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Crimes Against Women in The 21st Century

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International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Explorer (IJMRE)

Crimes against women in the 21st century

Shiv Kumar Kharwar *1

Vivek Kumar2

Abstract— The culture of gender discrimination is not a new making them victims of sexual harassment, abusing words,
thing for Indian society. Its roots are seen from ancient times, it all became common. The news related to crime against
which have flourished in the form of female harassment, neglect, women is full of news from print media to electric media.
exploitation. Because of which women, representing 50% of the
population of India, are today victims of violence on a large scale
in the middle of the country. According to the reports of various II. WOMEN'S SAFETY INITIATIVES
government and non-governmental institutions, the crimes against It is not that the voice has not been raised all over the
women are increasing day by day instead of decreasing, so to world for the safety of women, there has been a demand
reduce the rate of crimes against women, by the Government of from time to time regarding women's rights, due to which
India and the justice system of India And strict instructions and the women representation in most of the nations of the
laws are also being made by the state. While there is no decrease
world today is not the only official. Seeing the positions,
in crimes against women. This is the reason why under the
research paper "Crime against women in the 21st century", the from voting right, right to property or the presence of
study of the causes of crime against women in the 21st century women in almost all the dimensions of human life is proof.
and the efforts made by the Government of India for the All such examples are seen all over the world. For example
prevention of crime against women Although it was done, an - the issue of crimes with women globally came to the fore
attempt was made to find out the hidden reasons behind the in the year 1990 by making a central theme. The same
reduction in crime with the woman, however, an analysis has been General Assembly of the United Nations announced the
made based on the data obtained from the study. end of crime against women in the year 1993. ICPD, which
is known for the International Conference on Population
Keywords— Crime against women , Constitutional Provisions ,Nature and Development, in which violence based on gender has
of Crime against women , female insecurity , women safety. been considered as a hindrance in the path of female
reproductive and sexual health. Almost not only in India
I. INTRODUCTION but from universities around the world, in schools, feminist
Crimes against women are not new to our society, its image thoughts are taught or told. Many ideas of feminist thinking
is seen in our society since ancient times. Cultural and for women's safety and equality have also been developed.
social beliefs have undermined women from men, which From the Parliament of India to the streets, intersections,
resulted in the appearance of female origin, neglect, nukes, women safety remains the subject of discussion. For
discrimination, ethnic culture and gender inequality in which many government and non-government
society. According to the United Nations General organizations are working. Despite this, women safety
Assembly of 1995, "any such activity or threat of sexual remains a concern, although several policies have been
violence, coercion or arbitrary denial of a woman's formulated by the Government of India to ensure women
freedom, then it is related to personal life or public life, safety, however, despite seeing many provisions of women
which results in physical, mental (Psychological), sexual safety in the Indian Constitution, its women safety remains
loss, harassment or possibility of being "will be considered a concern.
a crime against a woman. A. Constitutional provisions for women protection -
Today, even after 7 decades of the country's independence, Women have been given equal rights as men by the
the crimes against women are not decreasing, but the Constitution of India, however, the guarantee of protection
crimes against women are increasing day by day. The spill of life has also been provided under Article 21 of the Indian
of crimes against women is not limited to Indian society Constitution, however, in various sections of the
only, but in most of the nations of the world, crimes against Constitution of India, there are a sense of protection of
women are more or less the same. Dying women - beating, women, mainly in which Directive element, preamble, Website:, Volume No.1, Issue:1 1
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Explorer (IJMRE)

includes fundamental rights. Not only this, for the safety of Table 1.
women, the National Commission for Women and the State
Women's Commission were also constituted at the state Description of crime against a woman in the year
level. Apart from this, efforts were made to ensure women (2004)
empowerment by vesting powers between the various
sections of the Indian Penal Code, however it is also seen
that Acts for women protection were passed by the
Parliament of India from time to time through
Parliamentary Act. Have been Apart from this, the State
Governments, the Central Governments, however, have
been making efforts to ensure women empowerment by
non-governmental organizations. Even then, there is no
decrease in crimes against women -

B. Efforts made for women safety

1. Dowry Prohibition Act, (1961)

2. Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace Act
3. Child Marriage Prohibition Act (2006)
4. Women Protection from Domestic Violence Act
(2005) Source - National Crime Records Bureau (2004)
5. Indecent representation of women (1986)
6. Protection of Child Rights Commission Act (2005) According to the 2005 report of the National Crime
7. Child Protection from Sexual Offenses Act (2012) Records Bureau, criminal activities are carried out with a
8. Sati Practices (Prevention) Act and Rules (1987) woman belonging to a Scheduled Caste community every
9. National Commission for Women Act (1990) 20 minutes, however criminal activities are carried out with
a woman belonging to a Scheduled Tribe community every
III. CRIMES AGAINST WOMEN 92 minutes. Apart from this, a woman is made a victim of
crime in every 8 minutes due to economic reasons. Not
According to the population report series L, No. 11, only on the basis of property reasons, 1 woman is made a
1999 - one in every 4 women in the world is harassed victim of crime every 1 minute.
during pregnancy. According to UNICEF report, 2000 - TABLE 2
Every year 6 thousand women in India are sacrificed on DETAILS OF CRIME AGAINST WOMEN IN THE YEAR 2005
dowry altar. According to the State of the World
Population Fund Report 2000 - about 60 million Asian girls
have either been murdered or died due to lack of care as a
result of gender discrimination, who had every possible
chance of living. According to the National Crime Records
Bureau 2004 report - about 30% of the incidents of rape in
India occur mainly in 35 cities of India while other
incidents occur in other parts of the country. According to
the NFHS-3 2005 - 2006 report - 34% of women in India
have believed that they are beaten by their PTI. According
to the 2005 report of the National Crime Records Bureau -
Criminal activities with a woman every 3 minutes,
however, the incidents of molestation of a woman every 15
minutes and a rape every 29 minutes are happening equally
with women. However, every 53 minutes a woman is
subjected to sexual harassment. Every 77 minutes, a Source - National Crime Records Bureau (2005)
woman dies due to dowry. At the same caste level, women
are made victims of crime. Website:, Volume No.1, Issue:1 2

International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Explorer (IJMRE)

According to the 2006 report of the National Crime Record 37 3 0

Bureau, more than 32 thousand women murder cases were
found in crimes against women in India, more than 19
thousand rape cases were found, however, 7 thousand 500 % 7.2 6.2 20.3 5.8 9.9
dowries were due to harassment. However, a total of 36
thousand 500 molestation cases are involved in crimes Source - National Crime Records Bureau (2007)
against women. According to the 2007 report of the
National Crime Records Bureau, India's police records
found a total of 16.3 per cent of crimes against women in
every lakh of the population recorded, including one, a
death case due to dowry in 1 hour, 46 Includes a sexual
harassment case in minutes, rape cases in 25 minutes,
molestation activity in 6 minutes etc. According to the IV. NATURE OF CRIME AGAINST WOMEN
recent National Crime Records Bureau 2020 report,
abusive acts like a rape of a woman are carried out every Many forms of crime against women are seen in Indian
15 minutes. society or other societies of the world. Which can be easily
understood by dividing two classes mainly called domestic
violence and Brahmin violence. If we have to explain the
YEARS 2003 - 2007 nuances of crimes against women, then we will have to
explain the crimes against women in the following ways -

YEA Types of crimes against 1. Physical violence

2. Mental violence / psychological or emotional violence
RS women can also be called.
3. Behavioural control based violence
4. Violence based on sexual coercion
RA Death Ang Hara Sexual
PE due to uish ss harass
dowry met Crimes committed against women by the National Crime
Records Bureau are mainly involved in criminal activities
such as rape, sexual harassment, dowry cases, which are
increasing day by day. Although rape is included in the
category of most heinous crime, it is not that other crimes
against women are less effective. However, according to
2003 158 620 50703 32939 1232 the National Crime Records Bureau 2004 report, about
47 8 5 30% of the incidents of rape occurring in India occur in 35
main cities of India, while other incidents occur in other
parts of the country.
2004 182 702 58121 34567 1000
Nature has made man equal, but despite this, there can be
2005 183 678 58319 34175 9984 discrimination based on gender in society. Women,
59 7 representing about 50% of the total population of India, are
exasperated by malevolent thinking whereas Article 14 of
the Indian Constitution clearly states that all citizens will be
2006 193 761 63128 36617 9966 equal before the law. There will not be any discrimination
based on religion, gender, caste, but the actual situation is
48 8 far from it. Even today, based on gender discrimination in
Indian society, although the situation of women has
improved relatively compared to the ancient and middle
2007 207 809 75930 38734 1095 ages, in the present times, due to social, economic,
religious rituals, customs, gender inequalities of women Website:, Volume No.1, Issue:1 3
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Explorer (IJMRE)

The situation remains predictable. This is the reason that will not be reduced, however, it is necessary to change the
crimes with women are increasing day by day, while many predominantly responsible male perspective, otherwise
public policies have been made by the Government of India how much Indian society Also, why not become
and the State Government to ensure women's safety. prosperous, till all the 50 per cent of the total population
Despite this, women are becoming victims of neglect. The can live a respectable life, then all these things are
position of women has been thoughtful in each time zone. meaningless. As BabaSaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar said, “The
Even if people deny this, but the truth is that the malevolent advancement of a society can be easily estimated from the
power of thinking has taken possession of every aspect of condition of the women of that society.
human life, the result of which has emerged in the form of
female neglect in front of us. It is not that efforts have not
been made, efforts have been made for the empowerment
of women, the result of this effort is that help lines like
1090, the establishment of the National Level Women's
Commission, however, the State Women's Commission References
was established at the regional level. Not only this, but
India's justice system is also committed to women's safety. [1] Mukesh Yadav, (August 2020), Crimes Against Women: Recent
Appreciation works have also been done by the Indian Judicial Trends, General of India Academy of Forensic Medicine.
Police Administration. Despite this, its women safety [2] National Crime Record Bruro Report (2004)
remains a matter of concern for the Indian society and the ,
Government of India. In the society, we continue to see [3] National Crime Record Bruro Report (2005)
heinous crimes against women, in which examples of
burning crimes like Hathras scandal, Nirbhaya scandal,
[4] National Crime Record Bruro Report (2006)
Unnao scandal, Balrampur rape scandal, Kathua rape case,
and Gujarat crime are seen. These incidents have put a [5] National Crime Record Bruro Report (2007)
question mark on Indian constitution, the Indian
government, Indian judicial system, National Commission _table_chapter_reports/CHAP5_2007.pdf
for Women, State Women's Commission and public [6] National Crime Record Bruro Report (2007)
policies made for women safety.
VII. CONCLUSION [7] National Crime Record Bruro Report (2020)
[8] Radhika Kapoor, (March 2020), Crimes Against Women in India,
It is very clear from the appropriate details that the rate of Department of Adult Education and Continuing Extension Faulty of
Social Science, New Delhi.
crimes against women security or women has not
decreased, but the safety of women commission is [9] Sinha, Anup, and Pratiti Singha. "CRIME AGAINST WOMEN IN
becoming a darker topic and the politics of women
Journal 3.10 (2015): 1403-1406.
commission milli Bhagat or political patronage and
frustrating of various top officials. The role has made the [10] Dr. Radhika Kapur , Dowry Harassment: Crime against Women.
topic of women safety more reflective. The recent incident
of the Babur rape of a Dalit woman in Hathras in the state
of Uttar Pradesh has clarified the disappointing role of [11] Name of the Researcher : Beniwal, Shailja , Name of the Guide :
Mehta, (Completed Year : 2017 ) Akshat , Title of Thesis : Crime
various top officials, while the CBI, High level
against women in Chandigarh a study of role of police , Department
investigation agency, admitted that the girl was raped in of Police Administration, Panjab University nullPlease use this link
Hathras while various other The officials were denying this for citation :
thing outright. The role of the National Commission for [12] janasvaasthy vyavastha ke chikitsa karmiyon ke lie jaanakaaree
Women and the State Women's Commission was also seen pustika.
to be tarnished once again by this rape incident, which is a
clear proof that even in the 21st century, women's safety
[13] Ministry of Women and Development, Government of India.
remains a serious issue for which nothing can be said in
public policy Lack of flexibility and rigour are responsible.
For the safety of women, the official appointment of
various commissions, lack of autonomy and being advisory
are mainly responsible. Therefore, it is very important to
have autonomous and advisable, binding but fairness in
terms of women safety, otherwise crimes against women Website:, Volume No.1, Issue:1 4

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