controlled system gain

S Vset is not represented by the “servo trace” function if the setpoint is defined
by the function generator.
S The setting must be checked at different velocities.
- Generally speaking, the average value of the calculated controlled
system gain must be set or
- the gain can be adjusted to match the relevant operating range.
S Both adjustment are equivalent, i.e. adjustment by the stage 2 method via
MD 5462 and MD 5463 produces equivalent results when the preset value
(setting) of the controlled system gain (MD 5435) is applied.

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3.9 Fine adjustment and optimization

3.9.4 Referencing data for HLA

Piston zeroing The position of the cylinder piston is required for the “Force controller” and “Ve-
locity controller adaptation” functions. For this purpose, the piston position must
be adjusted once after referencing.
This is done by the following sequence of operations:

S Reference Point Approach

S Press the “Piston position” soft key (see Fig. 3-5)
S Move cylinder piston to limit stop at A end
S Press softkey “Position adjust.” (see Fig. 3-21) to transfer the value set in

S Saving the boot file

Fig. 3-21 Menu display “Referencing data for HLA”

Press the “OK” soft key to return to the initial menu display for HLA.
The following machine data affects the position adjustment:

S MD 5040: PISTON_ZERO (piston zero in relation to machine zero))

S MD 5740: ACTUAL_POSITION (actual position in relation to machine zero)
S MD 5741: ACTUAL_PISTON_POSITION (piston position in relation to piston

The piston position adjustment must be repeated if the control direction,
reference point offset or travel direction (MD 32110, MD 34090 or MD 32100) in
the axis-specific machine data is changed.

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3.9 Fine adjustment and optimization

3.9.5 Controller optimization

General The most important travel motions are implemented via the feedforward control
The function of the controller parameters is to damp the oscillation characteris-
tics of the valve/cylinder grouping.
In this respect, we distinguish between three different scenarios relating to the
corner frequency (f):
1. fvalve << fcylinder (f)
The valve cannot actively influence any cylinder frequency that is higher
than the valve corner frequency.
Disturbances with frequencies fSt > fvalve cannot be damped.

Amplitude log frequency curve

101 Valve:
fv=100 Hz; Dv=0.8

fa=500 Hz; Da=0.1
10- 1
log value

10- 2

10- 3

10- 4

10- 5
101 102 103
log f

Phase frequency curve

Phase angle



101 102 103

log f

Fig. 3-22 Frequency response of controlled system (fvalve << fcylinder )

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3.9 Fine adjustment and optimization

2. fvalve [ fcylinder (f)

Amplitude log frequency curve

101 Valve:
fv=100 Hz; Dv=0.8
fa=100 Hz; Da=0.1
10- 1

log value 10- 2

10- 3

10- 4

10- 5
101 102 103
log f

Phase frequency curve

Phase angle



101 102 103

log f

Fig. 3-23 Frequency response of controlled system (fvalve [ fcylinder )

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3.9 Fine adjustment and optimization

3. fvalve >> fcylinder (f)

The valve can actively influence all natural frequencies of the drive.

Amplitude log frequency curve Valve:

fv=100 Hz; Dv=0.8

100 Drive:
fa=20 Hz; Da=0.1
log value 10- 1

10- 2

10- 3

10- 4

10- 5
101 102 103
log f

Phase frequency curve

Phase angle



101 102 103

log f

Fig. 3-24 Frequency response of controlled system (fvalve >> fcylinder )

The controller components are optimized in the following order:

1. P component (proportional component)
2. D component (derivative component)
3. I component (integral component)
The preferred method of optimization uses unit step functions (step response)
with the function generator (FG) after entering a velocity setpoint vset.
The measuring function with noise signals (FFT, PBRS) may be difficult to inter-
pret owing to non-linearities in the controlled system.
Differences in the characteristic data may be caused as follows:
S Theor. valve: Real valve
S Pipes: Control pressure = f(Q)
S Additional valves; shut-off valves; filters; throttles (pressure measuring

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3.9 Fine adjustment and optimization

Optimization of Relevant machine data:

MD 5406: SPEEDCTRL_GAIN_A (P gain of velocity controller A)
P component MD 5407: SPEEDCTRL_GAIN (P gain of velocity controller)
MD 5408: SPEEDCTRL_GAIN_B (P gain of velocity controller B)
The theoretical characteristic data of the valve and cylinder are used to calcu-
late a suggested P gain value. The positive feedback area (MD 5406...MD 5408
<0) is included in the calculation to damp the drive system.
The adjustment to real conditions on the machine (special damping require-
ments) should be made according to the following criteria:
1. P component must be as positive as possible.
Optimization direction
MD 5406
MD 5407
<0 0 >0 MD 5408

2. The acceptable overshoot behavior represents the upper limit for the setting.

P<0 (positive feedback) may be necessary to achieve the required damping
behavior. However, this setting will degrade the control quality. Friction in
particular causes prolonged settling times.

Threshold values (typical):

S f P>0
S f P<0, or around zero
S f P>0
(f...f see section 3.9.5 point 1...3)

The P gain is indicated as a % of MD 5435: CONTROLLED_SYSTEM_GAIN.
P=-100% compensates the feedforward control.

Optimization of Relevant machine data:

MD 5431: SPEEDCTRL_DIFF_TIME_A (derivative-action time TV of velocity
D component controller A)
MD 5432: SPEEDCTRL_DIFF_TIME (derivative-action time TV of velocity
MD 5433: SPEEDCTRL_DIFF_TIME_B (derivative-action time TV of velocity
controller B)
MD 5430: SPEEDCTRL_PT1_TIME (velocity controller smoothing time
The positive phase displacement of the derivative term can be used to actively
damp the controlled system for f type.
The derivative-action time constant/corner frequency parameters must be set to
values higher than the minimum natural frequency of valve and drive.

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3.9 Fine adjustment and optimization

Test run:
S As long as the damping effect improves, the the D-action time value can be
raised further:
S Leave D-action time at its old value if the damping effect does not improve.
(see Fig. 3-22 - f)

The smoothing time constant is set to values w 1 ms as a function of the con-

trolled system for “Calculate controller”.
Owing to the fact that a derivative action amplifies the actual value noise, it is
necessary in this case to find a compromise between

S the derivative action (and thus vibration damping)

(MD 5430: SPEEDCTRL_PT1_TIME as low as possible, i.e. high corner
frequency of D-action component or wide D-action frequency range)

S the noise of the manipulated variable.

Like the P component setting, the optimization criterion here is the maximum
acceptable overshoot of the closed velocity control loop.
The main area of application is the valve/cylinder combination f (see Fig. 3-24)
with values TV>>0.
For applications f + f (see Figs. 3-22, 3-23) improvements of the damping
characteristics are only to be expected at specific points when TV}0. In most
cases TV=0 is the best choice.

A second iteration loop (optimize P and D components) with further
improvements can be connected in series downstream.

Optimization of
controller S Integrator/reset time (TN)
I component
Objective: Elimination of errors in feedforward control channel.
Implementation: TN>5 ms taking the overshoot
of the valve frequency response into account.

The I component is deactivated if TN=0 (MD 5409) or if the P component is
zero (MD 5406=0, MD 5407=0, MD 5408=0).

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3.9 Fine adjustment and optimization

3.9.6 Controller adaptation

General Since the natural frequency of the cylinder changes as a function of position, it
may be useful to adapt the position of the velocity controller. The maximum val-
ues coincide with the limits, and the minimum approximately with the center (MD
5160), of the traversing range.

Implementation Requirement:

S NC end has been referenced.

S Cylinder piston in neutral position has been adjusted as described in Section

S Control parameters have been processed according to the relevant operat-

ing range.

S Optimize the velocity controller (P and D components) with the associated

machine data at the limits and at position set in MD 5160.
Example: (see Fig. 4-11) operating range = total piston stroke
Interpolation point 1 Optimization to A end of cylinder
³ MD 5406: SPEEDCTRL_GAIN_A (P gain)
Interpolation point 2 Optimization to piston position as set in
³ MD 5407: SPEEDCTRL_GAIN (P gain)
Interpolation point 3 Optimization to B end of cylinder
³ MD 5408: SPEEDCTRL_GAIN_B (P gain)

If one end of a cylinder cannot be approached, then the adaptation process
can be limited to two interpolation points.

S Velocity controller adaptation active


SPEEDCTRL_ADAPT_ENABLE=1 (MD 5413) is switched through only
when the axis has been referenced and adjusted.
For f (see section 3.9.5), adaptation is deactivated in “Calculate controller

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3.9 Fine adjustment and optimization

3.9.7 Hydraulic/electrical interpolation

Target Contour accuracy between hydraulic and electric drives is achieved when the
drive dynamic response is set identically on the axes involved.
In addition to identical servo gain settings, it must be ensured that the step re-
sponse of the closed speed controller is “identical”.

Implementation A velocity setpoint filter of the faster axis (e.g. electric) must be set to the differ-
ence between the time constants of the closed velocity control loop (Tv, eqv).
Tfilter, el =Tveqv, hyd - Tveqv, el

vact, el

vact, hyd


Teqv, el Teqv, hyd t

Fig. 3-25 Hydraulic/electrical interpolation

If dynamic stiffness control (DSC) is active, the DSC function must be activated
on all interpolating axes.

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3.10 File functions

3.10 File functions

Save data The drive type is recorded in the MD files when drive machine data is saved.
Thus, the comment is inserted only if the entry “MdFileDriveType=TRUE” has
been set in the [Compatibility] section of INI file “ib.ini”. This setting is the de-

Load data Only MD files that are suitable for a particular drive type may be downloaded to
that drive. If you attempt, for example, to load an MD file for SLM to an HLA
module, the following message will be displayed:

Fig. 3-26 Menu display “Dialog box Load machine data”

Fig. 3-27 Menu display “File functions”

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3.11 Start-up functions

3.11 Start-up functions

The following start-up functions are implemented for axes with HLA:

S Measuring functions
- Measurement of valve control loop
- Measurement of velocity control loop
- Position control measurement

S Function generator
S Circularity test
S Servo trace
S DAC configuration

Fig. 3-28 Menu display “Start-up functions”

Disabled softkeys The softkey “Self-opt.AM/MSD” in the “Start-up functions” menu is also disabled
for axes with HLA since this is a special function for AM/MSD.
The “Aut. Controller setting” in the “Startup functions” menu is disabled for axes
with HLA since the algorithms it uses are designed for automatic controller set-
ting for electric digital drives.

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3.11 Start-up functions

3.11.1 Measurement function

The measurement functions can be used to evaluate the most important speed
and position control loop variables in the time and frequency range on screen
without having to use external measuring devices.
An overview of the measurement functions provided for HLA is given below.
Only the hydraulic-specific functionality for HLA is described in detail.
The following measurement functions can be performed in conjunction with the

S Valve control loop measurement

- Valve frequency response

S Velocity control loop measurement

- Reference frequency response
- Setpoint step change
- Interference frequency response
- Disturbance step change
- Velocity path
- Velocity path + controller

S Position control loop measurement

- Reference frequency response
- Setpoint step change
- Setpoint ramp

Valve control loop

Table 3-2 Measurement types and measured variables for the valve control loop

Measurement Trigger Measured quantities

Valve frequency Valve spool setpoint in velocity con- Actual valve spool value/
response troller cycle, valve control loop closed, valve spool setpoint
velocity control loop open

Table 3-3 Valve control loop measurement parameter settings

Parameters Physical unit

Amplitude Typ. 1 V V
Bandwidth typ. 1000 Hz Hz
Averaging operations typ. 10 -
Settling time typ. 100 ms
Offset typ. 0 V

It must be ensured that the drive is adequately lubricated before PBRS/FFT is
applied (high-frequency movement at one position).

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3.11 Start-up functions



1.000 log [Hz] 1.000e+03


1.000 log [Hz[] 1.000e+03

Fig. 3-29 Sample valve frequency response for type 4WRREH 6 HR servo solenoid
valves from Bosch Rexroth AG
Note: For setting the valve data, see Section 4.7.

Measurement of
velocity control
Table 3-4 Measurement types and measured variables for the velocity control loop
loop measurement

Measure- Trigger Measured quantities

Reference Velocity setpoint in velocity controller Actual velocity value/
frequency re- cycle, valve control loop closed, velocity velocity setpoint
sponse control loop closed
Setpoint step Velocity setpoint in velocity controller Measured variable 1:
change cycle, valve control loop closed, velocity S Velocity setpoint
control loop closed
S valve spool setpoint
Measured variable 2:
Actual velocity
Interference Valve spool setpoint in velocity controller Actual velocity value/
frequency re- cycle, valve control loop closed, velocity valve spool setpoint
sponse control loop closed
Disturbance Valve spool setpoint in velocity controller Measured variable 1:
step change cycle, valve control loop closed, velocity Valve spool setpoint
control loop closed Measured variable 2:
Actual velocity
Velocity con- Valve spool setpoint in velocity controller Actual velocity value/
troller path cycle, valve control loop closed, velocity actual valve spool value
control loop closed
Velocity con- Velocity setpoint in velocity controller Actual velocity value/
troller path + cycle, valve control loop closed, velocity control deviation
controller control loop closed

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Table 3-5 Parameter settings for measurement of velocity control loop

Parameters Physical unit

Reference frequency response
Amplitude (linear axis) mm/min | inch/min
Bandwidth Hz
Averaging operations -
Settling time ms
Offset (linear axis) mm/min | inch/min
Setpoint step change
Amplitude (linear axis) mm/min | inch/min
Measurement time ms
Settling time ms
Offset (linear axis) mm/min | inch/min
Disturbance step change
Amplitude V
Measurement time ms
Settling time ms
Offset (linear axis) mm/min | inch/min
Velocity controller path
Amplitude V
Bandwidth Hz
Averaging operations -
Settling time ms
Offset (linear axis) mm/min | inch/min
Velocity controller path + controller
Amplitude (linear axis) mm/min | inch/min
Bandwidth Hz
Averaging operations -
Settling time ms
Offset (linear axis) mm/min | inch/min

The following functional response in the diagrams were recorded with the equip-
ment combination below:
Valve: Type 4WRREH 6 HR servo solenoid (15 l/min, knee 60 %)
from Bosch Rexroth AG

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0.100 log [Hz] 200.000



0.100 log [Hz] 200.000

Fig. 3-30 Oscillogram showing reference frequency response of velocity control loop

Amplitude: 20 mm/min.
Offset: 100 mm/min.

0.000 t [ms] 50.000

Fig. 3-31 Timing of setpoint step change in velocity control loop

Step change: 0 → 100 mm/min without closed-loop force control, real friction
Trace 1: Velocity setpoint
Trace 2: Actual velocity value

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3.11 Start-up functions

0.100 t [ms] 100.000

Fig. 3-32 Timing of disturbance step change, integral branch of velocity controller

Trace 1: valve spool setpoint

Trace 2: Actual velocity value



1.000 log [Hz] 1000.000


1.000 log [Hz] 1000.000

Fig. 3-33 Oscillogram showing velocity controlled system vact/Qact

Note: Phase crossover -90 degrees essentially characterizes the

cylinder natural frequency

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20.000 Amplitude margin at 180 degrees


1.000 log [Hz] 2000.000


1.000 log [Hz] 2000.000
Phase margin at 0 dB

Fig. 3-34 Oscillogram for velocity controller path + controller

Note: Measurement of open velocity controlled system,

indicative of the stability of the control loop.
Target values for stability of control loop:

S At least 3 dB amplitude margin at 180 degrees

S At least 60 degrees phase margin at 0 dB

Position control
Table 3-6 Measurement types and measured variables for position feedback loop

Measurement Trigger Measured quantities

Reference fre- Position setpoint in position control- Actual position/position set-
quency response ler cycle, point
position control loop closed,
velocity control loop closed
Setpoint step Position setpoint in position control- Measured variable 1:
change ler cycle, Position setpoint
position control loop closed, Measured variable 2:
velocity control loop closed S Actual position value
Setpoint ramp S Control deviation
S Following error
S Actual velocity value

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3.11 Start-up functions

Table 3-7 Parameter settings for measurement of position control loop

Parameters Physical unit

Reference frequency response
Amplitude (linear axis) mm | inch
Bandwidth Hz
Averaging operations -
Settling time ms
Offset (linear axis) mm/min | inch/min
Setpoint step change
Amplitude (linear axis) mm | inch
Measurement time ms
Settling time ms
Offset (linear axis) mm/min | inch/min
Setpoint ramp
Amplitude (linear axis) mm | inch
Measurement time ms
Ramp time ms
Settling time ms
Offset (linear axis) mm/min | inch/min



0.100 log [Hz] 125.000


0.100 log [Hz] 125.000

Fig. 3-35 Example of measurement of position control loop

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3.11 Start-up functions

3.11.2 Function generator

The function generator for HLA is based on the existing functionality provided
for other drive types integrated to date. The funct. for HLA, which is not espe-
cially designed for hydraulic drives, is based on the SLM range of functions.
The function generator excites the drive with a periodic signal. The signal type
is a modifiable parameter. External measuring instruments such as oscillo-
graphs can record the system responses via DAC output jacks.
The following signals (operating modes) and signal types are available on the
S Signals (operating modes)
- valve spool setpoint
- Velocity setpoint
- Position setpoint
S Signal type
- Square-wave
- Noise signal (only for signal output via DAC and external evaluation
equipment for frequency response analyses)

Fig. 3-36 Menu display “Function generator selection signal”

Fig. 3-37 Menu display “Function generator selection signal type”

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3.11 Start-up functions

For an explanation of how to use the function generator, please refer to

References: /FBA/, DD2 “Speed control loop”
/SHM/, SIMODRIVE 611 “Manual for MCU 172A”
An overview of the function generator functions provided for HLA is given below,
with only the purely hydraulic-specific functionality for HLA described in detail.

Valve spool
Table 3-8 Signal (operating mode) for valve spool setpoint
voltage) Trigger Signal type
Valve spool setpoint in velocity controller cycle, valve Square-wave
control loop closed, velocity control loop open

Table 3-9 Signal (operating mode) for valve spool setpoint parameter settings

Parameters Physical unit

Signal type: Square-wave
Amplitude V
Period ms
Pulse width ms
Offset V
limitation V

Tr. 1: Valve stroke setpoint

Tr. 2: Actual valve stroke


0.0000 t [ms] 200.0000

Fig. 3-38 Servo trace of actual valve value with square-wave signal type to valve

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3.11 Start-up functions

Velocity setpoint
Table 3-10 Signal (operating mode) for velocity setpoint

Trigger Signal type

Velocity setpoint in velocity controller cycle, valve control Square-wave
loop closed, velocity control loop closed

Table 3-11 Signal (operating mode) for velocity setpoint parameter settings

Parameters Physical unit

Signal type: Square-wave
Amplitude (linear axis) mm/min | inch/min
Period ms
Pulse width ms
Offset (linear axis) mm/min | inch/min
Limitation (linear axis) mm/min | inch/min

The following diagram was created using a servo trace.

0.000 t [ms] 2.000e+03

Fig. 3-39 Servo trace of actual velocity with square-wave signal type to velocity setpoint

Amplitude: 100 mm/min.

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3.11 Start-up functions

Position setpoint
Table 3-12 Signal (operating mode) for position setpoint

Trigger Signal type

Position setpoint in position controller cycle, position con- Square-wave
trol loop closed, velocity control loop closed

Table 3-13 Signal (operating mode) for position setpoint parameter settings

Parameters Physical unit

Signal type: Square-wave
Amplitude (linear axis) mm | inch
Period ms
Pulse width ms
Offset (linear axis) mm/min | inch/min
Limitation (linear axis) mm | inch

The following diagram was created using a servo trace.

0.000 t [ms] 2.000e+03

Fig. 3-40 Servo trace of actual position with square-wave signal type to position setpoint

Amplitude: 100 mm

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3.11 Start-up functions

3.11.3 Circularity test

The circularity test is used among other things as a way of checking the result-
ing contour precision. It works by measuring the actual positions during a circu-
lar movement and displaying the deviations from the programmed radius as a
diagram (especially at the quadrant transitions). For detailed information, see:
References: /FB/Part 2, K3, Sect. 2.7 “Circularity test”
Example: The following example refers to a drive with an HRV.
X1 axis: Horizontal movement by electric drive
Y1 axis: Vertical movement by hydraulic drive

Tr. 1: X1 axis: Circularity test (electric axis)

Tr. 2: Y1 axis: Circularity test (hydraulic axis)

Scl/Div = 1.000e-03 Radius = 19.999

Fig. 3-41 Example of circularity test on HRV size 06, 15 l/min, knee-point 60%; V=400 mm/min (traversing velocity)

3.11.4 Servo trace

The servo trace function is used for graphic representation of signals and oper-
ating conditions.
A hydraulic-specific signal list (servo and drive signals) is available as a support
function for axes with HLA module.
The following hydraulic-specific drive signals are supported by the servo trace:

S Active power (with pressure sensing)

S Actual force (with pressure sensing)
S Actual velocity value
S Valve stroke setpoint
S Actual valve stroke
S Actual pressure cylinder A end
S Actual pressure cylinder B end

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3.11.5 DAC parameter settings

For DAC measuring sockets see subsection 5.1.5.

Fig. 3-42 Menu display “DAC parameter settings”

DAC selection list

Table 3-14 DAC selection list

Description Unit
Pressure p(A) (with pressure sensing) bar
Pressure p(B) (with pressure sensing) bar
Actual value spool value V
valve spool setpoint V
Actual velocity value mm/min
velocity Setpoint (upstream of filter) mm/min
velocity Setpoint (limited at filter output) mm/min
velocity Reference model setpoint mm/min
Actual force (with pressure sensing) N
Active power (with pressure sensing) kW
Control deviation of velocity controller mm/min
Velocity controller P component V
Velocity controller I component V
Velocity controller D component V
Feedforward control component velocity controller V
Friction feedforward control component velocity controller V
Velocity controller output before filter V
Velocity controller output after filter V
Actual position value mm
Force setpoint N
Force controller control deviation N

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3.12 User views

Table 3-14 DAC selection list

Description Unit
P component of force controller V
I component of force controller V
D component of force controller V
Feedforward control component force controller V
Force controller output V
Zero mark signal -
BERO signal -
Physical address (drive) -

3.12 User views

The horizontal softkey HLA is used under menu items “User Views/Edit View/In-
sert Date”.

Fig. 3-43 Menu display “Edit view”

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3.13 Display options

3.13 Display options

The display options allow the user to selectively reduce the amount of machine
data that is displayed.

Machine data The machine data is grouped for display purposes is similarly to the machine
groups data display for electric drives.

Fig. 3-44 Menu display “Display options”

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3.14 Configuring an OEM valve list

3.14 Configuring an OEM valve list

General OEM users can add their own valves to the valve list by copying file ibhlvlvo.ini
to the “\oem” directory. This list is added as a separate item under the heading
“OEM valves” at the end of the system list (Siemens list).
The syntax of the valve list is identical to that of a Windows INI file. The list may
be created under “Start-up”, “MMC” or “Editor”.
Select C:\OEM, then “New”. Enter the filename ibhlvlvo.ini, followed by “OK”.

Structure This file must have the following structure:

Column1 = Column2, Column3, ... , Column15,

Example of an
OEM valve list


, 5107, 510 510 511 5111 511 5113, 511 511 , ,

8, 9, 0, , 2, 4, 5,

1001= OEM, 01, abc type, 90.1, 5, 10, 10, 39.8 1, 0001B, 35, 1.0, 90, $T7ƕ40,

1050= OEM,
xyz type, 40.2, 5, 10, 10, 40.1 1, 0001B, 35, 1.0, 40, $T7ƕ40,


1051= OEM, 03, def type, 8.1, 35, 10, 10, 10, 1, 0000B, 200, 0.8, 8, $T8,

1030= OEM, 04, gkl type, 100.1, 35, 10, 10, 38.5 2, 0010B, 70, 0.8, 100, $T7ƕ40,
$L= “End of list”
$L= “- - - - - - - - -”

Columns 1 and 2 are separated by a “=” character. All other columns are
separated by a comma. Column 15 ends with a comma.
An MMC Reset must be performed to make changes effective.

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3.14 Configuring an OEM valve list

Table 3-15
Meaning of individual columns

Column Description Column in Reference to MD Unit
in OEM MMC display

valve / max. char- Name No.
list acters

Valve code number

Manufacturer’s name

Order Number
ÁÁÁ 2 / 13

ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ 3 / 11

Nominal valve flow

Nominal pressure drop of valve

Nominal voltage of valve VALVE_NOMINAL_VOLTAGE 5109 [V]

Knee-point flow rate of valve VALVE_DUAL_GAIN_FLOW 5110 [%]

9 Knee-point voltage of valve VALVE_DUAL_GAIN_VOLTAGE 5111 [%]

10 Nominal flow rate ratio between 6 / 10 VALVE_FLOW_FACTOR_A_B 5112

A and B ends of valve

11 Valve configuration VALVE_CONFIGURATION 5113
12 Natural frequency of valve VALVE_NATURAL_FREQUENCY 5114 [Hz]

Valve damping
Nominal valve flow rate for display 4/9
15 Valve knee-point voltage for dis- 5 / 15 [%]

The valve code is entered in the first column and must be a number. Numbers 1
to 1000 are reserved for Siemens. Individual values are separated by commas.
Columns 1 and 2 are separated by an equals signal (=). Comments are pre-
ceded by a semicolon.
Different numeric formats may be used.

S The following applies to the display (selection list) on the MMC:

The character strings used are identical to those stored in the INI file.

S The following applies to writing machine data:

- Unless otherwise specified, the decimal format is always used. If the
number is followed by a capital B, it is interpreted as a binary number. If
a capital H is inserted after the number, it is interpreted as a hexadecimal
- Floating-point numbers must be specified in US format (decimal
point=“.”) and without the separator symbol for 1000s (“,”).
- The individual fields in this section can be left empty, i.e. they contain 2
commas one after the other or two blanks between the 2 commas.
Empty fields are not written to the drive, i.e. the default setting of the ma-
chine data is transferred unchanged. The number of blanks is optional.
The maximum permitted number of characters is shown in Table 3-15.

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SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition 3-93
3 Startup 10.03
3.15 System variables

dependent texts Any language-dependent texts can be inserted in the OEM valve list. These all
start with $T.
Syntax: $T<X> (no semicolon)
<X> refers to a text in the language-dependent
text files
(see also language-dependent OEM texts)
Subheadings can also be inserted in the OEM valve list by adding the instruc-
tion “$L=<any text>;” at the beginning of a line. $T<X> can be used to insert
other language-dependent texts within this optional text instruction.

Language- The following language-dependent texts are predefined by the system and can
dependent be used in OEM valve lists.
system texts $T1=Order No.;
$T3=Nominal flow rate;
$T4=Knee-point voltage;
$T5=Nominal flow rate A:B;
$T7=“ Knee”;
$T8=“ Linear”;
$T10=Unlisted valve;

Language- Language-dependent OEM display texts are stored in the \oem\language di-
dependent rectory in \ibdrv_<SPRACHE>.ini files
OEM texts <LANGUAGE> stands for the appropriate language code. This file would be
called ibdrv_gr.ini for German. The codes for all languages installed in a sys-
tem are listed in the \mmc2\mmc.ini file, [LANGUAGE] section,
LanguageList entry. Language-dependent OEM text files must be formatted as
$T<X>=<any text>;
:<X> is any number w1000 and v32767, which must only occur once.

The number range from 1 to 999 is reserved for the system.

3.15 System variables

The NC control can use system variables to read in the measuring signals ap-
plied to connectors X121/X122 or X111/X112.
Table 3-16 Assignment of system variables

Name Male connector Pin

$VA_VALVELIFT[X] X121/X122 14 and 15
$VA_PRESSURE_A[X] X111/X112 11 and 12
$VA_PRESSURE_B[X] X111/X112 14 and 15

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3-94 SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition
Firmware Drive Functions 4
4.1 Block diagram of closed-loop control

Integration in The following diagram shows how the HLA module is embedded between the
overall system control system and the hydraulic drive. The control functions of the module are
shown in greatly simplified form. They are shown in more detail in the diagram
on the following page.

Control HLA module Drive

Actual position value
Flow feedforward
Velocity feedforward
control v’forw
Position Characteristics Valve setpoint
Position controller compensation voltage Uset
setpoint xset
Velocity Velocity controller
setpoint vset U U

Actual Actual pA
position xact velocity vact pB

O B Servo solenoid valve

Pressure supply

Fig. 4-1 General block diagram of NC - HLA module - drive system

Possible The dynamic response is dependent on:

dynamic response S Natural frequency of the servo solenoid valve (see Subsection 2.3.2)
S Natural frequency of the drive (see Subsection 2.3.4)
The greater the natural frequency, the better the achievable dynamic response.
For the purpose of oscillation damping, the natural frequency of the servo sole-
noid valve must be greater than that of the drive.

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Friction injection
MD 5460/MD 5461

Fig. 4-2
Control output filter
Flowrate feedforward control MD 5280/5281
MD 5284/5285
Velocity MD 5435 MD 5288-MD 5290
Setpoint filter +
MD 5500-MD 5502/ Setpoint Control output filter Area adapt- Knee-point Manipulated voltage
limitation Velocity controller ation limitation
Block diagram of
control functions

MD 5506/MD 5507/ Selection compensation

MD 5514-MD 5516/ MD 5440/ MD 5200-MD 5205/ MD 5462 logic MD 5464-MD 5468 MD 5474
P component
MD 5520/MD 5004 MD 5441 MD 5406-MD 5408 MD 5210-MD 5215 MD 5463 MD 5241 MD 5480-MD 5488 MD 5475

4 Firmware Drive Functions

Reference to
Velocity model DAC
setpoint vset MD 5414/ I component
MD 5415 MD 5409


Limitation MD 5470
4.1 Block diagram of closed-loop control

Actual velocity v act control

D component
MD 5430-MD 5433

Controller and characteristic functions of the HLA module

Actual position x act

Force controller Feedforward control Area adapt- Feedforward control filter

MD 5230-MD 5235 factor MD 5247 ation MD 5260/5261
MD 5241 (configuration) MD 5264/5265/MD 5268-MD 5270
characteristics implemented in the HLA module.

P component (valve dynamic response)
F MD 5242 MD 5243
I component
MD 5244

D component
MD 5245/MD 5246
act (see Section 4.4, Fig. 4-11)
Fig.4-2 shows the functionality for velocity and closed-loop force control plus

only if pressure sensor system is connected

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10.03 4 Firmware Drive Functions
4.2 Functions

4.2 Functions

4.2.1 Overview of functions

The document has been organized under the following main topics with
reference to Fig. 4-2:

S Velocity feedforward control (Subsection 4.3.1)

- Servo gain
- Velocity setpoint filter
- Setpoint limitations

S Velocity controller (Subsection 4.3.2)

- P/D/I components
- Deactivate adaptation
- Integrator feedback
- Reference model
- Control output filter in velocity controller

S Force control (Section 4.4)

- P/D/I components
- Force limitations
- Servo gain

S Manipulated voltage output (Section 4.5)

- Characteristic compensation
- Control output filter
- Manipulated voltage limitations

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4 Firmware Drive Functions 10.03
4.2 Functions

4.2.2 Parameter set changeover

It is possible to switch between 8 different parameter sets. Data which are as-
signed to specific parameter sets are identified by an [n] in the string code [0-7].
The request is made from the PLC by means of IS “Select drive parameter set”
DB 31-61 DBB 21 bits 0-2. They are predominantly controller and filter data
that can be switched over as a function of parameter set.
The status is interrogated by means of IS “Active drive parameter set” DB
31-61 DBB 93 bits 0-2.
Section 4.15 contains a complete parameter list with the attributes for each pa-

Servo solenoid valve

HLA module

PLC Change-
over block

Controlled system 1 Controlled system 0

e.g. parameter set 1 e.g. parameter set 0

Hydraulic cylinder


Fig. 4-3 Example of a parameter set changeover

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10.03 4 Firmware Drive Functions
4.3 Closed-loop velocity control

4.3 Closed-loop velocity control

4.3.1 Velocity adaptation/feedforward control

Velocity setpoint The NC ³ drive transfer interface is normalized to the maximum velocity set in
data MD 5401: DRIVE_MAX_SPEED.

5401 DRIVE_MAX_SPEED Cross reference: -

Maximum useful velocity Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
mm/min 0.0 0.0 120 000.0 FLOAT Power On

The velocity limit is defined by the settings in MD 5440:

not with MD 5401: DRIVE_MAX_SPEED.

Velocity setpoint

5004 CTRL_CONFIG Cross reference: -

Configuration structure Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
HEX 1000 0 1000 UNS.WORD Power On

Velocity setpoints are preset in the position controller cycle.

In order to prevent rigorous drive positioning motions at the beginning of each
position controller cycle, the current and previous velocity setpoint are interpo-
lated linearly in the drive.
Bit 12=0: no interpolation, velocity setpoint only changes in the
position controller cycle.
Bit 12=1: linear interpolation of the velocity setpoint over one
position controller cycle. The default setting is active.

Velocity Velocity setpoint interpolation deactivated

Velocity setpoint from
the NC
Velocity setpoint active
in drive
Position control cycle

Velocity Velocity setpoint interpolation activated


Position control cycle

Fig. 4-4 Velocity setpoint interpolation

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4 Firmware Drive Functions 10.03
4.3 Closed-loop velocity control

Velocity setpoint The complexity of applying velocity setpoint filters means that it is not possible
filter to provide generally-applicable, definitive guidelines for their use. However, cri-
teria for selecting filters and their parameters are defined below.
The velocity setpoint filters are used to adapt the velocity-controlled drive group-
ing to the higher-level position control loop. You can choose between bandstop
filters and low passes (PT2/PT1).
The task of a filter is to
S smooth the control response characteristic,
S damp mechanical resonance and
S symmetrize axes with different dynamic responses, especially the response
of interpolating axes.

Low-pass filters can be employed on interpolating axis groupings to
compensate for differences in dynamic response in velocity control loops.
The total equivalent time constant (equivalent time constant of velocity control
loop + equivalent time constant of velocity setpoint filter) must be set to an
identical value for all mutually interpolating axes.
Entering damping values close to the minimum input limits results in overshoots
up to a factor of 2 in the time range.

5500 NUM_SPEED_FILTERS [n] 0...7 index of the parameter set Cross reference: -
No. of velocity filters Related to: Protection level:
0: No velocity filters active HLA 3/3
1: Velocity filter activated
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
- 0 0 1 UNS.WORD Immediately
5501 SPEED_FILTER_TYPE [n] 0...7 index of the parameter set Cross reference: -
Type of velocity filter Related to: Protection level:
Bit 0= 0: Low-pass (see MD 5502, MD 5506, MD 5507) HLA 3/3
1: Bandstop (see MD 5514 - MD 5516, MD 5520)
Bit 8= 0: PT2 low-pass (see MD 5506, MD 5507)
1: PT1 low-pass (see MD 5502)
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
- 0 0 257 UNS.WORD Immediately
5502 SPEED_FILTER_1_TIME [n] 0...7 index of the parameter set Cross reference: -
PT1 time constant for velocity filter 1 Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
ms 0.0 0.0 500.0 FLOAT Immediately

The filter is activated via MD 5500 (1) and deactivated via (0). The default set-
ting is deactivated. The type of velocity filter can be defined by setting
MD 5501 to PT1 or PT2 low-pass or to band-stop filter. The key data for the filter
is defined in MD 5502 to MD 5520.
The filter is deactivated if machine data MD 5502 is set to 0.

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10.03 4 Firmware Drive Functions
4.3 Closed-loop velocity control

5506 SPEED_FILTER_1_FREQUENCY [n] 0...7 index of the parameter set Cross reference: -
PT2 natural frequency for velocity filter 1 Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
Hz 2000.0 10.0 8000.0 FLOAT Immediately
5507 SPEED_FILTER_1_DAMPING [n] 0...7 index of the parameter set Cross reference: -
PT2 damping for velocity filter 1 Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
- 0.7 0.2 1.0 FLOAT Immediately

Setting the machine data to a value of < 10 Hz as the low-pass natural fre-
quency deactivates the filter.

For interpolating axes, please read Subsection 3.9.7.

Amplitude log 10
frequency curve 0.2
0 0.5
value -10 1.0

102 103 log f [Hz]

Phase frequency Natural frequency

Phase angle

-90 0.5
102 103 log f [Hz]

Fig. 4-5 Low-pass filter (PT2) operation at natural frequency (MD 5506) of 1000 Hz and
variations in damping (MD 5507) of 0.2, 0.5 and 1.0

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4 Firmware Drive Functions 10.03
4.3 Closed-loop velocity control

5514 SPEED_FILTER_1_SUPPR_FREQ [n] 0...7 index of the parameter set Cross reference: -
Band-stop filter blocking frequency for velocity filter 1 Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
Hz 3500.0 10.0 7999.0 FLOAT Immediately
5515 SPEED_FILTER_1_BANDWIDTH [n] 0...7 index of the parameter set Cross reference: -
Band-stop filter bandwidth for velocity filter 1 Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
Hz 500.0 5.0 7999.0 FLOAT Immediately

The bandwidth must be less than or equal to 2 x MD 5514 x MD 5520.

5516 SPEED_FILTER_1_BW_NUMERATOR [n] 0...7 index of the parameter set Cross reference: -
Bandwidth numerator of velocity filter 1 Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
Hz 0.0 0.0 7999.0 FLOAT Immediately

Setting a value of 0 (MD 5516) initializes the filter as an undamped band-stop.
The value set in MD 5516 must not exceed twice the value set in MD 5515.

5520 SPEED_FILTER_1_BS_FREQ [n] 0...7 index of the parameter set Cross reference: -
Band-stop filter natural frequency for velocity filter 1 Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
% 100.0 1.0 141.0 FLOAT Immediately

The natural frequency for the general band-stop is set in MD 5520 as a percent-
age of MD 5514 (blocking frequency).

Setting MD 5520=100% initializes the filter as an undamped band-stop.
The natural frequency in Hz of the filter must be less than the reciprocal of two
velocity controller cycles
(MD 5520@0.01@MD 5514<1/(2@MD 5001@31.25 µs).

5522 ACT_SPEED_FILTER_TIME Cross reference: -

Time constant for actual velocity filter 1 Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
ms 0 0 0 UNS.WORD Power On

MD 5522 performs no function and is only compatible with the electric drives.

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10.03 4 Firmware Drive Functions
4.3 Closed-loop velocity control

Amplitude log 10
frequency curve 500 Hz 1000 Hz
3 2000 Hz
Absolute 0
value -3


102 103 log f [Hz]

Phase frequency
curve 180
Phase angle

500 Hz 1000 Hz 2000 Hz
102 103 log f [Hz]

Fig. 4-6 Frequency response of undamped band-stop with a bandwidth of 500 Hz and
variations in blocking frequency (MD 5514) of 500 Hz, 1000 Hz, 2000 Hz

Amplitude log 10
frequency curve 100 Hz
Absolute 0
value -3
[dB] 500 Hz
1000 Hz

102 103 log f [Hz]

frequency curve
Phase angle
100 Hz

1000 Hz
500 Hz
102 103 log f [Hz]

Fig. 4-7 Frequency response of undamped band-stop at a blocking frequency of 1000

Hz and variations in bandwidth (MD 5515) of 100 Hz, 500 Hz, 1000 Hz.
The bandwidth is the difference between the two frequencies with 3 dB drop in

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4 Firmware Drive Functions 02.99
4.3 Closed-loop velocity control

Amplitude log 10
frequency curve
Absolute 0
value -3
[dB] 250
-20 0

102 103 log f [Hz]

Phase frequency
Phase angle

102 103 log f [Hz]

Fig. 4-8 Band-stop behavior with bandwidth of 500 Hz, blocking frequency of 1000 Hz
and variation in numerator bandwidth (MD 5516) of 0, 150 and 250 Hz.

Amplitude log 10
frequency curve
3 1414
Absolute 0
value -3
-10 1000


102 103 log f [Hz]

Phase frequency
curve 180
Phase angle 1414
1414 1000

-90 707
102 103 log f [Hz]

Fig. 4-9 Frequency response of general band-stop at a blocking frequency of fz=1000

Hz, bandwidth fBn=500 Hz, numerator bandwidth fBz=0 Hz and variation in
natural frequency of (MD 5520) fn=70.7%, 1000% and 141.4%

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10.03 4 Firmware Drive Functions
4.3 Closed-loop velocity control

Velocity setpoint The velocity setpoint is limited in the positive and negative directions.
The maximum rapid traverse velocity of the drive (G0 function) is determined
by NC machine parameter 32000.

5420 DRIVE_MAX_SPEED_SETUP Cross reference: -

Max. velocity for setup mode Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
mm/min 10.0 0.0 120 000.0 FLOAT Immediately
5440 POS_DRIVE_SPEED_LIMIT Cross reference: -
Positive velocity setpoint limit Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
mm/min 0.0 0.0 120 000.0 FLOAT Immediately
5441 NEG_DRIVE_SPEED_LIMIT Cross reference: -
Negative velocity setpoint limit Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
mm/min 0.0 0.0 120000.0 FLOAT Immediately

With a differential cylinder, the physically possible velocities for piston travel-out
and travel-in are asymmetrical. For this reason, it is advisable to set asymmetri-
cal limitations. A message is sent to the PLC if the limit is violated.
If setup mode is selected, then the velocity setpoint is set to the value in MD
5420 for both directions. The velocity setpoint limitation is calculated as part of
the “Calculate drive model data” operation and
MD 5440 and MD 5441 are preset accordingly.

Acceleration To protect mechanical components against excessive wear and damage, the
limitation drive acceleration setpoints can be limited by the NC. Linear interpolation of the
velocity setpoints (see MD 5004: CTRL_CONFIG, bit 12; velocity setpoint inter-
polation) ensures that the drive accelerates at the rate specified by the control.
A function for limiting the acceleration in the drive has not been implemented.
(A braking ramp is operative only if the velocity controller is disabled, see MD

Servo gain The controlled system gain is entered in MD 5435 after “Calculate drive model
data” and should not be altered unless it is incorrect. The value in MD 5435 is
the reference for the P gain of the velocity controller.

5435 CONTROLLED_SYSTEM_GAIN [n] 0...7 index of the parameter set Cross reference: -
Controlled system gain Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
mm/Vmin 0.0 0.0 20000.0 FLOAT Immediately

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4 Firmware Drive Functions 02.99
4.3 Closed-loop velocity control

5460 FRICTION_COMP_GRADIENT Cross reference: -
Gradient of friction compensation characteristic Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
% 0.0 0.0 400.0 FLOAT Immediately
5461 FRICTION_COMP_OUTPUT_RANGE Cross reference: -
Effective range of friction compensation (at output) Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
% 0.1 0.1 10.0 FLOAT Immediately

In order to reduce the effects of friction, the characteristic gradient is made

steeper around the zero point in the flow rate feedforward control path (see
Fig. 4-2). The differential pressure is thus boosted with the velocity setpoint
sign. Fig. 4-10 shows an example of this characteristic and the way that the
associated machine data works (see also Subsection 2.3.1 and Appendix A).


MD 5461
MD 5460

- MD 5461

Fig. 4-10 Friction compensation characteristic; see also static friction injection
in Subsection 4.4.2.

4.3.2 Velocity controller

Velocity controller Sampling time with which the velocity control loop is calculated.

5001 SPEEDCTRL_CYCLE_TIME Cross reference: -

Velocity controller cycle Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
31.25 µs 4 2 16 UNS.WORD Power On

S Short cycle: Good dynamic response, but measurement noise from actual
velocity increases.

S Long cycle: Poor dynamic response, actual velocity values are not noisy

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10.03 4 Firmware Drive Functions
4.3 Closed-loop velocity control

Recommended setting:
Increase cycle time for measuring system with wide scale graduations or large
derivative action time of D component.

Adaptation of Adaptation of the P and D components is recommended where the natural fre-
P and D quency of the servo solenoid valve is higher than that of the drive.
5413 SPEEDCTRL_ADAPT_ENABLE Cross reference: -
Selection of velocity controller adaptation Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
- 0 0 1 UNS.WORD Immediately

Requirement: Adaptation can only be selected following zero calibration of cylin-

der piston, see Subsection 3.9.4.
With MD 5413: SPEEDCTRL_ADAPT_ENABLE can be used to activate (bit
0=1)/deactivate (bit 0=0) adaptation. If adaptation is deactivated, MD 5407 ap-
plies: SPEEDCTRL_GAIN and MD 5430: SPEEDCTRL_PT1_TIME apply.

S Adaptation ON (see Fig. 4-11)

With MD 5406: SPEEDCTRL_GAIN_A and MD 5408:
SPEEDCTRL_GAIN_B are programmed to define the P gain and MD 5431:
MD 5433: SPEEDCTRL_DIFF_TIME_B to define the derivative-action time
(D component)
at the A and B ends of the cylinder.
act on the position set in MD 5160: PISTON_POS_MIN_NAT_FREQ.

S Adaptation OFF
are active over the entire range,
The natural frequency of the drive varies as a function of distance. Extreme val-
ues occur at the two limits and in the approximate center (MD 5160) of the tra-
versing range. It may therefore be useful to adapt the velocity controller position
(P and D components), with the extreme range limits specified as interpolation
The adaptation function can be activated or deactivated.
If the piston zero has not been calibrated, the adaptation will not be operative,
even if it is activated.
When adaptation is active, the P gain and D-action component of the velocity
controller are interpolated linearly between two points.
“Calculate controller data” alters the settings for the controllers and the adapta-
tion selection.

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4 Firmware Drive Functions 10.03
4.3 Closed-loop velocity control

controller P component

MD 5406

MD 5408
MD 5407

Piston position
0 MD 5160 MD 5134
Derivative-action time

MD 5432

MD 5431

MD 5433

Piston position
0 MD 5160 MD 5134
Natural frequency of drive

MD 5162

MD 5164

MD 5163

Piston position
0 MD 5160 MD 5134
(min. natural frequency) (piston stroke)

Cylinder A end Cylinder B end


Fig. 4-11 Deactivate adaptation

P component

5406 SPEEDCTRL_GAIN_A [n] 0...7 index of the parameter set Cross reference: -
P gain of velocity controller A Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
% 0.0 -100.0 1000.0 FLOAT Immediately
5407 SPEEDCTRL_GAIN [n] 0...7 index of the parameter set Cross reference: -
P gain of velocity controller Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
% 0.0 -100.0 1000.0 FLOAT Immediately
5408 SPEEDCTRL_GAIN_B [n] 0...7 index of the parameter set Cross reference: -
P gain of velocity controller B Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
% 0.0 -100.0 1000.0 FLOAT Immediately

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4.3 Closed-loop velocity control

A negative P gain setting may be useful for oscillation damping. Negative gain
settings are permissible. The gain is specified in relation to the drive servo gain
setting. 100% means that if the distance-to-go is equal to the maximum speed
NEG_DRIVE_SPEED_LIMIT), the full nominal valve voltage will be output as
the P component.
The P gain set in MD 5407 SPEEDCTRL_GAIN is referred to the controlled
system gain set in MD 5435: CONTROLLED_SYSTEM_GAIN.

I component

5409 SPEEDCTRL_INTEGRATOR_TIME [n] 0...7 index of the parameter set Cross reference: -
Reset time of velocity controller Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
ms 50.0 0.0 2000.0 FLOAT Immediately

The integral-action component can be deactivated by setting the reset time to

zero. For a negative P gain setting, the reset time is interpreted as a negative
value so that the compensation always acts as negative feedback.
The integrator can be activated/deactivated via the PLC. The current status is
returned to the PLC.


5421 SPEEDCTRL_INTEGRATOR_FEEDBK [n] 0...7 index of the parameter set Cross reference: -
Time constant of integrator feedback Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
ms 0.0 0.0 1000.0 FLOAT Immediately

The integrator of the velocity controller loop is reduced to a 1st order low-pass
action with the configured time constant via a weighted feedback.
S Effect:
The output of the velocity controller integrator is limited to a value propor-
tional to the difference between setpoint and actual values (steady-state
proportional action).
S Applications:
Machining motions for position setpoint zero and dominant static friction can
be suppressed but result in a permanent distance-to-go, e.g. oscillation of
the position-controlled axis at zero speed (stick-slip effect) or overshooting in
the µm-step method.
S Setting notes:
Optimize this data starting from a high value until you find the best

If the time constant integrator feedback v1 ms is set, feedback is disabled.

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4 Firmware Drive Functions 02.99
4.3 Closed-loop velocity control

Integrator Velocity below which the integrator feedback takes effect.


5422 FEEDBK_SPEED_THRESHOLD Cross reference: -

Velocity threshold for integrator feedback Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
mm/min 10.0 0.0 120000.0 FLOAT Immediately

The integrator feedback function is mainly used when static friction problems
are encountered, i.e. so as to suppress undesirable movements caused by
static friction (slip-stick effect) in position-controlled operation and at zero speed.
MD 5422 can be set to ensure that the integrator feedback is activated only for
low velocity setpoints and stabilizes the axis at zero speed. At high velocities,
however, the effect of the I component is not restricted.

D component A derivative-action component (acceleration feedback) is implemented in the

(acceleration controller in addition to the P component. This derivative-action component is
feedback) located in the feedback branch. It is set via the derivative-action time. It may be
a negative or positive setting. No D component is active if the D-action time is
set to zero.

5430 SPEEDCTRL_PT1_TIME [n] 0...7 index of the parameter set Cross reference: -
Velocity controller smoothing time constant Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
ms 0.25 0.25 100.0 FLOAT Immediately
5431 SPEEDCTRL_DIFF_TIME_A [n] 0...7 index of the parameter set Cross reference: -
Derivative-action time of velocity controller A (D component) Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
ms 0.0 -100.0 100.0 FLOAT Immediately
5432 SPEEDCTRL_DIFF_TIME [n] 0...7 index of the parameter set Cross reference: -
Derivative-action time of velocity controller (D component) Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
ms 0.0 -100.0 100.0 FLOAT Immediately
5433 SPEEDCTRL_DIFF_TIME_B [n] 0...7 index of the parameter set Cross reference: -
Derivative-action time of velocity controller B (D component) Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
ms 0.0 -100.0 100.0 FLOAT Immediately

Similar to the P component setting, it is possible to set a D component at the A

and B ends of the cylinder.
Since precise differentiation is not possible, an additional denominator compo-
nent must be provided. This component is set by means of a smoothing time
constant (MD 5430: SPEEDCTRL_PT1_TIME). If the D component is deacti-
vated, then the smoothing constant also ceases to function.

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4.3 Closed-loop velocity control

Reference model

5414 SPEEDCTRL_REF_MODEL_FREQ [n] 0...7 index of the parameter set Cross reference: -
Natural frequency of reference model Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
Hz 150.0 0.0 1000.0 FLOAT Immediately
5415 SPEEDCTRL_REF_MODEL_DAMPING [n] 0...7 index of the parameter set Cross reference: -
Reference model damping Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
- 0.9 0.4 1.0 FLOAT Immediately

The dynamic response of the velocity control loop to control commands without
an I component in the velocity controller is simulated in the reference model. In
the ideal case of exact simulation, there is no deviation after the setpoint/actual
value comparison on the integrator under no-load conditions. In practice, veloc-
ity overshoots in the response to control commands can be reduced in this way.
The reference model is defined by setting the natural frequency (MD5414)
and damping (MD 5415) parameters.

Control output, Two control output filters have been implemented. As compared to the current
velocity controller setpoint filter on electrical drives, the scope of functions has been extended by
the general band stop.

5200 NUM_OUTPUT_VCTRL_FILTERS [n] 0...7 index of the parameter set Cross reference: -
Number of control output filters in velocity controller Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
- 0 0 2 UNS.WORD Immediately

The number of control output filters in the velocity controller is set in MD 5200.
No filters are active by default. Bandstop filters and 2nd-order low pass filters
can be selected and set in MD 5201: OUTPUT_FILTER_CONFIG.
Table 4-1 Selection of number of control output filters in velocity controller

0 No control output filter active

1 Filter 1 active
2 Filters 1 and 2 active

Enter the configuration for 2 control output filters. Bandstops (BS) and low-pass
filters can be selected. The variable filter parameters are entered in the associ-
ated machine data.

The filter machine data must be assigned before the filter type is configured.

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4.3 Closed-loop velocity control

5201 OUTPUT_VCTRL_FILTER_CONFIG [n] 0...7 index of the parameter set Cross reference: -
Control output filter type in velocity controller Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
- 0 0 3 UNS.WORD Immediately

Table 4-2 Control output filter type in velocity controller

0 Low-pass (see MD 5202/5203)

1st filter Bit 0
1 Bandstop filter (refer to MD
0 Low-pass (see MD 5204/5205)
2nd filter Bit 1
1 Bandstop filter (refer to MD

Table 4-3 Filter combinations


PT2 PT2 0
PT2 BS 1
BS PT2 2

5202 OUTPUT_VCTRL_FIL_1_FREQ [n] 0...7 index of the parameter set Cross reference: -
Natural frequency output filter 1 velocity controller Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
Hz 1000.0 10.0 8000.0 FLOAT Immediately
5204 OUTPUT_VCTRL_FIL_2_FREQ [n] 0...7 index of the parameter set Cross reference: -
Natural frequency output filter 2 velocity controller Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
Hz 1000.0 10.0 8000.0 FLOAT Immediately

The filter key data is defined in MD 5202 to MD 5205 and MD 5210 to MD 5215.
Enter the natural frequency for control output filters 1...2 (PT2 low-pass) in the
velocity controller.
The filters are activated in MD 5200: NUM_OUTPUT_VCTRL_FILTERS and

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4.3 Closed-loop velocity control

5203 OUTPUT_VCTRL_FIL_1_DAMP [n] 0...7 index of the parameter set Cross reference: -
Damping control output filter 1 velocity controller Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
- 1.0 0.05 1.0 FLOAT Immediately
5205 OUTPUT_VCTRL_FIL_2_DAMP [n] 0...7 index of the parameter set Cross reference: -
Damping control output filter 2 velocity controller Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
- 1.0 0.05 1.0 FLOAT Immediately

Enter the damping for control output filters 1...2 (PT2 low-pass) in the velocity
controller. The filters are activated in MD 5200: NUM_OUTPUT_VCTRL_FIL-

5210 OUTPUT_VCTRL_FIL_1_SUP_FREQ [n] 0...7 index of the parameter set Cross reference: -
Blocking frequency output filter 1 velocity controller Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
Hz 3500.0 1.0 7999.0 FLOAT Immediately
5213 OUTPUT_VCRTL_FIL_2_SUP_FREQ [n] 0...7 index of the parameter set Cross reference: -
Blocking frequency output filter 2 velocity controller Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
Hz 3500.0 1.0 7999.0 FLOAT Immediately

Enter the blocking frequency for control output filters 1...2 (bandstop) in the ve-
locity controller. The filters are activated in MD 5200: NUM_OUT-

5211 OUTPUT_VCTRL_FIL_1_BW [n] 0...7 index of the parameter set Cross reference: -
Bandwidth control output filter 1 velocity controller Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
Hz 500.0 5.0 7999.0 FLOAT Immediately
5214 OUTPUT_VCTRL_FIL_2_BW [n] 0...7 index of the parameter set Cross reference: -
Bandwidth control output filter 2 velocity controller Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
Hz 500.0 5.0 7999.0 FLOAT Immediately

Enter the -3dB bandwidth for control output filters 1...2 (bandstop filter) in the
velocity controller.
The filters are activated in MD 5200: NUM_OUTPUT_VCTRL_FILTERS and

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4.3 Closed-loop velocity control

5212 OUTPUT_VCTRL_FIL_1_BW_NUM [n] 0...7 index of the parameter set Cross reference: -
Numerator bandwidth output filter 1 velocity controller Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
Hz 0.0 0.0 7999.0 FLOAT Immediately
5215 OUTPUT_VCTRL_FIL_2_BW_NUM [n] 0...7 index of the parameter set Cross reference: -
Numerator bandwidth output filter 2 velocity controller Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
Hz 0.0 0.0 7999.0 FLOAT Immediately

Enter the numerator bandwidth for control output filters 1...2 (damped bandstop)
in the velocity controller. Entering a value of 0 initializes the filter as an unatte-
nuated bandstop filter.
The filters are activated in MD 5200: NUM_OUTPUT_VCTRL_FILTERS and

4.3.3 Dynamic stiffness control (DSC)

DSC The DSC (dynamic stiffness control) function is supported, allowing higher P
gain settings in the position controller. The function is implemented in the same
way as on an electrical drive. It is also activated via the control system (as on an
electrical drive).

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4.4 Closed-loop force control

4.4 Closed-loop force control

S Pressure sensors must be installed
S Force limitation and/or static friction injection activated

S Piston position must have been calibrated (see Subsection 3.9.4)

Where: AA AB Cylinder
A: Area
P: Pressure FB
F: Force FA



Measured value

MD 5131 MD 5131
MD 5132 MD 5133

Force controller

Fig. 4-12 Actual force measurement sensing

Starting up the To start up the force controller, the measuring functions and function generator
force controller can be redirected from the velocity controller to the force controller by setting bit
8 in MD 5650. In this setting, velocity setpoints are interpreted as force setpoints
in units of kN. This mode is deactivated by clearing MD 5650, bit 8
(mm/min → kN).

Force limitation Force limitation is required

S in certain machining processes for which the “Travel to fixed stop” function
must be implemented or

S to work material in the machining of force profiles.

Static friction This compensation function is needed to compensate the effects of static fric-
compensation tion occurring when the traversing direction changes (reduction of contour er-
rors, see e.g. circularity test).

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4.4 Closed-loop force control

Force controller Enter configuration for force controller:


5241 FORCECTRL_CONFIG [n] 0...7 index of the parameter set Cross reference: -
Force controller configuration Related to: Protection level:
Bit 0= 0: Force limitation 1 from HLA 3/3
1: Force limitation 1 ON
Bit 1= 0: Static friction injection OFF
1: Static friction injection ON
Bit 2= 0: Force limitation 2 OFF
1: Force limitation 2 ON
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
HEX 0 0 6 UNS.WORD Immediately

If a pressure sensor is installed and connected for the pressures at A and B, the
force limitation and/or static friction injection functions
in MD 5241 can be switched on.
Before the force limitation and/or static friction injection is activated, the associ-
ated machine data for force limitation (MD 5230, MD 5231)
or friction force (MD 5234, MD 5235) should be set. These data may contain the
force of weight values and might not be preset correctly by the defaults.
If the cylinder load changes and the force of weight must be held by the cylin-
der, then the static friction injection function cannot be utilized, as the values in
MD 5234 and MD 5235 vary depending on the load.
S Static friction injection (MD 5241 bit 1=1), see Subsection 4.4.2.
S Force limitation 1 (MD 5241 bit 0=1)
Force limitation 1 is always effective, even without FFA (NC function “Travel
to fixed stop”). The force limit is specified in MD 5230. If FFA is active, the
lowest force limitation always takes effect (MD 5230 or
MD 37010 or value from FXST[x]). Reference value (100% value) of force
limit for NC is MD 5725.
If the current force limitation is exceeded, the speed controller will remain
active, even if FFA has been activated. This may lead to faults if FFA is ac-
tive. At higher velocities, this can also cause continuous alternation between
the force and velocity controller. This mode is therefore only suitable for low
velocities (<0.1 @ maximum velocity).
S Force limitation 2 (MD 5241 bit 2=1)
Force limitation 2 becomes active when the force limit value is exceeded
and FFA is active. In each case, the lowest force limitation becomes active
(MD 5230 or MD 37010 or value from FXST[x]). Reference value (100%
value) of force limit for NC is MD 5725.
Force limitation remains active until the function FFA is deactivated, even if
the force has already fallen below the current force limitation.

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4.4 Closed-loop force control




Fcontr. on


Fig. 4-13 Force limitation 2

Deselection of closed-loop force control by deactivating function “Travel to fixed

stop” bit.

4.4.1 Force limitation

Force limitation tolerance band (plus/minus) about force of weight and weight
force limitation.

5230 FORCE_LIMIT_THRESHOLD [n] 0...7 index of the parameter set Cross reference: -
Force limitation tolerance threshold about weight Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
N 10000.0 0.0 100000000.0 FLOAT Immediately
5231 FORCE_LIMIT_WEIGHT [n] 0...7 index of the parameter set Cross reference: -
Weight force limitation Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
N 0.0 -100000000.0 100000000.0 FLOAT Immediately

If a pressure sensor is installed and connected for the pressures at A and B, the
force limitation in MD 5241 can be activated.
The force controller then ensures that the cylinder force is limited to the
relevant values if it is threatening to exceed the value set in MD 5230 plus force
of weight (MD 5231) or to drop below the force of weight value (MD 5231) minus
the setting in MD 5230.
Since only the cylinder force is measured and regulated, it may be necessary to
allow for the force of weight in MD 5231 and the friction force in MD 5230.
An additional force limitation value with the same effect as MD 5230 can be pre-
set by the NC, e.g. when traveling onto a fixed stop. The lower of the two force
limitation values is then applied.

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4.4 Closed-loop force control

4.4.2 Static friction injection

If a pressure sensor is installed and connected for the pressures at A and B, the
static friction injection function in MD 5241 can be activated.
Static force injection should not be activated if the cylinder is required to hold a
varying force of weight. In addition, the offset of the valve manipulated voltage
and the piston position must already have been adjusted. Machine data
MD 5232...MD 5235 can be adjusted by means of a circularity test.

Velocity threshold Velocity below which zero speed and thus static friction is detected.

5232 STICTION_SPEED_THRESHOLD Cross reference: -

Velocity threshold for static friction Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
mm/min 10.0 0.0 500.0 FLOAT Immediately

The force controller ensures that the force is limited to the value set in MD 5234
or MD 5235 when the velocity drops below the setting in MD 5232 for as long as
the drive is stationary.
Which of the two force setpoints is applied (MD 5234 or MD 5235) is determined
by the sign of the velocity setpoint.

Cutoff limit

5233 STICTION_COMP_THRESHOLD Cross reference: -

Cutoff limit static friction Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
% 40.0 3.0 100.0 FLOAT Immediately

The force controller is deactivated just before the setpoint is reached via the
cutoff limit (MD 5233) to prevent overshoots occurring during servo solenoid
valve actuation.
If MD 5233 is set to 100%, then the force controller is not switched off until the
force setpoint (MD 5234 or MD 5235) is reached or unless the drive moves be-
forehand. This setting results in overshoots in the actual velocity value.

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4.4 Closed-loop force control

Cylinder friction The cylinder friction force at a positive or negative velocity is set in MD 5234
force and 5235 respectively.

5234 STICTION_FORCE_POS Cross reference: -

Friction force at velocity > 0 Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
N 100.0 -100000000.0 100000000.0 FLOAT Immediately

Allowance must be made for the force of weight applied to the cylinder in MD
5234 (e.g. with a cylinder mounting position other than 0 degrees, MD 5151).
The value to be set can be read in MD 5708 when the cylinder is moved slowly
(e.g. in JOG mode) in the positive direction.
If the force of weight applied to the cylinder varies as a function of load, then
static force injection cannot be utilized.

5235 STICTION_FORCE_NEG Cross reference: -

Friction force at velocity < 0 Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
N -100.0 -100000000.0 100000000.0 FLOAT Immediately

Allowance must be made for the force of weight applied to the cylinder in
MD 5235 (e.g. with a cylinder mounting position other than 0 degrees,
MD 5151). The value to be set can be read in MD 5708 when the cylinder is
moved slowly (e.g. in JOG mode) in the negative direction.
If the force of weight applied to the cylinder varies as a function of load, then
static force injection cannot be utilized.

4.4.3 Force controller

Feedforward Factor for setting the feedforward control gain in the force controller.
control gain of
force controller

5247 FORCE_FFW_WEIGHT Cross reference: -

Feedforward control factor for force controller Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
% 100.0 0.0 120.0 FLOAT Immediately

Operative only if force limitation or static friction injection is activated

in MD 5241.
The more accurate the feedforward control setting, the more effective the force
limitation at high velocities.
An excessively high setting can result in continuous switching between force
and velocity controllers.
The area adaptation (MD 5462 and MD 5463) and controlled system gain
(MD 5435) are taken into account by the feedforward control.

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4.4 Closed-loop force control

Controlled system
gain of force


Force controlled controlled-system gain Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
N/V 0.0 0.0 1000000000.0 FLOAT Immediately

MD 5240 contains the controlled system proportional gain for the force control
Since the force control loop has an integral action, a unit integrator (I-action time
of 1 second) was subtracted from the controlled system to calculate the gain.
MD 5240 is preset by the “Calculate drive model data” routine.
The controlled system gain depends on the volume of oil in the cylinder and the
nominal volumetric flow of the servo solenoid valve. The value should not gen-
erally be altered.
The value in MD 5240 is the reference for the P gain of the force controller.
MD 5240 makes allowance for the effects of geometric dimensions.
The effect of the valve dynamic response is taken into account in MD 5242,
which means that the same gain value can always be set for an identical valve
dynamic response on different cylinders.

P component
of force controller

5242 FORCECTRL_GAIN [n] 0...7 index of the parameter set Cross reference: -
Force controller P gain Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
- 0.0 0.0 10000.0 FLOAT Immediately

If force limitation and/or static friction injection is activated in MD 5241, the P

gain of the force controller is entered in this machine data.
The P gain reference is MD 5240, which contains a value representing the ef-
fects of the geometric dimensions.
The effect of the valve dynamic response is taken into account in MD 5242,
which means that the same gain value can always be set for an identical valve
dynamic response on different cylinders.

5243 FORCECTRL_GAIN_RED Cross reference: -

Reduction of force controller P gain Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
% 40.0 0.1 100.0 FLOAT Immediately

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4.4 Closed-loop force control

If force limitation and/or static friction injection are activated in MD 5241, the
reduction in the force controller P gain in response to large setpoint/actual value
deviations (large-signal operation) is entered in MD 5243. The P component of
the force controller must be reduced since the dynamic limitations of the actua-
tor in large-signal operation also reduce the potential dynamic response of the
control loop.
Small-signal operation is set in MD 5242.
The factor in MD 5243 specifies as a percentage the value to which a
P component of 10 V is reduced.

I component
of force controller

5244 FORCECTRL_INTEGRATOR_TIME [n] 0...7 index of the parameter set Cross reference: -
Force controller reset time Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
ms 40.0 0.0 2000.0 FLOAT Immediately

If force limitation and/or static friction injection is activated in MD 5241, the reset
time of the force controller is entered in this machine data.
Enter a value of 0 for the reset time deactivates the I-action component.

D component
of force controller

5245 FORCECTRL_PT1_TIME [n] 0...7 index of the parameter set Cross reference: -
Force controller smoothing time constant Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
ms 0.5 0.25 100.0 FLOAT Immediately
5246 FORCECTRL_DIFF_TIME [n] 0...7 index of the parameter set Cross reference: -
Force controller D-action time Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
ms 0.0 -10000.0 10000.0 FLOAT Immediately

If force limitation and/or static friction injection is activated in MD 5241, a

smoothing time constant of the force controller for derivative action is set in
MD 5245 and, in addition to the force controller P component (MD 5242), a
D-action component (jerk feedback) in MD 5246.
If the D-action component of the force controller is deactivated (MD 5246), then
the smoothing function (MD 5245) is also rendered inoperative.
The D-action time setting (MD 5246) can be negative or positive. No D compo-
nent is active if the D-action time is set to zero.

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4.4 Closed-loop force control

control filter for
force controller
5260 NUM_FFW_FCTRL_FILTERS [n] 0...7 index of the parameter set Cross reference: -
No. of force controller feedforward control filters Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
- 0 0 1 UNS.WORD Immediately

The number of feedforward control filters in the force controller are entered in
this machine data.
Table 4-4 Selection of number of feedforward control filters

0 No feedforward control filter active (default)

1 Filter(s) activated

The filter machine data must be assigned before the filter type is configured.

5261 FFW_FCTRL_FILTER_TYPE [n] 0...7 index of the parameter set Cross reference: -
Type of feedforward control filter in force controller Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
- 0 0 1 UNS.WORD Immediately

The type of feedforward control filter in the force controller is entered in this ma-
chine data.
Table 4-5 Type of feedforward control filter

0 Low-pass (see MD 5264/5265)

Bit 0
1 Bandstop filter (refer to MD 5268/5269/5270)

5264 FFW_FCTRL_FIL_1_FREQ [n] 0...7 index of the parameter set Cross reference: -
PT2 natur. freq. feedforward control filter1 Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
Hz 2000.0 10.0 8000.0 FLOAT Immediately

The filter key data is defined in MD 5264, MD 5265 and MD 5268 to MD 5270.

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4.4 Closed-loop force control

5265 FFW_FCTRL_FIL_1_DAMP [n] 0...7 index of the parameter set Cross reference: -
PT2 damping for feedforward control filter 1 Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
- 0.7 0.2 1.0 FLOAT Immediately

Enter damping for feedforward control filter 1 (PT2 low-pass) in force controller.

5268 FFW_FCTRL_FIL_1_SUP_FREQ [n] 0...7 index of the parameter set Cross reference: -
Blocking frequency of feedforward control filter 1 Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
Hz 3500.0 10.0 7999.0 FLOAT Immediately

Enter the blocking frequency for feedforward control filter 1 (band-stop) in force

5269 FFW_FCTRL_FIL_1_BW [n] 0...7 index of the parameter set Cross reference: -
Bandwidth of feedforward control filter 1 Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
Hz 500.0 5.0 7999.0 FLOAT Immediately

Enter the -3 dB bandwidth for feedforward control filter 1 (band-stop) in force


5270 FFW_FCTRL_FIL_1_BW_NUM [n] 0...7 index of the parameter set Cross reference: -
Numerator bandwidth feedforward control filter 1 Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
Hz 0.0 0.0 7999.0 FLOAT Immediately

Enter numerator bandwidth for feedforward control filter 1 (damped band-stop)

in force controller.
Entering a value of 0 initializes the filter as an unattenuated bandstop filter. The
value set in MD 5270 must not exceed twice the value set in MD 5269.

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4.5 Manipulated voltage output

4.5 Manipulated voltage output

4.5.1 Characteristic compensation

Area adaptation Various non-linear effects of valve or drive can be compensated by means of
characteristics. The characteristics are cascaded so that they can be set sepa-

5462 AREA_FACTOR_POS_OUTPUT [n] 0...7 index of the parameter set Cross reference: -
Piston surface adaptation factor, positive Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
% 100.0 50.0 200.0 FLOAT Immediately
5463 AREA_FACTOR_NEG_OUTPUT [n] 0...7 index of the parameter set Cross reference: -
Piston surface adaptation factor, negative Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
% 100.0 50.0 200.0 FLOAT Immediately

In order to compensate the direction-dependent controlled-system gain on dif-

ferential cylinders, a characteristic with a gradient that is variable as a function
of direction has been implemented. Fig. 4-14 shows a sample characteristic and
illustrates how the associated machine data works. In practice, only one of the
two gradients is weighted with a factor not equal to 100%. Normally, it is the
gradient that causes the cylinder piston to travel out that is weighted with a fac-
tor of less than 100% (see also Subsection 2.3.1 and Appendix A).

MD 5462

0 100%


- MD 5463


Fig. 4-14 Example of piston surface adaptation characteristic

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4.5 Manipulated voltage output

Linearization of
Valves with a fine control range are described in Section 4.7. An inverse charac-
teristic is applied to compensate the nonlinear characteristic of these valves.
The breakpoint on real valves is rounded. For this reason, the breakpoint range
in the compensation characteristic is also rounded. The rounding is based on a
root characteristic in such a way that the intersection points lie on a continuous
tangent; the rounding range can be set as required. Fig. 4-15 shows a sample
characteristic and illustrates how the associated machine data works.
The knee point is defined by the percentage for input (voltage) and output


MD 5485

MD 5464
MD 5468
-100% MD 5480
MD 5488 MD 5484
MD 5481 MD 5486 MD 5466
MD 5483 MD 5465 100%
MD 5467

MD 5487

MD 5482

Fig. 4-15 Valve characteristic with breakpoint in zero, fine control and saturation ranges

S Valve characteristic with breakpoint in zero range

5480 POS_DUAL_GAIN_COMP_Z_FLOW [n] 0...7 index of the parameter set Cross reference: -
Knee-point compensation pos. flowrate in zero range Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
% 0.01 0.01 95.0 FLOAT Immediately
5481 POS_DUAL_GAIN_COMP_Z_VOLT [n] 0...7 index of the parameter set Cross reference: -
Knee-point compensation pos. voltage in zero range Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
% 0.0 0.0 95.0 FLOAT Immediately

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4.5 Manipulated voltage output

5482 DUAL_GAIN_COMP_SMOOTH_Z_R [n] 0...7 index of the parameter set Cross reference: -
Knee-point compensation rounding in zero range Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
% 0.0 0.0 10.0 FLOAT Immediately
5483 NEG_DUAL_GAIN_COMP_Z_FLOW [n] 0...7 index of the parameter set Cross reference: -
Knee-point compensation neg. flow in zero range Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
% 0.01 0.01 95.0 FLOAT Immediately
5484 NEG_DUAL_GAIN_COMP_Z_VOLT [n] 0...7 index of the parameter set Cross reference: -
Knee-point compensation neg. voltage in zero range Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
% 0.0 0.0 95.0 FLOAT Immediately

To calculate the inverse characteristic, a knee-point is defined in the positive

zero range of the valve characteristic with MD 5480 and MD 5481 and in the
negative zero range with MD 5483 and MD 5484.
The positive and negative valve flows at the knee-point in relation to the
nominal flow (MD 5107) are entered in 5483 and MD 5480 respectively.
The valve voltage at the knee-point in relation to the nominal valve voltage
(MD 5109) is entered in MD 5481.
When MD 5481 is set to default zero, there is no breakpoint in the positive
zero range.
When MD 5484 is set to default zero, there is no breakpoint in the negative
zero range.
The rounding range is parameterized in MD 5482.

S Valve characteristic with breakpoint in fine control range

5464 POS_DUAL_GAIN_COMP_FLOW [n] 0...7 index of the parameter set Cross reference: -
Knee-point compensation pos. flow Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
% 10.0 0.2 95.0 FLOAT Immediately
5465 POS_DUAL_GAIN_COMP_VOLTAGE [n] 0...7 index of the parameter set Cross reference: -
Knee-point compensation pos. voltage Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
% 10.0 0.2 95.0 FLOAT Immediately
5466 DUAL_GAIN_COMP_SMOOTH_RANGE [n] 0...7 index of the parameter set Cross reference: -
Rounding range for knee-point compensation Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
% 2.5 0.0 10.0 FLOAT Immediately

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4.5 Manipulated voltage output

5467 NEG_DUAL_GAIN_COMP_FLOW [n] 0...7 index of the parameter set Cross reference: -
Knee-point compensation neg. flow Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
% 10.0 0.2 95.0 FLOAT Immediately
5468 NEG_DUAL_GAIN_COMP_VOLTAGE [n] 0...7 index of the parameter set Cross reference: -
Knee-point compensation neg. voltage Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
% 10.0 0.2 95.0 FLOAT Immediately

To calculate the inverse characteristic, the knee-point in the positive quad-

rant of the valve characteristic is defined in MD 5464 and MD 5465 and in
the negative quadrant with MD 5467 and MD 5468.
The positive and negative valve flows at the knee-point in relation to the
nominal flow (MD 5107) are entered in 5467 and MD 5464 respectively.
The positive and negative valve voltages at the knee-point in relation to the
nominal valve voltage (MD 5109) are entered in MD 5465 and MD 5468
When the same values (defaults) are set in MD 5464 and MD 5465, the
characteristic is linear (without breakpoint in the zero range (default) and
without saturation (default)).
This breakpoint data is preset from the valve data (MD 5110, MD 5111) dur-
ing the “Calculate controller data” operation. The presettings can be altered
later. The rounding range is not a valve data and is therefore only preset to a
default value. It can however be changed later by the user (MD 5466). If
necessary, a measurement can be taken to obtain a precise setting.

A constant machining velocity of the drive directly at the knee-point of the valve
is not recommended.

S Valve characteristic with breakpoint at the start of a saturation range

5485 POS_DUAL_GAIN_COMP_S_FLOW [n] 0...7 index of the parameter set Cross reference: -
Knee-point compensation pos. flow saturation Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
% 100.0 0.2 100.0 FLOAT Immediately
5486 POS_DUAL_GAIN_COMP_S_VOLT [n] 0...7 index of the parameter set Cross reference: -
Knee-point compensation pos. voltage saturation Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
% 100.0 0.2 100.0 FLOAT Immediately

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4.5 Manipulated voltage output

5487 NEG_DUAL_GAIN_COMP_S_FLOW [n] 0...7 index of the parameter set Cross reference: -
Knee-point compensation neg. flow saturation Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
% 100.0 0.2 100.0 FLOAT Immediately
5488 NEG_DUAL_GAIN_COMP_S_VOLT [n] 0...7 index of the parameter set Cross reference: -
Knee-point compensation neg. voltage saturation Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
% 100.0 0.2 100.0 FLOAT Immediately

To calculate the inverse characteristic, the beginning of a saturation range with

parabolic rounding in the positive quadrant of the valve characteristic is defined
in MD 5485 and MD 5486 and in the negative quadrant with MD 5487 and
MD 5488.
The positive and negative valve flow rates at the start of the saturation range in
relation to the nominal valve flow rate (MD 5107) are entered in MD 5485 and
MD 5487 respectively.
The positive and negative valve voltages in relation to the nominal voltage
(MD 5109) are entered in MD 5486 and MD 5488 respectively.
The saturation range is compensated by a root characteristic such that the inter-
section point lies on a continuous tangent and the characteristic ends at the
point (100%, 100%).
If the default of 100% is set in MD 5485 and MD 5486 or MD 5487 and
MD 5488, there is no saturation range in the positive or negative quadrant.

Q [%]

MD 5485 = 90%
MD 5486 = 70%

70 100 U [%]

Fig. 4-16 Example

For a more detailed explanation, see also Subsection 2.3.1 and Appendix A.

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4.5 Manipulated voltage output


5470 OFFSET_COMPENSATION Cross reference: -

Offset compensation Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
- 0 -4000 4000 WORD Immediately

Since the valves are operated under analog control, an offset voltage of the D/A
converter or valve amplifier may cause a zero point error and thus a position
deviation (if no I-action component has been activated). By adding a compensa-
tion value, the offset error can be largely eliminated.
An automatic offset adjustment can be triggered with MD 5650
(see Subsection 3.9.2).

When closed-loop force control is active (MD 5241), offset compensation is
absolutely necessary because the I component of the velocity controller is
deactivated with closed-loop force control.

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4.5 Manipulated voltage output

4.5.2 Control output filter

5280 NUM_OUTPUT_FILTERS [n] 0...7 index of the parameter set Cross reference: -
Number of control output filters Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
- 0 0 1 UNS.WORD Immediately

The number of control output filters must be set in this machine data.
Table 4-6 Selecting the number of control output filters

0 No filter(s) active (default)

1 Filter(s) activated

The filter machine data must be assigned before the filter type is configured.

5281 OUTPUT_FILTER_TYPE [n] 0...7 index of the parameter set Cross reference: -
Type of control output filter Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
- 0 0 1 UNS.WORD Immediately

The type of control output filter is entered in this machine data.

Table 4-7 Type of control output filter

0 Low-pass (see MD 5284/5285)

Bit 0
1 Bandstop filter (refer to MD 5288/5289/5290)

5284 OUTPUT_FIL_1_FREQ [n] 0...7 index of the parameter set Cross reference: -
Natural frequency of control output filter 1 Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
Hz 1000.0 10.0 8000.0 FLOAT Immediately

The filter key data is defined in MD 5284, MD 5285 and MD 5288 to MD 5290.
Enter the natural frequency for control output filter 1 (PT2 low-pass). Setting a
value of <10 Hz for the natural frequency of the low pass initializes the filter as a
proportional element with a gain of 1, irrespective of the associated damping.

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4.5 Manipulated voltage output

5285 OUTPUT_FIL_1_DAMP [n] 0...7 index of the parameter set Cross reference: -
Damping of control output filter 1 Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
- 1.0 0.05 1.0 FLOAT Immediately

Enter damping for control output filter 1 (PT2 low-pass).

5288 OUTPUT_FIL_1_SUP_FREQ [n] 0...7 index of the parameter set Cross reference: -
Blocking frequency of control output filter 1 Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
Hz 3500.0 1.0 7999.0 FLOAT Immediately

Enter blocking frequency for control output filter 1 (bandstop)

5289 OUTPUT_FIL_1_BW [n] 0...7 index of the parameter set Cross reference: -
Bandwidth of control output filter 1 Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
Hz 500.0 5.0 7999.0 FLOAT Immediately

Enter -3dB bandwidth for control output filter 1 (bandstop).

5290 OUTPUT_FIL_1_BW_NUM [n] 0...7 index of the parameter set Cross reference: -
Numerator bandwidth for control output filter 1 Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
Hz 0.0 0.0 7999.0 FLOAT Immediately

Enter the numerator bandwidth for control output filter 1 (damped bandstop).
Entering a value of 0 initializes the filter as an unattenuated bandstop filter. The
value set in MD 5290 must not exceed twice the value set in MD 5289.

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4.5 Manipulated voltage output

4.5.3 Manipulated voltage limitation

5474 OUTPUT_VOLTAGE_POS_LIMIT [n] 0...7 index of the parameter set Cross reference: -
Manipulated voltage limitation positive Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
V 10.0 1.0 10.0 FLOAT Immediately
The manipulated variable setpoint is limited in the positive direction to the value
set in MD 5474 before the D/A conversion. A message is sent to the PLC if the
limit is violated.

5475 OUTPUT_VOLTAGE_NEG_LIMIT [n] 0...7 index of the parameter set Cross reference: -
Manipulated voltage limitation negative Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
V 10.0 1.0 10.0 FLOAT Immediately
The manipulated variable setpoint is limited in the negative direction to the value
set in MD 5475 before the D/A conversion. A message is sent to the PLC if the
limit is violated.

Output value
5476 OUTPUT_VOLTAGE_INVERSION Cross reference: -
Manipulated variable inversion Related to: Protection level:
Bit 0= 0: No inversion HLA 3/3
1: Inversion
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
- 0 0 1 UNS.WORD Immediately
The voltage output (manipulated variable) can be inverted in machine data MD
5476 in order to compensate for differences in sign in the piping or wiring. Alter-
natively, the wiring of the manipulated variable for the valve could be altered.
Definition of direction: See Subsection 3.9.1.

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4.6 Supply unit data

4.6 Supply unit data

The supply unit is defined by

S the modulus of elasticity of the hydraulic fluid,

S the system pressure and
S on pilot-actuated valves by the pilot pressure

S at the cylinder working temperature.

are programmed.
These data influence the limit data (maximum velocity, maximum force...) as
well as the dynamic response characteristics of the drive system (corner fre-

5100 FLUID_ELASTIC_MODULUS Cross reference: -

Modulus of elasticity of hydraulic fluid Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
bar 11000 1000 21000 FLOAT Immediately
5101 WORKING_PRESSURE Cross reference: -
System pressure Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
bar 0.0 0.0 350.0 FLOAT Power On
5102 PILOT_OPERATION_PRESSURE Cross reference: -
Pilot pressure Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
bar 0.0 0.0 250.0 FLOAT Immediately

MD 5102 is used for “Calculate controller data” if MD 5113 bit 0=1.

The elasticity of oil variable as a function of the temperature can be ignored for
industrial hydraulics.

MD 5100 defines the compressibility of the hydraulic fluid.

MD 5101 defines the pressure supplied by the hydraulic power unit.
MD 5102 defines the pressure for a pilot-actuated valve. Zero must be entered
valves without pilot actuation.

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4.7 Valve

4.7 Valve
Valve data The nominal valve data defines the key valve data at the nominal operating
point. The latter is defined by the
S Nominal flow rate,
S nominal pressure drop and
S nominal voltage.

5106 VALVE_CODE Cross reference: -

Valve code number Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
- 0 0 2000 UNS.WORD Immediately
5107 VALVE_NOMINAL_FLOW Cross reference: -
Nominal valve flow rate Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
l/min 0.0 0.0 1000 FLOAT Immediately
5108 VALVE_NOMINAL_PRESSURE Cross reference: -
Nominal pressure drop of valve (per control edge) Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
bar 35.0 1.0 200.0 FLOAT Immediately
5109 VALVE_NOMINAL_VOLTAGE Cross reference: -
Nominal voltage of valve Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
V 10.0 0.5 15.0 FLOAT Immediately

Valves with the associated data are included in the valve selection list (see
Subsection 2.3.2).
Other valve data includes:
S Knee characteristic,
S Flow ratio,
S Dynamic definition with natural frequency and damping and
S Valve configuration.
For a more detailed explanation of valves, see Section 2.3 and Appendix A.

5110 VALVE_DUAL_GAIN_FLOW Cross reference: -

Knee-point flow rate of valve Related to: Protection level:
Note: MD 5464 and MD 5467 are preset HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
% 10.0 0.2 95.0 FLOAT Immediately
5111 VALVE_DUAL_GAIN_VOLTAGE Cross reference: -
Knee-point voltage of valve Related to: Protection level:
Note: MD 5465 and MD 5468 are preset HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
% 10.0 0.2 95.0 FLOAT Immediately

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4.7 Valve

A valve characteristic as shown in Fig. 2-8 results in an entry of 10% in

MD 5110 and 40% in MD 5111. Entering the same value in both machine pa-
rameters produces a linear characteristic (default setting).

5112 VALVE_FLOW_FACTOR_A_B Cross reference: -

Valve flow rate ratio between A and B ends of valve Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
- 1.0 0.5 2.0 FLOAT Immediately

The flow ratio specifies the ratio between the nominal flow towards the A end
and the nominal flow towards the B end.

5114 VALVE_NATURAL_FREQUENCY Cross reference: -

Natural frequency of valve Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
Hz 150.0 1.0 1000.0 FLOAT Immediately
5115 VALVE_DAMPING Cross reference: -
Valve damping Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
- 0.8 0.4 1.0 FLOAT Immediately

To dimension the velocity controller, the transmission behavior of the valve on

conversion of the voltage setpoint to the spool position is approximated as a
PT2 low-pass.
The valve’s natural frequency can be read for a phase shift of -180°. The
valve’s natural frequency for a valve modulation of "10% in relation to 100 bar
pilot pressure is specified in MD 5114.
The valve damping can be calculated from the amplitude overshoot at resonant
frequency for values of less than 0.7. The valve damping for a valve modulation
of "20% in relation to 100 bar pilot pressure is specified in MD 5115.

Special points to Machine parameter MD 5113 with control bits has been introduced to allow spe-
be noted cial valve features to be taken into account.

5113 VALVE_CONFIGURATION Cross reference: -

Valve configuration Related to: Protection level:
Bit 0= 0: Directly-controlled valve HLA 3/3
1: Pilot-controlled valve
Bit 2/Bit 1= 00: No fail-safe
01: Fail safe closed
10: Fail-safe open
11: -
Bit 3= 0: No differential circuit
1: Differential circuit
Bit4= 0: 7-pin connector
1: 12-pin connector
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
HEX 0 0 1 UNS.WORD Immediately

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4.8 Cylinder drive

4.8 Cylinder drive

Cylinder data

5131 CYLINDER_PISTON_DIAMETER Cross reference: -

Cylinder piston diameter Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
mm 0.0 0.0 500.0 FLOAT Power On
5132 CYLINDER_ROD_A_DIAMETER Cross reference: -
Cylinder piston rod diameter at A end Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
mm 0.0 0.0 500.0 FLOAT Power On
5133 CYLINDER_ROD_B_DIAMETER Cross reference: -
Cylinder piston rod diameter at B end Related to: Protection level:
HLA Immediate
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
mm 0.0 0.0 500.0 FLOAT Power On
5134 PISTON_STROKE Cross reference: -
Piston stroke Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
mm 0.0 0.0 3000.0 FLOAT Immediately
5135 CYLINDER_DEAD_VOLUME_A Cross reference: -
Cylinder dead voltage A end Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
ccm 0.0 0.0 200000.0 FLOAT Immediately
5136 CYLINDER_DEAD_VOLUME_B Cross reference: -
Cylinder dead voltage B end Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
ccm 0.0 0.0 200000.0 FLOAT Immediately

Apart from the piston diameter (MD 5131), the rod diameters at the A and B
ends must also be specified (5132, MD 5133). On a differential cylinder, both
rod diameters are different, one of the rods might even have a zero diameter.
The maximum piston stroke (MD 5135) and cylinder dead volume (MD 5135,
MD 5136) are also required.
The cylinder dead volume is the liquid volume between the cylinder and servo
solenoid valve which cannot be displaced by the piston.
The dead volume attributable to the pipework is separately parameterized
(MD 5141 to MD 5143).
For a more detailed explanation of the cylinder data, see also Subsection 2.3.1
and Appendix A.

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4.9 Drive data

4.9 Drive data


5140 VALVE_CYLINDER_CONNECTION Cross reference: -

Valve-cylinder connection configuration Related to: Protection level:
Bit 0 = 0: Valve A on cylinder A HLA 3/3
1: Valve A on cylinder B
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
- 0 0 1 UNS.WORD Immediately
5141 PIPE_LENGTH_A Cross reference: -
Pipe length at A end Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
mm 0.0 0.0 10000.0 FLOAT Immediately
5142 PIPE_LENGTH_B Cross reference: -
Pipe length at B end Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
mm 0.0 0.0 10000.0 FLOAT Immediately
5143 PIPE_INNER_ DIAMETER_A_B Cross reference: -
Internal pipe diameters at A and B Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
mm 5.0 0.0 100.0 FLOAT Immediately

These machine data provide information about the valve-to-drive connection.

They are used to preset other machine data during the “Calculate drive model
data” and “Calculate controller data” routines. If there is a pipe between the
valve and cylinder, then the dead volume of the pipe can be calculated from the
pipe length (A and B ends) and the inner pipe diameter. If the valve is mounted
directly on the cylinder, then zero must be entered for the pipe length at each
end. The dead volume affects the natural frequency of the drive.
For more detailed explanation of the drive data, see also Subsection 2.3.4 and
Appendix A.

Mechanical design
of drive

5150 DRIVE_MASS Cross reference: -

Moved drive mass Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
kg 0.0 0.0 20000.0 FLOAT Immediately

The movement of the piston rod is transmitted to other mechanical components

(e.g. table, tools, ...). The total moved mass must be specified as a machine
data (MD 5150).

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4.9 Drive data

The mass of the drive is a critical parameter and should be calculated as
exactly as possible!

5151 CYLINDER_A_ORIENTATION Cross reference: -

Cylinder mounting position referred to A end Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
Degrees 0.0 -90.0 90.0 FLOAT Immediately
5152 CYLINDER_FASTENING Cross reference: -
Cylinder fixing (fixed part of HLA) Related to: Protection level:
Bit 0= 0: Cylinder HLA 3/3
1: Piston rod
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
- 0 0 1 UNS.WORD Immediately

The mounting position of the cylinder (MD 5151) specifies to what degree the
force due to weight of the moved mass (MD 5150) is taken into account in cal-
culating the servo gain and maximum piston travel-in/travel-out speed.
It is assumed that the moved mass will act in the direction of the cylinder axis. If
the weight of the moved mass does not act in this direction, however, MD 5151
must be converted accordingly.
A distinction is made between two different mounting methods in the HLA:
1. The cylinder is stationary, the moved mass is attached to the piston rod (MD
5152 bit 0=0).
2. The piston is stationary, the moved mass is attached to the cylinder (MD
5152 bit 0=1).
The Calculate drive model data routine calculates the weight force applied to
the cylinder from MD 5150...MD 5152 and enters the result in MD 5231.

MD 5150

Positive sign in

Negative sign in

MD 5150

Fig. 4-17 Mounting position of drive referred to A end

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4.9 Drive data

Dynamic drive
model data

5160 PISTON_POS_MIN_NAT_FREQ Cross reference: -

Min. natural frequency piston position Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
mm 0.0 0.0 3000.0 FLOAT Immediately
5161 DRIVE_DAMPING Cross reference: -
Drive damping Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
- 0.1 0.01 1.0 FLOAT Immediately
5162 DRIVE_NATURAL_FREQUENCY_A Cross reference: -
Natural frequency of drive A Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
Hz 1.0 1.0 2000.0 FLOAT Immediately
5163 DRIVE_NATURAL_FREQUENCY Cross reference: -
Natural frequency of drive Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
Hz 1.0 1.0 2000.0 FLOAT Immediately
5164 DRIVE_NATURAL_FREQUENCY_B Cross reference: -
Natural frequency of drive B Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
Hz 1.0 1.0 2000.0 FLOAT Immediately
5180 CLOSED_LOOP_SYSTEM_DAMPING Cross reference: -
Selected damping for closed-loop system Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
- 0.7 0.2 1.0 FLOAT Immediately
corresponds to: MD 5414, MD 5415, MD 5431, MD 5433

The drive is approximated as a PT2 low pass for the purpose of dimensioning
the closed-loop velocity control. The characteristic values “natural frequency”
and “damping” are calculated and preset from other drive data by the “Calculate
drive model data” function.
With MD 5180: CLOSED_LOOP_SYSTEM_DAMPING can be set to specify the
degree of damping to be applied in calculating the control loop during “Calculate
controller data”.
Example: Damping of 0.9
Slow closed-loop system with infrequent overshoots
Damping of 0.5
Fast closed-loop system with frequent overshoots

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4.10 Position measuring system

4.10 Position measuring system

Description One measuring system can be connected per axis as a piston rod position sen-

measuring S Incremental encoder with sinusoidal-cosine voltage signals
S Absolute measuring systems with EnDat interface and sinusoidal-cosine
voltage signals

S Absolute measuring systems with SSI interface

Incremental Linear and rotary measuring systems with two 1 Vpp sinusoidal voltage signals
encoder in quadrature. The internal interpolation factor of the HLA module is 2048 (high
resolution per sine period).
The sign of the actual-value sensing circuit can be reserved.
Signs are reversed by a software function.

Absolute encoder Linear and rotary measuring systems with two 1 Vpp sinusoidal voltage signals
EnDat in quadrature. The internal interpolation factor of the HLA module is 2048 (high
resolution per sine period).
The sign of the actual-value sensing circuit can be reserved.
Signs are reversed by a software function.
An additional serial interface for transmitting the absolute position according to
the EnDat protocol.

SSI absolute value Linear and rotary measuring systems with serial interface for transmitting the
encoder 1) absolute position using the SSI protocol.
The connection for measuring systems with a 24V voltage supply must be
made using signal lead 6FX8002-2CC80-1jjj via which the 24V DC en-
coder power supply can be fed in. The filter module 6SN1161-1DA00-0AA0
must be used in combination with this lead. No other type of filter may be used.
Encoders supplied by other manufacturers must be connected via adapter
leads supplied by the relevant manufacturer.
Encoders from the following manufacturers may be used, for example:
MTS: Temposonics 25-bit
Balluff Micropulse 25-bit
Visolux: EDM

The products recommended above are not manufactured by Siemens, but we
know that they are suitable for the purpose in principle. However, we can never
guarantee the quality of products supplied by other manufacturers.

1) SSI encoders are likely to have lower noise immunity due to the encoder and the 24 V power supply. The immunity to
interference can be improved as follows: By using a separate and immune 24V power supply for the measuring sys-

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10.03 4 Firmware Drive Functions
4.10 Position measuring system

Minimum and The minimum or maximum possible velocity depends on the position measuring
maximum system.
S Vmax: of the position measuring system must not be exceeded.
The maximum measuring velocity must be set in MD 5609:
ENC_SPEED_LIMIT (see Subsection 4.13.1).
Vmax must not exceed the 350 kHz bar frequency of the connected measur-
ing system.
Vmax,bar=scale graduation @ 350000 s- 1

S Vmin: The number of crossed graduations per velocity controller cycle is

small at low velocities. In extreme cases, this can result in uneven move-
ments at low velocities, large scale graduation and short velocity controller
Solution: Select another position measuring system with smaller
scale graduations or increase the velocity controller cycle.

Phase error A phase error on tracks A and B can be corrected with the phase error com-
compensation pensation function.

5008 ENC_PHASE_ERROR_CORRECTION Cross reference: -

Encoder phase error compensation Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
Degrees 0.0 -20.0 20.0 FLOAT Immediately
5011 ACTUAL_VALUE_CONFIG Cross reference: -
Actual-value sensing configuration Related to: Protection level:
Bit 0= 0: No inversion HLA 3/3
1: Actual value inversion
Bit 1= 0: No phase error compensation activated
1: Phase error compensation activated
Bit 3= 0: No absolute value encoder
1: Absolute value encoder (EnDat or SSI encoder)
Bit 4= 0: Rotary measuring system
1: Linear or rotary measuring system
Bit7= 0: No distance-coded measuring system
1: Distance-coded measuring system
Bit 8= 0: No zero marker selection by NC
1: Zero marker selection by NC
Bit 14=0: 100 kHz data transfer rate (absolute value encoder)
1: 500 kHz data transfer rate (absolute value encoder)
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
HEX 0 0 65535 UNS.WORD Power On

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4.10 Position measuring system

Linear scale

5024 DIVISION_LIN_SCALE Cross reference: -

Linear scale graduations Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
nm 20000 1000 (0) 5000000 UNS.DWORD Power On

The standard parameterizing machine data provided support only linear mea-
suring systems. ROD encoders must be converted by the user, i.e. the distance
traversed by the drive between two (coarse) increments must be entered. Value
0 is automatically entered if MD 5011 bit 4 is set to 0 (no linear measuring sys-
Rotary absolute value encoders cannot be implemented until software version
HLA 01.01.11 and beyond

5021 ENC_ABS_TURNS_MOTOR Cross reference: -

Multi-turn resolution, absolute encoder, motor Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
U 4096 0000 65535 WORD Power On

Number of displayable revolutions of absolute value encoder in motor measur-

ing system. The value is read-only.

5022 ENC_ABS_RESOL_MOTOR Cross reference: -

Measuring steps of absolute track in motor Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
- 8192 0000 65535 WORD Power On

Resolution of motor absolute value encoder in measuring pulses per revolution.

The value is read-only.

5023 ENC_ABS_DIAGNOSIS_MOTOR Cross reference: -

Diagnostic bits of absolute value encoder, measuring system Related to: Protection level:
Bit 0=1: “Lighting failed” HLA 3/3
Bit 1=1: “Signal amplitude too small”
Bit 2=1: “Faulty code connection”
Bit 3=1: “Overvoltage”
Bit 4=1: “Undervoltage”
Bit 5=1: “Overcurrent”
Bit 6=1: “Battery change necessary”
Bit 7=1: “Control check error”
Bit 8=1: “EnDat encoder cannot be used”
Bit 9=1: CDtrack on encoder ERN1387 defective
Bit 10=1: “Protocol cannot be interrupted”
Bit 11=1: “SSI level on data line detected”
Bit 12=1: “TIMEOUT reading measured values”
Bit 13=1: “CRC error”
Bit 14=1: SSI encoder returned alarm
Bit 15=1: “Encoder faulty”
Bit 12 and 15: SSI zero level monitoring
Bit 14 and 15: SSI idle level monitoring
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
HEX 0 0 BFFF UNS.WORD Immediately

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10.03 4 Firmware Drive Functions
4.10 Position measuring system

Diagnostic bits of absolute value encoder, motor measuring system

5025 SERIAL_NO_ENCODER Cross reference: -

Serial number of motor measuring system Related to: Protection level:
(HLA 01/02/04 or later) HLA 1/1
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
- 0 0 4294967295 UNS. DWORD Power On

The serial number of the indirect, absolute measuring system is read from the
encoder in set state 3 at boot and entered in MD 5025. (Exception: Linear en-
coder.) 0 is entered if an incremental measuring system is installed. This en-
coder ID notifies the NC if the encoder has been replaced and, if it has been
replaced, the NC resets the calibration identifier.

5027 ENC_CONFIG Cross reference: -

Configuration of IM encoder Related to: Protection level:
(HLA 01/02/04 or later) HLA 2/4
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
- 0 0000H FFFFH WORD Power On

Table 4-8 Configuration of SSI encoder

Bit 0 or 1 Description
= 00 100 kHz

7 = 01 500 kHz
7 = 10 1 MHz
= 11 2 MHz
=0 SSI encoder with incremental signal (not permitted)
=1 SSI encoder without incremental signal
=0 Gray code
=1 Dual (binary code)
=0 Right-justified format
=1 Fir-tree format (not permitted)
=0 Without parity bit
=1 With parity bit
=0 Odd parity
=1 Even parity
=0 No alarm bit
=1 With alarm bit
15 =1 With SSI encoder

5028 NO_TRANSMISSION_BITS Cross reference: -

Message frame length SSI Related to: Protection level:
(HLA 01/02/04 or later) HLA 2/4
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
- 25 0 25 WORD Power On

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4.10 Position measuring system

The length defines the total transferred message frame length including all par-
ity or alarm bits.
Example: 24 bits + 1 alarm bit; 25 must be entered.
Every encoder manufacturer has a different name for the alarm bit, e.g. Power
Failure Bit.

Actual position
5040 PISTON_ZERO Cross reference: -
Piston zero in relation to machine zero Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
mm 0.0 -1000000.0 100000.0 FLOAT Immediately

In the machine data 5040: between the piston zero (end stop at A end) and ma-
chine zero must be set in MD 5040: PISTON_ZERO.
If the actual position is available in machine coordinates in the drive after the
reference point approach, it can be applied to calculate the piston position (e.g.
for adaptation).

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10.03 4 Firmware Drive Functions
4.11 Pressure sensing system

4.11 Pressure sensing system

Sensor adjustment

5550 PRESSURE_SENS_A_REF Cross reference: -

Reference value of pressure sensor A at 10 V Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
bar 200.0 50.0 400.0 FLOAT Immediately
5552 PRESSURE_SENS_B_REF Cross reference: -
Reference value of pressure sensor B at 10 V Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
bar 200.0 50.0 400.0 FLOAT Immediately

In MD 5550: PRESSURE_SENS_A_REF and MD 5552:

PRESSURE_SENS_B_REF, the pressure at which the pressure sensor outputs
10 V at the A and B ends of the cylinder is entered in bar.
The pressure sensor should have a range of 0 to 10 V, with 0 bar pressure rep-
resented by 0 V and the reference value (MD 5550 or. MD 5552) by 10 V.

Offset adjustment

5551 PRESSURE_SENS_A_OFFS Cross reference: -

Offset adjustment for pressure sensor A Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
- 0 -32760 32760 WORD Immediately
5553 PRESSURE_SENS_B_OFFS Cross reference: -
Offset adjustment for pressure sensor B Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
- 0 -32760 32760 WORD Immediately

Bits set to 1 in MD 5551: PRESSURE_SENS_A_OFFS and MD 5553:

PRESSURE_SENS_B_OFFS, the pressure sensor offset at the A or B end
of the cylinder is adjusted in ADC increments.
The pressure indicator should also display 0 bar at zero pressure. If the
velocity controller cycle is altered, the offset must be adjusted again.

For automatic offset adjustment, see Subsection 3.9.2.

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4.12 Terminals

4.12 Terminals

ON/OFF sequence Terminals are provided on connectors X431/X432 of the HLA module and X121
of the MS module for the purpose of implementing the ON/OFF conditions for
the HLA module.
The following overview shows the hierarchy of signals for enabling and disab-
ling the HLA.

Controller enable
term. 64 Control word Velocity
controller enable setpoint
Servo enable NC
& braking
Controller enable
error Timer
disable & Status
MD 5530 controller
Bit 3=1 enable
OR Preset Timer Preset Timer power
run run enable
Timer Timer &
External 26.5 V down output down
available & power
enable value time
delay ON
Power enable
term. 63
Power enable &
Control word
term. 663
Power enable enable
Power disable
error 24 V for shutoff
valve ON

Preset Timer SET

Timer down
output 24 V servo
value time SET
solenoid valve ON
MD 5530 & CLEAR
Bit 4=1 OR
MD 5530
Bit 0=1

Fig. 4-18 Enabling logic on HLA module

External 26.5 V The 24 V voltage for the shut-off valve and valve electronics is supplied from an
supply external source connected via the HLA module.

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4.12 Terminals

This voltage source is monitored by the HLA module such that an internal
signaling bit “24 V valve supply voltage missing” is set by the hardware when
the voltage drops below a specific threshold. While the “Valve supply voltage
missing” bit is set, any power enable command will be rejected, thus setting the
“velocity controller enable” status bit to zero.
S Failure of 26.5 V supply during operation
The power is disabled and status bit “Velocity controller enable” canceled.
The module does not output an error message.
S Recovery of 26.5 V supply voltage or after initial connection of the
26.5V supply voltage
The power is not enabled until the power enabling delay set in MD 5532 has

! In the event of sudden failure (e.g. open circuit) of the external 26.5 V supply,
an axial storage capacitor on the HLA module provides energy to supply the
servo solenoid valve until such time as the pressure supply for a configured
shut-off valve is disabled.
The machine manufacturer must verify the interaction between valves, making
allowance for all tolerances in the controlled system.
The energy content of the storage capacitors is dependent upon
S the tolerances of the capacitors,
The available response time is mainly defined by
S the power required for the current machining step,
S the response time of the shut-off valves and
S the trip threshold of the servo solenoid valves.

5532 POWER_ENABLE_DELAY Cross reference: -

Power enable delay time Related to: Protection level:
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
ms 100 0 300 UNS.WORD Immediately

If a shut-off valve is connected (MD 5530, bit 0=1), the switch remains open
for that time, i.e. the shut-off valve is closed.
This gives the servo solenoid valve enough time to move into the mid-posi-
tion from the fail-safe position without pressure. In such cases, the power
enabling delay period must be set to the time required by the valve to move
from fail-safe to mid-position.
If this operation were to take place under pressure, the drive would move. If
no shut-off valve is connected, zero can be entered as the power enabling
delay period.

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4.12 Terminals

Figs. 4-19 and 4-20 show the system response to 24 V ON and OFF for a con-
figuration with and without shut-off valve.

Chronological sequence after connection of 24 V with shutoff valve

Power enable and velocity controller commands issued, setpoint > 0

24 V supply

24 V missing
Switch for servo
solenoid valve open
supply The valve supply is disconnected
Valve spool only if bit 4 in MD 5530 is set to
position zero
Backup capacitor maintains
Fail-safe 24 V for valve electronics
Switches Power enable delay
Shutoff valve
Shutoff valve open
Status bit
power enable

Status bit Output value enable

Velocity delay
controller enable

Fig. 4-19 Chronological sequence after connection of 24 V supply, with shut-off valve

Chronological sequence after connection of 24 V supply without shutoff valve

Power enable and velocity controller enable commands issued, setpoint > 0

24 V supply

24 V missing
Switch for servo closed
solenoid valve
supply open

Valve spool
position zero
Switches Power enable delay MD 5532
Shutoff valve
Shutoff valve open No shutoff valve connected
Status bit
power enable

Status bit Output value delay MD 5531

controller enable

Fig. 4-20 Chronological sequence after connection of 24 V supply, without shut-off valve

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10.03 4 Firmware Drive Functions
4.12 Terminals

Power enable The power enabling command (corresponding to pulse enable on an electrical
drive) can be issued and/or canceled via the following paths:
S Term. 63 (central power enable)
S Term. 663 (module-specific power enable)
S Control word (from NC)
S Error (ZK1, watchdog)
5530 CYLINDER_SAFETY_CONFIG Cross reference: -
Safety configuration Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Bit 0= 0: Without shut-off valve
1: With shut-off valve
Bit 1= 0: Central shut-off valve
1: Axis-specific shut-off valve
Bit 2= 0: No valve spool checkback
1: Valve spool checkback present
Bit 3= 0: Velocity controller disable with power disable (PD)
1: Velocity controller disable without power disable (PD)
Bit 4= 0: Servo solenoid valve supply disconnected with PS with
shut-off valve (irrelevant without shut-off valve)
1: Servo solenoid valve supply remains connected with PS
with shut-off valve (irrelevant without shut-off valve)

(PD 8 Power disable)

Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
HEX 4 0 31 UNS.WORD Immediately
5531 OUTPUT_ENABLE_DELAY Cross reference: -
Manipulated variable enable delay Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
ms 300 0 500 UNS.WORD Immediately

The manipulated variable delay time is the time which the velocity controller
enable continues to disable after the power enable delay time (MD 5532) has
expired. This delay time is needed to allow the shut-off valve to open or, in sys-
tems without shut-off valve, to allow the valve spool to move from the fail-safe to
the zero position.
Disconnecting the shut-off valve supply
If a shut-off valve is set in MD 5530 (bit 0 or bit 1 = 1) and the supply voltage of
the servo solenoid valve is to be disconnected when the power is disabled (MD
5530 bit=0), the manipulated variable delay (MD 5531) is the time it takes until
the voltage supply of the servo solenoid valve is interrupted. The shut-off valve
can be closed during this period.
Actions on PE (ext. 24 V supply available, controllers enabled):

S 24 V supply for servo solenoid valve is switched on immediately (if it is not

already connected).

S If 24 V supply for servo solenoid valve was available, then 24 V supply for
shut-off valve is switched on immediately, otherwise it is not switched on
until power enable delay period has run down.

S After the 24 V supply for the shut-off valve has been switched on, the status
word “Velocity controller enable” is not set until the manipulated variable
enable delay has run down.

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4.12 Terminals

Operating sequence for PD (power disable):

S 24 V supply for shut-off valve is disconnected immediately (shut-off valve


S If MD 5530 bit 4=0 is set, the 24 V supply for the servo solenoid valve is also
switched off when the manipulated variable enable delay (MD 5531) runs
down (servo solenoid valve moves to fail-safe position).
If MD 5530 bit 4=1 is set, the 24 V supply for the servo solenoid valve re-
mains connected.

S If MD 5530 bit 0=0 is set (no shut-off valve), then the 24 V supply for the
servo solenoid valve is switched off immediately (servo solenoid valve
moves to fail-safe position).

S Velocity controller enable status bit is reset immediately.

- Valve setpoint=0 V is output
- Controller I-components are cleared.
- Valve spool monitoring is deactivated
S If a central shut-off valve is installed, it is left to the user to gate the signals
(e.g. using the PLC) such that the central shut-off valve is actuated when the
power is disabled.
To prevent errors on other axes, it should be ensured that all axes whose
pressure is supplied via the central shut-off valve also receive the power
disable command when the central shut-off valve is actuated.
S If a separate shut-off valve (axis-specific shut-off valve) is installed for
each axis, this need only be connected to the “shut-off valve” relay output of
the relevant axis.
After the power has been disabled, the switch for the 24 V supply is either
opened or not (depending on the setting of bit 4 in MD 5530) at the end of the
manipulated variable enable delay. The default setting has been selected such
that the 24 V valve supply voltage is disconnected (bit 4 =0), thus moving the
valve into the fail-safe position.
This will not be necessary if a shut-off valve is installed and actuated. This func-
tion has been integrated for cases where a shut-off valve has been set, but is
not actually connected. In such cases, this function prevents the drive from be-
ing able to drift after a power disable. After a function test, bit 4 in MD 5530 can
be set to 1.

Velocity controller A velocity controller enable/disable can be requested via the following paths:
S Terminal 64 (central velocity controller enable)
S Control word (from NC)
S Error (ZK1)
If a velocity controller enable is requested and all the relevant enable conditions
are fulfilled, i.e.

S manipulated variable enable delay run down,

S 24 V supply for shut-off and SS valves ON,
S power enable signal set and
S No error
then the “Velocity controller enable” status bit is set.

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10.03 4 Firmware Drive Functions
4.12 Terminals

Mode of operation when “Velocity controller enable” bit is set:

S Valve setpoint is output by the velocity controller
S I-component is enabled
S Valve spool monitor is activated
If a velocity controller disable is requested, a zero velocity setpoint is output.
S The braking time set in MD 5402 acts as a speed setpoint adjustment ramp
(acceleration limitation).
S The setting in MD 5402 corresponds to the time required by the braking
ramp to decelerate the cylinder from the speed in MD 5401 down to zero.
This ramp is effective only when the velocity controller is disabled since, in
this case, the acceleration limits programmed in the control are ignored.
Otherwise, the control system has the responsibility of limiting acceleration
S If velocity controller disable followed by a power disable is requested
(MD 5530 bit 3=0), then the delay set in MD 5404:
POWER_DISABLE_DELAY is left to run down after the velocity controller
disable request until the power disable signal is set. If MD 5530, bit 3=1,
MD 5404 has no meaning (drive continues to operate under closed-loop
control with a zero velocity setpoint following a velocity controller disable
Velocity controller

5402 SPEED_CTRL_DISABLE_STOPTIME Cross reference: -

Braking time for controller disable Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
ms 0.0 0.0 120000.0 FLOAT Immediately
5404 POWER_DISABLE_DELAY Cross reference: -
Power disable timer Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
ms 100 0 100000 FLOAT Immediately

Setup mode If the setup mode terminal (term. 112 on mains supply module) is selected, the
velocity setpoint is limited to the value programmed in MD 5420.
Function switch

5012 FUNC_SWITCH Cross reference: -

Status word (PLC readable) Drive ready Related to: Protection level:
Bit 2=0: Drive signaled as ready if not drive alarm is pending HLA 3/3
Bit 2=1: Drive signaled as ready if not drive alarm is pending
and terminals 63, 64, 48 and 663=1
Bit 4=1: ZK2 parameterization error
Bit 14=1: Valid offset between machine zero and actual value zero
Bit 15=1: Valid offset between piston zero and machine zero
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
- 4 0 65535 UNS.WORD Immediately

Only bits 2 and 4 are relevant for the user.

SIMRDY This LED indicates that the drive unit is ready (SIMODRIVE Ready terminal
72/73 -> device bus; cannot be changed by MD 5012).

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4.13 Monitoring functions

4.13 Monitoring functions

4.13.1 Alarms

Power On alarms

5600 ALARM_MASK_POWER_ON Cross reference: -

Concealable alarms (Power On) Related to: Protection level:
Bit 4: “Measuring circuit measuring system” HLA 3/3
Bit 5: Measuring circuit absolute track (incl. SSI encoder)
Bit 8: “Zero marker error”
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
HEX 0 0 FFFF UNS.WORD Immediately
5612 ALARM_REACTION_POWER_ON Cross reference: -
Config. shutdown response to PO alarms Related to: Protection level:
Bit 0= 0: No enable signal cancellation in response to HLA 3/3
internal errors
1: Enable signal cancellation in response to internal
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
HEX 0 0 FFFF UNS.WORD Immediately
5731 CL1_PO_IMAGE Cross reference: -
Image ZK1_PO register Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
HEX 0 0 FFFF UNS.WORD Immediately

With MD 5600: ALARM_MASK_POWER_ON can be set to conceal Power On

alarms. If the relevant bit is set to 0, the corresponding error monitoring function
is active. If the bit=1, the error monitoring function is suppressed. The default
setting is active for all monitoring functions.
With MD 5612: ALARM_REACTION_POWER_ON is set to configure change-
over of the relevant Power On alarm.
Alarm messages, see Chapter 6, numbers 300500...300599.

RESET alarms

5601 ALARM_MASK_RESET Cross reference: -

Concealable alarms (Reset) Related to: Protection level:
Bit 7: “Valve controller not responding” HLA 3/3
Bit 8: “Velocity controller at limit”
Bit 9: “Encoder limit frequency exceeded”
Bit 10: “Piston position negative”
Bit 11: “Pressure sensing failed”
Bit 12: “Force limitation OFF”
Bit 13: “External valve voltage supply check Off”
(“26.5 V monitoring””

Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:

HEX 0 0 FFFF UNS.WORD Immediately

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4.13 Monitoring functions

5613 ALARM_REACTION_RESET Cross reference: -

Config. shutdown response to RESET alarms Related to: Protection level:
Bit 0= 0: No enable signal cancellation in response to HLA 3/3
configuration errors
1: Enable signal cancellation in response to
configuration errors
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
HEX 0 0 FFFF UNS.WORD Immediately
5732 CL1_RES_IMAGE Cross reference: -
Image ZK1_RES register Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
HEX 0 0 FFFF UNS.WORD Immediately

With MD 5601: ALARM_MASK_RESET can be set to conceal Reset alarms. If

the relevant bit is set to 0, the corresponding error monitoring function is active.
If the bit=1, the relevant error message is suppressed. The default setting is
active for all monitoring functions.
With MD 5613: ALARM_REACTION_RESET is set to configure changeover of
the relevant Reset alarm.
Alarm messages, see Chapter 6, numbers 300600...300699.

“Limit frequency
measuring circuit

5609 ENC_SPEED_LIMIT Cross reference: -

Max. measuring velocity of linear scale Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
mm/min 240 000.0 1.0 240 000.0 FLOAT Immediately

The limit frequency of the measured-value conditioning hardware is monitored

with respect to A/B signals. The limit frequency is calculated from machine data
MD 5005 and MD 5609. It is approximately 100 kHz and is normally specified
by the measuring system manufacturer.
Maximum measuring velocity (MD 5609) / increments (MD 5005) = encoder limit
Example: 120 000 mm/min / 20 µm = 100 kHz

Velocity controller
at limit

5605 SPEEDCTRL_LIMIT_TIME Cross reference: -

Time for velocity controller at limit Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
ms 200.0 20.0 1000.0 FLOAT Immediately

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4.13 Monitoring functions

5606 SPEEDCTRL_LIMIT_THRESHOLD Cross reference: -

Threshold for velocity controller at limit Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
mm/min 120 000.0 0.0 120 000.0 FLOAT Immediately

A message is activated if the manipulated voltage at the D/A converter is contin-

uously for at the limit a set period and, at the same time, the actual velocity is
lower than a set threshold (MD 5606).

Valve spool
not responding

5614 VALVE_ERROR_TIME Cross reference: -

Valve spool monitoring timer Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
ms 50 1 100 UNS.WORD Immediately

The valve spool position is returned for all Rexroth servo solenoid valves from
the preferred range (see Subsection 2.3.2). The message “Valve spool is not
responding” is output if the valve spool position exits the tolerance field of 10%
of maximum stroke around the setpoint for longer than the time set in MD 5614
when the power is enabled. This error message cannot be output if no check-
back signal is configured for the valve spool position (MD 5530).

4.13.2 Variable signaling functions

Input bit field for controlling the variable signaling function.

5620 PROG_SIGNAL_FLAGS Cross reference: -

Variable signaling function bits Related to: Protection level:
Bit 0= 0: Variable signaling function; not active HLA 3/3
1: Variable signaling function; active
Bit1= 0: Variable signaling function segment; address
space X
1: Variable signaling function segment; address
space Y
Bit 2=0: Compar. var. sign. fct.; compare without sign
1: Compar. var. sign. fct.; compare with sign
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
HEX 0 0 7 UNS.WORD Immediately

Bit 1 is only effective, if the signal number 0 is selected in

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4.13 Monitoring functions

Any memory location from address space X or Y in the data RAM can be moni-
tored for violation of a set threshold for the variable signaling function. A toler-
ance band can be set around this threshold; this is taken into account when the
threshold is scanned for violation in either direction. Any violation of the toler-
ance band is signaled to the PLC. This violation message can be linked to a
pickup and/or dropout delay. The signaling function operates in a 4 ms cycle.

Threshold Tolerance band

input field

Message to PLC

ON delay time OFF delay time

Fig. 4-21 Variable signaling function

The quantity to be monitored can be selected through specification of either a
signal number or a physical address, the physical address having relevance
only for Siemens servicing activities.

The following machine data corresponds to MD 5620:


If changes are made to machine data MD 5621 to MD 5624 while monitoring is
already active (8MD 5620, Bit 0 = 1), they do not automatically reinitialize the
PLC message, i.e. reset it to 0. If the message must be re-initialized, the
monitoring function must be switched off and on again via MD 5620, bit 0, after
the MD setting has been changed.

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4.13 Monitoring functions

5621 PROG_SIGNAL_NR Cross reference: -

Signal number of variable signaling function Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
- 0 0 100 UNS. WORD Immediately

Enter the signal number of the memory location to be monitored by the variable
signaling function.

Table 4-9 Signal number variable signal function

Signal number Signal designation Normalization

(LSB corresponds to:)
0 No signal -
1 No signal -
2 Pressure p(A) (with pressure sensing) MD 57101)
3 Pressure p(B) (with pressure sensing) MD 57101)
4 Actual valve spool value MD 57091)
5 Valve spool setpoint MD 57091)
6 Actual velocity value MD 57111)
7 Velocity setpoint (before filter, limitation) MD 57111)
8 Velocity setpoint (downstream of filter, limitation) MD 57111)
9 Velocity setpoint reference model MD 57111)
10 Actual force (with pressure sensing) MD 57131)
11 Active power 1 inc ³ 0.01 kW
12 Velocity controller differential MD 57111)
13 Velocity controller P component MD 57091)
14 Velocity controller I component MD 57091)
15 Velocity controller D component MD 57091)
16 Velocity controller feedforward control component MD 57091)
17 Friction feedforward control component velocity controller MD 57091)
18 Velocity controller output (before filter) MD 57091)
19 Velocity controller output (after filter) MD 57091)
20 Actual position value MD 57141)
21 Force setpoint MD 57131)
22 Force controller control deviation MD 57131)
23 P component of force controller MD 57091)
24 I component of force controller MD 57091)
25 D component of force controller MD 57091)
26 Feedforward control component force controller MD 57091)
27 Force controller output MD 57091)
28 Zero mark signal -
29 BERO signal -

1) See Subsection 4.14.3

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4.13 Monitoring functions

5622 PROG_SIGNAL_ADDRESS Cross reference: -

Address of variable signaling function Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
HEX 0 0 FFFFFF UNS.DWORD Immediately

Enter the address of the memory location to be monitored by the variable

signaling function.

This machine data is effective only if the signal number is set to 0 (see MD

5623 PROG_SIGNAL_THRESHOLD Cross reference: -

Threshold of variable signaling function Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
HEX 0 0 FFFFFF UNS.DWORD Immediately

Enter the threshold for the memory location address entered in MD 5622:
PROG_SIGNAL_ADDRESS which is to be monitored by the variable signaling
function. In combination with MD 5624: PROG_SIGNAL_HYSTERESIS, this
defines the actual value to be checked by the monitoring function (see diagram
under MD 5620, Fig. 4-21).

Depending on machine data MD 5620: PROG_SIGNAL_FLAGS, the numerical
value entered in MD 5624 is interpreted as an unsigned value (bit 2 = 0) or a
signed value (bit 2 = 1).

5624 PROG_SIGNAL_HYSTERESIS Cross reference: -

Hysteresis of variable signaling function Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
HEX 0 0 FFFFFF UNS.DWORD Immediately

Enter the hysteresis (tolerance band) for the memory location address entered
in MD 5622: PROG_SIGNAL_ADDRESS which is to be monitored by the vari-
able signaling function. In combination with MD 5623:
PROG_SIGNAL_THRESHOLD, this defines the actual value to be checked by
the monitoring function (see diagram under MD 5620, Fig. 4-21).

Depending on MD 5620: PROG_SIGNAL_FLAGS, the numerical value entered
in MD 5624 is interpreted as an unsigned value (bit 2 = 0) or a signed value
(bit 2 = 1).

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4.13 Monitoring functions

5625 PROG_SIGNAL_ON_DELAY Cross reference: -

Pickup delay of variable signaling function Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
- 0 0 10 000 UNS.DWORD Immediately

Enter the pickup delay for setting the message if the monitored quantity ex-
ceeds the set threshold (with hysteresis) (see diagram under
MD 5620, Fig. 4-21).

Changing the settings in MD 5625: PROG_SIGNAL_ON_DELAY and
MD 5626: PROG_SIGNAL_OFF_DELAY affects a time watchdog that is
already running. The monitor is initialized with the new time settings.

5626 PROG_SIGNAL_OFF_DELAY Cross reference: -

Dropout delay of variable signaling function Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
- 0 0 10 000 UNS.WORD Immediately

Enter the dropout delay for resetting the message if the monitored quantity
drops below the set threshold (with hysteresis) (see diagram under
MD 5620, Fig. 4-21).

Changing the settings in MD 5625: PROG_SIGNAL_ON_DELAY and
MD 5626: PROG_SIGNAL_OFF_DELAY affects a time watchdog that is
already running. The monitor is initialized with the new time settings.

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4.14 Service functions

4.14 Service functions

For explanations regarding the
S Measuring functions
- Measurement of valve control loop
- Measurement of velocity control loop
- Position control measurement
S Function generator
S Circularity test
S Servo trace
S DAC configuration
see Subsection 3.11, Start-up functions.

5650 DIAGNOSIS_CONTROL_FLAGS Cross reference: -

Diagnostic control Related to: Protection level:
Bit 0: Min/max memory HLA 3/3
Bit 1: Min/max memory segment
Bit 2: Compare signed
Bit 8: Conversion of velocities to forces
Measuring functions, function generator
Bit 9: Conversion of function generator to valve characteristic
Bit 12: Offset adjustment P_a, P_b
Bit 13: Offset adjustment valve spool setpoint
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
HEX 0 0 FFFF UNS.WORD Immediately

MD 5650 is important for diagnostic and start-up purposes.

For information about adjusting the pressure sensor and valve setpoint offsets,
see Subsection 3.9.2.
To start up the force controller, it is possible to redirect the measuring functions
and function generator from the velocity controller to the force controller
by setting bit 8 (see Section 4.4).

4.14.1 Min/max display

Machine data MD 5651 to MD 5654 are relevant only for internal Siemens
functions and must not be changed.

5651 MINMAX_SIGNAL_NR Cross reference: -

Signal number of min/max memory Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
- 0 0 FFFF UNS.WORD Immediately
5652 MINMAX_ADDRESS Cross reference: -
Memory location in min/max memory Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
HEX 0 0 FFFFFF UNS.DWORD Immediately

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4.14 Service functions

5653 MINMAX_MIN_VALUE Cross reference: -

Minimum value of min/max memory Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
HEX 0 0 FFFFFF UNS.DWORD Immediately
5654 MINMAX_MAX_VALUE Cross reference: -
Maximum value of min/max memory Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
HEX 0 0 FFFFFF UNS.DWORD Immediately

4.14.2 Monitor

Machine data MD 5655 to MD 5659 are relevant only for internal Siemens
functions and must not be changed.

5655 MONITOR_SEGMENT Cross reference: -

Monitor memory location segment Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
HEX 0 0 FFFF UNS.WORD Immediately
5656 MONITOR_ADDRESS Cross reference: -
Monitor memory location address Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
HEX 0 0 FFFFFF UNS.DWORD Immediately
5657 MONITOR_DISPLAY Cross reference: -
Monitor value display Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
HEX 0 0 FFFFFF UNS.DWORD Immediately
5658 MONITOR_INPUT_VALUE Cross reference: -
Monitor value input Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
HEX 0 0 FFFFFF UNS.DWORD Immediately
5659 MONITOR_INPUT_STROBE Cross reference: -
Monitor value transfer Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
HEX 0 0 FFFF UNS.WORD Immediately

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4.14.3 Diagnostic machine data

Various machine data is provided in the HLA module for diagnostic purposes.
NC diagnostic displays are available in a similar way to those used on electrical

5700 TERMINAL_STATE Cross reference: -

Status of binary inputs Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Bit 0: 26.5 V supply available
Bit 1: Term. 663 available
Bit 2: Term. 63 available
Bit 3: HW enable aggregate signal set
Bit 5: Setup mode selected
Bit 6: Term. 64 available
Bit 12: 24 V servo solenoid valve ON
Bit 13: 24 V shutoff valve ON
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
HEX 0 0 FFFF UNS.WORD Immediately
5704 ACTUAL_PRESSURE_A Cross reference: -
Actual pressure A Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
bar 0.0 -10000.0 10000.0 FLOAT Immediately
5705 ACTUAL_PRESSURE_B Cross reference: -
Actual pressure B Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
bar 0.0 -10000.0 10000.0 FLOAT Immediately
5706 DESIRED_SPEED Cross reference: -
Velocity setpoint Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
mm/min 0.0 -240000.0 240000.0 FLOAT Immediately
5707 ACTUAL_SPEED Cross reference: -
Actual velocity value Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
mm/min 0.0 -240000.0 240000.0 FLOAT Immediately
5709 VOLTAGE_LSB Cross reference: -
Significance of voltage representation Related to: Protection level:
Defines how many volts [V] correspond to 1 increment HLA 3/3
of the internal voltage format (valve spool setpoint/actual
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
V 0.0 -100000.0 100000.0 FLOAT Immediately
5710 PRESSURE_LSB Cross reference: -
Significance of pressure representation Related to: Protection level:
Defines the pressure in [bar] corresponding to 1 HLA 3/3
increment of the internal pressure format.
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
bar 0.0 -240000.0 240000.0 FLOAT Immediately

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4.14 Service functions

5711 SPEED_LSB Cross reference: -

Significance of velocity representation Related to: Protection level:
Defines the velocity in [mm/min] corresponding to HLA 3/3
1 increment of the internal velocity format.
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
mm/min 0.0 -240000.0 240000.0 FLOAT Immediately
5713 FORCE_LSB Cross reference: -
Significance of force representation Related to: Protection level:
Defines the force in [µN] corresponding to HLA 3/3
1 increment of the internal force format.
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
µN 0.0 -10000000.0 10000000.0 FLOAT Immediately
5714 POSITION_LSB Cross reference: -
Significance of position representation Related to: Protection level:
Defines the position in [nm] corresponding HLA 3/3
to 1 increment of the internal position format.
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
nm 0.0 -1000000.0 1000000.0 FLOAT Immediately
5715 DESIRED_VALVE_SPOOL_POS Cross reference: -
Voltage for valve spool position setpoint Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
V 0.0 -10.0 10.0 FLOAT Immediately
5716 ACTUAL_VALVE_SPOOL_POS Cross reference: -
Voltage for actual valve spool position value Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
V 0.0 -10.0 10.0 FLOAT Immediately
5725 MAX_FORCE_FROM_NC Cross reference: -
Normalization of force setpoint interface Related to: Protection level:
in high-speed PLC data channel. HLA 3/3
4000hex corresponds to value in MD 5725.
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
N 0.0 0.0 10000000.0 FLOAT Immediately

The value in MD 5725 equals 100% of the set value from the NC program

5740 ACTUAL_POSITION Cross reference: -

Actual position in relation to machine zero Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
mm 0.0 -10000000.0 10000000.0 FLOAT Immediately
5741 ACTUAL_PISTON_POSITION Cross reference: -
Piston position in relation to piston zero Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
mm 0.0 -10000000.0 10000000.0 FLOAT Immediately

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10.03 4 Firmware Drive Functions
4.14 Service functions

5730 OPERATING_MODE Cross reference: -

Operating mode display Related to: Protection level:
Bit 0=1: Velocity controller active HLA 3/3
Bit 1=1: Force limitation active
Bit 2=1: Friction torque compensation active
Bit 3=1: Velocity controller adaptation active (MD 5413=1)
Bit 4=1: Piston position known
Bit 8=1: Force limitation 1 set (MD 5241 Bit 0=1)
Bit 9=1: Friction torque compensation set (MD 5241 Bit 1=1)
Bit 10=1: Force limitation 2 set (MD 5241 Bit 2=1)
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
HEX 1 1 FFFF UNS.WORD Immediately
5790 ENC_TYPE Cross reference: -
Measuring circuit type of measuring system Related to: Protection level:
0: IPU (V) unconditioned voltage signals HLA 3/3
1...15: Reserved
16: EnDat encoder
48: SSI encoder
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
- 0 -1 32767 WORD Immediately
5720 CRC_DIAGNOSIS Cross reference: -
CRC diagnostic parameter Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
- 0 0 FFFF UNS. WORD Immediately

The purpose of machine data MD 5720 is to display any detected CRC errors
(cyclic redundancy check). The counter information is displayed on every read
request and is 5 bits wide (bit 4...bit 0 or count 0...31).

The assignment of CRC errors to the respective drives is not assured in all
cases. The “wrong” module (if installed) displays the error when the address is

5708 ACTUAL_CYL_FORCE Cross reference: -

Actual cylinder force Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
N 0.0 -10000000.0 10000000.0 FLOAT Immediately

The cylinder force is calculated from the actual pressures in A and B (provided
that pressure sensors are connected at X111/X112) and displayed in MD 5708.
This value is irrelevant if no pressure sensor is connected.

5717 DESIRED_CYL_FORCE Cross reference: -

Cylinder force setpoint Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
N 0.0 -10000000.0 10000000.0 FLOAT Immediately

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4.14 Service functions

If the force controller (force limitation or friction injection) has been activated in
MD 5241, the effective force setpoint is displayed here. This can be specified

S the force limitation (MD 5230 or 5231)

S the friction injection (MD 5234 or MD 5235)
S the NC via the “Travel to fixed stop” function
It must be noted that the force controller is activated only in conjunction with
friction injection and zero speed or with force limitation and violation of the upper
force limit. The voltage setpoint of the velocity controller is otherwise applied, in
which case the force setpoint is irrelevant.

Software version

5797 PBL_VERSION Cross reference: -

Data version Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
- 0 0 FFFF UNS.WORD Immediately

Output of current data version (machine data list).

5798 FIRMWARE_DATE Cross reference: -

Firmware date Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
- 0 0 FFFF UNS.WORD Immediately

Output of coded software release. The display is decimal. The character string
has the following format:
DDMMY, in which DD stands for day, MM for month and Y = last digit of year.
Example: The code for 01.06.1993 is 1063dec

5799 FIRMWARE_VERSION Cross reference: -

Firmware version Related to: Protection level:
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
- 0 0 FFFFFF UNS.DWORD Read-only

Output of current software release. The display is decimal, e.g. 21000. This is
the code for SW version 2.10/00.

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4.15 Parameters table

Processor capacity

5735 PROCESSOR_UTILIZATION Cross reference: -

Processor capacity utilization Related to: Protection level:
HLA 3/3
Unit: Default: Minimum: Maximum: Data type: Active:
% 0 0 FFFF UNS. WORD Read-only

The processor capacity utilization display provides online information about

available computing capacity.

4.15 Parameters table

Default value The machine data is preset to this value during start-up.

Range of values Specifies the input limits. If no range of values is specified, the data type deter-
(minimum and mines the input limits and the field is marked “∗∗∗”.

Changes take
S POWER ON (po) “RESET” key on front panel of NCU module
or disconnection and reconnection of power supply
or “NCK reset” soft key

S NEW_CONF (cf) - “Set MD active” soft key on HMI

- “RESET” key on control unit,
- Changes at block ends possible in program mode

S RESET at end of program M2/M30

S RESET (re) “RESET” key on control unit or

S Immediately (im) after entry of the value

The levels of effectiveness have been listed above in order of priority.

Protection level Protection levels 0 to 7 have been used. The lock for protection levels 0 to 3
(4 to 7) can be canceled by entering the correct password (correct keyswitch
position). The operator only has access to information protected by one particu-
lar level and the levels below it.
Meanings of numbers
0 or 10: SIEMENS
1 or 11: OEM-HIGH
2 or 12: OEM-LOW
3 or 13: End user
4 or 14: Keyswitch position 3
5 or 15: Keyswitch position 2
6 or 16: Keyswitch position 1
7 or 17: Keyswitch position 0

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4.15 Parameters table

Unit The unit relates the the machine data default

The field is identified with “-” if the MD is not based on a physical unit.

Index Selectable data sets associated with one parameter.

Data type The following data types are used in the control system:

S BOOLEAN Machine data bit (1 or 0)

S BYTE Integers (from -128 to +127)

S DOUBLE Real values or integers

(from +/-4.19*10- 307 to +/-1.67*10308)

S DWORD Integers (from -2.147*109 to +2.147*109)

S STRING Character string (max. 16 characters) consisting of

capital letters with digits and underscore

S UNSIGNED WORD Integers (from 0 to 65536)

S SIGNED WORD Integers (from -32768 to 32767)

S UNSIGNED DWORD Integers (from 0 to 4294967300)

S SIGNED DWORD Integers (from -2147483650 to 2147483649)

S WORD Hex values (from 0000 to FFFF)

S DWORD Hex values (from 00000000 to FFFFFFFF)

S FLOAT DWORD Real values (from “8.43*10- 37 to ”3.37*1038)

Version HLA firmware 1.02.12

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4-166 SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition
Attribute Firm-
MD no. Name in plaintext Name in NC Version Min. Max. Unit Data type Sec- ware-
Index Active

tion Version

5001 Velocity controller cycle SPEEDCTRL_CYCLE_TIME 4 2 16 31.25 µ s UNS.WORD Power On 4.3.2 1.01
5002 Monitoring cycle MONITOR_CYCLE_TIME 3200 128 3200 31.25 µ s UNS.WORD Power On - 1.01

5003 Configuration STS STS_CONFIG 0330 0 07F0 HEX WORD Power On - 1.01
5004 Configuration structure CTRL_CONFIG 1000 0 1000 HEX UNS.WORD Power On 4.3.1 1.01
5005 Encoder resolution for rotary measuring system ENC_RESOL_MOTOR 2048 128 65535 - UNS.WORD Power On - 1.01
5008 Encoder phase error correction ENC_PHASE_ERROR_CORRECTION 0.0 -20.0 20.0 Degrees FLOAT immediately 4.10 1.01

5011 Actual-value sensing configuration ACTUAL_VALUE_CONFIG 0 0 65535 HEX UNS.WORD Power On 4.10 1.01

5012 Function switch FUNC_SWITCH 4 0 65535 HEX UNS.WORD immediately 4.12 1.01

 Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved

5021 Multi-turn resolution absolute value enc. in motor ENC_ABS_TURNS_MOTOR 0 0000 65535 U WORD Power On 4.10 1.01

5022 Measuring steps of absolute track in motor ENC_ABS_RESOL_MOTOR 8192 0000 524287 - DWORD Power On 4.10 1.01
5023 Diagnosis meas. circ. motor abs. track ENC_ABS_DIAGNOSIS_MOTOR 0 0 BFFF - UNS.WORD immediately 4.10 1.01

5024 Linear scale graduations DIVISION_LIN_SCALE 20000 1000 5000000 nm UNS.WORD Power On 4.10 1.01

5025 Serial number of motor measuring system SERIAL_NO_ENCODER 0 0 4294967295 - UNS.WORD Power On 4.10 1.02.04
5027 Configuration of encoder IM ENC_KONFIG 0 0000H FFFFH - WORD Power On 4.10 1.02.04

5028 IM message frame length SSI NO_TRANSMISSION_BITS 25 0 25 - WORD Power On 4.10 1.02.04

5040 Piston zero in relation to machine zero PISTON_ZERO 0.0 -1000000.0 100000.0 mm FLOAT immediately 4.10 1.01

5041 Machine zero in relation to actual position zero MACHINE_ZERO_HIGH 0 -2147483647 7FFFFFFF HEX SIGN.DWORD immediately - 1.01

5042 Machine zero in relation to actual position zero MACHINE_ZERO_LOW 0 0 FFFFFFFF HEX UNS.WORD immediately - 1.01

SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition

5100 Modulus of elasticity of hydraulic fluid FLUID_ELASTIC_MODULUS 11000 1000 21000 bar FLOAT immediately 4.6 1.01

5101 System pressure WORKING_PRESSURE 0.0 0.0 700.0 bar FLOAT Power On 4.6 1.01

5102 Pilot pressure PILOT_OPERATION_PRESSURE 0.0 0.0 350.0 bar FLOAT immediately 4.6 1.01

5106 Valve code number VALVE_CODE 0 0 2000 - UNS.WORD immediately 4.7 1.01

5107 Nominal valve flowrate VALVE_NOMINAL_FLOW 0.0 0.0 1000.0 l/min FLOAT immediately 4.7 1.01

5108 Nominal pressure drop of valve VALVE_NOMINAL_PRESSURE 35.0 1.0 200.0 bar FLOAT immediately 4.7 1.01

5109 Nominal voltage of valve VALVE_NOMINAL_VOLTAGE 10.0 0.5 15.0 V FLOAT immediately 4.7 1.01

5110 Knee-point flow rate of valve VALVE_DUAL_GAIN_FLOW 10.0 0.2 95.0 % FLOAT immediately 4.7 1.01

5111 Knee-point voltage of valve VALVE_DUAL_GAIN_VOLTAGE 10.0 0.2 95.0 % FLOAT immediately 4.7 1.01

Valve flow ratio betw. A and B ends VALVE_FLOW_FACTOR_A_B 1.0 0.5 2.0 FLOAT
4.15 Parameters table

5112 immediately 4.7 1.01

4 Firmware Drive Functions

Attribute Firm-
MD no. Name in plaintext Name in NC Version Min. Max. Unit Data type Sec- ware-
Index Active

tion Version

5113 Valve configuration VALVE_CONFIGURATION 0 0 1 HEX UNS.WORD immediately 4.7 1.01

5114 Natural frequency of valve VALVE_NATURAL_FREQUENCY 150.0 1.0 1000.0 Hz FLOAT immediately 4.7 1.01

5115 Valve damping VALVE_DAMPING 0.8 0.4 1.0 - FLOAT immediately 4.7 1.01

5131 Cylinder piston rod diameter CYLINDER_PISTON_DIAMETER 0.0 0.0 2500 mm FLOAT Power On 4.8 1.01

5132 Cylinder piston rod diameter A CYLINDER_ROD_A_DIAMETER 0.0 0.0 2400 mm FLOAT Power On 4.8 1.01
4.15 Parameters table

5133 Cylinder piston rod diameter B CYLINDER_ROD_B_DIAMETER 0.0 0.0 2400 mm FLOAT Power On 4.8 1.01
4 Firmware Drive Functions

5134 Piston stroke PISTON_STROKE 0.0 0.0 3000.0 mm FLOAT immediately 4.8 1.01

5135 Cylinder dead voltage A end CYLINDER_DEAD_VOLUME_A 0.0 0.0 200000.0 ccm FLOAT immediately 4.8 1.01
5136 Cylinder dead voltage B end CYLINDER_DEAD_VOLUME_B 0.0 0.0 200000.0 ccm FLOAT immediately 4.8 1.01

5140 Valve-cylinder connection configuration VALVE_CYLINDER_CONNECTION 0 0 1 HEX UNS.WORD immediately 4.9 1.01

5141 Pipe length at A end PIPE_LENGTH_A 0.0 0.0 10000.0 mm FLOAT immediately 4.9 1.01

5142 Pipe length at B end PIPE_LENGTH_B 0.0 0.0 10000.0 mm FLOAT immediately 4.9 1.01

5143 Internal pipe diameters at A and B PIPE_INNER_ DIAMETER_A_B 5.0 0.0 100.0 mm FLOAT immediately 4.9 1.01
5150 Moved drive mass DRIVE_MASS 0.0 0.0 50000.0 kg FLOAT immediately 4.9 1.01

5151 Cylinder mounting position referred to A end CYLINDER_A_ORIENTATION 0.0 -90.0 90.0 Degrees FLOAT immediately 4.9 1.01
5152 Cylinder mounting method CYLINDER_FASTENING 0 0 1 - UNS.WORD immediately 4.9 1.01
5160 Min. natural frequency piston position PISTON_POS_MIN_NAT_FREQ 0.0 0.0 3000.0 mm FLOAT immediately 4.9 1.01

5161 Drive damping DRIVE_DAMPING 0.1 0.01 1.0 - FLOAT immediately 4.9 1.01
5162 Natural frequency of drive A DRIVE_NATURAL_FREQUENCY_A 1.0 1.0 2000.0 Hz FLOAT immediately 4.9 1.01

5163 Natural frequency of drive DRIVE_NATURAL_FREQUENCY 1.0 1.0 2000.0 Hz FLOAT immediately 4.9 1.01

5164 Natural frequency of drive B DRIVE_NATURAL_FREQUENCY_B 1.0 1.0 2000.0 Hz FLOAT immediately 4.9 1.01

5180 Selected damping for closed-loop system CLOSED_LOOP_SYSTEM_DAMPING 0.7 0.2 1.0 - FLOAT immediately 4.9 1.01

5200 Number of control output filters in velocity controller NUM_OUTPUT_VCTRL_FILTERS 0 0 2 - UNS.WORD 0...7 immediately 4.3.2 1.01
5201 Control output filter type in velocity controller OUTPUT_VCTRL_FILTER_CONFIG 0 0 3 - UNS.WORD 0...7 immediately 4.3.2 1.01

5202 Natur. freq. control output filter 1 velocity controller OUTPUT_VCTRL_FIL_1_FREQ 1000.0 10.0 8000.0 Hz FLOAT 0...7 immediately 4.3.2 1.01

5203 Damping control output filter 1 velocity controller OUTPUT_VCTRL_FIL_1_DAMP 1.0 0.05 1.0 - FLOAT 0...7 immediately 4.3.2 1.01

5204 Natur. freq. control output filter 2 velocity controller OUTPUT_VCTRL_FIL_2_FREQ 1000.0 10.0 8000.0 Hz FLOAT 0...7 immediately 4.3.2 1.01

5205 Damping control output filter 2 velocity controller OUTPUT_VCTRL_FIL_2_DAMP 1.0 0.05 1.0 FLOAT 0...7 immediately 4.3.2 1.01

SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition


 Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved

Attribute Firm-
MD no. Name in plaintext Name in NC Version Min. Max. Unit Data type Sec- ware-
Index Active

tion Version
5210 Blocking freq. control output filter 1 vel. controller OUTPUT_VCTRL_FIL_1_SUP_FREQ 3500.0 1.0 7999.0 Hz FLOAT 0...7 immediately 4.3.2 1.01

5211 Bandwidth control output filter 1 velocity controller OUTPUT_VCTRL_FIL_1_BW 500.0 5.0 7999.0 Hz FLOAT 0...7 immediately 4.3.2 1.01
5212 Num. bandwith contr. output filter vel. controller OUTPUT_VCTRL_FIL_1_BW_NUM 0.0 0.0 7999.0 Hz FLOAT 0...7 immediately 4.3.2 1.01

5213 Blocking freq. control output filter 2 vel. controller OUTPUT_VCTRL_FIL_2_SUP_FREQ 3500.0 1.0 7999.0 Hz FLOAT 0...7 immediately 4.3.2 1.01

5214 Bandwidth control output filter 2 velocity controller OUTPUT_VCTRL_FIL_2_BW 500.0 5.0 7999.0 Hz FLOAT 0...7 immediately 4.3.2 1.01

5215 Num. bandwith contr. output filter 2 veloc. controller OUTPUT_VCTRL_FIL_2_BW_NUM 0.0 0.0 7999.0 Hz FLOAT 0...7 immediately 4.3.2 1.01

5230 Force limitation tolerance threshold about weight FORCE_LIMIT_THRESHOLD 10000.0 0.0 100000000.0 N FLOAT 0...7 immediately 4.4.1 1.01
5231 Weight force limitation FORCE_LIMIT_WEIGHT 0.0 -100000000.0 100000000.0 N FLOAT 0...7 immediately 4.4.1 1.01

 Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved

5232 Velocity threshold for static friction STICTION_SPEED_THRESHOLD 10.0 0.0 500.0 mm/min FLOAT immediately 4.4.2 1.01
5233 Cutoff limit static friction STICTION_COMP_THRESHOLD 40.0 3.0 100.0 % FLOAT immediately 4.4.2 1.01

5234 Friction force at velocity >0 STICTION_FORCE_POS 100.0 -100000000.0 100000000.0 N FLOAT immediately 4.4.2 1.01

5235 Friction force at velocity <0 STICTION_FORCE_NEG -100.0 -100000000.0 100000000.0 N FLOAT immediately 4.4.2 1.01

5240 Force controlled controlled-system gain FORCECONTROLLED_SYSTEM_GAIN 0.0 0.0 100000000.0 N/V FLOAT immediately 4.4.3 1.01

5241 Force controller configuration FORCECTRL_CONFIG 0 0 6 HEX UNS.WORD 0...7 immediately 4.4 1.01
5242 Force controller P gain FORCECTRL_GAIN 0.0 0.0 10000.0 - FLOAT 0...7 immediately 4.4.3 1.01

5243 Reduction of force controller P component FORCECTRL_GAIN_RED 40.0 0.1 100.0 % FLOAT immediately 4.4.3 1.01

5244 Force controller reset time FORCECTRL_INTEGRATOR_TIME 40.0 0.0 2000.0 ms FLOAT 0...7 immediately 4.4.3 1.01

5245 Force controller smoothing time constant FORCECTRL_PT1_TIME 0.5 0.25 100.0 ms FLOAT 0...7 immediately 4.4.3 1.01

SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition

5246 Force controller D-action time FORCECTRL_DIFF_TIME 0.0 -10000.0 10000.0 ms FLOAT 0...7 immediately 4.4.3 1.01
5247 Feedforward control factor for force controller FORCE_FFW_WEIGHT 100.0 0.0 120.0 % FLOAT immediately 4.4.3 1.01

5260 No. of force controller feedforward control filters NUM_FFW_FCTRL_FILTERS 0 0 1 - UNS.WORD 0...7 immediately 4.4.3 1.01

5261 Type of feedforward control filter in force controller FFW_FCTRL_FILTER_TYPE 0 0 1 - UNS.WORD 0...7 immediately 4.4.3 1.01

5264 PT2-natur. freq. feedforward control filter1 FFW_FCTRL_FIL_1_FREQ 2000.0 10.0 8000.0 Hz FLOAT 0...7 immediately 4.4.3 1.01

5265 PT2 damping for feedforward control filter 1 FFW_FCTRL_FIL_1_DAMP 0.7 0.2 1.0 - FLOAT 0...7 immediately 4.4.3 1.01
5268 Blocking frequency of feedforward control filter 1 FFW_FCTRL_FIL_1_SUP_FREQ 3500.0 10.0 7999.0 Hz FLOAT 0...7 immediately 4.4.3 1.01

5269 Bandwidth of feedforward control filter 1 FFW_FCTRL_FIL_1_BW 500.0 5.0 7999.0 Hz FLOAT 0...7 immediately 4.4.3 1.01

5270 Numerator bandwidth feedforward control filter 1 FFW_FCTRL_FIL_1_BW_NUM 0.0 0.0 7999.0 Hz FLOAT 0...7 immediately 4.4.3 1.01

5280 Number of control output filters NUM_OUTPUT_FILTERS 0 0 1 - UNS.WORD 0...7 immediately 4.5.2 1.01
4.15 Parameters table
4 Firmware Drive Functions

Attribute Firm-
MD no. Name in plaintext Name in NC Version Min. Max. Unit Data type Sec- ware-
Index Active

tion Version
5281 Type of control output filter OUTPUT_FILTER_TYPE 0 0 1 - UNS.WORD 0...7 immediately 4.5.2 1.01

5284 Natural frequency of control output filter 1 OUTPUT_FIL_1_FREQ 1000.0 10.0 8000.0 Hz FLOAT 0...7 immediately 4.5.2 1.01
5285 Damping of control output filter 1 OUTPUT_FIL_1_DAMP 1.0 0.05 1.0 - FLOAT 0...7 immediately 4.5.2 1.01

5288 Blocking frequency of control output filter 1 OUTPUT_FIL_1_SUP_FREQ 3500.0 1.0 7999.0 Hz FLOAT 0...7 immediately 4.5.2 1.01

5289 Bandwidth of control output filter 1 OUTPUT_FIL_1_BW 500.0 5.0 7999.0 Hz FLOAT 0...7 immediately 4.5.2 1.01
4.15 Parameters table

5290 Numerator bandwidth control output filter 1 OUTPUT_FIL_1_BW_NUM 0.0 0.0 7999.0 Hz FLOAT 0...7 immediately 4.5.2 1.01
4 Firmware Drive Functions

5401 Maximum useful velocity DRIVE_MAX_SPEED 0.0 0.0 120000.0 mm/min FLOAT Power On 4.3.1 1.01

5402 Braking time for controller disable SPEED_CTRL_DISABLE_STOPTIME 0.0 0.0 120000.0 ms FLOAT immediately 4.12 1.01

5404 Power disable timer POWER_DISABLE_DELAY 100 0 100000 ms FLOAT immediately 4.12 1.01

5406 P gain of velocity controller A SPEEDCTRL_GAIN_A 0.0 -100.0 1000.0 % FLOAT 0...7 immediately 4.3.2 1.01
5407 P gain of velocity controller SPEEDCTRL_GAIN 0.0 -100.0 1000.0 % FLOAT 0...7 immediately 4.3.2 1.01
5408 P gain of velocity controller_B SPEEDCTRL_GAIN_B 0.0 -100.0 1000.0 % FLOAT 0...7 immediately 4.3.2 1.01

5409 Reset time of velocity controller SPEEDCTRL_INTEGRATOR_TIME 0.0 0.0 2000.0 ms FLOAT 0...7 immediately 4.3.2 1.01
5413 Selection of velocity controller adaptation SPEEDCTRL_ADAPT_ENABLE 0 0 1 - UNS.WORD immediately 4.3.2 1.01

5414 Natural frequency of reference model SPEEDCTRL_REF_MODEL_FREQ 150.0 0.0 1000.0 Hz FLOAT 0...7 immediately 4.3.2 1.01
5415 Reference model damping SPEEDCTRL_REF_MODEL_DAMPING 0.9 0.4 1.0 - FLOAT 0...7 immediately 4.3.2 1.01

5420 Max. velocity for setup mode DRIVE_MAX_SPEED_SETUP 10.0 0.0 120000.0 mm/min FLOAT immediately 4.3.1 1.01
5421 Time constant of integrator feedback SPEEDCTRL_INTEGRATOR_FEEDBK 0.0 0.0 1000.0 ms FLOAT 0...7 immediately 4.3.2 1.01

5422 Velocity threshold for integrator feedback FEEDBK_SPEED_THRESHOLD 10.0 0.0 120000.0 mm/min FLOAT immediately 4.3.2 1.01

5430 Velocity controller smoothing time constant SPEEDCTRL_PT1_TIME 0.25 0.25 100.0 ms FLOAT 0...7 immediately 4.3.2 1.01

5431 Velocity controller A D-action time SPEEDCTRL_DIFF_TIME_A 0.0 -100.0 100.0 ms FLOAT 0...7 immediately 4.3.2 1.01

5432 Velocity controller D-action time SPEEDCTRL_DIFF_TIME 0.0 -100.0 100.0 ms FLOAT 0...7 immediately 4.3.2 1.01

5433 Velocity controller B D-action time SPEEDCTRL_DIFF_TIME_B 0.0 -100.0 100.0 ms FLOAT 0...7 immediately 4.3.2 1.01

5435 Servo gain CONTROLLED_SYSTEM_GAIN 0.0 0.0 20000.0 mm/Vmin FLOAT 0...7 immediately 4.3.1 1.01

5440 Positive velocity setpoint limit POS_DRIVE_SPEED_LIMIT 0.0 0.0 120000.0 mm/min FLOAT immediately 4.3.1 1.01

5441 Neg. velocity setpoint limit NEG_DRIVE_SPEED_LIMIT 0.0 0.0 120000.0 mm/min FLOAT immediately 4.3.1 1.01

5460 Gradient of friction compensation characteristic FRICTION_COMP_GRADIENT 0.0 0.0 400.0 % FLOAT immediately 4.3.1 1.01

5461 Effective range of friction compensation FRICTION_COMP_OUTPUT_RANGE 0.1 0.1 10.0 % FLOAT immediately 4.3.1 1.01

SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition


 Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved

Attribute Firm-
MD no. Name in plaintext Name in NC Version Min. Max. Unit Data type Sec- ware-
Index Active

tion Version
5462 Piston surface adaptation factor, positive AREA_FACTOR_POS_OUTPUT 10.0 10.0 200.0 % FLOAT 0..7 immediately 4.5.1 1.01
5463 Piston surface adaptation factor, negative AREA_FACTOR_NEG_OUTPUT 10.0 10.0 200.0 % FLOAT 0..7 immediately 4.5.1 1.01
5464 Knee-point compensation pos. flow POS_DUAL_GAIN_COMP_FLOW 10.0 0.2 95.0 % FLOAT 0..7 immediately 4.5.1 1.01

5465 Knee-point compensation pos. voltage POS_DUAL_GAIN_COMP_VOLTAGE 10.0 0.2 95.0 % FLOAT 0..7 immediately 4.5.1 1.01
5466 Rounding range for knee-point compensation DUAL_GAIN_COMP_SMOOTH_RANGE 2.5 0.0 20.0 % FLOAT 0..7 immediately 4.5.1 1.01

5467 Knee-point compensation neg. flow NEG_DUAL_GAIN_COMP_FLOW 10.0 0.2 95.0 % FLOAT 0..7 immediately 4.5.1 1.01

5468 Knee-point compensation neg. voltage NEG_DUAL_GAIN_COMP_VOLTAGE 10.0 0.2 95.0 % FLOAT 0..7 immediately 4.5.1 1.01

5470 Offset compensation OFFSET_COMPENSATION 0 -4000 4000 - WORD immediately 4.5.1 1.01

 Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved

5474 Manipulated voltage limitation positive OUTPUT_VOLTAGE_POS_LIMIT 10.0 0.0 10.0 V FLOAT 0..7 immediately 4.5.3 2.04

5475 Manipulated voltage limitation negative OUTPUT_VOLTAGE_NEG_LIMIT 10.0 0.0 10.0 V FLOAT 0..7 immediately 4.5.3 1.01

5476 Manipulated variable inversion OUTPUT_VOLTAGE_INVERSION 0 0 1 - UNS.WORD immediately 4.5.3 1.01

5480 Knee-point compensation pos. flow in zero range POS_DUAL_GAIN_COMP_Z_FLOW 0.01 0.01 95.0 % FLOAT 0..7 immediately 4.5.1 1.01

5481 Knee-point compensation pos. volt. in zero range POS_DUAL_GAIN_COMP_Z_VOLT 0.0 0.0 95.0 % FLOAT 0..7 immediately 4.5.1 1.01

5482 Knee-point compensation rounding in zero range DUAL_GAIN_COMP_SMOOTH_Z_R 0.0 0.0 10.0 % FLOAT 0..7 immediately 4.5.1 1.01

5483 Knee-point compensation neg. flow in zero range NEG_DUAL_GAIN_COMP_Z_FLOW 0.01 0.01 95.0 % FLOAT 0..7 immediately 4.5.1 1.01

5484 Knee-point compensation neg. volt. in zero range NEG_DUAL_GAIN_COMP_Z_VOLT 0.0 0.0 95.0 % FLOAT 0..7 immediately 4.5.1 1.01

5485 Knee-point compensation pos. flow saturation POS_DUAL_GAIN_COMP_S_FLOW 100.0 0.2 100.0 % FLOAT 0..7 immediately 4.5.1 1.01

5486 Knee-point compensation pos. voltage saturation POS_DUAL_GAIN_COMP_S_VOLT 100.0 0.2 100.0 % FLOAT 0..7 immediately 4.5.1 1.01

SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition

5487 Knee-point compensation neg. flow saturation NEG_DUAL_GAIN_COMP_S_FLOW 100.0 0.2 100.0 % FLOAT 0..7 immediately 4.5.1 1.01

5488 Knee-point compensation neg. voltage saturation NEG_DUAL_GAIN_COMP_S_VOLT 100.0 0.2 100.0 % FLOAT 0..7 immediately 4.5.1 1.01

5500 Number of velocity filters NUM_SPEED_FILTERS 0 0 1 - UNS.WORD 0...7 immediately 4.3.1 1.01
5501 Type of velocity filter SPEED_FILTER_TYPE 0 0 257 - UNS.WORD 0...7 immediately 4.3.1 1.01

5502 PT1 time constant for velocity filter 1 SPEED_FILTER_1_TIME 0.0 0.0 500.0 ms FLOAT 0...7 immediately 4.3.1 1.01

5506 PT2 natural frequency for velocity filter 1 SPEED_FILTER_1_FREQUENCY 2000.0 10.0 8000.0 Hz FLOAT 0...7 immediately 4.3.1 1.01

5507 PT2 damping for velocity filter 1 SPEED_FILTER_1_DAMPING 0.7 0.2 1.0 - FLOAT 0...7 immediately 4.3.1 1.01

5514 Band-stop filter blocking frequency for vel. filter 1 SPEED_FILTER_1_SUPPR_FREQ 3500.0 10.0 7999.0 Hz FLOAT 0...7 immediately 4.3.1 1.01

5515 Band-stop filter bandwidth for velocity filter 1 SPEED_FILTER_1_BANDWIDTH 500.0 5.0 7999.0 Hz FLOAT 0...7 immediately 4.3.1 1.01

5516 Numerator bandwidth for velocity filter 1 SPEED_FILTER_1_BW_NUMERATOR 0.0 0.0 7999.0 Hz FLOAT 0...7 immediately 4.3.1 1.01
4.15 Parameters table
4 Firmware Drive Functions

Attribute Firm-
MD no. Name in plaintext Name in NC Version Min. Max. Unit Data type Sec- ware-
Index Active

tion Version

5520 Band-stop filter natural frequency for vel. filter 1 SPEED_FILTER_1_BS_FREQ 100.0 1.0 141.0 % FLOAT 0...7 immediately 4.3.1 1.01

5522 Time constant for velocity actual value filter ACT_SPEED_FILTER_TIME 0 0 0 - FLOAT Power On - 1.01.08

5530 Safety configuration CYLINDER_SAFETY_CONFIG 4 0 3F HEX UNS.WORD immediately 4.12 1.01

5531 Manipulated variable enable delay OUTPUT_ENABLE_DELAY 300 0 500 ms UNS.WORD immediately 4.12 1.01
5532 Power enable delay time POWER_ENABLE_DELAY 100 0 300 ms UNS.WORD immediately 4.12 1.01
4.15 Parameters table

5550 Reference value of pressure sensor A at 10 V PRESSURE_SENS_A_REF 200.0 50.0 6000.0 bar FLOAT immediately 4.11 1.01
4 Firmware Drive Functions

5551 Offset adjustment for pressure sensor A PRESSURE_SENS_A_OFFS 0 -32760 32760 - WORD immediately 4.11 1.01
5552 Reference value of pressure sensor B at 10 V PRESSURE_SENS_B_REF 200.0 50.0 6000.0 bar FLOAT immediately 4.11 1.01

5553 Offset adjustment for pressure sensor B PRESSURE_SENS_B_OFFS 0 -32767 32767 - WORD immediately 4.11 1.01
5600 Concealable alarms (Power On) ALARM_MASK_POWER_ON 0 0 FFFF HEX UNS.WORD immediately 4.13 1.01

5601 Concealable alarms (Reset) ALARM_MASK_RESET 0 0 FFFF HEX UNS.WORD immediately 4.13 1.01

5605 Time for velocity controller at limit SPEEDCTRL_LIMIT_TIME 200.0 20.0 1000.0 ms FLOAT immediately 4.13 1.01

5606 Threshold for velocity controller at limit SPEEDCTRL_LIMIT_THRESHOLD 120000.0 0.0 120000.0 mm/min FLOAT immediately 4.13 1.01

5609 Max. measuring speed of linear scale ENC_SPEED_LIMIT 240000.0 1.0 240000.0 mm/min FLOAT immediately 4.13 1.01

5610 Diagnostic functions DIAGNOSIS_ACTIVATION_FLAGS 0 0 3 HEX UNS.WORD Power On - 1.01

5612 Config. shutdown response to PO alarms ALARM_REACTION_POWER_ON 0 0 FFFF HEX UNS.WORD immediately 4.13 1.01
5613 Config. shutdown response to RESET alarms ALARM_REACTION_RESET 0 0 FFFF HEX UNS.WORD immediately 4.13 1.01

5614 Valve spool monitoring timer VALVE_ERROR_TIME 50 1 100 ms UNS.WORD immediately 4.13 1.01

5620 Bits of variable signaling functions PROG_SIGNAL_FLAGS 0 0 7 HEX UNS.WORD immediately 4.13 1.01

5621 Signal number of variable signaling functions PROG_SIGNAL_NR 0 0 100 - UNS.WORD immediately 4.13 1.01

5622 Address to be monitored by variable sign. funct. PROG_SIGNAL_ADDRESS 0 0 FFFFFF HEX UNS.WORD immediately 4.13 1.01
5623 Threshold for variable signaling functions PROG_SIGNAL_THRESHOLD 0 0 FFFFFF HEX UNS.WORD immediately 4.13 1.01
5624 Hysteresis for variable signaling functions PROG_SIGNAL_HYSTERESIS 0 0 FFFFFF HEX UNS.WORD immediately 4.13 1.01
5625 Dropout delay for variable signaling function PROG_SIGNAL_ON_DELAY 0 0 10000 - UNS.WORD immediately 4.13 1.01

5626 Dropout delay for variable signaling function PROG_SIGNAL_OFF_DELAY 0 0 10000 - UNS.WORD immediately 4.13 1.01
5648 Valve identification parameter 1 VALVE_ID_PARAMS1 0 0 7999 - UNS.WORD immediately - 1.01.12

5649 Valve identification parameter 2 VALVE_ID_PARAMS2 0 0 7999 - UNS.WORD immediately - 1.01.12

5650 Diagnostic control DIAGNOSIS_CONTROL_FLAGS 0 0 FFFF HEX UNS.WORD immediately 4.14 1.01

SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition


 Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved

Attribute Firm-
MD no. Name in plaintext Name in NC Version Min. Max. Unit Data type Sec- ware-
Index Active

tion Version

5651 Signal number of min/max memory MINMAX_SIGNAL_NR 0 0 FFFF - UNS.WORD immediately 4.14 1.01

5652 Memory location of min/max memory MINMAX_ADDRESS 0 0 FFFFFF HEX UNS.WORD immediately 4.14 1.01
5653 Minimum value of min/max memory MINMAX_MIN_VALUE 0 0 FFFFFF HEX UNS.WORD immediately 4.14 1.01

5654 Maximum value of min/max memory MINMAX_MAX_VALUE 0 0 FFFFFF HEX UNS.WORD immediately 4.14 1.01
5655 Monitor memory location segment MONITOR_SEGMENT 0 0 FFFF HEX UNS.WORD immediately 4.14 1.01

5656 Monitor memory location address MONITOR_ADDRESS 0 0 FFFFFF HEX UNS.WORD immediately 4.14 1.01
5657 Monitor value display MONITOR_DISPLAY 0 0 FFFFFF HEX UNS.WORD immediately 4.14 1.01

5658 Monitor value input MONITOR_INPUT_VALUE 0 0 FFFFFF HEX UNS.WORD immediately 4.14 1.01

 Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved

5659 Monitor value transfer MONITOR_INPUT_STROBE 0 0 FFFF HEX UNS.WORD immediately 4.14 1.01
5700 Status of binary inputs TERMINAL_STATE 0 0 FFFF HEX UNS.WORD immediately 4.14 1.01

5704 Actual pressure A ACTUAL_PRESSURE_A 0.0 -10000.0 10000.0 bar FLOAT immediately 4.14 1.01

5705 Actual pressure B ACTUAL_PRESSURE_B 0.0 -10000.0 10000.0 bar FLOAT immediately 4.14 1.01

5706 Velocity setpoint DESIRED_SPEED 0.0 -240000.0 240000.0 mm/min FLOAT immediately 4.14 1.01

5707 Actual velocity value ACTUAL_SPEED 0.0 -240000.0 240000.0 mm/min FLOAT immediately 4.14 1.01

5708 Actual cylinder force ACTUAL_CYL_FORCE 0.0 -10000000.0 10000000.0 N FLOAT immediately 4.14 1.01

5709 Significance of voltage representation VOLTAGE_LSB 0.0 -100000.0 100000.0 V FLOAT immediately 4.14 1.01
5710 Significance of pressure representation PRESSURE_LSB 0.0 -240000.0 240000.0 bar FLOAT immediately 4.14 1.01
5711 Significance of velocity representation SPEED_LSB 0.0 -240000.0 240000.0 mm/min FLOAT immediately 4.14 1.01

SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition

5713 Significance of force representation FORCE_LSB 0.0 -10000000.0 10000000.0 µN FLOAT immediately 4.14 1.01

5714 Significance of position representation POSITION_LSB 0.0 -1000000.0 1000000.0 nm FLOAT immediately 4.14 1.01
5715 Voltage for valve spool position setpoint DESIRED_VALVE_SPOOL_POS 0.0 -10.0 10.0 V FLOAT immediately 4.14 1.01

5716 Voltage for actual valve spool position ACTUAL_VALVE_SPOOL_POS 0.0 -10.0 10.0 V FLOAT immediately 4.14 1.01

5717 Cylinder force setpoint DESIRED_CYL_FORCE 0.0 -10000000.0 10000000.0 N FLOAT immediately 4.14 1.01
5720 CRC diagnostic parameter CRC_DIAGNOSIS 0 0 FFFF - UNS.WORD immediately 4.14 1.01

5725 Normalization of force setpoint interface MAX_FORCE_FROM_NC 0.0 0.0 10000000.0 N FLOAT immediately 4.14 1.01

5730 Operating mode display OPERATING_MODE 1 1 FFFF HEX UNS.WORD immediately 4.14 1.01

5731 Image ZK1_PO register CL1_PO_IMAGE 0 0 FFFF HEX UNS.WORD immediately 4.14 1.01

5732 Image ZK1_RES register CL1_RES-IMAGE 0 0 FFFF HEX UNS.WORD immediately 4.14 1.01
4.15 Parameters table
4 Firmware Drive Functions

Attribute Firm-
MD no. Name in plaintext Name in NC Version Min. Max. Unit Data type Sec- ware-
Index Active

tion Version

5735 Processor capacity utilization PROCESSOR_UTILIZATION 0 0 FFFF % UNS.WORD immediately 4.14 1.01

5740 Actual position in relation to machine zero ACTUAL_POSITION 0.0 -10000000.0 10000000.0 mm FLOAT immediately 4.14 1.01

5741 Piston position in relation to piston zero ACTUAL_PISTON_POSITION 0.0 -10000000.0 10000000.0 mm FLOAT immediately 4.14 1.01

5790 Measuring circuit type of measuring system ENC_TYPE 0 -1 32767 - WORD immediately 4.14 1.01

5797 Data version PBL_VERSION 0 0 FFFF - UNS.WORD immediately 4.14 1.01

4.15 Parameters table

5798 Firmware date FIRMWARE_DATE 0 0 FFFF - UNS.WORD immediately 4.14 1.01

4 Firmware Drive Functions

5799 Firmware version FIRMWARE_VERSION 0 0 FFFFFF - UNS.WORD immediately 4.14 1.01

SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition


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Hardware Drive Functions 5
5.1 Interface overview

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5.1 Interface overview

Measuring system

Pressure sensor

Servo solenoid


Drive bus

Device bus

Fig. 5-1 HLA closed-loop control plug-in module (2-axis)

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10.03 5 Hardware Drive Functions
5.1 Interface overview

Axis 1 Axis 2
F1900 F1901

Fig. 5-2 Location diagram of HLA closed-loop control module

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5 Hardware Drive Functions 10.03
5.1 Interface overview

5.1.1 Measuring system

Measuring One position encoder for each axis can be evaluated on the module.
S X101: Axis 1

S X102: Axis 2
The measuring system must always be plugged into the connector of the asso-
ciated axis.
See Section 7.1 for further details.

Table 5-1 Connectors X101, X102; 15-pole male sub D connector (two-tier) in
each case

Pin X101 X102 Function

1 PENC0 PENC2 Encoder power supply
2 M (GND) M (GND) Encoder power supply ground
3 AP0 AP2 Incremental signal A
4 AN0 AN2 Inverse incremental signal A
5 BMIDAT0 BMIDAT2 Data signal EnDat or SSI interface
6 BP0 BP2 Incremental signal B
7 BN0 BN2 Inverse incremental signal B
8 XBMIDAT0 XBMIDAT2 Inverse data signal EnDat or SSI interface
9 PSENSE0 PSENSE2 Remote Sense encoder power supply (P)
10 RP0 RP2 Incremental signal R
11 MSENSE0 MSENSE2 Remote Sense encoder power supply (M)
12 RN0 RN2 Inverse incremental signal R
13 M (GND) M (GND) Ground (for internal shields)
14 BMICLK0 BMICLK2 Clock signal EnDat or SSI interface
15 XBMICLK0 XBMICLK2 Inverse clock signal, EnDat interface

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5-178 SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition
10.03 5 Hardware Drive Functions
5.1 Interface overview

5.1.2 Pressure sensor system

Connection for 2 pressure sensors per axis

S X111: Axis 1 (sensor 1A, 1B)

S X112: Axis 2 (sensor 2A, 2B)

Table 5-2 Connectors X111, X112; 15-pin female sub D connector in each case

Pin X111 X112 Function

1 P24DS P24DS Supply of pressure sensor with external +24 V voltage
2 P24DS P24DS Supply of pressure sensor with external +24 V voltage
3 - - Not assigned
4 - - Not assigned
5 M24EXT M24EXT Supply of pressure sensor with external 0 V voltage
6 - - Not assigned
7 - - Not assigned
8 - - Not assigned
9 M24EXT M24EXT Supply of pressure sensor with external 0 V voltage
10 M24EXT M24EXT Extra pin for jumper between pins 10-11 with 3-wire
11 PIST1BN PIST2BN Analog actual-value signal, reference ground
12 PIST1BP PIST2BP Analog actual-value signal, max. range 0...10 V
13 M24EXT M24EXT Extra pin for jumper between pins 13-14 with 3-wire
14 PIST1AN PIST2AN Analog actual-value signal, reference ground
15 PIST1AP PIST2AP Analog actual-value signal, max. range 0...10 V

The inputs are differential with 40 kΩ input resistance.

The input voltage range is 0...+10 V.
The supply output has an electronic short-circuit protector.
The supply output is designed for a total current (4 sensors) of 200 mA.
Pressure sensor power supply via 26.5 V 2% according to external supply.

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5.1 Interface overview

5.1.3 Servo solenoid valve

S X121: Axis 1

S X122: Axis 2

Table 5-3 Connectors X121, X122; both are 15-pin subminiature D female

Pin X121 X122 Function

1 P24RV1 P24RV2 +24 V switched
2 P24RV1 P24RV2 +24 V switched
3 P24RV1 P24RV2 +24 V switched
4 P24RV1 P24RV2 +24 V switched
5 M (GND) M (GND) Functional ground
6 USOLL1N USOLL2N Analog setpoint output, reference ground
7 USOLL1P USOLL2P Analog setpoint output +/-10 V
8 M (GND) M (GND) Functional ground
9 M24EXT M24EXT 24 V external ground
10 M24EXT M24EXT 24 V external ground
11 M24EXT M24EXT 24 V external ground
12 - - Not assigned
13 M (GND) M (GND) Functional ground
14 UIST1N UIST2N Analog valve actual-value input, reference ground
15 UIST1P UIST2P Analog valve actual-value input, +/-10 V

The analog valve actual value inputs are differential with 100 kΩ input
The current ratings of the 24 V outputs on the servo solenoid value are

S for an ambient temperature of 40 °C 2.0 A

S for an ambient temperature of 55 °C 1.5 A

for the mean current value with a load cycle of 10 s duration.
The temperature corner points may be interpolated linearly.
The short-term current rating of the servo solenoid valve outputs is 3.0 A
(200 ms).
In the event of overload, fuse F1900 or F1901 on the HLA closed-loop control
plug-in module (for position, see Fig. 5-2) will blow.

Fuse The switched 24 V outputs for axes 1 and 2 are protected by miniature fuses;
fuse type F1900 for axis 1 and F1901 for axis 2.
Value: 2.5 AF/250 V; 5x20 mm UL
From: Wickmann-W erke GmbH
Annenstraße 113
58453 Witten
PO Box 2520
58415 Witten
Order No.: 194

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5-180 SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition
10.03 5 Hardware Drive Functions
5.1 Interface overview

5.1.4 Terminals
Shut-off valves (axis-specific), external 26.5 V supply, enabling, BERO inputs
S X431: Axis 1
S X432: Axis 2

Table 5-4 Connector X431; 8-pin Phoenix Combicon connector

Pin X431 Type1) Function Typ. voltage/

Limit values
1 M I Functional ground
2 PV1 O +24V shut-off valve axis 1 max. 2.0 A
3 MV1 O Ground for shut-off valve for axis 1
4 C1 - Reserved, do not use!
5 P24 I Input for +24 V external 26.5 V 2%
6 M24 I Input for 0 V external
7 663 I Module-specific enable signal 21 V...30 V
8 9 O Internal +24 V enable voltage, term. 9

Table 5-5 Connector X432; 8-pin Phoenix Combicon connector

Pin X432 Type1) Function Typical voltage/

limit values
1 M I Functional ground
2 PV2 O +24V shut-off valve axis 2 max. 2.0 A
3 MV2 O Ground for shut-off valve for axis 2
4 C2 - Reserved, do not use!
5 B1 I BERO input, axis 1 13 V...30 V
6 19 O Internal enable voltage ground, term.19
7 B2 I BERO input, axis 2 13 V...30 V
8 9 O Internal +24 V enable voltage, term. 9

Max. terminal cross-section 2.5 mm2.

The +24 V outputs for shut-off valves for axes 1 and 2 are short-circuit-proof.
The energy absorbed when inductive loads are disconnected must be limited to
1.7 J by the user (see also Subsection 2.4.2). When the supply polarity is re-
versed, the outputs are not protected against overload.

! If the polarity of the 24 V supply is reversed, then the shut-off valves will open
immediately, even if the NC or closed-loop control is not in operation!

1) I=Input; O=Output

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5 Hardware Drive Functions 04.00
5.1 Interface overview

Each of the shut-off valves must be connected directly via 2 leads to pins 2/3 of
X431 or X432!
A current-compensated interference suppression coil is inserted at the input for
the external incoming supply terminal P24, terminal M24 (pins 5 and 6 of
Terminal M24 and terminal MV1/MV2 must therefore not be reversed or
The internal enabling voltage (terminal 9) is provided in order to supply the
BEROs and terminal 663, and must not be used to supply hydraulics
components. The hydraulics components must be supplied via incoming
supply P24. The voltages may not be connected in parallel.

Enabling inputs Module-specific enabling commands are issued by terminal 663. As no power
section is installed, no relay is available. The input is therefore evaluated via
optocouplers in the HLA module and also acts on the shut-off valves.
The enable voltage can be picked off at terminal 9.
Terminal 663 is referenced to the internal enabling voltage (ground, termi-
nal 19).

5.1.5 Test sockets (diagnostics)

Test sockets The start-up tool or an MMC102/103 can be used to assign internal signals to
the test sockets on the 611D drive (in conjunction with SINUMERIK 840D),
where the signals are then available as analog values (see also Section 3.11).


DAC3 Ground

Functionality Three 8-bit digital/analog converter (DAC) channels are available on the 611D
hydraulics module. An analog image of various drive signals can be connected
through to a test socket via these converters.
Only a window of the 24-bit wide drive signals can be displayed with the 8 bits
(=1 byte) of the DAC, see Fig. 5-3. For this reason, the shift factor must be set
to determine how fine the quantization of the selected signal must be. The nor-
malization factor is calculated as the parameters are set and displayed as user
info, e.g. 1V = 22.5A.

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5-182 SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition
10.03 5 Hardware Drive Functions
5.1 Interface overview

Bit 23 16 15 8 7 0 (LSB)

DAC with SF0

DAC with SF1

DAC with SF8

DAC with SF16

LSB = Least Significant Bit SF = Shift Factor

Fig. 5-3 Representation of the shift factor

Activating the The display for activating and setting the parameters of the DAC outputs is
analog output called up from the basic machine display by pressing the Start-up /
Drive/Servo / Configur. DAC soft keys.
Use the Start soft activate the configuration. Active DACs are identified
(active/inactive) on the left of the display. The output is ended with Stop (active/
The selected signals are active after POWER ON.

Output voltage The DAC operates on a voltage of between 0 V and +5 V. The 2.5 V output volt-
range age corresponds to the zero point of the displayed signal. A two’s complement
is used in the digital/analog conversion, see Fig. 5-3.

7FHex ( 0111 1111d)


00Hex FFHex

80Hex (1000 0000d)

Fig. 5-4 Analog output voltage range

5.1.6 Bus interfaces

Drive bus (see SIMODRIVE 611A/D)

S X141: Input
S X341: Output
A bus terminator must be plugged into the last module.

Device bus (see SIMODRIVE 611A/D)

S X151: Device bus

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5.2 System environment

5.2 System environment

Mains connection The SINUMERIK 840D and HLA module are supplied via the device bus
from the SIMODRIVE mains supply module or the SIMODRIVE monitoring mod-
ule (may only be installed in conjunction with a mains supply module as an ex-
tended power supply). No provision has been made for any other type of volt-
age supply and failure to use the supply provided could damage the unit.

It is not permissible to operate an HLA module on its own on a SIMODRIVE
monitoring module!

Power is supplied to downstream electrical axes via the DC link busbars

(40 mm2) of the carrier module.
For information about the electrical supply conditions for the power supply or
monitoring module, as well as recommended circuits, technical data and setting
options, please see Chapter 2 and
References: /PJ2/ SIMODRIVE Planning Guide

X35 Bus terminator
Drive bus

Device bus




supply (840D)

Fig. 5-5 Component layout for hydraulic drive

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5-184 SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition
10.03 5 Hardware Drive Functions
5.3 Notes

5.3 Notes

5.3.1 Climatic and mechanical environmental conditions in operation

The following information refers to the electrical section of the HLA.

Relevant IEC 68-2-1, IEC 68-2-2, IEC 68-2-3

Climatic ambient If the specified values cannot be maintained, then a heat exchanger or air con-
conditions ditioner must be provided.

Table 5-6 Climatic ambient conditions

Temperature range Lower limit temperature 0°C

Upper limit temperature +55°C 1)
Dew-point temperature td Annual average U = 75%, td = 17°C
and relative air humidity U
On 30 days (24 hours) in U = 95%, td = 24°C
year (days distributed over
the annual period)
On other days (<24 hours) U = 85%, td = 20°C
(observing the yearly aver-
Condensation not permissible
Temperature rate of Within one hour 10 K
Within three minutes 1K
Atmospheric pressure When operated at an alti- 86 kPa to 108 kPa
tude of 1500m above mean
sea level. For greater alti-
tudes, the upper limit tem-
perature must be reduced
by 3.5°C/500m.

Table 5-7 Mechanical environmental conditions

Vibration resistance Frequency range Constant deflection

(to IEC 68-2-6) 10 - 58 Hz 0.075 mm
Ampl. of acceleration
9.8 m/s2
Over 58 - 500 Hz
Shock resistance in Acceleration 5g
Duration of nominal shock 11 ms for device without
(test group E, test Ea to
disk drive
IEC 68, part 2-27)
30 ms for device with disk

1) Current reduction above 40°C at the servo solenoid valve output, see Subsection 5.1.3.

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5 Hardware Drive Functions 02.99
5.3 Notes

5.3.2 Transport and storage conditions

The following information refers to the electrical section of the HLA.

Relevant IEC 68-2-1, IEC 68-2-2, IEC 68-2-3


Originally The following data applies to modules in their original packaging:

packaged modules
Table 5-8 Climatic conditions

Temperature range Lower limit temperature -40 °C

Upper limit temperature +70°C
Dew-point temperature td Annual average U = 75%, td = 17°C
and relative air humidity U
On 30 days (24 hours) in U = 95%, td = 24°C
year (days distributed over
the annual period)
On 30 days (24 hours) in U = 85%, td = 20°C
year (days distributed over
the annual period)
Condensation Seldom, brief, slight
As regards condensation,
the following conditions may
apply simultaneously:
Max. condensation period 3 hours
Frequency of condensation Annual average 3/Max.: 10
Shortest sequence of con- 1 day
densation cycles
Temperature rate of Within one hour 20 K
Air pressure The specified values apply 66 kPa to 108 kPa
to a transportation altitude
of up to 3265 m above sea

Table 5-9 Mechanical conditions during transportation in original packaging

Vibration resistance (to Frequency range Const. Deflection

IEC 68-2-6) 5 - 9 Hz 3.5 mm
Ampl. of acceleration
Over 9 - 500 Hz 10 m/s2

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5-186 SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition
10.03 5 Hardware Drive Functions
5.3 Notes

5.3.3 Stress caused by contaminants

Relevant DIN 40046, parts 36 and 37

Table 5-10 Function-impairing gases

Sulfur dioxide (SO2) Degree of severity 10 cm3/m3 0.3 cm3/m3

Test conditions:
Temperature 25 °C 2 °C
Relative humidity 75% 5%
Test duration 4 days

Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) Degree of severity 1 cm3/m3 0.3 cm3/m3

Test conditions:
Temperature 25 °C 2 °C
Relative humidity 75% 5%
Test duration 4 days

Function-impairing When working in areas where there is an unacceptably high dust hazard, the
dust control must be operated in a cabinet with a heat exchanger or in a cabinet with
a suitable air intake.

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5.3 Notes


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5-188 SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition
Hydraulics Diagnostics 6
Fault responses. When a fault occurs, the system responds with either a power disable or veloc-
ity controller disable depending on the type of fault.
The power is disabled in response to errors which might make operation under
closed-loop control impossible, such as

S velocity controller at limit,

S measuring system faults,
S RAM check error,
S drive computer crash, etc.

Scope The following alarms relate specifically to the hydraulics module:

Other alarms may also occur and are described in:
References: /DA/, Diagnostics Guide
For special cases arising in conjunction with an integrated PLC, please refer to
documentation of the SIMATIC S7-300 System.

Sorting The alarms are listed in ascending order of alarm number. There are gaps in the

Structure of alarm Each alarm, consisting of an alarm number and alarm text, is described with
description 4 categories:
S Explanation
S Response
S Remedy
S Program continuation.


! Please check the situation in the plant on the basis of the description of the
active alarm(s). Eliminate the causes for the occurrence of the alarms and
acknowledge in the manner indicated. Failure to observe this warning will place
your machine, workpiece, stored settings and possibly even your own safety at

300 000 to For a description of the alarms with error numbers 300 000 to 300 499,
please refer to documentation
300 499
References: /DA/, Diagnostics Guide

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SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition 6-189
6 Hydraulics Diagnostics 10.03

300 500 Axis %1, drive %2 system error, error codes %3, %4
Explanation %1 = NC axis number
%2 = drive number
%3 = error code 1
%4 = error code 2
The drive has signaled a system error. For an exact breakdown of error codes,
see /FBA/ DB1, Operational Messages/Alarm Responses.
Response NC not ready.
Under certain circumstances it can be switched over across the entire channel
via MD.
Channel not ready.
NC stopped in response to alarm.
NC start disable.
The NC switches to follow-up mode.
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
Remedy Please inform the authorized personnel/service department.
Reinitialize the drive.
The search for the precise cause of error can only be performed by the develop-
ment team. The displayed error codes are always needed for this.
SIEMENS AG, After-Sales Support for A&D MC Products, Hotline.
Continue program Switch control system OFF and ON again.

300 504 Axis %1, drive %2 measuring circuit fault in motor measuring system
Explanation %1 = NC axis number
%2 = drive number
Signal level of motor encoder too small or noisy. SSI encoder: Parameter setting
error (bit 9 of MD 5027 Bit 9 not set)
Response Mode group not ready.
Under certain circumstances it can be switched over across the entire channel
via MD.
Channel not ready.
NC start disable.
NC stopped in response to alarm.
The NC switches to follow-up mode.
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
Remedy Please inform the authorized personnel/service department.
Check encoder, encoder leads and connectors between drive motor and 611D
module: check for temporary interruptions (loose contact) - e.g. caused by
movements in cable tow.
S Replace motor, encoder and/or cable if necessary
S Check shield bond to front plate of closed-loop plug-in module (top screw)
S Replace the control module.
S Check distance between gear wheel and sensor on gear wheel encoders
(The HLA module does not feature a gear wheel encoder. This is a measur-
ing system connected to the hydraulic equipment.).
Continue program Switch control system OFF and ON again.

 Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved

6-190 SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition
10.03 6 Hydraulics Diagnostics

300 506 Axis %1, drive %2, no sign of life from NC

Explanation %1 = NC axis number
%2 = drive number
Upon servo enable, the NC must update the sign-of-life monitoring in each posi-
tion control cycle. In case of error, sign-of-life monitoring has not been updated.
a) NC no longer updates its sign of life in response to an alarm
(e.g. 611D alarm)
b) Communication error on drive bus
c) Hardware error on drive module
d) NC error
e) On the 840D: Value of the machine data MD10082:
MN_CTRLOUT_LEAD_TIME (offset in setpoint transfer time) is too high
The alarm can be reconfigured using MD 11412: ALARM_REAC-
TION_CHAN_NOREADY (channel not ready).
Response Mode group not ready.
Under certain circumstances it can be switched over across the entire channel
via MD.
Channel not ready.
NC stopped in response to alarm.
NC start disable.
The NC switches to follow-up mode.
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
Remedy Please inform the authorized personnel/service department.
For a) Determine whether the sign-of-life monitoring failure is a sequential fault.
A sequential fault is caused by: A fault/alarm on axis x in an n-axis
structure, for example. If this error description has occurred, the above
error message is output for all n axes, even though the fault/alarm has
only occurred on axis x.
==>Rectify error on axis x
==>The signs of life for the other axes are irrelevant.
For b) Check plug-in connection, take measures to suppress RI (check
shielding/ground connections)
For c) Replace closed-loop control module
For d) See NC error diagnosis, replace NC hardware if necessary
For e) Set machine data 840D MD10082: CTRLOUT_LEAD_TIME
(offset in setpoint transfer time) to correct value using
machine data MD10083: CTRLOUT_LEAD_TIME_MAX
(maximum settable offset in setpoint transfer time).

Continue program Switch control system OFF and ON again.

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SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition 6-191
6 Hydraulics Diagnostics 02.99

300 508 Axis %1, drive %2 zero mark monitoring motor measuring system
Explanation %1 = NC axis number
%2 = drive number
Error in modulo (16/10) incrementation of encoder mark number on zero marker
crossings. Increments have been lost or extra increments trapped.
The alarm can be reconfigured using MD 11412:
ALARM_REACTION_CHAN_NOREADY (channel not ready).
Response Mode group not ready.
Under certain circumstances it can be switched over across the entire channel
via MD.
Channel not ready.
NC stopped in response to alarm.
NC start disable.
The NC switches to follow-up mode.
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.

Remedy Please inform the authorized personnel/service department. Use original

Siemens pre-assembled encoder cables (high degree of shield protection).
Check encoder, encoder cable for cable break and shield bonding point. Check
shielding surface on front panel (top screw), replace closed-loop control mod-
ule. Check distance between gear wheel and sensor on gear wheel encoders. If
a BERO is installed, it is not the BERO signal which is monitored, but the zero
marker of the encoder.
Continue program Switch control system OFF and ON again.

300 511 Axis %1, drive %2 measuring function active

Explanation %1 = NC axis number
%2 = drive number
The measuring function (e.g. frequency response measurement) was active as
the power supply was switched on (power-up). The measuring function may be
have been started illegally internally.
Response NC not ready.
Under certain circumstances it can be switched over across the entire channel
via MD.
Channel not ready.
NC stopped in response to alarm.
NC start disable.
The NC switches to follow-up mode.
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.

Remedy Stop the measuring function

Reset NCK
Continue program Switch control system OFF and ON again.

 Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved

6-192 SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition
10.03 6 Hydraulics Diagnostics

300 701 Start-up required for axis %1, drive %2

Explanation %1 = NC axis number
%2 = drive number
This alarm occurs during initial start-up when there is no valid 611D machine
data available.
Response NC not ready.
Mode group not ready.
NC stopped in response to alarm.
NC start disable.
The NC switches to follow-up mode.
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
Remedy Please inform the authorized personnel/service department.

S Reset motor data.

S Back up boot drive.
S Power up system again
Continue program Switch control system OFF and ON again.

300 702 Axis %1, drive %2 drive basic clock cycle invalid
Explanation %1 = NC axis number
%2 = drive number
The drive basic clock cycle set on the NC is too high for the drive.
Response NC not ready.
Mode group not ready.
NC stopped in response to alarm.
NC start disable.
The NC switches to follow-up mode.
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
Remedy No remedial action is required. After the system has powered up again, the
NCK machine data relevant to the drive basic clock cycle, i.e.
MD 10050: SYSCLOCK_CYCLE_TIME (basic system cycle) and MD 10080:
SYSCLOCK_SAMPL_TIME_RATIO (scale factor of position controller cycle for
actual value sensing) are automatically altered so that the relevant limits are
Continue program Switch control system OFF and ON again.

300 707 Axis %1, drive %2 drive basic clock cycle axially unequal
Explanation %1 = NC axis number
%2 = drive number
The drive basic clock cycle is different for the two axes on a 2-axis module.
This alarm can only occur with OEM users who have the 611D drive without the
standard NCK interface. In this instance, it is possible to transfer different axial
drive clock cycles to the 611D modules.

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6 Hydraulics Diagnostics 02.99

Response NC not ready.

Mode group not ready.
NC stopped in response to alarm.
NC start disable.
The NC switches to follow-up mode.
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
Remedy Please inform the authorized personnel/service department.
Set the drive basic clock cycle to the same value for both axes.
Continue program Switch control system OFF and ON again.

300 710 Axis %1, drive %2 position controller clock cycle axially unequal
Explanation %1 = NC axis number
%2 = drive number
The position controller clock cycle is different for the two axes on a 2-axis
This alarm can only occur with OEM users having the 611D drives without the
standard NCK interface. In this instance, it would be possible to transfer differ-
ent axial position controller clock cycles to the 611D module.
Response NC not ready.
Mode group not ready.
NC stopped in response to alarm.
NC start disable.
The NC switches to follow-up mode.
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
Remedy Please inform the authorized personnel/service department.
Set the position controller cycle to the same value for both axes.
Continue program Switch control system OFF and ON again.

300 713 Axis %1, drive %2 lead time for position controller invalid
Explanation %1 = NC axis number
%2 = drive number
The position controller computing time reduction specified by the NC must be
shorter than the position controller cycle. The offset must be an integer multiple
of the speed controller cycle.
Response NC not ready.
Mode group not ready.
NC stopped in response to alarm.
NC start disable.
The NC switches to follow-up mode.
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
Remedy Please inform the authorized personnel/service department.
MD 10082: CTROUT_LEAD_TIME (offset in setpoint transfer time).
Continue program Switch control system OFF and ON again.

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300 754 Axis %1, drive %2 signal number var. signaling function invalid
Explanation %1 = NC axis number
%2 = drive number
The signal number for output of the appropriate signaling function is illegal. The
permissible signal number range starts at 0 and ends at 29.
Response NC not ready.
Under certain circumstances it can be switched over across the entire channel
via MD.
Channel not ready.
NC stopped in response to alarm.
NC start disable.
The NC switches to follow-up mode.
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
Remedy Please inform the authorized personnel/service department.
Enter the correct signal number.
Continue program Clear alarm on all channels by pressing RESET. Restart part program.

300 770 Axis %1, drive %2 format error

Explanation %1 = NC axis number
%2 = drive number
The calculated filter coefficients of a bandstop filter are beyond the range of the
internal format.
The alarm can be reconfigured using MD 11412:
ALARM_REACTION_CHAN_NOREADY (channel not ready).
Response NC not ready.
Under certain circumstances it can be switched over across the entire channel
via MD.
Channel not ready.
NC stopped in response to alarm.
NC start disable.
The NC switches to follow-up mode.
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
Remedy Please inform the authorized personnel/service department. Change the filter
setting. The hotline can help you to trace the exact cause of the fault. Call the
Continue program Cancel alarm in all channels by pressing RESET. Restart part program.

300 799 Axis %1, drive %2 save and boot necessary

Explanation %1 = NC axis number
%2 = drive number
After drive machine data have been modified, parameters need to be re-calcu-
lated. Press the CALCULATE soft key to start the calculation routine. After cal-
culating the control parameters, it is necessary to save the machine data and to
The alarm can be reconfigured using MD 11412:
ALARM_REACTION_CHAN_NOREADY (channel not ready).

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6 Hydraulics Diagnostics 10.03

Response Under certain circumstances it can be switched over across the entire channel
via MD.
NC not ready.
Mode group not ready.
NC stopped in response to alarm.
NC start disable.
The NC switches to follow-up mode.
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
Remedy The newly calculated data must be saved (soft key: SAVE).
The new parameter settings become operative when the system is next booted!
Continue program Switch control system OFF and ON again.

300 854 Axis %1, drive %2 signal number var. signaling function invalid
Explanation %1 = NC axis number
%2 = drive number
The signal number for output of the appropriate signaling function is illegal. The
signal number range is between 0 and 29.
Response Alarm display
Interface signals are set
Remedy Enter the correct signal number.
Continue program Alarm display with cause of the alarm disappears. No further operator action

310 505 Axis %1, drive %2 meas. circuit error abs. track, code %3
Explanation %1 = NC axis number
%2 = drive number
%3 = detailed error code
Absolute encoder (EQN 1325)
Monitoring of encoder hardware and EnDat or SSI interface.
- Error in SSI encoder parameters (MD 5028)
- SSI encoder: Fault in 24 V voltage supply
- SSI encoder: Break in data or clock pulse cable
More precise diagnosis via error code MD 5023: ENC_ABS_DIAGNOSIS_MO-
TOR (diagnosis of absolute track in motor meas. circuit):

Bit no. Meaning Note

Bit 0 Lighting failed
Bit 1 Signal amplitude too small
Bit 2 Faulty code connection
Bit 3 overvoltage
Bit 4 Undervoltage
Bit 5 Overcurrent
Bit 6 Battery change necessary
Bit 7 CRC error (evaluate bit 13 as well) See 1)

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Bit no. Meaning Note

Bit 8 Encoder cannot be used
Illegal assignment between absolute and incremental
Bit 9 C/D track on ERN1387 encoder faulty or EQN encoder
Bit 10 Protocol cannot be interrupted
Bit 11 SSI level in data line detected
Bit 12 TIMEOUT while reading measured value See 2)
Bit 13 CRC error (evaluate bit 7 as well) See 1)
Bit 14 Incorrect IPU submodule for direct measuring signal See 3)
Bit 15 Encoder faulty see 2) 3)

CRC error: Bits 7 and 13 Meaning:
0 1 CRC error from SIDA-ASIC
1 0 Check byte error
1 1 Error in correction of absolute track via
increment track
2) Bit 12 and Bit 15: Zero-level monitoring SSI
3) Bit 14 and Bit 15: Idle-level monitoring SSI
Response Mode group not ready.
Under certain circumstances it can be switched over across the entire channel
via MD.
Channel not ready.
NC start disable.
NC stopped in response to alarm.
The NC switches to follow-up mode.
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
Remedy Please inform the authorized personnel/service department.

S Check encoder, encoder leads and connectors between drive motor and
611D module: check for temporary interruptions (loose contact) - e.g.
caused by movements in cable tow.

S Replace motor and cable if necessary

S Incorrect cable type
S Controller hardware not suitable for EnDat interface (e.g. closed-loop control
module with EPROM)
Continue program Switch control system OFF and ON again.

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6 Hydraulics Diagnostics 02.99

310 606 Axis %1, drive %2 No external voltage supply to valve

Explanation %1 = NC axis number
%2 = drive number
The external 26.5 V supply (X431: P24, M24) is monitored for violation of a
lower limit in the control.
Cause: Voltage dips or voltage outside the permissible range.
Response Mode group not ready.
Under certain circumstances it can be switched over across the entire channel
via MD.
Channel not ready.
NC stopped in response to alarm.
NC start disable.
The NC switches to follow-up mode.
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
Remedy Check the following monitoring criteria:
- Voltage range (average) 26.0 V to 27.0 V
- Ripple factor 240 mVp-p
- No voltage dips
Continue program

310 607 Axis %1, drive %2 valve is not responding

Explanation %1 = NC axis number
%2 = drive number
The valve is not responding to the valve slide setpoint.
Cause: Valve is not connected or has no valve spool checkback signal.
Response Mode group not ready.
Under certain circumstances it can be switched over across the entire channel
via MD.
Channel not ready.
NC stopped in response to alarm.
NC start disable.
The NC switches to follow-up mode.
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
Remedy Valve without valve spool checkback: MD 5530: Reset bit 2;
Check valve connection.
Continue program Cancel alarm in all channels of this mode group by pressing RESET. Restart
part program.

310 608 Axis %1, drive %2 velocity controller at limit

Explanation %1 = NC axis number
%2 = drive number
The speed controller output has been at its limit for an impermissibly long time
(MD 5605: SPEEDCTRL_LIMIT_TIME (speed controller limit threshold).

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Monitoring function is active only if the velocity setpoint is lower than

MD 5606: SPEEDCTRL_LIMIT_THRESHOLD (speed controller limit threshold).
Response Mode group not ready.
Under certain circumstances it can be switched over across the entire channel
via MD.
Channel not ready.
NC stopped in response to alarm.
NC start disable.
The NC switches to follow-up mode.
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
S Is the drive blocked?
S Is the encoder connected? (check encoder cable).
S Check shield on the encoder cable.
S Encoder defective?
S Check the encoder bar number.
S Replace the control module.
S Modify machine data MD 5605: SPEEDCTRL_LIMIT_TIME and MD 5606:
SPEEDCTRL_LIMIT_THRESHOLD to match the mechanical and dynamic
features of the axis.
Continue program Cancel alarm in all channels of this mode group by pressing RESET. Restart
part program.

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6 Hydraulics Diagnostics 02.99

310 609 Axis %1, drive %2 encoder limit frequency exceeded

Explanation %1 = NC axis number
%2 = drive number
Actual velocity is exceeding encoder limit frequency fg,max = 650 kHz.
Response Mode group not ready.
Under certain circumstances it can be switched over across the entire channel
via MD.
Channel not ready.
NC stopped in response to alarm.
NC start disable.
The NC switches to follow-up mode.
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
S The wrong encoder may be in use.
S Does MD 5005: ENC_RESOL_MOTOR (encoder resolution for motor
measuring system) tally with the encoder resolution?
S Is the encoder cable connected correctly?
S Is the shield of the encoder cable bonded over a large area?
S Replace the encoder.
S Replace the 611D hydraulics module.
Continue program Cancel alarm in all channels of this mode group by pressing RESET. Restart
part program.

310 610 Axis %1, drive %2 incorrect piston position

Explanation %1 = NC axis number
%2 = drive number
Error is triggered when actual position value of drive is negative.
Cause: Position actual value on drive side is counted in the wrong direction.
Incorrect piston zero adjustment.
If the drive is referenced and the offset between the piston zero (piston stop at
A end) and machine zero positions has been entered for MD 5040, then the
piston position in MD 5741 must only display positive values (from zero to maxi-
mum piston stroke).
Response Mode group not ready.
Under certain circumstances it can be switched over across the entire channel
via MD.
Channel not ready.
NC stopped in response to alarm.
NC start disable.
The NC switches to follow-up mode.
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
Remedy Correct counting direction of actual position value at drive end if:
1. Pos. setpoint voltage (e.g. function generator) ³Cylinder piston moves from
A to B
If not: Invert control signal (change MD 5476 bit 0)
2. Cylinder piston moves from A to B ³v_act (MD 5707) > 0
If not: Invert actual value (change MD 5011 bit 0)
3. Check piston zero position adjustment and correct if necessary:
Set MD 5012 bits 14 and 15 to zero, save boot file, perform NCK Reset fol-
lowed by reference point approach and then adjust the piston position.
Continue program Cancel alarm in all channels of this mode group by pressing RESET. Restart
part program.

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10.03 6 Hydraulics Diagnostics

310 611 Axis %1, drive %2 pressure sensor has failed

Explanation %1 = NC axis number
%2 = drive number
Power limitation or friction compensation is activated: MD 5241: bit 0 or bit 1 is
set and both actual pressure values are less than 2% of the system pressure in
Cause: Defect in pressure sensor or connecting lead.
Response Mode group not ready.
Under certain circumstances it can be switched over across the entire channel
via MD.
Channel not ready.
NC stopped in response to alarm.
NC start disable.
The NC switches to follow-up mode.
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
Remedy Check connections for both pressure sensors.
If there are no pressure sensors:

S Deactivate force limitation: MD 5241: Reset bit 0

S Deactivate friction compensation: MD 5241: Reset bit 1
Continue program Cancel alarm in all channels of this mode group by pressing RESET. Restart
part program.

310 612 Axis %1, drive %2 force limitation off

Explanation %1 = NC axis number
%2 = drive number
The force limitation is switched off.
Cause: The force limitation is switched off, even though

S The NC has defined a force limit or

S Travel to fixed stop is selected.
Response Mode group not ready.
Under certain circumstances it can be switched over across the entire channel
via MD.
Channel not ready.
NC stopped in response to alarm.
NC start disable.
The NC switches to follow-up mode.
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
Remedy Activate force limitation: MD 5241: Set bit 0
Continue program Cancel alarm in all channels of this mode group by pressing RESET. Restart
part program.

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6 Hydraulics Diagnostics 02.99

310 701 Axis %1, drive %2 invalid velocity controller cycle

Explanation %1 = NC axis number
%2 = drive number
An illegal value was entered for the velocity controller cycle for drive MD 5001:
Response NC not ready.
Channel not ready.
NC stopped in response to alarm.
NC start disable.
The NC switches to follow-up mode.
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.

Remedy Permissible: 62,5 µs v T v 500 µs

Continue program Switch control system OFF and ON again.

310 702 Axis %1, drive %2 invalid position controller clock cycle
Explanation %1 = NC axis number
%2 = drive number
The monitoring function on the 611D module has detected a position controller
clock cycle that is not within the permissible tolerance range.
The general conditions for obtaining a permissible clock cycle are:
1. Minimum cycle period: 250 µs
2. Maximum pulse rate: 4 s
3. The position controller pulse rate must be a multiple of the speed controller
cycle given in the drive MD 5001: SPEEDCTRL_CYCLE_TIME.
Response NC not ready.
Channel not ready.
NC stopped in response to alarm.
NC start disable.
The NC switches to follow-up mode.
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
Remedy Change the position controller clock cycle on the NC
Continue program Switch control system OFF and ON again.

310 703 Axis %1, drive %2 invalid monitoring cycle

Explanation %1 = NC axis number
%2 = drive number
Monitoring cycle MD 5002: MONITOR_CYCLE_TIME (monitoring cycle) is in-

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10.03 6 Hydraulics Diagnostics

Response NC not ready.

Channel not ready.
NC stopped in response to alarm.
NC start disable.
The NC switches to follow-up mode.
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
Remedy See drive functions “FB / DB1” MD1002
Continue program Switch control system OFF and ON again.

310 704 Axis %1, drive %2 velocity controller clock cycle axially unequal
Explanation %1 = NC axis number
%2 = drive number
The speed controller cycle MD 5001: SPEEDCTRL_CYCLE_TIME must be
identical for both axes.
Response NC not ready.
Channel not ready.
NC stopped in response to alarm.
NC start disable.
The NC switches to follow-up mode.
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
Remedy Set velocity controller clock cycle in MD 5001: SPEEDCTRL_CYCLE_TIME to
an identical value for both axes.
Continue program Switch control system OFF and ON again.

310 705 Axis %1, drive %2 monitoring cycle axially unequal

Explanation %1 = NC axis number
%2 = drive number
On 2-axis modules, the monitoring cycle set in MD 5002:
MONITOR_CYCLE_TIME (monitoring cycle) must be identical for both axes.
Response NC not ready.
Channel not ready.
NC stopped in response to alarm.
NC start disable.
The NC switches to follow-up mode.
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
Remedy MD 5002: MONITOR_CYCLE_TIME (monitoring cycle) to an identical value for
both axes.
Continue program Switch control system OFF and ON again.

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6 Hydraulics Diagnostics 02.99

310 706 Axis %1, drive %2 maximum useful velocity invalid

Explanation %1 = NC axis number
%2 = drive number
Because of the high maximum motor speed in the drive MD 5401:
DRIVE_MAX_SPEED and the velocity controller clock cycle in
MD 5001: SPEEDCTRL_CYCLE_TIME may cause a format overflow.
Response NC not ready.
Channel not ready.
NC stopped in response to alarm.
NC start disable.
The NC switches to follow-up mode.
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
Remedy Reduce maximum useful velocity setting in MD 5401: DRIVE_MAX_SPEED or
set a smaller speed controller cycle in MD 5001:
MD 5024: Scale graduations: enter a higher value
Continue program Switch control system OFF and ON again.

310 707 Axis %1, drive %2 STS configuration axially unequal

Explanation %1 = NC axis number
%2 = drive number
The configuration of the control block MD 5003: STS_CONFIG (STS configura-
tion) must be set to an identical value for both axes.
Response NC not ready.
Channel not ready.
NC stopped in response to alarm.
NC start disable.
The NC switches to follow-up mode.
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
Remedy Check drive MD 5003: STS_CONFIG (STS configuration) and set the bits for
the two axes on the module identically. (Do not change the default setting - it
represents the optimum configuration).
Continue program Switch control system OFF and ON again.

310 708 Axis %1, drive %2 no. of encoder marks motor measuring system invalid
Explanation %1 = NC axis number
%2 = drive number
The number of encoder marks of the motor measuring system in the drive
MD 5005: ENC_RESOL_MOTOR (no. of encoder marks motor measuring sys-
tem) is either zero or greater than the maximum input limit.

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10.03 6 Hydraulics Diagnostics

Response NC not ready.

Channel not ready.
NC stopped in response to alarm.
NC start disable.
The NC switches to follow-up mode.
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
Remedy Match the number of encoder marks for the motor measuring system set in MD
5005: ENC_RESOL_MOTOR (no. of encoder marks motor measuring system)
to the bar number of the connected encoder. (Default setting for motor measur-
ing system: (Default setting for motor measuring system: 2048 incr./rev.).
Continue program Switch control system OFF and ON again.

310 709 Axis %1, drive %2 error in piston diameter or piston rod diameter
Explanation %1 = NC axis number
%2 = drive number
The piston diameter in drive MD 5131: CYLINDER_PISTON_DIAMETER is less
than zero
the piston rod diameter set in drive MD 5132:
CYLINDER_PISTON_ROD_A_DIAMETER is greater than the piston diameter
the piston rod diameter set in drive MD 5133:
CYLINDER_PISTON_ROD_B_DIAMETER is greater than the piston diameter
Response NC not ready.
Channel not ready.
NC stopped in response to alarm.
NC start disable.
The NC switches to follow-up mode.
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
Remedy Enter a valid piston diameter setting in drive MD 5131:
Enter CYLINDER_PISTON_DIAMETER (0 t D v 500 mm).
set the piston rod diameter in drive MD 5132:
CYLINDER_PISTON_ROD_A_DIAMETER to a lower value than the piston di-
ameter in drive MD 5131: CYLINDER_PISTON_DIAMETER.
set the piston rod diameter in drive MD 5133:
CYLINDER_PISTON_ROD_B_DIAMETER to a lower value than the piston di-
ameter in drive MD 5131: CYLINDER_PISTON_DIAMETER.
Continue program Switch control system OFF and ON again.

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6 Hydraulics Diagnostics 08.99

310 710 Axis %1, drive %2 distance-coded scale is set incorrectly

Explanation %1 = NC axis number
%2 = drive number
When a distance-coded scale (MD 5011 bit 7=1) is selected, a linear measuring
system must also be configured (MD 5011 bit 4=1).
Response Mode group not ready.
Channel not ready.
NC stopped in response to alarm.
NC start disable.
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
Remedy MD 5011: ACTUAL_VALUE_CONFIG (configuration of actual-value sensing)
and configure if necessary.
Continue program Switch control system OFF and ON again.

310 750 Axis %1, drive %2 feedforward control gain too high
Explanation %1 = NC axis number
%2 = drive number
The feedforward control gain is calculated from the reciprocal of the controlled
system gain in drive MD 5435: CONTROLLED_SYSTEM_GAIN.
Response NC not ready.
Under certain circumstances it can be switched over across the entire channel
via MD.
Channel not ready.
NC stopped in response to alarm.
NC start disable.
The NC switches to follow-up mode.
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
S Increase the speed controller cycle time in MD 5001:
S Reduce the force controller feedforward factor in MD 5247:
S Increase the controlled system gain setting in MD 5435: CON-
Continue program Cancel alarm in all channels by pressing RESET. Restart part program.

310 751 Axis %1, drive %2 proportional gain of velocity controller too high
Explanation %1 = NC axis number
%2 = drive number
The P gain for the velocity controller is too high:

S MD 5406: SPEEDCTRL_GAIN_A (gain at cylinder edge A end)

S MD 5407: SPEEDCTRL_GAIN (gain for piston position with lowest natural
S MD 5408: SPEEDCTRL_GAIN_B (gain at cylinder edge B end)

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10.03 6 Hydraulics Diagnostics

Response NC not ready.

Under certain circumstances it can be switched over across the entire channel
via MD.
Channel not ready.
NC stopped in response to alarm.
NC start disable.
The NC switches to follow-up mode.
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
Remedy Enter a lower value for the P gain of the velocity controller:

S MD 5406: SPEEDCTRL_GAIN_A (gain at cylinder edge A end)


S MD 5407: SPEEDCTRL_GAIN (gain for piston position with lowest natural


S MD 5408: SPEEDCTRL_GAIN_B (gain at cylinder edge B end)

Continue program Cancel alarm in all channels by pressing RESET. Restart part program.

310 752 Axis %1, drive %2 I-action gain of velocity controller invalid
Explanation %1 = NC axis number
%2 = drive number
The integral gain in MD 5409: SPEEDCTRL_INTEGRATOR_TIME cannot be
Response NC not ready.
Under certain circumstances it can be switched over across the entire channel
via MD.
Channel not ready.
NC stopped in response to alarm.
NC start disable.
The NC switches to follow-up mode.
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
Continue program Cancel alarm in all channels by pressing RESET. Restart part program.

310 753 Axis %1, drive %2 D component of velocity controller invalid

Explanation %1 = NC axis number
%2 = drive number
The D component of the velocity controller is too high:

S MD 5431: SPEEDCTRL_DIFF_TIME_A (gain at cylinder edge A end) or

S MD 5432: SPEEDCTRL_DIFF_TIME (gain for piston position with lowest
natural frequency) or

S MD 5433: SPEEDCTRL_DIFF_TIME_B (gain at cylinder edge B end)

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6 Hydraulics Diagnostics 08.99

Response NC not ready.

Under certain circumstances it can be switched over across the entire channel
via MD.
Channel not ready.
NC stopped in response to alarm.
NC start disable.
The NC switches to follow-up mode.
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
Remedy Enter a lower value for the D component of the velocity controller:

S MD 5431: SPEEDCTRL_DIFF_TIME_A (gain at cylinder edge A end) or

S MD 5432: SPEEDCTRL_DIFF_TIME (gain for piston position with lowest
natural frequency) or

S MD 5433: SPEEDCTRL_DIFF_TIME_B (gain at cylinder edge B end)

Continue program Cancel alarm in all channels by pressing RESET. Restart part program.

310 754 Axis %1, drive %2 friction compensation gradient too high
Explanation %1 = NC axis number
%2 = drive number
Reduce the friction compensation gradient component MD 5460:
Response NC not ready.
Under certain circumstances it can be switched over across the entire channel
via MD.
Channel not ready.
NC stopped in response to alarm.
NC start disable.
The NC switches to follow-up mode.
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
Remedy Reduce the friction compensation gradient component MD 5460:
Continue program Cancel alarm in all channels by pressing RESET. Restart part program.

310 755 Axis %1, drive %2 area adaptation too high

Explanation %1 = NC axis number
%2 = drive number

S The positive area adaptation factor set in drive MD 5462:


S the negative area adaptation factor set in drive MD 5463:


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Response NC not ready.

Under certain circumstances it can be switched over across the entire channel
via MD.
Channel not ready.
NC stopped in response to alarm.
NC start disable.
The NC switches to follow-up mode.
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
S Select a lower setting for the positive area adaptation factor in MD 5462

S select a lower setting for the negative area adaptation factor in MD 5463
Continue program Cancel alarm in all channels by pressing RESET. Restart part program.

310 756 Axis %1, drive %2 controlled-system gain is less than/equal to zero
Explanation %1 = NC axis number
%2 = drive number
The controlled system gain setting in drive MD 5435:
CONTROLLED_SYSTEM_GAIN is less than or equal to zero.
Response NC not ready.
Under certain circumstances it can be switched over across the entire channel
via MD.
Channel not ready.
NC stopped in response to alarm.
NC start disable.
The NC switches to follow-up mode.
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
Remedy Enter a valid controlled system gain setting in drive MD 5435:
CONTROLLED_SYSTEM_GAIN (see drive model data calculation).
Continue program Cancel alarm in all channels by pressing RESET. Restart part program.

310 757 Axis %1, drive %2 blocking frequency > Shannon frequency
Explanation %1 = NC axis number
%2 = drive number
The bandstop frequency set for a velocity or control output filter is higher than
the Shannon sampling frequency defined by the sampling theorem.
Response NC not ready.
Under certain circumstances it can be switched over across the entire channel
via MD.
Channel not ready.
NC stopped in response to alarm.
NC start disable.
The NC switches to follow-up mode.
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.

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6 Hydraulics Diagnostics 08.99

Remedy The blocking frequency


S drive MD 5268: FFW_FCTRL_FIL_1_SUP_FREQ or
S drive MD 5288: OUTPUT_FIL_1_SUP_FREQ
must be lower than the reciprocal of two velocity controller clock cycles in
MD 5001: SPEEDCTRL_CYCLE_TIME, i.e. less than
1/(2*MD 5001*31.25 microsec).
Continue program Cancel alarm in all channels by pressing RESET. Restart part program.

310 758 Axis %1, drive %2 natural frequency > Shannon frequency
Explanation %1 = NC axis number
%2 = drive number
The natural frequency of a velocity filter is higher than the Shannon sampling
frequency defined by the sampling theorem.
Response NC not ready.
Under certain circumstances it can be switched over across the entire channel
via MD.
Channel not ready.
NC stopped in response to alarm.
NC start disable.
The NC switches to follow-up mode.
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
Remedy The natural frequency in Hz of a velocity must be less than the reciprocal of two
velocity controller clock cycles.
Speed filter:
MD 5520 * 0.01 * MD 5514 < 1 / ( 2 * MD 5001 * 31.25 microsec)

S BSF natural frequency MD 5520: SPEED_FILTER_1_BS_FREQ

S BSF blocking frequency MD 5514: SPEED_FILTER_1_SUPPR_FREQ
S Set an identical speed controller cycle MD 5001:
Continue program Cancel alarm in all channels by pressing RESET. Restart part program.

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6-210 SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition
10.03 6 Hydraulics Diagnostics

310 759 Axis%1, drive%2 numerator bandwidth exceeds double blocking fre-
Explanation %1 = NC axis number
%2 = drive number
The numerator bandwidth of a velocity or control output filter is greater than 2x
the blocking frequency.
The error message is only generated for the general bandstop if the following

S Speed filter 1:
MD 5516 > 0.0 or
MD 5520 <> 100.0
S Control output filter 1 in velocity controller:
MD 5212 > 0.0
S Control output filter 2 in velocity controller:
MD 5215 > 0.0
Response NC not ready.
Under certain circumstances it can be switched over across the entire channel
via MD.
Channel not ready.
NC stopped in response to alarm.
NC start disable.
The NC switches to follow-up mode.
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
Remedy The numerator bandwidth must be less than twice the blocking frequency.

S Speed filter 1:
- BSF bandwidth numerator drive MD 5516:
- BSP blocking frequency drive MD 5514:

MD 5516 v 2 * MD 5514

S Control output filter 1 in velocity controller:

- BSF numerator bandwidth drive MD 5212:
- BSP blocking frequency drive MD 5210:

MD 5212 v 2 * MD 5210

S Control output filter 2 in velocity controller:

- BSF numerator bandwidth drive MD 5215:
- BSP blocking frequency drive MD 5213:

MD 5215 v 2 * MD 5213
Continue program Cancel alarm on all channels by pressing RESET. Restart part program.

 Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved

SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition 6-211
6 Hydraulics Diagnostics 08.99

310 760 Axis %1, drive %2 denominator bandwidth exceeds double natural fre-
Explanation %1 = NC axis number
%2 = drive number
The denominator bandwidth of a velocity filter is greater than 2x the natural
The error message is only generated for the general bandstop if the following
Speed filter 1:
MD 5516 > 0.0 or
MD 5520 <> 100.0
Response NC not ready.
Under certain circumstances it can be switched over across the entire channel
via MD.
Channel not ready.
NC stopped in response to alarm.
NC start disable.
The NC switches to follow-up mode.
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
Remedy The denominator bandwidth of a velocity filter must be less than twice the natu-
ral frequency.
Speed filter 1:

S BSP bandwidth drive MD 5515: SPEED_FILTER_1_BANDWIDTH

S BSP blocking frequency drive MD 5514:

S BSP natural frequency drive MD 5520: SPEED_FILTER_1_BS_FREQ

MD 5515 v 2 * MD 5514 * 0.01 * MD 5520
Continue program Cancel alarm on all channels by pressing RESET. Restart part program.

310 761 Axis %1, drive %2 proportional gain of force controller too high
Explanation %1 = NC axis number
%2 = drive number
The P gain of the force controller in MD 5242: FORCECTRL_GAIN is too high.
Response NC not ready.
Under certain circumstances it can be switched over across the entire channel
via MD.
Channel not ready.
NC stopped in response to alarm.
NC start disable.
The NC switches to follow-up mode.
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
Remedy Enter a lower value for the force controller P gain in MD 5242:
Continue program Cancel alarm on all channels by pressing RESET. Restart part program.

 Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved

6-212 SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition
10.03 6 Hydraulics Diagnostics

310 762 Axis %1, drive %2 I-action gain of force controller invalid
Explanation %1 = NC axis number
%2 = drive number
The integral gain in MD 5244: FORCECTRL_INTEGRATOR_TIME cannot be
Response NC not ready.
Under certain circumstances it can be switched over across the entire channel
via MD.
Channel not ready.
NC stopped in response to alarm.
NC start disable.
The NC switches to follow-up mode.
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
Continue program Cancel alarm on all channels by pressing RESET. Restart part program.

310 763 Axis %1, drive %2 D component of force controller invalid

Explanation %1 = NC axis number
%2 = drive number
The D component of the force controller MD 5246: FORCECTRL_DIFF_TIME is
too high.
Response NC not ready.
Under certain circ. it can be switched over across the entire channel via MD.
Channel not ready.
NC stopped in response to alarm.
NC start disable.
The NC switches to follow-up mode.
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
Remedy Enter a smaller value for the D component of the force controller MD 5246:
Continue program Cancel alarm on all channels by pressing RESET. Restart part program.

310 764 Axis %1, drive %2 force controller controlled-system gain is less than/
equal to zero
Explanation %1 = NC axis number
%2 = drive number
The controlled-system gain setting for the force controller in drive MD 5240
FORCECONTROLLED_SYSTEM_GAIN is less than or equal to zero.
Response NC not ready.
Under certain circ. it can be switched over across the entire channel via MD.
Channel not ready.
NC stopped in response to alarm.
NC start disable.
The NC switches to follow-up mode.
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
Remedy Enter a valid controlled-system gain setting in drive MD 5240
Continue program Cancel alarm on all channels by pressing RESET. Restart part program.

 Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved

SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition 6-213
6 Hydraulics Diagnostics 08.99

310 771 Axis %1, drive %2 gradient in fine range of valve characteristic is less
than/equal to zero
Explanation %1 = NC axis number
%2 = drive number
The gradient in the fine area of the valve characteristic is less than or equal to
Response NC not ready.
Under certain circumstances it can be switched over across the entire channel
via MD.
Channel not ready.
NC stopped in response to alarm.
NC start disable.
The NC switches to follow-up mode.
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
Remedy The gradient in the fine area is calculated as follows:

S positive quadrant: (MD 5464-MD 5480)/(MD 5465-MD 5481)

S negative quadrant: (MD 5467-MD 5483)/(MD 5468-MD 5484)

Enter a valid combination in the above drive MD.
Continue program Cancel alarm on all channels by pressing RESET. Restart part program.

310 772 Axis %1, drive %2 gradient in coarse range of valve characteristic is less
than/equal to zero
Explanation %1 = NC axis number
%2 = drive number
The gradient in the coarse area of the valve characteristic is less than or equal
to zero.
Response NC not ready.
Under certain circumstances it can be switched over across the entire channel
via MD.
Channel not ready.
NC stopped in response to alarm.
NC start disable.
The NC switches to follow-up mode.
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
Remedy The gradient in the coarse range is calculated according to the:

S positive quadrant: (MD 5485-MD 5464)/(MD 5486-MD 5465)

S negative quadrant: (MD 5487-MD 5467)/(MD 5488-MD 5468)

Enter a valid combination in the above drive MD.
Continue program Cancel alarm on all channels by pressing RESET. Restart part program.

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6-214 SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition
10.03 6 Hydraulics Diagnostics

310 773 Axis %1, drive %2 gradient at end of saturation range of valve characteris-
tic is less than/equal to zero
Explanation %1 = NC axis number
%2 = drive number
The gradient at the end of the saturation range of the valve characteristic is less
than/equal to zero. The saturation range is rounded by a parabola function. The
parabola has a maximum in the saturation region and therefore cannot be
Response NC not ready.
Under certain circumstances it can be switched over across the entire channel
via MD.
Channel not ready.
NC stopped in response to alarm.
NC start disable.
The NC switches to follow-up mode.
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
Remedy The gradient at the end of the saturation region is calculated according to the:

S Positive quadrant: 2@(1.0-MD 5485)/(1.0-MD 5486)

-(MD 5485-MD 5464)/(MD 5486-MD 5465)

S Negative quadrant: 2@(1.0-MD 5487)/(1.0-MD 5488)

-(MD 5487-MD 5467)/(MD 5488-MD 5468)
Enter a valid combination in the above drive MD.
Continue program Cancel alarm on all channels by pressing RESET. Restart part program.

310 774 Axis %1, drive %2 overlap between zero and breakpoint ranges of valve
Explanation %1 = NC axis number
%2 = drive number
The zero range and breakpoint range of the valve characteristic are overlap-
Response NC not ready.
Under certain circumstances it can be switched over across the entire channel
via MD.
Channel not ready.
NC stopped in response to alarm.
NC start disable.
The NC switches to follow-up mode.
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
Remedy The zero and breakpoint ranges overlap if:

S positive quadrant: (MD 5481+MD 5482)>(MD 5465-MD 5466)

S negative quadrant: (MD 5484+MD 5482)>(MD 5468-MD 5466)

Enter a valid combination in the above drive MD.
Continue program Cancel alarm on all channels by pressing RESET. Restart part program.

 Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved

SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition 6-215
6 Hydraulics Diagnostics 10.03

310 775 Axis %1, drive %2 overlap between breakpoint range and saturation re-
gion of valve characteristic
Explanation %1 = NC axis number
%2 = drive number
The breakpoint range and saturation region of the valve characteristic are over-
Response NC not ready.
Under certain circumstances it can be switched over across the entire channel
via MD.
Channel not ready.
NC stopped in response to alarm.
NC start disable.
The NC switches to follow-up mode.
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
Remedy The breakpoint range and saturation region overlap if:

S positive quadrant: (MD 5465+MD 5466)>MD 5486

S negative quadrant: (MD 5468+MD 5466)>MD 5488

Enter a valid combination in the above drive MD.
Continue program Cancel alarm on all channels by pressing RESET. Restart part program.

311 710 Axis %1, drive %2 resolution invalid for SSI motor measuring system
Explanation %1 = NC axis number
%2 = drive number
The motor measuring system is incorrectly configured for an SSI encoder:
MD 5022 ENC_ABS_RESOL_MOTOR must not be zero.
Response NC not ready.
Channel not ready.
NC stopped in response to alarm.
NC start disable.
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
Remedy Set MD 5022 to the correct value
Rotary encoder: Single-turn resolution (increments per revolution)
Linear encoder: Resolution of one increment (in nanometers)
Continue program Switch control system OFF and ON again.

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6-216 SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition
10.03 6 Hydraulics Diagnostics

311 711 Axis %1, drive %2 message frame length invalid for SSI motor measuring
Explanation %1 = NC axis number
%2 = drive number
The motor measuring system is incorrectly configured for an SSI encoder.
Response Mode group not ready.
Channel not ready.
NC stopped in response to alarm.
NC start disable.
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
Remedy Check the following MD and correct if necessary
MD 5028
MD 5021 (Multi-turn): Number of resolvable revolutions
MD 5022 (Single-turn): Number of increments per revolution
MD 5027 Bit 12: Parity bit
MD 5027 Bit 14 Alarm bit
SSI encoder with 25-bit long message frame, 12 bits multi-turn, 12 bits single-
turn, 1 alarm bit, no parity bit:
MD 5028 = 25
MD 5021 = 4096
MD 5028= 4096
MD 5027 bit 12 = 0
MD 5027 bit 14 = 1
Continue program Switch control system OFF and ON again.

311 712 Axis %1, drive %2 Invalid multi-turn SSI motor measuring system
Explanation %1 = NC axis number
%2 = drive number
The motor measuring system is incorrectly configured for a linear SSI motor
measuring system. A linear measuring system cannot have any multiturn infor-
Response Mode group not ready.
Channel not ready.
NC stopped in response to alarm.
NC start disable.
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
Remedy Set MD 5021 to 0.
Continue program Switch control system OFF and ON again.

 Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved

SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition 6-217
6 Hydraulics Diagnostics 10.03

311 716 Axis %1 drive %2 SSI measuring system not possible without incremental
Explanation %1 = NC axis number
%2 = drive number
SSI encoders without incremental signals cannot be used with the existing
Response Mode group not ready.
Channel not ready.
NC stopped in response to alarm.
NC start disable.
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
Remedy Use a new module (order no.: 6SN1115-0BA1 1-0AA1)
Continue program Switch control system OFF and ON again.

311 717 Axis %1, drive %2 SSI transmission time-out

Explanation %1 = NC axis number
%2 = drive number
The SSI transmission must be able to complete within one position controller
cycle. It cannot do so.
Response Mode group not ready.
Channel not ready.
NC stopped in response to alarm.
NC start disable.
Alarm display.
Interface signals are set.
Remedy Increase the position controller cycle or the SSI data transfer rate, MD 5011 bits
14 and 15.
Transfer rates of 100 kHz, 500 kHz, 1 MHz and 2 MHz are possible.
It might not be possible to increase the frequency with the length of encoder
cable used.
Continue program Switch control system OFF and ON again.

 Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved

6-218 SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition
Peripherals/Accessories 7
7.1 Measuring systems

7.1.1 Encoders, linear scales

For connector assignments, see Subsection 5.1.1.

Encoder The HLA module is designed to evaluate

specification S Incremental measuring systems with sinusoidal signals (A, B) and a
reference signal (R)
S Absolute measuring systems with sinusoidal signals (A, B) and EnDat
interface for absolute position sensing
with the following signal limit data:


Track signal A
Track signal *A

0 Mech. angle ϕ
Differential signal (A - *A)

Track signal B
UM(B) Track signal *B

0 Mech. angle ϕ

Differential signal (B - *B)


UM(R) Track signal R

Track signal *R
Differential signal (R - *R)

0 Mech. angle ϕ

Fig. 7-1 Required signal chart of measuring system signals for data definition

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7 Peripherals/Accessories 02.99
7.1 Measuring systems

Differential signal (A - *A)

360 degrees
Direct component UG(A)

0 Mech. angle ϕ

Differential signal (B - *B) β

45 degrees

Direct component UG(B)

Mech. angle ϕ
Differential signal (R - *R)

Uniqueness range

Direct component
UG(R) Useful signal

0 Mech. angle ϕ
α1 α2

Fig. 7-2 Required signal chart of measuring system signals (incremental and
reference) after differential amplification for data function

Table 7-1 Limit data for measuring system signals

Parameters Description min. typ. max. Unit

Mean voltage UM(A); UM(B); UM(R) 1.75 3.25 V
Amplitude A - *A; B - *B 350 500 600 mv
Ratio (A - *A)/(B - *B) 0.9 1.0 1.1 -
Dynamic change in amplitude ∆(A - *A)/360° el.; ∆(B - *B)/360° el. - - 0.3 mV/360° el.
Direct component UG(A)/amplitude (A - *A); -0.2 0 +0.2
UG(B)/amplitude (B - *B);
Dynamic change in ∆UG(A)/360° el.; - - 1 mV/360° el.
direct component ∆UG(B)/360° el.
Signal frequency fs - - 200 kHz
Phase shift β 85 90 95 Degrees
Harmonic distortion1) k - - 1 %
Useful signal R - *R 300 - 1500 mV
DC voltage Udirect(R) -150 - -500 mV
Uniqueness range α1; α2 50 - 270 Degrees

Ǹ U12+U22+...Un2
1) Definition for harmonic distortion: k = U0: Fundamental component
Ǹ U02+U12+...Un2 U1...Un: Harmonic components

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10.03 7 Peripherals/Accessories
7.1 Measuring systems

If signals which do not conform to this specification are used, problems such as
speed ripple, positioning inaccuracy or other malfunctions may be

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7 Peripherals/Accessories 10.03
7.1 Measuring systems

7.1.2 Connection diagrams


Hydraulics 6FX2002 - 2CA11 - 1jjj v 40 m

module Incremental
(HLA) encoder 1 Vpp

Direct linear
X101/X102 incremental
Adapter cable1) measuring system
310 128 LS 186

310 123 LS 486

6FX2002 - 2AD00 - 1jjj v 40 m

Adapter cable1) absolute
313 791 measuring system
(EnDat) LC 181

6FX8002 - 2CC80 - 1jjj v 40 m

Adapter cable1) absolute
measuring system

Fig. 7-3 Example showing connection options for measuring system cable

1) Adapter cable can be ordered from supplier of linear scale.

MTS: Order code 252 882
Balluff: BKS-S 32M/SA1-jj

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7-222 SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition
10.03 7 Peripherals/Accessories
7.1 Measuring systems

Pin 1 Cable print (order no., length in m, manufacturer,

month/year of manufacture)

Z 2:1
Length according to length code

Cen. 8 9 1
7 12 10 2
6 11 3
5 4


1 3

O 0,38 ye Ua1
3 5
*A 0,38 gn *Ua1
4 6
B 0,38 bk Ua2
6 8
*B 0,38 bn *Ua2
7 1
R 0,38 bu Ua0 3
*R 0,38 vt *Ua0
12 4
Trig/Uas 0,38 rd
14 7
Trig 0,38 or
15 9
5V sense 0,5 wh-rd 5V sense
9 2
P encoder 0,5 wh-bk 5V_encoder
1 12
0V sense 0,5 wh-bu 0V sense
11 11
M encoder 0,5 wh-ye M_encoder
2 10
Housing Housing

HLA module Measuring system

Item Meaning

1 Male sub D connector, 15-pin, female connector, with

screw interlocking 6FC9348-7HX

2 Signal lead 4x2x0.38+4x0.5

3 12-pin connector

Order No. (MLFB) of measuring system lead: 6FX2002-2CA11-1 VVV

Fig. 7-4 Measuring system lead for encoder with voltage signals (X101/X102)

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7 Peripherals/Accessories 02.99
7.1 Measuring systems

Pin 1 Cable print (order no., length in m, manufacturer,

month/year of manufacture)

Z 2:1
Length according to length code
Cen. 1 11 10
2 13 1216 9
3 14 15
4 7
5 6


1 3

O 0,14 ye Ua1
3 15
*A 0,14 gn *Ua1
4 16

6 B 0,14 bk Ua2
*B 0,14 bn *Ua2
7 13

5 written 0,14 vt written

8 *Data 0,14 bu *Data
13 11
1) Cycle 0,14 gr Cycle 1)
14 8
*Cycle 0,14 bu *Cycle
15 9
P encoder 0,5 rd P encoder
1 7
5V sense 0,14 ye 5V sense
9 1
M encoder 0,5 bk M encoder
2 10
0V sense 0,14 wh-bk 0V sense
11 4
Housing Housing

HLA module 1) Individual shielding bundled, connected to contact Measuring system

over largest possible cross-section.

Item Meaning

1 Male sub D connector, 15-pin, female connector,

with screw interlocking 6FC9348-7HX

2 Signal lead 3x2x0.14+4x0.14+2x0.5

3 17-pin connector

Order No. (MLFB) of lead: 6FX2002-2AD00-1 VVV

Fig. 7-5 Measuring system lead for encoder with voltage signals + EnDat (X101/X102)

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10.03 7 Peripherals/Accessories
7.1 Measuring systems

Fig. 7-6 Measuring system lead for SSI encoder

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7 Peripherals/Accessories 02.99
7.2 BERO (X432)

7.2 BERO (X432)

Only BEROs of type 3-wire PNP NO contact may be used.
We recommend the following BERO models:
BERO M12 3RG 4012-3AG01

The BERO cable must be shielded.

Table 7-2 Pin assignment X432

Terminal name Type1) Signal designation

B1/B2 I BERO (external reference system) axis 1/2
19 O Power supply for BERO ground external
9 O Power supply for BERO 24 V external

1) I: Input, O: Output

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7-226 SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition
10.03 7 Peripherals/Accessories
7.3 Pressure sensor

7.3 Pressure sensor

7.3.1 Sensor equipment

For connector assignments, see Subsection 5.1.2.

General The task of pressure sensors is to convert the mechanical “pressure” variable
into the electrical “voltage” or “current” variable.
The pressure sensors from the Bosch Rexroth product range are suitable for
pressure monitoring and control applications in mechanical engineering, injec-
tion molding machines, presses and many other areas.
The most important features of the sensors are

S pressure sensor element consisting of high-quality steel membrane (spring

material), coated with thin-layer strain gauges in full-bridge connection.

S integrated electronic circuitry with temperature compensation

S signal output proportional to pressure
S zero point and sensitivity are calibrated exactly by manufacturer

Pressure sensor cables with pre-assembled sensor end are not available. The
following cable information is intended only as an example.

Instructions for
S Sensor must be mounted in vertical position with connector pointing down-

S The sensor must be installed in the hydraulic system in such a way as to

prevent air cushions developing between the sensor membrane and the
pressure medium.

S Pressure medium: Hydraulic fluid;

other fluids only after consultation with Bosch Rexroth.

Selection of Sensors with a signal voltage of U=0...10 V are available in the following vari-
pressure sensor ants for the HLA module:

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7 Peripherals/Accessories 10.03
7.3 Pressure sensor

Table 7-3 Recommended types of pressure sensor

Signal Pressure range Male connector Rexroth order no.

0...10 V 100 bar Rectangular connector, 0811 405 554
210 bar 0811 405 540
350 bar 0811 405 547
210 bar 7-pin circular connector 0811 405 531
350 bar 0811 405 532

al assignments

71.5- 2
G1/4”ISO 228 A

SW 32
Tightening torque 0.3 - 0.4 Nm
=20+5 Nm
O 18.8

O 35


O-ring 13x2 15"1 45"1 22.5 Conduit thread 7

2 3 Ref. 0 V (signal)
P Usig
U 0V
4 1 1

Fig. 7-7 Rexroth pressure sensors, order nos. 0811 405 540, 0811 405 547 and 0811 405 554

 Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved

7-228 SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition
10.03 7 Peripherals/Accessories
7.3 Pressure sensor

G1/4”ISO 228 A
SW 32

=20+5 Nm
O 18.8


O 34

O-ring 13x2 15"1 45"1

P 0V
U Usig
Ref. 0 V (signal)

Fig. 7-8 Rexroth pressure sensors, order nos. 0811 405 531 and 0811 405 532


Rexroth order no. 1 834 484 141

IP 40

Fig. 7-9 Accessories for pressure sensors with

order nos. 0811 405 531 and 0811 405 532

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SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition 7-229
7 Peripherals/Accessories 10.03
7.3 Pressure sensor

Table 7-4 Characteristics of pressure sensors

Characteristic Value range

Signal voltage 0...10 V
Supply voltage
0811 405 540 13...28 V DC
0811 405 547 13...28 V DC
0811 405 5554 13...28 V DC
0811 405 531 12...28 V DC
0811 405 532 12...28 V DC
“Dynamic” overload capability 2 x pnom (up to 20 x 106 load cycle)
“Static” overload capability 3 x pnom (up to 10 x 0.5 sec each)
Burst pressure >1500 bar
Linearity deviation with hysteresis <"0.5%
Zero point scatter <"0.5%
Sensitivity scatter <"0.5%
Temperature coefficient of zero point <"0.2%/10 °C
Temperature coefficient of sensitivity <"0.25%/10 °C
Measurement temperature range (compen- +10 to +70 °C
sated) -10 to +80°C
Operating temperature range -30 to +90°C
Storage temperature range
Hydraulic dead volume Approx. 0.5 cm3
Measuring frequency (-3 dB) [1 kHz
Natural frequency w10 kHz
Max. acceleration [25 g (g=9.81 ms2)
Connecting piece material (hydraulic) X 5 Cr Ni 18 10
Membrane material X 5 Cr Ni Cu Nb 17 4
Hydraulic connection G 1/4 (ISO 228)

Accessories A 4-pin square connector is supplied with the following pressure sensors with
order nos.: 0811 405 540
0811 405 547
0811 405 554.
For replacement purposes, it can be ordered under order no.: 1 834 484 061 or
1 834 484 063 from Bosch Rexroth AG.

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7-230 SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition
10.03 7 Peripherals/Accessories
7.3 Pressure sensor

7.3.2 Connection diagrams

The following cable data for hydraulic systems is tailored specifically to Bosch
Rexroth products. If hydraulics components supplied by other manufacturers
are used, the pin assignments of the hydraulic-end connections might be

Cable print (order no., length in m, manufacturer,

month/year of manufacture)

Length according to length code

Pin 1 Note: Max. approved system cable length 40 m

2 3

M24EXT 0,18 bk Uext. 0 V
5 2
P24DS 0,18 bn Uext. 24 V
2 PIST1AP 0,18 rd Actual value, 0...10 V 1
15 PIST1AN 0,18 or Actual value, ground 3
14 4

M24EXT 0,18 bk Uext. 0 V
9 2
P24DS 0,18 bn Uext. 24 V
1 PIST1BP 0,18 rd Actual value, 0...10 V 1
12 or 3
PIST1BN 0,18 Actual value, ground
11 4
Housing 1)

HLA module Pressure sensor A or B

1) Shield insulated
Item Meaning

1 Sub D male connector, 15-pin, with screw lock UNC 4-40


2 Signal lead 2x(2x0.18) C


3 Male connector
S 4-pin socket included with pressure sensor
Bosch Rexroth order no.: 1 834 484 061 or 1 834 484 063
S 7-pin socket not included with pressure sensor
Bosch Rexroth order no.: 1 834 484 141
Order No. (MLFB) of signal lead for pressure sensors: 6FX2002-2AD00-1 VVV

Fig. 7-10 Signal lead for pressure sensors (X111/X112)

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SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition 7-231
7 Peripherals/Accessories 10.03
7.4 Connection diagrams for servo solenoid valves

7.4 Connection diagrams for servo solenoid valves

The following cable data for hydraulic systems is designed for directly and pilot
actuated Bosch Rexroth servo solenoid valves (see Subsection 2.3.2).

Cable print (order no., length in m, manufacturer,

month/year of manufacture)

Pin 1 Z 2:1
Length according to length code
Note: Max. approved system cable length 40 m


2 3


7 USOLL1P 0,38 bk Setpoint output +/- 10 V D

USOLL1N 0,38 bn Setpoint output, ground
6 I
UIST1P 0,38 rd Actual value input +/-10 V
15 F
UIST1N 0,38 or Actual value input, ground
14 0,38 bu C
0,38 vt
0,38 ye
0,38 gn
P24RV1 0,5 wh-rd +24 V switched
4 O
P24RV1 0,5 wh-ye +24 V switched
M24EXT 0,5 wh-bk 24 V external ground
10 M24EXT 0,5 wh-bu 24 V external ground B
9 Shield

HLA module Servo solenoid valve

Item Meaning

1 Sub D male connector, 15-pin, with screw lock UNC 4-40

2 Signal lead 4x(2x0.38) + 4x0.5 C
3 7-pin socket connector

Order No. (MLFB) of signal lead for 7-pin servo solenoid valve: 6FX2002-2BA00-1 VVV

Fig. 7-11 7-pin signal lead for servo solenoid valve (X121/X122) - standard version

 Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved

7-232 SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition
10.03 7 Peripherals/Accessories
7.4 Connection diagrams for servo solenoid valves

The pin assignments on valves supplied by other manufacturers may deviate
from the assignments shown in Fig. 7-11. Cables must be assembled by the

Cable print (order no., length in m, manufacturer,

month/year of manufacture)

Pin 1 Z 2:1
Length according to length code
Note: Max. approved system cable length 40 m


2 3


7 USOLL1P 0,38 bk Setpoint output +/- 10 V D

USOLL1N 0,38 bn Setpoint output, ground
6 I
UIST1P 0,38 rd Actual value input +/-10 V
15 F
UIST1N 0,38 or Actual value input, ground
14 0,38 bu C
0,38 vt
0,38 ye
0,38 gn
P24RV1 0,5 wh-rd +24 V switched
4 O
P24RV1 0,5 wh-ye +24 V switched
M24EXT 0,5 wh-bk 24 V external ground
10 M24EXT 0,5 wh-bu 24 V external ground B
9 Shield

HLA module Servo solenoid valve

Item Meaning

1 Sub D male connector, 15-pin, with screw lock UNC 4-40

2 Signal lead 4x(2x0.38) + 4x0.5 C
3 7-pin socket connector

Fig. 7-12 Interconnection diagram for 7-pin servo solenoid valve (X121/X122) - connection option 2 (customized)

 Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved

SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition 7-233
7 Peripherals/Accessories 10.03
7.4 Connection diagrams for servo solenoid valves

The following cable data for hydraulic systems is designed for directly and pilot
actuated Bosch Rexroth HR servo solenoid valves (see Subsection 2.3.2).

Cable print (order no., length in m, manufacturer,

month/year of manufacture)

Pin 1 Length according to length code Z 2:1

Note: Max. approved system cable length 40 m
Cen. 5
6 4
10 3
7 11 9
8 1

2 3


7 USOLL1P 0,38 bk Setpoint output +/- 10 V 4

USOLL1N 0,38 bn Setpoint output, ground
6 5
UIST1P 0,38 rd Actual value input +/-10 V
15 6
UIST1N 0,38 or Actual value input, ground
14 7
P24RV1 0,38 bu +24 V switched
2 3
P24RV1 0,38 vt +24 V switched
1 9
M24EXT 0,38 ye 24 V external ground
9 10
0,38 gn
P24RV1 0,5 wh-rd +24 V switched
4 1
P24RV1 0,5 wh-ye +24 V switched
M24EXT 0,5 wh-bk 24 V external ground
11 M24EXT 0,5 wh-bu 24 V external ground 2

HLA module HR servo solenoid valve

Item Meaning

1 Sub D male connector, 15-pin, with screw lock UNC 4-40

2 Signal lead 4x(2x0.38) + 4x0.5 C
3 12-pin socket connector

Order No. (MLFB) of signal lead for 12-pin HR servo solenoid valve: 6FX2002-2BA10-1 VVV

Fig. 7-13 12-pin signal lead for HR servo solenoid valve (X121/X122)

 Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved

7-234 SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition
10.03 7 Peripherals/Accessories
7.4 Connection diagrams for servo solenoid valves

The following data for the connectors on the servo solenoid or HR servo
solenoid valve signal leads only applies to spare parts orders or where the
cables are to be made up by the customer. The cables are normally supplied
fully pre-assembled by Siemens.



X10 2.6
28.6 66

Metal Crimp connection 0.08 Rexroth 1 834 482 023

Plastic Crimp connection 0.05 Rexroth 1 834 482 026

Plastic Soldered 0.05 Rexroth 1 834 482 022

connection Hirschmann CM 06 EA 14S-61S
Design Contacts kg Order No.

3 7 4
1 6

21.5 Approx. 66

Plastic Soldered 0.05 Rexroth 1 834 484 140

connection Binder 723-2-09-0126-25-07
Design Contacts kg Order No.

Fig. 7-14 Dimension diagram of circular, 7-pin connector

5 4
10 3
7 11 9
8 1

29 79

Plastic Crimp 0.05 Rexroth 1 834 484 142

connection Hirschmann NIIR EF K B0

Design Contacts kg Order No.

Fig. 7-15 Dimension diagram of circular, 12-pin connector


 Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved

SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition 7-235
7 Peripherals/Accessories 02.99
7.4 Connection diagrams for servo solenoid valves


 Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved

7-236 SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition
Service 8
8.1 Areas of responsibility at Siemens/Bosch Rexroth
The areas of responsibility with respect to Sales and Servicing as shown in
Table 8-1 below have been agreed between Siemens AG and
Bosch Rexroth AG.

Table 8-1 Areas of responsibility for sales and servicing

Siemens Bosch Rexroth

“Electrical” equipment/ “Hydraulic” equipment/
configuring configuring
HMI/MMC Power units
NC/PLC Valves
Mains supply module Cylinder
Closed-loop control modules Hydraulic connections
Power sections Pressure sensing system
Motors Encoder sensors
Hydraulic drive module
Connecting cable for valves and pressure
switches (see Subsection 7.3.2)

Neither company bears sole responsibility for the overall installation.
Siemens and Bosch Rexroth shall not be responsible unless they have actually
supplied the components listed in Table 8-1 or have explicitly certified that
components supplied by other manufacturers are compatible with the system.

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SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition 8-237
8 Servicing 10.03
8.2 Hotline and contacts

8.2 Hotline and contacts

Siemens AG Configuration and servicing for SIMODRIVE, central hotline

Europe and Africa time zone
Phone.: +49 (0) 180 5050-222
FAX: +49 (0) 180 5050-223

America time zone

Phone.: +1 800 333-7421
FAX: +1 423 262-2200

Asia/Australia time zone

Phone.: +65 740-7000
FAX: +65 740-7001

Internet address
Up-to-date information about the products can be found on the Internet at the
following address:

Bosch Rexroth AG Servicing

7.00 am - 5.00 pm Phone: +49 (0)9352 / 18-1164
FAX: +49 (0)9352 / 18-3363
5.00 pm - 7.00 am Phone: +49 (0)173 / 3636036 (standby)

Internet address
Up-to-date information about the products can be found on the Internet at the
following address:

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8-238 SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition
Hydraulics A
A.1 Servo solenoid valves

A.1.1 General

The servo solenoid valve is the final control element in the electro-hydraulic
control loop. It converts the electrical manipulated variable U=-10...+10 V into
the hydraulic variables pressure p and flow rate Q, and thus into a cylinder

Sliding spool These valves are of the sliding-spool type. A valve spool with 4 control edges
principle moves inside a steel sleeve, the control bore of which is connected to the
4 ports in the valve casing. The main stages of pilot-controlled valves do not
typically have the steel sleeve, in which case the control geometry is repre-
sented directly by the valve casing.
The ports in the valve casing are:

S P: Pressure port (inlet)

S T: Tank port (return)

S A and B: Working ports (cylinder)

The valve spool slides steplessly through 3 switching positions (continuous



ÎÎÎ Steel sleeve

Valve spool


Fig. A-1 Sliding spool principle

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A Hydraulics 10.03
A.1 Servo solenoid valves

Solenoid actuation On size 6 and 10 standard servo solenoid valves, the valve spool is actuated
with valve spool directly by a stepless actuating solenoid. This converts a current I into a force F,
position control which is compared to the force of the reset spring. This comparison of forces
finally produces a travel s, and thus an opening cross-section at the control
edges of the valve spool.
To compensate for disturbance forces acting on the valve spool (flow forces)
and to reduce the hysteresis and response sensitivity or range of inversion, the
position of the armature, and therefore the spool travel, is scanned and applied
to a position control loop as an actual value. Any deviations from the spool posi-
tion setpoint are thus continuously corrected. This method is particularly suc-
cessful in reducing the valves’ sensitivity to dirt.
Very small control deviations, such as those caused when the valve spool
sticks, can be corrected by mobilizing the entire available magnetic force.
A wear-resistant, proximity-type differential transformer (LVDT) is used as the
spool travel sensor.

Valve amplifier


FF Valve spool


Reset spring Actuating Position

solenoid sensor



Fig. A-2 Solenoid actuation with valve spool position control

Graphical symbol The operating principle of the servo solenoid valve is represented by a symbol
in the hydraulic circuit diagram. The symbol comprises a series of different
boxes denoting the valve positions.
The three stepless-transition valve positions are represented by additional lines.
The symbol also indicates how the valve is actuated. In this case, by direct sole-
noid actuation with spring return at one end.
If the valve has a fail-safe position, then the valve spool moves into a fourth
(safety) position when the valve is not powered. There are two alternative posi-

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A-240 SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition
10.03 A Hydraulics
A.1 Servo solenoid valves

The symbol also illustrates the principle of position control applied to the valve

Reset spring Actuating solenoid

O B Position sensor


Valve amplifier UE=0..."10 V
with position

Fail-safe closed Fail-safe open



Fig. A-3 Graphical symbol

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SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition A-241
A Hydraulics 10.03
A.1 Servo solenoid valves

Zero overlap in A continuous valve must have zero overlap around its mid-position if it is to be
mid-position used in a position control loop.
A positive overlap will be perceived negatively in the form of a dead zone of the
final control element.
In contrast, a negative overlap results in a marked increase in oil leakage.
To achieve zero overlap, valve spools, spool housings and spool sleeves must
be manufactured with extreme precision and made of wear-resistant materials.
The production costs incurred are correspondingly high.
To maintain the zero overlap over prolonged operating periods, it is essential to
ensure that a clean pressure medium is used (to prevent erosion of control





Fig. A-4 Zero overlap in mid-position

Pressure The quality of zero overlap in the mid-position is represented by the pressure
intensification intensification characteristic.
This states what percentage of the control spool deflection from the hydraulic
zero point is needed to achieve a pressure differential of 80% system pressure
at the closed load ports. The values of this characteristic are typically in the
1...3% range.
The following graphical representation of the measurement, which covers all 4
control edges, shows this clearly.

∆p/ppu [%]

pA pB 60
O B -U E[%] U/Unom [%]
3 2 1 1 2 3
p 60

Fig. A-5 Pressure amplification

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A-242 SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition
10.03 A Hydraulics
A.1 Servo solenoid valves

Flow The stepless spool movement, and thus the change in throttle cross-section at
characteristic, the control edges, results in a corresponding flowrate, which is represented as a
linear function of the spool travel s or of the electrical input signal U (manipulated vari-
able). The flow is dependent on the on the pressure drop, in addition to the
opening cross-section,


as defined by the law of flow.

Flow rate Q



O B Spool travel s
Input signal U


P B After

Fig. A-6 Linear flow rate characteristic

Window in spool sleeve


Spool stroke

Fig. A-7 Control window in spool sleeve

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A Hydraulics 10.03
A.1 Servo solenoid valves

Flow Valves with a knee-shaped flow characteristic give the drive greater manipu-
characteristic, lated variable resolution in the lower signal range (better processing quality)
with knee and, at the same time, offer sufficient flow rate in the upper range (high rapid
traverse velocity).


Rapid traverse

Machining velocity

Fig. A-8 Flow characteristic with knee, example 40% - knee


10 %

ÎÎÎÎÎÎÎ 40 % U/UUnom

Spool stroke

Fig. A-9 Stepped control window in spool sleeve, example 40% - knee

Linearization of The knee-shaped characteristic of the valve is linearized in the HLA module to
knee-shaped flow match it to the closed-loop control of the overall drive (cylinder). No steady-state
characteristic operating point should be defined in the knee-point area.
The corresponding valve data are stored in the HLA module and automatically
parameterized when the order number is entered.


Valve characteristic

Linearized characteristic

Fig. A-10 Electrical valve knee compensation

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A-244 SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition
10.03 A Hydraulics
A.1 Servo solenoid valves

Nominal flowrate This expresses the flow rate with fully opened valve in relation to a specific
pressure drop per control edge.
Typical nominal flow rate for directly-controlled servo solenoid valves (nominal
pressure drop of 35 bar per control edge):
S Size 6: Q=4...40 l/min
S Size 10: Q=50...100 l/min
Typical nominal flow rate for pilot-controlled servo solenoid valves (nominal
pressure drop of 5 bar per control edge):
S Size 10: Q=55...85 l/min
S Size 16: Q=120...200 l/min
The flow under other pressure conditions is calculated according to the law of
flow by the following formula:

QX=Qnom @

Asymmetric flow See Subsection 2.3.2 for a description.

Dynamic response The dynamic characteristics provide information on the servo solenoid valve’s
ability to respond to rapid signal changes.
One simple expression of the dynamic response is the actuating time. This is
the time that the valve spool requires in order to adjust to a jump in the valve
spool setpoint of typically 0 to 100%.
More exact information about the dynamic response is provided by the Bode
diagram or frequency response. In this case, a sinusoidal setpoint is applied to
the valve. The amplitude ratio and phase shift curves are then determined via
the frequency from the actual and setpoint values of the valve spool. The valve
frequency response is highly dependent on the setpoint amplitude, which
should therefore be specified as a parameter. The dynamic response of servo
solenoid valves is of particular interest in the range of smaller signal
amplitudes of 5 to 20% * Unom.

I [dB]
O ϕ [°]
2 5%
-2 100
at -3 dB
-6 -180
-8 -160
-10 Signal 100 Umax -140
Signal 5% Umax
at -90°
10 20 40 60 80100 200 300 f [Hz]

Fig. A-11 Dynamic response of valve

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SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition A-245
A Hydraulics 10.03
A.1 Servo solenoid valves

Hysteresis, These three terms define similar properties.

response Hysteresis means the greatest difference in the input signal for identical output
sensitivity, range signals on passing through a complete signal range.
of inversion
For a servo solenoid valve, the hysteresis is caused by:
S mechanical friction,
S magnetic hysteresis of the electromagnetic signal transducer and
S the play between transmission elements.
The position control corrects the hysteresis.
The hysteresis for Rexroth servo solenoid valves is less than 0.2% and is com-
pensated for in the closed control loop.
The terms Response sensitivity and Range of inversion refer to the signal level
required to set a valve in motion again after it has stopped. The values of these
characteristics correspond to about half the hysteresis.
To overcome residual hysteresis or initial valve friction, a friction compensation
function can be activated in the HLA module.

Hysteresis Response sensitivity Range of inversion



Fig. A-12 Hysteresis, response sensitivity and range of inversion of servo solenoid valve

Filtration grade To maximize the service life of the control edges, thus ensuring the quality of
zero overlap, a degree of purity of the hydraulic medium (fluid) must be main-
The objective is contamination class 7...9 to NAS 1638. This can normally be
achieved with a pressure filter β10=75.

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A-246 SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition
10.03 A Hydraulics
A.1 Servo solenoid valves

A.1.2 Directly-controlled servo solenoid valves, sizes 6 and 10

Mechanical The standard series of Bosch Rexroth size 6 and 10 servo solenoid valves
structure shown in the following diagram are based on the same principle.
The valve spool in its steel sleeve is pushed against the reset spring directly by
the actuating solenoid. The armature axis of the solenoid is mechanically
coupled to the ferrite core of the position sensor integrated in the solenoid.
This sensor is a proximity-type, wear-resistant differential transformer ( LVDT).
The housing of the integrated valve amplifier (On Board Electronic OBE) is
bolted directly onto the solenoid/position sensor module.
Electrical power is supplied and the setpoint injected via a 7-pin connector.
If the valve is operating around the mid-position, the solenoid is energized by
about 50%. When the power supply is switched off, it assumes a 4th position,
known as the fail-safe position. On connection and disconnection of the supply,
it slides through the crossed position.
The valves are available with a variety of nominal flow rates and two different
fail-safe positions.

Size 6 Size 10

7-pin connector Valve amplifier Fail-safe open



Fail-safe closed


Reset spring Valve spool Actuating LVDT coils

Steel sleeve Actuating solenoid LVDT ferrite core
solenoid coil armature

Fig. A-13 Directly-controlled servo solenoid valves, sizes 6 and 10 (Rexroth)

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A Hydraulics 10.03
A.1 Servo solenoid valves

Valve amplifier The functions of the integral valve amplifier are implemented with analog cir-
cuits, and are illustrated in the block diagram (see Fig. A-14).
The main amplifier functions are:

S Supply and evaluation of the position sensor (AC/DC converter)

S Comparison of setpoint input signal with spool actual value
S Formation of manipulated variable via a PID controller for the output stage
S Timing output stage with pulse length modulation
The amplifier is calibrated to match the valve at the factory. The zero-point is
adjusted via the NC during start-up.

2.5 AF
+24 V=
O 0V Supply
+U B
+15 V DC 0V Reference point
-15 V Actual valve spool
DC D value
I Setpoint 0... +
- 10 V
10k Sign. Actual valve spool
Logic Protective

+U B



Fig. A-14 Valve amplifier block diagram for directly-controlled servo solenoid valves, sizes 6 and 10 (Rexroth)

 Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved

A-248 SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition
10.03 A Hydraulics
A.1 Servo solenoid valves

A.1.3 Pilot-controlled servo solenoid valves, sizes 10 and 16

The principle of pilot control is applied in order to control higher flow rates.

Mechanical A size 10 or 16 directional control valve with suitable control edges is used as
structure the main stage on the valve spool. Like the piston rod of a cylinder, this stage is
hydraulically clamped and positioned by a size 6 pilot valve
(see Subsection A.1.2).
The position of the main spool is scanned by another position sensor and the
corresponding actual value applied to a second, subordinate position control

Inlet and outlet of The control fluid can be supplied and removed either internally via ports P and T
hydraulic fluid or, as often is the case in practice, externally via additional ports X and Y. The
unit is converted using suitable plugs.

Valve positions Pilot-actuated servo solenoid valves have only three stepless-transition valve
The 4th fail-safe position is omitted. If the supply voltage is disconnected, the
spring force of the main spool causes the valve to assume an indifferent mid-

Valve amplifier The integral valve amplifier is mounted on the pilot valve assembly and contains
both position control loops. A cable is used to connect the position sensor on
the main stage to the amplifier.

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A Hydraulics 10.03
A.1 Servo solenoid valves

Graphic symbol in detailed form




Graphic symbol in simplified form

Fig. A-15 Directly-controlled servo solenoid valves, sizes 10 and 16 example of an external control fluid port (Rexroth)

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A-250 SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition

Fig. A-16
2.5 AF
O +24 V=
+U B
B 0V Supply
+15 V DC C 0V Reference point 1)
-15 V
DC D Actual valve spool
100k value +
I Setpoint 0... - 10 V
Diff. 100k
F Sign. Actual valve spool
10k value

 Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved

+U B 1) Do not connect to 0 V supply
PD - Pilot
-15 V= stage
1 - Main
ref. 0 stage
+15 V=
3 0... +
- 10 V

SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition



Valve amplifier block diagram for pilot-controlled servo solenoid valves, sizes 10 and 16 (Rexroth)
A.1 Servo solenoid valves
A Hydraulics

A Hydraulics 10.03
A.1 Servo solenoid valves

A.1.4 HR servo solenoid valves

General The HR (High Response) series of servo solenoid valves from Bosch
Rexroth offers particularly good dynamic and static characteristics, making it the
ideal addition to the range for highly sophisticated applications.
At the heart of the series is the 4WRREH 6 valve. This is also used as a pilot
valve in type 4WRVE pilot-controlled HR servo solenoid valves.
Both valve stages on pilot-actuated valves operate under position control.

Features In contrast to the other valves, the HR servo solenoid valve has the following

S Significantly better dynamic response

S More compact dimensions
S A higher hydraulic switching capacity.
The HR valve comprises the following components:

S Flow-force-compensated hydraulic section with wear-resistant steel sleeve

and spring centered control spool

S Double-stroke solenoid with inductive position encoder (LVDT) and

S Integrated electronics (OBE)
HR valves do not have the fail-safe position provided on other servo solenoid
valves. Many applications therefore require external non-return valves,
such as those available as sandwich-plate valves.

12-pin connector

Graphic symbol in simplified form

Valve amplifier


Steel sleeve Valve spool Double-stroke solenoid Position encoder

Fig. A-17 Directly-controlled HR servo solenoid valve (Rexroth)

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A-252 SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition

Fig. A-18
2.5 AF
+24 V=
0V Output stage supply
1 24 V
+U B
2 enabling of
4 Setpoint 0...+
- 10 V
Logic 100k Sign.
10k 0V Actual valve spool value
+15 V DC 8 24 V

 Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved

-15 V
DC 9 Enable acknowledgement
10 +24 V=/<=0.5 A
11 0V Electronics supply
+U B 24 V
Error message
+ Protective
PID conductor
PD - Shield
1 -
+U B
3 0... +
- 10 V

SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition

Valve amplifier block diagram for directly-controlled HR servo solenoid valves (Rexroth)
A.1 Servo solenoid valves
A Hydraulics

A Hydraulics 10.03
A.2 Cylinder

A.2 Cylinder

General The cylinder acts as the drive element in the electro-hydraulic control loop.
It converts the flowrate into rectilinear motion. In this case, high velocities are
required for rapid traverse movements as well as slow velocities for machining

Through-rod or On a through-rod cylinder, a piston rod of the same diameter is mounted at both
differential ends as a power transmission element. Consequently, the piston areas at the
cylinder A and B ends are identical. Likewise, at a constant piston speed, the incoming
flow is equal to the displaced flow in the settled state. The through-rod cylinder
acts symmetrically both when traveling in and when traveling out.
In contrast to the through-rod cylinder, a differential cylinder has either a power-
transmission piston rod at one end only or the piston rods at its two ends have
different diameters. In the latter case, the piston areas at the A and B ends are
different. Furthermore, at a constant piston speed, the displaced flow is not the
same as the incoming flow. The maximum piston travel-in and travel-out speeds
are not the same on a differential cylinder (see Section 4.7).
This asymmetry can, however, be compensated by means of the piston area
adaptation function (MD 5112: VALVE_FLOW_FACTOR_A_B) on the HLA mod-
Apart from the piston diameter, it is necessary to specify the rod diameters at
the A and B ends. On a differential cylinder, both rod diameters are different,
one of the rods might even have a zero diameter. The maximum piston stroke
and cylinder dead volume are also required.

D2 D0 D1
Through-rod cylinder


D0 D1
Differential cylinder


D2 D0 D1



Fig. A-19 Cylinder principle

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A-254 SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition
10.03 A Hydraulics
A.2 Cylinder

Quality of seals The quality of the seals and guides on the piston, and the piston rod itself, must
be particularly high in order to minimize the friction.
Transitions from static to sliding friction have a particularly adverse affect on the
quality of control accuracy. A friction compensation setting has been provided in
the HLA module (MD 5460: FRICTION_COMP_RADIENT).

Piston rod


2 x guide ring

2 x guide ring Stabilizing ring
Seal (PTFE) (FPM)

2 x sealing ring

Fig. A-20 Cylinder

Dead volume The dead volume is the volume between the cylinder and servo solenoid valve
that is not displaced by one piston stroke. It reduces the natural frequency of
the drive and should be avoided wherever possible.
Cylinder pipework should be kept as short as possible, i.e. the servo solenoid
valve should be mounted directly on the cylinder.
The dead volume is set in the HLA module (MD 5135, MD 5136 and
MD 5141...5143).

 Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved

SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition A-255
A Hydraulics 02.99
A.2 Cylinder


 Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved

A-256 SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition
Abbreviations B
ANA Analog drive (drive configuration)
ARM (MSD) Asynchronous Rotary Motor
AS Automation System
AT Advanced Technology
B Cylinder working port
BERO Proximity limit switch
C Bus Communication bus
COM Communication module
DAC Digital/analog converter channel
D/A Digital to analog
DP Distributed I/Os
DRV Driver module
DSC Dynamic Stiffness Control
EMC Electromagnetic compatibility
ESD Electrostatic Sensitive Device
EUI End User Interface
FFT Fast Fourier Transform
FRM Enable voltage, internal, ground
FRP Enable voltage, internal, +24 V
FSD Feed drive (drive bus configuration)
HD Hard Disk
HHU Handheld unit
HLA Hydraulic Linear Drive (drive bus configuration)
HR servo solenoid High Response servo solenoid valve
HYD Hydraulic drive
I/RF Infeed/regenerative feedback unit
IM Interface Module (SIMATIC S7-300)
IM Address Interface Module Address
ISA Industry Standard Architecture
LED Light Emitting Diode
LVDT Linear Variable Differential Transducer
M24EXTIN Input for 0 V external
MCP Machine Control Panel

 Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved

SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition B-257
B Abbreviations 02.99

MD Machine Data
MMC Human Machine Communication
MON Monitoring
MPI Multi-Point Interface
MS Mains Supply
MSD Main Spindle Drive
NC Numerical Control
NCU Numerical Control Unit
NMI Non-Maskable Interrupt
O Cylinder working port
OBE On-Board Electronics
OP Operator Panel
OPI Operator Panel Interface
Order No. Machine-Readable Product Designation (order no.)
P Pressure port (inlet), servo solenoid valve
P24EXTIN Input for +24 V external
P bus I/O (peripheral) bus
PBL Parameter Basic List
PCL Position Control Loop
PCMCIA Personal Computer Memory Card International Association
PER I/O (peripheral) module
PG Programming device
PI Program Invocation
PID Controller with Proportional, Integral and Differential components
PLC Programmable Logic Control
PS Power Supply (SIMATIC S7-300)
SC Status Class
SCI Serial Communication Interface
SL Servo Loop
SLM Synchronous Linear Motor (drive configuration)
SM SIMATIC S7-300 Signal Module, e.g. I/O modules
SRM (FDD) Synchronous Rotary Motor (drive configuration)
SW Software
T Tank port (return), servo solenoid valve
Term. Terminal
UI Unstabilized power supply
VCL Velocity control loop
VGA Video graphics adapter

 Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved

B-258 SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition
Definition of Terms C
D1, D2 Cylinder piston diameter

d1, d2 Cylinder piston rod diameter

f0drive Natural frequency (resonant frequency) of hydraulic drive

f0control Limit frequency that can be achieved by velocity-controlled drive

f0valve Natural frequency of servo solenoid valve

fv Limit frequency of servo solenoid valve

h Cylinder stroke

m Mass on piston rod

O Cylinder piston area

pA Pressure at A end of cylinder

pB Pressure at B end of cylinder

pp Pump pressure

Dp Pressure difference (nominal pressure drop)

Qnom Nominal flowrate of servo solenoid valve

Qvalve Flow rate of servo solenoid valve

 Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved

SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition C-259
C Terms 02.99

Uset valve Valve setpoint

vset Velocity setpoint

vact Actual velocity value

xset Position setpoint

xact Actual position value

xvalve Valve spool position

 Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved

C-260 SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition
References D
D.1 Electrical applications

General Documentation

/BU/ SINUMERIK & SIMODRIVE, Automation Systems for Machine Tools

Catalog NC 60
Order No.: E86060-K4460-A101-A9-7600

/IKPI/ Industrial Communication and Field Devices

Catalog IK PI
Order No.: E86060-K6710-A101-B2-7600

Products for Totally Integrated Automation and Micro Automation
Catalog ST 70
Order No.: E86060-K4670-A111-A8-7600

Cable, Connectors & System Components for SIMATIC, SINUMERIK,
Masterdrives and SIMOTION
Catalog NC Z
Order No.: E86060-K4490-A001-B1-7600

Electronic Documentation

/CD1/ The SINUMERIK System (03.04 Edition)

(includes all SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D/802D/802SC and SIMODRIVE
Order No.: 6FC5 298-7CA00-0BG4

 Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved

SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition D-261
D References 10.03
D.1 Electrical applications

User Documentation

/AUK/ SINUMERIK 840D/810D (09.99 Edition)

Short Guide AutoTurn Operation
Order No.: 6FC5298-4AA30-0BP2

/AUP/ SINUMERIK 840D/810D (02.02 Edition)

Operator’s Guide AutoTurn Graphic Programming System
Order No.: 6FC5298-4AA40-0BP3

/BA/ SINUMERIK 840D/810D (10.00 Edition)

Operator’s Guide MMC
Order No.: 6FC5298-6AA00-0BP0

/BAD/ SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D (11.02 Edition)

Operator’s Guide HMI Advanced
Order No.: 6FC5298-6AF00-0BP2

/BAH/ SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D (11.02 Edition)

Operator’s Guide HT 6
Order No.: 6FC5298-0AD60-0BP2

/BAK/ SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D (02.01 Edition)

Short Guide Operation
Order No.: 6FC5298-6AA10-0BP0

/BAM/ SINUMERIK 840D/810D (08.02 Edition)

Operation/Programming ManualTurn
Order No.: 6FC5298-6AD00-0BP0

/BAS/ SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D (11.02 Edition)

Operation/Programming ShopMill
Order No.: 6FC5298-6AD10-0BP1

/BAT/ SINUMERIK 840D/810D (06.03 Edition)

Operation/Programming ShopTurn
Order No.: 6FC5298-6AD50-0BP2

/BEM/ SINUMERIK 840D/810D (11.02 Edition)

Operator’s Guide HMI Embedded
Order No.: 6FC5298-6AC00-0BP2

 Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved

D-262 SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition
10.03 D References
D.1 Electrical applications

/BNM/ SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D (11.02 Edition)

User’s Guide Measuring Cycles
Order No.: 6FC5298-6AA70-0BP2

/BTDI/ SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D (04.03 Edition)

Motion Control Information System (MCIS)
User’s Guide Tool Data Information
Order No.: 6FC5297-6AE01-0BP0

/CAD/ SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D (03.02 Edition)

Operator’s Guide CAD Reader
Order No.: (included in online help)

/DA/ SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D (11.02 Edition)

Diagnostics Guide
Order No.: 6FC5298-6AA20-0BP3

/KAM/ SINUMERIK 840D/810D (04.01 Edition)

Short Guide ManualTurn
Order No.: 6FC5298-5AD40-0BP0

/KAS/ SINUMERIK 840D/810D (04.01 Edition)

Short Guide ShopMill
Order No.: 6FC5298-5AD30-0BP0

/KAT/ SINUMERIK 840D/810D (07.01 Edition)

Short Guide ShopTurn
Order No.: 6FC5298-6AF20-0BP0

/PG/ SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D (11.02 Edition)

Programming Guide Fundamentals
Order No.: 6FC5298-6AB00-0BP2

/PGA/ SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D (11.02 Edition)

Programming Guide Advanced
Order No.: 6FC5298-6AB10-0BP2

/PGK/ SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D (10.00 Edition)

Short Guide Programming
Order No.: 6FC5298-6AB30-0BP0

/PGM/ SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D (11.02 Edition)

Programming Guide ISO Milling
Order No.: 6FC5298-6AC20-0BP2

 Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved

SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition D-263
D References 10.03
D.1 Electrical applications

/PGT/ SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D

Programming Guide ISO Turning (11.02 Edition)
Order No.: 6FC5298-6AC10-0BP2

/PGZ/ SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D (11.02 Edition)

Programming Guide Cycles
Order No.: 6FC5298-6AB40-0BP2

/PI/ PCIN 4.4

Software for Data Transfer to/from MMC Module
Order No.: 6FX2060 4AA00-4XB0 (English, French, German)
Order from: WK Fürth

/SYI/ SINUMERIK 840Di (02.01 Edition)

System Overview
Order No.: 6FC5298-6AE40-0BP0

Manufacturer/Service Documentation

a) Lists

/LIS/ SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D (09.03 Edition)

Order No.: 6FC5297-6AB70-0BP4

b) Hardware

/ASAL/ SIMODRIVE (06.03 Edition)

Planning Guide General Information for Asynchronous Motors
Order No.: 6SN1197-0AC62-0BP0

/APH2/ SIMODRIVE (07.03 Edition)

Planning Guide 1PH2 Asynchronous Motors
Order No.: 6SN1197-0AC63-0BP0

/APH4/ SIMODRIVE (07.03 Edition)

Planning Guide 1PH4 Asynchronous Motors
Order No.: 6SN1197-0AC64-0BP0

/APH7/ SIMODRIVE (06.03 Edition)

Planning Guide 1PH7 Asynchronous Motors
Order No.: 6SN1197-0AC65-0BP0

 Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved

D-264 SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition
10.03 D References
D.1 Electrical applications

/APL6/ SIMODRIVE (07.03 Edition)

Planning Guide 1PL6 Asynchronous Motors
Order No.: 6SN1197-0AC66-0BP0

/BH/ SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D (09.03 Edition)

Operator Components Manual (HW)
Order No.: 6FC5297-6AA50-0BP3

/BHA/ SIMODRIVE Sensor (03.03 Edition)

User’s Guide (HW) Absolute Position Sensor with PROFIBUS DP
Order No.: 6SN1197-0AB10-0YP2


Planning Guide (HW) EMC Installation Guide
Order No.: 6FC5297-0AD30-0BP1

The current Declaration of Conformity is available under the following Internet


Please enter the ID No.: 15257461 in the ’Search’ field (top right) and click on

ADI4 - Analog Drive Interface for 4 Axes (09.03 Edition)
Order No.: 6FC5297-0BA01-0BP1

/PFK6/ SIMODRIVE (05.03 Edition)

Planning Guide 1FK6 Three-Phase AC Servomotors
Order No.: 6SN1197-0AD05-0BP0

/PFK7/ SIMODRIVE (01.03 Edition)

Planning Guide 1FK7 Three-Phase AC Servomotors
Order No.: 6SN1197-0AD06-0BP0

/PFS6/ SIMODRIVE (07.03 Edition)

Planning Guide 1FS6 Three-Phase AC Servomotors
Order No.: 6SN1197-0AD08-0BP0

/PFT5/ SIMODRIVE (05.03 Edition)

Planning Guide 1FT5 Three-Phase AC Servomotors
Order No.: 6SN1197-0AD01-0BP0

/PFT6/ SIMODRIVE (05.03 Edition)

Planning Guide 1FT6 Three-Phase AC Servomotors
Order No.: 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP0

 Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved

SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition D-265
D References 10.03
D.1 Electrical applications


Configuring Manual CCU (HW) (11.02 Edition)
Order No.: 6FC5297-6AD10-0BP1

/PHD/ SINUMERIK 840D (09.03 Edition)

Configuring Manual NCU (HW)
Order No.: 6FC5297-6AC10-0BP3

/PJAL/ SIMODRIVE 611 / Masterdrives MC (01.03 Edition)

Planning Guide Three-Phase AC Servomotors
General Part
Order No.: 6SN1197-0AD07-0BP0

/PJAS/ SIMODRIVE (07.03 Edition)

Planning Guide Asynchronous Motors (Compendium)
Order No.: 6SN1197-0AC61-0BP0

/PJFE/ SIMODRIVE (02.03 Edition)

Planning Guide 1FE1 Built-In Synchronous Motors
Three-Phase AC Motors for Main Spindle Drives
Order No.: 6SN1197-0AC00-0BP4

/PJF1/ SIMODRIVE (12.02 Edition)

Installation Guide 1FE1 051.-1FE1 147. Built-In Synchronous Motors
Three-Phase AC Motors for Main Spindle Drives
Order No.: 610.43000.02

/PJLM/ SIMODRIVE (06.02 Edition)

Planning Guide 1FN1, 1FN3 Linear Motors
ALL General Information about Linear Motors
1FN1 1FN1 Three-Phase AC Linear Motor
1FN3 1FN3 Three-Phase AC Linear Motor
CON Connections
Order No.: 6SN1197-0AB70-0BP4

/PJM/ SIMODRIVE (11.00 Edition)

Planning Guide Motors
Three-Phase AC Servo Motors for Feed and Main Spindle Drives
Order No.: 6SN1197-0AC20-0BP0

/PJM2/ SIMODRIVE (07.03 Edition)

Planning Guide Servomotors
Three-Phase AC Motors for Feed and Main Spindle Drives
Order No.: 6SN1197-0AA20-0BP4

 Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved

D-266 SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition
10.03 D References
D.1 Electrical applications

/PJTM/ SIMODRIVE (05.03 Edition)

Planning Guide 1FW6 Integrated Torque Motors
Order No.: 6SN1197-0AD00-0BP0

/PJU/ SIMODRIVE 611 (02.03 Edition)

Planning Guide Inverters
Order No.: 6SN1197-0AA00-0BP6

/PKTM/ SIMODRIVE (09.03 Edition)

Planning Guide 1FW3 Complete Torque Motors
Order No.: 6SN1197-0AC70-0BP0

/PMH/ SIMODRIVE Sensor (07.02 Edition)

Configuring/Installation Guide (HW)
Hollow-Shaft Measuring System SIMAG H
Order No.: 6SN1197-0AB30-0BP1

/PMHS/ SIMODRIVE (12.00 Edition)

Installation Guide Measuring System for Main Spindle Drives
SIZAG2 Toothed-Wheel Encoder
Order No.: 6SN1197-0AB00-0YP3

/PMS/ SIMODRIVE (02.03 Edition)

Planning Guide ECO Motor Spindle for Main Spindle Drives
Order No.: 6SN1197-0AD04-0BP1

/PPH/ SIMODRIVE (12.01 Edition)

Planning Guide 1PH2, 1PH4, 1PH7 Motors
AC Induction Motors for Main Spindle Drives
Order No.: 6SN1197-0AC60-0BP0

/PPM/ SIMODRIVE (11.01 Edition)

Planning Guide Hollow-Shaft Motors
for 1PM4 and 1PM6 Main Spindle Drives
Order No.: 6SN1197-0AD03-0BP0

c) Software

/FB1/ SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D (11.03 Edition)

Description of Functions Basic Machine (Part 1)
(the various sections are listed below)
Order No.: 6FC5297-6AC20-0BP3
A2 Various Interface Signals
A3 Axis Monitoring, Protection Zones
B1 Continuous-Path Mode, Exact Stop and Look Ahead
B2 Acceleration
D1 Diagnostic Tools

 Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved

SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition D-267
D References 10.03
D.1 Electrical applications

D2 Interactive Programming
F1 Travel to Fixed Stop
G2 Velocities, Setpoint/Actual Value Systems, Closed-Loop
H2 Output of Auxiliary Functions to PLC
K1 Mode Group, Channel, Program Operation Mode
K2 Axes, Coordinate Systems, Frames, Actual Value System for
Workpiece, External Zero Offset
K4 Communication
P1 Transverse Axes
P3 Basic PLC Program
R1 Reference Point Approach
S1 Spindles
V1 Feeds
W1 Tool Offset

/FB2/ SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D(CCU2) (11.02 Edition)

Description of Functions Extended Functions (Part 2)
including FM-NC: Turning, Stepper Motor
(the various sections are listed below)
Order No.: 6FC5297-6AC30-0BP2
A4 Digital and Analog NCK I/Os
B3 Several Operator Panels and NCUs
B4 Operation via PG/PC
F3 Remote Diagnostics
H1 JOG with/without Handwheel
K3 Compensations
K5 Mode Groups, Channels, Axis Replacement
L1 FM-NC Local Bus
M1 Kinematic Transformation
M5 Measurement
N3 Software Cams, Position Switching Signals
N4 Punching and Nibbling
P2 Positioning Axes
P5 Oscillation
R2 Rotary Axes
S3 Synchronous Spindles
S5 Synchronized Actions (up to and including SW 3)
S6 Stepper Motor Control
S7 Memory Configuration
T1 Indexing Axes
W3 Tool Change
W4 Grinding

/FB3/ SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D(CCU2) (11.02 Edition)

Description of Functions Special Functions (Part 3)
(the various sections are listed below)
Order No.: 6FC5297-6AC80-0BP2
F2 3-Axis to 5-Axis Transformation
G1 Gantry Axes
G3 Cycle Times
K6 Contour Tunnel Monitoring
M3 Coupled Motion and Leading Value Coupling
S8 Constant Workpiece Speed for Centerless Grinding
T3 Tangential Control

 Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved

D-268 SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition
10.03 D References
D.1 Electrical applications

TE0 Installation and Activation of Compile Cycles

TE1 Clearance Control
TE2 Analog Axis
TE3 Master-Slave for Drives
TE4 Transformation Package Handling
TE5 Setpoint Exchange
TE6 MCS Coupling
TE7 Retrace Support
TE8 Path-Synchronous Switch Signal
V2 Preprocessing
W5 3D Tool Radius Compensation

/FBA/ SIMODRIVE 611D/SINUMERIK 840D/810D (11.02 Edition)

Description of Functions Drive Functions
(the various sections are listed below)
Order No.: 6SN1197-0AA80-1BP0
DB1 Operational Messages/Alarm Reactions
DD1 Diagnostic Functions
DD2 Speed Control Loop
DE1 Extended Drive Functions
DF1 Enable Commands
DG1 Encoder Parameterization
DL1 Linear Motor MD
DM1 Calculation of Motor/Power Section Parameters and
Controller Data
DS1 Current Control Loop
DÜ1 Monitors/Limitations

/FBAN/ SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital (02.00 Edition)

Description of Functions ANA MODULE
Order No.: 6SN1197-0AB80-0BP0

/FBD/ SINUMERIK 840D (07.99 Edition)

Description of Functions Digitizing
Order No.: 6FC5297-4AC50-0BP0
DI1 Start-up
DI2 Scanning with Tactile Sensors (scancad scan)
DI3 Scanning with Lasers (scancad laser)
DI4 Milling Program Generation (scancad mill)

/FBDM/ SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D (09.03 Edition)

Motion Control Information System (MCIS)
Description of Functions DNC NC Program Management
Order No.: 6FC5297-1AE81-0BP0

/FBDN/ SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D (03.03 Edition)

Motion Control Information System (MCIS)
Description of Functions DNC NC Program Management
Order No.: 6FC5297-1AE80-0BP0
DN1 DNC Plant / DNC Cell
DN2 DNC IFC SINUMERIK, NC Data Transfer via Network

 Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved

SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition D-269
D References 10.03
D.1 Electrical applications

/FBFA/ SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D (11.02 Edition)

Description of Functions ISO Dialects for SINUMERIK
Order No.: 6FC5297-6AE10-0BP3

/FBFE/ SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D (04.03 Edition)

Description of Functions Remote Diagnosis
Order No.: 6FC5297-0AF00-0BP2
FE1 Remote Diagnosis ReachOut
FE3 Remote Diagnosis pcAnywhere

/FBH/ SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D (11.02 Edition)

HMI Configuring Package
Order No.: (supplied with the software)

Part 1 User’s Guide

Part 2 Description of Functions

/FBH1/ SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D (03.03 Edition)

HMI Configuring Package
ProTool/Pro Option SINUMERIK
Order No.: (supplied with the software)

/FBHLA/ SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital (09.03 Edition)

Description of Functions HLA Module
Order No.: 6SN1197-0AB60-0BP4

/FBIC/ SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D (06.03 Edition)

Motion Control Information System (MCIS)
Description of Functions TDI Ident Connection
Order No.: 6FC5297-1AE60-0BP0

/FBMA/ SINUMERIK 840D/810D (08.02 Edition)

Description of Functions ManualTurn
Order No.: 6FC5297-6AD50-0BP0

/FBO/ SINUMERIK 840D/810D (09.01 Edition)

Description of Functions Configuring OP 030 Operator Interface
Order No.: 6FC5297-6AC40-0BP0
BA Operator’s Guide
EU Development Environment (Configuring Package)
PS Online only: Configuring Syntax (Configuring Package)
PSE Introduction to Configuring of Operator Interface
IK Screen Kit: Software Update and Configuration

/FBP/ SINUMERIK 840D (03.96 Edition)

Description of Functions C-PLC Programming
Order No.: 6FC5297-3AB60-0BP0

 Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved

D-270 SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition
10.03 D References
D.1 Electrical applications

/FBR/ SINUMERIK 840D/810D (09.01 Edition)

IT Solutions
Description of Functions Computer Link (SinCOM)
Order No.: 6FC5297-6AD60-0BP0
NFL Host Computer Interface
NPL PLC/NCK Interface

/FBSI/ SINUMERIK 840D / SIMODRIVE 611 digital (09.03 Edition)

Description of Functions SINUMERIK Safety Integrated
Order No.: 6FC5297-6AB80-0BP2

/FBSP/ SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D (08.03 Edition)

Description of Functions ShopMill
Order No.: 6FC5297-6AD80-0BP1

/FBST/ SIMATIC (01.01 Edition)

Description of Functions FM STEPDRIVE/SIMOSTEP
Order No.: 6SN1197-0AA70-0YP4

/FBSY/ SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D (10.02 Edition)

Description of Functions Synchronized Actions
Order No.: 6FC5297-6AD40-0BP2

/FBT/ SINUMERIK 840D/810D (06.03 Edition)

Description of Functions ShopTurn
Order No.: 6FC5297-6AD70-0BP2

/FBTC/ SINUMERIK 840D/810D (01.02 Edition)

IT Solutions
SINUMERIK Tool Data Communication SinTDC
Description of Functions
Order No.: 6FC5297-5AF30-0BP0

/FBTD/ SINUMERIK 840D/810D (02.01 Edition)

IT Solutions
Tool Information System (SinTDI) with Online Help
Description of Functions
Order No.: 6FC5297-6AE00-0BP0

/FBTP/ SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D (01.03 Edition)

Motion Control Information System (MCIS)
Description of Functions TPM Total Productive Maintenance, Version 3.0
Order No.: Document is supplied with the software

 Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved

SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition D-271
D References 10.03
D.1 Electrical applications

/FBU/ SIMODRIVE 611 universal/universal E (07.03 Edition)

Closed-Loop Control Component for Speed Control and Positioning
Description of Functions
Order No.: 6SN1197-0AB20-0BP7

/FBU2/ SIMODRIVE 611 universal (04.02 Edition)

Installation Guide (enclosed with SIMODRIVE 611 universal)

/FBW/ SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D (11.02 Edition)

Description of Functions Tool Management
Order No.: 6FC5297-6AC60-0BP1

/HBA/ SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D (03.02 Edition)

Manual @Event
Order No.: 6AU1900-0CL20-0BA0

/HBI/ SINUMERIK 840Di (09.03 Edition)

Order No.: 6FC5297-6AE60-0BP2

/INC/ SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D (06.03 Edition)

System Description Commissioning Tool SINUMERIK SinuCOM NC
Order No.: (an integral part of the online help for the start-up tool)

/PJE/ SINUMERIK 840D/810D (08.01 Edition)

Description of Functions Configuring Package HMI Embedded
Software Update, Configuration Installation
Order No.: 6FC5297-6EA10-0BP0
(the document PS Configuring Syntax is supplied with the software
and available as a pdf file)

/POS1/ SIMODRIVE POSMO A (05.03 Edition)

User’s Guide Distributed Positioning Motor on PROFIBUS DP
Order No.: 6SN2197-0AA00-0BP5

/POS2/ SIMODRIVE POSMO A (04.02 Edition)

Installation Guide (enclosed with POSMO A)


User’s Guide Distributed Servo Drive Systems
Order No.: 6SN2197-0AA20-0BP4

/POS4/ SIMODRIVE POSMO SI (04.02 Edition)

Installation Guide (enclosed with POSMO SI)

 Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved

D-272 SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition
10.03 D References
D.1 Electrical applications

/POS5/ SIMODRIVE POSMO CD/CA (04.02 Edition)

Installation Guide (enclosed with POSMO CD/CA)

/S7H/ SIMATIC S7-300 (2002 Edition)

- Manual: CPU Data (Hardware)
- Reference Manual: Module Data
- Manual: Technological Functions
- Installation Manual
Order No.: 6ES7398-8FA10-8BA0

/S7HT/ SIMATIC S7-300 (03.97 Edition)

Manual: STEP 7, Fundamentals, V. 3.1
Order No.: 6ES7 10-4CA02-8BA0

/S7HR/ SIMATIC S7-300 (03.97 Edition)

Manual: STEP 7, Reference Manuals, V. 3.1
Order No.: 6ES7810-4CA02-8BR0

/S7S/ SIMATIC S7-300 (04.02 Edition)

FM 353 Positioning Module for Stepper Drive
Order together with configuring package

/S7L/ SIMATIC S7-300 (04.02 Edition)

FM 354 Positioning Module for Servo Drive
Order together with configuring package

/S7M/ SIMATIC S7-300 (01.03 Edition)

FM 357-2 Multimodule for Servo and Stepper Drives
Order together with configuring package

/SP/ SIMODRIVE 611-A/61 1-D

SimoPro 3.1
Program for Configuring Machine-Tool Drives
Order No.: 6SC6111-6PC00-0BAj, Order from: WK Fürth

d) Installation and

/BS/ SIMODRIVE 611 analog (10.00 Edition)

Description Start-Up Software for Main Spindle and Asynchronous
Motor Modules
Version 3.20
Order No.: 6SN1197-0AA30-0BP1

 Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved

SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition D-273
D References 10.03
D.2 Hydraulic applications

/IAA/ SIMODRIVE 611A (10.00 Edition)

Installation and Start-Up Guide
Order No.: 6SN1197-0AA60-0BP6

/IAC/ SINUMERIK 810D (11.02 Edition)

Installation and Start-Up Guide
(incl. description of SIMODRIVE 611D start-up software)
Order No.: 6FC5297-6AD20-0BP0

/IAD/ SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital (11.02 Edition)

Installation and Start-Up Guide
(incl. description of SIMODRIVE 611 digital start-up software)
Order No.: 6FC5297-6AB10-0BP2

/IAM/ SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D (09.03 Edition)

Installation and Start-Up Guide HMI/MMC
Order No.: 6FC5297-6AE20-0BP3
AE1 Updates/Supplements
BE1 Expanding the Operator Interface
HE1 Online Help
IM2 Starting up HMI Embedded
IM4 Starting up HMI Advanced
TX1 Creating Foreign Language Texts

D.2 Hydraulic applications

/BR1/ Bosch Rexroth AG,

“Servo solenoid valves” catalog
Rexroth Order no.: 1 987 761 323

/BR2/ Bosch Rexroth AG,

“Sensors and Electronics” catalog
Rexroth Order no.: 1 987 761 327

/BR3/ Bosch Rexroth AG,

“Sandwich-plate valves” catalog
Rexroth Order no.: 1 987 761 012

/BR4/ Robert Bosch GmbH,

“Electro-hydraulic Proportional and Closed-loop Control Systems” book
ISBN 3-933698-00-6

 Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved

D-274 SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition
EC Declaration of Conformity E
An extract from the EC Declaration of Conformity No. E002 V 25/02/99 is
shown below. A complete copy of the EC Declaration of Conformity can be
found in the “EMC Installation Guidelines” for the SINUMERIK, SIROTEC and
SIMODRIVE controls.

 Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved

SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition E-275
E EC Declaration of Conformity 02.99

 Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved

E-276 SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition
10.03 E EC Declaration of Conformity

Appendix A to EC Declaration of Conformity No. E002 V 25/02/99

A16: Typical plant configuration
closed-loop hydraulics module (HLA)

Metal cabinet

Operator panel

control panel

Fil- 840D
with Actual pressure
*) Actual position

**) *)

Supply terminal
*) On I/RF module
**)On OI module
Hydraulic valve control

S All components which are designated in the Ordering Information as approved for operation in a
combined SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611D installation comply with Directive 89/336/EEC
when operated in an installation of this type.

S For conformity to the standards, see Appendix C.

The sketch of the system configuration shows only the basic measures required to ensure that a typical system
configuration conforms to directive 89/336/EEC.
In addition, and especially if the system configuration deviates from this typical model, the installation guidelines for
EMC-compliant system design in the product documentation and the EMC design guidelines for SINUMERIK,
(order no.: 6FC5297-0AD30-0BP0) must be carefully observed and implemented.

 Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved

SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition E-277
E EC Declaration of Conformity 02.99

Appendix C to EC Declaration of Conformity No. E002 V 25/02/99

C: Conformity of the products with Council Directive 89/336/EEC has been verified
by inspection and testing in accordance with the following product standard, basic technical
specifications and the basic standards contained therein. Product categories SINUMERIK,
SIROTEC, SIMODRIVE and SIMATIC are subject to the requirements of
different standards.

C1 Product categories SINUMERIK*), SIMATIC, SIROTEC:

Basic specification: EN 50081-2 dated 8/93 1)
Basic standards: Test topic:
EN 55011 2) Radio interference
Basic specification: EN 50082-2 dated 3/95 3)
Basic standards: Test topic:
EN 61000-4-3 4) High-frequency irradiation (amplitude-modulated)
ENV 50204 5) High-frequency irradiation (pulse-modulated)
EN 61000-4-6 6) Conducted HF disturbance
EN 61000-4-8 7) Magnetic fields
EN 61000-4-2 8) Static discharge
EN 61000-4-4 9) Fast transients (burst)
*) except for SINUMERIK 810D

C2 Product categories SIMODRIVE, SINUMERIK 810D:

Product standard: EN 61800-3 10)

C3 Other standards complied with:

1) VDE 0839 part 81-2 6) IEC 801-6,
VDE 0847 part 4-6
IEV 1000-4-6
ENV 50141
2) VDE 0875 part 11 7) VDE 0847 part 4-8
IEC 1000-4-8
3) VDE 0839 part 82-2 8) VDE 0847 part 4-2
EN 60801 part 2
IEC 801-2
VDE 0843 part 2
4) VDE 0847 part 4-3 9) VDE 0843 part 4
ENV 50140 VDE 0847 part 4-4
IEC 801-4
5) VDE 0847 part 204 10) VDE 0160 part 100

 Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved

E-278 SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition
Closed-loop force control, 4-115
Configuration, 4-116
Force controller, 4-119
Force limitation, 4-115, 4-117
A Requirements, 4-115
Abbreviations of drive types, 3-51 Startup, 4-115
Absolute encoder, 4-140 Static friction injection, 4-118
Acceleration feedback, 4-110 Closed-loop velocity control
Acceleration limitation, 4-105 Acceleration feedback, 4-110
Activating the DAC output, 5-183 Adaptation of D component, 4-107
Activation of data, 3-58 Adaptation of P component, 4-107
Address Control output filter, 4-111
Documentation (fax, email), 8-238 controller D component, 4-110
Internet, 8-238 controller P component, 4-108
Technical Support, 8-238 I component, 4-109
Ambient mechanical conditions, 5-185 Integrator feedback, 4-109
Analogy of characteristic data, 1-17 Reference model, 4-111
Applications, 1-15 Velocity controller cycle, 4-106
Atmospheric pressure, 5-185 Comparison of electric and hydraulic drive
systems, 1-16
Configuring an OEM valve list, 3-92
Design, 3-92
Example of an OEM valve list, 3-92
Block diagram of control functions, 4-96 General, 3-92
Language-dependent OEM texts, 3-94
Language-dependent system texts, 3-94
C Language-dependent texts, 3-94
Configuring steps, 2-21
Characteristic compensation electrical, 2-21
Area adaptation, 4-124 Hydraulic, 2-22
Friction, 4-106 Configuring the hydraulic drive, 2-30
Linearization of valve, 4-125 Cylinder selection, 2-30
Offset, 4-129 Hydraulic power unit, 2-43
Characteristics of servo solenoid valves Natural frequency, 2-42
Dynamic performance, A-245 Selection of servo solenoid valves, 2-32
Filtration grade, A-246 Selection of shutoff valves, 2-39
Hysteresis, A-246 Connection and power loss calculation for the
Linearization of knee-shaped flow NCU, 2-45
characteristic, A-244 Connection configuration for HLA module, 2-27
Pressure amplification, A-242 Connection of 24 V supply
Range of inversion, A-246 With shut-off valve, 4-148
Rated flowrate, A-245 without shut-off valve, 4-148
Response sensitivity, A-246 Construction of an electro-hydraulically controlled
Circularity test, 3-88 drive axis, 1-18
Climatic environmental conditions, 5-185 Contaminants, 5-187
Closed-loop control functions, 4-99

 Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved

SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition Index-279
Index 10.03

Control direction F
Determine control direction, 3-62
General, 3-62 Fault responses., 6-189
Limitation of manipulated voltage, 3-62 File functions
Control output, velocity controller, 4-111 Load data, 3-75
Controller adaptation Save data, 3-75
General, 3-73 Filter
Implementation, 3-73 Control output filter in velocity controller, 4-111
controller D component, 4-110 Velocity setpoint filter, 4-100
Controller data/calculate drive model data, 3-61 Fine adjustment and optimization, 3-62
Controller optimization, 3-61 Force controller
D response, 3-71 controller D component, 4-121
General, 3-68 controller P component, 4-120
I response, 3-72 Feedforward control filter, 4-122
P response, 3-71 Feedforward control gain, 4-119
controller P component, 4-108 I component, 4-121
Cylinder Servo gain, 4-120
Construction, 1-19 Function generator, 3-84
Dead volume, A-255 Position setpoint, 3-87
Differential cylinder, A-254 Signal types, 3-84
General, A-254 Signals, 3-84
Quality criteria, 1-19 Start-up of force controller, 4-115
Quality of seals, A-255 Valve spool setpoint, 3-85
Through-rod cylinder, A-254 Velocity setpoint, 3-86
Cylinder data, 4-136
Cylinder drive, Cylinder data, 4-136
Cylinder selection, 3-56 G
Cylinder pipes, 2-31
Grounding concept, 2-48
Friction, 2-31
Mounting, 2-31
Mounting position, 2-31
Piston diameter, 2-30 H
Position measuring system, 2-31
HLA machine data, 4-165
Rod diameter, 2-30
Hotline, 8-238
Seal, 2-31
Hydraulic power unit, 1-20
Stroke length, 2-30
Configuration, 2-43
Cooling:, 2-44
Drive power, 2-43
D Filtration, 2-43
flow rate, 2-43
DAC assignment, 5-182
Pressure, 2-43
DAC parameter settings, 3-89
Pump type, 2-43
DAC selection list, 3-89
DC power supplies, 2-45
Deactivate adaptation, 4-107
Dew-point temperature td, 5-185 I
Display options, 3-91
I component, 4-109
Drive data
Incremental encoder, 4-140
Dynamic model data, 4-139
Integrator feedback, 4-109
Mechanical design of drive, 4-137
Valve-to-drive connection, 4-137
Firmware, 1-15
Drive model data, Changing valve data, 3-59
Hardware, 1-15
Dust, hazardous, 5-187
Interfaces on mains supply module, 2-28
Dynamic drive model data, 4-139
Internet address, 8-238
Dynamic stiffness control (DSC), 4-114

 Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved

Index-280 SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition
10.03 Index

L Output voltage range of the DAC output, 5-183

Overview of functions of HLA firmware, 4-97
Loaded valve data, 3-54 Overview of hydraulics module start-up
process, 3-49

Machine configuration, 3-49 P
Machine data groups, 3-91 Parameter set changeover, 4-98
Machine guideway Position adjustment, 3-67
Friction, 1-18 Position measuring system, 1-19, 4-140
Guide, 1-18 Actual position value, 4-144
Mains connection, 5-184 Linear scale graduations, 4-142
Manipulated variable inversion, 4-132 Phase error compensation, 4-141
Manipulated voltage limitation, 4-132 Possible dynamic response, 2-42, 4-95
Manipulated voltage output, 4-124 Power disable, 4-149, 4-150
Measurement function power enable, 4-149
Measurement of velocity controller, 3-78 Power supply
Position control measurement, 3-82 external, 2-45
Valve control loop measurement, 3-77 Internal, 2-45
Measuring system, 5-178 Preset unlisted valve, 3-55
Measuring system data Pressure sensing system, 4-145, 5-179
Absolute, 3-58 Offset adjustment, 4-145
Incremental, 3-58 Sensor adjustment, 4-145
Mechanical design of drive, 4-137
Modify drive machine data, 3-52
Limit frequency reached measuring R
circuit, 4-153 Reference model, 4-111
Measuring Circuit, 4-152 Referencing data for HLA
Power On alarms, 4-152 Piston zeroing, 3-67
Monitoring functions, 4-152 Position adjustment, piston position, 3-67
Mounting the HLA closed-loop control plug-in References, D-261
module, 2-29 Relative air humidity U, 5-185
Mounting/supply data Requirements of external 26.5 V supply, 2-45
Connection, 3-57
Drive data, 3-57
Supply unit, 3-57
Selection of servo solenoid valves
N Fail-safe position, 2-35
Flow characteristic
Natural frequency, 2-42 asymmetrical, 2-34
Natural frequency of hydraulic drive
Knee-shaped, 2-33
Possible dynamic response, 2-42
Linear, 2-33
Servo gain, 2-42
HR servo solenoid valves, 2-33
Pin assignments, 2-35
Hotline, 8-238
Preferred range of servo solenoid valves, 2-36
Technical Support, 8-238
Servo solenoid valve, 2-33
Valve size, 2-33
Valve types, 2-32
O Selection of shutoff valves
Objective, 1-15 General, 2-39
Offset adjustment Preferred range of shut-off valves, 2-41
Offset of pressure sensors, 3-64
Offset of valve manipulated voltage, 3-65
Reference value for pressure sensors, 3-65

 Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved

SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition Index-281
Index 10.03

Service functions terminals

Diagnostic machine data, 4-161 Power disable, 4-149, 4-150
Min/max display, 4-159 power enable, 4-149
Monitor, 4-160 Velocity controller enable, 4-150
Servo gain, 4-105 Transport conditions, 5-186
Servo solenoid valve Traversing direction
Function, 1-19 Cancel manipulated voltage limitation, 3-64
Task, 1-19 Definition of drive travel direction, 3-63
Servo solenoid valves Definition of travel direction in NC, 3-64
Features of HRV valves, A-252 Determine control direction, 3-62
Flow characteristic linear, A-243 Limitation of manipulated voltage, 3-62
Flow characteristic, with knee, A-244
Graphical symbol, A-240
HR servo solenoid valves, A-252
Mechanical structure, A-247
Pilot control principle, A-249 Unlisted valve data, 3-55
Sliding spool principle, A-239
Solenoid actuation with valve spool position
control, A-240 V
Zero overlap in mid-position, A-242
Shock stressing, 5-185 Valve amplifier, 1-19
Shutoff valve, 1-19 Valve data, 4-134
Signal Valve list
SMRDY, 4-151 Design, 3-92
Valve spool not reacting, 4-154 Example of an OEM valve list, 3-92
Velocity controller at limit, 4-153 General, 3-92
Start-up flow chart Language-dependent OEM texts, 3-94
Definition of drive travel direction, 3-63, 3-64 Language-dependent system texts, 3-94
Determine control direction, 3-63 Language-dependent texts, 3-94
Start-up sequence, 3-50 Valve selection
Start-up support, Disabled softkeys, 3-76 from list, 3-54
Static friction injection General, 3-53
Cutoff limit, 4-118 Loaded valve data, 3-54
Cylinder friction force, 4-119 Unlisted valve data, 3-55
Velocity threshold, 4-118 Valve selection softkey, 3-53
Storage conditions, 5-186 Valve selection from a list, 3-54
Supply unit data, 4-133 Velocity adjustment
Support, 8-238 Adjustment of controlled system gain, 3-66
System components, 2-26 Target, 3-65
System overview Velocity controller, 4-106
Components, 2-24 Velocity controller cycle, 4-106
Mounting the HLA closed-loop control plug-in Velocity controller disable, 4-151
module, 2-29 Velocity controller enable, 4-150
system variables, 3-94 Velocity feedforward control, 4-99
Acceleration limitation, 4-105
Friction, 4-106
Servo gain, 4-105
T Velocity setpoint, 4-99
Technical Support, 8-238 Velocity setpoint filter, 4-100
Terminals, 4-146, 5-181 Velocity setpoint interpolation, 4-99
External 26.5 V supply, 4-146 Velocity setpoint limitation, 4-105
Fault responses., 6-189 Velocity setpoint, 4-99
Function switch, 4-151 Velocity setpoint filter, 4-100
ON/OFF sequence, 4-146 Velocity setpoint interpolation, 4-99
Setup mode, 4-151 Velocity setpoint limitation, 4-105
Velocity controller disable, 4-151 Vibration stressing, 5-185

 Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved

Index-282 SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition
10.03 Index

W X111, 5-179
X112, 5-179
Weighting factor, 2-45 X121, 5-180
X122, 5-180
X141, 5-183
X X151, 5-183
X341, 5-183
X101, 5-178
X431, 5-181
X102, 5-178
X432, 5-181

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SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition Index-283
Index 10.03


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Index-284 SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 Edition
SIEMENS AG Corrections
P.O. Box 3180 SINUMERIK 840D
SIMODRIVE 611 digital
D-91050 Erlangen Germany Description of Functions
Phone: +49 (0) 180 / 5050 - 222 [Service Support] HLA Module
Fax: +49 (0) 9131 / 98 - 2176 [Documentation]
E-mail: Manufacturer/Service Documentation

Description of Functions
Order no.: 6SN1197-0AB60-0BP3
Name Edition: 10/03

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please notify us using this form.
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Documentation Overview SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D
General Documentation User Documentation

840D/810D 840D/840Di/ Accessories 840D/810D/ 840D/840Di 840D/840Di/ 840D/840Di/
810D/ FM-NC 810D 810D 810D

Brochure Catalog Catalog AutoTurn Operating Diagnostics Operating

NC 60 *) Accessories - Product Brief Instructions Guide *) Instructions *)
NC-Z - Programming - HT 6 - Product Brief
/Setup - HMI Embedded
- HMI Advanced
User Documentation Manufacturer/Service Documentation


840D/840Di/ 840D/810D 840Di 840D/840Di/ 840D/810D 840D/840Di/
810D 810D 810D

Programming Guide Operating Instructions System Configuring Operator Description of Description of

- Product Brief - ManualTurn Overview (HW) *) Components Functions Functions
- Fundamentals *) - Product Brief ManualTurn - 810D (HW) *) - ManualTurn Synchronized
- Production Planning *)- ShopMill - 840D - ShopMill actions
- Cycles - Product Brief ShopMill - ShopTurn
- Measuring Cycles - ShopTurn
- ISO Turning/Milling - Product Brief ShopTurn

Manufacturer/Service Documentation

611D 840D/840Di/ 840D/840Di/ 840D/810D 840D/810D 840D/810D
840D/810D 810D 810D

Description of Description of Description of Configuration Description of IT Solutions

Functions Functions Functions Point Functions - Computer Link
Drive - Basic Machine *) Tool HMI Embedded Project User - Tool Data Information System
Function *) - Extended Funct. Management interface - NC Data Management
- Special Functions OP 030 - NC Data Communication
- Tool Data Communica.

Manufacturer/Service Documentation

840D 840D/840Di 840D 840D
810D 611D 611D

Description of Description of Installation & Lists *) Description of Description of Functions EMC

Functions Functions Start-Up Guide *) Functions - Hydraulics Module Installation
SINUMERIK Digitizing - 810D Linear Motor - Analog Module Guide.
Safety - 840D/611D
Integrated - HMI Manufacturer/Service Documentation
Electronic Documentation


840D/840Di/ 840Di 840D/810D 840D/840Di/
840D/840Di/ 810D 810D
611, Motors

DOC ON CD *) Description of Manual Description of Manual

The SINUMERIK System Functions (HW + Functions @Event
ISO Dialects for Installation) Remote Diagnosis
*) Recommended minimum scope of documentation
Siemens AG
Automation and Drives
Motion Control Systems
P.O. Box 3180, D – 91050 Erlangen © Siemens AG 2003
Subject to change without prior notice
Germany Order No.: 6SN1197-0AB60-0BP3 Printed in Germany

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