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Prof (1) - Zahid Ahmad Siddiqi Formwork Design-III

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Plain & Reinforced


Prof. Dr. Zahid Ahmad Siddiqi


Design Of Sheathing
The sheathing is considered to be continuous
over the yokes with one-way slab behavior in
a vertical direction.
z Pressure on 1-m strip = Pmax kN/m2
z Load per unit length = Pmax × 1m
z w = Pmax kN/m
z Let, S = spacing of the yokes
= span for the sheathing
Prof. Dr. Zahid Ahmad Siddiqi

z BM per unit width for sheathing continuous over

w S2
M =

z For the same size of the yokes, the above

bending moment may be made equal to
bending capacity of the sheathing by adjusting
the spacing of yokes.
z This means that wherever concrete pressure is
expected to be more, the spacing of the yokes
may be reduced. 2
z Resisting moment per unit width, Mr = f ×
Prof. Dr. Zahid Ahmad Siddiqi

z Here b = 1, d = t = thickness of sheathing and

f is the allowable bending stress in timber (7
MPa for wood and 9 MPa for structural
hardwood plywood).
t2 w S2 t2
Mr = f × = f×
6 10 6
10 f 6w
S1 = t or t1 = S
6w 10 f

z Where, S1 is the spacing of the yokes and t1 is the

thickness required for strength.
z Allowable deflection, ∆max = S /270
z E for wood = 8400 MPa
z I per unit width = t3 / 12.
Prof. Dr. Zahid Ahmad Siddiqi

z Actual deflection for continuous sheathing

4 4
3 wS 3 wS S
(∆a) = =
384 EI 384 EI 270
6 .9 t S w1 / 3
S 2 = 1/ 3 and t2 =
w 6.9

z Where, S2 is the spacing of the yokes and

t2 is the thickness required for stiffness.
z Finally S is smaller of S1 for strength and
S2 for deflections.
Prof. Dr. Zahid Ahmad Siddiqi

Example 15.2: For a column, given the

rate of fill R = 4 m/h, d = 450 mm,
temperature = 10 °C and slump = 75 mm,
determine the required spacing of yokes
at a depth of 5m from top of the column.
z R = 3 m/h
z d = 450 mm
z Temperature = 10 °C
z Slump = 75 mm
z t = 32 mm
z H = 5m
Prof. Dr. Zahid Ahmad Siddiqi

Table 15.1. Values of k-Factor for Determination of Concrete Pressures.

Mean Concrete Temperatures °C

Slump (mm)
5 10 15 20 25 30

25 1.45 1.10 0.80 0.60 0.45 0.35

50 1.90 1.45 1.10 0.80 0.60 0.45

75 2.35 1.80 1.35 1.00 0.75 0.55

100 2.75 2.10 1.60 1.15 0.90 0.65

Prof. Dr. Zahid Ahmad Siddiqi

z From Table 15.1, k = 1.80

γ cH  2400 × 5
1. Pmax = + 10  = + 10 = 130.0 kM / m 2
 100  100
 d 
2. Pmax =  3R + + 25  kN / m 2
 10 
Maximum value of d = 500 mm
= 3× 3 + + 25 = 79.0 kN / m 2
 γ c Rk  2400 × 3 × 1.80
3. Pmax = + 15  = + 15 = 145.0 kN / m 2
 100  100

∴ Pmax = 79 kN/m2
w = 79 × 103 / 106 × 1 mm
= 0.079 N/mm, f = 7 MPa
Prof. Dr. Zahid Ahmad Siddiqi

10 f 10 × 7
S1 = t = 32 × ≅ 389 mm
6w 6 × 0.079
6 .9 t 6.9 × 32
S 2 = 1/ 3 = 1/ 3
= 515 mm
w (0.079)
Hence, use a yoke spacing of 375 mm.
Size Of Yokes
The concrete load on the yoke will only be
acting within the central portion equal to the
column size, as shown in Fig. 15.16
Let, L = horizontal span of yoke between
centers of bolts on both sides.
C = width of concrete or column size.
Prof. Dr. Zahid Ahmad Siddiqi



wSC  L  wS (C / 2) 2 wSC
M max =  − = (2 L − C )
2 2 2 8
M max
Sx =
bd 2 wSC
∴ = (2 L − C )
6 8
bd =
(2 L − C ) ( I )
Prof. Dr. Zahid Ahmad Siddiqi
5M c L2
∆max = L / 270 ∆ max =
48 EI
5 L2 wSC
(2 L − C ) = L / 270
48EI 8
5 wSCL
270 × (2 L − C ) = 1
48 × 8400 × bd / 12
bd =
wSCL (2 L − C ) ( II )
1 4 fL
Eq. II / Eq.I: dmin = ≅ fL / 150 = L / 21
199.1 3
Prof. Dr. Zahid Ahmad Siddiqi

Design Of Yoke Bolts

Force in yoke-bolt
= half load on the yoke = wSC / 2
Effective area through threads of the bolt × ft
= wSC / 2

0.75 × π/4 d 2 × 125 = wSC / 2

∴ d =
Prof. Dr. Zahid Ahmad Siddiqi

Example 15.3: For the column formwork of

Example 15.2, design the yoke when the
bolts are at 790 mm c/c along the yoke and
column size parallel to the yoke is 450 mm.
z w = 0.079 N/mm2

z f = 7 MPa

z L = 790 mm

z C = 450 mm

z S = 375 mm

z dmin = L / 21 = 790 / 21 = 38 mm
Prof. Dr. Zahid Ahmad Siddiqi

bd =
(2 L − C )
3 × 0.079 × 375 × 450
= (2 × 790 − 450 ) = 1.614 × 10 3
For b = 100 mm, d = 127 mm
For b = 75 mm, d = 147 mm
For b = d, b = d = 117 mm
z Use 120 × 120 mm or 100 × 130 yokes.

wSC 0.079 × 375 × 450

z Diameter of bolt = = = 9.5mm
147 147

Use 10 mm diameter bolts.

Prof. Dr. Zahid Ahmad Siddiqi


Design Of Decking / Slab Bottom
z The span length of decking is equal to the center-to-
center spacing of the battens (S).
z Unit width of decking is considered for design (b =
z Live load including provision for use of machinery and
vibrations is considered equal to 370 kgs/m2.
z The thickness of the reinforced concrete slab to be
poured is denoted by T.
z For slab formwork, the thickness of sheathing is
approximately equal to one-third of the depth of the
reinforced concrete slab.
z The self weight of the decking is usually very small
compared with other loads and it may be considered
included in the work live load.
Prof. Dr. Zahid Ahmad Siddiqi

2400 × T
Dead load of fresh concrete = = 2 .4 T kgs / m 2
( 2.4T + 370) × 10
w= 6
× 1 mm N/mm
w S 2 (2.4T + 370) × S 2
= 6
N − mm
10 10
(2.4T + 370) × S 2 t2
∴ 6
= f
10 6

f (2.4T + 370) / f
S1 = 408 t or t1 = S
2.4T + 370 408
Prof. Dr. Zahid Ahmad Siddiqi

For deflection control:

3 (2.4T + 370) S 4
× × = S / 270
384 10 5
8400 × t / 12

321t (2.4T + 370)1 / 3

S2 = or t 2 = S
(2.4T + 370)1 / 3 321

Example 15.4: Calculate the spacing of

battens for a 32 mm thick wooden decking
to be used as floor form. The thickness of
concrete slab to be poured is 150 mm.
t = 32 mm, f = 7 MPa, T = 150 mm
Prof. Dr. Zahid Ahmad Siddiqi

S1 = 408 t
2.4T + 370
= 408 × 32 = 1278 mm
2.4 × 150 + 370
S2 =
(2.4T + 370)1 / 3
321× 32
= = 1140 mm
(2.4 × 150 + 370) 1/ 3

∴S = 1140 mm
Prof. Dr. Zahid Ahmad Siddiqi

Example 15.5: Calculate the thickness of

wooden decking required to support a 125
mm slab when the battens are provided at
1 m spacing.
S = 1000 mm, f = 7 MPa, T = 125 mm
(2.4T + 370) / f (2.4 × 125 + 370) / 7
t1 = S = 1000 × = 24mm
408 408
(2.4T + 370)1 / 3 (2.4 × 125 + 370)1 / 3
t2 = S = 100 × = 28mm
321 321
∴Use 30 mm thick wooden planks.
Prof. Dr. Zahid Ahmad Siddiqi

Design Of Battens

z If the span length of battens is larger than 1.5

m, the live load is considered equal to 200
z L = span of battens = c/c spacing of joists
z S = spacing of the battens

(2.4T + 200) × 10
z UDL on battens, w = 6
×S N / mm
Prof. Dr. Zahid Ahmad Siddiqi

wL2 (2.4T + 200) × S L2

M = = 5
× N − mm
8 10 8
(2.4T + 200) × S L2 bd 2
∴ 5
× = f where f = 7 MPa
10 8 6
bd 2 = (2.4T + 200) × (I )
For deflection control:
5 (2.4T + 200) SL 4
× × = L / 270
384 10 5
8400 × bd / 12

bd 3 = (2.4T + 200) × ( II )
19.9 × 10 6
Eq. II / Eq. I ⇒ dmin = L / 21
Prof. Dr. Zahid Ahmad Siddiqi

Example 15.4: Design battens of a slab formwork

having span length of 1.8 m and spacing of 0.6 m.
The slab thickness to be poured is 150 mm.
z L = 1800 mm, S = 600 mm, T = 150 mm
bd 2 = (2.4T + 200) ×
600 × 1800 2
= (2.4 × 150 + 200) × = 1167 × 10 3 mm 3
z dmin = L / 21 = 1800 / 21 = 86 mm
For d = 100 mm, b = 117 mm
For d = 150 mm, b = 52 mm
For d = 140 mm, b = 60 mm
∴ Use 60 × 140 mm battens.
Prof. Dr. Zahid Ahmad Siddiqi

Design Of Beam Side Forms

The side forms span horizontally between the
cleats under lateral pressure of concrete.
Their design is usually not critical and the
thickness equal to slab decking may be used.
Design Of Beam Bottoms
This sheathing spans between the head-trees
supported by the vertical props. The beam
bottom is supported at interval of 1 to 1.2
meters according to the depth of the beam.
As the span length is less than 1.5 m, the live
load is considered equal to 370 kgs/m2.
Prof. Dr. Zahid Ahmad Siddiqi

Let L = c/c spacing between the head-trees

t = thickness of the sheathing
and h = depth of beam including the slab
As for the slab decking, following is obtained:

f (2.4h + 370) / f
L1 = 408 t or t1 = L
2.4h + 370 408

321t (2.4h + 370)1 / 3

L2 = or t 2 = L
(2.4h + 370) 1/ 3
Prof. Dr. Zahid Ahmad Siddiqi

Example 15.7: For a 600 mm overall depth of beam

and 50 mm thickness of wooden planks used as beam
bottom, calculate the required spacing of the props.
z t = 50 mm, f = 7 MPa, h = 600 mm
f 7
L1 = 408 t = 408 × 50 = 1269mm
2.4h + 370 2.4 × 600 + 370
321t 321× 50
L2 = = = 1317 mm
(2.4h + 370) 1/ 3
(2.4 × 600 + 370) 1/ 3

∴ Spacing of props equal to the span length of beam

bottom = 1260 mm.
Prof. Dr. Zahid Ahmad Siddiqi

Design Of Props
Load on props
z Posts over 2.5 m in height are braced both ways at
z S = spacing of beams / battens, mm
z L = spacing of props, mm
z T = thickness of slab, mm
z h = total depth of beam, mm
z b = width of beam, mm
Load on props = ( 2.4T + 200) × 6 + 2.4( h − T ) × 6 kgs
10 10
Prof. Dr. Zahid Ahmad Siddiqi

Safe load on wooden shores

The maximum safe load on wooden shores
is given by:
 Le 
P = 0 .8 ×  1 −  × A kgs
 80 B 
Le = effective height, mm
B = least dimension of shore, mm
A = area of cross-section of shore
Prof. Dr. Zahid Ahmad Siddiqi

Example 15.8: Calculate load and find the

required diameter of a wooden prop
supporting head-tree of a beam bottom with
the following data:
z Thickness of slab, T = 125 mm
z Spacing of props along the beam, L =
1300 mm
z C/C spacing of props perpendicular to the
beam, S = 2000 mm
z Beam depth, h = 500 mm
z Beam width, b = 300 mm
z Prop height, Le = 3.5 m
Prof. Dr. Zahid Ahmad Siddiqi

Load on props, P = ( 2.4T + 200) × 6
+ 2 . 4 ( h − T ) × 6
10 10
2000 × 1300 300 × 1300
= (2.4 × 125 + 200) + 2 . 4 (500 − 125 )
10 6 10 6
= 1651 kgs

 Le   Le 
P = 0.8 × 1 −  × A kgs = 0.8 × π / 4 d − 0.8 × 

 80 B   80 B 
d2 − 28d − 2625 = 0
28 ± 106.23
d= = 68mm
∴ Use 75 mm diameter circular prop.
Prof. Dr. Zahid Ahmad Siddiqi

Example 15.9: Calculate the maximum safe

load which a 100 mm square wooden prop
3m long can support.
Le = 3000 mm, b = 100 mm, A = 10,000 mm2
 Le 
P = 0.8 × 1 −  × A kgs
 80 B 
 3000 
= 0 .8 ×  1 −  × 10,000 = 5,000 kgs
 80 × 100 
Prof. Dr. Zahid Ahmad Siddiqi

Design Of Joists / Ledgers

The batten loads may be considered as point
loads acting on the ledgers and the bending
moment is calculated accordingly. The
remaining design procedure is same as that
for the battens.
Prof. Dr. Zahid Ahmad Siddiqi

End of Topic

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