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Heat Drain Device For Ultrasound Imaging Probes

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Drain Device for Ultrasound Imaging Probes

L. Spicci, G. Vigna
Research and Development Department, Esaote S.p.A.,
Via di Caciolle 15, 50127, Florence, Italy.,

Abstract: Ultrasound imaging probes are widely The patent of the present invention is currently
used for several types of diagnosis applications. under submission.
Since the electroacoustic conversion efficiency
of a probe is never 100% and in most cases the Keywords: thermal analysis, ultrasound
duration of clinical examination can be quite transducer, piezoelectricity, thermally conductive
long, the surface temperature of the probe head, layer, FEM, COMSOL, PCM.
in contact with human body, must be kept under
control. International Safety Standard EN 60601- 1 Introduction
2-37 [1] sets an upper limit for the surface
temperature in still air of 50°C (43°C if Probes for diagnostic ultra-sonography
measured when coupled thermally and application are devices that generate a pressure
acoustically with a test object having thermal and field into the human body, according to an
acoustical properties mimicking those of an electrical signal [1]. The efficiency of energy
appropriate tissue). conversion, from applied electrical to stored
The temperature rise is caused mainly by joule mechanical one, is called (for a piezo-material)
heating effect inside the active piezo-transducer the electromechanical coupling factor k :
and could be very important under some

operating conditions (i.e. Continuous Wave I. =
Doppler (CW); Pulsed Wave (PW) Doppler;
Colour Flow Mapping (CFM)).
In the present work we focus our attention on a Since k is always lower than 1, a temperature rise
small footprint phased array probe. Temperature for the probe head occurs.
of the front face of the analysed probe must be The main cause of the temperature rise are the
reduced, because during CW and PW operating joule losses in the piezo-transducer with the
conditions it could exceed the limit imposed by dynamics of heating controlled by specific heat
International Safety Standard. We present here a and thermal conductivity values for the materials
detailed 3D FEM for the transducer , designed to used in the probe construction and the final
replicate the real operation of the device and to steady state temperature of the probe surface
be compared with measurement (electric and depending mainly on the internal loss of the
thermal) in order to optimize some key piezo-material and the electrical driving power.
parameters of modelled materials. Then we show As anticipated, the International Safety Standard
the way found to engage the thermal managing EN 60601-2-37 [1] sets an upper limit for the
requirement, consisting in a very thin layer of surface temperature in still air of 50°C for
super thermally conductive material that acts as whatever operating condition, in order to avoid
heat drain toward a heat sink (in this paper it’s patient discomfort. Such requirement should not
avoided to give more detail on the name and be a limitation for the optimum power output of
characteristics of this material for confidentiality the transducer,. Indeed, the power limitation of
reason). Also in this case a comparison between the transducer output leads to a reduction of
FEM and measurements will be presented. In maximum temperature reached on the top of the
particular, we will show how the transducer transducer lens, but also reduce transducer
performance, in terms of thermal response, performance in terms of imaging capability.
changes by varying the conductive layer This issue has been engaged by the introduction
thickness. In conclusion, a possible future work, of a very thin thermally conductive compound
consisting in a FEM for the transducer with an layer below the transducer silicone lens. In this
additional dissipation system based on Phase way heat is drained on the back of the transducer
Changing Materials (PCM), will be presented. where it can be dissipated by an adequate heat
sink. The present thermally conductive

Excerpt from the Proceedings of the 2014 COMSOL Conference in Cambridge

compound is a very effective material for this where T is the stress vector, c is the elasticity
purpose, mainly for two reasons: matrix, S is the strain vector, e is the piezo-
electric matrix, E is the electric field vector
• It has acoustic properties that are D is the electric displacement vector, ε is
similar to the silicone acoustic lens, so the dielectric permittivity matrix. The
there is no efficiency loss. superscripts indicate a zero or constant
• It has exceptionally high thermal corresponding field.
conductivity (much more than metals, Equation II takes into account both piezo-
~ 4000 ) so it is possible, even electricity, both mechanical and electrical
∙ anisotropy of the material.
using a very thin layer, to achieve better From the electrical point of view, the electrical
heat drain results with respect to a impedance Z of a piezo-electric plate can be
thicker metal layer. calculated from the potential difference V and the
flowing current I across the plate faces. V is
In Figure 1 a thermally conductive compound impressed between the plate faces, while I is
sample is shown. calculated as surface integral of the current
density component along z-axis.
The piezoelectric analysis has been carried out in
frequency domain in order to have, as result,
impedance curve versus frequency. Impedance
analysis and optimization by comparison with
measurement has been made in order to optimize
material parameters and use the resulting power
dissipation as heat source for thermal analysis
(second stage).
Figure 1. Thermally conductive compound used on The dielectric losses are specified for the piezo-
transducer prototype.
material, so that the resulting heating effects are
recalled in the heat transfer module as a power
2 Multiphysics FEM dissipation source.
We briefly describe here the essential model
2.2 Heat transfer modelling
characteristics that are used for the present
The module of heat transfer in solids has been
The multi-physics approach is required because
used to model heating in the present work. Heat
both the piezoelectric and thermal effect are
transfer in solids is described by the following
studied. In particular, the transducer is modelled
equation [2]:
using the “acoustic-piezo-electric” module and
% ( ∙ ) ∙ , ∙ -. = - ∙ / -.0 % 1
thermal effect is modelled using the “heat
III. (∙) ∙
transfer” module. The acoustic-piezoelectric *
analysis has been made first (study 1), in order to
use information concerning heat dissipation as where ρ is the material density, Cp is the material
input parameter for thermal analysis that has heat capacity, k is the material thermal
been later made (study 2). conductivity, u is the velocity field of fluid at
fluid-solid interface and Q is a heat source. In the
2.1 Piezo-electric material modelling and present model fluid-solid interface is not
electrical characteristics modelled, as we are not interested in the heat
transfer in surrounding fluid (air) and need to
The constitutive equations for a piezo-electric limit the 3D model dimensions. Thus we used a
material are [2], in stress-charge form: convective heat flux boundary condition on
surfaces on which convection is present. As
= ! "# regard the heat source, total power dissipation
$ = " % &'
II. density of piezoelectric and other materials has
been impressed. This value depends on the loss

Excerpt from the Proceedings of the 2014 COMSOL Conference in Cambridge

factor for electrical permittivity set for the
piezoelectric material (isotropic loss factor for
others), and it has been optimized comparing
FEM preliminary simulation results with
corresponding measurement. Heat transfer
analysis has been made in the time domain using
as working frequency values of 2 and 5 MHz.
Obviously heat dissipation of transducer depends
on working frequency and the maximum value is
reached when operating close to anti-resonance
Figure 4. Transducer mesh
frequency [3]. On the other hand, the frequency
values above correspond to the ones available on
the imaging scanner.

2.3 FEM Mesh and transducer structure

The mesh used in the FEM was a physics

controlled tetrahedral one. It has been not
possible to satisfy the λ/10 rule (where λ is the
minimum wavelength of interest) because of
computing time restriction. However the model Figure 5. Transducer mesh details
was validated through comparison with
measurement. In Figure 2 and in Figure 3 the 2.4 Boundary conditions
transducer components are briefly described in
order to have a better overview. In Figure 4 and The model has been limited to ¼ of the entire
in Figure 5 the mesh used is represented. geometry in order to reduce computing time,
making use of proper symmetry conditions.
Acoustic As regard study 1 electrically boundary
matching layers conditions are ground on top surfaces of PZT
material and driving potential on the bottom. On
study 2, as already mentioned, a heat source has
been impressed on the entire volume, to take into
account the heating resulting from all material
losses. Moreover, surrounding air convection
was considered as a heat flux boundary condition
Backing –
on all the external surfaces, with a value of heat
transfer coefficient 2 = 10 4 ⁄/5 ∙ 6 0. Such
Connection rubber part
PZT value was calculated from a previous simulation
Backing – for a free convection cooling of a reference
aluminum block.
Figure 2. Transducer components
3 Working Layout
Silicon lens
The present work was developed following the
steps listed below. Each step is designed, in
order to analyse the most relevant performances
of the described solution:

1. Acoustic-piezoelectric and thermal

simulation results of the 3D FEM for
the current standard production phased
array transducer were compared with
Figure 3. Transducer silicon lens measurements on the real device, in

Excerpt from the Proceedings of the 2014 COMSOL Conference in Cambridge

order to optimize the FEM in terms of was coupled to the transducer surface with
all materials. This analysis has been thermally conductive paste and the head
made using a step by step approach [4] dimensions was chosen to be less than 1 mm in
on each transducer manufacturing order to get a negligible inertial thermal effect.
phase, in order to simplify the Note that the k type thermocouple sensitivity of
optimization process. about 41 µV/°C is capable to describe with high
accuracy also a very low thermal variation of the
2. Acoustic and thermal simulation results disk-probe. Thermal measurements where
of the 3D FEM for the modified phased performed in a thermostatic environment at 25
array transducer, introducing the °C using a specialized plexiglass box in order to
thermally conductive compound layer, avoid any additional and uncontrolled convective
were performed varying its thickness, flux (Figure 6). Using the above set-up the
in order to find the optimal value, uncertainty of the temperature measurement can
representing a trade-off between be evaluated in ±1°C.
acoustic performance and heat drain. A
comparison between standard and
modified transducer has been carried
out by manufacturing prototypes and
performing measures on both of them.

3. Thermal simulation results of a 3D

FEM for a possible future work,
corresponding to filling the internal
probe cavity with a phase change
material (PCM). This material has the
capability to draw heat at a steady
transition temperature, because it
changes its physical state and store
‘latent’ heat.

3.1 Measurement equipment and FEM


The transducer’s basic performances can be Figure 6. Specialized plexiglass box and measurement set.
evaluated by measurement of the electrical
impedance; whose quality and reliability play an 3.2 Standard transducer characterization
important role in the comparison with simulation
results. For a complete transducer performance The FEM optimization on transducer material
analysis and optimization, we invite the reader to has been performed on each manufacturing stage
look at [3], [4]. of the transducer, following the step approach
Impedance measurement has been performed method presented in [4]. The comparison has
with Hewlett Packard 4195A Network Analyser. been made both in terms of electrical impedance,
As regard temperature measurements, the phased both in terms of temperature rise. Electrical
array transducer was powered with an Esaote impedance analysis allows to optimize PZT
scanner device that applies, at 5 MHz frequency, material parameters like elasticity matrix,
a driving voltage across the PZT poles. The coupling matrix, relative permittivity and also
voltage value changes with load changing, so it matching layers and backing elastic parameters
has been measured, at every step, in order to (Young modulus, Poisson coefficient).
replicate that on the FEM. The transducer has Temperature analysis allows to optimize
been left to free convection on the sides and basically all material losses.
bottom surfaces and a type k thermocouple, The first analysis step was the PZT plate with
applied on the top exposed surface (in the connection fingers soldered. The second step was
middle) has been used. The thermocouple head the PZT bound on the backing support. Then

Excerpt from the Proceedings of the 2014 COMSOL Conference in Cambridge

acoustic matching layers were added on top.
Results for the latter comparison stage are
reported in Figure 7 and Figure 8: agreement is
considered very good.

Figure 9. Complete transducer electrical impedance,

comparison between measure and simulation.

Figure 7. Transducer electrical impedance, comparison

between measure and simulation.

Figure 10. Standard transducer head temperature after dicing

and lens bonding, comparison between measure and

3.3 Conclusions on standard transducer

Figure 8. Standard transducer head temperature, comparison
between measure and simulation.
As shown in Figure 10 and Figure 11, the
The last stage corresponds to the complete temperature of transducer reaches about 56 °C
transducer model. Transducer has been diced after 3000s for the standard design. Moreover,
and the silicon lens has been added on the top. the 3D heat flux and temperature plot shows an
As a result of transducer dicing, resonance uniform heating distribution, with no heat
frequency is lowered down to approx. 2MHz, as preferred path. This is not desirable as it should
it is possible to see in Figure 9. Complete transducer be better to have an heat drain channel toward a
electrical impedance, comparison between measure and heat sink. To accomplish such goal a solution
simulation., where a comparison between presented in the following paragraph has been
measurement and simulation in terms of developed.
electrical impedance is represented. Thus
simulation and measurement has been performed
at 2.1 MHz instead of 5 MHz as for the plate not
diced. A comparison in terms of temperature has
been performed and it is represented in Figure
10. The agreement between simulation and
measurement is considered acceptable for our
probe design purpose.

Excerpt from the Proceedings of the 2014 COMSOL Conference in Cambridge

Figure 11. 3D plot of temperature and heat flux in the Figure 13. 3D plot of temperature and heat flux in the
standard transducer. modified transducer.

4 Modified transducer 4.1 Conclusions on modified transducer

characterization configuration

The thermally conductive compound layer has It is possible to conclude that the thermally
been introduced between silicone acoustic lens conductive compound layer represents a concrete
and matching layers. The thermally conductive solution for heating issues of an ultrasound
compound layer has been designed to contact transducer. FEM and measurements match well
and transfer heat to the aluminium part of the and this allows to proceed to the next step of this
backing that could be used as a heat sink, thanks work.
to the very high thermal conductivity of the
compound material. This assumption is 5 Thermally conductive compound
confirmed by results of FEM simulation layer thickness influence on
compared with measurements (Figure 12). Here transducer thermal performance
it is visible that maximum temperature is about
44°C after 3000s, so that it is reduced of about After previous FEM validation and study, it is
12°C. In Figure 13 it is represented the 3D plot possible to carry out an analysis on thermally
of temperature and heat flux. It is possible to see conductive compound layer thickness
how heat flux is focused along thermally optimization. As mentioned before, thermally
conductive compound layer instead of scattered conductive compound layer thickness must be as
as in the standard case. low as possible in order to be “invisible” to
acoustic wave. An analysis of transducer thermal
performance has been carried out varying
thermally conductive compound layer thickness
from 0.05 mm down to 0.02 mm. In Figure 14 a
comparison of temperature vs time curve relative
to these two different analysis is represented. It is
possible to see that as thermally conductive
compound layer thickness is lowered, the final
transducer temperature rises. This means that
thermally conductive compound thickness layer
must be optimized to reach a trade-off between
thermal and acoustical performance.

Figure 12. Modified transducer head temperature,

comparison between measure and simulation.

Excerpt from the Proceedings of the 2014 COMSOL Conference in Cambridge

helps to reduce the transducer temperature, so
next study could be focused on the PCM
optimization inside the transducer. Such
optimization should deal with the study of the
best values for the . and PCM storage
capability inside the probe.

Figure 14. Transducer head temperature dependence on

thermally conductive compound layer thickness.

6 Additional dissipation system (future


To complete a reliable cooling system it is

important to consider a better heat sink device on
the rear part of the transducer. Indeed the Figure 15. Head temperature of a transducer filled with an
transducer will be closed and sealed inside the ideal PCM.
probe plastic handle, so it is not possible to rely
on heat convection by air as efficient cooling 7 Conclusion
effect. The approach described in this paragraph
is based on the use of an ideal Phased Change A cooling system for an ultrasound transducer
Material (PCM). As mentioned before, the phase was designed and developed along with the
change material compound will be placed in the corresponding COMSOL FEM. At the current
rear part of the probe, in order to draw heat at a development stage it is already possible to lower
steady transition temperature, as it changes its the transducer temperature by 12 °C. The FEM
physical state and store ‘latent’ heat. This will can be used for further system optimization and
keep the probe temperature constant during the upgrades.
PCM phase change. As a first approach on this
study, a simulation has been carried out by 8 References
imposing a very high heat flux coefficient (29:; )
on the backside of the transducer at the PCM [1] EN 60601-2-37, “Medical electrical
transition temperature (. . ), in order to equipment - part 2: particular requirements for
simulate an infinite heating dissipation based on the safety of ultrasonic medical diagnostic and
the equation IV: monitoring equipment”.

IV. 19:; = 29:; ∙ /. . ! .0 [2] COMSOL Multiphisics Acoustic Module

User Guide, ver.3.5a, pages 32-33.
where the following values has been used:

h= 1 ∙ 10< 4 ⁄/5 ∙ 60 and .

[3] L. Spicci, M. Cati, “Thermal Analysis of a
. = 33 °) . piezo-disk ultrasound probe”, Comsol
Conference 2012, Milano.
In Figure 15 the plot of transduced head
temperature vs time is represented. Since an [4] L. Spicci, M. Cati, “Ultrasound Piezodisk
ideal PCM has been modelled, the temperature Transducer Model for Material Parameter
of the probe head is kept constant to a value Optimization”, Comsol Conference 2010, Paris
slightly higher than . corresponding to the (best paper award).
equilibrium temperature of the entire system . It
is possible to conclude that this kind of solution

Excerpt from the Proceedings of the 2014 COMSOL Conference in Cambridge

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