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03-Part 4 - SM For Determining The Shore Hardness Value For Rock - 2006 PDF

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International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 43 (2006) 19–22

ISRM Suggested Method for determining the Shore Hardness value

for rock$
R. Altindaga,, A. Güneyb
Department of Mining Engineering, Engineering and Architecture Faculty, Süleyman Demirel University, 32260 Isparta, Turkey
Engineering Faculty, Mugla University, 48000 Mugla, Turkey
Accepted 3 April 2005
Available online 13 June 2005


Shore hardness (SH) has been accepted as a convenient and nondestructive method in measuring the hardness of rocks and widely
used in rock mechanics since it can be correlated with other mechanical properties of weak rocks, such as uniaxial compressive
strength (UCS). However, a need has arisen to propose a standard method as a measure of SH to minimize the errors when it is
utilized as a predictor of the UCS as well as other mechanical properties of rocks. Over the last few decades, several studies have
been conducted to predict consistent SH values using different procedures. However, the results of the tests can not be compared
and analyzed in an overall way. Therefore, this experimental study was implemented to meet and discuss the demand for a new
method to determine standardized SH values. In result, a new empirical equation was proposed to estimate size-corrected values of
SH based on a critical specimen volume of 80 cm3.
r 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Physical properties; Rock hardness; Shore hardness; Size effect

1. Introduction large number of tests, found a relation between the

logarithm of compressive strength and the SH and
1.1. Hardness is one of the physical properties of reported a correlation coefficient of 0.87, from tests on a
rocks and the Shore Hardness (SH) is a convenient and wide range of rock types. Koncagül and Santi [4]
inexpensive method widely used for estimating rock established a model to predict the UCS of specimens
hardness. The SH can be used to estimate the uniaxial using slake durability and SH with a correlation
compressive strength (UCS) of weak rocks and is helpful coefficient of 0.68. The research mentioned above
because determination of the UCS of weak rocks is time indicates the ability to obtain a good relation between
consuming and expensive. Various researchers have the UCS and the SH.
attempted to correlate SH with other mechanical 1.2. Over the last few decades, efforts have been made
properties of rocks. Judd and Huber [1] obtained a in proposing several methods to estimate consistent SH
linear relation between the SH and the UCS and values. Misra [5] has reported that rock specimens with
reported a correlation coefficient of 0.71; while Deere a diameter of 25 mm (surface area of 4.91 cm2) and a
and Miller [2] and Bamford et al. [3], on the basis of a length of 5 cm produced consistent SH values. Accord-
ing to the earlier publication by the International
Society for Rock Mechanics (ISRM), entitled ‘‘Sug-
Any comments on this ISRM SM should be sent to J A Hudson, gested Methods for Determining Hardness and Abra-
ISRM Commission on Testing Methods, at
Corresponding author. Tel.: +90 246 211 1231; siveness of Rocks’’ [6], it is suggested that for a reliable
fax: +90 246 237 0859. SH value a test specimen should have a minimal surface
E-mail address: (R. Altindag). area of 10 cm2 and a minimal thickness of 1 cm. Rabia

1365-1609/$ - see front matter r 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
20 R. Altindag, A. Güney / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 43 (2006) 19–22

and Brook [7] suggested that the minimal specimen

volume be 40 cm3 for the standard determination of SH
of a rock. Altindag [8] conducted research in which he
used core specimens of 54 mm in diameter drilled from
seven different rock types. The SH measurements were
conducted on seven or eight specimens for different
volumes for each rock type. The results indicated that
the SH values of the specimens increased with the
volume until a critical specimen volume was attained,
80 cm3, after which the SH values did not show
significant changes. It was concluded that a minimal
specimen volume of 80 cm3 is required in order to
determine a standard value of SH for a specific rock
1.3. Various research results for determining consis-
tent specimen size were proposed and extensively
published. However, because of different procedures,
the test results cannot be compared and analyzed in an
overall way. Therefore, there is a need to propose a
standard method as a measure of SH to minimize the
errors when it is used as a predictor of the UCS and the
other mechanical properties of rocks.
1.4. In this Suggested Method, the apparatus, testing
procedure and the method of estimating SH values are
explained in detail with the empirical relations.

2. Scope

2.1. The purpose of this study is to identify and

discuss the need for a method to determine standardized
SH values, considering the specimen size effect, so that Fig. 1. A general view from the C-2 type Shore scleroscope consisting
of a base, rubber bulb, a tube containing the diamond-tipped hammer
the SH, as an essentially nondestructive hardness and the measuring scale.
measuring method, can be used as a reliable predictor
of other mechanical properties of rocks, especially the
UCS. diamond tip must be shaped to produce a correct
2.2. Therefore, in this study, a progressive investiga- reading on the reference bars of known hardness. The
tion aimed at estimating the SH values is intended to SH is measured on a calibrated scale which gives the SH
support this revision of the SH Suggested Method value in its own units, ranging from 0 to 140.
prepared for the International Society for Rock 3.3. A major advantage of the SH value is that it can
Mechanics (ISRM) to determine the hardness and be obtained using relatively smaller prismatic rock
abrasiveness of rocks. specimens than are normally required for other mechan-
ical testing methods in rock mechanics.

3. Apparatus
4. Procedure
3.1. The apparatus, a C-2 type Shore Hardness
Scleroscope (Fig. 1), used for this purpose is nondes- 4.1. Specimen preparation
tructive and measures the relative values of SH by a
diamond-tipped hammer which is manually dropped 4.1. For testing purposes, the specimens can be
vertically and freely from a rested height on to a prepared as cores or in cubical shapes and a critical
horizontal, polished test surface. specimen volume of close to 80 cm3 (Vc) should be
3.2. Since hardness is a function of the elastic maintained. Fig. 2 shows the relations between the SH
resistance of a surface to local compression, the rebound value and the associated specimen volume, and indicates
height of the diamond-tipped hammer becomes an that the SH values increased as the volume of the
indication of the hardness of the material tested. The specimens became larger—up to the critical specimen
R. Altindag, A. Güney / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 43 (2006) 19–22 21

horizontally with the ground test surface facing up-

wards, allowing a 2.44 g diamond-tipped hammer to
drop freely on the test surface, and carefully measuring
and logging the rebounding height on the scale—which
ranges from 0 to 140.
4.5. A total of 20 measurements should be made on
the entire test surface of each specimen allowing at least
a 5 mm spacing between the two indentations and a
5 mm margin from the edges of the specimen. Values of
SH determined near the edges of the test specimen will
be appreciably lower than those made nearer the center
of the specimen [7]. Naturally, biased results will be
obtained if readings taken near the very edge of the
specimen are included in the calculations.
4.6. When a rock specimen is shaly, bedded or
observably anisotropic, it should be tested in directions
which give the greatest and the least strength values,
which are generally normal and parallel to the planes of
Fig. 2. Correlation between SH values and specimen volumes [9].
anisotropy, respectively.
4.7. The apparatus must be cleaned and calibrated
prior to the tests to maintain the precision of the
volume of 80 cm3, beyond which the SH values did not apparatus.
vary significantly as the specimen volume increased and
attained a near-constant value.
4.2. Prior to the hardness tests, the test surface of each 5. Calculation of standard SH values
specimen to be tested should be ground with No. 220
sandpaper until a smooth test surface is obtained. The 5.1. The SH is taken as the average of 20 readings for
specimens should be dry. Wet specimens usually yield each test specimen.
lower values of SH [7]. At least three specimens of the 5.2. If the specimen volume cannot be obtained as
same rock type should be prepared, and more specimens equal to or greater than 80 cm3 in volume (e.g.
will naturally provide more confidence in the results.
4.3. The following equation1, V ¼ f ðA; tÞ to ensure an
appropriate specimen volume, may be used when
preparing the test specimens to determine the unknown
parameter: either the thickness (t) or the test surface
area (A), keeping the known parameter constant.
V c ¼ Amin tc ¼ 80 cm3 ðAmin X10 cm2 Þ (1)
V c ¼ Ac tmin ¼ 80 cm3 ðtmin X1:5 cmÞ . (2)
If the minimum specimen test surface area (Amin) is
obtained as 10 cm2, the critical specimen thickness (tc)
can be calculated using Eq. (1) as tc ¼ 8 cm.
Similarly, if the minimum specimen thickness (tmin) is
obtained as 1.5 cm, the critical specimen test surface area
(Ac) can be calculated by Eq. (2) as Ac ¼ 53.33 cm2.

4.2. Testing

4.4. The test procedure includes the following:

placement of the test specimen in the apparatus
Centimeter units have been used here, rather than the strict SI
millimeters, to avoid specifying the dimensions with unnecessarily Fig. 3. Plot showing the relation between SH and specimen volume up
large numbers. to 80 cm3 (Vc) [9].
22 R. Altindag, A. Güney / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 43 (2006) 19–22

V s oV c ¼ 80 cm3 ), size-corrected values of SH can be Acknowledgments

estimated (SHe ) for the critical volume by using the
arithmetical means of the measured SH values (SHm) in The authors wish to acknowledge the encouragement
the following equation (Fig. 3) [9]: and support given by Professor John A. Hudson of
SHe ¼ 0:248ð80  V s Þ þ SHm ðfor V s oV c Þ , Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
in the UK.
where Vs is the volume of the tested specimen.
5.3. If the specimen volume can be obtained as equal
to or greater than 80 cm3 in volume (e.g. References
V s XV c ¼ 80 cm3 ), the arithmetical means of the mea-
sured SH values are directly taken as the SH values. [1] Judd WR, Huber C. Correlation of rock properties by statistical
methods. International Symposium on Mining Research, February
1961, Rolla, Missouri.
[2] Deere DU, Miller RP. Engineering classification and index
6. Presentation of results properties for intact rock. Urbana, IL: Department of Civil
Engineering, University of Illinois; 1966. p. 90–101.
[3] Bamford WE, Van Duyse H, Nieble C, Rummel F, Broch E,
When presenting the results of SH tests, the report
Franklin JA, Atkinson RH, Tarkoy PJ, Deere DU. Suggested
should specify the information given below for each methods for determining hardness and abrasiveness of rocks,
specimen tested: ISRM, Commission on Standardization of Laboratory and Field
Tests. Int J Rock Mech Min Geomech Abst 1978;15:89–98.
(a) Source of the specimen, including the geographic [4] Koncagül EC, Santi PM. Predicting the unconfined compressive
location, depth and orientation when recovered. strength of the Breathit Shale using slake durability, shore hardness
and rock structural properties. Int J Rock Mech Min Sci
(b) Lithological description of the rock. 1999;36:139–53.
(c) Number of specimens tested and the average SH for [5] Misra B. Correlation of rock properties with machine performance.
each rock type. PhD thesis. University of Leeds, 1972.
(d) Orientation of the test surface with respect to the [6] ISRM (International Society for Rock Mechanics), Commission
bedding and foliation planes when these are on standardization laboratory and field results. Suggested Methods
for determining hardness and abrasiveness of rocks. Int J Rock
significant characteristics of the rock. Mech Min Sci Geomech Abstr 1978;15:89–97.
(e) Approximate mineral composition, grain shape and [7] Rabia H, Brook N. The shore hardness of rock. Technical Note.
sizes of the specimens. Int J Rock Mech Min Sci Geomech. Abstr 1979;16:335–6.
(f) Date of sampling, date of specimen preparation and [8] Altindag R. Effects of specimen volume and temperature on
testing, specimen preparation procedures. measurements of shore hardness. Technical Note. Rock Mech
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(g) Specimen dimension characteristics: thickness, test [9] Altindag R, Güney A. Effect of the specimen size on the
surface area and volume of the specimen. determination of consistent Shore hardness values. Technical Note.
(h) Value of the SH for each test. Int J Rock Mech Min Sci 2005;42:153–60.

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