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Part-I: UNIT 1 (Organic Chemistry)

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UNIT 1 (Organic Chemistry)

Crown ethers, Catenanes, Rotaxanes. Aromaticity: Huckel’s rule. Kinetic and
thermodynamic control, Transition states, Hammond postulate. Hammett’s equation.
Generation, structure, stability, reactivity of carbocations, carbanions, free radicals,
nitrenes, carbenes, and benzynes and their reactions. Aliphatic and aromatic nucleophilic
& electrophilic substitution reactions, types & mechanisms; Additions to carbon-carbon
and carbon-heteroatom multiple bonds, Reactions involving carbenes and nitrenes.
Stereochemistry: Symmetry, optical activity, enantiomers, absolute configurations, threo
& erythro isomers, resolution, diastereomers, stereospecificity, stereoselectivity, topicity,
asymmetric synthesis, chiral reagents, Cram’s and Prelog’s rules. Optical activity in
biphenyls, allenes, spiranes. Conformational analysis of cycloalkanes and decalins,
Curtin-Hammett principles, Winstein equation, Enantiomeric excess, CD, ORD, &
Cotton effect. Geometrical isomerism, Pericyclic reactions: Woodward-Hoffmann rules,
FMO approach, cycloadditon, dipolar addition and electrocyclic reactions, sigmatropic
rearrangements. Photochemistry: Principles, Norrish type-I & Type-II reactions, photo-
dissociation, -reduction, -isomerization, -addition & oxidation. Photochemical cells.

F. A. Carey and R. I. Sundberg, Advanced Organic Chemistry, Parts A and B, 5th

edition, Plenum Press, New York, 2007.
Jonathan Clayden, Nick Greeves, and Stuart Warren, Organic Chemistry, 2nd edition,
Oxford University Press, UK, 2012.
J. March, Advanced Organic Chemistry, Reactions, Mechanism & Structure, 4 th
edition, Wiley Interscience, 1994
P. Sykes, A Guide book of Mechanisms in Organic Chemistry, Orient-Longman, 1985.
I. L.Finar, Volume 1 and 2, The Fundamental Principles, 6th edition, ELBS, England,
E.L.Eliel, Stereochemistry of Carbon Compounds, Tata McGraw Hill, New. Delhi,
D.Nasipuri, Stereochemistry of Organic Compounds-Principles and Applications,
Second edition, Ch-2-6, New Age International Ltd. Publishers, New Delhi, 2007.
P.S.Kalsi, Organic Reactions and Their Mechanism, 4th Edition, New Age
International (P) Ltd. Publishers, New Delhi, 2017.
R.T.Morrison and R.N. Boyd, Organic Chemistry, Prentice Hall, New Delhi, 1994.

UNIT 2 (Physical Chemistry)

Chemical Thermodynamics: Laws of thermodynamics, Maxwell’s relations.

Applications of thermodynamics. Irreversible and statistical thermodynamics: Laws for
non-equilibirium process, dynamical transitions, partition functions, distribution theories.
Chemical Dynamics: Transition state theory. Marcus theory of electron transfer.
Theories of reaction rates, Reactivity and selectivity principles. Fast reaction
Techniques, Complex reactions, reactions in solution. Kinetics of photophysical
processes, quenching. Modern electrochemistry aspects, corrosion and its control,
Adsorption isotherms and aspects of catalytic chemistry
A.W. Atkins Physical Chemistry ELBS (IV Edition) Oxford University Press,
Oxford 1990.
J. Rajaram and J.C. Kuriacose, Thermodynamics for Students of Chemistry, Shobanlal
Nagin Chand Co. 1986.
K.J. Laidler, Chemical Kinetics. (Harper and Row) 1987.
K.K. Rohatgi Mukherjee, Fundamentls of Photochemistry, Wiley Eastern
Ltd., New Delhi, 1978.
UNIT 3 (Inorganic Chemistry)

Chemical periodicity Structure and bonding in homo- and heteronuclear molecules,

including shapes of molecules (VSEPR Theory). Concepts of acids and bases, Hard-Soft
acid base concept, Non-aqueous solvents. Main group elements and their compounds:
Allotropy, synthesis, structure and bonding, industrial importance of the compounds.
Transition elements and coordination compounds: structure, bonding theories, spectral
and magnetic properties, reaction mechanisms. Inner transition elements: spectral and
magnetic properties, redox chemistry, analytical applications. Organometallic
compounds: synthesis, bonding and structure, and reactivity. Organometallics in
homogeneous catalysis. Cages and metal clusters. Bioinorganic chemistry: photosystems,
porphyrins, metalloenzymes, oxygen transport, electron- transfer reactions; nitrogen
fixation, metal complexes in medicine.

J.E. Huhuy, E.A. Keiter, R.L. Keiter, Inorganic Chemistry: Principle of Reactivity and
Structure, Addison Wesley Pub.1993.
H.J. Emeleces and A.G. Sharpe, Modern Aspects of Inorganic Chemistry, Universal
Book Stall, New Delhi, 1989.
S.F.A. Kettle, Coordination Chemistry, ELBS & NELSON, 1969.
F.A. Cotton and Wilkinson, Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, 3rd Edn., Wiley Eastern,

J.E. Huheey, Inorganic Chemistry, Principles of Structure and Reactivity, 4th Edn.,
Harper & Row, 1978.
H.J. Emeleen and A.G. Sharpe, Modern Aspects of Inorganic chemistry, 4th Edn.,ELBS
& Roultedge of Kegan Paul, 1978.
P. Powell, Principles of Organometallic Chemistry, ELBS, Chapman and Hall, London,
UNIT 4 (Spectroscopy)
Interaction of electromagnetic radiation with matter, atomic and molecular spectroscopy,
UV-Vis spectroscopy: principles and instrumentation, Beer-Lambert’s law, Absorbance
and emission spectra, Woodward–Fieser rules, H-bonding & solvent effects. Theory and
instrumentation of Infra-Red spectroscopy, modes of vibration, Fermi resonance,
overtones, solvent effects, functional group identification. Principles and applications of
microwave and Raman spectroscopy. Principles of NMR spectroscopy, 1H and 13C
NMR (1D & 2D), Instrumentation, splitting patterns, stereochemical assignments, MRI,
multi-nuclear NMR, ESR spectra of organic free radicals and metal complexes. NQR
spectroscopy. Principles and instrumentation of mass spectrometry, fragmentation
patterns, isotope abundance, structure assignment. Powder and single-crystal X-ray
diffraction technique.
J. A. Iggo: NMR Spectroscopy in Inorganic Chemistry, Oxford University Press, 1999.
D. H. Williams, I. Fleming, Spectroscopic methods in organic chemistry, Tata McGraw
Hill. 1988.
Jack D. Dunits, x-ray analysis & the structure of organic molecules, Wiley-VCH; 2
edition, 1996.
Lund A., Shiotani M., Principles and Applications of Electron Spin Resonance, Springer
Verlag, 2008.

Polymer Chemistry
Introduction. Classification. Elastomers, Fibres and Plastics. Copolymers. Types of
polymerization, mechanisms and kinetics. Metathesis. Group-Transfer polymerization.
Solution Properties, Thermodynamics, and Molecular-weight determination. Thermal
properties and Degradation, Stability, & environmental issues. Polymer recycling.
Biodegradation. Polymer additives, blends, interpenetrating networks & composites.
Applications for polymers in separations, biotechnology, and electronics - Membrane
separations, Biomedical applications. Applications in electronics. Photonic polymers.

Joel R. Fried, Polymer Science and Technology, Prentice Hall 1999.
Fred W. Billmeyer, Jr, Text Book of Polymer Science, Wiley-Interscience 1985.

Advanced Organic Chemistry

Stereochemistry: Asymmetric carbon atoms. Configuration. Racemic modification.
Properties. Resolution. Conformations. O R D. and Circular Dichroism. Named Organic
reactions, Rearrangements and Reagents. Photochemistry: Photochemical reactions.
Woodward-Hoffmann rules. Proteins and Enzymes. Structure. Vitamins and Nucleic
acids. Biosynthesis of pyrimidines, purines and proteins, Haemoglobin.

Ernest L. Eliel, Stereochemistry of carbon compounds, Tata McGraw-Hill, 1976. I. L.

Finar,Organic Chemistry, Vol. 1 and 2, ELBS and Longman, 1975.

Spectroscopy of Organic Compounds

UV-Visible Spectroscopy: Principle, Instrumentation, and its applications in structural
elucidation of organic compounds. Quantitative analysis. IR-spectroscopy and Raman
spectroscopy: Theory and FT Raman Spectrometer. Applications. NMR Spectroscopy:
Quantum description of NMR. NMR spectrometer. Sample handling. Applications to
structure determination. Carbon-13 NMR. Nuclear Overhauser enchancement.
Applications of NMR to P-31 and F-19 nuclei, 2-D NMR. Mass spectrometry: Principle.
Double focusing spectrometer. Identification of organic compounds. Structural
information and fragmentation patterns. Rearrangements. GCMS and its applications.

J. R. Dyer, Applications of absorption spectroscopy of organic compounds, Prentice

Hall, 1974.
D. A. Skoog, F. J. Holler, T. A. Nieman, Principles of Instrumental Analysis, Harcourt
Asia PTE Ltd., V
Ed., 1992.

Classification and Principles of Chromatography: Theory and general description of
various types and applications. Gas Chromatography: Instrumentation and applications.
Gas-solid chromatography. Liquid Chromatography: Types-Liquid-solid. Liquid-liquid.
Instrumentation. HPLC: Instrumentation, Components, and applications. Partition
chromatography, Ion chromatography and Gel Permeation chromatography: Theoretical
plate theory and applications. Ion Chromatography: Ion-exchange resins, ion selectivity,
Applications, Gel permeation chromatography: Theory & applications in polymer
analysis. Paper chromatography, Thin layer chromatography. Adsorption
chromatography: Solvents, development of chromatogram.

Lloyd R Snyder, Principles of Adsorption Chromatography, Marcel Dekker Inc, 1968.
Stock and C. Rice, Chromatographic Methods, II Ed, Chapman and Hall, 1967.

Advanced Physical Chemistry

Quantum Mechanics: Schrodinger wave equation: Solutions for simple systems. Particle
in a Radial probability distribution. Wave mechanical treatment of probability
distribution. Chemical Kinetics and Catalysis: Kinetics and mechanism of complex
reactions, Molecular reaction dynamics. Acid-base and Enzyme catalysis. Quantitative
correlations of reaction rates and equilibria. The Hannut and Taft equations. Ionic
equilibria and Electrolytic Conductance: The theory of electrolytic conductance. Debye-
Huckel limiting equations. Instrumental Methods of Electrochemistry: Polarization.
Overvoltage. Electroanalysis and coulometry-principles & applications. Voltametry and
Polarography: Principles. Kinetics of electrochemical reactions.

Samuel Glestone, An introduction to Electrochemistry, East-West edition, New Delhi.

Paul Delahay, New Instrumental methods is electrochemistry, Interscience .
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
Acids and Bases: Acid-base concepts. Strengths. Solvents: Theory and factors affecting
solubility. Energy change. Born equation. Coordination Chemistry-I: Valence Bond
Theory for Complexes, Inner and outer orbital complexes. Magnetic properties, Crystal
Field Theory. Molecular Orbital Theory- for sigma bonding complexes and pi-bonding
complexes. Coordination Chemistry II: Spectral properties. Magnetic permeability and
susceptibility. Factors affecting stability, Kinetics and mechanism of reactions of
complexes. Organometallic Chemistry: Metal carbonyls, Nitrosyls, Metallocenes,
Dinitrogen compounds.

J.E. Huhuy, E.A. Keiter, R.L. Keiter, Inorganic Chemistry: Principle of Reactivity and
Structure, Addison Wesley Pub.1993.
H.J. Emeleces and A.G. Sharpe, Modern Aspects of Inorganic Chemistry, Universal
Book Stall, New Delhi, 1989.

Environmental Chemistry
Concept and scope of Environmental Chemistry. The hydrological, oxygen, nitrogen,
phosphate and sulphur cycle. Atmosphere: Composition, structure and evolution.
Chemical and photochemical reactions. Water resources, Physical Chemistry of sea and
fresh water. Composition of Lithosphere, water, air, organic and inorganic components
in soil. Air pollutants: CO, NOX , Hydrocarbons, Photochemical smog, SO2, acid rain,
particulates, radioactivity. Tropospheric chemistry. Water pollution. Water quality

parameters, sampling, preservation, monitoring techniques and methodology. Chemical
toxicology: Toxic chemicals and their impact on the environment.

A.K.De, Environmental Chemistry, New Age Intl.(Pvt) Ltd.,1998. Peter

O'neil, Environmental Chemistry, Chapman and Hall, 1985.

Electroanalytical & Thermal Methods

Conductometry: Conductivity. Measurement. Conductometric titrations - principle of
different types. High frequency titrations. Potentiometry: Theory. Various types of
Potentiometric titrations. Voltammetry: Polarography. Principle and applications.
Sinusoidal a.c. polarography. Stripping voltammetry. Amperometric titrations.
Biamperometric titrations. Chronopotentiometry. Electrogravimetry. Coulometry.
Thermogravimetry. Theory and Instrumentation. Differential thermal analysis.
Instrument, applications. DSC. Instrument and applications. Thermometric titrations.

G.H.Jeffery & others, Vogels Textbook of quantitative Chemical analysis, V Ed.

Willard, Merritt, Dean and Settle, Instrumental methods of analysis, VI Ed., CBS
Publishers and Distributors, Delhi, 1986.

Advanced Membrane Technology

Introduction, Importance of membranes in water management, Types of membranes;
Micro filtration, Ultra filtration, Nano filtration, Reverse osmosis membranes.
Advantages of NF membranes over RO membranes, common materials used for
preparation of membranes, requirements of good membranes, various applications of
synthetic membranes, different types of membrane preparation Nafion membranes,
polysulphone based membranes, cellulose acetate membranes. Membranes for fuel cell
applications. Support for membranes. Characterization of membranes by SEM,
performances studies of different membranes.

Naylor T Dev, Polymer membranes Elsevier science, Vol8, No5, 1996.

Schafer A, Anthony Fane T David Waite, Nanofiltration: Principles & applications.
ElsevierSscience, 2002.
Rijin C.J.M Van, Nano and micro engineered membrane technology. Elsevier Science

Advanced Electrochemical Methods of Analysis

Introduction, principles of potentiometry and polarogrpahy, cyclic volametry, stripping
voltametry, Concept of parallel plate capacitors and its applications, super capacitors,
Energy storage devises, Semiconductor electrodes, Potentyiodynamic and
galvanodynamic polarization method for corrosion study, AC impedance spectroscopy
and its advantages over DC method, Interpretation of Nyquist and Bode's plot, p-n type
capacitors, Mott-Schottky plot. Capacitance vs. E plot. Electrochemical Noise study and
its applications. Scanning electrochemical microscope (SECM): Instrumentation and its
applications. Inhibitors, Frumkin and Langmuir adsorption. Electrochemical methods in
development and characterization of nano materials.

Banerjee S N, An Introduction to Corrosion and Corrosion Inhibition, Oxonian Press

Ltd., New Delhi, 2000.
Fontana M G and Greene N D , Corrosion Engineering McGraw Hill New York, 3nd
Edn., 2004. Roos
Macdonald J, Impedance Spectroscopy, John Wiley and sons, new York. 1987.
Stephen Bialkowski, Photothermal Spectroscopy Methods for Chemical Analysis,
Wiley- Interscience, 1996.
Robert Cottis and Stephen Turgoose, Electrochemical impedance and noise, NACE
International, 1999.

Specialty Polymers
Conjugated or conducting polymers (CPs), types of conjugated polymers: polyacetylene,
PPP, PPV, polythiophenes, polypyrroles, polyfluorenes and their synthetic methods,
determination of molecular weights (number average and weight average) of polymers:
gel permeation chromatography-theory, conductivity in CPs:doping dopants and doping
level, mechanism of conductivity in CPs, charge carriers in conjugated polymers:
polarons, bipolarons, solitons. Optcal properties of conjugated polymers: energy levels
in CPs, HOMO-LUMO, fluorescence emission in CPs. Electroluminescence (EL),
electroluminescence efficiency, factors affecting EL efficiency. Applications of
conjugated polymers: polymer light-emitting diodes (PLEDs), electrochemical cells,
sensors, FETs, photovoltaic cells etc. Conjugated polymers for photonic applications:
Nonlinear optical properties of conjugated polymers, Liquid crystal polymers, Polymers
for TFT applications.

T.A. Skotheim, R.N. Elsenbaumer, J.R. Reynolds Handbook of conducting polymers, 2

Ed., Marcel Dekker Inc. New York, 1998.
P.N. Prasad, D.J. Williams, Intrduction to Nonlinear Optical Effects in Molecules and
Polymers, John Wiley, New York, 1990.
R.L. Sutherland, Handbook of Nonlinear Optics, Series of Optical Engineering, Marcel
Dekker Inc. New York, 1996.

Supramolecular Chemistry
Introduction to Supramolecular Chemistry: Inspiration, History and definitions.
Molecular Forces. Molecular Structure: Shape and Size, van der Waals radii, bond
lengths and bond angles, conformation. Common Motifs in Supramolecular Chemistry.
Overview of Experimental Techniques in Supramolecular Chemistry. Host / Guest
Chemistry: Cation binding, Anion binding, Neutral molecule binding. Crystal
engineering: Introduction & Tectons - synthons, Special role of hydrogen bonding,
Cambridge Structural data bases, Polymorphism, Co-crystals, Hydrogen
bond synthons common & exotic, Halogen bonding. Supramolecular polymers, gels and

Steed J. W., and Atwood J. L., Supramolecular Chemistry, Wiley & Sons: Chichester,
2000, 2 Edn., 2009.
Katsuhigo Ariga & Toyoki Kunitake, Supramolecular chemistry- fundamentals &
applications, Springer publications,
2007. Jonathan W. Steed, David R. Turner, Karl Wallace, Core Concepts in
Supramolecular Chemistry and Nanochemistry, ,2007.
Lehn J. M., Supramolecular Chemistry: Concepts and Perspectives, Weinheim: VCH
Paul D. Beer, Philip A. Gale and David K. Smith, Supramolecular Chemistry, Oxford
university press, 2005.

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