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The key takeaways from the course are developing marketing research skills, understanding application of marketing mix strategies, and gaining experience to appreciate challenges faced by marketers.

The learning objectives of the course are to develop skills to understand marketing problems, design research for marketing problems, and apply marketing mix strategies to enhance business growth considering different situations.

The different topics covered in the course include formulating marketing research questions, creating marketing research design, application of marketing research, introduction to marketing planning, customer value creation, integrated marketing channels, channel strategy, marketing plan and tapping into global markets.


With Assurance of Learning components

Course Marketing Research and Planning
Dr. Amrita Bansal
Dr. Arun Sharma
Course Dr. Neha Sadhotra
Instructor/s Dr. Rashmi Khatri
Dr. Smriti Pande

Credit 3.0
Programme FT – MBA
& II trimester
Marketing Management

CLOs – (in bracket state the PLOs to map)

CLO 1) Develop skills to understand marketing problems and synthesize information to

Learning derive insights related to marketing management. (PLO 2A)
Objectives CLO 2) To design research for a marketing problems. (PLO 2B)
CLO 3) Applying marketing mix strategies to enhance the growth of business considering
different marketing situations. (PLO 3A)

Learning 1) Students are able to design research for a business (marketing) problem. – CLO 1 &
Outcomes 2
(Must be
connected to 2) Students understand application of 4P’s of marketing in varied business scenarios –
Learning CLO 3

In this Marketing Research and Planning course, you will be able to improve your
ability to make effective marketing decisions from the perspective of a marketer and
not a customer. The course objective is to introduce you to terms such as, research
design, research problem, customer value, customer perception, brand equity and
market plan, using a combination of case discussion, group projects, class activities
and practical examples. By the end of the course, you will be able to gain significant
experience in appreciating the challenges faced by marketers today.

Specific 3 1.5 AOL CLOs to be assessed

assessment Credit Credit Instruments
methods / tasks (*)
Class 20 -----
Participation &
Case Discussion
Case submission 10 -----
1|P a ge
Group Project 30 Rubric 05 10 15
Final 40 Embedded 10 10 20
Examination questions
Total 100 50

*AOL Assessment Instruments:

• Embedded Questions: Quiz, Class Test, Midterm Examination, Final Examination etc.

• Rubrics: Group Assignment, Class Participation, Case & Article Discussion,

Group Projects Discussion & Viva’s, Case Problem,
Individual Communication Situations, Assertiveness Role Play,
Group Business Presentation, Individual Assignment, Team Project etc.

Topics / Subtopics Chapter / Article

Sessions Reference / Case Pedagogical Details, Class
Learning Outcomes Studies Exercises & Engagement

How to Formulate Essential Reading Identifying the market research

Marketing Research problem and defining
Questions? Andreason, A.R., appropriate marketing research
Backward marketing questions
• Understanding the research. Harvard
importance of defining a Business Review, 63,
marketing research pp.176-180.
• Overview of marketing
research process
• Formulating well-
defined market research
Creating the Marketing Reading: “Note on To discuss alternate research
Research Design Marketing Research”, designs for the market situation
Stanford and selection of the appropriate
• Identifying the different research technique
research designs for
2 different market om/watch?v=yjFkUq
situations AeUq8
• Selection of appropriate
research techniques
• Designing effective om/watch?v=qbDPU
research tools

Application of Marketing In-class group The class will be divided into

Research Activity groups and circulated a case- let
that will involve application of
• Understanding the major Case study: Fruit marketing research to solve a
applications of Zone (IIM decision dilemma.
marketing research to Ahmedabad) Exercise outcome:
new product a. Identifying Market Research
development, pricing, Problem
distribution and b. deciding on research design
promotion c. selection of secondary data
2|P a ge
d. Using appropriate research
techniques to solve research
Introduction to To understand the Nature and
Marketing Planning Essential Reading: content of Marketing Plan, and
Kotler, Keller: Corporate & division strategic
• Understand the step-by- Marketing planning
step through the Management 15th
marketing planning Edition
process, from
constructing the Chapter 02.
marketing elements to Developing Marketing
the drafting of a Strategies & plans.
marketing plan. Pg. 37-57
Customer Value creation Essential Reading: To understand the process of
& Customer Equity Building customer value,
Kotler, Keller: satisfaction & loyalty and
• Customer Perceived relationship strategies for
value Management 15th attracting & retaining right
5 • Customer Lifetime Edition
Value customers.
• Customer Relationship Chapter 03. Creating
Management Long term Loyalty
relationships. Pg. 67-
Creating and Managing Essential Reading: Discussion to understand how
Brand Equity brand works and how to
Kotler, Keller: establish brand identity, brand
• Definition and Marketing equity position, and the
importance of brand Management 15th decisions in developing the
• Challenges and Edition Chapter 11. brand strategy.
opportunities Creating Brand
• Strategic implication of Equity. Pg. 323 – 356
• Customer-Based Brand
Equity (CBBE)
Designing and Managing Essential Reading: Discussion to understand service
Services products that focus on service
Kotler, Keller: quality and their unique
• Categories of the Marketing characteristics.
service mix Management 15th
7 • Distinctive Edition Chapter 14.
Characteristics of Page 431 - 452
• Servicescape &
• Managing Service
Pricing the value offering Essential Reading: Discussion on Insights about
8 consumer’s evaluation of market
• Consumer psychology Kotler, Keller: prices and understanding the
and pricing
3|P a ge
Marketing pricing process.
Management 15th
Edition Chapter 16.
Developing Pricing
strategies & programs.
Pg. 499-515

Pricing Strategy Essential Reading: Discussion on the various

alternatives and decisions faced
• Pricing dynamic Kotler, Keller: by managers while formulating
• Pricing Approaches- Marketing the pricing strategy.
9 Cost, Competition and Management 15th
customer oriented Edition Chapter 16.
Developing Pricing
strategies & programs.
Pg. 516-528

Pricing HBR Case Study: Discussion on impact of changes

Metabical in pricing strategy on business
growth and repositioning of the

Designing & managing Essential Reading: To understand the key steps in

Integrated Marketing developing effective
Communication Kotler, Keller:
communication campaign
Management 15th
• Key concepts of IMC Edition
11 • Steps for creating Chapter 17. Designing
communication plan and managing
integrated marketing
Pg.539- 560

Managing mass Essential Reading: The discussion in this session

communication will be focused on understanding
Kotler, Keller:
the elements of marketing
• Advertising, Events, Marketing
Sales Promotion, PR communication mix & the Role
Management 15th of media channels in IMC
planning & Sales
12 Promotion
Chapter 17. Designing
and managing
integrated marketing
Pg.539- 560

Managing Promotions HBR Case Case discussion to introduce

13 students to the six M's
Pepsi Lipton Brisk
Framework for defining a
• Creative executions of
4|P a ge
ads promotional campaign (Medium,
Metrics, Message, Mission,
• Choice of media
Market and Money), and to
• Metrics of effectiveness. understand the benefits and
quantitatively measure the trade-
offs of different video-based
media (television, online and
viral ads)

Introduction to Digital Essential Reading: Discussion to appreciate the

Marketing application and unique aspects of
Kotler, Keller: the digital platforms for
Marketing promotion
14 Management 15th

Chapter 19, Page 599

Designing & managing Essential Reading: To understand marketing
Marketing channels channel systems and
Kotler, Keller: management of channel
• Integrating Multi- Marketing strategies.
Channel Marketing Management 15th
15 Systems Edition
• Value Networks
• Channel Functions and Chapter 21. Designing
Flows and managing
integrated marketing
channels. Pg.650-678
Channel Strategy HBR Case The case discussion will
highlight the importance and
• Channel strategy options Sagacity Tea: What
magnitude of trade promotion,
for a small firm with Direction for Growth?
including slotting fees, as the
limited resources.
balance of power in the CPG
industry shifts from
manufacturers to retailers. The
class will analyze the effects of
trade promotion on the
marketing mix of a small
manufacturer hoping to break
into national distribution, and the
roles played by brokers and
distributors in the CPG industry.

Marketing Plan HBR Case Discussion on the marketing

17 plan for the case situation.
Casper Sleep Inc.:
Marketing the "One
5|P a ge
Perfect Mattress for

Tapping into Global Essential Reading: Discussion on the Major

Markets decisions involved in a
Kotler, Keller:
company’s international
• Deciding which Marketing
expansion, Global product and
market to enter Management 15th
communication strategies
18 • Modes of entry Edition
into foreign
Chapter 08 , Page
• Product and
communication 238,244-253
Final Group Marketing Plan Presentations based on Project
Presentations work shared with students

Evaluation Criteria:

1. Group Project (30 marks)

The group project will test the application of three core learning outcomes through the concepts learnt by the
students in the course. Students will be asked to prepare the marketing plan for different products or services.
First, the students will research about the marketing problems & challenges faced by their respective company
and industries. Second, students will have to frame the research problems to be addressed by them in their
marketing plan. Third, they will have to prepare the marketing mix strategy to address the marketing problems
they have identified. Students will be judged on the three main components mentioned in the evaluation rubric
which captures the course learning outcomes. The group work is divided into two, a presentation and a written
report. The presentation will be done in the 19th and 20th session and the students will be given a topic by the
faculty member. This written report needs to be shared before the presentation. The report needs to show your
analysis and provide a deeper insight into your presentation. The students need to provide a list of references in
the end of the report and provide insights into how secondary research was conducted. A mid-course
submission will be required to track the groups’ progress on the project.

2. Case Analysis (20 marks)

Cases will be discussed in the class throughout the course and this discussion will be student driven. The cases
cover key topics in the area of marketing and in total all the cases are worth 20 marks. Case submission
accounts for 10 marks, which will be marked group-wise. Case discussion in the class will account for 10
marks, which will be marked individually for the student participating.

6|P a ge
Reading List
and Prescribed Text book
References Marketing Management 15th Edition, Philip Kotler and Kevin Lane Keller, Pearson
Education, 2015
details with
year of References
Publication) The following list of database can be referred for additional information.
These database can be accessed from the university library.
2. Frost & Sullivan
3. Statista

Prepared by Faculty Team Area & Program chairpersons

Dr. Amrita Bansal

Dr. Arun Sharma
Dr. Neha Sadhotra
Dr. Rashmi Khatri
Dr. Smriti Pande

Faculty Chair AOL Approved by Dean SBM

Approved by Associate Deans

7|P a ge

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