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Home  Criminal Law  Indian Evidence Act: Extent And Applicability

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Indian Evidence Act: Extent And Applicability

By Diganth Raj Sehgal - March 6, 2020  0

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This article has been written by Deyasini Chakrabarti from KIIT School of law,
Bhubaneswar, Odisha. This article mainly focuses on the Indian Evidence Act, 1872 – its
basic meaning, concepts, extent and applicability along with case references.

Table of Contents 
1. Introduction
2. Meaning Of Evidence
3. Background Of The Indian Evidence Act
3.1. The Ancient Hindu Period
3.2. The Ancient Muslim Period
3.3. In the British Era
4. Territorial Extent as per The Indian Evidence Act, 1872
5. Applicability of The Indian Evidence Act
5.1. Concept
5.2. Relevant Cases based on the Application
6. Different Views And Decisions As To The Applicability: Important Findings
6.1. ⊗ Judicial proceeding
6.2. ⊗ Evidence Act if applicable to the arbitration procedure
6.3. ⊗ Affidavits
6.4. ⊗ Affidavits filed suo moto
6.5. ⊗ Affidavits in Interlocutory application
6.6. ⊗ Domestic enquiry
6.7. ⊗ Applicability of the Act to Tribunal
6.8. ⊗ Application of the Act to the Commissioner
6.9. ⊗ Applicability of the Act to Labour Courts 
6.10. ⊗ Applicability to Income tax authorities
6.11. ⊗ Proceedings under the Contempt of Courts Act
7. Conclusion
8. Reference


The dynamic changing society fails to believe in the words of mouth, rather they prefer
written, documented statements to believe the facts of the same. Thus, evidence plays a
very important role in establishing the occurrence of events that had taken place or which
gradually would be taking place. Therefore, in order to establish the happening or non-
happening of events, evidence also plays a very important role in the Court of Law.

The law of evidence is therefore based on reasoning and logic. Without a proper piece of
evidence to determine the merit of the case in the Court of the Law, there will be much
delay in trial to ascertain and give justice to the people. Thus, the very idea of the
formation of the Indian Evidence Act is to give power to the judiciary and help them to
decide the case and give a verdict of conviction and acquittal depending on the facts and
evidence brought before it. Therefore, the Indian Evidence Act is a mode or an instrument
through which the court upheld its functions by reaching the truth of each case.

Meaning Of Evidence
When we hear the word ‘Evidence’ the first word with which we could associate it is the
word prove. Therefore, the word ‘Evidence’ is derived from a Latin word ‘evidera’ which
means to discover clearly or to ascertain. Some of the Jurists had defined evidence as:

According to Blackstone, “the evidence mostly signifies anything which demonstrates,

increases the transparency and ascertains the truth of the facts or points in issue either
on one side or the other side”.
Taylor describes evidence “all the means or the instruments which tend to confirm or
deny any matter, the occurrence of events and truth of which is being submitted for
judicial investigation.
Bentham however, had characterized ‘proof’ as any self-evident certainty, propensity and
the structure of which is to deliver in the brain an influence positive or disaffirmative, of
the presence of some other obvious truth.
According to Stephen evidence is the words uttered and things exhibited by the
witnesses before a Court of Justice.

Thus, it means the facts proved to exist by words or things and regarded as grand work of
inference as to other facts which are not so proved. Thus, the evidence is a medium or
instrument through which justice could be met out by the proper discovery of the facts of
the case.

However, Section 3 of the Indian Evidence Act 1872, states that “Evidence” means and

1. All statements which the Court permits or requires to be made before it by witnesses, in
relation to matters of facts under inquiry;
2. All documents which also include electronic records produced for the inspection of the
Court; such documents are documentary evidence.

Thus, to determine and distinguish the disputed facts, evidence plays a very important role
in it. It’s very objective is to determine or conform to the controverted question of fact in
the judicial proceedings, hence evidence is the judicial investigation based on logic and

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Background Of The Indian Evidence Act 

In order to know about the history or background of the law of evidence, 3 periods are
needed to be taken into consideration. Those are:

The Ancient Hindu Period 

The very foundation of the Law of evidence which is existing in our Indian society is the
Hindu Dharmashastra. As per the Dharmashastra, the purpose of conducting any trial is the
desire to find and ascertain the truth. It emphasized that an appointed authority or a judge
should find out the truth by utilizing his expertise and is ought to remove the double-
dealing like a doctor taking out from the body an iron dart with the assistance of the
careful instruments.

The Ancient Muslim Period

The English Law of evidence was not the Law of the Mofussil Court. On the other hand, the
Mohammedan Criminal law including the Mohammedan law of Evidence was no longer the
law of the country, and even though the Mohammedan Law was abandoned, the English
Law of evidence was not substituted in its place.

In the British Era

In British India, the administration courts by ideals of the Royal Charter build up in
Bombay, Madras and Calcutta were adhering to English standards of the law of evidence. In
Mofussil courts, outside the administration towns, there were no clear standards identifying
with the Law of Evidence. The Courts delighted in liberated freedom in the matter of
affirmation of proof. The whole organization of equity in the Mofussil courts, without any
positive principles in regards to the Law of Evidence, was in all-out mayhem.

There was a desperate need for the codification of the principles of law. In 1835, the main
endeavour was made to arrange the principles of evidence by passing the Act, 1835.
Somewhere in the range of 1835 and 1853 around eleven enactments were passed
managing the Law of Evidence. In any case, every one of these enactments was discovered

In the year 1868, a Commission was set up under the chairmanship of Sir Henry Mayne. He
presented the draft, which was later discovered inadmissible to Indian conditions. Later in
the year 1870, this task of codification of the standards of the Law of Evidence was
dependent on Sir James Fitzjames Stephen. Stephen presented his draft and it was alluded
to the select council and furthermore to High Courts and individuals from Bar to evoke the
conclusion, and, in the wake of social occasion feeling, the draft was put before the
governing body and it was instituted. Finally, “The Evidence Act ” came in to force on first
September 1872.

Before Independence, there were upwards of 600 princely states in India, which were not
inside the locale of the British arrangement of equity. Every one of these states had its own
principles of the Law of Evidence. Be that as it may, all things considered, followed the
Indian Evidence Act, 1872. After independence, there was a merger of princely states into
the Indian Union. Both the substantive as well as procedural laws have been made
consistently relevant to all States, regardless of whether the British region or native States.
The Law of Evidence is presently material to all States establishing the Union of India.
Territorial Extent as per The Indian Evidence Act,
Part 1, Chapter 1 and Section 1 of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872 state about the extent of
the Indian Evidence Act. It plainly expresses the way that the Indian Evidence Act, 1872
reaches out to the whole of India aside from the territory of Jammu and Kashmir. It
additionally applies to all the legal procedures in or under the watchful eye of the any Court
including the Court-martial, other than the Court-martial convened under the Army Act,
Naval Discipline Act or the Indian Navy (Discipline) Act 1934, or the Air Force Act yet not to
affidavits produced to any Court nor to procedures before a judge.

Applicability of The Indian Evidence Act

As already stated in Section 3 of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872 that it also deals with its
applicability. Evidence is the law of those matters which are completely governed by the
law of the country in which the proceeding takes place irrespective of the fact whether a
witness is competent or not, whether certain evidence proves certain fact of not. Therefore,
the lex fori determines all the questions which are related to the admission or rejection of

Relevant Cases based on the Application 

Section 3 of the Indian Evidence Act 1972, also defines what a Court is. As the above-
mentioned Section, the Court incorporates all the appointed authorities or judges and
Magistrates, and every other individual, with the exception of arbitrators who are lawfully
authorized to take evidence.

Likewise, an enquiry is judicial if the object of which is to be resolved has a jural

connection or relation between one individual and another or a group of people; or
between him or the community generally.

It had been held on account of Queen v. Tulja (1887) 12 Bom. 36, 42 that an enquiry
where evidence is lawfully taken can be remembered for the term of the judicial

In any case, an enquiry about issues of reality wherein no discretion is practiced or no

judgment is to be framed, however, some are being done as a specific method for an
obligation or duty, then at that point, it forms administrative enquiry rather than a
judicial enquiry.

Similarly, in the case of, Queen-Empress v. Bharma (1886) 11 Bom. 702 FB, it had been
held that procedure before a Magistrate who isn’t authorized to direct an enquiry is not a
judicial proceeding in any case.
It had been held in the case of Munna Lal v. State of U.P AIR 1991, All 189, 1991 Cr LJ
1893, that a Family Court also falls inside the ambit of the significance and articulation
of Court.
The statutory provisions additionally don’t have any significant bearing before an
arbitrator. Consequently, an arbitrator will undoubtedly comply with the standards of
natural justice. They are not limited to the specialized technique of the rule of evidence.
The Indian Evidence Act additionally doesn’t also apply to the affidavit.

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Different Views And Decisions As To The

Applicability: Important Findings
Prior to Independence, the Act was applied to what was known as the “British India” and
“British Burma”. However, the definition of “British India” was amended under Section 3(5)
of the General Clauses Act, 10 of 1897. In this way, 26 January 1950, India pronounced
itself as a Sovereign, Democratic, Republic and immediately Burma was likewise announced
as the Independent Republic from 23rd March 1956.

⊗ Judicial proceeding
The term Judicial Proceeding is defined under this Act. However, it had been held by
Justice Spankie in the case of R v. Gholam (1875) ILR 1 All that judicial proceeding can
be expressed as any procedure over the course of which evidence is or might be taken,
or in which any judgment, sentence or final order is passed on recorded evidence.
The Court has to perform administrative or executive and legal obligations all together
so that in a judicial proceeding, the adjudicator or the magistrate must act in a judicial

⊗ Evidence Act if applicable to the arbitration procedure 

The Act in clear terms doesn’t have any significant bearing to the arbitral method. As a
result of which arbitrator isn’t limited by the specialized standards of evidence except, if
the fundamental principles of fairness and well-established principles of evidence are not
Thus, it had been held in the case of Haralal v. State Industrial Court A 1967 B 174, that
the rules of Act don’t apply to the procedures before an arbitrator. The very object of
submission to an arbitrator is to have an expeditious dispute solving without getting into
the tedious and elaborate procedure of a regular trial or technicalities.
Even if the Indian Evidence Act doesn’t apply to the arbitration procedure still it had
been held in the case of Jatan Builders v. Army Welfare Housing Organization, 2009
AIHC 2475 ( 2485) (Del.) that arbitrator can evolve a procedure, which complies with
the principle of natural justice for conduct of the proceeding. However, even if the
provisions of the Evidence Act are not taken into consideration, still the parties and the
arbitrators cannot override or ignore the contractual terms and act contrary to it.
It is not a valid objection to the award that the arbitrators had not acted in strict
conformity with the rule of evidence. This had been held in the case of Ganga v. Lekhraj
(1887) ILR 9 All 253, that arbitrators are bound to conform to the rules of natural
Even in the case of Hoogly River Bridge Commissioners v. Bhagirathi Bridge Construction
Co.(1995) 1 Cal LJ 489; AIR 1995 Cal 274, it had been held that the Court is absolutely
not worried about the merit of the case. However, the principle of natural justice and
reasonable or fair play in real life requires some basic evidence either oral or
documentary before the arbitrators which would empower them to arrive at a just and
reasonable conclusion.

⊗ Affidavits 
The definition of evidence is excluded from the meaning of evidence under Section 3 of
the Indian Evidence Act and is also explicitly avoided under Section 1 of the said Act. In
this manner, affidavit is a personal oath or affirmation which is based on a person’s own
Affidavits per se don’t become evidence in suits, however, it can become evidence just
by the assent of the parties or where it is exceptionally approved by any provisions of
However, in the case of Shamsunder v. Bharat Oil Mills AIR 1964 Bom 38, it had been
held that affidavits can be used as evidence if, for sufficient reasons, the Court passes
an order under Order 19, rule 1,2 of the Code Of Civil Procedure 1908. It, therefore,
stated that an affidavit cannot be treated as evidence unless an order has been passed
under Order 19 of the Code of Civil Procedure.
In the case of Radhakrishnan v. Navoraton Mal Jain A 1990 Raj 127, 130, it had been
held that when there was no order of the court under Order 19 rule 1, affidavits filed by
the parties without giving them the opportunity of cross-examining the deponents,
cannot be treated as evidence.

⊗ Affidavits filed suo moto

An affidavit that is recorded suo moto by a party without having any direction from the
Court can’t be named as false evidence. But it had been held in the case of Delhi
Lotteries v. Rajesh Agarwal AIR 1998 Del 332, that no action under the Indian Penal
Code can be taken against the deponent.
⊗ Affidavits in Interlocutory application
Where the Court is explicitly allowed to choose the interlocutory issues on affidavit, it
draws the provision of Order 19 Rule 1 and 2 of the Code of Civil Procedure which can’t
be squeezed into service. It, hence, brings the terms and impediments endorsed by
request 19 rules 1 and 2 will be connected just if the Court practices the general
authority or power which is vested in it.
The scrutiny of wordings of rule 1 of Order 39 unmistakably shows that interlocutory
application for interim injunctions, the Court had been explicitly allowed by the
legislature itself to choose such applications on affidavit.
On account of B.N. Munibasappa v. G.D. Swamigal AIR 1959 Mys. 139, the Mysore High
Court held that while it would not be right to state that evidence can’t be viewed as
evidence despite the fact that its property delivered under rule 1, and 2 of Order 19 of
the Code of Civil Procedure, therefore plainly an affidavit can never replace an evidence
recorded in a common manner except, if the case is one to which the arrangement of
the provisions apply or the evidence identifies with an issue like an application for a
connection or an order as to which the code itself had made express opinion.
In the case of Kailash Nath Agarwal v. Amar Nath Agarwal AIR 1969 All 82, it had been
held that by importing legal fiction, the affidavits on record of the proceeding may also
be placed by the Civil Court as affidavit under Order 19 of the Civil Procedure Code and
may also be filed or read in evidence and cross-examination may also be permitted.

⊗ Domestic enquiry 
In the case of State of Haryana v. Rattan Singh AIR 1977 SC 1512, it had been held
that the rule of evidence under the Evidence Act may not apply to the domestic enquiry.
Similarly in the case of K.L. Shinda v. State of Mysore AIR 1976 SC 1080, the rule of
evidence doesn’t apply to departmental proceeding as well.
However, again there is a contradictory view in the case of Balkrishna Mesra v. Presiding
Officer, Orissa (1977) 35 Fac LR 11 (SC), that there is no bar on the part of the
competent authority to rely on evidence in disciplinary proceedings.

⊗ Applicability of the Act to Tribunal 

It is an established fact that domestic tribunals are not bound by the specialized
principles of methodology as are contained in the Evidence Act.
On account of B.Bhimrajee v. Union AIR 1971 Cal 336, it had been held that the rule of
evidence has no application in the departmental proceeding and the examination
witnesses need not be in the request set somewhere around the said Act.
Specialized standards of the Evidence Act don’t make a difference to the residential
enquiry yet substantive rules which structure the part of the principle of natural justice,
such that it can’t be disregarded in Domestic Tribunals. This had been held on account of
Central Bank v. P.C.Jain AIR 1969 SC 983.
The Act has no application to enquiries directed by the Courts despite the fact that they
might be legal in character. It had been held in the case of Union of India v. T. R. Verma
AIR 1957 SC 882, that it is the requirement of law that such Tribunals ought to watch
rules of natural justice in the conduct of enquiry.
⊗ Application of the Act to the Commissioner 
The Evidence Act doesn’t strictly apply to enquiries conducted by domestic Tribunals.
This had been held in the case of Ahmed v. Chief Commissioner AIR 1966 Mani 18.
However, a Commission appointed by Code Of Civil Procedure and Code of Criminal
Procedure has the power to summon the witness and evidence, and the rules of
evidence apply to the proceedings before him.

⊗ Applicability of the Act to Labour Courts

All the technicalities of the Evidence Act are not strictly applicable to Labour Courts and
Tribunals, except in so far as Section 11 of the Industrial Disputes Act 1947 and the
rules therein are permitted. This had been held in the case of Bareilly Electricity v.
Workmen AIR 1972 SC 330.
However, it had also been held in the case of Leonard Biermans v. Second Industrial
Tribunal AIR 1962 Cal 375 that a proceeding before an Industrial Tribunal is merely a
quasi-judicial proceeding and the evidence is not applicable to such proceedings.
Even in some cases, there has been contradictory views. In the case of Raghu v.
Burrakur Coal Co. Ltd AIR 1966 Cal 504, it had been held that it is a Court under Section
3 of the Indian Evidence Act, and therefore it must observe the rules of evidence and
natural justice.

⊗ Applicability to Income tax authorities

Income tax authorities are strictly not bound by the rules of evidence.
This view had also been laid down in the case of Commissioner of Income-tax v. East
Coast AIR 1967 SC 768.

⊗ Proceedings under the Contempt of Courts Act 

The provisions of the Evidence Act also do not apply to the reception of materials against
the contemnor in a contempt proceeding. This had been established in the case of
Basanta Chandra Ghosh, in the matter of AIR 1960 Pat 430.

The Indian Evidence Act, 1872 is so vast and its implications and interpretations are wide.
The application of the above Act though mostly depends upon the statutory provisions but
depending upon the circumstances, nature of the case along with the underlying principles
of natural justice the application also varies hugely. However, the very objective of the
Evidence Act is meted out that is the Court has to find out the truth on the basis of the
facts brought before the Court by the parties to meet the ends of justice as expeditiously
as possible. Thus, the Rule of Evidence is not to put limitations and restrictions on the
parties rather it acts as a guiding factor for the Courts to take evidence.
1. Law of Evidence: Sarkar, 19th Edition Vol. 1.
2. Law of Evidence by H.K. Saharay and M.S. Saharay.
3. Law of Evidence; Batuk Lal.

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