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NHMRC levels of evidence and grades for recommendations

for developers of guidelines

December 2009
NHMRC levels of evidence and grades for recommendations
for developers of guidelines


In 1999 the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) in Australia released a suite
of handbooks to support organisations involved in the development of evidence-based clinical
practice guidelines (

Reflecting the general impetus of the previous decade, these handbooks focused predominantly on
assessing the clinical evidence for interventions. As a consequence, the handbooks present ‘levels
of evidence’ appropriate mainly for intervention studies. However, feedback from guideline
developers received by the NHMRC indicated that the levels of evidence used by the NHMRC
for intervention studies have been found to be restrictive. This was particularly so where the areas
of study do not lend themselves to research designs appropriate to intervention studies (i.e.
randomised controlled trials).

This paper presents a new approach to grading evidence recommendations, which should be
relevant to any clinical guideline (not just those dealing with interventions).

This process of developing and grading evidence recommendations has received robust scrutiny
and refinement through two public consultation phases and formal pilot-testing has been
conducted across a range of guideline development projects.

The Pilot Program on ‘NHMRC additional levels of evidence and grades for recommendations for
developers of guidelines’, was initially released for public consultation in 2005 until mid-2006 with
feedback sought until 30 June 2007 on their usability and applicability. A revised version was then
released for a second stage of public consultation over the period January 2008 to February 2009.
Several guideline development teams, with guidance from a NHMRC Guideline Assessment
Register (GAR) consultant, tested the revised grading approach in guidelines that were developed
during the pilot period. The website feedback and the practical experience of guideline developers
support the clinical utility and academic rigour of the new NHMRC hierarchy of levels of evidence
and their role in the formulation of the new grades of recommendation.

Further peer review was solicited on one aspect of the grading process (specifically revising the
levels of evidence hierarchy) through submission of a manuscript to BMC Medical Research
Methodology, which was published in June 2009. It is anticipated that a subsequent manuscript
outlining the process for grading recommendations will be submitted to a peer reviewed journal
later in 2009.

Levels of evidence
Guidelines can have different purposes, dealing with clinical questions such as intervention,
diagnosis, prognosis, aetiology and screening. To address these clinical questions adequately,
guideline developers need to include different research designs. This consequently requires different
evidence hierarchies that recognise the importance of research designs relevant to the purpose of the
guideline. A new evidence hierarchy has been developed by the NHMRC GAR consultants. This
hierarchy assigns levels of evidence according to the type of research question, recognising the
importance of appropriate research design to that question. As well as the current NHMRC levels of
evidence for interventions, new levels have been developed for studies relevant for guidelines on
diagnosis, prognosis, aetiology and screening.

NHMRC levels of evidence and grades for recommendations 1

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This consultation framework outlines the expanded levels of evidence, and provides additional
information in the form of explanatory notes, a study design glossary and a summary of how the
levels of evidence and other NHMRC dimensions of evidence should be used (see Part B).

Grades of recommendations
However, ascribing a level of evidence to a study, that reflects the risk of bias in its design, is only
one small part of assessing evidence for a guideline recommendation. Consideration also needs to be
given to: the quality of the study and the likelihood that the results have been affected by bias during
its conduct; the consistency of its findings to those from other studies; the clinical impact of its
results; the generalisability of the results to the population for whom the guideline is intended; and
the applicability of the results to the Australian (and/or local) health care setting.

To further assist guideline developers to make judgments on the basis of the body of evidence
relevant to a research question, a grading system for recommendations has been developed (see
Part A). This takes the form of an evidence matrix, which lists the evidence components that should
be considered when judging the body of evidence. The grade of a recommendation is based on an
overall assessment of the rating of individual components in the evidence matrix.

This work was undertaken by the following NHMRC GAR consultants:

Revision of evidence hierarchy (“levels”) -

Tracy Merlin - Adelaide Health Technology Assessment (AHTA), Discipline of Public
Health, University of Adelaide
Adele Weston - Health Technology Analysts Pty Ltd
Rebecca Tooher - ARCH: Australian Research Centre for Health of Women and Babies Division:
Translational Research, Discipline of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, The University of Adelaide

Development of grading process (“grades”) -

Philippa Middleton and Rebecca Tooher - ARCH: Australian Research Centre for Health of
Women and Babies Division:Translational Research, Discipline of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, The
University of Adelaide
Janet Salisbury – Biotext Pty Ltd.
Kristina Coleman, Sarah Norris, Adele Weston - Health Technology Analysts Pty Ltd
Karen Grimmer-Somers, Susan Hillier – Centre for Allied Health Evidence, Division of Health
Sciences, University of South Australia
Tracy Merlin - Adelaide Health Technology Assessment (AHTA), Discipline of Public
Health, University of Adelaide

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Feedback has been provided during this document’s development phase from the following:

Marita Broadstock – New Zealand Health Technology Assessment, New Zealand

Suzanne Dyer – NHMRC Clinical Trials Centre, Australia
Paul Glasziou – Oxford University, United Kingdom
Sally Green – Australasian Cochrane Centre, Australia
Brian Haynes – McMaster University, Canada
Paul Ireland – National Institute of Clinical Studies, Australia
Nicki Jackson – Deakin University, Australia
Sally Lord and Les Irwig – University of Sydney, Australia
Skye Newton and Janet Hiller – University of Adelaide, Australia
Andrew Oxman – Oslo, Norway (GRADE Working Group)
Patricia Rogers, Professor of Public Sector Evaluation, RMIT University
Kaye Stevens, Research Fellow, RMIT University

NHMRC Management:

This project was managed by the NHMRC Evidence Translation Section with support from the
NHMRC National Institute of Clinical Studies.

NHMRC levels of evidence and grades for recommendations 3

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How to assess the body of evidence and formulate recommendations

To assist guideline developers, the NHMRC GAR consultants have developed an approach for
assessing the body of evidence and formulating recommendations. This will ensure that while
guidelines may differ in their purpose and formulation, their developmental processes are
consistent, and their recommendations are formulated in a consistent manner. Part A describes
how to grade the ‘body of evidence’ for each guideline recommendation. The body of evidence
considers the evidence dimensions of all the studies relevant to that recommendation. Part B
gives further detail on how to appraise individual studies contributing to the body of evidence.

Consequently, the NHMRC Evidence Statement Form is intended to be used for each clinical
question addressed in a guideline. Before completing the form, each included study should be
critically appraised and the relevant data extracted and summarised as shown in the NHMRC
standards and procedures for externally developed guidelines (NHMRC 2007) and with
reference to Part B below. This information assists in the formulation of the recommendation,
and in determining the overall grade of the ‘body of evidence’ that supports that

The NHMRC Evidence Statement Form sets out the basis for rating five key components of the
‘body of evidence’ for each recommendation. These components are:

1. The evidence base, in terms of the number of studies, level of evidence and quality of studies
(risk of bias).
2. The consistency of the study results.
3. The potential clinical impact of the proposed recommendation.
4. The generalisability of the body of evidence to the target population for the guideline.

5. The applicability of the body of evidence to the Australian healthcare context.

The first two components give a picture of the internal validity of the study data in support of
efficacy (for an intervention), accuracy (for a diagnostic test), or strength of association (for a
prognosis or aetiological question). The third component addresses the likely clinical impact of
the proposed recommendation. The last two components consider external factors that may
influence the effectiveness of the proposed recommendation in practice, in terms of the
generalisability of study results to the intended target population for the Guideline and setting
of the proposed recommendation, and applicability to the Australian (or other local) health care

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Definitions of the components of the evidence statement1

1. Evidence base
The evidence base is assessed in terms of the quantity, level and quality (risk of bias) of the
included studies:

• Quantity of evidence reflects the number of the studies that have been included as the
evidence base for each guideline (and listed in the evidence summary table or text). The
quantity assessment also takes into account the number of patients in relation to the
frequency of the outcomes measured (ie the statistical power of the studies). Small,
underpowered studies that are otherwise sound may be included in the evidence base if their
findings are generally similar — but at least some of the studies cited as evidence must be
large enough to detect the size and direction of any effect. Alternatively, the results of the
studies could be considered in a meta-analysis to increase the power and statistical precision
of the effect estimate.

• Level of evidence reflects the best study types for the specific type of question (see Part B,
Table 3). The most appropriate study design to answer each type of clinical question
(intervention, diagnostic accuracy, aetiology or prognosis) is level II evidence. Level I
studies are systematic reviews of the appropriate level II studies in each case. Study designs
that are progressively less robust for answering each type of question are shown at levels III
and IV. Systematic reviews of level III and IV studies are ascribed the same level of
evidence as the studies included in the review to address each outcome. For example, a
systematic review of cohort studies and case series for an intervention question would be
given a Level III-2 ranking in the hierarchy, even if the quality of the systematic review was
exceptional. The levels of evidence hierarchy is specifically concerned with the risk of bias
in the presented results that is related to study design (see Explanatory note 4 to Table 3),
whereas the quality of the evidence is assessed separately.

• Quality of evidence reflects how well the studies were conducted in order to eliminate bias,
including how the subjects were selected, allocated to groups, managed and followed up and
how the study outcomes were measured (see Part B, Dimensions of evidence, and Table 4
for further information).

2. Consistency
The consistency component of the ‘body of evidence’ assesses whether the findings are
consistent across the included studies (including across a range of study populations and study
designs). It is important to determine whether study results are consistent to ensure that the
results are likely to be replicable or only likely to occur under certain conditions. Ideally, for a
meta-analysis of randomised studies, there should be a statistical analysis of heterogeneity
showing little statistical difference (consistent or homogenous) between the studies. However,
given that statistical tests for heterogeneity are underpowered, presentation of an I2 statistic2, as
well as an appraisal of the likely reasons for the differences in results across studies, would be
useful. Heterogeneity in the results of studies may be due to differences in the study design, the
quality of the studies (risk of bias), the population studied, the definition of the outcome being
assessed, as well as many other factors. Non-randomised studies may have larger estimates of

1 Adapted from the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN) guide to using their Considered Judgement Form (available
from Accessed 19.10.07)

2 whereas most statistical tests of heterogeneity (eg Cochran’s Q) assess whether heterogeneity exists between studies, I2 is a

statistic that quantifies how much heterogeneity exists between the studies (see Higgins & Thompson, 2002)
NHMRC levels of evidence and grades for recommendations 5
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effect as a result of the greater bias in such studies; however, such studies may also be important
for confirming or questioning results from randomised trials in larger populations that may be
more representative of the target population for the proposed guideline.

3. Clinical impact
Clinical impact is a measure of the potential benefit from application of the guideline to a
population. Factors that need to be taken into account when estimating clinical impact include:
• the relevance of the evidence to the clinical question, the statistical precision and size of the
effect (including clinical importance) of the results in the evidence-base, and the relevance of
the effect to the patients, compared with other management options (or none)
• the duration of therapy required to achieve the effect, and
• the balance of risks and benefits (taking into account the size of the patient population

4. Generalisability
This component covers how well the subjects and settings of the included studies will match
those of the Guideline recommendations, specifically the patient population being targeted by
the Guideline and the clinical setting where the recommendation will be implemented.
Population issues that might influence the relative importance of recommendations include
gender, age or ethnicity, baseline risk, or the level of care (eg community or hospital). This is
particularly important for evidence from randomised controlled trials (RCTs), as the setting and
entry requirements for such trials are generally narrowly based and therefore may not be
representative of all the patients to whom the recommendation may be applied in practice.
Confirmation of RCT evidence by broader-based population studies may be helpful in this
regard (see ‘2. Consistency’). Basically, an assessment of generalisability is about determining
whether the available body of evidence is answering the clinical question that was asked.

In the case of studies of diagnostic accuracy, a number of additional criteria also need to be taken
into account, including the stage of the disease (eg early versus advanced), the duration of illness
and the prevalence of the disease in the study population as compared to the target population for
the guideline.

5. Applicability
This component addresses whether the evidence base is relevant to the Australian health care
system generally, or to more local settings for specific recommendations (such as rural areas or
Factors that may reduce the direct application of study findings to the Australian or more local
settings include organisational factors (eg availability of trained staff, clinic time, specialised
equipment, tests or other resources) and cultural factors (eg attitudes to health issues, including
those that may affect compliance with the recommendation).

NHMRC levels of evidence and grades for recommendations 6

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How to use the NHMRC Evidence Statement Form

Step 1 — Rate each of the five components

Applying evidence in real clinical situations is not usually straightforward. Consequently
guideline developers find that the body of evidence supporting a recommendation rarely consists
of entirely one rating for all the important components (outlined above). For example, a body of
evidence may contain a large number of studies with a low risk of bias and consistent findings,
but which are not directly applicable to the target population or Australian healthcare context and
have only a limited clinical impact. Alternatively, a body of evidence may only consist of one or
two randomised trials with small sample sizes that have a moderate risk of bias but have a very
large clinical impact and are directly applicable to the Australian healthcare context and target
population. The NHMRC evidence grading system is designed to allow for this mixture of
components, while still reflecting the overall body of evidence supporting a guideline

The components described above should be rated according to the matrix shown in Table 1.
Enter the results into the NHMRC Evidence Statement Form (Attachment 1) along with any
further notes relevant to the discussions for each component.

Table 1 Body of evidence matrix

Component A B C D

Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor

Evidence one or more level I one or two level II studies one or two level III level IV studies, or level I
base1 studies with a low risk of with a low risk of bias or a studies with a low risk of to III studies/SRs with a
bias or several level II SR/several level III studies bias, or level I or II high risk of bias
studies with a low risk of with a low risk of bias studies with a moderate
bias risk of bias

Consistency2 all studies consistent most studies consistent some inconsistency evidence is
and inconsistency may reflecting genuine inconsistent
be explained uncertainty around
clinical question

Clinical impact very large substantial moderate slight or restricted

Generalisability population/s studied in population/s studied in the population/s studied in population/s studied in body
body of evidence are body of evidence are body of evidence differ to of evidence differ to target
the same as the target similar to the target target population for population and hard to judge
population for the population for the guideline guideline but it is clinically whether it is sensible to
guideline sensible to apply this generalise to target
evidence to target population

Applicability directly applicable to applicable to Australian probably applicable to not applicable to

Australian healthcare healthcare context with Australian healthcare Australian healthcare
context few caveats context with some context
SR = systematic review; several = more than two studies
1 Level of evidence determined from the NHMRC evidence hierarchy – Table 3, Part B
2 If there is only one study, rank this component as ‘not applicable’.
3 For example, results in adults that are clinically sensible to apply to children OR psychosocial outcomes for one cancer that

may be applicable to patients with another cancer

The Evidence Statement Form also provides space to enter any other relevant factors that were
taken into account by the guideline developers when judging the body of evidence and developing
NHMRC levels of evidence and grades for recommendations 7
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the wording of the recommendation.

Step 2 — Prepare an evidence statement matrix

In the ‘Evidence statement matrix ’ section of the form, summarise the guideline developers’
synthesis of the evidence relating to each component at the right hand side of the form, and fill in
the evidence matrix at the left hand side of the form. Each recommendation should be accompanied
by this matrix as well as the overall grade given to the recommendation (see Step 3). Developers
should indicate dissenting opinions or other relevant issues in the space provided under the
evidence matrix.

Step 3 — Formulate a recommendation based on the body of evidence

Develop wording for the recommendation. This should address the specific clinical question and
ideally be written as an action statement. The wording of the recommendation should reflect the
strength of the body of evidence. Words such as ‘must’ or ‘should’ are used when the evidence
underpinning the recommendation is strong, and words such as ‘might’ or ‘could’ are used when
the evidence base is weaker.

Step 4 — Determine the grade for the recommendation

Determine the overall grade of the recommendation based on a summation of the rating for each
individual component of the body of evidence. A recommendation cannot be graded A or B
unless the evidence base and consistency of the evidence are both rated A or B.

NHMRC overall grades of recommendation are intended to indicate the strength of the body of
evidence underpinning the recommendation. This should assist users of the clinical practice
guidelines to make appropriate and informed clinical judgments. Grade A or B recommendations
are generally based on a body of evidence that can be trusted to guide clinical practice, whereas
Grades C or D recommendations must be applied carefully to individual clinical and
organisational circumstances and should be interpreted with care (see Table 2).

Table 2 Definition of NHMRC grades of recommendations

Grade of Description

A Body of evidence can be trusted to guide practice

Body of evidence can be trusted to guide practice in most
Body of evidence provides some support for
C recommendation(s) but care should be taken in its
Body of evidence is weak and recommendation must be applied
with caution

Implementing guideline recommendations

How the guideline will be implemented should be considered at the time that the guideline
recommendations are being formulated. Guidelines require an implementation plan that ensures
appropriate roll out, supports and evaluation of guideline effectiveness in improving practice, and
guideline uptake. The Evidence Statement Form asks developers to consider four questions

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related to the implementation of each recommendation:
• Will this recommendation result in changes in usual care?
• Are there any resource implications associated with implementing this recommendation?
• Will the implementation of this recommendation require changes in the way care is
currently organised?
• Are the guideline development group aware of any barriers to the implementation of this

NHMRC levels of evidence and grades for recommendations 9

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NHMRC Evidence Statement
(If rating is not completely clear, use the space next to each criteria to note how the group came to a judgment. Part B of this document will assist
with the critical appraisal of individual studies included in the body of evidence)
Key question(s): Evidence table ref:

1. Evidence base (number of studies, level of evidence and risk of bias in the included studies)
A One or more level I studies with a low risk of bias or several level II studies with a low risk of bias
B One or two Level II studies with a low risk of bias or SR/several Level III studies with a low risk of bias

C One or two Level III studies with a low risk of bias or Level I or II studies with a moderate risk of bias
D Level IV studies or Level I to III studies/SRs with a high risk of bias

2. Consistency (if only one study was available, rank this component as ‘not applicable’)
A All studies consistent
B Most studies consistent and inconsistency can be explained
C Some inconsistency, reflecting genuine uncertainty around question
D Evidence is inconsistent
NA Not applicable (one study only)
3. Clinical impact (Indicate in the space below if the study results varied according to some unknown factor (not simply study quality or sample size) and thus the clinical impact of the intervention could not be determined)
A Very large
B Moderate
C Slight
D Restricted

4. Generalisability (How well does the body of evidence match the population and clinical settings being targeted by the Guideline?)
A Evidence directly generalisable to target population
B Evidence directly generalisable to target population with some caveats
C Evidence not directly generalisable to the target population but could be sensibly applied
D Evidence not directly generalisable to target population and hard to judge whether it is sensible to apply
5. Applicability (Is the body of evidence relevant to the Australian healthcare context in terms of health services/delivery of care and cultural factors?)
A Evidence directly applicable to Australian healthcare context
B Evidence applicable to Australian healthcare context with few caveats
C Evidence probably applicable to Australian healthcare context with some caveats
D Evidence not applicable to Australian healthcare context
NHMRC levels of evidence and grades for recommendations 10
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Other factors (Indicate here any other factors that you took into account when assessing the evidence base (for example, issues that might cause the group to downgrade or upgrade the recommendation)


Please summarise the development group’s synthesis of the evidence relating to the key question, taking all the above factors into account.
Component Rating Description
1. Evidence base

2. Consistency

3. Clinical impact

4. Generalisability

5. Applicability
Indicate any dissenting opinions


What recommendation(s) does the guideline development group draw from this evidence? Use action statements where

NHMRC levels of evidence and grades for recommendations 11

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If needed, keep note of specific issues that arise when each recommendation is formulated and that require follow-up.

Please indicate yes or no to the following questions. Where the answer is yes please provide explanatory information about this. This information will be used to develop the implementation plan for the
Will this recommendation result in changes in usual care?

Are there any resource implications associated with implementing this recommendation?

Will the implementation of this recommendation require changes in the way care is currently organised?

Are the guideline development group aware of any barriers to the implementation of this recommendation?


NHMRC levels of evidence and grades for recommendations 12

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Implementing NHMRC dimensions of evidence including the new levels of
evidence hierarchy
This part of the document outlines how individual studies included in a systematic literature
review should be assessed using the NHMRC dimensions of evidence and provides levels of
evidence appropriate for the most common types of research questions. The basic principles of
systematic reviewing and assessing evidence are set out in the NHMRC handbook series on the
development of clinical practice guidelines (NHMRC 2000ab).

Dimensions of evidence for assessing included studies

Each included study in a systematic review should be assessed according to the following three
dimensions of evidence:

1. Strength of evidence
a. Level of evidence: Each study design is assessed according to its place in the research
hierarchy. The hierarchy reflects the potential of each study or systematic review included in
the systematic review(s) underpinning the Guidelines to adequately answer a particular
research question, based on the probability that its design has minimised the impact of bias
on the results. See page 6–10 of How to use the evidence: assessment and application of
scientific evidence (NHMRC 2000b).
The original NHMRC levels of evidence for intervention studies (NHMRC 2000b),
together with the new levels of evidence for questions on diagnosis, prognosis, aetiology
and screening are shown in the evidence hierarchy in Table 3. A glossary describing
each of the study designs is provided in Attachment 2.

b. Quality of evidence (risk of bias): The methodological quality of each included study
is critically appraised. Each study is assessed according to the likelihood that bias,
confounding and/or chance may have influenced its results. The NHMRC toolkit
How to review the evidence: systematic identification and review of the scientific
literature (NHMRC 2000a) lists examples of ways that methodological quality can
be assessed. In cases where other critical appraisal approaches may be required, there
are a number of alternatives. The NHMRC/NICS can advise on the choice of an
alternative to supplement and/or replace those in the NHMRC handbook (see Table

c. Statistical precision: The primary outcomes of each included study are evaluated to
determine whether the effect is real, rather than due to chance (using a level of significance
expressed as a P-value and/or a confidence interval). See page 17 of How to use the
evidence: assessment and application of scientific evidence (NHMRC 2000b).

2. Size of effect
This dimension is useful for assessing the clinical importance of the findings of each study (and
hence addresses the clinical impact component of the body of evidence matrix in Part A ). This
is a different concept to statistical precision and specifically refers to the measure of effect or
point estimate provided in the results of each study (eg mean difference, relative risk, odds
ratio, hazard ratio, sensitivity, specificity). In the case of a meta-analysis it is the pooled
measure of effect from the studies included in the systematic review (eg weighted mean
difference, pooled relative risk). These point estimates are calculated in comparison to either
doing nothing or versus an active control.

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Size of the effect therefore refers to the distance of the point estimate from its null value for
each outcome (or result) and the values included in the corresponding 95% confidence interval.
For example, for a ratio such as a relative risk the null value is 1.0 and so a relative of risk of 5
is a large point estimate; for a mean difference the null value is zero (indicating no difference)
and so a mean difference of 1.5kg may be small. The size of the effect indicates just how much
clinical impact that particular factor or intervention will have on the patient and should always
be taken in the context of what is a clinically relevant difference for the patient. The upper and
lower point estimates in the confidence interval can then be used to judge whether it is likely
that most of the time the intervention will have a clinically important impact, or that it is
possible that in some instances the impact will be clinically unimportant or that there will be no
impact. See pages 17–23 of How to use the evidence: assessment and application of scientific
evidence (NHMRC 2000b).

3. Relevance of evidence
This dimension deals with the translation of research evidence into clinical practice and is
potentially the most subjective of the evidence assessments. There are two key questions.
a. Appropriateness of the outcomes: Are the outcomes measured in the study relevant to
patients? This question focuses on the patient-centredness of the study. See pages 23–27 of
How to use the evidence: assessment and application of scientific evidence (NHMRC
b. Relevance of study question: How closely do the elements of the research question (‘PICO’3)
match those of the clinical question being considered in the guideline? This is important in
determining the extent to which the study results are relevant (generalisable) for the
population who will be the recipients of the clinical guideline.

The results of these assessments for each included study should be entered into a data extraction
form described in the NHMRC standards and procedures for externally developed guidelines
(NHMRC 2007). Once each included study is assessed according to these dimensions of evidence,
a summary can be made that is relevant to the whole body of evidence, which can then be graded
as described in Part A of this document. The data extraction process provides the evidence base on
which the systematic review, and subsequent guideline recommendations are built.

3 P=Population, I=Intervention/index test/indicator, C=Comparison, O=Outcome

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Table 3 NHMRC Evidence Hierarchy: designations of ‘levels of evidence’ according to type of research question (including explanatory notes)
Level Intervention 1 Diagnostic accuracy 2 Prognosis Aetiology 3 Screening Intervention
I4 A systematic review of level II A systematic review of level A systematic review of level II A systematic review of level II A systematic review of level II
studies II studies studies studies studies

II A randomised controlled trial A study of test accuracy with: A prospective cohort study7 A prospective cohort study A randomised controlled trial
an independent, blinded
comparison with a valid
reference standard,5 among
consecutive persons with a
defined clinical presentation6
III-1 A pseudorandomised controlled trial A study of test accuracy with: All or none8 All or none8 A pseudorandomised
(i.e. alternate allocation or some an independent, blinded controlled trial
comparison with a valid
other method) (i.e. alternate allocation or
reference standard,5 among some other method)
non-consecutive persons with
a defined clinical presentation6
III-2 A comparative study with A comparison with reference Analysis of prognostic factors A retrospective cohort study A comparative study with
concurrent controls: standard that does not meet the amongst persons in a single concurrent controls:
▪ Non-randomised, criteria required for arm of a randomised ▪ Non-randomised,
experimental trial9 Level II and III-1 evidence controlled trial experimental trial
▪ Cohort study ▪ Cohort study
▪ Case-control study ▪ Case-control study
▪ Interrupted time series with a
control group
III-3 A comparative study without Diagnostic case-control A retrospective cohort study A case-control study A comparative study without
concurrent controls: study6 concurrent controls:
▪ Historical control study ▪ Historical control study
▪ Two or more single arm ▪ Two or more single arm
study10 study
▪ Interrupted time series without a
parallel control group
IV Case series with either post-test or Study of diagnostic yield (no Case series, or cohort study of A cross-sectional study or Case series
pre-test/post-test outcomes reference standard)11 persons at different stages of case series

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Explanatory notes
1 Definitions of these study designs are provided on pages 7-8 How to use the evidence: assessment and application of scientific evidence
(NHMRC 2000b) and in the accompanying Glossary.
2 These levels of evidence apply only to studies of assessing the accuracy of diagnostic or screening tests. To assess the overall
effectiveness of a diagnostic test there also needs to be a consideration of the impact of the test on patient management and health
outcomes (Medical Services Advisory Committee 2005, Sackett and Haynes 2002). The evidence hierarchy given in the ‘Intervention’ column
should be used to assess the impact of a diagnostic test on health outcomes relative to an existing method of diagnosis/comparator test(s).
The evidence hierarchy given in the ‘Screening’ column should be used to assess the impact of a screening test on health outcomes relative
to no screening or opportunistic screening.
3 If it is possible and/or ethical to determine a causal relationship using experimental evidence, then the ‘Intervention’ hierarchy of evidence
should be utilised. If it is only possible and/or ethical to determine a causal relationship using observational evidence (eg. cannot allocate
groups to a potential harmful exposure, such as nuclear radiation), then the ‘Aetiology’ hierarchy of evidence should be utilised.
4 A systematic review will only be assigned a level of evidence as high as the studies it contains, excepting where those studies are of level II
evidence. Systematic reviews of level II evidence provide more data than the individual studies and any meta-analyses will increase the
precision of the overall results, reducing the likelihood that the results are affected by chance. Systematic reviews of lower level evidence
present results of likely poor internal validity and thus are rated on the likelihood that the results have been affected by bias, rather than
whether the systematic review itself is of good quality. Systematic review quality should be assessed separately. A systematic review should
consist of at least two studies. In systematic reviews that include different study designs, the overall level of evidence should relate to each
individual outcome/result, as different studies (and study designs) might contribute to each different outcome.
5 The validity of the reference standard should be determined in the context of the disease under review. Criteria for determining the validity of
the reference standard should be pre-specified. This can include the choice of the reference standard(s) and its timing in relation to the index
test. The validity of the reference standard can be determined through quality appraisal of the study (Whiting et al 2003).
6 Well-designed population based case-control studies (eg. population based screening studies where test accuracy is assessed on all cases,
with a random sample of controls) do capture a population with a representative spectrum of disease and thus fulfil the requirements for a
valid assembly of patients. However, in some cases the population assembled is not representative of the use of the test in practice. In
diagnostic case-control studies a selected sample of patients already known to have the disease are compared with a separate group of
normal/healthy people known to be free of the disease. In this situation patients with borderline or mild expressions of the disease, and
conditions mimicking the disease are excluded, which can lead to exaggeration of both sensitivity and specificity. This is called spectrum bias
or spectrum effect because the spectrum of study participants will not be representative of patients seen in practice (Mulherin and Miller
7 At study inception the cohort is either non-diseased or all at the same stage of the disease. A randomised controlled trial with persons either
non-diseased or at the same stage of the disease in both arms of the trial would also meet the criterion for this level of evidence.
8 All or none of the people with the risk factor(s) experience the outcome; and the data arises from an unselected or representative case series
which provides an unbiased representation of the prognostic effect. For example, no smallpox develops in the absence of the specific virus;
and clear proof of the causal link has come from the disappearance of small pox after large-scale vaccination.
9 This also includes controlled before-and-after (pre-test/post-test) studies, as well as adjusted indirect comparisons (ie. utilise A vs B and B vs
C, to determine A vs C with statistical adjustment for B).
10 Comparing single arm studies ie. case series from two studies. This would also include unadjusted indirect comparisons (ie. utilise A vs B and
B vs C, to determine A vs C but where there is no statistical adjustment for B).
11 Studies of diagnostic yield provide the yield of diagnosed patients, as determined by an index test, without confirmation of the accuracy of this
diagnosis by a reference standard. These may be the only alternative when there is no reliable reference standard.
Note A: Assessment of comparative harms/safety should occur according to the hierarchy presented for each of the research questions, with the
proviso that this assessment occurs within the context of the topic being assessed. Some harms (and other outcomes) are rare and cannot
feasibly be captured within randomised controlled trials, in which case lower levels of evidence may be the only type of evidence that is
practically achievable; physical harms and psychological harms may need to be addressed by different study designs; harms from diagnostic
testing include the likelihood of false positive and false negative results; harms from screening include the likelihood of false alarm and false
reassurance results.
Note B: When a level of evidence is attributed in the text of a document, it should also be framed according to its corresponding research
question eg. level II intervention evidence; level IV diagnostic evidence; level III-2 prognostic evidence.
Note C: Each individual study that is attributed a “level of evidence” should be rigorously appraised using validated or commonly used checklists
or appraisal tools to ensure that factors other than study design have not affected the validity of the results.
Source: Hierarchies adapted and modified from: NHMRC 1999; Bandolier 1999; Lijmer et al. 1999; Phillips et al. 2001.

NHMRC levels of evidence and grades for recommendations 16

December 2009
Table 4 Assessment of individual study quality

Study type Location of Additional/supplemental quality assessment

1 tool
NHMRC checklist

Intervention Page 45
Diagnosis Page 62 QUADAS (Whiting et al., 2003)
Prognosis Page 81 GATE checklist for prognostic studies
(NZGG, 2001)
Aetiology Page 73
Screening Page 45 UK National Screening Committee
Guidelines (2000)

Systematic Review Page 162 SIGN checklist (SIGN, 2006), CASP checklist (CASP, 2006)

1 Included in How to review the evidence: systematic identification and review of the scientific literature (NHMRC
2 Included in How to use the evidence: assessment and application of scientific evidence (NHMRC 2000b)


This paper outlines an approach to developing guideline recommendations that was piloted and
refined over four years by NHMRC GAR consultants. This approach reflects the concerted
input of experience in assisting a range of guideline developers to develop guidelines for a range
of conditions and purposes. It also incorporates feedback from the guideline developers
themselves to improve the utility of the process and the clarity of the instructions and
There are some types of evidence that have not been captured in this new grading approach,
specifically the appraisal of qualitative studies and cost-effectiveness analyses. The empirical
and theoretical basis for appraising and synthesising these types of evidence in a standard
manner is still uncertain and undergoing refinement. It is expected that that with developments
in these fields that subsequent revision of the presented approach to developing guideline
recommendations may occur.
This new methodological approach provides a way forward for guideline developers to appraise,
classify and grade evidence relevant to the purpose of a guideline and develop recommendations
that are evidence-based, action-oriented and implementable.

NHMRC levels of evidence and grades for recommendations 17

December 2009
STUDY DESIGN GLOSSARY (alphabetic order)

Adapted from NHMRC 2000ab, Glasziou et al 2001, Elwood 1998

Note: This is a specialised glossary that relates specifically to the study designs mentioned in the
NHMRC Evidence Hierarchy. Glossaries of terms that relate to wider epidemiological concepts
and evidence based medicine are also available – see;

All or none –- all or none of a series of people (case series) with the risk factor(s) experience the
outcome. The data should relate to an unselected or representative case series which provides an
unbiased representation of the prognostic effect. For example, no smallpox develops in the
absence of the specific virus; and clear proof of the causal link has come from the disappearance
of small pox after large scale vaccination. This is a rare situation.

A study of test accuracy with: an independent, blinded comparison with a valid reference
standard, among consecutive patients with a defined clinical presentation – a cross-sectional
study where a consecutive group of people from an appropriate (relevant) population receive the
test under study (index test) and the reference standard test. The index test result is not
incorporated in (is independent of) the reference test result/final diagnosis. The assessor
determining the results of the index test is blinded to the results of the reference standard test and
vice versa.

A study of test accuracy with: an independent, blinded comparison with a valid reference
standard, among non-consecutive patients with a defined clinical presentation – a cross-
sectional study where a non-consecutive group of people from an appropriate (relevant)
population receive the test under study (index test) and the reference standard test. The index test
result is not incorporated in (is independent of) the reference test result/final diagnosis. The
assessor determining the results of the index test is blinded to the results of the reference standard
test and vice versa.

Adjusted indirect comparisons – an adjusted indirect comparison compares single arms from
two or more interventions from two or more separate studies via the use of a common reference ie
A versus B and B versus C allows a comparison of A versus C when there is statistical adjustment
for B. This is most commonly done in meta-analyses (see Bucher et al 1997). Such an indirect
comparison should only be attempted when the study populations, common comparator/reference,
and settings are very similar in the two studies (Song et al 2000).

Case-control study – people with the outcome or disease (cases) and an appropriate group of
controls without the outcome or disease (controls) are selected and information obtained about
their previous exposure/non-exposure to the intervention or factor under study.

Case series – a single group of people exposed to the intervention (factor under study).
Post-test – only outcomes after the intervention (factor under study) are recorded in the
series of people, so no comparisons can be made.

Pre-test/post-test – measures on an outcome are taken before and after the intervention is
introduced to a series of people and are then compared (also known as a ‘before- and-after

NHMRC levels of evidence and grades for recommendations 18

December 2009
Cohort study – outcomes for groups of people observed to be exposed to an intervention, or the
factor under study, are compared to outcomes for groups of people not exposed.
Prospective cohort study – where groups of people (cohorts) are observed at a point in
time to be exposed or not exposed to an intervention (or the factor under study) and then are
followed prospectively with further outcomes recorded as they happen.

Retrospective cohort study – where the cohorts (groups of people exposed and not
exposed) are defined at a point of time in the past and information collected on
subsequent outcomes, eg. the use of medical records to identify a group of women using
oral contraceptives five years ago, and a group of women not using oral contraceptives,
and then contacting these women or identifying in subsequent medical records the
development of deep vein thrombosis.

Cross-sectional study – a group of people are assessed at a particular point (or cross-section) in
time and the data collected on outcomes relate to that point in time ie proportion of people with
asthma in October 2004. This type of study is useful for hypothesis-generation, to identify whether
a risk factor is associated with a certain type of outcome, but more often than not (except when the
exposure and outcome are stable eg. genetic mutation and certain clinical symptoms) the causal
link cannot be proven unless a time dimension is included.

Diagnostic (test) accuracy – in diagnostic accuracy studies, the outcomes from one or more
diagnostic tests under evaluation (the index test/s) are compared with outcomes from a reference
standard test. These outcomes are measured in individuals who are suspected of having the
condition of interest. The term accuracy refers to the amount of agreement between the index test
and the reference standard test in terms of outcome measurement. Diagnostic accuracy can be
expressed in many ways, including sensitivity and specificity, likelihood ratios, diagnostic odds
ratio, and the area under a receiver operator characteristic (ROC) curve (Bossuyt et al 2003)

Diagnostic case-control study – the index test results for a group of patients already known to
have the disease (through the reference standard) are compared to the index test results with a
separate group of normal/healthy people known to be free of the disease (through the use of the
reference standard). In this situation patients with borderline or mild expressions of the disease,
and conditions mimicking the disease are excluded, which can lead to exaggeration of both
sensitivity and specificity. This is called spectrum bias because the spectrum of study
participants will not be representative of patients seen in practice. Note: this does not apply to
well-designed population based case-control studies.

Historical control study – outcomes for a prospectively collected group of people exposed to the
intervention (factor under study) are compared with either (1) the outcomes of people treated at the
same institution prior to the introduction of the intervention (ie. control group/usual care), or (2)
the outcomes of a previously published series of people undergoing the alternate or control

Interrupted time series with a control group – trends in an outcome or disease are measured
over multiple time points before and after the intervention (factor under study) is introduced to a
group of people, and then compared to the outcomes at the same time points for a group of people
that do not receive the intervention (factor under study).

Interrupted time series without a parallel control group – trends in an outcome or disease
are measured over multiple time points before and after the intervention (factor under study) is
introduced to a group of people, and compared (as opposed to being compared to an external
control group).

NHMRC levels of evidence and grades for recommendations 19

December 2009
Non-randomised, experimental trial - the unit of experimentation (eg. people, a cluster of
people) is allocated to either an intervention group or a control group, using a non-random
method (such as patient or clinician preference/availability) and the outcomes from each group
are compared.

This can include:

(1) a controlled before-and-after study, where outcome measurements are taken before
and after the intervention is introduced, and compared at the same time point to
outcome measures in the (control) group.
(2) an adjusted indirect comparison, where two randomised controlled trials compare
different interventions to the same comparator ie. the placebo or control condition. The
outcomes from the two interventions are then compared indirectly. See entry on adjusted
indirect comparisons.

Pseudo-randomised controlled trial - the unit of experimentation (eg. people, a cluster of

people) is allocated to either an intervention (the factor under study) group or a control group,
using a pseudo-random method (such as alternate allocation, allocation by days of the week or
odd-even study numbers) and the outcomes from each group are compared.

Randomised controlled trial – the unit of experimentation (eg. people, or a cluster of people4)
is allocated to either an intervention (the factor under study) group or a control group, using a
random mechanism (such as a coin toss, random number table, computer-generated random
numbers) and the outcomes from each group are compared. Cross-over randomised controlled
trials – where the people in the trial receive one intervention and then cross-over to receive the
alternate intervention at a point in time – are considered to be the same level of evidence as a
randomised controlled trial, although appraisal of these trials would need to be tailored to address
the risk of bias specific to cross-over trials,

Reference standard - the reference standard is considered to be the best available method for
establishing the presence or absence of the target condition of interest. The reference standard can
be a single method, or a combination of methods. It can include laboratory tests, imaging tests, and
pathology, but also dedicated clinical follow-up of individuals (Bossuyt et al 2003).

Screening intervention – a screening intervention is a public health service in which members of

a defined population, who do not necessarily perceive that they are at risk of, or are already
affected by a disease or its complications (asymptomatic), are asked a question or offered a test,
to identify those individuals who are more likely to be helped than harmed by further tests or
treatment to reduce the risk of a disease or its complications (UK National Screening Committee,
2007). A screening intervention study compares the implementation of the screening intervention
in an asymptomatic population with a control group where the screening intervention is not
employed or where a different screening intervention is employed. The aim is to see whether the
screening intervention of interest results in improvements in patient-relevant outcomes eg

Study of diagnostic yield – these studies provide the yield of diagnosed patients, as
determined by the index test, without confirmation of the accuracy of the diagnosis (ie.
whether the patient is actually diseased) by a reference standard test.

Systematic review – systematic location, appraisal and synthesis of evidence from scientific

Known as a cluster randomised controlled trial
NHMRC levels of evidence and grades for recommendations 20
December 2009
Test - any method of obtaining additional information on a person’s health status. It includes
information from history and physical examination, laboratory tests, imaging tests, function tests,
and histopathology (Bossuyt et al 2003).

Two or more single arm study – the outcomes of a single series of people receiving an
intervention (case series) from two or more studies are compared. Also see entry on unadjusted
indirect comparisons.

Unadjusted indirect comparisons – an unadjusted indirect comparison compares single arms

from two or more interventions from two or more separate studies via the use of a common
reference ie A versus B and B versus C allows a comparison of A versus C but there is no
statistical adjustment for B. Such a simple indirect comparison is unlikely to be reliable (see Song
et al 2000).

NHMRC levels of evidence and grades for recommendations 21

December 2009

Bandolier editorial. Diagnostic testing emerging from the gloom? Bandolier, 1999;70. Available
Bossuyt PM, Reitsma JB, Bruns DE, Gatsonis CA, Glasziou PP, Irwig LM, Lijmer JG, Moher D,
Rennie D, de Vet HCW for the STARD Group. Towards complete and accurate reporting of
studies of diagnostic accuracy: the STARD initiative. AJR, 2003; 181:51-56
Bucher HC, Guyatt GH, Griffith LE, Walter SD. The results of direct and indirect treatment
comparisons in meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. J Clin Epidemiol, 1997;50:683-91.
CASP (2006). Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP) - making sense of evidence: 10
questions to help you make sense of reviews. England: Public Health Resource Unit. Available at:
Elwood M. (1998) Critical appraisal of epidemiological studies and clinical trials. Second edition.
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Glasziou P, Irwig L, Bain C, Colditz G. (2001) Systematic reviews in health care. A practical
guide. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Higgins JP, Thompson SG. Quantifying heterogeneity in a meta-analysis. Stat Med, 2002;
Lijmer JG, Mol BW, Heisterkamp S, Bonsel GJ, Prins MH, van der Meulen JHP, Bossuyt PMM.
Empirical evidence of design-related bias in studies of diagnostic tests. JAMA, 1999;
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Mulherin S, Miller WC. Spectrum bias or spectrum effect? Subgroup variation in diagnostic test
evaluation. Ann Intern Med, 2002;137:598-602.
NHMRC (1999). A guide to the development, implementation and evaluation of clinical practice
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NHMRC (2000a). How to review the evidence: systematic identification and review of the
scientific literature. Canberra: National Health and Medical Research Council.
NHMRC (2000b). How to use the evidence: assessment and application of scientific evidence.
Canberra: National Health and Medical Research Council.
NHMRC (2007). NHMRC standards and procedures for externally developed guidelines. Canberra:
National Health and Medical Research Council.
NZGG (2001). Handbook for the preparation of explicit evidence-based clinical practice
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Phillips B, Ball C, Sackett D, Badenoch D, Straus S, Haynes B, Dawes M (2001). Oxford Centre
for Evidence-Based Medicine levels of evidence (May 2001). Oxford: Centre for Evidence-Based
Medicine. Available at:
Sackett DL, Haynes RB. The architecture of diagnostic research. BMJ, 2002;324:539-41.
SIGN. SIGN 50. A guideline developers’ handbook. Methodology checklist 1: Systematic reviews
and meta-analyses. Edinburgh: Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network. Available at:
Song F, Glenny A-M, Altman DG. Indirect comparison in evaluating relative efficacy illustrated
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NHMRC levels of evidence and grades for recommendations 22
December 2009
UK National Screening Committee (2000). The UK National Screening Committee’s criteria for
appraising the viability, effectiveness and appropriateness of a screening programme. In: Second
Report of the UK National Screening Committee. London: United Kingdom Departments of
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NHMRC levels of evidence and grades for recommendations 23

December 2009

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