UNIT-2 Data Entry and Keyboarding Skills: Multiple-Choice Questions
UNIT-2 Data Entry and Keyboarding Skills: Multiple-Choice Questions
UNIT-2 Data Entry and Keyboarding Skills: Multiple-Choice Questions
Multiple-choice questions
Ans : (D)
Ans: (A)
Ans: ©
Ans (D)
[Correct: Orange letters indicate wrong inputs that also exceed the acceptable timeframe]
(a) animation
(c) plain
(d) background
Ans: (B)
1. A touch typist knows the location on the keyboard through muscle memory.
8. Pressing the End key moves the cursor to the last character of the line.
10. The numeric keypad has four columns and five rows.
C. State whether the statements given below are True or
1. The Alt key is always used with the other key. True
software. True
8. The keys ‘F’ and ‘J’ are known as guide keys. True
11. PageDown key is used to move the cursor on next page. True
12. Pressing the Home Key, moves the cursor to the first
Alphabets ASDF are home keys for the left hand and; (semi-colon) LKJ for the right hand.
The fingers are trained to make the correct movement to other keys and each finger returns
immediately to its respective home key after it has depressed the corresponding key in any
other row
Guide keys
On a computer keyboard, keys ‘F’ and ‘J’ are called guide keys for left and right hand,
respectively. Both contain a small raised tangible mark with the help of which the touch
typist can place the fingers correctly on the home keys.
(b) typewriter
Guide keys
On a computer keyboard, keys ‘F’ and ‘J’ are called guide keys for left and right hand,
respectively. Both contain a small raised tangible mark with the help of which the touch
typist can place the fingers correctly on the home keys.
The cursor keys serve as a guide for typing. They can be used to move the position of the
Ans: Typing ergonomics provides logistic support for efficient and effective typewriting.
They are important to attain and maintain accuracy and speed.
Position of hands
Put your forearms at level with the keyboard and palms down
Monitor placement
Do not bend your neck while working on the monitor and keep the upper border of the screen
at eye level. The distance of the screen from the user depends on the size of the screen. Keep
an approximate distance of about 60–65 cms for 17 inches screen.
Mouse and keyboard placement
Keep the keyboard and mouse together at an approximate distance of 20 cms, which will help
in the smooth and effortless operation of the keyboard. Same height of keyboard, mouse and
elbows helps the users to work comfortably.
Adjust the computer chair and table to an optimal height. The chair of the computer user must
be supportive to his/her lower back. Keyboard and vibrating devices, such as printers, should
be on separate tables. The computer table should also have sufficient space for your legs.
With the correct ergonomics, typewriting becomes a natural phenomenon without causing
unnecessary fatigue.
Placement of matter to be typed
Place the matter for typing to the left or right side of the keyboard preferably on a Copy
Holder which has a sloping surface.
6. Mention the finger allocation of keys of the Bottom Row of computer keyboard.
Ans: Allocation of keys to fingers on the first row (bottom row)
Keys Z, X, C, V, B, N, M, Comma, Full Stop and ‘/’ sign are located on this row.