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Goal To make my own art designs that recognize our heroes amidst
COVID19 Pandemic.
Role A student of CCSA
Audience School Clinic Office
Situation “Draw your hero” is an art designed to recognize the many different
professions and people who are working tirelessly to bring
Philippines through the Covid-19 pandemic. Centered on the theme
“not all superheroes wear capes” Heroes come in many forms and
this output will be a way to share the student’s creative flair while
also acknowledging the heroes who are taking incredible action and
standing strong in the face of adversity.

Product/Performanc Art design

a. All the information is stated in the presentation.
b. Content is accurate and drawings is presented clearly.
c. Recognizes the front liners amidst pandemic.
d. Follows instruction carefully.
e. Value added. (cleanliness & neatness)

a. All graphic is related to the topic and

make it easier to understand. All borrowed graphics have a source
b. Output are smooth and interesting. Output
enhance the
presentation and provides useful idea
c. Comprehensive use of art materials is
d. Output includes all material needed to gain a
comfortable understanding of the topic.
e. Value added (cleanliness & neatness)
Often, envy involves a motive to "outdo or undo the rival's advantages". In part, this type of envy
may be based on materialistic possessions rather than psychological states. Basically, people find
themselves experiencing an overwhelming emotion due to someone else owning or possessing
desirable items that they do not. For example, your next door neighbor just bought a brand new
ocarina—a musical instrument you've been infatuated with for months now but can't afford.
Feelings of envy in this situation would occur in the forms of emotional pain, a lack of self-
worth, and a lowered self-esteem/well-being.

Bertrand Russell said that envy was one of the most potent causes of unhappiness. Not only is
the envious person rendered unhappy by his or her envy, Russell explained, but that person also
wishes to inflict misfortune on others. Although envy is generally seen as something negative,
Russell also believed that envy was a driving force behind the movement towards democracy and
must be endured to achieve a more just social system. However, psychologists have recently
suggested that there may be two types of envy: malicious envy and benign envy—malicious
envy being proposed as a sick force that ruins a person and his/her mind and causes the envious
person to blindly want the "hero" to suffer; on the other hand, benign envy being proposed as a
type of positive motivational force that causes the person to aspire to be as good as the "hero"—
but only if benign envy is used in a right way. Envy and gloating have parallel structures as

In Nelson Aldrich's Old Money, he states that "envy is so integral and painful a part of what
animates human behavior in market societies that many people have forgotten the full meaning
of the word, simplifying it into one of the symptoms of desire. It is that (a symptom of desire),
which is why it flourishes in market societies: democracies of desire, they might be called, with
money for ballots, stuffing permitted. But envy is more or less than desire. It begins with the
almost frantic sense of emptiness inside oneself, as if the pump of one's heart were sucking on
air. One has to be blind to perceive the emptiness, of course, but that's what envy is, a selective
blindness. Invidia, Latin for envy, translates as "nonsight," and Dante had the envious plodding
along under cloaks of lead, their eyes sewn shut with leaden wire. What they are blind to is what
they have, God-given and humanly nurtured, in themselves".

So, the true question is odd funny? That depends purely on the individual. I was cracking
up at the shear unwavering weirdness of the movie. After the screening I heard people call it
horribly unfunny and glad that it was free. Strangely, I understood their point. There are no jokes
whatsoever, so if you aren't hooked by the uniqueness of it all, you will hate this movie.
Absolutely hate it.

Why is social media driving a mental health crisis among adolescents? Researchers have found
that heavy social media use can lead to envy , jealousy, even questioning of one's self-worth .
Those who become accustomed to communicating via text can experience crippling social
anxiety ; in-person communication, after all, cannot be edited and controlled like a curated online
conversation. (A recent global survey by LivePerson found that 75 percent of American
Generation Z and Millennials respondents prefer to talk to people via text message, over in
The plot is really simple. Stiller and Black play friends/neighbors. Stiller is the focused,
hardworker while Black is a dreamer. Black invents this idea to create a spray that erases poo.
The idea becomes very popular, and Black becomes very rich. The extravagant lifestyle that
Black gains and the fact that he still tries to be best friends with Stiller causes Stiller to become
crazy with envy.

The couple recently celebrated their two-year anniversary and gave each other the sweetest, most
revealing messages on Instagram. Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez—still giving us
relationship envy! Getty Images There is a lot to envy about Meghan Markle, and this week, the
aspect of the Duchess that people are falling over themselves to emulate are her brows. Despite
his success, Malcolm envied the yearly Fortune 500, a competitor’s ranking of top businesses
that had become a lucrative, internationally known franchise. Dakota Johnson's style is regularly
envied, and this weekend's look is no exception. Every once in a while, a Wall Street Journal
columnist envies the punctuation of people who don’t have to follow a stylebook. The economic
picture is one any president would envy. Busch could ride off into the sunset today and have a
career most drivers would envy.

Envy may negatively affect the closeness and satisfaction of relationships. Overcoming envy
might be similar to dealing with other negative emotions (anger, resentment, etc.). Individuals
experiencing anger often seek professional treatment (anger management) to help understand
why they feel the way they do and how to cope. Subjects experiencing envy often have a skewed
perception on how to achieve true happiness. By helping people to change these perceptions,
they will be more able to understand the real meaning of fortune and satisfaction with what they
do have. According to Lazarus "coping is an integral feature of the emotion process". There are
very few theories that emphasize the coping process for emotions as compared to the information
available concerning the emotion itself.

Envy may lead one to avoid, to dislike or to insinuate the so called superior person is bad to
make others think badly of them. They wish for the other person to not have whatever they are
envious and go to extreme measures to prevent them from having it. If they can't get it they are
satisfied with trying to destroy thier happiness through under-handed means.

One theory that helps explain envy and its effects on human behavior is the Socioevolutionary
theory. Based upon (Charles) Darwin's (1859) theory of evolution through natural selection,
socioevolutionary theory predicts that humans behave in ways that enhance individual survival
and the reproduction of their genes. Thus, this theory provides a framework for understanding
social behavior and experiences, such as the experience and expression of envy, as rooted in
biological drives for survival and procreation. Recent studies have demonstrated that inciting
envy actually changes cognitive function, boosting mental persistence and memory.

I almost envy him. How wonderfully straightforward life must be for the man under the
impression that everyone is quite capable of reasoning their way cleanly to the utilitarian
decision when their own millions are at stake. How truly reassuring to believe that human
rationality is a kind of objective force of its own, working for the pursuit of truth and the greater
good, entirely independent of our self-interest.
1. enviousness. Envy and jealousy are very close in meaning. Envy denotes a longing to possess
something awarded to or achieved by another: to feel envy when a friend inherits a fortune.
Jealousy, on the other hand, denotes a feeling of resentment that another has gained something
that one more rightfully deserves: to feel jealousy when a coworker receives a promotion.
Jealousy also refers to anguish caused by fear of unfaithfulness. 4. resent. Envy, begrudge, covet
refer to one's attitude toward the possessions or attainments of others. To envy is to feel resentful
and unhappy because someone else possesses, or has achieved, what one wishes oneself to
possess, or to have achieved: to envy the wealthy, a woman's beauty, an honest man's reputation.
To begrudge is to be unwilling that another should have the possessions, honors, or credit that
person deserves: to begrudge a man a reward for heroism.

No Thanks. I will

As numb as my heart has been, graAs numb as my heart has been, grasping the light far
from my reach

As numb as my heart has ever been, grasping the light far from my reach.
The canary’s requiem will soon begin, overwhelming sorrow, I hear its screech.

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