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Student Details and Declaration: Student Name Student ID Number Unit Start Date Unit End Date

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Student Details and Declaration

Student ID
Student Name

Unit Start Date Unit End Date

Assessment Due
Date Submitted

Context and Conditions of Assessment – Information for Students

This assessment will ensure that the elements, performance criteria, performance
evidence and knowledge evidence required and conditions are adhered to demonstrate
competency in this unit assessment task.
Read the assessment carefully before commencing.
This is an ​open book practical demonstration assessment​and will be conducted
at the Menzies Institute Automotive Campus on 113 Adderley Street West
Your assessor will use the assessment criteria in this document and will provide
feedback / comment.
You must answer ​ALL​ the questions correctly in the assessment tasks in your own
words and own handwriting.
Your Trainer / Assessor will inform you of the due date for this assessment task.
Your Assessor will grade as either S – Satisfactory or NS – Not Satisfactory for the
assessment. In all cases your Assessor will provide you with feedback.
Only when all assessment tasks have been graded as S – Satisfactory you will be
deemed C – Competent in the final result of the unit of competency; if you do not
satisfactorily complete all the assessment tasks you will be deemed NYC – Not Yet

Assessment Appeal – Information for Students

Students have access to an assessment appeals process to challenge the outcome

within 20 working days of the assessment decision being made.
The appeal is required to be submitted in writing with relevant evidence
documentation provided.
The Institute will respond within 3 working days of the receipt of appeal to confirm it
has been received.
The Institute will review the appeal and inform student of the outcome within 10
working days of the receipt of appeal.
The outcome will outline information on student’s next steps including process for
further appeal process.

Reasonable Adjustments – Information for Students

Reasonable adjustment refers to adjustments made for students with a disability,
condition or special learning need.
Students can make a request for reasonable adjustment during their enrolment.
Each case is considered individually and the all relevant circumstances are
considered in making the decision
The Institute reserves the right, after the review of the needs of the student with a
disability, to not provide services that would impose unjustifiable hardship upon the
Institute or the activities provided during the course of operations.
The range of reasonable adjustments made may include (but not limited to):
• the use or loan of adaptive/assistive technology or equipment for use by people
with a disability or illness to enable them to undertake their training/assessment in a
fair and equitable manner (e.g. seating, personal computer access)
• alternative methods of assessment (e.g. verbal assessment, practical
• individual conditions of assessment (e.g. seating arrangements, additional 10
minutes per hour, toilet/rest/exercise breaks, bite sized food/drink)
• accessible learning formats (e.g. large print materials, coloured exam paper)
• provision of a scribe
• referral to additional services.

Re-Assessment Process and Plagiarism, Collusion and Cheating – Information for

Re-Assessment Process
If the evidence is graded as NS – Not Satisfactory you will be required to re-submit the
evidence. In this case, you will be provided with clear and constructive feedback based on
the assessment decision so that they can improve your skills / knowledge prior to
Where a ‘NS – Not Satisfactory’ judgement is made, you will be given guidance on steps
to take to improve your performance and provided the opportunity to resubmit evidence to
demonstrate competence. The assessor will determine and discuss the reasons for NS –
Not Satisfactory on any of the criteria and will assess you through a different method of
assessment e.g. verbal/oral questioning, problem solving exercises.
You will be notified within 10 working days of undertaking an assessment of your result in
achieving competency
If a student does not complete the assessment, they should notify their trainer as to why
they did not complete the assessment and if due to illness, a medical certificate must be
produced and apply for ​Special Consideration​ in accordance to ​MITP91 Special
Consideration Policy and Procedure.
In the above scenario, student will be given an opportunity for reassessment within 5
working days with no reassessment fee charged.
Students who are deemed to be Not Yet Competent (NYC) will be provided with
information identifying the areas in which they failed to achieve competency. Students will
then have the opportunity to repeat the assessment task and relevant reassessment fees
will apply for the unit.
If a student is deemed NYC in the reassessment, then the student is required to reenrol for
the entire unit of competency and relevant reenrolment fees will apply for the unit.

Plagiarism, Collusion and Cheating

Plagiarism means: taking someone’s words, ideas, work or other materials and present
them as your own.
Collusion means: understanding or agreement between two or more people to intentionally
cooperate and gain an unfair advantage in assessment.
Cheating means: seeking to obtain an unfair advantage in an examination or assessment.
If a student is found to be cheating, plagiarising or colluding during their assessment, the
student will immediately be deemed NS for the assessment task. The student will have to
follow the reassessment process and relevant reassessment fees will apply for the unit.
If the student is found to be plagiarising, cheating or colluding again after the initial
instance, the student will be deemed NYC for the entire unit of competency. The student
will be required to reenrol for the entire unit of competency and relevant reenrolment fees
will apply for the unit.
Any further instances of plagiarism, cheating or collusion will result in the suspension or
cancellation of the student’s enrolment
The Institute has intervention strategies, including student support services available to
enable students to complete qualification in the expected time frame. Students at risk of
not completing within this time frame are identified as early as possible and an intervention
strategy is put in place. All students are encouraged to speak to the trainer/assessor
and/or Student Services Coordinator in regards to any issues about their course.

The Institute will ensure access to:

A safe environment that meets the training package requirements and conditions of
assessments by having adequate access to:
relevant workplace documentation and resources
case studies
interaction with other students for discussions
an automotive simulated workplace

Evidence to be submitted by the student: -

Completed written responses to all questions in the assessment task and completion of all
There is a performance and observation checklist for the tasks provided.

Assessment Decision Making Rules

Your assessor will be looking for the following in this assessment task:
Completed written responses to all questions in the assessment task and completion of all
Your assessor may seek additional information or clarification from you of questions that
you may not have answered fully. There is a performance and observation checklist for the
tasks provided.

Student to complete the below prior to commencing assessment

The assessment process and tasks were fully

Yes / No

I am aware of which evidence will be collected and Yes / No


I am aware of appeals process of an assessment Yes / No

decision (outlined in this document under ​Assessment

I am aware of the consequences for plagiarism, Yes / No

cheating or collusion (outlined in this document under
Re-Assessment Conditions and Plagiarism, Collusion
and Cheating)

I am aware of the reassessment processes if deemed Yes / No

not yet satisfactory for this assessment task or not yet
competent for the entire unit of competency (outlined in
this document under ​Re-Assessment Process and
Plagiarism, Collusion and Cheating)

I have discussed any additional educational support or

reasonable adjustments I require in order to undertake
this assessment with the Student Services Coordinator Yes / No
and Trainer / Assessor, (if applicable) (outlined in this
document under ​Reasonable Adjustments)​

I have access to all required resources? Yes / No

Student Declaration: - ​I declare that I was adequately informed of the assessment

process prior to commencing this assessment task. I understand that if I disagree with the
assessment outcome, I understand the appeals process available.

Student Name

Student Signature


Assessor Declaration: - ​I verify that I have adequately explained the above prior to
commencing assessment and provided clarifications to students as required.

Assessor Name

Assessor Signature


Assessment Task 2 – Project #1

Instructions for Students

This assessment task requires you to complete a project.

You must complete a set of activities in an automotive workplace or simulated work

This project is untimed and are conducted as open book tests (this means you are
able to refer to your textbook).
You must read and respond to all criteria of the project.
You may handwrite/use computers to answer the criteria of the project.
You must complete the task independently.
No marks or grades are allocated for this assessment task. The outcome of the task
will be Satisfactory or Not Satisfactory.
As you complete this assessment task you are predominately demonstrating your
practical skills, techniques and knowledge to your trainer/assessor.
The trainer/assessor may ask you relevant questions on this assessment task to
ensure that this is your own work.

You will complete a set of activities in an automotive workplace or simulated work

Instructions to complete a set of activities in an automotive workplace or simulated
work environment are given within the assessment task.
You will be required to correctly attempt all activities of this assessment task.

You are required to complete a set of activities in an automotive workplace or

simulated work environment.
You must complete activities after analysing the information given documentation provided
by the trainer/assessor.
The trainer must provide all the relevant up-to-date documentation required to complete
the activities.
Your assessor will assess your work according to the given performance criteria/
performance checklist.
You may attach a separate sheet if required.
You must include the following particulars in the footer section of each page of the
attached sheets:
Student ID or Student Name
Unit ID or Unit Code
Course ID or Course Code
Trainer and assessor name
Page numbers
Please read the following scenario carefully prior to commencing the task

This assessment task will be conducted in an automotive workplace or simulated work

environment. Your trainer/assessor will provide you with a range of information and data
relating to product and service costs, including supplier price lists, workplace sales and
service data, financial data and payroll records, calculator, computer hardware and software,
and general office equipment.

Your trainerwill provide all the relevant up-to-date documentation required to

complete the following activities.

Task to be completed–Activity 1
Research and determine ten (10) fixed cost components and classify them into categories

Access and research pricing information to determine fixed cost components

Classify the fixed cost components into five categories depreciation, insurance, rent, salaries
and utilities.

Write your answer in the section provided below:

depreciation ( courtesy car $2000 per year, wheel alignment

machine $ 2000 per year)

insurance ( injury-death insurance $ 2000 per year, building

insurance $8000 per year)

rent ( warehouse $ 25000 per year, supplementary garage $ 12000

per year)

salaries ( wages $ 44000 per year, bonus $ 1000 per year)

utilities ( Electricity $ 10000 per year, Internet $ 600 per year)

Task to be completed –Activity 2

Past records including previous sales figures and business requirements are used to
estimate fixed costs for the next period. The past records including previous sales figures
and business requirements will be made available by your trainer/assessor from the

You are required to estimate fixed costs for the next period, three (3) months, based upon
the past records including previous sales figures and business requirements.

Previous sales figures must include:

The wholesale cost of product or service

The retail price of product or service

Write your answer in the section provided below:

Total costs per year: $106.600

Total cost per month: $106600 : 12 = $ 8883,33

Total costs for the next 3 months: $ 8883,33 x 3 = $ 26650

The wholesale cost of product or service:

Cost of service:

- 1 Engine oil filter wesfil z123 $ 7

- 5 lt engine oil Penrite 10w30 $25
- Overall check of vehicle / top up fluids labour 0,5 hour

Retail price of product or service:

- 1 Engine oil filter wesfil z123 $20

- lt 5 engine oil Penrite 10w30 $80
- Overall check of the car and top up fluids $80

Retail price for a service $200

Task to be completed –Activity 3
Using the information your trainer/assessor has provided in activity 2, calculate the fixed
administrative and business operation overhead costs.

Write your answer in the section provided below:

Accountant: $ 3600 per year

Mechanic Desk (software for bookings, printing invoices and job

cards) $ 600 per year

Total costs $106600 + $ 3600 + $ 600 = $110800

Task to be completed –Activity 4

Using the information your trainer/assessor has provided in activity 2, determine the
proportion of fixed costs to be included in retail rates.

Write your answer in the section provided below:

Fixed cost for service:

7 + 25 + 15 (employee wage) = $47 (total fixed cost)

Fixed costs are 23% of retail rates.

Task to be completed –Activity 5
Using the information your trainer/assessor has provided in activity 2, determine the
labour rates. Classify the labour rates into categories according to employee

An additional four services have been booked in the workshop, and each requires 5 hours
of work. Your staff members don’t usually work on Saturdays but to fit this in the work will
need to be done outside your normal Mon - Fri hours.

As you are extremely busy, you have three (3) options to select from;

Use a subcontractor
Use a permanent staff member and pay overtime
Use a casual staff member and pay Saturday rates

Using the labour rates, you have determined, work out how much a service is going to cost
for each category.
To complete the four extra services booked on Saturday, choose which labour option you
feel is the most cost-effective and explain why in 50 - 100 words.
Write your answer in the section provided below:

Using a subcontractor i would charge 25% more for each service on top of the cost of each
car fixed by the subcontractor. Let’s say the subcontractor works for $100 an hour the labour
will cost $500 and the cost for the customer will be $ 625 excluded spare parts provided by
the customer.

Using a permanent staff n4 permanent mechanics will be employed on saturday to work ok

each car and they have to be paid an extra 50% an hour. So the workshop will charge 50%
more an hour to be additioned in the final cost.

The labour cost for each car will be $750 each car spare parts excluded (provided by

Using casual staff members the workshop will charge 70% more on the normal cost of an
hour labour.

So that the final labour cost for the customer will be $850 parts excluded provided by

I would give the job a subcontractor and charge the 25% on top of the price so that i would
earn $500 GST excluded without any expense to pay a mechanic or electricity. Since the
subcontractor’s workshop is 2 kilometres away from my workshop and it will only take 0,5
hours to one person to pick up all four cars and deliver to the customer.
Task to be completed –Activity 6
Using the information your trainer/assessor has provided in activity 2, determine three (3)
variable costs using accounting records or supplier information.

Write your answer in the section provided below:

Oil filter z154: supplied $7

Retail price $20

difference $13

Engine oil Penrite 10w30 lt 5: supplied $25

Retail price $80
Difference $55

Radiator Jeep Grand Cherokee: Supplied $280

Retail price $590

Difference: $310
Task to be completed –Activity 7
Using the information your trainer/assessor has provided in activity 2, choose any three
(3) required automotive materials. Estimate and record what the cost will be for 150 of

Write your answer in the section provided below:

Oil filter Wesfil z145 = cost of each filter $5 (GST included)

Cost of 150 oil filters= 5x150= $750 (GST included)

MOpar genuine Head gasket = cost of each product $30 (GST included)

Cost of 150 head gaskets = 30 x 150 = $4500 (GST uncluded)

Brake light bulb 21w5 philips $2 each (GST included)

Cost of 150 bulbs = 2 x 150 = $300 (GST included)

Task to be completed –Activity 8
Using your research skills, compare costs and determine retail prices from two (2)
external suppliers and competitors for the following:

Two (2) products;

(one (1) consumable item, one (1) automotive accessory product) and
Two (2) automotive workplace services
Write your answer in the section provided below:

Consumable item= tridon thermostat

Repco price= $8 (GST included)

Burson price= $9,3 (GST included)

Automotive accessory= Leather seat cover

Supercheap auto = $93 (GST included)

Burson = $ 88 (GST icluded)

Automotive service=

Price for radiator replacement at Dontex automotive $ 600 (GST

included) $240 cost of the part and 2 hours labour (150 each hour)
Price for radiator replacement at Brighton Motors $650 (GST
included) $285 cost of the part plus 3 hours labour at $100 an hour.

Price for Dyno run (4 runs) at Malvern Performances $300.

Price for Dyno run ( 3 runs) at Punjabi Competition $250 (GST


Task to be completed –Activity 9

Using the information prepared in activity 8, prepare four (4) separate quotations and
reports for management highlighting the following. Write your answer in 30-60 words for

The name of the product/service

The need for the product/service
The cost of the product/service
Write your answer in the section provided below:


Replacing front brake pads and front rotors in order to obtain the roadworthy certificate.

Cost for retail $65 for a set of front pads and 2 rotors for $120 each.

Installation time 0,5 hours for the price of $100 an hour.

Total $ 355 GST included.


Remove and replace spark plugs on a Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT V8 in order to resolve the
Retail cost for 16 spark plugs is $ 240

Cost of labour is $200 (2 hours labour charged).

Total cost GST included $440


Automatic transmission service (oil,oil pan gasket and oil filter).

Retail cost for Automatic Transmission oil $80 and for gasket+ oil filter $120.

Cost of labour is $120 (1 hour charged).

Total cost is $320 GST included.


Clutch Replacement.

Retail cost of the clutch kit $600 + 0,5lt DOT 4 $10

Cost of labour is $960 (8 hours work).

Total cost GST included $1570

Performance criteria checklist forAssessment Task 2 – Project

Instructions for Students

You can view the following checklist as a guide for the areas and criteria that your
assessor will be assessing you on. Please note that this checklist is for your assessor to
complete only.

To be assessed as S N/S Trainer/Assessor

satisfactory (S) in this to complete
assessment task the (Comment and
participant needs to feedback to
demonstrate competency in students)
the following critical to examine the
aspects of evidence exact nature of a
customer issue,
effectively, make
negotiate an
outcome or refer the
issue to an
appropriate person,
and documenting
outcomes for

Completed Activity 1

Completed Activity 2

Completed Activity 3

Completed Activity 4

Completed Activity 5

Completed Activity 6

Completed Activity 7

Completed Activity 8

Completed Activity 9
Determined fixed costs

Determined labour rate

Determined variable costs

Determine retail price of

products and services

research and compare costs

and calculated retail rates
from external suppliers and
competitors for:
two automotive workplace
one consumable item
one automotive accessory

The student’s Satisfactory

performance was:
Not Satisfactory

Feedback to Student:

Student Name: Student

Assessor Name: Assessor



Assessment Task Outcome

Student and Assessor Details
Unit code AURAAA002

Unit name Determine retail rates for automotive

products and services

Outcome of

Satisfactory (S) ☐ or Not Satisfactory (NS)

Assessment Task 2

Feedback to Student

Student Name

Student Signature

Assessor Name

Assessor Signature


Assessment 2 – Student Info – AURAAA002

Version 6 – Updated on 17th April 2019
Page ​ PAGE 18​ of ​ NUMPAGES 18


Determine retail rates for automotive products and services

Learner Assessment

Assessment Task 2 – Project #1

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