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Installation Instructions: Caution

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Single Package Electric Cooling Rooftop Units
with Electric Heat Option, COMFORTLINK™ Controls
and PURON® Refrigerant (R-410A)
60 Hz Export Units

Installation Instructions
SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Puron refrigerant (R-410A) systems operate at higher pres-
sures than standard R-22 systems. Do not use R-22 service
INSTALLATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-32 equipment or components on Puron refrigerant equipment.
Step 1 — Provide Unit Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 If service equipment is not rated for Puron refrigerant,
• ROOF CURB equipment damage or personal injury may result.
Step 2 — Rig and Place Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Step 3 — Field Fabricate Ductwork . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1. Improper installation, adjustment, alteration, service,
Step 4 — Make Unit Duct Connections . . . . . . . . . . . 2 or maintenance can cause property damage, personal
Step 5 — Trap Condensate Drain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 injury, or loss of life.
Step 6 — Make Electrical Connections . . . . . . . . . . 21
• POWER WIRING 2. Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable va-
• FIELD POWER SUPPLY pors and liquids in the vicinity of this or any other
Step 7 — Make Outdoor-Air Inlet
Adjustments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 INSTALLATION
AIR DAMPER Step 1 — Provide Unit Support
Step 8 — Position Power Exhaust/Barometric
Relief Damper Hood. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 CAUTION
Step 9 — Route Static Pressure Sensors . . . . . . . . 30
Step 10 — Install All Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 1. All panels must be in place when rigging or damage
Step 11 — Field Modifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 to unit may occur.
2. Unit is not designed for handling by fork truck. Dam-
SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS age to unit may occur.
Installation and servicing of air-conditioning equipment can
be hazardous due to system pressure and electrical compo- ROOF CURB — For vertical discharge units, assemble or in-
nents. Only trained and qualified service personnel should in- stall accessory roof curb in accordance with instructions
stall, repair, or service air-conditioning equipment. shipped with this accessory. See Fig. 1-4. Install insulation,
Untrained personnel can perform the basic maintenance cant strips, roofing, and counter flashing as shown. Ductwork
functions of cleaning coils and filters and replacing filters. All can be installed to roof curb before unit is set in place. Curb
other operations should be performed by trained service per- should be level. This is necessary to permit unit drain to func-
sonnel. When working on air-conditioning equipment, observe tion properly. Unit leveling tolerance is shown in Fig. 1-4.
precautions in the literature, tags and labels attached to the unit, Refer to Accessory Roof Curb Installation Instructions for
and other safety precautions that may apply. additional information as required. When accessory roof curb
is used, unit may be installed on class A, B, or C roof covering
Follow all safety codes. Wear safety glasses and work material.
gloves. Use quenching cloth for unbrazing operations. Have
fire extinguishers available for all brazing operations. IMPORTANT: The gasketing of the unit to the roof curb is
critical for a watertight seal. Install gasket with the roof
WARNING curb as shown in Fig. 1-4. Improperly applied gasket can
also result in air leaks and poor unit performance.
Before performing service or maintenance operations on
unit, turn off main power switch to unit. Electrical shock ALTERNATE UNIT SUPPORT — When the preferred curb
could cause personal injury. or slab mount cannot be used, support unit with sleepers on
perimeter, using unit curb support area. If sleepers cannot be
used, support long sides of unit (refer to Fig. 5-10) with a mini-
mum number of 100-mm x 100-mm (4-in. x 4-in.) pads spaced
as follows: 50A2,A3,A4,A5020-035 units require 3 pads on
each side; 50A2,A3,A4,A5040-050 units require 4 pads on
each side; 50A2,A3,A4,A5060 units require 6 pads on each
side. Unit may sag if supported by corners only.

Manufacturer reserves the right to discontinue, or change at any time, specifications or designs without notice and without incurring obligations.
Catalog No. 04-53500062-01 Printed in U.S.A. Form 50A-C5SI Pg 1 8-09 Replaces: 50A-C3SI
Step 2 — Rig and Place Unit — Inspect unit for ductwork to 14-gage roof curb material with sheet metal
transportation damage. See Tables 1A-6B for physical data and screws driven from inside the duct.
specifications. File any claim with transportation agency. Follow AMCA (Air Movement and Control Association)
Do not drop unit; keep upright. Use spreader bars over unit guidelines (U.S.A. standard) relating to ductwork connections
to prevent sling or cable damage. This unit must be handled to the unit. These guidelines recommend a minimum 21/2
with a crane and can not be handled by a fork truck. Level by equivalent duct diameters of straight duct connected to supply
using unit frame as a reference; leveling tolerance is shown in air inlet and outlet openings before any transitions, fittings,
Fig. 1-4. See Fig. 11 for additional information. Unit operating dampers, etc. Failure to adhere to these guidelines may result
weight is shown in Tables 2A-5B. in system effects which can impact the unit’s ability to achieve
NOTE: On retrofit jobs, ductwork may be attached to the old published performance.
unit instead of a roof curb. Be careful not to damage ductwork
when removing old unit. Attach existing ductwork to roof curb WARNING
instead of unit.
For vertical supply and return units, tools or parts could
Four lifting lugs are provided on the unit base rails as shown drop into ductwork and cause an injury. Install a 90-degree
in Fig. 5-11. Refer to rigging instructions on unit. elbow turn in the supply and return ductwork between the
POSITIONING — Maintain clearance, per Fig. 5-11, around unit and the conditioned space. If a 90-degree elbow cannot
and above unit to provide minimum distance from combustible be installed, then a grille of sufficient strength and density
materials, proper airflow, and service access. should be installed to prevent objects from falling into the
Do not install unit in an indoor location. Do not locate unit conditioned space.
air inlets near exhaust vents or other sources of contaminated
air. Step 4 — Make Unit Duct Connections
Although unit is weatherproof, guard against water from 50A2 AND A3 UNITS — Unit is shipped for thru-the-
higher level runoff and overhangs. bottom duct connections. Field-fabricated ductwork should be
ROOF MOUNT — Check building codes for weight distribu- attached to the roof curb. Supply and return duct dimensions
tion requirements. See Fig. 12. Unit operating weight is shown are shown in Fig. 5-7. Air distribution is shown in Fig. 13.
in Tables 2A-5B. Refer to installation instructions shipped with roof curb for
more information.
Step 3 — Field Fabricate Ductwork — Secure all
ducts to building structure. Use flexible duct connectors be- 50A4 AND A5 UNITS — Remove shipping covers from
tween unit and ducts as required. Insulate and weatherproof all supply and return air openings. Attach field-supplied ductwork
external ductwork, joints, and roof openings with counter to unit. Connect to the unit with a single duct for all supply
flashing and mastic in accordance with applicable codes. openings and with a single duct for all return openings.
Splitting of the airflow into branch ducts should not be done at
NOTE: Due to width of the horizontal supply and return duct- the unit. Sufficient duct length should be used prior to branch-
work, provisions should be made for servicing of the outdoor ing to ensure the air temperatures are well mixed within the
air filters (i.e., catwalk over ductwork). ductwork. See Fig. 8-10 for duct opening dimensions. Secure
Ducts passing through an unconditioned space must be in- all ducts to building structure. Air distribution is shown in
sulated and covered with a vapor barrier. Outlet grilles must not Fig. 8-10 and Fig. 14.
lie directly below unit discharge. The return duct must have a Install accessory barometric relief or power exhaust in the
90-degree elbow before opening into the building space if the field-fabricated return ductwork. Refer to Step 8 — Position
unit is equipped with power exhaust. Power Exhaust/Barometric Relief Damper Hood section on
To attach ductwork to roof curb, insert duct approximately page 30 for more information.
254 to 279 mm (10 to 11 in.) up into roof curb. Connect
Instructions continued on page 21.

1. Unless otherwise specified, all dimensions are to outside of part.
2. Roof curb accessory CRRFCURB005A00 is shipped disassembled.
3. All roof curb parts are to be 14 ga. galvanized steel.
4. Units with electric heat must be installed with a 90 degree elbow on the
supply duct prior to any supply take offs or branches.
5. Dimensions in [ ] are in millimeters. All other dimensions are in inches.

Fig. 1 — Roof Curb — 50A2,A3020-035 Units
1. Unless otherwise specified, all dimensions are to outside of part.
2. Roof curb accessory CRRFCURB006A00 is shipped disassembled.
3. All roof curb parts are to be 14 ga. galvanized steel.
4. Units with electric heat must be installed with a 90 degree elbow on the supply duct prior to any
supply take offs or branches.
5. Dimensions in [ ] are in millimeters. All other dimensions are in inches.

Fig. 2 — Roof Curb — 50A2,A3040-050 Units
1. Unless otherwise specified, all dimensions are to outside of part.
2. Roof curb accessory CRRFCURB014A00 is shipped disassembled.
3. All roof curb parts are to be 14 ga. galvanized steel.
4. Units with electric heat must be installed with a 90 degree elbow on the
supply duct prior to any supply take offs or branches.
5. Dimensions in [ ] are in millimeters. All other dimensions are in inches.

Fig. 3 — Roof Curb — 50A2,A3060 Units
1. Unless otherwise specified, all dimensions are to outside of part.
2. Roof curb accessory CRRFCURB009A00 is shipped disassembled.
3. All roof curb parts are to be 14 ga. galvanized steel.
4. Units with electric heat must be installed with a 90 degree elbow on
the supply duct prior to any supply take offs or branches.
5. Dimensions in [ ] are in millimeters. All other dimensions are in inches.

Fig. 4 — Reduced Supply Duct Opening — Roof Curb — 50A2,A3060 Units
1. Weights include economizer.
2. center of gravity.
3. Unit clearances:
Top of units: no overhang
Condenser coil: 4’ - 0” [1219]
Economizer side: 6’ - 0” [1829]
Heat side: 4’ - 0” [1219]
Filter access side: 10’ - 0” [3048] (for removal of
evaporator coil)
4. For smaller service and operational clearances, con-
tact Carrier application engineering department.
5. Bottom ducts are designed to be attached to acces-
sory roof curb. If unit is mounted on dunnage, it is
recommended that the ducts be supported by cross
braces as done on accessory roof curb.
6. Dimensions in [ ] are in millimeters. All other dimen-
sions are in inches.

*Operating weight includes largest indoor fan motor, microchannel heat

exchanger, modulating power exhaust (variable air volume units), and vari-
able frequency drive (variable air volume units).

Fig. 5 — Base Unit Dimensions — 50A2,A3020-035
1. Weights include economizer.
2. center of gravity.
3. Unit clearances:
Top of units: no overhang
Condenser coil: 4’ - 0” [1219]
Economizer side: 6’ - 0” [1829]
Heat side: 4’ - 0” [1219]
Filter access side: 10’ - 0” [3048] (for removal of
evaporator coil)
4. For smaller service and operational clearances, con-
tact Carrier application engineering department.
5. Bottom ducts are designed to be attached to acces-
sory roof curb. If unit is mounted on dunnage, it is
recommended that the ducts be supported by cross
braces as done on accessory roof curb.
6. Dimensions in [ ] are in millimeters. All other dimen-
sions are in inches.

*Operating weight includes largest indoor fan motor, microchannel heat

exchanger, modulating power exhaust (variable air volume units), and vari-
able frequency drive (variable air volume units).

Fig. 6 — Base Unit Dimensions — 50A2,A3040-050

Fig. 7 — Base Unit Dimensions — 50A2,A3060
1. Weights include economizer.
2. center of gravity.
3. Unit clearances:
Top of units: no overhang
Condenser coil: 4’ - 0” [1219]
Economizer side: 6’ - 0” [1829]
Heat side: 4’ - 0” [1219]
Filter access side: 10’ - 0” [3048] (for
removal of evaporator coil)
4. For smaller service and operational clearanc-
es, contact Carrier application engineering
5. Dimensions in [ ] are in millimeters. All other
dimensions are in inches.

*Operating weight includes largest indoor fan motor, microchannel heat exchanger,
modulating power exhaust (variable air volume units), and variable frequency drive
(variable air volume units).

Fig. 8 — Base Unit Dimensions — 50A4,A5020-035
1. Weights include economizer.
2. center of gravity.
3. Unit clearances:
Top of units: no overhang
Condenser coil: 4’ - 0” [1219]
Economizer side: 6’ - 0” [1829]
Heat side: 4’ - 0” [1219]
Filter access side: 10’ - 0” [3048] (for removal of
evaporator coil)
4. For smaller service and operational clearances, contact Carri-
er application engineering department.
5. Dimensions in [ ] are in millimeters. All other dimensions are in

*Operating weight includes largest indoor fan motor, microchannel heat exchanger,
modulating power exhaust (variable air volume units), and variable frequency drive
(variable air volume units).

Fig. 9 — Base Unit Dimensions — 50A4,A5040-050

Fig. 10 — Base Unit Dimensions — 50A4,A5060
1. Weights include economizer or outdoor air damper. UNIT SIZE WEIGHT* (ft - in.)
2. center of gravity. (lb)
3. Unit clearances: A B 1 2 3 4
Top of units: no overhang 50A2,A3 060 8311 15 - 5 3 - 7 3/8 1710 1663 2433 2504
Condenser coil: 4’ - 0” [1219]
Economizer side: 6’ - 0” [1829] 50A4,A5 060 8526 15 - 8 1/2 3 - 11 1/8 1613 2078 2484 2351
Heat side: 4’ - 0” [1219]
Filter access side: 10’ - 0” [3048] (for removal of
evaporator coil)
4. For smaller service and operational clearances, contact Carrier
application engineering department. CORNER WEIGHTS
5. Bottom ducts are designed to be attached to accessory roof curb. If OPERATING CENTER OF GRAVITY
unit is mounted on dunnage, it is recommended that the ducts be UNIT SIZE WEIGHT* (mm) (kg)
supported by cross braces as done on accessory roof curb. (kg) A B 1 2 3 4
6. Base unit weights include outdoor air hoods and filters (indoor fan
motor is not included). Add indoor fan motor, FIOPs, and accesso- 50A2,A3 060 3770 4699 1101 776 755 1104 1136
ries for total operating weight.
7. VAV motor weights include indoor motor, VFD, VFD transducer, 50A4,A5 060 3868 4788 1197 732 942 1127 1066
and associated wiring.
8. Dimensions in [ ] are in millimeters. All other dimensions are in *Operating weight includes largest indoor fan motor, microchannel heat exchanger, modulating power exhaust
inches. (variable air volume units), and variable frequency drive (variable air volume units).
9. For side-supply/return applications, a single return and supply
ductwork connection is recommended for covering all three return
and all three supply openings. The entire area around the duct
openings is available for a 1.5” duct flange attachment.

Fig. 11 — Center of Gravity and Weights — 50A2,A3,A4,A5060
Table 1A — Physical Data — 50A2,A3,A4,A5 Units (SI)
UNIT 50A2,A3,A4,A5 020 025 027 030
NOMINAL CAPACITY (kW) 70.3 87.9 96.7 105.5
BASE UNIT OPERATING WEIGHT (kg) See Operating Weights Table
Quantity...Type (Ckt 1 , Ckt 2) 2 ... ZP67/1…ZP90 2 ... ZP90/1…ZP90 2 ... ZP90/1…ZP90 2…ZP72/2…ZP72
Number of Refrigerant Circuits 2 2 2 2
Oil Precharged Precharged Precharged Precharged
Operating Charge (kg)
Circuit 1 6.75 9.24 9.24 6.86
Circuit 2 5.36 5.81 5.81 6.94
MCHX CONDENSER COIL* Cross-Hatched 3/8 in. Copper Tubes, Aluminum Lanced, Aluminum Pre-Coated, or Copper Plate Fins
Quantity 1 1 1 1
Total Face Area (m2) 3.056 3.056 3.056 3.056
CONDENSER FAN Propeller Type
Nominal Airflow — l/s 8118 7581 7481 6844
Quantity...Diameter (m) 2...0.762 2...0.762 2...0.762 2...0.762
Motor BkW 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75
EVAPORATOR COIL Cross-Hatched Copper Tubes, Aluminum Plate Fins
Tube Size (mm) 9.525 9.525 9.525 9.525
Rows...Fins/m 3...591 3...591 4...591 4...591
Total Face Area (m2) 2.945 2.945 2.945 2.945
EVAPORATOR FAN Centrifugal Type
Quantity...Size Dia x Length (m) 2...0.508 x 0.381 2...0.508 x 0.381 2...0.508 x 0.381 2...0.508 x 0.381
Type Drive Belt Belt Belt Belt
Nominal Airflow — l/s 3776 4720 5192 5664
Motor kW 3.73 7.46 11.19 3.73 7.46 11.19 7.46 11.19 14.92 7.46 11.19 14.92
Motor Frame Size 184T 215T 254T 184T 215T 254T 215T 254T 256T 215T 254T 256T
Motor Bearing Type Ball Ball Ball Ball
Maximum Allowable r/s 20 20 20 20
Motor Pulley Pitch Diameter (cm) 12.19 11.18 14.48 13.21 15.49 13.97 11.18 12.45 14.99 11.18 14.48 14.99
Nominal Motor Shaft Diameter (cm) 2.8575 3.4925 4.1275 2.858 3.4925 4.1275 3.4925 4.1275 4.1275 3.4925 4.1275 4.1275
Fan Pulley Pitch Diameter (cm) 31.50 21.84 23.11 31.50 28.19 22.10 23.88 20.57 22.10 22.86 23.11 22.10
Nominal Fan Shaft Diameter (cm) 4.92125 4.92125 4.92125 4.92125 4.92125 4.92125 4.92125 4.92125 4.92125 4.92125 4.92125 4.92125
Belt Quantity 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Belt Type BX56 BX50 5VX530 BX56 5VX570 5VX530 BX50 5VX500 5VX530 BX50 5VX530 5VX530
Belt Length (cm) 142.2 160 134.6 142.2 144.8 134.6 127 127 134.6 127 134.6 134.6
Pulley Center Line Distance (cm) 40.6 - 47.5 39.6 - 46.7 38.1 - 45.5 39.6 - 46.7 39.6 - 46.7 38.1 - 45.5 39.6 - 46.7 38.1 - 45.5 38.1 - 45.5 39.6 - 46.7 38.1 - 45.5 38.1 - 45.5
Factory Speed Setting (r/s) 11.95 15.40 18.27 12.90 16.03 18.43 14.13 17.65 19.78 14.27 18.27 19.78
Cutout 2937 2937 2937 2937
Reset (Auto.) 2206 2206 2206 2206
Quantity...Size (cm) Standard 10...50.8 x 60.96 x 5.08 10...50.8 x 60.96 x 5.08 10...50.8 x 60.96 x 5.08 10...50.8 x 60.96 x 5.08
Pleated 5... 50.8 x 50.8 x 10.16 5...50.8 x 50.8 x 10.16 5...50.8 x 50.8 x 10.16 5...50.8 x 50.8 x 10.16
5...50.8 x 60.96 x 10.16 5...50.8 x 60.96 x 10.16 5...50.8 x 60.96 x 10.16 5...50.8 x 60.96 x 10.16
8...40.6 x 63.5 x 5.1
Quantity...Size (cm) 4...50.8 x 63.55 x 5.1
Direct Drive, Single-Phase Motors (Factory-Wired for High Speed Operation),
POWER EXHAUST Forward-Curved Fan Wheels with Backdraft Dampers on Each Fan Housing
Motor, Quantity...BkW 4...0.75
Fan, Diameter x Width (mm) 280 x 254

LEGEND Sizes 030 and 035: Circuit 1 uses the upper portion of condenser coil, Circuit 2 uses the
lower portion.
Al — Aluminum Sizes 040 and 050: Circuit 1 uses the left condenser coil, Circuit 2 the right.
Cu — Copper Size 060: Circuit A uses the two MCHX coils near the bulkhead, Circuit B uses the two
MCHX— Microchannel Heat Exchanger MCHX coils near the control box.
*Sizes 020 to 027: Circuit 1 uses the lower portion of condenser coil, Circuit 2 uses the
upper portion.

Table 1A — Physical Data — 50A2,A3,A4,A5 Units (SI) (cont)
UNIT 50A2,A3,A4,A5 035 040 050 060
NOMINAL CAPACITY (kW) 123 140.6 175.8 211
BASE UNIT OPERATING WEIGHT (kg) See Operating Weights Table
Quantity...Type (Ckt 1 , Ckt 2) 2 ... ZP67/2…ZP103 2…ZP103/2…ZP103 2…ZP120/2…ZP120 2…ZP154/2…ZP154
Number of Refrigerant Circuits 2 2 2 2
Oil Precharged Precharged Precharged Precharged
Operating Charge (kg)
Circuit 1 9.98 11.56 14.37 13.89
Circuit 2 13.92 11.79 14.37 17.39
MCHX CONDENSER COIL* Cross-Hatched 3/8 in. Copper Tubes, Aluminum Lanced, Aluminum Pre-Coated, or Copper Plate Fins
Quantity 1 2 2 4
Total Face Area (m2) 3.056 6.113 6.113 9.773
CONDENSER FAN Propeller Type
Nominal Airflow — l/s 6844 14 160 12 083 18 125
Quantity...Diameter (m) 2...0.762 4...0.762 4...0.762 6...0.762
Motor BkW 1 1 1 1
EVAPORATOR COIL Cross-Hatched Copper Tubes, Aluminum Plate Fins
Tube Size (mm) 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.7
Rows...Fins/m 6...630 4...669 6...630 4...669
Total Face Area (m2) 2.908 2.908 2.908 4.469
EVAPORATOR FAN Centrifugal Type
Quantity...Size Dia x Length (m) 2...0.508 x 0.381 2...0.508 x 0.381 2...0.508 x 0.381 3...0.508 x 0.381
Type Drive Belt Belt Belt Belt
Nominal Airflow — l/s 6608 7552 8496 11 328
Motor kW 11.19 14.92 18.65 11.19 14.92 18.65 14.92 18.65 22.38 18.65 22.38 29.84
Motor Frame Size 254T 256T 284T 254T 256T 284T 256T 284T 286T 284T 286T 324T
Motor Bearing Type Ball Ball Ball Ball
Maximum Allowable r/s 21.67 21.67 21.67 20
Motor Pulley Pitch Diameter (cm) 12.95 14.48 15.75 13.46 14.48 19.05 14.48 15.75 17.02 13.46 14.99 16.51
Nominal Motor Shaft Diameter (cm) 4.1275 4.1275 4.7625 4.1275 4.1275 4.7625 4.1275 4.7625 4.7625 4.7625 4.7625 5.3975
Fan Pulley Pitch Diameter (cm) 22.10 22.10 22.10 24.13 24.13 28.19 24.13 24.13 24.13 23.11 24.13 24.13
Nominal Fan Shaft Diameter (cm) 4.92125 4.92125 4.92125 4.92125 4.92125 4.92125 4.92125 4.92125 4.92125 4.92125 4.92125 4.92125
Belt Quantity 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3
Belt Type 5VX500 5VX530 5VX550 5VX530 5VX550 5VX590 5VX550 5VX570 5VX570 5VX530 5VX550 5VX570
Belt Length (cm) 127 134.6 139.7 134.6 139.7 149.9 139.7 144.8 144.8 134.6 139.7 144.8
Pulley Center Line Distance (cm) 38.1 - 45.5 38.1 - 45.5 38.1 - 45.5 38.1 - 45.5 38.1 - 45.5 14.6 - 17.6 38.1 - 45.5 37.1 - 44.7 37.1 - 44.7 38.6 - 44.5 37.3 - 43.7 36.1 - 43.2
Factory Speed Setting (r/s) 17.08 19.12 20.78 16.27 17.50 19.70 17.50 19.03 20.57 16.98 18.12 19.95
Cutout 2937 2937 2937 2937
Reset (Auto.) 2206 2206 2206 2206
Quantity...Size (cm) Standard 10...50.8 x 60.96 x 5.08 10...50.8 x 60.96 x 5.08 10...50.8 x 60.96 x 5.08 16...50.8 x 60.96 x 5.08
Pleated 5... 50.8 x 50.8 x 10.16 5...50.8 x 50.8 x 10.16 5...50.8 x 50.8 x 10.16 8...50.8 x 50.8 x 10.16
5...50.8 x 60.96 x 10.16 5...50.8 x 60.96 x 10.16 5...50.8 x 60.96 x 10.16 8...50.8 x 60.96 x 10.16
8...40.64 x 63.5 x 5.08 12...40.64 x 63.5 x 5.08
Quantity...Size (cm) 4...50.8 x 63.5 x 5.08 6...50.8 x 63.5 x 5.08
Direct Drive, Single-Phase Motors (Factory-Wired for High Speed Operation),
POWER EXHAUST Forward-Curved Fan Wheels with Backdraft Dampers on Each Fan Housing
Motor, Quantity...BkW 4...0.75 6...0.75
Fan, Diameter x Width (cm) 28 x 25.4 28 x 25.4

LEGEND Sizes 030 and 035: Circuit 1 uses the upper portion of condenser coil, Circuit 2 uses the
lower portion.
Al — Aluminum Sizes 040 and 050: Circuit 1 uses the left condenser coil, Circuit 2 the right.
Cu — Copper Size 060: Circuit A uses the two MCHX coils near the bulkhead, Circuit B uses the two
MCHX— Microchannel Heat Exchanger MCHX coils near the control box.
*Sizes 020 to 027: Circuit 1 uses the lower portion of condenser coil, Circuit 2 uses the
upper portion.

Table 1B — Physical Data — 50A2,A3,A4,A5 Units (English)
UNIT 50A2,A3,A4,A5 020 025 027 030
NOMINAL CAPACITY (tons) 20 25 27 30
BASE UNIT See Unit Weights Table
Quantity ... Type (Ckt 1/Ckt 2) 2 ... ZP67/1…ZP90 2 ... ZP90/1…ZP90 2 ... ZP90/1…ZP90 2…ZP72, 2…ZP72
Number of Refrigerant Circuits 2 2 2 2
Oil Precharged Precharged Precharged Precharged
Operating Charge (lb-oz)
Circuit 1 14-14 20-6 20-6 15-2
Circuit 2 11-13 12-13 12-13 15-5
Quantity 1 1 1 1
Total Face Area (sq ft) 32.9 32.9 32.9 32.9
CONDENSER FAN Propeller Type
Nominal Cfm 19,500 19,500 19,500 19,500
Quantity... Diameter (in.) 2 ... 30 2 ... 30 2 ... 30 2 ... 30
Motor Hp 1 1 1 1
EVAPORATOR COIL Cross-Hatched Copper Tubes, Aluminum Plate Fins with Intertwined Circuits
Tube Size (in.) 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/
8 8 8 8
Rows ... Fins/in. 3 ... 15 4 ... 14 4 ... 15 4 ... 15
Total Face Area (sq ft) 31.7 31.7 31.7 31.7
EVAPORATOR FAN Centrifugal Type
Quantity ... Size (in.) 2 ... 20 X 15 2 ... 20 X 15 2 ... 20 X 15 2 ... 20 X 15
Type Drive Belt Belt Belt Belt
Nominal Cfm 8,000 10,000 11,000 12,000
Motor Hp 5 10 15 5 10 15 10 15 20 10 15 20
Motor Frame Size 184T 215T 254T 184T 215T 254T 215T 254T 256T 215T 254T 256T
Motor Bearing Type Ball Ball Ball Ball
Maximum Allowable Rpm 1200 1200 1200 1200
Motor Pulley Pitch Diameter (in.) 4.8 4.4 5.7 5.2 6.1 5.5 4.4 4.9 5.9 4.4 5.7 5.9
Nominal Motor Shaft Diameter (in.) 11/8 1 3/ 8 15/8 11/8 13/8 15/8 13/8 15/8 15/8 13/8 15/8 15/8
Fan Pulley Pitch Diameter (in.) 12.4 8.6 9.1 12.4 11.1 8.7 9.4 8.1 8.7 9.0 9.1 8.7
Nominal Fan Shaft Diameter (in.) 115/16 115/16 115/16 115/16
Belt Quantity 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Belt Type BX56 BX50 5VX530 BX56 5VX570 5VX530 BX50 5VX500 5VX530 BX50 5VX530 5VX530
Belt Length (in.) 56 63 53 56 57 53 50 50 53 50 53 53
Pulley Center Line Distance (in.) 16.0-18.7 15.6-18.4 15.0-17.9 15.6-18.4 15.6-18.4 15.0-17.9 15.6-18.4 15.0-17.9 15.0-17.9 15.6-18.4 15.0-17.9 15.0-17.9
Factory Speed Setting (rpm) 717 924 1096 773 962 1106 848 1059 1187 856 1096 1187
Cutout 650 650 650 650
Reset (Auto.) 500 500 500 500
Quantity ... Size (in.) Standard 10 ... 20 x 24 x 2 10 ... 20 x 24 x 2 10 ... 20 x 24 x 2 10 ... 20 x 24 x 2
Pleated 5 ... 20 x 20 x 4 5 ... 20 x 20 x 4 5 ... 20 x 20 x 4 5 ... 20 x 20 x 4
5 ... 20 x 24 x 4 5 ... 20 x 24 x 4 5 ... 20 x 24 x 4 5 ... 20 x 24 x 4
8...16 x 25 x 2
Quantity...Size (in.) 4...20 x 25 x 2
Direct Drive, Single-Phase Motors (Factory-Wired for High Speed Operation), Forward-Curved Fan Wheels with Backdraft Dampers
POWER EXHAUST on Each Fan Housing
Motor, Quantity...Hp 4...1
Fan, Diameter...Width (in.) 11 x 10

LEGEND *Sizes 020 to 027: Circuit 1 uses the lower portion of condenser coil, Circuit 2 uses the
upper portion.
Al — Aluminum Sizes 030 and 035: Circuit 1 uses the upper portion of condenser coil, Circuit 2 uses the
Cu — Copper lower portion.
MCHX— Microchannel Heat Exchanger Sizes 040 and 050: Circuit 1 uses the left condenser coil, Circuit 2 the right.
Size 060: Circuit A uses the two MCHX coils near the bulkhead, Circuit B uses the two
MCHX coils near the control box.

Table 1B — Physical Data — 50A2,A3,A4,A5 Units (English) (cont)
UNIT 50A2,A3,A4,A5 035 040 050 060
NOMINAL CAPACITY (tons) 35 40 50 60
BASE UNIT See Unit Weights Table
Quantity ... Type (Ckt 1/Ckt 2) 2 ... ZP67/2…ZP103 2…ZP103/2…ZP103 2…ZP120/2…ZP120 2…ZP154/2…ZP154
Number of Refrigerant Circuits 2 2 2 2
Oil Precharged Precharged Precharged Precharged
Operating Charge (lb-oz)
Circuit 1 22-0 25-8 31-11 30-10
Circuit 2 30-11 26-0 31-11 38-5
Quantity 1 2 2 4
Total Face Area (sq ft) 32.9 65.8 65.8 105.2
CONDENSER FAN Propeller Type Shrouded Axial Type
Nominal Cfm 19,500 32,000 35,000 40,000
Quantity... Diameter (in.) 2 ... 30 4 ... 30 4 ... 30 4...30.5
Motor Hp 1 1 1 1
EVAPORATOR COIL Cross-Hatched Copper Tubes, Aluminum Plate Fins with Intertwined Circuits
Tube Size (in.) 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/
2 2 2 2
Rows ... Fins/in. 6 ... 16 4 ... 17 6 ... 16 4...17
Total Face Area (sq ft) 31.3 31.3 31.3 48.1
EVAPORATOR FAN Centrifugal Type
Quantity ... Size (in.) 2 ... 20 X 15 2 ... 20 X 15 2 ... 20 X 15 3 ... 20 X 15
Type Drive Belt Belt Belt Belt
Nominal Cfm 14,000 16,000 18,000 24,000
Motor Hp 15 20 25 15 20 25 20 25 30 25 30 40
Motor Frame Size 254T 256T 284T 254T 256T 284T 256T 284T 286T 284T 286T 324T
Motor Bearing Type Ball Ball Ball Ball
Maximum Allowable Rpm 1300 1300 1300 1200
Motor Pulley Pitch Diameter (in.) 5.1 5.7 6.2 5.3 5.7 7.5 5.7 6.2 6.7 5.3 5.9 6.5
Nominal Motor Shaft Diameter (in.) 15/8 1 5/ 8 17/8 1 5/ 8 1 5/ 8 17/8 15/8 17/8 17/8 17/8 17/8 21/8
Fan Pulley Pitch Diameter (in.) 8.7 8.7 8.7 9.5 9.5 11.1 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.1 9.5 9.5
Nominal Fan Shaft Diameter (in.) 115/16 115/16 115/16 115/16
Belt Quantity 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3
Belt Type 5VX500 5VX530 5VX550 5VX530 5VX550 5VX590 5VX550 5VX570 5VX570 5VX530 5VX550 5VX570
Belt Length (in.) 50 53 55 53 55 59 55 57 57 53 55 57
15.0- 15.0- 14.6- 15.0- 14.6- 14.6- 15.2- 14.7- 14.2-
Pulley Center Line Distance (in.) 15.0-17.9 15.0-17.9 15.0-17.9 17.9 17.9 17.6 17.9 17.6 17.6 17.5 17.2 17.0
Factory Speed Setting (rpm) 1025 1147 1247 976 1050 1182 1050 1142 1234 1019 1087 1197
Cutout 650 650 650 650
Reset (Auto.) 500 500 500 500
Quantity ... Size (in.) Standard 10 ... 20 x 24 x 2 10 ... 20 x 24 x 2 10 ... 20 x 24 x 2 16...20 x 24 x 2
Pleated 5 ... 20 x 20 x 4 5 ... 20 x 20 x 4 5 ... 20 x 20 x 4 8...20 x 20 x 4
5 ... 20 x 24 x 4 5 ... 20 x 24 x 4 5 ... 20 x 24 x 4 8...20 x 24 x 4
8...16 x 25 x 2 8...16 x 25 x 2 8...16 x 25 x 2 12...16 x 25 x 2
Quantity...Size (in.) 4...20 x 25 x 2 4...20 x 25 x 2 4...20 x 25 x 2 6...20 x 25 x 2
Direct Drive, Single-Phase Motors (Factory-Wired for High Speed Operation), Forward-Curved Fan Wheels
POWER EXHAUST with Backdraft Dampers on Each Fan Housing
Motor, Quantity...Hp 4...1 4...1 4...1 6...1
Fan, Diameter...Width (in.) 11 x 10 11 x 10 11 x 10 11 x 10

LEGEND Sizes 030 and 035: Circuit 1 uses the upper portion of condenser coil, Circuit 2 uses the
lower portion.
Al — Aluminum Sizes 040 and 050: Circuit 1 uses the left condenser coil, Circuit 2 the right.
Cu — Copper Size 060: Circuit A uses the two MCHX coils near the bulkhead, Circuit B uses the two
MCHX— Microchannel Heat Exchanger MCHX coils near the control box.
*Sizes 020 to 027: Circuit 1 uses the lower portion of condenser coil, Circuit 2 uses the
upper portion.

Table 2A — 50A2,A3,A4,A5 Base Unit Operating Weights (kg)
UNIT 020 025 027 030 035 040 050 060
50A2,A3 1645 1706 1706 1720 1826 2021 2086 3096
50A4,A5 1680 1741 1741 1756 1913 2108 2174 3194

Table 2B — 50A2,A3,A4,A5 Base Unit Operating Weights (lb)

UNIT 020 025 027 030 035 040 050 060
50A2,A3 3625 3761 3761 3792 4025 4455 4599 6826
50A4,A5 3703 3839 3839 3870 4218 4648 4792 7041

Table 3A — Option and Accessory Weights (kg)

UNIT 50A 020 025 027 030 035 040 050 060
Barometric Relief 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 204
Non-Modulating Power Exhaust 204 204 204 204 204 204 204 306
Modulating Power Exhaust 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 329
Electric Heat 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 75
Cu Tube/Aluminum Fin Condenser Coil 45 45 45 45 45 85 144 12
Cu Tube/Cu Fin Condenser Coil 119 119 119 119 119 232 341 307
OA Hood Crate/Packaging 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
(Less Hoods’ Weight) (Packaging Only)
Outdoor Air Hoods/Filters (included with unit) 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 116
Hail Guards 33 33 33 33 33 66 66 99
Roof Curb (356 mm) 166 166 166 166 186 186 186 265

Table 3B — Option and Accessory Weights (lb)

UNIT 50A 020 025 027 030 035 040 050 060
Barometric Relief 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 450
Non-Modulating Power Exhaust 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 675
Modulating Power Exhaust 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 725
Electric Heat 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 165
Cu Tube/Aluminum Fin Condenser Coil 100 100 100 150 150 187 317 26
Cu Tube/Cu Fin Condenser Coil 263 263 263 370 370 512 751 677
OA Hood Crate/Packaging 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45
(Less Hoods’ Weight) (Packaging Only)
Outdoor Air Hoods/Filters (included with unit) 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 255
Hail Guards 73 73 73 73 73 146 146 219
Roof Curb (14-in.) 365 365 365 365 365 410 410 540

Table 4A — Constant Volume Fan Table 4B — Constant Volume Fan

Motor Weights (kg) Motor Weights (lb)
3.73 kW 380 35 43 5 HP 380 78 94
7.46 kW 380 54 74 10 HP 380 118 164
11.19 kW 380 68 98 15 HP 380 150 217
14.92 kW 380 96 113 20 HP 380 212 250
18.65 kW 380 109 140 25 HP 380 240 309
22.38 kW 380 128 161 30 HP 380 283 355
29.84 kW 380 169 188 40 HP 380 372 415


Cu — Copper 1. Base unit weight includes outdoor-air hoods. Base unit weight
FIOP — Factory-Installed Option does NOT include indoor-fan motor. ADD indoor-fan motor,
HP — Horsepower FIOPs, and accessories for TOTAL operating weight.
IFM — Indoor Fan Motor 2. VAV Motor Weights include the indoor motor and the VFD,
OA — Outdoor Air optional VFD bypass, VFD transducer and associated wiring.
VAV — Variable Air Volume
VFD — Variable Frequency Drive

Table 5A — Variable Air Volume Fan Table 5B — Variable Air Volume Fan
Motor Weights (kg) Motor Weights (lb)
3.73 kW 380 62 69 5 HP 380 136 152
7.46 kW 380 85 106 10 HP 380 187 233
11.19 kW 380 113 143 15 HP 380 249 316
14.92 kW 380 157 175 20 HP 380 347 385
18.65 kW 380 170 201 25 HP 380 375 444
22.38 kW 380 190 222 30 HP 380 418 490
29.84 kW 380 230 249 40 HP 380 507 550

Table 6A — Evaporator Fan Motor Data (SI)

A4,A5 (mm) (r/s) mm)
(mm) (mm)
3.73 28.58 11.95 BK55 121.92 NONE - 28.58 1B5V124 314.96 B - 49.21 BX56 3.63
020 7.46 34.93 15.40 2BK50 111.76 NONE - 34.93 2B5V86 218.44 B - 49.21 BX50 3.63
11.19 41.28 18.27 2B5V56 144.78 B - 41.28 2B5V90 231.14 B - 49.21 (2) 5VX530 4.08
3.73 28.58 12.90 BK55 132.08 NONE - 28.58 1B5V124 314.96 B - 49.21 BX56 3.63
025 7.46 34.93 16.03 1B5V60 154.94 H - 34.93 1B5V110 281.94 B - 49.21 5VX570 4.99
11.19 41.28 18.43 2B5V54 139.70 B - 41.28 2B5V86 220.98 B - 49.21 (2) 5VX530 4.08
7.46 34.93 14.13 2BK50 111.76 NONE - 34.93 2B5V94 238.76 B - 49.21 (2) BX50 3.63
027 11.19 41.28 17.65 2B5V56 124.46 B - 41.28 2B5V90 205.74 B - 49.21 (2) 5VX530 4.54
14.92 41.28 19.78 2B5V58 149.86 B - 41.28 2B5V86 220.98 B - 49.21 (2) 5VX530 4.99
7.46 34.93 14.27 2BK50 111.76 H - 34.93 2B5V94 228.60 B - 49.21 (2) BX50 3.63
030 11.19 41.28 18.27 2B5V56 144.78 B - 41.28 2B5V90 231.14 B - 49.21 (2) 5VX530 4.08
14.92 41.28 19.78 2B5V58 149.86 B - 41.28 2B5V86 220.98 B - 49.21 (2) 5VX530 4.99
11.19 41.28 17.08 2B5V50 129.50 B - 41.28 2B5V86 220.98 B - 49.21 (2) 5VX500 4.08
035 14.92 41.28 19.12 2B5V56 144.78 B - 41.28 2B5V86 220.98 B - 49.21 (2) 5VX530 4.54
18.65 47.63 20.78 2B5V62 157.48 B - 47.63 2B5V86 220.98 B - 49.21 (2) 5VX530 4.99
11.19 41.28 16.27 2B5V52 134.62 B - 41.28 2B5V94 241.30 B - 49.21 (2) 5VX530 4.54
040 14.92 41.28 17.50 2B5V56 144.78 B - 41.28 2B5V94 241.30 B - 49.21 (2) 5VX550 4.99
18.65 47.63 19.70 2B5V74 190.50 B - 47.63 2B5V110 281.94 B - 49.21 (2) 5VX590 4.99
14.92 41.28 17.50 2B5V56 144.78 B - 41.28 2B5V94 241.30 B - 49.21 (2) 5VX550 4.54
050 18.65 47.63 19.03 2B5V62 157.48 B - 47.63 2B5V94 241.30 B - 49.21 (2) 5VX570 4.99
22.38 47.63 20.57 2B5V66 170.18 B - 47.63 2B5V94 241.30 B - 49.21 (2) 5VX570 5.90
18.65 47.63 16.98 3B5V52 134.62 B - 47.63 3B5V90 231.14 B - 49.21 (3) 5VX530 5.44
060 22.38 47.63 18.12 3B5V58 149.86 B - 47.63 3B5V94 241.30 B - 49.21 (3) 5VX550 5.44
29.84 53.98 19.95 3B5V64 165.10 B - 53.98 3B5V94 241.30 B - 49.21 (3) 5VX570 6.35
NOTES: 2. All indoor fan motors meet the minimum efficiency requirements as
1. Motor shaft speed is 29.2 r/s. The fan shaft diameter is 49.21 mm. established by the Energy Policy Act (EPACT) of 1992 (U.S.A. standard),
effective October 24, 1997.

Table 6B — Evaporator Fan Motor Data (English)

(in.) (P/N) DIAMETER (in.) (P/N) DIAMETER (in.) (P/N) (lb at .25 in.)
A4,A5 (rpm) (in.) (in.)
5 1.125 717 BK55 4.8 NONE - 1.125 1B5V124 12.4 B - 1.9375 BX56 8
020 10 1.375 924 2BK50 4.4 NONE - 1.375 2B5V86 8.6 B - 1.9375 (2) BX50 8
15 1.625 1096 2B5V56 5.7 B - 1.625 2B5V90 9.1 B - 1.9375 (2) 5VX530 9
5 1.125 773 BK55 5.2 NONE - 1.125 1B5V124 12.4 B - 1.9375 BX56 8
025 10 1.375 962 1B5V60 6.1 H - 1.375 1B5V110 11.1 B - 1.9375 5VX570 11
15 1.625 1106 2B5V54 5.5 B - 1.625 2B5V86 8.7 B - 1.9375 (2) 5VX530 9
10 1.375 848 2BK50 4.4 NONE - 1.375 2B5V94 9.4 B - 1.9375 (2) BX50 8
027 15 1.625 1059 2B5V56 4.9 B - 1.625 2B5V90 8.1 B - 1.9375 (2) 5VX530 10
20 1.625 1187 2B5V58 5.9 B - 1.625 2B5V86 8.7 B - 1.9375 (2) 5VX530 11
10 1.375 856 2BK50 4.4 H - 1.375 2B5V94 9.0 B - 1.9375 (2) BX50 8
030 15 1.625 1096 2B5V56 5.7 B - 1.625 2B5V90 9.1 B - 1.9375 (2) 5VX530 9
20 1.625 1187 2B5V58 5.9 B - 1.625 2B5V86 8.7 B - 1.9375 (2) 5VX530 11
15 1.625 1025 2B5V50 5.1 B - 1.625 2B5V86 8.7 B - 1.9375 (2) 5VX500 9
035 20 1.625 1147 2B5V56 5.7 B - 1.625 2B5V86 8.7 B - 1.9375 (2) 5VX530 10
25 1.875 1247 2B5V62 6.2 B - 1.875 2B5V86 8.7 B - 1.9375 (2) 5VX530 11
15 1.625 976 2B5V52 5.3 B - 1.625 2B5V94 9.5 B - 1.9375 (2) 5VX530 10
040 20 1.625 1050 2B5V56 5.7 B - 1.625 2B5V94 9.5 B - 1.9375 (2) 5VX550 11
25 1.875 1182 2B5V74 7.5 B - 1.875 2B5V110 11.1 B - 1.9375 (2) 5VX590 11
20 1.625 1050 2B5V56 5.7 B - 1.625 2B5V94 9.5 B - 1.9375 (2) 5VX550 10
050 25 1.875 1142 2B5V62 6.2 B - 1.875 2B5V94 9.5 B - 1.9375 (2) 5VX570 11
30 1.875 1234 2B5V66 6.7 B - 1.875 2B5V94 9.5 B - 1.9375 (2) 5VX570 13
25 1.875 1019 3B5V52 5.3 B - 1.875 3B5V90 9.1 B - 1.9375 (3) 5VX530 12
060 30 1.875 1087 3B5V58 5.9 B - 1.875 3B5V94 9.5 B - 1.9375 (3) 5VX550 12
40 2.125 1197 3B5V64 6.5 B - 2.125 3B5V94 9.5 B - 1.9375 (3) 5VX570 14
1. Motor shaft speed is 1750 rpm. The fan shaft diameter is 115/16 inches. 2. All indoor fan motors meet the minimum efficiency requirements
as established by the Energy Policy Act (EPACT) of 1992 (U.S.A. stan-
dard), effective October 24, 1997.

50A2/A3 020 4599 2086 87.7 2227 98.0 2489 44.9 1141
48A2/A3D 020 4689 2127 87.7 2227 96.8 2460 44.5 1130
48A2/A3E 020 4769 2163 87.7 2227 96.3 2446 44.2 1122
50A4/A5 020 4677 2122 87.7 2227 94.2 2394 49.5 1257
48A4/A5D 020 4729 2145 87.7 2227 93.2 2368 49.1 1246
48A4/A5E 020 4809 2182 87.7 2227 92.8 2358 48.7 1237
50A2/A3 025 4735 2148 87.7 2227 98.5 2503 44.7 1135
48A2/A3D 025 4825 2189 87.7 2227 97.4 2474 44.3 1125
48A2/A3E 025 4905 2225 87.7 2227 96.9 2460 44.0 1117
50A4/A5 025 4813 2183 87.7 2227 94.9 2410 49.1 1248
48A4/A5D 025 4865 2207 87.7 2227 93.9 2385 48.7 1238
48A4/A5E 025 4945 2243 87.7 2227 93.5 2374 48.4 1229
50A2/A3 027 4801 2178 87.7 2227 97.2 2468 44.1 1120
48A2/A3D 027 4891 2219 87.7 2227 96.1 2440 43.7 1110
48A2/A3E 027 4971 2255 87.7 2227 95.6 2427 43.4 1102
50A4/A5 027 4879 2213 87.7 2227 93.6 2377 48.5 1232
48A4/A5D 027 4931 2237 87.7 2227 92.6 2353 48.1 1221
48A4/A5E 027 5011 2273 87.7 2227 92.2 2343 47.7 1213
50A2/A3 030 4832 2192 87.7 2227 95.2 2417 44.4 1128

48A2/A3D 030 4922 2233 87.7 2227 94.1 2389 44.0 1118
48A2/A3E 030 5002 2269 87.7 2227 93.6 2376 43.7 1110
50A4/A5 030 4910 2227 87.7 2227 91.6 2327 48.8 1238
48A4/A5D 030 4962 2251 87.7 2227 90.7 2303 48.3 1228
48A4/A5E 030 5042 2287 87.7 2227 90.3 2293 48.0 1219
50A2/A3 035 5134 2329 87.7 2227 95.9 2435 41.5 1053
48A2/A3D 035 5339 2422 87.7 2227 94.8 2408 41.0 1043
48A2/A3E 035 5499 2494 87.7 2227 94.2 2393 40.7 1035
50A4/A5 035 5327 2416 87.7 2227 92.7 2353 45.7 1161
48A4/A5D 035 5379 2440 87.7 2227 91.7 2329 45.3 1151
48A4/A5E 035 5539 2513 87.7 2227 91.2 2317 44.9 1141
50A2/A3 040 5564 2524 87.7 2227 121.8 3093 41 1052
48A2/A3D 040 5769 2617 87.7 2227 120.3 3056 41 1041
48A2/A3E 040 5929 2690 87.7 2227 118.8 3018 41 1034
50A4/A5 040 5757 2612 87.7 2227 116.5 2958 45.4 1152
48A4/A5D 040 5809 2635 87.7 2227 115.1 2924 44.9 1142
48A4/A5E 040 5969 2708 87.7 2227 113.9 2893 44.6 1132
50A2/A3 050 5744 2606 87.7 2227 119.5 3035 42 1059
48A2/A3D 050 5949 2699 87.7 2227 118.1 2999 41 1048
48A2/A3E 050 6109 2771 87.7 2227 116.6 2962 41 1040
50A4/A5 050 5937 2693 87.7 2227 114.3 2904 45.5 1156
NOTE: 48A4/A5D 050 5989 2717 87.7 2227 112.9 2868 45.1 1145
Add 312 lbs (142 kg) for export crating. (020-035 units) 48A4/A5E 050 6149 2789 87.7 2227 111.7 2837 44.7 1135
50A2/A3 060 8311 3770 161.7 4106 184.9 4698 43 1102
Add 346 lbs (157 kg) for export crating. (040-050 units)
48A2/A3D 060 8386 3804 161.7 4106 177.6 4511 41 1049
Add 588 lbs (266 kg) for export crating. (060 units) 48A2/A3E 060 8626 3913 161.7 4106 170.4 4329 39 996
Add the weights shown below for round tube plate fin coils 50A4/A5 060 8526 3868 161.7 4106 176.5 4484 47.1 1196
48A4/A5D 060 8426 3822 161.7 4106 169.6 4309 45.2 1149
Unit Size ---------- 020-027 030-035 040 050 060 48A4/A5E 060 8676 4106
3936 161.7 163.3 4147 43.2 1097
Copper Tube/Aluminum Fin Cond Coil 100 lbs (45 kg) 150 lbs (68 kg) 187 lbs (85 kg) 317 lbs (144 kg) 26 lbs (12 kg)
Copper Tube/Copper Fin Cond.Coil 263 lbs (119 kg) 370 lbs (168 kg) 512 lbs (232 kg) 751 lbs (341 kg) 677 lbs (307 kg)
The weight distribution and center of gravity information are representative of a standard unit and include the impact of factory installed economizer, largest IFM
motor & VFD, modulating power exhaust (both factory installed and field installed options), and electric heat (on 50A only). 50EJ500305 REV. 3.0

Fig. 12 — Rigging Information


Fig. 13 — Air Distribution — Thru-the-Bottom Fig. 15 — Condensate Drain Trap Piping Details
(Typical Roof Curb or Slab Mount Shown)

11 21



12 22
13 23

Fig. 14 — Air Distribution — Thru-the-Side
Step 5 — Trap Condensate Drain — See Fig. 5-10 DISCONNECT
for drain location. Condensate drain is open to atmosphere and 11 21
must be trapped. Install a trapped drain at the drain location.

One 1-in. female pipe coupling is provided inside the unit 12 22

evaporator section for condensate drain connection. A trap at
least 102-mm (4-in.) deep must be used. See Fig. 15. Trap must 13 23
be installed to prevent freeze-up.
Condensate pans are sloped so that water will completely
drain from the condensate pan to comply with indoor air quali-
ty guidelines. The condensate drain pans are not insulated.
Step 6 — Make Electrical Connections GND
POWER WIRING — Units are factory wired for the voltage FACTORY-INSTALLED DISCONNECT
shown on the unit nameplate. LEGEND
Provide a unit safety disconnect switch in the main power EQUIP — Equipment
supply to each unit (see Fig. 16). Select switch size and mount- GND — Ground
NEC — National Electrical Code
ing location in accordance with applicable local codes or Na- TB — Terminal Block
tional Electrical Code (NEC, U.S.A. standard). If combining
the functions of safety disconnect with maximum overcurrent
protection (MOCP) fuses (“fused disconnect”), coordinate Fig. 16 — Field Power Wiring Connections
safety switch size with MOCP size data as marked on unit in-
formative plate. The main power terminal block is suitable for use with alu-
minum or copper wire. See Fig. 16. Units have circuit breakers
Unit may be equipped with optional factory-installed non- for compressors, fan motors, and control circuit. If required by
fused disconnect switch (see Fig. 16). Provide maximum over- local codes, provide an additional disconnect switch. Unit must
current protection devices (fuses or UL489 rated breakers, per be electrically grounded in accordance with local codes, or in
local codes) in branch circuit wiring remote from unit. Observe absence of local codes, with NEC, ANSI (American National
requirements of NEC Article 440. Install service switch up- Standards Institute) C1-latest year.
stream of remote fuses if required.
FIELD POWER SUPPLY — Unit is factory wired for volt-
age shown on unit nameplate. See Table 7 for electrical data.

Field wiring can be brought into the unit from bottom
(through basepan and roof curb) or through side of unit (corner WARNING
post next to control box).
The unit must be electrically grounded in accordance with
A 31/2-in. NPT coupling for field power wiring and a 3/4-in. local codes and NEC ANSI/NFPA 70 (National Fire Pro-
NPT coupling for 24-v control wiring are provided in basepan. tection Association, U.S.A. standard). Failure to ground
In the side post, there are two 21/2-in. (sizes 020-035) or 3-in. unit could cause personal injury.
(sizes 040-060) knockouts for the field power wiring. See
Fig. 5-10. If control wiring is to be brought in through the side
of unit, a 7/8-in. diameter hole is provided in the condenser side Affix crankcase heater sticker (located in the installers
post next to the control box. packet) to unit disconnect switch.
Do not route control wiring in the same conduit as power Voltage to compressor terminals during compressor opera-
wiring. tion must be within the voltage range indicated on the unit
nameplate. Phases must be balanced within 2%.
If disconnect box is mounted to corner post, be careful not
to drill or screw into the condenser coil. Use the formula in Table 7 to determine the percentage of
voltage imbalance.
Routing Through Bottom of Unit — If wiring is brought in
through bottom of unit, use field-supplied watertight conduit to IMPORTANT: If the supply voltage phase imbalance is
route power wiring through the 31/2-in. diameter hole provided more than 2%, contact your local electric utility company
in the unit basepan. immediately.
Install conduit connector in unit basepan as shown in
Fig. 5-10. Route power and ground lines through connector to Unit failure as a result of operation on improper line voltage
terminal connections in unit control box as shown on unit or excessive phase imbalance constitutes abuse and may cause
wiring diagram and Fig. 16. damage to electrical components.
Use strain relief going into control box through 35/8-in.
diameter hole provided. After wires are in unit control box, IMPORTANT: On 208/230-v units, transformers 1 to 5
connect to power terminal block (see Power Wiring section on are wired for 230-v. If 208/230-v unit is to be run with
page 21). 208-v power supply, the transformers must be rewired
as follows:
Low-voltage wiring must be run in watertight conduit from
the basepan to control box and through 7/8-in. diameter hole For transformer 1 move the black wires connected to termi-
provided in bottom of unit control box. Field-supplied strain nal H2 and connect it to terminal H3.
relief must be used going into the box. After wiring is in
control box, make connections to proper terminals on terminal For transformers 2 to 4, that are used for the 24-volt control
blocks (see Field Control Wiring section below). circuits, connect as follows:
Routing Through Side of Unit — Route power wiring in 1. Remove cap from red (208 v) wire.
field-supplied watertight conduit into unit through 21/2-in. (siz- 2. Remove cap from spliced orange (230 v) wire. Discon-
es 020-035) or 3-in. (sizes 040-060 units) hole. nect orange wire from black unit power wire.
Use field-supplied strain relief going into control box 3. Cap orange wire.
through 35/8-in. diameter hole provided. After wires are in unit 4. Splice red wire and black unit power wire. Cap wires.
control box, connect to power terminal block (see Power Wir- If the unit is equipped with the optional convenience outlet
ing section on page 21).
connect the yellow wire to H2 on transformer 5.
Bring low-voltage control wiring through the 7/8-in. diame-
ter hole provided in the condenser section side post. Use strain IMPORTANT: BE CERTAIN UNUSED WIRES ARE
relief going into 7/8-in. diameter hole in bottom of unit control CAPPED. Failure to do so may damage the transformers.
After wiring is in control box, make connection to proper FIELD CONTROL WIRING — The 50A Series units sup-
terminals on terminal blocks (see Field Control Wiring sec- port a large number of control options that can impact the field
tion). control wiring. Refer to Fig. 17-19.
The control options that the unit can provide relate to the
IMPORTANT: The VAV (variable air volume) units use following parameters:
variable frequency drives, which generate and can radiate • CV (constant volume), VAV (variable air volume), or 3V™
radio frequency energy. If units are not installed and used (variable volume and variable temperature) control
in accordance with these instructions, they may cause radio operation
interference. They have been tested and found to comply • Standalone with a thermostat (CV) or with a space sensor
with limits of a Class A computing device as defined by (CV and VAV)
FCC (Federal Communications Commission) regulations • Network application with CCN (Carrier Comfort Net-
(U.S.A. standard), Subpart J of Part 15, which are designed work®) or other networks
to provide reasonable protection against such interference • Demand ventilation with CO2 sensor
when operated in a commercial environment. • Economizer and economizer with changeover control
• Building and duct static pressure control
• Fire shutdown and smoke control
• Diagnostics and monitoring
• For constant volume applications a thermostat (T-Stat) or
space temperature sensor (SPT) will be required.


RC Y1 Y2 W1 W2 G C X T1 T2 TH C SN

R Y1 Y2 W1 W2 G C X
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
a48-8243 TB4

Fig. 17 — Field Control Thermostat Wiring 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

Fig. 18 — Space Temperature Sensor Wiring










NOTE: Use T55 sensor only.

Fig. 19 — Space Temperature Averaging Wiring

Table 7 — Electrical Data — 50A2,A3,A4,A5 Units
50A 60 Hz FLA
— — 59.2 70
— 34.2 23 59.2 70
68.4 45 96.9 100
5 9.1
— — 74.0 90
14.8 34.2 23 74.0 90
68.4 45 115.4 125
— — 66.8 80
— 34.2 23 66.8 80
3.6 68.4 45 106.4 110
020 380 342 418 11 75.3 11 75.3 16.7 123 — — 2 10 16.7
(ea) — — 81.6 90
14.8 34.2 23 82.1 90
68.4 45 124.9 125
— — 76.5 100
— 34.2 23 76.5 100
68.4 45 116.1 125
15 24.5
— — 91.3 110
14.8 34.2 23 91.9 110
68.4 45 134.6 150
— — 70.6 80
— 34.2 23 70.6 80
68.4 45 96.9 100
5 9.1
— — 85.4 100
14.8 34.2 23 85.4 100
68.4 45 115.4 125
— — 78.2 90
— 34.2 23 78.2 90
3.6 68.4 45 106.4 110
025 380 342 418 16.7 123 16.7 123 16.7 123 — — 2 (ea) 10 16.7
— — 93.0 100
14.8 34.2 23 93.0 100
68.4 45 124.9 125
— — 87.9 110
— 34.2 23 87.9 110
68.4 45 116.1 125
15 24.5
— — 102.7 125
14.8 34.2 23 102.7 125
68.4 45 134.6 150
— — 78.2 90
— 34.2 23 78.2 90
68.4 45 106.4 110
10 16.7
— — 93.0 100
14.8 34.2 23 93.0 100
68.4 45 124.9 125
— — 87.9 110
— 34.2 23 87.9 110
3.6 68.4 45 116.1 125
027 380 342 418 16.7 123 16.7 123 16.7 123 — — 2 15 24.5
(ea) — — 102.7 125
14.8 34.2 23 102.7 125
68.4 45 134.6 150
— — 94.8 110
— 34.2 23 94.8 110
68.4 45 123.0 125
20 30.0
— — 109.6 125
14.8 34.2 23 109.6 125
68.4 45 141.5 150
— — 76.9 90
— 34.2 23 76.9 90
68.4 45 106.4 110
10 16.7
— — 91.7 100
14.8 34.2 23 91.7 100
68.4 45 124.9 125
— — 86.6 110
— 34.2 23 86.6 110
030 3.6 68.4 45 116.1 125
380 342 418 12.2 73 12.2 73 12.2 73 12.2 73 2 15 24.5
(ea) — — 101.4 125
14.8 34.2 23 101.4 125
68.4 45 134.6 150
— — 93.5 110
— 34.2 23 93.5 110
68.4 45 123.0 125
20 30.0
— — 108.3 125
14.8 34.2 23 108.3 125
68.4 45 141.5 150
See Legend and Notes on page 26.

Table 7 — Electrical Data — 50A2,A3,A4,A5 Units (cont)
50A 60 Hz FLA
— — 98.2 110
— 34.2 23 98.2 110
68.4 45 116.1 125
15 24.5
— — 113.0 125
14.8 34.2 23 113.0 125
68.4 45 134.6 150
— — 105.1 125
— 34.2 23 105.1 125
3.6 68.4 45 123.0 125
035 380 342 418 11 88 11 88 19.2 140 19.2 140 2 20 30.0
(ea) — — 119.9 125
14.8 34.2 23 119.9 125
68.4 45 141.5 150
— — 115.1 150
— 34.2 23 115.1 150
68.4 45 133.0 150
25 38.0
— — 129.9 150
14.8 34.2 23 129.9 150
68.4 45 151.5 175
— — 121.8 125
— 34.2 23 121.8 125
68.4 45 121.8 125
15 24.5
— — 136.6 150
14.8 34.2 23 136.6 150
68.4 45 136.6 150
— — 128.7 150
— 34.2 23 128.7 150
3.6 68.4 45 128.7 150
040 380 342 418 19.2 140 19.2 140 19.2 140 19.2 140 4 (ea) 20 30.0
— — 143.5 150
14.8 34.2 23 143.5 150
68.4 45 143.5 150
— — 138.7 175
— 34.2 23 138.7 175
68.4 45 138.7 175
25 38.0
— — 153.5 175
14.8 34.2 23 153.5 175
68.4 45 153.5 175
— — 146.7 175
— 34.2 23 146.7 175
68.4 45 146.7 175
20 30.0
— — 161.5 175
14.8 34.2 23 161.5 175
68.4 45 161.5 175
— — 156.7 175
— 34.2 23 156.7 175
3.6 68.4 45 156.7 175
050 380 342 418 23.7 145 23.7 145 23.7 145 23.7 145 4 25 38.0
(ea) — — 171.5 200
14.8 34.2 23 171.5 200
68.4 45 171.5 200
— — 163.6 200
— 34.2 23 163.6 200
68.4 45 163.6 200
30 43.5
— — 178.4 200
14.8 34.2 23 178.4 200
68.4 45 178.4 200
— — 169.9 200
— 51.4 33.8 169.9 200
102.8 67.7 169.9 200
25 38.0
— — 192.1 225
22.2 51.4 33.8 192.1 225
102.8 67.7 192.1 225
— — 176.8 200
— 51.4 33.8 176.8 200
060 3.7 102.8 67.7 176.8 200
MCHX 380 342 418 26.9 139 26.9 139 26.9 139 26.9 139 4 30 43.5
(ea) — — 199.0 225
22.2 51.4 33.8 199.0 225
102.8 67.7 199.0 225
— — 192.7 225
— 51.4 33.8 192.7 225
102.8 67.7 192.7 225
40 56.2
— — 214.9 250
22.2 51.4 33.8 214.9 250
102.8 67.7 214.9 250
See Legend and Notes on page 26.

Table 7 — Electrical Data — 50A2,A3,A4,A5 Units (cont)
50A 60 Hz FLA
— — 151.9 175
— 51.4 33.8 151.9 175
102.8 67.7 172.4 200
25 38.0
— — 170.8 200
22.2 51.4 33.8 170.8 200
102.8 67.7 196.0 225
— — 159.4 175
— 51.4 33.8 159.4 175
060 3.6 102.8 67.7 179.9 200
RTPF 380 342 418 26.9 139 26.9 139 26.9 139 26.9 139 6 30 43.5
(ea) — — 178.3 200
22.2 51.4 33.8 178.3 200
102.8 67.7 203.5 225
— — 174.4 225
— 51.4 33.8 174.4 225
102.8 67.7 194.9 225
40 56.2
— — 193.3 225
22.2 51.4 33.8 193.3 225
102.8 67.7 218.5 250

LEGEND AB = 452 v
FLA — Full Load Amps BC = 464 v
HACR — Heating, Air Conditioning and AC = 455 v
Refrigeration 452 + 464 + 455
LRA — Locked Rotor Amps Average Voltage =
MCA — Minimum Circuit Amps
MCHX — Microchannel Heat Exchanger 1371
MOCP — Maximum Overcurrent Protection =
NEC — National Electrical Code (U.S.A.)
RLA — Rated Load Amps = 457
RTPF — Round Tube Plate Fin Coil Determine maximum deviation from average voltage.
*Fuse or HACR circuit breaker per NEC. (AB) 457 – 452 = 5 v
(BC) 464 – 457 = 7 v
(AC) 457 – 455 = 2 v
Maximum deviation is 7 v.
1. In compliance with NEC requirements for multi motor and combi- Determine percent of voltage imbalance.
nation load equipment (refer to NEC Articles 430 and 440), the 7
overcurrent protective device for the unit shall be fuse or HACR % Voltage Imbalance = 100 x
breaker. The Canadian units may be fuse or circuit breaker.
= 1.53%
2. Unbalanced 3-Phase Supply Voltage This amount of phase imbalance is satisfactory as it is below the
Never operate a motor where a phase imbalance in supply volt-
age is greater than 2%. Use the following formula to determine maximum allowable 2%.
the percent of voltage imbalance.
IMPORTANT: If the supply voltage phase imbalance is
% Voltage imbalance more than 2%, contact your local electric utility company
max voltage deviation from average voltage immediately.
= 100 x
average voltage
Example: Supply voltage is 460-3-60.

T-STAT (Conventional Thermostat) — Unit can be con- Conductors and drain wire must be 20 AWG minimum
trolled with a Carrier-approved accessory electro-mechanical stranded, tinned copper. Individual conductors must be
or electronic thermostat that has two stages of cooling, two insulated with PVC, PVC/nylon, vinyl, Teflon, or polyethyl-
stages of heating control and an output for indoor fan control. It ene. An aluminum/polyester 100% foil shield and an outer
may also include time of day scheduling or use the scheduling jacket of PVC, PVC/nylon, chrome vinyl, or Teflon with a
routines built into the ComfortLink™ controls. minimum operating temperature range of –4 F to 140 F is re-
Install thermostat according to the installation instructions quired. Table 8 lists cables that meet the requirements.
included with accessory thermostat. Locate thermostat assem- Table 8 — CCN Connection Approved Shield Cable
bly on a solid interior wall in the conditioned space to sense av-
erage temperature. MANUFACTURER CABLE PART NO.
Alpha 2413 or 5463
Route thermostat cable or equivalent single leads of colored American A22503
wire from subbase terminals through conduit into unit to low Belden 8772
voltage connection in the main control box, as shown in Fig. 17 Columbia 02525
and 18. For thermostat TB4 connections see Fig. 17.
NOTE: For wire runs up to 50 ft, use no. 18 AWG (American
Wire Gage) insulated wire (35 C minimum). For 50 to 75 ft, IMPORTANT: When connecting to CCN communication
use no. 16 AWG insulated wire (35 C minimum). For over bus to system elements, use color coding system for the
75 ft, use no. 14 AWG insulated wire (35 C Minimum). All entire network to simplify installation and checkout. See
wire larger than no. 18 AWG cannot be directly connected at Table 9.
the thermostat and will require a junction box and splice at the
thermostat. Set heat anticipator settings as follows: Table 9 — Color Code Recommendations
Positive (+) RED 1
020-050 0.24 0.13
Ground WHITE 2
060 0.36 0.13 Negative (–) BLACK 3
Settings may be changed slightly to provide a greater degree of
comfort for a particular installation. If a cable with a different color scheme is selected, a similar
color code should be adopted for the entire network. At each
SPT (Space Temperature Sensor) — For constant volume ap- system element, the shields of the communication bus cables
plications the ComfortLink controls can also be used with T55
must be tied together. If the communication bus is entirely
and T56 space temperature sensors that use a 10K thermistor. within one building, the resulting continuous shield must be
The T56 sensor also has the capability for a configurable tem- connected to a ground at one point only. If the communication
perature set point offset at the thermostat. For variable air vol-
bus cable exits from one building and enters another, the
ume applications only the T55 sensor can be used. shields must be connected to grounds at the lightning suppres-
Install sensor according to the installation instructions in- sor in each building where the cable enters or exits the building
cluded with accessory sensor. Locate sensor assembly on a sol- (one point per building only).
id interior wall in the conditioned space to sense average
temperature. To connect the unit to the network:
Run wiring to the space sensor as shown in Fig. 18. 1. Turn off power to the control box.
Note that when the remote sensor is used, the red jumper 2. Cut the CCN wire and strip the ends of the red (+), white
wires provided must be connected from TB4 terminal 4 to 5 (ground), and black (–) conductors. (If a different net-
and TB4 terminal 5 to 1. work color scheme is used, substitute appropriate colors.)
3. Remove the 3-pin male plug from the base control board
Both the T55 and T56 have a CCN communications port and in the main control box, and connect the wires as follows:
this should be wired to the CCN Communications TB3 board if a. Insert and secure the red (+) wire to terminal 1 of
it is desired to have access to the CCN through the sensor. If
more than one T-55 sensor is being used and averaged, sensors the 3-pin plug.
must be wired in multiples of 4 or 9 as shown in Fig. 19. b. Insert and secure the white (ground) wire to termi-
nal 2 of the 3-pin plug.
T58 Communicating Thermostat — Carrier also has a fully
communicating thermostat which, if used, will be wired to the c. Insert and secure the black (–) wire to terminal 3
CCN communication connections on TB3 as described in the of the 3-pin plug.
Carrier Comfort Network® Interface section below. 4. Insert the plug into the existing 3-pin mating connector on
Carrier Comfort Network (CCN) Interface — The rooftop the base module in the main control box.
units can be connected to the CCN interface. The communica- VAV Units with Heat — For variable air volume units that
tion bus wiring is supplied and installed in the field. Wiring will use heat, the variable air volume terminals should be
consists of shielded, 3-conductor cable with drain wire. The interlocked with the unit at TB5 terminals 1 and 2 as shown on
system elements are connected to the communication bus in a the wiring diagram.
daisy chain arrangement. The positive pin of each system ele- Demand Ventilation — The unit can be equipped with a CO2
ment communication connector must be wired to the positive sensor for use in demand ventilation. This can be factory
pins of the system element on either side of it, the negative pins supplied and will be mounted in the return duct. It can also be
must be wired to the negative pins, and the signal pins must be field supplied and mounted in the return duct or in the space.
wired to signal ground pins. Wiring connections for CCN Connect the field-installed 4 to 20 mA sensor to TB5 terminals
should be made at the TB3 terminal block using the screw ter- 6 and 7. Do not remove the factory-installed 182-ohm resistor.
minals. The TB3 board also contains an RJ14 CCN plug that
can be used to connect a field service computer or other CCN If an outdoor IAQ (indoor air quality) sensor is used then it
device. There is also an RJ14 LEN (local equipment network) should be wired to terminals 11 and 12 on TB6. This will re-
quire the use of the optional controls expansion module.
connection that is used to connect a Navigator™ display or
download software. Remote IAQ Override — If the control is being used with non
Carrier building management system it supports the use of the
remote IAQ override switch. This should be connected to

TB6 terminal 13 and 14. Use of this will require the optional Perform the following procedure to assemble the economiz-
controls expansion module. er hood.
Remote Economizer Position Control — The ComfortLink™ 1. Apply black seal strip (provided) to outside top-edge of
controls will normally control the position of the economizer, hood sides. Wrap seal strip over edge to cover top flange
but they can also support field control of the economizer posi- (6 hood sides). Make sure seal strip covers screw holes.
tion through a 4 to 20 mA signal. If this is used it should be Allow strip to overhang 3-mm (1/8-in.) past the end oppo-
connected to TB5 terminal 6 and 7. If the signal is a 4 to 20 mA site the mounting flange. See Fig. 20.
signal then leave the 182-ohm resistor in place. 2. Assemble hood sides, top, and cross member with
Remote Economizer Minimum Position Control — If the gasketed screws provided. See Fig. 21.
ComfortLink controller is controlling the economizer, but a 3. Attach 15 green speed clips (provided) to hood top.
remote minimum position is required, then an external 100K 4. Apply black seal strip (provided) to mounting flanges of
potentiometer should be connected to TB5 terminal 6 and 7. hood sides being sure to cover mounting holes. See
Remove the factory-installed 182-ohm resistor. Fig. 22.
Remote Economizer Enable — If the control is being used 5. Apply black seal strip (provided) to back of hood top
with other building management systems and the system will mounting flange. Seal strip of hood top mounting flange
control the enabling and disabling of the economizer free cool- must press tightly against seal strip of hood side mount-
ing this switch input can be connected to TB6 terminals 1 and ing flanges. See Fig. 23.
2. Note that the controls also support integrated economizer 6. Add gray foam strip (provided) to cross members on bot-
changeover using outdoor dry bulb, differential dry bulb, out- tom tray. See Fig. 24.
door enthalpy and differential enthalpy.
7. Attach gray foam strip (provided) to block-off baffle on
Remote Occupancy Switch — For interface to other building outer face of flange. See Fig. 25.
management systems the control also supports a switch input 8. Remove the screws on each end and along top of damper
for remote occupancy signals. This wiring can be connected to assembly of unit. Remove top 4 screws on each side of
terminal TB6 terminal 1 and 3.
filter panel under damper assembly. Set hood assembly in
Smoke Sensor Interface — The ComfortLink controls include place and attach to unit using these screws.
an optional factory-installed return air smoke detector. Remote 9. Remove screws along bottom of damper assembly. Lo-
alarm circuits can be wired to TB5 terminal 8 and 9. cate and mount block-off baffle using these screws.
Fire Shutdown and Smoke Control — The control supports 10. Assemble 2 filter tracks side-by-side with the assembled
interface to fire and smoke control systems and allows for the ends together.
following system overrides from remote switch inputs.
11. Attach one mounting angle to the assembled end of the
• Fire Shutdown — Connect to TB6 terminals 8 and 9. filter track. See Fig. 26.
• Smoke Pressurization — Connect to TB6 terminal 12 and 12. Attach 9 green speed clips (provided) to hood side panels.
13. This requires the use of the optional controls expansion Engagement section of clip faces up and towards the out-
module. side of the hood side panels.
• Smoke Evacuation — Connect to TB6 terminal 12 and 14.
This requires the use of the optional controls expansion 13. Attach remaining mounting angle to other end of the filter
module. track with no. 10 screws provided.
• Smoke Purge — Connect to TB6 terminal 12 and 15. This 14. Place filter track assembly in bottom of hood by attaching
requires the use of the optional controls expansion module. to hood with speed clips and gasketed screws provided.
Demand Limiting — The control can also be used with de- NOTE: Be sure the filters are installed with the airflow in the
mand limiting control from remote building management sys- correct direction.
tems. If a two-stage system is going to be used with redline 15. Attach black seal strip (provided) to filter cover. Seal strip
limiting where the machine is not allowed to increase load and should be applied centered over the holes of the one
load shed where the load is decreased to a configurable limit in flange, making sure to fully cover holes and centered over
capacity then these can be connected to TB6 terminals 4 and 5 the other large flange. See Fig. 27.
and 5 and 6. This requires use of the controls expansion 16. Slide two 510 x 610 mm (20 x 25-in.) filters into cross
module. members of hood assembly. Attach filter cover over fil-
Step 7 — Make Outdoor-Air Inlet Adjustments ters with screws and speed clips provided.
Hoods are used on all units with economizer or adjustable self- FLANGE
closing fixed outdoor air damper.
NOTE: If accessory power exhaust or barometric relief pack- SEAL HOOD SIDE
ages are being added to the unit, install power exhaust or baro- STRIP
metric relief before installing economizer hoods.
Economizer Hood Assembly — The economizer hood is
shipped in a package secured to the outside of the unit. The
hood assemblies must be field-assembled. The 50A4,A5 units
are side supply and side return. The return duct limits access to
economizer filters from below.
The 50A2,A3,A4,A5020-050 units have two hoods on ev-
ery unit. The 50A2,A3,A4,A5060 units have 3 hoods on every
NOTE: Before assembly of the economizer hood, check along
the outer edges of the economizer assembly for any seal strip 48-1102f
protruding past the flanges. Trim the excess seal strip so that it
is flush with the economizer assembly flanges. Fig. 20 — Adding Seal Strip to Top of Hood Sides



Fig. 24 — Adding Foam Strip to Cross Member
Fig. 21 — Economizer Hood Assembly
(Right Side/Center Economizer Hood Shown)






Fig. 25 — Adding Seal Strip to Block-Off Baffle

Fig. 22 — Adding Seal Strip to Sides of
Hood Top Mounting Flange

48-1104f HOOD TOP


Fig. 26 — Mounting Angle Attached to

Filter Track Assembly

Fig. 23 — Adding Seal Strip to Back of Hood Top

Mounting Flange

3 screws on each side and 3 screws along the bottom.

Be careful when tilting blower assembly. Hoods and blow-
ers are heavy and can cause injury if dropped.

2. Pivot each damper assembly outward until edges of

damper assembly rest against inside wall of unit.
3. Secure each damper assembly to unit with 6 screws
across top (3 screws provided) and bottom (3 screws
from Step 1) of damper.
4. With screws saved from Step 1, install brackets on each
side of damper assembly.
48-1110f 5. Remove tape from damper blades.
Fig. 27 — Attaching Seal Strip to Filter Cover Step 9 — Route Static Pressure Sensors
pressure transducer (VAV inverter pressure transducer) is locat-
Step 8 — Position Power Exhaust/Barometric ed behind the filter access door on the lower inner panel. See
Relief Damper Hood — All units are shipped with the Fig. 30. A section of field-supplied 6 mm (1/4-in.) plastic tubing
hoods folded inside the unit in a shipping position. For 50A2 must be run from the high pressure tap on the differential pres-
and A3 units the hood must be tilted out once the unit is in- sure switch and connected to a field-supplied tap in the supply-
stalled. On 50A4 and A5 units (designed for horizontal supply air duct. The tap is usually located 2/3 of the way out on the
and return), the assemblies will have to be relocated to return main supply duct. Remove plug button in panel to route tubing.
ductwork. See Fig. 28 for dimensions and details.
All electrical connections have been made and adjusted at pressure transducer (modulating power exhaust pressure trans-
the factory. The power exhaust blowers and barometric relief ducer) is located behind the filter access door on the lower
dampers are shipped assembled and tilted back into the unit for inner panel. See Fig. 30. A section of field-supplied 6 mm
shipping. Brackets and extra screws are shipped in shrink wrap (1/4-in.) plastic tubing must be run from the high pressure tap
around the dampers. If ordered, each unit will have 4 on the differential pressure switch to the conditioned space.
(50A2,A3,A4,A5020-050 units) or 6 (50A2,A3,A4,A5060 The pressure tube must be terminated in the conditioned space
units) power exhaust blowers and motors or barometric relief where a constant pressure is required. This location is usually
dampers. in an entrance lobby so that the building exterior doors will
1. Remove 9 screws holding each damper assembly in open and close properly. Remove plug button in panel to route
place. See Fig. 29. Each damper assembly is secured with tubing.

“SIDE #2”



“END #2” 1067 (42) MIN.

329 (12.94)

“SIDE #1” S/A

“END #1”
591 1082
(23.28) (42.62)
1082 CABLE
NOTE: Sizes 020-050 shown (2 power exhaust fans). Size 060
R/A S/A has 3 power exhaust fans. All unit sizes have the same size
power exhaust.

Fig. 28 — Side Return Air Conversion


1. Unless otherwise specified, all dimensions are to outside of part.
2. Dimensions are in inches.
3. On 50A4,A5 units, accessory barometric relief or power exhaust must be mounted in the field-supplied return ductwork.
Fig. 29 — Barometric Relief Damper and Power Exhaust Mounting Details

factory-installed options can be found in the Controls, Start-up,

Operation, Service and Troubleshooting book. The following is
a48-6983 a list of some of the common accessories:
• Thermostats and space temperature sensors
• Accessory barometric relief damper
• Accessory power exhaust
• Non-modulating to modulating power exhaust
• Condenser coil hail guards
• Outdoor humidity sensor (used for economizer enthalpy
• Return air humidity sensors (used for economizer differen-
tial enthalpy changeover)
• Return air smoke detector
• Controls expansion module (used for interface to building
management systems, not typically needed on system with
Carrier Comfort Network® [CCN] devices)
• Plugged filter sensor
• Motormaster® V low ambient head pressure control
VAV — Variable Air Volume IMPORTANT: Carrier recommends the installation of
Fig. 30 — Pressure Transducer Locations field-fabricated wind baffles on all vertically orientated
condenser coils when operating in environments with pre-
vailing winds of more than 8.047 km/h (5 mph) and where
The low pressure tap is factory-routed to the atmosphere. temperatures drop below 0° C (32 F). See the Motormaster
For a positive-pressure building, route the high tap to building accessory installation guide for instructions.
air and low tap to atmosphere. For a negative-pressure
building, route the high tap to atmosphere and the low tap to Step 11 — Field Modifications
building air. DUCTWORK
Step 10 — Install All Accessories — After all the Bottom Return Units (50A2 and A3) Field-Modified for
factory-installed options have been adjusted, install all field- Side Return — The 50A2 and A3 units with bottom return air
installed accessories. Refer to the accessory installation instruc- connections may be field-modified to accommodate side return
tions included with each accessory. air connections.
The 50A Series units have a large number of factory-
installed options which were previously available only as IMPORTANT: The following section is a guideline and not
accessories. Some of the available options can also be installed a comprehensive procedure to field modify the units. The
in the field if needed. In most cases the units have been installing contractor must provide some design initiative.
pre-wired so that the accessories can be easily installed. Field-conversion is complex and is not recommended.
Instructions are shipped with each accessory. Configuration of Units with electric heat must not be converted because of
the controls for these accessories as well as the potential heating mode operating problems.

Conversion to horizontal return requires that the bottom re- 3. Run the return air ductwork up to the openings. One
turn openings of the unit must be sealed with airtight panels ca- single duct is recommended to connect to the unit over
pable of supporting the weight of a person. The return duct- the return air openings. See Fig. 31. The return duct must
work connection locations on the side of the unit are higher incorporate a minimum 19-mm (3/4-in.) flange for con-
than normal (787-mm [31-in.] high). Unit-mounted power ex- nection to the unit cabinet. The unit does not have duct
haust or barometric relief cannot be used because of return air flanges for this conversion.
ductwork will cover the power exhaust or barometric relief in- Side Supply and Return Units (50A4,A5) with Field-Installed
stallation locations. Power exhaust or barometric relief may be Power Exhaust in Return Duct — Space must be available in
installed in the return air ductwork. the return duct to mount the power exhaust fan (gravity relief)
To convert the unit, perform the following: modules. Dimensions and suggested locations are shown in
1. Seal the bottom return openings of the unit with airtight Fig. 28. These instructions are a guideline and not a compre-
panels capable of supporting the weight of a person. hensive procedure. The design contractor must provide some
design initiative.
2. Remove the panels located below the economizer
outdoor-air dampers. These openings will be used for the The wiring harness that is provided with the power exhaust
return-air ductwork. There are 2 panels on 50A2,A3020- accessory is not long enough for the fan modules to be mount-
050 units. There are 3 panels on 50A2,A3060 units. ed in the return air duct. Field-supplied wiring must be spliced
These openings are normally used for power exhaust or into the harness. Use a junction box at each splice. The wiring
barometric relief. may be run in the return duct as shown in Fig. 28, or externally
in conduit. A service access panel will be needed near each
power exhaust fan.

2484mm (97.78”) (020-050),

3822mm (150.47”) (060)

RA 794mm (31.25”)


Fig. 31 — Side Return Duct Dimensions

Copyright 2009 Carrier Corporation

Manufacturer reserves the right to discontinue, or change at any time, specifications or designs without notice and without incurring obligations.
Catalog No. 04-53500062-01 Printed in U.S.A. Form 50A-C5SI Pg 32 8-09 Replaces: 50A-C3SI

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