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Department of Management Studies BMS Semester 3 Syllabus June 2019 Onwards

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Department of Management Studies

Semester 3
June 2019 onwards
Learning objectives

 To make students understand human resource in its proper perspective.

 To familiarize them with the various functions of human resource management.

 To lay a strong foundation for pursuing goals of becoming HR strategists, change agents and
organizational transformationalists.

Sr. No Topics No. Of

I Introduction to HRM 15
Definition, features, scope/Functions of HRM.
Evolution of HRM/ Trends in HRM
Difference between HRM and PM
Challenges Before the HR Manager
Role of the HR manager
Traits/Characteristics of the workforce, Personnel Philosophy
Personnel Manual
Human Resource Planning:
Definition of HRP
Process of HRP along with brief coverage of personnel demand
and supply
Forecasting techniques
Factors affecting HRP
VRS, outsourcing, pinkslip/termination/retrenchment/downsizing/
Contracting and sub-contracting
Promotions and transfers
II Job analysis, Job Design and Job evaluation 15
Job analysis- definition, method of collecting job data, merits and
demerits/ limitations
Job design definition, factors affecting job design , approaches to
job design
Job evaluation- definition, methods of job evaluation, process of
job evaluation
Recruitment, selection and Induction:
Recruitment- Definition, sources of recruitment , merits and
Selection- definition process of selection, types of selection tests,
types of interviews
Induction/orientation- definition, methods, process
Training and Development
Definition if training and development
Methods of training Managers
Process/ Procedure of conducting training programs
How to evaluate effectiveness of training program
Advantages of T & D
III Performance Appraisal 15
Methods of appraisal for managers – traditional and modern
Process/procedure of conducting performance appraisal
Advantages of performance appraisal
Limitations of performance appraisal
Compensation management
Definition of compensation
Components of salary/ salary slip
Fringe benefits- definition and types
Performance linked incentives/incentives definition, advantages
and disadvantages.
Career planning and Development
Definition of career planning and career development
Process /procedure
Career stages/career life cycle and how to handle personnel at
each stage
Essentials to make career planning successful
Career counselling
Employee Retention techniques
Succession planning
IV Participative management 15
Definition of participative management
Levels of participation
Trends in Participative management
Factors important for effective participative management
Forms of participation
Participation through quality circles
Empowered teams
Industrial relations
Definition of industrial relations
Features of industrial relations
Importance of industrial relations
Approaches to industrial relations
Parties to industrial relations
Trade Unions
Definition of a trade union
Features of a trade union
Trade Union movement in India
Trends in Trade Unions

Continuous Internal Assessment:

Mid semester test
Project Work-Presentation
Sr. No. Title Author Publisher
1 Human Resources and Personnel K Aswathappa Test and Cases, 4e
2 Personnel Management Mamoria

3 Personnel Management Flippo Mcgraw

4 Excellence through HRD M Nair and T V Rao
5 Handbook of Human Resource Armstrong and
Management Practice MichealKogan Page

Knowledge Understanding Application

Unit I 06 05

Unit II 08 09 10

Unit III 04 03 04

Unit IV 04 03 04

TOTAL 22 20 18


Learning Objectives:

 To familiarize the students with the provisions and use of accounting information to managers
within organizations.

 To provide them with the basis to make informed business decisions that will allow them to
be better equipped in their management and control functions.

 To help them in preparing and presenting financial and other decision oriented information in
such a way as to assist management decision making.

Unit Topics No. Of

Number Lectures

I Analysis and Interpretation of Accounts 15

A. Study of Balance Sheet Schedule VI of Limited Company
B. Study of Manufacturing Trading Profit and Loss Account of a
Limited Company
Vertical Forms: Relationship Between items in Balance Sheet and
Profit and Loss account.
A. Trend analysis
B. Comparative Statement
C. Common Size Statement
II Ratio analysis and Interpretation ( Based on Vertical Form of Financial 15
Accounts) including conventional and functional classification restricted

a) Balance Sheet ration:-

I. Current Ratio
II. Liquid Ratio
III. Stock Working capital ratio
IV. Proprietary ratio
V. Debt – Equity ratio
VI. Capital gearing ratio
b) Revenue Statement Ratios:

I. Gross Profit Ratio

II. Expense Ratio
III. Operating Ratio
IV. Net Profit Ratio
V. Net operating profit Ratio
VI. Stock turnover Ratio
c) Combined ratios:-
I. Return on Capital employed (including long term borrowings)
II. Return on Proprietor’s Funds ( Shareholders funds and
preference share capital)
III. Return on Equity capital, dividend payout ratio
IV. Debt service Ratio
V. Debtors Turnover
VI. Creditors turnover
Different modes of expressing Ratios :- rate, ratio, percentage, number
Limitations of the use of rations, interaction of ratios
III Preparation of Statement of Sources and Application of Case (Cash flow 15
statement) with reference to Accounting Standard No. 3

IV Working Capital – concept 15

Estimation/ projection of requirements in case of trading and
Manufacturing Organization.

Marginal costing

Concept, Contribution, Break even analysis, Application if Marginal

costing in Managerial Decision making

Standard costing and Budgetary controls

Continuous Internal Assessment:

Mid semester test

Project Work-Assignment

Reference Books:

Sr. Title Author Publisher


1. Cost Management Saxena and Vashitha S. Chand and Sonsa

2. Cost & Management Accounting Ravi N. Kishore PulicationTaxmonth

3. Essentials of Management Accounting P.N. Reddy Himalaya

4. Advanced Management Accounting Robert S. Kailer Prentice Hall

5. Financial of Management Accounting S.R. Varshney Wisdom

6. Introduction of Management Accounting Charbs T Hornram PHI Leavington

7. Management Accounting I.M.Pandey Vikas Publication

8. Cost and Management Accounting D.K. Mittal Galgotia

9. Management Accounting Khan and Jani Tata Mcgraw

10. Management Accounting R.P. Resstogi Gelgoha

Learning Objectives:

 To help students understand the process of transformation of a range of inputs into

the required products/services having the requisite quality level.
 To introduce them to the planning, implementation and control of industrial
production processes to ensure smooth and efficient operation.
 To introduce them to the Operations Management, Facilities planning, Capacity
planning, Factory layout and location.
 To help students understand the concept of design function in an organization. To
introduce to the world of Project Management.

Unit Topics No. of

number lecture

1. Introduction to the concept of operations and Operation 15

Management - Development of Production Function. Relation of
Production with other Functions like design function, purchase
function, plant layout, maintenance etc. - Production classification,
product selection (steps in identifying the product for
manufacturing), Product development (market pull, technology
push, inter functional approach). - Brief description/importance of
research development and design of a product. Types of Production
2. Facilities planning (how much to produce, level of automation, 15
facilities required for manufacturing , where to produce, arranging
required facilities, how to produce etc.) production systems - Plant
layout: difference between various types of layout (Product layout,
process layout, Cellular layout, static layout etc) - Various types of
material Handling systems: their guidelines/principles,
distinguishing features, uses - Overview of various types of
maintenance systems - Meaning/functions/ nature of production,
planning and control
3. Factors Affecting Plant Location, Plant Location: Location 15
Evaluation Methods-I, Location Evaluation Methods-II. Facility
Layout and Planning-I, Facility Layout and Planning-II, Factors
Influencing Plant Layout, Material Flow Patterns, Tools and
Techniques used for Plant Layout Planning. Production Planning
and Control, Process Planning, Aggregate Production Planning,
Capacity Planning: Introduction, Capacity Planning: Examples.

4. What does Product and Service do? Objectives of Product and 15

Service Design. Other issues in Product and Service design.
Designing for mass customization, Reliability and Robust design.
Designing for manufacturing and concurrent engineering, Designing
for services and differences between product and service design,
Quality function deployment. Quantifying Reliability, and
Introduction to Project Management, Project life cycle, Work
Breakdown structure, and the role of Project Management in various
aspects of Business.

Continuous Internal Assessment:

Mid semester test

Project Work- Presentation

Reference Books:

Sr. Title Author Publisher

1. Principles of Operation Jay Heizer Prentice Hall
2. The Lean Manufacturing Pocket Kenneth W. DW
handbook Dailey Publishing
3. The Toyota Product James M. Productivity
Development System: Morgan and Press
Integrating people, process and Jeffrey K. Liker
4. The Toyota Production System: TaiiehiOhno and Productivity
Beyond large scale production Norman Bodek Press
5. Operations management: Lee J. Krajewski, Prentice Hall
Processes and Value Chains Larry P.
Ritzmann and
Manoj K.
6. Productivity and Inventory Donald Fogarty, Douth –
Management John H Western
Blackstone, College
Thomas R
7. Production and inventory George W Plossl Prentice Hall
Control : Principles and
8. Production Planning and W Bolton Addison
Control Wesley
9. Journal on Material and Supply
chain, materials management
Review (MMR), Indian Institute
of Materials Management,
10. Material Management: An P Prentice Hall –
Integrated approach Gopalakrishnan international
and M
11 Operation Management:, K. N. Dervitsiotis McGraw-Hill

12 Operations Management R.S. Russell, and Pearson

B.W. Taylor Education

13 Industrial Engineering and Production M. Telsang S. Chand &

Management Company Ltd.


1.To introduce students to the complexities of Consumer Behaviour with specific reference to
its dynamics in a globalised world.

2. To enrich the students with a better understanding of the Consumer Attitudes and
Behaviour so that they become effective managers and strategists in the workplace.

Unit Topics No. of

number lectures

1. Introduction 15

Introduction to Consumer Behaviour and Consumer Research -

Reviewing Segmentation strategies - Consumer motivation -
Motivation as a psychological Force - The dynamics of Motivation -
The measurement of motives - Ethics and consumer motivation -
Personality and Consumer Behaviour - Theories of Personality -
Personality and Understanding Consumer Diversity - Brand
personality - Self and Self Image - Me and myself - Virtual
personality of Self - Consumer perception - Elements and Dynamics
of Perception - Consumer imagery - Perceived risks and Ethics in
Consumer perception.
2. Learning & Attitudes 15

Consumer learning -Behavioural and Cognitive learning theories -

Measures of Consumer learning - Consumer attitude formation and
Change - Attitudes - Structural models of attitudes - Attitude
formation - Behaviour can precede or follow attitude formation -
Strategies of attitude change - Communication and consumer
behaviour - Components of communication - The communication
process - Designing persuasive communications - Marketing
communication and ethics - References groups and family
influences - Understanding the power of reference groups -
Celebrity and other references group appeals - The family is a
concept of flux - Socialization of family members - Other functions
of the family - Family decision making and consumption related
roles and The family life cycle.
3. Social class & Culture 15

Social class and consumer behaviour - Social class - The

measurement of social class - Lifestyle profiles of the social classes
- Social- class mobility - Geodemographic clustering - The affluent
consumer - Middle class consumer - The influence of culture on
consumer behaviour - Culture- The invisible hand of culture -
Culture is dynamic - The measurement of culture - Indian core
values - Subcultures and consumer behaviour - Nationality
subculture - Religious subculture - Geographic and regional
subculture - Racial subculture - Age subculture - Sex as a subculture
- Subculture interaction.

4. Cross culture: A globalised perspective / Decision Making 15

Cross culture consumer behaviour: an international perspective -

The imperative to be multinational - Cross cultural Consumer
analysis - Alternative multinational strategies: Global V/s local -
Cross cultural Psychographic segmentation - Consumer Influences
and diffusion of Innovations - Opinion leadership - Dynamics of the
opinion leadership process - The motivation behind opinion
leadership - Measurement of opinion leadership - A profile of the
opinion leadership - Diffusion of Innovations - Diffusion process -
Adoption process - Profile of the Consumer innovator - Consumer
decision making and beyond - Decision - Levels of Consumer
decision making - Models of Consumer: 4 views of Consumer
decision making - Model of consumer making decision -
Relationship marketing.


Sr. Title Author Publisher

1. Consumer Behaviour ** Leon G Schiffman, 10 th Edition,

Leslie Lazar and Prentice Hall

2. Understanding Consumer Decision By Thomas J. Psychology Press

Making: The Means-End Approach to Reynolds, Jerry C.
Marketing and Advertising Olson
3. Advertising and the mind of the Max Sutherland Krogen Books
consumer** and Alice K

4. Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Henry Assael South Western

Action Publication

5. Consumer Behaviour in Asia** Hellmut Schutte NYU Press

and Deanne

6. Consumer Behaviour Jim Blythe Sage Publication

2nd Edition

7. Consumer Behaviour Isabelle Szmigin Oxford University

and Maria Press

** Recommended books


CIA 1: 20 Marks: Written test

CIA 2: 20 Marks:Industry based assignment and study, evaluation by way of group

presentation/ individual viva/ Group viva

Evaluation Grid


I 8 3 4 15

II 6 4 5 15

III 6 4 5 15

IV 5 4 6 15

TOTAL 25 15 20 60


For 60 marks : 4 Units- 4 Questions of 15 marks each [per unit]

For 100 marks: 4 Units- 5 Questions of 20 marks each [Q1 of ALL units and Q2 to Q5 per


Learning objectives:

 To help students understand the aggregate behaviour of the economy as a whole.

 To introduce them to the major economic issues, problems and policies of the present times

Unit Topics No. of

number lecture

1. Introduction to macro economics 15

Macroeconomic aggregates and concepts

Circular flow of income

National income and related concepts, calculation of National
income, National income and social welfare, concept of Human
Development Index.
Supply of money, demand for money, price level.
Inflation and Stagflation
Determination of income and Employment

Overview of classical and Keynesian analysis

Business cycles- features, causes and remedial measures
Equilibrium in the goods and money markets(IS-LM)

2. Policy Environment 15

Role of State in different economic systems

Theory of economic policy
Monetary policy-objectives and instruments
Fiscal Policy-objectives and instruments, impact on business,
concept of inclusive growth.
Economic stabilization-Fiscal v/s Monetary Policy and Structural
Trade policy- Protection v/s Free trade
3. International Trade 15

Overview of international trade

Distinction between domestic and international trade
Basis of trade-comparative cost difference, factor endowment and
factor intensity.
Balance of Payments- accounting structure, disequilibrium (types,
causes and remedial measures), and trends in India’s balance of
Mechanism for international payments.
Flexible v/s managed exchange rate systems.
4. Globalization 15

Globalization-meaning and effects(gains and problems), role of

IMF and World Bank, concept of global recession with contagion
World Trade Organization –agreements and implications for India,
contentious issues, dispute settlement mechanism-1.
Foreign Capital-need for foreign capital, role of MNCs,
FDI v/s portfolio investment, causes of rising FDI in India

Continuous Internal Assessment:

Mid semester test

Project Work-Presentation

Reference Books:

Sr. No Title Author Publisher

1. Macroeconomics Dorpbusch R, Fischer Tata McGraw Hill

and Startz

2. Macro Economics Richard T Froyen Pearson Ecucation

3. Macro economics Mankiw N G Worth Publishers

4. Macro economics Prabhat Patnaik Oxford University


5. Macro economics Andrew Abel and Ben Pearson Education


6. Macro economics for business H L Ahuja S. Chand Publications


7. Macro economics for management A Nag McMillan

students-1 Publications
8. Macro economics Environment an Shyamal Roy Tata McGraw Hill
analytical guide for managers

9. Monetary economics: Institutions, Suraj B. Gupta S. Chand

Theory and Policy

10. International economics Robert J Carbaugh Thomson Southestern


Learning Objectives:
 To impart in depth and extensive practical knowledge of the different elements of taxation
with special reference to the new taxation structure under GST( Goods and Services Tax)

Unit Topics No. of

Numbe lectures
I Direct Tax

Basic concept like person , assesse, pervious year,

Assessment Year, Income,

Residential status, condition for determining residential


Topics covered in 1 and 2 only for better

understanding of next topics. It will not be asked in

Scope of total income

Income from salary

Calculation of income from salary, allowances

Exemption from income from salary.

1.Provident fund

2. Gratuity

3. Pension

4. Leave travel salary.

5. Problem Solving 15

II Income from House Property

Calculation of income from House Property, Net Annual

Deduction from House Property U/s 24

Problem solving

Income from Business and profession

Reconciling business profit with income tax, Exp.

Allowed , income allowed, Exp. disallowed , Income

Calculating business profit from receipt and payment A/c

Problem Solving

Income from Other sources

List of Income considered as income from other source

Concept like relative, agricultural income, exemption from

income from other surce

Problem Solving


III Income from Capital Gain

Explanation of concept of capital asset, short term long

term , Indexation, Exemption from income from capital

Various cases u/s 49

Problem solving

Deduction U/S 80

Total Direct Tax 15

IV Goods and Services Tax Act

Earlier indirect tax structure

Features of constitutional amendment

Decision making / GST council, constitution and decision

making at GST

Taxability/ taxable event

Registration, composition scheme Input tax credit

Returns , due date , payment of tax 15

Continuous Internal Assessment:

Mid semester test

Project Work-Assignment

Reference Books

Sr. no Title Author Publisher

1 Students guide to income tax V K Singhania Taxman

2 Systematic approach to Income Ahuja and Gupta Bharat Law

Tax Publication

3 Income Tax T M Manoraham

4 Direct Tax ready reckoner N V Mehta KuberPublictaion

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