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Clinico-Epidemiological Study of Dermatophytosis in Teaching Hospital of North Karnataka

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International Journal of Research in Dermatology

Guruprasad KY et al. Int J Res Dermatol. 2019 Feb;5(1):106-109

Original Research Article

Clinico-epidemiological study of dermatophytosis in teaching

hospital of North Karnataka
K. Y. Guruprasad1, Mohammed Waseem Javed1*, C. Roopa2, Humera Ansari1, A. A. Takalkar3

Department of Dermatology, Venerology and Leprosy, 2Department of Microbiology, Khaja Bandanawaz Institute of
Medical Sciences, Kalaburagi, Karnataka, India
Maharashtra Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Medical College, Latur

Received: 29 December 2018

Revised: 15 January 2019
Accepted: 17 January 2019

Dr. Mohammed Waseem Javed,

Copyright: © the author(s), publisher and licensee Medip Academy. This is an open-access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License, which permits unrestricted non-commercial
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Background: Although fungi are worldwide, only few of them are considered pathogenic. The pathogenic fungi may
give rise to infections in animals and human beings. Skin infection due to dermatophytes has become a significant
health problem of late equally affecting children, adolescents and adults. Depending on the climate and culture, the
clinical picture can vary enormously. The objective of the study was to study the clinical and diagnostic spectrum of
dermatophytosis at Dermatology OPD of KBNIMS, Kalaburagi.
Methods: The present descriptive study was conducted in Dermatology OPD in teaching Hospital of North
Results: Majority of the subjects were from 21 to 40 years age group i.e. 44.58% followed by 36.4% from 0 to 20
years age group. Out of 250 patients, majority were males i.e. 70.4% whereas 29.6% were females. More than half i.e.
174 (69.6%) out of 250 patients were KOH positive. Prevalence of culture positive specimen was found to be 40%. T.
cruris (35%) and corporis (32%) were most common infections in our study. 31% of cases T. mentagrophyte was
observed as most common isolate on culture.
Conclusions: In our study, most common dermatophytic infection was T. cruris (35%). Only 40% were culture
positive and among which Trichophton mentagrophyte was commonly seen isolate. Low socioeconomic status,
overcrowding and compromised personal hygiene with tropical climate are prevalent factors in our study.

Keywords: Clinico epidemiological, Dermatophytosis

INTRODUCTION problems cannot be differentiated by ethnicity or

socioeconomic popularity; however poverty and
Worldwide it is found that fungal infections of the skin, overcrowded living conditions are important underlying
hair, and nails due to dermatophytes are common social determinants.2 Factors contributing to the high
problem. Both sexes and all ages are susceptible to frequency and continual occurrences of dermatophytosis
dermatophytoses. Amongst all, Tinea capitis is more in developing nations may also consist of negative
common in prepubescent children whereas tinea cruris residing situations, kids interaction styles, and poor
and tinea pedis are common in adult males.1 health looking for behavior.3

Despite the fact that dermatophytosis takes place global, Dermatophytes are fungal agents of dermatophytoses.
person dermatophyte species may additionally vary in Superficial mycoses of dermatophytoses are named after
their geographic distribution and self-virulence. Those anatomic localization of the lesions. Dermatophytosis

International Journal of Research in Dermatology | January-March 2019 | Vol 5 | Issue 1 Page 106
Guruprasad KY et al. Int J Res Dermatol. 2019 Feb;5(1):106-109

(tinea or ringworm) is a general name for acute to expressed in terms of percentages and quantitative data
moderate and chronic lesions of the outer layers of was expressed in terms of mean and standard deviation.
keratinized tissues induced by dermatophytes.
Dermatophytoses encompass tinea barae, tinea faciei, RESULTS
tinea incognito, tinea capitis,tinea favosa, tinea corporis,
tinea cruris, tinea manuum, tinea pedis, and tinea Majority were from 21 to 40 years age group i.e. 44.58%
unguium.4-9 followed by 36.4% from 0 to 20 years age group (Table
Few studies have investigated the etiology of cutaneous
fungal infections inside the developing nations, and, Table 1: Distribution of subjects according to age.
therefore, there's much less knowledge of any
adjustments to their epidemiology. Expertise of the Frequency Percentage (%)
essential causative species provides a clearer 0 to 10 26 10.25
understanding of threat factors for superficial fungal 11 to 20 65 26.15
infections and epidemiologic pattern in future. Age 21 to 30 81 32.28
31 to 40 31 12.3
Objective (in
41 to 50 14 5.61
 To study the clinical and diagnostic spectrum of 51 to 60 9 3.61
Dermatophytosis at Dermatology OPD of KBNIMS, Above 60 24 9.76
Table 2: Distribution of subjects according to gender.
Frequency Percentage (%)
The present descriptive study was conducted in Male 176 70.4
Dearmatology OPD of Khaja Bandanawaz Teaching and Gender Female 74 29.6
General Hospital, Kalaburagi during the period of Total 250 100
Januray 2017 to July 2017
Out of 250 patients, majority were males i.e. 70.4%
Sample size whereas 29.6% were females.

250 subjects of all age group (both male and female) Table 3: Distribution of subjects according to
reporting to dermatology OPD were involved. socioeconomic status.

Study subjects No. Percentage (%)

Upper 0 0
Cases of dermatophytosis. Upper-middle 0 0
Lower-middle 14 5.6
Inclusion criteria economic
Upper-lower 69 27.6
Inclusion criteria were age between 0-80 years; all cases Lower-lower 167 66.8
clinically diagnosed as having dermatophytic infection; Total 250 100
those who are willing to participate with informed
consent. In our study majority of patients were from lower
socioeconomic class i.e. 66.8%. Remaining 33.2% were
Exclusion criteria from middle class.

Exclusion criteria were those who are not willing to Table 4: Distribution of subjects according to KOH
participate in study. examination reports.

Data of the patients was collected by using a pretested No. Percentage (%)
proforma. Variables like age, gender, dermatological Positive 174 69.6
examination, KOH staining was recorded. All samples Negative 76 30.4
were sent for culture. report
Total 250 100

Statistical analysis plan More than half i.e. 174 (69.6%) out of 250 patients were
KOH positive and in 30.4% it was negative. So the
Data enetered in MS excel sheet and analysed by using prevalence of dermatophytosis was 69.6% in our study.
SPSS 23.0 version IBM USA. Qualitative data was

International Journal of Research in Dermatology | January-March 2019 | Vol 5 | Issue 1 Page 107
Guruprasad KY et al. Int J Res Dermatol. 2019 Feb;5(1):106-109

Table 5: Distribution of subjects according to clinical In our study majority of patients were from lower
diagnosis socioeconomic class i.e. 66.8%. Remaining 33.2% were
from middle class.
Frequency %
T. cruris 61 35.06 In our study, we observed that almost more than half i.e.
T. corporis 38 21.84 174 (69.6%) out of 250 patients were KOH positive. So
T. incognita 19 10.92 the prevalence of dermatophytosis was 69.6% in our
T. capitis 15 8.62 study (Table 4).
Clinical T. faciei 8 4.60
Table 5 shows distribution according to clinical diagnosis
diagnosis T. corporis/cruris 8 4.60 that revealed that 88 patients out of 174 (35.06%) had T.
Onychomycosis 8 4.60 cruris infection. 21.84% had T. corporis infection and
T. pedis 6 3.45 10.92% had T. incognita infection. T. capitis was seen in
T. pedis/mannum 6 3.45 8.62% patients.
T. mannum 4 2.30
Children under 14 years of age appeared to be more
In our study, majority i.e. 61 (35.06%) had T. cruris susceptible to tinea capitis, which is similar to the results
infection followed by T. corporis in 38 (21.84%), T. of other studies.10-13
Incognita 19 (10.92%).
The high prevalence of fungal infection may be due to
Table 6: Distribution of subjects according to culture lower socioeconomic status. Overcrowding, sharing of
positive dermatophytes (n=100). towels, clothing and hair accessories with infected
individuals may lead to the spread of infections. The
Frequency % spread of infections may also be attributed to the use of
T. cruris 35 35 unsterilized barbering instruments.14,15 Tinea pedis is
T. corporis 32 32 common in adults due to bare foot and excessive use of
water. Humidity and temperature are well-known factors
T. incognita 12 12
Culture affecting fungal penetration through the stratum corneum
T. capitis 10 10 of the skin.16
T. corporis/cruris 6 6
T. faciei 4 4 Prevalence of culture positive specimen was found to be
Onychomycosis 2 2 40%.35% of samples were positive for T. cruris. 32%
samples were positive for T. corporis. 12% were positive
In 35% of cases culture was found to be positive for T. for T. incognita and 10% for T. capitis.
cruris, 32% for T. corporis and 12% for T. incognita.
In our study, Out of 100 culture positives 31% of cases T.
Table 7: Distribution of subjects according to culture mentagrophyte isolate was observed. In 27% of cases we
positive isoltes (n=100). found T. rubram and in 23% it was T. tonsurans. Kannan
et al in his study among 80 patients with dermatophytosis
Culture Number % found isolates in 53 (66.3%) patients.17 The isolation rate
T. mentagrophyte 31 31 in our study is comparable with the other studies where it
T. rubrum 27 27 has ranged from 45.3-52.2%.18-20
T. tonsurans 23 23
T. schoenleinii 12 12
E. floccosum 5 5 In our study, most common dermatophytic infection was
Microsporumgypseum 3 3 T. cruris (35%). Only 40% were culture positive and
Total 100 100.0 among which T. mentagrophyte was commonly seen
isolate. Low socioeconomic status, overcrowding and
Most common isolate was found to be T. Mentagrophyte compromised personal hygiene are prevalent factors in
in 31% followed by T. Rubrum in 27% and T. Tonsurans our study.
IN 23%.
Funding: No funding sources
DISCUSSION Conflict of interest: None declared
Ethical approval: The study was approved by the
In our study out of 250 subjects examined, majority were institutional ethics committee
from 21 to 40 years age group i.e. 44.58% followed by
36.4% from 0 to 20 years age group. Out of 250 patients, REFERENCES
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