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Experiment Name: Creep Analysis and Case Study

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Experiment Name: Creep Analysis and case study.

Abstract: Creep is the tendency of a solid material to move slowly or

deform permanently under the influence of constant mechanical load
or stress at high temperature. The manufacturing process or factory
where work is done at higher temperature that requires materials
which can resist tat temperature and can work properly . like gas
turbine , nuclear reactor, chemical industries etc. If we neglect the
effect of creep , a great number of high temperature failure can occur.

Introduction: There are mainly two types of degradation occurs at high

temperature :

i. Mechanical Degradation

ii. Chemical Degradation

Creep is mainly Mechanical Degradation. Time dependent permanent

deformation under a constant load at high temperature is known as
creep. Creep failure stress have as lower value than yield stress.

If the working temperature for metal is 0.5T m <T<Tm , there is a higher

possibility of creep, for glass and ceramic T>Tg

Time dependent recoverable deformation under load is called anelastic

deformation, the characteristic recovery of temporary deformation
after removal of load as a function of time which is called elastic
Figure: Anelastic behavior

Creep Curve (ST diagram):

A typical creep curve indicates three different regions:

i.Primary Region : Once the material experiences an instantaneous

strain, ɛ0, which is combination of elastic (recoverable on release of
load), anelastic (recovers with time) and plastic (nonrecoverable) strain.
As a result of sudden loading, the primary creep region begins only
after that. As the name suggests primary creep region describes the
initial stage of creep deformation. This is region of decreasing creep

ii.Secondary Region: Primary creep continues untill the secondary stage

starts. The strain rate of deformation remains nearly constant during
the secondary creep region. The strain rate in secondary stage is the
minimum strain rate of a creep deformation. The creep life of any
material can be estimated through the knowledge of the creep strain
rate in secondary stage.

iii.Tertiary region: The last stage of creep deformation is the tertiary

creep regime. In this stage, the material undergoes very high strain
rate, deformation and eventually fractures. This is region of increasing
creep rate.

If we increase stress level creep life will decrease.

Creep Rapture: Creep rupture occurs when

i. Applied stress is high.

ii. strain level is large (50%)

Temperature Effect on Creep Rapture:

T1< T2 <T3

Creep Mechanism:

i. Diffusion Creep: Applied stress > diffusion > vacancy moves from
perpendicular grain about stress axis to the parallel grain > grain
elongated along stress axis > deformation

Creep rate decreases as grain size increases.

ii. Dislocation creep:

cause by movement of dislocations,strong dependence on applied

stress. That involves moment of dislocations which overcomes barriers
by thermally assisted mechanism involving the diffuision of vacancies or

Stress level increase > strain hardening

iii. Dislocation Glide: Dislocation climb is replaced by dislocation glide
at higher temperature. That involves dislocation moving along slip
plane and overcoming barriers by thermal activation, occurs at high
stress level.

iv.Grain Boundary Sliding: The sliding grains pass each others. That
allos material to extant in length with no net change in grain size.

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