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50 Drug Pic by Bhanja

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The document discusses 50 homeopathic remedies, their key indications and characteristic symptoms.

Anxiety, restlessness, fear, intense thirst, sensitivity to light, sound and pain, dry hot skin.

Patients experiencing swelling and stinging pains, especially widows and nervous girls who are tearful and restless.



Only those drugs have been. dealt with which are indis-
pensable for my readers who would have to consult Part
11 of the book, dealing with the Treatment of Diseases.

Those marked with asterisks are of special importance.

These are thirty in number as you will find on counting,
Study these fifty drugs as thoroughly as you can before
plunging into the Therapeutic portion of the book, namely
Part II.

1. Aconite* 18. Cuprum met. 35. Phosphorus

2. Apis* 19. Dulcamara* 36. Psorinum
3. Arnica* 20. Gelsemium* 37. Pulsatilla*
4. Arsenic 21. Graphites* 38. Rhus tox.*
5. Baptisia 22. Hepar sulph.* 39. Secale
6. Baryta carb. 23. Hyoscyamus* 40. Selenium
7. Belladonna* 24. Ipecac.* 41. Sepia
8. Bryonia* 25. Kali bich. 42. Silicea
9. Calcarea* 26 Kali carb.* 43. Stannum met*
10. Carbo veg. 27. Kreosote 44. Staphisagria
11. Causticum 28. Lachesis* 45. Stramonium
12. Chamomilla* 29. Lycopodium* 46. Sulphur*
13. Chelidonium 30. Merc sol.* 47. Sulphuric ac.
14. China 31. Nat mur.* 48. Syphilinum*
15. Chia* 32. Nitric acid* 49. T'huja*
16. Colchicum* 33. Nux vomica* 50. Tuberculinum*
17. Colocynth 34. Opium
Aconite often comes into play in the beginning of acute
diseases. ft is particularly adapted to full-blooded young,
robust persons. Not adapted to cases of blood-
The patient is anxious. Anxious restlessness. Restless-
ness and tossing about in fear and other complaints. Fear
dwells in the mind. Ailments caused by fear, fright. Fear
of dark, of crowds, to cross streets. Particularly, fear of
death. Predicts the day or hour the patient will die.
Sudden and great sinking of strength. Pains insup-
portable, esp. at night. Suddenness and intensity characte-
rize the onset of an acute disease. Dry, hot skin. Thirst
for large quantities of water. Burning thirst. Very high
sensitiveness to light, sound, pair. Bright redness of blood
and its copiousness characterize Acon. bleeding. Sweats on
uncovered parts (covered parts, Bell.).
Ailments caused by dry, cold winds or air. Worse
from intense heat, esp. sun's heat. Worse in evening ;
night ; about midnight.

Any disease characterized by oedematous swelling and
stinging pain.Esp. adapted to widows. Nervous girls,
who are awkward and let things fall from the hands from
inadvertency and sometimes laugh sillily at the mishap.
Moaning and whining. Great tearfulness ; cannot help
crying. Busy, restless constantly changing his occupation.
Burning, stinging pain. Oedema, general or local.
Thirstlessness. Great drowsiness. Scanty urination. Skin
alternately dry and perspiring. Sudden, shrill piercing
screams during sleep or deep stupor. Right-sidedness. Sore-
ness and sensitiveness to touch and pressure. Stretched-

tight-feeling. Feels as if every breath would be his last.

Violence and rapidity of an attack.
Worse from heat. Sensitiveness to heat, esp. heated rooms
which are intolerable. The task of cooking before a fire is
quite an ordeal to an Apis patient, as I have often
observed in women.
Better from cold water, cool air, cold bathing.
Plethoric red-faced persons, with lively expression are
liked by Arnica. Persons who are extremely sensitive to
mechanical injuries ; nervous, cannot bear pain.
Fears touch or approach of anyone. Feels that anyone
approaching him is going to hurt him (as in painful affec-
tions). Unconsciousness. Stupid condition, when spoken
to answers correctly, but unconsciousness and delirium at
once return.
The whole body feels sore and bruised and is sensitive
to touch.. *Bed feels too hard. Stupor with involuntary
discharge of stool and urine. Putrid smell from mouth.
Face alone hot, rest of body cool. Heat of upper part of
body ; coldness of lower. Eructations foul, putrid. Black
and blue spots on the body. Tympanitic distension of
abdomen. Great prostration of strength. Tendency to
bleeding esp. from nose.
No matter what the disease or ailment may be, if it is
traceable to remote effects of mechanical injuries (received
years ago) Arnica is the medicine, or at least the first
medicine to be thought of.
In any morbid condition of body or mind originating
in mental wound caused by grief, remorse or suden realiz-
ation of financial loss. The reader, who is clever enough
to follow the spirit of my mehtod of exposition of the action
of Arnica, will, in a case of abnormally exalted state of
delight immediately followed by unconsciousness or any
untoward condition threatening heart failure, administer
with the quickness of a lamp-lighter two or three doses or

even more of Arnica 30 or Arnica 200 at short intervals of

a few minutes till response to the drug is evinced. Such an
exalted state of mind is at times caused by, say, winning a
giant prize in a cross-word competition or any lottery and
is apt to be suddenly followd by adverse symptoms of
mental shock as enumerated above.
Moreover, you should know that suddenness is a feature
of Arnica pains and action. Remember : sudden onset of a
disease with sudden chill, 1Tostration, stupor, retention of
urine or invlountary urination, unconscious evacuation arid
bloody urine.
Lastly do not forget that offensiveness, putridity and
sepsis are very marked notes of Arnica.
The patient is worse from damp cold weather. Feels
better from lying down and lying with head low.

In broken down constitutions, when the patient is
cold, pale, sickly. Broken down constitution from syphilis
or malaria. After suppression of an ulcer by salves or an
old ear discharge by external application. Chilly, hugs fire.
Anxiety and fear of death. He is not so much afraid
of death, but that he feels the violence of his suffering and
thinks he will die because his disease is incurable. Men-
tally restless (anxious restlessness). Wants to be moved
from one bed to another.
Burning pains relieved by heat. *Great thirst for cold
water ; *drinks often but little at a time. Rapid failure of
strength. *Putridity *cadaveric odour. Cold, clammy
perspiration. Puffiness of
; face, esp. around eyes.
Remember that suddenness and violence are two
marked features of Arsenic.
*Worse after midnight (1 to 2 a.m.). (Acon. aggrava-
tion takes place rather before midnight.) Feels always
chilly and is worse in cold, damp weather.
Feels better from heat in general (reverse of Secale).
Hugs the fire, loves warmth (Nux-v., Psor., Hepar, Silic) ;
wants to be worapped up warm.

Complaints return every day ; every third or fourth

day ; every fortnight ; every six weeks; every year (Carb-v.,
Lach., Sulph., Thuj).

Adapted to any disease traceable to septic or zymotic
cause leading to the poisoning of blood from drinking
poisonous waters, from noxious exhalations, etc.
Dull, confused. Stupor with besotted expression. Heavy
sleep, can scarcely be aroused long enough to answer a
question ; falling asleep in the middle of a sentence. Illusion
that the body is double.
Bruised sore feeling all over. Bed feels too hard. Face
dark red, with besotted look. Tongue is coated, yellowish
brown in the centre, with red shining edges. Discharges
and exhalations offensive. Stool horribly offensive. Involuntary
discharge of stool and urine. Rapid prostration. Can
swallow liquids only (Bar-c. ).

Infancy and old age, esp. premature old age. Scro-
fulous, dwarfish. Children who do not grow, are slow
in learning to walk, slow with their studies, in a word,
slow in performing life's functions.
Memory deficient. Cowardly. Dwarfish. Children with
undeveloped brain.
Abdomen bloated, the rest of the body emaciated.
Sickly countenance. Cold, offensive foot-sweat. Cold, clammy
feet. Swelling and induration of glands. Paralytic conditions.
High blood pressure.
The patient is chilly ; sensitive to cold, wants to be
wrapped up. Great tendency to catch cold.

Adapted to flabby-muscled, sluggish, bilious, and
plethoric constitutions. Esp. adapted to chubby, large-

headed children. Child is well one minute and sick the

Sudden onset of a disease with violent symptoms.
Redness and bloatedness of face ; full, quick pulse. Head
hot, while the hands and feet cold. Sleepy but cannot sleep.
Starting as in fright when closing eyes and during sleep.
Sweat on covered parts. Child cries out suddenly and after
a while cease suddenly, as if nothing had been the matter.
Grinding of teeth.
Aggravation from exposure to draft of air esp. when
it affects the head. Wants to be wrapped up. The
patient is oversensitive to pain, so that slight movement,
least touch *least jarring, even light and noise aggravate
sufferings. Sit as softly as you can manage on the bed of
the patient, imperceptible jarring thus produced proves
distressingly painful to him. Even talking creates a concussion
in sore parts. Aggravation from lying down.
Amelioration from bending affected parts backwards
and inwards. From warmth.

Adapted to gouty and rheumatic diathesis. Tendency
to bilious attacks. Persons who over-eat (gourmands)
Exceedingly irritable. "Desires things immediately
which are not to be had, or which when offered are ref-
fused." Wants something but knows not what. Children
dislike to be carried or to be raised.

Desires to lie down and remain quiet. Aversion to least

motion. Thirst for large quantities at long intervales. Nausea
and fainting on sitting up. Constant disposition to sigh ; to
yawn. Chewing motions of mouth. Sweat oily, greasy.
Mucous membranes dry. Stitching pains worse from motion.
*Decidedly worse from motion. Motion may be caused by
changing position, by jar, by any effort to talk, to think,
to cough, to move eyeballs, to wink, even to see and hear.
Bryonia patients require deep breathing, but as it excites
pain (lungs), take short, rapid breaths which are panting.

*Dizziness or even fainting on sitting up. The patient

*desires absolute rest, both physical and mental. Worse from
becoming overheated. Worse in hot weather. Child kicks
the covers off (intolerance to heat).
*Better from pressure (from *lying on painful side,
bandaging etc.). From cool, open air. *From keeping
perfectly still.
Fair, fat and plump. Children and young persons
disposed to grow fat ; corpulent, unwidely. Children
with flabby muscles, who sweat easily and take cold readily
in consequence. Girls who are fleshy, plethoric, grow too
rapidly, but are easily fatigued and get out of breath.
Persons who feel generally better when constipated.
Disposed to weep ; to be easily frightened ; to be afraid
lest she will lose her understanding and the people would
observe her confusion. Apprehensive of some impending
Child is precocious, obstinate, self-willed, cries persis-
Irregular growth. Malnutrition and malassimilation.
Head too large. Large, hard abdomen. Sweaty head.
Profuse sweat on head, particularly while sleepieg, wetting
the pillow for a space around the head (Sonic.). *Damp,
cold feet. "Skin cold, like a snake." Easily fatigued both
from mental and physical exertion. Unusual craving for Egg.
Chews and swallows in sleep. Stiffness all over.
Worse from cold, cold air; from working in cold water ;
from bathing ; from cold, damp air. Cold, damp air is pene-
tratingly chilly. Out of breath from slight exertion. Worse
at full moon, at new moon.
Better from dry weather.

Adapted to persons who are old and debilitated. "Weak
delicate persons who are old, dyspeptics, esp. if they have

abused their digestive organs by debauchery." Persons who

have never recovered from the effects of injury sustained
long ago. Cases in which a patient complains that his
present complaints have originated in certain disorders or
depressing influences in the past, and dates back his com-
plaints to these conditions which are almost now forgotten
and not traceable in his present ailments.
Aversion to darkness. Fear of ghosts. Slow to think.
Weak memory.
Weak digestion. Simplest food disagress. Bloating of
upper abdomen in particular. Burning pains. * Wants more
air and to be fanned all the time. Great foulness of all
secretions. Icy cold. Cold breath. Cold tongue. Cold sweat.
Pinched, Hippocratic face. Blueness of skin ; of lips. Voice
hoarse or lost. Vital forces nearly exhausted, cold surface,
esp. from knees down to feet.
Worse from warmth. cold but wants to be fanned.
Relieved by being fanned.

Chronic diseases in old broken down constitutions ;
weak scrofulous persons with yellow, sallow complexion.
Dyspeptics and consumptives.
Timid, nervous, and fearful, esp. at night. Child is
afraid of strangers.
Nails crippled. Warts. Frequent but unsuccessful desire
for stool. At night, cannot get any position or lie still
a minute ( Rhus-t.). At night the legs are constantly "on
the go." Weakness of Causticum is progressive until there
is gradually appearing paralysis. Burning is a characteristic
note. The other is tension and contraction.
Sensitive to both heat and cold. A chilly patient.
Great sensibility to currents of air, and to cold. Generally
worse in clear, fine weather. Thinking of complaints
excites them. Complaints coming on at new moon.
Feels better in damp, wet weather.

Adapted to very irritable children. New-born children,
and, in particular, children *during the period of dentition.
Child is exceedingly fretful, watns to be carried all the time
to be quieted. Whining restlessness. Does not endure
to be spoken to, nor to be interrupted when conversing.
Uncivil irritability.

One cheek red, the other pale. "One cheek red and
hot, the other pale and cold." Warm sweat about head.
Drowsiness with sleeplessness (Bell, Opium). Drowsiness
with moaning during sleep. In sleep, half-open eyes.
Face hot, rest of body cold. Burning of soles at night,
puts feet out of bed.
*Numbness with pain. Hot sweat with pain.
Worse from damp, cold weather. Better from warm,
wet weather. While face and head are not sensitive to
open air, the ears are markedly so.

Adapted to those who are affected with gastric disorders
and liver troubles. Tubercular diathesis.
Desire for milk, esp. hot milk ; desire for very hot
drinks ; all of these agree. Bad odour from mouth.
Sallow sunken face. Stool clay coloured or yellowish.
Alternating diarrhoea and constipation. Cold finger-tips.
One foot cold. Icy coldness of right foot Small lumps of
mucus fly from the mouth while coughing (Badi., Kali-c).
Dirty yellow colour of face. Tongue thickly coated yellow,
with red edges.

Ailments caused or renewed by change of weather

( Mere-s.). The patient is susceptible to change of weather.
Slightest motion often aggravates symptoms to an alarming
extent. Slightest touch on painful parts may extort screams.
Feels better after eating; after rest.

Face pale, earth-like (sunken face). System debilitated
and emaciated from loss of vital fluids (Carb-v). Disposed
to dropsical swelling ; to catarrhs, or to diarrhoea.
Execessively irritable, inability to bear least noise.
Apathy and taciturnity.
Lassitude with inclination to sit down. Milk deranges
stomach easily. Dizzy when walking. Liver sensitive to
touch and pressure. Disposed to sweat. Weakening (light-
sweats. One hand icy cold, the other warm ( Digit., Ipec.,
Puls.). Hungry, yet lacking appeatite. While slight pres-
sure (touch) intolerable, hard pressure relieves.
Sensitive to draughts of air.

Suited to children, esp. children during dentition.
Obstinate children with black hair and black eyes. Children
with worm affections. Patients between two and ten years
of age come within the remedy's special range of action.
When an epidemic (particularly measles - at least this is
my own experience) is prevalent, Cina often comes into play.
Irritable. Child is ugly, very cross. Child cries when
it is touched. Resents being touched, spoken to, or looked
at. Cannot bear one to approach or come near it.
Aversion to caresses. Naughtiness. The child desires
all kinds of things which are petulantly rejected or pushed
away when offered or some moments after. Wants to be
rapidly rocked all the time, will perhaps sleep while being
rocked. Stiffens out, esp. if crossed.
Grinding of teeth during sleep. Picks, bores into or
rubs the nose. White turbid urine. Wets the bed Infant
wants to be nursed all the time. Will not sleep without
rocking Wakes frightened. Will lie on abdomen or get
on hands and knees during sleep. Hungry shortly after
a meal. Craving for sweets.
Finds relief from moving about.
Aadpted to gouty, rheumatic diathesis. Gout in per-
sons of robust and vigorous constitution.
The least external impression (light, noise, strong
odour, bad manners) is annoying or may even drive him
to distraction.
Yellow spots on face. Lips cracked, Cannot lie on
left side. Urine red and scanty. General dropscial con-
ditions. Smell of cooking food causes nausea even to faintness.
Aversion to food ; the sight thereof or still more its smell
is loathsome. Burning or icy coldness in stomach and
abdomen. Affected parts very sensitive to contact and
motion. Great prostration accompanies many complaints.
of Colchicum. *Violence of symptoms (acuteness of pains,
etc.) is very characteristic.
Worse from motion. Aversion to motion. Worse in
cold, clamp weather. The patient is chilly and sensitive
to cold ; from changing of weather.
Better from warmth. But warm room may cause.

"Those liable to cramps and colic, from fruit, lead-
posioning or excessive venery."
Becomes angry when questioned. A peculiar iritabi-
lity in which things are thrown out of one's hands.
Semi-lateral pains. Stiffness in all joints. Pains often
accompanied by stiffness.

Persons prematurely old from sexual excessess, and
those who are overtaxed in both body and mind.
Unconquerable anxiety, as if some misfortune is ahead.
Taste sweetish or metallic. When drinking, fluid
descends with a gurgling sound (Arsen., Thuja). Constantly
protrudes and retracts the tongue like a snake (Lach.)

Violence runs through the remedy (as in cough, headache,

cramps). Bad effects (esp. convulsions) of suppres-
sion of eruptions. There is a tendency of all symptoms to
return periodically. This is due to poor or defective reac-
tion esp. when such defective reaction is traceable to both
physical and mental overexertion. In such cases Cuprum
brings about reaction and paves the way to indicating some
other remedy which then effects a cure. Cuprum is to be
thought of in cases where groups of symptoms make their
appearance periodically (that is, from time to time, there
being no regularity in its periodicity). Periodicity may be
every fortnight. Periodicity every 15, 30, or 60 minutes.
It may be added here that for lack of reaction we have
just a dozen of remedies. Besides Cuprum we have Sulph.,
Carb-v., Ambra., Caps., Opium, Psor., Lauro., Bell., Stram.,
Bryon., Apis. Remedies in italics are of greater importance.

Persons who are sensitive to cold and damp weather ;
who are subject to catarrhal, rheumatic, and skin affections
caused or aggravated by cold, damp wearther, or from
changes from hot to cold weather, esp. if sudden. Patients
living or working in a damp, cold basement.
Sweats easily and then takes cold. Dryness of mucous
membranes. Burning thirst for cold drinks. Sweat in palms
of hands. Warts : fleshy, large and smooth.
Worse from cold, damp (foggy, rainy) weather.
Patient is susceptible to such weather. Worse by being
*chilled, esp. suddenly chilled, after being heated. In such
cases suppression of sweat takes place. And, it should be
remembered that Dulcamara is a pre-eminent remedy for
not only suppressed sweat, but also suppressed discharges and
suppressed eruptions.

Adapted to children and young persons, esp. women
who are nervous and of hysterical temperament.

Dullness of mental faculties with more or less stupor.

Desire to be quiet, to be left alone.
Symptoms often associated with giddiness, drowsiness,
thirstlessness, full, dusky red face, aching, sore bruised feeling,
langour, yawning. Heaviness and trembling are two notable
notes of the remedy. *Great heaviness of eyelids, cannot
keep them open. Whole body feels heavy and tired.
Trembling is often associated with paralytic or paretic
conditions. Toungue trembles on attempting to protrude ;
legs, hands tremble on attempting to exert them.
Heat of sun or summer has a general depressing effect
on the patient. Worse in damp weather, whether cold or
warm. Symptoms excited by thinking of ones's illness.

Suitable to women, inclined to be fat, and who suffer
from habitual constipation; with a history of delayed
menstruation. Fat, flabby, chilly ond costive patients.
Tendency to be frightened. Sad and despondent.
Music causes weeping.
Inclination to stretch without being able to satisfy it
sufficiently. Decided aversion to sexual intercourse.
Deformity and thickness of nails. Unhealthy skin ; every
little injury tending to ulceration and suppuration (Hepar).
Disposition to delaying menstruation. Hair turns grey.
Excoration of skin in bends of limbs, neck, and groins,
behind the ears, fold of skin, esp, in children. Skin dry,
inclined to crack. Obstinate dryness of skin and absence
of sweat.
Sensitiveness to open air and of currents of air ; great
tendency to take cold. Feels always cold, indoors or out.
Sensitive to both cold of winter and heat of summer. Easily
chilled and easily overheated.

Adapted to persons who have tendency to have
eruptions and glandular swellings. When there is a history
of suppression of scabies and other skin diseases.

Sad, depressed. Slightest cause irritates him and makes

him extremely vehement. A sort of furious spleen as though
one could murder a man who offends him in cold blood.

Swelling and inflammation of glands. Storng and com-

fortable feeling after a meal. Sweats day and night without
relief ( Merc-s.). *Extreme sensitivenes to touch ; to pain
(which may cause even fainting). Discharges smell like
rotten cheese. Craving for acid things. Hasty speech and
actions. Body exhales a foul odour. Children smelling
sour. Middle of lower lip cracked. Sticking or pricking
pain. Skin chapped, cracked.

The patient is chilly. Worse from cold air ; from wind,

esp. when dry ; from slightest draught. Takes cold from
slightest exposure to fresh air. *Extremely sensitive to cold
( Tuber.).

Feels better from warmth in general (Arsen.); from

wrapping up warmly, esp. the head (Psor., Silic.). Better in
damp, wet weather (Caust., Nux-v.).

Nervous, irritable, excitable, and above all, hysterical.
Very supicious. Fear of being poisoned. Of being
betrayed. Cannot bear to be talked to. Desire to escape.

Face flushed and excited ; bloated, dark-red. Dryness

of mouth. Tongue dry and loaded with a brownish coat-
ing. Clean. parched, dry tongue. Lips look like scorched
leather. Constriction of throat, with inability to swallow,
esp. fluids, which may come out of the nose. Jerking of
feet and hands. Twitchings. Thirsty, drinks but little
at a time. Involuntary stool and urine. Abdomen
distended almost to bursting. Uncommon sinking of
strength. In extreme cases the patient slides down in bed,
and, at long last, the jaw drops.

Patient is worse when menstruation is approaching,

has commenced, or is on.

Persons of lax fibre. Children during dentition. Fat,
pale children, particularly during weaning. Persons who
have a history of nosebleed or haemorrhage. Case associa-
ted with gastric symptoms which predominate.
Child cries and screams continually.
Nausea without relief after vomiting. *Disease charac-
terized by constant and continual nausea. Continuous nausea,
with profuse flow of saliva. Clean tongue, or the tongue
may be slightly coated. Thirstlessness (but thirst may be
present. Oppressed breathing. Cold extremities, cold per-
spiration. Vomiting of grass-green mucus. Stool like
frothy molasses.
Oversensitive to heat and cold. Worse in winter and
dry weather. Particularly sensitive to warm, moist

Suited to scrofulous and syphilitic subjects.
Pale, yellowish complexion. Large insular patches on
tongue. Tongue dry, red, smooth and cracked. Desire for
acid drinks (Ant-c.). Sensation of hair on back part of
tongue and velum. Taste ; coppery ; sweetish ; sour.
Cracking in joints from motion. Pain at root of nose.
Nasal speech. Tenacious, stringy discharges. Pain in small
spots. Migrating pains. All processes are slow and mild in
character, but deep in their nature. Sudden pains. Pains
appear and disappear suddenly. Regularly periodical pains.
Worse in hot weather. Great liability to take cold in
open air. These are incongruous, no doubt, but all the
same, both the symptoms belong to the remedy.

Suited to the aged, of lax fibre and inclined to obesity
(Amm-c. Graph.). Old, fleshy, flabby, dropsical, paretic.
Tubercular diathesis.

Full of fear and imaginations. Fears to he alone.

Great aversion to be alone.
Great dryness of hair ; hair falls out rapidly ; with
much dandruff. Face bloated. Haggard, exhausted look,
lifeless expression. *Bag-like swelling over the upper-eyelids.
Easy choking. Oppressed breathing. *Backache, sweat,
weakness. (This combination is highly characteristic).
Drowsy when eating. Stitching pains, worse during rest.
Sour vomiting. Everything eaten seems to turn into
gas (Arg-n., Iodium). Difficulty in knees on going upstairs.
The patient is sensitive to every atmospheric change.
Sensitive to cold. A chilly patient. Everytime the patient
goes out of doors, he becomes chilly from least coolness of
air. Intolerance of cold weather.

"Over-grown, poorly developed children." Very tall
for her age (Phos.). Children who are old-looking and wrinkled
(Abrot.). Teething children. When the teeth decay rapidly.
Congenital syphilis.
Glands of neck swollen. Rapid decay of teeth. Small
wounds bleed much. Complaints accompanying yawning.
Rapid emaciation. Putrid secretions. Malignant character of
diseases. Violent itching.

Women who "have never been well since the change
of life." Persons who are addicted to drinking. Persons
who suffer from effects of masturbation. Syphilitic persons.
Great loquacity ; wants to talk all the time ; jumps from
one subject to another. Excessive jealousy and suspicion.
Sznse as to time of the day is deranged.
Rapid onset and intensity of a disease ; rapid failure
of strength. Malignancy, burning, putridity are also charac-
teristic notes of the remedy. Fainting accompanies many
complaints. Blueness of affected parts. Lower jaw drops.
Tongue catches on teeth. Tremor of tongue. Neck sensi-

tive to touch; must loosen collar. Suffocates on dropping

to sleep. Mottled or livid skin. Yellow, red or copper
coloured spots on skin. Cracks and rhagades between the
toes. Blue-black spots ; blue-black swellings. Varicose
swellings. Wants to be fanned, but slowly and at a distance.
Lachesis prefers to attack the *left side or its affection
*"begins from left and extends to right side."
Cannot stand the sun ; cannot stand the heat of room. Can-
not bear warm weather. Symptoms crops out in spring
Extremes of heat and cold cause great debility.
Desires open air, which relieves his symptoms.

Persons whose upper part of body and neck emaciated,
lower part semi-dropsical. Person who arc predisposed to
lung and liver troubles. Children who become emaciated
and look wrinkled and prematurely old. Deep-seated, pro-
gressive chronic diseases. Lacks vital heat; has cold.
extremities. Malnutrition.
Afraid to be alone. Dread of appearing in the public
as in the case of professional men, who, however, after the
task is undertaken accomplish it smoothly. This is like
Silica. Children peevish and cross on awaking.
Dropsical and inflammatory swellings. Crooked legs ;
ankles weak. Sleeps with eyes half opened. Sleeps with
mouth open. Collection of water in mouth. Constant
desire to remain lying down. One foot hot, the other cold.
Tendency of skin to become chapped. Lyco. affects the
right side by preference. Or, * the right side is affected
first and then the left. Emaciates from above downwards.
Symptoms appear suddenly. Sudden satiety when eating.
Rawness in folds of skin.
All symptoms worse from 4 to 8 p.m. or from 4 to 6 p.m.,
or at 4 p.m., or from 4 p.m., onwards right through the night.

Scrofulous children. Syphilitics. To a certain extent
adapted to psoric and sycotic patients.

Intellect is weak. Hurried, rapid speech. Weary of

life. Mistrustful.
Great fatigue ; tremulous ; sweaty. Excessive saliva-
tion. *Flabby tongue, taking imprint of teeth. *Metallic
taste. *Easy, profuse sweating without relief. Fetid odour
from mouth. Body smells offensive. Great thirst wide
moist mouth. Creeping chilliness. Face earthy, puffy.
Weak digestion, with continous hunger. Aversion to meat,
butter. Must get up and walk about at night.

The patient is sensitive to both heat and cold. Decide-

dly worse from extremes of temperature. The pa-
tient is a veritable living 'thermometer'. Most uncom-
fortable from warmth of bed. Sensitive to drafts, esp. to
head ; also cold, damp weather.
Feels nice in moderate temperature. "The patient
feels much better in morning or during repose, and esp.
when lying down than when seated or walking."

Suited to cachectic, anemic persons; old people;
anemic persons with catarrhal troubles. Young people
having the tendncy to grow fat. Malarial cachexia.
Marked diposition to weep; all attempts at consolation
aggravate the state of the mind, that is to say, aggravate
the sadness and tearfulness, and sometimes make her
angry. Wants to be alone to cry. Child is cross when
spoken to; more irritable when consoled. Dreams of
thieves in the house.
Great emaciation, more of body than of face. Emacia-
tion most conspicuous about neck. Losing flesh while living
well Face pale, shining, greasy looking. Upper lip swollen.
Mapped tongue. Violent thirst. While eating sweat on
face. Corners of mouth sore, cracked, crusty. Dryness of
all mucous membranes. Coldness of many parts. Mamm-
ary glands wasted. Lower extremities dropsical. Copious
salivation; saliva salty. Longing for salt. Sensation of hair
on the tongue.
Great tendency to take cold. Patient is chilly. Gen-
nerally feels better in open air, so far as both mental
and physical complaints are concerned. Takes cold easily
after sweating.
As a rule feels better in open air, if the exertion there
be Moderate. Feels better at sea-side. Feels better when
stomach is empty ; when going without regular meals.

Suited to lean persons of rigid fibres; nervous. Persons
of dark complexion, black hair, black eyes. Exbausted old
people with diarrh cea. Persons suffering from chronic
diseases who take cold easily and are disposd to diarrhoea.
Tendency to attarks of diarrhoea in a broken down constitu-
tion. It is equally adapted to psoric, syphilitic and sycotic
cases. Also to phthisical cases (phthisis being a strong form
of psora).
Anxiety about recovery, with fear of death. Easily
startled and frightened. Excessive weakness of memory.
Strong-smelling urine. Sticking and pricking pains.
Copper-coloured spots. Swelling of glands. Face pale,
yellow, sunken. Cracking in joints. Deep lines of suffering
are traceable on the Nitric acid face. Drospy of limbs.
Tightness or tension of skin. Loss of breath on walking
or going upstairs. Wheezing respiration, esp. during manual
labour. Putrid smell from mouth ; from nose. Tendency
to bleeding. Easily perspires; then takes cold; offen-
sive sweat. Extreme sensitiveness to touch, lightest jar, or
Suited to persons who are particular, careful, but in-
clined to get easily excited. Quarrelsome, spiteful, malicious
and zealous. Cannot tolerate noise, music, talking, strong
odours. Leads a sedentary lite. Overexerts the mind.
Debauchees. Drastically drugged.
Even harmless words offend the patient. Time passes
too slowly.
Redness and heat of one cheek, and paleness of the

other. Region of stomach very sensitive to pressure.

Cannot bear clothing too tight about the waist. Sensation
of great fulness after eating a small quantity of food.
Bitter or sour eructations. Drowsiness in the daytime and
after eating. Wakes at 2 or 3 p.m. and lies awake for an
hour or two, then falls into a heavy sleep and awakens late
in the morning, feeling tired and unrefreshed. Sleeps by
fits and starts. Sour breath. Mouth waters. Nocturnal
salivation. Cannot use the mind for two or three hours
after a meal. Incomplete and unsatisfactory motions.
Blood-shot eyes. Craves tonics, pungent or bitter things.
The patient is sensitive to cold open air. Aversion
to uncovering. Cannot bear summer heat. Feels worse in
morning, soon after waking.

Persons of lax muscles and want of bodily irritability.
Children and old people. Drinkers. Child with wrinkled
skin; looking like a little dried up old man.
Forgetfulness of sufferings. Dreamy. No will power.
Complete loss of memory. *Placid, complains of nothing
and asks for nothing." "Constitutional liars."
Dark-red, bloated, swollen face. Dull, sluggish, inac-
tive. Hanging down of lower jaw. Voice weak. Eyes
half-open and turned upwards. Very sleepy but cannot go to
sleep. Stool protrudes and recedes. Bowels seem closed.
Pulse full and slow. Urine scanty, retained, or suppressed.
Breathing loud and sterterous. Involuntary stools. Abdomen
hard, distended. Cold sweat on forehead. *Painlessness
with almost all complaints. Hot, sweltering perspiration.
Bathed in hot sweat (ominous), excepting lower limbs.
Cold sweat on forehead (Ver-a.).
When well-indicated remedies fail to have their desired
effect, due to lack of susceptibility to medicinal agents,
Opium often comes into play.
The patient is susceptible to cold air, but feels better
by uncovering head. Bed feels so hot, cannot lie on it.
Fells worse while perspiring.
Desires cool, open air ; wants to be uncovered.

Adapted to tall, slender persons of quick and graceful
manners and who are very sensitive, Delicate, waxy,
anemic. Young persons who have grown too rapidly
and are inclined to stoop. Weak from loss of animal
fluids. Phthisical. Hereditary tendency to consumption.
Persons who have hemorrhagic tendency.
Great tendency to start. Apathetic : unwilling to talk ;
at times vehement. Answers slowly ; moves slowly.
Disgust for life. Restless, fidgety.
Emaciation. Weakness of joints, esp. knees. Tendency
to strain back. Cracked lips ; crack in the middle of
lower lip. Cold or rather icy coldness of hands, feet,
knees even in bed. Ravenous hunger. Bloatedness all
round eyes ; the whole face bloated. Profuse night-
sweats. Sinking gone feeling in stomach ; sometimes
at 11 a.m. like Sulphur. Oppressed for breath. Short naps and
frequent wakings. Trembling of limbs from slight exertions.
The patient catches cold easily and there is a marked
tendency to bronchitis. Nose cold descends.

Persons who are subject to glandular and skin affec-
tion. Who do not regain health after severe diseases.
Cases with a history of supressed eruptions. Who have
a filthy odour. Who have inherited syphilis, also who are
suffering from tertiary syphilis. It is often required in cases
in which the well-chosen remedy fails to act or acts feebly and
the action is of short duration.
The patient despairs of recovery when sick. Fears he
will die. Nervous, restless, and easily startled. "He takes
no joy in his family ; feels that these things are not
for him". Suicidal thoughts. Slight emotions cause severe
1. Filthy smell of body; 2. Unhealthy skin; 3. Carrion-like odour of
excretions; 4. Excessive itching; 5. Great sensitiveness to cold; 6. Hungry
in the middle of night; 7. Dark-brown watery, fetid stool; 8. Profuse sweet.

These eight symptoms are of special importance in

guiding you to the selection of Psorinum.
Others are : Coppery eruptions on face. Left foot
colder than right. Swelling of upper lip. Whole body
painful, easily sprained and injured. Sleeps are unusually
sound. Frightful dreams of robbers, dangers. Sweats very
easily from least exertion.
The patient is *extremely sensitive to cold air or change
of weather. Wears warm clothes even in summer. Very
averse to open air. Averse to keeping head uncovered.
Averse to washing.
A Psorium patient is a human barometer. When, for
instance, stormy weather is ahead by a few days, a Psor.
patient feels restless in his blood. Stormy weather makes
him sick. Stormy weather is felt acutely. He is sensitive
to sun.
Especially adpted to women and children. Women
who are inclined to be fleshy, with scanty and protracted
Timid ; sad ; of yielding disposition ; tearful, with a
tendency to inward grief and silent peevishness. Easily
disposed to weep or laugh. *Can hardly narrate her symp-
toms without weeping. *Emotional.
Bad taste in mouth, every morning on waking. Licks
the dry lips but does not drink. Thirstlessness. Loss of taste.
Aversion to fat ; to meat ; to milk. Fat food disorders
the stomach. Suffering parts loose flesh. Obliged to
lie with the head much higher than the rest of the body.
Lies with hands over head. Partial sweat. Cracks in
middle of the lower lip. One-sided complaints.
The patient is chilly, but longs for open air, or in other
words, always complains of feeling chilly, but still feels better
in open air. Worse in a warm room; warm air; warm bed.
When there is a history of some serious ailment at puberty,
and she says that she has never been well since, Pulsatilla
should be the first medicine to be studied.
Psoric and tubercular constitutions. Rheumatic con-
ditions. Septic conditions. Those who are easily sprained
by lifting. After-effects of Syphilis.
Extreme restlessness with constant change of position.
Sensorium becomes cloudy.
Cramps and tension in different parts as from contrac-
tion of tendons. Tingling in affected parts. Tongue takes
imprint of teeth. White coating only on one side of tongue.
Tongue very dry, red, smooth, or red, cracked, or dry
and dark-coated with *triangular red tip. Corners of mouth
ulcerated. Swelling and induration of glands.
The patient is sensitive to cold air, esp. cold, rainy

Suited to women who are thin, scrawny, wrinkled, feeble
and cachectic in appearance. Children of the same type.
Old people with shrivelled skin. Thin, dried up, old women.
Sad; irritable; nervous.
Eyes sunken deep in sockets; blue margins around.
Weakness of sight. Face pale, discoloured. Lips bluish or
deathly pale. Frequently bites tongue. Degeneration
of the pulp of nails; nails are raised. General emaciation.
Sensation of deadness in any part. Unnatrual, ravenous
appetite. Formication under skin. Burning and putridity are
two characteristic notes of Secale. Another characteristic
note is formication, tingling, creeping. Sensation of creeping
or as if ants are crawling (in skin diseases, in haemorrhages).
The patient is worse from heat or warmth in gerneral.
Although objectively cold (skin feels cold to touch), the
patient does not want to be covered (he has aversion to
being covered).
Limbs are cold as ice, yet the patient wants the windows
open, *wants to be uncovered. Feels comfortable in a cold
room, from uncovering ; and from cold breeze blowing on
the patient.

Suited to presons of light complexion ; to blondes.
Mental labour fatigues. Dreads society. Extreme sad-
ness. Excessive forgetfulness, esp. in matters of business.
Great forgetfulness when awake, but recollects distinctly
when half asleep. Greasy, shiny skin of face.
Perspires too easily ; from least exertion. Great fatigue
from light exertion. Stammering speech. Desires for brandy
and other alcoholic or strong drinks, such as tea, etc.
Sweetish taste. Hungry at night.
The patient is extremely sensitive to sun's heat. Also
sensitive and abnormally averse to draught of air, whether
warm, cold or damp.
Feels comfortable as the sun declines. Strength and energy
are on the increase as the sun sinks down. Strong inclination to
lie down in bed and sleep, esp, during heat of day.
(But, after sleep symptoms are apt to be worse.)
Adapted to women, because of predominance of
symptoms that relate to their conditions. Tall, slim
women with lax fibres and muscles; who are "straight from
the shoulders all the way down." Hysterical.
*Great sadness with tears. Indolent. Excessively nervous.
Easily fatigued. Easily sprained. Easily benumbed.
Easily excited nausea. Easily chilled. Easily faints. Easily
affected by all impressions. Gone feeling in stomach, not
relieved by eating. Skin blotched. Sudden weakness; then
hot flushes and faintness. Hot hands and cold feet and
vice versa. Tongue feels excoriated. Lower lip swollen
and cracked. Eyes are surrounded by dark rings. Glassy
watery eyes, in evening. Fetid breath. Want of animal
heat. Great longing for acids and pickles. Food tastes too
salty. Most symptoms are attended with constipation.
Very sensitive to cold air,-, esp. north wind. Great ten-
dency to take cold.
Adapted to psoric diathesis. Weak, nervous, easily

irritalbe. Persons lacking assimilating power ; lacking

grit, stamina (both physical and mental).
Child is obstinate, headstrong ; cries when kindly spoken
to. Restless, starts at least noise. Mental labour is fatiguing.
Debility with fidgetiness. " Brain and spine cannot
bear even ordinary vibrations." Children are slow in
learning to walk. Children of stunted growth. Trembles
when writing. Joints feel weak, esp. ankle joints. Sensation
of a hair on tongue. Night-walking (gets up while asleep ;
walks about and lies down again). Decided want of vital
heat, even when taking exercise ; always chilly. Offensive
footsweat. Parts lain on go to sleep. Symptoms proceed
upward and also outward.
The patient is chilly and catches cold, esp. when feet
and head are uncovered.
Feels comforted when the head is wrapped up.
Persons who are greatly exhausted in mind and body;
who have been growing weaker and weaker by a very slow
process extending over a long period of not months but
years; to whom all works whether physical or mental are
not only tiresome but irksome . A state of ever-increasing
paleness, cachexia, debility, and emaciation. [irksome = annoying]
"Sad, despondent, feels like crying all the time ; but
crying makes her worse." Quiet fretfulness ; answers
unwillingly and abruptly. Dislike for society and con-
versation ; hopelessness.
Putrid breath. Excessive weakness of digestion.
Swollen ankles in delicate girls. Very debilitating sweat
at night. Burning in palms of hands and soles of feet.
Continued use of voice for sometimes has debilitating effect
(on both body and mind).
Her distress of mind ceases as soon as menses begin to flow.

Suited to persons who are pale, sunken, worn-out and
exhausted as a result of sexual excesses, and esp. self-abuse.
Adapted to psoric, syphilitic and sycotic taint.

Easily excited to anger. Violent outbursts of passion.

Very sensitive as to what others say about her. Low-
spirited. Shy of the opposite sex. Very sensitive to emotions.
Eyes sunken with blue rings around then. Nose picked
and pointed. Canine hunger even when stomach is full.
Sleepy all day ; lies awake all night ; body aches all over.
Desire for stimulants. Craving for tobacco. While talking
she swallows continually. *Teeth turn black or show dark
streaks, and soon crumble. Cannot perspire. Urinating in
a slender stream.
Inclined to remain lying down all the time in bed,
with confortable feeling.

Maniacal subjects. Violent manifestation of both mental
and physical symptoms.
Dread of darkness and solitude. Disposed to talk con-
tinually ; talking is incoherent. Lasciviousness. Praying
*Face hot, red and bloated ; hands and feet cold. No desire
for water, although mouth is dry. Copious salivation ;
dribbling of glairy saliva from mouth. Head perspires
more than usual. Chewing motion of mouth. Bores head
into pillow. Suppression of both stool and urine. Swal-
lowing difficult. Lifting of head frequently from pillow
when lying down.
The patient cannot bear to be alone or in dark. Worse
after sleep.
Desires light. Also desires company.

Especially adapted to persons who are lean, stoop-
shouldered ; with whom standing is the most uncomfortable
position; who are quick-motioned, quick-tempered, active;
who are averse to be washed; who are always worse after
a bath; who are averse to heat ; who have in their body an
offensive smell, despite frequent bathing ; whose sweat, esp.
in the armpits is bad-smelling ; who are suffering from
chronic diseases caused by suppressed eruptions; who are

dirty-looking ; who always speculate on religious and

philosophical subjects ; who have history of excessive sexual
indulgence; whose complaints are continually relapsing.
Suited to children who are emaciated, having old-
looking faces, big bellies, dry flabby skin; who are restless,
hot, kick off the clothes at night ; who have worms.
Very forgetful. Great weakness of memory for proper
names. Very selfish, no regard for others. Childish
peevishness in grown-up persons.
*Burning of palms and soles, puts them out of bed at
night to keep them cool. Flushes in face. Has to get up
at night to eat. Drinks much eats little. * Weak, empty
gone feeling in pit of stomach at 11 a.m. Milk disagrees.
Food tastes too salty. Nightly suf focative attaks, wants doors
and windows open ; suddenly wide awake at night. Yeasty
urine. Cold feet. *Cat nap sleep. Talks much in sleep.
Sudden jerking of limbs when going to sleep. Child
grasps everything within reach and thrusts it into its mouth.
Patient cannot stand heat, but at the same time cannot
stand cold, although he feels quite comfortable in open air.
(In point of fact, he desires mild and equable temperature.)
Feels comfortable in open air. Wants all windows open
at night.

Suited to old people, esp. women. after menopause.
Patients in whom some deep-seated dyscrasia is acting all
the time as undercurrent. Sour-smelling babies.
One feels as if one is in great hurry, everything must
be done in a hurry.
Paleness of face. Dry, shrivelled spots on face. Lips
are cracked and exfoliate. Swelling and easy bleeding of
gums. Breath very offensive. Profuse salivation. Sour
eructations. Sour body odour. Weakness with internal
trembling. Craving for alcohol. Teeth decay early. Hair
turns grey and falls off. Blue-black spots on skin. Weak,
exhausted. Weakness is out of all proportion to the disease
and* is often associated with a sensation of internal trembling.
The patient feels worse in open air.

Suited to affections based on syphilitic taint. Rheumatic
affections in syphilitic constitutions. Dwarfed, shrivelled-up,
old-looking babies and children.
Loss of memory. Absent-minded. Despair of recovery.
*Fears the night and the suffering from exhaustion, both mental
and physical which the night produces. *Terrible
night, when symptoms get aggravated. dread of
Eyes dull ; face pale ; earthy complexion. Upper lids
swollen. Two deep cracks running lengthwise on tongue, one
on each side of the median line. Fetid breath. Offen-
sive body odour. Aversion to meat. Frequent urging to
urinate at night. Night-sweats and great weakness. Biting
sensation in different parts of the body, as if bitten by
bugs, at night only. Great restlessness at night, it being
impossible to keep leg in one position. Absolute sleepless-
ness. *Hair falls off. Distorted nails. Teeth decay at
edge. Persistent pains. Wandering pains,
The patient feels worse at night ; from sundown to
sunrise. Cannot tolerate extreme cold or extreme heat.
Damp weather or warm damp weather tells upon a
Syphilinum patient. Feels worse at sea-side.
Likes the mountains, where he feels comfortable.

The patient is extremely sensitive to dampness,
bathing, getting wet, to food that increases water in the
system, residence near river, lake, etc.
Fixed ideas: as if a strange person were at his side;
as if a living animal were in abdomen ; as if the limbs
were made of glass and would break easily. Hurried and
impatient. Talks hurriedly. His movements are un-
naturally active and hurried.
Greasy skin of face. Craves salt. Appetite for cold drinks
and food. Speedy satiety when eating. Aversion to
fresh meat and potato. Hasty and frequent urging to
urinate. Cracking in joints on stretching them. Oedema

about the joints. Dropsically bloated face. Sensation of

lightness of the body when walking. Dreams of dead persons ;
of falling ; of accidents. Brown or brownish white spots
here and there on skin. Hair falls off or grows slowly
and then splits. Hairs dry, hard, lusterless and fall
out. Emaciation and deadness of affected parts. Feels
smothered in warm room. Left-sided complaints. Yellow
stain of sweat. Pains keep on extending from their
original seat.
The patient is chilly and sensitive to cold, damp air.
Cannot tolerate the heat of bed.
The patient wants to have head (and face) wrapped
up warm. Gentle rubbing has ameliorating effect.

Persons of tall stature, of' slim figure ; of fat and
narrow chest. Averse to all labour, esp. mental. Persons
who are physically weak, esp. in limbs after dinner.
Sad, despondent ; disposed to whine and complain.
Sensitive to music. Fear dogs.
**Symptoms change all the time, affecting one organ
after another. Symptoms appear and disappear sud-
denly. Offensive sweat in armpits. Bronchitic sounds
in both lungs. Feeling of fatigue. Great weakness in
lower extremities, esp. from kness down to feet. Great
emaciation with incredible rapidity. Loses flesh while eating
well. Inclination to sleep in mornings. Cold feet in bed.
Profuse sweat after light exertion or a little walk. Sensation
of freezing on back in evening. All-gone, hungry sensation
in stomach.
The patient cannot tolerate a closed room. *Air hunger.
*Longing for open air ; wants doors and windows open.
Although chilly, craves fresh air. Clothes feel damp.
Sweats from least exertion. Takes cold readily without
knowing how and where. *Not satisfed to remain in one
place for a long time ; wants to travel. Desire for cold milk
or sweets. Aversion to meat.

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