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GEK 107237A

January 2002

GE Power Systems

Shaft Sealing System

(H2 Cooled Unpackaged Generator)


In order to safely and effectively employ hydrogen for generator cooling, it is necessary to contain the gas
in the generator casing. Therefore, shaft seals are required at each end of the generator where the rotor ex-
tends through the casing. A radial oil film type seal is used for this purpose.


A. Shaft Seal

The shaft seal at each end of the generator consists of a seal housing containing a pair of bronze or steel
rings. The segments are positioned against the side walls of the housing and are held concentric with
the shaft by a garter spring. The rings which have a bore diameter of only a few mils greater than the
shaft journal are free to float radially but are prevented from rotating with the shaft by a stop in the upper
half of the housing. This housing is bolted to the end shield. Oil from the seal-oil control unit at a pressure
of about 4.5 psi (0.316 kg/cm2) above the hydrogen pressure in the generator is supplied to the seal hous-
ing. The oil then passes radially through the space between the rings and axially along the shaft in both
directions. It is this thin film of oil between the shaft surface and the rings that actually seals the hydrogen
within the casing.

The total oil flow to the inner or hydrogen side rings of the two shaft seals is approximately two gallons
(7.57 liters) per minute, while the flow from the outer or air side rings may be several times that amount.
A large air-side flow is needed to cool the rings while a low hydrogen-side flow is essential for satisfacto-
ry operation of the continuous scavenging system.

B. Seal Oil Control Unit

Pressure oil for the seals is supplied from the main lubrication system to the seal oil control unit where
it is regulated to maintain the 4.5 psi (0.316 kg/cm2) differential. The quantity of the total seal flow can
be read directly in the flowmeter.

C. Differential Pressure Regulator

A differential pressure regulator is provided for controlling the seal-oil pressure at the shaft seal. The
valve in the pressure regulator is directly controlled by the oil pressure by means of a spring and a dia-

These instructions do not purport to cover all details or variations in equipment nor to provide for every possible
contingency to be met in connection with installation, operation or maintenance. Should further information be desired or
should particular problems arise which are not covered sufficiently for the purchaser’s purposes the matter should be
referred to the GE Company.
GEK 107237A Shaft Sealing System

phragm. The regulator is designed to maintain a constant differential pressure across its valve body. The
differential pressure setting is determined by the spring compression.

The upper connection to the diaphragm is piped to the seal drain enlargement and senses the gas pressure
in the generator casing. The lower connection of the diaphragm is piped to the seal-oil supply line and
senses oil pressure being supplied to the shaft seals. When the pressure differential is across the valve
body, an increase in downstream pressure tends to close the valve. This restricts flow into the valve body
so the downstream pressure is reduced. As the downstream pressure drops, upstream pressure acts on
the diaphragm to open the valve and maintain the pressure setting differential. Once adjusted, the regula-
tor will maintain a nearly constant 5.5 psi (0.387 kg/cm2) pressure differential between the seal oil and
the generator hydrogen through the complete range of hydrogen pressures.

D. Flowmeter

The flowmeter, with an optional transmitter, is provided for obtaining an instantaneous reading of the
total seal-oil flow. It may be read locally (with a flowmeter gauge) or in the control room (when a trans-
mitter is selected).

E. Instrumentation

An instrument panel contains two pressure gauges, one differential pressure gauge, two differential pres-
sure switches, a differential pressure transmitter and a pressure switch. These instruments sense seal oil
skid inlet pressure, seal oil pressure at the seals with respect to gas pressure, and seal oil supply pressure.
One differential pressure switch activates an alarm on low seal oil differential pressure and the other
starts the DC emergency seal oil pump located on the lube oil tank when a low/low seal oil differential
pressure is reached. The DC emergency seal oil pump will also be engaged upon the activation of the
pressure switch when a low-pressure condition is experienced at the seal oil control unit inlet. The differ-
ential pressure transmitter indicates pressure to the control system for monitoring. Valving is provided
for adjusting, testing and draining all instruments.

The seal oil pressure switches are adjusted to send alarm signals to the control system when seal oil dif-
ferential pressure is low, or when filter differential pressure is high. The transmitters indicate total seal
oil flow and seal oil differential pressure to the control system.

Differential pressure instruments, measuring gas pressure versus seal oil pressure, must be recalibrated
in the field due to the static oil head in gas pressure sensing lines from seal oil enlargement to skid. Instru-
ments should read seal oil differential pressure as would be read at the generator seals.

F. Seal Drain Enlargements and Float Trap

Two small detraining chambers, known as seal drain enlargements, are provided for removing entrained
hydrogen gas from the oil which drains from the hydrogen side seal rings. One of these enlargements
is mounted on each end shield and the two are drained through a common line to a float trap. The float
trap, which is required to prevent the loss of hydrogen with the drain oil when operating at elevated hy-
drogen pressures, drains to the bearing drain enlargement where further detraining takes place before
the oil returns to the main oil tank. The float trap assembly is separate from the seal oil control unit and
is mounted in close proximity to the generator.

A vertical pipe open at the top terminates in the upper part of the turbine end of the seal drain enlarge-
ment. Another vertical open pipe is also installed in one of the seal drain enlargements to collect the oil
which results from an abnormal oil level in the enlargement. This overflow is piped to a high level alarm

Shaft Sealing System GEK 107237A

switch. Since the two enlargements are connected by a common drain line, a high level in either would
normally result in the operation of the alarm.

Abnormal oil level is usually caused by incorrect operation of the drain valves.

G. Bearing Drain Enlargement

The air side seal-oil and the generator bearing oil drains to a detraining chamber mounted under the genera-
tor casing. This detraining chamber, which has been designated as the bearing drain enlargement, provides
a large surface area for detraining the oil before it is returned through the loop trap to the main oil tank.
The bearing drain enlargement is vented to the roof. In the event of failure of the shaft seal oil supply, hy-
drogen will pass from the generator into the bearing drain enlargement and be vented to the roof. The liquid
loop seal provides a barrier to prevent the hydrogen from entering the main lubrication oil tank.


A. General

Whether the generator is running, in air or hydrogen, it is necessary at all times to have the shaft seals
in operation.

When running in air, shaft sealing is necessary in order to supply oil to the seal rings to prevent their
heating up and seizing the shaft because of the small diametral clearances.

When running hydrogen, shaft sealing is necessary in order to confine the hydrogen in the casing.

B. Checking the High Oil Level Alarm (Refer to P&ID Generator Systems)

The high oil level alarm switch (LSH-3401) actuates an alarm when there is an abnormal rise in the oil
level in the seal drain enlargement.

To test the operation of this switch, first close valve (HV-3441), then remove pipe cap at switch housing
and pour in water. This should cause the float in the switch to rise and close the alarm contacts. After
testing, drain the water by removing pipe cap below sight glass. Replace both pipe caps and open valve

C. Putting the Shaft Seals in Operation (Refer to P&ID Generator Systems)

The shaft seals may be put into operation and adjustments made to the seal-oil control unit any time after
the lubrication system has been completely flushed and is ready for operation.

The adjustments of the seal-oil system must be made by supplying seal-oil through operation of either
the emergency pump in the main tank or from the AC bearing and seal-oil pumps.

Oil from the intermediate pressure header passes through the seal-oil pressure regulator, flowmeter,
thence to the shaft seals. Valves (HV3435 and HV3407) in the sensing lines to the pressure regulator
should be open approximately three-quarters of a turn. Restricting the opening of these valves will suffi-
ciently throttle the sensing line pressures so that sudden pressure changes will not damage the diaphragm
of the pressure regulator. This diaphragm is designed for a maximum differential pressure of 125 psi
(8.788 kg/cm2), and care should be taken never to exceed this value. Valve (HV3407) is in the gas pres-
sure sensing line, while valve (HV3435) is in the seal-oil pressure sensing line. All other valves on the
seal-oil control unit should be open or closed as shown on the diagram.

GEK 107237A Shaft Sealing System

Check to make sure that seal-oil is flowing to the seals. This will be indicated by the flowmeter.

D. Charging the Casing with Air (Refer to P&ID Generator Systems)

Adjustment of the seal-oil control unit components should be made with air pressure in the generator

Start the AC bearing and seal-oil motor pump. Remove pipe plug at connection leg in the gas control
valve assembly, and admit dry air to the casing through this connection. Adjust the valves in accordance
with the illustration and charge the casing with 15 psi (1.055 kg/cm2) of air as read on the casing pressure
gauge on the hydrogen manifold.

E. Adjustment of No. 1 Pressure Regulator (Refer to P&ID Generator Systems)

Adjust the pressure regulator valve to hold the shaft seal-oil pressure as read on differential pressure
gauge PDI-3402 at 4.5 psi (0.316 kg/cm2) above the machine gas pressure.

It should be noted that this pressure regulator will then hold 4.5 psi (0.316 kg/cm2) differential over the
entire range of casing gas pressures.

F. Adjustment of Seal-Oil Unit Pressure Switches (Refer to P&ID Generator Systems)

The emergency seal oil pump pressure switches (PS-3404, PDSL-3406) bring the DC motor driven
pump into operation when the switch contacts are closed. For steam turbine applications, an emergency
pump running pressure switch (PS-268, or as specified by the lube oil P&ID-VD01), which is located
on the lube oil tank, actuates an alarm in the control system upon the DC motor pump starting.

To adjust pressure switch PDSL-3402, close valve HV-3401 and crack open valve HV-3413 until gauge
PDI-3402 reads 3.5 psi above the machine gas pressure. Make any internal adjustments necessary to switch
PDSL-3402 to actuate contacts when this differential pressure is reached. Further reduce the seal oil pressure
at PDI-3402 to 2.5 psi (0.176 kg/sq cm) above machine gas pressure. Adjust switch PDSL-3406 internally
to actuate the contacts at this pressure. Adjust switch in accordance with switch bulletin.

Adjust pressure switch PS-3404 by cracking open valve HV-3426 until pressure on gauge PI-3404 is
80 psig (30 psi and 45 psi generators). Make any internal adjustments, per switch bulletin, to actuate
switch contacts at this pressure.

G. Normal Flow through Float Trap (Refer to P&ID Generator Systems)

In normal operation with gas pressure above 5 psi (0.352 kg/cm2), valves shall be in the position indi-
cated in Mode 1, Table 1.

H. Operation at Reduced Gas Pressures (Refer to P&ID Generator Systems)

On some machines it will be necessary to operate with the float trap bypass open when operating at lower
generator casing gas pressures in order to avoid flooding the seal drain enlargements. Valves shall be
in the position indicated in Mode 2, Table 1. When the generator casing gas pressure is low (approxi-
mately 5 psi [0.352 kg/cm2] or less) the gas pressure in the seal drain enlargement is not always sufficient
to overcome the friction in the piping between the seal drain enlargement and bearing drain enlargement,
and flooding of the seal drain enlargements will occur. As casing gas pressure builds up to approximately
5 psi (0.352 kg/cm2), the bypass valve must be closed so that gas will not be blown into the bearing drain

Shaft Sealing System GEK 107237A

J. Shaft Seal-Oil Flow Check (Refer to P&ID Generator Systems)

The total quantity of oil passing through the shaft seals may be determined by reading the flowmeter.
The flow values should be equal to or less than those given on the Hydrogen Design Data sheet.

The emergency pump mounted on the main oil tank or the AC bearing and seal-oil pumps should be in
operation supplying oil to the seals during the check of seal flows.

The hydrogen side seal flow is determined by draining from valve (HV-3406) into a measuring container
for a fixed period of time. Valves shall be in the position indicated in Mode 3, Table 1. Throttle valve
(HV-3405) to hold the level of the sight indicator between valves (HV-3466, HV-3465) at approximately
1/2 full during the measuring period.

The total flow minus the hydrogen side flow equals the air side flow.

K. Float Trap Vent Line (Refer to P&ID Generator Systems)

Valves HV-3462 and HV-3438 are normally left open and are only closed when it is necessary to isolate
the float traps for servicing or when measuring gas side seal ring flow (close HV-3438 only).

Table 1. Valve Position

Mode 1 Mode 2 Mode 3

Normal Flow Float Trap Measure Gas
Valve through Float Trap Bypass Side Sealing Flow

HV-3406, HV-3436 Closed Closed HV-3406 Open, HV-3436 Closed

HV-3466 Closed Open Closed
HV-3403, HV-3437 Open Closed HV-3437 Closed, HV-3403 Open
HV-3465 Closed Open Closed

HV-3404, HV-3444 Open Closed Closed

HV-3405 Closed Throttle Closed
HV-3462, HV-3438 Open Closed HV-3438 Closed, HV-3462 Open

GE Power Systems

General Electric Company

One River Road, Schenectady, NY 12345
518 • 385 • 2211 TX: 145354
Hydrogen Sealing Rings
1 2 3 5 6 7 9

Method of assembling ring segment

Nomenclature List
1–Dowel Assembly
3–Sealing Gasket
4–Insulation Gasket–Inner
8 5–Insulation Gasket–Outer
6–Casing–Upper Half
7–Insulation Washer
8–Oil Deflector
9–Sealing Ring Segments
10–Oil Feed
11–Casing–Lower Half


20” 1/2”

10 Section A-A

11 Showing scarfed end of gasket

item-3 as machined for cementing

Section at turbine end Section at collector end

GEI 30050

Figure 1. Hydrogen Seal Assembly for Hydrogen-Cooled AC Generator (T–5130533)

System Description
The Hydrogen Control Panel (DHCP) is designed for use on hydrogen-cooled generators. It
is designed to operate in Class Division 1, Group B hazardous areas. The DHCP ana-
lyzes and, in real time, displays the hydrogen gas purity on built-in numeric displays. Envi-
ronment One’ s GGA can be supplied as an Ex, CE labeled system for Zone 1 environments.
Contact Environment One for details.

The major components of the DHCP include:

z 2 completely independent, gas analyzers

z 2 hydrogen gas flow indicators with metering valves

z 1 total hydrogen gas flow indicator

z 1 fan differential pressure transmitter and gage

z 3 hydrogen gas purifiers

z 3 moisture indicators

z 4 metering valves

z Numerous isolation valves

z 2 local display panels that indicate gas purity and specific operating conditions

Gas Analyzers (Sensor Cells Controller PCB

I/O PCB Display PCB

Analyzers and their printed circuit boards are interchangeable. Each analyzer is
comprised of a sensing unit, controller PCB, sensor cells and input/output (l/O) PCB. All
are housed in the main junction box (Figure 1); local display panels are mounted on
the front of the panel (Figure 1).

Each analyzer independently provides purity monitoring, calibration, mode selection, sensor
unit control, alarm electronics, data logging, system inputs/outputs and sensing unit
linearization. See Figure 8 for display panel features and functions.

Fail-safe operation of the Gas Analyzers is ensured by:

1. On power-up the GGA must execute and pass qualifying self tests. Failure in any test
results in termination of operation and annunciation of the condition causing the failure.

2. Following power-up and/or system reset, the GGA is continuously supervised by an

independent watchdog monitor that serves to reset it should its operation become

(Gas Analyzers cont’d)
3. The GGA is completely self-supervised and continuously checks itself for legal
processor functioning, internal voltages, analog-to-digital conversion accuracy, integrity
of cabling and relay operation. Any faults are immediately annunciated as “ trouble” on
the display and accompanied by a change in the corresponding relay state.

See Analyzer Failure for more information.

Control/Display Panel
The Control/Display Panel provides control of all functions of the GGA as well as complete
annunciation of the status of the GGA (Figure 7). Functions are accessed by means of a
four-button membrane-switch keypad and Liquid Crystal Display (LCD). Gener-
ally, pressing the Fn (Function) key causes the LCD to continuously scroll the names of the
available functions. A function may then be accessed by pressing the ENTER key
when the function name appears. Subsequently, to signal confirmation, the function name
flashes briefly.

The Display Panel provides Light Emitting Diodes to annunciate the Normal (H, in
air), Purge (H, in CO, and air in CO,), and Calibrate (H,, CO, and GGA states. In addi-
tion, they indicate Warning, Alarm and Trouble conditions. A green LED indicates AC Power.
It is important to understand that, should the GGA go into either Warning and/or Alarm,
it will lock into continuous monitoring of the gas stream. No other function can be
accessed unless the Alarm/Warning Reset key is first pressed.

To permit a system level initialization (“ cold start” ), a momentary push-button, located behind
the Display Panel (Figure 7) in the upper right hand corner, may be pressed. Since all
calibration constants are stored in non-volatile memory, these values will not be lost should
the system be initialized or should it lose, then regain, AC power.

Sensor Cell Assembly

The sensor cell assembly is comprised of a sampling thermistor and a reference thermistor
both operated at very low power in a self-heated mode embedded in a
regulated cell block. Gas purity is derived as a function of the thermal conductivity of the gas
mixture to the heat output of the thermistors under known constraints. See Cell Output
Voltages for a detailed description for the sensor cell.

Flow Indicators with Metering Valves (FI-2971, FI-2972)

Two low-flow gas indicators with needle metering valves are used to adjust the hydrogen
gas flow through each sensing unit (Analyzer 1 and Analyzer 2, Figure 1). Both have a direct
read scale with a range of 90 to 900 calibrated with hydrogen.

Note: Flow indication changes with different gasses. For hydrogen, the flow should be set
for 500

Total Gas Flowmeter (FL2973)

A high flow gas indicator is used to indicate the scavenging flows (Total Flow, Figure 1). The
high flow gas indicator has a direct read scale with a range of 540 to 5,400 when
calibrated with hydrogen.

Note: Flow indication changes with different gasses. Metering valves adjust the flow of the
collector end low flow, collector end high flow, turbine end low flow and turbine end high
flow. See Flow Calibration for flow settings.
Differential Pressure Gage (PDI-292)
A differential pressure gage measures the generator fan differential pressure (Fan
Differential, Figure 1). The standard differential pressure gage has dual scales with ranges
of 0 to 30 inches and 0 to 76.2 Some units may be equipped with special gage

Differential Pressure Transmitter (PDT-292)

A differential pressure transmitter provides an output signal corresponding to the generator
fan differential pressure (Figure 1). This 4 to 20 output is externally provided by the
Mark V and corresponds to 0 to 30 inches Some units may be equipped with a special

Three gas purifiers remove foreign matter from the hydrogen stream (Turbine End Purifier,
Case Purifier, Collector End Purifier; Figure 1). Removal of oil, water and particles above 12
microns is accomplished through the use of molecular sieve materials and special filters.
The filters are available in replaceable cartridges, HA-12P2.

Moisture Indicators (MI-2971, MI-2972, MI-2973)

Three moisture indicators indicate the downstream presence of moisture in the hydrogen
stream (Turbine End Moisture, Collector End Moisture, Case Moisture; Figure 1). The units
are supplied with a dyed silica gel, which gradually changes from blue (at relative humidity
less than 4 percent) to pink (at relative humidity higher than 40 percent). These devices are

Metering Valves (HO-2971, HO-2972, HO-2973, HO-2974)

Four needle metering valves provide adjustment for the scavenging flow rates (Collector
End Low Flow, Turbine End Low Flow, Collector End High Flow, Turbine End High Flow;
Figure 1). See rb
in for flow settings.
System Operation

The main purpose is to analyze and display the hydrogen gas purity of hydrogen
cooled generators. This section describes system operation.

DHCP Initialization
With system power on, press the RESET push-button on the backside of the DISPLAY
PANEL (Figure 7). Reset each of the two gas analyzer units separately.

The GGA will perform several self tests and, if they are successful, the DISPLAY PANEL will
respond with (a) all discrete lit; (b) all segments and the tenths place decimal point of
the GAS PURITY display lit; and (c) all pixels of the LCD display on. Within several seconds
(a) all discrete the and TROUBLE LEDS, will turn off; (b) all
segments, except the tenths place decimal point of the GAS PURITY display will turn off;
and (c) the display will indicate LINKING . . . . as the DISPLAY PANEL initiates
communication with the rest of the system. Communication should be established within
several seconds and the LCD display will then echo the results of cold-start initialization:



z 12 BIT ADC . . .
. . . . CALIBRATED Note: calibration is unsuccessful hen the LCD will display 12 BIT
ADC ERROR. After annunciating TROUBLE, the processor be stopped because, at
this point in the start-up sequence, this condition is a fatal error. Contact Environment
One at (518) 346-6161.

z 8 BITADC . . .
. . . . CALIBRATED Note: calibration is unsuccessful then the LCD display 8 BIT
ADC ERROR. After annunciating TROUBLE, the processor be stopped because, at
this point in the start-up sequence, this condition is a fatal error. Contact Environment
One at (518) 346-6161.

z lout SET TO 4 where lout is the 4-20 GGA output. See below.

z (where is the instantaneous cell block temperature). For an inde-

terminate period (normally not exceeding 15 minutes for a cold start), the LCD will
display the real-time temperature of the sensor cell block. When the temperature rises to
55.0 C 0.5 C, the system will advance and the display will indicate:

z ANALYZER READY After this last message, all discrete will go out except AC
POWER and TROUBLE. In response to the prompts NORMAL CONFIGURE
VALVES, permit the sample gas to flow through the sensor then press the ENTER key.
This is the NORMAL mode of operation. See more information.

For a first time installation, it is essential that a gas sensor calibration be performed on the
system. Also, the faults log should be cleared. See System for more information.

Flow Calibration
Refer to Figure 5 for piping component location and Figures 11 through 25 for valve configu-

With the DHCP system in normal operation, manually close all isolation valves and metering

Set CE low flow. Open isolation valve HV-2973. Adjust the collector end low flow metering
valve HO-2974 for a flow setting of approximately 1000 SCCM at total flow meter Fl-2973.

Set CE high flow. While Mark V is energizing N-2973, adjust the collector end high flow
metering valve HO-2973 for a total flow of approximately 2000 SCCM at total flow meter
2973. After adjustment is made, ensure that FY-2973 is de-energized by the generator
control system (Mark V).

Set Cell flow. Open isolation valves HV-2974, HV-2982 and HV-2981; adjust the flow
meter/metering valve Fl-2972 for a flow of approximately 500 SCCM. Total flow meter
2973 should indicate approximately 1500 SCCM. Close HV-2973, HV-2974, HV-2982 and

Set TE low flow. Open isolation valve HV-2971. Adjust the turbine end low flow metering
valve HO-2972 for a flow setting of approximately 1000 SCCM at total flow meter Fl-2973.

Set TE high flow. While Mark V is energizing FY-2971, adjust the turbine end high flow
metering valve HO-2971 for a total flow of approximately 2000 SCCM at total flow meter
2973. After adjustment is made, ensure that FY-2971 is de-energized by the generator
control system (Mark V).

Set Cell flow. Open isolation valves HV-2972, HV-2979 and HV-2980. Adjust the indica-
tor/metering valve Fl-2971 for a flow of approximately 500 SCCM. Total flow meter Fl-2973
should indicate approximately 1500 SCCM.

Open HV-2973, HV-2974, HV-2982 and HV-2981. Total flow meter Fl-2973 should indicate
approximately 3000 SCCM.

Gas Calibration
Calibrate each of the two gas analyzer units separately.

Press the Fn key on the GGA. Wait until the display scrolls to the prompt GAS
CALIBRATION then press the ENTER key. The display will scroll the prompts CALIBRATE
H,, CALIBRATE CO, and CALIBRATE N,. Wait until the display scrolls to the prompt
CALIBRATE then press the ENTER key. In response to the prompts CALIBRATE H,,
CONFIGURE VALVES, permit the hydrogen calibration gas to flow through the sensor. With
the calibration gas flowing the LCD will display the voltage output of the reference cell
sensor in the format Vref=X.XXX VDC. Press the Fn key to cancel the calibration at this
point, if desired; this will permit a return to the main’ menu. If desired to continue the
calibration, observe the reference voltage and, if it appears stable (i.e., a final change of not
greater than 1 to 2 per minute), press the ENTER key.

The LCD will display the voltage output of the sample cell sensor in the format
Again, the calibration may be terminated by pressing Fn. If it is
(Gas Calibration Cont’d)
continued, observe the sample cell voltage as it adjusts to the flowing calibration span
gas. When it appears stable (i.e., a final change of not greater than 1 per minute, which
occurs within approximately 15 minutes) press the ENTER key. The LCD will display
CALIBRATED. This concludes calibration.

The display will scroll the prompts CALIBRATE CALIBRATE CO, and CALIBRATE N,.
Press the Fn key on the GGA to return to the menu or to continue gas calibration, wait
until the display scrolls to the prompt CALIBRATE CO, and press the ENTER key. In
response to the prompts CALIBRATE CO,, CONFIGURE VALVES, permit the CO,
calibration gas to flow through the sensor. With the calibration gas flowing the LCD will
display the voltage output of the reference cell sensor in the format Vref=X.XXX VDC. If
desired to cancel the calibration at this point, press the Fn key; this will permit a return to the
main menu. If desired to continue the calibration, observe the reference voltage and, if it
appears stable (i.e., a final change of not greater than 1 to 2 per minute), press the
ENTER key.

The LCD will display the voltage output of the sample cell sensor in the format
VDC. Again, the calibration may be terminated by pressing Fn. If it is continued, observe the
sample voltage as it adjusts to the flowing CO, calibration zero gas. When it appears stable
(i.e., a final change of not greater than 1 to 2 per minute, which occurs within
approximately 15 minutes), press the ENTER key. The LCD will display CO, CALIBRATED.
This concludes CO, calibration.

The display will scroll the prompts CALIBRATE CALIBRATE CO, and CALIBRATE N,.
Press the Fn key on the GGA to return to the menu, or to continue gas calibration, wait
until the display scrolls to the prompt CALIBRATE N,, press the ENTER key. In response to
the prompts CALIBRATE N,, CONFIGURE VALVES, permit the nitrogen calibration gas to
flow through the sensor. With the calibration gas flowing the LCD will display the voltage
output of the reference cell sensor in the format Vref=X.XXX VDC. If desired to cancel the
calibration at this point, press the Fn key; this will permit a return to the main menu. If
desired to continue the calibration, observe the reference voltage and, if it appears stable
(i.e., a final change of not greater than 1 to 2 per minute) press the ENTER key.

The LCD will display the voltage output of the sample cell sensor in the format
VDC. Again, the calibration may be terminated by pressing Fn. If it is continued, observe the
sample voltage as it adjusts to the flowing calibration zero/span gas. When it appears
stable (i.e., a final change of not greater than 1 to 2 per minute, which occurs within
approximately 15 minutes) press the ENTER key. The LCD will display CALIBRATED.
This concludes calibration.

Press the Fn key to return to the main menu. This concludes the gas sensor calibration of
the GGA system.

Normal Operation
NORMAL operation of the GGA system can be accessed by first pressing the Fn key to
access the main menu and, then, pressing the ENTER key when the display scrolls to the
prompt NORMAL (H, in Air). In response to the prompts NORMAL (H, in Air), CONFIGURE
VALVES, permit the sample gas to flow through the sensor then press the ENTER key. In
the NORMAL mode of operation the GGA can respond to both WARNING and
levels. Both levels are programmable (see SETTINGS, above, for detailed information). The
4-20 current output of the GGA corresponds to 70 to 100 percent gas purity and the
GGA must remain below the WARNING or ALARM level for a minimum of one minute to
(Normal Operation Cont’d)
generate an alarm. Should the GGA go into WARNING, it will energize the WARNING
RELAY (Figure X) and illuminate the WARNING LED. Further system operation is locked
out until the WARNING RESET key is pressed (at which point the GGA will revert to
NORMAL operation).

Purge Operation
To monitor a purge operation, first press the Fn key to access the main menu, and then
press ENTER when the display scrolls to the prompt PURGE (H, in CO,) or PURGE (Air in
CO,) key. In response to either the prompt PURGE in CO,) or PURGE (Air in CO,),
CONFIGURE VALVES, permit the sample gas to flow through the sensor then press the
ENTER key. The Display Panel will respond with the corresponding PURGE (H, in CO,) or
PURGE (Air in CO,) LED illuminated. In this mode the 4 to 20 current output of each
GGA corresponds to 0 to 100 percent gas purity. There is no alarm level for either of the
PURGE operations.

Mode Menu
The following items are available by pressing the Fn key:

NORMAL This item, when displayed, can be selected by pressing the ENTER
key. See Norma/ Operation for more information.

PURGE This item, when displayed, can be selected by pressing the ENTER key. See
Purge Operation for more information.

GAS CALIBRATION This item, when displayed, can be selected by pressing the
ENTER key. See Gas Calibration for more information.

SETTINGS This item, when displayed, can be selected by pressing the ENTER key. If
selected, two sub-items will be displayed: ALARM LEVEL and WARNING LEVEL. These
sub-items permit adjustment of the levels at which system alarm and warning are
annunciated. To adjust the ALARM LEVEL, press the ENTER key when this sub-item
appears. The LCD will display the current purity level (in percent purity) at, or above
which, the system will annunciate an alarm condition. This value can be adjusted, by
using the UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW keys, between 80 percent and 1 percent
less than the setting for the warning level. The new level can be selected by pressing the
ENTER key. The new level will not be selected if the Fn key is pressed instead. To
adjust the WARNING LEVEL, press the ENTER key when this sub-item appears. The
LCD will display the current purity level (in percent purity) at, or above which, the system
will annunciate a warning condition. This value can be adjusted, by using the UP
ARROW and DOWN ARROW keys, between 1 percent more than the setting for the
alarm level and 99.9 percent. The new level can be selected by pressing the ENTER
key. The new level will not be selected if the Fn key is pressed instead. The system will
not permit the alarm and warning levels to have the same value; it will also not permit
the alarm level to be higher than the warning level.

SYSTEM This item, when displayed, can be selected by pressing the ENTER key. If
selected, five sub-items will be displayed: “ MONITOR Tcell,” “ SHOW FAULTS LOG,”
the ENTER key when a sub-item appears selects that sub-item.

Selecting the sub-item MONITOR Tcell permits a real time readout of the temperature of the
(Mode Menu
gas sensor cell. Press the Fn key to terminate.

The GGA is a self-supervised system and can identify and trap detected faults in its opera-
tion. Whenever a fault is detected the TROUBLE LED is illuminated, the TROUBLE RELAY
is de-energized, and a description of the fault is logged (stored and latched). Faults can be
displayed by pressing the ENTER key when the sub-item SHOW FAULTS LOG is displayed.
Fault conditions that can be detected include errors in the system’ s and
digital converters, power supply voltages, supervisory loop errors and gas sensor cell block
temperature. Press the Fn key to terminate.

The faults log can be erased by pressing the ENTER key when the sub-item CLEAR
FAULTS LOG is displayed. If selected, the LCD will prompt CLEAR LOG? Press the ENTER
key to clear all logged faults. Once executed the display will indicate LOG CLEARED for
approximately two seconds and then go blank, leaving the system in the NORMAL mode.
Pressing the Fn key instead will blank the display and place the system in the NORMAL
mode without clearing the faults.

Pressing the ENTER key when the sub-item RUN DIAGNOSTICS is displayed permits a
readout of the initial cell reference voltage, the output voltages of all power supplies,
tests the system’ s Normal, Trouble, Alarm and Warning relays, and the Membrane Keypad
on the Display Panel. At any point press Fn to terminate testing. The test sequence is:

The LCD will display This parameter is the voltage of the cell
reference thermistor and was stored at the time of the last calibration of the cell (whether
H,, CO, or

2. The LCD will display This parameter is the voltage of the hydrogen
calibration constant and was stored at the time of the last calibration of the cell.

3. The LCD will display This parameter is the voltage of the carbon
dioxide calibration constant and was stored at the time of the last calibration of the cell.

4. The LCD will display This parameter is the voltage of the nitrogen
calibration constant and was stored at the time of the last calibration of the cell.

5. The LCD will display X.XXVDC. This parameter is the reference voltage of the 12
bit analog-to-digital converter and will range between 3.97 and 4.22 VDC.

6. The LCD will display X.XXVDC. This parameter is the output of the volt digital
supply and will range between 4.50 and 5.50 VDC.

7. The LCD will display XX.XVDC. This parameter is the output of the volt
digital supply and will range between 10.8 and 13.2 VDC.

8. The LCD will display XX.XVDC. This parameter is the output of the volt
analog supply and will range between 13.5 and 16.5 VDC.

9. The LCD will display XX.XVDC. This parameter is the output of the -15 volt
analog supply and will range between -13.5 and -16.5 VDC.

For the above voltages, the LCD will flash an ERROR message alternately with the
voltage if the measured voltage is out of limit.

(Mode Menu Cont’d)
10. The LCD will display “ RELAY TEST The system will cause each relay to be
energized. If no errors are detected, the LCD will display” RELAYS PASS.” If an error is
detected, the LCD will display “ RELAYS FAIL,” “ FAILURE IN,” then “ NORMAL RELAY,”

11. The LCD will display “ KEYPAD TEST Press each key on the Membrane Keypad on
the DISPLAY PANEL, reserving the ENTER key for last (this key will terminate the test).
As each key is pressed the LCD will echo the name of the key.

Program instructions for the microcontroller within the GGA system are stored in Read Only
Memory (ROM) chips located within the system. The program identification and revision
level, in the format Rev X.X, can be displayed by pressing the ENTER key when the
sub-item SHOW PROGRAM ID is displayed. Pressing the Fn key terminates this item.

REMINDER! Should the system go into trouble, access the menu items SHOW
FAULTS LOG and RUN DIAGNOSTICS for more information.

Cell Output Voltages

The sensor cell is principally comprised of a sampling thermistor and a reference thermistor
embedded in a temperature regulated cell block. The voltage derived from the reference
thermistor (this voltage is displayed as is used to compensate for any non-purity related
variations in the voltage output of the sample thermistor (this voltage is displayed as
When a cell is calibrated, the value of is stored in non-volatile memory as the parameter
Vref. Subsequently, during normal operation, the real time value of mathematically
combined with Vref to form a term compensating s. This operation ensures long-term mea-
surement accuracy of the sensor cell.

The output voltages of these thermistors can be viewed directly (i.e., prior to any computa-
tion) in real time by pressing the UP arrow. This information is updated every half second
and is displayed in the format where, again, s stands for the sample
thermistor voltage and stands for the current value of the reference thermistor voltage.
The display of these voltages may be canceled at any time by pressing the DOWN arrow.
The parameter Vref is displayed during calibration and diagnostics.


The Hydrogen Control Panel (DHCP) is designed for reliable, trouble-free operation. Peri-
odic checks and maintenance are easy. Following the required maintenance checks will
ensure safe trouble free operation of this equipment.

Check and adjust DHCP analyzer and scavenging flow rates. See Flow Calibration. Check
hydrogen purity.

1. Visually inspect the moisture indicators. A blue medium indicates dry hydrogen, while a
pink medium indicates excessive moisture in the hydrogen gas sample that may affect
the stability of the Generator Gas Analyzers. Replace or regenerate the Moisture
Indicator and replace the Gas Purifier if the medium is pink. Refer to Removal of
Moisture Indicators and Gas Purifiers.

2. Blow down purifiers by first removing cap at the base of the isolation valve and then
open the valve itself. It is advisable to have a container available to collect any fluid
contained within the purifier. CAUTION: THE PURIFIERS MAY CONTAIN HYDROGEN

Every Six Months

1. Check Analyzer power and calibration voltages.

2. Calibrate Generator Gas Analyzers, as necessary.

3. Run Diagnostics.

When the Generator is Down

During periods when the generator is shut down, it is recommended that either a) power be
maintained to the DHCP, or b) the DHCP be isolated by placing all isolation valves in “ off

Component Replacement Instructions
The hydrogen analyzer sensing units, input/output circuit board, processor circuit boards,
power supplies and intrinsically safe barriers are located inside the main junction box. To
gain access to the inside of the main junction box for service, remove the 32,
captive bolts. Two guide studs assist with removal/replacement.

CAUTION! Do not scratch sealing surfaces on the main junction box. The main junc-
tion box lid weighs 50 Ibs (22.7 kg). Take precautions during removal. Prior to open-
ing the main junction box, remove power from the HCP and ensure the system is free
of hydrogen.

Removing a Gas Analyzer Sensor

To remove a hydrogen analyzer from a flameproof enclosure:

1. Disconnect AC input power.

2. Manually close isolation valves HV-2979, HV-2980, HV-2982 and HV-2981.

3. Remove the cover of the main junction box.

4. Remove 4 screws used to secure processor and boards (see Figure 2).

5. Remove the cable connector from the sensor circuit board.

6. Remove inlet and outlet tubing connections from the analyzer with a 6-inch wrench.

7. Remove mounting hardware (4 slotted screws).

8. To reinstall sensor cell, reverse above process, then leak check.

Removing a Processor Circuit B

To remove a processor circuit board from the main junction box:

1. Disconnect AC input power.

2. Close isolation valves HV-2985, HV-2986, HV-2983 and

3. Remove the main junction box cover.

4. To remove the upper processor board, disconnect the 60-pin ribbon cable and remove
the 4 nuts

5. Install the new processor board in reverse order.

6. Check that pin on the ribbon connector is properly aligned.

Removing the Input/Output (I/O) Circuit oBard
1. Disconnect AC input power.

2. Close Isolation valves HV-2985, HV-2986, HV-2983 and HV-2973A.

3. Remove the main junction box cover.

4. Remove the processor board. Disconnect the ribbon cable and 4 nuts

5. Remove the 8 slotted screws, which hold the board in place and spacers in place (4 on
top, 4 on bottom of board).

6. Remove all wiring connections to the terminal blocks on the Input/Output board.

7. Disconnect power supply connections to the Input/Output board.

a. Disconnect the analyzer cell, headers.

9. The Input/Output board can now be removed. Install the new input/Output board in
reverse order.

Removing Solenoid Valves Coils

All solenoid valves are connected in the main junction box. Once the inoperable solenoid
valve is located, remove AC power and manually close all isolation valves.

1. Reach under the solenoid and remove the top cap by prying it off.

2. Push the solenoid valve body down and slide the nameplate/retainer off.

3. Open the closest (small, adjacent) junction box to the solenoid valve and locate the 2
solenoid valve wires.

4. Cut and strip the wires.

5. Install the new solenoid valve.

6. Splice the wires together using a butt splice.

7. Replace the (small, adjacent) junction box cover.

a. Restore AC power and manually reopen the isolation valves.

Removing Moisture Indicators

Three moisture indicators and three gas purifiers are located on the front of the panel
(Figure 1).

To remove moisture indicators:

1. Disconnect AC input power.

2. Manually close all isolation valves.

(Removing Moisture Indicators cont’d)
3. Unscrew moisture indicator by hand.

4. Replace moisture indicator by screwing in the replacement by hand.

5. Open isolation valves HV-2971, HV-2972, HV-2979, HV-2980, HV-2973, HV-2974,

2981, HV-2982 and HV-2978.

6. Perform leak check.

7. Reconnect AC input power.

Removing Gas Purifiers

1. Disconnect AC input power.

2. Manually close all isolation valves.

3. Release pressure within purifier housing by opening drain at HV-2971 A, HV-2972A or

as appropriate.

4. Remove 8 bolts hex) at bottom flange of purifier housing.

5. Remove purifier cartridge and two associated gaskets.

6. Replace cartridge and gaskets.

7. Resecure bolts (to 120” torque).

8. Close drain.

9. Open isolation valves HV-2971, HV-2972, HV-2979, HV-2980, HV-2973, HV-2974,

2981, HV-2982 and HV-2978.

10. Perform leak check.

11. Reconnect AC input power.

Removing Flow Meters

1. Disconnect AC input power.

2. Manually close all isolation valves.

3. Remove tubing fittings and locking nuts from the back of the flowmeter.

4. Withdraw flowmeter from the front side of the DHCP.

5. To install replacement, reverse above process.

6. Perform leak check.

7. Reconnect AC input power.


The figures that follow depict the DHCP and its components. All references in this document
refer to the following figures.

Please note that figures 11-25 depict portions of the DHCP. These figures are provided for
easy reference in configuring isolation valves and switches. Please note that isolation valve
handles and actual switches are not shown. Instead, “ on,” “ off” and arrow graphics are
provided. Contact Environment One with questions relating to any of the figures relating to
this manual.

Status Analyzer CAL CAL TE CAL CAL TE


Status Analyzer


Status Case/CAL Purge

Figure 7 DHCP Display



0 0




Generotor Gas Analyzer

8 Display Descriptions

Figure (Display

Figure 8B (Display Keys)


RESET Clear the Alarm and Warning conditions in normal mode

Fn Activate the menu

ENTER Select a menu item

UP ARROW Used with some menu options to increase the value of a

DOWN ARROW Used with some menu options to decrease the value of a

See Figure 9

Figure (DHCP Status)

Cause Indicators
The GGA is in measuring hydrogen in Alarm LED + Alarm Relay
air and the concentration is below the
alarm level
2 warning The GGA is in measuring hydrogen in Warning LED + Warning Relay
air and the concentration is below the
3 ERROR The sensor cell is not at a temperature Trouble LED + Trouble Relay
of 55 degrees centigrade.
4 Power Supply One or more power supplies are not Trouble LED + Trouble Relay
within tolerance.
The GGA is detecting a communication Trouble LED + Trouble Relay
while trying to talk to the
board or the display. One or more relays

Run diagnostics to identify power supply problems.

Run diagnostics to identify which loop error is present.

10 DHCP Customer

Figure 10

Energized when the GGA is in measuring hydrogen in air and

General the is below the alarm level.
WARNING Energized when the GGA is in measuring hydrogen in air and 2
General the is below the level.
TROUBLE De-energized when the detects an condition. 3,495
NORMAL Energized when the GGA is measuring the of
hydrogen in air.

See Figure 9

Figure 1 1 Valve/Switch configuration, Normal % in Air

Figure 12 Valve/Switch Configuration, Purge %

Figure 13 Valve/Switch Configuration, Purge %
Air in

Figure 14 Valve/Switch Configuration, Case

Figure 15 Valve/Switch Configuration, Mode, Turbine End

Figure 16 Valve/Switch Configuration, Mode, Collector End

Figure 17 Valve/Switch configuration, Calibrate (B
oth Analyzers)

Figure 18 Valve/Switch Configuration, Calibrate CO, (B

oth Analyzers)
Figure 19 Valve/Switch Configuration, Calibrate (Both Analyzers)

Figure 20 Valve/Switch Calibrate (Turbine End)

Figure Valve/Switch Calibrate (Collector End)

Figure 22 Valve/Switch Configuration, Calibrate (Turbine End)

Figure 23 Valve/Switch Calibrate (Collector End)

Figure 24 Valve/Switch Configuration, Calibrate (Turbine End)

Figure 25 Valve/Switch Configuration, Calibrate (Collector End)
Item Description Supplier Manufacturer Manufacturer Description
Number Drawing No. Number

Flowmeter FM1 Fl-2973 Brooks Instruments1 540 to 5400 H2 flowmeter

Indicator/Metering Valve FM2 Fl-2971 Brooks Instruments1 90 to 900 H2 fiowmeter/metering valve
Valve FM3 Fl-2972 Brooks Instruments1 A 90 to 900 H2 valve
Isolation Valve IV1 HV-2971 HA001 1 PO1 Parker female isolationball valve, SS
Isolation Valve IV2 HV-2971 A Parker female isolationball valve, SS
Isolation Valve IV1 1 HV-2972 HA001 1 PO1 Parker female isolationball valve, SS
Isolation Valve IV4 HA001 1 PO1 Parker female isolationbail valve, SS
Isolation Valve IV1 0 HV-2973 HA001 1 PO1 Parker female isolationball valve, SS
Isolation Valve IV9 HV-2973A HA001 1 PO1 Parker female isolationbali valve, SS
Isolation Valve IV12 HV-2974 HA001 1 PO1 Parker female isolationball valve, SS
Isolation Valve IV1 9 HV-2975 HA001 1 PO1 Parker female isolationball valve, SS
Isolation Valve IV1 8 HV-2976 HA001 1 PO1 Parker female isolationball valve, SS
Zeroing Valve IV1 3 HV-2977 HA001 1 PO1 Parker female isolationball valve, SS
Isolation Valve IV3 HV-2978 HA001 1 PO1 Parker female isolation ball valve, SS
Isolation Valve IV1 4 HV-2979 HA001 1 PO1 Parker female isolation bail valve, SS
Isolation Valve IV1 5 HV-2980 HA001 1 PO1 Parker female isolation ball valve, SS
Isolation Valve IV1 7 HV-2981 HA001 1 PO1 Parker female isolation ball valve, SS
Isolation Valve IV1 8 HV-2982 HA001 1 PO1 Parker female isolation ball valve, SS
Isolation Valve IV8 HV-2983 HA001 1 PO1 Parker female isolation ball valve, SS
Isolation Valve IV5 HV-2984 HA001 1 PO1 Parker female isolation ball valve, SS
Isolation Valve IV6 HV-2985 HA001 1 PO1 Parker female isolation ball valve, SS
Isolation Valve IV7 HV-2986 Parker female isolation bail valve, SS
Isolation Valve IV20 HV-2987 HA001 1 PO1 Parker female isolation bail valve, SS
Analyzer Cell QT-290A HC0021 GO1 Environment One HC0021 GO1 Analyzer Cell Assembly
Analyzer Cell QT-290B HC0021 GO1 Environment One HC0021 GO1 Analyzer Cell Assembly
Metering Valve HO-2971 HA001 Parker male-NPT ports metering valve, SS
Metering Valve MV2 HO-2972 HA001 Parker male-NPT ports metering valve, SS
Metering Valve MV4 HO-2973 HA001 Parker male-NPT ports metering valve, SS
Solenoid Valve FY-2971 HA001 Automatic Switch EFHTL-8262G7 12060 2 way, NC, 60 Hz solenoid valve
Solenoid Valve SV3 FY-2972 HA001 Automatic Switch EFHTL-8262G138 12060 2 way, NO, solenoid valve
Metering Valve MV3 HO-2974 HA001 Parker male-NPT ports metering valve, SS
Solenoid Valve SV2 FY-2973 HA001 Automatic Switch EFHTL-8262G7 12060 2 way, NC, 60 Hz solenoid valve
Solenoid Valve SV4 FY-2974 HA001 Automatic Switch EFHTL-8262G138 12060 2 way, NO, solenoid valve
Solenoid Valve SV5 FY-2981 HA001 Automatic Switch EFHTL-8320G200 12060 3 way, solenoid valve
Differential Trans. PDT-292 Yokogawa 0 to 30” H20, 9.5” normal differential transmitter
Item Description Supplier Manufacturer Manufacturer Description
Number Drawing No. Number

Differential Gage PDI-292 HA0041 PO1 Midwest 0 to 30” H2, dual scale differential pressure gage
Moisture Indicator MI1 Ml-2971 HA001 Matheson 465 NPT, male/female moisture indicator
Moisture Indicator Ml2 Ml-2972 HA001 Matheson 465 NPT, male/female moisture indicator
Moisture Indicator Ml3 Ml-2973 HA001 Matheson 465 NPT, male/female moisture indicator
Replacement Plug HA-l HA001 Matheson Replacement indicator plug
Turbine End Purifier Matheson 450B female
Case Purifier FU2 HA-l HA001 Matheson 4508 female NPT
Collector End Purifier FU3 Matheson female NPT
Cartridge HA-l HA001 Matheson 451A Replacement cartridge
Heater HA-l HA001 Chromalox AEPS-024-220-917 220 watt explosion proof heater
Heater HA-l Chromalox AEPS-024-220-917 220 watt explosion proof heater
I/O PC Board HD-43Gl Environment One input/output printed circuit board
Controller Board HD-39Gl Environment One analyzer processor printed circuit board
Display Board Assemble HB-26Gl Environment One analyzer display board
Display Board Assemble Environment One analyzer display board
Power Supply Tri-Mag Inc. 12 VDC power supply
Power Supply HA-1 HA01 Polytronics P33 1098 15 VDC power supply
IS Barrier, Single Crouse Hinds single channel, isolation barrier
IS Barrier, Single Crouse Hinds single channel, isolation barrier
IS Barrier, Single Crouse Hinds single channel, isolation barrier
IS Barrier, Single Crouse Hinds single channel, isolation barrier
IS Barrier, Dual Crouse Hinds dual channel, isolation barrier
IS Barrier, Dual Crouse Hinds dual channel, isolation barrier
IS Barrier, Dual Crouse Hinds dual channel, isolation barrier
IS Barrier, Dual Crouse Hinds dual channel, isolation barrier
Flame Arrestor Housing HB-1 Environment One flame Arrestor housing
Flame Arrestor Housing Environment One flame Arrestor housing
Flame Arrestor Filters HA-65Pl Leeds Northrup 85104 flame Arrestor filters
Thermal Protector HA-46Pl Canadian Therm. 65 c thermostat
220 VAC Transformer HA-1 HA01 Signal 220 VAC Transformer
GEK 103763
New Information, March 1996

GE Power Systems

Hydrogen and Carbon Dioxide

Gas Control System
Operation and Maintenance Instructions

These instructions do not purport to cover all details or variations in equipment nor to provide for every possible
contingency to be met in connection with installation, operation or maintenance. Should further information be desired or
should particular problems arise which are not covered sufficiently for the purchaser’s purposes the matter should be
referred to the GE Company.
GEK 103763 Hydrogen and Carbon Dioxide Gas Control System


I. GENERAL DESCRIPTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
A. Why Hydrogen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
B. Explosion Hazard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
C. Inert Intermediate Gas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
D. Essential Parts of the Gas Control System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
E. Gas Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
F. Gas Valve Station . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

II. WARNINGS CONCERNING THE USE OF HYDROGEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

A. General Rules for Safe Handling of Hydrogen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
B. Unknown Contaminant is Assumed to be Air . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
C. Rules for Safe Handling of Hydrogen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
D. Maintenance on Hydrogen Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
E. Hydrogen Zone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

III. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE GAS CONTROL SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

A. The Rotor Fan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
B. CO2 as Intermediate Gas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
C. Distribution Pipes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
D. Gas Control Valves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
E. Casing Liquid Detector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
F. Shaft Sealing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
G. Seal Oil Draining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
H. Oil Deflectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
J. Gas Flow Between Cavities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
K. Scavenging to Retain H2 Purity in the End Cavities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
L. Vacuum Seal Oil Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
M. Gas Purity Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

IV. GAS CONTROL VALVE EQUIPMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

A. Features of the Gas Control Valve Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
B. Features of Bottle Manifolds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
C. Features in the Gas System Piping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
D. Features of the Liquid Detector Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

V. OPERATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
A. Operator Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
B. Generator Gas Purging and Normal Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
C. Setting the Scavenging Flow Rates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
D. Operating the Generator at Full Speed with Air Inside . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

VI. ALARM RESPONSES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

A. Low-Low and Low Generator Gas Purity Alarms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
B. Generator Gas Temperature High . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
C. Generator Gas Pressure High . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
D. Generator Gas Pressure Low . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Hydrogen and Carbon Dioxide Gas Control System GEK 103763

E. Hydrogen Supply Pressure Low . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

F. Liquid Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

VII. MAINTENANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
A. Leak Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
B. Regular Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
C. Special Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
D. If the Hydrogen Control Cabinet is Flooded with Oil or Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
E. Materials and Design Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

A. Requirements on Gas used in the Generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
B. Characteristics of Compressed Gas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
C. Carbon Dioxide in Pipes and Valves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
D. Sizing the Carbon Dioxide Flow Orifice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
E. The Hydrogen Flow Orifice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
F. Sizing the Manifold Pressure Regulator Valves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
G. Calculating the Quantity of CO2 Bottles Required to Purge a Generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
H. Calculating the Quantity of H2 Bottles to Purge and Fill the Generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Figure 1. Typical Generator Gas Control System
Valves and Other Components Used During Purging are Identified . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Figure 2. Gas Control Valve Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Figure 3. H2 or CO2 Bottle Manifold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Figure 4. Liquid Level Detector Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

GEK 103763 Hydrogen and Carbon Dioxide Gas Control System


This manual provides operation and maintenance instructions for the H2/CO2 piping and other equipment
which is external to the generator.

A. Why Hydrogen

The generator interior components are cooled by convection whereby a gas transports heat to the genera-
tor gas/water heat exchanger. Generator windage losses are greatly reduced with hydrogen rather than
air as the gas inside the generator because hydrogen has a lower density. In addition, compared to air,
hydrogen has greater thermal conductivity and convection coefficients. The generator gas thermal ca-
pacity is further increased by the use of pressurized hydrogen. The sealed environment necessary to con-
tain hydrogen has the secondary benefit of keeping the generator parts clean.

Also, hydrogen, rather than air, greatly reduces armature insulation deterioration caused by corona.

B. Explosion Hazard

Hydrogen must be handled carefully to prevent catastrophic oxidation. The gas control valves provide
a means for safely handling hydrogen.

C. Inert Intermediate Gas

An inert gas, carbon dioxide, is used as an intermediate gas so that air and hydrogen do not mix inside
the generator. The purging procedure for the generator has carbon dioxide introduced to displace the air,
then hydrogen introduced to displace the carbon dioxide. The generator is then pressurized with hydro-
gen and the pressure is maintained automatically with a control valve. The generator may remain pres-
surized with hydrogen during short outages even if the shaft is not on turning gear. Prior to opening the
generator for maintenance, the hydrogen is depressurized, and then carbon dioxide is introduced to dis-
place the hydrogen. Air is then introduced to displace the carbon dioxide, and the end shields can be
opened. During an emergency it is important to at least purge the generator of hydrogen by introducing
carbon dioxide.

Gas control during the purge operations is performed manually at the gas control valve station.

D. Essential Parts of the Gas Control System

The gas control system has these primary parts:

Generator, with gas piping connections

Gas Piping with Valving
Gas Control Valve Assembly
Hydrogen Control Cabinet, primarily for gas purity analysis
Hydrogen Gas Storage
Carbon Dioxide Gas Storage
Liquid Detectors

E. Gas Storage

The source of the hydrogen or carbon dioxide is out of the scope of the equipment provided with the
generator. Some power plants have bulk supply systems, some use bottle manifolds, other have a com-

Hydrogen and Carbon Dioxide Gas Control System GEK 103763

bination of the two systems. GE does offer bottle manifolds if requested by the customer, and, for those
facilities which use those manifolds, instructions are provided in this document.

The bottle manifolds for CO2 or for H2 may or may not be located near the gas control valves, depending
on the design of the facility.

F. Gas Valve Station

The location in the power plant where the gas control valves are located is called the gas control valve
station. It is good to place the gas dryer (if there is one), liquid detectors, seal oil drain float trap and other
equipment in the vicinity of the gas control valves to reduce the number of hydrogen zones in the power
plant. The hydrogen control cabinet, or a generator gas purity display, or other means of monitoring hy-
drogen purity should be available at the gas control valve station.


Hydrogen and air form a highly explosive mixture if concentrations are between 4.1% and 74.2% hydrogen
by volume in air.

When completely assembled and operated in the proper manner, the generator casing, which forms the hy-
drogen container, is a gas tight enclosure. In the very unlikely event of an explosion, the casing is strong
enough to limit the destructive effect to the generator casing and the enclosed parts.

A. General Rules for Safe Handling of Hydrogen

Precautions must be taken to safeguard against a hydrogen explosion.

1. Never permit an explosive mixture to exist.

2. Eliminate any possible source of ignition.

B. Unknown Contaminant is Assumed to be Air

Any unknown contaminant in the hydrogen gas shall be assumed to be air. The exception is that if the
hydrogen is supplied directly from a hydrogen generation device which derives the hydrogen from split-
ting water to hydrogen and oxygen, then the policy may be to assume that any unknown contaminant
will be assumed to be pure oxygen. Hydrogen and oxygen form an explosive mixture with approximate-
ly 96% hydrogen (4% oxygen) by volume.

During the carbon dioxide purge the contaminant is known to be carbon dioxide. If the seal oil is not
being vacuum treated and the seal oil system is operating normally, the contaminant may be assumed
to be air. At any other time, the contaminant is not known and shall be assumed to be air except as noted
immediately above.

C. Rules for Safe Handling of Hydrogen

The procedure for purging the generator is designed to prevent explosive mixtures. The purging steps
of removing spool pieces, disconnecting bottles, and disconnecting the air supply must be strictly ad-
hered to. In addition

GEK 103763 Hydrogen and Carbon Dioxide Gas Control System

1. Do not have a permanent air supply connected to the generator, the hydrogen control cabinet, or any
other device connected to the generator or gas piping. This practice prevents the possibility of an
explosive mixture inside the generator due to operator error or valve leakage.

2. The generator and all piping must be pressure tested with air or CO2 for leaks prior to pressurizing
the generator with hydrogen.

3. Hydrogen pressure inside the generator must always be higher than ambient to prevent air from leak-
ing in. If automatic controls are inoperative, the operator must manually maintain pressure.

4. No welding may be done on the gas system or seal oil system while there is hydrogen in the genera-

5. The hydrogen is sealed at the shaft to casing interface by oil film seals. The operator must be familiar
with the shaft seal oil system prior to operating the generator gas system.

6. Avoid having high pressure hydrogen escape to the room because it can ignite itself due to self gen-
erated static charges.

7. Hydrogen flame is nearly invisible. If an operator suspects hydrogen is escaping into the work area
and desires to feel for a gas escape flow, he should not use his hand or anything combustible, such
as clothing.

D. Maintenance on Hydrogen Equipment

Components of the gas control system which are intended for maintenance while the generator is pres-
surized are listed a later section. Prior to maintenance, the operator should use, if available, two valves
rather than only one to isolate the work area from high pressure hydrogen. Also, prior to opening a joint
in a gas line, the operator should use, if available, a vent valve to depressurize the equipment. Some com-
ponents might not have the vent valve or the second set of isolation valves close to the work site.

E. Hydrogen Zone

Electrical equipment in the vicinity of joints in hydrogen piping should not be sources of ignition. The
local or national codes pertaining to explosive atmospheres vary, and should be investigated if the opera-
tor is suspicious of potentially sparking electrical equipment located in the vicinity of the hydrogen

As a minimum, a Division 2 (or Zone 2) H2 atmosphere extends for 1.2 meters for 5 psig to 60 psig (35
to 414 kPa-g, 0.352 to 4.22 kg/cm2) piping and 1.8 meters for 75 psig to 150 psig (517 to 1034 kPa-g,
5.27 to 10.55 kg/cm2) piping. It extends down 0.2 meters and up 4.2 meters. Potential small leak sites
are non-welded joints in piping, including flanges, valves, threaded joints, and O-ring and compression
fittings. The extent of the explosive atmosphere does not penetrate walls or other similar barriers. Each
piece of electrical equipment in the explosive atmosphere should have one of the following: explosion
proof housing with conduit or cable sealing, intrinsically safe circuit, hermetically sealed contacts, non-
sparking components, non-incendive circuit, forced ventilation from a non-contaminated air source, or
purging with pressurization.

Hydrogen and Carbon Dioxide Gas Control System GEK 103763


A. The Rotor Fan

The generator gas is circulated inside the generator by a fan on each end of the rotor. The fan creates a
differential pressure of several inches of water. The fan blown hydrogen cools the generator rotor wind-
ings, armature windings (unless these are separately cooled by water), and armature magnet laminates.
The fan blown hydrogen also is forced through a cooler, where it loses the heat it picked up from cooling
the generator electro-magnetic components. The fan differential pressure is used by external gas system
components analyzers which require a small flow rate and a need to return the gas to the generator. Exam-
ples of possible equipment are (not necessarily supplied with every generator): gas dryers, over-heating
particle detectors, and gas analyzers.

B. CO2 as Intermediate Gas

The generator has a large open volume internally (1000 cubic feet (30 m3) or more). This volume con-
tains hydrogen during normal operation. It contains air during maintenance outages. An inert gas is put
into the generator volume as an intermediate gas so that air and hydrogen do not mix inside the casing.
Carbon dioxide is used as the inert gas because it has a substantially higher density and lower thermal
conductivity compared to hydrogen or air. The substantially different properties are used by the gas ana-
lyzer (inside the hydrogen cabinet) so that gas concentrations during purging can be monitored.

C. Distribution Pipes

Along the top of the generator interior is a long pipe with holes which acts as a manifold for admitting
hydrogen. Similarly, along the bottom of the generator interior is a long pipe with holes for admitting
carbon dioxide. These are called the hydrogen distribution pipe and the carbon dioxide distribution pipe,
respectively. During a purge operation, when gas enters the generator through one of the pipes, the gas
which is being displaced from the generator exits out the other pipe.

D. Gas Control Valves

The piping between the gas supply source and the generator typically has a set of valves which the opera-
tor uses for purging the generator. During this purge operation, the operator will look at the hydrogen
control cabinet (or a remote display) so that he knows when the gas concentration is high enough to stop

E. Casing Liquid Detector

Drain ports are located in the low points of the generator. Liquid that enters these ports is routed to the
generator casing liquid detector.

F. Shaft Sealing

The rotor of each generator extends beyond the generator casing at both the turbine end (TE) and the
collector end (CE). These two shaft to casing interfaces are sealed against hydrogen escape with oil film
shaft seals. The shaft seals are located to the inside of the bearings. The shaft seals require a continuous
supply of clean cool oil as supplied by the seal oil system.

GEK 103763 Hydrogen and Carbon Dioxide Gas Control System

G. Seal Oil Draining

Used seal oil inside the generator will drain to seal oil drain enlargements (one on the CE and one on
the TE) where hydrogen bubbles can come to the surface of the oil, and then to a common float trap valve
which reduces the oil pressure from generator pressure down to bearing drain pressure and prevents hy-
drogen from escaping with the oil.

H. Oil DeflectorsI.

There are three gas cavities inside the generator, called: The Turbine End Seal Cavity, The Generator
Casing (where the generator windings are), and The Collector End Seal Cavity. Seal oil is restricted to
the end cavities. These cavities are separated from each other by oil deflectors, which are extensions of
the casing that have a small clearance between the static hardware and the rotor.

J. Gas Flow Between Cavities

Gas flow into and out of the cavities is limited to (1) new clean hydrogen being introduced to the genera-
tor casing, (2) gas to the hydrogen cabinet, en route to the scavenging valves and the cell blocks, being
taken from all three cavities but especially the end cavities because of the scavenging valves. (Vacuum
treatment seal oil system generators might not have a scavenging capability.) (3) The end cavities are
not connected to each other to the extent that gas cannot travel from one end to the other. Therefore gas
flow is limited to traveling from the generator casing to the end cavities.

K. Scavenging to Retain H2 Purity in the End Cavities

The end cavities include the seal oil drain enlargements. In these containers there is a net transfer of air
escaping solution from the oil and also hydrogen entering solution into the oil. The resulting effect is
that the end cavities have a relatively high concentration of air.

For generators which have non-vacuum treated seal oil, the hydrogen cabinet has scavenging valves
through which the contaminated hydrogen is slowly exhausted to a vent. New clean hydrogen from
another part of the hydrogen system piping enters the generator casing to replace the scavenged gas. By
this process, the air contamination in the end cavities remains at a safe low level to avoid the gas from
being a combustible mixture. Also, the flow of gas across the thin gap of the inner oil deflector retards
the passage of the air contamination from entering the generator casing. Air contamination in the genera-
tor casing region decreases generator performance.

L. Vacuum Seal Oil Systems

Some generators have the seal oil treated in a vacuum chamber prior to the oil being exposed to the gener-
ator gas. These generators would not require the scavenging valves to be open except during the abnor-
mal operation when the vacuum chamber does not have a vacuum or otherwise is not being used. The
hydrogen control cabinets provided with these generators might not be connected to the seal oil drain

M. Gas Purity Monitoring

The generator gas in the end cavities should be monitored in generators which do not have vacuum
treated seal oil. If the seal oil is vacuum treated, then, it would be acceptable to monitor only the generator
casing gas. During the purging operation, the gas purity of the venting gas (the gas exiting the generator)
should be monitored.

Hydrogen and Carbon Dioxide Gas Control System
GEK 103763
Figure 1. Typical Generator Gas Control System.
Valves and Other Components used During Purging are Identified.
GEK 103763 Hydrogen and Carbon Dioxide Gas Control System
Figure 2. Gas Control Valve Assembly.
Hydrogen and Carbon Dioxide Gas Control System GEK 103763
Figure 3. H2 or CO2 Bottle Manifold.
GEK 103763 Hydrogen and Carbon Dioxide Gas Control System

Figure 4. Liquid Level Detector Assembly.

Hydrogen and Carbon Dioxide Gas Control System GEK 103763


The gas control valves provide the operator with an efficient and safe means of handling hydrogen. The gas
control valves can be roughly placed into these categories:

H2 Gas Storage (perhaps nothing more than a bottle manifold)

CO2 Gas Storage (perhaps nothing more than a bottle manifold and flow orifice)
H2 Gas Control Valves (part of the gas control valve assembly)
CO2 Gas Control Valves (part of the gas control valve assembly)
Purging Gas Control Valves (part of the gas control valve assembly)
Liquid Detectors
Interconnecting Piping and Valves

A. Features of the Gas Control Valve Assembly:

The gas control valve assembly is the operator’s control station during purging. There are two main runs
where gas flows from left to right. H2 is on the top run, and CO2 or air is on the bottom run. There are
two 3-way valves which operate in tandem. The top port of each 3-way valve connects to the generator
directly, the outside ports connect to H2 (on left) and CO2 (on right) and the inside ports connect to the
main vent. With the 3-way valve handles pointing down, the CO2 run will be connected to the generator.
With the 3-way handles pointing to the right, the H2 run will be connected to the generator. Specific fea-
tures on the gas control valve assembly are:

1. H2 Gas Control Valves:

a. Hydrogen Inlet Pressure Relief Valve. Pressure will be automatically relieved to the piping de-
sign pressure if there is a pressure regulation malfunction, such as a leaky valve seat, in the hy-
drogen supply system upstream of the gas control valves.

b. Hydrogen Pressure Breaker Valve. The operator can de-pressurize the hydrogen supply system
by opening this valve.

c. Hydrogen Spool Piece. The operator is required by the equipment configuration to remove this
segment of hydrogen pipe in order to connect an air supply to the generator.

d. Hydrogen Inlet Pressure Instrumentation. A gauge provides information to the operator that
there is hydrogen pressure available for the generator. A low pressure switch will inform the
operator that the supply system has insufficient pressure and that maintenance, such as replac-
ing hydrogen bottles, is required.

e. Connection for Hydrogen Cabinet Calibration. A port is provided on the gas valves so that pure
hydrogen can be supplied to the hydrogen cabinet for calibrating the gas analyzers.

f. Connection for Portable Gas Analyzer. A port for providing pure hydrogen for calibrating an
auxiliary gas analyzer is provided for customer convenience.

g. Generator Gas Flow Control Pipe Restriction. This orifice regulates the flow rate of hydrogen
during the purging step that has hydrogen being admitted to the generator. It is manufactured
inside the piping to reduce the number of joints.

h. Generator Gas Pressure Regulator. A pressure regulator is provided as an automatic pressure

control to replace small amount of generator internal gas used by the gas analyzer, gas that has

GEK 103763 Hydrogen and Carbon Dioxide Gas Control System

gone into solution with the draining seal oil, and gas which may slow leak out the casing joints.
When carbon dioxide is being admitted into the generator an isolation valve in series with this
regulator is closed. During purging, the gas goes through this regulator, and it is full open be-
cause during purging generator gas pressure is well below the regulator set point.

i. Generator Gas Pressure Regulator Bypass Valve. The Generator Gas Pressure Regulator is not
used during the initial generator pressurization. During this operation the bypass valve is open.

j. Hydrogen Secondary Block Valve. A second block valve is provided for redundant hydrogen
isolation. It would be closed if the Generator Gas Pressure Regulator is removed for mainte-

2. CO2 Gas Control Valves:

a. Carbon Dioxide Pressure Relief Valve. Pressure will be automatically relieved to the piping de-
sign pressure if there is a pressure regulation malfunction, such as a leaky valve seat, in the CO2
supply system upstream of the gas control valves.

b. Carbon Dioxide / Air Spool Piece. Prior to air being admitted to the generator, this spool piece
will have to be removed from the carbon dioxide line and placed into the air line. When in the
air line, it will be impossible for either hydrogen or carbon dioxide to be admitted to the genera-

c. Carbon Dioxide Supply Pressure Gauge. A gauge indicating carbon dioxide supply pressure is
provide for the operator performing the purging operation.

d. Other Ports in the Carbon Dioxide Line. In the carbon dioxide line there are ports for utility ports
which might not be used: hydrogen cabinet gas analyzer calibration, gas dryer purge, and one
un-assigned. A port for portable gas analyzer calibration is provided for customer convenience.

e. Carbon Dioxide Shut Off Valve. The carbon dioxide shut off valve is closed except when carbon
dioxide is admitted to the generator. If it is open during normal operation, carbon dioxide may
leak into the generator.

f. Air Shut Off Valve. The air shut off valve is closed except when air is admitted to the generator.

g. Temporary Air Connection. A port is provided for clean dry air so that the generator can be filled
with air prior to opening a cover on the generator.

3. Purging Control Valves:

a. Three-Way Valves. Each of the two three-way valve handles should always be in the same posi-
tion as the other. In one configuration the hydrogen control valves are connected to the generator
and in the other configuration the carbon dioxide control valves are connected to the generator.
In both configurations the generator is connected to the vent valve.

b. Check Valves. There is a check valve in the supply line immediately adjacent to the three-way
valves. The check valve prevents generator gas from back-flowing up the hydrogen or carbon
dioxide supply lines.

Hydrogen and Carbon Dioxide Gas Control System GEK 103763

c. Vent Valve. The main vent valve has 2 modes of operation: (a) Fully open to de-pressurize the
generator, (b) Partially open during the purge operation to maintain generator internal pressure
a few psi (several kPa, a fraction of a kg/cm2) above ambient.

d. Port in Vent Line for Gas Analyzer. The port in the vent line for the gas analyzer has a projection
into the vent line so that it senses total pressure (which equals pressure plus the kinetic energy
of the gas flow). It is ported to the hydrogen cabinet gas analyzer for use by the operator during
purging so that he knows when to stop purging.

e. Port in Vent Line for Portable Gas Analyzer. An additional port is placed in the vent line with
a total pressure port for use with a portable gas analyzer. It is provided as a convenience to the

f. Generator Gas Pressure Instrumentation. A gauge and high/low pressure switches for generator
gas pressure are provided on the assembly.

g. Generator Gas Pressure Relief Valve. A relief valve is provided so that during normal operation,
generator casing pressure does not increase above the capability of the seal oil system. There
is a flow restriction upstream of it so that it has more flow capability than a failed open generator
gas pressure regulator, but not so much that the generator de-pressurizes rapidly if it itself fails
open. The flow restriction is inside the pipe so that the number of piping joints is reduced.

h. Vent Stack Drain Valve. A valve is provided on the bottom of the vent stack so that condensation
can be removed. Water condensed in the pipes leading to the generator would also drain down
to this valve during outage times. A slight bit of oil may be mixed with the water.

B. Features of Bottle Manifolds

If a hydrogen gas bottle manifold is provided, it has these features. The carbon dioxide bottle manifold
has the same features:

1. Pigtails, one for each hydrogen gas bottle. There is a check valve on the manifold end fitting of each

2. Globe Valve, one for each hydrogen bottle.

3. Pressure Regulator Valve. This valve drops the pressure from the high bottle manifold pressure
down to approximately 125 psig (862 kPa-g, 8.79 kg/cm2) as required by the downstream flow regu-
lation restriction. Gauges are provided on the regulator valve.

4. Pressure Regulator Bypass Valve. The bypass valve should be opened or closed completely and not
put into a partially open position.

C. Features in the Gas System Piping

1. CO2 Flow Regulation Orifice. The CO2 piping upstream of the gas control valves should have a flow
regulation orifice to control flow rate during the purge step which admits CO2 into the generator.
Downstream of this orifice there should be a section of large diameter pipe where solid CO2 preci-
pitation can accumulate.

2. Drip Legs. Low points in pipe runs are provided with one or two valves. Accumulated liquid can
be drained. If there is only one valve, then either the pipe must be isolated or the generator degassed

GEK 103763 Hydrogen and Carbon Dioxide Gas Control System

prior to draining the liquid. If there are two valves, then the liquid can be drained by alternating the
valves between open and closed. Drip legs are placed in piping so that condensation and other con-
tamination is routed away from sensitive equipment.

3. Valves on the Underside of the Generator. There are several types of gas connections to the genera-
tor: low point drains, gas feeds and vents, and pipes to gas sensing and gas processing equipment.
Many of these have isolation valves at the generator connection to assist in maintenance.

4. Equipment Isolation Valves. Most pieces of equipment have isolation valves so that they may be
repaired on line.

D. Features of the Liquid Detector Assembly

The liquid detector assembly has these features for each detector: isolation valve, drain valve, sight
glass, fill port for test, and the sensor.


A. Operator Activities

Start-Up / Shut-Down.

1. Pre-Start-Up.

a. Read the warnings concerning the explosiveness and combustibility of hydrogen which is in
an earlier section of this document.

b. Ensure the piping to the cabinet and the piping of the gas valves used for gas control are correctly

c. Ensure the external wiring of gas system electrical equipment is correctly installed.

d. Inspect the gas system equipment for damage. Drain out liquid which may have accumulated
in the piping.

e. Be familiar with the operation of the seal oil system and the generator gas control system.

f. Be familiar with the use of the hydrogen control cabinet for gas purity monitoring.

g. Ensure there is enough CO2 available to purge out the air plus enough CO2 to purge out hydro-
gen should there be an emergency.

h. Ensure the gas valves are in the correct position for the admission of carbon dioxide.

i. Energize the hydrogen control cabinet and prepare it for use.

2. Leak Test Piping.

After installation and prior to introducing hydrogen to the gas system equipment, all parts of the gas
system should be air tested to ensure there is no leakage. A similar, perhaps coinciding, test should
be performed to the generator casing and end shields. The air test may be performed with CO2 after

Hydrogen and Carbon Dioxide Gas Control System GEK 103763

purging out the air if additional CO2 is available to be used to increase the pressure to a usable level
for leak testing.

Leaks can be identified by applying a soapy solution to the joints and welds. A typical solution
would be liquid soap, glycerin and water. Bubbling will indicate leakage.

3. Start-Up.

The seal oil system should be started simultaneously with the admission of carbon dioxide. The car-
bon dioxide will put pressure inside the generator. The pressure forces the seal oil to drain through
the float trap valve flow restriction. Initially, as pressure builds, seal oil may begin to flood the seal
oil drain enlargement. It is important that the seal oil not build up to the extent that it floods the gener-
ator. Therefore an operator should manually bypass the float trap temporarily if the seal oil drain
enlargement becomes flooded.

Start-Up Steps:

a. Turn on the seal oil supply system simultaneously with admitting carbon dioxide per the purg-
ing instructions below.

b. If the seal oil drain enlargement level detector alarms, manually bypass the float trap and in-
crease generator gas pressure.

4. Purging and Other Normal Operations.

Please see below for other operator activities.

5. Shut-Down.

Prior to turning off the seal oil system, the generator should be purged so that hydrogen is not present
in a dangerous concentration. If maintenance activity is required inside, beneath, or near the genera-
tor, or if the down time will be more than a few hours, then the carbon dioxide should be purged out
and replaced with air. After the purging steps are complete:

a. Turn off the seal oil supply system simultaneously with completely opening the generator vent

b. Do not open the generator end shields or other access covers until the operator is sure that there
is no pressure inside the generator.

c. Use compressed air or large fans to blow CO2 out of low spots in the generator after opening
the generator.

B. Generator Gas Purging and Normal Operation.

The generator is purged with gases before and after normal operation of the generator.

1. Purge Table

Perform the operations per the following chart. Please read the clarifying notes below the table.

GEK 103763 Hydrogen and Carbon Dioxide Gas Control System

Activity Air to CO2 to H2 fill Normal degas H2 to CO2 to

CO2 H2 CO2 Air
Estimated Time 0.5 2.0 1 N/A 0.5 1 N/A

Flow Rate
(s m3/hr) 3.4 1.4 N/A N/A N/A 3.4 N/A
(scfm) 120 50 N/A N/A N/A 120 N/A
(minutes per bottle) 3 5 N/A N/A N/A 3 N/A
Amount of Gas 1 2 n N/A 0 2 >3
(x Generator
Hydrogen Control Cabinet Controls
“Mode” Selection Purge Purge N/A Normal N/A Purge Purge
“Function” CO2 in H2 in H2 in H2 in H2 in H2 in CO2 in
Selection Air CO2 Air Air Air CO2 Air
Stop % 70% 90% H2 N/A N/A N/A 5% H2 5% CO2
Gas Valve Station Valve Positions
3-Way Valves down right right right either down down
Main Vent Valve partially partially closed closed full partially partially
open open open open open
Generator PCV closed open open open closed closed closed
Isolation Valve
Generator PCV closed closed open closed closed closed closed
Bypass Valve
CO2 Shut-Off Valve open closed closed closed closed open closed
Air Shut-Off Valve closed closed closed closed closed closed open
H2 Spool Piece out H2 line H2 line H2 line H2 line either out
CO2 Spool Piece CO2 CO2 CO2 CO2 CO2 CO2 air line
line line line line line line

2. General Information on Purging.

Estimated Time of Purge = Volume of Generator * Amount of Gas / Flow Rate

Recommended Flow Rates of CO2 and H2 . The recommended carbon dioxide flow rate is 120 scfm
(3.4 s m3/minute ) for a 2800 ft3 (80 m3) generator internal volume. The recommended hydrogen
flow rate is 50 scfm (1.4 s m3/minute) for a 2800 ft3 (80 m3) generator internal volume. These flow
rates are approximate, and for generator volumes greatly different from 2800 ft3 (80 m3), the recom-

Hydrogen and Carbon Dioxide Gas Control System GEK 103763

mended flow rate would change proportionally with generator volume (for example, twice the flow
rate if the generator is twice as large).

Automatic Flow Control of CO2 and H2 During Purging. The flow rate during purging is automati-
cally controlled by the size of flow restrictions which are integral with the equipment.

Bottles May Be Discharged Simultaneously. Two bottles would decrease in pressure in about twice
the time, three bottles in about thrice the time, relative to the time given on the table above.

Manual Generator Pressure Control During Purging. Because of the gas stratification due to buoy-
ancy which occurs inside the generator, there will be very little if any change in gas mixture in the
venting gas for the first 2/3 of the purge time. During the last 1/3 of the purge, the gas concentrations
will change rapidly.

The generator vent valve should be positioned and adjusted to hold between 2 and 5 psig (13.8 to
34.5 kPa-g, 0.14 to 0.35 kg/cm2) inside the generator. The generator pressure will change, and the
valve may need adjusting, during the final 1/3 of the purge because during that time the gas density
may change dramatically.

Quantifying Gas Quantity. Because gas is compressible and buoyant it is difficult to measure and
unnatural to perceive the concept of gas quantity. The mass of a sample of gas does not change, al-
though its volume may change due to the interactions of pressure, temperature, and density. There-
fore the best way to quantify gas quantity to by units of mass. However, because gas has little weight
and deforms and diffuses, the mass cannot be determined by measurement on a weight scale. And
units of mass do not have direct importance because gas is used for its volume, not its mass, in most
applications in mechanics.

Therefore, it has become the industry standard to describe gas quantity in units of “standard” vol-
ume. The “standard” means that pressure and temperature are assumed to be at 14.7 psia (1 atmo-
sphere at sea level, 101.4 kPa-a, 1.034 kg/cm2-a) and 77° F (25° C), respectively. Sometimes the
temperature standard is different, so it is important to know the specific standard pressure and tem-
perature which are being used whenever a standard gas volume is given. The actual pressure or tem-
perature of a gas sample may be substantially different from the “standard” conditions, however,
the mass of the gas sample can be quantified by pretending it is at “standard conditions”. For exam-
ple, a bottle of compressed gas may have only a few cubic feet of physical volume, but have
hundreds of cubic feet of “standard” volume worth of gas because the gas can expand to the “stan-
dard” pressure.

This measurement system works because there is only one gas density corresponding to a pressure/
temperature combination for a particular type of gas. Therefore there is only one “standard” density
for a type of gas. The “standard” volume of a particular gas can therefore be considered a measure-
ment of mass.

“scfm” means “standard cubic feet per minute”. “Standard” means the gas mass flow is equivalent
to the volumetric flow if the gas were at 25° C (77° F) and 1 atmosphere (14.7 psia, 101.4 kPa-a,
1.034 kg/cm2, which is 0 psig at sea level). The “s” in front of “m3/hr” also means “standard”.

3. Purging With CO2

Low Pressure Means Less Gas Used. During the purge process the generator gas pressure should
be between 2 and 5 psig (13.8 to 34.5 kPa-g, 0.14 to 0.35 kg/cm2), preferably 2 psig (13.8 kPa-g,
0.14 kg/cm2). A lower generator gas pressure requires less purge gas. This is because purging is a

GEK 103763 Hydrogen and Carbon Dioxide Gas Control System

gas displacement phenomena, which is volume driven, and higher pressure gasses have more mass
(more gas) per a given volume. For example, a 2800 ft3 (80 m3) generator will require one additional
CO2 bottle of gas to displace H2 for each psi (each 7 kPa, each 0.07 kg/cm2) additional gas pressure.

Low Flow Rate Means Less Gas Used. Flow rate during the purge is kept low to avoid mixing the
gasses inside the generator. The gasses are naturally separated by buoyancy.

Nitrogen Content of Air. The 70% CO2 in Air concentration is acceptable because it results in only
about 6% O2, the remainder being the inert gases N2 and CO2.

Purge Dead Cavities with CO2 . After the generator is purged with carbon dioxide to 70% CO2 in
Air or 95% CO2 in H2, the generator gas pressure of a few psig (several kPa-g, a fraction of a kg/cm2)
should be used to purge the dead cavities of the generator. Most importantly, the seal oil drain en-
largements should be purged by simultaneously opening the scavenging valves long enough to vent
out 35 ft3 (1 m3) of gas. If there are volumes of air or H2 which cannot be purged using generator
CO2 pressure, then a portable CO2 supply should be used.

Purge Out H2 after Rotor has Slowed Down. Prior to admitting CO2 it is good practice to wait until
the rotor has decelerated to turning gear or stand still. A rotating shaft will mix the gasses inside the
generator. The mixing will destroy the buoyancy layering which keeps CO2 on the bottom and H2
on the top. If the generator is to be purged while the shaft is rotating, there should be sufficient CO2
available to account for the mixing. This can be several times the normal amount of CO2 required
for a purge.

Water Vapor Fog Layer. During the purge where cold CO2 replaces ambient temperature air, a layer
of condensed water vapor fog forms at the boundary of the two gasses. The optimum CO2 flow rate
was originally calculated based on witnessing the movement of this fog layer.

4. Placing Air into Generator

The Removable Spool Pieces are designed to (a) inhibit the introduction of air while there is hydro-
gen in the generator and (b) provide a means of absolutely preventing the inflow of dangerous gas
while personnel are inside the generator performing maintenance.

Air Can Have a High Flow Rate. Air is relatively inexpensive compared to H2 and CO2. Therefore,
the generator and the purge procedure are not designed to minimize the quantity of air needed.

So that there is no chance of mixing H2 and air together, air is introduced into the generator through
the CO2 distribution pipe on the bottom of the generator interior. Thus the lighter air is below the
heavier CO2, and the gasses thoroughly mix during purging. Because mixing cannot be avoided,
a very high flow rate of air can be used.

Air Supply Must Be Typically Disconnected. All air connections to the generator should be discon-
nected when CO2 is admitted, and especially when H2 is inside the generator.

Remove Bottles and Spool Pieces Prior to Admitting Air. Prior to admitting air into the generator,
totally disable the CO2 and the H2 feed lines which connect CO2 or H2 bottles to the generator, to
the hydrogen cabinet, and to all other equipment, such as a gas dryer. Closing valves is not sufficient.
The bottles should be removed, or the piping disassembled at a spool piece or other fitting. If a work-
man is working on the generator, a dangerous situation can develop by gas leakage through valves.
CO2 is poisonous at moderately low concentrations and H2 is explosive at concentrations above 4%.

Hydrogen and Carbon Dioxide Gas Control System GEK 103763

Blow out CO2 from Low Spots in Generator. After the generator is purged with air, some CO2 will
remain in the generator low points. After the end shield, bushing box cover, or other access plate
is removed, the generator should be blown free of CO2, either with a compressed air hose or large

Control Condensation During an Outage. During a generator outage the valves in the piping should
be closed so that humid atmospheric air does not enter the piping. Humid air will cause condensation
to form internal to the piping as ambient temperature fluctuates day to night. Specifically, the valves
on the underside of the generator should be closed. This will prevent corrosion internal to the pipe
and water build-up. Water which freezes could cause pipe rupture and a resulting gas leak. Alterna-
tively, to route condensed water to the vent stack, the three way valve handles should be to the right.

5. Turning On and Off the Seal Oil Supply

Turning on the Seal Oil System. Turn on the seal oil system simultaneous with pressurizing the gen-
erator for the purge. The seal oil must drain through the float trap, which is a flow restriction in the
drain. If there is no gas pressure to push the oil through this restriction, then the oil level above the
float trap will rise. It is not desirable to have the oil level rise to the point of flooding the seal oil drain
enlargement and possibly the generator casing. Some float traps have a bypass valve so that this ris-
ing oil level can be manually drained. If the bypass is used, is it critical that the oil level not fall below
the float trap. If this happens and there is hydrogen inside the generator, hydrogen could enter the
bearing area through the bearing drain enlargement.

Shutting Down the Seal Oil System. After the air purge is complete, the seal oil system could be shut
off while the last little bit of pressure is being vented from inside the generator. The seal oil system
should not be kept operating if there is no pressure in the generator because the generator may flood
with oil because of the flow restriction of the float trap.

6. H2 Purging, Filling, Normal Operation, and degassing

CO2 Must Always Be Available. The CO2 feed system for the generator should be continuously op-
erational during the H2 purge and normal operation. It may be necessary to emergency purge out
the H2 at any time.

Pressurize the Generator with H2 to a Slightly Lower Pressure. The generator does not need to be
filled to the full operating pressure, but rather about 10% low (relative to absolute pressure). The
gas temperature shortly after the purge and filling will be nearly ambient because of the huge thermal
mass of the generator electrical components. During operation the generator gas is much warmer.
By the perfect gas law, the pressure will increase as the temperature increases given a constant vol-
ume for the gas. Therefore, the pressure at the end of a fill should be per the table below

Pressure During Operation psig 15 30 45 60 75

Pressure After H2 Fill psig 12 25.5 39 52.5 66

Pressure During Operation kPa-g 103 207 310 414 517

Pressure After H2 Fill kPa-g 83 176 268 361 454

Pressure During Operation kg/cm2 1.05 2.11 3.17 4.22 5.28

Pressure After H2 Fill kg/cm2 0.84 1.79 2.74 3.69 4.64

GEK 103763 Hydrogen and Carbon Dioxide Gas Control System

Close H2 Feed When De-Pressurizing the Generator. When the operator opens the vent valve to de-
pressurize the generator, he should also close the hydrogen feed valve in the pipe leading to the gen-

7. Hydrogen Control Cabinet Use During Purge

Hydrogen Control Cabinet Settings. The hydrogen control cabinet is the device which monitors gen-
erator gas purity. “Purge” selection will control valves such that the gas sample is taken from the
generator vent. “Normal” selection will control valves such that the gas sample is taken from the
generator itself.

CO2 Contamination of Filters. Be sure the “purge” setting and not the “normal” setting is applied
to all applicable gas sensors of the hydrogen control cabinet when purging. This will prevent CO2
from entering the filter dryers, which are molecular sieves. If CO2 enters the filter dryers it will slow-
ly bleed out over the first day of normal operation with H2 in the generator. If this happens the read-
ing will be inaccurate, in that it will indicate more air contamination in the generator gas than is actu-
ally present during the first day of operation.

C. Setting the Scavenging Flow Rates.

Generators which do not have vacuum treated seal oil should be provided with a means of continuously
bleeding out a small flow of generator gas from each of the two seal oil drain enlargements. The seal
oil drain enlargements are where air contamination will be introduced into the generator because air
comes out of solution from the seal oil. The gas control valves will automatically introduce clean hydro-
gen into the generator casing when gas is bled out, with the result of maintaining generator gas purity
at an acceptable level.

The scavenge flow rate visual meters and hand operated control valves are typically located on the hy-
drogen control cabinet. The flow rates should be set so that the end cavity generator gas purity is main-
tained substantially above the Upper Explosion Level for H2 in air. The exact value is dependent on the
accuracy of the purity monitoring equipment and the operating philosophy of the power plant (Refer to
the international standard IEC 842 for guidance if no philosophy exists).

1. Start-Up

Initially, before there is any data or precedence on which to base the actual flow rate set point, the
valves should be set for removing about 1 scfh (472 ml/min) from each seal oil drain enlargement.
After several hours, which is a long time duration to ensure the system has stabilized, the flow rate
can be changed. Higher flow rates will improve gas purity, lower flow rates will degrade gas purity.

A high flow rate is not desired from an economic perspective because the scavenged gas is lost to
a vent.

2. After a Low Purity Alarm

There are three settings for scavenged gas purity: Control Set Point, Low Alarm, Low-Low Alarm.
The Low-Low Alarm point should not be below 80% H2 in Air by volume purity.

If the hydrogen purity in an end cavity drops to the low alarm, the operator should re-adjust the scav-
enging rates to achieve the control set point. It may happen that the flow rate cannot be increased
further, in which case the generator should be shut down and purged of hydrogen so that the cause
of the problem can be fixed.

Hydrogen and Carbon Dioxide Gas Control System GEK 103763

3. Trending

It is unusual to have a need to increase scavenging. Records should be kept and plotted so that the
two end cavity scavenging rates can be trended over long periods of time. Generator shaft seal
health, CO2 valve leaks, and other problems can be identified in this way.

4. Jumpy Flow Gauge

If the flow gauge for scavenging gas is jumpy, meaning the flow indicator moves every second or
so by itself, then the equipment can continue to operate until the next outage, at which time the cause
for the jumpy reading can be investigated and corrected. The correct reading of flow is the average
of the jumpy readings. Jumpiness is caused by liquid in the lines (so all drip legs should be drained),
or light solid blockage that moves back and forth. Flow through thermister based gas analyzers is
also permitted to have some jumpiness.

D. Operating the Generator at Full Speed with Air Inside

During commissioning or another special circumstance, the generator may be required to operate at full
speed with air inside the casing. The shaft seals will need oil for lubrication during this operation mode,
and therefore the seal oil system must be operating. The seal oil which drains to the generator side will
have to be drained out the float trap. Therefore, the generator should be pressurized with air to 2 to 5
psig (13.8 to 34.5 kPa-g, 0.14 to 0.35 kg/cm2) so that the oil will drain properly, and a higher pressure
if necessary.

The generator fan differential pressure will increase proportional to gas density. Therefore it may be 3,
4, maybe 8 times as high as during normal operation with hydrogen inside the generator. The generator
fan differential pressure gauge may not be designed for the high differential service, and may be required
to be isolated so that its mechanisms do not get damaged. In particular, if the fan differential gauge is
a manometer, it must be isolated so that the heavy bromine liquid does not get blown into the generator
where it would cause corrosion.

The greater fan differential pressure may cause oil to be drawn into the generator unless: (a) the pressure
is kept high and (b) the vent lines, typically used for scavenging, on the two seal oil drain enlargements
are slightly open such that air is being vented from out of the generator through them.

The air supply should be clean and dry. A filter and an air dryer should be used. If a hydrogen gas dryer
is provided with the generator, it should be isolated from the system and not used unless the gas dryer
manufacturer specifically approves of its use as an air dryer.


Activation of any alarm requires prompt attention by the operator. Excessive delay in correcting an alarm
condition could result in damage to the generator and equipment, and possible injury to personnel.

Alarms in the hydrogen gas system are summarized below.

1. Operator Investigation: Further deterioration will not cause a generator load reduction nor an un-
safe condition:

Small accumulation of liquid in drip legs

Indications concerning humidity or the gas dryer equipment (if part of the gas system)

GEK 103763 Hydrogen and Carbon Dioxide Gas Control System

2. Operator Investigation: Operator attention is necessary at the soonest convenience:

High Generator Gas Pressure

Low Hydrogen Supply Pressure
High Generator Casing Liquid Detection

3. Operator Investigation: A generator load reduction or an unsafe condition is possible with further

Low Generator Gas Pressure

Low Generator Gas Purity
High Generator Gas Temperature
High-High Generator Casing Liquid Detection
High Seal Oil Drain Enlargement Liquid Detection
Insulation Overheating Particle Detection Alarm (Not provided with all generators)

4. Manual Shutdown of Turbine-Generator

Low-Low Generator Gas Purity

5. Automatic Shutdown of Turbine-Generator:


6. Automatic Trip of Turbine-Generator


A. Low-Low and Low Generator Gas Purity Alarms

1. Assume Air is the Contaminant

Please read the warnings concerning hydrogen contamination as provided in the beginning of this
document. In particular, the contaminant is assumed to be air unless there is a reason to suspect pure
oxygen may be introduced.

2. Explosion Danger

Low purity is a concern primarily because of the hydrogen explosion danger.

3. Effect of Low Purity in Casing Gas

Low purity gas in the casing will slightly raise generator winding temperatures because air has a
relatively low thermal conductivity (about a tenth that of hydrogen’s) and air forms larger boundary
layer thickness which reduces convection. Also, air in the generator casing causes windage losses
and creates windage noise. Most generators have fan differential pressure indicators, which will be
reading noticeably high if the generator casing gas purity is below 90%.

4. Gas Purity Reading has a Time Lag

There is a time lag between the generator gas purity change and the monitoring of that change due
to the volume of gas in the interconnecting piping and the flow rate through that piping, as well as

Hydrogen and Carbon Dioxide Gas Control System GEK 103763

contaminate diffusion which will occur in the piping. Given the flow rate, pipe size and length, gas
pressure ratio’d to ambient, and a factor of 2 to account for diffusion, the operator can calculate the
time lag.

For example, a sensing line of 50 feet of pipe 0.5 inch diameter and a generator pressure of 60 psig
with a gas flow rate of 2 scfh will have a time lag of

2 * 50 feet * (0.25 * pi * 0.5 * 0.5) in2 * (74.7 psia / 14.7 psia) * X / 2 scfh = 21 minutes

X = unit conversion factors (therefore X = 1)

For example, a sensing line of 15.24 meters of pipe 12.7 mm diameter and a generator pressure of
414 kPa-g (4.22 kg/cm2) with a gas flow rate of 944 ml/minute will have a time lag of

2 * 15.24 m * (0.25 * pi * 12.7 * 12.7) mm2 * (414 + 101.4 / 101.4) * X / 944 ml/min = 21 minutes

X = unit conversion factors (therefore X = 1)

Therefore, while troubleshooting, the operator should remember that the purity reading is not cur-

5. Non-Vacuum Treated Seal Oil Systems

If there is a purity-low-alarm in an end cavity (not the generator casing), the rate of scavenging
should be increased to re-establish the desired set point reading. If purity cannot be maintained be-
tween the desired set point and the low-alarm and if scavenging is at a maximum, then the generator
should be shut-down and the source of the contamination identified and corrected. Do not operate
the generator for more than a few minutes with purity less than the low-low-alarm point.

6. Vacuum Treated Seal Oil Systems

Systems with vacuum treated seal oil are not susceptible to contamination in the end cavities and
therefore do not require scavenging from the drain enlargements. It is possible that the gas purity
monitoring equipment will only sample gas from the generator casing. The desired set point of gen-
erator casing gas will be very high, approximately 98% and will not be adjustable because there is
no scavenging. The low-alarm point initiates operator investigation and the low-low-alarm point
would be used to advise the operator to shut down the generator.

If the vacuum treatment processing of the seal oil is being bypassed or is inoperative, then the opera-
tor will have to scavenge gas from the seal oil drain enlargements. 35 standard cubic feet (1 m3)
(about 1/6 of a bottle), (17.5 ft3 (0.5 m3) TE and 17.5 ft (0.5 m3) CE), of gas should be scavenged
every hour.

7. Sources of Contamination

Possible sources of contamination of the end cavity gas are (a) excessive seal oil flow, (b) poor seal
oil draining, (c) insufficient scavenging.

The low purity in the casing may be due to a leaky CO2 valve. CO2 valves often corrode due to an
interaction of CO2 with humidity causing an acid to form, and so are susceptible to internal leaks.

GEK 103763 Hydrogen and Carbon Dioxide Gas Control System

Moisture in the gas analyzer probe may cause erroneous readings. An alumina moisture indicator
should be upstream of the gas analyzer probe, and will warn of moisture contamination.

Moisture is often removed from the gas sample by a molecular sieve filter. This special type of filter
traps carbon dioxide and bleeds it out over a day or so. Therefore, if the carbon dioxide from the
purge operation was inadvertently routed to the filter, then the reading will erroneously show low
purity for about a day.

B. Generator Gas Temperature High

If the generator casing gas temperature is too high there is a possibility of damage to the winding insula-
tion. The generator casing gas temperature alarm is part of the generator equipment, and not part of the
hydrogen gas system. Typically the alarm point is 2° C (3.5° F) above normal operating gas temperature.
After the alarm, cooling water flow should be increased, or other action taken immediately to lower the
gas temperature. If the cause cannot be immediately corrected, the load on the generator should be re-
duced until the normal gas temperature is obtained.

C. Generator Gas Pressure High

The generator gas pressure is maintained by a control valve in the gas control valve assembly. If the con-
trol valve is found to be non-adjustable or otherwise malfunctioned, it can be isolated and repaired. The
generator can continue to operate with hydrogen being periodically provided through the bypass valve
around the control valve. Alternatively, if a two-stage pressure regulator is provided on the bottle man-
ifold, that regulator can be adjusted and used to control generator gas pressure temporarily.

The primary concern with high generator gas pressure is that it will rise above the capability of the seal
oil system. By system design, this situation is unlikely.

D. Generator Gas Pressure Low

A low generator gas pressure of only a few psi (several kPa, several hundredth’s of a kg/cm2) will cause
several degrees C of elevated temperature in the rotor windings. Therefore it is important to re-establish
nominal generator gas pressure or else reduce load after a low generator gas pressure alarm.

The generator pressure low alarm should be set within 2 psi (13.8 kPa, 0.14 kg/cm2) below nominal gen-
erator gas pressure. Some generator designs may require the low alarm to be closer to nominal.

The generator gas pressure is maintained by a control valve in the gas control valve assembly. If the con-
trol valve is found to be non-adjustable or otherwise malfunctioned, it can be isolated and repaired. The
generator can continue to operate with hydrogen being periodically provided through the bypass valve
around the control valve. Alternatively, if a two-stage pressure regulator is provided on the bottle man-
ifold, that regulator can be adjusted and used to control generator gas pressure temporarily.

The other likely cause of a gradual lowering of generator gas pressure is low hydrogen supply pressure
or an extremely leaky vent valve.

If the pressure is dropping rapidly, the cause is possibly a failed open relief valve, a shaft seal failure,
a casing or pipe failure, or a failed open float trap valve in the seal oil drain system. In case there is a
rupture of hydrogen containment, (a) the generator should be shutdown immediately, and (b) the area
should be safe (no chance of a hydrogen explosion) before an operator enters the area to put CO2 into
the generator.

Hydrogen and Carbon Dioxide Gas Control System GEK 103763

E. Hydrogen Supply Pressure Low

An indication of low hydrogen supply pressure is provided so that the operator can be prompted to re-
place depleted hydrogen bottles and avoid the more critical event of a low generator gas pressure alarm.

F. Liquid Detection

Liquid inside the generator indicates that there is an oil or water leak, or else the seal oil drain is backed

Liquid oil and oil vapor (which easily condenses) create a sticky surface on the generator internal sur-
faces including the insulation. Dirt particles then have a tendency to cling to the insulation and may
eventually damage it. Liquid water on the insulation will degrade the quality of the insulation.

A High Generator Liquid Detection Alarm may indicate a slow leak of liquid into the generator casing
which should be investigated when convenient. A slow leak of oil is possible due to the interaction of
seal oil with rotor rotation while on turning gear.

A fast leak is evident if there is a High-High Generator Liquid Detection Alarm. The fast leak should
be immediately identified and corrected, or else the generator should be shut down prior to generator
casing flooding.

A High Seal Oil Drain Enlargement Liquid Detection Alarm is provided so that the operator will know
the reason for an impending High Generator Liquid Detection Alarm and can take proper corrective ac-

1. Investigation

After an alarm, the liquid detection device can be drained to determine if the liquid is water or oil.

2. Water

There are two sources of water: The hydrogen coolers and the stator cooling water system (if the
armature bars are direct water cooled).

A recent abnormal requirement for make-up water for the stator cooling water system indicates a
possible leak.

To determine if a hydrogen cooler is leaking, valves on the underside of the generator may be inter-
mittently closed and opened. Also the operator could shut off the flow of water to one cooler at a
time if running at 80% of rated load capacity. If a cooler leak is severe, the defective cooler may be
left out of service until repairs can be made. Generators are typically designed to operate at rated
power factor at 80% rated load capacity with one hydrogen cooler out of service.

The hydrogen gas dryer, if provided, does not have the capability to dry the generator if there is a
generator internal water leak.

3. Oil

Oil may enter the generator from the shaft seals or else from flooding of the hydrogen detraining

GEK 103763 Hydrogen and Carbon Dioxide Gas Control System

Do not shut down the seal oil supply until after H2 has been purged out of the generator with CO2.
Oil may be flowing quickly into the detector during the purging process.

During the generator gas purge process, draining seal oil may have a tendency to back up in the drain
system if the generator pressure becomes abnormally low. A bypass valve is typically provided so
that an operator can increase the drain flow rate.

Oil from the shaft seal area may be due to a leaky flange, or an extremely large seal oil flow, or anoth-
er problem. It can be isolated to be either the turbine end or the collector end by intermittently closing
the drain valves located near the end shield on either side of the underside of the generator.

Shaft seals may become unseated if there is a temporary reversal of pressure on the gas side seal ring.
This may occur during a transfer from one seal oil supply pump to another, either due to a time lag
between pump stop and start or due to a time lag in the pressure control valve response. An unseated
seal may cause an extremely large oil flow which might not drain through the generator’s internal
drains to the seal oil drain enlargement. This event is more typical when the shaft is not turning. Field
experience has shown that the seals often re-seat after several minutes when the shaft is rotated at
turning gear speed.


A. Leak Testing

After a joint has been adjusted or otherwise loosened or tightened, such as after a component is replaced,
the joint must be pressure tested to ensure it will not leak hydrogen. Testing may be performed with air
or CO2, typically at approximately 20 psig (14 kPa-g, 0.14 kg/cm2).

Leaks can be identified by applying a soapy solution to the joints and welds. A typical solution would
be liquid soap, glycerin and water. Bubbling will indicate leakage.

B. Regular Maintenance

An operator should be available in the control room to receive alarms at all times.

Each mechanism in the gas control system should be inspected periodically to ensure it is functioning

1. Daily Inspections

Once a day the operator should review the transmitter signals from the gas system and compare them
with standard values. The standard values will be established from previous operation experience.
Also the transmitter signals should be compared with the previous days’ readings to identify any
trends. The gas control system transmitter signals are:

Generator Gas Pressure

Generator Gas Purity
Core Monitor (Not provided with all generators)
Hygrometers (Not provided with all generators)

Once a day the operator should walk around the gas system equipment to look for anything abnor-
mal. The gas control system features to be daily inspected are:

Hydrogen and Carbon Dioxide Gas Control System GEK 103763

All valves should be in the proper position

Check the sight glass in the gas dryer (if a gas dryer is provided and it has a sight glass)
Compare the reading on all the pressure gauges with standard values
Hydrogen control cabinet settings and indicators should be normal.
Core monitor and pyrolysate collector should be operating normally (if provided with generator)
Check the sight glass in both liquid detectors and the seal oil drain system float trap
Drain condensate or other liquid out of the main vent line

2. Inspections Every Six Months

Calibrate or otherwise perform maintenance on the hydrogen control cabinet as required.

Perform a Core Monitor system test. (Core Monitor is not provided with all generators).
Check the calibration and operation of all the alarm devices and contacts.

3. Inspections to be Done After Every Scheduled Purge with Carbon Dioxide

Check all drip legs and other drains for liquid accumulation.
If the generator is purged with air, close isolation valves in piping at the generator and elsewhere
to prevent humid atmospheric air from entering the piping.

4. Generator Maintenance Outage

Test all the relief valves for a possible leakage into the vent lines
All gauges should be calibrated every three years minimum.

C. Special Maintenance

1. Gas System Components Designed for Maintenance Activity

Tag all valves, switches, or other devices which are important to be in a particular state during the
maintenance duration.

Do not disable the CO2 supply system at anytime for maintenance. CO2 must be continuously avail-
able for an emergency purge.

Read the warnings concerning hydrogen which are at the beginning of this document. The following
gas system fluid processing components have been designed for maintenance while the generator
is operating normally:

Hydrogen supply pressure sensing devices

Generator gas pressure sensing devices
Pressure Regulating Valve
Pressure Relief Valves
Liquid Level Detectors
Core Monitor (Not provided with all generators)
Gas Dryer (if a gas dryer is provided)
Hygrometer Probes (if provided)
Hydrogen control cabinet (short duration only)

Because there are no compressed air sources permitted to be connected to the generator, it is unlikely
that a fast air contamination of the generator gas can occur. Therefore the hydrogen control cabinet

GEK 103763 Hydrogen and Carbon Dioxide Gas Control System

can be isolated for a short duration for simple maintenance activity (for example, changing the filter

D. If the Hydrogen Control Cabinet is Flooded with Oil or Water.

If the generator is flooded with oil or water, then there is the possibility that the hydrogen cabinet may
also have been flooded.

After a flooding accident, all the tubing and components of the hydrogen cabinet should be cleaned and
dried. Oil flooding will require cleaning with alcohol or similar solvent (not methanol CH3OH because
it deteriorates elastomeric seals). This will require some dis-assembly at tubing and NPT joints. The fil-
ter-dryer cartridges will have to be replaced. The silica-gel will have to be replaced if it was contami-
nated with oil. The cell blocks will have to be removed and flushed with alcohol to remove oil from inside
the thermister chamber.

The cleaning should extend at least back to the last drip leg in the piping.

E. Materials and Design Conditions

The gas system piping and components are made of ASTM A105/A106 carbon steel, AISI
304/304L/316/316L stainless steel, or bronze.

The design pressure of the piping and assemblies is 150 psig (1034 kPa-g, 10.55 kg/cm2). Bottle man-
ifolds are designed to a higher pressure.


The gas system equipment supplied with the generator does not include the H2 and CO2 gas storage equip-
ment nor the piping to connect the gas storage equipment to the gas system gas control valves. This equip-
ment is not provided because there are many alternative gas storage systems available to the power plant
desgners and they shold choose one which best fits their needs.

The following section gives instructions on the design of the gas storage equipment and piping. It also pro-
vides instructions to operators on how to use equipment which is designed to these requirements.

A. Requirements on Gas used in the Generator

The sources of gas should be able to provide gas to the gas control valves to the following requirements:

1. Carbon Dioxide

Phase: Vapor Phase. This includes the emergency event of a loss of AC power.
Purity: Commercially available purity grade.
Flow rate: 120 scfm (3.4 s m3/min) for a 2800 ft3 (80 m3) generator. Changes proportionally with
generator volume.
Pressure: Approximately 2 psig (13.8 kPa-g, 0.14 kg/cm2) as determined by the generator internal
Temperature: Low temperatures are acceptable.
Gas Quantity: There should be enough carbon dioxide available for an operator to purge the genera-
tor of hydrogen during an emergency. Bottles should be stored near the manifold.

Hydrogen and Carbon Dioxide Gas Control System GEK 103763

The flow rate and pressure requirements can be satisfied by the use of an orifice when designed to
the design requirements given below.

2. Hydrogen

Purity: 99.9% or better.

Humidity: maximum of 0.1 gram of water per cubic meter of gas (0.00007 lbm/ft3) (Gas should be
desiccant dried.).
Flow rate: 50 scfm (1.4 s m3/min) during purging for a 2800 ft3 (80 m3) generator. Substantially
higher flow rates up to 500 scfm (15 m3/min) are permitted during the generator fill operation.
Pressure: 125+ or –25 psig (862+ or –172 kPa–g, 8.79+ or –1.76 kg/cm2) during purging and normal
operation. During the generator fill operation the gas control valves have no flow restriction smaller
than a 1 inch (25.4 mm) diameter pipe, so pressure will be between 2 psig (13.8 kPa-g, 0.14 kg/cm2)
and full generator gas pressure as determined by generator internal pressure.
Temperature: Low temperatures as experienced during the discharge of bottles are acceptable.

3. Air

Humidity: Air should be desiccant dried.

Cleanliness: Air should be filtered. No oil vapor is permitted.
Flow rate: No upper limit on flow rate. Maximum flow rate based on the pipe size restriction is ex-
pected to be 150 scfm (4.2 m3/min)
Pressure: Approximately 2 psig (13.8 kPa-g, 0.14 kg/cm2) as determined by generator pressure. The
gas valve piping has no flow restriction smaller than one inch (25.44 mm) diameter pipe.
Temperature: Should be between –20 and 120° F (–28.9 to 48.9° C).
Gas Quantity: Several generator volumes of gas will be necessary to purge the generator.

B. Characteristics of Compressed Gas.

It is important that the operator become familiar with the behavior of compressed hydrogen and carbon

Compressed gas is dangerous. Be cautious when using compressed gas. Be alert to kinked flexible pig-
tails, especially at the fittings, and to over-stressed metal tubing-type pigtails. Replace damaged pigtails
immediately. Be cautious of high pressure gauges by minimizing the amount of time an operator stands
in front of them. Read all warnings provided by the gas supplier.

1. Gas Bottles and Regulators


Connecting Bottles: Prior to attaching a bottle, the dirt and dust in the valve outlet and in the pigtail
fitting should be completely removed. Dirt in a pressure regulator will cause it to leak internally
when it should have a tight shut off.

Slowly Open Valve. Bottle pressure should be applied to a pressure regulator by slowly opening the
bottle’s hand valve. This avoids damage to the regulator or a gauge by a pressure shock.

Replace Leaky Valve Seats. If the pressure downstream of the pressure regulator increases when
there is no flow, then the pressure regulator valve seat may leak. The seat should be replaced if it
leaks. If the pressure at the gas control valve assembly is at the pressure relief valve setting, then
the seat of the pressure regulator is likely leaking.

GEK 103763 Hydrogen and Carbon Dioxide Gas Control System

Low Flow Delivery Pressure. Single stage regulators (which have more flow capacity than two stage
regulators) have their delivery pressure set point established at a high flow rate. During low or no
flow, the delivery pressure set point is much higher. Therefore, if the gas system is designed so that
a tight shut-off is necessary (ie, the manifold globe valves are open in a “ready” mode), then the low
or no flow delivery pressure should be deliberately set below the gas system relief valve setting.
Otherwise, the gas from the bottles will seep out the relief valve and not be available when needed.

H2 Bottles

Hydrogen bottle size: 239 standard cubic feet (6.77 m3) per bottle (about 200 ft3 (5.7 m3) is usable
because the pressure drops off during discharge). At 70° F (21° C) the pressure is 2400 psig (16.5
MPa, 169 kg/cm2).

Minimize Number of Active H2 Bottles. For safety reasons, as few bottles of hydrogen as possible
should be used during any one time during normal operation.

Do Not “Crack” Hydrogen Bottles: Unlike non-flammable gasses, it is not recommended to “crack”
hydrogen bottles prior to connecting them to a regulator of manifold since “self-ignition” of the re-
leased hydrogen is likely to occur.

CO2 Bottles

Use Gaseous CO2 Only. Only bottles which discharge the vapor phase of carbon dioxide should be
used. Bottles which have a siphon tube so that they discharge liquid, or bottles with the discharge
port on the bottom so that they discharge liquid, are not to be used with the generator. Liquid carbon
dioxide is extremely cold and may adversely affect the welds in the piping. Also, it will easily form
solid carbon dioxide after dropping in pressure in a flow restriction and potentially block the piping.

Carbon dioxide bottle size: 50 lbm (50 pounds mass, 22.7 kg) of gas per bottle. At 70° F (21.1° C)
the pressure is 850 psig (5.86 MPa, 59.8 kg/cm2) and the contents is about 45 lbm (20.4 kg) liquid
and 5 lbm (2.3 kg) gas. At 110° F (43.3° C) a full CO2 bottle will have 1800 psig (12.4 MPa, 127
kg/cm2) of pressure, at 140° F (60° C), 2600 psig (17.9 MPa, 183 kg/cm2). The pressure inside a
carbon dioxide bottle decreases during discharge because the evaporating liquid cools the bottle
contents, thus lowering the vapor pressure.

Usable CO2 — Freezing. A 50 lbm (22.7 kg) bottle has 435 standard cubic feet (12.3 m3) of gas.
However, the CO2 may freeze during the bottle discharge. A portion of the contents in a CO2 bottle
will be liquid for bottle pressures between approximately 60 psig (414 kPa-g, 4.22 kg/cm2) and 1050
psig (7.24 MPa, 73.9 kg/cm2). During a bottle discharge, the fluid contents at 60 psig (414 kPa, 4.22
kg/cm2) will be at approximately –56° C (–68.7° F). As gas continues to be depleted from the bottle,
the liquid will transform into a solid.

Bottles initially at 30° F (–1° C) will discharge only 63% of their contents; bottles initially at 110°
F (43.3° C) will discharge only 85% of their contents. The relationship between available % and
initial temperature is approximately linear (a mid point is 73% at 70° F (21° C)). Bottles which are
disconnected from the manifold will not continue to discharge their gas to the generator as they
warm up. Therefore, in systems with all the CO2 bottles connected to bottle manifold connections,
the bottle freezing phenomena has less of an effect.

Bottles which are partially depleted will return to the full bottle pressure of 850 psig (5.86 MPa, 59.8
kg/cm2) at 70° F (21° C) after they warm up if they have about 30% or more of the CO2 still inside.

Hydrogen and Carbon Dioxide Gas Control System GEK 103763

C. Carbon Dioxide in Pipes and Valves.

During the purge step of admitting CO2 to the generator, the carbon dioxide should go through two stages
of pressure drop. The first is through a pressure regulator, the second is through an orifice. The two could
be combined into one orifice, but flow rate would then vary considerably with bottle pressure.

CO2 Feed Piping Should Have a Region Where Solid CO2 Can Form. Carbon dioxide will form solid
precipitation as it goes through a flow restriction (such as a valve or orifice) if the pressure on the dis-
charge of the restriction is below approximately 60 psig (414 kPa, 4.22 kg/cm2) and the gas is cold, such
as during the second half of a bottle discharge. Therefore the piping should be designed to accommodate
a build-up of solid carbon dioxide and operating procedures should be set up to periodically vaporize
it by admitting warm CO2 or heat from another source.

The orifice which regulates carbon dioxide flow rate should be designed so that the precipitation accu-
mulates in a large diameter pipe. The large diameter pipe provides surface for heat transfer from the am-
bient environment and will greatly extend the time before the solid carbon dioxide accumulation restricts
flow rate. Precipitation should not be directed into a globe valve or small diameter pipe elbow. A well
designed system will accommodate solid CO2 accumulation without forming a blockage if the operators
simultaneously open all the CO2 bottles which are connected to manifolds.

If there is a pressure regulator on the bottle manifold, then it should be designed to have a discharge pres-
sure substantially higher than 60 psig (414 kPa-g, 4.22 kg/cm2), such as 100 psig (690 kPa-g, 7.0 kg/cm2)
or 125 psig (862 kPa-g, 8.79 kg/cm2). In addition, it should have a flow rate capacity (in scfm’s) greater
than the flow rate expected through the orifice. If it does not have a high enough flow rate capacity, then
it will not pass enough flow to maintain the 100 psig (690 kPa-g, 7.0 kg/cm2) or 125 psig (862 kPa-g,
8.79 kg/cm2), and there will be a possibility of solid CO2 accumulating in the small bore piping immedi-
ately downstream of the pressure regulator. More than one bottle manifold pressure regulator can feed
the orifice which regulates carbon dioxide flow rate. See regulator sizing instructions below.

Vaporizing Solid CO2 Blockage. If the operator experiences blockage due to solid carbon dioxide build-
up in the piping, there are several methods of vaporizing it.

1. More Bottles Simultaneously to Avoid Rapid Boiling of CO2 . Bottles which discharge too quickly
will have rapid boiling inside the bottle. The rapid boiling causes foam and splatter which will trans-
port liquid to the top of the bottle. If it is suspected that some liquid is being discharged from the
bottle, then more bottles should be discharged simultaneously. By having more bottles discharge
simultaneously, they each will discharge more slowly, and the boiling will not be so rapid.

2. Less Bottles Simultaneously to Periodically Vaporize Solid CO2 Build-Up. If blockage is due to solid
carbon dioxide forming after a flow restriction, then less bottles should be discharged simultaneous-
ly. For example, if the blockage occurs during the last few minutes of five bottles being discharged,
then there will be less blockage after four bottles are discharged. When the next four bottles are ini-
tially discharged, the relatively warm carbon dioxide will vaporize the solid carbon dioxide which
had accumulated.

3. Heating Pipes With Water. Water can be dripped onto pipes and valves to provide heat to vaporize
solid carbon dioxide.

CO2 Heaters May Not Operate In An Emergency. Even if the carbon dioxide is being electrically heated,
the system and operating procedures should be designed to accommodate solid carbon dioxide precipita-

GEK 103763 Hydrogen and Carbon Dioxide Gas Control System

tion and the operators should be familiar with effects of solid carbon dioxide. The heater may not be
available during an emergency situation if the AC electrical power is lost.

Optimal CO2 Storage and Piping Design. The best carbon dioxide supply system is one where there are
enough carbon dioxide bottles connected for fully purging the generator. The advantages are that (a) the
operator will not be busy removing and installing bottles in the event of an emergency purge, and (b)
the full contents of the bottles are available because bottles which have had solid CO2 form will eventual-
ly warm up and discharge their remaining gas. It would also be advantageous if the piping is designed
so that all the bottles can be opened simultaneously without the possibility of solid carbon dioxide accu-
mulating to the extent that it blocks the pipe to the generator.

D. Sizing the Carbon Dioxide Flow Orifice

The CO2 orifice should be sized to provide the optimum flow rate of CO2 into the generator during the
purge process. A flow rate which is too high will waste CO2 because CO2 will mix with H2. A flow rate
which is too low will cause the process to outlast the DC seal oil pump battery life, assuming the purge
is being done because of an emergency after AC power is lost.

Optimum flow rate is 120 scfm (4.2 m3/min) for a 2800 ft3 (80 m3) generator interior. The optimum flow
rate is approximately proportional to generator volume. The orifice will have an upstream pressure be-
tween 100 psig (690 kPa-g, 7.0 kg/cm2) and 150 psig (1034 kPa-g, 10.55 kg/cm2) and a downstream
pressure between 2 psig (13.8 kPa-g, 0.14 kg/cm2) and 5 psig (34.5 kPa-g, 0.35 kg/cm2). Therefore flow
through the orifice is choked (Mach Number = 1), greatly simplifying the calculation.

Use the flow function relationship for choked flow, which is:

mass flow = area * (total pressure / sqrt (total temperature) ) * X

X = sqrt ( k / R ) * sqrt ( ( 2 / ( k+1 ) ) ^ ( ( k+1 ) / ( k-1 ) ) )

where R = 35.04 lbf*ft / lbm*R (0.1889 kJ/kgK) for CO2

and k = 1.29 for CO2

Given average upstream conditions of 125 psig (862 kPa-g, 8.72 kg/cm2) and –10° F (–23.3° C) and a
desired mass flow rate of 120 scfm ( 4.2 s m3/min), the effective area of the orifice is 0.0536 in2 (35.0
mm2). “The discharge co-efficient, Cd, for large pressure ratios such as this situation is 0.85 per “The
Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Compressible Fluid Flow” by Ascher H. Shapiro (page 100).

Actual Area = Effective Area / Cd

The actual area of 0.063 in2 (42.5 mm2), the physical diameter of the flow restriction should be between
0.283 (7.2 mm). A standard manufacturing tolerance can be applied to the orifice diameter.

The calculation method is given so that generators with gas volumes substantially different from 2800
ft3 (80 m3) can have their orifices custom sized. Note that area is proportional to flow and inversely pro-
portional to pressure.

E. The Hydrogen Flow Orifice

Because hydrogen does not form solid precipitation inside the pipe, the orifice may be in the vicinity
of valves. Therefore it is included in the gas control valve assembly, and does not have to be provided
by others.

Hydrogen and Carbon Dioxide Gas Control System GEK 103763

F. Sizing the Manifold Pressure Regulator Valves

The pressure regulator valves have to be sized large enough to pass enough flow so that the downstream
orifice is the most restrictive component of the circuit, and therefore the orifice is the device which con-
trols the flow rate. This is especially critical for the CO2 circuit. If the CO2 manifold pressure regulator
valve is too restrictive, then the pressure immediately downstream of the regulator will be below 60 psig
(414 kPa-g, 4.22 kg/cm2) and solid CO2 precipitation would form in the thin pipe after the bottled CO2
becomes cold.

A typical manifold regulator is the Victor SR-703-ME-996 (0780-0805). The Victor catalog provides
2 data points for air with 125 psig (862 kPa-g, 8.79 kg/cm2) delivery pressure: (50 scfm at 200 psig) (1.4
s m3/min at 1.380 MPa, 14.07 kg/cm2) and (183 scfm at 2000 psig) (5.1 s m3/min at 13.8 MPa, 140.7
kg/cm2). The conversion factors from the catalog are 0.81 for CO2 and 3.79 for H2. Therefore, for CO2,
the flow rates are (40 scfm at 200 psig) (1.1 s m3/min at 1.380 MPa, 14.07 kg/cm2) and (150 scfm at 2000
psig) (4.2 s m3/min at 13.8 MPa, 140.7 kg/cm2).

Given 40 scfm at 200 psig (1.1 s m3/min at 1.380 MPa, 14.07 kg/cm2), there would have to be three (3)
of this style regulator for 120 scfm (3.4 s m3/min). Below 200 psig (1.380 MPa, 14.07 kg/cm2), some
solid CO2 precipitation may form near the regulator. If only two (2) regulators are used, solid CO2 preci-
pitation may form with bottle discharge pressures up closer to 400 psig (2.76 MPa, 28.15 kg/cm2).

If there is one pressure regulator for each bottle manifold, then the operator should open bottles from
each of the manifolds simultaneously, so that all the regulators are in use simultaneously.

G. Calculating the Quantity of CO2 Bottles Required to Purge a Generator

It is important to have enough gas immediately available for a carbon dioxide purge of the generator of
hydrogen. A typical CO2 bottle, when fully charged, has 50 pounds (22.7 kg) of carbon dioxide. When
expanded and heated to ambient inside the generator, the typical bottle has 435 cubic feet (12.3 m3) of
gas. Of this gas, a fraction, x, is available prior to the bottle being removed from the manifold. If the bottle
is not removed, x = 1. The fraction, x, may be less than 1 because of CO2 which freezes in the bottom
of the bottle.

Because some mixing of gas will occur during purging, twice the generator worth of bottled CO2 is re-
quired to purge out hydrogen.

# bottles of CO2 = 2 * generator volume / ( x * volume of gas in a bottle)

Example: Therefore, for a generator of 2800 ft3 (80 m3) and bottles originally at 32° F (0° C) for which
x=0.64, 2*2800 / (0.64*435) = 21 number of bottles of CO2 are required to be available in the event of
an emergency purge.

H. Calculating the Quantity of H2 Bottles to Purge and Fill the Generator

The typical H2 bottle has about 200 cubic feet (5.7 m3) of usable hydrogen when warmed to ambient
temperature inside the generator. Because some mixing of gas will occur during purging, twice the gen-
erator worth of bottled H2 is required.

# bottles for purging = 2 * generator volume / volume of gas in a bottle

Additional bottles of hydrogen are required to pressurize the generator. Conservatively, this quantity is

GEK 103763 Hydrogen and Carbon Dioxide Gas Control System

# bottles for filling = n * generator volume / volume of gas in a bottle

where n is chosen from the chart below:

n final generator pressure (psig) (kPa-g) (kg/cm2)

1 15 100 1
2 30 200 2
3 45 300 3
4 60 400 4
5 75 500 5

The total number of hydrogen bottles which should be available prior to putting hydrogen into the gener-
ator is

# bottles of H2 = # bottles for purging + # bottles for filling

Example: To purge and pressurize a generator of 2800 ft3 (80 m3) to 60 psig (about 400 kPa or 4 kg/cm2),
there should be 2*2800/200 + 4*2800/200 = 84 number of bottles available.


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